• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,621 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

  • ...

Chapter 9

I walk into my new forge and smirk to myself as chibi parrot Ed flies off my shoulder onto the work bench and starts projecting the blueprints for my keyblade armor. “Here are the blueprints you requested sir, are we ready to start working?”

I nod and smile. “Damn right I am. No more Distractions, I am gonna make my armor.”

But just as I was about to pick up my tools blaze Squawks “Warning temporal anomaly detected close proximity within five feet!”

"That'd be me." A familiar voice said from behind me and when I turn around I see a tall muscular man in purple armor. A character I could easily recognize from the Ben ten television show.

Name: Eon
Level: ???

“Eon!?” I yell surprise and back up summoning my magic staff and glare at Eon. “Why the hell are you in my timeline?! There's no omnitrix in this world.”

"Indeed, you see my friend, I am like you. I was once human." Eon said.

“YOU are a displaced? Who dresses up as one of the lamest Ben 10 villain?” I ask trying to bait the supposed displaced to test them.

To my surprise, Eon shrugged. "We all have our preferences, personally i think Eon could have been much better if it wasn't because of the plot saying he had to lose."

I relax a bit but keep my staff out and cross my arms. “Alright it seems your telling the truth, but why are you here?”

"I am in need of assistants." Eon stated opening a one way portal, revealing to me an Equestria completely under a vast sea. "An evil ultimatrix user named Dillan, another displaced, has flooded our Equestria. I was hoping you could help."

My eyes widen when I see the flooded Equestra then I look over at Eon. “Damn a single person did all that!? Why would he do that?”

"He teamed up with Doctor Animo and some other Ben 10 villains and created an alien that froze the planet, when it was defeated the ice melted and became this mess. I need help to defeat them before they can make another alien." Eon said, hands behind his back like a soldier as I look back at the ocean, noticing a bubble of sorts at the bottom of the sea where Ponyville should be.

I lift my staff and points at the bubble. “Is that Ponyville? Is everyone ok? And how can I help?” I ask then finish looking at Eon with a determined look on my face.

"I am attempting to gather displaced to help me take his ultimatrix, apparently his displacer used dark magic to turn him evil so i don't want him hurt." Eon said. "And yes everyone is ok, i created a bubble out of time to protect them."

“Hmmm, evil omnitrix user huh? That is very troubling, ok I'll help but I want something in return I'm a bit of a deal maker, I want-”

Chibi Ed suddenly squawks again. “Another temporal anomaly detected!” just as the parrot says this a portal opens across the room.

"If you want something from Eon expect to be dissatisfied." A voice called out, a black figure walking through. Once the light from the portal vanished however the figure was revealed to be a young teenager wearing black pants with two light blue lines going down the sides of them, a black shirt and a blue jacket with a 23 on it. However on his wrist was a light blue ultimatrix with gold trims.


I look the young man over then slowly lifting my staff. “So you’re the Omnitrix user i was told about? Well seeing as you have the stupid 23rd version this should be easy, what was it he said...oh right, its gyro time!” I use the bind spell to tie the young man up with magic rope.

The boy gags at the phrase said to him. "Please never say that again that is the dumbest shit ever." He commented teleporting out of the ropes, his ultimatrix symbol on his chest now, with the image of Discord on the dial.

I walk forward. “At least you have some taste for a evil world destroyer, but if you just stand down I promise to fix your device and give it-”

"You listened to Eon?" The boy cut him off with a raised eyebrow. "Really? The evil time manipulator who's DNA profile in ben ten literally states he can never be good?"

I tap my chin and looks at Eon with the corner of my eye using observe on him then I read the information then I growl.

name: Eon
Level: ???
Information:Eon is an interdimensional timeline traveller and one of Dillan’s adversaries. He is the archenemy of Professor Paradox, as well as an alternate and evil version of Dillan.

“You know Eon, you really should do research on the people you try to trick.” and with that I release the young man and spins around and hold up a hand charging a ki blast before firing it as fast as I can. “Blaze stop him from escaping through time!”

3rd POV

The bird squawks and of green energy fills the room stopping all time manipulation.

"Looks like green lantern energy." The light blue ultimatrix boy Dillan said, while Eon growled.

"Damn you displaced, even with my best lies i can't trick you." He commented, deflecting a few of the blasts and blowing up the others with time energy.

Deltorix smirks and punches his palm. “Oh they can if you talk to the right ones, you just were stupid just like in the show’s timeline, the only difference is he lost because the plot said he had to, you lose because you’re a moron, want me to handle him Ben lite?”

"Ben lite?" The boy asked with a raised eyebrow. "My name's Dillan, also better be careful he's not the same Eon from the show, from what I've seen since he has an omnitrix and all the omnitrix are connected to primus he has the powers i scanned from other displaced."

“Well isn't that just peachy,” Deltorix said then smirks as he holds his hand up. “But is he ageless?” green energy starts flowing from Eon to Deltorix’s hand as he uses life drain sucking the life force from Eon. “Like i said Eon; do your research I'm not above killing a threat.”
(note to self add life points adding up)

Eon crosses his arms. "You realize i don't need to travel through time to keep myself from aging right?"

Dillan dashes at Eon and throws a hard punch, the symbol of what looked like Frieza’s second form on the dial of the ultimatrix, however Eon was able to step aside from it to not get hit. This caused Dillan to ram into the desk and smash it to splinters while he was stuck in the wall while yelling in a muffled tone. "Damn plot!"

Deltorix grunts in annoyance. “Oh come on, I just made this smithy! That's it I’m not amused anymore! You; Eon; either leave my smith so we can kick your ass or get out of my fucking timeline!” he then starts charging a kamehameha wave.

Eon yelped in fear, jumping through a time portal as Dillan forced his face out of the wall and rubbed his head. "Damn i haven't had a headache this bad since i went to that world where Pinkie had coffee."

