• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 59,264 Views, 2,394 Comments

How many have you forgiven today? - Sarcastic Brony

Anon is trying to move on with his life after what happened in Ponyville but it's hard to ignore what's right in front of him.

  • ...

Rock and a hard place

“So why are you getting dressed for the evening again?” Bonbon asks as she adjusts Anon’s tie.

Anon’s been getting ready for his outing with Pinkie and her friend for the past hour or so. He’ll admit to being a bit nervous at meeting a new pony but trusts that Pinkie has everything under control. He’s just thankful that Bonbon is willing to give him an outside perspective on how he looks.

“Pinkie wants me to meet a friend of hers. I guess she set the meeting up at some fancy restaurant.”

Bonbon gives Anon a skeptical look.

“Seems kinda weird if you ask me.”

She falls onto all fours and paces around Anon to make sure there’s not a single piece out of place.

“We’re talking about Pinkie, Bonbon.”

Bonbon stops as she looks up at Anon, thinking for a moment before giving a shrug.

“Guess you’re right about that. Everything looks to be in order.”

Anon looks himself over in the mirror. He must admit he looks rather nice. He doesn’t care much about his appearance on a day by day but he wants to set a good first impression, if only for Pinkie’s sake.

“Thanks, Bonbon.”

“No problem. Just don’t stay out too late. Remember we have our celebration tomorrow and the party a day after that.”

“Oh yeah.” To think time moves so slowly when you’re having traumatizing events happen to you. “Thanks for the reminder. I’ll be sure to get in before midnight.”

“Alright. Now hurry up before Lyra finds out what you’re doing. She’ll probably try to follow you.”

That’s something Anon wants to avoid at all costs.

“Great idea.” Anon pats Bonbon on the head. “See ya.”

She slaps his hand away playfully. “Go, enjoy your night making friends.”

“We’ll see how that goes.”

Anon walks out of to the bathroom door and peeks his head out into the hallway. No Lyra in sight. Doing his best to tread carefully, Anon manages to escape the store without Lyra finding out. It’s a bit early for his meeting with Pinkie but he’s fine with wai-


Anon jumps slightly at the sudden voice behind him, putting a hand to his chest to slow his heartbeat as he turns to face the pony responsible.

“Pinkie, what did I say about sneaking up on me?”

Pinkie only smiles widely at him before speaking.

“I wasn’t sneaking, I’ve been here the entire time!”

“You’ve been standing here waiting fo-”

Anon finds his thoughts grind to a hault as he takes a good look at Pinkie. This isn’t the Pinkie he’s used to seeing. Her hair is straight, a style he admits looks really nice on her. Not only that but she’s wearing a fancy looking pink dress. It’s such a shock that it takes Anon a few seconds to shake himself back to reality.

“You’ve been waiting here for me?”

She nods. “Yup!”

“For how long?”

“A few hours.”

As different as Pinkie looks, she’s still the same Pinkie. Anon looks around and finds that there isn’t another pony in sight.

“Your friend?”

“She’s waiting for us at the restaurant.”

“Care to tell me about her?”

Pinkie shakes her head with a smile.

“Nope! Now let’s go!”

Anon knew that wouldn’t work but it was worth a try. He just follows Pinkie in wait for what is to come.

Luna is looking at herself in her mirror. She takes a deep breath in and slowly lets it out.

“Anon, I wanted to explain a few things. I know you’ve been curious as to what my past holds and since the unforscene meeting with Nightmare Moon has happened, I feel that I must share a few things so you may understand.”

Luna looks away from the mirror and shakes her head.

“That won’t work.” She returns her gaze to her own reflection. “Anon, I know you have many questions about Nightmare Moon. If you’ll give me a moment, I shall tell you everything you wish to know.”

Luna notices her reflection start to morph slowly into a mock image of Anon.

“How can I even trust you anymore?” He speaks. “You lied to me!”

Luna bares her teeth as she punches the mirror and shatters it into pieces. In the shattered remains she can see the laughing image of Nightmare Moon. There is one thing Luna will not tolerate and that’s somepony making a mockery of the one she trusts.

“That was your last mistake.” Luna mumbles to herself.

Luna’s horn glows brightly as a loud ear piercing shriek enters into her mind. She’s forgot who was in charge and now Luna must put her in her place. After a few minutes, Luna stops casting her spell and the screams die out. As much as Nightmare Moon likes to think she’s all powerful, the elements have locked her into a dream world where she can feel pain. This is how Luna has been keeping her on a leash.

