• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 59,264 Views, 2,394 Comments

How many have you forgiven today? - Sarcastic Brony

Anon is trying to move on with his life after what happened in Ponyville but it's hard to ignore what's right in front of him.

  • ...

When all is lost


Cadance is running after Twilight after she bolted out of the restaurant. She has no idea what happened to her back there but whatever it was it wasn’t pleasant. Cadance saw a side of Twilight she’s never seen before. Sure, she was obsessive as a filly and always shown great interest in things she didn’t know but this was on an entirely different level. It was as if something was physically forcing her to act, as if it were an instinct. That matters little to Cadance right now, she just wants to make sure Twilight is ok.

Twilight doesn’t know what to say to Cadance. She doesn’t even understand it herself. She almost has an uncontrollable need to learn about Anon. There’s something about him she can’t stop herself from reacting to. He’s a well of untapped knowledge the likes Equestria has never seen and yet she cannot know it. Anon barely even knows it himself and that makes it all the more unbearable. Whenever she’s around him she gets this craving, to learn, to know.

He’s so different from everything she knows and yet he functions. Just the thought of him alone makes that feeling deep within her rise. She buries it as best as she can but it always comes back. Twilight’s legs get tired and she stops running. She looks up to see she’s at the park. She used to come here with her parents a lot when she was a filly. It feels like it’s been so long since she’s been normal. She wonders what it would’ve been like for her if she never decided to pursue magic? Was there a chance Anon and her could’ve been friends?

She closes her eyes tightly as tears start to roll down her cheeks.

“Twilight...” Cadance is standing behind Twilight as she cries. “Twilight, what’s going on?”

“I don’t know.” Twilight breaks down. “I can’t stop thinking about him. He haunts my dreams when I’m asleep and is always on my mind when I’m awake. I try every waking moment to find a way to make him forgive me but every step I think is one forward ends up being two steps back.”

“Why? Why are you pushing yourself so far to be forgiven?” Cadance asks confused.

Twilight looks at Cadance briefly just before she looks off into the park. An old memory of her playing by herself, all the other fillies and colts ignoring her, treating her like an outcast. She takes in a long breath and then lets out a sad sigh.

“~When I was a filly, I knew no wrong. I thought I was fine, when I was alone. I spent my life on a shelf, learning about all but myself. When I was a filly, I knew no wrong.~”

Her memories rapidly shift to when Anon first came to her home. She remembers how things used to be before they got bad.

“~He was all alone, scared of the world. I took him in and gave him my best. We talked all night and helped with his stress. I felt I could call him my friend! But something happened, one I can’t explain. He was all alone, scared of the world.~”

She winces as that day fills her mind. The emotions of it all taking hold as she belts out her requiem of sorrow.

“~I took everything from him, his humanity. I stripped his sanity and made him afraid! So how can I ask for forgiveness, with all that I’ve done! I deserve all that comes and all that’s right. For what I did cannot contest, all the pain laid on my chest. Strip me bare for what I’ve done! I’ll take it all, till I’m gone.~”

Twilight finally calms down a bit as everything comes together.

“~When I was a filly, I knew no wrong. Strip me bare for all that I’ve done, until I’m gone.~”

Once the last note rings out Twilight lets out an exhausted sigh as her last tear hits the dirt. Cadance can only stand there with wide eyes after having heard what Twilight said. Everything she spoke of is true and yet Cadance can’t accept this. This is too much for one pony to take. She can’t allow Twilight to feel like this, she needs to know that her pain will only make this all the more difficult for her.

“Twilight, you can’t keep putting the world on your shoulders. You need to take a break and learn to come to terms with what you’ve done. How can you expect others to forgive you when you cannot even forgive yourself?”

There’s a long eerie silence the fills the air before Twilight speaks.

“Cadance, I don’t think I want to be forgiven.”


Twilight looks up at Cadance. Her expression is blank and her eyes show defeat.

“I deserve this. After everything I’ve done, there is no forgiveness for somepony like me.”

“How can you sa-”

“I need to go back to the library. Thanks for spending time with me.”

Cadance is left there mid-sentence as Twilight walks back towards Canterlot castle. This is serious. This isn’t just about forgiveness anymore. Twilight is falling into a pit of despair that she cannot get out of. Cadance could see the hurt on her face as her own friend gave her that look of anger and disgust in the restaurant. She’s all alone in the world right now and it seems there’s only one thing that can save her.

