• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 59,264 Views, 2,394 Comments

How many have you forgiven today? - Sarcastic Brony

Anon is trying to move on with his life after what happened in Ponyville but it's hard to ignore what's right in front of him.

  • ...

Facing forward

Author's Note:

Name change? Image change? Description change?! What's going on?!

More details can be found here.

Anon is alone in his dream. He has no idea where Luna is but for one reason or another she’s not here. He can only assume she's busy with something dream related. That’s fine by him, seeing as he has a lot on his mind at the moment. A lot happened yesterday and while he hopes that the Bonbon and Lyra issue is officially over, he gets the feeling that it’s only a matter of time until Bonbon contacts him. She’s never been one to give up without a fight.

Though for now it’s not something he should be concerned with. There’s an issue that disturbs him, thanks to one pony. Twilight. Just thinking about her sours his mood. That Cadance pony may just be the first sign of more trouble to come Anon’s way. Should he expect more ponies knocking on his door and telling him of all the woes Twilight is suffering? What if the next time the pony isn’t in the mood for talking? At least he knows that Blossom or one of her guards will be around to protect him, so that’s not something he’ll worry about.

Still, it’s a hinderance to his life. One that he can’t escape. The fact is, even if Twilight wasn’t here to study, he’d run into her eventually. She’s an element of harmony. She’s the student of Celestia. The chances of her and her friends coming to Canterlot for one reason or another is without question. So the idea that Anon could avoid her, especially with her practically living here now, was a farfetched notion to begin with. He always knew it would happen but, in a way, he hoped he had more time.

“I’m sure living with the burden of the past is a tiring venture.”

Cadance was right in that thought. What happened is always on Anon’s mind, weighing him down. Maybe telling Twilight how he feels could help him but it’s a risk. Anon brings up his hand to his mouth as he chews his fingernails in thought. Everything inside of him screams at the idea of being near that mare. Like she’s made of poison. Even though he knows he’s safe, he doesn’t feel safe. Anon lets out a grunt. These pointless thoughts are starting to irritate him.

“What troubles you?” A voice whispers into his ear.

Anon jumps slightly as he looks over his shoulder to see Luna standing there.

“Just some things.”

“Anything I can help with?” Luna wraps her wings around Anon.

“I don’t think anyone can help me with this.”

“Try me.”

Anon takes a moment to think this over. What will really come of telling Luna about what happened? With Cadance, his thoughts on Twilight. Anon shakes these questions away. He promised himself he’d trust the sisters more, so, he might as well tell Luna everything.

“Cadance,” Anon feels Luna’s wings tense up slightly but relax. “She spoke to me about Twilight.”

Luna sneers slightly at hearing that. So her niece is on that ponies side too? Not that she should be surprised. Celestia told her of the relationship she has with Twilight. Still, to think she would talk to Anon about it?

“What did she say?” Luna asks with annoyance in her tone.

“She told me that I was the only person who could help her. That she’s having problems or something.”

“And that bothers you?”

“No, it’s the last thing she told me. She said that I should understand how lonely Twilight feels.” Anon scoffs. “Why should I care how alone she is? Not that she’s actually alone. She still has Celestia and many other ponies too.”

“So why are you upset?” Luna asks.

“I just...” Anon lets out a sigh. “I will eventually run into her. It’s inevitable. I wish this could all be put behind me and never have to see her again.”

“However, she is still close to my sister.” Luna adds.

“Yeah... Even if she wasn’t here studying, eventually she’d come around for one reason or another.”

“And you’re afraid that what happened will continue to haunt you.” Luna says with a deep understanding of what Anon is feeling right now.

“Heh... Right on the nose.” Anon chuckles hollowly.

Luna pulls Anon closer as she holds him tight.

“I too live in the memories of my past.” She admits. “You know this.”

Anon nods. “I do.”

“All I can do is protect you from what hurts you but I have no solution to what ails you. At least, not a solution that is acceptable in this age.”

Anon remembers the whole ‘beheading’ thing. It would solve his problem but also create a lot more than he’s willing to put up with.

