• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,588 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

  • ...

Chapter 10

Dillan turned to and waved for him to follow as he led him to the throne room of canterlot. Where Celestia, Luna, and Discord were chatting with Discord himself actually being serious.

"While I love the chaos those enemies of Ben Tennyson and now Dillan's have been causing, they're really getting out of claw. I mean the other day I had to put up a force field around Saddle Arabia because of Vilgax’s flying drones." The chaos spirit said.

"Yes Discord, we know. However, we- oh Dillan." Celestia said with a friendly smile, notifying the other two immortals of the two displaced presence. "Is this a displaced friend of yours?"

Deltorix crosses his arms but only bows his head. “Hello your highness my name is Deltorix and I am a displaced, The Gamer to be precise, though I do apologize if I am being rude, me and my Celestia don't have the best relationship right now.”

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Celestia smiles softly. "I hope you and my counterpart can make amends."

Deltorix shrugs then says. “That depends, can she make up for killing a whole island’s worth of humans?” He ends by pointing at Dillan as an example.

Dillan blinks and snaps his head to Deltorix. "What?"

Dillan’s Celestia looked shocked as well.

“Yeah, turns out humans had come to my Equestria; or at least my world, and lived on an island and my Celestia killed them all, she can’t even see a human without thinking she missed a few.” Deltorix said as he uses his magic to show a few of his memories of his Celestia yelling and starting to go crazy.

"Jeez reminds me of fanfiction stories I read where Celestia tricked all the humans into becoming ponies or killed them." Dillan said.

“Oh you mean, the Conversion Bureau timeline?” he asks.

"Yeah." Dillan said staring at Celestia.

"What?" She asked confused.

“I haven't actually read that story or its counterparts but from what I've heard; those timelines happen because humans are ‘too chaotic’ so she makes them her ‘perfect little ponies’.” he says adding air quotes.

Dillan nods slowly. "Oh, how are the hippogriffs and griffins doing with the water?" He asked Celestia

"The seaponies and hippogriffs are able to chase off the more dangerous animals in the seas, the griffins are also beginning to enjoy the warmer climate for now but they will not survive long." Celestia said while luna received a note. "What is it sister?"

"The animals in a place called the pride lands, an area outside of Equestria are having some troubles." Luna stated.

Deltorix raises an eyebrow. “The Pride lands? Huh sounds like where the movie The Lion King takes place, say are the lions of this world like you ponies?”

"They can talk yes, but only a few in a generation have a sort of magical roar." Luna said.

"Sound like the Lion Guard." Dillan said. "My… nieces used to love that show."

Deltorix nods and points to Dillan. “What Dillan said sounds right and if it is the same, think of the Lion Guard like your elements of harmony.”

"Literally after season three of the Lion Guard made the team members up to six." Dillan said looking dejected.

Deltorix shrugs. “I didn't watch it much maybe only when Scar showed up, but hey if you want I’m up for a quick trip there if you want some company there.” he said looking at Dillan.

"Nah, I’ll check it out later. I watched the show with my nieces so I know what’s supposed to happen, plus I gotta check on my repopulation program." Dillan smiles.

Deltorix shrugs. “Alright though I may just check it out in my world who knows could be interesting, oh hey didn't you want me to give this world’s Spike, the Force? Want me to give your princesses anything?” Deltorix finishes by throwing a thumb at the two still watching them.

Dillan thinks for a moment. "Nah, I have a feeling these three will play a big role in the future, not sure what but foreshadowing I guess." He shrugged.

Deltorix nods and smirks. “I got ya, so if you have to talk with them for a bit longer I can do some meditation while I wait.”

Dillan looks at a piece of paper from his pocket. "Actually we have a meeting tomorrow so we can talk then right?" He asked the two monarchs and chaos spirit.

"Of course, if anything comes up we'll let you know." Celestia smiles softly.

Deltorix starts to float and then he flies out the door. “See ya!”

The three wave as Dillan puts his purple lantern suit on and flies after Deltorix. "I thought his ring was blue." They heard Discord say before they flew off towards ponyville.

While flying Deltorix looks over at Dillan and says. “So do you have all kinds of pokemon or just a few? Because there is one I want to meet and maybe take home.”

"Which one?" Dillan asked. "And yeah, I have a scan of Mew so we have all the pokemon DNA to work with."

Deltorix chuckles. “The cute little meltan along with enough candies to evolve it if it wants to.”

Dillan stops in mid-air, seeming to think. "Huh, I don't have a scan of that… it wasn't with the rest of them in Drake’s world."