Deltorix rolls his eyes and powers down the attack and walks over to Dillan and puts a hand on his head, a light blue energy covers his hand and Dillan’s headache slowly goes away. “So I'm guessing he is your big bad and he is the one that flooded your world?”

"Him and Animo with an alien they made out of combining DNA through Skurd." Dillan said nodding glancing at the broken smithery behind him. He taps his ultimatrix symbol as the icon turned into Discord again and the light blue boy snaps his fingers fixing what he broke. "So that energy you just used are you a blue lantern?"

Deltorix laughs and shakes his head and shows both his hands. “Nah, my powers are the gamer, and I can learn any skill Ijust happen to know skills that use chakra, spiritual pressure or energy, Esper energy, magic, ki, wrath, and the force, now seeing as you fixed what you broke i wont charge you, however I will offer you a trade, i want something similar to the Omnitrix.”

"Similar in what way?" Dillan asked raising an eyebrow, his ultimatrix returning to his arm.

“Well mister Ben 10 lite,” Deltorix starts smirking, pointing at the 23 on Dillan’s jacket. “I want it to be able to scan and save DNA, splice DNA, make the beings from the DNA so i can help repopulate certain species that I know are near extinction, and of course the auto translator.”

Dillan thinks for a bit. "Well another displaced I met got something similar for pokemon scans, but after that Azimuth said to come to him if someone asked so we'll have to talk to him."

“Oh? Hmm sure I would actually trust one built by him much better than a random displaced no offense to you, also does your device have voice controls?”

"It does, I just personally like using it myself. Saving the voice control for emergencies." Dillan said, cracking his back with a loud pop.

Deltorix nods and leans forward and speaks to the ultimatrix on Dillan’s arm. “Ultimatrix scan users DNA for Anodyne DNA please.”

“Anodytes don't have DNA, their made of magic. The only one that does is Gwen from her human side." Dillan said as his ultimatrix conferms.

“I thought she got it because of her anodyne grandma?” Deltorix asked, confused.

"Who used human dna to create a human form." Dillan said.

“Ah i see, alright, so want to go see Azimuth now or do some power swapping first?” Deltoeix said as he walks over and starts making shadow clones and they get to work on a few different things.

"Actually, i was dragged here by Paradox to stop Eon before I could finish my dinner. Mind if we go to Ponyville for some grub?" Dillan asked his stomach growling loudly.

Deltorix rubs the back of his neck. “If you mean yours’ that's fine, but if you what to go into mine you'll have to be a pony, humans have been here before and they are seen as evil by almost everyoony, don't know why yet.”

"You could use me as bait to find out." Dillan chuckles.

Deltorix chuckles and shakes his head. “No. One; because you are a good guy; two, because what happened, sometime after Luna's banishment, and three, no one but Celesta knows what happened and from what she yelled last time there were humans around, she destroyed them, glassed their island.”

Dillan blinks. "Well its a good thing that the ultimatrix has a failsafe to protect me if your Celestia ever finds out about me." He said as he turns into a tall, young dragon with black scales and light blue spines similar to spikes. "Will a dragon do? I like gems better than hay fries."

Deltorix nods and smirks. “Yeah that will do, to anyone but the mane six; you’re my cousin since they already know i was human.” he tells Dillan and then walks out of the smithy but looks back and yells. “Blaze; don’t let my clones slack off!”

Dillan follows him out of the room, and looks to the sky of the Everfree forest through a hole in the roof. "Castle of the pony sisters?" Dillan asked Deltorix, figuring it was the only place in the forest he could probably hide well.

“Yeah best place i can work alone for hours and not accidentally-” there is a explosion behind them and they turn to see the smithy destroyed only blaze left behind. “....that…”

Deltorix sighs and makes more shadow clones and points and get to work fixing it. “I really need to get better at working together that's the tenth time that's happened, if i didn't know any better I’d say it was a running gag.”

Dillan looks around and returned to being human, before dialing through a bunch of scans and stopping at one Deltorix could tell was a Nemekian from Dragon Ball Z before said green alien was standing in front of him. He watched as Dillan reached into a bag, his whole arm being swallowed up as he nearly fell in himself.

Deltorix watches for a moment before asking. “So what are you looking for and why go Piccolo?”

"This scan’s name is Cordio; a nemekian name from a website I found before being displaced." Dillan said coming out of the bag with another bag. "And as for what I was looking for I give each displaced I meet a gift, as a way to show we're friends. Seeing as you asked for a replica omnitrix I’m not counting it as the gift." He informed Deltorix as he handed him a medium box, that was full of capsules from DBZ when Deltorix opened it.

“Huh cool Capsule Corp tech, any of these a house? I have been bumming with Twilight for over a week.” Deltorix said as he looked through them.

Dillan grabs the yellow capsule on the bottom right and clicks it, three more capsules appearing each a different size. "Small, medium, or castle?"

Deltorix smirks. “All of them, i plan on buying a lot of land though i should do that soon.” he mumbles the last part to himself though Dillan could still hear him.

"Then the light blue capsule in the middle of the box will help you, they have enough power for one, no immortality and they stay put but are dormant for about a year." Dillan said, putting the house capsules back in the one capsule they were in for storage.

Deltorix looks at Dillan confused. “What doesn’t have immortality? Wait...did you give me dragon balls?!” he asks shocked and surprised.

"Yup." Dillan said nonchalantly. "And that first capsule in the box there the green one has senzu beans. I met a displaced Cooler who had no home, food, or pretty much anything so i made all this stuff out of blood magic by accident not knowing what i was doing. So now they get replenished each time i transform."

“Huh that's cool and thanks that will save me a ton of money.” Deltorix smirks as he puts the box into his inventory. “Now let's go get you something to eat then go see Azimuth.”

Dillan nods and smirks. "I know something I’d like to eat." He said making a V with his fingers and pretending to lick.

Deltorix gives Dillan a flat look and sighs. “Please don't be lewd, and behave. I can take you out to eat but real food.”

"I was joking." Dillan said shaking his head with a smirk as he transformed into a dragon again. "Ultimatrix form lock code twenty twenty." He said as his watch beeped confirming the code.

