• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,622 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

  • ...

Chapter 19

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with The golden eyed sage part four of six

I do not own the photos in this chapter.

“How ya want to play this?” Ed asked me. “We can just pop in or we can go in formal like with me and Tia in disguise. It won’t do much good once we get in the castle as Greed would know we’re there right away but it would keep mass panic from happening while we walk to me the princesses. Once Greed senses me he’ll let his auntie know right away how close I am."

"I doubt Luna will put up with his blubbering, and Celestia will want answers right away so we could clear things up.” Ed sighed. “I don't want to cause any more trouble than necessary for you.”

I looked over to the mountain where Canterlot was. “Let's go with your second idea, as much as I want to punch him, it would be best if we did things calmly.” I sighed and equipped my golden tiger claws. “So your batman bullshit or my claws?”

“How about we go with your claws in an alley not far from the castle.” Ed suggested. “This way I don’t set off any alarms by using multiple spells for the guards to pick up on.”

“What are we going to use for disguise?” Tia asked. “I can’t really use alteration spells with the baby.”

“I’ll cast a simple illusion spell on you." Ed turned to his wife. “You want to use Sunny Day or Banana Blitz?” She was thinking.

“Sunny please." She said as Ed waved his hand and she took on the form of a baby powder pink coated unicorn mare with a fire orange mane and tail and yellow streaks. Her cutie mark was a sun rising over two mountain peaks overlooking a green meadow. “Perfect!” She laughed as she did a once over. “Gods these ponies are so adorable!” She squeed.

“She’ll get over it as soon as the hormones still back down." Ed whispered to me as he changed into his unicorn form from last time but in full pony. "Alright, we’re ready.”

I chuckled a bit and made a portal. “Alright, badasses first, then ladies, and finally handsome dragons.” I smirked at my joke. Ed rolled his eyes but we each went through the portal and came out next to Donut Joe’s.

“Oh oh can we get donuts?” Tia waved her hoof in the air.

Ed and I looked at each other and then at the pricing pony version of Celestia then back to each other. “Ya go on ahead. We won’t be too long. I just hope Joe has enough donuts.” I said with a chuckle.

Ed sighed as he slowly trotted after his wife who was already in the shop with a pile of pastries picked out. A few moments later they found me outside the castle drawbridge. Celestia was happily munching on a box of donuts held in her magic while Ed was carrying another twelve boxes on his back.

He deadpanned and looked at me. “She cleaned out the shop.”

I tried not to laugh but a few snickers escaped. “S-so she g-got the Celestia special?” I asked between snickers.

Suddenly a spray bottle popped up next to my head and spritzed me. “No bad Deltroix.” I looked to Celestia who was clearly pouting.

“I wouldn’t say that again unless you want jalapeno in your eyes next time." Ed snickered.

I frowned at Ed then sighed and looked at Celestia. “Sorry Celestia, I was referring to my Celestia, you see every few weeks she'll come and clear out the whole store, so Joe actually named it the Celestia special.”

She squinted at me. "Mmm…” She was actually terrifyingly cute in a way. “Okay." She smirked and went back to happily munching on her donuts. “Just don’t do it again.”

“I really wouldn't." Ed whispered to me. “She might flip out and blast you next time and trust me, she is much stronger than your Celestia.” He backed slightly “Shall we?” He motioned to the castle.

I nodded and walked toward the castle and whistled. “Oh guess what I found out last time I was training.” I said to Ed.

“What?” Ed levitated Celestia, another box of donuts.

“*BURP!* Oh my goodness… Excuse me..” Celestia said with a tint of red.

“Nice one!” One of the guards called out.

“SHUT UP KEVIN!” A collective of them yelled.

I chuckled a bit then said to Ed. “Well, every time I meet a new displaced I unlock enemies for my instant dungeons, and when I beat one of them with my grimoire equipped I unlock a new summon.” I pull out my grimoire. “So now I can summon, zombies ghosts, Timberwolves, crocodiles, manticores, cockatrices, bugbears, hydras, changelings, griffins, minotaurs, dragon teens, Diamond dogs, hellhounds, pony vampires, pony werewolves, and All the characters from dark siders one, two and three, my hero academia, black clover, full metal alchemist, Ben 10, sonic, Pokémon, Power Rangers, Steven Universe, transformers, and dragon ball.”

“Okay." Ed shrugged. “What do ya want me to do? Fight a lot of them so you can get a bunch of items again?”

I laughed and shook my head. “No, I was just telling you what I can do. Maybe later we can do that when your wife has had the kid or kids.” I said as we walked up to the gates.

“Your loss." Ed shrugged as we entered the castle.

“DONUT ME!” Celestia yelled causing some of the guards to jump to the side and fall into the moat.

“Here ya go dear.” Ed remarked nonchalantly and afterward he pulled the soaked guards up in his magic. “Sorry about that fells. She’s got cravings due to the little one.”

“No problems sir." One said as he shook off the water.

“Yea, I know how it is. Just be sure to keep her as quiet as you can in the castle.” The other added.

“I’ll do my best." Ed smiled as we went on. “Now…” He turned to the side. “Where do we go? Oh, yea have ya been keeping an eye on that siren?”

I shook my head as I feel for both princesses' ki. “I haven't, I have been busy with displaced all over. I'm thinking after this I'm going to start pressing no when someone calls me.” I turned left and pointed down the hallway. “Both Celestia and Luna are that way.”

“I know." He nodded and handed his wife another box of donuts as she belched again. "Seems Greed is rushing to meet them too. Shall we?" He evilly grinned as he trotted along.

I smirked and started running down the hallway and asked. “How about the first one there has to tell Celestia why we are here?”