Deltorix looks back at Dillan with a raised eyebrow. “Wow, and here I thought you as an Omnitrix wielder would try to gather as much DNA as possible.”

"Does meltan even have DNA?" Dillan muttered.

“Does Nano Meck?” Deltorix shot back.

"That was made by mixing Ben's DNA with the alien tech so… yes?" Dillan guessed.

Deltorix shrugs. “Meh good point, though if you ever come across one let me know those little guys are adorable.”

Dillan nods. "Want anything else? I mean I gave Rick’s daughter an Eevee so ya got options." He told Deltorix as they flew back into the water over ponyville.

Deltorix thinks for a moment and rubs his chin as they fly through the water. “Hmmm, I'm not sure I don't want to drag an innocent pokemon into my fight if I don't have to, though it would be cool to meet some pokemon even if I don't take any home.”

"Well pokemon are used to fighting, plus it wouldn't have to be a fighter more of a pet or something." Dillan said smiling.

“True; I Suppose. Still; I won't force them to join me but if one wants to then I won’t stop them.” Deltorix said as they made it into the air bubble holding ponyville.

Dillan nodded, walking back towards his log cabin home. "Come on, the portal is in my plumber base."

Deltorix follows Dillan to his home and thinks to himself staying quiet but looks around.

Dillan heads down into his plumber base, waving to Tirek and the CMC who were baking a cake.

Deltorix subconsciously waves as he passes them and only comes out of his thinking when he is in the elevator. “Huh oh man I Haven't been that deep in thought for a while, so what else do you do besides kicking alien butt?”

Dillan blinks. "Uh wow, ever since I got here all I've done is fight…"

“That sucks.” Deltorix says then smiles and says. “Well I wish you a long boring life.” he says with a thumbs up.

Dillan chuckles as he walks in the opposite direction of the room where they first arrived thanks to Paradox.

Deltorix follows him and rests his hands behind his head. “Hmm, I wonder what happens if you transform into an all-female species.”

"I'd better become a shemale so I don't lose my parts." Dillan chuckles.

Deltorix laughs and smirks. “Be sure to tell me after I get you a scan of an Asari.” he said while lightly punching Dillan’s arm.

Dillan chuckles. "Man you should have seen how Ben 23 reacted when he turned into a Saiyan."

Deltorix smirks. “Let me guess, he complained that he didn't even change until he noticed the tail then he started freaking out.”

"Yup." Dillan laughed. "He accidentally blew up that abandoned cantamilia ship in his reality, good thing actually. no more anaalarg."

Deltorix shakes his head. “Yeah because you or one of the Ben’s would have to use alien X to fix the universe then get charged by the universal court like Ben prime was.”

Dillan nods. "Yeah also here we are." They came to a door with a dial pad.

Deltorix looks into the room as the door opens and says. “Wow, this place is cool.”

Dillan looked in the room he was looking in. "Oh, actually that’s the room we're using to make plants for different animals to eat." Dillan said walking into the small room that had another dial pad on the wall, Dillan typed in a code as the lights lining the wall behind him from top to bottom glowed, making a portal as Dillan walked through.

Deltorix followed him through the portal and asked. “Hey what is it like when you transform, do you feel it happen or is it instant?”

"Just as Ben said it in the pilot episode; still me but different." Dillan said.

“Ah I see, do you have advice for working with a second voice in your head?” Deltorix asked as he looked at Dillan unintentionally walking into a wall.

Dillan chuckles and shakes his head. "Honestly I just go ultimate alien x and Bellatrix and Serena appear on my shoulders."

“Damn I ask because I have Rava inside me and I need to talk with her.” Deltorix explains.

"Rava? You’re the avatar?" Dillan asked raising an eyebrow.

Deltorix nods and smirks as he stomps his foot making a bit of rock rise through the floor then makes a fireball in his left hand and a gust of air into Dillan’s face and finally a water loop around himself.

Dillan nods looking impressed. "Awesome, think you could teach me all four elements? The ultimatrix should protect me from the energies of them."

Deltorix rubs his chin and fixes the floor. “Maybe though it will be extremely painful.”

"Thats fine, I’m no stranger to pain…" Dillan said, before sighing sadly.

Deltorix nods and pats his shoulder. “I'm sorry to hear that, are you ready for it?”

"Sure." He said activating his 'ultimate form'.

Deltorix sighs and holds his hand over Dillan’s head and said. “Teach Dillan earth, water, air, and fire bending.” his hand glows the Dillan glows then his body is ripped apart as new energy networks are formed inside him.