Deltorix nods and the two dragons fly up and over to the town and then he points over to the middle of town. “We got shops that way, or we can go to Twilight's place to make some home cooking, up to you cuz.”

Dillan thinks for a moment. "How about Twinkie’s place? I want to see if she's different here than my world. Plus if she knows you used to be human I might be able to eat in my normal form… and just keep my voice activation handy incase of a quick transformation."

“Right, just be ready to be studied the last humans that I brought over. She tried to study like animals.” Deltorix warns him as they start walking and about halfway there two thestral ponies walk up wearing armor.

“You!” The red headed one named Crimson stomped up to Deltorix and started poking him. “There was a dragon attack while I was off shift and I want to know everything that happened NOW!”

“Calm down Crimson, I took care of it.” Deltorix said to her.

"I take it she doesn't like dragons." Dillan said, looking at the pony.

Deltorix sighs and shakes his head. “No she doesn’t.”

“Don't just blow me off! What did you do!?” She demands of Deltorix.

Deltorix sighs and explains. “Ok look, a certain young Drake that we both know lost control of his greed grew into a giant dragon and was stealing everything he could to grow his Hort the only pony that got hurt was rarity and I healed her after I stopped that dragon. Now drop it.” He said with a glare. Crimson glares back before she huffs and looks over at Dillian looking him over.

"Sup." Dillan waved. "You don't need to be worried about me, I'm nice."

“Deltorix who is this? Are they like you?” the younger one Lilly says while the other one glares at Dillan.

“Relax, yes he is like me just under different circumstances we're heading to Twilight's for lunch you can join us and ask your questions just try not to be rude Crimson; he's a good guy.” Deltorix says to them.

Crimson noticed a light blue metallic ring on Dillans finger, said Displaced just waved at them however.

The four of them walk to Twilight's home and then Deltorix turns to face them and claps. “Ok i'll make some clones to make lunch, and the four of us can talk.” After that he makes two clones in a puff of smoke and they head into the kitchen.

Dillan looks around and sits down on the floor, cross legged as he floats a little while seeming to meditate.

Crimson watches Dillan for a moment then turns away looking annoyed, while Lilly smiles looking interested. “So Dillan is that little ring on your hand what I think it is?” Deltorix asks, pointing it out.

The ring began glowing a light blue, as the same type of energy formed a blue and black suit around Dillan. One Deltorix saw as a blue lantern suit, the symbol of said lantern being prompt on Dillan's chest but also on the pad of the ultimatrix. "Yes brother, i'm a blue lantern."

Crimson turns and raises an eyebrow. “And just what is a blue lantern? Someone that burns down villages with blue fire?”

Deltorix sighs and face palms. “Goddamnit.”

Dillan chuckles however. "No my young friend a blue lantern is someone that channels and spreads the power of hope." He informed the young pony, before reaching into a blue vortex and pulling out a blue lantern battery, inserting his ring into it. "In fearful day in raging night, with a strong heat full my soul ignites. When all seems lost in the world of blight, never forget hopes shining light!"

Crimson raises her eyebrow and says. “So you are a good dragon? I find that hard to believe.”

Deltorix rubs his face and says. “Crimson please, I know you have a big dislike for dragons but don't judge a book by its cover, now Dillan I have to ask, do you know how to make lantern rings?”

"I know I can use hope to make a replica of mine, but it won't be as strong." Dillan said. "However the rest I do not. Also miss Crimson i am a displaced like Deltorix, this dragon form isn't my real form i can transform into different sentient beings."

Deltorix nods thinking for a moment then looks over at the two ponies and says. “Ladies do you mind giving my clones a hand?” They look at each other and Lilly goes but Crimson gives the sign of ‘I’m watching you’ before following her sister.

After that Deltorix looks at Dillan and says. “The royal wedding is coming up and I figure I should get them a gift and want it to be lantern rings, if you can’t help me I can always go to the DC universe to get them.”

Dillan thinks for a moment. "I have a portal in my world that could theoretically take us to the DC universe. But I suggest keeping Crimson away from red lantern rings."

Deltorix nods. “Yeah no way am I letting her have one of those.”

Dillan nods, glancing at the door to the kitchen before he turned into a human again. "I'm hoping this will be funny."

Crimson walks back in after seeing a bright blue flash and her eyes widen when she sees Dillan’s human form she spreads her wings ready for a fight. “Crimson stand down he isn't a bad guy, or should i start assuming all bat ponies are vampires?” she flinches and looks away and relaxes her stance.

"Im sorry if i scared you Crimson, you see its much easier to eat in my normal form than any other." Dillan smiles softly. "But if it makes you more comfortable i can turn into a bat pony or a normal pony, or heck i can even turn into an alicorn so you can brag about eating with an alicorn." He jokes hoping to lighten the mood.

She huffs and turns away. “Turn into whatever you want, and you didn't scare me, human.” she then goes back into the kitchen.

“Sorry about her Dillan, apparently her father was injured by a dragon so she doesn't trust any dragons and like I said earlier humans have been here before but Celestia branded them as evil; don't know the whole story behind that though.” Deltorix says to him and summons a notebook and gives it to Dillan.

“In here is a list of my powers that I can teach others as will as some equipment and technology that I would be able to either copy or unlock for you, go ahead and look through it and see if there's anything you want and after we meet with Azimuth I can give you them.” Deltorix tells him.

Dillan does so mumbling. "Have it…. Have it…. Don't know what that is… alchemy? Like Full Metal Alchemist’s alchemy?" He asked Deltorix.

Deltorix nods and pulls out of thin air an iron bar throws it into the air claps his hands and catches it and uses alchemy to turn it into a model of the original omnitrix. “Ta da.”

Dillan looks impressed. "That please."

Deltorix chuckles and nods. “Sure but I'll have to get you a few books on alchemy, If I teach you alchemy you'll only be able to use the base form of it using transmutation circles you won't have circle free transmutation like me.”

