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Year of the Dragon: Things get serious

Lunch was being had by all, though Rarity had finished early as had Spike. So, Rarity pulled Spike to the side.

"So, here we are Spike. There's...something I need to tell you." Rarity said. This was so nerve racking. But she needed to say this, hoping that his crush wasn't gone.

"There's something I need to tell you about as well, Rarity." Spike said. Rarity's heart started to race. "I'll admit here, when I first met you, I had devoloped a sort of 'crush at first sight' thing." Spike said.

"And I failed to return your feelings. If you would allow me some time I..." Rarity said.

"Stop Rarity." Spike said. Rarity's heart slowed. "Smolder helped me get things straight in my head. What I had for you, was nothing more than a young drake's crush. Nothing more, nothing less." Spike said. "It wasn't true love." He added.

Rarity felt the first signs of emotional damage happening to her. "What...does that mean?" Rarity asked.

"It means that I have decided to move on from my feelings for you. It's high time I grew up and started seeking my own future." Spike said and then went to rejoin the others.

Rarity broke down into tears. If only she had figured out her feelings sooner. Now, she feels terrible. On one hoof, she should be mad at Smolder and take her revenge, but on the other, deep down she knows Spike was telling the truth. The dragon needed to grow up. And now, so did she.

Rarity would be late coming back.

"Where's Rarity? Did something happen?" Twilgiht asked.

"...You told her, didn't you? About our talk?" Smolder asked.

"Well I had to sooner or later." Spike said.

"...Seems Rarity will be delayed. She might be downing a few tubs of low-fat yogert." Twilight said.

"Sounds serious and personal, so I won't ask. Better not to kill the mood." Cozy Glow said. "And with our story, we didn't know it, but things were going to get serious for us too. Just not as personal." She added.

"After we went through Icy Peak where we simply had to get passed a bunch of ice walls to a fishing hole, the three of us; me, Cozy Glow, and Hunter; found Bianca practicing some spells in the Midday Gardens homeworld. She accidently turned a rabbit into a monster, so Hunter decided to save her." Spyro said.

"Though we encountered Money Bags in that level, we got a break from him in Enchanted Towers where we got to see a statue of The Sorceress before blowing it up. It was a nice preview of the one we were going to fight at the end of things. The Money Bags break didn't last long however, as he completely paywalled our progress in Spooky Swamp where we had to drive out the Rynocs." Cozy Glow said.

"Zoey let us know that there was something for Sparx back in Sunrise Spring. It was a place only Sparx could go into, what Cozy Glow refers to as a Sparx Level. We went back to Midday Gardens afterwards and I tackled Country Speedway before going to Bamboo Terrace. We had to clear out more Rynocs but we did find a sign by the Sorceress about a Yeti." Spyro said. Suddnely Rainbow Dash did a Spit take.

"A YETI?! THOSE EXIST IN SPYRO'S WORLD?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Yep." Cozy Glow said.

"Anyways, after Babmoo Terrace, we were once again forced to go back there later, but for now, we took a Whirligig to Evening Lake, but the trip was interuptted by another transformed Rynoc. We would find out later, that this one was personally transformed by the Sorceress to be not only immune to Spyro's fire, too big to charge into, but was also immune to Sgt. Byrd's rockets. So we needed to use stuff Sgt. Byrd went to get us for ammunition against the transformed Rynoc known as Spike." Spyro said.

"Wait me?" Spike asked.

"Not you Spike; the ryonoc Spike." Cozy Glow said. "Not to worry, he's dead now. Kind of had no choice to kill him." She added.

"Understandtable. So, did Bianca show up as you entered Evening Lake?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah. But this time, she was actually a lot more concerned then last time. She warned Spyro specifically that The Sorceress has set a trap for him, but wouldn't say what The Sorceress would do if Spyro got captured. But because she refused to say, it didn't take much for my brother to know what she refused to say." Cozy Glow said. Twilight gulped.

"That's...not good. Between the rynoc and the willingness to just outright kill Spyro after trapping him, The Sorceress was starting to take things serious now." Twilight said.

"Yeah. She was twisted in her seat of power. Regardless, we soon met up with Money Bags and the Yeti mentioned before. His name was Bently, and he...said a bunch of really complicated words. Very big brain if you ask me." Cozy Glow said. "Everything he said was if he read one too many books." She added. "Just thinking about his dense vocabulary makes my head hurt." The pegasus filly finished as she massaged her head with her hooves.

"You were expecting something more like 'Me Bently, me smash things' rather than a walking dictionary." Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow Dash, that's rude." Twilight said.

"Considering his cultured nature, I doubt he took dished out Karma on Moneybags. How sad." Fluttershy said.

"Actually...Bently dished out karma on Moneybags. Just because he was cultrured didn't mean he was a paccifist. Not by a long shot. Bently smacked Moneybags with a club even bigger then the one Rynoc Spike was using. And he was using a pretty big club as it was." Spyro said.

Rainbow's eyes went wide. "How...big are we talking?" Rainbow Dash asked. Cozy Glow showed off a picture of Bently and another much smaller yeti with Bently having Cozy Glow on one sholder while leaning on a very big ice club.

"The other yeti is Bently's younger brother, Bartholomew." Cozy Glow said.

Rainbow Dash suddenly fainted. "...Yeah safe to say, that topped Sgt. Byrd's rockets." Fluttershy said for Rainbow Dash before faiting as well.

"There's the Fluttershy faint." Applejack. "And here I go too." She added before fainting as well. Before long, almost everyone there fainted. Only Cozy Glow and Spyro were still un-fainted.

"...Think I should've held back?" Cozy Glow asked Spyro said.

"Mmm...nah. Let them take a moment to recover." Spyro said.

"Still a little mischievous huh?" Cozy Glow said. "...I wonder if a certain black dragoness's father is coming soon?" She asked.

"I would like to see Cynder again, that is true." Spyro said.