• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,617 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

  • ...

Chapter 7

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with both The golden eyed sage and The Equestrian anti-magic knight

I look at all the ex-prisoners and see the changeling and look up at my new pet. “Hey little guy; are you able to make liquid love that a changeling can feed on?”

"Insufficient emotional energy for the process," Parrot Ed squawked. "Only fear and anger are present enough for the requested action."

I think for a minute then look to Luna. “Luna would you mind calling Princess Cadence? I need her help for a minute.”
"Are you sure it's a good idea," Asta asked.

I look at Asta then whisper to him. “We are early enough in the timeline she should still be herself and I plan on helping the changelings became better.”

"If you need love then you'll need this," Ed held up a glowing pink stone.

I look at it and take it gently while using observe.

Object: Mage’s Stone of Love
This magic stone was developed by Edward to replace the Philosopher Stone as a source of power. It is made of high condensed love magic and is almost inexhaustible. When used by it's perspective Princess; the Stone glows brightly and amplifies the princess's power up to one thousand fold. When used by anyone else it can influence the heart of the one you feel true love for, bringing the two closer together but it can't force love upon anyone.
Creator: Edward Elric
Rarity: Legendary

My eyes widen and I nod extremely thankful. “Thanks Ed I assume you’ll want this back,” I look at my pet and say. “This enough love? Just make enough to help that changeling to heal and get her strength back and keep a eye on her vitals; if she starts taking too much stop her, I don’t want her getting sick from eating too much too fast.”

"Wait for Cadence to get here Del. Parrot Ed can't proccess love when it's that condensed," Ed for warned. "Or do you want the bird to explode?"

I shake my head quickly. “Hell no the little guy is growing on me. Fine I’ll wait.” I sit down next to Ed, and look over at Asta then back to Ed. “Hey Ed; when are you in your timeline and are you from a Anthro or quadrupedal universe?”

"Mostly anthro. They’re mainly human but have tails, wings, and horns. Their skin tones are a little based off the ponies fur color but not by much." Ed wrapped a bandage around a pony’s arm. "As for the time line, it a little screwy. The empire is missing but Discord is free, Cadence and her hubby are looking for it at the moment."

I rub my chin then look to Ed. “Can’t you just track the magic signature of the crystal heart? And if it is still missing from when Sombra made it disappear it’s most likely in a shadow realm type of place. At least that’s what a lot of fans theorized what happened to the Crystal Empire when Sombra made it disappear in the show.” I tell him and watch him help and I decide to help and make shadow clones that go around using water bending and medical ninjutsu to help others.

"Not my place to find it kid," Ed said as he kept working. "If I did than how would Twilight learn?"

I shrug and say. “It’s your choice, say Ed. Have you run into changelings? I’m hoping I can convince Chrysalis to make a peace treaty with Equestria rather than invade it, but the only thing I can really offer them are theories and ideas; plus I don’t know what the personality of this version of her is like or even if there’s more than one hive in this Equestria.”

“What I’m trying to say is can you tell give me any advice on how to approach her or any other hive that could exist.” I look to Ed as he finishes up with a Griffin.

"Keep a close eye on Cadence for starters, have someone or thing watch her like a hawk," Ed said. "Preferably only someone you trust. Also try and come at it from her point of view. Changeling are largely discriminated against due to their appearance and because of that; they do what they do to survive. Chrysalis is only trying to feed her starving subject, FYI; they'll most likely be her subjects not her children. Find a way to integrate them into the ponies society in small group around Equestria," He tightened a bandage around a pegasus's wing.

"OW! Sore there buddy," she complained.

"Sorry but it's necessary, "Ed apologized before turning back to me. "Have like minded individuals that aren’t afraid to speak their minds and take action on both side for the go betweens. And since this is your plan, meet with Chrysalis yourself regularly and even take on a changeling bodyguard."

I think it over and nod. “Yeah that’s the way I always saw it, after all; the show is from the ponies’ point of view so of course anyone that is invading is changed to look more villainous.” I look over as the door opens and I see Cadence then get a idea and say quietly. “D-link Rarity.”

Mi Amore Cadenza/Cadence
Level: 59

But a huge transparent image of Rarity appears behind me and then fades into me and everyone can see it.

"What the hell was that?" Asta blurted out.

I look around and see everyone looking at me and chuckle sheepishly. “Um...a D-link?” As I look around I can see everyone’s measurements and instantly know what would look best on them.

"Don't pry little brother," Ed scolded Asta. "Princess of the Moon and Princess of Love in bound. Oh and you don't have to worry about Celestia removing my curses. I'm the only one who can lift them, she's nowhere near strong enough anyways."

I look at Princess Luna and Princess Cadence as they come closer and get their measurements, I then smile as the D-link deactivates. “Ah hello princesses nice to meet you.” I say to Cadence.

"Hentai," Asta said as he passed with medical supplies.

I look over at asta with a raised eyebrow and say. “I thought you had a marefriend?”

"I have two," he replied as he handed out supplies.

I shake my head at Asta’s silliness and look to the princesses. “The reason I asked for you is for you to help me heal this changeling over here.” I wave my hand at her as she is laying down trying to not get sick from the negative emotions.

"The stone," Ed remained me.

I roll my eyes and hold it up. “I got it right here.”

Princess Cadence looks over and flinches but the nods. “Yes I’ll do my best to help it.”

I get up and we go over to her and say. “Ok little guy how do we do this?” To my pet.

I gave Cadence the stone and began to glow extremely bright that it was almost blinding. Parrot Ed spread his wings and absorbed the light as he was a solar panel. The light died enough to where we could see again, I looked to my bird and on his back were three vials of bright pink glowing liquid love.

I reach down and take the vials and say. “You ok little buddy?” Then I give one of them to the changeling who sniffs it then her eyes widen and starts drinking it quickly.

"Full capacity," He said as if he'd eaten a full meal.

I think for a moment and say. “So long as you’re not hurt, if you need to rest, you can.”

I then watch the changeling lick the inside of the vial.

"I can produce up to twenty-seven more vials," Parrot Ed squawked.

“Alright do so; so long as it doesn’t hurt you.” I tell him then give the changeling another vial.

"Did he explain that he doesn't feel pain," Ed raised an eyebrow. Parrot Ed in the meantime sat out one glowing vial after another.

“If he did I forgot, I just don’t want to over work him.” I explain and pick up the vials and put them in my inventory to keep them safe and give the last of the original three to the changeling.

"He's made of thousands of nanomachines that use magic," Ed deadpanned. "Made of Uru, proto-adamantium and vibranium. Pretty much indestructible."

“Yeah well...shut up. I didn’t know that, geez.” I turn back to the changeling to see she is fully healed and her front left leg is growing back.

“Wow I didn’t see that coming, are you all good?” I ask her.

She looks herself over and nods smiling a bit. “I...I didn’t think I’d live to see the sun again or my hive but you gave me that chance. I will deliver your request to meet my queen when I return to the hive.”

Ed walked over to Cadence and looked at her. "Are you enjoying using my Stone?"

I look over at her and see she is looking over her eyes wide. “There’s so much love in this stone how is it possible?”

“It was made using a method that took me many lifetimes to develop,” Ed said with a soft smile. “In a sense you take a little from here and there from everyone one around you and gather it all in to one place while also adding magic to it.”

“Amazing!” She smiles. “Just don’t let Twilight Sparkle see this or she won’t let it go without understanding it.” She adds with a giggle while handling the stone back to Ed.

"You can keep it," Ed returned the stone to Cadence. "It was made for some who knows love, and who will use it to spread love. I never needed it as I found the women that have my heart long ago."

She smiles and nods. “Thank you sir you are very kind.”

“Hey Ed; did you and Asta already give the evidence to Luna?” I ask as I look through my inventory.

"I gave the documents we found to Celestia and that's it," Ed turned to me.

“Alright, then I think it’s time we go do some training.” I pull something out of my inventory then I walk over to get Asta.

"Not before we give Luna the other stuff we found Del," Asta interrupted "Here you are princess." Asta pulled out his Grimoire and start to hand Luna the numerous tomes and other things we'd found.

"Sorry but I don't trust your sister or anyone else with these," Ed added. "We found a lot but there is still a chance things will disappear because she doesn't like it or if some outside source is involved."

“I agree with Ed your highness. Right now; your sister is highly emotional and may not make the right call, you however are remaining calm.” I say then hold out my hand towards Luna.

“Now the actual building is in what’s known as illusionary space I don’t know if you know about it or not, but just in caseb teach Luna I.D. escape and I.D. create.” My hand glows for a moment and then so does Luna.

Lunas eyes widen and she looks at me surprised. “Such magic is possible? I..I can understand how to create and escape from these illusionary spaces now! Quite fascinating.”

"I have something for you as well," Ed added and held up a hand. A small white glowing orb came from Luna and floated to Ed's palm. Suddenly, a great pressure filled the room as the orb grew larger until it matched the size of a quarter in diameter. Ed then floated the orb back to Luna. "This is a Sage's Stone of the Moon. It will amplify your power of the heavens and magic much like the stone I gave your niece does for her."

Seeing those stones reminds me of something I thought of a lot time ago and make note to ask Ed later. “Such power, and you are just giving this to me?” She asks stunned.

"I want you to be wary of your sister," Ed let out a sad sigh. "She only sees the black or white of things and being what I am; she wouldn't hesitate to attack me if she weren't scared of how I'd retaliate. I want you to promise me that if the time ever comes that she should fall that you'll use that stone without hesitation to do what is necessary to save her from herself."

Luna is shocked to hear Celestia could even fall and looks to the door worried but then back to Ed and nods with a firm resolve. “My sister did all she could to save me, I will do all I can to save her.”

"That's all I can ask," Ed sighed. "I've failed a few times in my life and I almost lost one of women I love to her own repressed emotions. I do what I can to help those I can to make up for it. I was sealed away for 2,000 years and in that time I saw the other woman I loved fall to her own darkness and because of my own failure I couldn't help her or even be there as her husband. Don't let her fall, and if she does, don't seal her away until you try and reason with her."

I smile and out a hand on Ed’s shoulder. “She won’t be alone. I’ll help her if it comes to that.”

Luna smiles and nods. “We thank you sir Ed and young dragon. Now, if you’ll excuse me; I must help with the ones you’ve saved as will as the criminals you brought.”

And with that Luna turns to go take care of business and I look to Ed. “Before we start that training; there’s a few things I’d like to ask you but best to done somewhere more private and less important.” I open a portal using my golden tiger claws. “YO! ASTA; WE ARE LEAVING!” I call out.

"Luna," Ed catches the princesses attention as Asta comes over. "Don't ever let her dissuade you from the truth. Find out what happened to the humans and why Celestia did what she did. Good luck."

Luna nods with a smile, I look at Ed and Asta then the three of us go through the portal and the changeling follows us just before the portal closed and now we are in the courtyard of the old castle in Everfree. “Huh?”

I look back and see the changeling as she stands up and blushes when we are all looking at her. “I...um didn’t want to risk flying home with all those ponies around.”

“Ah I understand. Hmm…here; think of somewhere close to your hive while holding these and I’ll open a portal for you.” I show her the Golden Tiger claws she flitters up and touches the Tiger Claws while concentrating I slowly swing the golden Tiger claws down opening a portal.

“Good luck.” I say with a smile and she waves before going through the portal.

"I hope things go well for her," Asta scratched his head with a yawn. "I'm beat. Is there somewhere we can rest and that I can drop the stupid pony getup?"

“Sure; but first grab onto my shoulders.” Once they both do I bring us into a illusionary space but them nothing has changed.

“Ok Asta you can drop the disguise and give me the watch again. as for where you can nap I can buy a bed for you if you want or you can try and find the sister’s old bed chambers.” I say to him.

Then I turn to Ed and toss him what is in my left hand while saying. “Ed catch and tell me what you get from these please.”

"Here's your watch," Asta pulled off the watch and handed it to me. "I'll be outside in nature, later."

"You’d be better off with one of my regular Sage Stones for magic recovery and boosts," Ed said.

I nod to Asta then say. “If you’re offering one that’s great but still what am I gonna do with all these?” I hold out my hand and use requip magic over and over summoning all my spirit stones that falls to the ground making a pile so high I had to step back and make a second pile.

"Hmm..." Ed took one of the Stones and levitated it above his palm. "I have something in mind if you’re willing to part with these."

“Sure I don’t mind I have no use for them as far as I know.” I say with a shrug and then keep making more piles.

“I actually had a theory to use them as a replacement for The main ingredient for making a philosopher stone.” I tell Ed.

"This is pretty much a garden variety Sage Stone that's been diluted down to almost nothing," Ed explained. “But here's what we can do," he held up a free hand and the stones all levitated up and start to be drawn into the one in Ed's opposite hand. There was a bright flash and then I looked to his hand and all of the Spirit Stones had fuse together. "Behold the Spirit Stone of Creation."

My eyes widen and I let out a whistle. “I didn’t even see the lightning that accompanies alchemy! that was impressive.”

I smile then say. “So do you know what it does?”

"That's because I use Alchemgic to make this a magic item," Ed explained. "As for what it does; when it's on the person of a user it provide almost unlimited magic but it can be used to forge lesser stone of various Elements."

I nod and smile. “Thank you so much Ed! Now shall we do a bit of training?”

I take the new item and feel a sudden surge of magic and use observe on it.

object: Spirit Stone of Creation
This stone has the ability to give whoever is equipped with it a mana regeneration rate of 80% per minute.
This stone can also forge lesser stones of various elements.
Creator: Edward Elric
Rarity: Legendary

"What do you want me to train you in?" "Ed asked.

“Well I’m mostly a long range fighter, but I could use some close range skills and if you can teach me alchemy that be awesome.” I say.

"I can teach you alchemy just fine, and I know quite a few martial arts from my travels but I'm far from a master and most of my major techniques are improvised anime based attacks that I developed on my own. And anime being anime they're more about doing as much damage as possible to overpower the opponent. Most of my skills lay in the weapons department. For marital Arts; you'd want Asta."

“Well that’s alright but I can handle learning how to use weapons easily. All I need to do is pick up a weapon swing it around a few times and then I’ll get the skill for having it and then just have my clones work on leveling that skill up until it’s maxed out and then I’m pretty much a master of that weapon.” I explain to Ed then demonstrate by using requip magic to summon Strife’s token and slam my foot down making a few rocks fly up into the air and I quickly aim and fire the gun hitting all three rocks.

“By the way I have a few tokens if you have a way to copy them they may come in hand for you later.” I say as dirt falls around us.

"I can improve on your weapon wielding skill with one of my own though," Ed rubbed his chin. "And I welcome any tokens that you be willing to share. I'd do the same but my vault is in my world and we'd have to travel there for me to access due to my Void Barrier."

I nod and make a table with earth bending then set the gun down then summon the rest of my tokens and set them down, a knife shaped like Chaoseater, a mask with eye holes but no mouth, a eye in a metal ring, and a glass ball with a bright light shining from it. “Here they are.”

"Yea I don't have any of these," Ed waved his hand over the tokens and the glowed with a black aura then identicals appeared behind him He held up a small bag from his waist and the token all flew into it. "Thanks, would you like my gaming skills to add to your own?"

“Maybe. Tell me about them first if that ability conflicts with mine it could caused me problems.” I tell Ed as I put my tokens back in my inventory.

"Well first you have Mana Recovery I & II. They're abilities that allows the user to recover their mana (magic) during battle and while walking. Then you have God's AmArms. It's a skill that allows the users to dual-wield any weapon in two hands, even two-handed weapons except bows," Ed explained as he laid a few crystals on the table. "And finally you have Mars Bane, a skill that which by concentrating the user unleashes four attacks on their enemy."

“Hmmm, yeah those should work. Do you have a way to give me the skills or should I give you the teach skill?” I ask as I look at the crystals.

"How about we trade," Ed suggested. "All you have to do is pick these orbs up and crush them to apply them, but be warned that once you do; they’re permanent."

“Oh? Well they are good skills to have, and what do you want? I have, Size Control, One Man Band, Flame Breath, Winged Flight, Bind, Observe, I.D. Create, I.D. Escape, Claws of Fury, Sinister Slam, Slice and Dice, Meditate, Teach, Life Drain, Magic Arrow, Shadow Clone jutsu, Dragon mail, Blade-geyser, Stone-skin, Stasis hollow, Flame hollow, Swordsmanship, Marksman, Dream Magic, Death Beam, ki ball, Kamahamaha wave, ki flight, earth, air, water, and fire bending, water bending healing, Spirit Gun, Esper telekinesis, Spiritual pressure, Force Push/ Grab/ Pull, the finale fantasy spell Fire, medical ninjutsu, Intimidating Roar, sense danger, detect bloodlust, and blacksmithing.” I list out for Ed while I read them off.

“Of course I can’t teach you Gamer’s Mind or Gamer’s Body, Sorry.” I say with a apologetic shrug.
"So many that'd be useful hard to choose," Ed rubbed his chin. "The ki, force and ninjutsu are all off the table as I already have those."

I smile and chuckle before gently waving the spirit stone around. “Trust me; this little ball right here is worth all of my skills combined. It gives me a regen rate of 80% per minute, so ask for anything and if you want its specific skill that I don’t have just ask for it and I can go onto my store buy it learn it and then teach you.”

"Honestly I'd like them all," Ed chuckled. "I know it sounds greedy; but hey whatever advances you, right? But can you give all four bendings to Asta? He could really use them to their fullest potentials."

I think on it but then shake my head. “I don’t think Asta would be able to handle that much power, not that he is weak or anything but I believe that by teaching him those skills it would tear his body apart; creating new energy pathways and then ripping them apart at the same time. You on the other hand I believe could survive having all four talk to you but not Asta, he may have anti-magic and be incredibly powerful but he is still mortal, keep in mind that in the original source material only one fused with Rava can master all four elements.” I tell Ed then close my eyes and focus until my eyes start glowing and the image of Rava appears on my chest.

"I would appreciate it if you would try to give it to him," Ed said with a serious but caring tone. "Asta doesn't really have any for of light to balance out the power of the Anti-magic demon. He’s a good guy with a good heart but he's fallen prey to the demon's influence on a few occasions. Not enough to lose himself and not enough for him to notice but enough and that all. And having Sombra's Dark Crystal magic doesn't help either. He needs light to help balance out his darker powers, and I was hope Rava could help in that."

I breathe out slowly as I deactivate my avatar state and then nod to Ed. “I’ll give it a try but I want you here for it in case it destroys his energy network it could seriously harm him. Hell in the original comics; the original Gamer taught something to his best friend and it literally tore him apart and if it wasn’t for the fact that his best friend is immortal he would’ve died.” I warn Ed.

“Now that that’s out-of-the-way how about this, I teach you all the skills I listed off, and you give me alchemy and a weapon that I just came up with, along with helping me level up my detect bloodlust skill.” I smile wide.

"Fair enough," Ed held out his hand. "I also want to give six bonding Philosopher Stones and one solid master stone that will allow you to control the homunculi, except for Greed when he's following the princesses' orders. The master stone will only work for you and isn't an alchemy source."

I blink in shock. “You want to give me 7 different philosopher stone?” I ask in shock and confusion.

"Like I said, six of them are unbonded stones still in their colloid state," Ed explained. "You do know what that means?"

I think trying to remember the anime then take a guess. “They are in liquid form and need a host?”

"Kind of," Ed teeters his hands. "The scientific definition of colloid is a homogeneous noncrystalline substance consisting of large molecules or ultramicroscopic particles of one substance dispersed through a second substance. Colloids include gels, sols, and emulsions; the particles do not settle, and cannot be separated out by ordinary filtering or centrifuging like those in a suspension. It's not quite a liquid but not quite a solid in others words. Think about when Dr. Marco showed Ed the incomplete stone he had. In the vial it appeared liquid but when he poured it out it seemed solid. Also think of when Wrath was made in FMAB, the stone was dropped on the floor and the used pans to pick it up and it looked like it resembled a crimson water balloon."

I nod in a somewhat understanding way. “Alright but I have to warn you I have no idea how they would react to me with Gamer’s Body and all for all I know they will just be absorbed and turn into skills.”

"They’re not for you dummy," Ed shook his head. "They’re for people you come across and may want as allies in this world or for someone you wish to save and is on the brink of death. In other words; they’re for individuals you deem fit to wield the power of one of the six remaining homunculi. The master stone is a permanent inventory item that will allow you to communicate with them and even command if necessary."

“Ah I see now, thanks it will be good to know I have those as a backup plan.” I say then sit on the table. I pick up the vials and put them into my inventory and immediately I get a pop up.

New skill: homunculus leader. (Passive)
This skill is given by possessing the master stone that is linked to the seven other Humunculus stones. The skill allows the user to communicate with any stone connected to them and gain their powers once the stone has been bonded with a host.
This skill requires no energy

new Sub skill:ultimate Shield. (Active)
This skill is unlocked by the bonding of the greed stone to a host. This skill gives the uses a unbreakable shield for one second.
This skill requires no energy.

I brush the screens away. “Now are you ready for those skills? Because it’s most likely going to be painful and take a minute to finish.” I warn him as I lift my hand.

"Can't be anymore painful than being killed by the Rainbow Friendship Laser of Death with a few add-ons thrown in," Ed joked.

I whistle and chuckle. “Got yourself blasted huh? I’m hoping to avoid that fate; in fact, I had this old idea I had back when I was on earth that I wanna run by you later to see if it’s even possible.”

I move my hand over his head. “ teach Ed, Size Control, One man band, Flame Breath, Winged Flight, Bind, Observe, I.D. Create, I.D. Escape, Claws of Fury, Sinister Slam, Slice and Dice, Meditate, Teach, Life Drain, Magic Arrow, Dragon mail, Blade-geyser, Stone-skin, Stasis hollow, Flame hollow, Swordsmanship, Marksman, Dream Magic, earth, air, water, and fire bending, water bending healing, Spirit Gun, Esper telekinesis, Spiritual pressure, Fire, Intimidating Roar, sense danger, detect bloodlust, and blacksmithing.” My hand glows then Ed starts glowing then suddenly red lightning sparks all around him as his body is ripped apart and rebuilt over and over as the new energy networks are put into place.

"Hell yea " Ed threw a fist into the air and then fell on his back. "That hurt," Ed quickly got to his feet. "Now then, Alchemy is the only skill you want?"

I blink in surprise at how fast he got back up. “Um I actually said all the skills you listed would work, I was just shortening it to just alchemy to speed up time while we were talking. I mean it took me almost a whole minute just list off my whole list of skills.”

I stand up and tilt my head. “Are you sure you’re OK? I mean that magical blast that Blueblood shot at you and you didn’t flinch at but I managed to knock you on your ass.”

"Sorry, I should have explained better but the skills you get by crushing the crystals here," He motioned to the table and the crystals he placed down earlier. "Crush them and a window should pop-up for you saying you acquired that skill. And yes I'm fine. The reason Blue Ball's blast didn't affect me was because I'm immune to all form of Equestrian magic. Even Chaos magic can't effect me. The elements can't even give me a tan."

“Damn! Hope you never lose your anchor then.” I say as I pick up the crystals and crush them and I get multiple pop-ups.

New Skill Learned
New Skill: Magic Recovery 1 (passive)
This skill grants the player with a mana regen rate of 25% per minute while fighting.
No energy needed for this skill.

New Skill Learned
New Skill: Mana Recovery 2 (passive)
This skill grants the player a mana regen of 25% per minute when walking.
No energy needed for this skill.

New Skill Learned
New Skill: Mars Bane (active)
This skill let’s the player when concentrating the user unleashes four attacks on their enemy.
Costs 400 MP

New Skill Learned
New Skill: God's Arms (Active)
God’s Arms is a skill that allows the users to dual-wield any weapon in two hands, even two-handed weapons except bows.
No energy needed for this skill.

I smile and nod. “Thanks those will make things a lot easier, next up alchemy.”

"Kneel down," I blinked a couple of times before Ed pointed to the floor so I did as I was asked, "The way you get alchemy with out circles it a little tricky as I take the payment portion while you got the knowledge, but it's still gonna be a new sensation for ya." Ed grabbed a hold of my forward and a felt a pain and then everything went white.

I blink and look around seeing nothing till I look behind me and see a large black door that is blank. “Huh so this is the Door of Truth. Looks bigger in real life.”

"What being has found its way into my stretch of the multiverse this time?" came an annoyed voice.

I turn to see a pure white being and I can only see his outline and teeth. “Ah you must be Truth, Ed is just helping me learn alchemy.”

Truth gave a toothy grin, "That alchemist may say he hates me; but when it comes to sending people here he sure doesn't hesitate to do it," Truth snickered.

"That's because I'm helping the people I send here to get stronger, grow and learn," Ed said next to me as he crossed his arms with an irritated look on his face.

I look over next to me and jump in surprise. “Oh you're here too, Ed?”

"I have to be here to pay your toll, or do you want to loose a piece of your body that can only be replaced by another Void Dweller," Ed deadpanned.

I shake my head and chuckle nervously. “Right sorry, I kinda didn’t think.”

"Another piece to add to my collect, Edward you shouldn't have," Truth stated with a mocking tone as it clapped his hand together on laid its head on them.

I raise a eyebrow and then look to Ed. “So what do I have to do now?”

"It's called payment for knowledge kid," Ed looked at me before turning to Truth. "And you aren't snaking a piece of him like you did Quill, I'm paying for this."

"Very well Edward but this will be painful for you," Truth's face actually looked a little concerned from what I could tell.
I think to myself ’this Truth is different then the one from the anime.’

"You should go through your portal Del, I'll see you back on the other side in a minute," Ed said as his eyes never left the Truth.

“Well alright Ed; if you’re sure.” I walk up to my door and lift my hand to it and it starts to open.

The doors suddenly flung open and a large vertical eye opened up and stared at me for a moment before it squinted freaking me out in the process. It looked like the eye was taking some kind pleasure in my unease. All of a sudden thousands of shadowy hands shot for the door and pulled me into the portal. I felt my body being deconstructed as the hands touched me. The last thing I remember before everything went to black with Ed mouthing 'See ya in a few', then nothing. In the next moment I woke up outside the castle under a tree and heard a strange snarling sound. I looked around to find the source but found nothing until I listened a little harder and found the sound was coming from above me. Looking up I was met with sight of a snoring Anti-magic Knight dozing in on a branch.

I chuckle from relief and that Asta snores then I get up and call out skills and check my skills. “Holy shit I got a maxed out skill!”

Skill: Alchemy (active)
Level: max
This skill allows the player to use the power of alchemy to deconstruct and reconstruct any matter that can be touched by the player using a simple function of clapping their hands together, The only limitations of alchemy is that they must follow the rule of equivalent exchange: you cannot create something out of nothing, and you do not turn inorganic matter into organic matter.
Due to the player having gone through the Door of Truth; the player does not need transmutation circles and it there is no cost to use alchemy other than the materials themselves.

Suddenly a pinecone nailed me in the head, "Keep it down... nap time," Asta mumbled.

I glare up at him then blow a raspberry and get up then go looking for Ed. “Ok I’ve gotten a lot of useful skills from Ed I should do something nice for him before he goes home.”

"Have you tried your alchemy yet?" Came Ed's voice. I looked and saw him leaning against a tree.

“Not yet but the skill is maxed out.” I say a bit loud then shrug and decide to try it out while playing a prank on Asta.
I clap my hands together then turn to face the tree Asta is sleeping on and put my hands on the ground and blue lightning shoots out from the ground and wraps around the tree and it starts deconstructing and then reconstructing into the shape of a crib with Asta inside the crib.

"You really shouldn't have done that," Ed snickered.

“Oh come on it’s funny; plus he hit me with a pinecone.” I say turning to Ed smiling.

"You're lucky he only threw a pinecone," Ed crossed his arms. Suddenly wood was sent flying in every direction.

"Who put me in a crib?" Asta growled and Ed pointed at me

I immediately point to Ed and smile nervously. “He did it!” Then I use ki flight to go straight up a few miles.

"Your ass is mine!" I here but chuckled as there was no way he could catchup with me. I then see Asta with a pissed look coming at me in through the air, on a motorcycle.

My eyes widen then fly higher while looking through my store. “Tell me Asta how high can you go?”

"You do know he can fly in Black Form too, right," I here Ed and look over and see him fly next o me.

“I didn’t actually see past the first few episodes of Black Clover but I bet he can’t fly in space!” I grin as I buy a personal shield belt from Star Trek the animated series and quickly grab it and put it on.

“Thank god for Star Trek the animated series. Ed; mind using the message system to tell me when he’s calmed down? Bye!” With that I blast off at full speed right to the point I’m in space.

"Asta has training to fully control his breathing and blood flow, he can operate in the minimalist of conditions," Ed explained.
I look back to see Asta still following me so I use the golden Tiger claws to open a portal back to the old castle and go through quickly and send a message to Ed. “Please calm him down! I only have so many life points and I’m damn sure a single hit from either of you two could kill me.”

"Give me five minutes and if he's still pissed you'll know," Ed shrugged.

I sigh and wait but look around not sure where he would come from if he did come after me. “It was just a small prank why is he so upset?”

A few minutes went by and then Ed showed u with Asta, “He’s cooled down now," Ed smirked while Asta grumbled.

I sigh in relief and smile. “Good and sorry Asta it was just a small joke as well as testing my alchemy skills, but now that that is over how about you guys teach me how to sense ki and if possible magic, then after that you can show me a few different martial arts oh and if you know turtle style that be awesome.”

"Turtle Style?" Asta tilted his head and then looked to Ed.

"Dragon Ball," Ed revealed.

“Oh, sorry I never studied anime fighting styles," Asta loked at me
I shrug and say. “I can always just buy a skill book with it later, although if my powers works the same as the original gamer then if I learn more than one martial arts the skills will actually combine into a new style.”

"Nothing can replace actual training kid," Asta got on to me. "I have to train every morning in order to stay in top form."

I smirk and say. “With the power of the gamer my muscles don’t get weaker if I don’t work out and I can improve a skill just by using it over and over so if I were to learn the same martial arts as say Goku in one years time if I trained with that skill and only that skill I could actually beat Goku in a one on one fight as long as there was no ki techniques involved.”

“Keep in mind Asta; my body is like that of a video game character meaning once I learn a skill I can only improve on it never get worse at it plus because most martial arts don’t use any energy at all I can use my shadow clones to train constantly.” I tell him.

"Could be useful, but I'd still do my morning routines," Asta shrugged.

“Ok so let’s start the train, unless you want to get a few of my skills first.” I ask looking at Asta.

"You have anything that lets you master weapons on the first try?" Asta asked.

“Not really, I can learn how to use them after a few minutes then I just need to keep using them and I can master them eventually, hell; I don’t even need to hit anyone as far as I know for example.” I clap my hands and touch a tree and alchemy to turn part of it into a bat then I hold it up like I’m gonna hit something then swing it a few times before I get a pop up.

New Skill Learned
Skill: Blunt Weapon Mastery.
This skill increases the damage and your skill using all blunt weapons.
There is no cost for this skill.

“I just got a skill for blunt weapon mastery, do you see what I mean?” I ask Asta.

"Don't forget our early discussion Del," Ed reminded me.

I look to Ed and sigh. “Fine hold him and get ready to hold him down and keep him alive.” I tell Ed and lift my hand over Asta's head.

"Sorry about this little brother," Ed sighed as he grabbed Asta from behind.

"What the hell? Ed what’s the deal and let me go," Asta tried to struggle against Ed but there was no signs of Ed giving in.

I gulp then close my eyes. “Teach Asta earth bending, air bending, fire bending and water bending.” My hand glows then Asta starts glow and then he starts screaming as his body starts ripping itself apart.

"RAAAAA!!!" He roared in agony.

"Sorry Asta but this is for your own good," Ed said firmly as tears ran down his face while red electricity flowed from his palms up and down Asta's body.

I keep my eyes closed as he continues to scream for a few minutes until he finally stops and I use my Kamigami no Sugata to check Asta’s energy network and sigh. “It’s done; just make sure he knows I was against this.” I tell Ed then walk over to a broken wall and sit on it.

I heard a loud bang and look over to see Ed hunched over on the ground holding his head with steam or smoke coming of him. Asta was standing there cracking his knuckles.

"You assholes better have a good explanation," Asta glared in my direction as his Grimoire came up and he pulled out a really big sword.

I sigh and point at Ed. “First off I was completely against it, secondly he wanted me to give you the four elements so you will have a source of light or good energy within you since you have too much dark energy already, or something along those lines, and yes I told him that it was going to hurt you badly in fact if it wasn’t for Ed you’d be dead.”

After telling Asta that I get ready to fly away if Asta comes after me.

Asta suddenly vanished and then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I slowly and mechanically turned around to so see Asta. "You weren't planning on running away again were you?"

I gulp and say slowly. “Not as long as you don’t plan on hurting me. Remember; I didn’t want to do it.”

"Now why would I want to hurt you buddy, I can get my revenge by putting you through a world of physical hell called training," Asta smirked

I chuckle nervously and point out again. “But it was Ed that made me do it.”

"I know but there is only one way to get my skill set and that with good old physical workouts," Asta kept giving off and evil aura.

I sigh and close my eyes. “Fine, just try to keep in mind I didn’t want to hurt you.” I say then slump in defeat.

"I’m not gonna hit you with out a reason dude," Asta chuckled. "But I would like to discuss skills that would help in future, Do you know of any that might help me back home? I am trying to train people to be magic knights after all."

I rub my chin thinking. “Well let’s see; I could try to teach you dream magic and you could have a dream training session and basically train them in their dreams though they still have to physically train but that at least know the motions to go through and get some kind of experience in fights in a safe controlled environment.”

"Not touching the dream world," Asta shook his head.

I shrug then say. “The only other things I can think of is teaching you I.D. Create and I.D. Escape if you practice with it enough you should be able to create an illusionary barrier that has sort of fake monsters in them, for example zombies, ghosts, ghouls, goblins stuff like that.”

"That would be perfect," Asta gave a thumbs up.

“Ok anything else? I can give you a whole list if you didn’t hear me tell Ed.” I tell Asta.

"Go ahead," Asta smiled.

“I have, Size Control, One man band, Flame Breath, Winged Flight, Bind, Observe, I.D. Create, I.D. Escape, Claws of Fury, Sinister Slam, Slice and Dice, Meditate, Teach, Life Drain, Magic Arrow, Shadow Clone jutsu, Dragon mail, Blade-geyser, Stone-skin, Stasis hollow, Flame hollow, Swordsmanship, Marksman, Dream Magic, Death Beam, ki ball, Kamahamaha wave, ki flight, earth, air, water, and fire bending, water bending healing, Spirit Gun, Esper telekinesis, Spiritual pressure, Force Push/ Grab/ Pull, the finale fantasy spell Fire, medical ninjutsu, Intimidating Roar, sense danger, detect bloodlust, and blacksmithing.” I list out for Asta while I read them off again.

“Oh and a crafting skill and I have a blueprint for golems.” I show by making a golem out of dirt.

Marksmanship, and Swordsmanship are definites," Asta rubbed his chin. "Spiritual Pressure as in Bleach? What's Blade-geyser? Stasis Hollow? Stone Skin?"

I nod and explain. “Spiritual pressure is from Bleach, yes; and the rest of the skills you listed are from a game series called Darksiders where you play as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Blade-geyser makes blades shoot up from the ground around you, stasis and flame hollows are from the third game and they affect you personally for instance flame hollow adds fire damage to your attacks and makes you somewhat immune to fire yourself. Stasis Hollow is more like the opposite it has an ice effect and stone skin just coats your skin in stone like substance to increase your defense.”

"Is Dragon Mail similar to Stone-skin?" Asta looked at me with some interest.

I chuckle and shake my head. “No, it’s the same spell Spike uses to send letters.”

"That's embarrassing," Asta got a slight blush as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Why?” I ask tilting my head.

"I thought it was the Ultimate defensive skin spell from Skyrim," Asta chuckled.

“Oh, heh heh.” I shake my head. “No I don’t know anything from that world yet, so any more questions or do you have your list?”

"Spiritual Pressure, Marksman, Swordsmanship, Blacksmithing,, those hollows and I.D. would all come in handy," Asta listed off.

“Alright easy enough.” I lift a hand over Asta’s head and say. “Teach Asta Spiritual Pressure, Marksman, Swordsmanship, Blacksmithing, flame hollow, stasis hollow, I.D. create and I.D. escape.” My hand glows and then so does Asta as the information and new energy networks are added to him.

"That was weird," Asta commented as he shook his head.

“Now keep in mind, you most likely have the energy wrath now and the way it works in the games and for me is it only recharges when you damage enemies so if you use any of the skills that use wrath energy; you have to be in the middle of a fight to recharge it now that’s if you have the wrath energy.” I explain to Asta.

"Which skills would use that?" Ed asked.

"The hollows.” I say to him then look around for Ed as he has been quite.

"Hmmm... well it won't be a problem for me but I don't know about Asta," Ed looked at his brother.

"Easy fix, does it count if your friends but fighting in a training match making them a temporary enemy?" Asta asked.

I shrug honestly not knowing. “No clue but you could try.”

Then I look at Ed. “Hey Ed I got a request do you know how to make a war hammer like Thor’s?”

"You mean the one for Endgame, Stormbreaker; wasn't it?" He rubbed his chin.

“Kinda, I want to be able to summon it to me and be made to be indestructible and partially be ‘only the worthy can wield it’ but it will always work for me that kind of thing as for the shape I was thinking something more like Shao Khan's” I explain to Ed.

"How about the Volendrung?" Ed replied.

Ed held his hand up and projected a picture from his hand.

I rub my chin. “Hmm I suppose if that is the better design.” I say to Ed while looking at it.

"I mean I can make Shao Khan's no prob but this one has an enchant to steal opponents of Stamina and give it to the wielder," Ed explained.

I wave it off. “I have unlimited stamina thanks to Gamer’s Body. Also I just want the shape of his hammer; not the actual hammer itself.”

"Okay," Ed shrugged. He reached into his bag and pulled out a cube of metal. "Uru, proto-adamantium mix. Pretty much indestructible, only way to shape it is in a solar furnace. Even top tier alchemy like yours can't reshape it. Will this do?"

I nod and smirk. “Yeah and if possible also put a enchantment that makes sure it can’t be used against me unless it’s you.” I say then rub my hands together and turn to Asta. “While he is working on that let’s start the kombat training. “I say with a grin because of my joke.

"Can I get a scale off of you really quick?" Ed asked. "I want to bond to you and personal affect have the best affect for this."

“Sure, if I can even lose any.” I say then try to pick at one not noticing the lose one on the tip of my tail.

Ed noticed the scale and used his magic to bring it to him. "I'll be back in a few, whatever you do don't open this," He snapped and a door appeared before him. "Or you'll let the fires of the star out and incinerate this whole place, okay."

“Got it.” I say a little in awe and creeped out at how nonchalant he is about that stuff.

"Solar Emerson," Ed said as he encased my scale in a red aura and his entire being turned into white hot light. He grabbed the block of metal and walked through the door.

"Ha... I didn't know he could do that," Asta pointed to the door.

“Well you did say he was old so he is bound to take everything he can get to keep those close to him safe.” I say then turn to Asta. “So kombat training?”

"Combat or ki?" Asta turned to me.

“Both; but start with ki.” I say and focus only on Asta.

"The ki I use is a little different than the ki of DBZ but mine extends into the life energy range a bit," Asta explained. "In the show it was originally use to predict and sense opponents based on the constant movement of living objects. Mine is different in that through tapping in to that movement I can stimulate others speeding recovery or straight up making plants grow."

"I only found this through a hunch when I was in another world," Asta scratched his head.

“Interesting, so how do I do it? And do you know if your way has a specific name?”

"No name," Asta shook his head. "You have to read the flow of someone subtles of moments. Mine has gone further by my own martial arts training but I'm sure you could do something similar to it with your own ki."

"Get good enough at it and you can even tell when someone is lying but I never got that far," Asta side. "As for the healing you have to feel the energy flows of your body but I don't know if you can use anything other than the usual skill due to your gamer body."

