• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 59,264 Views, 2,394 Comments

How many have you forgiven today? - Sarcastic Brony

Anon is trying to move on with his life after what happened in Ponyville but it's hard to ignore what's right in front of him.

  • ...

Harsh truths P3

Anon starts to notice the light in Blossom’s home dim considerably. They’ve been here for hours. If Anon had to hazard a guess, he’d say that it’s around five in the afternoon. Time sure does like to fly when you’re having an emotional moment with someone. However, he doesn’t feel like much has been accomplished with this chat of theirs. Sure, he’s gained a lot of respect for Blossom sharing such a personal story. Still, this all seems pointless to him because the weight on his shoulders still feels just as heavy as it did this morning.

While he will admit that it’s nice knowing he has a pony he can talk to freely. This does little to solve the problems he has, not that he expected their conversation to solve anything... He knows that he’ll have to cross that bridge eventually.

“You’re a complicated creature, Anon.” Blossom admits.

Complicated... A word Anon doesn’t like. Blossom in many ways is right to think of him as such. It’s hard for Anon to really put into words how he feels about things. Many think he’s a mystery wrapped in a riddle but that isn’t who he is, he’s just doing what he thinks is right, even if it’s something he’ll regret later.

“To be honest, I believe I’m far less complicated than others think, they just draw complicated conclusions about who I am.”

Blossom chuckles at that. “Maybe you’re right.”

Blossom gets up from her seat and moves over to Anon. Without saying a word she wraps him in a strong embrace.

“What’s this about?” He asks feeling weird.

“Nothing’s as simple as a hug. I think that’s what you need right now.”

Anon is hesitant to admit to that but it appears that Blossom is a fast learner. Anon wraps his arms around her and returns the embrace. For so long having anyone so close to him would’ve repulsed him... Nowadays, it’s comforting. Well, if it’s a pony he trusts.

“I’m not admitting that you’re right.” Anon mentions.

“No need, I know I’m right.”

They break from their embrace. The two of them feeling considerably better about the chat they’ve had. It was equally emotional for the both of them and now there’s a sense of trust between them. Blossom has the strong feeling that Anon and her have taken a huge step in their friendship, one that was not carved by time but by swift action. Years worth of bonding summed up into a few hours. She knows she has nothing to worry about when it comes to how Anon views her now, she has his trust as he has hers.

“As much as I loved this conversation... I’d like to leave this house of emotions if you don’t mind?”

Blossom nods. “Agreed. You do have a few spare hours until your party. Got any plans?”

Oh yeah, the party. Anon almost forgot about that. The worst part is that he has no idea if Bonbon intends to show up. It seems that there’s no rest for his consciousness today.

“The party... No, I don’t have any plans.”

Blossom can see Anon starting to worry over what’s going to happen but Blossom isn’t going to let that happen! With a grin she bites Anon’s collar and drags him off her couch in a shocking display of her strength.

“Let’s go shopping!” She says past his shirt as she drags him out of her home.

“Blossom! I can walk!” Anon says keeping his collar from strangling him to death as Blossom stops and lets him go.

“Good because I didn’t want to drag you to the shopping district. I know the perfect place for you!” She says with an odd bat like squeal.

Anon gets of the ground and dusts himself off. As he looks over at Blossom he notices an odd look she’s giving him. It seems to be universal, no matter the place... Females love shopping. He would’ve guessed that Blossom would be the last pony that would enjoy shopping but it appears that she’s just like every other girl to the core.

“Any reason as to why we should go shopping?” He asks.

“I haven’t been shopping in ages and I need a stallions opinion on a few things.”

“How would I know what a stallion would think?”

“You have a penis, right?” She asks with a smirk and a brow raised.

Anon lets out a slow sigh as he covers his face.

“Yes... Yes I do.”

“Good enough for me!”

Blossom latches onto his pant leg this time as she starts to drag him towards the shopping district. While this entire situation is beyond weird for Anon, he can’t help but feel safe with Blossom, considering what they’ve went through and shared, it makes a bit of sense.

“S-Sister,” Celestia lets out a large pant. “Are you sure this is customary?”

Luna is holding the lace in her teeth with all her strength as she continues to pull the dress tighter on her sister.

“Pain before beauty, Tia.”


Luna opens her eyes to see the purple face of her sister as the dress constricts her. Luna instantly lets go of the lace and all of her hard work slips away as everything loosens up. Celestia takes a moment to catch her breath.

“Luna, I’ll freely admit I have no idea what current fashion trends are amongst our subjects but I believe that my figure cannot support a corset.”

Luna raises a brow as she gives her sister a once over.

“Yes, your copulence is indeed a hindering factor.”

Celestia’s face turns red in irritation but soon falls to a smug grin.

“Well... from Anon’s own mouth we know that his people enjoy a mare that’s bottom heavy. It’s a shame you’re stuck with only so much to offer.”

Luna and Celestia both lock eyes for a moment before they start laughing.

“Very clever, sister.” Luna admits. “Still, we must find a dress to envelope all that you offer. I think we should go with something to show off your sexy side. Anon can’t see you as more than a friend if you keep wearing that regalia.”

