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Ripto's Rage: Backtracking & War

"When we got to Autumn plains, Ripto had already taken over that area's castle. As we explored the surrounding area, we encountered Moneybags again who made us pay for Spyro to learn how to climb. I am still unable to climb with him, but early on, I managed to get by by hitching a ride. Now though well..." Cozy Glow said before taking to the air to showcase what she meant. "Yeah, no need to piggyback on my brother when I can fly." The pink pegasus added.

"Which was a relief because at that point, you were starting to admittedly get a little too heavy for me." Spyro said.

"I get it's because I'm a pony who matures differently than your dragonkind does. Still, the piggyback rides on my brother were fun while they lasted." Cozy Glow said.

"After I had learnt how to climb, we backtracked to Summer Forest and cleaned up that hub world as well as Glimmer and Sunny Beach." Spyro noted.

"The later of which was nice because that meant getting to see the baby turtles again~" Cozy Glow said.

"It's getting close to lunch time right about now." Twilight noted. "This seems like the best time to be taking a break." She added.

During the break, Smolder approuched Spike.

"So, you really sure about telling Twilight about...you know. What you've decided on." Smolder asked Spike.

"Yeah. I can't help it though. You've managed to show a lot of care ever since I got my wings." Spike said, flapping his dragon wings.

"Heh...you may be a bit soft, but as you grow older, there's going to be some things your not used to. And I want to make sure you can deal with it." Smolder said. "Plus, I'll help you become a bit more of a dragon where we're going." She added.

"That's also true. Your such a great friend Smolder." Spike said. "It's going to probably break Rarity's heart though." He added.

"If you ask me, you wouldn't be doing anything in regard to her. Sure, you gave her that fire ruby, but obviously she hasn't returned your feelings. And that can cause some long-term effects on your body if you can't move on from it. Which I've helped you sort things out in regards to that." Smolder said.

"Hey Smolder?" Spike asked.

"Yeah?" Smolder asked.

"Thanks for being hearing me out on that. I never really thanked you for helping with that." Spike said.

"No need to thank me. I'm just glad you finally realize your crush on Rarity was nothing more than just that: An early childhood crush. You're a growing dragon, Spike; you need someone to love who can love you back. And now you realize that isn't going to be Rarity." Smolder said.

"Way too true. I know we're just friends right now Smolder, but...maybe..." Spike said. "Just saying, we might become closer. Who knows?" He asked.

"Well took you long enough to suggest that we see about going further. And here I thought you weren't gonna take that chance." Smolder said.

"Well I just...wait you were thinking the same thing?" Spike asked.

"In dragon culture, it's the males who are supposed to take charge. We need to work on that for you, but this is a good start." Smolder said.

Oh geez, what am I getting myself into now? Spike thought to himself.

After lunch, Spyro and Cozy Glow began to continue.

"So, after the backtracking, Spyro decided to tackle the Speedways first of which there were two in a row this time around, though for one of them, Spyro had to pay Moneybags to enter it in addition to activating two proper levels." Cozy Glow mentioned.

"Wait seriously? I think I'm beginning to hate Moneybags." Rainbow Dash said.

"I agree with Rainbow Dash with this one: This bear is obviously a very greedy soul." Rarity said.

"Like I've mentioned already: Moneybags is going to get his comeuppance for stonewalling our progress so much later, just not right now. Regardless, after the Speedway levels, we went to Skelos Badlands where we dealt with a few more enemies as we went through the badlands because of some bet one local made with another." Cozy Glow said.

"Sounds like Avalar already had problems before Ripto showed up." Twilight noted.

"Oh there were already several problems before Ripto showed up; Ripto only made things worse in a few instances such as esculating the war between the Breezebuilders and the Landlubbers by suppling the former with a giant airship while also tipping the Landlubbers off on how to disable it. We did at least find a Landlubber and a Breezebuilder who were kind of this classic star-crossed lover thing." Cozy Glow said.

"Like Romeo and Juliet?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Funny, I didn't think anyone from my world knew their names..." Cozy Glow said.

"Wait seirously? The landlubber was named Romeo and the Breezebuilder was named Juliet?" Twilight asked.

"Yep." Cozy Glow said.

"...Twilight.mlp will stop working now..." Twilight said before fainting.

"...Well that just happened..." Cozy Glow said. "For your information, the whole thing with the Breezebuilders and Landlubbers happened in the locations of Breeze Harbor and Zepher." She added.

Author's Note:

Let me state this up front before anyone comments about it: I am FULLY aware that in the PS1 release of Spyro 2, Juliet the Breezebuilder's voice actor is a dude. However, the same character's voice actor is female in the Reignited version to better fit with the Star Crossed lover theme that was meant to happen as the quest that involves these characters is very much based on the tale of Romeo and Juliet: A boy and a girl born to opposing houses yet impossibly feel in love with one another. A similar concept is here with the Landlubber Romeo being romantically interested in the Breezebuilder Juliet.