“Yeah I can feel the energy...um if I tried it on you on say a cut and I fucked up is there a chance of firing a ki blast?” I ask asta.

"For you, that is very pausible," Asta shook his head. "But you must concentrate to feel the differences in life ki and the fighting energy from dbz, as it is more of a concentrated battle aura, or intent of harm focused into physical form."

"What you intend to do, help or hurt," Asta said as he picked up a pinecone and held it up as his hand glowed a soft white and surrounded the seed pod. "That mindset makes all the difference in the technique."

I close my eyes and try to feel other ki around me. “What should I feel for?”

"Feel the world around you until you can separate everything in it," Asta explained. "Tell when a bird flies away from a tree branch, tell when a snail passes by, or my favorite; when a timberwolf farts."

I snicker at the last trying to keep a straight face then breath in then out and as I breath out I expand my ki out in every direction trying to peel around using it like a sonar.

"It more about feeling the different energies then sensing the differences in power levels," Asta crossed his arms.

“I know I’m trying but it’s tricky and I ...” I trail off when I feel something else I focus on it and in my mind’s eye I see a bird in a tree above Asta.

"You got a small bit of something there, but you're gonna have to open yourself up a lot more if you're ever going to be abled to use this skill properly," Asta poked my chest. "And there’s no short cut with Shadow Clones in learning this. You have to use it yourself because if you have more than one of you doing it at a time you'll overwhelm yourself with information overload."

I open my eyes and then say. “I can’t use the shadow clones for this anyway they can only level up skills that not use energy or use chakra, also I don’t get their memories till they are dispersed.”

"Once you pick it up enough you'll be able to sense even the slightest of things," Asta smirked, "You can predict attacks or tell where someone is hidden by distinguishing them from none living thing, even manipulate other from of energy you touch but the best part is you can out lie detect AJ,"

“Hmm that is cool.” I close my eyes and focus and sense more and more like forms around me until I hear a pop and grin.

"Caught a whiff of something good didn't ya?" Asta continued to smirk.

“More then that.” I open my eyes and read the pop up.

New Skill Learned
Skill: ki sense. (Passive)
This skill let’s the player sense the ki of others up to a mile away.
No energy needed for this skill.

“I got the skill ki sense, and it’s a passive skill so it is always on, so next?” I ask as I wave the scream away.

"I'm not a magic type of guy and most of my stuff can't be transferred, only learned and honed with practice," Asta rubbed the back of his head. "The only thing I can really do is give grimoires but the spell require a drop of blood in order to publish the journals into Grimoires, and you don't bleed."

I rub my chin then snap my fingers. “ there is a chance that I can bleed if I am the one that makes the cut, so far any time that I’ve been injured it’s been an enemy that’s hurt me so it could be a defense mechanism by gamers body but if I’m the one doing it maybe it will allow me to draw some blood, what do you need?”

Asta's Grimoire floated up next to him and he pulled out a quill, a bottle of ink, a saucer, a needle, and a blank journal. "Just a drop is all it takes.," Asta poured some ink into the saucer. "Prick your finger and let the blood fall into the ink. Mix it will and write your full name in the cover of the journal. And it can be whatever name you feel is your name. Just write it in the front cover and I'll do the rest."

I nod and take the needle and poke my finger hard enough to actually draw blood and grin letting it drip in to the saucer then I mix it with the ink and write my name on the cover and look to Asta.

"My turn," Asta smirked. "Prepare for a massive headache,” Asta Grimoire flipped to a new page, "Publishing magic: Grimoire Publishing." Black lighting shot from Asta's Grimoire to the journal and then connected to me and knocked me on my ass.
I shake my head and rub it as I get back up and look at the book as it starts to change. “Ow.”

"Ow is right. Now take a look at your Grimoire," Asta handed me my book.

The book had changed into a thick silver book with a four leaf clover. “Wow cool now let’s see what’s inside.” I open the grimoire and I only see one spell along with information on that spell.

low level summoning spell: level 1
This spell allows you to summon low level enemies at a cost of 100 MP for each summon.

List of summons.
1. Zombies [limit 5]

“Huh it seems I can summon minions and allies using this right now I only have one spell to summon five zombies.” I tell Asta.

"You'll have to practice with to improve the spell an try to come up with new ones,” Asta explained.

“Hmm yeah it will come in handy, thanks Asta.” I out the new grimoire into my inventory.

"No prob," Asta waved it off. "Now what?"

“How about you teach me the basics of a martial arts so I can have my clones start working on that?” I ask and clap my hands together and touch the ground and use alchemy to condense the dirt and turn it into a solid rock in the shape of a tournament platform.

"First lesson," Asta held up his right fist and his left hand palm opened but with his fingers curled up. "Always strake with your palms, never a closed fist. You maximize your striking power with your palms and not your fists, why?"

I think for a second and say two things. “Um well I saw it a lot on Star Trek but I suppose it’s because it reduces the pressure on your hand?”

"Not only that but it maximizes the amount of force you can put out with each strike as the force travels from your arm out straight through your palm," Asta thrust his left palm forward and I could clearly hear the wind as he thrust it through the air. "Where as it would be redirected back into your palm through your fingers lessening the force of your blow."

“Ah I see so use the palms not the fist unless I don’t want to hit them full force.” I say nodding.

"Yes, but it also give you more control to hold back as well where when you use a fist you throw most of your power and weight behind it," Asta showed as he used his fist to punch. "Those who have studied multiple styles can change back and forth between palm and fist while also combining them together," Asta pulled his fingers over his palm where only the bottom half of his palm was exposed in a half fist half palm state.

I nod and smile. “Alright so like this?” I do my best to copy his movements.

"Tell me Del when someone punches what do you defend first?" Asta said as he scrutinized my movements.

I tilt my head. “If the punch is aimed at me I’d try to block it no matter where it’s aimed or jump back if possible.”

"When your in close quarters combat, as all martial arts are what is targeted most?" Asta fixed my stance.

“That depends on if I’m trying to knock them down and out or kill them, if it’s just to knock him out I’d aim for the stomach and chest if I’m trying to kill him then I’d aim at the head.” I explain my thinking.

"Good answer but in all modern martial arts competitions most go for the head to knock the opponent off guard," Asta said as he thrust a fist in my face and I reflexively threw my arms to block but he stopped his fist but I felt a poke in my gut and looked down to see his pointer finger in my stomach. "Thus leaving the defender's entire lower body wide open for attack. Always follow your first attack with the second at the same time, never a second later."

I nod still surprised at his speed. “Alright now; mind showing me motions of a specific martial arts so I can get the skill for it diesel tips are very useful but I’m not getting a skill for martial arts from them.”

"Your a dragon meaning you have a decent amount of flexibility and dexterity throughout your entire body all the way down to the tip of your tail so I think Muay Tai would suit you best," Asta rubbed his chin.

I think back and take a stance were I have my arms bend and elbows out and my left leg lifted and knee aimed at asta. “You me this style?”

"Like this," Asta positioned himself with balled fist with his right arm up at a 45 degree and with fist facing me and his left arm angled the opposite but it looked as if his fist were going to collide. His feet were pointed opposite each other and he was standing on the front balls of his feet ever so lightly with his legs bent slightly bent so he was closer to the ground. The most unusual part of his stance was how loose he looked.

I copy his stance the best I can trying to figure out what to do with my wings and tail. “Damn this is a bit tricky.”

"This style combines kicks and punches in alternating patterns to keep your opponent of balance," Asta punched left and right at the same time then kicked right while punching right then kicked left and punched right. In his motions it sometimes looked as if he was floating. "Think of your wings as arms and your tail as a third leg and which you can pivot, balance, and strike with." He remarked as he saw me struggling.

I think then nod and make a shadow clone and the two of us take up the same stance and I throw the first punch and kick and we go back and forth blocking each other for a while till I twist around a punch and hit him with my tail and he disappears and I get a pop up. “Yes!”

New Skill Learned.
Skill: Muay Tai amateur. (Active and passive)
This skill is for amateurs of Muay tai.
This discipline is known as the "art of eight limbs" as it is characterized by the combined use of fists, elbows, knees, and shins.
No energy is needed.

"Well looks like I've done all I can and all you can do is practice," Asta smirked.

“Thanks Asta; it does help, now you can help me with one more thing while I have some clones spar.” I make four clones and have them walk off to train then look to Asta.

“Now I’m going to try to find a way to hide my ki if I can do that then I’ll try the same thing with my magic and hopefully it will work.” I then close my eyes and focus on my ki and try picturing it being pulled inside me down into my core.

"I'm not the best person to try and hide from kid," Asta remarked. "Remember my sense comes from the body's movement and even if hide your energy," Asta put a hand on my shoulder from behind. "There's still no stopping your movements."

“Even if you can still sense me that doesn’t matter just pay attention and see if my ki drops at all. I doubt I’d be allowed to hide all my ki right away anyway.” I say as I continue trying to suppress my ki.

"For anyone who doesn't have the ki sense, you'd be almost invisible and would be if you could hide," Asta smirked.

“True but like I said I’m mostly learning this so I can do the same with my magic.” I say then once my ki is all together I picture it being put inside a box and slowly breath out then I hear a pop up.

"While I can't really measure you on magic as the only ones I have are Ancient Magic and Dark Crystal Magic one uses the magic you have available around you in nature and the other is Equestrian and I don't really you it all that much if not at all," Asta shrugged. "So I can't measure your magical presence."

New skill learned.
New skill: Ki stealth. (Passive)
This skill is used to hide the players ki from others.
Maximum ki that changeling be hidden is 10% of full ki.

“That’s fine, but I just got a skill for hiding my ki, and just as I thought I can only hide 10% right now.” I tell Asta after reading my new skill.

“Say Asta can you think of anything else we can do or should I get my final surprise ready for you and your brother?” I ask as I open my store.

"There are a few more things I want to run by," Asta remarked. "I never told you about your footing when it comes to martial arts."

“Ah alright go ahead.” I close the store and pay attention.

"You have to pivot, never staying in one spot for to long, especially for the style you know," Asta said as he got on the balls of his feet and demonstrated going left back right forward almost as if he was dancing. "But the trick is maintaining a good whole on the ground. Try and imagine as if you were grabbing the whole world with your toes."

“Like this right?” I copy him almost perfectly thanks to my skill.

"Basically, but more like this," He showed me as he jumped of the ground and bounced around me, as if he were jumping off the air like it was a solid surface.

"Note don't try that until your sure to have mastered Mauy Tai and khow that normally you can't jump off the air," Asta snickered. "Best use trees."

“Damn that’s impressive it will take me a bit before my skill gets that high even with clones.” I say then snicker. “You mean like in Naruto?”

"No, you actually grab the air with your feet and jump off it," Asta corrected me.

I give him a flat look. “I was talking about your comment on using trees.”

"No you grab the trees with physical strength alone and use the as spring boards," Asta smirked. "You have to increase the dexterity of your toes first though."

“True and maybe get a parkour skill too but I can do that later.” I shrug then smirk at Asta. “So Ed told me a bit about his world want to share about yours?”

"Mine world it pretty similar to his but my ponies are human to a T but with wings and tails," Asta explained. "Except for the horns. Instead they use something called focus crystal which unicorns get when the cast their first successful spell. You wouldn't be able to tell a unicorn from an earth pony if they didn't wear the crystal. The only way to differentiate is with a strength test."

“Huh that’s a new one, I used to read a lot of fan fictions about mlp and I’ve heard of quadrupedal anthro and human Equestrias, now the human Equestrias usually come in two types: the first is where they have some pony features such as tails, physical wings and horns and sometimes even the ears while the other they don’t have the ears, they don’t have the tails, and the horns are replaced by focusing crystals and the wings are astral and can only be projected they’re not physical.”

"Every world is different and new ones are made every time a Displaced comes into existence,” Asta shrugged. "But back to an idea I had, if I have air bending now doesn't that mean I have an greatly increased lung capacity now?"

I shrug and say. “It’s possible or maybe they got that lung capacity through training, all I did was give you the ability to bend you’ll have to learn how to use them. Hmm speaking of that how about a bit of training for you?” I grin somewhat evilly.

"Hmm... sure," Asta shrugged.

“Great hold on.” I make a clone and he salutes me before I walk over to Asta grab his shoulder and pull us into another I.D. This one full of zombie ponies, I then fly up out of range. “Good luck and I get to keep all the monster drops minus health potions.”

"This is," Asta raised an eyebrow and looked at me then to the zombies. "What ever," he cracked his knuckles and went to town immediately tearing apart the zombies with a combo of martial arts and bending. About five minutes later he was done and not even winded. "That was that."

I just smirk as there is loud stomping coming from behind the castle. “No this is just level one I figured I’d let your warm up with the easy guy’s first.”

Then a massive green rotting leg lifts over the castle and soon a huge zombie alicorn comes over it and glares at Asta.

"Now that looks like a challenge," He smirked. I noticed the skin on his hands and arms up to his elbows get a dark grey transparency scaly texture over the skin. He took up a stance I'd never seen before. in the next moment he took off and bounced around the zombie, he was fast but not fast enough to where couldn't see his lesser attacks. About ten minutes later he sliced the zombie clean in two with a karate chop down the middle. "That was fun."

I clap and smirk as a big count down clock appears with 30 seconds on it in the sky I quickly move down and collect all the drops then fly back up just as hundreds of wolf howls can be heard. “Round two, fight!” I say while chuckling.

