Equestria: A New Generation

by Phantom-Dragon

First published

What-IF: Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria and joins Sunny Starscout and friends on their adventure.

Deciding to pay her old friend, Princess Twilight, a visit, Sunset Shimmer returns to find Equestria no longer the “friendly” kingdom she remembered.

Looking for answers, she joins a rag tag team of young ponies, who hope to make Equestria the kingdom it once was.

Contains spoilers from MLP: A New Generation.

Cover art by EmeraldBlast63.

Long time…

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My name is Sunset Shimmer,

Former pupil of Princess Celestia, demon sorceress-turned-reformed good girl, a guitarist of the Rainbooms, and a street artist dubbed, ‘Flanksy’.

It’s been many moons; though I still remember it like it was yesterday. When I was… a very different pony.

I was the prized pupil of Princess Celestia herself. I took my schoolwork and my studies with pride… maybe ‘too’ prideful. I’ll admit that I haven’t always been the nicest of unicorns. I had my books; I was on my way to becoming a powerful unicorn. Or so I thought I was meant to be.

I didn’t have many friends, if any at all. My pride and anger always got in the way. And I still ask myself this one question: What was I so angry about?

It’s been so long, I sort of forgot about it. Looking back now, I’d rather keep it that way.

Everything changed the day I met her… Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s new pupil. In many ways, Twilight was better than me. She has friends, she’s smart, and she seems to have the answers for every problems that came her way.

It was during a school night when I… when I was overcome by my inner demon. Then, to my surprise, Princess Twilight stepped up… and she saved me.

Ever since then, Twilight and I had become great friends. We both stayed connected via magic journals. Whenever I had a friendship problem, she’s always there to provide an answer.

Many years have passed, and I still talk to Twilight from time to time… then one day, she just… stopped.

The last time we spoke, she ascended the throne. She was Supreme Ruler of Equestria, after Princess Celestia and Princess Luna officially retired.

I wasn’t the least bit offended… much less hurt. I always tell myself ‘She’s a busy pony’, what else did I expect? I kept saying how normal it is to forget to write back now and then. I figured if I just gave her some space, the time needed to manage a few things, she’ll write back when I least expect it.

I’ve even forgotten the last time I ever wrote a message to some of my other friends. They’d never make a fuss; why would they?

We’ve recently graduated from college; we all earned our degrees. And then… we’ve gone our separate ways. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen or heard from them, but I always hoped they were doing okay.

Now here I am, reminiscing over old days, when all we had was each other. None of this would’ve been possible with my very best friend, Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.

… I’ve made up my mind.

It’s taken weeks of careful planning, but now I am fully prepared. By the time this message is received, I’ve gone back to Equestria for a week-long vacation. Who knows? Perhaps this trip will bring me some much-needed closure. And I won’t be coming back until I’ve found it.

I’m looking forward to seeing my oldest, dearest friend… all over again!

Marcus Warner - Friendship is Magic (Official Audio)


A swirl of colors, was all the eyes can see. The gateway to another world opens, just as it did so many years ago. Memories of the past flash; the feeling of nostalgia brimming to a beating heart. In spite of the age of the old, the feeling of renewal youth is genuine. Friendship is magic, as it always is, and always will be through the ages…

Eventually, the light at the end of the tunnel glows ever brighter, almost blinding to the eye. Until at last, the other world is in sight. Stepping into it emerges a fiery unicorn, at a weary age of adulthood. She is Sunset Shimmer, and she comes to pay a visit to a very old friend. However, one look around her new surroundings and immediately she is baffled.

What the… this isn’t the Castle of Friendship,” Sunset Shimmer expressed, in thought.

Confused, she looks around and finds herself in a rather dusty room all covered in cobwebs. A complete contrast to the usual shining library she remember arriving those many years ago.

“Hello?” Sunset called, in an older raspy voice. “Where am I? Anyone here? Twilight? Spike? Any pony?”

After a while of silence, Sunset Shimmer decides that a look around is in order. She walks over to the nearby door, reaching one hoof out to turn the knob… but it slips off. She tries in vain to open the door, which proves difficult with hooves. A time when she wishes she still has her fingers.

“Come on, turn… turn…” Sunset grunted, frustrated.

It’s not long before it finally dawns on her. She slaps herself in the face with her own hoof.

“Oh, Sunset…”

Living in the human world for so long, she forgets all the benefits to being a unicorn. Focusing her magic, Sunset’s horn glows a fiery red sparkling aura. The magic within allows her to turn the doorknob counterclockwise. Once the small task is done, Sunset opens the door and steps in to find herself in what appears to be…

An antique store?” Sunset thought.

There is no mistake, everywhere she looks there are shelves after shelves all packed with an assortment of junk. Baubles, vases, and other seemingly old bits of junk from Equestria’s past. Sunset Shimmer walks toward one shelf, wiping her hoof across to see how dusty it is.

“Wow, whoever runs this place is definitely failing the clean inspection,” Sunset commented.

Just then, bits of dust flies directly up her nose.

“A-A-A-ACHOO!!!” She sneezed, blowing up a cloud of dust. “When’s the last time they’ve cleaned?”

Shaking her head, Sunset quickly composes herself as she makes her way towards what appears to be the front door. Sunset puts her hoof on the door to push it open, only it remains stuck in its frame. She forgets again she can do magic, which she quickly remembers and channels her magic to turn the knob. But for some strange reason, the door remains locked in place. She takes a closer look and discovers the door has a double lock, which she quickly remedies.

With a swing of the door, Sunset at lasts steps into the open world, away from the dusty building, and breathing in the fresh air. She turns up and looks toward the clear blue sky where Celestia’s sun shines brightly over the horizon.

“Ahh… Equestria!” She sighed.

Turning around, Sunset shuts the door behind her and locks it, if only to make it so no pony came out. Checking herself, making sure her saddlebag is secured, Sunset Shimmer proceeds to walk down the streets of town, passing a couple of townsponies along the way.


Sunset waves casually to some Earth ponies, who shoot some weird glances. She turns and spots a mail delivery pony passing by.

“What’s up?” She greeted.

The mail delivery pony looks at her strangely…


And immediately forgets where he’s going and crashes into the lamppost. Concerned, Sunset Shimmer approaches the dazed pony, who clutches his head and picks up his bag.

“You all right sir?” Sunset asked, offering to help.

“No-No-No!” The pony brushed off, picking himself up. “I’m fine… just fine… gotta go!”

The Mail Delivery Pony takes off quickly, as Sunset looks on with an eyebrow raise. Looking around the town, she sees all the passing ponies giving off weird looks.

“Why are you all looking at me like that?” Sunset asked.

In response, the ponies turn and walk away, as if they want nothing to do with her. Sunset Shimmer holds a hoof up to her head, scratching the back of her neck. It is then she realizes what she is doing… walking around town… on her hind legs.


With a blush and an embarrassed grin, Sunset gets down on her forehooves.

Hehe, way to go Sunset,” She bereted herself. “You get away from Equestria for so long and you forget everything.

An hour or so passes by as Sunset Shimmer continues to check around the town, whose name she’s yet to figure out. But none of the local townsfolk are any help, they either give her the weird stares or blatantly ignore her. Wherever she is, Sunset Shimmer gets the impression she’s not in Ponyville anymore. In fact, all the ponies in this whole town, the ones who refuse to make her feel welcome, are all Earth ponies.

What is with these ponies?” Sunset asked herself. “They act like they’ve never seen a unicorn before. I mean yes I made a bad first impression walking on two legs, but isn’t this a kingdom where we’re supposed to, oh I don’t know… look past somepony’s uniqueness?

But it does not take long until Sunset receives an epiphany.

“Come to think of it, I have not seen any other unicorn or Pegasus since I came to this place,” She ponders. “Or… any other creatures for that matter. No griffins, no hippogriffs, no dragons, not even… kirins. What’s going on here? Where am I? I have to get to Canterlot and find Twilight. She’ll know what to do.”

The fiery unicorn proceeds to run, but again remembers she is a pony lost in unfamiliar lands.

“Now… which way is that again?”

Little does she know, the fiery unicorn’s taken the first step to a true adventure of a lifetime. An adventure which will soon introduce a new generation of ponies.

Meet Izzy Moonbow (Rewritten: 9/24)

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After leaving the ‘all’ Earth pony town, it became clear to Sunset Shimmer the ponies were far from welcoming her with open hooves, or even a smile (Which was Pinkie Pie’s department to be precise). Exhausted and hungry, Sunset Shimmer trekked through the woods along a narrow dirt path. She had no idea where to go, but the only direction she could count on was forward.

“Twilight Sparkle, what have you done?” Sunset Shimmer grumbled. “What’s happened to the neighborhood? This is NOT the new and improved ‘friendly’ kingdom you described in your messages…”

The weary fiery unicorn had walked through the woods for the entire afternoon, since she was technically ‘exiled’ from the Earth pony village she appeared in. None of the Earth ponies even bothered to give her directions nor tell her where her current location was. When she asked how to get to Canterlot, or at least the nearest town where unicorns reside, they simply pointed their hooves in the direction of the woods… and that’s about it. They don’t even bother giving her a look of acknowledgement or nothing. Not the friendliest way to give a lost pony direction.

But the Earth ponies’ rather bizarre resentment toward Sunset was the least of her concerns momentarily. She needed to find the nearest town, at least a place to sleep for the night. Or else she’ll be spending nights sleeping under a tree praying it won’t rain (Or worse).

The sun slowly disappeared over the horizon; the starry night sky draped across the land. Sunset Shimmer’s hooves ached from the lengthy hike; her mane was messier than before. Twigs caught in her hair, split ends formed, and dark bags hung under her eyes. If she weren’t still in her prime she got back, she’d definitely appeared older by now.

Suddenly, a growling sound broke the silence. Startled, Sunset Shimmer snapped her head in every random direction, every which-way. Her horn ignited in a glow, and she burst into random battle poses with her hooves at the ready.

“Who’s there? Who are you?” Sunset asked frantically. “Stay back! I’m warning you! I’m armed and dangerous!”

However, the only creature that heeded the fiery unicorn’s warnings were frightened animals who scurried away. Another awkward silence followed till the growling bellowed again, followed by a painful sensation… in Sunset Shimmer’s stomach. The unicorn looked down, realizing it was only her stomach growling.

“Oh wow Sunset,” She chuckled to herself. “Guess some pony skipped breakfast this morning… Oh wait, actually… I did have breakfast but…”

Slowly Sunset reached into her saddlebags, and the unicorn searched through the contents for any rations she’s packed. But much to her dismay, she discovered nothing aside from a sketchbook, a pen, a hat, a familiar geode necklace, a pair of binoculars, and a camera she brought to capture some memories. Groaning, she face-hoofed herself.

“Shoot! I didn’t bring any snacks,” Sunset muttered. “Then again, I wasn’t planning on coming here for a camping trip to begin with…”

Another growl rumbled against her stomach, drawing Sunset’s attention.

“I need something to eat and fast!”

She scoured around the woods, trying to find something the least bit edible. Some berry bushes… possibly a few Zap Apple Trees, anything she can eat. But she was once more dismayed to find nothing but grass, flowers, and a few ‘questionable’ mushrooms.

“Yeah… like I’m crazy enough to eat those!” Sunset rolled her eyes, moving on.

“Hey there! Ya hungry?”

A loud voice startled Sunset Shimmer into a karate fighting stance .Like the time she did in Equestria Girls – Legend of Everfree.

“AAAH!!!” Sunset screamed, hurling punches and kicks. “Who said that? Come out and face me like… like… whatever you are!”

Suddenly, the pony who’s voice greeted her jumped from a nearby bush to hide. Sunset slowly composed herself as she turned to the bush. Walking on two legs, her horn ignited to light through the darkness, Sunset slowly approached.

“Hello?” Sunset called out. “Hello?!”

Slowly, but cautiously, the pony poked her head out from behind a tree and gazed upon Sunset with wonder.

“Hi!” The younger pony greeted.

Seeing that indeed it was just another pony, Sunset breathed a sigh of relief. She dropped her front hooves down to the ground and carefully approached the pony.

“Oh, hey!” Sunset smiled, chuckling. “Sorry if I gave you a fright there! I don’t… I haven’t… ya kind of snuck up on me, so… heh-heh… you okay there?”

Igniting her horn in a fiery red aura, Sunset studied the pony while helping her up. In appearance, the pony was a lilac unicorn with navy blue hooves. Her mane and tail made of long, wavy cerulean blue hair, which went from blue roots to violet tips. Her eyes were magenta, and she had a long, powder blue horn with white swirls. Her cutie mark was a purple heart with a blue button in the center. The anterior side of the heart featured three sewing pins: two pink and one purple.

“Hey, you’re a unicorn!” Sunset Shimer smiled.

The pony felt both relieved and thrilled to finally meet another pony that wasn’t an Earth pony—not like the unfriendly ones from before.

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Izzy! Izzy Moonbow!” Izzy smiled happily. “And who are you?”

“Sunset Shimmer,” Sunset Shimmer introduced herself. “Pleased to meet you, Izzy!”


Izzy squealed excitedly before happily taking Sunset’s hoof and shook so rapidly and strongly, Sunset’s entire form shook.

“I can’t believe this is happening! I finally meet another unicorn!”

Soon, Izzy Moonbow finished shaking Sunset Shimmer’s hoof and the fiery unicorn’s eyes were rolling.

“Yeah, great to meet another—Wait!”

Sunset shook her head as she turned to face Izzy with a confused expression.

“What do ya mean by ‘finally meet another unicorn’? When’s the last time ya ever met another unicorn?”

“Oh! Back in my hometown, Bridlewood Forest, of course!” Izzy Moonbow smiled. “But then I left, and I'm on my way to Maretime Bay, when I got lost...

“Oh… I’m sorry to hear that,” Sunset frowned sympathetically.

“Aw, don’t be! I’m happy now because I got to meet you!” Izzy galloped excitedly around the older unicorn. “Now I’m not alone anymore, and you can take me to Maretime Bay!”

Sunset Shimmer simply gave Izzy a puzzled look, before scratching the back of her head.

“Yeah… I’d love to help you, kid,” Sunset began. “But… I don’t even know where this Maretime Bay is…”

“Oh…” Izzy frowned sadly. “Okay… sorry for bothering you. I… I’ll… I guess I’ll find my own way then.”

Disheartened by Sunset’s revelation, she turned around and was just on her way… till Sunset Shimmer stopped Izzy in her tracks.

“Hey, hold on, kid,” Sunset spoke. “I never said I wasn’t going to help you; maybe we can help each other.”

“Really?!” Izzy smiled excitedly. “Then… YOU’LL COME WITH ME?!?!?!”

“What kind of pony would I be for ‘not’ helping a lost pony?” Sunset smiled confidently. “Besides, Twilight would’ve wanted it.”


Izzy clapped her hooves excitedly and started trotting around Sunset Shimmer.

“THIS IS SO COOL! I was lost! But now, I found you! And now you’re helping me find my way to Maretime Bay. We’re like INSTANT BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!!”

Sunset couldn’t help but chuckle lightly over Izzy’s praise. Her high energy and charisma reminded her so much of Pinkie Pie. Just then, the familiar rumbling growl broke the silence causing both unicorns to look down at Sunset Shimmer’s stomach.

“Ugh, you wouldn’t happen to pack some lunch with you?” Sunset grumbled, clutching her stomach.

“Ooh, here!”

Izzy held out her hooves out, offering an open lunch box, with sandwiches and apples.

“Have some!”

“Oh, thank you so much!” Sunset sighed.

Igniting her horn, she picked up the box to her face (Much to Izzy’s fascination).

“I was expecting to dine with Twilight at her castle in Canterlot. But this looks so good—”

“Wait—Canterlot?” Izzy asked, with a double take. “Did you say… Twilight? Whoa, wait… as in… the Twilight Sparkle? The Supreme Ruler of all Equestria?”

“Yup! That’s the one,” Sunset confirmed.

She took a bite out of a sandwich, but immediately cringed at an awful taste in her mouth.

“Blech! I mean, mmm!!!”

Sunset forced a smile, trying to appear polite.

“Delicious… what’s in this?”

“Uh… dried mushrooms with chocolate covered eggplant burger?” Izzy answered. “I usually add a few drops of hot sauce for a little extra kick… yeah, one thing I forgot to bring.”

“Well… compliments to the chef!” Sunset chuckled nervously, before shooting a deadpan look. “Y’know what? I’m not hungry anymore…”

The moment Izzy wasn’t looking, Sunset tossed the sandwich far into the woods.

“So… you’re looking for Princess Twilight, huh?” Izzy began suspiciously. “Why do you want to meet her?”

“Oh, Twilight and I, we go way back,” Sunset answered. “She and I had some… issues. But we’ve worked them out and kept in touch over the years. I thought I’d give her a surprise visit.”

“Whoa!” So you’re like, her friend and everything?!” Izzy grinned excitedly.


“OMIGOSH!!!” Izzy tackled Sunset Shimmer in a hug. “Where’ve you been all my life?!”

“Uh… let’s say I’ve been out of town,” Sunset replied awkwardly. “For a really long time…”

To the best of her ability, the fiery unicorn was absolutely ‘not’ going to tell Izzy or ‘any’ pony she came from another world… especially of humans. Who knows how these ponies would react?

“This is so cool!” Izzy spoke, giddy. “Just when I thought meeting you can’t get any better! You’re not only a unicorn who can still do magic, but you’re also one of the legendary ponies of Equestria! Like Twilight, Starlight, and… THE OTHERS!!!”

“Yeah—wait, what?”

Sunset did a double-take, turning to Izzy after hearing the part she mentioned along the lines of ‘still do magic’

“W-W-Wha-Wait! Hold on. What—”

But before Sunset could ask, Izzy was already listing several activities.

“We can do sleepovers!”


“We can braid each other’s mane, or…”


“Ooh, ooh, ooh! We can even make friendship bracelets, like mine! TA-DA!!!”

Izzy Moonbow, beaming excitedly, showed off her friendship bracelet made of chunky blue, pink, and purple beads.

“IZZY!!!” Sunset shouted, drawing the unicorn’s attention.

“Ah yes Sunset?” Izzy smiled.

“Listen… all that sounds great right now, but… did I hear you say, ‘I can still do magic’?”

“Uh-huh,” Izzy nodded.

“What do you mean? You… can’t do magic? What’s happening?”

Maretime Bay | Enter Sunny Starscout

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A few nights ago...

After she's gotten acquainted with Izzy Moonbow, Sunset Shimmer was having a hard time processing every words that Izzy had just told her.

"So you mean to tell me, that Unicorns are no longer friends with Earth Ponies and Pegasi," Sunset said. "And for some reason, the unicorns have lost their magic?"

"That's right!" Izzy confirmed with a chirp. "But for some reason, you still have yours!"

"Well...like I said, I have been out of town for a long time...so, I'm kinda...out of the loop..."

"That's okay!" Izzy smiled. "'Cause now we've got each other, and we can get to Maretime Bay, before you can say friendship!"

"...Yeah," Sunset said with raised eyebrows. "So...remind me again, why you needed to go to Maretime Bay? You got a friend there?"

"Uh-huh!" Izzy nodded, reaching into her mane and pulled out an old piece of paper. "I've been wanting to go there when I was a little filly. I found this letter that says I've got friends there!"

With her horn glowing, Sunset Shimmer took the paper from Izzy to read, "Dear unicorns and pegasi, you have friends in Maretime Bay. Come visit us."

Drawn on the paper are child drawings of an orange earth pony, a blue pegasus, and a purple unicorn, sitting around a picnic blanket, having sharing muffins, or cupcakes.

"Aw," Sunset Shimmer smiled at the drawing. "Nice to know there's at least somepony who wants to make friends."

"Yeah! And that's where I'm going!" Izzy smiled as she trotted away, with Sunset following.

"Don't you have any friends, back in this...Bridlewood of yours, Izzy?" Sunset asked.

"Oh yeah! I've got lots of friends," Izzy smiled. "But...I'm a little too sparkly for them, so...I left to meet my new friends waiting for me, at Maretime Bay!"

"Well, if Maretime Bay promises to have nicer ponies, then I'm coming with you," Sunset said as she tagged along.


Meanwhile, in the said town dubbed Maretime Bay, waking up from her bed is an earth pony mare, with a tan coat of apricot, and magenta mane and tail. Her cutie mark is one large pink star with a blue trail and two smaller pink stars. She is the main heroine of our story, Sunny Starscout. And today was a new day for her.

Next to her bed, her alarm clocked chimed at 7 AM, to which she turned it off with a slam of her hoof. With a yawn and a stretch, Sunny got out of bed to look at her calendar, then at herself in the mirror, to find herself a mess of mane. With a blow of her hair, she pulled open a drawer, revealing a mess of hairbands, which she used to stylize her mane into a loving braid. With her mane style done, Sunny puts on a saddle bag, with Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark. To further show the earth pony's admiration of the Mane Six, she has three pins with Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow's cutie marks and colors.

Satisfied with her looks, Sunny gave herself a nod, before she went up on an elevator of her house, and finds herself in a workshop. She passed by a board, with pictures of a large office building, until she stopped at a table, where she painted herself a large paper of some sort, and smiled to herself.

"Perfect!" With that, Sunny folded the paper up, puts it in her saddle bag, and went back down to open up the curtains, then walks up to photo of herself, and her dad. "Today's the day dad, I actually have a plan this time. Wish me luck!"

With a burst of enthusiasm, Sunny walks out the door, and the photo was crooked, to which the mare reopened the door to straighten the photo, before she was really on her way. Putting on a pair of roller blades for all four hooves, and a helmet, Sunny was skating through the streets of Maretime Bay, singing to herself a song.

Gonna Be My Day


Good morning sun
No time to chat I gotta run
Cause I’ve got places to be
So much to do
Excited, yes and nervous, too
A change is starting with me
I never worry ’bout upsetting carts
Hardened hearts
Or wonder will I belong

Her first stop of the day was to collect a cart of smoothies, which she pulled along the road, passing by a suspicious red stallion, who lowered his newspaper and proceeded to chase after her. In appearance, he has a greasy golden mane, green eyes, white socks, and a cutie mark of a beetroot.

I’ve heard it enough
I’m calling their bluff
I’ll never get lost in the grey
There’s something inside
Burns bigger than pride
Shines out of me lighting the way

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (be my day)
Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (be my day)
Gonna be, gonna be my day, gonna be my day)
Gonna be my day, gonna be my day

Sunny passed a pony, who was just about to eat his cookies, when the red stallion stopped to drink the other pony's smoothie, and all of his cookies, before he resumes chasing Sunny.

Hey there, hello
The friends I make, the friends I know
Today you answer my call (Hello, anypony there?)

Sunny stopped by, and watched downheartedly as a couple of foals beat up a couple of crude piñatas of a pegasus and unicorn.

Inside of hide, instead of staying stuck inside
Instead of building your wall

Come on and party with me,
Join the band, understand
We’ll all be singin’ this song

Sunny stopped by to give a foal an animal balloon, shaped like a unicorn, much to the horror of their parents. The red stallion, meanwhile, continued his pursuit after Sunny, on a skateboard he stole from a kid.

However, Sunny had skated across a manhole, causing a pony to lift up, seeing what the commotion was all about. The red stallion failed to stop in time, and ended up flying off the manhole, behind Sunny, who continues to go about her day, putting heart stickers with unicorn and pegasus pictures on them, all over town.

I’ve heard it enough
I’m calling their bluff
I’ll never get lost in the grey
Go big or go home
Get real or get known
Get ready and raring to say

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (be my day)
Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (be my day)
Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (gonna be my day)
Gonna be my day

A trio of ponies were looking at a pamphlet of an event called the Annual Show of Canterlogic, when they were startled by what appeared to be the shadow of a bird, which is actually a couple of kites, flown by two kids.

Everyone’s afraid
Always judging, never budjing
Ain’t it time we made
The team, the dream

Sunny stopped in front of a poster, with a demonic picture of a pegasus, which she cured with drawings of hearts and a smily face, on the pegasus.

The red stallion finally caught up to her, until he lost her again. He was catching his breath, when he stared in shock at Sunny's latest work of what he perceived to be vandalism.

Let's open our eyes
Sun starting to rise
And finally able to say

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (be my day)
Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (gonna be my day)
Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (gonna be my day)
Gonna be my day (be my day)

Finally, after rollerblading across town, Sunny finally arrived at her destination. A large building with large glasses mounted on the rooftop, surrounded by banners that read, "Canter Logic."

A large group of ponies were all gathering towards the building, including a certain unicorn, who disguised herself with a large hat, a pair of sunglasses, and drinking a cup of smoothie.

Sunny was about to enter the building, with every other earth ponies, when she was suddenly stopped by an earth pony stallion, with light amber coat, aqua colored mane and tail, and a cutie mark of a gold shield with a teal horseshoe in the center and a teal heart on the bottom of either side of the shield. Around his torso, he wears some sort of belt, with a sheriff's badge on the front.

"Aha," The stallion announced himself to Sunny. "There you are, Sunny. Just the pony I was expecting," He said, walking up to the mare, while being followed by a couple of birds, and a crab.

Still in her disguise, Sunset Shimmer stopped and backtracked to see the conversation exchanging between Sunny and the sheriff.

"Morning, Sheriff Hitch," Sunny greeted, before turning to the animals. "I see you brought the whole squad along again."

In response, the two birds saluted to Sunny, with the crab pinching its pincers.

"What is it with me and critters?" Hitch asked. "I'm like a magnet to them." Turning to the critters, Hitch bent down and asked, "Guys, come on. Give Hitch a little space." In response, the critters only took a step back, much to Hitch's chagrin.

"So, what's up?" Sunny asked.

"Oh, please, like you don't know," Hitch eyed Sunny suspiciously, before he pointed to a billboard next to him. "Today is the annual presentation at Canterlogic."

"Hey, I'm headed there right now," Sunny said, about to roll her way in, when Hitch stopped her.

"No, you're not," Hitch said sternly. "Listen, I know that you have come up with some hare-brained scheme to sabotage it, and if you think I'm just going to let you walk in..."

In defiance, Sunny simply skated around Hitch, before she turned around and began in a sing-song voice, "Hey Hitch..."


"Come on."

"Good morning, Sheriff Hitch," An Earth Pony mare greeted.

"Morning, Mayflower," Hitch returned the greeting. "Dahlia," He quickly turned to look sternly at Sunny, "Sunny, I'm on duty."

Nevertheless, Sunset watched from the sideline as Sunny held a hoof up, to which Hitch sighed, and they began doing a secret hoofshake.

"Up high! Down low! Hitch it to a post! Flip it sunny side up and on a piece of toast! Ok?"

Just then, the red stallion from before finally caught up to Sunny, breathing heavily to Hitch, "I did what you asked for, Hitch," The stallion tried to catch his breath. "She never left my side, not even once."

"Oh, hey, Sprout," Sunny greeted the stallion. "You OK? You seem kind of wheezy."

"That's Deputy Sprout to you," The stallion, identified to be Sprout, corrected.

Nevertheless, Sunny turned to take her leave, skating onward towards the building, "Hey, wait up! I'm not finished!" Hitch shouted, chasing after Sunny, with the critters chasing after Hitch. "Sunny! Sunny, we both know how this goes. Every year you try to sneak in and every year I stop you." He said, piquing Sunset Shimmer's attention.

"Look, you have nothing to worry about," Sunny insisted. "I'll just go into the factory, deliver my smoothies..."

"Uh-uh," Deputy Sprout shook his head. "You can't even step a hoof in there. My mom had you banned..."

Sunset Shimmer did a spit take from the sideline, nearly blowing her cover, "What?"

Sunny tried to argue, "But I..."

"I'm asking you as your friend, Sunny, not as sheriff," Hitch sighed. "Just please try not to pull any stunts today."

"Ok. Ok," Sunny replied. "I'll try."

"Do you Pinkie Promise?" Sunset said from out of nowhere, while acting as if she's simply passing by.

"Huh?" Sunny, Hitch, and Sprout exclaimed, dumbstruck, before they simply shrugged it off and resumed their conversation.

"As I was saying," Hitch began. "Now, give your delivery to Sprout and go home." However, his attention was suddenly drawn to another passing pony, who threw a piece of trash on the road, "Hey. Hey! That's a violation of Code 33!" Sprout barked, chasing after the pony, with the little critters chasing him.

With Hitch out of her hair, Sunny turned her attention to the building and was about to go in, but was stopped by Sprout.

"Bye-bye," Sprout said, taking the mare's cart, and seeing her skate away.

But Sunny wasn't going to give up that easy, which Sunset could see.

"What are you up to, little pony?" Sunset asked, still in disguise.

"Hey! Move it!" Deputy Sprout barked to Sunset. "These smoothies aren't going to deliver themselves."

"Gee, sorry," Sunset said to the stallion, before she turned to see that Sunny was out of sight. "Uh. Where'd she go?"

Sometimes before

It was at the brink of dawn. The sun was rising over the horizon, when two unicorns emerged from the woods, just at the edge of Maretime Bay.

After hiking through the wilderness for many nights, Sunset Shimmer and Izzy Moonbow emerged from the woods, to at last find the city they were looking for, with a sign that reads: Welcome to Maretime Bay.

"Phew, we made it," Sunset breathed a sigh of relief, collapsing herself to the ground. "Oh, I can barely feel my hooves..."

"But we made it!" Izzy smiled. "And all thanks to you, Sunset!"

"Don't mention it," Sunset got up and stretched her back. "But can you please keep your eyes on the road and not stare after butterflies?"

"Huh? Did you say something?" Izzy asked. "I was watching that butterfly that just fluttered by!"

"Ugh..." Sunset groaned, shaking her head, before she took a deep breath and composed herself. "Okay. Listen, Izzy. We've found Maretime Bay. But there's no telling what these ponies are like, and who we can trust as friends. So, you stay here and make camp, and I'll just...go in there, and check the place out. I'll give you the heads up."

"OK!" Izzy smiled and nodded, watching as Sunset takes her leave.

"And if the place checks out alright, I'll give you the signal. Ca-caw!" Sunset crowed like a bird. "Got it?"

"Got it!"

"Okay," Reaching into her saddlebag, Sunset puts on a pair of sunglasses and a hat. "Wish me luck."

"Good luck, Sunset!" Izzy waved the fiery unicorn, before a butterfly fluttered by and caught her attention. "Ooh!"

Canterlogic Annual Show

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Inside the factory of Canterlogic, Sunset Shimmer continued to wear her disguise as she followed the rest of the visiting earth ponies, and Deputy Sprout, who was tasked with taking Sunny's cart of smoothies into the facility.

The deputy was just minding his business, when a little foal came galloping in front of him, startling him to a halt.

"Hey watch it!" The deputy barked to the foal.

"Take it easy, they're just kids," Sunset advised, still in her disguise.

"Welcome, everypony," A workpony greeted. "Got any questions about the Canterlogic factory? Happy to answer them."

Sunset was about to ask hers, when a stallion beat her, "Oh yeah! Where are the free smoothies?"

"Uh...I can't answer that one," The workpony sadly admitted.

In the meantime, Sunset Shimmer decided to have a look around at the interior complex of the factory. She was amazed at how much Equestrian technology has advanced since the last time she was here. Once upon a time, when magic was a norm, the pegasi were in charge of weather duties, the earth ponies would tend the land via farms as the backbones of society, and the unicorns would use their magics to do simple everyday tasks, while gifted unicorns, such as herself, would strive for betterment. However, it seems with the unicorns having lost their magics, the earth ponies are now in charge of advancing the lifestyles of ponies on a global level.

"Wow, how long have I been away?" Sunset asked herself, before she walked up to a whiteboard, with an array of mathematic equations and notes drawn, next to a diagram of some kind of technologic helmet, with a large antenna. "What kind of a helmet is this?" Sunset asked. "That thing on the top looks kinda like a...a horn? Could they be trying to replicate our telekinesis? Can they really do that?"

Turning to her left, Sunset was shocked to see a large robust computer, with a whole screen of data analysis, and a keyboard, next to conveyor belts, with robot arms.

"No way!" Sunset began to comment. "Computers? Robot arms? These things shouldn't be in Equestria! I've only seen these in the human world! Equestria's really catching up. What else could they come up with next?"

"You know what, Sprout?" A voice was heard, to which Sunset Shimmer turned to see it was none other than Sheriff Hitch, next to Sprout, and the critters following him. "I think I finally got through to Sunny."

Before another word could be said, the lights inside the building suddenly went dark. Then, several spotlights were turned on, drawing everypony's attentions in the room, to a large stage.

"It's the moment you've all been waiting for," A loud booming voice announced. "As the founder of Canterlogic, she's been keeping us safe and stylish for the last 20 moons," To further Sunset Shimmer's breathtaking awe, she was shocked to see a logo animated on a large black screen, on stage. "Please go wild for the one and only Phyllis Cloverleaf!"

With that, the said founder herself, Phyllis Cloverleaf, appeared on stage from the left, greeting the audience.

"Thank you!" Phyllis greeted. "Thank you! How are you? Thank you so much!"

In appearance, Phyllis is pale pink with a brighter yellow mane and tail and blue eyes. She wears bright pink glasses. Her cutie mark is a bar graph depicting rising stocks.

"We here at Canterlogic are so thrilled to create perfect products that protect ponies like you...from ponies like that!"

Phyllis pointed the audience's attention to a couple of posters, showing pegasus and unicorns as shadowy demons, antagonizing scared earth ponies, to which the audiences booed in disgust.

“Excuse me?” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed in outrage, taking her sunglasses off, while keeping her hat on.

"And like I always say," Phyllis began. "To be scared is..."

"To be prepared!" The audience followed after her.