“You do that.” Ed pointed at me. “I have my own to look after.” He pointed at his wife who was munching on a donut and squinting at a guard. “Haa…. she does this at home too but since she’s in disguise in another world she can get away with more. Oh no…” He looked to see her teasing them with some of the donuts and they were actually shaking a bit.

“No pony can resist Joe’s. Give me a second and hold these but don’t eat them." He levitated the donut to me as he went to get his wife. “Sunny… dear… don’t tease them while they’re on duty please.”

“But I wanna see them sweat!” She complained. “All they do is stand there!” She pranced in place.

“Okay… I asked nicely.” He looked at me and I raised an eyebrow. “You did hear me ask nicely right?” I slowly nodded.

“No more nice then.” He enveloped his wife in a red magical aura and dragged her along. She didn’t even complain and merely munched on her pastries. “Let’s go.” Ed said flatly as he walked past me and took the donuts again.

I chuckled and shook my head, then I flicked a bit to the guard that she was bugging before I followed Ed. I watched as Celestia ate donuts while floating in Ed’s magic and soon we made it to the dining room door. “We are here, say Ed can you do me a favor and magic up a cake?”

“Here just give her these." Ed levitated a specific box of pastries with Celestia’s mark on them golden from a ripple in the air. “Chocolate Bavarian Cream filled eclairs.”

“Did you get those from my stash?!” Ed's wife scowled at him.

“This is why if you ever have a kid you do your best to keep the woman carrying it happy." Ed deadpanned as he pulled another box out and gave it to her.

I chuckled and smiled. “Won't be a problem for me.” I said as I held the box and opened the door. “Hello princesses, sorry to interrupt you two, but there are a few things I need to speak with you about. Also, I bought a peace offering.”

“We come bearing new news of the cult and possible leads as well." Ed added. “Don’t mind her as she is craving donuts, thus the stack on my back.”

“I see…” Celestia said before I floated over the box I was holding and she looked inside before she set it down on the table and fidgets.

“Tell us, what news do you have sir Ed?" Luna asked while taking a donut from the box.

“Rainbow Dash mentioned seeing the symbol of the amulet painted on a wall in an abandoned building in Cloudsdale when she was younger.” Ed hopped up on a chair and pulled a new box out of his ripple thing and set it in front of Luna. “Moon pies.” He said.

“Anyways.” He looked at Celestia. “She said it was a building that a lot of the more… deviant foals hung out in.”

“Mah fu fme reed." Ed’s wife muffled through a pastry.

“Manners.” Ed scolded her. “Anyway, we also need to speak with Greed. He may have connections from his times dealing in the underworlds, or at least know some pony who does. You’re both more than welcome to question him too. With me being here as the parent stone to his and his curse caster there is no way he can lie or slither around the truth.”

Just then the door burst open with a panting Blueblood with his head down. “Auntie that monster is back!”

“Speak of the devil.” I muttered with a smirk.

“He looks terrible.” Ed’s Celestia remarked, pointing a hoof at Greed as she devoured another donut.

“Hello." Ed waved a hoof. “Nice to see you again Greed bozu.”

Greed looked up and his eyes widened. “Wha! No! My name is Blueblood, not Greed you monster!” He grit his teeth and activated his ultimate shield, becoming black with red lines. “Now that I have powers you can't take away I will have my revenge!”

I watched as he is about to rush at Ed’s Celestia but I yelled. “Greed I order you to stop right now.” He stopped and can't move. I got up and walked over to him, then I grabbed his face. “You listen here you little chickenshit. I just saved your fucking life, if you would've done what you were about to do, Ed would have destroyed you without a second thought. Actually, he wouldn't have killed you. No, knowing him, he would've made your life a living hell. Trust me when I say, never go after Ed's loved ones.” I let go of his face and walked past Ed. “He is all yours.”

“Yes, thanks." Ed hopped down from the table and trotted over to Greed. “You are free to move now.” Ed said as he brushed some fuzz off his coat. “Now let me tell you this from the start, you are absolutely a worthless piece of filth that I have no respect for. The only reason you are still alive is because I thought it would be better if you received punishment from those you sought to overthrow with absolutely worthless power you gained yourself for yourself." He stared Greed, whose shield was still active, dead in the eyes. “And if you don’t think the one who gave you these powers can’t take them away.” Suddenly the shield was deactivated. “Then you’re even stupider than I gave you credit for.”

“My own nephew." Ed’s Celestia added as she joined her husband, her entire demeanor got serious all of a sudden. “Is a hundred times stronger than you are. Even when you were an alicorn he could’ve easily beaten you without trying. Want to know his name?”

Greed glared at Ed’s Celestia. “Like I care what a freaky commoner’s name is. I am a prince and I will rule one day.” He then snorted and turned away.

“Greed you are a moron, that is Ed’s Celestia.” I said crossing my arms.

Greed froze for a moment as he slowly turned his head to see a very human-looking Celestia glaring down at him. “As I said, my nephew is much stronger than even you were and are currently and he’s still a unicorn.”

“He’s actually passed on the opportunity to ascend on multiple occasions." Ed said as she returned to his human form, his remark surprising both my princesses. “All because he wants to grow stronger than he already is in order to protect his ponies and his Kingdom. Blue is currently the head of the Canterlot guard as the Prince Captain.”

“How is that possible?! Alicorns are the pinnacle of evolution; there's nothing higher or stronger than an Alicorn!” Greed yelled.

I groaned and shook my head and pulled out the necklace. “We are getting off-topic. Greed, tell me everything you know about this.” I held up the necklace.

“Ha! I don't have to listen to you beast. Thankfully my brilliant auntie Celestia has foreseen something like this happening and gave me the order to ignore all of your orders about information, beast.” Greed laughed in my face.

