• Published 31st May 2022
  • 1,212 Views, 79 Comments

The Red Knight - PhantomBulwark

Sunset Shimmer, a young squire, becomes so much more than what destiny had planned. Is she truly a knight? Is she more than the peasant she was born as?

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Chapter 21: Letters and a Gauntlet

They linger in Appleloosa for two weeks. Her soldiers fortify the barriers around the town and Rainbow Dash volunteers to scout ahead to Dodge City.

The news is not good. Dash returns sweaty and covered in soot. “You'll have to send word to High Commander Luna... Dodge City is nothing but ash.”

Sunset swallows, “Any evidence of survivors?”

Dash shakes her head and leans against Pinkie for comfort, “None. The whole place is burned to the ground.”

Princess Luna, High Commander of the Dark Regiment

The Royal Palace, Canterlot

Dear Luna,

Forgive my familiarity in greeting but, I hope we've moved past formalities. We have taken Appleloosa but I regret to inform you that Dodge City is lost to us. By the time our scout found it, the town had been reduced to ash. The remains of every building in town were nothing more than cinders. We are fortifying the defenses around Appleloosa. We will await a contingent of the solar guard so that they can take over protecting the townspeople.

When our relief arrives we will move on to Thicker. We've been told that King Thicket has been bewitched by Chrysalis. His son also, has bot been seen in so long that I fear he may be gone.

If it is safe to do so, please send me an update on Twilight. I did not know her long but I worry for her. And I worry also for you, I hope that both of you are well.

With all my friendship and regards,

Sunset Shimmer, Commander of the Dark Regiment, Red Knight of the Lunar Throne (this, I'm told is what they're calling me know in many places. I hope is is appropriate).

Sunset Shimmer, Commander of the Dark Regiment, Red Knight of the Lunar Throne

Military Encampment, Appleloosa

Dear Sunset,

Red Knight indeed (I do find it appropriate if that wasn't clear).

I am sorry to hear of Dodge City's fate but not surprised. It has become common of late for our enemy to burn smaller villages and towns, I believe they see it as a show of force. I can only hope that the Kingdom of Thicket has fared better.

I can tell you that your Twilight is doing well. She has settled somewhere peaceful enough and she has expressed her longing to see you again. I believe you will meet again soon enough. That is all I will say for now. Her father has NOT yet come to his senses and has been quite hostile with me as of late. I must admit, I am a little jealous that you asked after Twilight but I do not hold it against you. She is, after all, your beloved.

I wish you all the luck in the world.

Your friend, Luna.

Their relief arrives and Sunset orders her people to march on. They camp just at the edge of the wood bordering Thicket. She sends Dash and Pinkie to scout with a handful of soldiers. The woods loom over them, dark and foreboding. Even as she watches them slip into the treeline, she can't shake the feeling that something isn't quite right. It's as if the trees themselves are malevolent.

The maps indicate that Thicket is merely a day's walk from their position. Sunset gives the scouting party two. They do not return. Applejack insists that time might be hard to gauge in the dark of the forest, they give them another day.

Night falls on the third day, and they do not return.

When the sun rises on day four, Sunset can wait not longer. She gathers the others. The tent is cramped with so many inside. Applejack and Shining in the back, on either side of the door. Flash is kneeling beside Sunset at her desk. Rockhoof and two of his sergeants sit across from her.

Shining is the first to speak, “Should we send another party to look for them?”

Sunset sighs, “No, I know they may have simply gotten lost of run into a problem but we cannot rule out the possibility that they've been captured... or worse. It's too dangerous to send another scouting party out. Rockhoof, you've been quiet the last couple of days and you told me before that you're familiar with the area. What can you tell us?”

He stands and shifts from foot to foot, thinking. “I haven't been here since the war began but I'm certain that they didn't just get lost. The road they were following has been there for centuries and it leads directly to Thicket. The trees are... darker than I remember. And I've walked along the forest's border a few times these last few days, something about the woods feels...” He cast his gaze around as if looking for words, “the woods feel...sick.”

Flash glanced up at Sunset, and raised his brows. She nodded her permission. “I think Rockhoof might not be far off. I had one of the men cut a tree down yesterday, so I could fix a few spears. The wood was rotten at the core. It practically turned to dust once the bark was removed.” He swallowed and looked up at Sunset again, “it's like something is sucking the life from the forest.”

“Then we're in agreement.” Said one of the sergeants, “we must march on to Thicket, and we must do so with no clear idea of what we're up against.”

Sunset stared down at her desk, her brow crumpled in thought. Then she looked into the eyes of the sergeant who spoke. “What's your name?”

She blinked, “Indigo. Indigo Zapp.”

“I don't like the idea of marching blind,” Sunset said, “But Indigo isn't wrong. We can't risk another scouting party going missing. And if Dash and Pinkie have been captured we can't afford to waste any time thinking of another plan. Applejack?” AJ's head snapped up in surprise. “Do you have any thoughts?”

“I'm too worried to have many thoughts, I admit. But I don't think it's wise to march in there full force... all the racket we'll be making will give us away long before we get to Thicket. If they have our friends and they hear us coming from miles away we'll all be dead long before we find the others.”

Sunset nodded slowly, “I agree, a full scale assault will draw a lot of attention. Thicket is a very defensible position. The whole kingdom is surrounded on all sides by massive ash trees woven into a living wall. But, our friends are missing and our mission hasn't changed. High Commander Luna has ordered that we attempt to retake Thicket and that is what I intend to do. And I also mean to recover our lost friends.” She turned her attention to Indigo, “Dash told me once that you were quick on your feet and quicker on horseback. How fast are you?”

“I'm the fastest in my company, the only one faster in all the Dark Regiment was Dash herself. My horse is from my hometown of Cloudsdale, he's the fastest I've ever seen. Runs like he's got wings on his back.”

“Captain Spitfire is stationed in Ghastly Gorge still, last I heard. It's at least a five day ride by my count.”

“I can do it in four.”

Sunset eyed her, “now isn't the time for boasting. We'll need Spitfire and her men, I have a feeling in my bones that this battle will be an ugly one.”

Indigo stood and pulled herself up to her fullest height. “I don't need to boast, Commander. I give you my word. On my horse, I can make it in four days time.”

“Take whatever rations you need and leave immediately.” Sunset removed one of her gauntlets and extended it. “Give this to Spitfire, she'll know you speak for me. Tell her to march on Thicket as swiftly as she is able. If we're still alive and fighting on the sixth day, I'll look to her coming in the morning's light.”

Indigo took the gauntlet and bowed to her. “I won't fail.” And she was gone.

They march on Thicket.

Author's Note:

This one was a little difficult to write. I knew what I wanted to happen but I had a hard time putting it in words, hope you guys enjoy it regardless.

Got a little update on twilight and Spitfire might be rejoining the crew, wonder what will happen in Thicket? :applejackunsure: