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Ripto's Rage: Devolopments

"So, what was Ripto doing around Avalar anyways?" Applejack asked.

"Put simply? Turning the locals on one another using some context clues he managed to pick up. We didn't even realize what had happened either until it was a little too late. For being such a small guy, he knew what made people tick." Cozy Glow said.

"...And you're sure you don't remember anything from before you ended up in Spyro's world?" Starlight asked.

"Not a thing." Cozy Glow agreed. "Didn't even remember Nightmare Moon, Discord, King Sombra, and now Ex-Queen Chrysalis until after well...I'll mention how I remembered them later." She added.

"So you mean you don't remember what you did over here?" Twilight asked.

"Nope." Cozy Glow said simply as she drank some Apple Juice provided by Applejack.

"Ah really can't tell if this is deliberate, or if she's telling the truth." Applejack mentioned. Rainbow Dash returned with the CMC who she had informed of things.

"I'm not sure if I believe this, amnesia thing." Scootaloo said.

"Wow, another pegasus." Cozy Glow said and went over to Scootaloo said. "Come on, let's go outside." She added before dragging Scootaloo outside.

"Well, she's going to be busy for a bit, so I guess I'll continue for her." Spyro said.

"Wow bwother, this place is sweet looking." Cozy Glow said in awe.

"Yes it is. But we need to focus." Spyro said. "Looks like Moneybags is here as well. Let's ignore him for now. Let's see...Idol Springs and Colossus. Let's head to Colossus first." He added before entering said portal.

As Spyro began detailing how in Colossus they needed to stop a big yeti, Cozy Glow was outside with Scootaloo.

"Wait you really cannot fly?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Nope. I've tried and tried and tried." Scootaloo said.

"Bet you haven't tried a method I was taught about." Cozy Glow said. "So work with me, this is how I learnt to fly. First, close your eyes, make sure their nice and tight." She added.

"O-okay..." Scootaloo said before closing her eyes.

"Now, imagine yourself flapping your wings in a steady rhythm at first. Up , pause, down. Up, pause, down. Gently and slowly. Up, pause, down. Up, pause, down." Cozy Glow guided. Scootaloo's mind started to imagine that, not realizing her wings were following this same rhythm. "Now, a bit faster, but not too fast now. Your wings gently getting you up into the air." Cozy Glow said, with Scootaloo's wings easily carrying the orange pegasus into the air. "Keep that rhythm, don't stop it now. Now, as you continue that rhythm in your mind, slowly open your eyes." Cozy Glow said.

Scootaloo opened her eyes very slowly and noticed, she was flying. "Wh-what the..." She said, but remained calm.

"It's a method someone taught me. Relaxing your mind in order to fly, that's how I was taught." Cozy Glow said.

"Who...who taught you this method?" Scootaloo asked.

"A potential future sister in-law I encountered." Cozy Glow said. "Now, follow along closely and I'll help you control this." Cozy Glow said.

Back inside, Spyro was finishing up how in Idol Springs, he and Cozy Glow had to deal with tikis that had come to life.

"So wait...am I still wondering what a Tiki is?" Twilight asked.

"Only you Twi; only you." Rainbow Dash said. Suddenly Cozy Glow and Scootaloo flew into the castle. "...Scootaloo, your flying!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah. It's great." Scootaloo said. "Cozy Glow helped out." She added.

"Huh? How'd she help?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I figured as much. You taught Scootaloo the same way you were taught, didn't you sis?" Spyro asked.

"Yep. You bet I did." Cozy Glow said with a smile; a genuine smile. Even Applejack could see the genuineness behind this smile.

"So I'm guessing Spyro knows about Cozy Glow's potential sister in-law then?" Scootaloo asked. Then Spyro flinched.


"It's fun to tease you so much brother. Besides, I know you like her~" Cozy Glow teased.

"That's...not really for this discussion right now." Spyro said. "Not that I can blame you...I'm still just young after all." He added.

"Considering how alike you and she are, I'm surprised you two haven't found a realm besides Dragon Shores you can both go to for time away from everything." Cozy Glow said.

"That is an extremely good point. You think I should ask Malafor for help with that?" Spyro asked.

"Well he is the father of that Dragon girl you've gotten real close to, so..." Cozy Glow said.

"Who are you talking about?" Spike asked.

"Someone that comes into play later in our tale." Spyro said. "And that's all I'm saying for now." He added quickly.

"Gee, Cozy Glow's adoptive brother must really like to avoid talking about his girlfriend." Apple Bloom said.

"Reminds me of a certain Princess of Friendship. How long are you going to friendzone Flash Sentry anyways?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah about that..." Twilight said, smirking before taking out a wing band ring and putting it on one of hers.

"Wait...isn't that a--" Rainbow Dash said eyes going wide.

"I figured you'd recognize it Rainbow Dash. Considering your the resident expert on Pegasus romance habits." Twilight said.

"...What's she talking about, RD?" Applejack asked.

"AJ, that's an engagement wing ring; Pegasi gift them to the ones they want to marry. Mainly it's the stallion and not the mare who gifts them." Rainbow Dash said.

"Engagement? Then...that means..." Fluttershy said. Suddenly Rarity fainted.

"No wonder my Pinkie Sense has been going off like crazy whenever I'm around Twilight!" Pinkie Pie said.

"It's just...I wanted things with the friendship school to be under control before I announced our engagement." Twilight said.

"It's alright Twilight. We understand." Fluttershy said.

"Should...we wake up the white one?" Spyro asked.

"Her name is Rarity." Sweetie Belle said.

"I'm going to have to memorize a lot of names aren't I?" Spyro asked.

"Eeyep." Apple Bloom said. "Better start now while Rarity recovers from fainting at the thought of Twilight Sparkle getting married." She added.

"Well at least now I'll be able to attend a wedding now that I'm back. Equestria here seems really easily accessible through portals." Cozy Glow said. "Huh...I wonder if she will show up at some point?" She added.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I just included Flashlight into this story. And there's nothing you can do about it. It's my favorite ship of all time, and you can't stop me from including it no matter what.