“I order you to spill your guts with your own hand." Ed said darkly.

“What are you on about monster?” Greed asked before he sparked with red lightning and his left hoof lifted up, covered with his ultimate shield before punching into his own stomach. “Gah!” He coughed up blood as his hoof moved and ripped his stomach open.

“Enough." Ed ordered and Greed stopped but his eyes widened in horror at what had just happened. Ed then went around, bent down, and looked Greed in the eye as one of his bangs covered Ed’s left eye while his right showed his black sun sharingan.

“Do you get why I can order you to do anything? Because I made you. You will answer any and all questions no matter who, what, when, where, and why they are asked. You will be direct and explain in detail when asked. Do so and be forthcoming and it won’t hurt at all, don’t and the curses will activate.” He walked back over with his wife and sat down. “He’s all yours." He looked at me and my princesses.

I nodded and hold up the necklace. “I want to know everything about this, and anyone linked to it.” I said with a frown.

Greed grumbled and started talking. “That is the logo of the Canderlot secret society. They are a group of so-called nobles that think they know everything and have tried to gain more power but I only know a few of their names, not that it matters they are pathetic commoners playing at being nobles.”

“Spill!” Ed slammed his hand on the table. “There is info here and we needed it. Speak of any pegasus among them.”

Greed gritted his teeth and then winced in pain as the curses activated. “There is one true noble amongst them. Her name is Lady Scarlet Feather.” The curse effects subsided. “She… thinks she's above my aunties. She comes to court quite regularly trying to prove herself the rightful heir to the throne. She even degrades them!” He showed visible anger toward this pegasus.

“Is this all true?” Ed turned to my princesses.

Celestia and Luna nodded. “Yes, she is quite annoying but hasn't caused any trouble, yet.” Celestia said.

“What about the rest of the members? Who are they and what do they do?” I asked Greed.

“Continue." Ed looked at Greed.

“You’re already familiar with one of the lower rung members, beast." Greed hissed. “Spoiled Rich from Ponyville. She’s a bitch and the most wretched pretender amongst that circle.”

“I always thought she was trouble.” I said then asked. “Where do they meet? What do they do? And most importantly what are the other members' names?”

“Like I would tell you." He spat until the curses activated again. “RAH!” He fell over on the marble floor gargling in pain.

“Told you there’s less pain if you're forthcoming.” Ed said as he was working on his arm a bit.

Greed panted and glared at Ed then me. “I just know that they meet once a month, they have members all across Equestria, and that once you go snooping into their business you tend to disappear.”

“Hmm…” Ed looked at Greed. “Are there any amongst them that claim to have direct blood ties to the throne?”

“Just that slut of a pegasus and that mud pony from Ponyville.” Greed said and all three princesses gasp.

I walked over to him and made my fingers grow into sharp points before I stabbed his side. “No cursing in front of ladies, or next time I'll castrate you.” I pulled my hand out of his side and walked back to Ed.

“Does Scarlet Feather constantly brag about her family being direct descendants? And have either of you ever seen her husband?” Ed asked my princess and they both nodded and then shook their heads at the perspective questions. “Del, I need you to go down to Ponyville and try and snag a couple of Diamond Tiara’s hairs or something with her DNA on it.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Why Diamond’s? Most of the fan theories say Spoiled is a stepmother, not her blood mother.” I asked Ed. “I could just get a hair from both, won't be hard.”

“Get some from her father too then." Ed said. “I have a theory.”

I nodded and used my golden claws to head back to Ponyville. Once there I looked around and float up till I could spot the Rich family home. I headed over to it and once close enough I felt inside for ki signatures, once I find they were all on the ground floor I enter an empty I.D. and headed inside through a window.

I looked around and found I was in Diamond’s room. I pick up a brush that has some hair on it and put it in my inventory and then I went into the hall and saw a golem. “Shit!” I jumped back as it attacked me and I used bind on it. “Not good, time to hurry up.” I use transformation jujitsu to make myself look like a pony.

I ran down the hallway checking doors till I find the master bedroom where I saw a whole board of information and notes nailed to it. “Huh, well she won't be needing this.” I took it all into my inventory and when I heard stomping I quickly exited the I.D. back to the real world.

I looked around not seeing anyone so I grabbed another brush and a comb. The door opened and I looked and saw a mad Filthy Rich. “Bye.” I used the Golden Tiger Claws to make a portal and escaped through it.

I landed in front of Ed before the portal closed, and everyone heard Filthy Rich yelling. “Get back here you thief!” I stood up and smirked as I give Ed the brushes and comb.

“Did ya have to provoke him?” Ed raised an eyebrow. “The guy is usually a decent pony.”

I shrugged and broke the transformation. “I couldn't help it, he opened the door and spotted me, but two things, first off there was a golem inside the illusionary space of their house, meaning someone in that house knows about the illusionary barriers. Second, I only came out of the illusionary space after I found this in the master bedroom.” I pulled out the board and notes and lay them on the table.

“Also I think Spoiled must have told him someone was in the house because before I went inside all three of them and their butler were on the ground floor.” I crossed my arms.

“Give me those." Ed said and I handed over what I took besides the info. “Let’s see here." Ed took a few hairs from the brushes and comb. Above his left palm came a ball of white flames.

“First we use a spell from our dear friend Clover the Clever." He took a hair from the brush I took from the master bedroom. “Celestia, would you mind donating a couple of your own hairs and dropping one in the flame?” He looked at my Celestia.

Celestia snorted and used her magic to pluck a hair before she dropped it into the fire. “I doubt that there will be a match, I've only had one child throughout my life and he is dead.”

