• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 59,264 Views, 2,394 Comments

How many have you forgiven today? - Sarcastic Brony

Anon is trying to move on with his life after what happened in Ponyville but it's hard to ignore what's right in front of him.

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For what it's worth P2

The meeting is finally over. Anon, Celestia and Luna stand outside of the meeting room beside one another. Every creature gives both sisters a nod and bow before moving on to their carriages, so that they may return to their countries. While standing by Celestia, Anon is surprised when a few of the leaders also stop to give him a bow before leaving. He honestly thought most of them forgot he even existed, seeing as he didn’t speak once the meeting started. Anon can only assume they’re doing this out of respect, which is fine by him.

The meeting though, that was as complicated and boring as he thought it would be. However, there were some interesting points to take note of, such as how Celestia and Luna handled the topics at hand. Luna was always firm and adamant when making her point, even forgoing pleasantries and simply laying out how she saw the situation. Celestia on the other hand played to a different tune. She would listen carefully, saying almost nothing during the entire conversation, taking information that she found useful and playing it against others as a way to maintain order.

Afterall, how could you argue with yourself? So after many hours, Celestia in the end was right. The borders were maintained by the end of the meeting. The only real changes made were those involving trading routes. Leaders exchanging money to allow their people to freely pass between borders with no trouble. Even some paying extra to ensure common routes were cleared of obstructions or even dangers, such as wildlife and bandits.

Anon is brought from thought as a face enters his vision. It’s the female Diamond dog from before. Onyx. She gives him a toothy grin and offers her paw for him to shake. He does so without hesitation but is surprised when she leans forward and whispers something into his ear.

“Good job protecting the princesses but I suggest you leave these meetings to the experts.”

He knew that it was rather obvious but having her confirm it makes it all the more real. They knew he was lying but he was right in his assumption that they couldn’t rightfully call him out on his story, so they kept silent. Onyx didn’t appear to stand on any side as he told his story and what she’s telling him now sounds like honest advice.

“A pleasure meeting you, Onyx.” Anon says pulling away from her.

That grin is still on her face. “You too.”

With that said, Onyx walks towards the front of the castle. Once everyone is out of sight, Anon takes a moment to let out a sigh of exhaustion as his shoulders slump. Keeping up that front for so long was actually challenging in a way. It’s been awhile since he’s had to keep his mask on for so long. When he looks up he notices Celestia is intentionally facing away from him, her demeanor a cause for concern.

“Is everything alright?” Anon asks.

Celestia shakes her head some. “I should’ve known they would try to use you.” She stomps a hoof in anger. “I knew that and still I put you into that situation.”

Anon understands where she’s getting at. Sure the meeting was rather intense at the start but Anon didn’t really think of it as that big of a deal. At least not for her to worry so much over it.

“I’m fine, Tia. Nothing happened, right?”

“He is right, Sister. It all played out in the end.” Luna tries to comfort her sister as well.

“That’s not the point!” She slams her hoof onto the ground again. “You two don’t get it. Most of those creatures are no friend of Equestria. They are always looking for leverage. If they tried to take Anon away, because they thought he was of value...” Celestia clenches her teeth as she can’t even finish that thought.

Anon can’t deny that Celestia is right in that regard. If they thought Anon was just some weird animal, they could’ve taken him for experiments. However, experimenting on sapient creatures is highly frowned upon and that’s why they held their tongue when he told his story. Not to mention if he was just an animal and Celestia didn’t want to give him to them, then they could’ve demanded anything, even start a war.

Still, Anon thinks Celestia shouldn’t be worried about this. Anon walks up to her and pulls her into an embrace. He feels her jumps slightly at his touch but soon settles into his arms.

“You heard that griffin.” Anon says. “They knew I was here, so chances are that they would’ve asked you about me regardless if I was there or not. Not that I doubt you’d come up with an excuse but I’m sure hearing one from me was a bit more effective. At the very least, they couldn’t outright deny what I was telling them.”