Cadance briefly looks back towards the restaurant where Anon was. She has one day until she meets him at his party. Until then, she needs to figure out a way to convince him to at least hear out Twilight’s plea. Otherwise, Cadance doesn’t know what may happen to Twilight.

“So how does this work?” Maud asks Anon.

“Easy. Just follow my lead.”

Anon and Maud are center stage. All eyes are on them as the judges sit at their table ready to spot any flaws. Then again, considering how different their dance is when compared to ponies, they're not really too sure what to judge their dance on. Still, Maud is on her hind legs so she can attempt to match Anon’s height. Anon has one hand at the small of Maud's back, while she has one hoof on his shoulder and the other in his hand. They’re perfectly positioned for a simple dance.

“I hope you know how to waltz.” Anon says.

Maud nods. “I do. Pinkie and I went to the same class.”

Anon takes that as a measure of confidence as he takes his first step. Maud seems to follow what’s happening as she takes her steps in kind, thankfully she wasn’t bluffing, she’s as graceful as Pinkie is while dancing. Which is odd because despite her rock like personality, she’s very fluid with every step she takes. Sure, her face is still barren but Anon gets the feeling she’s having a great time.

“You know, I’m surprised you’re this good at dancing.” Anon mentions.

“Considering how different you are to a pony, so am I.”

Anon chuckles. “I guess you’re right. Do the Pie’s have a natural talent to easily adapt?”

Maud nods. “The rock farm can be harsh and learning to adapt is important.”

There’s talk of a rock farm again. Pinkie didn’t give him much information on that but he can assume it’s a touchy subject for her.

“Yes, I hear about this rock farm from time to time but Pinkie never talks about it.”

“I’m not surprised. It’s not a place for her, she’s always been a social butterfly. As farms usually go, there’s not much around.”

Anon dips Maud briefly before bringing her back up to his chest.

“Yeah, Pinkie does like being social. I honestly feel bad that she likes hanging around me so much. You know, because I actually don’t like being around ponies all too much.”

“I know how you feel but when Pinkie wants me to meet somepony... Well, she’s my sister.”

“I think I understand how you feel, Maud. I don’t know, when it comes to Pinkie, I can’t tell her no. She really did a lot for me when I first came to Ponyville and I can’t thank her enough for that.”

“You’re a nice guy.” Maud says.

“Many ponies would disagree.”

“That’s because they never took the time to get to know you.”

Anon falls silent at that. Nothing else really needs to be said as the music slowly dies down and their dance comes to an end.

“This was fun.” Anon says.


Anon and Maud look over at the judges. They scored a thirty eight out of fifty. They just look at each other and shrug. They weren’t here to win anyway. They walk back over to Pinkie that has her jaw on the floor.

“Can you believe those ponies! How dare they give you such a low score!” Pinkie looks towards the judges. “Hey! You ponies blind! They should’ve at least scored a forty five!”

Anon just shakes his head while the judges try their best to ignore Pinkie. Before Pinkie can say anything else, Maud places a hoof onto her wither.

“I had fun, Pinkie. That’s all that matters.”

Pinkie looks from Maud up to Anon.

“Yeah, it was fun. We never entered to win anyways, right?” Anon adds.

“I guess.” Pinkie looks down.

Anon looks over to a clock, it’s starting to get late but Anon has one last idea before calling it a night.

“How about I cook you ladies up some sweets? How does that sound?”

Maud notices a small sparkle in Pinkie's eye.

“Oooh! What are you planning to make, Nonny?”

Pinkie disappears from where Maud was looking and into Anon’s arms. Startling them both as Anon quickly grabs Pinkie so she doesn’t fall. Once he catches his breath does he look at the pink mare in his arms.

“Maybe something new.” He says. “Come on, let’s go.”

Anon looks down at Maud and gives a shrug. It seems Anon doesn’t like seeing Pinkie sad either. It puts Maud’s heart at ease knowing there’s someone out there that’s looking after her sister. Even if her sister is a bit weird.

Anon walks into the store and sets Pinkie down.

“Alright, let’s not get too crazy. Bonbon and Lyra are probably trying to get some sleep.”

Both Pinkie and Maud nod as he waves for them to follow. He leads them through the shop and into the kitchen in the back. Yet what he finds there isn’t what he expected. Bonbon and Lyra are here, stuffing their faces with various sweets. They look his way when they hear the door open, each showing a bit of shock at his entrance.

“Anown?” Bonbon asks past her full mouth.

