• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 59,264 Views, 2,394 Comments

How many have you forgiven today? - Sarcastic Brony

Anon is trying to move on with his life after what happened in Ponyville but it's hard to ignore what's right in front of him.

  • ...

Troubling times

“There’s nothing to worry about.” Anon says to himself. “It’ll be fine.”

Anon’s thoughts are thrown off as he feels something bump into him, forcing him to catch himself before he stumbles to the side. He looks over to see Blossom giving him a smirk.

“You’re worrying too much. Remember, I got your back, even if you don’t see me.”

“Yeah...” Anon catches his breath to steady his nerves. “You’re right.”

Anon doesn’t hesitate as he opens the doors to the dining hall. He scans the room in pure instinct to take in the surroundings. The first thing he notices is that the entire room has been decorated. It seems that no expense was spared to create all that this party has. Anon would linger on that but his gaze falls onto the center of the room. A small group is collected there and what catches his eye isn’t something he expected to see.

The sisters are in dresses. Not their regalia, not something formal, but dresses he’d expect to see on, well, other ponies. Not to mention that their manes aren’t the usual ethereal ones that Anon is used to. No, these are their natural manes, it’s been a long time since he’s seen them. Yet unlike other ponies, they wear no makeup, in a weird way Anon prefers it that way, as if it would ruin their appearance.

Anon feels another bump from his side.

“Wow, those two are looking hot.” Blossom says.

“Well, I guess you were right about all the ponies wanting to dress up.” Anon remarks. “I feel slightly better about the suit.”

“What can I say, mares love looking nice.”

Anon notices all the ponies in the group now turn to his direction. The two sisters seem to glow as they notice his presence. Anon decides to not linger as he walks over to them, taking in the others that surround the princesses. He’s happy to see that a few of his friends made it here. Blueblood, Pinkie, Maud and Spitfire. Even Fluttershy has shown up. There are a few ponies missing but the party's just starting from what he can tell.

Anon waves at the group once he’s close enough.

“It’s nice seeing that most of you made it here.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world!” Pinkie shouts with glee.

She hops to her hind hooves and wraps Anon in a hug. It’s a bit unexpected but he returns the embrace.

“I’m happy you’re here, Pinkie. How have you and Maud been enjoying your visit?”

“We’ve been having a great time!” Pinkie lets go of Anon. “Did you know there was a crystal cavern under the castle?”

“I actually didn’t.” Anon says surprised.

“They have tours every so often.” Maud comes in. “We were lucky to visit when they were open to the public.”

“I guess you liked it?”

Maud nods. “It was breathtaking.”

“Well I hope this party can be just as entertaining.” Anon looks back at Pinkie. “I’m sure the princesses did well enough, it’s not really their special talent.”

Pinkie rocks her head back and forth with a questioning gaze as she looks over the room.

“Yeah, I guess it’ll do.” She faces Anon and giggles to herself.

Anon just pats Pinkie on the head as he face his other guests.

“I’m surprised you had the free time to stop by?” Anon says to Spitfire.

“Well, we’ve been working hard for this past week. I think I’ve deserved a little down time.”

Anon notices Fluttershy hiding slightly behind Spitfire.

“It’s good to see you here too, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy flinched slightly as she hides behind her mane.

“T-Thank you for inviting me.”

Anon then pats Blueblood on the shoulders, as he’s standing beside Fluttershy.

“Having fun?”

“Of course. It’s nice to have parties like this from time to time.” He says in his royal tone.

Despite his attitude, Anon can tell that he’s happy to at least know that Fluttershy is here. Now the most obvious ponies. Anon can see both Luna and Celestia waiting eagerly for him to speak with them. Luna gives no pause as she steps forward to greet Anon.

“We thought you wouldn’t show.”

“I doubt you would let me skip out on the party.” Anon jokes.

“That’s true. So...” Luna strikes a small pose. “Like my dress?”

Anon nods. “You look great. I have to say I like it better than the regalia.”

Luna blushes some as she smiles at his compliment.

“We wouldn’t wish to spoil you too often.”

Anon chuckles at that. “I’m sure.”

Anon turns to Celestia. Now that he’s closer, he can truly appreciate how she looks. She really went all out with this party. She’s taken a lot of time to put this all together and even make herself look nice. Anon can feel that sense of ease by being close to the sisters. It’s as if nothing could go wrong when they’re around.

Cadance walks into the dining hall ready for the mission that’s ahead. Yet, as she walks into the room and takes a look around, her eyes instantly fall onto the crowd in the center of the room. There are quite a few ponies gathered there and many things that catch Cadence’s eye. Everypony has put far more time into what they are wearing when compared to the average party. That signifies that everypony here has a close relationship to Anon and actually care what he thinks about their appearance.