Dillan nods slowly, thinking for a moment. "I wonder if I could mix alchemy with my blue ring using the circle of the ring as a mutation circle and the energy to enhance the alchemic reaction."

Deltorix tilts his head and thinks before he answers. “Personally I wouldn't risk it after all we don't know what the reaction might do. For all we know the reaction could use the ring itself as an ingredient in the transportation and destroy the ring you don't want that now do you?”

After that he starts tapping the air and in a few moments in a flurry of pixels a few books appear between them. “There you go want the alchemy now?”

"Later is fine, that way once we're done i can make a room in my plumber base for alchemy training." Dillan said looking in one of the books.

“Alright, I could also teach anyone in your world any of those skills in that book if you want.” Deltorix added and then the smell of delicious food fills both their noses as a clone Lily and Crimson I'll walk in carrying food and set the table, Deltorix quickly uses the force to pull the notebook into his hand and puts it back into his inventory.

"The force seems like something Spike could use, I've been trying to teach him ki but it's not working." Dillan said biting into an apple, just as said little dragon and book horse walked in the front door.

Twilight and Spike freeze once they see Dillan. Deltorix sighs and gently pulls them inside using the force and closes the door. “Twilight, Spike meet Dillan he is like me, a displaced.”

Dillan waves and bites the apple again. "Hi."

Twilight snaps out of it and remembering her lesson from Ed and Asta she lifts a hoof and shakes Dillan’s hand and Spike walks over to the table and claps his hands and starts praying.

Deltorix smiles as he sees them get along. “Oh Twilight, I'm gonna be taking a trip soon so please watch over my forge please.”

"Don't worry, I can have Paradox send you back right to the point when you leave." Dillan said to Deltorix as he gave Spike a rare orange sapphire.

Deltorix smiles and nods at Dillan. “Thanks that helps, hmm actually do you have Clockwork?”

Dillan nods. "I have all of Ben’s aliens from the show."

"Wait aliens!?" Spike asked excited forgetting the orange sapphire.

Deltorix chuckles and pats Spikes head. “Just think of different life forms from different worlds. Spike and relax he's a good guy, and Dillan could you do something to my forge where time moves differently so I could spend hours inside of it but only a few minutes have passed outside or something like that?”

"So a hyperbolic time chamber?" Dillan asked raising an eyebrow, but shook his head. "Sorry but i don't know how to do that. The only time I used Clockwork was in a Charazard displaced world and that was to freeze and unfreeze time… Dialga didn't like that…"

Twilight is writing everything they say down as Deltorix rubs his chin. “Huh damn maybe the doc would have something for me.” he then looks over to the kitchen door and says. “What do you say Paradox?”

"Wrong door." Dillan said as Paradox comes out of the basement door instead.

"Still able to since my time diolation huh?" Paradox smiles at Dillan before turning to Deltorix. "And I supposed I can, if it'll help this world."

Deltorix snaps his fingers. “Damn I was so close too, anyway, kind of see I have a deal to make armor for the princesses guards but the problem is I only have until the end of the month and that's in a few days it took all this time just to get my forging skills good enough to make the armor I had envisioned so now I don't have enough time to make the full sets of armor.” Deltorix explains the problem.

paradox thinks for a moment. "Very well I’Il see what i can do."

“Sweet, I'll see ya in a few-” Deltorix is cut off by another Deltorix walking in the front door they blink at each other then both give a flat glare to Paradox and say together. ”Seems you were off by a few seconds.”

Dillan laughs, eating some sandwiches. "Relax, we're about to leave. And with the shadow clones not like it matters."

The Deltorix from the future nods and walks over taking a sandwich. “It's true I just saw myself and thought, ‘i'm gonna pull a small prank’ i mean it's not like the doc would ever let me do something like this, oh and Deltorix whatever you do do not-” but Paradox teleports the Deltorix of the present and Dillan away before he could finish.

“Wouldn't that be important to hear?” Deltorix asks paradox.

"Sorry but that would have made a paradox effect." Dillan said as Paradox nods.

"Indeed whatever he wanted to tell you could have made it so you wouldn't see each other making it so you wouldn't know and so on." Paradox said.

Deltorix rubs his head. “And I thought the Doctor’s time travel was complicated. So are we going to see Azimath first?”

"Azimuth doesn't want me to come to his planet right now, so ill drop you off at Dillan’s plumber base." Paradox said.

“Oh? Cool, say Paradox before you leave mind telling me if you know a time lord by the name of the Doctor?” Deltorix asks as they arrive in Dillan’s base.

"I do." Paradox said before vanishing.

“Awww i was gonna ask what he is like.” Deltorix pouts then he turns around to look around. “So where to Dillan?”

"Up." Dillan said walking to an elevator. "Unless you wanna see all my well… experiments?"

“Hmm as fun as that sounds we can do that later, I doubt Azimuth will agree right away and even if he does it would take him a while to make it.” Deltorix says as he follows Dillan.

"I doubt it, Azimuth probably has extras incase something happens." Dillan said. "All he'd have to do is turn off transformation.

“Hmm I suppose that is true, oh and sorry about the Ben lite joke, it's what i called Ben 23, but hey at least you're not the rebooted Ben.” Deltorix says.

"To be honest i like the aliens and the storyline of the reboot, its just the animation that gets me." Dillan said as the two went up the elevator.

“Meh, I only watched the first few episodes. It's so different I didn't like it by the way. Do you have plans of how to get rid of the water because I could use my inventory and a shit ton of shadow clones to take the water if you want.”

"I can always use the dragon balls to get rid of it, I'm leaving it to teach the ponies not to always rely on me as they've seem to be doing." Dillan said as the elevator door opens, and he opens a wooden door to a nice little log cabin. "Welcome to my home, also be nice to my roomate if you know who he is."

“Who is your roommate? Also nice place.” Deltorix said as he looked around.

As if on que the front door opens, a tall red centar with a goatee walking in followed by the cutie mark crusaders. "Oh hello Dillan, welcome back."