Celestia’s heart hurts. She knows that Anon is right but that doesn’t help calm the pain she feels. Her love for him is not only clouding some of her thoughts but also putting him into unnecessary situations. Even her sister didn’t question Anon coming to the meeting, even though there was a clear danger of him being there. She must start thinking critically about whatever she does, so that Anon will never be put into harm's way.

“I just...” Celestia tries to find the right words to say. “You already have a lot on your plate. I should be more considerate in what may add to it.”

Anon shakes his head some. That’s just like Celestia, worrying about how he feels instead of herself. Celestia is the one that should be worrying about less and Anon has done little to help her in that department. If anything, his interactions with Twilight puts untold amounts of stress on Celestia. It should be Anon that’s worried about what’s on Celestia’s plate. She’s a leader of a country and also deals with a lot in her daily life. It’s not like he hasn’t thought about what bothers her, it’s just, there’s been a lot going on this past week.

“I’m fine, Tia.” Anon speaks gently as he strokes her mane a bit. “It was an interesting meeting. Sure, the start could’ve been better but all that stuff is over now. Luna is right, it worked out in the end.”

Luna nods at Anon. “What he says is true, Sister. I’m sure the story will keep them from further questioning Anon’s existence. At least for the time being. Though I doubt any amount of investigating would prove fruitful.”

Anon lets go of Celestia and can see that she’s calmed a bit. Though he can see that she’s still very concerned about him.

“If you’re so bothered by it, then I’ll take a few minutes to myself. Walk around the castle to clear my head.” Anon looks out a nearby window to see it’s already dark. “We’ll meet back at your room?”

That seems to help a bit with Celestia’s mood as she gives him a nod.

“Yes, that sounds like a plan.”

“Do not take long.” Luna adds.

“That’s fine by me.” Anon says, giving them a wave as he walks off down the hall in no particular direction.

It’s so quiet now. Twilight is still standing in her room, exactly where she was when Spike left. It’s been a few hours now and he’s not come back. The only thing she can hear now is the sound of her own breath. She has no idea if she’s been crying or not, as time has started to slip away from her. Her eyes hurt as if she has been crying and yet there are no watermarks on the floor. She doesn’t even know if she feels sad anymore.

Right now at least, she’s stuck inside of a maze. One of her own creation. The walls are made of pure stone, not a single one looks any different than the one it's connected to. She’s lost inside of her own mind and she’s exhausted. As if she’s been searching for the exit this entire time and only managed to get herself lost deeper within this maze. She doesn’t know what to do anymore. Everything she cares for is gone. So what does she have now?

Twilight thinks back to when things were perfect. Back when she lived in Ponyville, before the punishment, even before Anon was there. Where did it all go wrong? She thinks back to her fight with Discord, how Anon appeared and how they feared that he was perhaps apart of Discord's plan. In many ways that fear never did get better, at least not for Twilight. In the back of her mind it was always there. Wondering, questioning his appearance.

Even after he survived the blast from the Elements, she was still worried that it was only a fluke. Afterall, that blast did have an affect on him, it hurt him, which had to mean something. If anypony else was hit by the blast, it wouldn’t have caused any reaction, yet it did for Anon. She buried these thoughts back then and yet overtime they manifested into something far more sinister. Something she couldn’t control.

She remembers the talks they had. The world he spoke of, everything about it sounded chaotic. If Anon told her that his world was created by Discord, she’d believe him, that’s how crazy the place sounded. Perhaps it was that fear that drove her to experiment on him? She doesn’t know but what she did haunts her now. She truly thought she was doing it for the sake of Equestria but in reality it was because of her own paranoia.

The walls seem to loom over her now as she covers her head in sorrow.

“P-Please... Someone save me.” Twilight whispers to herself as she’s left trapped in her own mind.

So here Anon is now, walking down the hall to clear his thoughts. Despite every wall looking the same, he knows where he is, though where he’s going is still unknown to him. His mind is elsewhere, thinking over the meeting that happened. That meeting put Anon in contact with a lot of creatures he never knew existed and some that were far different than the ones he’s met. Onyx comes to mind for him as she looks nothing like the Diamond dogs he’s met.