The next thing that shocks Cadance is how her aunts look. Their mane, it’s like nothing she has ever seen before. Ever since she was a filly she has come to know their looks for what they were but never once has she seen them with a normal pony like mane. This is surprising in its own right but not as startling as what she notices when she looks closely at her aunt Celestia.

To any pony, it looks like two friends are only moments from an embrace and yet Cadance can feel her cutie mark burn, almost as if it’s on fire. She actually winces from the pain for a moment but quickly returns her attention to the both of them. She can’t believe this, she must be mistaken? She activates a spell she hasn’t used in a long time to confirm what she feels.

It’s immediate and clear. A large burning aura of love is radiating off not only her aunt Celestia but also Luna. This isn’t just any random every day kind of love, this is true love. Cadance quickly breaks her spell as the overwhelming feelings coming from her aunts was almost enough to knock her unconcious. When did this happen? Why didn’t she feel this before? How could their love for that creature be so potent?

It seems that Shining was right. This complicates things considerably. If Cadance does something to upset Anon, then the wrath of her aunt's will know no bounds. She needs to play it cool and when the right moment comes, then she will speak with Anon.

“The dress is a bit of a surprise. Not that I’m complaining. It looks good on you.”

Celestia can’t help the small blush on her muzzle from Anon’s compliment.

“Thank you. My sister helped me with it.”

Anon notices Celestia’s ear flick towards the dining hall door as she looks past him and smiles slightly. He turns to see what she’s looking at and finds something he doesn’t understand at first glance. It’s another alicorn. Far smaller than Celestia and even Luna, yet she stands taller than the rest of the ponies here. Pink, with no ethereal mane, that’s in a tricolor pattern as opposed to the single shade the sisters have, which makes Anon think that she doesn’t have an ethereal mane by default. She’s wearing a modest dress when compared to the others and doesn’t appear to be lost.

“That’s my niece Cadance. I wanted you to meet her but she’s only just arrived to Canterlot. I hope you don’t mind I invited her to your party.” Celestia answers the questioning gaze Anon has.

“Sure, I guess.” Anon says not feeling comfortable with a pony he doesn’t know here.

However, seeing as Celestia invited this pony, the least he can do is humor her.

“Everything will be fine.” Luna comes in. “We’ve known Cadance for a long time.”

“I expect an explanation about this later.” Anon whispers to both sisters.

“It’s complicated but I will not deny you the courtesy.” Celestia answers.

Anon calms his nerves as Cadance walks up to the group. She gives a bow to her aunts and introduces herself.

“Hello everypony. I’m princess Cadance.”

The first odd thing Anon notices is that with the exception of Celestia and Luna, all of the other mares here are just as confused by Cadance’s appearance. So it appears that she isn’t as well known as he’d assume her to be. Which makes him question a lot about who and where this pony has been this entire time. Still, he said he’d humor her, so he’ll try and settle his questioning thoughts, if only for Celestia’s sake.

“OH wow! I didn’t know there was another princess?!” Pinkie shouts. “Where have you been this entire time? I don’t ever remember anypony talk about three princesses, even when I was a filly!”

Well, if Pinkie can do one thing it’s break the ice. Cadance is a bit thrown off by the pink pony in her face but she calms a bit. Her question makes a lot of sense.

“I’ve been busy for awhile now. Learning about various duties a princess must do to keep her ponies happy. This has kept me outside of Equestria most of my life, with only a few months to myself between trips.”

“Sounds super busy.”

“It can be but I’ve learned a great many things since I’ve gotten out into the world. I’m glad to say that my traveling days are finally over.”

“It seems we have many reasons to celebrate today.” Anon comes in.

Cadance and Anon lock eyes for a moment. The first thing she notices is his piercing gaze, as if he’s looking through her. The second thing is how he holds himself in a manner that is similar to a griffin, guarded. He clearly doesn’t trust her and is simply waiting for her to make the first move.

“Yes, it’s a perfect day indeed.” Cadance responds as she offers him her hoof. “You can call me Cadance, Anon.”

Anon feels his eyes narrow some as he takes hold of her hoof. It makes sense that she knows his name, Celestia probably spoke to her at some point in time. Still, she’s hiding something.

“I assume Celestia has told you about me?”

“A few things. It’s nice to meet you.”


