• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 59,264 Views, 2,394 Comments

How many have you forgiven today? - Sarcastic Brony

Anon is trying to move on with his life after what happened in Ponyville but it's hard to ignore what's right in front of him.

  • ...

Comfort zone

Anon has been talking for a few minutes now. Told Celestia about what happened between Bonbon, Lyra and him. It wasn’t an easy story for him to tell and he could sense that it wasn’t an easy story for Celestia to listen to. He could feel her hold him tight every so often and open her mouth to say something but instead chose to keep silent. What she wanted to say at those times, Anon will never know but he was occupied at the time telling his story anyways. For Celestia, she was upset by a few things Anon spoke of.

Mostly about his friends attempting to court him. She knew that mare had a thing for Anon but for her to actually go as far as she did... Celestia is both happy Anon turned them down but also sad on how everything played out. She’s in two minds about it all. On one end she wants to console Anon and tell him that everything will be alright but the other end wants to celebrate the idea that Anon hasn’t been taken from her.

She feels guilty in a way to be happy over this news but she can only blame it on how she feels about him.

“That’s about the long and short of it.” Anon ends. “As far as I know, I won’t be seeing them for a long time.”

“I’m sorry something like this has happened.”

“It was wishful thinking on my part that I thought Lyra would change... I’m the one to blame, no one else.”

“Still.” Celestia uses her wings to pull him to her chest. “It must hurt, having to do the right thing.”

Anon doesn’t push away from Celestia and instead allows himself to sink a bit into her plush fur.

“It’s not easy, I’ll admit that.”

“I know all too well what doing the right thing can do to a pony...” Celestia feels her memories drift to her sister.

Anon knows she’s talking about the Nightmare Moon thing. Seeing Celestia depressed like this just doesn’t feel right. He might as well change the subject to something lighter. Anon then takes notice that the two of them have actually been outside for quite some time.

“No reason to reflect on the past now.” Anon says as he pulls away from Celestia. “It’s getting late, we should say our goodbyes to the others.”

Celestia nods at that. “You’re correct. We have been absent for a spell.”

Luna watches as Anon and Celestia enter back into the dining room together. A smile grows on her face as she notices the more relaxed demeanor from Anon. It appears Luna’s idea was flawless. Her sister has comforted him in his time of need. She can sense that things are going rather well. Luna may be lost in thought but that does little to keep her from feeling a presence saddle up next to her.

“So, how’s the plan going?” Blossom asks.

“As well as I would expect.” Luna looks down at Blossom’s attire. “You’ve been busy as well.”

Blossom shrugs. “What can I say? It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten the chance to look nice.”

“Hmm? Should I expect more competition for Anon?”

Blossom chuckles at that. “Don’t worry. I like him but he’s not my type.”

“When has perfect never been anyones type?” Luna mumbles to herself.

“Perfect for you, princess...” Blossom remarks having heard her clearly. “Anon is in good hooves. If you don’t mind, I’d like to take the rest of the evening off for myself.”

“Your request is granted.” Before Blossom can walk away Luna rests a hoof onto her withers. “Have a good night, Blossom.”

Blossom smiles at Luna. “A good night to you too, Luna.”

With that all said, Blossom walks off to leave the party. She has a lot of things on her mind, after having brought up the past with Anon. There are a few places she hasn’t been to for many years and perhaps now’s a good time as any to visit. Luna watches in silence as Blossom walks away, something is troubling her, perhaps she will enquire about it tomorrow? For now though, she will return to Anon’s side.

Anon looks around the room and notices everyone is still having a good time. It seems that even Trixie has managed to make it at some point too, as she chats with everyone in the group. Cadance and Blossom are no longer around, while Blossom not being here is odd, Anon doesn’t care where Cadance is. So, seeing as the sisters are around and there are no threats to be found, he can only assume Blossom went off to do her own thing, which is fine by him.

“Time to get this over with.” Anon says feeling uneasy. “I was never good at saying goodbye.”

“It’s not goodbye.” Celestia remarks. “The party is simply coming to an end.”


Anon takes a breath in to steady his nerves but calms considerably when he feels Celestia rest a wing on his shoulder. She pulls him a bit to her side with her wing as he walks over to the group of mares. Once they are close enough Anon decides to speak out to them.

“Everyone having a great time?”

“Of course we are!” Pinkie shouts before anyone can answer. “Trixie has been showing us these cool tricks that don’t require magic! She calls it sleight of hoof!”

“That sounds pretty cool.” Anon pats Pinkie on the head.