Anon closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and one step backwards to exit the kitchen. Once the kitchen doors close does he exhail.

“Anon, is somet-” Anon holds up his hand to stop Pinkie.

He waits a few moments and walks back into the kitchen. Bonbon and Lyra are cleaned up now but the place is still covered in various sweets.

“I’ve brought company.” Anon says and shows Pinkie and Maud into the kitchen.

Lyra looks at Anon, the mares, how he’s dressed and then quickly back at Bonbon.

“I thought you said Anon went to the castle!?”

Bonbon twiddles her hooves. “Well, no, I said he probably went to the castle.”

Lyra lets out a huff and pouts some. Anon just shakes his head as he looks at Bonbon.

“Care to explain this.” Anon waves at the entirety of the kitchen.

Bonbon chuckles. “Well, when Lyra knew you were gone we thought eating some sweets would help.”

Well, they’re owners too, it’s not like they can’t eat the products.

“Alright, just clean up this mess. I’m about to cook.”

“Is it something new?” Bonbon asks.

“Maybe. Anyways,” Anon looks at Maud and Pinkie and points to a small table in the kitchen. “Get comfortable.”

They do so as he walks to one of the stoves and thinks over what he wants to make. So many things but as Anon looks over at Pinkie and Maud, he finds one thing that comes to mind. Rock candy. He’s sure Maud would appreciate that.

“It’s nice having your company, Fluttershy. Everyone has gone off to do their own thing and I’m left here by my lonesome.”

“I know how that feels. Though being alone doesn’t always have to be a bad thing.”

“For someone as old as I, being alone is more of a punishment than anything else.”

Fluttershy thinks that over. Celestia has been around for a long time. Not to mention her time alone when Luna was banished to the moon.

“I guess I can understand.”

Celestia notices she’s putting a damper on the mood.

“Though don’t let an old mare talk about her past. How have you been doing?”

“Great! I love the garden with all the animals. I’ve also made good friends with Blueblood.”

“It’s always nice to hear when my nephew makes new friends.”

“Yeah... Princess, do you mind if I asked a personal question?”


“Um... Is Blueblood Luna’s son?”

Celestia can’t stop herself as she laughs a bit at that. She understands where Fluttershy is coming from but that’s not the case.

“Sorry for laughing, Fluttershy. It’s just amusing to think my sister would bear child. No, Blueblood was adopted by me. For one reason or another he called me his aunt and since then he was my nephew.”

“Oh, so Blueblood isn’t really a prince?”

“No, that’s just a title he’s quite fond of.”

“Wow. There’s so much that I don’t know about him. We’ve talked a lot but he really doesn’t talk too much about himself. Just about the garden, Anon or me.”

“Blueblood can be very shy when he first meets somepony.”

“I usually don’t like meeting new ponies either but Blueblood is very sweet.”

A silence builds between the two of them as they eat their meals. It’s not really awkward for either of them. Well, maybe a little awkward.

“Fluttershy, may I ask a personal question of my own?”

“Of course.”

“What do you think of Anon?”

That catches Fluttershy off guard.

“To be honest, I don’t know him at all. I always wanted to get to know him but after everything that happened in Ponyville it never worked out. Though I’m happy he’s been as willing as he has to open up to me. It must be very hard for him to face his past, even if I wasn’t the worst of it.”

“Anon is complicated.” Celestia admits with a sigh. “It’s hard for even me to know what is on his mind. Yet when he looks at me it’s as if he can see right through me. I’ve never known a creature like him, other than Discord perhaps, though not for the same reasons. Discord used his powers to manipulate others, Anon uses it to guide them away.” Celestia closes her eyes. “He’s come a long way from where he was. Maybe he doesn’t see, maybe no pony else sees it, but I can. He’s recovering slowly and starting to live his life.”

“He does look awfully happy when you’re around.”

Celestia feels her heart flutter at hearing Fluttershy say that. For some reason just hearing that makes her feel as if there’s hot air in her chest.

“Do you truly believe that?” Celestia asks.

Fluttershy nods. “Of course! You and your sister are really important to him. I don’t know if he says it but I could see it when you three were together that one time.”

“Well, we did have a bit too much to drink.” Celestia admits with a blush.

“True but Anon trusted you three enough to drink. I think that says plenty on how much he cares about you two.”