"I'm not wasting time on small stuff," Asta raised his hand and unleashed a tsunami of fire on the pack leaving them ash in the wind before they got have across the field.

I frown and sigh. “Asta please try to refrain from using fire as the finishing move as you might accidentally destroy a skill book. You see; I can pick up skills from other displays when they fight monsters oh and by the way that was just the foot soldiers here comes the king now.”

Right after I finish the whole forest shakes and rises up in the form of a giant wolf who growls and then howls extremely loud.

"That's it, the Timberwolf Emperor I took on was bigger than that," Asta put himself in a running position as if he were at a track meet. I could see the air gathering around him and noticed something a bit off as he took a small breath. It was as if his body temperature slightly raised. "Luóxuán dàpào," He said launching himself straight at the wolf and piercing it through the chest like he was a bullet.

The wolf falls to the ground and Asta sat in top of it no problems. "Flesh is soft, wood is harder to peirce."

“Damn.” I whisper to myself then watch as the wolf cracks apart and shatters leaving loot I dive down and pick it up.
“Well Asta; I hope you can handle rockodiles.” I smirk .

"I can shatter steel lances with me bare hands dude," Asta said with a straight face.

I shrug and fly up. “Hey I could take us out and set it up as the hardest I have, if you want.”

"Please do," Asta deadpanned.

I shrug again and land grabbing his shoulder and brake out of the I.D. Then set up a new one bringing us in again then say. “These are fully mixed and the hardest I have.”

I fly straight up as a hydra comes into the clearing along with changeling, griffins, Minotaurs and even teenage dragons.
"Now we're talking," he smirked. his grimoire floated up and spat out three swords. He grabbed the largest on and threw up in the air and then grabbed the other two and jumped on the first proceeding to take off on it as if it were a surf board. "You assholes want a piece of me," the group looked and charged. "BRING IT!" Asta smiled as he crossed his swords in front of himself and dove into the crowd.

The hydra roars and sprays poison gas at Asta and the Minotaurs throw their spears changelings fire magic spells and the dragons fly up to meet Asta. “This is gonna be good.” I say and use my store to buy popcorn.

"BLACK TORNADO!" Asta yelled as Anti-magic wafted off his sword and he began to spin. Soon there was a jet black tornado twisting across the field. It brought down the dragons and Asta was standing on a nearby Cloud. "BLACK SLASH," He waved his sword horizontally ands sent anti-magic slashed into the dragons cutting off their heads. He released his smaller sword and took his big one with both hands and lock his sights on the hydra. "BLACK DIVIDER!" He roared as Anti-magic accumulated on the edge of his sword until it grew to be the size of a three story house. Asta brought his blade down and sliced the hydra in two.

“Holy crap!” I say as the fight turns into a massacre, the changelings charge their body’s with magic and fly right at Asta like missiles, while the minotaurs gather their weapons.

"I wonder," Asta smirk as he released his sword and jumped back on it. His hands out stretched he summoned his two other blades but the went into the Grimoire while he pulled something off his belt. "Digi-Modify, Berenjena," A set of double barrel shotguns appeared and Asta took aim at the Changelings, "Black Double Impact!" He begin to shoot the bug-ponies down with concentrated anti-magic as he surfed through them.

“Damn that was impressive.” I say to myself.

The Minotaurs see him coming and try to form a defense but Asta is able to slice right through it and them.

"I'm going to show-off a bit," Asta said as flew up again on his sword. He held out is left arm and black flames started to come from the black scar coiled around it. "Black Flame Dragon Spiral Demise!" Asta yelled and a massive dragon made of black flame came from his arm and consumed the minotaurs.

I float there with my jaw open then cross my arms and huff. “Damn, just you wait give me a year and I’ll be able to beat you in a sparring match.” I say then I fly down and make clones and start collecting everything.

"Are you sure you could take me," Asta floated down and jumped off his sword and returned to his Grimoire. "I did all that with easy, didn't even need my increased strength."

I look at Asta then say. “Asta, I can level up my skills so easily, just by using them over and over, and a year is a long time especially since I have the ability to create a instant dungeon that has a time dilation and I don’t need to eat sleep or even rest I can just keep training and training and training hell I could level up my death beam so high that it be able to pierce through your anti-magic it might take a long time but it’s possible, just because you’re extremely strong now doesn’t mean that someone can’t get stronger and surpass you. Always remember Asta there’s always a bigger fish.” I finish as my clones disappear and I grab his shoulder bringing us back to reality just as Ed is coming out of the door.

“So Asta what did you think of my way of training?” I look at him.

"Ya don't have to give me the big fish speech Del, it what a look forward to, pushing my limits and going further, " Asta thumbed himself. "And it's a good way to blow off steam, especially if you have someone you really need to pound, but I still prefer my workouts and exercising."

I nod and smirk holding up a book. “Yeah and check this out I got one of your skills.”

"Yoink," Asta said as he grabbed the book from before I realized it. "Looks like you got a good one," he smirked as he read the cover.

I frown and use the force to pull the book back. “Mine.”

"I know it's yours as I already have it, courtesy of a Sasuke Displaced's Celestia," Asta held up his arm with a balled fist and a smirk. "If she would have been more skilled in the use of jutsus then I would've had a much harder time against her. But she went back to relying on magic so she ate dirt while foolishly burning up her body in the process. Narrow minded princesses need get of their high horse ass and think and not jump the gun. Hehe high horse ass, funny."

I smirk and roll my eyes. “Yeah they do, hey Ed I see your back.”

"Yep this is yours" He said as he slammed my newest weapon down. "And I forgot to tell out that Parrot Ed can replicate any machine as well as weapons as long as he has enough nanites or material available. The nanites are also called Harmony Nanites because they infused with Harmony, aka the power of friendship, magic."

“Oh cool that actually reminds me of a old idea I had back on earth, basically the infinity gauntlet but with fake copy’s of the elements of harmony, this it would work?” I ask Ed, while looking over my new war hammer.

Object:Storm Killer
This weapon is a war hammer forged in a star by Edward Elrick, and is made of Uru and Vibranium.
This weapon also has a electrical element added and can produce lightning deal electric damage and in cases of groups of enemies chain lightning will take affect but the enemies must be within 1 foot of each other.
Rarity: Legendary
Creator:Edward Elrick

"He can do that but he can't separate the magic just channel it. He also can't empower other objects with Harmony magic," Ed pointed at me. "Way too much of a risk, and he can't be destroyed by alicorn magic or warped by chaos magic either. As a somewhat clone of me he shares those immunities."

“alright good to know now Ed.” I smirk and start setting it up. “Your turn at fighting my monsters.”

“I’d max everything out as much as possible if I were you,” Asta adviced.

I nod and say. “It won’t be much of a fight but I’ll do what I can, but Ed please be careful because when you kill a monster they will drop loot and I don’t want it accidentally destroyed.”

I then set the next dungeon up and grab Ed’s shoulder. “Asta you want a watch?”

"No promises," Ed shrugged.

"Already there, kaden," Asta smirked and as he spoke the last word a cloud formed. Asta then jumped on the cloud. "Needed a chair. Thanks to Ancient Magic and natural weather dragon magic I can have both.

I chuckle and put a hand on Asta and pull us into the custom I.D. And now we are inside a dark room with a high ceiling I fly up and call out. “Ok Ed have fun.”

Then everything I can make starts coming out of doorways and even the floor, zombies, ghosts, Timberwolves, rockadiles, manticores, cockatrices, bugbears, hydras, changelings, gryphons, minotaurs, teenage dragons, even the bosses which are huge versions of them.

"Armor of Malice, form 1," Ed said and he becomes enveloped in red energy and his shape changes.

"Okay, never seen that one," Asta said in pure awe. "But it looks badass!"

“Holy crap that IS badass, want some popcorn asta?” I offer some to him.

All the monsters roar or yell as they attack him together.

"Thanks," Asta took the popcorn and munched away. "Hey it looks like Ed is doing something else."

I look down waiting to see what Ed will do.

Ed held up his right arm and began to recite something, " I RELEASE YOU FROM YOUR CHAIN. DEVOUR THE KNIGHTMARES TO BRING FORTH THE SWEETEST OF DREAMS TO MY FRIENDS. SHINE THE LIGHT IN THE DARK AND UNLOCK THE DOORS TO THE KINGDOM, THE KINGDOM HEARTS!" A column of light shot down from the sky and something appeared in it. Ed reached in and pulled out a twin scythe keyblade with two handles and a silver braided chain with a red crystal cross with cracks in it on one side. On the neck was a red metallic skull on either side.

My eyes widen and I clap. “Cool I didn’t know he had a keyblade too, I wander what it’s name is and what it’s transformations look like.”

Ed held the weapon in front of him and grasped both handles and then it split into a set of scythe wings and arms.

“That is cool maybe I should see if Ed has taken the mark of mastery test.” I say as I watch.

The zombie alicorn, changeling king and army of zombie unicorns and changelings fire magic at Ed.

Ed stood there and took the full assault of the magic causing quite a dust cloud to form but as it cleared we saw Ed standing there unfazed and a crimson aura surrounded his body, “No flavor," He smirked as he charged in and began to shredded his opponents with his claws. He would even grab a few from time to time and toss them in the air the cut them to pieces with his wings.

“Damn! Ed is powerful.” I say in awe as he completely massacres the monsters as they all try to kill him some throwing weapons others using their natural weapons like claws fangs beaks and poison gas.

"What's he doing?" Asta got to his feet.

"CRIMSON DRAGON ROAR!” Ed roared and sent a massive blast of crimson magic towards the crowd.

I feel a deep need to run from Ed but thanks to Gamer’s mind I don’t run but my body is consumed in yellow flames. “That...is dragon slayer magic.”

Debuff: flames of fear.
This Debuff increase speed but lowers attack strength.
Can you check to last for five minutes or until the players fear goes down.

"How the hell does he have that?" Asta looked at me.

I try to stay calm as I explain. “He mentioned having magic from Fairy Tale because of a niece of. Chances are; she also gave him Dragon slayer magic but I’ve never heard of Crimson dragon before.” I say.

"Yeah about the crimson, Ed's magic is usually crimson based," Asta added. "So there is a pretty good chance that this is his own unique type of Dragon Slayer magic."

I take a deep breath and relax as the flames slowly go out. “Well that was unpleasant, think he got them all?”

"You tell me," Asta shakily points down to the field as the enemies are actually running away from Ed only for him the catch them in his claws and squeeze them to shreds. "He must still be pissed."

“Yeah, I bet.” I say and see a zombie Pegasus flying up at us and I use magic arrow on it making it crash near Ed.

"Don't interfere," Ed growled as he looked to us send chilled down my spine.

I gulp and shrug. “It was coming after us; nothing more.”

I look to Asta. “If he comes after me I’m using you as a human shield.”

"I think that would work against him; actually," Asta gulped.

Ed continued to work off his anger but he decided to revert back to his human form and returned his keyblade to wherever he pulled it from. He then pulled out a red version of the Darksaber from his arm of all places and cut the enemies to pieces.
“Damn that is crazy hopefully he won’t attack my clones.” I make some clones and send them down to collect the loot.

"Bad move dude," Asta pointed out as Ed noticed the clones. His shadow extended and out of is came black Eds. They started to attack my clones.

I flinch as each clones memories hit me. “what the hell man I’m just trying to collect the loot I have no idea if it disappears after a certain amount of time or not.”

"I think he's cooling down," Asta pointed down.

Ed had crossed his arms and it looked like a bubble had condensed around him. "Fus Ro Dah!” Ed shouted but instead of in front of him the shout went in every direction.

I get knocked up into the ceiling. “Ow...”

Asta pulled himself up from the ground, "How many powers does he have?"

I fall to the ground and groan. “With how old you said he is I’d say more then we will ever see.”

'How did he even do that last one?" Asta shook his head.

“My guess mixed two attacks together.” I stand up and make as many clones as I can and have them go collect the loot.

"That was my omnidirectional Thu'um," Ed said as we steadied ourselves. "It's what happens when you combine Force Shout with a Dragon Shout, and I'm not limited to Unrelenting Force either."

“I didn’t even know force shout was a thing; I really need to make my key blade armor so I can use my Keyblade glider to go to the Star Wars universe.” I mumble to myself.

"That was Skyrim plus Star Wars," Ed explained. "The the Star Wars is from the legends continuity, as most of the good force powers are these days."

“Well I’m sure I could find Records or something of these force abilities number which Star Wars universe you go to and if I can’t I’ll just buy all the comics or whatever read them and try to use the force to copy what I see.” I tell Ed then smile.

“Hey Ed what did you think of my way of training?”

"Training is training but these dummies are very limited," Ed crossed his arms. "You need to do like a Kairi Displaced did and make a simulation room that hooks up to different game systems and you can set better opponents."

“Hmmm if you have her token I’ll call her over and she could show me it and I may be able to copy it.” I say as I cross my arms thinking.

Ed pulled out a familiar looking lucky charm from his bag but it was silver. "This is hers and don't let her fool you as she's quite powerful. She also has a portal that lets her travel through the Void, I did have a small part to play in its development."

“Oh cool, so what now? Because if we are done I was thinking of giving you two two more gifts before you go home.” I say with a smile and bring the three of us out of the I.D.

"I do have one more thing for you," Ed pulled out a small wooden box from his pouch. "Here," I took it and opened it to see several golden keys. "These are Void Keys made from Orichalcum. Pull one out before you enter a void portal and walk through it holding the key and the Void Energy imprints the key allowing the user to go from their world to that world he was summoned to with a summoning. It only works after the summoning is done though. It's easer than constantly using a Keyblade Glider all the time."