“Care to play with my emotions again?” Luna asks Nightmare Moon.

“...No.” Nightmare moon answers past heavy panting.

“While I do enjoy your screams of agony, I prefer your silence.” Nightmare Moon doesn’t respond. “Great. Now I must prepare for Anon when he falls asleep.”

“Are you sure we should be here?”

Twilight is looking around from her table as Cadance tries her best to reassure her.

“This is the best place to learn about body language.”

“How is watching ponies eating going to teach me about body language?”

Cadance chuckles.

“Because most of these ponies are on a date.”

Twilight raises her brow. “So?”

“That means they’ll be talking to someone they like. You will see all the little minute details of their body as they become nervous, irritate, calm, joyful and so many other emotions.”

Twilight thinks over what Cadance is saying. It’s true that given the circumstances this may allow her to observe a great deal about ponies. There’s just so much going on that she’s not too sure where to start.

“I guess that makes sense,” Twilight looks down to her plate. “But did we really have to order meals too?”

Cadance chuckles a bit as a blush covers her face.

“I forgot to eat on my way to Canterlot. So this was the perfect excuse to get something to eat.”

Twilight feels uncomfortable right now. She can see how ponies will sometimes glance at the ring on her horn and then quickly look away. It’s like they think she’s a dangerous animal from the Everfree. Cadance notices Twilight’s discomfort but she wasn’t lying when she said this would be a good way for her to experience body language in a more natural way.

“It’s alright, Twilight. Just keep calm and take a look around. What do you see?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chest while taking a breath in and then extends her hoof out as she exhales. A trick Cadance taught her on keeping calm and centering her thoughts. It calms her enough to take a look around. She scans the room and can see a few ponies. All of them varying in colors, oddly enough one of them has a fur color that is rather bland. Twilight feels her eyes stop on this pony as she finds something horribly wrong with her. The pony looks dead, unmoving to everything that’s around her.

“I-... C-Cadance.”


Twilight points to the pony. “Is there something wrong with that pony?”

Cadance follows Twilight’s hoof and instantly finds the pony in question. Ah, it seems this pony is stone faced, not showing much if any emotions. She just sits there looking at the door unmoving. Not even drinking from her glass of water. She’s so still that Cadance can’t even tell if she’s breathing. The only reason she knows the mare isn’t dead is because of the fact that her eyes show plenty of life.

“There’s nothing wrong with her, Twilight. She’s a “stone face”, they are known to show little to no emotion. I bet her voice is monotone as well.”

“How could I ever read a pony like that?” Twilight asks feeling more confused about this type of pony. It just adds more to what she needs to learn.

“Chances are you never will. They’re rather complex, most of the time only family can easily connect with ponies like that. Not that it’s impossible, mind you, it just isn’t something you’ll get right away.”

Twilight has no idea how to feel about this. She just looks at the pony in question for a few moments before moving on but before she can attempt to look at another pony, she notices that the stone faced pony’s eyes widen only by a few centimeters. Twilight has the odd feeling that the pony has seen something that’s shocking. Twilight quickly looks towards the front door and feels her heart freeze. Anon is standing right there. Not just Anon but Pinkie as well.


Cadance can see the alarmed look on Twilight’s face as she quickly looks away and covers her face. Cadance looks over to the door and feels her eyes widen as she spots a creature she’s never seen before.

“What is that?” Cadance asks.

“That’s Anon.” Twilight whispers.

“That’s Anon?”

Cadance feels herself move to greet him but is stopped by a hoof grabbing her.

“No!” Twilight continues to whisper. “He can’t know I’m here. Who knows what might happen!”

“It can’t be that bad, right?” Cadance feels Twilight’s grip on her increase. She can see fear in Twilight’s eyes and decides to let her have this. “Very well, we’ll stay here.”

“We can’t stay! We need to get out of here as fast as we can!”

Cadance shakes her head. “You want to learn about body language, right?” Twilight nods. “I’ll cast a spell to hide our presence. We’ll watch and learn about him. This is what you’ve been waiting for.”

Twilight takes a moment to think, Luna’s threat is still at the forefront of her mind but decides to trust in Cadance.

“O-Ok... As long as he doesn’t know we’re here.”

Cadance smiles at Twilight as she casts a spell that makes them less noticeable.

“Fancy place.” Anon says looking around.

“Sure is!” Pinkie answers with a grin as they follow the waiter to the table.