"Hey Tirek." Dillan smiles.

Deltorix was surprised by who walked through the door but once he saw how calm everyone was, he decided to trust Dillan with this apparently former villain. “Interesting. Hey Dillan; am I free to talk about other timelines?”

"Go for it." Dillan smiles. "I explained the concept to everyone a while back."

Tirek and the cmc had gone into the kitchen to put away some groceries.

“Excellent I'll be right back I got to ask your Tirek something.” Deltorix said then followed the four into the kitchen. “Tirek; I got a hypothetical question for you.”

The centar looked up at Deltorix and smiles a little. "Go ahead."

“Let's say someone offered the old you a deal, Near immortality and the chance it somewhat freedom but you would have to follow that person's orders if they ever gave you orders and you would not be able to resist them at all. Would the old you take that deal?” Deltorix asked, looking serious.

"No." He said simply. "That sounds like slavery, and while I can’t say for any other versions of me; I wouldn't. In this world my father was always more proud of my brother, so i tried to take over Equestria to prove I was strong and that everyone else was weak. Because of that I never had a friend, but then Dillan trusted me when I didn't deserve it and helped me to change." Teirek said smiling at the CMC. "And these three have helped me to discover my destiny for helping Ponyville by draining the magic of timberwolves and other wood creatures from the Everfree forest."

“Hmmm” Deltorix rubs his chin while thinking

"Again I cannot say for another timeline’s me; you'd have to ask him yourself." Tirek said, as he put some soda in the fridge. "But personally I wouldn't, if you treat one with hostility that's how you'll be treated."

Deltorix nods. “Thank you for your honesty. Good luck in life.” and with that he turns and leaves the kitchen to find Dillan waiting by the front door.

"Everything go ok?" Dillan asked.

“Depends on your definition of OK, I'll just have to change some of my plans when it comes to my Tirek.” Deltorix said as he looks out a window and sees the endless ocean above them.

"Ok." Dillan said opening the front door, revealing a large orchard and farm.

“Cool this all yours or are we on the Apple’s farm?” Deltorix asks as they leave the house.

"Mine, the only things we need to actually buy is drinks and meat." Dillan said grabbing a zap apple off a tree and throwing it to Deltorix.

Deltorix catches it and looks it over before biting into it and humming out. “Mmm this is good even though i don't need to eat i may just buy some when the time comes in my world.”

Dillan nods and asks. "Have you ever read any of the MLP comics?"

Deltorix wiggles his hand in a so so gesture. “I have read the first few, the ones with Chrysalis kidnapping the CMC and the mane six have to save them, but other than that I've just seen a few pages and references here and there throughout the Internet. Why is your world similar to the comics?”

"Well in one of them when Discord tries to help the cmc get their cutie marks he makes an experimental apple field that can grow apples with different flavors any you can imagine." He said picking an apple that was blue and throwing it to Deltorix. "That ones cotton candy."

Deltorix laughs and eats it. “Ha just like Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans from Harry potter.”

Dillan laughs. "Yeah, actually I've also been making seeds for all these types of apples, if you want i can give you sapple seeds."

Deltorix hums and looks at all the trees thinking. “You know, if your willing to i could grow a ton of different apples and sell them and make a profit of course I'd have to sell them away from Ponyville so I don't encroach on Applejacks profits it would be a source of real world money for me.”

"Go for it, also see those sparkling light green apples?" Dillan asked, showing Deltorix a tree with said apples but only had two on it. "These are senzu apples."

Deltorix looks at the apple tree then back to Dillan then back to the tree. “That's just cheating; I mean a whole apple?”

"To be fair the healing properties are diluted to only making healing faster instead of full healing any injury, and it takes a lot of senzu just to make one. So they're extremely rare but well…. Here." Dillan throws him one. "Try it."

Deltorix looks at the apple then up at Dillan. “I'm guessing that it either tastes horrible or is extremely hard, but i won't be eating it, see my life points are full so i don't need it.”

"I can make another one, and no it’s not horrible. From testing ponies say it tastes like every one of the food groups and all the different… what are they called… um you know sweet, sour, spicy all at once." Dillan said. "The jam it'll make will make a fortune, i can give you seeds to partner with the apple family to earn even more profits for all you."

“Hmm sounds good, but be careful you don't make the food too good, Jimmy did that and made his whole town addicted to his ‘perfect’ candy and then had to ‘train’ them to hate it.”

Dillan pauses for a moment. "Did you just compare me to a boy genius?"

Deltorix shrugs and waves an arm at the massive orchard. “I mean look at what you've done, you made most of these right?”

Dillan looks around. "Huh… how Azimuth must be rubbing off on me… but to be fair I'm just just gonna be selling them to beings here, theres a lot of aliens with different needs. In fact the alien that froze the planet asked me to make special crops that can grow in sub zero conditions."

“Just goes to show how smart you are, i mean the OG Ben would have just left Azimuth to fix that or done something lazy like try to use Alien X. Speaking of whom, I've always wondered if the two other personalities are always self-aware even when you're not in that form.” Deltorix then looked at the Omnitrix.

"They are, all the celestialsapians have them and then a third voice based off of each one's personality." Dillan explained.

Deltorix rolls his eyes. “I know that, what I mean is even while you're human are they aware of what's happening? For example let's say a Discord tried to remove your Omnitrix would they act to defend themselves?”

"Yes." Dillan said, his blue lantern suit forming. "Ready to go to Galvin A?"

“Sure.” Deltorix gives a thumbs up.

Dillan nods and puts him in a bubble of blue energy so he can breathe as he flies off to the Galvin home planet. "Luckily Equestria is actually pretty close to the Galvin homeworld."

Deltorix shrugs and in a flash of light his personal atmosphere shield belt appears around his waist. “Meh, I have ways of surviving in space.”

Dillan nods, dispelling the bubble, before something small and purple whacked him in the head. "Ow what the?"

"Dillan Schorer of Equs you have great compassion in your heart."