"To be scared is to be prepared?" Sunset muttered in denial. "Of ponies like... I mean, really?"

"Oh, I love it," Phyllis giddied as she continued. "That's right. So let's start the show!"

With that, some upbeat pop music was heard playing in the background, as a spotlight shines on a mare, strutting down the stage, wearing what appeared to be a prototype of the helmet Sunset had seen, on the whiteboards from before.

"Up first, we have Sugar Moonlight looking absolutely stunning in our high-tech Anti-Mind-Reading-Hat," Phyllis announced. "All those psychic unicorns out there are going to be out of luck when you wear this little number!"

“Mind reading?" Sunset exclaimed in outrage. "Okay. That’s not how our-Uh, I mean, their magic works…” But her words fell on deaf ears, “Wow, I feel so insulted…” Sunset grumbled.

"Now let's welcome Sparkle Chaser in his Pega-Periscope Goggles," Phyllis presented another pony, wearing a strange look eyewear. "The easy way to keep your eye on the sky."

“Yeah… Eyes on the sky," Sunset criticized. "But not what’s under your nose…” She said, just as the pony wearing the goggles stumbled and fell off the stage, much to everypony's shock.

"It's all part of the show!" Phyllis chuckled nervously, which Sunset wasn't buying as she helped the pony, Sparkle Chaser, up.

Wanting to get out of the awkward moment, Phyllis presented the next pony and their invention, "Next up, the Earth Pony Balloon Escape Pack."

With that, the pony presented the said pack, pulled a strap, releasing a colorful stock of balloons that lifted him up into the air.

“Hey! My friend Pinkie Pie called!" Sunset shouted. "She wants her balloons back!” Sunset and the audience all watched as the stallion was carried, helpless up into the air, and out of an open window, screaming, until he was out of sight. “Welp. He’s gone with the wind…” Sunset commented.

"Yikes," Sheriff Hitch commented. "That's going to be a lot of paperwork."

Meanwhile, outside of Maretime Bay, Izzy Moonbow was galloping after a butterfly, when unbeknownst to her, a pony with balloons was flying behind her, screaming for help, sounding, "Ca-CAAAAAAAAAWWWW!!!"

"Ooh! That's the signal!" Izzy perked up, turning to Maretime Bay with a smile. "I guess Sunset's giving me the green flag then!"

Back inside the factory, Phyllis continued with the presentation she was hosting.

"We take great care here at Canterlogic to ensure the safety of you, our loyal costumers."

“Aww!” The audience smiled.

“Give me a break…” Sunset rolled her eyes.

"Now, please, stand back," Everypony all did as they were told, "This product-testing demonstration is fully automated."

The CEO turned her attention to some of the staffs, who pressed a button, turning on a blinding light, to show everypony a test dummy of a pony. Or at least there was a test dummy, until a certain earth pony mare came and knocked it to the side, dressed in a fake horn and wings.

The ponies in the audience all gasped, “What the…” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed, with her hat nearly flying off.

Nearby, Hitch was aghast, with Deputy Sprout doing a spit take, with his smoothie.

"Earth ponies of Maretime Bay!" Sunny Starscout began, holding up a colorful sign, showing a unicorn's horn, pegasus wings, and a horseshoe. "Fear is not your friend! But the unicorns and pegasi can be," Sunset Shimmer smiled in agreement, listening Sunny with intent as she continued. "Let's extend the hoof of friendship."

Suddenly, the floors beneath Sunny gave way as her hooves were suddenly clasped inside what appeared to be robotic boots.

“Uh oh," Sunset Shimmer moaned, already seeing trouble.

"That is not what I meant," Sunny commented at the predicament she finds herself in.

"Turn it off," Phyllis whispered to some of the staffs. "Turn it off, turn it off!" The staffs frantically tried to turn off the machine, while Phyllis continued, "So now you can prevent an aerial abduction with a set of Anti-Pegalift Boots!"

With that, a large robotic version of a pegasus, with claws beneath it, came falling out of the ceiling, narrowly grabbing Sunny, who ducked her head to avoid being caught, as she continued, "Peace with pegasi! Unity with unicorns!" However, the only thing the robots managed to snatch away from Sunny are her fake wings, horns, and sign. "Whoa! Give me that back!" As of complying, one of the robots dropped the billboard on Sunny's head.

"Shouldn't someone get her out of there?" Sunset asked, worryingly.

"Sunny..." Hitch scowled, the first to leap in, while his deputy stayed behind to watch the show.

"Peace...with Pegasi!" Sunny continued, when she was suddenly lifted up by a claw, with the boots taken off of her, and the platform beneath her, flipping over to reveal a large red X.

"Uh...everypony take a look at our Unicorn Entrapment Device," Phyllis presented.

“Unicorn entrap–WHAT?!” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed in shock, watching as Sunny was fitted with a fake unicorn horn, dropped onto the red X, and in the blink of an eye, was entrapped in a metal box, with a red flashing alarm. "Mother of Faust!!" Sunset screamed, with a twitching eye.

In the meantime, Sheriff Hitch came to the rescue, as he barked at the frantic staffs of Canterlogic, "Toots, Sweets, shut her down. Sheriff's orders!"

"We're trying!" One of the staffs explained, as he frantically pressed several buttons.

"Fully automated means it has to go through the whole cycle," The other staff explained.

Having heard what they said, Sunset Shimmer climbed up on the platform, joining Hitch, “But you gotta get her outta—Now what’s happening?” Sunset asked, watching as Sunny was fitted with a pair of robotic wings, facing another machine, developed by the Canterlogic engineers.

In appearance, it appeared to be a large electric fan, built with catapults for blades, with a tank of strange green liquid mounted on the other side.

"Oh no!" Sunny whimpered.

“What is that?” Sunset Shimmer pointed at the machine.

Before anypony could answer, Sunny was lifted off the floor and was spinning around in the air, as if she was a toy airplane, with several strange green liquids lobbed at her, as she continued, "Peace with Pegasi! Unity with unicorns!"

In the meantime, the audience were all protected from the green sticky projectiles, behind a see-through wall.

"And this is the Splat-a-pult!" Phyllis stammered, presenting the said machine, while Sunny was having a wild flight of her life.

"Cease fire!" Sunny screamed, only to be hit, in the face, by one of the globs.

Unable to watch the horrible scene any longer, Sunset Shimmer turned to the sheriff of Maretime Bay, and screamed, “DO SOMETHING!”

Scared by Sunset's fury, Sheriff Hitch looked down with determination to see an electric cable and pulled the plug from its socket, shutting down the entire system, and freeing Sunny, who came flying out and landed before the shocked audience.

"Hey, kid!" Sunset Shimmer galloped to the earth pony mare. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," Sunny replied, before she turned to the audience. "Aren't you tired of being scared all the time? The truth is, we're not in danger. It's all a lie," She stamped her hoof. "We don't need any of this Canterlogic junk."

"Oh, we don't, do we?" Phyllis asked, feeling insulted, and proceeded to challenge, "How do you suggest that we defend ourselves? With hugs and cupcakes?"

With that, the audience all broke out laughing at that remark, which Sunset responded with giving them a stink eye.

"Hey! One of my friends makes a living, laughing in the face of danger!" Sunset shouted.

"I'll bet she does, laughing in the face of a unicorn and pegasus!" One of the earth ponies mocked.

"I mean REAL DANGER!" Sunset Shimmer growled. "Like manticores! Or an Ursa Major! Or even a...a draconequus! C'mon! Whatever happened to the days when all we had to worry about are...are...a CENTAUR?!"

"A cent what?" One of the ponies asked.

"I think she said keytar."

"You've got to be kidding me..." Sunset shook her head.

"Just imagine..." Sunny continued to the audience. "If you had a friend who could fly..." She encouraged to some little foals.

"Yeah...fly!" Sunset added. "I once knew a...a pegasus, who can fly and punch clouds in ten seconds flat! And she's a loose cannon at soccer! She's awesome!"

Sunny smiled in admiration at Sunset, "See what I mean? If a pony like her can have a pegasus friend? Then, the unicorns can be our friends as well! A friend who could..."

"Fry your brains with a single horn zap?" Phyllis interrupted. "Or swoop down and snatch you away?" The ponies in the audience all gasped in horror, with parents holding their children close.

"That's not what we do!" Sunset Shimmer shook her head, while keeping her hat on. "That's not what any unicorns or pegasi do! Pegasi...they move clouds! They control the weather! And unicorns, l-li-like Twilight was... they don't fry brains! Or any creature's brains!"

But like Sunny, Sunset's words fell on deaf ears, to which Phyllis turned to Hitch, "Sheriff, do your job."

With a reluctance compliance, Hitch marched towards Sunny and Sunset, "All right, Sunny, let's go."

"No!" Sunny continued. "Everypony needs to hear this," She continued to persist, "Everything you believe about unicorns and pegasi is wrong. They used to be our friends and can be again."

"Hey, we don't need any of them round here!" A random pony shouted.

"Wh-Who-Who said that?" Sunset asked.

"Get off the stage!" Another audience member added.

Hitch turned Sunny away as he beckoned, "Come on, let's go. Show's over, Sunny."

Defeated, Sunny turned and followed Sheriff Hitch, with Sunset flanking her.

"Sunny, you're just embarrassing yourself!" One of the audience member shouted.

Sunset Shimmer picked up her sunglasses and put them back on her face, turning to look at the audience with a mix of disgust and anger. To think that these ponies were once part of a kingdom that was ruled by her friend and mentor, Twilight Sparkle. Perhaps it's as the old same goes, how the might has fallen.

"It's quite sad, really," Phyllis commented at Sunny's expense, before she changed the subject. "Now, where were we?"

Walking besides Sunny, Sunset Shimmer whispered to the downhearted earth pony, "I believe you."

"Really?" Sunny asked.

Sunset simply nodded before she introduced herself, "Sunset. Sunset Shimmer. Pleased to meet you."

"Sunny," Sunny smiled sadly, extending a hoof out. "Sunny Starscout."

"Nice name."

"Back at ya."

Once outside of the Canterlogic Factory, Sunny was closing up shop, with Sunset Shimmer drinking a smoothie, while Sheriff Hitch gave the mare a stern talk.

"Do you have any idea how many bylaws you broke in there?" Sheriff Hitch asked.

"I'm sure you're about to tell me," Sunny frowned.

"Actually, for once I can't," Hitch scowled. "Because there's so many!"

"Wow, must be a world record," Sunset commented sarcastically.

"You stay out of this!" Hitch pointed at Sunset, who shrugged and resumed sipping her smoothie. "I tried to warn you," Hitch continued to rant towards Sunny. "I can't keep associating with somepony who breaks every rule and causes chaos wherever she goes. I'm the sheriff!"

"And I was once a power hungry demon sorceress bent on taking over the world," Sunset muttered, to herself, with a straw still in her mouth.

"Exactly," Sunny Starscout continued with her argument with Hitch. "Other ponies look up to you. You can help."

But Sheriff Hitch wouldn't have any of it, "The law is the law, Sunny," He sighed. "And I'm here to uphold it and keep everypony safe."

"Aha, you just said everypony," Sunny pointed. "That includes pegasi and unicorns."

"Come on, Sunny, what do you think was gonna happen?" Hitch frowned. "You give a little speech and what? Everypony just magically welcomes unicorns and pegasi into Maretime Bay? You keep saying there's nothing to be afraid of. Well, then, prove it."

Unable to come up with a counter argument for that statement, Sunny fell silent.

"All of that pony unity stuff was just a foal's bedtime story made up by your dad," Hitch shook his head. "Like it or not, this is the way it is, and always will be," Sunset Shimmer shook her head in denial, while watching Hitch look more saddened, "I'm the last real friend you got in this town. You really want to lose me too?"

Sunny was even more silent, sadly watching as Sheriff Hitch took his leave to resume his duty as sheriff of the town, leaving Sunny alone, while Sunset watched from the sideline.

"What has become of Equestria?" Sunset asked. "How did it ever get to this? Where did it all go wrong?"

Just then, a couple of foals came galloping down the streets, laughing and passing both Sunny and Sunset, until they stopped to look at a poster, depicting an evil pegasus. With that, one of the foal pretended to be the evil pegasus, chasing after his friend, as they laughed and trotted away.

Sunny sadly sat down on a bench, feeling beside herself, "I wish you were here, Dad."

Sympathizing with the young mare, Sunset Shimmer walked over, "Hey..." She called, getting Sunny's attention. "Mind if I sit here?"

"No, go ahead," Sunny scooted over, letting Sunset take a seat.

"Mmmm, what did you put in this?" Sunset asked. "Is it apples? Oh please, let there be apples! I've once taken a bite out of an apple pie, hoof baked by my friend's grandmother. She can make a mean apple pie..." Seeing how her talk wasn't cheering Sunny up, Sunset decided to cut to the chase. "If it makes you feel better. I don't believe all those talks about...unicorns 'frying our brains,' or pegasi 'swooping down and snatch you away.' I mean, that's just nonsense."

"I know, that's what I've been telling everypony!" Sunny frowned. "But they wouldn't listen! They're just scared."

"Telling the truth can be a lonely business," Sunset replied. "Especially when nopony wants to listen to you. Believe me. I know."

Sunny covered her face with her hooves as she continued to feel even more distraught, "I wish dad was here. I could really listen to one of his stories right now..."

Looking at Sunny, Sunset Shimmer began, "So, your dad. He told you all the stories about how earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns were all friends, right?"

"He sure did," Sunny confirmed with a nostalgic smile. "Every night, he would tell me the stories of Twilight Sparkle, of how she was a unicorn, who became an alicorn, after she made friends with..."

"Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity," Sunset smiled in nostalgia, while Sunny looked shock. "I remember."

"You know the story too?" Sunny exclaimed.

"Oh, I don't just know it," Sunset winked. "I lived it."

Feeling her hope relit, Sunny smiled in admiration of the senior unicorn in disguise, "You mean...you actually made friends with some unicorns and pegasi?"

"Uh... In a way, yeah," Sunset nodded.

"That's so cool!" Sunny exclaimed. "Then it's not just a fantasy at all! I was right! We can be friends with pegasi and unicorns again!"

"Yeah, yeah, sure, maybe kid. But first, how did you all started being divided to begin with?"

"What?" Sunny asked. "You mean, you don't know?"

"I...I've been..." Searching for the right words in her head, Sunset replied, "Let's just say I've been outta town for a really long time, and I haven't exactly been...up to date."

"Oh," Sunny nodded. "Ok."

"But enough about me," Sunset said, wanting to change the subject. "Tell me about your dad," The unicorn in disguise encouraged. "What was he like? How did he know the real history of Equestria?"

But before Sunny could answer, the sound of galloping pierced their ears, to which Sunset and Sunny looked up to see frightened ponies screaming for their lives.

"What the hay?" Sunset exclaimed, as both she and Sunny got up and look.

"What's going on?" Sunny asked. "What's happening?" But instead of answering, the ponies continue to scream in fear, as they bumped into Sunny and Sunset, knocking them both down to the ground.

"Hey!" Sunset got up, when a foal rammed into her head, knocking her hat off. "Watch it!"

In the meantime, the source of all the ponies' fearful hysteria came walking down the street, shocking every ponies and critter that saw her, before she came across Sunset and Sunny, with the latter gasping in shock.

"Hi, new friend!" The newcomer greeted. "My name's Izzy!" Izzy Moonbow smiled at Sunny, before she was confronted by Sunset Shimmer.

"Izzy!" Sunset shouted. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to wait until I gave you the signal!"

"But you did!" Izzy replied.

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did! You said, ca-caw! And here I am!"

"When did I say–"

"Uhh..." Sunny interrupted, as she slowly got up, staring at both unicorns. "U...U...Unicorns!"

"What?" Sunset asked, before realizing her hat was gone. "Oh!" With her horn exposed, Sunset darted her eyes at all the earth ponies of Maretime Bay and awkwardly greeted, "Hi!"

Unicorns in Maretime Bay

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The earth ponies all screamed in terror as they galloped in random directions, determined to get away from Sunset Shimmer and Izzy Moonbow. They were even desperate to hide themselves out of sight, from pulling down curtains, closing shop, even diving into a manhole.

"Ooh, is everypony playing hide-and-seek?" Izzy asked, looking around at all the earth ponies running and hiding for their lives. "I see you!" Izzy called to a stallion.

"Argh! It's a unicorn!" The stallion galloped away. "Two of them!" With that, he dived off a cliff, into the sea, with a big splash.

"Seriously?" Sunset asked.

"Hey, what's going on?" Hitch asked, as he and Deputy Sprout investigated what the commotion was about.

It didn't take long for him to find his answer, when he saw both Izzy and Sunset, with their horns being dead giveaways.

"Unicorn attack!" Hitch hollered, with Deputy Sprout slamming his face into the door, out of blind fright.

Hitch took the opportunity to shatter a glass case, activating an alarm, as he continued to shout, "This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!" With that, Sheriff Hitch sprinted into action, while his Deputy ran away.

Ahead, Hitch spotted a young foal, sitting on the ground, trying to make sense of all the madness, "A vulnerable young pony," With a display of great athleticism, Hitch pounced on the foal, "Got ya!" He said, rolling himself up and gave the foal to a random mare. "Your son is safe now, ma'm."

Hitch then galloped away, "This isn't my kid!" The mare called after him.

"You're welcome!" Hitch shouted back, as he continued to bark orders. "Man the Splat-a-pult! Activate the unicorn trap! Pick up that litter!" He said, pointing to a scrap, which a pony quickly complied.

In the meantime, Sunset and Sunny watched as tiles with red X's started to appear all around them, "Whoa, these ponies worked fast," Sunset commented.

"And you've been a unicorn this whole time?" Sunny asked Sunset.

"Wow!" Izzy shouted, trotting towards the railing. "Is that the sea?" She asked, completely oblivious to the trap in front of her. "I've never seen the sea."

"Izzy! No!" Sunset shouted, firing up her horn to pull Izzy away by the tail, with Sunny pushing her away from a trap that had sprinted from the ground, with a flashing alarm.

"I've got to get you two out of here!" Sunny shouted, leading both Sunset and Izzy out of the chaos.

Sunny turned her head to make sure both Izzy and Sunset were following, when here eyes were widen at Sunset.

"What are you doing?" Sunny asked to Sunset Shimmer, who was running on her hind legs.

"Running for my life?" Sunset panted heavily, asking as if it wasn't obvious. "What's it look like?"

"You've got four legs!" Sunny reminded. "Use them!"

"Oh! Right, right, right," With that, Sunset got down on her front hooves and galloped after Sunny and Izzy.

"Earth ponies are serious about games," Izzy commented.

"They're not playing, they're terrified!" Sunny confirmed.

"Oh no!" Izzy frowned. "Of what?"

"You! You're a unicorn," Sunny explained. "Earth ponies hate unicorns."

"Really? That seems harsh."

"All...except...for her..." Sunset Shimmer pointed at Sunny, while panting heavily, "She...wants us... to be...friends... Hey, can you girls please slow down?"

As if answering Sunset's wish, both Izzy and Sunny screeched to a halt, barely an inch from being hit with green sticky blobs, fired from the Canterlogic's splat-a-pult machines. Manning the machines are two of the staffs, with Phyllis pointing at their targets.

"Let's go!" Sunny said to the two unicorns.

"I got you covered!" Sunset said, as she focused her magic into her horn, conjuring up magical shields to deflect and block the fired blobs, protecting herself and the two mares, as they ran into the crossfires, and turned the next street.

Sunny galloped over the tiles with red X's, while Izzy bounced over them, humming herself a merry tune. Lagging behind, a tired out Sunset Shimmer was breathing heavy, trying to catch her breath from the adrenaline of the chase. A sad reminder that she wasn't as spry as she used to be.

"Should...have...hit...the...gym...more often..." Sunset panted, on the verge to collapse.

Sunny screeched to a halt, as she looked back, seeing Izzy was distracted by a sign of a movie called "Judgement Neigh."

"Oh, I haven't seen this one yet," Izzy commented, walking up to the movie theater, not looking where she was stepping.

Before Izzy realized it, she was trapped in the same unicorn entrapment box, with a flashing alarm to signal her capture.

"Huh? What? Who?" Distracted, Sunset too found herself trapped in the same box, with the flashing alarm going off.

Shocked, Sunny galloped to the boxes, containing both her unicorn friends, just as Sheriff Hitch arrived on the scene.

"All right, citizens, calm down," The Sheriff began. "The threats have been neutralized. The unicorns have been captured. You may now cheer."

With that, the earth ponies all cheered from their hiding spot. All except for Sunny, who cautiously walked up to the boxes containing Izzy and Sunset.

Sheriff Hitch quickly catches onto what Sunny was planning, "Sunny!" He barked, to which Sunny flinched, for a moment, before she resumed walking to the boxes. "What are you doing?" Looking at the red buttons on the side of the boxes, Sunny continued, "Don't even think about it!" Hitch berated.

Of course, being the rebel that she is, Sunny Starscout proceeded to extend her hoof out towards the buttons, which Hitch shook his head.

"No, don't you dare. No, no, no, no," With a second thought, Sunny proceeded the buttons of both Sunset and Izzy's entrapment, freeing the unicorns. "Sunny!"

"So, your name's Sunny?" Izzy asked, having heard Sheriff Hitch.

"Sunny Starscout," Sunset confirmed. "That's her full name."

Seeing the unicorns are free, once again, the earth ponies all screamed and ran in random directions. Some of them even accidentally trapped themselves in Canterlogic's unicorn entrapment cages. Using the chaos to their advantage, Sunny guided Izzy and Sunset the way to escape.

"Bye!" Izzy called out to the earth ponies. "It was nice to meet you all!"

"Shut up and run kid!" Sunset said, in a raspy voice.

"Deputy, to the lighthouse!" Sheriff Hitch pointed.

"Uh..." In response, Deputy Sprout had purposely trapped himself in one of the entrapment box, "Oh, no, I appear to be trapped."

Hitch let out an exasperated sigh, "You gotta be kidding me."

In the meantime, Sunny galloped back to her lighthouse home, with Izzy and Sunset Shimmer in tow. Once Sunset Shimmer and Izzy Moonbow were inside, Sunny quickly shuts the door, which once again causes the photo of herself and her dad to be crooked, which Sunny straightens again.

"Nice spreads," Sunset complimented to Sunny, as she and Izzy looked around.

Sunny proceeded to close the curtains of every windows in the house, before she turned to look at both Izzy and Sunset in the room.

"Ok," Sunset began. "I know how it looks, and...I know I should've been honest with you from the start. And it's a lot to process, but...surprise. We're unicorns."

Still, Sunny was at a loss for words, as she continued to gaze at both Izzy and Sunset.

"Do earth ponies also like staring contests? Hmm?" Izzy asked, staring at Sunny, until she blinked. "Ah! You win. I blinked."

Finally finding her voice, Sunny exclaimed, "There're unicorns in my house!" She then excitedly screamed, "This is so cool!" She turned to both Izzy and Sunset, before realizing the predicament she's in. "Wait, no, it's bad, very, very bad. What have I done?"

"Well," Sunset began. "You made a public speech, got into an argument with your boyfriend, then you helped me and Izzy escape from the law, I'd say you've done a lot."

"That was a rhetorical question," Sunny replied, before she realized. "Wait. Boyfriend? As in, me and Hitch?"

"Wow!" Izzy said, as she looked through a telescope, getting a closer look at Sunny. "I've never seen an earth pony before. We look exactly the same, except for this, of course," She pointed at her horn.

"Oh," Sunny shouted, ducking her head. "Hey, be careful where you point that thing."


"Well, you almost poked her eye out there, kid," Sunset replied.

"Yes," Sunny agreed. "And well, I um...sort of don't want to get zapped with a wayward laser beam, but of course you know that already. You've both been reading my mind this whole time."

"...Uh, not right now," Sunset shook her head, while hiding the truth about her geode necklace, in her saddlebag.

"Aren't they supposed to glow, by the way?" Sunny asked, observing both Sunset and Izzy's horns. "I mean, I've seen yours glow in action," Sunny said to Sunset, before turning to Izzy. "And can yours do the same as hers? Or does it only glow when you levitate stuff?"

"Well, actually..." Izzy began nervously.

"Wait, don't answer that yet," Sunny stopped, before she galloped over to a table. "Let me get my notebook."

With an excited wave of her hoof, Sunny cleared some tin cans off the table, before whipping her said notebook from her saddle bags, and slammed it on the counter.

"Ok, 142 questions for a unicorn. Make that two!" Looking at her notebook pages, Sunny read: "Question number one. Where do you live?"

"Bridlewood," Izzy answered.

“Far away," Sunset answered, waving her hooves for emphasis. "Like outta town, really, really far away.”

"I knew it!" Sunny smiled, before she continued to ask, "Do unicorns really live in trees?"

“We don’t live—" However, Sunset finds herself interrupted when she was suddenly bombarded with more questions from Sunny.

"Do they eat pizza?"


"If so, what toppings do they like?"

"—Whoa! Hey! Kid! Slow down!"

"If not, why not?"

"I'm a..."

"Can you actually fry pony brains with a single horn zap?"

"It doesn't work like–"

Again, Sunset was interrupted when Sunny gasped, "Can you make this float?" She asked, throwing a can of baked beans to the unicorns.

"Well, I can," Sunset replied, ready to fire up her magic via horn. "But Izzy...not so much."

"But I can do this!" With a stomp of her hoof, Izzy bounced the can of beans a few times on her horn, before dropping it to the floor, spilling the beans. “Ta-Da~” Izzy sang in triumph, much to Sunny's shock.

“Ooh, I’m so sorry for the mess Izzy made," Sunset apologized. "Here, lemme get that for ya. Hehe.” With a chuckle, Sunset's horn glowed in a sparkling aura, as she cleaned up the beans that Izzy had spilled.

"Wait, you don't have any magic?" Sunny asked Izzy.

"I've asked that same question, before," Sunset said.

Before any of the mares could talk, a booming voice of a certain sheriff came blaring from a megaphone.

"Sunny Starscout!" Hitch shouted, before he recoiled from the feedback of the megaphone. "Argh, that hurt."

Sunny Starscout trotted to a window, looking out to see Hitch, shouting into a megaphone, with Deputy Sprout wearing one of the anti-mind-reading unicorn hat, and cowering behind the sheriff.

"Sunny Starscout," Hitch resumed. "I know you're in there with those unicorns! Come out with your hooves up and surrender!"

"Yeah, you're completely surrounded," Deputy Sprout added, despite the fact that there were only two of them.

"Will you let me do my job?" Hitch asked sternly, to which Sprout pouted. "You are under arrest," The sheriff barked.

"This is bad," Sunny moaned, before turning to Sunset and Izzy. "How sneaky are you?"

"Er, medium sneaky," Izzy guessed.

"I've once stolen a princess's crown, when she was asleep, so very sneaky," Sunset confirmed.

"I can work with that," Sunny perked. "OK, I'll distract them."

Izzy simply scoffed at the notion, "Relax, I'll talk to him!"

"Izzy!" Sunset shouted.

"No, no!" Sunny held her hoof out.

But it was too late, Izzy was already out the door, "Hi, guys," Izzy greeted. "Now, I know what you're thinking."

Unfortunately, that rubbed the stallions the wrong way. The red coward in particular.

"Arrgh! She's already reading our minds!" Deputy Sprout shrieked, before he turned and ran away. "Quick, before she fries our brains!"

"What are you doing? Where are you going?" Hitch asked his runaway deputy.

"To get reinforcements!" Sprout answered, after being a mile away.

"We have reinforcements?" However, when Hitch's back was turned, Sunny snuck off with Izzy and Sunset Shimmer following. "Huh?" When Hitch turned around, he was dumbstruck to see that all three mares were out of sight. "Oh come on!"

After giving Hitch and Deputy Sprout the slips, Sunny, Izzy, and Sunset Shimmer galloped up a road, leaving Maretime Bay.

"Hey, kids! Slow down!" Sunset Shimmer panted. "Phew...I've never run this much...in a long time..." When all ponies came to a stop, Sunset took the moment to catch her breath.

"You don't have any magic?" Sunny asked Izzy.

"No," Izzy repeated.

"But you still have yours?" Sunny asked Sunset.

"I'm just as clueless as you are kid," Sunset panted.

"Oh! Didn't you tell her, Sunset?" Izzy asked.

"Tell me what?" Sunny asked.


Sunny Starscout screamed so loudly that her voice echoes across half of the known world of Equestria.

"Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, omigosh!" Sunny giddied. "You know Princess Twilight Sparkle and friends? Wow! I can’t believe I didn’t realized it sooner. You’re THE Sunset Shimmer! You're a Guardian of Friendship, just like Twilight and her friends were! This is so awesome! I could just explode!"

"Yeah, I'm already feeling your feelings there kid," Sunset smiled.

"Ooh, I wished my dad was here. He was a big fan of you and Princess Twilight! And your doll is very hard to track down," Sunny added. "Almost as hard as Trixie Lulamoon's, Starlight Glimmer's, and Tempest's–OH! Can I get your autograph! Sign my notebook!" Sunny asked excitedly, holding out her notebook for Sunset to sign.

"Look, kid," Sunset began, gently putting Sunny's notebook down. "I know you're a fangirl and all, and I can relate. But can we just focus on the problem, right now? Like how did the unicorns lose their magic? And what started all this madness? And what happened Twilight? Why isn't she here?"

Processing every words from Sunset Shimmer, Sunny nodded in agreement on the task at hoof.

"You're right," Sunny nodded, before turning to Izzy, "So...no magic?"

"If it makes you feel any better, we did have it," Izzy Moonbow confirmed. "But that was many, many, many moons ago. It just, poof, disappeared. Everypony thinks the pesky pegasi had something to do with it, but, oh..." Izzy stopped herself when she noticed the sadden look on Sunny's face. "Oh, hey, you look kind of woozy. Are you OK?" She asked.

"Huh...I am on the run with a unicorn who has no magic," Sunny replied, before she perked. “Oh!” Sunny turned to Sunset Shimmer. “But you still have magic! You can restore everyone else’s magic, can you?”

“No! I can’t just…restore magic!” Sunset shook her head. "That's not how it works."

“But…you’re one of Princess Twilight Sparkle’s friends, aren’t you? A Guardian of Friendship and Harmony!”

With a sigh, Sunset Shimmer gave Sunny a heartfelt look, “…I’m gonna be real with you, alright?” She began. “Yes, I’m a friend of Twilight. But I’m not like one of the...the BEST of friends, y’know?”

"Huh?" Sunny replied, looking flabbergasted at Sunset Shimmer. "But...you're a Guardian of Friendship, aren't you?"

"Yeah, yeah. I am, I am," Sunset Shimmer replied, as she paced around Sunny and Izzy. "Or at least, I was. But that was a long time ago. I mean, I played my part with spreading the magic of friendship, in another time and place, but that's just it. Me and Twilight, we’ve only seen each other face-to-face a couple of times.”

“We’re just pen pals. I’m not like one of those big time heroes who travel around the world, solving friendship problems, fight monsters, and send the bad guys to jail, 24/7. I wasn't even there when Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow were turned to stone.”

Sunset slumped on the ground, looking at Sunny and Izzy sadly, “I didn’t even know Equestria’s lost its magic. I just wanted to pay Twilight a visit, but…looks like I was too late… I’m sorry I couldn’t help you.”

Walking up to the olden fiery unicorn, Sunny placed a comforting hoof, "It's okay, Sunset," Sunny said. "But what are we going to do?"

Then, out of nowhere, Izzy Moonbow came over and sniffed Sunny.

"What are you doing?" Sunset and Sunny asked.

"You don't smell," Izzy answered to Sunny.

"Thanks. Wait, what?" Sunny asked in bewilderment.

"Was that necessary?" Sunset asked sternly.

"I was told all you earth ponies smell like rotten sardines," Izzy replied. "But you do not." Just then, a butterfly came fluttering by, distracting Izzy who proceeded to follow it.

"What else do unicorns say about earth ponies?" Sunny asked.

"Don't ask me," Sunset advised.

"Oh, just that you're lazy and not the brightest crystals in the forest," Izzy answered bluntly, with her eyes still on the butterfly.

"Charming," Sunny replied, with her ego broken.

"No, just those three," Izzy replied, still chasing the butterfly.

"For the record, I never said those things," Sunset reassured. "Those sounded more like what Rarity would say, I mean, both she and Applejack would sometime argue with each other, as if they're a married couple. But hey, who am I to judge?"

Sunny couldn't help but laugh a little at what Sunset said.

"So, what's the plan?" Izzy asked, with her eyes off of the butterfly.

Sunny turned to look at Sunset, before she had an epiphany, "Wait, I got it!" Sunny exclaimed. "Izzy, Sunset, we're going on a quest," Reaching into her saddlebag, Sunny pulled out her notebook, opening the pages to show a map, pointing to a location dubbed: "to Zephyr Heights."

"Zephyr Heights?" Sunset asked.

"The pegasus city?" Izzy asked.

"Yes," Sunny nodded. "We need to find out what happened to your magic and bring it back," She stated, before she emphasized. "They have magic. Maybe they can help."

"Hmmm," Sunset said, looking suspicious.

"But the pegasi are bad news," Izzy shook her head.

"What if you're wrong about them?" Sunny asked. "Earth ponies were wrong about unicorns. They could welcome us with open wings."

"But what if they don't?" Izzy asked, before she sings her heart out.

Looking Out For You


Izzy Moonbow:Up ahead, is the sky growing dark?
Where it leads is a big question mark
And I'm scared that I'll end up a pony gone missing from pegasus-ing

Sunny Starscout:But you're not alone
You got a pony or two in your crew

Izzy Moonbow:I do? Who?

Sunny Starscout:I'm looking out for you
When you're off track

Sunset Shimmer and Sunny both stopped Izzy, from nearly falling off a cliff, after being distracted by a butterfly.

Sunny Starscout:I got your back
You can rely on me
I'm lookin' out for you

"Hey girls, wait up!" Sunset Shimmer said as they hopped across rocks.

Sunny Starscout:Back at home it was earth ponies first
Heard it so many times I could burst
And I fought for a change but it's lonely
Cos, you know, party of uno

Izzy Moonbow:Well, if you need a friendly steed like you-know-who

Sunny Starscout:I think I do

Sunset Shimmer smiled, watching Sunny and Izzy touching hooves together.

Both:I'm lookin' out for you

Sunny Starscout:When you're off track
I got your back

Both:You can rely on me
I'm lookin' out for you

Both Sunny and Izzy stacked up on each other to get an apple from a tree, while Sunset Shimmer tried to buck the trees, like Applejack once did, but looked as if she's thrown her back out. Thankfully, Sunny and Izzy got Sunset's back.

Sunny Starscout:Lost in the hills

Izzy Moonbow:I've got the skills
Pony let's get going

Sunny Starscout:Get going

Izzy Moonbow:Get going

"C'mon, Sunset! Join in!" Sunny invited the unicorn to join the song.

All three:I'm lookin' out

Chorus:I'm lookin' out for you
I'll go where you're going to
It's all I ever want to do
I am lookin' out

All three mares were galloping across the land, singing their song. Along the way, they failed to notice a familiar pony tied to balloons.

All three:For you!

"Whew!" Sunset ended, plopping herself on the grass, sending a flurry of fireflies flying around. "Are we there yet?"

"It's just at the top of that mountain!" Sunny pointed. "We'll be there by morning!"

"Great," Sunset nodded. "But...can we...stop...for the night?" The unicorn asked, already out like a bulb.

Sunny and Izzy looked at each other, and couldn't help but laugh, before they gathered around Sunset and snuggled against the senior unicorn.

"Ooh, she smells nice!" Izzy commented. "Like a crispy autumn."

Sunny chuckled lightly, as she turned rolled on her back to look at the night sky, "So far, this has been an exciting quest. I wonder how everyone's doing back at Maretime Bay?"

Zephyr Heights

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Long ago

"Earth ponies, take the lead!"

"Pegasi, fly beside me!"

"Unicorns, horn at the ready!"


"What fantastical foes awaits us, princess?" Asked Rarity in the past.

"Is it something scary?" Fluttershy whimpered.

"Or is it something awesome?" Rainbow Dash asked excitedly.

"No matter what it is, we'll face it together," Princess Twilight reassured. "For we are the Guardians of Friendship. With the power of friendship on our side, we will..."

"Spread love!" Pinkie Pie chirped.

"Give hugs!" Fluttershy smiled.

"Fry brains!" Rarity said in a man's voice?

"Huh?" The rest of the Mane Six asked.

"Wait, what?!" Twilight Sparkle asked, as she and her friends look at Rarity, who has suddenly turned evil with sharp teeth, red eyes, and talks in a man's voice.

"Yeah I'm a unicorn, and we're evil!" Rarity boasted, before she proceeded to zap her friends and chase them, like a maniac. "I'm gonna zap everypony with my horn lasers!"

A Few Years Ago

"What?! No, no, no! It's all wrong!" Exclaimed the voice of a young Sunny Starscout. "The ponies are all supposed to get along, remember?"

She was telling the story of Twilight Sparkle and friends' heroism, to her friends, Hitch Trailblazer and Sprout Cloverleaf, when they were the same age as her.

"Boring!" Sprout shouted after Sunny, who paid him no mind.

"It's like in the olden times when all three ponykinds were friends," Sunny began, with a look of wonder.

"Uhh! Here we go again!" Sprout rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"And they never used their magics against each other!"

"You're wrong!"

"No, I'm not!"

"My mom says the pegasi and the unicorns tried to eat up all the earth ponies by zapping 'em with lasers and frying 'em to a crisp."

"They wouldn't do that!"

"So the earth ponies kicked their butts in an epic battle," Sprout continued with his twisted version of the story. "And if they ever come back to Maretime Bay, we'll kick their butts again!"

"Those are lies!" Sunny continued to persist, before turning to the colt next to her. "Hitch, tell him."

"Well," Hitch began. "That is kind of what our teacher said in history class, but..." Realizing she was in denial, Sunny scoffed as she turned towards Hitch, "But, hey, we can play the game your way if you want, Sunny. I don't mind."

"Well I do!" Sprout frowned. "It's a boring game. Let's play Pegasus Barbecue instead!"

Disgusted, Sunny tried to talk the colt out of his antics, "Sprout, stop it! I'm going to tell my dad!"

Speaking of whom, Sunny's father is blue with a darker blue mane and tail, darker blue hooves, and purple eyes. He has some stubble on his chin. He wears black-rimmed glasses and a necklace with Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark. His Cutie Mark is a yellow shooting star.

The old stallion himself was working on a new night light, when the sound of children roughhousing brought his attention to his daughter, and two colts, coming down on an elevator, with Sprout and Hitch role-playing a battle between a doll of Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

"Dad, tell them that's not what they do," Sunny pleaded to her dad.

Setting his handiwork down, Sunny's father, walked over to the two colts and beckoned them to leave, "Time to head on home, don't you think, colts?" He said.

"Uhh! Fine!" Sprout rolled his eyes as both he and Hitch took their leave. "Pew pew!"

"Oh no!" Hitch played. "My brains are melting!"

Upon walking out the door, both Hitch and Sprout were greeted at the sight of the mare, Phyllis, the CEO of Canterlogic.

"Mom?" Sprout exclaimed.

"Hello, Mrs. Cloverleaf!" Hitch greeted.

"How many times have I told you?" Phyllis berated the two colts. "You cannot just go trotting off without my permission, especially not here." She gritted her teeth, turning her eyes on Sunny's father.

"And why is that again, Phyllis?" The old stallion asked.

"Because you are brainwashing their minds with all of your...nonsense."

"It's called research, Phyllis. And by the way, I leave all the brainwashing in Maretime Bay to you. Unicorn cupcake?" He offered, when his daughter presented the said baked goods.

"Freshly baked," Sunny smiled.

Disgusted, Phyllis walked up to Sunny's dad, "You know, you're an earth pony, Argyle," Phyllis marched up to the stallion, pulling her son away, before he had the chance to take a cupcake. "You should really start acting like one, at least for her sake," She gestured to young Sunny.

Nevertheless, neither Sunny, nor her father, Argyle, heeded her words as they saw Phyllis out, with Sprout and Hitch.

"Who does he think he is?" Phyllis asked in outrage. "Talking to me like that? That pony is trouble."

"Don't worry, Mommy," Young Sprout promised. "When I become sheriff, I'll keep everypony in line."

"Hmm...Sheriff Sprout," Phyllis commented. "Oh, it does have a certain ring to it."

Present day

Meanwhile, back at Maretime Bay, in his officer, Sheriff Hitch was ranting his mind off, in front of a disinterested Deputy Sprout who is more interested in his pizza.

"I told her," Sheriff Hitch ranted. "I told her. No more favours, no more bailing her out. She gave me no choice. No choice," Turning to Deputy Sprout, Hitch barked, "All right. We need to arrest her and bring her back to face the full force of the law."

Deputy Sprout was about to eat a slice of pizza, when he asked, "Question. When you say we, you mean...?"

"You and I."

Deputy Sprout's eyes widened as he looked shocked and worried, dropping his pizza slice.

"Uh, I'd...I'd love to," Sprout stammered, while purposely making a mess to get out of work. "But, um, I just gotta clean up my workspace, get my papers in order and..."

Rolling his eyes, Sheriff Hitch shook his head, "You know what? I think you're right," Hitch said as he turned. "This one's a job for Hitch, and Hitch only," He flicked his head, while his deputy breathed a sigh of relief. "All right. Sprout, you stay here while I'm out dancing with danger," Sheriff Hitch instructed as he took his leave. "Keep everypony calm, maintain the peace, and be a pillar of strength."

However, Sheriff Hitch shuddered at the last part he said, "Who am I kidding? Just try not to start a war while I'm gone, OK?"

With a slam of the doors, Hitch was gone, leaving Sprout to stew in his own envy of his partner.

"Oh, everypony loves Hitch!" Sprout ranted. "What does he have anyway?" He glared at a calendar, with a picture of Hitch posing, which Sprout ripped to reveal another photo of Hitch, in different costumes, one after another. "Sure, he's got a perfect mane, shredded abs, paid-off mortgage. So what? I've got stuff. I can do...um, things."

"Like that," Sprout scowled as he ripped the calendar off the wall, before trotting over to a cabinet, and shoved a drawer. "And that, and that," He kicked a drawer, which caused the upper drawer to reopen, irking Deputy Sprout.

"Where's Hitch?" Phyllis asked, when she trotted in. "Ponies all over town. They're terrified. They want answers."

"He went after Sunny," Deputy Sprout answered. "Another solo Hitch mission."

"Sugar cube," Phyllis consulted her son. "Why the Sprout pout? That's great news."

"It is?"

"Yes," Phyllis picked up a shining sheriff's badge, and placed it on Deputy Sprout's strap. "It means that you are the sheriff, at least for now."

"I am!" Sprout exclaimed in realization. "Hey there. The name's Sprout. Sheriff Sprout. What's the problem, filly? Don't worry, Sheriff Sprout is here," Sprout began, already getting into character. "Pick up that litter! Sheriff Sprout's orders!"

Satisfied, Sprout turned to his mother and nodded.

Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer was sound asleep to the feel of soft grasses beneath her, when her ears twitched to the sound of a pianos playing.

"Huh?" Sunset moaned, wearily lifting her head up, opening her eyes to find herself in what appeared to be a ballroom. "Where am I?"

Getting up on her hooves, Sunset walked on all four, following the sound of piano playing until she finds a woman, playing the piano.

"Excuse me," Sunset called to the woman. "But, where am I?" The woman turned around to look at Sunset, startling the fiery unicorn, when she saw her face, "Twilight?" Sunset gasped. "Is that you?"

"Yes, Sunset," Twilight smiled. "It's me!"

"Omigosh!" Sunset exclaimed, running up to her friend, wrapping her arms around the Princess of Friendship, in a hug. "I...I've missed you so much!"

"Shhh," Twilight consulted, comforting the fiery unicorn. "Everything's going to be okay, Sunset."

"I...I...I'm sorry I didn't get to visit you sooner," Sunset cried. "If I had known, I..."

"There's nothing you could do, Sunset," Twilight shook her head. "What's done is done."

"But...I need your help, Twilight. I'm...I'm back in Equestria, but... It's divided. I don't even know the first clue of what I'm supposed to do. I...I can't do this without you."

"I wish I could tell you, Sunset. I really do. But know this. As long as you have friendship on your side, nothing can go wrong. You will always have friendship through the ages."

Turning her back to the piano, Twilight began to play some notes, leading Sunset and herself into a familiar song. Then, as if by magic, Sunset Shimmer felt herself grow younger, as if rejuvenated by the memory of the song.

Friendship Through The Ages


[Twilight Sparkle]

Nothing stays the same for long
But when it changes doesn't mean it's gone
Time will always get away
As it leaves behind another day

Then, another voice brought Sunset Shimmer's attention to see her friend Fluttershy, running through the mountain fields, with some animals.


Things may come and things may go
Some go fast and some go slow
Few things last, that's all I know
But friendship carries on through the ages

Then, another voice took over to sing the next verse, alongside Fluttershy, to which Sunset Shimmer finds herself in a field of large flowers, and sees Rarity, ever so elegant.

[Rarity and Fluttershy]

Things may come and things may go
Some go fast and some go slow
Few things last, that's all I know
But friendship carries on through the ages

A loud blast of guitar pierced the air, as Rainbow Dash took the next verse, with Sunset Shimmer crowdsurfing.

[Rainbow Dash]

Been around for a long time
Rocking out hard 'cause I'm in my prime
Maybe it'll change further down the line
But my friendship carries on through the ages

With a break of her guitar, Rainbow Dash sent Sunset Shimmer into a large beautiful apple orchard, where she sees the apple of every Equestria Girls' eyes, Applejack.


Every single style has something
Different it can say
There's nothing wrong with being unique
And special in your own way

And last, but not least, the loose cannon, the wildcard, and the party girl everyone knew and love, Pinkie Pie, popping the pop genre in an upbeat verse.

[Pinkie Pie]

Maybe you wanna be a pop star
Get your fifteen minutes of fame, wha, ah! Ah, oh!
That won't last forever
But friendship remains the same, ah-oh, oh!

Sunset Shimmer finds herself in a dark void, surrounded by her friends, before they were lit up, one by one, in colorful spotlights.

[The Rainbooms sans Sunset Shimmer]

Things may come and things may go
Some go fast and some go slow
Few things last, that's all I know
But friendship carries on through the ages


But friendship carries on

[The Rainbooms]

Things may come and things may go
Some go fast and some go slow
Few things last, that's all I know
But friendship carries on through the ages


But friendship carries on

Ohhh-oh, carries on...

At the end of their song, the six girls all crowded around Sunset Shimmer, wrapping their arms around her in a group hug. The warmth of the hug, the safety of its love, sends an overwhelming feel of nostalgia. Sunset Shimmer blinked her eyes open, looking down to see that in her sleep, Sunny and Izzy had wrapped their hooves around her, and hugged the olden unicorn in her sleep.

"Whoa!" Sunset Shimmer exclaimed, fully awake, as she got up, startling both Izzy and Sunny awake. "What? Who? When?"

"Good morning, Sunset," Sunny yawned, as both she and Izzy stretched themselves awake. "How did you sleep?"

After a moment of composing herself, Sunset Shimmer realized the recent flashback she experienced was a dream.

"I slept well," Sunset answered. "How about you girls?" She yawned and stretched her back, making a few pops. "How did you sleep?"

"I'm all rested and ready," Sunny replied.

"I'm full of pep!" Izzy smiled.

"Great. So... What's the agenda again?"

"We're going to Zephyr Heights and find a way to restore the magic to Equestria!" Sunny reminded.

With that, the two young ponies, plus an older one, resume their quest, which took them to a long vast canyon, shrouded in fogs.

Along the way, Sunny walked alongside Sunset Shimmer, eager to ask, "So, Sunset," Sunny began. "You knew Twilight and her friends. How do you think they would do on an adventure like this?"

"Hmmm, let me think," Sunset pondered. "If I were my friends, what would I do?" Looking at her surroundings, Sunset pondered on what Twilight and friends would do in a situation like this. "Well, Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie would make a game out of this situation. She'd probably go, 'I spy with my little eyes...something...Sunny!'" Sunset did an impression Pinkie Pie's voice, while booping Sunny's nose. "'Boop!'"

"She'd really do that?" Sunny smiled.

"That's Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie," Sunset shrugged. "If you know her well enough."

"So...what would Twilight's pegasi friends, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy do?"

"Uh, let me think," Sunset scratched her chin, before she did an impression of Rainbow Dash. "'Aw, yeah! Adventure, here we come!'" Next, Sunset pretended to be Fluttershy, "'Eek! I hope it's not dangerous, or something scary, like a dragon!'" Sunset then did an impression of Spike. "'Hey! I'm a dragon! And I don't bite. I eat gems!'"

"'Oh, of course, little Spikey-Wikey!'" Sunset did a Rarity impression. "'You're just so cute, I could just pinch your cheeks all day!'"

With that, both Sunny and Izzy broke out laughing at Sunset's impressions of Twilight's friends, "Wow! That's sounds just like how my dad told me about them!" Sunny laughed.

"Ooh! Do me next!" Izzy asked eagerly.

"Uh, I don't know if I can," Sunset shook her head. "I mean, I can try, but you'll hate me."

"Eh, try me!"

"Ok," Pitching her voice the highest she can, Sunset did her best impression of Izzy. "Hi new friend! Name's Izzy! I don't have magic! But I can do this! Ta-da~!"

"Hmm," Izzy clapped her hooves. "Not bad."

Before the bonding experience could continue, a woosh was heard, whizzing pass them, overhead, startling the three mares.

"Let's keep going," Sunset insisted as she and the two young mares resumed their journey.

On the way, Izzy began to strike up conversation, "You know," Izzy began. "Not to freak you out or anything, but you do know pegasi can steal your luminescence, don't you?"

"Oh no," Sunset shook her head. "Don't even start."

"My lumi-what?" Sunny asked.

"Luminescence," Izzy repeated. "You know, like your sparkle. Yours is...lavendar."


"And the happier you are, the brighter it shines!"

Suddenly, the wooshing sound from before was heard again, with the sound of several rocks falling along the cliffside. Before long, another woosh pierced the air, with a streak of shadow that zipped across the cliffs, scaring the three mares.

"Who's there?" Sunset Shimmer demanded, lighting her horn up at the ready, following the shadow, to see it perched on a cliff. Through the mists, Sunset squinted and could make out the silhouette outline of a pegasus.

Before Sunset had time to react, the pegasus had knocked some rocks loose from the cliff, sending them down, scaring both Sunny and Izzy into a frantic run.

"Hey, girls! Wait up!" Sunset galloped after the two runaway mares.

Turning around, Sunny looked to see the pegasus was still on their tails, "Hurry!" Sunny shouted, as she, Izzy, and Sunset galloped as fast as they could, before arriving at a cliffside, that appeared to have once been a landslide.

Looking back, seeing the pegasus was catching up, Sunny pushed Izzy up the rocky sides, and they frantically climbed up as fast as they could, with Sunset Shimmer following, straining as she climbed up the rocky ledges.

Once at the top, Izzy was the first to reach solid ground, while Sunny looked back to see the pegasus was catching up to them, when her hoof slipped, and the earth pony yelped.

"SUNNY!" Izzy screamed, reaching out for her friend, with her horn, which Sunny grabbed onto.

"I got ya, kid!" Sunset grunted, using her magic to catch the young earth pony, pushing her back on the ledge.

With Sunny safe, Sunset was the last to climb up the cliff and took the moment to catch their breaths.

"You okay?" Sunset inspected both Izzy and Sunny.

"We're fine," Sunny panted. "Thanks."

The three mares looked back, over the cliffside, seeing nothing but a sea of clouds, before they all exchanged looks. However, the adrenaline was not yet over, as the mares were all greeted, and startled by the pegasus, who finally revealed herself from the clouds.

Out of fright, Sunny and Izzy both screamed as they hugged each other, with Sunset Shimmer sandwiched in between. The three mares watched as the pegasus swoops down, over their heads, landed on several rocky ledges, before she came to perch atop of a rock, revealing herself in a display of pride and glory.

Izzy and Sunny both gasped in awe, "A real pegasus!" Sunny gasped.

"And this one's got Rainbow Dash's attitude," Sunset commented.

In appearance, the pegasus is white with silver hooves. Her wings have light blue and lavender feathers and are quite long. Her mane is hot pink with aqua and pink streaks, and it resembles gelled hair. Her tail is similarly colored and is of average length. She has turquoise blue eyes and pink eyebrows. Her cutie mark is a pink-and-blue lightning bolt with a yellow crown on top.

"Whoa," The pegasus mare shouted. "Two unicorns and an earth pony? Together?" The pegasus smiled as she commented, "OK, well, this day just got a whole lot more interesting."

Suddenly, the sound of metal clanking was heard, to which the pegasus mare looked to her left, in time to see some pegasus guards, coming around the corner.

With a frighten look, the pegasus took off, turning back to the mares and requested, "Don't tell them you saw me," With that, the pegasus disappeared into the clouds.

"There's no way we could!" Izzy called after the mysterious pegasus. "We don't even know your name! She seems nice," She commented to Sunny and Sunset.

"AAAH!!" A shout startled Sunset and her companions, as they turned around to see they were seen by two pegasus guards.

"Uh, hello there," Sunset waved a hoof, but one of the pegasus guard quivered, as he hid behind his comrade.

"Thunder, get it together!" The other guard barked.

"But-but that's an earth pony," The guard, identified to be Thunder, quivered.

"They're harmless," The other guard reassured. "They have tiny brains," She said, much to Sunny's annoyance.

"What do we do about them?" Thunder asked, pointing to Sunset and Izzy.

"Well, did you bring the shield?"

"What shield?"

"Didn't you read the guard guide?"

"Yes! OK, no."

The other guard let out an exasperated groan, "Oh, fine!" She said, as she walked over to the group, spreading her wings. "I've got this."

"You'll never take us alive!" Sunset Shimmer declared, lighting up her horn and disappeared in a flash of light.

"Sunset?" Sunny asked, looking at where the unicorn once was. "Sunset! Where'd you go? Come back!"

"Whoa!" Izzy exclaimed in excitement. "She disappeared! We can do that?"

"Unicorns can do that?" Sunny asked, before remembering the guards. "Oh no..."

Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer reappeared in another part of the area.

"Phew! That was a close one," Sunset smiled to herself, before she turned around. "You girls o–Sunny? Izzy?"

However, the only other pony in the area was just Sunset, by her lonesome.

"Hey! Where'd you..." With an exasperated sigh, Sunset slapped herself on the forehead. "Don't tell me I goof and left them behind..." With her face blushing a shade of pink, Sunset shook her head, "I'm out of shape physically, and I'm out of shape magically."

Turning back up the mountain peaks, Sunset frowned, "Oh Celestia, what do I do? What have I done? I'm supposed to look after those girls, and now they're in trouble because of me! I gotta do something!" She contemplated. "I know. I'll go back for help! No... It's a long way, and I might not make it back in time! I'll go after the girls myself."

With her resolve in order, focusing her magic, Sunset strained as she disappeared in a flash of light, determined to rescue the girls.

Meanwhile, back with Izzy and Sunny, the girls were in an elevator, escorted by the pegasus guards, who have stucked a tennis ball on top of Izzy's horn.

"That's creative," Izzy commented, at the tennis ball, while Sunny beside her was skimming through the pages of her notebook.

"What's it like to fly?" Sunny asked. "Is your wingspan the same as your height?"

"Well, I..." Thunder was interrupted when Sunny asked another question.

"Do you need a license to fly? How far can you go?"

"Can you fly to the moon?" Izzy asked.

"Do pegasi wear horseshoes or do they just weigh you down?" Sunny continued to ask.

"Well, I-I do collect sneakers," Thunder answered.

"Hey, don't answer anything!" The other guard berated. "They could be spies," She whispered.

Sunny and Izzy then turned to look out the window of the elevator. They both gasped in amazement to see a utopia of pegasus ponies in front of them.

"Wow!" Sunny and Izzy both marveled at the grand sight from inside the elevator.

"This is so awesome!" Sunny marveled. "I wish Sunset Shimmer was here to see this. I wonder what she would have to say?"

Speaking of whom, out in the streets of the big city, Sunset Shimmer was sneaking through the crowds, wearing a hat over her horn, while managing to disguise herself as a pegasus, with a pair of fake wings she had painted on herself.

"Wow, all those art classes paid off," Sunset said to herself as she walks among the crowds, passing herself off as a regular pegasus pony. "Now, where are Sunny and Izzy? I hope they're okay," In the meantime, Sunset Shimmer took a glance around at Zephyr Height, taking in the marvel of the city.

"Wow, this place is like Canterlot," Sunset commented. "But with a New York and Manehatten feel to it. When did the pegasi developed TV screens that big?"

Before Sunset could wonder any further, a loud announcer voice was heard booming on the TV screens, as they changed channel to a news broadcast, with two news reporter – one male and one female.

"Good morning, Zephyr Heights!" The male reporter greeted. "It's another beautiful day, in the big city. Looks like warm breezes and clear skies for tonight's royal celebration!"

"Royal celebration?" Izzy Moonbow asked, pressing her face against the window of the elevator. "Ha! Talk about great timing!"

The second reporter then took over as she announced, "Tonight's royal bash for Queen Haven will be stunning, but the real jewel in the crown will be Princess Pipp's performance. Isn't that right, Skye?"

"Ha!" The reporter, Skye, agreed. "Oh, my, yes, Dazzle," He said to the other reporter identified to be Dazzle. "And this just in - an exclusive vid from Pipp for all you loyal fans out there in ZH."

With that, a lot of the pegasus ponies stopped what they were doing as they looked up to see what their princess has to say, along with Sunset, who specifically wanted to see what's going on. Before long, a social livestream video was shown on the big screen, with an overflowing amount of heart, happy face, and cat emojis on the right, next to the said Princess Pipp.

In appearance, Pipp is a light pink pegasus with golden hooves, and her legs have a slight gradation into lighter pink feathering. Her wings are fluffy and white and are made of large, soft feathers. Her violet mane is wavy and swept to one side, and her tail is of average length. She has kiwi green eyes and violet eyebrows. Her cutie mark is obscured from the screen, but she appeared to be wearing a gold tiara with a green jewel and golden wheat.

"What is up everypony?" Pipp greeted her people. "Big shout-out to all my fans, the PippSqueaks."

Nearby, Sunset heard the squeal sound of two pegasus foals, who giddied in excitement to their favorite princess.

"So tonight's the night," Pipp continued. "I can't wait to debut my new song later. It has a very special place in my heart, but not as much as you guys!" She sang in a lovely voice.

"Aww!" The crowd replied.

"We love you so much, Pipp!" A random pegasus stallion hyperventilated.

"Ok, guys, I love you lots. Got to go," With that, Pipp signed off with, "Pipp, Pipp, hooray!"

"Pipp, Pipp, hooray!" Everypony cheered.

"Pipp, Pipp, hooray!" Izzy cheered, along with the two guards in the elevator.

"Wow! Equestria's really catching up with the Digital Age," Sunset Shimmer commented, before she resumes searching for Sunny and Izzy.

Once they reached the top, the elevator clicked open.

"Move it," The other guard ordered.

"You betcha!" Izzy complied, while Sunny looked at the pegasus, suspiciously.

"Do you see anypony flying here?" Sunny asked, but her question fell on deaf ears, when Izzy looked up and gasped.

"They have a castle!" Izzy exclaimed.

After some time of marching through the halls of the castle, Sunny and Izzy have arrived at the throne room, where another squadron of guards were marching, before they took their place, at the sides of a carpet.

"Bow before our queen!" Thunder ordered, to which some other guards blew into trumpets, sounding a fanfare.

Sunny and Izzy watched as the guards bowed their heads in respect, to which a small, white, winged pomeranian appeared on the scene, sitting in front of the throne, scratching its head with its hindleg.

"Your Majesty," Izzy bowed to the dog.

However, spot lights were shown from the ceilings, which the little dog yapped. Sunny looked up, nudging Izzy to do the same. In the background, the sound of upbeat music was heard. Everypony in the room watched as three pegasus ponies came swooping into the room, before they gently flapped their wings, lowering themselves to the throne.

Sunny looked to see they are the celebrity, Princess Pipp, the mysterious pegasus who chased them before, and the third is the queen, who is pale pink with blue and purple hair, purple hooves, blue and purple wings and blue eyes. She wears a pair of sunglasses, a purple vest with a blue and gold necklace and crown.

When all three pegasus landed on the throne, the little dog yapped and ran circles around the queen.

"Hi new friend!" Izzy waved to the mysterious pegasus, who shook her head, pleading not to get her involved.

"Guards," The queen began. "State your business and please make it quick. We're on a very tight schedule today. Before the celebration, Cloudpuff needs his pedicure," She turned to the dog, identified to be Cloudpuff. "Pipp needs to rehearse and I need to practice my laugh," To show her point, the queen laughed out loud, which seemed rather forced than natural. "Hmm. Still not right."

"Your Highness," The other guard began, as she and Thunder presented, "We found these intruders in our territory."

The queen lowered her glasses, shocked to see, "An earth pony and a unicorn in Zephyr Heights!"

"There was another unicorn with them," Thunder spoke up. "But she got away in a flash of light."

"But we have these two under control, Your Highness!" The other guard explained.

"And we deployed the shield," Thunder pointed to the ball stuck on Izzy's horn.

Still, the queen wasn't pleased, "Is this an attack on the night of our royal celebration? Why are you here? Who sent you?" The queen gasped in shock as she stated, "Nopony must know they're here."

It was too late, however, Princess Pipp had already started livestreaming what had transpired in the throne room.

Check it out, PippSqueaks, live from the castle..." Pipp began. "It's a real unicorn and earth pony."

Back in the streets, Sunset Shimmer stopped dead in her tracks upon hearing the news. She turned her head and looked up and gasped along with the pegasi crowds.

"I know, right?" Pipp said. "This is so not a filter."

"GIRLS!" Sunset said out loud, attracting some attentions, "I mean...Hey, an earth pony and unicorn! And they're both girls. Don't see those everyday, do you?" She smiled sheepishly, to which the pegasi ponies turned away and resumed watching the livestream.

"Pipp!" A hoof appeared on the screen, which turned to reveal the pegasus Queen Haven, who reassured, "There's nothing to fear. Those nasty little ponies have been captured. Your queen will protect you." With that, the pegasi breathed sighs of relief, while the queen ordered, "Shut it off."

With that, the TV screen switched off, and Sunset asked to herself, "They're prisoners of the queen? Can anything else go wrong today?"

"Excuse me, Majesty?" Sunny asked. "We only want to ask you a few questions about magic. We..."

"Guards!" Queen Haven shouted, with a spread of her wings. "Please escort these ponies to the dungeon until I can question them properly," She ordered. "And confiscate the book."

"What? No, no," Sunny protested as the guards took her book away. "But-but, Your Majesty, I just wanted to ask you a few questions, please."

Unfortunately, the young mare's words fell on deaf ears as the queen took her leave, with Princess Pipp and the mysterious pegasus, while the guards escorted Sunny and Izzy away.

"Did she just say dungeons?" Izzy asked.

"Could anything else go wrong today?" Sunny moaned.

Zipp Storm and a Blast From The Past

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Meanwhile, back in Maretime Bay, the newly appointed sheriff, Sprout, had made himself at home, redecorating the office to his liking. Replacing pictures of Hitch, with those of himself. It also didn't help that the office was more trashy than when Sheriff Hitch was in charge. The floor was littered with pizza boxes and crumbled up papers.

Sheriff Sprout was content with himself, when the doors burst open and his mother, Phyllis, came into the building, with frantic ponies clamoring outside.

"Mom?" Sheriff Sprout exclaimed.

"My, oh, my," Phyllis commented proudly at her son. "Aren't you the handsome sheriff. Look at you."

"Yes," Sheriff Sprout smiled, drawing circles on his desk with his hoof. "Yes, I am, Mommy."

"Well, this is it," Phyllis began, encouraging her son. "It is your time to shine, dear. Everypony wants to hear from you."

"They do?"

"Of course. You are in charge now. It's your destiny," She said hauntingly into her son's ear.

Feeling encouraged, brimming with confident, and the sense of authority going to his head, Sheriff Sprout took his mother's words to heart as he made his way out the front doors.

"Citizens!" He shouted, moments before the doors slammed shut on his face. "Ow!" He screamed, taking a moment to recover, before he came out of the doors and stood in front of the crowd. "It is I, Sheriff Sprout."

"Sheriff?" One of the ponies asked. "Where's Hitch?"

"We need a real sheriff," Another added.

"Tell us what's going on?"

"Hitch would know what to do."

"Come on, now, everypony," Phyllis spoke up, vouching for Sheriff Sprout. "Let's listen to what our new sheriff has to say." Turning to Sprout, Phyllis nudged her son, "That's you, sugar cube."

"Oh, yeah, it's me," Clearing his throat, Sheriff Sprout began to give a speech to the crowd. "OK, folks, calm down. There's no need to be scared.

"We're scared and we want to be prepared!" One of the earth ponies whimpered.

"The unicorns are coming!" Sparkle Chaser from the Canterlogic Annual Show hyperventilated, running blindly, with the strange periscope still strapped to his eyes. "The unicorns are coming!" He screamed, before he crashed.

"What do we do?" The crowd asked. "What's your plan, Sheriff? What if the unicorns come back?"

Pressured, not wanting to appear weak, Sheriff Sprout began, "Actually, what if you're all right?" He asked. "The unicorns could come back. They could even bring the pegasi. We are all in danger!"

The ponies gasped in shock at what Sheriff Sprout said, before he continued to egg them on, "Now is not the time to be complacent. We should do something!" With that, Sheriff Sprout lead the crowd into a musical number.

Angry Mob


Sprout:Something is lurking
Something is here
Something is feeling stranger

Stirring up discord
Whipping up fear
Whispering softly
Danger, danger!

Outsiders creep up slow and steady
Wings glistening
Horns at the ready
Think what they could do to the status quo

Phyllis: Oh no

Sprout: They're gonna steal, plunder and pillage
They're going to take over the village

Don't just sit on your butts and do nothing and wait
Let's enter a blind irrational state!

Better get nervous
Better get tense
Better not let them catch you blinking

You don't need a reason
Fillies and gents
This is no time for sober thinking

Sprout: Mob!
Random pony: Mob?
Sprout: M-M-Mob!
Random pony: Mob?
Random pony: Mob?
Sprout: Angry, angry! Mob

Earth ponies: Mob M-M-Mob mob mob, angry, angry

Sprout: See in black and white
That's your pony right
Time to lift your manes and proudly
Numbers make you strong
Millions can't be wrong

Specially when they're screaming loudly
You might not have a bale of hay to borrow
Are you saddled with your sorrow?
Are you scared about tomorrow?
Well, it's all gonna work out painlessly
If you follow my orders brainlessly!

Sprout: Who are we?
Earth Ponies: We're an angry mob!
Sprout: What are we?
Earth Ponies: We're an angry mob!
Sprout: Look at this corn!
Earth Ponies: It's on the cob!
Sprout: Look at this guy!
"Rob": My name is Rob!