The waiter sets three menus down at a table where a gray pony sits in wait for the both of them to take their seats. So this is the friend Pinkie wants him to meet? He has to say that she doesn’t seem like a friend Pinkie would have. Her stone like face and unmoving pose. Maud’s eyes shift slowly over to Pinkie as Pinkie and Anon take a seat. Everything remains silent until Maud says something.

“Is this the Anon you spoke of?”

Pinkie nods. “Yup!”

Once again everything becomes silent. Anon has no idea what’s going on in Pinkie’s mind, so he decides to introduce himself to this pony.

“It seems Pinkie has told you about me but the same cannot be said about you.” Anon comes in.

Maud looks over at Anon. “I’m Maud, Pinkie’s older sister.”

This is shocking to hear. Pinkie has a sister? Not only that but this is her sister? They are so different that it seems impossible that they’re related. Anon then finds his mind flashing back to Pinkie’s dream. That small filly that was so different from the Pinkie he knew. Was Pinkie like this when she was a kid? No time to think on that, he needs to focus.

“Wow, I honestly wouldn’t have guessed that.”

Maud nods. “Pinkie is different. Then again, you’re just as different.”

Anon can’t deny that. He can only guess that Pinkie didn’t tell Maud about him being a different species.

“You’re right about that one. So Pinkie didn’t tell you I’m a human?”

Maud shakes her head. “No.”

“Have you ordered yet?” Pinkie asks Maud.

“No, I’ve been waiting for you two to show up so our meals can come out at the same time.”

“Perfect! Before we get into the thick of it, let’s order first.”

Anon can only shrug at this entire situation as he picks up his menu and looks over what he wants.

“Wow, so that’s Anon...” Cadance whispers to herself.

She is surprised that her aunt is friends with something so different. Then again, he doesn’t seem to act like a royal, but there’s a certain air about him that she can’t quite put her hoof on. Cadance can remember all of the great things her aunt told her about him. She wants to meet him right now but holds herself back for Twilight’s sake. It looks like the three of them are placing orders right now for their meals.

“What do you think he’s getting?” Twilight asks.

“I’m not too sure.” Cadance takes a second to look him over. “If I had to guess, I would say meat.”

“How do you know that?”

“It’s just the way he carries himself. How he scans the room, taking in what he sees. It’s a lot like how a griffin acts. Not to mention he has forward facing eyes. It’s a lot of small things that make a picture. By all means I could be wrong but that’s just a gut feeling I have.”

“Gut feeling isn’t very scientific, Cadance.”

Cadance looks over to face Twilight.

“That’s the thing, Twilight. Not everything can be solved with logic. Sometimes you need to just go with a feeling on the inside, a little voice that tells you that something is right or wrong.”

“A little voice?”

That seems so odd. Twilight reads books and tries to learn how to solve her problems. She then feels her mind flashing back to when Applejack and her were about to fall off a cliff in the Everfree. How she knew that she wouldn’t be alright if Applejack let go of her. Yet despite her logic, she believed in her friend and she was alright in the end. It feels like it’s been so long since she’s just believed in something that wasn’t written or seen.

Anon, Pinkie and Maud all sit in silence as they wait for their meals. Anon will admit this entire situation is rather odd. He’s still confused by the fact that these two are related. Pinkie is sitting with her usual smile and Maud has a blank expression on her face. It’s a face that Anon knows rather well. He’s been subject of the “stone face” from time to time. Yet it seems this mare is always stone faced. It’s hard but not impossible to read her emotions. She looks nervous, Anon has no idea how he knows that but he has a gut feeling. Perhaps he should try and lighten the mood?

“I have to say that meeting someone that’s actually normal is nice.”

“Hey!” Pinkie shouts with a pout.

Maud nods. “Ponies tend to get emotional over little things. I find it odd that they will almost always hug or make physical contact when they are distressed.”

“I know, right! When I feel like that I usually want to be left alone but ponies will hug the closest thing to them, which unfortunately is me most of the time.”

“Does it ever bother you when ponies will invite themselves into your home without asking?”

“Are you kidding me?” Anon points his thumb at Pinkie. “She does it all the time. In fact, this morning she snuck into my room to tell me about this dinner.”

Maud nods. “Pinkie has been like that since we were fillies.”

“I’m right here you know!” Pinkie crosses her hooves this time, increasing her pout level.

“You know what, Maud. I like you.” Anon says without hesitation. “You’re probably one of the most human like ponies I’ve ever met.”

“I’m not sure how to take that comment but I will assume it was a compliment.” Maud answers.

“Sure is. Now, what do you do for a living?”

“I study rocks.”

“So you’re a geologist?”

