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Ripto's Rage: Rest of the plains

Twilight got up after a bit. "Sorry about that, the whole thing with Romeo and Juliet actually got to me." She added.

"Did you mention that on purpose?" Applejack asked.

"What do you mean? I didn't expect Princess Twilight over there to faint on me after mentioning Romeo and Juliet." Cozy Glow said.

"So then...you don't know about the tragedy story that is Romeo and Juliet, one of Shakehoof's famous plays?" Apple Bloom said.

"There's a play about Romeo and Juliet in this universe? Though the tragedy thing makes me believe that unlike with our two friends from Zepher and Breeze Harbor, they didn't live happily ever after." Cozy Glow said.

"Yeah sadly no." Twilight noted.

"Well we actually went to Breeze Harbor and Zepher after an all ice location known as Crystal Glacier. It was there we had to help the locals free their leader from a bunch of Ice Wizards because according to the locals, their leader had tickets to a hocky game in Colossus." Cozy Glow said.

"Wasn't that all the way back in Summer Forest?" Fluttershy asked.

"The portal to it was yes, but I couldn't tell you on a map where each location was period even the ones from Spyro's world." Cozy Glow mentioned. "Regardless, after rescuing the leader he admitted that he sold the tickets for one of the tailsmans though in the middle of the level we had to bribe moneybags to build a bridge." She added.

"Seriously again with the bribes?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Yep. In Breeze Harbor, we actually had to fix the ship Ripto had given the Breezebuilders while in Zepher we had to blow up the Breezebuilder's ammunition shed. But after those two levels, we arrived in Scorch where we encountered the twins Handel and Greta where we helped them out with taking over an area of soldiers." Cozy Glow said. "...But for some reason, whenever I was near them, I got the strangest feeling..." She added.

"Gee, I wonder why?" Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

"Cozy Glow's not the only one who was put off by them. Those two little kids were capable of defending themselves." Spyro mentioned.

"...And now I take back my sarcastic remark." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah they were wierd. After that we headed for Fracture Hills where we encountered enemies Spyro couldn't beat on his own, and Hunter was in that level; he advised us to come back later when Spyro learned how to headbutt things. So we quickly save the Stayrs from being in stone prisons and got the talisman. As we exited, we also heard from one of the Satyrs that Shady Oasis also needed headbutt for something. So we went and got the tailsman from there which required us to basically play escort for a hippo who could eat fruit to become giant sized for a time." Cozy Glow said.

"You've seen a lot around your adventures with Spyro, huh?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes, we did see a bunch of stuff." Spyro said. "After the Shady Oasis, we went to Magma Cone for the last Tailsman. Now there, the locals believed that the Earthshapers had oncorked the volcano but really it turns out that Cozy Glow figured out that Ripto had Gulp open up the volcano lid instead. We managed to close the volcano lid however." He added.

"Gulp huh? With how much of a disappointment Crush was, I'm not expecting much." Rainbow Dash said.

"Actually, Spyro's flame couldn't harm Gulp so Hunter had to drop in things for Spyro to use against Gulp. That included things like metal barrels, rockets, and other similar items. Spyro had to use that stuff in order to beat Gulp as we couldn't hurt Gulp the same way we could hurt Crush. It was because of Gulps special armor that provided him immunity to Spyro's normal firebreath. While I'm willing to bet we could've used a super flame power to defeat gulp there wasn't a nearby power-up gate for that. And gulps size made it impossible to charge into the big green dude." Cozy Glow said.

"Why couldn't Spyro charge into Gulp? Spyro said that he had to charge into enemies wearing flame-proof metal armor." Rainbow Dash said.

"Gulp was way too big to charge for Spyro. Maybe when Spyro gets older and much bigger he could defeat Gulp easily. But it's just way too early for that." Cozy Glow said.

"Yeah admittedly Dragons live for a long time." Spike admitted.

"Oh my, it's close to supper time." Twilight said.

"Well once we defeated Gulp, a resulting in him loosing all of his armor and fleeing the scene, his stomping caused Ripto's throne in the castle to knock over, sending Ripto to what appeared to be his death. But we found out shortly that Ripto somehow managed to survive, tricked Moneybags into selling the tyrant some bombs, and then proceeded to steal a crystal that we needed to get back home. Also in the new area we met up with Money Bags again, and this time he wanted us to pay so Spyro could learn how to headbutt things. It wasn't cheap in the slightest." Cozy Glow explained.

"I really hope Karma catches up with Moneybags for all this at some point in his life; whatever comeuppance he's going to get won't be enough." Rarity said.

"You say that now...but anyway with the ability to headbutt, we backtracked and cleaned up both Shady Oasis and Fracture hills. And now it was onto the final area to clean up those last few locations before taking care of Ripto once and for all. Though first I did take care of a Speedway challenge again." Spyro said.

"Really grew to start hating those later." Cozy Glow mentioned. "But this is a good time to stop for eats." She added.

Author's Note:

Pretty sure this goes without saying, but Shakehoof is a made up in-universe substitute for William Shakespear. Side note, I should mention that with these first two titles there's not much I can do to change things and this goes double for Ripto's Rage outside of trying to make Ripto more tied to the plot then what's actually in the game. Though I did figure a way to fix the scene were Ripto somehow falls off his throne after Gulp's defeat.