Sprout and Earth Ponies: Mob, mob
M-m-mob mob!
Mob, mob
Angry, angry (4x)

Meanwhile, back in Zephyr Heights, as the upcoming royal celebration draws near, a lot of the pegasus guards were stationed around the castle, making sure nothing gets in, or even get out, without any of them noticing. However, little did the guards know, despite all of their defensive measures, it wasn't all enough to keep a certain fiery unicorn from getting in.

This wasn't the first time Sunset's ever had to sneak around before. The first time, when she was Princess Celestia's prized pupil, she snuck into the Restricted Section of Canterlot's library, under the cover of night. The second time, when she returned to Equestria, at the Crystal Empire, to steal Twilight Sparkle's crown. And perhaps the third time, was when she, and two of her friends from the human world, had to sneak through Ponyville, reaching Princess Twilight's castle, without drawing too much attention.

Those were the days of Sunset's reckless youth. Unfortunately, considering the fact she's in her middle-age, and the changes made in Equestria during her absence, suffice it to say, at this point, the unicorn is past her prime. Nevertheless, with young Sunny and Izzy's lives, possibly on the line, Sunset was more than willing to go in.

Getting pass the guards, guarding the elevator, was an easy feat for Sunset. Courtesy of the magic she retained, Sunset fired a few magical shots at random objects, making noises to stir up the guards' suspicions to investigate. Once they've left their posts, Sunset made a dash towards the elevator, taking her straight up to palace.

Once the elevator came to the top, it clicked its doors open, and Sunset dived behind the neatly trimmed hedge bushes that were planted on both sides of the path, leading to the castle. Some of the pegasus guards walked pass the hedge bush Sunset Shimmer was hiding behind. Once they're a safe distance away, Sunset proceeded to roll out of the bush, hiding behind a large statue of a pegasus, throwing her back out in the process.

"Ow!" Sunset grunted, wincing as she rubbed her back. "Wow, was I a fool for skipping that yoga class."

Just then, Sunset's ears perked up to see another squadron of patrolling guards walking towards her. Thinking fast, Sunset Shimmer pretended to be a statue, posing her hoof in a salute, which the guards bought as they went on their way. Once again, certain she was in the clear, Sunset resumed her sneak towards the castle, only to find the entrance was also under heavy guards.

Like she did before, at the elevator, Sunset's horn lit up, under her hat, as she devised to work up some distractions. She enveloped the guards' helmets in her aura, pulling them down over their eyes, blinding them in a splutter.

"Hey! Who turned out the lights?" One of the guards asked as he and his comrades struggled to get their helmets off, while Sunset galloped through the entrance and into the hallways of the castle.

Once inside, it was just another game of hide-and-seek for Sunset, as she tip-toed behind the guards, hides herself in the shadows, and behind tarps hanging from the ceilings, which, unbeknownst to her, are reminiscent to the time when Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, and Spike, had to sneak into the Starswirl the Bearded section of the library. Season 2 Episode: It's About Time

"If I know my dungeons," Sunset talked to herself. "Sunny and Izzy should be..."

"Looking for someone?" A voice asked, startling Sunset.

"AH!" Sunset yelped, rapidly beating her chest to ease her rapid heartbeat.

Looking up, Sunset found herself, face-to-face with mysterious pegasus.

"I have to say, you're very sneaky for an old mare," The pegasus commented.

"Gee, thanks," Sunset pouted, feeling insulted. "Why not give me a heart attack, why don't you?"

"Relax, I'm not going to rat you out," The pegasus reassured. "Besides, I know where your friends are. Follow me."

Meanwhile, from inside their dungeon cell, Sunny Starscout looked out the barred window, lost in her thoughts.

"Something is not right," Sunny said. "We haven't seen a single pony flying, except the royal family." She said, without getting a response. "Izzy? Are you listening?"

Turning her head, Sunny looked to see Izzy, reclining in a massage chair, that was put in the dungeon, with cucumbers over her eyes, and a coconut drink with an umbrella, at her right.

"This isn't dungeony at all," Izzy commented.

In fact, the dungeon cell that both Sunny and Izzy have been sharing is more of a luxury spa room, than a traditional jail room. It has towels, a fountain, flowers, a bowl of fruit, relaxing scent insences, and a luxury furniture on the other side of the massage chair, complete with a crystal chandelier.

Before Sunny or Izzy could continue with their luxury treatment, a familiar voice called out to the two mares.

"Hey!" Izzy and Sunny both looked over to see Sunset by the bars. "Uh, hehe. Sorry for that teleportation mishap, from back there," Sunset smiled sheepishly.

"SUNSET!" Sunny shouted happily, with Izzy, running up to the cage bars. "You came back!"

"Where did you go?" Izzy asked. "Where did you come from?"

"How did you find us?"

"Simple," Sunset pointed to the mysterious pegasus next to her. "I followed her."

"I'm sorry you two got thrown in here," The mysterious pegasus apologized. "But I have to talk to you."

"Princess?" Sunny Starscout greeted the pegasus.

"Your majesticness," Izzy stammered. "Y-Your Graceful Highness."

"Zipp," The mysterious pegasus interrupted. "Just call me Zipp."

"Ok, Zipp," Sunny greeted. "I'm Sunny. And this is my friend."

"Izzy Moonbow," Izzy introduced herself, before pointing to Sunset. "And you've met our friend, Sunset Shimmer!"

"Hey," Sunset greeted.

"Sunny, Izzy, Sunset," Zipp began. "I really need to ask you something important." Glancing to the side, making sure they're alone, Zipp leaned in closer and whispered, "About magic."

"That's why we're here," Sunny spoke on behalf of Izzy and Sunset. "Maybe you can tell us how yours works? Izzy has no idea how the unicorns lost theirs. Well, except Sunset Shimmer, who still has hers."

"I was outta town," Sunset explained to Zipp, levitating her hat in a sparkling aura to demonstrate and validate Sunny's words.

"But even Sunset doesn't know how to restore magic," Sunny continued. "So we thought maybe..."

"Whoa, whoa, wait," Zipp interrupted. "Lost theirs, except for Sunset Shimmer? As in no magic?" Sunny and Izzy both shook their heads, along with Sunset, who added with a shrug. "Well, that changes things."

"Speaking of which," Sunset glanced at Izzy, lifting her hoof up to Izzy's horn, with the tennis ball still stuck to it. "What's with the ball?"

"I don't know," Izzy replied. "The guards called it a 'shield' thing, and stuck it on my horn. Creative, don't you think?"

"Uh-huh..." Sunset said with a deadpan expression.

"Listen," Zipp began. "I might have some information that could help, but first, you need to tell me about this." Reaching into her wings, Zipp pulled out a familiar journal, returning it to Sunny.

"My journal!" Sunny exclaimed happily, reclaiming her notebook. "Thank you, Zipp. I never thought I'd see it again."

"Yeah, I can be pretty sneaky when I want to be," Zipp boasted.

"Nice!" Izzy smiled. "I'm only medium sneaky."

"I was a pro at sneaking, back in my days," Sunset added.

"So where did that come from?" Zipp asked.

"It was my father's," Sunny answered. "Why?"

"That star..." Zipp pointed to the star on the cover, which Sunset looked.

"Hey! That's–"

Before Sunset could finish, a robotic fanfare interrupted the four mares, turning their attentions to see, at the end of the hallway, were a couple of pegasus guards, rolling a red carpet across the floor, making way for the night's star performer, Princess Pipp, who had just taken a selfie, for her PippSqueaks.

Pipp was walking on the red carpet, when she noticed her sister.

"Zipp, what are you doing here?" Pipp asked. "Mom said to stay away."

"Right," Zipp smirked. "Then why are you here?"

With a scoff, Pipp pulled out her phone, "For the content," She answered, ready to take a selfie, posing with a duckface.

Reacting fast, Izzy wrapped her hoof around Sunny, bringing the earth pony mare close for the shot. Upon seeing the princess working a phone, with little to no trouble, hooves and all, Sunset Shimmer stared, slack-jawed, dumbstruck.

"H-H-How can she work with a phone like that?" Sunset asked.

"Same as everypony else?" Zipp replied.

"But...she's got hooves!"


"...Well, I...I, uh...When did Equestria started developing phones...like that? And touch sensitive?"

"You seriously never owned a phone before?"

"I've owned a phone!" A flustered Sunset raised her voice, before she answered bluntly, "From...outta town."

"Right..." Deciding not to question any further, Zipp decided to drop the question, as both she and Sunset turned their attentions back at the scene unfolding before them.

"Princess?" Sunny began. "Why isn't anypony flying?"

Princess Pipp gasped, before she regained her composure with nervous chuckles, "Everypony knows that only royals can fly, of course."

"What?" Sunny exclaimed, with Izzy.

"Seriously?" Sunset asked.

"I know, it's not fair, but that's just the way it is," Pipp continued, before she spread her wings, fluttered around and spun herself around. "If there was some way we could teach the citizens to fly, you know we would in a wing-beat. Right, Zipp?"

"Yeah," Zipp began, with a hint of sarcasm. "In a wing-beat."

Just then, Pipp's phone vibrated, to which she looked to see what it was notifying her, "Oh, dress rehearsals. Gotta go. And so should you," Pipp said to Zipp, before she took her leave, singing, "Me-me-me~ Red feather, yellow feather, red feather, yellow feather..." Following the princess, the pegasus guards rolled the carpet after her, with Zipp watching her sister leave, who ended her song with a trill.

Turning her attention back to Sunny and her companions, Zipp explained, "I have to show you something," With that, the rebellious princess walked over to a touch pad, mounted on a wall, and puts her hoof up to the screen, which scanned her hoofprint, and unlocks the cage door.

"At this point, nothing surprises me with Equestria and its technology," Sunset shook her head.

"You coming or what?" Zipp called to the three mares.

With that, Sunny galloped after the pegasus. Izzy was about to follow, when Sunset stopped her, and pointed to the ball on the former's horn. Getting the gist, Izzy giggled to herself as she swapped the ball for an orange, in the bowl of fruit. Once that task was done, Izzy and Sunset followed after Sunny and Zipp.

Meanwhile, outside of Zephyr Height's border, Sheriff Hitch had just climbed up to the steep cliff of the mountains, catching his breath, having been exhausted from his long journey from Maretime Bay.

Of course, like the critters back in his town, he was greeted with snuggles from the local critters – bunnies – who have already taken a liking to him.

Not willing to be deterred by the cute and cuddly affections he was receiving, Sheriff Hitch turned his attention to the task at hoof, when he noticed a familiar sticker on the ground.

"Litter," He said. "I mean, a clue," With that, the competent sheriff proceeded to investigate the scene, finding one of Izzy Moonbow's hair, hanging on a branch. "Hmm. Unicorn hair," He deduced, with the bunnies following him, watching as he picked up a feather, and tasted it. "Pegasi."

The sheriff proceeded to be on his way, placing his ears next to the ground to confirm, "Track's gone cold," Nevertheless, the sheriff of Maretime Bay's optimism was undeterred as he shook his head.

"Sunny, Sunny, Sunny, Sunny," He shook his head. "You think you've escaped? Well, think again. I will not eat, I will not sleep... Well, maybe a quick nap and snack if I can't find you in the next few hours. But after that, nothing will stop me!"

With that, Sheriff Hitch was met with a round of high-pitch cheering and applauses, as he looked down to see a whole herd of bunnies, clapping their ears in admiration of his vow.

"Oh, thank you. Thank you," Hitch said to the bunnies. "No, no. You're too kind." Resuming what he's about to say, Hitch declared, "Also..."

One of the bunnies shushed its fellow members, as they listened to what the stallion had to say.

"I'll follow you wherever you go. Whether harshest deserts, the coldest tundras, no trail too dangerous, no clue too small. The past matters not! It's justice..." Before Hitch could continue, he was interrupted by the bunnies, to which he let out an exasperated sigh, as he looked at the little critters.

"What? What?" He asked, to which the bunnies pointed with their ears, telling him to turn around, which he did, to see Sunny and Izzy's mugshots. "Gotcha!"

Back in the castle, Zipp had lead her new friends to her destination, sliding a grated platform to the side, revealing a lift beneath them. With a spread of her wings, Zipp glided down, safely landing on the lift.

"Watch your steps!" Zipp called, to which Sunny and Izzy had some rough landings.

Sunset Shimmer was the last to jump down, when she sprained her ankle upon the landing.

"AAGH!" She yelped in pain. "I'm okay. I'm okay. Just...need to stretch. Oh!" Sunset stretched her leg out, causing it to crack, popping some joints.

Pressing a lever, Zipp activated the lift to take herself and her friends to the floor of the large room, which is revealed to be a ruin of some sort.

"Where are we?" Sunny asked.

It's amazing, right?" Zipp asked, as she lead the three mares around the place. "I'm pretty sure it was some sort of station for when earth ponies and unicorns used to visit, Zephyr Heights," The princess explained, while Sunny walked over to look at a poster, advertising a visit to Maretime Bay, with Izzy following.

"It's like everypony just forgot," Zipp said.

Sunny held a hoof up, brushing the dusts off the poster she was looking, and was in awe to see the lighthouse she and her dad lived in, was on the poster. To further Sunny's heartfelt awe, her eyes widened to see a large billboard saying: Visit Bridlewood. On the billboard, it showed an image of a unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony, exploring the woodland together.

"This is proof!" Sunny exclaimed. "All ponykinds did used to be friends!"

"Didn't I tell you? Or didn't I tell you?" Sunset asked, from halfway across the room.

Sunny smiled at the olden fiery unicorn, while looking at Izzy, "My dad was right."

Sunset Shimmer was walking around the room, when she happened to notice Zipp, looking up sadly at a large, worn out, dusty poster, that is all too familiar to Sunset. Hanging on the wall, was a poster of the Wonderbolts. The very sight of the poster triggered a flashback for Sunset, recalling a time when she had once attended the Wonderbolts Derby, back in Canterlot, when she was very young.

Seeing the poster and experiencing the flashback, all together, made Sunset Shimmer feel even more out of place in this new era of Equestria she found herself in.

Sunny also walked up to Zipp's side, following Zipp's gaze up, looking at the poster that had trouble the pegasus princess. Instead of seeing a memory of days long past, Sunny saw pegasi, in their primes, flying in the sky.

"Must be really weird," Sunny began. "Being the only pegasi that can fly."

Unable to keep it to herself any longer, Zipp sighed, "The truth is, we can't fly either. We've been faking it."

"Faking it?" Sunny asked in shock, with Izzy and Sunset sharing her surprise. "But-But how?"

"You'd be surprised what some wires and good lighting will do," Zipp answered, while sulking over to a blackboard with equations and a diagram of a pegasus's wing.

"Actually, it reminds me of a trick a friend of mine once did," Sunset commented. "She's a magician. And a really good one. Calls herself the Great and Powerful... Uh sorry, go on," Sunset beckoned for Zipp to continue.

"But I'm just tired of living that ridiculous lie," Zipp ranted. "That's why I come down here – to get away from all of that, and...well, to do this."

With a canter and a leap, Zipp landed on a lever, which activated the machinery in the room, turning a giant fan to spring to life, blowing a gust of air, that carried Zipp up high. Once airborne, Zipp laughed as she did some flips and a few loops.

"Wow!" Sunny gasped.

"Whoa!" Izzy marveled.

Sunset Shimmer, however, couldn't help but shed a tear, "Beautiful," For a brief moment, instead of Zipp, flashing in her place was Rainbow Dash.

Back when she and Twilight still kept in touch, Sunset would sometimes receive updates on Twilight's pony friends in Equestria, and would often send pictures to show the fiery unicorn-turned-human.See Sunset Shimmer's Backstage Pass for a good idea on how the magic works. Among the pictures, were photos of Rainbow Dash, as a Wonderbolt, before she was promoted to a full-fledge captain of the Wonderbolts.

"Her sparkle is so bright right now!" Izzy squealed happily, snapping Sunset out of her trip down memory lane.

Sunset Shimmer looked up in time to see Zipp gliding down, out of the air current from the fan.

"But that's not why I brought you down here," Zipp began. "This is what I wanted to show you."

She turned around, guiding everypony's attention, up to what was left of a stained glass wall, with a familiar pink star, at the top.

"Twilight Sparkle..." Sunset Shimmer croaked, upon seeing the star.

"Oh, my stars!" Sunny exclaimed, looking down at her journal, to see the star matched with the one on the cover.

"This was made a long, long time ago," Zipp lectured. "When we still had magic."

"...Yeah," Sunset Shimmer frowned sadly, looking down at the floor. "When you still had magic...Twilight..."

"It's beautiful!" Izzy commented.

Still gazing at the stained glass with wonder, Sunny turned to see an image of a pegasus, with a horshoe-shaped crystal, with wings, hovering above its head.

"What is that?" Sunny asked, pointing at the crystal.

"That's the pegasus crystal," Zipp confirmed. "It's part of my mom's crown."

"Pegasus crystal?" Sunset perked her head up, as she walked over to look at the stained glass. "Huh, fascinating. But when did pegasi have a crystal like that?"

Walking to the other side, Sunny glanced up to see a stained image of a unicorn, with a piece of the stained glass smashed above its head.

"Hmm. Where is the unicorn crystal?" Sunny asked, looking around the room.

"Hey kid!" Sunset called to Sunny, before pointing a piece of the stained glass, that was covered in tarps.

Using her magic, Sunset lifted the tarp up to reveal the missing glass shard of the said crystal. Sunset Shimmer and Sunny both exchanged smiles, before the earth pony had an epiphany, which Sunset followed, turning their attention to the pegasus crystal's reflection on the floor.

Both unicorn and earth pony slid the crystal in place with the pegasus crystal, showing a perfect fit.

"Sweet Celestia!" Sunset Shimmer gasped.

"Look," Sunny pointed.

"They fit?" Izzy asked.

"These two crystals belong together," Sunny stated. "United."

"Why am I not surprised?" Sunset smiled, recalling her share of magic geodes from Camp Everfree and Princess Twilight and friends' ordeals with the Elements of Harmony.

"So, what are you saying?" Zipp asked.

"Maybe you lost your magic because the crystals were separated," Sunny theorized.

"Hmmm, I don't know..." Sunset pondered to herself. "It sounds too simple... That can't be it."

Nevertheless, Izzy and Zipp shared Sunny's theory, with Izzy asking, "So if we put them back together..."

"...magic will return?" Zipp ended.

"And all three ponykinds will get along again!" Sunny nodded.

"All right!" Zipp smiled.

"Oh-ho-ho!" Izzy chortled.

"Hmm," Sunset said, still feeling unsure, if not doubtful.

"But what about the unicorn crystal?" Zipp asked.

"Well, if you're looking for crystals," Izzy began. "We've got like a gazillion of them back in Bridlewood."

"Then that's where we'll go next," Sunny declared. "After we get the pegasus crystal from your mom, of course."

"Ooh, that'll be tricky," Zipp cringed. "She never takes her crown off."

"Even when she sleeps?" Sunset asked.

A Montage of Queen Haven


Truth to be told, the queen never takes her crown off, in her sleep, when she takes a bath, and when she goes for a swim, she always wears a rubber swimming cap, over her crown.

"I stand corrected," Sunset muttered.

"So, what do we do?" Sunny asked.

"I doubt she'd hoof it over to us, just because we asked her for it," Sunset commented. "I could probably steal it, off her head, when she's asleep. But then I'd need a perfect replica to replace her crown, before she even noticed."

"You can actually do that?" Sunny asked in awe.

"Ya darn right, I can. I stole Twilight's crown...once... When she was asleep... Uh, but for the record, she wasn't even wearing it on her head, when she was sleeping..." Sunset boasted, before a surprised Sunny, Izzy, and Zipp. "What? We forgave and forget and became friends after that."

"I got it!" Zipp exclaimed. "Pipp's performing at tonight's royal celebration. All eyes will be on her, especially my mom's. She'll be distracted. So we just need to swap the real crown with a fake."

"And where are we going to get one at this time of day?" Sunset asked.

"Ooh, I can craft a decoy!" Izzy bounced. "But I will need a box of macaroni, a tube of glue, 14 gooey bunnies and three jellybeans. Oh, and glitter. Lots of glitter."

"I'll get the supplies," Zipp volunteered herself, before proceeding to lay out the foundation of their plan. "I'll pass them off to Sunset and Sunny, and then they will get them to you. Once you produce the decoy, get your flanks to the palace."

"I can get us all to the palace," Sunset Shimmer offered. "I can teleport us in. No screw ups this time, I Pinkie Promise."

"Pinkie Promise?" Sunny asked.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," Sunset recited the said chant. 'For some paranoia reason, I can't help but get this funny feeling Pinkie Pie is still watching me.'

"Anyway," Zipp resumed. "Everypony who's anypony will be there, so security will be tight. I'll distract them, so you can sneak in."

"Maximum sneaky," Izzy stated.

"Professional sneaky," Sunset boasted.

"You'll need to be stealthy," Zipp added. "Carefully make your way to the Grand Hall, but watch out for the guards."

"Okay, and then what?" Sunset asked. "Like where do we go from there, once we're in?"

"I'll open the door to the back stage of the Throne Room," Zipp explained, while whipping out a map. "Here's a map, so you don't get lost."

"Alright!" Izzy cheered.

"And once Pipp starts singing, my mom will be so caught up, that swapping the crowns will be easy-breezy."

"Easy-breezy," Sunny commented. "Sure..."

"Any questions?" Zipp asked.

"I've got one," Sunset raised a hoof, "You're seriously helping us rob your mom blind?"

"Whatever it takes to return magic to Equestria," Zipp replied. "I'll do it."

"Alright..." Sunset Shimmer nodded. "Though, all this planning, about a heist we're going to pull, teamwork, and everything. It's...it's exciting, I'll admit. I almost feel young again."

"Really?" Sunny asked with newfound admiration. "Do you often steal a lot of royal crowns, before you became Twilight's friends?"

"No, only Twilight's," Sunset sighed nostalgically, looking up at the stained glass image of her friend's cutie mark. "And that was a real turning point in my life."

"Sounds awesome," Zipp commented, before she asked, "Now are you in or not?"

Turning back to the three young mares, who waited anxiously for Sunset's answer, the unicorn sighed, "I hope I don't regret this. For Equestria," Sunset said, holding her hoof out.

"For Equestria!" Sunny put her hoof on Sunset's.

"For Equestria!" Izzy cheered as he placed her hoof on top of Sunny and Sunset's.

The three mares turned to Zipp, who finally put hers on top, "For Equestria!"

With a holler, the ponies waved their hooves up to the air, as they set off to put their plan into action. On the way out, Sunset Shimmer slowed down, deciding to take one last look at the dusty ruins, that had once been a station of some sort.

"This was once a station, huh?" Sunset asked, looking around at some of the dusty posters. "Any chance Ponyville's still on the map? Or even Canterlot?"

"Hey Sunset?" Sunny called, galloping over to the fiery unicorn. "What's the matter?"

"Oh, I was just...curious," Sunset replied, as she walked around the ruins. "What happened here? How did it get to be like this? And...why did you even have...that?" She pointed to the shattered stained glass, that has clearly seen better days.

"I...I wish I know," Sunny replied. "Really, I do."

"I don't expect you to have all the answers, kid," Sunset sighed, sitting down on her flanks, while gazing up at Twilight's cutie mark. "I wish Twilight was here. Then I could talk to her, and ask her what had happened. Why did it happened. And if there's something I can do to...to fix all this..." A tear escaped from Sunset's eyes, which she wiped away with her hoof. "But...the more I look at the changes in Equestria, the more I feel...out of place. Like I don't even belong here anymore..."

"Because you still have magic," Sunny guessed. "And you feel alone."

Sunset sniffled, "That's one way to put it."

Sunny looked up sadly at Sunset Shimmer. It hurt her to see Sunset like this, feeling lost, alone, and misplaced, in a strange new world that was foreign from the one she's most familiar with. Sunny reached out to Sunset and puts a gentle hoof on the unicorn's shoulder.

"Everything will be okay, Sunset," Sunny said, comforting Sunset. "I promise. After we restore magic to Equestria, you won't have to feel out of place anymore. It will be just like Equestria in its heyday. And you don't have to feel lonely anymore, because you have me, and Izzy, and now, Zipp! And we're your friends now, and we'll always be with you to the end."

Sunset looked down at Sunny, with her eyes filled with tears. Either the waters have made her visions too blurry, but for a brief moment, Sunny's image was distorted, and in her place was Twilight Sparkle. Another blink of her eye showed Sunny Starscout, standing in front of her. A small sad, but happy smile formed on Sunset Shimmer's face, as she looked at the young mare in front of her.

"Thank you, Sunny," Sunset Shimmer dipped her head, touching her forehead with Sunny's. "Y'know. You're more like Twilight than you think."

"I am?" Sunny gasped in awe.

"Hey!" Zipp called from the lift she and Izzy were already in. "Are you coming or what?"

Glowin' Up

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Later that night, at Zephyr Heights, Sunny and friends had put their plan into action, and were in position, behind Queen Haven's throne, anticipating for the upcoming show.

Up on her perch, Zipp was leaning against the railings, with her mother and sister.

"I hear you paid our guests a visit," Queen Haven spoke to her daughter.

"Pipp told you?" Zipp asked in shock.

"Oh, you know she tells me everything," Queen Haven replied, while she was working on powdering herself. "I wish you would tell me more. You're going to be queen one day. You'll wear this crown. And trust me, it is heavier than it looks."

"Actually, there is something I wanted to tell you," Zipp began. "The unicorns don't have any magic," She relayed, while keeping Sunset Shimmer a secret. "I think it's tied to why we can't fly..."

"Zephyrina!" Queen Haven exclaimed, turning to her daughter. "I don't know what silly ideas those unicorns put into your head, but we have a duty to protect our citizens. Pegasi are happy enough knowing that we royals can fly. Why would you want to disrupt things?"

"Because it's a lie," Zipp reaffirmed her statement.

"It makes them feel safe," Queen Haven replied. "Oh, one day you'll understand. Your sister does," Queen Haven smiled when Pipp arrived, carried by wires, "Oh, and here she is now."

"Me-me-me~" Pipp sang, warming up her vocals.

"Showtime!" Queen Haven declared with a spread of her wings.

With that, the lights dimmed dark, followed by the sound of upbeat, pop music playing in the background, as the royals were carried up and gently lowered into the room.

"Remember to smile!" Queen Haven smiled to her daughters as they flapped their wings, for show.

"Ugh!" Zipp groaned in disdain, as both she and her mom took their seat on their thrones.

Cloudpuff yapped as he took a sit besides Queen Haven. Looking behind her mother's throne, Zipp looked to see Sunny, Izzy, and Sunset Shimmer, were all in place for the next phase of the plan. Just as Zipp had said, her sister, Pipp, made a grand entrance above her adoring fans, as she proceeded to sing, and "fly" to further captivate the audience.

[Pipp Petals]:

We got the light
We’re coming in stronger
We’re in it together
If you want it it’s all inside your mind
We got thе light
Won’t wait any longer
We’ll get it togеther
If you want it then you can paint the sky

Just as Zipp said, all eyes were all on Pipp's performance, including Queen Haven's. Though, even Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but whistle as she bopped her head to the rhythm of Pipp's singing.

"Wow, she's got nice sets of pipes!" Sunset commented.

"Uh, Sunset?" Sunny called, as she stood on top of Izzy. "Little help here?"

"Oh, right," Working her magic, Sunset Shimmer levitated Sunny up, until she's right on top of Queen Haven's throne.

used to care what they'd say
Let 'em into my brain
But I found a new way
Every time I fall down
I pick it up like rebound
Gotta get through somehow

From there, Sunny made the swap with the fake crown that Izzy had crafted, while Sunny stole the real crown. Once the task was done, Sunset Shimmer gently placed Sunny back on the floor, before she walked over to inspect the pegasus crystal embedded crown.

"Huh, so this is the pegasus crystal?" Sunset Shimmer looked over the crown.

"Yeah!" Sunny nodded. "Does it look familiar to you, Sunset?"

Sunset Shimmer shook her head, "Can't say it is. Although, I've had my fair shares of discovering lost Equestrian relics I didn't know of."

"Well, we've got the crystal," Sunny puts the crown in her saddlebag. "C'mon! Next stop is Bridlewood!"

With that, the three mares galloped towards the nearest exit. Unfortunately, a guard was at the door. Fortunately, he was too busy talking to someone, possibly his girlfriend, on the phone, to notice.

"No, you hang up," The guard insisted.

Sunny and Izzy quickly closed the doors, when they and Sunset heard a dog whimper, to which they turned to see the royal dog, Cloudpuff, growling and flaring up his wings.

Sunny and Izzy both let out a scream, while Sunset focused her magic to stop the dog in its tracks. But the dog continued to bark and wriggle in Sunset's telekinetic grip.

"You're a spunky little one, aren't you?" Sunset said to the dog.

We don’t fly like we used to
We take what we’ve been through
And we can feel brand new
I know I am a fighter, I feel the fire
I’m shinin’ brighter

With Sunset holding off Cloudpuff, Sunny and Izzy galloped to another door, only to find Sheriff Hitch, in a paper-thin pegasus disguise, complete with a mustache.

"Sunny Starscout," The sheriff barked. "You're under arrest..." Before he could finish, Sunny closed the door on him.

Turning to another direction, Sunny and Izzy dashed off to find another way out, while Sheriff Hitch dashed in, only to find himself enchanted with Princess Pipp's performance, swaying his hip to the sound of her enchanting voice.

Glowin' up kind of love
Dip and slide through the cut
Glowin' up kind of love
We say "Hi", you say "What?"

Sunset Shimmer was still wrestling with Cloudpuff, when the two guards from before caught her in the act.

"Hey!" The other guard shouted. "What are you doing with the queen's royal dog?"

"Uh...I was just playing?" Sunset grinned nervously, as she held the dog in her hoof and gave it a scratch behind the ears. "I just love dogs! And isn't he a cutie?" Unfortunately, the small dog wriggled himself free from Sunset's grip. "H-Hey! Come back here!"

With that, Sunset took off chasing the dog, with Thunder and the other guard exchanging agreement.

"I don't blame her," Thunder commented. "He is cute."

Everywhere that I’ve been
Yeah, they say I’m say different
But I’m good in my skin
Ooh-hoo-ooh (Hey)
If it doesn’t feel right
Break it in with tie-dye
And don’t you stop ’til sunrise

Cloudpuff dashed into the crowd of pegasus ponies, to forcing Sunset to sneak around the crowd in hopes of cutting off the little dog's escape at the other side. Unfortunately, she was too late. By then, Cloudpuff had gotten to Sunny and Izzy and stole the crown back, intent on giving it back to Queen Haven.

Sunny and Izzy gave chase, only to crash into Sunset Shimmer in the process.


The three mares grunted as they fell to the floor.

"Wipeout!" Izzy moaned.

Sunny looked up and pointed, "There he goes!"

Working up her magic, Sunset levitated Sunny and Izzy off of her, before they resumed the chase. Unfortunately, what Sunset failed to notice, was that during the crash, her painted fake wings were starting to come undone.

We don’t fly like we used to
We take what we’ve been through
And we can feel brand new

Cloudpuff returned to the throne, wagging his tail as he sat at the base of the step. Before her mother had time to notice, Zipp quickly stepped in, struggling to pry the crown away from the dog.

"Give me that!" Zipp grunted, pulling the tiara off, while Cloudpuff ran off with the pegasus crystal into the crowd.

At that moment, Sheriff Hitch had finally found his targets and was closing in on them. Thinking fast, Sunset Shimmer beckoned both Sunny and Izzy to hide behind some curtains, while she stepped in and blocked Sheriff Hitch's path.

"Get out of my way!" Sheriff Hitch ordered.

"Sheriff, I know you and Sunny go way back," Sunset began. "But you don't understand."

I know I am a fighter (Fighter), I feel the fire (Fire)
I’m shinin’ brighter

We got the light
We’re coming in stronger
We’re in it together

"No, you don't understand!" Sheriff Hitch argued. "I'm trying to keep Sunny out of trouble!"

"By arresting her?" Sunset countered. "Yeah, real helpful."

"It's not like I wanted to put her in jail! She's at the point of no–" Before Hitch could continue, Cloudpuff arrived and crashed into the stallion's leg, dropping the pegasus crystal in the process. "Huh?"

When Hitch looked down, like all the little critters, the little dog immediately took an instant liking to the stallion.

"Hey, he likes you!" Sunset said to the stallion.

"I can see that," The sheriff replied. "What is it with me and critters?"

"Hmmm, you wouldn't be any chance related to Fluttershy, are you?" Sunset asked the stallion.


Before the conversation could continue, the spotlights began to flicker out of control, interrupting Princess Pipp's performance.

"What the..." Pipp said in confusion.

Next thing everyone knew, the spotlight shines on Sunset Shimmer and Sheriff Hitch. The pegasus crowd all shared confused looks at the new ponies. Then, out of impulse, both Hitch and Sunset started to dance and sing, awkwardly. It also didn't help that Sunset stood on two legs and did strange human dance moves from the floss, to the arm wave, and a butterfly dance.

In the meantime, Sheriff Hitch was singing awkwardly:

Sheriff Hitch: Throwing up
Find a glove
Fly around,
Doing stuff that I love
You're like, why?
I'm like what?

"What is happening?" Princess Pipp asked, unsure as to how her spotlight could be taken by these strange pegasi.