Anon lets go of her hoof as she sets it back onto the floor. The tension in the room calms a bit. Anon needs to get away from this pony. He can’t put his finger on it but something about her is putting him on edge and it has nothing to do with why she’s here, though he gets the feeling that’s something he should worry about as well.

“I hope you ladies don’t mind but I could go for a drink.”

Anon doesn’t even wait for them to answer as he grasps Blossom by the scruff of her dress and drags her with him.

“That pony gives me a weird feeling.” Anon mentions to Blossom as he pours himself a drink.

“You felt it too?”

“Yeah. Any idea what it could be?”

“I have a few ideas but don’t worry about it. Everything will be fine.”

“If you say so.” Anon quickly downs his drink. “I better not keep the sisters waiting, I can practically hear their thoughts.”

Blossom chuckles. “You’re that close with them?”

“They’re predictable.”

“Is that why you enjoy their company so much?” Blossom asks with a smirk.

“Perhaps. Anyway, that’s neither here nor there. Enjoy the party.”

“Don’t need to tell me twice. See you around, Stud.”

Blossom walks off towards the mares that are talking with Cadance. She wants to be close to her to ensure that if she tries anything, then Blossom won’t be far from her. Anon turns back around and finds the sisters have broken from the group of mares and are walking towards him.

“Thanks for going through the trouble of throwing this party.” Anon says as soon as they are near.

“It was no trouble.” Celestia speaks.

“Yes, no trouble at all.” Luna replies in kind.

Anon once again finds his eyes drifting to what they are wearing. The two of them notice his wandering gaze as they briefly look at one another and smile in success.

“Man, those dresses are really nice.” Anon says as he looks them over. “I didn’t even know you two owned something like this.”

“We wanted to look good for the party. It’s not everyday that a friend celebrates their success.” Luna says.

“I guess that’s true.”

“Not to mention that we will finally be spending more time together. Dressing any less would be insulting.” Celestia adds.

“I wouldn’t say insulting but then again I still don’t really get Equestrian culture. Besides all that, I think you two look great.”

“Just great?” Luna prods.

“What’s better than great?” Anon jokes.

“I don’t know... How about beautiful?”

“I thought that went without saying?”

Both Celestia and Luna’s face go completely red at hearing Anon say that. It leaves them speechless for a moment before Celestia catches herself.

“T-Thank you. I think you look rather handsome yourself.”

“I probably didn’t put much into my outfit like every mare here has but thanks.”

As nice as it is to be complemented by Anon there’s something off about it as well. He’s speaking as if he were talking about the weather. They get the feeling that his compliments, while in a good place in his heart, don't hold the same meaning they are looking for. Not that they were expecting anything to happen so early but they are still swimming a bit from their realisation of their feelings this morning. Having Anon so close makes the sisters want to hold him tight and tell him exactly how they feel.

Yet, they must hold their tongue. They have plenty of time to get that part of their lives started, today is a day of celebration, nothing more. Anon looks around the room once more to take in all the mares.

“A few ponies haven’t shown up. I guess they had something come up.” Anon remarks noticing a few mares weren’t here.

“I’m sure it was important if they didn’t come.” Luna says.

“That’s fine. I still have many good friends here to enjoy the party.” Anon turns around and pours himself another drink. “So far this party is going well.”

Both sisters nod their head as Anon drinks. However, before he can finish he instantly covers his mouth and spits his drink into his hand. Celestia is worried but notice that his eyes are looking past her. Celestia and Luna look over their withers towards the front door and find one pony standing there... Lyra.

“Trixie hopes she’s not too late.”

Trixie is walking down the halls of the castle looking for the dining hall. Perhaps she should’ve taken that guards offer in showing her the way? When she came to the front gate they knew she was here for Anon’s party but she cockily told them that she knew the way to the dining hall and could show herself. That wasn’t exactly the case and now she’s been wandering about for over twenty minutes.

Trixie stops at the nearest door and looks inside. Nothing. She lets out a sigh. This may take longer than she thought. However, before she can take a step further, she hears the sound of hoof steps. Perfect, this is probably a guard that can give her some directions. Trixie walks towards the split in the hallway where she hears the hoof steps. As she turns the corner she’s surprised when she bumps into something.

She shakes her head some and looks to see if she bumped into the guard. Yet, what she finds is anything but a guard.

“Twilight?” She asks confused.

Standing before her is one Twilight Sparkle. The same mare that exposed her for being a fraud, chased her out of Ponyville and was the one reason she lost her job as a magician. Why is she here and not in Ponyville?

“Sorry.” Twilight says in a weak voice and continues to walk past Trixie as if she doesn’t even recognize her.

