• Published 31st May 2022
  • 1,208 Views, 79 Comments

The Red Knight - PhantomBulwark

Sunset Shimmer, a young squire, becomes so much more than what destiny had planned. Is she truly a knight? Is she more than the peasant she was born as?

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Chapter 11: The High Commander

Luna was silent for a long time, evidently contemplating what she had been told. Sunset’s tale, like many others, was long. It was also filled with far more pain than most would deem fair, and yet here she was, standing before Luna. Luna, who would have to punish her, all because Sunset was a commoner who dared to want more; who dared to try for more. It stung the Princess’s soul a bit to think of what awaited her erstwhile friend.

“Why did you want to be a knight?”

Sunset glanced up from her own reverie in surprise, “what?”

“You told me that you’ve wanted to be a knight since you were small… why?”

“I… I suppose I like the idea of a brave and honorable servant of the crown… someone who fights for what is right and is still kind and brave after all that. Ser Sunburst was sent to rescue the village where they found me… he failed and all that was left was ash and bone… and me. I wanted to do better, I wanted to be better. So that the next time a village was invaded, I would be strong enough to stop them. So there would be no more nameless orphans raised by squires too young to be mothers.”

“That is a very noble reason indeed, Sunset Shimmer.” Luna sighed softly, and looked as if she might say more when with a great cacophony of shouting and banging, the doors to her hall burst open.

“I demand to know the meaning of this!”

Luna groaned under her breath, “Lord Night,” she gritted, “to what do I owe this impropriety?”

“You would speak to me about impropriety? You have released a prisoner that I demand to see punished!” Lord Night’s face took on an impressively red hue. “I want the girl confined to the stocks at once! My own son has had his mind poisoned by this wretch.”

For a half a moment, Sunset saw the rage and indignation in Luna’s eyes but it was swiftly dimmed. “You are fortunate that I have finished my interrogation, Sir. I will have her transported at once, if it will truly please your ego to see her suffer further.”

“It certainly would,” he snapped, apparently unaware of what Sunset was certain Luna meant as an insult.

She did not resist as she was led away, and she did not resist as her neck was clamped into the roughhewn boards of the stocks. They positioned her near the tournament grounds, smack in the middle of the market, and a crowed formed swiftly. She lowered her eyes and braced for the start of what was sure to be an ugly scene.

The resounding jeers of onlookers seemed to climb with every moment. A boy, no older than eleven or twelve ran up and gave her a sound thump on the head. This was followed up by several half-rotted vegetables splattering across the boards near her face, missing her by inches. She was quietly contemplating her fate when the crowd roared in anger and she glanced up to see what had drawn their attention.

She started, to her right was Rainbow Dash, Sunset’s shield in one hand and her dagger in the other. She was waving it threateningly at anyone in range. To her right and found AJ, Sunset’s sword gripped tight in her hand pointed toward the dirt; the expression on Applejack’s face said she was unafraid to use it.

AJ glanced down at her with a grimace that was clearly meant to be a smile, “you’ve really fudged it this time, kid.”

Sunset let her head dip further in shame, “go away girls, let them have their pound of flesh.”

“Like hell!” Rainbow snarled, “They want you they’ll have to go through us.”

Sunset sighed and refused to raise her head, “you’ll be arrested for protecting me.”

A familiar laugh rung out, even above the din of the crowd, “silly Sunset,” Pinkie snorted as she pushed her way to their sides. “You aren’t going anywhere we can’t follow.” A resolved Flash Sentry trailed behind her pink friend, nodding his agreement.

Pinkie, in a surprising show of grace, leapt atop the stocks and called out. “Listen to me! Listen!” Another volley of fruits and veggies followed but Pinkie was undeterred. In a voice none of them had ever heard before, she barked, “Hear me and heed my words!” The roar dulled considerably. “Look here at my friend. What do you see?” Murmuring swept through the court yard. “Is she any different than you or me? She is being punished for wanting better! Wanting better for herself, yes, but also for you and for me. And this is a crime? Wanting to eat? To sleep in comfort?” Pinkie shook her head sadly and the crowd seemed to shrink a little at her reprimand.

Applejack cleared her throat, “How did the nobles… how did they become noble in the first place? None of the ones I’ve ever seen have earned it. And Sunset… she’s got more courage than ten knights… hell, she’s got more courage than a hundred of ‘em.”

“Yeah!” chorused Dash, “Sunset’s been a better knight than all of them! She’s brave and smart and kind and loyal. She deserves better!”

Sunset watched the scene from behind her hair, hiding and saying nothing. Her heart seized when the crowd began to part and she caught a glimpse of coal black armor. “Guards,” she hissed desperately, “run, they’ll arrest you!”

“That’s the idea,” muttered Dash. None of them resisted as they were detained by a phalanx of Luna’s guards, nor as they were led away. Watching the only family she had ever known dragged away in chains, Sunset wept.

Princess Luna sat on her throne for the second time that day, glaring down at a prisoner; or more accurately, glaring down at four prisoners. None of them had said a word, nor had they fought back according to her Captain of the Guard.

Curious at their silence, Luna spoke. “She’s not of noble birth, and yet you all follow this Sunset Shimmer the way knights used to follow Kings and Queens of old. I have never seen such loyalty, not even in the purest of our noble houses.”

They did not answer her. Even the ever talkative Pinkie said nothing.

Luna narrowed her eyes, a begrudging respect for the commoners growing in her heart. Sunset’s tale had been a sad one, and it had made her burn with something akin to shame when she bent to Lord Night’s will. She wondered at these commoners, so fiercely devoted to someone who could have very well gotten them killed with her foolish dream. Finally, she snapped, “will none of you speak?!”

“Sunset,” said Flash quietly, “is a knight worth following.”

“She is NOT A KNIGHT!” the princess roared, “A knight is granted their title through birthright or the blessing of me and my sister. Sunset Shimmer is a coward and a liar. She is unworthy to the highest degree.” Certain in her judgment, and even more certain that her rule abiding sister would agree, Luna nodded triumphantly. “Sunset Shimmer shall tomorrow be executed for crimes against the dual crown.”

AJ’s head snapped up and Luna was momentarily startled by the darkness in her eyes. “Respectfully, your Highness, you’re wrong.”

“And who are you to speak in such a way to a princess?”

“Someone old enough to remember when you were more than just a princess,” AJ stumbled to her feet and met Luna’s eyes. “I remember stories my granny told me about the fierce, unrelenting, High Commander Luna. The Nightmare they called you, the Princess of Darkness.” Luna took a startled step back, her sister had hated that title, had hated the awe and respect it commanded. Applejack was not finished, “Sunset Shimmer is more like you than any knight, in any house, in all of the country! She may not be a knight on paper, highness, but she is a knight in all the ways that count.”

Luna, still reeling from the verbal assault, glanced at the company with new eyes. “You all feel this way?” Their expressions told her all she needed to know. She called for her guards and the doors swung open.

“Where shall the prisoners be led, my princess?”

Luna blinked at the captain, “release them.”

“I… I beg your pardon, your highness?”

Luna’s shoulders slumped, her flowing dress suddenly feeling as if it weighed a ton. “Release them,” she repeated, “and Captain Bulwark? It’s High Commander Luna to you.”

The commander’s eyes widened and he grinned, “By your orders, High Commander Luna.”