It makes him wonder if their race is anything like the breeds from his world? Perhaps there are different breeds of diamond dog? If they do eat meat, which Anon has a strong feeling they do if Onyx’s teeth were any indication, then perhaps some breeds hunt, others dig, so on and so forth. That would make as much sense as he can get from this world, so he’ll take it. The fact is, Anon doesn’t even want to question some of the other creatures he saw.

The minotaur being the biggest gripe he has. At least in his worlds legend, a minotaur was the mixing of a human and bovine. So how could a creature like that exist here without any humans to begin with? A fruitless endeavor, one of which he will probably never find an answer to. At least that minotaur didn’t think Anon was some kind of weird god or forerunner if you will. So for the most part everything worked out in the end.

Hmmm... Maybe the clearing his head thing was actually a good idea? He feels a bit better getting all that stuff out into the open. Though that feeling is soon gone as he feels something bump into him from a low angle, so low that he almost trips over whatever he walked into. Anon catches himself and looks down to see Spike of all things. He’s currently stopped dead in his tracks as his head rests against Anon’s leg.

“Spike?” What the hell is he doing out here so late at night?

Anon can only stand there questioning as Spike slowly looks up at him. What he sees actually disturbs him a bit. Spike is looking at him with one of the most deadest looks he’s ever seen. A thousand yard stare that even looks past Anon. Anon doesn’t know much about Spike but he does know that he’s never this depressed about anything. So something must’ve happened. Anon kneels down to face Spike.

“You alright?”

“No, I’m not.” Spike responds in a dead tone. “Luna told me everything. How could everyone do that? I thought they were good ponies but no one told me anything.”

Luna told him what happened in Ponyville? Dammit, Luna... Anon knows exactly why she did it. In many ways, it’s a thought he’s shared with her from time to time but one he never acted on. The reason he never did something like this is because Spike wasn’t involved in what happened. In many ways, he’s like Pinkie. A bystander caught in the crossfire. However, Pinkie isn’t like Spike. She’s a grown mare but Spike is still a kid.

He knows why she did it and yet that doesn’t make this right. It honestly has him a bit pissed off.

“Spike, listen to me closely.” Anon shakes Spike some to grab his attention. “What happened is none of your concern.”

“You’re just like them, you think I’m a baby too!” Spike tries to push Anon away but Anon holds him in place.

Anon needs to get control of this situation. He can’t help Spike if he’s acting like this. If he’s so concerned with being treated like a child then perhaps that’s an angle he can work from.

“Well, Spike, you’re acting like a baby right now. So how about you calm down and act like an adult?”

What Anon says seems to resonate with Spike. It takes a moment but Spike calms down enough for Anon to let him go. There’s a lot that needs to be said but Anon feels that it’ll be best to let Spike take the wheel here. So, Anon gets up, walks over to a wall and takes a seat. He has no idea how long this will take but he owes it to the little guy to lend him an ear.

“So, what’s the problem?”

“Everything.” Spike answers.

“Gotta give me a bit more than that.”

Spike twiddles his claws a bit before looking up at Anon.

“Is it true, what Luna told me?”

Anon lets out a long sigh. “Yeah, Spike. It’s true.”

Hearing Anon confirm this causes Spike to wince in pain. So it’s true. Not that Spike thought Luna was lying but hearing it come straight from Anon makes it real for him. Anon hates this, seeing Spike hurt over what happened is painful in a way. He doesn’t want to see him suffering over something he had no control over. All Anon can do is try and comfort him the best he can.

“Why didn’t anypony tell me?”

Anon isn’t sure how to answer that question. He takes a few moments to gather his thoughts. Well, there’s only one reason he could think of.

“Spike, there’s a saying on my world. Ignorance is bliss. Do you know what it means?” Spike shakes his head confused. “It means that you can be happy if you choose to not know the truth.”

“W-Why would anypony do that?”

“Because the truth hurts. Once you know the truth, there’s no going back. Some have tried to ignore it and maybe it worked for a little while but eventually it comes back.”

“So you’re saying that I’ll never be happy?”