“Trixie was a bit late showing up.” Trixie says. “So Trixie thought a small show was in order. Though Trixie’s glad to see you.”

“It’s always nice to see you too, Trixie.” Anon catches Fluttershy and Blueblood yawning out of the corner of his eye. “Though I have to admit it’s getting a bit late. We may have to call it a night, ladies.”

“Oh come on!” Spitfire comes in. “I can go for hours! How about a bar? Get salted up real nice!”

“Oh my... I don’t drink.” Fluttershy says.

“I can go for a drink!” Pinkie says. “How about you, Maud?”

She shakes her head. “I’m set to leave tomorrow morning and I don’t want to miss my train.”

“You’ll be fine! Come have a drink with your sister.” Pinkie urges.

Maud looks up at Anon with a nondescript emotion. Most likely asking for his help.

“Pinkie,” Anon comes in. “You’ve had a lot of fun, time to call it a night.”

“But I don’t wanna!” She protests in a childish fashion.

Anon just shakes his head as he leans down and hugs Pinkie.

“We’ll see each other again.”

Pinkie hugs him back.


“Of course. Now hurry up and get some sleep. You don’t want to miss saying goodbye to your sister when she leaves.”

Pinkie lets out a sigh. “You’re right.”

Anon sets down Pinkie and looks over at Spitfire. “Don’t you have a show tomorrow?”

Spitfire’s eyes widen a bit at hearing that.

“Oh, um...” She starts to look a bit nervous. “Yeah. I guess I do.”

“Seriously, I had a lot of fun and it was nice that you came by. No need to get wasted.”

“Yeah, I get it. Still, wouldn’t mind at least one drink.” Spitfire adds.

Anon can only shake his head at that. With the tone set, all of the mares say their goodbyes to Anon. Making sure to give him a hug, with Pinkie being the only pony that requires a few mares to tear her off Anon. She’s always been melodramatic when it comes to saying goodbye. As Anon’s friends start leaving he notices one mare stay behind.

“Trixie hoped we would have time to chat but she was a bit late.” She says looking upset.

“Well, I’m no longer working, so you can stop by anytime.” Anon adds.

Trixie nods at that. “You’re correct. Though Trixie hopes you are prepared to be graced by her presence?”

Anon scoffs. “Yeah, lucky me.”

“Trixie shall show herself out.” Trixie turns her nose up as she trots out of the room.

“An interesting collection of friends.” Celestia says.

“Well, they’re good ponies.”

“That is without a doubt.” A new voice comes in.

Anon and Celestia look over to find Luna standing there.

“There you are.” Anon states. “I thought you had went off to bed.”

Luna smiles some as she look between her sister and Anon.

“Well, it’s the day of your return. I wouldn’t think of sleeping alone tonight.”

That’s about as much as Anon expected. It was kinda their thing, as weird as that is, but something he too has come to accept. Anon can feel Celestia press him into her chest with her wing.

“A thought I mirror.” She adds. “However, we must bathe before we bed.”

That... was the weirdest thing he’s ever heard Celestia say. Though he doesn’t take it out of context. He’s already learned from his mistakes about misunderstanding something.

“I guess that’s true.” Anon adds still feeling a bit weird about bathing with the sisters.

“Let’s not sit here idly!” Luna says with a smile. “Come!”

Before either Celestia or Anon can say anything, Luna teleports them to the royal bathhouse.

Spike has been watching Twilight wandering the halls from afar. He has no idea what’s going on with her but he knows that it’s gotta be something big to put her in this mood. Nothing he can remember compares to how Twilight is acting right now. Sure, he’s seen her down in the dumps, he’s seen her sad, even seen her go mental over a completely arbitrary assignment for the princess, but this was an entirely different level. She seems almost disconnected with the world around her. Simply walking without so much as a single care for who or what is around her. He has to do something, he can’t stand to see Twilight like this.

Spike runs up to Twilight and walks beside her.

“Twilight, are you alright?” He asks matching her pace. She doesn’t respond. It’s like she’s zoned out. He pokes her a few times. “Twilight?”

Twilight stops in place and slowly looks over at Spike. Her eyes still creepily devoid of emotion. Something he’s only seen from one creature, Anon. However, her eyes show a slightly sparkle as she seems to come back to reality.

“S-Spike?” She looks around the hall a bit dazed. “What are you doing here?”

“What am I doing here? What are you doing here? You’ve been walking around the castle for hours now. Don’t you know what time it is?”

Twilight looks over to an open window and notices the sun is no longer in the sky.

“Guess I’ve been busy.” She says as she turns to Spike. “Shouldn’t you be in bed?”