What Fluttershy says is true. Anon does tend to let things play out more when he’s with both sisters. Celestia still remembers when Anon would push them away and refuse to follow along with whatever they were doing. Now, now he simply trusts them enough to keep his best interests and feelings in mind with what they do. Celestia feels an ache in her heart. It happens whenever she thinks of Anon when he’s not around.

“He means a lot to me as well. Before I met him things weren’t this complicated or fun. He’s changed so much, not just himself but both my sister and I as well. Even the ponies have changed, if only a little. It was not too long ago when seeing my sister sit on the throne was enough to stun anypony that walked in, now it doesn’t even phase them.” Celestia looks at Fluttershy. “Anon may seem emotionless at times but I swear to you that he feels more deeply than anypony could ever imagine. He’s just too afraid to show it.”

“You’re not a bad pony.” What Anon said to her when he was intoxicated enters Fluttershy’s mind.

“I just wish I could get to know him as a friend.” Fluttershy admits.

“Give it time. I’m sure Anon will be the one to approach you when the time is right.”

“I hope so. He seems like a very interesting person. I mean,” She looks up at Celestia. “If you’re his friend, he must be amazing.”

Celestia feels a warmth on her muzzle.

“Well, as odd as it may seem, I think what I like about him the most is who he is. I wouldn’t want to change that for anything.”

“Whatcha makin?” Pinkie asks as she peeks over the counter at Anon.

“A secret.”

Anon grabs a few things off the counter and drops it into the pot.

“I love secrets. So what is it?”

“You’ll find out in about ten minutes.”

“Why so long?”

“Perfection has no time limit.”

Anon adjusts the flame so the boil is lower. He walks over to a cabinet and grabs a few more items. He sets them beside the pot and takes a second to think over how he’ll present them to ponies. Sure he can put it on a plate but that seems lazy. Not to mention if this does end up being sold at the shop, then he needs to make it earth pony friendly. It’s a constant thought he has when creating new things for his customers to enjoy. If it’s too hard for an earth pony to eat, then he doesn’t make it.

A spark of an idea comes to mind. He remembers those weird candy necklace things. He’s sure if he keeps the rock candy small enough, it’ll fit just fine. Not to mention they can easily be carried and eaten by earth ponies. Anon takes some string out of the cabinet as well, while Pinkie returns to her sister and the two other mares.

“Anon looks concentrated.” Pinkie remarks as all four of them watch as he gives his full attention to what he’s creating.

“Yeah, he’s thinking about how it’ll be served to a wider range of ponies.” Bonbon says.

“Why would he think that?” Maud asks.

“Anon is always thinking of ways to make his products easier to eat.” Lyra comes in. “He knows it’s hard for earth ponies to use things that unicorns take for granted. So if his sweets can’t be easily eaten by earth ponies then he tends to drop the item.”

“That’s rather considerate of him.”

“He’s spent many hours reworking how we sell things. Even the bags we give to ponies can easily be carried by earth ponies. Honestly, I’ve never really given it as much thought as he has.” Bonbon says.

“So what do you think he’s making?” Pinkie comes in.

“Now that’s something I can’t answer. It could literally be anything.”

“Whatever it is, it smells nice.” Lyra adds.

“We should let him work. So what were you girls up to? I know Anon told me that you took him out to meet a friend. Is this her?” Bonbon looks over at the gray mare.

“Yup! This is my sister Maud.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Bonbon extends her hoof to Maud.

“Same.” Maud shakes hooves with her.

“So why are you two dressed so nice if this was just a meeting for friends?” Lyra comes in.

“I made a reservation at a fancy restaurant. My sister’s never been to a restaurant in Canterlot before.”

Lyra can’t help but feel a bit jealous. The thought of going out to a fancy dinner with Anon sounds great! She would be dressed in one of her silk dresses. She then looks up at Anon while he’s still dressed in his suit. She feels a large blush on her muzzle as she covers her face. Bonbon can practically hear Lyra’s thoughts as she just shakes her head and returns her attention to Pinkie and her sister.

“So what else did you do? It’s rather late, so did you go somewhere else?”

“Pinkie took us to a dance competition. We didn’t win but it was fun.”

“Oh? I didn’t know Anon could dance.”

“He’s great at it!” Pinkie speaks up. “I would say he could do is professionally if he wanted.”

“I wouldn’t say that.” Anon’s voice breaks the four out of their conversation. “I’m decent but where I’m from there’s much better.”

“Are you done?” Pinkie asks with excitement.

Anon nods, holding something behind his back.