As much as Trixie hates Twilight for everything she did to her, there seems to be something wrong with her.

“Are you alright, Twilight?” Trixie asks.

Twilight stops and turns around to face Trixie. The soulless look in her eyes fades some as she recognises her.

“Trixie? Is that you?”

“Yeah... What are you doing here?”

“I was studying and then...” Trixie notices her wince slightly. “I needed a break.”

“Um... ok... Do you know where to dining hall is by any chance?”

Twilight lifts a hoof towards an empty hall. “Down the hall, to the right, you can’t miss it.”

“Thank you.”

Trixie is getting the creeps from Twilight. It’s like she’s a zombie.

“Why are you here?” Twilight asks.

“Just a party for Anon.”

Twilight head hangs low at hearing that.

“Anon... Right... Have a fun time.”

That’s all Twilight says as she walks down the hall in a lifeless fashion. Trixie is left alone in the hall unsure of what just happened. She always thought that if she got to see Twilight again she’d give her a piece of her mind about what happened on that day and yet she couldn’t. Seeing Twilight like that isn’t bringing her joy at all. She’ll put this behind her for now or else she’ll be late to the party.

What is Lyra doing here? Anon is stuck in place as he can’t move his eyes away from her. She’s not wearing a dress and she’s searching the room, probably for him. This isn’t good. He has no idea what will happen if she finds him but it’s not like he can run or hide. Her search doesn’t take long as she locks eyes with Anon. She doesn’t look angry but afraid. Celestia looks between Lyra and Anon.

“Is everything alright?” She asks Anon worried what this could be about.

“Not at all but I gotta handle this.” Anon walks past both sisters and towards Lyra. “What are you doing here?”

“I-I just want to talk.”

“I’ve made myself perfectly clear. Leave, Lyra.”

“I can’t. Please, just give me five minutes.” Lyra lowers her head with tears in her eyes.

Anon doesn’t hate Lyra... He has to keep telling himself that because it’s true. She’s a friend and seeing her like this does hurt him. Anon grits his teeth slightly.

“Follow me.”

Lyra doesn’t say anything as Anon leads her towards a balcony door. He opens the two glass doors and lets her walk past as he enters behind her and closes the door.

“This is about as private as I want us to get.” Anon remarks. “I don’t trust you, Lyra. So hurry up and say what you came here to say.”

Lyra lets out a long sigh. “Alright... I came here to say I’m sorry for what happened at the shop. I just... I love you.”

“We’ve talked about this. Time and time again. You broke my trust, that’s one thing but what really pisses me off is that you actually pulled Bonbon into this. I can’t forgive that, it makes me sick just thinking about it.”

Lyra winces as she hears Anon say that.

“I just didn’t know what else to do.”

“You have a seriously problem, Lyra. I made my decision to help solve your problem. Bonbon loves you and that should mean the world to you.” Anon clenches his fist in anger. “I’m just as guilty as you. I could’ve put my foot down a long time ago but I didn’t. So this is why we’re here, Lyra. I care about Bonbon, enough to put a stop to this, for her sake.”

Lyra nods her head. “I understand... So this is it?”

“For now. Maybe some time later we can put this all behind us but as it stands now, this is goodbye.”

Lyra lowers her head again. “You talked to Bonbon this morning too?”

“Yeah, I did.”

“That makes sense. She came home crying. I didn’t know how to console her, being the problem that is. I never felt so worthless in my life. Just standing there while the mare I Iove was in pain. I just kept thinking about you and how bringing you back would make everything better... Then I realised what you meant.” Lyra walks over to the glass door leading to the dining hall. “I hope we can see each other again soon.”

Anon doesn’t say anything as he walks past Lyra and towards the balcony. With no answer from Anon, Lyra quickly leaves. Anon can only stand there and look at the moon as it starts crossing the sky. It’s starting to get late and Anon already feels emotionally drained by everything that’s happened.

“Love is rather complicated, isn’t it?” A voice calls out to him.

Anon turns around to see that Cadance pony standing there.

“How do yo-”

She giggles as she shows him her hind end. A crystal looking heart cutie mark.

“It’s my special talent. I can sense love whenever it is near.”

“If you don’t mind, I want to be alone.”

“Are you sure? Talking about things can help ease your pain.”

“I don’t make it a habit of spilling my guts to any pony that happens to walk by.” Anon remarks feeling irritated by her presence.

Cadance walks over to Anon until she’s standing beside him. This party has actually opened her eyes to many things. The mares here talked about Anon. How sweet he is and willing to go the extra mile for his friends. There was not a single thing they could speak ill about him. Cadance spoke to them about what happened in Ponyville. It seems that Pinkie is the element of laughter and was closest to what happened.