I chuckle and take the box. “Thanks but I don’t use my keyblade to travel from Equestria to Equestria, do you know if these will work between other worlds for example between here and the world of Dragon Ball Z, the world of Star Wars, Star Trek so on and so forth?”

"As long as it's a void portal used then yes," Ed shrugged.

I summon my keyblade and aim it up at the air and after a few minutes a beam of light fires out from my blade and hits the air and makes a portal. “It’s called the lands between I believe with this be considered a void portal?”

"It has a void signature," Ed commented.

“Alright good.” I use my keyblade to close the portal then turn to Ed. “By the way what was with that incantation to summon your keyblade?”

"That was the unlock incantation to bring it forth from its pocket dimension that I keep it sealed in." Ed explained. "My keyblade is special in more ways than one. It's called the Baku."

“Huh cool. mine is Dragon’s Fury.” I say holding it up so Ed can look at it.

"Seems very you," Ed smirked. "I wish I could keep mine out but its too dangerous."

“Let me guess; heartless?” I ask as I dismiss my keyblade.

“I’ve been lucky and none have shown up except for when I did the awakening test.” I say.

"Not just that but if you noticed the handle," Ed held out his hand and quickly said his incantation causing the Baku to reappear but bound in chains. "There are two and this key lets its wielder freely walk in the Dream Realm and reshape it as well. Sound like anyone we know."

I tilt my head and make a guess. “Princess Luna?”

"This weapon appeared before me of its own accord after I married Luna over two thousand years ago," Ed released the Baku. "I've used it to roam the Dream Scape and Luna and I have used it to fight some of the worst nightmare out there."

“Huh she is lucky to have you. “ I say with a smile.

"More like I'm the lucky one to have her," Ed smiled as he rubbed his head. "She kept coming to see me after I went mad and was incased in stone. And after I came back to life she blessed me with my son and daughter." Ed looked at me and Asta. "There is also Celestia. I love her just as much as Luna and consider her no less important."

I smile and nod in understanding. “That is sweet.”

“It’s the same way I feel about Fluttershy and Aj,” Asta added.

I chuckle and say. “That’s good you two have someone to keep you grounded, I’ve only been here for a week or so and don’t think I’ll find someone like that for a long time.”

“Don’t be so naive kid,” Ed chuckled.

“I’ve only been in Equestria for a little under a year and already have Fluttershy,” Asta smirked. “And I fell for Shy and got with Shy in just a couple of weeks of being sent to my world.”

“That’s great Asta hold onto them, now that all that’s out of the way, I want to thank you both so I’m gonna get you both something, a little taste of home. Ask for any food and I’ll buy it for you, along SCP 458.” I say with a smile.

They both looked at each other and then back at me.

"We appreciate the thought Del," Asta smiled.

"But we have no idea what SCP 458 is," Ed added.

“Ah I see it’s basically a infinite pizza box, you touch it and your favorite pizza just appears inside it hot and fresh and you can do this for anyone and forever.” I explain to them as I pull mine out of the inventory I also close the party so the two of them lose the gamer powers.

"Thanks but well pass," Ed held up his hands.

"We never really cared for pizza all that much back home,” Asta nodded in agreement with his brother.

I shrug and put it back into my inventory. “Alright your choice and the other thing?”

"How about we let Ed cook if you get use the ingredients," Asta recommend. "He was always the one that knew how to work a kitchen the right way."

“Sure. Hell; I could even buy ingredients from the Food Wars anime or the food actually gives you powers or something I never actually watched it though.” I say as I grab onto them and pull them into a empty I.D. Then open a portal back to Ponyville.

“We can use one of the kitchens from town in a I.D. Everything is copied and no one is around.” I explain.

"Best get your friends Del, we come from the south where you make a meal for everyone." Ed smirked.

I rub my head thinking. “Well...I made a few friends, ok let’s head to the library.” I close the portal then bring us back to normal space and open a portal to the inside of the library.

“All powerful ass kickers first.” I wave at the portal while looking at Ed.

"He Del you have any keychains for your blade?" Ed said as he knocked on the door.

I shake my head. “No I haven’t used it much at all besides fighting a few Diamond dogs and a heartless version of Nightmare Moon and a Darkside during my awakening test. Apparently my Princess Luna decided to follow me while I was dreaming and when I would start my test she was there the whole time.

"Then take this token," Ed pulled Vanitas' keychain from his bag, ‘I am Vanitas, if there is anyone in need of help, I’ll be there to answer the call.’

“Huh cool another token that makes seven that I have now.” I smile and out it in my inventory. “Oh and Ed would you mind giving copy’s of the tokens I gave you to Asta?”

"Sure," Ed nodded as he pulled the tokens from Earlier and made copies and Asta took them and placed them in his Grimoire as we waited for some one to arrive at the door.

It was Spike that opened the door and he looks up at us and is about to scream but I put a hand on his mouth and say. “Spike these are my friends and they helped save a lot of ponies. We are just gonna make some dinner and share with everypony they won’t hurt anyone now be a good drake and go get Twilight’s friends, my guards and Vinyl Scratch, and I’ll give you this bag of gems.”

I pull out a bag of gems from my inventory once he sees it He calms down and nods, he takes the gems and leaves to get them. “ OK crisis averted for now. Asta; feel free to read and Ed; free reign of the kitchen just make a list of ingredients that you need and I’ll buy them.

"I'll make him a special dish too," Ed said as we walked in.

"If that's how Spike was gonna react how will the book horse react?" Asta huffed.

I look to Asta and sigh. “Anything from trying to blast you with her magic and then trying to warn Celestia that a ‘evil human’ has arrived in Equestria; to trying to take you downstairs to study you honestly I haven’t interacted with this Twilight that much so I have no idea what her personality is like other than the show, quadrupedal Universes usually stay pretty close to the shows canon as far as I’ve read another fanfiction‘s.”

"Guess we're gonna find out now," Ed pointed to said pony as she was walking into the room .

Twilight stops and stares at Asta and Ed looking back and forth then she gasps and rushes up to Asta and starts looking him over muttering to herself about Asta’s size, appearance and anything else she can notice. “Well looks like Asta is gonna be a test subject. Hey Twilight; don’t forget he is a person and I hope you protect him from your friends.” I say to her.

She waves a hoof as she summons a note book and quill and immediately starts taking down notes.

"Excuse," Asta picked up the pony by the scruff of her neck. "But I'm not about to be a Guinea Pig for one of our bizzarro test. So if you have questions ask. My name is Asta Ferris, and this is my older brother Edward Elric," He put her down. "Nice to meet you little pony."

She blinks and writes everything down then looks up at Asta. “Fascinating. Humans are able to speak and are quite strong apparently.”

"Is this chick for real," Asta pointed at the pony. "She's doesn't even way that much."

I shrug and say. “Welcome to a quadrupedal universe. The ponies in these types of universe are a lot more racist.”

Twilight continues not paying attention to either of us.

"I don't really care," Ed whooshed his finger to the side and picked up Twilight with Telekinesis and brought her up to face level.

She looks with wide eyes as she write it down. “It seems that the other human can use a form of magic; maybe they evolved and will be almost as smart as ponies soon?” She speaks to herself I have had enough and walk up and give her head a karate chop.

"Was that really necessary Del?" Asta raised an eyebrow.

“She isn’t listening and is being very racist. Twilight listen to me; humans aren’t monsters. They aren’t beasts; they’re people just like you and your friends. How do you like it if I suddenly started studying every part of your body and muttering to myself not letting you speak and anytime you did acting like you’re an animal instead of a pony?”

She lowers her head in shame and says. “Sorry I just wanted to study humans as they went extinct after Celestia banished them.”

"Hmf, banished," Ed scoffed as he let Twilight down. "You shouldn't believe everything that's written down in a history book kid. May I borrow your kitchen?"

“Um ok sure mister human.” She says and I shake my head.

“Twilight try asking questions instead of just taking your answers.” I sit down and lick up a book.

"You clearly didn't hear my younger brother when he told you we have names," Ed bent down. "So let's try this again. Hello, Twilight Sparkle, my name is Edward Elric."

"Hi, again, I'm his younger brother Asta Ferris," Asta pointed to himself.

She gulps and holds up a hoof. “Hello mister Ed it’s nice to meet you.”

"No need to be scared little one," Ed grasped her hoof with his metal hand and gently shook it. Twilight's eyes got wide when she saw his hand. "Like Del said, we're not monster. And if it helps," Ed held his palm up and a holo display showed pictures of him and his family, especially his children. "We'll answer what questions you have about humans okay."

She gasps and looks at the hologram in detail. “So detailed, your magic is amazing please tell me everything!”

"What do you want to know?" Ed smiled. "I also want to borrow your kitchen to cook a meal for eveyone here and those to come.

“Oh um go ahead and please tell me everything.” Twilight follows Ed into the kitchen.

I look to Asta. “Hey Asta do you know about her future?”

"I know a roughness of the future from the show but I never really watched the show, why?" He tilted his head.

I rub my chin and say. “I could tell you more, but every universe is different and this would be more like a guideline because of differences between the universities are there is there a key events that will always happen like Nightmare Moon.”

"The only one for me was Sombra's return and the Empire so far, and I was a big part of that," Asta crossed his arms. "With Ed's help; we were able to save Princess Amore from his dark petrification spell."

I rub my chin. “Huh I’ll have to remember to look for her in this timeline, as for your future the next thing will be...”I look at the door to the kitchen then lean closer.

“Twilight will mess up a spell that swaps her friends cutie marks, after she fixes it she will ascend into an alicorn.” I whisper to him.

"That's gonna be kinda hard to do," Asta leaned against the wall. "The Bulls have broomsticks now and I'm starting to work out a job system with the princesses. Not to mention the town we founded." He placed his hand on his chin. "I really wanted a quiet life there but as Ed said things always happen."

“Trust me Asta; Twilight needs to ascend. She will end up uniting most of the world just speak with Celestia and tell her you know what you’re planning for twilight and ask her to let you know when she will get a Twilight ‘the book’ so you can stay out of it.” I tell him.

"I stay out of the pony's story as best I can." Asta explained. "Help when I need to give it a push. Sombra need to be dealt with and slowed down and I was the only one who could face him. Other than that I let things go there own course."

“Alright though I do plan on doing things my way to a few of the bad guys.” I say then the door opens and twilights friends come in along with my guards and Vinyl.

“Twilight; your friends are here!” I call out and she comes running in and stops rainbow just as she flies at Asta.

"Oh crap," Asta eyes met the the and hell broke lose, or would have if Rarity hadn't put him in a bubble.

I sigh and rub my face. “Everypony calm down! Asta isn’t dangerous! Just because he isn’t a pony doesn’t make him evil, or is Spike evil too?” I ask them.

"Not like this weak little shield can hold me anyways," Asta pulled out on of his smaller sword and tapped the bubble. The shield quickly fell apart and was absorbed by the sword. "Look I don't want any trouble but if you start something with me," He glared at the group and released some killing intent. "You better be prepared to follow through and finish it."

I facepalm then walk up to Asta and hit his forehead with two fingers. “Hey dumb dumb we are trying to make friends; not scare them!”

"WELL SORRY BUT NO ONE PUTS ME ANY CAGE!" Asta shouted in out right rage.

Suddenly Asta was hit in the back of the head with a spoon and Ed was standing in the door way of the kitchen. "Calm yourself little brother, like Del said we're here to make friends, not enemies." He turned to the group and gave a bow. "Sorry about my brother's outburst just now. He hates tight spaces and has no tolerance for big put in them."

Rarity clears her throat and steps forward. “It’s quite alright darling; I can understand how he feels. I merely put the shield around him to keep Rainbow from attacking him. I do apologize my good stallion.” She finishes facing Asta.

"Thank you for your consideration my good lady but Asta is more than capable of standing his ground against multiple martial arts at one, he doesn't need protect," Ed got back up. "Now I must return to the kitchen," Ed turned back around and I heard something else. "Twilight don't touch that it's not ready for any of it yet."

I chuckle and sit down. “So ladies; meet Asta. He helped save quite a few badly hurt creatures today.”

"Sorry for being rude," Asta returned his sword to his book.

Most of the girls then started to actually talk with him minus Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash who were over near the kitchen door, while I looked through my inventory.

"Who wants to know what? And before you ask Pinkie, no I'm not one for parties, I'll go but I stay in the back most of the time. "Asta said.

Pinkies hair deflates a bit but she nods, then rarity asks. “Mister; may I ask who made such lovely clothes?”

Applejack says. “How did y’all get here?”

And pinkie asks.” Cupcake?” While pulling one out of her mane and holding to him.

"Thank,” Asta took the cupcake and sat down. "And one of the knights in my squad made my clothes, along with the rest of my wardrobe. And as far as I got here well, I was helping fix up a town my knight squad had established when Del asked for mine and my brother's help in one of his operations, so I came over and helped."

They all look to me and I shrug. “Ask the princesses about it if it isn’t in the news.”

"It won't be in the news Del," Asta said as he took a bite of his cupcake. “mm red velvet. It personally involved them and the Abyss; any word on the Siren."

“Not that I know, but your right it most likely won’t be in the news.” I say then rub my face.

“What do you mean by ‘it involves them’ and ‘the abyss’?” Rainbow asks as she hovers over to our group.

"That got your attention," Asta took another bite of his cupcake. "So good. And it means what it means Rainbow. That it involved the Princesses and the Abyss. As in they got caught up in it due to outside forces dragging them in. They weren't dealing with the Abyss, but somepony closely related to them was."