Celestia glances over to the dresser that holds her regalia. Her sister is right... At least for Anon, she may need to consider not wearing her regalia as often as she does.

“Perhaps you are right but don’t you think this is too soon?”

“We’re not pursuing him just yet, Tia... This is just a small thing to stir the water a bit.”

“I guess there’s no harm in looking good.”

“Well put!” Luna pulls out another dress. “Let’s try this one next.”

“Alright, but let me put it on this time.”

“Everything will be fine.” Cadance says to herself in the mirror. “I just have to talk to him. I’m sure we can come to an understanding.”

Cadance glances over to her dresser, a top sits a photo. She uses her magic to levitate it over to her as she looks at it. A small smile grows on her face as she looks at the filly she used to take care of. Twilight is looking forward at the camera nervously as Cadance stands beside her with a large smile. This was their first photo together and Twilight never got her picture taken before. She spent so much of her time learning magic that she didn’t even know that ponies had made the technology to take photos.

Cadance’s smile fades as she recalls the last time she spoke with Twilight. The look of anguish in her eyes. She’s never seen such suffering in her entire life and yet no pony here cares to try and help her. Cadance has no idea what will happen during this party, however, this is for Twilight. She can’t sit around and pretend as if things will get better given time. Not with somepony like Twilight. She’s always had a problem with accepting her mistakes since she was a filly. So Cadance will be there for her when she’s needed most.

She looks over at the clock and notices that it’s almost time for the party to start. She wanted to tell Shining about her plan but she knew that he would’ve protested. She must go this alone and hope that everything will work out in the end. Cadance takes in one last long breath to calm her nerves.

“Show time.”

“So, what do you think?” Blossom asks with a smirk as she gives a small twirl for Anon.

Anon can’t believe he’s actually here doing this right now. Blossom dragged him to a store he’s never been to before, spent thirty minutes grabbing dresses off a few racks, forced him to sit in front of a dressing stage as she put on dress, after dress, after dress and asked him how she looks. He’s already been here for over an hour and his patience is starting to wear thin.

“Blossom, I don’t care. You look fine. Take either of those statements and let’s leave already.”

“You’re no fun. I’m trying to look good for your party.” Blossom states as she looks herself in the various mirrors surrounding her on the stage.

“Why do you care what I think?” Anon asks.

“Anon, it may seem like a weird concept for you to take in, but mares like looking pretty for stallions they care for. Maybe it’s a primal thing, but we like impressing a stallion with our looks, even if they’re just friends.”

Anon still has a hard time understanding how ponies work on a social level. All he can really do is take Blossom’s word for it.

“You’re implying that other ponies are going to play dress up as well?”

Blossom chuckles at that. “Of course they are. This is your party after all and you’ve collected a loyal following of mares.” Blossom flexes her wings some to see how the dress feels. “In fact, since you have so many friends that are mares, I’d expect most of them will go above and beyond to impress you with how they look.”

This is all confusing. “Why?”

Blossom shrugs. “Mares can get rather competitive with each other for a stallions attention. Again, it’s mostly a primal thing. Kinda like estrus.”

This is getting a lot more personal than Anon was hoping for. So he decides to change the subject.

“I assume wearing a dress into battle isn’t a smart move?”

Blossom easily catches the hint to move on. “Other than the surprise factor, it’s never a good idea.”

Anon lets out a long sigh. He can’t believe this turn of events.

“Now you’re making me think I need a new suit. If everyone is going to go all out, then it seems appropriate that I at least try my best.”

“It doesn’t hurt to impress.”

“I’m not looking to impress, just make things even.”

“Still, looking nice never hurt anyone.” Blossom gives herself a single nod. “This dress will do fine.” She turns to a mare next to her that’s covered in used dresses. “I’ll take this one and can your seamstress assist my stallion with a nice suit? He’s got an important party coming up and a whole lot of mares vying for his attention.”

Your stallion?” Anon scoffs. “I wasn’t aware our relationship had taken so many leaps and bounds?”

Blossom shrugs again. “Get used to it, Stud... You’d be surprised by how many mares want to make that thought into a reality.”

Anon has nothing to say about that. The fact is that he already knows of a single pony that tried and failed. He feels his mood sour a bit as his mind returns to Lyra. He just doesn’t get it... He shakes those thoughts away as he returns his attention to Blossom. This world is confusing... There’s so much of it that he doesn’t understand.

“Right this way, sir.” The mare that’s covered in dresses speaks out as she turns and walks away.

Anon is brought from thought and is impressed by the fact that the mare is navigating with ease, despite not being able to see anything. He decides to follow her as this is a good excuse to take his mind off everything that’s been happening. Blossom gives herself a once over in the mirror. Yeah, she looks sexy. Too bad she isn’t interested in a relationships anymore, still, it’s funny messing with Anon.

“Oh my... What a lovely dress. May I ask where you got it?”

Blossom looks over to see Fluttershy standing there. Ah, an interesting turn of events.

“Yes, over there.”