“This test isn’t just for direct relation.” Ed noted. “It's for any relation, even across generations. But I hope you're right about this one." He said as he dropped the hair he pulled from the brush into the fire and it turned a bright red. “That’s good news. Spoiled isn’t related to you at all."

He closed his palm and quenched the flames and then repeated the action with Diamond’s brush. Celestia again played her part and Ed dropped Diamond’s hair in and this time the flames turned blue. “As I thought. Diamond Tiara is your direct descendant, meaning her father is as well.”

Celestia stared at the flame. “B..but how? My son died before he could have children and I know I didn't have any others.”

I bit my lip and looked at Ed. “Well.. there is a chance...he isn't dead.”

“Remember what I told you at the castle earlier.” Ed dispeled the flames. “If they have changelings then they can keep him in a sort of suspended animation-like state when kept in one of the changeling cocoons. He’d already have a prolonged lifespan, being your son, and if kept in a cocoon it’d be even longer." Celestia was thinking this over but was obviously still untrusting. “You don’t believe then have Luna perform the test on some of her own hair. The flames would be yellow seeing as she wouldn’t be directly related.”

Celestia sighed and got up. “I want that spell you used human, if I have family out there I want to find them.” She then left the dining hall.

“Please forgive my sister she must be heartbroken.” Luna said then she bowed her head slightly.

“No worries Luna, I understand she is feeling down, but honestly testing everyone for blood relations is a bad idea. All that will do is make it easier for the cult to cause chaos.” I said.

“I’m afraid so.” Ed added as he reached into the ripple and pulled out an old pony book and floated it over to Luna. “I hate that I have given her hope only for her to again be kept from her boy by that very same hope. But we can’t afford to let the cult know that you both are aware of them and their blood ties to you both. I will leave the book of Clover’s spells with you and only you will be able to read it.”

“Ed." His Celestia motioned to Greed, who was lightly sneaking away.

“You will stop and turn around.” Greed stopped and did an about-face. “You will say nothing about this meeting to any creature and are not allowed to tell Celestia any of what has transpired after she left."

Greed grumbled but nodded. I chuckled with a smirk. “This is almost as good as putting that necklace from Inuyasha on him, now that would be hilarious.”

“Nice idea.” Ed snickered as he snapped and said necklace of enchanted beads appeared around Greed's neck. “Again only You, your sister, and Del can command him but just to show you how this item works. Sit boy!” Ed commanded.

“I am n-” Was all Greed could say until he slammed his own face into the floor.

“It will also work-” Ed is interrupted by Greed.

“You bastard!” Greed yelled as he staggered to stand up.

“If you just say sit.” Ed smirked as Greed slammed his face down again.

I started laughing my ass off and fall over. “Oh god, that is fucking hilarious.”

“He’ll dig a pit with his face if ya say it enough." He smirked as Luna was doing her best to contain her laughter.

Greed stood up with a bloody nose. “You will pay for this! I am not some filthy mud pony!” He stomped a hoof and ran out of the room.

I smirked and turned to luna while holding the door open. “It also works even when you can’t see him, Sit boy.” We all hear him slam into the ground and groan in pain.

“Also as punishment for racism SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT!” Ed said repeatedly as several thuds were then heard from the hallway. “It only works within a certain range but as long as he hears it he’ll have to obey it.”

I chuckled and snuck one of Luna’s moon pies. “Seeing as we have covered the cult, I have a question for you Luna.” I asked as I took a bite.

“I’m ducking." Celestia said as she ducked under the table and I was hit in the face with a magical boot.

-200 points

“Ow...ok why was I attacked?” I asked as I sat up and rubbed my face.

“You stole a Moon Pie.” Ed said nonchalantly as another boot nailed me in the face. “She’s just like her sister when it comes to her sweets even though they do have differing tastes.” I looked over and saw Luna with her cheeks puffed out.

-200 points

I frowned and rolled my eyes before I pointed at the large box. “I only took one, there is still a full box. But fine I’ll get you more later.”

“Here." Ed brought forth a few boxes. “Now back to the other reason we’re here. Ask before she throws another boot, or an anchor next time.”

I rubbed my face. “Where did she even get them?” I muttered then shook my head. “Would you mind if I took the old castle?”

“He wants a place of his own.” Ed shrugged. “Only natural for an eligible bachelor to have a Bachelor’s pad.” He smirked while Celestia giggled.

Luna thought about it and then nodded her head. “So long as you return anything that you may find that belongs to us, I don't see why not.”

“Cool thanks, I’m sure you will love what I do with the place.” I said with a grin.

“Has your sister noticed the stone is missing?” Ed looked at Luna.

Luna shook her head. “No, but she has been busy with day court.” She then showed she still has it on her.

“Don’t ever take it off." Ed stood up. “I have it enchanted to immediately return to you if it’s not on you for more than an hour, but still don’t take it off.” Ed stepped over to the window. “Things in this are much worse than I’d originally thought.”

“Yeah. Oh, and Luna I will want to make some plans with you later, I’m sure you will know where to meet me.” I chuckled as I walked over to Ed. “Alright the castle is mine, we talked about the cult and even have a few of their plans, what next?”

“We go back to the castle and find a location to bring it where we won’t draw a lot of attention then we refurbish it to better suit you.” Ed turned and looked at me. “We go over the plans you found. I’d feel better if you were there when we did that Princess.” He looked at Luna.

Luna nodded. “I will wait for your call sir Ed, Young deltorix, and Princess Celestia.” She said to each of us.

I gave her a thumbs up. “Right, we won't be long I think. Ok Ed, let's get me a castle.” I chuckled.

“Already there.” Ed smirked.

I looked around and saw the old castle surrounding us. “Damn you and your batman bullshit.” I grumbled, upset that I can't be that cool. “Ok, so we got the castle, next is rebuilding it and making a floating island for it.”

“No, first we move it to a discreet location so as to not cause mass panic and get your ass in any more hot water than it's already in." Ed flicked my nose.

I grumbled and rubbed my nose. “Fine, we could use an illusionary barrier, and then once everything is finished we can use illusion magic to make most of it invisible while we move it somewhere over the ocean.” I suggested with a shrug. “But hey I may be an idiot, my strength stat is more than double my intelligence.”

“Or we could use the Badlands outside the door." Celestia pointed.

I looked out the door and saw the badlands. “Well, I guess that works.” I walked out the door and looked around. “Hey Ed, do you need any golems to help? I'm trying to level the skill up, if not can I borrow one of your clones so I can spend the time making golems and your clone is destroying them?”

Ed shrugged. “I don’t need any help to create. I’m really the only one who can do this but you can have your golems move your equipment out of the castle so it doesn’t get damaged.” He looked out over the Badlands. “I hate this place. Sure you can borrow fission Ed.”

Fission was snoozing in the far corner as a snot bubble steadily rose and fell.

I looked around and scratch my head. “It's just a desert, and thanks.” I placed my hand on the ground and make five dragon-like golems with glowing red face holes. They walk into the castle and I stood up and watched.

Celestia walked up next to me. “You need to be more conscious of what you say to my husband.”

I looked at Celestia and nodded. “Yeah I know, but I can be a dumbass at times, anyway the hardest thing to move will be my forge as it has a time dilation field put on it by Professor paradox.”

“I was referring to your comment about this desert.” She scowled at me. “Ed created our Badlands back home when he first lost control of his powers. He consumed all life energy and magic to the point nothing will ever grow there and it will never recover. He gained the title, ‘The Crimson Butcher’.” She sighed. “That’s why he hates this place so much. As for the forge, have Fission move it.” Celestia walked away.

I sighed and rubbed my neck. “Um, Fission Ed, could you move my forge please?” I asked.


“Ah… wha… Oh yea sure thing.” Fission Ed hopped to his feet and walked over to the forge. He rubbed his chin. “Time dilation field aye. No prob here." He cracked his knuckles as a silver spell matrix formed behind him. “Arc of Time: Chrono Bubble!” A black and gray bubble appeared around my forge and Fission Ed picked it up with ease and moved it out of the castle. “I hate this fucking place!” I heard him from outside.

I walked with him. “I've heard. After you're done moving that, would you mind helping me level up my golem crafting skill by destroying the golems as I make them?” I asked him.

Fission Ed shrugged as he finished moving the forge. I smiled and placed my hand on the ground and made a golem. “Thanks for your help.”

“It’s why I'm here." Fission scratched his cheek. “Anyways, if ya want to level up ya better get started. The original will have your island done in less than three minutes.”

“Well, start destroying, my other golems will be here soon.” I said as I looked at my golem next to me.

Fission Ed walked up to the raising his left hand in the form of a karate chop. All I could make out was a quick white crescent and a quick zipping hum. My golems then fill apart in two halves on the ground. What was surprising was that the surfaces of the two halves were completely smooth with a mirror finish.

“Wow, that is impressive.” I said as I made another golem.

“It’s called the vibration chop. Basically, you vibrate your arm at ultrasonic speeds and it cuts through just about anything like a knife through butter.” Fission Ed explained. “Believe it or not it’s one that our dear friend Blueblood came up with back in my world.” He then buried his left hand in the golem and it exploded outward as if he placed dynamite in it. “That is called the concussion first musically you make a small bowl of compressed air with your magic and then crush it once you place your fist in their gut, another Blue’s own technique..”

“That was cool, oh here comes the rest.” I said as the other four golems come over. I made another and smiled as the five golems stand around Fission Ed. We continued making and destroying golems for a while until Ed finished creating the floating island.

“I’ll finish this in one go." Fission Ed reeled backward and a sword blade sprang from his right arm. He slung his arm forward and the blade shot out in links to wrap around all five golems. Fission Ed pulled his arm back and pulled in the slack of his weapon ensnaring the golems. With another quick tug, he shattered them all.

“They won’t be at that for long.” Ed said as he created around ten clones. “You all know what to do. First, we make the islands then we put the castle on to the main one.” The clones nodded and all spread out and immediately went to work creating the sky-bound islands. A few moments went by and then Ed came over. “The islands are made. We moved the castle. Now, all that needs to be done is to put on them what you want and begin remodeling the castle to its former glory.”

I smiled and nodded. “Well I was thinking the castle will be the main building in the middle and have an elevator or something to get to my lab inside the island, then around the castle would be a wall. Outside the wall would be a city that has everything needed to keep it alive as well as some entertainment areas like a carnival area with a roller coaster.” I told Ed as I made six golems that seem better made.

“Okay.” Ed made several more clones and then dispelled one. “Get to work!” He ordered.

“Sir!” The Ed army all flew off as did the castle.

“They’ll be busy for a few minutes." Ed looked at me as he fused with his fission. “More golem destruction then?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I want to level it up enough for one of my projects I had in mind.” I said as I stepped away from the golems.

“You line them up I’ll knock them down.” Ed said as several swords appeared in the air above us. “Might want to move back so ya don’t get hit." Ed scratched his neck. I nodded and moved back, once I was a good ways back Ed destroyed the golems with a barrage of swords.

I smiled and made seven more golems. “Alright this is working, the more I make the faster I level up the skill.” I ordered the golems to move over to the shooting range.

“Just don’t push yourself." Celestia said in a bit of a worried tone.

“I think he’ll be okay Tia.” Ed said as we moved to the range.

“Yeah, the worst thing that will happen is I run out of MP and I just need to wait.” I told her as Ed destroyed the golems and I made more.