Seeing her dance moves were rubbing the ponies the wrong way, Sunset got down on all four and did a familiar dance move, that is both adorkable and unorthodox. See MLP: FiM Season 2 Episode: Sweet and Elite

At the same time, Sheriff Hitch continued to sing awkwardly, with Cloudpuff howling with the stallion:

Sheriff Hitch: Crisp and dry
Eat some mud
Glowing up
Lovey dove...

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah!

Sunset ended her dance with a dab.

Suddenly, a scream was heard to which the crowd looked up to see Princess Pipp was zipping around, out of control. Using the distraction, Zipp slipped in and snatched the pegasus crystal Cloudpuff had stolen, leaving Sheriff Hitch with the said dog, while the rebellious princess and Sunset regrouped with Sunny and Izzy.

"I got it!" Zipp handed the crystal to Sunny.

"Yes!" Sunny cheered as she took the crystal and tucked it away in her saddle bag.

"Let's go!" With a gallop, Zipp lead the group to an exit.

"Nice work, with the lights," Sunset complimented to Sunny and Izzy. "What did you girls do?"

"We didn't do anything," Sunny replied.

"But we did meet this nice backstage pegasus," Izzy chirped. "But he was scared of us, and jumped on this strange thing-a-majig, with flashing buttons, levers, and he then he took off screaming."

"Freeze!" A loud voice barked, to which Sunset and her younger companions stopped in their tracks.

"It's the prisoners!" One of the pegasus recognized Sunny and Izzy from their mugshots.

At that moment, Pipp came swooping down and knocked Sheriff Hitch's fake wings off, blowing his cover.

"Another earth pony!" Another pegasus shouted, causing Hitch to take his leave, leaving a heartbroken Cloudpuff behind.

"Whoa!" Pipp screamed, when she crashed into Sunset, knocking the unicorn's hat off from behind.

"She's a unicorn!"

"No wait, she's an alicorn?"

Sunset Shimmer slowly got up, only to reveal one of her painted wings had been smeared on the floor.

"Nope, she's just a unicorn!"

However, the surprised didn't stop with Sunset, when Princess Pipp had finally came to the end of her flight, to which she hung upside down, with the wirings revealed in the spotlight, above an entire audience of shocked pegasi.

"She's a fake!" A Pegasus fan exclaimed.

"FAKE!" Another shouted, while one of the reporters in the room snapped a photo.

"The royals can't fly either?"

Knowing she's in big trouble, Princess Pipp desperately looked around the room, spotting her sister, Zipp, who had stopped to look back at the commotion.

"Zipp?" Pipp pleaded.

Sunny and Izzy were galloping towards the exit, only for Sunny to bump into Zipp.

"Zipp! Hurry!" Sunny shouted, with the reluctant princess following.

However, in the process, Sunny had dropped the pegasus crystal from her saddlebag.

"Hey! Kid!" Sunset shouted, picking up the crystal. "Hey! Wait!" But it was too late. The younger three mares were too far out of ear shots to hear Sunset.

"She's a fake!" Sunset Shimmer turned around, looking to see Princess Pipp, left hanging helplessly, above a crowd of outrage pegasi, and her popularity taking a nosedive.

Sunset looked back at the exit Sunny and her new friends had escaped to, then she turned to look back at the helpless Princess Pipp and an equally shocked Queen Haven.

"Twilight, what would you do?" Sunset asked herself. "What would you do? ...What would I do?"

Finally coming to a decision, Sunset Shimmer concentrated her magic, straining while doing so, focusing on a spell she remembered, from Princess Celestia's tutelage, and fired it on Princess Pipp, causing the pegasus princess, former popstar celebrity, to disappear, before she reappeared, next to her mother.

"Wha–Pipp?" Queen Haven exclaimed, looking at her bewildered daughter, then back at the air, where she used to be. "How-when?

"I don't know mother!" Pipp replied, before both she and her mom found themselves mobbed by the outrage pegasi crowd, pointing their hooves at the royals.

"They're fakes!" A pegasus shouted. "Fake!"

Just then, a flash of light exploded, revealing Sunset Shimmer standing between the audience and the royals.

"You shall not have them!" With a stomp of her hoof, Sunset Shimmer disappeared in a flash of light, taking Princess Pipp and Queen Haven with her.

"That unicorn has magic!" One of the pegasus exclaimed. "And she's taken the royals!"

"We're all going to die!" One of the pegasus screamed as the crowd went wild.

Another flash of light exploded, as Sunset Shimmer appeared outside of the castle, with Princess Pipp and Queen Haven dazed and dizzy from the teleportation.

"My life just flashed before my eyes!" Princess Pipp moaned.

"Ugh, I haven't teleported that much in a long time," Sunset groaned, rubbing her temples with her hooves. "I think I'm getting a migraine."

"You! Unicorn!" Queen Haven began in a demanding tone. "I demand an explanation. What is the meaning of this? Disrupting the royal celebration? The highlight of my daughter's career? Is this some kind of plot you unicorns have concocted to bring down my kingdom?"

"With all due respect, your highness," Sunset began. "I was just trying to help."

"By stealing my spotlight and ruining my reputation?" Princess Pipp scoffed. "Yeah. Real helpful."

"Well, the plan had some holes," Sunset cringed. "It wasn't exactly foolproof. My friends are trying to restore your magic," Sunset levitated the pegasus crystal from her saddlebag. "We just need to borrow your crystal for a–"

"Hold on," Queen Haven exclaimed in shock. "How did that get in there? Then, what have I been-" Reaching up her head, Queen Haven looked to see the fake crown she was wearing. “What is this?”

“Uh, hoof crafted crown, courtesy of my friend Izzy,” Sunset answered. “She’s a real artist. Runs in the unicorns in us. It’s pretty, with glitter, and it’s light as a feather. If you ask me, she’s done you a favor, with how heavy the pegasus crystal weighs you down.”

“Hmmm. Good crafts ponyship,” Queen Have commented, putting the fake crown on her head. “Not bad. But I’m still going to have you arrested for this sabotage, and another charge for conspiring in this theft on my crown jewel!”

“Queen Haven! You are under arrest!” A Pegasus guard shouted as a whole squadron surrounded the royals and Sunset.

“What? How dare you!” Queen Haven huffed. “I am a Queen! Your Queen!”

“But you lied to us!” One of the guards countered. “You’re a fake! So technically, that makes you a fake Queen. And we don’t take orders from you. So you are coming with us. All of you!”

As the pegasi guards closed in on the three ponies, Queen Haven turned to Sunset Shimmer, “Excuse me. You still have magic, right? Can you magic us out of here?”

Sunset strained to concentrate the teleportation spell, “I’m…I’m trying! But I’m…exhausted,” Sunset collapsed to the ground. “I can’t teleport us out.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Pipp frowned.

“Wish I was.”

“Okay, new plan,” With a thrust of her hooves, Queen Haven pushed her daughter and Sunset Shimmer to the elevator. “Run, Pipp! Find your sister, and save yourself!”

“But…mother!” Pipp began.

“And you!” Queen Haven pointed to Sunset. “Don’t you dare hurt a single feather on my daughter, or else!”

“Don’t worry, Your Highness,” Sunset dipped her head. “I’ll take care of them. C’mon, let’s go!” Sunset said as she and Pipp escaped into the elevator, while Queen Have stayed behind to hold off the guards.

On The Run

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After escaping the former guards of the royals, Sunset Shimmer and a distraught Pipp were in an elevator, taking them down to the city of Zephyr Heights, with the intent on regrouping with Sunny Starscout's group.

Along the way down, Sunset Shimmer looked over to Pipp, huddling in the corner of the elevator, stewing in the mixed feelings she felt towards Sunset and the ponies responsible for her loss of fame, dignity, and life.

"Ahem," Sunset cleared her throat. "You're welcome?"

"No thank you," Pipp frowned. "Why would I even want to thank you? You turned my sister against me, you ruined my show, and...and you ruined my life!"

"Okay, yeah, that," Sunset scratched the back of her head. "But...I got you and your mom, didn't I?"

"Yeah, but then you ditched her to the guards!"

"I didn't ditch her! She sacrificed herself to save us!"

"All because you...you...YOU couldn't teleport us!" Pipp argued, as she got in Sunset's face. "What kind of a unicorn are you?"

Sunset gritted her teeth into a snarl, narrowing her eyes into a glare, "Oh-ho no, no, no. Don't you start, Miss High and Mighty! As I recall, you're the one who says only royals could fly. But turns out, you don't even know the first thing about magic. It was all wires and lighting, wasn't it? So don't act like you're a better expert at magic than me!"

"Oh yeah?" Pipp fired back. "Then how is it, that-that-that YOU'RE the only unicorn with magic? Zipp told me and mom that unicorns don't have magic! So I'd say you're a bigger liar than WE were!"

"I...I...I DON'T KNOW!" Sunset stomped her hoof, losing control of her magic that threw Pipp off her hooves, flying against the wall, nearly shattering the glass screen of the elevator. "I don't know why this is happening! I've been away from Equestria for many, many moons! Many, many moons, you hear me?! That's a long time in Equestrian years! I just came back, because I wanted to pay a dear friend a visit! But instead, I came back to find every ponykinds divided and Equestria deprived of its magic! Yet, I'm the only one with magic! Why am I a special case? What happened to Twilight? Why can't everypony just get along? And when and where did ponies get all these technologies?"

At the end of her rant, Sunset Shimmer took slow heavy breaths, before she looked over to see a frightened Pipp, shaking and quivering, in the corner, completely scared of the fiery unicorn. Composing herself, Sunset Shimmer took a long deep breath to calm herself.

"I'm sorry, for everything," Sunset said to Pipp. "We never meant to ruin your show. Or expose you as a fraud in front of...thousands of pegasi," Levitating the pegasus crystal from her saddle bag, Sunset continued to explain, "But this crystal. It's our only hope. Your sister's hope...of restoring magic. You don't have to believe me, but just know, your sister was done living a lie. She wants what's best for everypony. And I suggest you should start doing the same, for your PippSqueaks."

Pipp looked down, taking in what Sunset had said, "Easier said than done," Pipp frowned, taking out her phone, to reveal the dwindling number of followers on her account. "All of my PippSqueaks...gone."

Sunset nodded in acknowledgement.

"But Zipp...she's all I have left," Pipp frowned. "And she's out there...somewhere."

"Then I'll take you to her."

"How do I know I can trust you? You're a unicorn, and you have magic. I hear you unicorn types are tricky."

"You got a better idea?"

Unable to come up a better argument, Pipp spluttered a sigh, before she reluctantly nodded.

Meanwhile, out on the streets of Zephyr Heights, the sounds of police siren filled the air as Sunny Starscout's group, with Sheriff Hitch following close behind, were galloping for their lives.

Leading the escape is their new friend, Zipp Storm, "Quick! This way!" Zipp guided the group to take refuge in an alleyway.

"Ok," Hitch panted, after he dove behind an iron barrel. "I think we lost them!"

"Hitch, what are you even doing here?" Sunny asked the sheriff of her hometown.

"Arresting you," Hitch answered. "And saving you. So, you know, a little bit of both, actually. You're welcome!" He said sarcastically at the end.

"Oh, gee, thanks," Zipp rolled her eyes as she approached Hitch. "But we don't need any saving. OK?"

"And you are?" Hitch asked the pegasus princess.

"Her mom is the queen!" Izzy chirped.

"Wait a minute. So that means you're a princess?" Hitch asked Zipp.

"Huh, look at that," Zipp smirked in a mocking tone. "The sheriff just became a detective."


Before another word could be exchanged, the TV screen announced a breaking news broadcast, before city's reporters, Sky and Dazzle, appeared, with a photo of Princess Pipp, hanging upside down.

"Breaking story," Dazzle reported. "Zephyr Heights is in turmoil tonight after the shocking revelation that the royals cannot fly."

The broadcast then cuts to an interview with a pegasus foal, talking into the microphone, "Pipp used to be my favorite."

"If we can't trust our own royalty, who can we trust?" Another pegasus civilian asked, before the microphone was taken by a pegasus stallion.

"I blame the unicorns and the earth ponies," The stallion went on record saying. "They ruin everything!"

"Where is that bacon-haired unicorn, who helped Queen Haven and Princess Pipp escaped?" Another pegasus asked.

Sunny Starscout gasped in shock at the realization that, in their hurry, to escape with the pegasus crystal, they had accidentally left Sunset Shimmer behind. Much to her relief, however, the news broadcast showed a video footage of Sunset Shimmer igniting her horn, before disappearing with both the queen and Princess Pipp, in a flash of light.

"For the moment," Dazzle began. "The unicorn who had assisted in the royals' escape is still at large, together with the royals. But we have reassurance from the guards that they will be hunted and arrested on sight."

"Oh no," Sunny whimpered.

"Well, look on the bright side," Izzy began. "At least they got away."

Izzy's words were eaten, however, when Dazzle was given an update, "This just in," Dazzle reported. "Queen Haven has been arrested for being a phony pony full of baloney!"

Zipp gasped in shock, watching as her mother was escorted by the guards, "No comments," Queen Haven huffed. "And no photos!" But quickly, the queen changed her mind, "Okay, one photo." She said, striking a pose with a grin.

"Anypony care to explain?" Hitch asked.

"We had to get the crystal. Look!" Sunny reached into her saddle bag for the said crystal, only to find it was gone. "Oh, no, no, no, no. It's not here!" She exclaimed to Zipp, who was just as shocked.

"Seriously?" Zipp asked.

"Looking for this?" A voice asked, revealing herself to be Sunset Shimmer, levitating the crystal, with a smug grin.

"Sunset!" Sunny smiled, running up to the unicorn, throwing her hooves around her neck in a hug. "You're okay!"

"Ahem!" Another voice spoke up.

"Oh, right. Her," Sunset directed everypony's attention to an infuriated Pipp, who demanded an explanation, pointing at the crystal that Sunset was telekinetically holding.

"Can somepony explain why this thing was so important that you had to ruin my whole show over it?" Pipp demanded.

"Trust me, it was," Zipp galloped up to her sister, who got in her face.

"You left me hanging there in the spotlight," Pipp spatted in outrage. "I had to be rescued...by her!"

"I could've just left you behind, you know," Sunset rolled her eyes at the pegasus's ungratefulness.

"It doesn't matter anyway," Pipp sighed as she looked down. "Now everypony knows we can't fly." Just then, Pipp's phone vibrated, to which the princess took out to see another news broadcast from Dazzle, with a mugshot of Queen Haven.

"A warrant is out for the arrest of the princesses," Dazzle reported.

"Pipp! Zipp! Save yourselves!" Queen Haven exclaimed dramatically, before she posted for another photo snap of her profile.

"What?!" Pipp exclaimed as she entered a frantic panic state. "This isn't happening. This is so not happening!"

"Pipp!" Zipp snapped, getting her sister's attention. "Forget about all that. We think we can bring back magic, but we need that crystal."

Sunset was about to levitate the crystal to Zipp, only for Pipp to stop her.

"Have you lost your mind?" Pipp asked. "We can't trust them!"

"Don't you dare start that blasphemy talk about trust!" Sunset glared at Pipp angrily. "You and your mom lied to your own people at the notion that you can fly! You took advantage of their idolization of you, instead of being upfront and honest about! And look how that worked out!"

"Sunset?" Sunny began, walking up to the fiery unicorn's side.

"Trust isn't something to lie about to take advantage of!" Sunset continued, with tears pouring from her eyes. "It's all about honesty! Can you do that for once in your life? Like Applejack once did?"

Pipp was reduced to a ball of a scared little pony, intimidated by an angry Sunset Shimmer, with an intensive bright aura to match. For a brief moment, in her place, Fluttershy flashed before Sunset's eyes, who slowly calmed down.

"Who's Applejack?" Zipp asked.

"Doesn't matter," Sunset Shimmer turned back to the group, levitating the crystal. "Let's just go..."

"Wait!" Pipp desperately pleaded. "The truth is... I don't want to be alone anymore! Please, take me with you, Zipp! You're all I have left!"

Zipp turned to look down at the scared and sad eyes of her sister, who's time in the spotlight was cut short, and reduced her to a fugitive, just like she is now. Even though Pipp at times would drive Zipp crazy, she's still her sister. With their mother arrested, the two princesses need each other.

"Ok," Zipp nodded, walking over to her sister, helping her up. "You can come with us. And we're taking the pegasus crystal. It might be our only chance."

"Fine," Pipp replied, before she took the lead. "I know a way out. Follow me."

"Can she be trusted us?" Hitch asked.

"She's got nothing left to lose," Sunset replied. "Let's follow her." She said, magically giving the pegasus crystal for Sunny to keep.

"What? Wait! You can't just..." But Sheriff Hitch was in denial as all the other ponies took their leave. "I'M THE SHERIFF!" Hitch whined.

"Not in this town, Donut Lord!" Sunset Shimmer frowned, using her magic to drag the earth pony along. "Now c'mon!"

"Uh, first off, who died and made you leader?" Hitch asked. "And second, how is that you still have magic?"

"Every other unicorns in Equestria don't have magic, besides me! I know, I'm freaking out too! And I'm starting to have gray hair!" Sunset scowled, when Izzy checked her mane and tail.

"Hmmm, I don't see any grey hair yet," Izzy inspected with a magnifying glass. "I think you're in the clear."

During the walk, Zipp walked up besides Sunset, "So, about what you said to Pipp..."

"I know she's your sister," Sunset rolled her eyes. "And I'm sorry for yelling."

"Oh no, no, no, that's not what I want to talk about," Zipp corrected. "You mentioned somepony named...Applejack?"

"Oh. Right. Her."

"And the way you worded it, she sounded like...my kind of pony?"

"Even if she's an earth pony?"

Zipp smirked as she gestured to Sunny, "Wouldn't be the first time I've befriended an earth pony. So what's this Applejack like?" Zipp asked.

"Oh, she's amazing!" Sunny began to explain passionately. "She's a real country gal. Hardworking, stubborn, but above all, honest about her feelings and problems."

Sunset could only smile to herself, listening to Sunny Starscout's admiration and respect for Applejack.

"Really?" Zipp asked, liking what she's learned about the Bearer of Honesty. "Even about her problems. Why didn't she just lie about it?"

"Well, from what my dad told me, she tried once," Sunny explained. "But it got out of control and her whole family ended up in a hospital."See Season 6 Episode: Where the Apple Lies.

"Ouch!" Zipp chuckled, cringeworthy.

"Eesh," Izzy added. "I'd hate to be in her horseshoes."

"Yeah, you'd have to be there to believe it," Sunny giggled, before she perked up. "Oh! You were there when it happened, weren't you, Sunset? You saw what happened, right? Applejack was your friend, wasn't she?"

"Uh..." Sunset Shimmer searched for the right words.

In a manner of speaking, Sunset is indeed friends with an Applejack. But not the same Applejack who is a pony, and a friend of Twilight Sparkle. Still, Applejack is Sunset's friend, one world to another, so technically speaking, they're still talking about the same Applejack.

"Technically, it's a yes and no," Sunset answered. "Yes, Applejack was my friend. And no, I wasn't there when it happened. She told me about it."

"Aw, I wanted to know how it happened," Izzy pouted.

"But the lesson is true, kid," Sunset stated seriously. "Don't lie. The more you lie, the bigger it gets, and the harder it is to keep it under control."

"Got it," Zipp nodded. "Noted. Honesty."

Ever so eager to learned more, Sunny bit her lip as she walked up besides Sunset Shimmer.

"So, what other words of wisdom did Twilight and friends imparted on you, Sunset Shimmer?" Sunny giddied.

Campfire Stories

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Somewhere in Equestria, after their escape from Zephyr Heights, Sunny Starscout and her friends, accompanied by their new pegasi friends, Zipp and Pipp, and a reluctant Hitch Trailblazer, where all walking in a field of daisies. During the trip, the three young ponies – Sunny, Izzy, and Zipp – were engaged to a lively story that Sunset Shimmer was telling them.

The fiery unicorn was telling them one of Princess Twilight's stories, in her absent.

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute," Sunny exclaimed. "Pinkie Pie can actually play ten instruments at once?"

"That's what Twilight told me," Sunset Shimmer smiled.

"Is she even an earth pony?" Sunny asked. "How does she even do that?"

"That's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie," Sunset shrugged. "Don't ask. I've tried to ask her, and she doesn't make a lot of sense, so...best not to overthink these things."

"Well, I like her already!" Izzy Moonbow chirped. "She sounds like a lot of fun!"

"Yeah, I figured you would," Sunset smiled. "They don't call her Ponyville's local party pony for nothing."

"You have got to tell me each and every parties she threw!" Sunny giddied. "Who knows? Maybe one day, after we've brought the earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi together, I could even throw a big victory party of friendship! And we can invite EVERY PONY!!!"

"...That's a tall order, Sunny," Sunset commented. "But you think you can handle that?"

"Why not? If Pinkie Pie can do it, then maybe I can! Maybe I have Pinkie Pie's party making blood in me!"

Sunset Shimmer could only chuckle in admiration, "One thing's for sure, you have her optimism," Sunset frowned sadly at the last part, sadly missing Pinkie Pie.

"Look!" Sunny pointed, directing the gang's attention to a large tree in the distance, with pink leaves. "That's the tree from the map," Sunny confirmed, as she, Izzy, and Zipp looked back down in the map. "That means... it's this way!"

Sunny, Izzy, and Zipp all dashed off, leaving Sunset behind with Pipp and Hitch following behind.

"What am I even doing here?" Hitch frowned, along with Pipp. "Hoofing it across daisy fields, looking for a magical crystal that doesn't even exist!"

"Hey, try and keep an open mind, okay?" Sunset grumbled. "Y'know, for some pony's childhood friend, you really don't seem to share her optimism for friendship."

"Well, as a sheriff, it's in my best interest to look out for what's best for Sunny and try and keep her out of trouble," Hitch scowled. "But for all I know, I'm probably too late, because you've got her under your mind control. Haven't you?"

"Ha! Please," Sunset rolled her eyes. "If I wanted to hypnotize Sunny, I would've done it a long time ago, and make her, say, punch you in the face so hard that even your grand kids will have a swollen face."

"You threatening me?" Hitch challenged. "You're facing serious charges for threatening an officer of the law, Miss Bacon Head!"

"That's Sunset Shimmer to you, Donut Lord!" Sunset spatted, as she got into Hitch's face. "And I'm warning you, I may be old, but I've still got magic, and I'm not afraid to use it!"


With a huff, both Sunset and Hitch held their noses up and looked away, with an equally miffed Pipp passing through.

"It was supposed to be my best show ever," Pipp moaned. "And now it's all over. I'm a criminal! And it's all because of them!" She said, with Hitch saying the exact same thing. "And that is so not cool."

"No it is not," Hitch scowled, before he did a double take. "Did I just agree with a pegasus?" Hitch asked.

"Yup," Sunset Shimmer confirmed. 'I miss Big Mac,' She thought.

While walking through the daisy fields, Pipp caught to her sister, with Hitch galloping towards Sunny, leaving Izzy with Sunset.

"So...you've got magic!" Izzy beamed. "What's it like? Being able to cast spells, lift objects up in the air, instead of your hooves?"

"Oh, well, it's...it's..." Sunset struggled to find the right words. "Y'know, long ago, back when every unicorns still have their magic, it's always been like a norm. When Equestria still had magic, you can accomplish a lot of feat. and use it to perform simple everyday tasks, like picking apples from a tree, levitating a book to read while you're walking, or...say you're running late for class. You're in your bedroom. But all you needed is to concentrate and–Poof! You're in class, with seconds to spare!"

"Wow!" Izzy marveled. "So...if we have magic, then...we can do EVERYTHING WE EVER WANTED?! Like you're on top of the world?"

Upon hearing Izzy's comment and fascination, Sunset immediately paused, experiencing unpleasant flashbacks of her time as Princess Celestia's prized pupil. Like Izzy commented, Sunset Shimmer too once thought she would be on top of the world, that she has no limitation, or that she shouldn't be obliged to follow the rules. Young Sunset Shimmer then was arrogant, aloof, and disrespectful to the limits and wishes that Princess Celestia had imposed on her. As a result, it sent her down a dark path that forever traumatized Sunset Shimmer, for as long as she shall live.

"Sunset? Sunset?" Izzy asked, noting the fiery unicorn's sudden pause. "Yoo-who? Any pony in there?"

Sunset shook her head, snapping herself back to reality.

"I'm fine, kid," Sunset began sternly. "But listen, when you have magic, then you have to promise you don't do anything reckless with it."

"How come?"

"It's not just for fun, kid," Sunset lectured to Izzy. "With great power comes great responsibility. Ya can't just gallop around, firing random magic spells, thinking there's no limitations. There are rules ya need to follow and...and..."

"And what?" Izzy asked. "Rules and what?"

"Responsibility kid..." Sunset dipped her head. "Think about it. You don't have magic, but I do. If I suddenly hexed you, and you... If I turned you into a zombie, would you like that?"

"Hmmm," Izzy pondered before she shook her head. "No, not really."

"Nope. It wouldn't be cool, and it would be on me. And you wouldn't want to do that, now would you?"

"Be on you?"

"No. The other thing."

"Turn you into a zombie?"


"No. I wouldn't do that."


"We're almost to the river, everypony!" Sunny Starscout called out, drawing Sunset and Izzy's attention up to the earth pony.

Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but smile, "Sunny's a nice Earth Pony, isn't she?"

"She sure is!" Izzy chirped in agreement. "Reminds you of anypony you know?"

But before Sunset could answer, Hitch's voice was heard, screaming, "No, no, no, no, no! Where's my badge?! Hey! You two!" He said, pointing an accusing hoof at Sunset and Izzy.

"Hmmm?" Izzy replied.

"What?" Sunset asked, in an annoyed tone, not liking to be falsely accused.

"I know unicorns like shiny things!" Hitch began.

"Well, has your mother ever told you about dragons and griffons hoarding gemstones to build their nests?" Sunset rolled her eyes.

"Cut the cat and mouse game, Bacon Head," Hitch glowered. "Where's my badge?"

"Oh, you know," Izzy began. "I think I did see a shiny badge-y thing on the ground a few hours ago."

"What?!" Hitch freaked out. "Hours?!"

"And you're telling us now?" Sunset asked.

"Well, maybe it's for the best," Izzy began. "Between you and me, buddy," She began in a low hushed voice. "That badge was creating an unhealthy power dynamic," With that, Izzy started singing a song, to herself, leaving a bewildered Hitch behind, with Sunset.

"She's got a point," Sunset said, as she turned and followed the younger ponies, until they came across a valley, where the bridge was out.

"What are we gonna do?" Sunny asked.

"Don't worry, kid," Sunset turned her head to the side, making cracking noises from her neck. "I've got this."

Concentrating her magic, Sunset Shimmer focused on a teleportation magic, straining as she exerts every amount of mental powers she could muster. Focusing the magic on herself and her five young companions, there was an explosion of turquoise light, followed by another flash of light, revealing all six ponies on the other side of the valley.

"Whoa!" Hitch moaned, having been rendered in a daze, with his eyes rolling. "Warn us next time you were going to do that!"

"But it worked!" Sunny exclaimed, upon seeing that they were all on the other side of the gap. "We made it to the other side!"

"Way to go, Sunset!" Izzy chirped. "Though, to be fair, I was going to use my horn to cut down that tree on the other side to create a bridge for us to get across!"

However, Sunset Shimmer wasn't in the mood of accepting praises. The five younger ponies turned to notice the fiery unicorn had collapsed onto the ground.

"Sunset!" Sunny exclaimed, galloping to the weary unicorn. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, kid," Sunset reassured, rubbing her temples with her hoof. "I...I'll be fine. I'm not as spry as I used to be. C'mon. Let's go," Turning to Izzy, Sunset asked, "How far are we to this Bridlewood home of yours, Izzy?"

"Not too far now!" Izzy smiled, pointing off in the direction. "It's just a hop and a skip away!" With that, Izzy took the lead, with the rest of the group following.

Though, all the same, Sunny Starscout couldn't help but cast a look of concern at Sunset Shimmer's well-being.

Taking notice of her worried expression, Sunset reassured, "Don't worry, Sunny. I'll be fine."

But still, Sunny thought otherwise. Not too far behind, Sheriff Hitch, Zipp Storm, and Pipp Petals couldn't help but share Sunny's concern. Though they know Sunset, somehow, still retained her magic, her fatigue and tired age have sent messages that made them question their initial prejudice against unicorns.

Just then, a faint yelling was heard.

"Did you hear something?" Sunset asked, turning her head, side to side, trying to locate the source.

"No pony here, but us," Izzy chirped.

Little did any of them know, however, a familiar earth pony was flying by, carried on the winds, by balloons.

Meanwhile, back at Maretime Bay

"Why aren't you finished yet?" Deputy Sprout demanded, while overseeing preparations of some machineries at Canterlogic.

"W-We're working as fast as we can," One of the staff members explained, "but we've run out of rivets."

"Rivet-ing story," Sprout laughed in sarcasm, before he glared, grabbing the pony by the neck tie. "Just make it work, okay?!"

"Sugarcube," Phyllis Cloverleaf called, walking up to her son. "I know your little top-secret project is important and all, but when do you think my workers can get back to making Canterlogic products? It is my factory, after all, dear."

"But it's my town, Mommy!" Sprout countered. "Your son's now emperor of Maretime Bay!"

"Emperor?!" Phyllis exclaimed in disbelief. "But yesterday you were only the sheriff."

"Well, see how fast I'm climbing the ranks?" Sprout boasted. "This defense factory is going on offense, and it's all thanks to your love and encouragement. Break's over, Bubblegum McGinty!" Sprout shouted at a random work pony.

"Oh, dear. Somepony's getting a big head," Phyllis muttered, starting to regret every words she had said.

Meanwhile, back with Sunset and friends

Sunset Shimmer and the five young ponies she's traveled with continued their journey to Bridlewood, the home of Izzy Moonbow, and fellow unicorns.

During the journey, Sunny started another conversation with Sunset Shimmer.

"So, Sunset," Sunny began. "You can teleport? Do all unicorns teleport, when they had magic?"

"Well, not all of us, per say," Sunset answered. "It kinda depends on a unicorn's special talents, from which they get a little magic to boost, be it singing, cooking, or math."

"How so?"

"Well, take Rarity, for example," Sunset began. "She's a unicorn, but her special talent is fashion making. Hence, her magic is more focused on making the most beautiful dresses and accessories you ever lay your eyes on."

"Really?" Pipp commented, having taken interest in Sunset's conversation.

"Wow!" Sunny gasped in fascination. "And...can she teleport, like you can?"

"Hmmmm, from what Twilight told me, not really," Sunset shook her head. "Rarity's magic is impressive, don't get me wrong. But, I don't think she can perform spells, like teleport, flight, or..."

"Reading other ponies' minds and then frying them?" Hitch interrupted.

"Hitch!" Sunny scolded at the paranoid stallion. "Not helping!"

"I'm just saying..."

"How did that silly rumor even got started is probably a mystery to me," Sunset muttered.

"Just ignore him," Sunny advised to Sunset. "So, on the topic of magic. You can perform other magic spells, besides the power to teleport? Can you list a few examples?"

"Uh, my magic days are kinda behind me," Sunset chuckled embarrassingly. "I mean, my time as Princess Celestia's former pupil have been so long, I...I could hardly remember."

"Well, can you still name a few?"

Scratching her chin, Sunset paused for a moment to recall a memory, of her time as Princess Celestia's magical prodigy, before she went rogue. Unfortunately, as Sunset Shimmer searched her past, she was distraught and ashamed to recall negative feelings of pride, arrogance, and dishonesty of her younger days. The times when she was the opposite of Twilight; a different pony.

"Sunset?" Sunny asked, gently nudging the weary unicorn, startling her back to reality. "Sunset? Are you okay? You zoned out for...a minute there."

"I'm fine, I..." Looking up, Sunset noticed the sky darkening, with the stars appearing, following the setting sun. "I think we should stop to make camp for the night."

"I'll go get some firewoods!" Izzy chirped as she galloped off into the woods.

"I'll find us a spot to make camp," Zipp trotted off.

"And I'll keep an eye on you," Pipp galloped after her sister.

"And I'll keep an eye on you!" Hitch said sternly to Sunset and Sunny. "The both of you!"

Sometimes later, after gathering all of their essentials, the six ponies have gathered, beneath a large rock formation that stretched overheard, to serve as the campsite's roof.

Zipp had finished setting up a circle of stones, with Izzy stacking up the firewoods to form a pyramid shape.

"Alright, Sunset!" Izzy chirped. "Work your magic!"

Sunset was about to comply, when she noticed one member of their party was missing.

"Hey, where's our esteemed sheriff of Maretime Bay?" Sunset asked. "Isn't he joining?"

"No thank you," Hitch called out, revealing he had set up camp, several hooves away. "I"m good, right where I am," With that, Hitch went back to rubbing sticks together, attempting to lit up a campfire of his own.

"If you say so," Sunset Shimmer was about to use her magic, when she noticed Sunny clicking her hooves together. "Sunny?"

"Oh! Sorry," Sunny apologized. "I...I thought you might need some help."

"No, it's okay," Sunset replied. "Just...what was that?"

"Oh. It's just a trick my dad once showed me, when he and I went camping together."

"A camping trick, eh?" Curious, Sunset walked over, asking, "How do you do it?"

"Well, you click your hooves together like this, to make a spark," To demonstrate, Sunny clicked her hooves together, as if they were flints, creating sparks that ignited a fire.

Taking over, Zipp Storm flapped her wings to blow on the fire, making it come to life.

"Oh, yeah!" Izzy exclaimed. "Nailed it!"

"Way to go, kid," Sunset smiled, playfully nudging Sunny's shoulder.

"Thanks," Sunny smiled. "But I'm sure your fire spell would've been more impressive."