“Can you four close your eyes?” They aren’t sure what he’s planning but they do as they’re told. Each of them can feel something being places on their necks. “Alright, open.”

When they open their eyes they all look down to see a necklace of sorts made of candy. The candy itself was as clear as any gemstone and yet they smelled of strawberry. This was candy? Bonbon hasn’t seen something like this before. Anon can see that Lyra and Bonbon are surprised but when he looks over at Pinkie and Maud he spots something else. They’re both shocked. The weirdest part is that Maud’s eyes are fully open, instead of her usual lazed look.

“Uh... Do you like them?” Anon asks unsure about their reaction.

“Y...” Pinkie is at a loss for words.

Anon made them a rock candy necklace. How did he even know how to do it? Sure it’s not as extravagant as what Pinkie and her sister make but Pinkie didn’t even know he knew how to make this candy. She just thought it was a Pie family recipe.

“Anon, where did you learn to make this?” Maud asks.

“It’s just one of the many things humans have made. Is that a bad thing? I know you like rocks so I thought you’d like something like this.”

“It’s great... Just a bit surprising is all.” She looks up at him, her eyes back to the usual lazed look. “Pinkie and I make rock candy too. Just... We make it for a different reason.”

Anon has a feeling that it’s personal.

“Oh, well I hope you like them. I’m not sure how you and Pinkie make them but this was my first time making it so I hope they turned out alright.”

Anon looks over to find Pinkie is already eating hers with a large smile and tears running down her face.

“It’s so good!” Pinkie compliments. Her eyes then snap open. “We should cook together sometime and I can teach you how we make rock candy!”

“So there’s a difference?”

Maud nods. “Yes, I can tell that you used various sugars in place of rocks.”


“They are a special kind of rock. Edible. It adds a slightly different texture to the candy but overall they are largely the same.”

“The same?!” Pinkie shouts. “Can’t you taste the finesse, Maud? It’s almost like I can taste every grain of sugar.”

“My palate was never as refined as yours, Pinkie.”

“Well, I don’t think it deserves that high of praise.” Anon speaks out. “I could probably improve in a few areas.”

“No way! It tastes perfect!” Pinkie insists.

Anon doesn’t know how to take these compliments, so he turns over to look at Lyra and Bonbon.

“What do you two think?”

“I agree with Pinkie, they taste great.” Lyra says.

“These would sell well with kids.” Bonbon adds.

Anon looks over at a clock. It’s starting to get late now and these compliments are making him feel uncomfortable.

“Look at the time. You two should hurry back to your hotel before it gets too late.”

Maud looks over at the clock and takes note of the time.

“You’re correct.” She looks over at Pinkie. “Let’s go back.”

“Sure thing!” Pinkie gets out of her seat, walks over to Anon and wraps him in a hug. “Thanks again for meeting my sister.”

Anon feels a bit uncomfortable but settles a bit as he returns the hug.

“Yeah, it was fun. Now go and get some sleep.”

She lets go of him and starts walking towards the kitchen door.

“Let’s go, Maud.”

Maud and Anon look at each other for a brief moment.

“Bye.” Maud says.


That’s all that’s needed to be said as she walks out of the kitchen with Pinkie. Oddly enough Anon noticed she hadn’t even eaten her necklace the entire time. Well, maybe she’s just a shy eater? Anon looks back over to Bonbon and Lyra.

“Well, I’m tired. I’ll be heading off to bed.”

“Just make sure it’s not our bed this time.” Bonbon jokes.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He walks behind them and gives them both a hug. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” They respond just as Anon gets up and walks away.

Pinkie and Maud are back in their room getting ready for bed.

“I never expected Anon to make us rock candy necklaces.” Pinkie says as she shimmies herself into bed.

“That was a pleasant surprise.” Maud adds.

Pinkie looks over at Maud as she pulls out a small box, still wearing her rock candy necklace.

“Why didn’t you eat yours?” She asks.

“I’ll eat it later.” Maud adds.

Maud opens the small box filled with her sister’s rock candy necklaces. She takes off the one Anon gave to her and also sets it inside. She closes the box and lays down in bed. This has been a great trip. However, there’s still something else on Maud’s mind.

“So, Pinkie... What happened between you and your friends?”

Pinkie lets out a sigh.

“Well, it’s a long story but it started when Anon moved in with me. I didn’t know it at the time but my friends did some really horrible things to him.”

Author's Note:

Thanksgiving surprise.

Edits made on 8/14/2017