“How can I sleep when you’re walking the halls?” He asks. “What’s wrong with you?”

Twilight turns away from Spike. She doesn’t know what to say, that’s actually wrong, she knows exactly what to say but saying it would tell him the truth of what happened in Ponyville. So she doesn’t know what to tell him. In one hoof, Spike is worried about her and wants to help but this isn’t something he can help with nor is it something she wants him to be involved in. In the other, she feels completely isolated with no one to turn to.

“I’ve just had a lot of stuff put on my plate.” Twilight says. “I’ve been studying for so long and I don’t know if what I’ve learned is even helpful anymore.”

“Why are you studying social stuff anyways?” Spike asks confused. “You already have friends.”

Twilight lets out a sigh. “I don’t know a lot about what makes a pony tick, let alone another creature. If you ask me about magic, I can answer without a single error but if you ask me about what is the appropriate way to tell someone you’re sorry, then I’m stumped.”

Spike has no idea what she’s talking about. He’s still fuzzy on why they’re here to begin with. Though it seems that it’s really important to Twilight, enough to turn her into the walking mess she is now.

“Why can’t you just say you’re sorry?” He asks innocently.

“It’s not that simple. I did something pretty awful.”

“More awful than when I destroyed Ponyville with my greed?”


“Yikes...” Spike thinks for a moment. “Well, why can’t you just say you’re sorry and then try and help fix what you did? That’s what we did.”

Twilight lets out a sigh. “I can’t fix what I broke, Spike. No matter how many years pass, it’ll never be what it was.”

This is so complicated. Not only because Spike still has no idea what Twilight is talking about but it seems that whatever she did has a no win scenario. Though if Spike has learned anything from his time in Ponyville, it’s that there’s no such thing as a no win scenario. You just have to try hard enough and everything will work out in the end.

“Why not just give it a try?” Spike urges. “It’s not like walking around the castle will accomplish anything. I’m sure if you’re sincere in your apology then everything will be just fine.”

Twilight doesn’t have the heart to tell him that not everything can work out in the end. She doesn’t want him to lose that innocence about him. She doesn’t know how long she can protect him from the truth but acting how she is now will only accelerate it. She must put on a fake smile for him, if only to make him feel better. Twilight feels another shock inside of her heart... T-That train of thought, is that another thing Anon felt? Is that why he never told anyone about what was happening? To protect them from the truth?

Twilight can feel her eyes glisten some but she quickly wipes them away as she looks at Spike with a forced smile.

“You’re right... I’ve just been obsessing about what would happen.” She takes a deep breath in to calm her nerves, another trait she recalls Anon doing a lot. “Are you hungry?”

Spike can feel his worry for Twilight melt some as he sees her mood brighten some.

“Uh” His stomach lets out a large growl. “Yeah, I could go for something.”

Twilight chuckles hollowly... This mask she has on, it hurts in a way, yet it’s the only thing she can do to make Spike not worry about her. She feels so heavy, a burden unlike any other is on her back, but despite her suffering, she’s content with the idea that her problems are no longer hurting Spike. Again she feels that shot in her heart of realisation... There’s so much she doesn’t understand about Anon but she’s starting to see what he was going through, if only by a little.

This is never going to become normal for Anon. He’s just standing there watching both sisters walk into the bath after having disrobed. They do it so casually because it’s something that’s fine with them. He still has the hesitation inside of him. Not to mention he in many ways was lucky the first time. Luna pushed him into the water and then removed his clothes. That’s not the case this time. He’s going to have to get naked in front of them and then get into the bath.

The thought alone is enough to get his heart racing. There aren’t many things that bother Anon but he’s never liked the idea of being nude. There’s something about it that makes him feel vulnerable. Perhaps it’s the idea of being exposed to the elements but he knows it’s the thoughts of those around to see him that fill him with fear. The thought of being looked at, examined... He feels a chill run up his spine, a thought of Twilight flashing into his thoughts.

“Are you coming in?” Luna asks Anon.

Anon looks up to see both sisters are already in the bath, the two of them having their sights directly on Anon. Why do they have to look at him like that? It’s almost like they are being given a show of some kind. Celestia and Luna feel as if they are getting a show. While they have bathed with Anon before, they’ve never actually seen anything past his waist. Though with how they feel about him, their interests of his anatomy are starting to pique.

“Do you two mind turning around?” Anon asks.

“Is there a problem?” Celestia asks.

“Not much of a problem, I just don’t like being seen naked.”

Luna raise a brow. “Even amongst friends?”