“I’m just confused is all. I don’t want to forgive Twilight, I don’t care how much she’s hurting but what happened still haunts me... Could getting that off my chest really help me move on?”

Luna nuzzles Anon slightly.

“My sister would encourage you but I fear for you far more than myself. I worry about all of the things that could happen if you were to do such a thing, thoughts I’m sure we share in kind. However, unlike my sister, I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, even if it harms others.”

“You don’t need to go that far.”

“I don’t need to but it’s what I would do, for you.”

Hearing Luna say that makes Anon feel better. Knowing he has someone he can trust is still something that’s hard for him to come to terms with. Though Luna in many ways is a different story. Unlike Blossom or even Celestia, she’s gone above and beyond to become closer to him. The problem he has with Luna is that she’s willing to sacrifice things for him, while Celestia tries to find a balance. He cares too much for Luna to let her do anything that would hurt her life, even if it’s for his sake.

“Thank you. Let’s just hope it doesn’t come down to that. Still, It’s not like Cadance has suddenly made me realise this... It’s always been a thought, if only a whisper. Just, having someone confront me about it has brought it to the top of my thoughts. Like I said before, Twilight can rot for all I care but I’ve never told her to her face everything that happened to me, how it affected me and how I feel about her.”

“I’m sure the truth will cause more harm to her but in that pain you will lift a burden from your own shoulders.”

Anon nods his head. “Pretty much my thoughts on the matter.”

“I will not keep you from doing what you feel is right. I just ask that you be careful.”

Anon turns around and hugs Luna.

“It’s still a thought but for now I’ll play this close to the chest.”

“Very well. Would you care to learn more about dreamwalking?”

Anon smiles slightly. “Sure, I’ve got the time.”

“Very well, then follow me.”

Anon and Luna have spent what feels like hours walking around and practicing various dreamwalking techniques. It’s been some time since Anon has done such a thing so they did a small refresher before moving on to more advanced things. Such as grasping more information about the dream or even the pony dreaming before entering inside. Anon was able to identify a pony by name, a pony he never met.

It’s fun learning all this dream stuff but as Luna and him walk down the hall of doors, he feels his eyes drift over to one door in particular... Nightmare’s door. He stops in front of it, his mind wondering what she’s doing right now.

“You don’t have to worry about her, Anon.” Luna speaks with some venom. “She will not harm you.”

Anon doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t believe Nightmare is that bad of a pony, at least from the short amount of time he’s been around her. However, telling Luna that will fall on deaf ears. Still, he doesn’t want to lie to Luna, he doesn’t want to lie to any of his friends. So, with a heavy heart, Anon decides to do something he may soon regret.

“Luna, can I tell you something, something that’ll upset you?” Anon asks never looking away from Nightmare’s door.

Something that’ll upset her? This is a very odd question for Anon to ask.

“What would that be?” She asks confused.

Well, it’s now or never.

“I’ve talked to Nightmare Moon when you weren’t around... On more than one occasion.”

Silence. That’s all Anon can hear as what he says sinks in. All of the fur on Luna’s body stands on edge as she realises what he just said.

“W-What?!” She shouts not in anger but concern. “Do you have any idea how dangerous she is?”

This is about as much as Anon expected. Still, he can’t stop now.

“I just get this weird feeling that she isn’t as evil as everyone says she is.” He lets out a sigh as he finds his own reasons are flawed. “When I first touched her door, I felt something that wasn’t evil and it’s been on my mind the entire time.”

Anon’s vision is turned from the door as Luna locks eyes with him. She’s dead serious at this moment.

“You don’t know her like I do. She is evil, looking for anything to help her escape the prison she’s been locked in. You are nothing more than a pawn in her game and I will not allow you to be played like I once was. So, please, do not enter her dream again.”

Anon can see the pleading look deep within Luna’s eyes. He... He can’t deny her this. The fact is, he knows nothing about Nightmare Moon and siding with her is just plain stupid. Luna’s probably right anyway. Maybe that feeling he had was just her trying to mess with his head? Still, why didn’t she try anything the other times he came to her?

He just lets out a sigh as he turns away from Luna.