"Maybe I shouldn't have let Azimuth scan my ring when i got back…" Dillan muttered glancing at the indego ring. "But how did he tap into the emotional spectrum?"

Deltorix chuckles and pats Dillans shoulder. “It’s Azimuth; he can do almost anything if he puts his mind to it.”

"I guess, but it concerns me…" Dillan said, looking uneasy.

“I agree, if he makes the wrong ring he will have made you a new enemy, you should warn him, lets go before more rings start hitting you.” Deltorix says and as they start flying again he rubs his chin. “Though I may ask him to make me a green and star sapphire ring and battery.”

Dillan nods slowly. "Yeah, sounds good."

Not long after that the two come to a planet with ships and space stations all around it. “This it? To be honest I don't remember what the planet looked like in the show.” Deltorix had said as they approached.

"No idea." Dillan said shrugging.

“Well let's find him then no point in just floating there right?” Deltorix said crossing his arms and using his ki to fly towards the planet.

Dillan fies down following Deltorix, looking around

Deltorix looks around seeing a few Galvans walking and flying around. While they were flying around dillan noticed a plumbers symbol on one of the buildings. "This must be that new plumber world Ben told me about."

Deltorix looks at Dillan. “You met the real Ben? Or did you meet Ben lite?” he asks as he walks around using his ki sense to avoid running into people.

"Both." Dillan said pulling out a plumbers badge. "This is Dillan Schorer, plumber of planet equs calling Ben Tennyson."

Dillan stood there for a few moments looking dumb as only static noise came through the plumbers badge. Before a familiar voice to Deltorix came through. "Hey Dillan whats up? This is Ben Prime, i was visiting 23."

"Hey Ben, me and a friend are on the new plumber planet and-" Dillan started until an explosion caught his attention from a building.

"Blucage, Dreba!" Ben yelled. "Hey sorry i gotta go." He said before they heard static again.

Deltorix chuckles and smirks. “Seems those two are the same trouble makers here as they are in the show, think I could meet Ben later? Also when are we in his timeline, Alien Force, Ultimate Alien, or Omniverse?”

"I think Omniverse." Dillan said shrugging. "Also; if those two fucked shit up that mean azimuth will probably come to fix it so we can just chill here." He said flying towards the tower.

“Sweet makes it easier for us.” Deltorix floats after Dillan then turns around so he is flying backwards and asks Dillan. “While we wait, want me to start giving you a few powers?”

"Alchemy is enough." Dillan said smiling as the two reached the tower, seeing Ben Prime and Ben 23 talking as two little Galvin were arguing.

Deltorix shrugs. “Up to you man just keep in mind I can only give you the power to use it you’ll have to study the transmutation circles yourself.” he then looks over at the two galvin arguing and rolls his eyes and floats over and waves. “Whats ups Ben’s.”

The two Bens look at him. "Uh who are you?" Ben 23 asked ready to activate his omnitrix.

"Hes a displaced friend of mine." Dillan smiled dissapating his blue lantern suit.

"Oh its the wannabe." Ben 23 said before Ben prime slapped him upstairs the head.

Deltorix rolls his eyes and looks at Ben 23. “Hey watch who you're calling a wannabe, Ben lite.” he then looks to Ben prime. “Nice to meet you man, I’ve followed your adventures since you first got the omnitrix.”

Ben nods. "The tv show right?"

Deltorix nods and offers his hand. “Yeah, though they rebooted the series so if you ever have a crossover with other dimensions you may run into another 10-year-old version of yourself with a different omnitrix.”

"Sounds interesting." Ben 10 said shaking his hand, the omnitrix scanning the dragon DNA.

Deltorix closes his eyes as the scan passes over him then he nods. “Yeah, personally i liked your version, but still it's cool to meet you, my name's Deltorix, say would you mind if i got a picture with you?”

Ben chuckles. "Sure."

Deltorix fist pumps and pulls a camera out of thin air and throws it at Dillan. “Sweet!”

Dillan shakes his head with a smirk, taking the picture for Deltorix.

Deltorix smiles. “Thanks, oh while we have you here have you seen Azimuth?”

"The first thinker of this dimension is on his way." Blucage said.

"We need his help with this planet defence system." Dreba said.

"No we dont."

"Yes we do." The two started arguing again

Deltorix gives a flat look to the two Ben's then holds up his hand and uses bind on the two arguing aliens. “There now you can just wait till he gets here.”

Ben 23 raised an eyebrow poking the two grey aliens. "What did you do to them?"

Deltorix raises his own eyebrow at the question and points. “Obviously I tied them up with magic rope.” he then looks to Dillan. “Man i'm glad you take after OG Ben”

"I mean they don't really have that kind of magic they use Anadite magic." Dillan said.

Deltorix nods and says. “Ah that's right it was only one of the future Ben’s that was able to use magic like Gwen.”

"Ben 10 thousand with ultimatrix." Dillan said nodding.

"What are they talking about?" Ben 23 asked confused.

"Once when i was fighting Eon an adult version of me came back in time amd could use magic like the gwen from my world." Ben prime said.

“That's right, and there was a theory that because ben 10 thousand could all Bens have the genetic potential to use magic and just need to learn it.” Deltorix said then added. “And with Ben’s photographic memory it would be easy to study.”

Dillan nods slowly, just as an orange lantern ring smacks Ben 23 on the head. "Ow!"

Deltorix’s eyes widen when he sees the orange lantern ring and quickly uses the force to pull it to himself and holds it in his Esper telekinesis. “Don't wear this tell you speak with Azimuth, Ben.”

Ben 23 raises an eyebrow confused as did ben prime. "That ring will infuse you with the collective greed of the universe, and you'll literally want everything and kill anyone who gets in the way." Dillan explained, shocking the two Bens.

Deltorix nods his head and they all notice orange flames start coming off his scales. “I'm the only one that can safely hold it as my emotions are under control. Even if i am affected i won't go on a rampage.”