“I’d just feel more comfortable with not being seen.”

Luna will admit she is curious to see what Anon has and this may be the only chance she gets. So, Luna gets an idea. An awful idea. Luna has a wonderful, awful idea.

“Do you care to see what I have? Perhaps a sharing of genitals would quell your worries?”

Both Celestia and Anon’s face fill red with embarrassment over what Luna is suggesting. Anon has no idea how to respond to that. He would assume Luna is just messing with him but her face is totally serious. Is this the D club Anon has heard about? Then again, when has a D club ever had a female in it? This is weird on so many levels but what Luna says is also true. This is just everyday life for ponies. Ponies are nude most of the time, even when they wear clothes a lot of it doesn’t even cover their hind end.

There’s a culture war going on inside of Anon. He really doesn’t want to be seen naked but he’s not on earth anymore. It’s been years and while he’s slowly been trying to adjust, there’s a lot of things he finds difficult to do... Still, these are also his closest friends and he trusts them a lot, with his life even... So, is it so wrong? It’s just his body, nothing more... Ugh, this is still weird...

“I already know what yours looks like. I’ve walked behind ponies a lot.” Anon remarks.

Luna can feel her face redden some but she also smiles at that.

“I think it’s only fair we see what you have. Think of it as a cultural exchange?”

Celestia can tell her sister is drunk on her love for Anon. It’s causing her to push far past what she would normally ask of him. However, as much as Celestia wants to protest, she too is interested in seeing what Anon has. He’s clearly not a pony, so there’s no way it’d look even remotely the same. Celestia shakes her head at those thoughts. She can’t think like that right now! She needs to ensure Anon feels alright with what’s happening.

“We will turn around if that’s what you wish.” Celestia speaks out. “I understand that where you come from is far different than Equestria. I don’t want to push you into something that you are uncomfortable with.”

Anon winces inside... He’s making a big deal out of nothing. There are plenty of places on earth where being naked is totally fine. If anything, this is just another step of growing his friendship with the sisters. If only they were brothers, then it’d be a lot less awkward. Who is he kidding, it’d be an entirely new level of awkward.

“F-Fine.” Anon stutters out.

Celestia and Luna hold their breaths as Anon takes off his jacket. Is this hotspring getting hotter? Both sisters cannot turn away as they watch him disrobe. This is the first time either of them have felt such a strong yearning for something in their life. Enough to light a fire inside of the both of them. They start sweating as their bodies get hotter. Why is this so exciting? Anon finally works his way down to his boxers. He looks back up to see both sisters have their sights trained on him.

Why do they have to look at him like that? He knows he’s a weird human but do they really have to be so blatant about looking at his junk? He’s already in too deep. He can’t back out now, no matter how awkward this is. Anon finally man's up and drops his underwear. It feels as if time slows for him but he pushes past that as he walks over and gets into the bath.

Both sisters are stuck in shock. They actually saw it! It looked so different from what they know and yet that did little to cool the burning flame that is now an inferno. It takes them a few moments to notice Anon has taken his seat between them, his face completely red. Luna’s face quickly grows into a smile.

“We are proud of you, Anon.” She says as she stands up and turn her hind end to Anon. “Now to show you what I have.”

Without a single moment of hesitation, Luna tosses her tail onto her back. Anon’s eyes go wide at the sight before him. Just as quickly as he seen it, Luna drops her tail. She’s giggle to herself as Anon covers his red face. Well, that’s an image he’ll never forget.

“Now that that’s over, can we just act normal for now?” Anon practically pleads.

“O-Of course.” Celestia says still stunned by what her sister just did.

Luna cuddles up to Anon. “Admit it, you feel better now, don’t you?”

He really doesn’t want to admit that but yeah, Luna’s right. It wasn’t anything special for him to be seen nude nor was it special for Luna to show him her privates. This is just normal for them. So all he can do is accept what has happened and try his best to suppress the voice shouting in the back of his mind about Luna’s vagina.

“Maybe I was overthinking this.” Anon admits. “Still doesn’t make it any less weird.”

“I’m proud you’ve taken such a big step for yourself.” Celestia comes in.

“Let just... not talk about this anymore, alright?”

“That’s fine.” Luna says. “So, wash me?” She asks.

Anon hangs his head slightly. No rest for him it seems.


This entire turn of events is weird for Anon and while he won’t admit it to the sisters. This moment is enough to help him forget about all the bad stuff that happened today. He’s thankful in many ways for them and it’s only because of them that he’s willing to challenge himself to do more.

Author's Note:

Edits made on 8/14/2017