“Maybe," Sunset replied. “But honestly, I still have a lot to learn, like how to start a fire with your hooves?”

“Come on, stupid stick,” Hitch grunted, still struggling to start a fire of his own.

“You need some backup, sheriff?” Zipp asked.

“No! Thank you,” Hitch declined. “I've got it. Come on... If only I had a match...” At last, he had sparked a fire, “Hah!”

Unfortunately, his triumph was short lived, when the fire died out.

“OH!” Hitch moaned in frustration.

“Oh, well, that was sad to watch,” Zipp chuckled. “Come on, don't be a hero, dude. Come get warm.”

But Hitch was still reluctant, and continued struggling to make his fire.

Turning to Sunny, Sunset beckoned the young mare to her friend.

“You go and talk to him,” Sunset encouraged. “Something tells me this is ‘Sunny’ job.”

“Ok,” Sunny got up and left to talk to Hitch Trailblazer, leaving Sunset alone with the other three mares.

“So, about this Rarity,” Pipp began. “Just how beautiful are her dresses?”

“From what Twilight told me,” Sunset began. “Her dresses are a sight to behold! She’s an artist to fashion. The dresses she makes just speaks your heart and soul, from the inside out!”

Even though the Rarity she personally knew is human, and not the pony-counterpart she was referring to, deep down, Sunset knew they are the same.

“Fascinating,” Pipp Petals commented.

“So, these dresses Rarity makes,” Izzy began. “She makes them to match the sparkles of every pony?”

“Sparkles?” Pipp asked.

“Yeah, sparkles!” Izzy began to lecture. “It’s that special light inside of every pony, that shows your feeling! And the happier you get, the brighter it shines!”

Izzy pointed to Sunset, “Sunset Shimmer’s sparkle is green. But it glows red the more passionate she gets!” Izzy then turned to Pipp, “And your sparkle is aquamarine.”

“My sparkle is aquamarine?” Pipp gasped. “That's, like, my sixth favorite color!”

“Your sixth favorite color?” Sunset asked. “What are the other five then, pray tell?”

“Well, my natural pink is one,” Pipp began. “The violet color in my hair is second. The green colors of my eyes are third. And the colors in Zipp’s wings are the fourth and fifth.”

“The colors in my wings?” Zipp asked, looking surprised. “You actually liked them?”

“Of course, Zipp!” Pipp replied. “Didn’t mother ever tell you that you have the most beautiful wings any pegasi have ever seen? Even I envied them! All I ever wanted was to see you flapping them more often!”

Touched, Zipp looked down and sadly frowned, “I wanted to. But only when I’m flying for real! For real, do you understand?” Zipp explained to her sister. “Pipp, I…I’m sorry for everything, back at Zephyr Heights. And I never meant for you to lose your fans, or to get mom arrested. But I was done living a lie! I wanted all of us to be able to fly for real. Not having to rely on wires, or smoke, or mirror tricks to put on a show, or to hide the truth.”

“But still, what if this doesn’t work?” Pipp asked. “What if this whole, crystal quest, is just another dead end? We’ve already lost mom. I…I don’t want to lose you too! You’re the only family I have left!”

Zipp looked down, in worry, and in sympathy, for her sister. She had a look of worry. Her sister was right. Both she and Pipp had been branded as runaway outlaws.

If they become unsuccessful in their attempt to bring back magic, then what will become of them? Where will they go? How will they live? They have nothing left to lose, but each other.

“Well,” Zipp began. “If we fail, then…”

“You could come and live with me,” Sunset offered.

“Ooh! Me too!” Izzy bounced.

“No way!” Pipp exclaimed in surprise.

“What my sister’s really saying was, really?” Zipp clarified. “You would do that, for us?”

“Yep!” Izzy chirped.

“But, why?” Pipp asked.

Sunset leaned in closer to whisper, “Because Fluttershy would’ve done the same.”

“Who’s Fluttershy?” Zipp asked.

“A really shy, but very kind…pegasus,” Sunset remembered, once, during Spring Break, after their cruise ship had crashed, both she and her human friends found a portal to Equestria. Once they went through, the Fluttershy she knew had transformed into a pegasus.

“Wow,” Sunny smiled, rejoining the group with a reluctant Hitch. “You really are a friend of Twilight!”

Sunset Shimmer nodded in response, feeling happy to be held in such high regard, but also saddened for the mention of her friends.

“So, Sunny,” Sunset began. “What’s the next course of action?”

“So I think we should set off at first light,” Sunny replied. “Last stop, Bridlewood,” At that moment, Sunny noticed Izzy looking rather saddened. "What's wrong Izzy?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah, why so blue?" Sunset joked. "Hehe, see what I did there? I asked, why so blue? Because she's...she's..." Seeing that her joke wasn't that good, Sunset cleared her throat and asked, "What's the matter kid?"

Looking up, Izzy began, "It's just that...being with you ponies has been the best thing that's ever happened to me. I guess I just don't want our adventure to end."

Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but nod in sympathy with Izzy. Before coming back, the fiery unicorn was looking forward to seeing Twilight again. Instead, she came back to find Equestria, once again, divided, and her friends...gone.

"But, Izzy, you'll get your magic," Sunny said to Izzy. “And you can perform all kinds of spells, like Sunset can!”

Izzy smiled lightly, but not wholeheartedly at the notion.

“Wouldn’t that be awesome, Sunset?” Sunny asked. “Then you won’t have to feel lonely again, and Equestria can be exactly like the way you remembered it!”

“I don’t know about that,” Sunset shook her head. “Getting the magic back is one thing, but…can every pony learn to get along, by then? Unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies, in harmony. And…what of the other sentient magical creatures? Like dragons, griffons, and changelings. Will they come back?”

“Hold on, back up,” Hitch began. “It’s one thing to believe that earth ponies can be friends with unicorns and pegasi again. But dragons? As in giant, fire-breathing, reptiles that would swoop down, steal your treasures, and burn your home to the ground? Are you serious?”

“Dragons aren’t all bad,” Sunset replied. “If you know Twilight, then you would know about her faithful friend, Spike the dragon.”

“Twilight Sparkle was friends with a dragon?!” Zipp asked.

“She’s not just his friend,” Sunset confirmed. “She was his family.”

“My dad once told me about that,” Sunny added. “But he wasn’t so sure on the full details, so…tell us what it was like, Sunset!” She asked, eager to listen intently on the story.

Scratching her head, Sunset sighed as she recalls, “From what Twilight had told me, once. She was applying to join Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. But she had to pass an entrance exam — hatching a dragon’s egg. Which she did.”

“Twilight hatched a baby dragon’s egg?” Sunny chuckled in amusement, imagining the said Princess of Friendship sitting on the egg, like a chicken. “How does that even look?”

“How should I know?” Sunset asked, rhetorically. “I wasn’t even there.”

“So, what happened to the baby dragon?” Izzy asked.

“Well, after Twilight hatched the little guy, she and her family adopted him and named him Spike. Since then, they grew up to be brother and sister, and eventually, when Spike grew up into a full grown dragon, he—“

“Became a greedy rampaging dragon and burned down the town, until he was slain?” Hitch guessed.

“No,” Sunset denied. “He became the friendship ambassador of all creatures, and Twilight’s trusted advisor.”

“Wow!” Sunny and the rest of the girls gasped in amazement.

“That’s unbelievable!” Sunny commented.

“I’ll say,” Zipp smirked. “A dragon and a pony? Though, come to think of it, sometimes I have dreams that I was flying with griffons.”

Feeling her resolved renewed even more, Sunny Starscout’s smiled the brightest smile she could muster, which Izzy noticed.

“Ooh! Somepony’s sparkles are getting brighter~” Izzy pointed.

“This is a lot to take in,” Sunny smiled. “If we can restore the magic to Equestria, then not only will ponies be friends again, but then there’s hope for all the other creatures!”

“Hmm, wishful thinking there, Sunny,” Hitch said, while Sunset had a look of doubt.

"I'm no Princess Twilight," Sunset began. "But as a...a Guardian of Friendship, I'm just guessing. Maybe the magic is gone, because the friendship is gone."

Sunny looked at Sunset, with a questionable look, “But…didn’t Princess Twilight wrote the book that Friendship is Magic? Aren’t friendship and magic the same thing?”

“Depends on how you look at it,” Sunset replied. “But, knowing Twilight, she would say that…the magic doesn’t make the friendship. Friendship makes the magic.”

“But then, what about this crystal?” Sunny asked, holding up the pegasus crystal. “Are you telling us now that we don’t need it?”

“That’s not what I said, Sunny,” Sunset replied. “I’m just saying that, there’s probably more to this mystery than some magic gemstones being separated. I just can’t seem to put my hoof on it,” The fiery unicorn felt herself even more lost, thinking to herself, ‘I wish Twilight was here with all the answers. Or even Princess Celestia.’

“We’ll figure it all out, Sunset,” Sunny promised. “I know we will.”

Still, Sunset was unsure.

"Can I ask you a question?" Hitch asked to both Sunset and Izzy. "Why did you came to Maretime Bay?"

"For the record, she dragged me along," Sunset said.

"I always wanted to visit," Izzy began. "When I was a filly, I found this pretty lantern. It had a message inside,” Reaching into her mane, Izzy pulled out the worn out piece of paper. “It says I have friends in Maretime Bay!"

Upon seeing the message, Sunny was in shock, which didn't go unnoticed for Sunset.

"What? Why are you looking at..." Upon coming to an epiphany, Sunset followed Sunny's gaze to the old paper, then back to the awestruck mare. "No...way..."

"It was you!" Izzy exclaimed, sharing Sunset's realization.

Sunny nodded as she took the drawing and explained, “I made it with my dad. We always promised each other that someday we would prove that all ponies were meant to be friends. We'll do our part. Hoof to heart.”

The ponies all exchanged looks, then back at Sunny, feeling more inspired to make both the young mare and her late father’s wish come true. Though, to Sunset, for a brief moment, she could’ve swore she saw Twilight Sparkle in Sunny’s place.

“Your dad sounded like a smart guy,” Sunset smirked. “I wish I could’ve met him.”

Sunny smiled at Sunset, before she realized, “Y’know, Sunset. If I might ask, where’ve you been all this time?”

“I told you I was out of town,” Sunset replied.

“You’ve told me that, already. But what I’m asking was, where did you go? How did you not know what happened to Equestria? And how is it that you still have your magic?”

“Yeah. How?” Izzy asked.

“I’d like to hear this,” Zipp said as she got comfy.

“Count me in,” Pipp added.

“Yup,” Hitch added.

Hesitant, Sunset Shimmer answered, “I’ve been someplace far away.”

“How far?” Izzy asked.

“Very far.”

“We’re listening,” Zipp persisted.

Seeing no way out, Sunset Shimmer took a deep breath and answered, “Would you believe me if I say that I’ve been living almost my whole life, in an alternate world, where there’s little to no magic? And instead of ponies, we become…creatures called humans.”

The five younger ponies looked on in disbelief.

“So, long story short, back when I was a student of Princess Celestia, I found this magic mirror. Surprise, it’s a portal to another world. I went through the portal and landed in a world of humans. And I’ve lived my whole life there, until I decided to come back here to lay my friend, Princess Twilight a visit.”

“And honestly l, I don’t know how it works, or how it could have a connection with your current magic crisis. But magic works differently in that other world I came back from, and I’ve got a magic geode to prove it.”

Once Sunset Shimmer was done with her story, she looked up to see the look of shocks and disbelief, written in the five young ponies’ faces.

Pipp was the first to break the silence, “Fine. Don’t tell us,” She crossed her hooves.

“Make that double for me,” Hitch added.

“Me three!” Izzy joined in.

Only Sunny seemed to believe what Sunset had sound, “Awesome!” Sunny exclaimed, with a dumbstruck Zipp finally nodding in agreement.

“You expect us to believe, you came from another world?” Hitch asked. “I don’t believe it.”

“You know what, Sheriff?” Sunset frowned. “Believe what you want. This ain’t the first time I’ve been wrongfully accused of lying.”

“Hey, hey, hey!” Sunny began, breaking up the tension. “Look, it doesn’t matter how, or where Sunset’s been all this time, okay? What matters is we’re together now! And we’re gonna work together to restore the magic, and make Equestria better than ever. Right?”

Izzy and Pipp both turned to look at each other and held hooves together, before the latter turned to Sunset.

“Hey, listen,” Pipp began. “I…Thank you. Y’know, for saving me, back in Zephyr Heights,” She bowed her head gratefully.

“No problem,” Sunset smiled.

Zipp and Sunny turned to exchange looks, glad to see that the former’s sister was finally coming around.

“Hey, um...” Hitch spoke up. “I want to do my part.”

Sunny smiled even more brighter, at what her childhood friend just said.

“What have we got to lose, right?” Hitch asked, to the mares’ joy.

“Welcome to the party, Sheriff,” Sunset welcomed the stallion.

“WHOO!” Zipp Storm whooped.

“All right!” Izzy and Pipp cheered.

"I have to admit,” Hitch began. “A unicorn forest. Does sound kind of magical.”

"Here’s hoping it’s no Everfree Forest,” Sunset commented.

“What’s the Everfree Forest?” Sunny asked.

“One of the most dangerous and treacherous place to ever exist in Equestria,” Sunset explained, narrating in a scary voice. “You could say, that the forest has a mind of its own. The plants grow on their own. The animals fend for themselves. And the weathers are unpredictable.”

The five younger ponies all trembled in fright as Sunset Shimmer continued her storytelling.

“And the worst part is, it’s home to the most dangerous beasts you’ll ever see. Manticores, cockatrice, cragadiles, hydras, and last, but not least, timberwolves!”

“Manticores?” Hitch asked.

“Cockatrice?” Sunny repeated.

“Cragadile?” Zipp exclaimed.

“Hydras?” Pipp whimpered.

“And timberwolves?” Izzy finished. “Oh my!”

“Oh yes,” Sunset concluded. “Some say, that if you’re not careful, and you go camping in that forest, then you may never come out.”

Then, to break the mood, Sunset casually concluded, “Pretty sure Twilight once told me about a friendly zebra who lived there. Well, good night!”

“Whew! I’m bushed,” Sunny said in agreement, as she laid her head on the ground. “Goodnight!”

“Sleep tight,” Zipp replied.

“Don’t let the bed bugs bite,” Izzy added.

With that, the ponies all hit the hay, resting up for a big day tomorrow.

Zipp rested her head on a patch of grass, with Pipp putting her head on her sister’s back. Hitch rested his head on a boulder, for a pillow. Izzy and Sunny both fell asleep together, against the rock wall, close to where Sunset was sleeping.

Minutes before sleep took over, Sunset was awoken to a voice.

“Hey, Sunset?” Sunny whispered. “Are you awake?”

“…Yes,” Sunset replied.

“I…I still have a lot of gazillion questions,” Sunny whispered excitedly. “Is it true? You’re from another world? What is it like over there?”

“…It’s home.”

“But…isn’t this your home too?”

“…It was.”

“But…then, how…”

“Look, kid. I’m tired to tell anymore stories, right now,” Sunset yawned. “So…could you maybe hold your questions, until tomorrow morning? I need some rest.”

“Oh, okay,” Sunny replied. “Sorry for disturbing you then,” Still, Sunny was a little too excited to fall asleep. “Can I just ask one more question for the night?”

“Fire away,” Sunset groaned.

“Why did you come back to Equestria, now?” Sunny asked.

Sunset Shimmer felt a sharp pang shooting through her chest, and suddenly, she felt a troubling feeling in her throat, as if she’s choke on a lump of some sort.

“Twilight…” Sunset muttered.

“Sunset?” Sunny asked.

“The reason I came back…was because I wanted to pay Twilight a visit,” Sunset replied. “It’s true. While we do live in separate worlds, Twilight and I have been keeping each other in touch via magic journals. Or we used to, until…she suddenly stopped.”

“Years have passed, and I haven’t had a response from Twilight,” Wiping a tear, Sunset continued. “So I came back to see her again. But instead, I came back to find Equestria…divided. The magic gone, with Twilight, and everything, and every pony I knew.”

“Oh, Sunset,” Sunny frowned in sympathy for the fiery unicorn. “I’m…I’m sorry. I…it must’ve been hard on you, wasn’t it?”

“More than you can imagine,” Sunset sighed. “This isn’t like the Equestria I remember. Or the Equestria Twilight had promised it would be. I wish I knew what had happened. It almost makes me feel like I shouldn’t have ever come back…”

Sunny looked in shock, “But I’m glad you came back,” Sunny said. “I never met any pony as special as you! Meeting you is a once in a lifetime opportunity. And I’m glad you’re here!”

Still, Sunset was deeply saddened, and unsure. She looked up, into the night sky, looking at the stars, and the moon, the was once controlled by Princess Luna.

Years ago, when Twilight ascended the throne and became Supreme Ruler of Equestria, Sunset received words that Princess Celestia and Luna, have retired. Meaning the cycle of the sun and moon, are given to Twilight.

But then, of Twilight is gone, and Equestria has lost its magic, then how could the sun and moon, possibly, continue?

Could it be, that somehow, through some magic, or a defiance in the natural laws of this world, the sun and the moon have come to move on their own, without pony intervention?

Could that explain the weathers? Without the pegasi, and their magic, have the weathers somehow obtained their own natural course?

Can Sunset do the same and move on with her life? Will the mystery of Twilight and Equestria’s loss of magic go unanswered? Only time will tell.


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"Twilight? Twilight. Where are you?"

Sunset wandered, searching across a misty landscape of her dream. To her, it felt as if Twilight's presence was near, yet far.

"Twilight? Where are you?" Sunset called out, frantically, in her dream. "What happened to Equestria? Why is it like this? Why can't everypony get along anymore? What happened to the creatures? What happened to you? Where are you my friend? Can you hear me? Answer me! Please!"

But with each passing second, the silence were her only answer. And the longer the silence, the more anxious and frightened Sunset became. It scared her to know that she is all that remains of Equestria's past. Perhaps the last remnant of Princess Twilight's influence.

"HELP! I need answers!" Sunset called, watching helplessly as the world around her was consumed in darkness. "I feel like I shouldn't be here! Please! HELP!"

"Sunset! Sunset Shimmer! Wake up!" Another voice called.


Sunset was startled awake, at the gentle nudge on her shoulder. With a startled yelp, Sunset woke up, to find herself, back in reality, with the sun rising from the horizon. Furthermore, the olden fiery unicorn was surrounded by Sunny Starscout and the friends they have made on their quest.

"What? Where?" Sunset panted heavily, before she regained her composure. "Oh, Sunny. Izzy. Pipp. Zipp. And...Sheriff."

"Morning sleepy head!" Izzy chirped, while holding up a plate of sandwiches. "I have breakfast for you!"

Sunset looked at the sandwich and cringed, "Uh...no thank you," Sunset politely declined. "I...I'm not feeling hungry."

"Well then, get up," Zipp helped the unicorn on her hooves. "Next stop is Bridlewood, and we've got another crystal to find."

"And bring back the magic!" Izzy chirped as she took the lead, with Sunny and friends following behind.

"Yeah...bring back the magic..." Sunset frowned, dismally, which Sunny took notice.

"What's the matter, Sunset?" Sunny asked. "Aren't you excited? We're going to restore Equestria's magic. You should be happy about it!"

"I don't know about that, kid," Sunset frowned. "Even if the magic can be restored...without Twilight, it's just...incomplete."

"Oh," Sunny gasped in sympathy for the sadden unicorn.

She wanted to say something to reassure Sunset's hope. But she couldn't find the words.

After a long walk, eventually, the heroic six arrive at the edge of a forest, Bridlewood, where several signs of dangers were posted on the trees, telling potential visitors to go away.

"Remember that comment I said about a unicorn forest being magical?" Sheriff Hitch asked. "I take it back."

"So, Sunset?" Sunny began. "About that story you said about the Everfree Forest, is this forest close enough?"

"Depends if we're going to run into any dangerous wild animals," Sunset replied.

"Come on!" Izzy chirped, as she took the lead. "My house isn't far from here!" With that, Izzy proceeded to vocalize a merry tune to herself, with her reluctant companions following behind.

Along the way, Sunset proceeded to whistle along with Izzy's tune, before she sang herself a familiar song.

"When I was just little kid and the sun was going down~" Sunset sang Pinkie Pie's song. "The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown..."

Sunny's ears perked up to the song Sunset Shimmer was singing, "Hey! Is that Pinkie Pie's song?"

"Yup," Sunset confirmed. "Ya know it?"

"I loved that song!" Sunny giddied. "My dad used to sing that to me, every night, to help me get over my fear of the dark. Whenever I sing it, it's like Pinkie Pie's with me!"

"...Yeah. Same here," Sunset replied, with a glint of nostalgia and longing at the thought of Pinkie Pie, both pony and human.

"Let's sing it together!" Sunny smiled, as she sang along with Sunset, and Izzy, who was more than eager to join in.

Sunset Shimmer, Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow: When I was a little filly and the sun was going down...

Sheriff Hitch: (Spoken) "Tell me they're not."

Sunset Shimmer, Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow: The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown...

Pipp Petals: (Spoken) "They are."

Sunset Shimmer, Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow:

I'd hide under my pillow
From what I thought I saw
But Pinkie's Granny Pie said that wasn't the way
To deal with fears at all

Zipp Storm: (Spoken) "Then what is?"

Sunset Shimmer: (Spoken) "Want to take this next verse, Sunny?"

Sunny Starscout: (Spoken) "My pleasure!" (Singing)

She said, "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall
Learn to face your fears
You'll see that they can't hurt you
Just laugh to make them disappear."

Ha! Ha! Ha!

(Crickets chirping)

[Sunset Shimmer, Sunny Starscout, and Izzy Moonbow]:

So, giggle at the ghostly
Guffaw at the grossly
Crack up at the creepy
Whoop it up with the weepy
Chortle at the kooky
Snortle at the spooky

Sunset Shimmer: And whatever Pinkie Pie would say, it's so unbelievable, yet believable, and relatable, and it's so funny, because it's Pinkie Pie. So, nuff said. But it makes ya wanna...

Izzy Moonbow and Sunny Starscout:

With that, Izzy Moonbow and Sunny Starscout, both laughed along with Sunset Shimmer, while the other half of their group look on, in surprise.

"You kids are making me feel 15 again," Sunset sighed.

"Well, here we are, guys," Izzy called, drawing the ponies' attention to a sudden change of atmosphere in the forest.

The group looked up to see they were standing in front of a colorful house, practically bathing in the sunlight.

"La Villa Izzy!" Izzy smiled, welcoming her guests in.

"Wow!" Everypony exclaimed as they went to have a look around the place, marveling at Izzy's works of arts.

Sheriff Hitch looked at a portrait of colorful macaronis, and was startled when the eyes turned to look at him. Sunny Starscout cranked the lever of an instrumental object, with colorful glass bottles hanging by strings, that played a familiar tune, courtesy of spatulas and spoons attached to the roller.

Izzy was mesmerized at a colorful butterfly chandelier she made, when Zipp came up to her.

"Did you make all this?" Zipp asked.

"Yup!" Izzy nodded. "Unicycling. Isn't it funky?"

"Unicycling, huh?" Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It is gorgeous~" Pipp sang, flapping her wings.

"I also make friendship bracelets!" Izzy chirped, holding a bowl of bracelets up to her friends, before she exclaimed. "Wait, wait! Watch this! Hold everything!" With an excited yelp, Izzy dashed off to the side, before she wheeled in a large, flower contraption. "I've never gotten to use this with actual friends!"

With an excited giggle, and a touch of button, the flower suddenly sprang open to reveal a tea pot in the center, with tea cups on the edge of every petals.

"Ta-daaaa!" Izzy sang, much to her friends' astonishment.

Sunset Shimmer blew a long whistle, "You youngsters and your inventions are beyond me."

"Don't you make inventions like these in your time?" Sunny asked.

"Not on a daily basis."

"I so wish I had live-streamed that!" Pipp Petals sighed.

"We don't have time for that right now," Sunny said, reminding the group of the task at hoof. "If we're gonna get the information we need on the Unicorn Crystal, we can't stick out like sore hooves. We need to look like unicorns."

"Yay, makeovers!" Pipp Petals sang. "I love makeovers!"

Zipp, however, was in denial, "No. No, this is not... This is not what I signed up for. No."

"Ain't like ya have a choice kid," Sunset shook her head. "It's either unicorn makeover, or a unicorn prison."

"Then...I'll do it," Zipp sighed in defeat. "But I don't have to like it."

"So, Izzy, can you do it?" Sunny asked.

"A glow-up?" With a sip of her cup, Izzy smirked confidently, "Honey, you came to the right cottage."

With that, Izzy whipped out a projector and leads a musical number.

Fit Right In


Izzy Moonbow:
I thought Earth ponies were the pony ladder's bottom rung
I heard that pegasi were brutes you'd hate to be among
"You smell like fishes-you're vicious! I bet you eat your young"
Meet any one of you the thing to do is run away
But although I know we're all a bunch of different breeds
Take away our wings and horns and we're just frightened steeds
So let's put aside our differences 'cause what we need's a win
Come on, rip out all the pages of your history books
Just because we're undercover doesn't mean we're crooks
When we walk you through the crowd and give your brand new looks a spin!
You’re gonna fit right in

Hitch Trailblazer: (Spoken) "This is a new low"

Izzy Moonbow

You’re gonna fit right in!

Hitch Trailblazer: (Spoken) "It's never gonna work!"

Sunset Shimmer: (Spoken) "And why's that?"

Hitch Trailblazer:

They taught us unicorns were super scary maniacs
With horns like razors and tongues like tasers and teeth like tacks
They take your hooves and then they grind them into midnight snacks
The basic gist of it is unicorns are not okay

Sunset Shimmer: (Face-hoof) "What did I do to deserve that slander?"

Sunny Starscout:

Look, I know we're risking everything for this endeavor
But look at us, we're brave and strong and weird and clever
We're running out of options and we're desperate to begin

Izzy Moonbow:

You’re gonna fit right in!

Hitch Trailblazer: (Spoken) "Hehe. If you say so"

Izzy Moonbow and Sunny Starscout

You’re gonna fit right in!

Izzy Moonbow:

I know you will, now watch and learn:

Sunset Shimmer: (Spoken) "Then show 'em how it's done, kid."

Izzy Moonbow:
This is how a unicorn walks (walks)
This is how a unicorn talks (talks)
This is how a unicorn hoops (hoops?)
This is how a unicorn—

The other four ponies tried to follow Izzy's example, but missed the hoop. Luckily, Sunset caught the balls with her magic.

Izzy Moonbow:

This is how a unicorn struts
Oh, watch you shake your unicorn butts
Now you're in the unicorn know

Sunny Starscout: (Spoken) "Whoa"

Izzy Moonbow

Soon you'll be a unicorn pro


Oh, a unicorn horn makes a unicorn stride
It's the more-head on your forehead, it's the source of your pride

Sunset Shimmer: (Rapping along)

Every unicorn who's born has worn a horn that's unique
So we'll whip them up as we speak, you be lookin' très magnifique!

Sunset Shimmer and Izzy Moonbow: (Rapping together)
And with those rocks in our pocket, we'll reap the rewards,
And folks'll be floored, we'll strike a new chord
Our magic restored!

Sunset Shimmer: (Spoken) "Your turn!"

Izzy Moonbow, Hitch Trailblazer and Sunny Starscout

Lately all of Equestria has lost its heart
But if we can help to find it we should play our part

Hitch Trailblazer:
If we fail, we’ll go to prison

Sunny Starscout:

But if not we'll start to grin
So let's begin

Izzy Moonbow and Sunny Starscout:

We're gonna fit right in!

Sunset Shimmer: (Spoken) "Show 'em how it's done."

Izzy Moonbow:

This is how a unicorn walks
This is how a unicorn talks
Now you're looking unicorn strong
This is how a unicorn ends this song

Later, after the four younger ponies were outfitted with fake unicorn horns, and cloaks for Pipp and Zipp to hide their wings, the six heroes were back on the road, into a more colorful part of Bridlewoods.

"Phew, I can't seem to remember the last time I sang that passionately," Sunset Shimmer breathed.

"It must be rejuvenating, isn't it?" Sunny smiled.

"You could say that," Sunset replied. "Have I ever told you that, from where I came from, Twilight and I were the lead singers of a band?"

"You were part of a band?" Sunny gasped.

"You better believe it. We called ourselves the Rainbooms."

"Rainbooms? OH! As in like the legendary Sonic Rainboom that Rainbow Dash did to win her first race, and help her friends get cutie marks?"

"Uh yeah! Exactly that," Sunset answered, though somewhat astounded, since she had never known about Equestria's Rainbow Dash, or the Sonic Rainboom she had performed.

"Wow, that's so awesome!" Sunny giddied even more excitedly. "Just when I thought I couldn't love you and Princess Twilight anymore, I...I just found out...Can I have your autograph?" Sunny pleaded, opening up her notebook, turning to a blank page for Sunset to stamp her hoof.

"Uh, maybe some other time, Sunny," Sunset replied. "Right now, I think we have a crystal to find and magics to restore."

"Oh, right," Sunny nodded. "Hey Sunset. Maybe, it's for the best you don't show off you still have magic. Okay?"


"Ta-daaaaa!" Izzy Moonbow sang, as she presented several large crystals, growing from the ground. "Crystals! Crystals! Crystals!"

"She does know we're just looking for the one, right?" Zipp asked, rhetorically.

The heroes continued on their way, while Izzy continued to point at every crystals they come across.

"Crystals! Crystals! Crystals!" Izzy continued.

"Yeah, we see them, Pinkie," Sunset replied.


"IZZY! Sorry, I mean, Izzy. Slip of the tongue, hehehe," Sunset chuckled sheepishly, while muttering to herself. "But...you do have Pinkie's...pinkieness."

Sunset Shimmer wasn't looking where she was going, when she bumped into a random unicorn, "Oh! Sorry. I didn't see you there."

"It's okay..." The unicorn replied dejectedly.


Sunset Shimmer wasn't the only one confused. Sunny Starscout began to take notice of the unicorns' lack of expressions. Everywhere she looked, it seemed as if they're dead on the inside.

"Ow," An elderly unicorn said, dejectedly, for every apples that fell on her head. "Ow."

A couple of unicorn fillies were trying to play a game of horseshoe throw, but the filly throwing wasn't putting much effort into it.

"Hey," A unicorn mare, likely the mother, greeted to a stallion, likely the father and husband.

"Hey," The stallion replied, with equal dejection.

"Well, this is... cheerful," Sheriff Hitch commented.

"And I thought the earth ponies and pegasi had it rough," Sunset Shimmer commented. "What, earth ponies and their anti-unicorns and anti-pegasi technologies. And pegasi not being able to fly and deceived by their leaders?" Realizing what she said, Sunset turned her head to Zipp and Pipp, "Sorry. Too soon?"

"No, it's fine," Zipp shook her head.

"Looking back, I guess we had it coming," Pipp admitted.

"These other unicorns seem so different from you," Sunny said to Izzy.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," Izzy shrugged. "My sparkle is a bit too sparkly for Bridlewood."

"Well, if Twilight Sparkle was still here, you'd give her a run for a money," Sunset chuckled. "Well, her's and the Great and Powerful Trixie, and this Moondancer classmate I once knew. Oh yeah! And Starlight Glimmer. I miss that gal."

"Sounds like you knew a lot of unicorn friends, back then, Sunset!" Sunny smiled.

"So..." Hitch began, as he looked at one of the crystals. "How can we tell which ones are magic?"

Alarmed, one of the unicorn kids, on a playground, pointed an accusing hoof at the sheriff of Maretime Bay.

"Oooooh! You said a bad word!" The kid exclaimed. "Hurry! Before we get jinxed!"

"What the what?" Sunset asked, as she and her friends watch what the kids were doing.

The unicorn kids proceeded to drop themselves on the ground, raising their flanks up, before they blew some air out of their lungs, then they did a silly dance and sang, "Bing-bong-bing! Bing, bong! Bing, bong! Bing, bong! Bing, bong!"

"Ooooookay..." Zipp began. "I'm gonna need some context."

"I agree," Sunset agreed. "Like, what just happened?"

"Unicorns are very superstitious," Izzy explained, unintentionally striking Sunset Shimmer's ego. "If a pony ever says a forbidden word, we have to do a ritual to ward off the jinxes."

"Jinxies?" Pipp asked.

"Bad luck."

"Forbidden words?" Hitch asked.

"Magic, wing, feather...Oh, and mayonnaise."

"May-OOF!" Izzy quickly silenced Sunset Shimmer's mouth.

"What's wrong with may-" Hitch also received the same treatment from Izzy.

"Ah-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da!" Izzy shook her head, just as several unicorns stood petrified for a moment, before they continued on their way.

Once the coast was clear, Izzy uncovered Hitch's mouth, "Come on! There's something I want to show you."

"Forbidden words?" Sunny asked Sunset.

"Don't ask me, kid," Sunset Shimmer shook her head. "I don't believe in...jinxes. Friendship is magic."

"Bing bong!" A random unicorn said.

After the awkward tension, the heroes at last arrived at a building, with a sign that reads:

"The Crystal Tea Room?" Sunny read.

"There's a pony inside who collects crystals," Izzy explained. "Maybe he could help us."

"That's great, Izzy! Oh, and Hitch?"

"I know, I know. No forbidden words," Hitch replied.

"And Sunset?" Sunny reminded.

"I know the drill," Sunset rolled her eyes. "No magic."

"Bing bong!" Another random unicorn said in the distance.

Sunset shuts her eyes, as she mentally asked herself, 'Seriously. How did magic ever became a forbidden word to these unicorns? And what's with the mayonnaise?'

