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Interlude 1: Getting to Know Cynder

When it came time for breakfast, Cynder was staring at the meat. "So...which creature did you hunt to get this?" Cynder asked.

"Cynder, we've talked about this: Just because you've had to hunt animals due to that being the only way to get meat in the Mystic Lands, doesn't mean everyone hunts meat." Spyro said.

"It probably doesn't taste that good then if it hasn't been hunted." Cynder took a bite out of the meat anyways. "...I stand corrected" She said after she swallowed the bite she took before she began eating the whole thing.

"Cynder had to hunt for her meat in the Mystic Lands?" Spike asked.

"You can bet your highest value gem on that one. I would often times hunt stuff to get meat, and the best quality came from the animals that took me longer to kill. Of course I made sure to not hunt the same animals all the time, but unless I was really hurting for more meat; because the stuff I got from the tougher beasts lasted longer; I tended to avoid the more common animals unless they were actually challenging to kill." Cynder explained. "At least it was that way after I became as old as I am now. Early on, my father would have me hunt weaker creatures for meat, but at that point, I wasn't as much in development yet. Once I could finally start using Dragon Breath powers, then I could start aiming for more and more challenging pray." She added.

"I suppose that's just how you were raised. Your father had to adjust to his new world from what I understand. And he wanted to give you every advantage possible." Fluttershy said.

"Surprised your okay with this Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash said.

"These two are dragons from beyond our own world. Of course their animals aren't going to be like the ones we have here." Fluttershy said.

"Wait there's a reason you don't hunt animals in your world?" Cynder asked.

"Yes. Animals in our world are more sentient then what your most likely used to." Fluttershy said. "Besides, most Ponies are vegetarians anyways, but some meat does get made from the animals that aren't fully sentient." She added.

"Huh...Makes me wonder if you have any bears." Cynder said. Trixie Winced. The former magician had been there from the start, but she hadn't said anything.

"Trixie prefers that you don't mention bears again around her." Trixie stated.

"She had an...altercation with a bear-like creature when we first met her." Twilight noted.

"Fair enough." Cynder said. "But out of curiousity, what kind of bear were we talking aobut." She added.

"An Ursa Minor. They can be very big." Twilight said before showing off a picture.

"Wow...that is big. Bet I'd enjoy hunting one of those." Trixie noted.

"You do that, and your likely to upset an Ursa Major as they are the adult form." Twilight said.

"What do one of those look like?" Cynder asked.

"Trust me, you DON'T want to know." Twilight said.

"I know now, and now I wish I didn't!" Trixie said.

"...When Trixie drops her third person talk, you know she's serious." Rainbow Dash said.

"Okay then. Expect me to find out later anyways and then want to hunt an Ursa Major. I've been craving an actually challenging hunt, and I've gotten too used to all the animals back home." Cynder said.

"Fair enough." Twilight said. "That is, if you still want to after you realize what an Ursa Major looks like." She added.

"What makes you think I won't want to?" Cynder asked.

"I know, and I don't want to even try to fight an Ursa Major anymore." Trixie said.