“I guess you’re right. Just was odd is all.” Anon looks down at the floor in thought. “For being called a monster... She doesn’t act like one.”

With that said, Anon walks off back towards his own dream door. He doesn’t pause as he walks inside, leaving Luna to do her own thing. All Luna can do is stand there and reflect on what Anon has told her. She knows the whole monster thing is a sensitive subject for him and is perhaps an angle Nightmare Moon is trying to use to manipulate him. Luna shakes her head some as she walks up to Anon’s door and rests her hoof on it.

He’s confused but content with what they’ve spoke of. Usually Luna would be alright with letting Anon do something he believes is right but this isn’t something she’s willing to accept. She knows it would only be a matter of time until Nightmare tried to hurt Anon and she’d never forgive herself if she let that happen. Luna is just about to remove her hoof until she feels something resonating off of his door.

A trace of magic that wasn’t there before. Luna looks confused for a second until she recognises the magic on his door. It’s not as elegant as her own but instead more forceful. Without a doubt, this was a cleansing spell to remove a nightmare. This was not cast by her hoof and it makes no sense that Anon would clear his own nightmare from outside of his own realm. Luna hesitantly looks over to Nightmare Moon’s door

There is no other pony allowed into this hall of dreams and Luna would suspect no other pony than Nightmare Moon to have stepped hoof here. That isn’t what disturbs Luna. What disturbs her is the fact that Nightmare Moon, for reasons unknown, helped Anon with a nightmare of her own volition.

“This complicates things.” Luna whispers as she turns away and walks back to her throne room.

She has a lot to think about but the sun will rise soon and with that a new day will begin.

Celestia feels that internal clock of hers go off as she starts casting her spell to raise the sun. She lets out a small yawn as the start of another day is before her. However, there’s something different this time around. She smiles a bit as she opens her eyes to see Anon between her and Luna. His back is pressed firmly to Celestia’s chest as Luna is pressed against his.

Celestia rests her muzzle gently on the back of Anon’s head as she takes in his scent. Her eyes fall closed as she allows it to fill her lungs. His natural musk is calming for her. Knowing that he’s here, in her hooves, is enough to ease her worries. Though as her eyes open, she does feel a small twinge in her heart. A blush grows on her face as her mind starts to wander.

She would want nothing more than to tell Anon how much she loves him as he wakes but it’s still too early for her to make that move. She wants the moment to be perfect. Celestia then looks over to her sister. It’s one thing to convince Anon into a relationship but Celestia worries far more for her sister. She has no idea how Anon would react to the idea of a herd but, if she can convince him, Celestia is fine with sharing. In a weird way, it’d actually makes her feel better, knowing that not only herself but also her sister can be happy too.

Though this is all assuming that Anon even wants to go that far in their friendship... For all she knows, he’ll turn them down, just like that Lyra pony. Maybe he’s more interested in Luna? There’s too many things about this that terrifies Celestia in a way she’s never been before. It’s truly the discovery of the unknown for her and she knows that Anon is highly volatile.

Still, even with all her worries, she wants no other than him. She is brought from her thought as she notices Anon start to move slightly.

“Good morning.” Celestia whispers into his ear.

“Morning.” He replies in a grumbly voice.

“Is it morning already?” Luna asks.

“Yes it is.” Celestia states. “Time to get breakfast.”

“Five more minutes.” Luna states as she buries her head into her pillow.

“Mmm? Well I guess Anon and I will be bathing without you.”

Celestia notices Luna’s ears perk up towards her.

“Another bath?” Anon says still in bed. “We took one last night.”

“And it’s the start of a new day.” Celestia replies. “Come now, we won’t be long and the warm water will help you wake up.”

Anon yawns, he’s not going to get out of this.


He lugs himself out of bed and walks over to the bathroom door that leads to the bathhouse and walks inside before any of the sisters get out of bed. If he’s going to take a bath, he’s getting in before they do. Celestia watches Anon enter into the bathhouse and looks down to her sister.


Luna lets out a grunt. “Using Anon’s body as leverage isn’t fair play.”

“Seems fair to me.”