“No, Spike. The truth hurts but it also helps you learn. You become a better person and find other ways to make yourself happy.” Anon has no idea if what he’s saying is working but he hopes it is. “Whether you like it or not, Spike. You’re a kid. You should be blissfully ignorant of everything that’s happening. Enjoying whatever life throws at you. You’ll have more than enough time to be an adult later, so don’t waste your youth on things that don’t concern you.”

Spike doesn’t know what to think right now. The way Anon is speaking to him is in a way he’s never heard from anypony before. It’s almost shocking for Spike to be talked to so directly and with honesty. He actually feels as if Anon is treating him like he’s an adult.

“Why are you telling me all this? Why treat me like an adult?” Spike asks.

Anon lets out a sigh. “This issue you’ve been put in... It never should’ve happened to begin with. I’m sorry for that, Spike. That’s why I’m not treating you like a child, because you’ve been hurt like an adult.”

Anon can only sit there and look at Spike as his mouth moves up and down, lost on what he could possibly say in return. Yet, as it all sinks in, Spike covers his face as he starts to cry to himself. Anon grits his teeth in anger, not at Spike but the fact that he got dragged into this. He gets up and walks over to Spike, kneels down and hugs him. Spike holds onto Anon as he continues to cry in such a way that Anon can actually feel his pain, the crying of a child.

Anon doesn’t know how long he was there holding Spike but eventually he cried himself to sleep in his arms. What is he going to do now? Well, there’s only one thing he can do. Anon picks up Spike and starts walking towards Twilight’s room.

Twilight hears someone enter into her room. She has no idea who it could be, as she doesn’t recognise the walking pattern that approached the door. Still, she can’t find the strength to move as she remains motionless. The sound stopped as soon as the door opened and the moonlight from the hall cast onto Twilight. She can’t even see a shadow but she can hear whoever is there breathing. After what feels like forever, she hears whoever is there enter into the room.

A shadow walks past her and towards her bed. The figure is obscured in darkness but she knows who it is. It’s Anon. There’s only one creature that walks on two legs and stands as tall as he does. What reason does he have to be here and also go to her bed? Twilight can only watch as he sets something down onto her bed and turns away to face her but she can’t see his face due to the lack of lighting. Her eyes drift over to what he placed down and she notices Spike’s sleeping form. It seems that at some point Spike ran into Anon and probably passed out.

She would thank him if it weren’t for the fact that she’s stuck in place. Not only that but she doesn’t really feel anything right now, so she’s not even sure if she’s grateful for what he’s done. Anon doesn’t say anything as he walks past her and out of sight. Twilight blinks slowly from the shock of light to her eyes but finds the room is now illuminated. He must’ve turned on a light for some reason. She’d question why but she finds no interest in that.

He hasn’t returned to someplace she can see him, instead she hears him continue to walk towards the door as the sound of it shutting comes to her ears. He’s gone and Twilight for some reason feels a crushing sense of loneliness now. S-She doesn’t want to be alone! Before her thoughts spiral out of control she takes notice of quick footsteps coming from behind her. With a few strides Anon is standing directly in front of her, he even kneels down so they’re eye to eye.

“You know, feeling things can be scary but feeling nothing is almost like being stuck in a nightmare. It disconnects you from the world you know and everything becomes gray.” Anon says in a neutral tone.

Twilight felt something when Anon spoke. She’s still trapped in the maze but for a brief moment she felt as if she knew the way out. Anon can only sit there and look into Twilight’s eyes. They’re rather dead looking but there’s a glimmer of some kind still there. Every fiber of his being wants him to leave this room, to let her suffer but he can’t do that. If he does, this will not only hurt Luna but Celestia too. He hates this but he has to help her.

“What you feel gives things meaning. Without it, nothing has meaning. That’s why you think you’re alone.” Anon continues to draw Twilight out. “You couldn’t be further from the truth. You have your family and friends. They mean something to you, even if you don’t feel it right now. They still acknowledge you after what happened in Ponyville and that should mean a lot.” Anon scoffs. “Even that Cadance pony cares about you.”