She spoke of all the things that happened with her and Anon. As well as the things he endured. How he never spoke out about what was happening and instead kept to himself. It was hard for her to recollect on the memories but she did so to share with Cadance. While they assured Cadance that he was a tough shell to crack, it was worth the loyalty and kindness he brings to the table. Even if it doesn’t seem nice at the time, what Anon does is for the benefit of his friends.

Cadance learned that things aren’t as black and white as she wants them to be. She’s heard the story from her aunt but actually speaking to the ponies there puts a lot of it into perspective. She can’t imagine what Anon has gone through, but she can’t deny that Twilight is suffering for her actions, that’s still the little filly she used to take care of.

“Anon... I wish to speak freely about something. Would you hear me out?”

“Will you leave me alone after?”


Anon lets out a sigh. “Sure.”

“As I said before. I am princess Cadance but before I was a princess I was just a foalsitter. The filly I took care of went by the name Twilight.” Anon tenses up at hearing this but keeps silent. “She was a curious filly. Always learning about magic but never cared to make friends. I tried to get her to make some friends but sadly I had to leave to start my own training.”

“It’s hard for me to think that the filly I used to take care of has done something so horrible. Her parents, brother and friends have turns their back on her. She is all alone and has no one to turn to. I spoke to her a few days ago and she wasn’t doing well.” Cadance can feel some tears building in her eyes. “I don't know what to do to help her. She’s drowning in her own sorrow and there’s only one thing that can save her. You.”

Anon didn’t want to hear any of this. It’s about as much as he expected. Why should he care if Twilight is suffering? It’s justice as far as he’s concerned.

“Twilight is a good pony.” Cadance continues at Anon’s silence. “I know you don’t believe that. I wouldn’t believe it either after what happened to you but... I can’t stand to see her like this. I know it’s pointless but all I ask if that you think deep about what she’s done and try, no matter how hard it is, to forgive her... If not for her sake, then your own... I’m sure living with the burden of the past is a tiring venture.”

Everything falls silent. The only sound between the two is the wind that pushes the trees ever so slightly.

“I’d like to be left alone now.” Anon says.

“Right...” Cadance clears her eyes as she walks towards the door but stops before exiting. “I think you, more than anypony else, can truly understand how lonely Twilight feels right now.”

With that said, Cadance leaves Anon alone. Anon looks off into the distance with grit teeth. That last remark really rubbed him the wrong way. Why should he care how alone she feels? Maybe, maybe she’ll finally understand how he felt all those years.

“Go out there and talk to him!” Luna urges her sister.

“He wanted to be alone!”

“You know how he is! Just go out there and comfort him.”

“Why not you?”

Luna rolls her eyes. “We talked about this. You should be trying to get closer to him. Think of this as a test run.”

“I don’t know... What Lyra and him talked about was personal.”

“Which proves the point that he needs someone that can help him feel better.”

Celestia really does want to go out there to help him but she doesn’t want to push boundaries either. It’s why she hasn’t been using her emotion magic on Anon lately.

“O-Ok... fine.”

Celestia walks over to the balcony door and opens it slightly and looks inside. Standing there looking off into the distance in Anon. She can’t tell what he’s feeling but he must have a lot on his mind. She steps inside and closes the door behind her.

“Who is it this time?” Anon whispers with a grunt.

“Are you alright?” Celestia asks. “You’ve been out here for awhile.”

Anon feels his nerves calm as he turns around to face Celestia with a smile.

“Just some things on my chest.”

“Does it have to do with your business partners?”

Anon feels his smile slip some but nods.

“Yeah... I’m sorry for what happened last night.”

“There’s no need to be sorry.” Celestia says as she walks up to him. “You should never hesitate when you’re in need of comfort.”

“Still, it was out of the blue but I really needed you at that moment.”

Anon hates admitting how vulnerable he was in that moment but he’s fine with telling Celestia that... He’s known her long enough to trust her with sensitive topics.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Anon lets out a sigh.


Celestia notices Anon shiver some at the cold air. She walks closer to him, takes a seat and pulls him to her chest as she wraps her wings around him for warmth.

“Take all the time you need.” She whispers to him.

Something about this, the way Celestia is holding him, puts Anon at ease. He doesn’t want to lie to her, she’s always been kind and helpful, worrying about him more than herself... Being truthful is the least he can do.

“So, it all started yesterday when I was at the shop.”

Author's Note:

Edits made on 8/14/2017