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A Hero's Tale - By the Coastline

"There were ten more dark gems to destroy in the new region, scattered here and there. First, at the Coastal Remains, we found an Egg just laying around out in the middle of nowhere. After that, we came across Otto who wanted us to fix his pool. So we did, and all the while, we found a Dark Gem to smash and an Egg to collect." Spyro said.

"It wasn't long after that we came across Blink again, which meant he was sent underground for another Egg and another Light Gem." Cozy Glow began. "We also found a cracked tower where we found another Light Gem. We also found a Dark Gem to smash on our way back to Otto who gave us a Light Gem and there was another one just sitting out around his pool. We also came across a gate that required 20 Light Gems to open but we had more than enough to go through it. On the other side, was one of the Egg Thieves which Cynder quickly took care of netting us another egg." She added.

"We also found a pole jump area where there was a light gem at the end of. There was also a Light Gem near one of Moneybag's remote shops. We managed to break another Dark Gem and then found a dragon egg. Wasn't long before we smashed another dark gem and found yet another egg." Cynder said. "Of course though, shortly there after we found a mother turtle who tasked us with defending her children. Which meant another turrent mini-game with two rounds. First round gave us another egg, while the second round gave us another light gem." She added.

"Seems whenever there's one of those special things, it's always an egg first followed by a light gem. But it makes me wonder what's the point." Rainbow Dash said.

"The second round was usually some harder variant." Spyro acknoledged. "Of course, we were going to get all the eggs and light gems anyways. Cozy Glow was the one who suggested grabbing all of the light gems." He added.

"I simply just figured that the combined force of all the light gems might help us defeat Red is all." Cozy Glow said. "After all, if Red got his power from the Dark Gems, then my logic was that the combined power of all the light gems would remove all of his power." She added.

"Something tells me something occurred that made that logic null and void." Twilight said.

"Something did, but that's for later. Still, in fairness to Cozy Glow, her logic at the time was sound." Cynder admitted.

"True. It's why we went for them all anyways." Spyro said, giving Cozy Glow a hug.

"Seriously...I'm not a kid anymore." Cozy Glow said.

"I know that Cozy Glow. But can't I give my sister a hug?" Spyro said.

"...Only because it's you." Cozy Glow admitted.

"So, once we were done there, we traveled to Cloudy Domain. Right off the bat, there was a chest with a light gem in it. Then another locked chest with a Dragon Egg shortly there after followed by another Light Gem. It wasn't even long after that we came across a Dark Gem to smash." Spryo said. "That created a thermal which allowed us to collect a light gem before seeing the local elder who managed to teach me and Cynder how to use the Wing Shield Technique." He added.

"I got left out because my feathers just weren't able to do what dragon wings could. Not that it mattered, the Wing Shield ability is a situational ability. In a special training course for the ability, we did come across a dragon egg and a light gem. With the ability, we were able to get a light gem near the entrance and found an egg nearby too." Cozy Glow said. "We soon found a theif afterwards which had another egg, before finding another Dark Gem to smash. Afterwards, we found Sgt. Byrd again which meant him going through a speed way for another Dragon Egg and then a Light Gem." She added.

"Around that same area we did find another Dark Gem to smash, and Ball Gadget mini-game. Which meant getting another Dragon Egg and another Light gem for completion. With that done, we were on our way to the Sunken Ruins." Cynder said. "Once inside, we soon found a dragon egg next to a remote shop inside of a chest and soon after another Dark Gem to smash. That managed to open up a path to yet another dragon egg plus a Light gem. There was also a chest that contained another Light Gem. We found a gadget that made us invincible which we used to grab another Light Gem. There was also an area Sparx could get to exclusively, so he managed to get us another Dragon Egg followed by a light gem." She added.

"We then came across an area with another egg and a light gem. There was also an area with yet another light gem..." Spyro started.

"How many of those things did you even end up with? Because it sounds like you've been finding them like candy." Pinkie Pie said. "Mmm...candy..." She added before licking her lips.

"...Why do I suddenly feel scared of that one?" Cynder asked.

"It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it." Practically every pony there said besides Cozy Glow.

"Guessing that's a thing around here. We did find one hundred Light Gems by the end of this adventure. We still have all of them too as we never did get to use them for Cozy Glow's plan." Spyro said.

"ONE HUNDRED?! THERE WERE THAT MANY?!" Rarity said, her jaw dropping at the thought.

"Yep." Cozy Glow said. Suddenly Rarity couch fainted. "...Where'd that couch come from?" Cozy Glow asked.

"I don't know, but Rarity always seems to summon it in case she faints. It's her fainting couch." Sweetie Belle said.

"...Is there no end to the zany antics of these ponies?" Cynder asked.

Author's Note:

It was apparently Rarity's turn to faint.