Luna kicks off her covers and gets to her hooves.

“Well, guess it’s time to start the day.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

With that straightened out. Both Luna and Celestia enter the bathhouse after Anon.

Finally, Anon can have something to eat. He hasn’t noticed it until now but he hasn’t had anything to eat in awhile. He didn’t get anything to eat at the party last night or the “party” Lyra had. He feels fatigued and his stomach hurts. His hands are shaking slightly as he tries to lift his fork to his mouth. Yeah, definitely starving at this point. He’s lucky that neither of the sisters have noticed yet.

His meal is a simple one but he feels content with how things are now. It’s as if nothing has changed. However, that line of thought comes to an end as the door to the dining halls opens. Standing there is Twilight and beside her Spike. Anon’s hands are shaking immensely as he sets his fork down. His eyes are locked onto her as his heart starts to race. Twilight’s eyes meet his, there’s a good level of surprise but she quickly turns away from him.

“Um... Actually, Spike. How about we go out for breakfast?”

“What are you talking about?” He asks confused. “We’re already here.” He then notices who’s at the table. “Whoa! Is that Anon?”

Twilight can’t pull Spike away. He’ll question why. So, Twilight does the only thing that comes to mind. She puts on a fake smile for Spike.

“I guess I should’ve made that suggestion before we got here.” Twilight giggles hollowly. “It would be rude to leave now that everypony knows we’re here.”

Both sisters are looking at Twilight. They forgot she was even here, seeing as being close to Anon has clouded some of their thoughts. Now their gaze moves over to Anon as he keeps his sights on Twilight. Anon can’t look away from Twilight in this moment. It happened so quickly but to Anon it was as if time slowed for him. At first she was genuinely surprised, then her feelings mixed. Pain, regret, sorrow. She didn’t want to be here but then Spike spoke.

That’s when it happened. All of those emotions, gone. A response Anon recognises all too well. That plastic smile, her hollow laugh. Even the way she holds herself is reminiscent to a marionette doll, as if she’s being strung along by an unseen force. To anyone else, she’d look normal but to Anon he can see far more and it’s disturbing. She’s now trotting towards the table and every step he can see how she flinches, like her body is fighting her. Spike is right behind her, oblivious and even the sisters appear to be none the wiser.

Twilight has her eyes on Anon the entire time. Before, everything he did felt like a mystery to her but now she can actually see something deeper. Each step she takes causes him to flinch away, his grasp on the table turning his knuckles white as he fights to keep himself from moving. His face blank but his eyes showing far more emotion than she’s ever realised.

It hurts so much. Each step fills her body with pain. She would cry in agony if it weren’t for Spike standing beside her. This is the closest she’s been to Anon since what happened in Ponyville and it’s unbearable. This again, reminds Twilight what Anon must’ve felt like during his time in Ponyville. In a weird way, feeling this pain makes Twilight feel better. She takes her seat at the farthest end of the table, away from Anon.

The entire room is filled with silence. Not a single word being said. Celestia can see that Anon is fighting to stay in his seat and his gaze hasn’t once turned away from Twilight. She decides to try and keep everything civil.

“Um... Good morning, Twilight. Spike.”

“Morning!” Spike says with glee.

“Good morning, Princess.” Twilight speaks calmly but decides to not look Anons way.

Luna rests her wing around Anon in an attempt to calm him. It doesn’t help, he’s completely focused on Twilight right now. Spike continues to look oblivious to everything that’s going on as he turns to a waiter.

“I’ll have a bowl of amethyst, please.”

“Just some oats for me.” Twilight adds.

Twilight notices the look Luna is giving her. It’s enough to run a shiver up her spine. Was this another aspect Anon dealt with? When the entire town thought he was doing awful things... Twilight winces on the inside. He had an entire town hating him, even though he did nothing wrong.

“Where have you been, Anon?” Spike asks. “I only seen you that one time when Twilight and I were heading to her parents house.”