Anon notices a certain twinkle in Maud’s eye.

“You know what a geologist is?”

Anon nods. “Of course I do. There were many humans back where I come from who studied rocks and other things that had to do with our planet.”

“Wow. I could only imagine what types of rocks are there.”

Pinkie can only sit with a smile as she watches these two talking. She’s never seen Maud so excited to talk about her work to someone. Pinkie admits she doesn’t really understand what Maud does and because of that Maud doesn’t bring up her work. So to have someone who can actually understand and chat with her is making this night all the greater for Pinkie. Everything is turning out better than she expected.

Twilight finds her mind flooding with so many questions. It seems that on some level Anon is communicating with that pony rather well. How? In fact, who is that pony? Why is Pinkie there? There’s just too many questions for Twilight to handle. She... She must know. Cadance hears something happening behind her, she look over to Twilight and notices that she’s out of her seat.


“I have to know what is going on.” Twilight states.

“Twilight, we’re just here to observe, nothing more.”

“I-I can’t just sit here.” Twilight says while shaking uncontrollably. “I need to know more.”

Twitchy tail, achy hooves, rumbly tummy, itchy nose. This is bad. Pinkie looks around the restaurant. Her Pinkie sense is telling her that something bad is about to happen if she doesn’t stop it. She instantly finds the source as she notices Twilight walking towards them from afar.

“You two keep talking, I gotta use the little fillies room!” Pinkie quickly hops out of her seat and takes off.

“Well, that was odd.” Anon adds as he returns his attention to Maud. “So, do you have a favorite stone?”

Maud nods. “Sedimentary.”

“That’s a rather common stone.”

“It’s also the type my pet is.”

Anon chuckles. “You have a pet rock?”

She nods as she puts Boulder onto the table. “Yes.”

Anon can’t help but think back to some funny stuff on earth.

“You know someone used to sell pet rocks on earth. Over one million of them were sold.”

“Wow. Your kind must love rocks.”

Anon shrugs. “It was mostly for the novelty I think.”

Maud looks at Boulder and remembers why she brought him.

“I almost forgot. Boulder wants to apologise for hitting you.”

What? Now Anon is confused.

“Sorry but I’m a bit lost here.”

“Pinkie threw him at you. He’s sorry for that.”

Wait... This rock is the same rock that hit him all those months ago? Weird.

“Uh... Well, thanks for the apology. No hard feeling?”

Maud gives a small nod.

“Thanks, it’s been on his mind the entire time.”

Yeah, definitely weird but then again Anon is in a world with talking ponies. Who knows, maybe this rock does talk? Anon doesn’t really want to think about this.

“So, may I ask you a personal question?”

“You may.”

“Has Pinkie always been...” Anon tries to find the right word to use. “Well, like she is now?”

Maud understands. Since Pinkie said that she is her sister, Anon is wondering how they are related.

“She became the way she is after getting her cutie mark.”

Cutie marks. The ultimate confusion in this world. So Pinkie’s cutie mark was enough to turn her into the pony she is today? So much stuff for Anon to handle in one day. He feels like his brain is about to fry.

“Well, I have to say, compared to Pinkie, you’re rather down to earth.”

“I guess. Though Pinkie does have her own charm. She can make friends easily and everypony is happy to see her. Most ponies just avoid me. Not that I mind.”

Anon gets it. Though he honestly finds Maud to be a breath of fresh air. There are just so many ponies in this place that are happy or just overly emotional. Yet Maud is a stark contrast against that norm. Kinda like him.

Twilight stops when she notices Pinkie walking directly towards her. Not only that but she looks angry. A look Twilight has never seen before. Once Pinkie is close enough she takes the opportunity to speak first.

“What are you doing, Twilight?” She asks.

“I just wanted to know what’s going on.”

Pinkie takes a step closer to Twilight.

“I’ve been planning this dinner for a long time and you’re not going to ruin it.”

“Pinkie, I swear I won’t interrupt. Just give me a few mi-”



The tone Pinkie said that in was downright menacing.

“I said no. You’re not getting anywhere near Anon or my sister.”

“Your sister?”

Twilight looks past Pinkie at the gray pony but her vision is cut off as Pinkie takes a step in front of her.

“Yes, my sister. Now go back to whatever it was that you were doing.”

“I have to know how Anon can understand your sister.”

Twilight is about to try and walk past Pinkie but is stopped when something grabs her firmly from behind.

“Twilight will you stop!” Cadance whispers loudly. “You’re starting to draw attention.”