“The fact that you have a sage stone equipped means you won’t run out of mana anytime soon either.” Ed added.

“That's true, and I'm not even using that much magic.” I said then we fell into a routine of Ed destroying the golems and then me making them. We continued doing this a few times before Ed lifted his hand and stopped me from making another batch of golems.

“Come see your islands.” Ed motioned to the sky.

I looked over and grinned. “Holy cow it's huge! If I had to guess, I'd say New York could fit on it.” I said as I started floating up to see it from above.

“I told ya I could make it big." Ed smirked. “I have the clones placing the equipment outside the castle. Do ya want to completely revamp the castle into your own thing or the way they had it a thousand years ago?” We touched down on the main island.

I took out my art book and draw a castle thankful I have put time into my drawing skill. Then I showed Ed the drawing adding some illusion magic to it for color. "I would like this please.”

“Big, blue, pointy, and medial as all hell." Ed smirked. “Yea I can do that." He remarked as he held up his left hand as a silver spell matrix formed behind him. “Arc of Creation: Paradigm Revolution." Ed said as he shot a beam of red magic at the center of the island. Soon the massive castle I’d shown my friend formed from the ground up. As the magic died down Ed shook his sizzling and smoking hand.

“Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot.” He blew on his hand. “I left the Sister’s castle intact over there.” He pointed to the old castle that was being renovated by several clones to its former glory. “That way if they come to stay they’ll have somewhere familiar.”

I nodded and smiled. “They both look amazing, thanks Ed.” I walked over to my castle and smiled at it. “I’m guessing the entrance to my lab is in the castle right?”

“We’ll have to find where ya want to put the entrance first and then we’ll have to hollow out a space for it.” Ed said as we walked forward. “I’m thinking we use dimensional space magic.”

“Ooo sounds cool, so are we gonna do some time lord shit?” I asked as we walked into the castle. I looked around and use seismic sense to get a good idea of what was inside the castle then I pointed to the throne room. “How about we do the thing where I push a button on the throne and it takes me down to the lab or a second button to open up a larger elevator so I can bring guests.”

“No, a little bit more extreme than Doctor Who.” Ed smirked. “But we can make it where you can bring others in as long as it’s you that brings them in. My clones brought your stuff up." He pointed. “Now, let’s get inside and see where you want your entrance.”

I nodded and as I took a step I started to fall forward. Ed saw this and quickly moved to catch me. “Easy, ya need to take it slow. The air is much thinner up here so steady until your lungs are used to it.”

I shook my head and looked around. “That is odd, with gamer's body I shouldn't be affected like a normal person.” I said as I checked my stats and saw there is a debuff.

Debuff: low oxygen environment.
This debuff will make the affected player trip at random intervals. The effect will last until the affected enter an oxygen-rich environment.

“Well shit, think you could add in an environment shield thing for the whole city that I am not under this debuff?” I asked Ed while showing him the screen with illusion magic.

“I can do that for the buildings but I won’t do it for the main open areas.” Ed said. “If ya have any creature stupid enough to fight it’ll make it that much hard on your enemies. Think of this as training. Asta went through much worse under his own breathing training.” He smirked as he left me and walked on with his wife.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. “Oh sure, I can train myself not to get debuffs." I said with sarcasm. "I don't work like normal people! There's a chance I can get an immunity for being this high up but I have to stay out there constantly.” I said as I tried to follow them and tripped at random times so I started floating.

“Seeing as how I don’t have patience for this." Ed sighed as he vanished and reappeared above me, placing a hand on my back then we were at the doors to the castle and I could walk normally again. “There we go.”

“Thanks, now that the Debuff is gone I can actually walk on my own.” I shook my head and made a plan to make tunnels between buildings.

“Alright so how do you want the interior of this place to look?” Ed asked while we walked through empty hallways of black shimmering stone.

I looked at the walls and smile. “Well I like the walls, but I'm thinking of having golems lining the place for protection. As for stuff like furniture, honestly, I'm not that picky, so long as it looks nice, and works I don't care.” We walked into the throne room after a bit.

“The walls are actually made of solid black diamond with a vibranium wire infusion.” Ed tapped on the nearest wall. “Nearly indestructible to the point that only proto-adamantium can even pierce them. As for the golem due you want some elites like the stuff my arm is made of?”

“I would love to use that stuff, I just need to level up my skill enough so I can have an army of golems.” I said. I walked up to where the throne would go and then look around. “As for the elevator, I was thinking the first one will be where the throne is in the second one right about over there.” I pointed a few feet away from the steps up to the throne.

“Alchemy is the only way to shape this material other than superheating it but you can only produce the liquid form of proto-adamantium the first time around.” Ed explained as several piles of ingots formed. “What we’re going to do is create vibranium and uru fibers into a mesh skeletal weave then we'll dip the piece of the weave in the liquid metal. After that, we put the golems together and add these.” He held up a bright blue glowing stone.

“Minor Sage stones similar to yours but not nearly as powerful to act as the beating hearts of your elite golems. Enchanted so they’ll die if taken from the golem and so no creature can replicate them. One last piece of the puzzle. “He looked at me. “You have any loose beskar I can have?”

I nodded and started pulling out bar after bar of pure beskar till I have a square stack that is five feet high. “That enough or do you need more?” I asked him. I also walked over to the ingots and use analyze on them.

“This is more than enough." Ed smirked as he picked one of the ingots up and placed it in his ripple in the air along with most of the rest of it except for four of them. He then detached his right arm and left leg using his shadows to temporarily replace them. “All right time for my upgrades." He smirked as he clapped his hands together and used alchemy to fuse the beskar with his arm and leg before finally reattaching them via shadows. “Mmm...” He opened and closed his hand. “Feels right." He smirked at me.