The looming walls that hung over Twilight are no longer as high as she once thought. Not only that but she’s starting to notice cracks on the walls. She’s not alone?

“You still have ponies that believe in you whole heartedly. Celestia blames herself for what happened in Ponyville, not you. She feels as if she failed you as your teacher. That’s why you’re here and why she’s trying so hard to teach you.”

I-Is that true?

It’s subtle but Twilight can feel her eyes starting to water as a bit of pain seeps into her heart. Why is Anon doing this? Why is he helping her?

Anon lets out a sigh. “Given enough time, ponies will forget what happened and everything will return back to normal.”

Anon can clearly see her eyes start to waver as they glisten a bit. A small collection of tears building as she looks directly at him. He thinks it’s time he said his peace, not only for his sake but Twilight’s as well. It’s time for her to stop living this lie of forgiveness she’s been obsessing over.

“Twilight. I think you know as well as I that you will never gain my forgiveness.” Twilight clenches her eyes shut as tears now fall down her cheek. “What you did to me can’t be forgiven. I still have nightmares about what happened.” Anon clenches his fists some in anger. “I even have a hard time letting Celestia hold me without my skin crawling.” He takes in a large sigh and lets it out. “To be honest, I doubt I’ll ever get over what you did to me. It’s something I’ll relive until the day I die. Something I’m sure we’ll be taking to our graves.”

N-no... She doesn’t want to remember it but she knows what he’s talking about. A few tests she buried in the back of her mind. The walls that trap her mind have now become corrosive, the tops lined with metal spikes.

“I hate you. I hate you so deeply that it actually hurts.”

She knows that! She hates herself! Just looking in the mirror is enough to make her sick... She’s disgusting and irredeemable. Anon stops for a moment to take in what’s happening to Twilight. She’s trembling uncontrollably as tears flow freely down her cheek. The floor below her having collected a small puddle. Well, time to get this over with.

“Thank you, Twilight.” Anon says honestly.

Twilight’s eyes open wide as she flinches some. W-What did he just say? The walls that surrounded her crumble to the floor, the entire maze is gone.

“W-What?” Twilight feels herself ask.

“I said thank you.” Anon gives her a small smile. “The fact is, Twilight. You’re the reason I even have the friends I have. If everything in Ponyville didn’t happen, then I never would’ve locked myself away, Celestia never would’ve come to visit and I never would’ve made all the friends I have today.” He lets out a sigh. “I’m happy with the friends I have now and I wouldn’t change anything if it meant that they would go away.”

“E-Even if it meant going through what happened again?” Twilight asks still shocked.

“Of course.”

Anon feels remarkably relaxed right now. It’s odd in a way. It’s like he’s talking to any other pony in this moment.

“How...” Twilight turns away from him. “How could you bear to suffer something like that again?”

It’s sudden and enough to make Twilight whip her head back towards Anon. For Twilight, time has stopped. She can’t look away from Anon as he holds something between his fingers. It’s the ring, the magic dampening ring that was on her horn.

“Because I’ve found two lonely ponies that need a friend like me.” Anon points to the ring in his hand. “Mind if I kept this?”

It takes all of Twilight’s willpower to respond. “I-I don’t mind.”

Anon puts the ring into his pocket as he starts to walk towards the exit to Twilight’s room.

“Why,” Anon stops before exiting. “Why after all this time?” She asks.

Anon chuckles a bit. “Why indeed.”

Anon doesn’t say anything else as he leaves. He better hurry back to the sisters before they come looking for him. Twilight is left in her room unsure how to process what just happened. Her heart is numb but no longer empty. She turns back to look at Spike as he sleeps soundly. She walks over and watches him as he sleeps. She doesn’t understand Anon, not even in the slightest but this is what she does know.

She will try her hardest to become a better pony. Once she does, she will not ask for his forgiveness but instead his friendship. Twilight climbs into bed and holds onto Spike. First, she has to have a long talk with Spike in the morning. Then the rest will come in time.

Author's Note:

End Twilight arc.