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Season of Flame: Ripto Round 3

It took until after lunch for Fluttershy to recover from the ghost incident.

"Sorry about forcing a break...I just reacted..." Fluttershy said.

"I suppose I can't blame you when ghosts aren't commonplace in your world." Cynder said. "Anyways, back to the story, once we were done with Haunted Hills we headed to Winter Mesa where we were tasked with escorting Andy home. After doing that and clearing out the area, we headed for Watertopia next." Cynder said.

"That place still reminds me of Sunny Beach for some reason. Anyways, at Watertopia we were tasked with taking out the Hippos of the Rynoc army. Once we took out all 15 of them and cleared out the area, we would then come across Moneybags blocking access to another area Shelia wanted to clear out. So we had to pay Moneybags once more, but we got another firefly and several gems out of it. We came across Agent 9 soon after which granted us another firefly and even more gems. Which helped us out because there was a second area Shelia wanted to tackle there as well. So after paying Moneybags for the third time this adventure, Shelia made it out with some gems that helped offset the cost and gave us yet antoher firefly. Which meant it was onto Starry Plains, thought as expected, our warp was interuppted by Gulp this time. Which meant another boss fight with him. Spyro had to use Gulp's own projectiles against him this go around. Once Gulp was taking care off, a fairy Gulp had captured gave Sparx the ability to take another hit for Spyro." Cozy Glow explained.

"Just like before, we cleared out Starry Plains first and foremost and then entered Moon Fondue where we encountered some mice. One of them tasked us with getting the rocket systems back online, which meant using the brand-new Lightning Breath power-up to get everything working. After doing that and clearing out the area, we headed for Gypsy Road where we were tasked by a cat to save their mentor Madam Meow from the Rynoc Army. After doing that, and clearing out the level, we headed for Dreamy Castle where we had to rescue Mayor Moony from a hot air baloon." Spyro explained.

"After doing that and clearing out the level, we encountered Agent 9 again who cleared out an area for us which meant more gems and one more firefly. We did encounter Moneybags for the fourth time though which meant bribing him so Shelia can get more gems and a firefly for us. But that was the last one so it was time to take on Ripto for the third time. This time, Spyro had to ultilize the super flame, super ice, and Lightining Power-ups to lower Ripto's shield before charging into him. Once Spyro had succeded in doing this three times, Ripto fled the entire realm for the time being. As such, we were able to bring back the fireflies properally to the dragon realms. Just in time too, the final festivities for the Year of the Dragon were about to take place." Cozy Glow said.

"I didn't want to miss them, so I gladly wanted to join in. The entire final festivities were going to last for a whole week as there were baby dragonflies that were going to be given out to those baby dragons Spyro rescued from The Sorcceress." Cynder said.

"...But I think that's where we're going to leave things off for now. It's supper time and it's getting late again." Spyro noted.

"...There's a reason isn't there? I'm betting this is when you had back-to-back Ripto battles." Rainbow Dash said.

"Gotta give him some credit: He was like a coakroach." Cozy Glow said.

Author's Note:

I really am not liking how fast I can go through the various levels of this franchise. Wait...didn't I mention this already? Well it still bears repeating as I REALLY don't like chapters going short just because even by adding Cynder into the mix of things, LITTERALLY NOTHING MAJOR CHANGES! I guess that's partly thanks to the games being collect-a-thons mostly. So it really is as simple as "Start one level, do the main task, clean up the level, then go on to the next one."