Blossom points Fluttershy towards a podium where Anon is standing, a mare taking his measurements. Blossom can hear Anon giving the mare various answers about what he is and some other things that aren’t important. However, Fluttershy’s eyes widen as she instantly locks onto Anon.

“I-I didn’t know Anon was here. Is he getting ready for the party too?”

“He is.”

Fluttershy jumps a bit, having forgot Blossom was there.

“Oh... You’re a friend of his?”

“Yeah. I’m also his guard. Captain Blossom of the Lunar Knights.”

“Lunar knights? That sounds important.”

“It was at one time. Not so much nowadays.” Blossom clears her throat. “So I assume you’re looking to get something for his party as well?”

Fluttershy nods with a small blush. “Yes, It seems like an important party, so I thought dressing up would be nice.”

“For the party or for Anon?” Blossom remarks with a smirk.

Fluttershy’s wings snap open at hearing that.

“W-What? No! Well... He’s a very nice creature but I don’t think i’m ready for something so sudden. I mean, we barely even know each other!”

“Don’t worry, I’m just messing with you.”

Fluttershy lets out a sigh. “Oh, ok... I did mean what I said though. He seems very sweet.”

“Complicated, but yes, he’s sweet.”

Fluttershy snaps back to why she came to this store in the first place.

“Sorry to have bothered you. I think I’ll just look at the dresses over there.” She points to an area exactly opposite of where Anon is.

“Still a few hours left till the party. Good luck in finding something nice.”

“Thank you. Have a good night, Blossom.”

“You too, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy hides behind her mane as she walks off to the other side of the store. As Blossom turns to where Anon was, she notices that he’s already walking towards her. It seems that he’s a little bit irritated but hasn’t noticed Fluttershy at all.

“Are you done yet?” He asks as soon as he’s standing beside Blossom.

“Yup. You?”

“Yeah. The only saving grace of that mare is that she’s fast.” Anon lets out a long sigh. “I hate getting clothes made.”

Anon walks past Blossom as he heads on over to the cash register. Standing there is the mare that was once covered in clothes. She already has a suit sitting beside the register, neatly folded and waiting for packaging.

“How much for the dress and suit?” Anon asks.

“Six hundred bits.” The mare answers.

Anon doesn’t hesitate as he pulls out the bits and places them on the counter. The mare is quick to put his belonging into the bag. Anon waits as Blossom takes off her dress and the mare carefully places it into the bag as well.

“Let’s get out of here.” Anon states as he grabs the bag and walks out of the store.

It seems that whatever Anon experienced with Twilight has made him hate getting his measurements taken. Then again, maybe it wasn’t Twilight that put that anger into him?

“I must admit you look lovely, Sister. How long has it been since you’ve used your natural mane in public?” Luna asks.

“For quite some time. I do hope it doesn’t draw too much of a crowd at the party.”

Luna giggles. “Luck is on your side. Anon’s not known for having large parties. Though I’m sure there will be a few ponies that will take notice. Though you won’t go this path alone.”

Luna looks herself over in the mirror as she drags her sister to her side with a wing.

“Gaze upon our beauty, Tia. Why, I remember a time when ponies would weep to see their leaders in such a way!”

Celestia takes a moment to actually look not only at herself but her sister as well. She does a few side long poses to get a better look at herself and Luna is right. They do look rather fit for this night.

“It makes me wonder why we don’t do this more?” Celestia whispers to herself.

“Well, to be honest, I only wish to look this good for Anon. I feel my beauty would be wasted on those that fall to the wayside.”

“A sentiment that I mirror. Though it’s hard to look like this for Anon all the time.”

Luna nods. “That is true. So, we will keep this special for him. We wouldn’t want to bore him too quickly, right?”


Luna looks over to the clock and catches the time.

“Perfect. The party is just about to start. Quickly, Tia, we must return to the dining hall!”

“I’ll be right behind you, Lulu. Give me one moment.”

“Very well but do not keep the party waiting.”

Luna takes off and leaves Celestia alone. Celestia is looking at herself in the mirror as she takes in a few deep breaths. She needs to calm down before Anon sees her. She doesn’t want him possibly seeing through her with that gaze of his... Celestia shivers some, oh how she hopes for this to become the fairytale she’s always wished for. She can think of no one better than Anon and while she knows it’ll be rough, it’s something worth fighting for.

“Ready, Stud?” Blossom asks as Anon puts on his suit.

“Just about. Time?”

“Five minutes. We’ll get there.”

Anon looks past his mirror and at the reflection of Blossom as she rests on his bed.

“I...” Anon looks away from Blossom as she looks over at him. “I enjoyed today, Blossom... As rough as the start was, you made it, somewhat bearable.”

“Well, it was nice talking about the past with someone too.” Blossom admits.

Anon adjusts his tie once more.

“All ready.” He turns away from the mirror and finds Blossom already standing beside the door.

“After you.”

Anon smirks a little as he gives her a mock bow just before walking past her and towards the dining hall... Maybe this day doesn't have to end horribly?

Author's Note:

Edits made on 8/14/2017