Twilight looks around the room and can see a lot of ponies starting to direct their attention towards her. Each of them given various looks of judgment. Twilight’s ears pin back as she comes to her senses.


Before anything else can be said Twilight runs towards the front door of the restaurant. Cadance not far behind her.

Anon hears a loud noise come from the front door and turns around to see a weird looking pony running out of the restaurant. Was that another alicorn?

“All done!” Pinke sits back in her seat. “So what have you two been talking about?”

Anon looks away from the front door and returns his attention to Pinkie.

“Various things. Nothing too special.” Anon answers.

“Are you enjoying yourselves?” Anon and Maud give a nod. “Great! Because I have a surprise for you two.”

“Surprise?” Anon asks hesitantly.

“Mmmhmmm!” Pinkie nods. “Let’s eat and we can get the show on the road.”

No use in trying to get Pinkie to spill the beans. Anon looks down to his meal, chicken or something that looks like chicken, he doesn’t know. It smells great though. So he might as well enjoy himself before Pinkie does whatever it is that she’s planning.

Celestia lets out a sad sigh. It’s so boring around the castle. She has no idea where everyone has gone. Twilight is missing. Luna is locked away in her room. Blueblood is asleep. Cadance is most likely with Shining Armor and Anon is back at his shop. There isn’t a single pony around for Celestia to talk to.

“Hello, Princess.”

Celestia stops as she looks down to see Fluttershy bowing before her.

“Hello, Fluttershy. What is it that you’re up to?”

Fluttershy rises from her bow.

“I’m going to the dining hall to get something to eat.”

Celestia feels a brow raise. Wait a second... Why is Fluttershy still here? Wasn’t she supposed to return to Ponyville today?

“Fluttershy, why are you still here? Didn’t I tell you that you were free to return to Ponyville?”

Fluttershy nods. “You did but, as it turns out, Anon invited me to a party. So I thought it would be alright to stay here until then.” Fluttershy starts to feel a bit timid. “That’s alright, isn’t it? I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”

This is an interesting surprise. So Anon has invited Fluttershy to his party too? That wasn’t something she was expecting but perhaps something happened between them that has made Anon less wary around her? Well, it’s none of her business but she’s glad to hear that Anon is at least trying to open himself to ponies of his past.

“You are free to stay as long as you like. I’m happy to hear that you will be joining us for his party.” Now that Celestia thinks about it, she hasn't spoken to Fluttershy much. Perhaps this is a good time to get to know her? “Do you mind if I join you for dinner?”

“Not at all.” Fluttershy says with a smile.

“Very well.”

“What am I looking at exactly?”

Anon is stuck in place as he looks into the room where Pinkie stands. Maud and him both look rather uncomfortable but Pinkie’s smile hasn’t lifted yet.

“We’re at a formal dance competition!” Pinkie shouts with enthusiasm.

Anon takes in the room full of ponies all dressed to impress as a few of them chat with each other. It definitely looks like a popular event, as the place has a decent amount of ponies present. He can see that there is a set stage for the judges, as well as seats against the walls for the contestants to sit and wait for their turn. Everything looks professionally made and that has Anon on guard.

“Why are we here?” Anon asks confused as to why Pinkie brought him here.

Pinkie somehow places her hoof onto Anon’s shoulder and pulls him down so she can whisper into his ear.

“Maud is going to go off to study rocks once her visit is over and I want her to have as much fun as possible. I don’t know what you two talked about but I know she loves dancing but never gets the chance to do it. Please, for me, just show my sister a good time.”

This is weird on so many levels that Anon has no idea how to process this. He’s just met Maud and while she’s a lovely pony he’s not too sure how to approach a situation like this. Still, as Pinkie gives him her signature puppy eyes and quivering lip, he knows his choices are limited at this moment.

“Isn’t this weird?”

“Not at all. Trust me, Maud will love this.”

Anon lets out a sigh. “Alright.”

Pinkie lets go of Anon and looks over to her sister.

“Great news, Maud! You’re going to dance with Anon.”

Maud looks at her sister, then to Anon and back to her sister.

“Pinkie, don’t you think this is a bit sudden?”

“Sometimes you gotta take life by the wings and make it fly!” Pinkie starts pushing Maud and Anon ahead of her. “Now hurry and sign up, the contest is going to start soon!”

Anon looks down at Maud as she looks up at him.

“We might as well do it. Pinkie’s just going to keep bugging us all night if we don’t.”

Maud give a nod of understanding. They have no choice in the matter but the least they can do is enjoy the evening that is being given to them.