Still, putting her questions to the side, Sunset Shimmer followed as the group walk into the building, where a unicorn was reciting a beat poetry.

"Earth pony jinx. Something stinks. Pegasus neighs..."

"So," Sunset asked Izzy. "Who's the pony we're looking for?"

Izzy scanned the room for a moment, before she pointed her hoof at a shaggy brown unicorn, wearing a red hat, sitting at a table.

"That's the pony I was talking about," She whispered, to the group, who gathered around the table.

"Hey there, who are ya?" Sunset greeted the stallion, who simply nodded, continuing to brood. "I'll take your silence as a yes. Anyway, my friend, Sunny, wishes to have a moment of your time, so...do ya mind if she sits?" Again, the stallion simply nodded.

Sunny Starscout took a seat across the stallion and began to talk, "So word in the forest is you collect crystals."

Finally, the stallion came alive as he talks, "Yes, I do. Well, I mean, I did. I lost 'em all in a limbo contest with... Alphabittle!"

"Alphabittle?" Sunset asked.

"Oh, no," Izzy moaned in horror.

"Who's Alphabittle?" Sunny asked.

On cue, a loud bell rang in the air, drawing the heroes' attention to a bar table, where they see a unicorn stallion struggling with what appeared to be a Rubik's Cube, with a large, heavyset unicorn with a medium gray coat and dark gray hooves, watching with glee. He has a wispy white mane and tail, bushy eyebrows, sideburns, and a beard. He has freckles on his cheeks, and brown eyes. His cutie mark is a teapot.

"Time's up!" The tall unicorn declared. "Pass it over, Jasper." With a defeated sigh, 'Jasper' handed over the puzzle cube, which the large unicorn quickly solved in the blink of an eye.

"Wow, he's good!" Sunset commented. "I take it, that's Alphabittle?" She asked Izzy, who confirmed with a nod.

"Guess that makes me the winner," Alphabittle boasted. "Again. Pay up."

"Oh, fine," Sighing in defeat, Jasper gave up, what appeared to be a glass jar, with a miniature Christmas Tree.

With his prize lost, Jasper took his leave, "You could always try winning it back!" Alphabittle called out. "All right, suit yourself."

With that, Alphabittle puts his latest trophy on a shelf, behind him. There, the heroes spotted a beautiful blue crystal, shaped exactly like the one, from the stained glass portrait, back in Zephyr Heights.

"There it is!" Sunny pointed, before she exclaimed. "I've got an idea. Maybe I can beat Alphabittle at his own game."

"No, that's too risky, kid," Sunset shook her head. "You should let me take a shot at him. I can solve that puzzle cube in a heartbeat."

"But Sunset," Sunny whispered. "You can't use magic, remember? Everypony in here will get suspicious if they see your horn glowing. And besides, you can't even pick up with your hooves."

"Well, you made it look easy," Sunset scowled.

"Look, just let me take a shot at him," Sunny pleaded.

"Fine, but at least let me be in on the actions..."


"Wait," Izzy stopped both Sunset and Sunny, to advise, "Alphabittle can smell fear."

"Fear?" Sunset scoffed. "I laugh in the face of danger. Pinkie taught me, remember?"

"We got this," Sunny replied to Izzy. "Be cool."

With that, both Sunny Starscout and Sunset Shimmer walked up to the bar table, and each took a seat, across Alphabittle.

"Tea," Sunny ordered, in a serious tone.

"Coffee," Sunset asked.

With a flick of his head, Alphabittle beckoned some armadillo-mouse critters to give the two mares their drinks. One of the critters was about to pour milk into Sunny's tea, put the mare stopped it.

"Hold the milk," Sunny said.

"I like my mine blacken, thank you," Sunset added, while attempting to pick up the cup, with her bare hooves. "Ugh...how do you pick things up like this? Let alone hold them?"

"Like this," Sunny explained, somehow picking up the cup, holding it by the handle, with seemingly little effort.

"Uh, thanks kid," Sunset took a dainty sip from the cup, while perplexed at how the ponies can do such a simple feat, with no fingers and all.

Some of the passing unicorns were both perplexed by the development, as to why a younger mare is helping to feed an older one.

"Uh, this is my aunt," Sunny lied through her teeth. "She's...she's very old," Sunset Shimmer shot a stink eye at the last remark. "Very, very old."

"Why you little–"

Before Sunset could have a chance to strangle Sunny for the rude remark, the young mare flicked her fake horn to the side, pointing at all the ponies watching them, and the fiery unicorn's horn that's glowing in a threatening aura.

"Oh, woe is me?" Sunset played along, putting on a hammy act to sell Sunny Starscout's excuse. "Why must I be so old? Oooh, Sunny? Is that you, my child?" Sunset Shimmer asked, squinting her eyes, and feeling up Sunny's face, before she slapped the earth pony.


"Ow!" Sunny shouted from the slap.

"My eyes are as clouded as my mind," Sunset continued doing her impression of Granny Smith, slapping Sunny's face. "You look more and more like my friend, Applejack, every single day."


The unicorns then resume their business, leaving Sunset to drop her old mare act, and glared daggers into Sunny's frightened eyes.

"Calling me old, eh?" Sunset hissed.

"Just bear with me," Sunny grinned nervously.

"Y'know kid," Alphabittle spoke up. "You should really respect elders more. I should know."

Getting back to the task at hoof, Sunny was the first to speak up, "Quite the game player, I see."

"It passes the time," Alphabittle shrugged. "Why? Do you play?"

"I don't play," Sunny began. "I win," She said with determination.

"Is that so?" Alphabittle asked.

"Yeah, it is," Sunny nodded. "And I challenge you... for that!" She pointed to the unicorn crystal, sitting on the shelf, behind Alphabittle, who scoffed.

"You think you can beat me?" He asked.

"Only one way to find out."

"Big talk for a little pony."

"I think you'll find I'm average height," Sunny continued to challenge. "Tick-tock. What do you say?"

"Yeah, tick-tock," Sunset muttered, before she resumed doing her Granny Smith impression, "Tick-tock, youngin's. Not all of us have the time in the world... Oh, we've got better things to do."

Ignoring Sunset and her old mare routine, Alphabittle smirked towards Sunny, "Whatever you're bettin', it better be special."

With a whip of her hoof, Sunny placed the Pegasus Crystal on the table, "Special enough for ya?" She challenged, much to Sunset Shimmer and friends' horror, and Alphabittle's fascination.

"Sunny Starscout!" Sunset Shimmer exclaimed, dropping her old mare act. "Have you gone mad?!"

Before Sunny could reply, Izzy came over and pulled the earth pony mare in disguise to the side, to have a talk.

"Um...what are you doing?" Zipp asked.

"Don't worry," Sunny shrugged. "I could solve that cube puzzle in my sleep."

"I can solve that cube puzzle, with one hoof over my eyes," Sunset added.

"But Sunset," Sunny reminded, whispering, "No magic. Remember?"

"At least I have magic, and I'd like to put it to good use."

"But what if you goof up again, like the time in Zephyr Heights?" Izzy asked.

"I was rusty, but...I've gotten the hang of it again...progressively," Sunset huffed, folding her hooves.

"It doesn't help!" Pipp spoke up. "If that guy wins, we'll lose both crystals."

"He won't. Trust me," Sunny reassured.

"Izzy," Alphabittle called. "If your friend is finished stalling, do we have a deal?"

"Deal," Sunny stated, putting her hoof down on the table. "Now give me that cube."

One of the critters was about to give Sunny the cube, only for Alphabittle to quickly snatch it away.

"No, no, no, no, no," He shook his head. "A special prize calls for a special competition," Turning to the side, Alphabittle declared, with a spotlight shining down on him. "Bring forth the ultimate challenge!"

"The ultimate what now?" Sunny asked.

"Challenge kid," Sunset repeated, before she asked, "What is the ultimate challenge, exactly?"

"That," Alphabittle pointed, to reveal it is a large machine, with colorful floorpads, flashing lights, and a title that reads: "Just Prance."

The Ultimate Challenge



"That's it?" Sunset asked. "That's the ultimate challenge?"

"A dancing game," Sunny frowned. "Seriously?"

"Eeyup," Sunset confirmed. "So, what do you say, Sunny? You in?"

Sunny took a deep breath, before she said, "Alright, I've got this."

A unicorn took to the stage and announced, "Both ponies agree. Best out of three."

Alphabittle and Sunny both took their place, before Alphabittle spoke, "Let's make this more interesting. You only need to win one out of three."

"C'mon, Sunny!" Sunset cheered. "Kick that guy's flank!"

It's Alright – Johnny Orlando

Getting their game face on, both Sunny and Alphabittle began the game, as the machine displays a set of colorful horseshoes for both Sunny and Izzy to dance, and a groovy song and music to dance to. Sunny was off to a bad start, as Alphabittle was already ahead of the game, wracking up a huge number of scores, moving the arrow on his score meter, higher than Sunny's.

Before long, a bell rang, declaring Alphabittle the winner of the first round.

"Yeah!" Alphabittle hollered. "That's how you do it!"

"Yay," The unicorns cheered, dejectedly.

"C'mon, kid! Get in the game!" Sunset hollered. "I've got 50 bits on ya!"

"You gambled?" Hitch asked, to which Sunset shrugged.

"I-It's okay," Izzy reassured to Sunny Starscout. "You're just warming up."

"What can you do?" The announcer asked, as the second round was about to start. "Round two."

With that, Sunny and Alphabittle had another dance off. But like before in the previous round, Sunny was barely catching up to the senior unicorn's dance moves, and fumbled behind, until once again, Alphabittle was declared the winner.

"No!" Sunset slammed her hoof.

"Yeah!" Alphabittle cheered. "Critters, get my crystal polish ready, would ya?"

"Round three. Who will it be?" The announcer asked.

"Ohhh. Here goes nothing," Sunny moaned.

"Time out!" Sunset called, as she rushed over to Sunny. "Kid. Look at me. Just stay calm and you'll do it, okay?"

"Easy for you to say," Sunny replied. "You're not the one dancing. I can barely keep up with this guy."

"So what? Think about everything we've overcome since we left Maretime Bay," Sunset reminded. "The adventures we've had. The friends we've made. And the fun and the laughs. What's all that compared to this guy?"

"I'm waiting," Alphabittle called, impatiently.

"Hey," Pipp Petals called to Sunny. "You hear that, Sunny?" She gestured to the music playing in the background. "Feel the rhythm take you over. You feelin' it?"

Moving her body to the rhythm of the song, Sunny smiled, "Oh, I'm feelin' it. I'm feelin' it!"

"Yeah, you are, Sunny!" Pipp sang. "Yeah, you do this, Sunny! Whoo!"

With that, in their final round, Sunny made an impressive comeback as she was able to dance, catching up with Alphabittle's steps, and succeeding in moving the arrow further than his, on her meter.

"Yes! There you go, Sunny!" Sunset cheered.

"Yes! She's doing it!" Hitch smiled. "She's doing it."

Pressured, Alphabittle struggled to dance as fast as he could, but he could barely catch up to Sunny's dance steps, after her confidence and spirit was renewed. Everypony all watched in anticipation, until finally, the machine's bell rang and Sunny was declared the winner.

"We won," Sunny panted heavily, while Alphabittle and the unicorn crowds could hardly believe their eyes. "We WON! WE ACTUALLY WON!"

"YEAH!!!" Sunny and her friends cheered, as they gathered together.

"Yeah! That's my girl!" Sunset hollered, before she turned to the unicorn stallion next to her. "Alright, pay up!"

"Oh, darn!" The unicorn stallion groaned as he paid the fiery unicorn the money he lost.

All was going well for the heroes, as Sunny celebrated with her friends, when her fake horn came flying off.

"Uh oh," Izzy moaned.

All the unicorns, besides Izzy and Sunset, in the room were shocked at the revelation.

"An Earth pony," Alphabittle glared.

"And Pegasi!" Zipp Storm frowned, as she and her sister took off their disguises, with Hitch joining.

"And a unicorn!" Izzy added. "Which... you knew already!"

"And I'm not old!" Sunset Shimmer added. "And Sunny and I are definitely not related..."

The unicorns all advanced upon the heroes, as Sunny attempts to defuse the tension, "I know it doesn't look like it, but we're here to help," She reassured.

"Help?" Alphabittle frowned. "We don't need help. Especially from ponies like you. Give me the crystal."

"Hey, wait just a Celestia minute, Jack!" Sunset glared, as she stood between Alphabittle and Sunny Starscout. "This girl's won fair and square!"

"Fair and square?" Alphabittle snarled. "She tricked me. That's hardly fair, or square."

"Well, you said all she had to do was win, just ONCE! And she did! So just let her go."

"That was when I thought she's a unicorn, like us. But now that she's been exposed for what she really is, it's hardly fair. Now get out of my way!"

Desperate, Hitch burst out screaming, "Magic, feather, wing..."

Catching onto what Hitch was doing, Sunset joined in, shouting, "HEY! Hold the mayonnaise!"

And just like that, the unicorns in the room, including Alphabittle, went, "Bing! Bong! Bing-bong, bing-bong!"

Sunset Shimmer couldn't help laugh out loud at the unicorns' antics, "You all look so ridiculous!" She laughed, which turned into a wheezing cough. "I think I swallowed a bug."

"Go, go, go!" Sunny said, as the heroes make their escape, out of the building, taking their prizes with them.

"You'll pay for this!" Alphabittle shouted after the runaway ponies.

"Sorry about that!" Izzy called to the unicorns. "Thanks for the teas!"

During the run, Sunset Shimmer was falling behind, which Zipp Storm took notice, "Hey, c'mon! Hurry it up!"

"I...I'm running as...fast as I...can," Sunset Shimmer panted heavily.

"You still have your magic," Zipp called. "Couldn't you just 'magic' your way ahead of us, or something?"

"No time for that kid," Sunset shook her head, as they resumed their gallop. "We gotta go!"

The heroes kept on galloping through the forest, making their way towards the exit. They hadn't gone very far, however, when the sound of leaves rustling was heard, to which everypony screeched to a halt, watching as another pony emerged from the bushes, revealing herself to be...

"Mom?!" Zipp and Pipp exclaimed, happily galloping up to their mother.

"Oh, my darlings!" Queen Haven exclaimed. "Thank hoofness!"

"You escaped!" Zipp smiled.

"How did you find us?" Pipp asked.

"Cloudpuff," Queen Haven pointed, as the familiar winged dog jumped out from the bushes and pounced on Sheriff Hitch.

"Wow, you're a magnet for animals, huh?" Sunset commented to Hitch.

"Yeah, it's gift and a curse," Hitch replied, before he looked to see the dog was holding his precious badge, in his mouth. "Ah! My badge! Yes!" He exclaimed happily, holding up the badge in his hoof.

Sunset looked at the badge, being held, as if by fingers, then at her own hoof. She turned to a nearby rock, and tried to pick it up, but to no avail, without magic.

"This doesn't make any sense!" Sunset shook her head.

Ignoring Sheriff Hitch and Sunset Shimmer, Queen Haven turned to her two daughters, "Oh, I'm so glad I found my little fillies. Now, I know that if you just come back with me, we can explain everything. Spin the story, and they'll love us again. R-Right?"

Before Zipp and Pipp could answer, the sound of hooves galloping brought their attention to Alphabittle and the unicorn herd he was leading. The unicorns burst out from the bushes and glared at the heroes.

"Let us explain!" Sunny began.

"There she is!" Another voice called, revealing herself to be the pegasi guards. "Your Criminal Highness, you're coming with us!"

Next to her, her partner took notice of the unicorns, "Aah! Unicorns!" Reaching into his wings, Thunder hurled a tennis ball at Alphabittle, which Sunset, thankfully, caught with her magic.

"Can we all just be civilized for just one minute?" Sunset asked.

"Okay," Alphabittle agreed. "How about you start being civil by giving me back my crystals and leave Bridlewood!"

"Your crystals?" Queen Haven exclaimed in outrage. "That crystal belongs to me!" She pointed to the pegasi crystal.

"Not anymore, it doesn't!" Alphabittle barked. "I won it fair and square!"

"Actually, she won it," Sunset pointed to Sunny. "Look, I've got the bits to show for it," She said, showing off the money she earned from her gamble.

"Hah! I certainly doubt it!" Queen Haven scoffed. "Unicorns are known to be cheaters!"

"Well is that anyway to thank for me saving you and your daughter?" Sunset frowned.

"You Pegasi always thought you were better than us!" Alphabittle glared.

"Hey, that's our queen you're talking to!" One of the pegasus guards shouted.

"She's not a queen here!" One of the unicorns barked.

"Who do you think you are?!" The pegasus guard asked.

"We're gonna zap you with our horns!" The unicorn retaliated, as another joined in the scuffle. "This is our land! You're not welcome here!"

"Surrender the crystal, or we'll use our powers against you!" Alphabittle threatened.

"I'd like to see you try!" Queen Haven challenged.

Stressed at all the arguments and the negativity between the ponies, Sunset Shimmer focused it all into her magic, boiled by her temper, until she couldn't take it anymore.

"ENOUGH!" Sunset screamed, stomping her hooves on the ground, emitting a powerful shockwave that knocked the ponies off their hooves, and shaking the trees.

"WHAT HAS BECOME OF YOU PONIES?!" Sunset Shimmer ranted angrily. "What happened to the Equestria I know? What happened to Princess Twilight? Have you all forgotten the magic of friendship? The friendship that Princess Twilight had extended, not just for ponies, before creatures worldwide? How could you all have forgotten about that? Why are you so determined to one-up one another? Where is the magic?!"

An awkward silence followed, "Bing-bong," Said a random unicorn.

"This is giving me a headache," Exhausted from her angry outburst, Sunset calmed herself, "Listen, you may have forgotten what Equestria was like, back when unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies, lived together in harmony. But I do! And I should know, because my best friend was Princess Twilight!"

"Is that true?" One of the unicorns asked, while another expressed their doubt, "Someone's got the jinxies real hard."

"Princess Twilight?" Another pegasus guard asked. "I haven't heard that name in years!"

"Listen, I know it's hard to believe," Sunny began. "I didn't believe it either, but Sunset Shimmer is telling us the truth. She is a Guardian of Harmony. That's why she's here. To help us restore magic to Equestria."

"And for me to find answers to what happened, while I was gone," Sunset added.

"I know it sounds unbelievable, but Sunset is living proof," Sunny insisted. "You all saw how she still has her magic. I don't know why, but maybe it's because she's here to help us!"

"Please mom," Pipp pleaded to Queen Haven. "Trust us."

Queen Haven looked hesitant for a moment, before she reluctantly allowed it, with Alphabittle, "Fine."

"You're wasting your time, kid," Alphabittle said, as both he and Queen Haven watched, as Sunny and Izzy took out the unicorn and pegasi crystals.

"Ready, Izzy?" Sunny asked.

"Ready," Izzy nodded.

Everypony all watched in anticipation as Sunny and Izzy proceeded to join both crystals together.

"Hey," Pipp asked Sunset Shimmer. "You're the real expert on magic. What do you think will happen?"

"Well, based on my experience, normally, there's a big light show, with rainbow lasers and...stuff," Sunset answered. "Just wait and see what happens."

Both Sunny and Izzy's eyes sparkled with excitement as they finally closed the distance with their crystals, into a perfect fit. With that, nothing happened.

Distraught, Sunny was in disbelief, "It... It..."

"Where's the rainbow laser light show you mentioned?" Pipp asked.

"I...I don't know," Sunset replied. "I don't udnerstand."

"Why didn't it work, Daddy?" A unicorn colt asked.

"'Cause it was all just make-believe," His father frowned sadly.

"We can try it again!" Sunny pleaded desperately. "Maybe... Maybe w-we did it wrong somehow."

But the unicorns and pegasi didn't want to hear any of it, as they turned and walked away.

"Wait. Wait, don't go," Looking down at the crystals, Sunny repeatedly put the crystals back together. "Oh, come on. Work. Work! Please work! Come on!"

Sunset walked over to the desperate Sunny, "Here, let me have a look," Igniting her horn in a magic glow, Sunset Shimmer examined the two crystals. "Maybe what they need was a magic touch. Hehe," Telekinetically holding the crystals in the air, Sunset clicked the two crystals, but was met with the same result, as Sunny. "Then again, maybe not...I'm sorry kid."

"No!" Sunny cried, taking the crystals back in her hooves. "C'mon, please... Please!"

"Sunny," Sheriff Hitch comforted his heartbroken friend. "It's okay. You did everything you could."

"I... I thought it would work," Sunny sobbed, looking up to her childhood friend and Sunset. "I was so, so sure of it."

"But you tried," Sunset consulted. "You did your best. That's all any of us could do."

"What do we do now?" Zipp asked.

The heroes watched as Sunny sadly returned the unicorn crystal to Alphabittle, before returning the pegasus crystal to Queen Haven.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you," She apologized to the leaders.

"Sunny?" Sunset called.

"Sunny! We can't give up!" Pipp Petals called after the earth pony.

"I thought that I could make a difference," Sunny cried. "But everywhere I go, I just make things worse."

"That's not true," Izzy Moonbow shook her head. "We're all in this together, right?" In response, the rest of the heroes all exchange random agreements.

Still, Sunny was too distraught to see the positive response, "I'm so sorry I let you all down," Sunny apologized. She turned to Sunset Shimmer, "Sunset, I...I'm sorry I failed you."

"No, kid," Sunset shook her head. "I'm the one who should be sorry. If I had known this would happen, then maybe...you wouldn't have to feel the burden."

"Still, I'm glad to have known you, Guardian of Harmony," Sunny cried, to which she and Sunset walked over and pulled each other for a tender hug, before they parted ways. "I hope you find your answers."

With a sniffle, Sunny walked past the fiery unicorn, who could only watch her leave, followed by Sheriff Hitch.

"I guess this is goodbye...friends," Sheriff Hitch said sadly, to the mares and friends.

"Better hurry...Donut Lord," Zipp beckoned sadly, as Hitch took his leave with Sunny.

After watching Sunny and Hitch walk away, Sunset Shimmer turned and walked away, deep into the forest.

"Sunset Shimmer?" Izzy asked.

Sunset simply gave Izzy a sad look, before she turned and walked deeper into the forest, until she was beside herself, looking to the sky.

"Twilight...what would you do?" She asked. "Where are you?"

Find A Way

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"Where did we go wrong? What could we have missed? Why is the magic not restored to everypony? Where are you, Twilight? What happened to the Equestria we know and loved?"

For the last several minutes, since Sunny had left Bridlewood, Sunset Shimmer wondered aimlessly, lost in her own thoughts, clouded by more and more troubling questions that grew, every seconds. Each questions would ask another, and so on and so forth, until an answer could finally end them.

Tired, lost, and at her wit's end, Sunset Shimmer collapsed onto the soft grasses of Bridlewood. All she wanted was to visit a friend. Sadly, it seems, she had arrived too late. How long she has been away, she does not know. And at this moment, she doesn't care. She just wants to go home. A time and place when she has friends and family.

Succumbing to her exhaustion, Sunset Shimmer closed her eyes, and her world went black, as she enters a dream.

Her dreamscape was a large city, reminiscent to Zephyr Heights, Canterlot in its heyday, and the human world she came from. All it was missing are the people. The sound of friends talking and getting together, to have a good time. Friendly neighbors exchanging heartfelt greetings. Little kids running and playing games, in the beautiful light of day. Without them, life seems dull, bleak, and meaningless.

Sunset Shimmer looked up to the sky, seeing a blanket of dark clouds, blocking out the sun, and showering the streets tearful drops of rain. Feeling the cooling breeze and comforting touch of the waters, Sunset felt herself rejuvenated, as if it was just another day when she was still young, in spite of herself. But without her friends by her side, to share it with, she felt more and more alone.

Find A Way – Rebecca Shoichet


Feeling the turmoil emotion swelling inside, Sunset lets them out, with a heartfelt, familiar song.

I have to find a way
To make this all okay
I can't believe this small mistake
Could've caused so much heartache

Oh why, oh why?

As Sunset Shimmer walked down the streets of her desolate dreamscape, she wondered how it all went wrong. What happened to Princess Twilight? Where and when did it all went so horribly wrong? What could've torn the Kingdom of Equestria apart? How can the ponies, who were once friends, be divided and live so far apart in paranoia? How can Sunset Shimmer pick up the pieces and mend them back? And could it be possible that somehow, she can, in some way, still reconnect with Princess Twilight?

In her dream still, Sunset Shimmer found herself in the hall of stain glasses of Canterlot Castle. Sunset remembered passing through this hall, a few times before. Each time, she takes a glimpse at all the memories, depicted in the stain glasses, old and new, on the walls, left and right, and back again.

Something is wrong, it's plain to see
This isn't how it's meant to be
And you can't see it like I do
It's not the life that's meant for you

Oh why, oh why?

Dipping her head, Sunset Shimmer finds herself in the underground station of Zephyr Heights, where she, Sunny, Izzy, and Zipp had seen the stain glass windows, engraved with images of Princess Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark, and the supposed crystals that are the source of Equestria's magic.

Losing promise
I don't know what to do
Seeking answers
I fear I won't get through to you

Even more lost and alone with herself, Sunset Shimmer looked up at the glass image of her friend's cutie mark, practically bathing in its spotlight. With tears dripping from her eyes, the fiery unicorn looked to the ground of her dreamscape, as she came to the end of her song.

I'll try
And I'll try
I'll try
And I'll try

"Sunset...Sunset...Sunset! Wake up!"

Startled, Sunset woke up and finds herself, back in reality, surrounded by the worried looks of Izzy Moonbow, Zipp Storm, and Pipp Petals.

"Oh! Girls!" Sunset exclaimed tiredly. "Oh...what? What is it? What happened?"

"You fell asleep!" Izzy replied.

"You were out for an hour," Zipp added. "You gave us quite the scare. Well, mostly Pipp."

"Oh?" Pipp scoffed. "I'm not the one who was crying and...grieving."

Still mildly awake, Sunset Shimmer let out a yawn as she stretched her legs and back. She looked around, searching for the missing members of the group.

"Where...where are Sunny and...Hitch?" Sunset asked.

"They went back to Maretime Bay," Zipp answered. "Pipp and I were just going to leave with mother and the guards, but..."

"...We felt it wouldn't be right to leave, without saying good-bye, to you...and Izzy," Pipp added.

"Oh...right," Sunset looked down, sadly remembering the distraught looking on Sunny's face. "I...I'm sorry. For everything."

"It's not your fault, Sunset," Izzy replied. "We all tried our best! We all wanted to bring the magic back!"

"I know, but..." Sunset walked over and took a seat besides Izzy's musical instrument. "I feel like, I should've done more... Perhaps be more...responsible? I'm the grown-up here. And yet... I just went along with everything, thinking that it will all turn out alright in the end. Because, that's how it worked for me."

"In other words, you were going with the flow?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah...in a way," Sunset sighed. "I...I was...I kinda hoping, that when this is all over, once we've restored Equestria's magic, then maybe...every pony can be friends again. And maybe...I'll see my friends again."

"You must really miss your friends, don't you?" Zipp asked, to which Sunset gave a solemn nod. "So...tell us about your friends again."


"Well, I figured, since we're leaving, and probably never going to see each other again, for a long time, then...we might as well hear one last story from you. For old time sake."

"Yeah!" Izzy chirped with excitement. "Tell us a story!"

"I guess we could spare a minute, or two," Pipp added, as both she and Zipp got comfortable.

"Hmmm..." Sunset scratched her chin. "I...I don't know what story I should tell you kids..."

"Ooh! Why don't you tell us the story about how you and Princess Twilight became best buds!" Izzy smiled eagerly.

"Yeah, tell us that story," Zipp encouraged.

"I don't think you've ever told us that story!" Pipp added.

"Hmmm," Sunset pondered, before she chuckled, "Alright. It all started when Princess Twilight's crown was stolen, by a thief."

"Hey! Kinda like how we stole Queen Haven's crown!" Izzy chirped.

"...Something like that," Sunset chuckled. "But...without the coordinated teamwork and...it was a dark night. Everyone were asleep, and the thief simply walked in and stole the crown. And she would've gotten away with it, had it not been for...Princess Twilight's number one assistant, Spike."

And so, for an hour, Sunset Shimmer told the story of how Princess Twilight had pursued her magic crown, into the next world, and how she entered the Fall Formal in Canterlot High School to win her crown back, and befriended five more girls along the way. All the while, Sunset left out the details that she was the thief and her transformation into a demon sorceress.

"Wow!" Izzy Moonbow marveled. "That is the coolest story I've ever heard!"

"It's unbelievable," Zipp Storm commented.

"So...let me get this straight," Pipp began. "Princess Twilight came to your school. You helped her win her crown back. But then...a demon sorceress came out of nowhere and tried to take her crown, and you all just...defeated her?"

"That's right," Sunset nodded, while looking to the side, keeping the truth to herself.

"Even with the magic crown on her head, the demon was still defeated, just like that?" Zipp asked. "Sounds impressive."

"Yeah, impressive," Sunset confirmed.

"But how?"

"Well...Princess Twilight, being the Princess of Friendship, it's all about friendship," Sunset sighed in nostalgia. "Friendship is the magic that comes from the heart. It's so simple, yet so strong, even I didn't believe it, until Twilight opened my eyes to it. It's a power that brings us all together. It empowers you with all the love in the world, from your friends, and family. Because when you work together, you can go a long way...even defeating a demon."

"Wow!" The three young mares marveled.

"That sounds like a great story!" Izzy Moonbow smiled. "If only it was true."

"That's the thing, Izzy," Sunset began. "It is true. I was there."

"I'd have to be there to believe it," Zipp said.

"...Yeah. If only you could," Sunset frowned, missing her home more and more.

"Well, true or not, if this Princess Twilight is as magnificent as you say she is," Pipp began. "Then that's good enough for me," Sunset smiled at the pegasus princess's statement. "So...Princess Twilight...she's an alicorn, right?"

"That's right," Sunset nodded.

"Are all alicorns like that? So...friendly, and powerful, and stuff?"

"Actually, they're just ponies, like you and me," Sunset chuckled. "At least, that's how I've come to see them. In their own special ways, they're relatable, because they can relate to us."

"What are alicorns like anyway?" Zipp asked. "I've heard they're rare, and they're powerful, but...are they?"

"Well, like you said," Sunset began. "They're very rare. No pony can just be born an alicorn. It has to be earned."

"Earned how?" Izzy asked.

"...I'll tell you later. But to put it simply, alicorns are ponies with the traits of every pony tribes. The horns of a unicorn, the wings of a pegasus, and the heart of an earth pony."

"So...they're like three different ponies combined into one?" Zipp asked.

"Correct!" Sunset nodded, before she was hit with an epiphany. "Wait a minute. Horns of a unicorn, wings of a pegasus, and the heart of an earth pony!" She gasped in realization. "That's it! That's what went wrong!"

"What? What went wrong?" Pipp asked, sharing her sister and Izzy's confusion.

"The crystals!" Sunset explained. "I...I think I know why they didn't work!"

"Why?" Zipp asked.

"We thought there were only two crystals. Right? The unicorn and pegasus crystal. But, what if there's a third? A crystal made for earth ponies?"

The three young mares all exchanged glances as they processed the words Sunset had spouted.

"An earthy pony crystal?" Pipp asked.

"But...I'd have known that, wouldn't I?" Zipp asked. "But...then again, there was that one shattered stained glass back in...Zephyr Heights!"

"What stained glass?" Pipp asked.

"Nevermind that!" Sunset exclaimed, getting the girls' attention. "We gotta get to Maretime Bay! Sunny has to know! Let's go!"

"Right behind ya, Sunset!" Izzy chirped, galloping after the fiery unicorn.

Zipp and Pipp both turned to exchange looks. It wasn't long before the two sisters nodded in agreement. They've come so far, that they can't go back now. And for what it's worth, Sunny is their friend, and they're willing to help out. With a kick of their legs, the two pegasi princesses gave chase, after the two unicorns.

On the way, they happened to pass by Queen Haven, her pegasi guards, and Alphabittle.

"Izzy! And...fiery headed unicorn stranger," Alphabittle called. "Where are you going?"

"Pipp? Zipp?" Queen Haven called after her daughters. "Get back here!"

"Sorry mom!" Zipp called out. "But we gotta go!"

"Go? Go where?" Haven asked.

"To Maretime Bay!" Sunset answered. "Sunny needs our help!"

Speaking of whom, Sunny Starscout was in her lighthouse, packing up all of her old toys, artifacts, and memories of ancient Equestria, that both she and her late father had worked on, together.

It broke her heart, as she puts all of her mementoes away. They were all she had left of her father. She couldn't help but remember the tender bedtime story, Argyle once told her.


"Can you tell me the story?" A young Sunny asked.

"Again?" Her father laughed, incredulously.


Unable to resist his daughter's plea, Sunny's father complied, as he told the story, "Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, in ancient Equestria, there lived a very special—

"Unicorn!" Young Sunny finished.

"The unicorn was very bright..."

"As bright as the sun."

"One day, the princess summoned her to the castle for an important assignment."

"To learn about friendship!"

"Mm-hmm. She soon made lots of new friends."

"Earth ponies, Pegasuses, and unicorns!"

"Together, they showed everypony the Magic of Friendship and how to live in harmony," Argyle ended the story, as he held up a night light that resembled a carousel, with images of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies.

"Wow! You finished it!" Young Sunny marveled.

"Pretty neat, huh?" Setting it on the nightstand, next to her bed, Argyle played the night light, enchanting his daughter more, with beautiful lights of ponies that flew around the room. "Earth ponies watched in wonder as Pegasi painted rainbows across the sky. The nights were lit up by a hundred unicorn horns."