Twilight perks up a bit hearing this... Wait, when was Anon there? Spike was with her the entire time and she doesn’t recall seeing him. Then she remembers, when she was reading that book and the scent. So that was Anon? Twilight looks over at Anon and notices his eyes are still locked on her. The look he’s giving her, it’s as if she’s a dangerous animal that will attack if he were to look away.

“Had to help with my store.” Anon answers calmly. “You know the candy shop?”

Spike taps a claw to his chin. “I’ve hear ponies talk about it but I haven’t been there.”

“Well, everything’s in order. I suggest you try it sometime.”

“That sounds pretty good. Right, Twilight?”

Twilight looks down at Spike with a smile. “Y-Yeah... How about we visit after eating?”

“Awesome!” Spike says as the waiter sets down their meal.

Anon can’t keep doing this... He hasn’t eaten and if he misses this meal then who knows how that’ll affect him? Everything about this situation is screaming at him to leave but as long as Twilight stays on her side of the table, he’ll keep acting as if nothing is wrong. He grabs his fork, his hands shaking uncontrollably but he ignores that as he starts eating, still maintaining eye contact with Twilight.

Twilight looks away from him as she eats her meal. It seems that Anon will tolerate her for the moment. She will admit that she feels exhausted having to keep up this facade. Yet Anon looks as if this is normal for him... Then again, his hands are shaking as he eats. Twilight can’t hold back the physical wince she does, it’s hard for her to pretend like this. Anon notices that slip of her mask. He doesn’t think too much on it as he tries to finish his meal as fast as possible but not fast enough to draw attention.

“So, Anon.” Celestia decides to try and draw his attention. “I was wondering if you would be interested in helping me today?”


Blunt, cold and serious. Celestia can tell that Anon doesn’t like the fact that Twilight is here right now but she can’t tell her to leave either. There’s much for her to learn before she can go back to Ponyville.

“There’s day court.” Celestia lists feeling uncomfortable with the unbreakable gaze Anon has on Twilight. “Then after that I need to head out into Canterlot to check on a few events coming up.” She looks over to her sister for help but her sister is looking at Twilight as well. “The last thing is a meeting with a few leaders that want to negotiate a few things. You don’t need to be there for all of that but it’s my schedule for the day.”

“I’ve got nothing better to do.” He answers as he pushes his empty plate away. “I’ll be waiting in my room when you’re ready.”

He doesn’t say anything else as he gets up from his seat, gives Twilight a wide berth as he walks around and leaves the dining hall. Once again everyone falls silent.

“Y-You seem pretty busy.” Twilight remarks. “I guess there’s no training for me today?”

Celestia lets out a sigh. “Yeah... For now, you’ll spend some time studying with Spike.”

“Perhaps I can be of assistance.” Luna comes in. “I have no plans and if you’re taking Anon with you then I might as well fill my time with something.”

Celestia can tell that her sister doesn’t like Twilight. That much is clear but she also has no reason to deny her request either. It’s true that until the meeting, Luna won’t have much to do.

“I guess that’s fine.” Celestia clears her throat. “My sister will be helping you today.”

Twilight shrinks some in her seat.


Celestia look to her own empty plate, happy to not have to deal with this awkward situation anymore.

“I better go help Anon get dressed. We need to look our finest today.” Celestia gets up from her seat. “I’ll see you all later.” Celestia stops and pats Spike on the head before she passes. “Bye.”

Once Celestia is gone the table goes silent. Now there’s only Twilight, Spike and Luna. Twilight looks down to her bowl, most of it still full. Spike’s is completely empty.

“Um... How about we head over to that candy shop Anon was talking about?” Twilight urges Spike.

“Don’t you want to finish your meal first?”

“Yes, Twilight. I’m sure you’ll be needing all the energy you can get.” Luna remarks.

“I-I’m fine.” Twilight gets out of her seat. “I had a big meal last night and I don’t feel very hungry.”

Twilight pulls Spike out of his seat and places him onto her back. She quickly trots to the dining room door but stops when she hears Luna speak.

“I want you back here by lunch for your training.” Luna says with authority. “Don’t be late.”

Luna watches as Twilight runs out of the dining hall. Anon doesn’t have to worry about that mare, Luna will make sure of it.