Dillan nods slowly. "That's good, besides even if you were to be effected my blue ring could bring you back to your scenes."

Deltorix nods and looks at himself as his body starts growing he closes his eyes as the orange flames spread across his body. “That's good but from what i just read this status buff will just make me physically stronger so long as I'm either taking stuff or protecting my horde it's part of my natural magic.”

"True, dragons in Equestria could be the same way… i wonder if Spike could use an orange ring to its full potential seeing as he's already overcome his greed." Dillan said.

“Hard to say, he overcame his own greed with the help of Rarity but could he handle a lantern ring’s worth, who's to say.” Deltorix says then looks at Ben 23. “You Need to be careful 23, the ring is yours it chose you because it sensed great amounts of greed coming from you.”

"Well why wouldn't it i am amazing and i can have whatever i want." Ben 23 said smirking.

Dillan sighs and holds his fingers to his chin in thought.

Deltorix growls and glares at Ben 23 before he slips the ring on and surprisingly an orange lantern uniform appears on him and he walks forward. “Oh really? Then maybe you should prove it by fighting me kid. And trust me when I say you will need all your best moves to keep up with me!” the ring glows as a wall appears around Deltorix and Ben 23. “I won’t hurt him too much.” he adds looking back at Dillan.

Dillan shrugs with a nods, however the energy around Deltorix and the purple ring that was still following Dillan vanished as both fell to the ground. "I did not make these rings to start fights." A familiar voice said, when Azimuth walked into the room.

Deltorix smirks and picks up the ring and throws it to Dillan. “I don't need a ring to teach him his limits, but I have more important things to do here.” he then turns and faces Azimuth. “Sir i have a warning and a favor to ask of you.”

"Warning?" Azimuth asked with a raised eyebrow. "And what favor?"

“The warning is about the lantern rings you are making, a few are safe but ones like the red and orange are dangerous as the orange can make the user insane and want to take everything that they see while the red actually replaces their heart with the energy of the ring so if they ever remove the ring they die.” Deltorix tells him.

“And the favor i want to ask, is for a device similar to the Omnitrix but without the transformation feature so I can help species across the multi-verse.” he finishes and summons his keyblade and holds it up for Azimuth to see. “I'm sure someone as smart as you would know what this is.”

"Hmmm I do not." Azimuth said looking it over. "If you trade this to me I will make you the device."

“Unfortunately even if I were to hand you the blade it would return to me as it is somewhat sentient and chooses it's bearer however there is a phrase I can say that will allow you to awaken a keyblade of your own though I'm not sure when you will awaken it but know that the keyblade is a very powerful weapon of light used to fight off darkness and seal worlds from the multi-verse.”

Azimuth nods.

"Although to be fair with the rings thing. One can learn to control their rage and greed to use the rings properly. Plus how the ring is programmed can help." Dillan commented. "The main one I'm worried about is Nekron."

"Nekron?" Ben prime asked.

“Who is Nekron?” Deltorix asks as he flips the keyblade around holding it by the blade and holds the handle to Azimuth then says "In your hand, take this key. So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking...it’s wielder you shall one day be. And you will find me, friend—no ocean will contain you then. No more borders around, or below, or above, so long as you champion the ones you love."

"Nekron is the entity of death, he controls the black lanterns of death." Dillan said as Azimuth creates his own keyblade.

"Wait; death?" Both Ben's say.

Deltorix is shocked at how easily Azimuth got his keyblade and looks it over as he dismisses his own. “Wow I’m impressed just be careful they can unlock ANY lock.” Then he looks to Dillan.

"What?" Dillan asked raising an eyebrow.

“I was kind of expecting you to know more and tell them how to stop or at least deal with him, my knowledge of lanterns ends with the different colors, what they represent, and a few of their oaths.” Deltoix said as he started floating around.

"Oh well the only way to beat Nekron is with the white lanterns powers, but only one being in each universe can control the powers of life." Dillan said. "And literally become a god."

Deltorix nods in understanding then thinks for a moment, before saying. “Well if that's the case then why not try to trap him in a giant black lantern battery?”

"He is basically the grim reaper, his weapon is a scyth and that scyth is the battery." Dillan said.

Deltorix rubs his chin. “Huh, well I’m out of ideas sorry, but seeing as you guys are making lantern rings could i also request a green and pink lantern ring and battery for my Shining and Cadence?”

"Sure, I don't want too many rings flying around. In the comics the usage of the emotional spectrum made the universe implode." Dillan said

“Damn well at least you don't have to worry about that with him making them.” Deltorix says while throwing a thumb in Azimuth’s direction.

"Actually we do, the powers are from the entities that control those emotions. And they can enter any world through the batteries." Dillan said. "But i mean as long as theres only one ring in each universe it shouldn't matter."

Deltorix nods at the information then says. “Well as long as both our worlds are safe with just a few rings that I’d be happy with just the two, I plan on giving the rings to them as a wedding present.”

Azimuth nods. "Very well, we will have to return to my lab for them and for your device."

Dillan looks around. "Yeah let Blucage and Dreba clean up there own mess."

Deltorix smirks and snaps his fingers dispelling the rope holding them and they start arguing again.

Dillan rolls his head and activates his blue lantern ring, forming his suit but looks to the purple one instead. "Hmmm." He picks up the purple ring and slips it on his other hand, activating it. "In sorrowful day, in misfortunate night,We help those, who need our might, With the lantern power of Abin Sur,We rid your misery...,With compassionate might!" As soon as he spoke the oath the blue suit became replaced with an indigo one. "Nok."

“Nice, that's the first time I've heard that oath.” Deltorix says as he watches Dillan’s suit change.

"Thats the English one, its usually in a different language." Dillan said.

“Ah I see well now that you're suited up let's get going, oh and Ben prime is your cousin here?” Deltorix saied then asked.

"Why?" Both bens asked raising suspicious eyebrows at him

“Well if she is around, i would like to meet her and see if she is willing to tutor me in some things while I’m here.” Deltorix says with a smirk and shrugs.