I cross my arms and say. “If you want to know ask them. It’s not my place to say what happened especially if they want to keep it a secret. It would be like Spike reading out one of your diaries to everypony.” I tell them and just then Twilight and Ed come into the room.

"And that's human biology," Ed finished saying as Twilight took notes. he looked at us, "The food well be ready shortly."

I smirk and decide to tease twilight. “Wow Twilight; you only knew him for a few minutes and he is already giving you biology lessons?”

Some of the girls blush while Rainbow Dash starts laughing and Twilight blushes bright red and starts sputtering.

"Let the mare have her knowledge, not like she'll be able to find a lot of it here," Ed patted her head. "Besides, I have two wonderful mares already."

I chuckle and smile. “Yeah I’m just messing with you Twilight. So; I’m guessing foods done?”

"Most of the pony's food is ready but some of the baked foods are still in the oven," Ed explained. "There is a variety of foods for everyone. The meats and fish for the predators and pegasi are separate of course. Which reminds me. Twilight, do you incorporate red meats into Spike's diet?"

She lowers her head her ears against her head. “No I haven’t but Deltorix told me I was wrong and said he was gonna cook meat for spike.”

“I just wanted to ask as I made him a very special dish that is designed to help with his stunted growth,” Ed explained. “While we on the finishing touches I will answer questions.”

She smiles and lifts her note book. “That’s great what happened to your island?”

“My island?” Ed tilted his head.

She nods getting excited. “Yes the island that humans suddenly appeared on and lived on for a while before you all disappeared.”

“This is beyond my knowledge Twilight,” Ed placed hand on her shoulder. “After my time. I may look human but I assure that I am not anymore. You’ll have to ask your teacher about this and I recommend you do it with Princess Luna is around as Celestia would be more forth coming and Luna will want to know to as she doesn’t have a clue either.”

She writes that down and nods smiling. “I always love to learn.”

“Hey Ed how long Pinkie and Spike look like they are starving.” I say while pointing at them as they lay on their belly’s on the floor moaning from hunger.

“I know you Twilight but also know that some knowledge is dangerous and some is buried for reasons, some should even be destroy if needed,” Ed crossed his arms. “How about now,” Ed smirked as he snapped his finger and we were transported to a lavish hall with a full spread in front of us.

We are all shocked and I look over at Ed and say. “How?”

“Who cares; I’m hungry!” Spike yells as he gets a plate but claps his hands together and bows his head. “Thank you Celestia for this wonderful meal.” Then he starts digging in.

“Yes speaking of the sun,” Ed snapped again and Celestia and Luna appeared to the still shocked crowd.

Celesta and Luna look around confused and shocked and then Celestia sees Ed and Asta she immediately gets a hostile look but does not act. “What are we doing here?”

“Having a meal with friends; maladies,” Ed took an honest bow.

Celesta looks like she is about to attach but then twilight smiles and walks over. “Princess; you’re here!”

Twilight walks over and nuzzles Celestia and she puts on a mask for twilight. “Ah my most faithful student, I did not expect you to be with these...people..”

“How are the creatures fairing that we rescued?” Asta asked with no animosity.

Celesta chose to pay attention to Twilight so Luna answers Asta. “Most are recovering though sadly a few younger one have past away from their injuries and malnourishment.”

Ed beat his hand on the table hard enough for everyone to stop and look. He had tears falling down either side of his face. "Why the children? They're innocents. They're supposed to be the future."

Celesta looks shocked and Luna lowers her head. “Yes it is sad we wish we could do more but sadly they were too far gone, but Blueblood is in the dungeons now so nothing like this should happen again.”

"Death was to good a punishment for him," Asta interlaced his fingers. "He wanted power and immortality so bad that he turned his back on the very races he was supposed to protect. What do you plan on doing with that bastard?"

Celesta turns her head away but Luna looks hesitant. “We...are unsure, he is still a alicorn and is immortal, we can not agree on what to do.”

I speak up looking to Ed. “Ed you said my stone can control his right?”

"Yes, as long as the order doesn't contradict his loyalty and order from Celestia and Luna," Ed answered. "He won't ever have magic again thanks to my curses and his broken horn, and he may be immortal but thanks to the stone he can be killed if necessary."

All the ponies flinch at the mention of killing. “Well what if you give Blueblood to me?” I smirk and look around at the girls.

“I’m sure I could find a few good ways of using him and he won’t be able to run away or hurt anyone if I say so.” I look at Luna more so then Celestia.

"No," Ed interrupted. "I left him under their care for a reason Del. If they decide to give him to you after some form of trail, or after a good stent in the dungeons then that's their choice. But he must be punished first. I've seen too many go free do to a soft heart because they thought they knew a pony or because they were related in some way. And all they did when that evil was set free was go back to what they did before. Most that were punished did manage to better themselves."

I shrug not really caring if I get my hands on him or not. “Fair enough though. I was gonna make him work hard and show him the lives he ruined.”

“I agree with sir Ed; young dragon. He needs punishment.” Luna speaks after me.

All eyes were on Celestia now and She looks around then sighs. “No he will not be put in your hooves dragon. He is my nephew and I will handle his punishment.”

"I'm glad I was able to straighten out my own nephew before he fell so low," Ed let out a sigh and looked at Celestia. "As much as you may find my presence disgusting Celestia I can assure you that I know your pain all to well, as much as you may not believe me."

Celesta keeps her mask on showing no emotions at all at least to me. “I thank you for your concern human; but this is a pony matter and we can handle it. Before we eat I must ask, how is it that you and the other human are here I am sure I ...banished all the other humans along with their island.”

"HAHAHA!" Ed belted. "You've seen me in worst possible way and you still call me human." Ed looked to me out of the corner of his eye. 'Del relax I'm using a form of telepathy from Fairy Tail. What should I tell her?'

I close my eyes to focus then think back. ‘You can tell her the truth, I have already told my guards about how most displaced are humans or were humans.’

“You may be more powerful then the humans I’ve seen but I know you are one and so is he.” Celestia said while pointing at asta.

"Listen here little girl I'm not from your world and neither is my little brother," Ed stood his ground and looked her straight in the eye. "I am not human anymore either. That ended when I died to protect those I loved and my world form a soul eating monster that I still keep locked in my body. And as for power, you have no idea how powerful I really am."

I watch as Celesta actually flinches back then frowns and sits at the table. “Soyou’re not from the island?”

"No, I am from another Equestria where I help govern the world while trying to be a good husband and father," Ed sat down.

"I'm from an Equestria where we fight the forces of evil with personalized magic," Asta added. "We're call Magic Knights and we don't answer to the government but work with them. Believe it or not the Elements are actual my junior knights."

Celestia’s head whips toward Asta with a look of shock. “That’s not possible my ponies are good and would never hurt anypony.”

I sigh and speak up. “Ok I’m gonna say this then; I want us to drop it and just eat. Ponies are racist Celestia, they even use species exclusive language like ‘everypony’, ‘anypony’, ‘thispony’, ‘thatpony’ so on and so forth. You need to have the schools teach about other races as well; otherwise incidents that wouldn’t even happen otherwise may happen. For instance; let’s say a griffin came to a small village to move in all the villagers see that Griffin they scream and run thinking that he’s going to attack them, because they’ve never seen anything like it before. Now let’s just eat.” I sigh and start eating but Applejack kicks me under the table.

I glare at her but she just puts her hooves together and lowers her head.

Ed was doing something with a holo display and Asta was telling a few stories to he other girls. I could see the glares that Celestia was sending towards Asta. Luna was think very hard about a lot of the information she'd just received. I ignore applejack and just start eating and smile enjoying it.

"Somebody say something as this silence is horribly," Ed looked up once everyone was finished.

I chuckle and say. “Alright hey girls want to see something cool?” I ask and once they are all looking at me I start flying around keeping my wings closed.

“What the hay!?” Rainbow says.

“My goodness.” Rarity.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy.

“How is this possible!?” Twilight.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack.

While Pinkie just giggles and starts bouncing.

"Wanna see something else neat?" Ed smirked as he held up his left hand and made a claw. We then saw shimmering strings coming from his fingers.

I watch to see what he is gonna do. “Oh? I haven’t seen this.”

She leans closer looking at them. “Are they a form of magic?”

"Very astute; little one," Ed chuckled. He pulled on the strings and the entire room lite up with the shimmering lines. "These are the very magic that are all around you and allow you to use magic."

Her eyes light up as she looks at all the magic around us all and makes a notebook appear and starts writing everything down while Celestia starts gritting her teeth.

"Don't look so angry princess, it take me more than a hundred years before I could even see these and even longer to pull on them," Ed said calmly. "Do tell me if you don't mind? Why is that you hate humans so much?"

She lifts her head and says. “Because they are monsters that attacked every single pony sent to talk with them and then they were going to try to invade Equestria .” She said but I noticed AJ twitch a bit.

Ed looked at Asta out of the corner of his and Asta gave the slightest shake of his head. I guess being an actor himself lets him read people a lot better, wait ki can help detect lies. Ed let out a sigh. “Why are you lying?”

She narrows her eyes. “Are you calling me a liar? “

"I didn't stutter," Ed said outright.

She lights her horn but I stand up. “Enough! Celesta we have two lie detectors that went off, and Ed is just trying to find out what happened.”

Celesta glares at me then says. “Fine, I completely destroyed the island to nothing! The humans are evil and I won’t stand for any of them to remain.” She finishes looking at Asta and Ed.

"You can try but I guarantee you that you won’t fair any better than Blueblood did against Ed," Asta leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "And before you even get to Ed you'll have me to answer to."

I take a deep breath and stand with them. “And me, I may be a dragon now but I use to be human before.” I tell everyone and the girls gasp while Celestia focuses on me and I feel the temperature skyrocket.

“You are human? I knew there was something wrong with you!” Celestia steps forward but Luna blocks her with a wing.
“Sister he has done nothing wrong and is a dragon now. Is it not better to see if he is truly evil as you say?”

Celesta stops and looks around and puts her mask on and sighs. “You’re right Luna...I’m...sorry”

"If you have anger towards humans then direct it at me," Asta stood up. "I'm the only actual human here princess. My brother has done nothing but help people his whole life, even after he was kicked out of our family he still pursued his dream but kept helping. If anyone is here needs to be watched it's me."

She closes her eyes and refuses to look at or acknowledge the three of us anymore.

"So be it," Ed huffed. "Look, I know it takes a lot to rule over a nation but that doesn't justify the genocide of an entire race."
Celesta turns to Twilight and starts a completely different conversation.

I shake my head and look to Ed. “Probably for the best if I’m the one that has to get through to her. I mean it wouldn’t mean much if I had you do everything, and seeing how most Equestria’s run on tv logic doing that would just make a stronger villain show up later.”

"Del, take this and give it to Spike," Ed placed a glowing crystal in front of my with what looked like a flame in it.
I look at it and nod after using observe on it. “Sure though are you sure he can handle it?”

Object: Emerald Fire Dragon Lacrima.
This Lacrima gives who ever absorbs it Emerald Fire Dragon Slayer magic.
Creator: Ed
Rarity: Legendary

"I know he can," Ed smirked. "And I have more gifts." Ed reached behind him and the air gave off a golden ripple effect and he pulled out a massive greenish blue bladed sword. He walked over to Luna. "May I present you with the Moonlight Great sword."

Her eyes widen and she takes it looking over it in her magic. “Amazing craftsmanship. Who made such a blade?”

"No one truly knows who but the legends say it was forged by the Scaleless dragon Seath. He is said to have imbue his own magic into the sword and used it to defend countless lives against his own kind." Ed turned to Celestia and pulled an Eagle headed warhammer from the air. "Though you may never look upon it with more than disgust; I do hope you accept this and change your view on humans; The Hammer of Sol."

Celesta looks at the weapon and slowly takes it looking it over and frowning. “I see humans still make weapons.”

"While it is a warhammer it has never tasted blood and only been used to create weapons for the protection of others," Ed explained. "The hammer holds the power of the brightest light even when there is none."

Celesta looks over the hammer again before setting it beside her and returning her attention to Twilight.

“Hey Ed thanks for trying to make peace between her and me, but I feel it’s something I have to do.” I tell him.

"I'm not making peace for you Del, but laying the ground work for your future," Ed smirked. "Twilight."

She looks over a little confused and wary. “Um yes Ed?”

I tilt my head trying to figure out what Ed is planning.

"You are destined for greatness little one but are blinded by what you read in books," Ed smirked as he poked Twilight's forehead head just below her horn with a red spark. Twilight's eyes got big. "Look for the truth within the truth. Alchemy will guide you."

I look to Ed and think. ‘Did he just give her alchemy?’

Ed smirked with wink. "Ms. Rarity your turn."

Rarity looks surprised and so do I as she gets up and walks over to Ed. “What ever would you want to give me? I’m just a fashionista.”

"Tell me what you see in my coat," Ed took off his coat and laid out in front of her. Now that I paid closer attention to is in the light it shimmered and was somewhat transparent.

She looks closely then gasps.” Darling are these made of a new kind of crystal!?” She said in excitement.

"Here," Ed laid a book in front of her. "These are both magical and nonmagical techniques that you can learn in order to make special elemental fabrics from jewels and gemstones to promote magic flow or resist it. My coat is made of fire ruby thread and you may keep it for reference. I have also left you a workshop with all the tools and necessary components in your shop."

She gasps and looks over what’s in front of her. “Oh I love it but I can’t; it’s too much.”