"It's beautiful," Young Sunny marveled in awe. "I wish I had a friend who could fly around or float things. Why can't we be friends anymore?" She asked, tiredly.

"That, my darling, is a big question," Argyle frowned sadly, before he encouraged, "And maybe one day, we'll figure it out. Together. We'll do our part...

"...hoof to heart," Father and daughter said together.

"Goodnight, Daddy,"

"Goodnight, my little pony," With that, Argyle took his leave, closing the door to Sunny's room, behind him.

"Goodnight, friends," Sunny said to her dolls.

End of flashback

Returning back to present time, Sunny's heartache intensified as she went up to the upper level of her lighthouse home, to put away more drawings, pictures, and souvenirs of Equestria's heyday, when she noticed a symbol, beneath the lighthouse's crystal ball. The symbol was shaped like the unicorn and pegasus crystals, joined together, but with a circle in the middle.

Then, in that moment, a ray of sunlight shines into the room, and Sunny looked up to see herself surrounded by shapes of unicorns, pegasis, and earth ponies, that danced and flew around the room.

Following the light's path, she looked to see the source of the light show. A crystal that her father had installed, into her favorite night light. Curious, the young mare picked up the crystal in her hoof, when she was struck with an epiphany. Putting the small crystal in the center of the symbol, it opened up, to reveal a perfect fit. Sunny could hardly believe her eyes. Her heart began to pound faster than she could breath. She finally understands the problem. Could this be it? Has she found the answer?

Return to Maretime Bay

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At the edge of Maretime Bay, Sunset Shimmer was panting heavily, after a long gallop across, what she believed, was half of Equestria.

"Phew, Sweet Celestia, I'm...I'm...I'm pooped," Sunset panted, collapsing on the ground to catch her breath, with Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp galloping up to her side.

"Are you okay?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah," Sunset panted. "Just...needed to...catch my breath..."

Before another word could be spoken, the sound of explosions erupted from Maretime Bay, to which the five mares looked up, to see a sparkle of fireworks breaking the silence.

"Fireworks?" Zipp asked.

"Aw, they're throwing a welcome to Maretime Bay party for us!" Izzy smiled. "Sunny must've known we were coming and she put together a welcome party for us!"

Sunset, however, wasn't at all convinced, "I don't think it's a welcome party, Izzy. Something's not right...we have to find Sunny and fast. I have a bad feeling she may be in trouble!"

"Why couldn't you just teleport us all to her house?" Pipp asked, catching breath from the long gallop. "I mean, can you teleport us?"

"Magic teleportation takes a lot of concentration and a lot of strong mentality, Pipp," Sunset lectured. "But now's not the time. C'mon!"

Once again, leading the charge, Sunset Shimmer galloped into Maretime Bay, with three young mares following behind her. The fiery unicorn looked up to see that Sunny's lighthouse home is not too far away. Just a skip and a trot closer, with every hoof steps. Thankfully, Sunset didn't have to run too far, when Izzy shouted.

"Sunny!" Izzy Moonbow shouted.

Following the chirpy unicorn's gaze, Sunset looked, and sure enough, saw Sunny Starscout and Sheriff Hitch, galloping into view, from over the horizon.

"Sunny!" Sunset exclaimed, almost out of breath, as she and the young mares came to a stop, in front of Sunny.

"What are you girls doing here?" Sunny asked.

"We've figured out the problem!" Izzy chirped.

"Yeah, and how we can stay friends!" Zipp Storm added.

"How?" Sunny asked.

"Ask her!" Pipp pointed to Sunset, who composed herself. "She figured it out."

"Sunset Shimmer?"

"Sunny!" Sunset began. "I think I know why the crystals didn't work."

"There's a third crystal!!" The two mares said together. "What?" They asked, doing a double take, looking at each other.

"Say what now?" Sheriff Hitch asked.

"Pipp! Zipp!" Queen Haven shouted, as she came galloping towards the group, with a herd of pegasi guards. "I know you're upset, darlings, my sweet little darlings," Queen Haven said, with Alphabittle joining. "But it's time go home now!"

"Izzy Moonbow!" Alphabittle began. "You're gonna get us all jinxed! And the same to you, Sunset Glimmer!"

"It's Shimmer..." Sunset corrected. "Sunset Shimmer."

"Excuse me!" Queen Have huffed to Alphabittle and Sunset. "Do you see my mouth still moving? That means I'm still a-talking!"

"You're all in danger!" Sunny interrupted.

"What?" Queen Haven, Alphabittle, and Sunset Shimmer exclaimed.

Suddenly, a loud horn blared in the air, drawing every pony's attention to the source. Driving in a storm of smokes and gravels was a large robot, vehicle, in the shape of an earth pony. Marching by the mechanical behemoth's side are a squadron of earth ponies, wearing Anti-Mind Reading Hats.

"Uh, what is that?" Sunset pointed at the large robot.

"Everypony, Sprouticus Maximus!" Sheriff Hitch introduced the robot. "Sprouticus Maximus, everypony..."

"I can't take much more of this..." Sunset groaned.

As if the technological advancement with Anti-Mind Reading Hats, unicorn traps, and especially, phone, wasn't enough, now the weary Sunset Shimmer finds herself concerned with the possibilities of contending with armies of killer robots.

"Would you look at this?" A voice called from the giant robot. "Our enemies delivered themselves to us!"

"No, no, no," Queen Haven reassured. "We're not here to fight, Mr. Big Robot Pony."

Unfortunately, the queen's words fell on deaf ears, "I do not accept your surrender!" The robot, or more likely its driver, scoffed. "Load the Splat-a-pults!"

However, some of the earth ponies refused to heed the robot's command, and instead, chose to retreat.

"Why do I have to do everything myself?!" The robot complained, as an arm extended out from its front.

"Hold on," Sunset squinted her eyes for a closer look at the robot's visor, to see a familiar earth pony deputy, behind the wheels. "Hey, Sheriff? Is that...?"

"Deputy Sprout?" Hitch confirmed. "Unfortunately, yeah. Turns out, without me, all the powers as a sheriff has gotten to his head and–"

"He's declared himself emperor!" Sunny Starscout added.

"This day just keeps getting better and better," Sunset shook her head in sarcasm.

"We have to stop that thing!" Zipp exclaimed.

"But how?" Izzy asked.

"With magic!" Sunset Shimmer and Sunny Starscout said together. "JINX!" They pointed at each other.

"Bing-bong!" A random unicorn shouted.

"I'll try and hold that thing off," Sunset Shimmer strained, focusing every ounce of her mental powers, into her horn. "All of you, get out of here!"

"No, Sunset!" Sunny shook her head. "I'm not leaving you behind. And neither would Rainbow Dash, if she was still here."

"There's no time to argue!" Sunset replied. "I'll try and buy you enough time so you can escape this town and find that third crystal. The Earth Ponies' Crystal!"

"But that's just it, Sunset!" Sunny exclaimed. "I HAVE THE CRYSTAL!"

"What?!" Sunset exclaimed, along with Sheriff Hitch, and the other three younger pony friends.

"It's at the lighthouse!" Sunny then turned her attention to Alphabittle and Queen Haven. "Quick! I need your crystals!"

Both Alphabittle and Queen Haven exchanged looks, before they decided they have nothing left to lose. Without any argument, they gave Sunny their crystals, who then turned to her friends. "C'mon! Let's go!"

With that, Sunny Starscout took the lead as she guided her friends, up a hill, back up to her lighthouse, with Emperor Sprout giving chase in his giant robot.

"Oh no, you don't!" Sprout didn't get very far, however, when he was stopped by an aura of red sparkles. "What? Huh?"

The red stallion looked through his windshield, to see Sunset Shimmer, mustering every ounce of mental powers she had left, into her magic, to hold the robot off.

"Keep...your...hooves...away....from my...FRIENDS!!!" Sunset grunted, digging her hooves into the grounds, trying to force the robot off, with all her might.

"HEY!" One of the earth ponies pointed. "That unicorn still has magic!"

"See? What did I tell you?" Sprout boasted from the seat of his gigantic robot. "Sunny Starscout and Sheriff Hitch have been brainwashed by this unicorn! And probably, by the entire herd!"

"That's not true!" Alphabittle stomped his hoof. "We don't have any magic, except her. Look!" Trying to prove his point, Alphabittle strained to focus any mental powers he had, but was unable to conjure up any magic. "See?"

"It's true!" Queen Haven added. "And as much as I hate to admit it, but we pegasi can't fly either!" Queen Haven and her pegasi guards flapped their wings, but were unable to be airborne. "See? I can't fly. No lie. At least, not this time."

"Don't you see?" Sunset called to the Earth Ponies, as she loosens her magical grip on the robot. "Every pony in Equestria have lost their magic. Including you!"

"Us?" One of the earth ponies exclaimed in confusion. "We don't have magic. You're trying to psyche us out!"

"No, I'm not!" Sunset stomped her hoof. "Doesn't any pony remember a time when Princess Twilight ruled all of Equestria? When unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies all got along? Or better yet, ponies with other creatures, like dragons, griffons, and...and yaks?"

"Dragons?" The earth ponies exchanged confused looks with one another. "Griffons? Yaks? Next thing you know, she'll say that ponies can make friends with a tiger. This unicorn sounds even crazier than Sunny Starscout."

"I'm not crazy!" Sunset shouted. "It's all true! I knew Princess Twilight! She was my friend. All of her friends were my friends! And some of them were earth ponies and pegasi!"

"Enough talk!" Sprout shouted, pulling on a lever, making his robot roar to life. "It's time to die!"

"Die?!" Some of the earth ponies exclaimed in shock. "That sounds excessively morbid. And extreme!"

Nevertheless, Sprout could hardly care less, as he proceeded to kick his giant war machine into high gear, attempting to run over Sunset Shimmer. But Sunset Shimmer refused to back down, lighting up her horn in a red sparkling aura, holding the robot back with all her might, digging her hooves deeper into the ground.

"You...shall not...pass..." Sunset strained, refusing to yield.

"Yes, I shall!" Sprout spatted, as he continues to put the pressure on Sunset.

In the meantime, everypony around them watched in awe as Sunset Shimmer, a lone middle-age unicorn, fighting off a towering robot, driven by the self-proclaimed Emperor of Maretime Bay, with nothing but magic. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to last.

Sunset Shimmer could barely hold the giant robot back. With each passing seconds, the stress and strain of maintaining her magical hold was draining her mental prowess. And Sprout's persistent to break free was overtaxing for her. Still, whatever the cost may be, to restore Equestria to the land it once was, Sunset was willing to take that risk, even if it may be her last.

Just when Sunset's mind was about to crack, a voice shouted, with the sound of galloping hoof steps.

"SPROUT!" The voice shouted, revealing himself to be Sheriff Hitch, who came galloping back at Sunset's side, with Zipp Storm following. "That's enough! This ends now!"

"Yeah," Zipp Storm added. "Listen the Sheriff!"

"What? Are you crazy?" Sprout spatted. "Get out of the way, Sheriff! Don't make me run you over!"

"Over my dead body!" Zipp scowled, standing in front of Hitch and Sunset, flaring her wings out.

Narrowing his eyes into a scowl, Sprout glared at Sunset Shimmer, "So this is how it is now, huh?" He spatted. "You can't take me on alone, so you've decided to brainwash our Sheriff, my best friend, and this...this pegasus, to be your pony shields? For you to hide behind?"

"The only pony here who's been brainwashing others is ponies like you!" Sunset countered. "You call yourself emperor? You're hardly even a deputy to your sheriff! You don't even know a thing about being a sheriff! A sheriff serves and protects his ponies! He doesn't manipulate them to, or convert them to be his...his soldier, or invoke CHAOS and WAR!!"

Back in the crowd, some of Sunset's words resonated with the local earth ponies of Maretime Bay, as they took some of her words into account.

"Ha! Big talk, unicorn," Sprout frowned. "I'm TWICE the sheriff, Hitch Trailblazer could EVER be."

"No, actually, she's dead on the money, Sprout," Sheriff Hitch said, as he stood beside Zipp.

"Hitch?" Sprout gasped, turning his robot off.

"Where were you, when I came to Sunny's house, to arrest her and Izzy?" Hitch challenged.

"Are we seriously having this talk now?"

"And where were you, when I spent the last several days, maybe weeks, tracking Sunny and her friends across half of Equestria?"

"Well...YOU tasked me to looking after Maretime Bay in your absence, remember?"

"And do you even remember my specific instructions?"

"Uh...run that by me again?"

With a roll of his eyes, and a shake of his head, Hitch repeated, "I told you to keep every pony calm, maintain the peace, and be the pillar of strength."

"Right!" Sprout clicked his tongue. "That's it. And that's exactly what I'm doing..."

"Not the way I see it," Zipp shook her head. "I don't know what driving a giant robot pony is supposed to be. If it's the Sheriff's definition of 'pillar of strength,' I'm fine with that. But waging war against other ponies? Are you kidding me? That's hardly maintaining the peace, or even keeping any pony calm. I should know, because for almost my entire life, my mother and sister and I have kept our ponies calm, with mirrors and wires!"

"...And your point is?" Sprout asked.

"ARGH!" Sunset Shimmer grunted in frustration. "You're no Emperor! And you will not hurt a single hair on Sunny Starscout and her friends!"

"We'll see about that."

But just before Sprout could proceed with his agenda, a green glob of goo splatted on his windshield, catching him by surprise.

"What the what?" Sprout exclaimed.

"That's our sheriff of the town you're messing with!" One of the earth ponies frowned, as all of Maretime Bay stood behind Sheriff Hitch, with two familiar birds and crab standing next to Hitch.

"And my daughter!" Queen Haven added, as she and her pegasi guards stood behind Zipp Storm.

"And one of our own ponies, who isn't a local of Bridlewood, and surprisingly, even for me, can still do magic!" Alphabittle said, loudly and proudly.

"Bing-bong!" A random unicorn exclaimed.

"That's a mouthful, even for you," Sunset complimented Alphabittle. "And what? No...bing-bong?"

"I have to admit, seeing you in action, standing your ground, with magic is pretty awesome," Alphabittle replied. "And I respect that...for an old gal."

"Hmph!" Sunset Shimmer huffed, before she countered. "Yeah? Well...you're quite the gamer...for a big pony who lost to a kid!"

"I thought she was average-height."

"Uh...are we really having this talk right now?" Zipp asked, drawing the ponies attention back to Sprout, who was still aghast at all the ponies, standing up to him.

"Why?" Sprout demanded. "Why are you all fighting me?" Turning to the earth ponies, Sprout shouted, "Ponies of Maretime Bay. Come on! Don't listen to this unicorn, or Hitch! He's clearly been manipulated by her evil spell! Don't let her do the same to you!"

"Actually... you know what?" One of the earth ponies frowned. "For the first time, I've been thinking clearer than I ever have," He said, as he defiantly took his Anti-Mind Reading Hat off.


"You didn't keep our town clean," Another local of Maretime Bay added. "You didn't even bother telling us to pick up the trash, or litters!"

"Sheriff Hitch should've been in charge," Another earth pony added. "Not you!"

"Are you seriously throwing your lives away...for this...this...thing?" Sprout challenged, pointing at Sunset Shimmer. "She's a criminal! Just like...like...like Sunny, who's up there, in that lighthouse, conspiring with that other unicorn!"

"But they're also my friends," Sheriff Hitch stomped his hoof. "Our friends," He said, as he gestured to Zipp Storm, and the other ponies. "Sunny was right. As a Sheriff, it's my job to uphold the laws, to keep everypony safe. And that includes pegasi and unicorns."

"And if you want to arrest Sunny, you'll have to get pass us!" Zipp challenged.

"All of us!" Alphabittle added.

And just like that, all the ponies stomped their hooves in agreement, holding their heads up high, continuing to defy Emperor Sprout, who finds himself in utter denial at the sight of ponies – unicorns, pegasi, including his own kind – joining together to rebel him, all to save one mare. Sunny Starscout. This is clearly not what he had in mind.

Feeling more furious than he ever felt, Sprout pulled on a lever, bringing his war machine, back to life.

"No problem," He snarled, pressing a button to activate a pair of Splat-a-pults, from his robot's flanks. "I don't need any pony to stop me. I only need this baby to get pass all of you!"

"Sprout!" A female voice shouted. "That's enough!"

"Mommy?" Sprout yelped.

Joining in the rebellion, stood the CEO of CanterLogic, Phyllis Cloverleaf, and Sprout's mother.

"This has to stop!" Phyllis added.

"But mommy!" Sprout whined. "You told me that unicorns and pegasi are evil! They can't be trusted."

"But I always said to be scared is to be prepared," Phyllis reminded. "Not to attack. You were in charge of being sheriff. Not an emperor."

"But mommy...I...I did it all for us! For you!"

"But I didn't ask for this," Phyllis shook her head, as she sighed, "I love you, my sweet little Sprout. But going to war, risking the lives of our ponies...the ponies we swore to protect from ponies who...are different from us, is crossing the line. Get out of the toy, now."


"I wouldn't talk back to your mother, if I were you," Sunset advised, with a hint of disdain in her tone.

Knowing that it is futile to continue, especially against his mother's words, Emperor Sprout let out an exasperated sigh, as he turned the robot off, and stepped down from the cockpit.

"Phew!" One of the ponies sighed in relief. "To be honest, and for the record, I never wanted to fight."

"I was hoping we don't even have to fight," Another pony expressed her opinion.

"Well, you don't have to worry anymore," Sunset smiled, as she turned her attention at all the ponies, gathered around her. "Because as of now, no pony will ever have to fight each other. Not now, not ever. Let's all be friendly neighbors, starting with a hoof shake and start over."

Sunset said, extending her hoof out for the ponies to shake.

Sheriff Hitch was the firs to step forward, "Hi! I'm Sheriff Hitch. Welcome to Maretime Bay."

"Nice to meet you," Sunset dipped her head, in respect.

"I'm Queen Haven," Queen Haven added. "And I wanted to thank you, for saving my daughters and taking good care of them."

"Zipp's a real firecracker," Sunset smiled. "And Pipp has a lovely singing voice. They reminded me of some...friends I once knew."

"I'm Alphabittle," Alphabittle joined. "You want to play games? I'm the game," He winked.

Phyllis also stepped forward, for a hoof shake, "Hello," She greeted Sunset. "I'm Phyllis Cloverleaf. Founder and CEO of CanterLogic. At your service," Turning to her son, Phyllis nudged Sprout forward. "Sprout..." She scolded.

"Do I have to?" Sprout wined, earning a stern glare from his mother. "Fine... I'm Deputy Sprout and...and...I'm sorry."

"Hey, what's going on?" A voice asked, revealing herself to be Sunny, Pipp, and Izzy, curious to what the commotion was all about.

"We're starting over!" An earth pony answered. "We're saying hello to Sunset Shimmer and shaking her hoof, to become her friends!"

"Really?" Izzy asked.

"Uh...hehe, becoming my friend, from a hoof shake is a bit of an exaggeration," Sunset chuckled nervously. "I just diffused an angry mob with a lecture on the differences between anarchy and...peace. So, how'd it go with the crystals, Sunny?"

At the mention of the crystals, Sunny looked down, even more dejected than she was in Bridlewood.

"The crystals didn't work," Sunny sighed. "Even with a third crystal...they...they didn't do a thing. No...no rainbow lasers, or light show, like you told us in your stories, Sunset."

"Sunny," Sunset frowned in sympathy.

"I...I've let you down again," Sunny sobbed. "I've failed Equestria. I'm sorry, I...I wish I could make Equestria exactly the way you remembered it. I do! But I–"

Before Sunny could continue, a pair of hooves wrapped around her shoulder, pulling her close for a comforting hug.

"I don't care anymore," Sunset shushed the distraught, young mare. "It's all in the past... Along with, Twilight and...my friends. But I can't live in the past, forever. I have to live for today...and tomorrow."

Still, Sunny cried waterfalls of tears, on Sunset's shoulder, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Shhhh, you don't have to apologize for anything, Sunny," Sunset shushed. "Magic or no magic, as long as there's friendship. That's magical enough for me..." Pulling Sunny away, Sunset looked into the young mare's eyes, putting a hoof under her chin. "Is it still magical for you?"

Though sadden, with her hopes and dreams seemingly shattered, Sunny's lips quivered as she managed a small sad smile.

"It is."

With that, Sunset and Sunny wrapped their hooves around each other in another hug, with their friends joining in the group hug.

Suddenly, without warning, from the top of the lighthouse, a bright and beautiful ray of light shines down, bathing Sunny Starscout, in its glow, on the spot.

"What the hay?" Sunny exclaimed. "What's going on? What's happening?"

"Sunset, what's happening to her?" Sheriff Hitch asked.

"I...I don't know," Sunset then turned her attention to the lighthouse and pointed. "Look!" Everypony all watched as the three crystals, Sunny, Sunset, and friends, have collected, all floated from the lighthouse, danced around Sunny, bathing the young mare in a sparkling glow.

Every pony all watched with anxious expectation for what happens next. First, a golden pair of wings sprouted from Sunny's back, followed by a matching horn that protruded from her head, and Sunny's mane was colored with a streak of blue, yellow, and red.

Sunset Shimmer could hardly believe her eyes, "No way...can it be?" She asked, praying her eyes weren't playing tricks on her.

"Sunset..." Izzy began. "Is she?"

Sunset simply nodded as she confirmed, "She's an alicorn!"

Friendship Is Magic

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It was a startling moment that no pony could ever forget. After stopping Deputy Sprout from going through with his madness, to the end, Sunset Shimmer and her new friends, from a new generation, had succeeded in reigniting the magic of friendship, between earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi.

Suddenly, a blinding light erupted from the lighthouse of Sunny's home. The young earth pony mare then found herself, surrounded by the three lost crystals of the three pony tribes. Together, by the powers of the unicorn, pegasi, and earth pony crystals, they worked their great magic together, blessing Sunny with the power of, not one, but all three pony tribes. And in that very moment, Sunny appeared before her friends, and all the ponies gathered in Maretime Bay, as an alicorn.

Sunset Shimmer could hardly believe her eyes. To her, she thought she was looking at her friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle again.

"She's an alicorn," Sunset gasped.

Then, in the blink of an eye, another blinding light burst from the sky, banishing the darkness, and bathing all of Equestria in a dazzling aura. And with it, came the restored magic. Every unicorn's horns began to lit up, in a shower of sparkles, with every pegasi wings glowing and coated in magic sparkles.

"We're actually flying!" Pipp Petals exclaimed gleefully, as both she and Zipp flapped their wings and take to the sky, where they met up with Sunny.

"Whoa, Sunny!" Zipp exclaimed. "Check you out!"

"What?" Sheriff Hitch exclaimed, too taken in by Sunny's new appearance.

"I can't believe it!" Sunny smiled.

"Now that's what I call a glow-up," Izzy pointed.

"You've earned it, Sunny," Sunset smiled as she walked up to Sunny.

"Sunset," Sunny smiled enthusiastically towards the fiery unicorn. "I...I...I can't...I'm...I'm an...I'm an..."

"You're...an alicorn," Sunset confirmed. "Just like Twilight...I think this means, you've become a Princess of Friendship," With that, Sunset Shimmer bowed her head, in respect.

However, little did Sunset knew, the magic wasn't entirely finished.

"Hey, look!" Izzy pointed, up in the air.

Without warning, the aura worked up some more magics of its own. Appearing from the sky, galloping down to the ground were what appeared to be a herd of spiritual ponies. They danced and circled around the six friends, before it became apparent that Sunset was the center of attention.

Before Sunset could fully realize what was happening, she was lifted off the ground, into the air, with the spiritual ponies still doing their dance. As their dance intensifies, so too was their magic light show, blinding Sunset Shimmer, forcing her to close her eyes shut. It was in that moment, that Sunset experienced a rushing wave of flashbacks that flooded into her mind, like a tidal wave. She remembers her first birthday candle she blew out, to the day when she got accepted into Princess Celestia's School of Gifted Unicorns, all the way to her first arrival in the other world, and her first meeting with Princess Twilight and friends.

In that moment, the sound of Princess Twilight's words echoed loudly in Sunset Shimmer's head:

"The magic contained in my Element was able to unite with those that helped create it! Honesty! Kindness! Laughter! Generosity! Loyalty! Magic! Together with a crown, they create a power beyond anything you could imagine, but it is a power you don't have the ability to control! The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer, but you cannot wield it, because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all: the magic of friendship!"

"I...I know that speech!" Sunset remembered. "That was when I had my first taste of friendship!"

"Here and in Equestria, it is the only magic that can truly unite us all!"

Finally, with a burst that's more resounding than fireworks, but just as astounding than a Sonic Rainboom, the light show has ended, to reveal Sunset Shimmer...as a brand new pony.

When Sunset Shimmer finally opened her eyes, she gasped in shock, looking down at herself, to find her youth restored. On top of that, she has grown a pair of wings herself. Letting instinct take her over, Sunset Shimmer flapped her wings and proceeded to fly in the air, among the spiritual ponies, recognizing some familiar faces.

"Rainbow Dash?" Sunset shouted excitedly. "Applejack! Rarity? Pinkie Pie! Fluttershy! Twilight! Ha ha ha! YEAH!"

With a twirl of her body, Sunset Shimmer joined the spirits in their graceful dance, as she gallops in the sky, until the spirits disappeared in puffs of sparkles. With that, Sunset turned her attention back to the ponies below, and she landed back to the ground, standing before an excited Sunny Starscout.

"Sunset!" Sunny exclaimed, excitedly.

"Sunny," Sunset began. "I am very hungry."

"Ooh! I've got some sandwich!" Izzy held up, one of her homemade sandwiches.

"Not that hungry..." Sunset shook her head.

Unable to contain herself, Sunny ran up to Sunset and the two mares-turned-alicorns, wrapped their hooves and wings, in another loving embrace.

"Thank you, Sunset!" Sunny Starscout smiled. "For everything."

"Hey, you little ponies are the real heroes here, not me," Sunset Shimmer reminded. "I just happened to drop in."

"Still...I'm glad you were a part of this quest," Sunny smiled with newfound admiration. "I'm glad I got to meet someone like you! Some pony who knows a lot more about friendship, than I do!"

Once again, the two ponies, old and young, both exchanged loving smiles, as they moved in closer and shared another hug. Wanting in on the loving embrace, Izzy Moonbow was the next to jump in and wrap her hooves around the two mares, followed by Hitch, Zipp, and Pipp.

"Yay!" Izzy cheered. "Two alicorns for the price of one!"

"So I guess we have two Princesses of Friendship then," Zipp guessed. "Except one of them's young and the other is old."

"Hey, want to see how fast you can fly to the moon?" Sunset threatened, in a teasing manner, with a glow of her horn.

"So, uh...your majesties," Sheriff Hitch began, as he bowed his head. "How...may I be of service?"

Sunset and Sunny both exchanged looks, before they laughed.

"No need to be formal, Hitch," Sunny reassured.

"Just Sunset and Sunny is good enough," Sunset added. "We're all friends here."

"Oh! Okay," Sheriff Hitch smiled as he got up on his hooves.

"So, Sunset," Sunny began, as she turned to Sunset Shimmer. "I have like about a gazillion questions right now! Like...how do I even begin to use magic? Do I need to concentrate? Do I need to think positive? Do I just need to believe in friendship? Or-"

"Questions for another time, Sunny," Sunset stopped the excited young mare. "I believe we have a town to clean up."

"M'lady," Sheriff Hitch bowed. "You are a mare after my own heart."

And so, for the rest of the day, Sunset Shimmer, Sunny Starscout, and all of their friends worked together to clean up Maretime Bay, and fixed all the damages done by Deputy Sprout in his corruption of power, and his time as Emperor.

Needless to say, however, watching all the ponies befriending one another, in spite of their differences, was the greatest reward for the heroes, who made it all possible.

Everywhere they looked, young foals from different pony tribes were running around, playing and laughing together. One earth pony foal was happily chasing with Queen Haven's winged dog, Cloudpuff.

"Aw, you made a new friend!" Queen Haven cooed, cuddling her cheek against Cloudpuff, before he resumed playing with the foal.

"Hi there, buddy!" Alphabittle greeted a young colt, who stared in awe.

Meanwhile, Sheriff Hitch and some earth ponies were working on getting a trolley, back up on its wheels. However, Izzy and Sunset were already working on it, courtesy of their magic. Of course, Sunset had to teach Izzy the proper method to use telekinesis first.

"Concentrate," Sunset lectured. "Focus. Focus on the trolley. Think nothing, but how to flip it back up, on its wheels."

"Okay, I got it," Izzy did as she was told, as both she and Sunset successfully lifted the trolley in the air, before they gently placed it back down, on its rail. "I did it. I DID IT!"

"Good work, Izzy!" Sunset smiled proudly. "Hmmm. You could make an excellent magical protege. How do you feel about taking friendship lessons, from a pro? Sunny could use a fellow classmate."

Izzy gasped in awe, "You're going to be our magic teacher?!" Izzy asked.

"First thing, at 6 AM sharp, tomorrow," Sunset instructed. "Don't be late."

"Yes sir!" Izzy saluted. "I mean, ma'm!"

"Hey...uh..." A voice asked, revealing himself to be the former Emperor Sprout. "About the whole...trying to arrest you and Sunny...thing. Can we...forgive and forget?"

"Hmmm, what do you think, Sunset?" Sunny asked.

"I think...he should do some community service," With a blast of her magic, Sunset Shimmer stripped Sprout of his medals, and badge, and put him in an orange reflective vest, complete with a trash picker. "Clean up your litters, and then we'll consider shortening your sentence. Hitch!"

"Yes, ma'm?" Sheriff Hitch asked. "Uh, I mean, Sunset Shimmer?"

"You'll be in charge of seeing this earth pony doing community services," Sunset ordered. "Make sure he actually does his jobs, and don't let him lay down on the job, or its...you know what," She winked.

"You got it," Sheriff Hitch returned the wink, before he turned to Sprout, with a stern look. "Well, you heard the mare! Pick up those litters! That's an order!"

"Yes sir!" Sprout whimpered as he immediately went to work. "Sheesh. From Emperor of Maretime Bay, to community service. My life's gone to the dogs," No sooner did Sprout say that, he heard an angry growl, to which he turned to see an annoyed Cloudpuff. "Hehe, nice doggy."

"That should teach him a lesson he'll never forget," Sunset smirked, confidently.

"Still, I can't believe it's...it's finally over," Sunny frowned, looking up at Sunset Shimmer. "The adventure, the crystals, and everything."

"Over?" Sunset scoffed. "Far from it. I'd say this is just the beginning."

"But Sunset..." Sunny began. "What about this...this other world you came from? Won't your friends there notice you're missing?"

"Well, technically, I...I did leave a note, saying I'm on vacation, so...I wouldn't be missed," Sunset shrugged.

"Still, don't you have to get back, sometimes soon?" Sheriff Hitch asked.

"Yeah...maybe later. Right now, I'd say I'm booked for an extended engagement. Even with the magic of Equestria restored, there's still so many questions I need to find the answers for. Like how did this all happened? Will it happen again? And how we can prevent it, for the next generation, or so? And what happened to Princess Twilight."

"Well, whatever happens," Sunny began. "I know we'll figure it out, together."

"And we'll never be apart!" Izzy smiled.

"We're all in this together," Sheriff Hitch added.

"And we'll do our parts," Zipp added. "Hooves to heart."

"Pipp Pipp hooray!" Pipp sang and flapped her wings.

"Hooves to heart!" The six ponies said together, putting their hooves together, and lifted them up in celebration. "Pipp Pipp hooray!"

Suddenly, at that exact moment, a familiar pony dropped down, after his long balloon trip around the world.

"Whew! Hey, guys. What did I miss?" He asked the ponies.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Equestria...

"My prince! The sky is awake. The light has returned! The ponies...they...they are united!"

From the darkness, a pair of evil green eyes pierced with a menacing glare.

"It's back!" An evil voice hissed.

Meanwhile, back in Maretime Bay, after helping the town of Maretime Bay getting cleaned up, Sunset Shimmer was walking through a field, when she noticed a trio of foals walking pass her.

"Glowing up!" A unicorn foal sang.

"Kind of looove," An earth pony followed.

"We say high! You say what?" The pegasus sang, with their friend saying the last part together with a laugh. "Race you the bridge!"

"Oh it's on!" The unicorn raced.

"No using your magic this time!" The earth pony foal shouted, chasing after her friend.

"Last on there is a rotten sardine!"

"I'm gonna win this time!"

Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but chuckle, shaking her head in delight at the little foals, happy to see Equestria back to the way it was supposed to be. But in the blink of an eye, in their place, she could've sworn she saw pony version of the CMCs, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

Shaking her head, bringing herself back to the reality of the present, Sunset continued on her way, towards Sunny's lighthouse.

Later that night, Sunset Shimmer was writing a friendship letter:

Dear Twilight,

I don't know if you are reading this, or if you'll ever get it.

I'm just writing for friendship sake. I came back to Equestria, hoping I could find you and talk to you about something that's been bothering me. I thought I needed to talk to you to find some kind of closures.

But I think I've figured it out, and a young pony Sunny Starscout has helped me. I'm currently in Maretime Bay, with my new generations of friends, and...I think I'll stick around with Sunny and her friends for now. I don't know what the future may hold, but I'm excited to find out together with these new generations of ponies...and friendship.

Hopefully, someday, you and I will see each other again.


Sunset Shimmer.

After she was done writing her letter, Sunset Shimmer turned to Sunny Starscout, who has a balloon at the ready. Together, the two ponies tied the letter to the balloon and sent it floating into the night sky, to an exciting future.