I chuckled and smirked. “Couldn’t make your own Beskar huh? Well enjoy it, so what next? And if you don't need the rest of this.” I started putting the beskar bars back into my inventory.

“Now I can." Ed looked at me. “I couldn’t before because I didn’t know what the natural version was like. I can make all sorts of improvised magical versions but at the end of the day all they really are are knock-offs that don’t compare to the real deal.” He held out his hand and I noticed it looked more detailed, even with claws at the ends of the fingertips.

“And now that the beaker is in my vault it has been enhanced to heroic standards making anything it’s forged into a legendary class heroes item. I plan on using it on your golems to make them hero-class fighters all on par with the sisters here." He laughed evilly. “They’ll be more than a match for your Celestia when I’m done with them. HAHAHAHAHA!!!”

“He’s got that look in his eyes again.” Celestia sighed

I looked at Celestia. “Why do I have a feeling that he goes all mad scientist whenever he gets something new to play with?” I asked her.

“Ed is first and foremost an alchemist, doctor, mage, and scientist." Celestia sighed. “In that regard, he is very much like our dear niece and student Twilight Sparkle but with much more freedom to experiment but at the same time more of a moral high ground to where he won’t test them on living creatures without asking them or making sure that what he’s doing won’t save them. He does so by using himself as the guinea pig as he knows he can still live after it”

She looked at her husband. “But you are correct in the fact that he is basically a mad scientist when it comes to these sorts of things, especially when he knows it's for a good reason and that there are no limits to what he can experiment with when there is no life involved.”

I chuckled a bit. “Well let him have his fun, I wonder if he remembers I can only control ten golems at a time.”

“Ed is more than likely going to go completely overboard and give them subroutines and anything else he may think is necessary." Celestia sighed. “A little-known fact is that Ed can actually be somewhat prophetic. He uses his Arc of Time to travel into the future to see things that might happen if things are left as they are. The drawback to this power is he can't use it in our world to do this.”

“I see, well try to get him to program these passphrases in programming into each of them. I'd rather have them programmed in and I plan on programming them in my golems when I get good enough.” I ask her while writing down the code words, and what the golems should do. Then I handed them to her. “He would listen to you, while he may just ignore me too focused on his work.”

“I’ll do that but he’ll still listen to anyone.” Celestia took the paper. “Especially if it's for the work he’s doing.” She smirked and then there was an explosion in front of us and more manically laughter. “Just don’t… stand too close to him.”

I looked over and shook my head. “Oh boy, why do I have the feeling he and I could both save the universe and doom it at the same time if we were left in a lab together?”

“The man has the power to become a void dweller but can’t due to his connection with one born from the void itself Deltorix." Celestia sighed. “He absolutely hates Truth and that’s one of his primary sources of power. Ed has told me several times he’d give all his power, even his immortality to sever that connection and live life as a normal human with us.”

I sighed and crossed my arms. “I see, well I’m sure he has his power for a reason. But one day I can tell he will be human again and grow old with you and Luna.” I whisper softly. Then I walked over and sat on the steps.

“That day will never come.” Ed said behind me. “I’ve lived too long and taken too much damage to the point that my original body has turned to ash, even this body I have now isn’t real.” He remarked. “It’s actually just a puppet my core controls from outside of it.”

I looked behind me. “Maybe, but who knows the future.” I smile softly. “Maybe you can have a new human body later, but enough of that. How are the golems coming along?”

“Your elites are done and I input your commands." He thumbed over his shoulder.

I smirked and nodded. “Good, and now.” I held out my hand and Ed shook it, transferring control of the golems to me. “Done, next is the lab entrance right?”

“Sure." He shrugged as we headed for the main hall.

“I had to ask this but do you think using my keyblade to get to the Fullmetal Alchemist universe will force me to go through Truth's area?” I asked Ed as we walked.

“Normally I would say no." Ed looked at me a bit of disgust in his eyes. “but due to the fact that you have close ties to me and your powers of alchemy directly come from mine, there is a very high probability for that reason I do not recommend going there without me to face the Truth.”

I rubbed my chin. “Think there's anything I could use as payment other than souls or body parts?” I asked him. “I know you hate your Truth but what are the chances your Truth is the same one from the Fullmetal Alchemist universe?”

“Truth only accepts what Truth wants.” Ed crossed his arms. “In other words… it decides what you’ll pay and you don't have a say in it whatsoever. I used to be able to pay the toll for others but Truth no longer accepts my payment system as sufficient…”

Celestia came up and whispered to me. “Please stop…”

I nodded and got an idea. “Hey Ed, have you ever had a chance to study a lantern ring and battery?” I asked him.

“No." He sighed. “But that’s after we get your base set up.”

I sighed and scratch my head. “Well, I can let you borrow my orange lantern battery and ring to study when you leave, if you want.”

“We’ll see." Ed said as we reached the throne room. The entire room was made of the same black sparkling stone as the rest of the castle. On the far side was a place for a throne atop a series of moderate stoops. “Now comes one of my favorite parts of decorating a castle." I looked at him with a raised brow. “The throne and overall accents."

I nodded and took out my art book and draw a thrown while using illusion magic to add color. “How about this?”

“As you wish." Ed smirked as he slammed a hand down on the floor and the entire room became adorned in white marble and accents in which varieties of gold sculptings. From the ceiling, blue silks garlands with gold embroideries flowed across from atop white marble columns to the other side of the room. The throne was made of a blue meta with royal blue upholstery with gold silk accents. The most notable feature was the large gold dragon statue above the throne.

“This what ya had in mind?” Ed asked.