"Nonsense and I won't take no," he gave a warm smirk before turning to Fluttershy and gently bending down to get eye level. "Here you go. These books will teach all about medical tactics for animals and what types of plant you can use from the forest."

Rarity stands there a bit shocked but soon squeals and hugs the coat.

While Fluttershy looks away shyly but when Ed mentions animals she looks out from her hair and sees the books smiles softly and take some of the small nod.

He walked over to Applejack, “For you I have books and agriculture and apples as well as a new typed of apple seed."

Applejack raises a eyebrow and narrows her eyes. “You saying I don’t know how to work ma farm?”

"Quite the contrary," Ed chuckled. "You run it very well help you run it better and the apple is called a crystal apple."

“Crystal Apple you say? I ain’t never heard of that kind of apple, where is it from?”

"It's from a ancient empire that vanished long ago," Ed gave her the books and bag of seed. "It's also that the tree produces fruit year around and can grow in any environment, nut produce the sweetest fruit in the winter when it is care for with love."

She looks at the bag of seeds in awe. “Boy howdy that does sound like some kind of apple.”

Ed turned to Rainbow, "Quick to jump to conclusions and very proud to refer to yourself as the fastest in the land."

Rainbow narrows her eyes at Ed. “I am the fastest flyer I Equestria!”

"Prove it," Ed pointed at Asta. "Beat my little brother in a race."

She smirks and flaps her wings. “You’re on!”

I shrug and stand up. “I’m in too. I’ve been waiting to test out my flying abilities; how about a bet? Loser has to wear a dress for a whole day.” I smirk and look to rarity.

"Very well," Ed snapped and we were all teleported to the Fountain in the center of town. "Your start here in Ponyville, go loop around Cloudsdale, down to touch the castle at Canterlot then back to here at the starting point. Secondly, I'm not in this race but you should go all out."

I grin and flair my ki kicking up wind and dust.

Rainbow flairs her wings ready to kick our flanks or so she thinks.

"I guess I'd get my butt in gear," Asta rubbed the tip of his nose. His Grimoire flew up next to him and this caught everyone's attention.

I look over not knowing what he is doing.

Celesta and Luna step back feeling something.

"Please be aware that what Asta is about to do is necessary to invoke his power," Ed explained. "But I suggest you all stay behind me."

All the ponies except Celestia get behind Ed while she stands her ground.

I watch closely. ‘Is this his true power?’

The Grimoire opens and out comes his second sword, Celestia flinches at the sight of the aura around the blade. Asta took a hold of the sword with his right hand and placed the flat of the blade against his left and looked as if he started to meditate. I got an uneasy feeling myself so a decided to use this opportunity to use the ki technique Asta taught me. I focused as hard as I could and then I felt it, from the blade Asta was drawing the Anti-magic into his own body.

The was a sudden shock wave as anti-covered the right side of Asta's body. His whole right side was almost solid black and his hair looked horns. Asta's eyes shot open and his right eye was no longer a fluorescent green but a burning blood red. On his back as singular black wing that looked frayed and torn at the ends with a much smaller wing on his left. I also spotted a whip like tail that ended in a spade like tip.

"Alright," Asta smirked showing off his the fangs on the right side of his mouth. He looked himself over as everyone stared. "Oh crap it looks like I achieved the second stage transformation."

“Damn dude, that is bad ass.” I say.

While rainbow trying to act tough thou she is shaking says. “Oh? And how are you gonna fly with those ripped wings?”

Asta shot of leaving a trail of solid black behind him and he zig-zag around the sky before descending, gently.

Everyone is shocked even me then I chuckle nervously. “Well damn that is fast.”

Rainbow shakes her head then gets into a starting position. “Whatever. I’ll still win!”

"And I'm not even used to this form yet; wait tell I can really push myself and go beyond my limits," Asta said with eagerness in his voice and sparkles in his eyes.

I smirk and get ready for the race as Ed comes over and raises his hand.

"On your marks," Ed said, we got in to line. "Get ready" took our stances, "Go!" Ed slammed his hand down and we all took off.

Asta flies past me and Rainbow Dash easily but me and her are almost even I use more ki and start flying faster and it isn’t long before we see Cloudsdale.

“I won’t lose to either of you two!” I hear rainbow yell over the wind I use even more ki and loop around Cloudsdale then as I’m flying back over the Everfree forest I see rainbow catching up right beside me with a mock cone around hurt my eyes widened just as she breaks the sound barrier and creates a sonic rainboom.

The shock wave from the rainboom knocks me down into he forest and I land hard in some flowers.

-500 damage taken

I quickly fly up and use most of my ki to try to catch up growling I push myself but just as I’m entering Canterlot I see Rainbow Dash leaving the castle so I quickly get to the castle touch it and then blast off back to Ponyville but by the time I get there I see Asta relaxing and a out of breath rainbow dash.

"Looks like you two lose, and you know what that means," Ed said.

I huff and roll my eyes. “Yeah, yeah I know; Rarity got one I could use?”

"You might want to sit down there Del you took quite a spell there into the Everfree," Ed said as he floated a glass of water to me and Rainbow. “Let Rainbow go first, as second place."

I shrug and sit down. “Not like I hurt, I lost some life points yeah but the pain is gone the moment I started flying again.”

"You spent quite a bit of energy too; ki is mentally and physically draining, not to mention you also flapped your wing a lot just to keep up with Dash," who was glaring at Asta. "just to keep up."

I shrug again and roll my neck. “ technically I can use up all my energy and I’d be still perfectly fine I can use all my chakra, all of my ki, al of my spiritual pressure, all of it and I’d still be perfectly fine so long as my life points are intact.” I tell Ed and smirk at rainbow.

"I say you cheated," Dash pointed at Asta.

I sigh expecting this. “Rainbow; he played fair and square, asking him to hold back would be like asking you to fly with only one wing.”

"Which is entirely possible if I had known that I'd achieved form too," Asta pointed out.

Soon Rarity comes over with a dress I sigh and take it and use requip magic to instantly put it on and most of the girls laugh at me but I smirk and strike a pose. “You’re all just jealous that I make this look good.”

"I do have question for Sir Asta," Luna came forward. This got Celestia a little anxious.

I watch somewhat ready to act if Celestia does something stupid.

“We are wondering what is this power you possess; it feels....wrong.” Luna asks Asta.

"Maybe because it's anti-magic," Asta said nonchalant.

Luna’s eyes widen and she looks conflicted but Celestia steps forward. “You are full of anti-magic?! I can not allow you to-“

Luna cuts her off by getting in front of her and saying. “Tia stop, he is dangerous yes but he hasn’t acted against ponies let him be.”

"Full of anti-magic no," Asta sighed. "I can simply channel it into my body using my swords and other items." He pulled out his grimoire. "I'm am actually the guard of this."

Luna thinks this over and nods and says. “I see very well thank you sir Asta.”

“Luna you can’t possibly believe that he won’t-“ Celestia yells at Luna but Luna shuts her up by glaring at her.

“He is innocent sister; don’t let your emotions control you.”

"You want proof; here," He held out his Grimoire. "Feel why I must guard this book." He held it up to Celestia.

Celesta glares and stomps up and tries to grab the book with her hoof.

I shake my head. ‘Celestia you moron.’

"Be careful with it Princess," Asta gave in a worried voice.

She huffs and takes it from Asta. “You can’t scare me human monster.” She whispers to him.

"I'm not a monster and it wasn't a threat; but a warning," Asta said. "But I can do monstrous attack if I need to, like when my girls were kidnapped and sold off as sex slaves and my student was locked up in chains. Now open the book."

“I wouldn’t do that Celestia.” I tell her with my arms crossed.

She scoffs and starts to open it. “Quiet human. I will know what gives you power so I can stop you.”

"Be my guest but don't say you weren't warned," Asta told her.

Celesta looks through the book getting upset and glares at Asta. “What is this language!? I can’t read it at all!” While she is yelling a black and red aura starts coming from the book.

"It's the language of the Clover Kingdom," Asta scratched his head. "And don't feel bad as only a Grimoire’s owner can read the spells in the book."

She gets madder and lights her horn. “Is that what you call your new kingdom? When I find it I will make sure no human is left on my world!” The black and red aura starts climbing her hooves.

"You may want calm down Celestia," Ed warned.


I have seen enough and summon my staff and knock the book up and out of her hooves and aim it at her casting bind to hold her still.

"That is what I guard," Asta pointed at the book and suddenly from the book shot a large solid black winged evil figure with a malicious sharp toothed smile. It looked around at everyone and cackled. Asta quickly grabbed the book and slammed it shut and the figure faded. "You see what I must contend with. What I must constantly be on guard from?"

Celesta is still mad but isn’t talking. “Luna; I think Celestia needs to go home and relax.”

“Yes I agree with you young dragon.” Luna says as she walks up to Celestia lighting her horn and gets ready to teleport.

"Wait," Asta pulled out his sword. "I need to cleanse the demon's influence before you do or she could lose herself," Asta held his sword up with one hand and his pointer and middle fingers on the other and concentrated. he threw his fingers down and point at Celestia and pulled the black emotions from her body and drew them into the sword. "Christ. Most of that is her own anger. I was able to get the demon but some of it is still there I'm afraid.” Asta sighed. "Princess please take this and should thing get dire with her have her write her name in this book with a drop of blood mixed in there. It is the only way to save her from her own demons."

Luna is surprised but nods taking what Asta gave her. “Thank you sir Asta we shall look after my sister we promise.”

"I am truly sorry for the trouble we have caused you Princess Celestia," Asta said with sincerely as he got down on his knees and placed his head on the ground. "I hope that one day we can be friends."

"I am sorry too," Ed did the same. "I hope we can be of service to you someday Princess Luna, Next time; I'll Being my family.”

Celesta is taken back by this caught completely off guard. “I...see..” was all she said.

Luna smiles and nods. “I would like that sir Ed and please sir Asta there is no need to lower yourself that far.”

"No there is, I have shown you both much disrespect and I most apologize in full," Asta said as his grimoire floated up next to him and opened. He pulled a medallion from it pricking his finger and had a drop of blood fall onto the medallion. Asta held it out to the princesses. "Should you need my services or the service of my knights for anyone duty, hold the above and blast it with your magic and we will come."

Luna smiles and takes it. “Thank you sir Asta I will keep it safe.”

I lean over to Ed and whisper. “Are you and your brother Japanese? Or does he just follow the culture?”

Ed stood up, “No we’re both Americans but Asta spent quite some time in the east learning his martial arts and conforming to many of the customs of his masters. "

“Ah that makes sense.” I say as I watch Luna teleport taking Celestia with her.

I then look back to Ed. “Well this has been fun but exhausting. Thank you both for helping out.”

"One more thing; hey Dash catch," Ed tossed a book to Rainbow. "It's full of martial arts and physical training to help you." Ed winked.

He looked back at me. "Use the watch to get in touch with other Displaced that have it. It doubles as a video caller and small item delivery system across the void. My nieces and nephew could be a help to you down the road.”

"And give me ring some time to," Asta made the phone symbol with his fingers.

I chuckle and nod. “Yeah I’ll check out who all I can call later, and sure I’ll keep you to up to date whenever something huge happens and Ed if I ever want to send something bigger I’ll call you and ask you to let it through your shield I can send gifts to other displaced...I think...I tried to send a gift to All Might and it disappeared but I don’t know if he got it.”

I finish while rubbing my chin thinking then I shake my head and chuckle. “Anyway call me if you need help or just want someone to chill with, now are you two ready to go home?”

They both gave a thumbs up.

I smile and say. “Asta, Ed; our contracts are complete.” After that two big pop up windows open with doors behind them and I wave. “Good luck to both of you, oh and Asta if you ever need someone to help kill some slavers; give me a call I can’t stand that kind of person.”

"Will do," Asta shook my hand and turned to Ed. "Good to see you brother talk to you later."

"Good bye you two," Ed smiled. "Love you brother," He hugged Asta and the two depart but suddenly stop and look at each other.

I wonder what stopped them and ask. “What’s wrong?”

"Our baby brother has just been displaced," The said in unison.

I blink and rub my chin then grin. “If you want I can try to send him your tokens along with a note and picture.” As I say this I use my store to buy a old camera and pull out a notebook and hold them up.

"Go for it," the say in stereo.

I take a picture of them then hand them the notebook and a quill. “Then write him a note and give me copies of your tokens, then after I send them go home, I have no idea what happens if your called from my world before you go home.”

"No idea either," Ed wrote in the note book and handed it to Asta. "Yea, I hope everything goes well for him but he'll be in the dark about a lot of stuff."

"It's for the best we just give him a run down, let things be and he'll find us on his own as he always has," Ed said as Asta handed me the book.

I nod and rip out the page and put the note and picture in a small box along with the tokens. “Alright now then, here goes nothing, I need his name.” I look up at them.

"Garret, or Gar as he preferred," Ed said as he rolled his eyes.

I chuckle and say. “Let’s hope he wasn’t displaced as Gaara. Send gift to Garret.” After I say that pixels appear around the box till it’s completely covered then they and the box disappear.

"Thanks for that Del but we need to get back home," Asta shook my hand vigorously.

I smile and nod and watch as they leave. “Good luck and if you need me call me.”

"Goodbye my friend," Ed waved as he went through the door.

"See ya," Asta saluted and walked through his door.

I watch as the door ways disappear in a flurry of pixels then I turn around to see the main six and my guards looking at me then bronze shield says. “Your friends are weird.”