They both punch him in the stomach.

He grunts and bends over and huffs. “What the hell?!” he growls at them and makes a ki ball in his hand.

"That didn't sound right." Dillan said laughing.

Deltorix glares at Dillan. “I was talking about magic jackass!” he dismisses the ki ball and turns around crossing his arms.

Deltorix then looks to azimuth. “Can we go already i don’t want to do something stupid like punch the ben’s.”

Dillan chuckles as he flies out the window with azimuth in an indigo bubble.

Deltorix follows them with his ki flight skill and summons a bottle of health potion and drinks it.

"Did that really do a lot of damage?" Dillan asked raising an eyebrow.

“Not really, I just like to keep my health points as full as possible in case something happens, they only did a total of a thousand points of damage.” Deltorix said as he catches up with Dillan.

"Neat." Dillan nods, looking at Galvin A as they approach.

“So this is Galvin A huh?” Deltorix asked as they landed and then he looked around.

"Yup." Dillan smiled, the two standing way above some of the buildings.

“Well let's get this done I’m sure Azimuth is a busy guy and I don't want to take too much of his time.” Deltorix then follows Azimuth into his lab, shrinking himself to the size of Spike so he doesn't have to crouch.

Dillan walked in, not all that bothered with the crouching as he noticed green and pink lights glowing from a side room. "That must be the lantern room."

"Yes it is, though it looks like a few have flown off." Azimuth said.

“Well for everyone’s sake I hope you didn't make them without a way to track them.” Deltorix said as he peeks into the room.

"Of course i did, though the energy was interfering with it and i didn't have a chance to find out why." Azimuth said, looking at the green and pink batteries and rings. "These are the colors you wanted correct?" He asked Deltorix.

“Yeah, I feel the two ponies I have in mind would be perfect for them, and just a thought but could the emotional spectrum beings or creatures be getting pulled to this world because of the rings and batteries and they want more rings and batteries made so they are making it hard to track them?” Deltorix explains and looks to Dillan.

"Its more likely he's trying to scan for the emotional energy of each ring. And can't track it because of the emotions from all the brings in the universe. Because the entities need a large battery to come through one big enough to send the energy across a planet." Dillan said.

“I see, well you would know more than me, I just know a bit here and there from the Justice League Animated Series.” Deltorix said, then looks at Azimuth as he points at the batteries and rings. “So I can go ahead and take these home, right?”

Azimuth nods, pushing a button as the two batteries multiplied to two. "Go ahead. Take the extras."

Deltorix grins and floats over grabbing both batteries and rings then puts them into his inventory making them disappear. “Thanks Azimuth you are way cooler than your show’s counterpart.” Then Deltorix moves back over next to Dillan.

Azimuth chuckles. "Dillan says that all the time."

Dillan nods, glancing at the batteries. "I just hope no one evil gets the red battery."

Deltorix face palms. “Well now someone evil WILL get the red battery, you do know most displaced are under TV logic right? Meaning we can invoke Murphy's Law.” Deltorix is now giving Dillan a flat look.

"I mean im not from the Milo Murphy tv show so." Dillan said smirking at him.

Deltorix groans and rubs his face. “Not what I meant, just keep an eye out for trouble.”

Deltorix then looked to azimuth. “Ok so if it’s not too much trouble I’d like the device to look similar to the plumber badge from Ben primes universe.”

"The badge or omnitrix?" Azimuth asked, pulling out a plumbers badge.

Deltorix looks at it then says. “The omnitrix but remember I don't want the transformation function, I also don't want it stuck on me like his.” he finishes while pointing at Dillan.

"Mines not stuck." Dillan said. "Also just get a genetic scanner." Azimuth nods tossing Deltorix a genetic scanner.

Deltorix catches it and smiles. “Will I have to make trips here to link the new DNA from this to his omnitrix or will it work between universes?”

"Universes." Azimuth said. "Same as his ultimatrix."

“Cool saves me from making trips, by the way, let's say I come across a species that only has a handful of its people left. How does the Omnitrix or this device create more of them?” Deltorix asked azimuth.

"Take the dna and implant it in a comparable hoast." Dillans said. "I'm doing the same with nagas on my planet."

“Hmmm, alright thank you both, got anything else you want to get or give Dillan?” Deltorix asked as he put his Omnibadge into his inventory.

"You haven't given me alchemy yet." He smiles softly.

“Oh right and I'll also give you books on alchemy so you don't accidently transmute your arm off.” Deltorix says as he uses his store to buy books on alchemy that appear in a flurry of pixels then he holds his hand over Dillan’s head. “Teach Dillan alchemy.”

Dillan glows for a moment as he gains the ability to use alchemy and the basic knowledge fills his head. “There you go man.” Deltorix smirks.

"Wow" Dillan blinks. "Neat."

Deltorix nods then rubs his chin. “I was hoping to have Gwen teach me this universe's version of magic but seeing as the two Ben’s seem to be over protective, do you have any books on magic?”

"I don't but if i find the alpha rune or meet Gwen ill let ya know." Dillan said smiling.

“Cool oh you'll need this.” He pulls out a wooden Xbox controller and gives it to Dillan. “Here's my token.”

"Thanks." Dillan smiles.

Deltorix smirks and says. “Ok got the lanterns, the device, and gave you some power, anything else on our to do list?”

"Not unless you want to see the aliens i made." Dillan said smiling.

Deltorix rubs his chin then smiles and shrugs. “Sure why not? I already know I’ll be back before I leave, say do you have any pokemon?”

"Im pretty sure i already told you i have all the legendary pokemon, the mythical, a Blastoise… Combuskin… Charazard… kabutops… And some others." Dillan chuckles.

“Cool I’d love to see them lets go.” Deltorix said full of cheer.

"Oh i thought you meant scans… but ok." Dillan said, the two suddenly appearing on top of Canterlot castle on Dillan's equestria. "Thanks Azimuth, alright lets a go."

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with The ultimate surprise