“It is perfect.” I said and walked around looking at everything. “It still amazes me how good you are at alchemy. I mean I'm not even seeing the telltale signs of transportation, you know those little square stretch mark things that you see on the show.”

“I have been doing alchemy for the better part of my life as a displaced.” Ed commented. “When you have to maintain automail limbs and make your own parts in a time well before modern technologies to make them you have to get good at stuff so it’ll last longer. Sure I first create the raw material with Arc of Creation but the details and refinements come from my baser instincts of alchemical sculpting.”

“Sounds tough at first.” I said then sat down on the throne. “So what next?” I asked him. I am surprised by four pop-ups.

Congratulations for finishing [Fable 3]
By finishing this game you can sacrifice the saved data for that game for a reward
Would you like to sacrifice your saved data?
Yes? No?

“Huh? That was fast, they must have speed run the game.” I said and pressed yes on all four. And in a flurry of pixels a sword, war hammer, flintlock pistol, and flintlock rifle appear.

“Looks like they went all out.” Ed reached for the sword and a shock strikes his hand burning away his palm. “Touchy thing isn’t it?” He smirked as his hand regenerated.

I chuckled as I pick up the sword and it glowed slightly. “They are the hero weapons from fable three, I think they are linked to me. If they were linked to you, they would fully evolve in a second.” I laughed a bit. Then put each of the weapons into my inventory.

“True but now that I’ve seen them.” He smirked. "They're in my weapons vault.”

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. “Lucky you, say do you have any kyber crystals?” I asked him as I finished putting away the weapons.

“Why do you need a kyber crystal?” Ed asked nonchalantly.

I shrugged and said. "I have this idea for a lightsaber with every color blade, and I plan on going to the star wars universe someday.” I looked over at him. “And I would rather save my money than buy one if I can.”

“You do know that’s an impossible task right.” Ed raised an eyebrow. “To have every lightsaber color you need an ability like mine or The King of Heroes. Those are not things that can be gained easily either.” His arm popped open and he pulled a darksaber like hilt.

Ed ignited his blade and it was black with a crimson outline. “My master and I designed this one together, though I made the crystal that is inside it. If we go by legends standards you make just about any type of crystal into a lightsaber crystal but if you use a kyber crystal even in legends it’s a living thing that chooses you. We can build you a saber and you can use whatever crystal you want till you can find your crystal through the force.”

I nodded and sighed. “I see, well damn so much for my idea, and I didn’t know the kyber crystals are alive.” I scratched my chin. “May be troublesome to find one that likes me then.”

“Very much so.” Ed nodded as he put his saber back in his arm. “You’ll find one eventually but first we have a lab to build.” He pointed out.

“Yeah, I know.” I stretched and smirked. “Think you could do something like a mix of doctor who and warehouse 13? Bigger on the inside but when it needs to it will grow without growing on the outside.” I asked and explained to Ed.

“Do I travel in a big red train?” Ed deadpanned

I rolled my eyes. “Ok smart ass, let's get to work. I’m sure your other wife is missing you and I want to get my lab.” I rubbed my hands together.

“Let’s do this." Ed motioned to the throne. We walked up the steps. He then walked up to in between the statues and went over and stopped at the statue to the right as you came up to the chair and pushed down on it. I saw the dragon statue come to life with glowing eyes and then it opened its mouth with smoke coming from its nostrils. Growling it extended its neck and looked at us both then quickly ate us to my surprise. It was dark for a moment and then we were in a long silver hallway, like from the X-men movies.

“Putting the entrance in the statue was the best way to keep it hidden." Ed smirked. “And to any creature that tries to find it will either be scared off or end up fighting a golem. What ya think of those plans?”

“Pretty impressive, I wouldn't have thought of that.” I looked around and grinned. “I especially like the X-Men-like hallway.”

“Wait till the next part." Ed smirked as the three of us walked and he stopped and faced the wall. “Tell me what you see?” He motioned to the wall.

I looked it over and then look at Ed with a raised eyebrow. “Is just a shiny wall, like the rest of the hallway.”

“Exactly.” Ed smirked as he reeled his hand back and with a karate chop, sliced into the wall opening up a space inside of it. “This is where your lab will be. Inside the wall itself, literally in the space between the molecules.” He smirked.

I blinked surprised and confused. “Alright, but how will I get in without you? I don't know how to cut things that small.”

“Technically I'm not cutting anything.” He held up two fingers and in between them was a small silverish-clear stone. “It’s a dimension in between stone, or pocket stone. It’s an artifact that gives you access to the space in between things in solid objects and the best part is there is practically no limit to how much stuff you can put in here." He dropped in my paw. “Also, as long as you have it on you can access these types of spaces almost anywhere in anything except living things. Instant hideaway if ya need it. Though you can still be found with the right spells and abilities when they’re used together but no singular method can find you otherwise.”

“Wow, thanks. Just to be clear, I can access my lab from anywhere so long as I have the stone I need to go specifically here to access my lap?” I asked him as I put the stone in my inventory.

“No, you have to come here to access it." Ed said bluntly. “Every time you’re using the stone on something you’re accessing the space of what you’re cutting into, not this specific space. You are literally going inside of the object you’re accessing.”

“Ah, I see, well I’ll be sure to remember that. Let’s add my lap equipment in there and set up the stargate making device and then discuss what I found with Luna. After that, you two can head home.” I said as I walked into the lap.

"No arguments from me." Ed fully agreed as he pulled a small blue pouch from his belt. He set it on the floor and opened it up to be as wide as a small TV. He then summoned several clones. "We'll leave the lifting and moving to the boys. After I set up your machine for the gates we can meet Luna. Make a clone to yell at the others where to put stuff." I did as instructed while he set up the Stargate.