Dillan growls as his ultimatrix turned him into ultimate alien x in human form, the heads of the personalities forming as tattoos on his shoulders. The ultimatrix and his eyes glowed similar to an avatar, the faces as well. "Woah." He said in three voices at once. "Whoa again." He stated at the voice overlay.

Deltorix looks over the ultimate alien X then sees the glow that accompanies the avatar state. “Dillan you there? Or am I speaking to a new Rava?”

"Um not sure honestly, I have all my normal memories but I can also see and hear everything that Bellatrix and Serena have done… god they love to fight." Dillan muttered in annoyance.

“Well try to bend something after changing back to human form, and you’re the third person to get all four elements from me so you most likely have her inside you I would recommend doing some meditation every day and try to communicate with her and don't cheat and use the Omnitrix.” Deltorix said as he crosses his arms.

Dillan nodded, before he took a deep breath and punched the air, blue flames escaping his fist. "Oh cool like Azula!"

Deltorix chuckles and smirks. “Just don't go nuts like her ok?”

Deltorix then started floating in a meditation pose. “So what next? And any DNA you want me to avoid scanning?”

"Not really, I'm interested in all kinds of DNA." Dillan said, making a small earth piller as he sat down so they were at the same eye level again. "And I had an idea for giving you a pokemon egg for your Fluttershy, I figured you could give it to her as a gift like I’m going to do for her birthday."

Deltorix rubs his chin thinking for a moment. “Hmm yeah I can see her having one but make sure it's one of the more peaceful ones, you know how overprotective she can be when it comes to animals.” Deltorix then starts to meditate while floating.

Dillan smiles softly as two butterfree flew to a nest and noticed Dillan. "Hello my friends, I was wondering if it would be ok for me to give my friend one of your eggs to give to a very nice pony."

The two butterfree began making noises to each other while Dillan stood smiling, but made a few faces as of he could understand them.

Deltorix opens an eye when he hears the pokemon and in a flash of light his omnibadge is on his chest and he can understand the pokemon.

"I don't see why not, after all, master made us." The male butterfree said.

"But they're our first eggs…" The female said clearly worried as any first mother would.

Dillan smiled sadly at them. "I'm sorry for putting you through this, I could easily make another one but I don't believe we have the time."

Deltorix nods and smiles softly. “I understand that it is your first egg and wish you to have a happy and healthy baby, I won't ask for your egg if it is your first.”

The female nods and nuzzles their egg, looking sad. "Thank you."

Dillan smiles softly and rubs the butterfrees head. "It's alright free-free, don't be sad."

The butterfree flew into Dillan's arms and nuzzled his chest. "Thank you, dad." She stated before the two butterfrees flew to their nest and cuddled together.

“Cute little things, you can always send me the egg later or hell ask the Professor to deliver it after he drops me off whenever the egg is ready perks of having a time-traveling friend.”

Dillan smiles. "I actually thought of another idea, and I think I know of a way for you to contact Rava." The ultimatrix user said walking to a building hidden in the mountains.

Deltorix raises an eyebrow and asks. “And how is that? The only avatars that have been able to talk with Rava are the first avatar and avatar Katara after she literally had her ripped out by an evil man.”

"A special place here called the chasm of memories, imagine it being sort of like this world’s tree of time, or was it life? Anyway, it holds the collective memories of all things that have lived here, its a very powerful and spiritual place, if we both meditate there, me acting as a median for you to connect with it seeing as I live here, and with our combined memories of avatar we, in theory, could talk with her." Dillan Said taking a long breath after thinking out loud like Pinkie Pie.

Deltorix blinks for a moment then lifts a finger mouth open then drops his finger. “Yeah I only got like half of that, I’m not used to speaking with Pinkie yet, hell I've only spoken with her once.”

Dillan chuckles and pokes Deltorix forehead, using his ultimate alien X human form to inform him of what he had said just before Dillan returned to his normal human form. "Thats ok, I've never talked like Pinkie before. God; she has some lungs to be able to do that."

Deltorix shakes his head after seeing Dillan’s plan then sighs. “Why is it that almost every displaced person I've met can break through my gamer’s mind ability?” He asked himself then looked at Dillan. “Sounds like a plan.”

Dillan nods once they reach the building. "Also I can't say anything about other displaced but as for me I was using abilities that can literally reshape an entire dimension."

Dillan opened the door and walked over to a plumber within the now obvious factory. "Hey pateleday, any butterfree eggs?"

"Oh Dillan you gave me quite the startle, mussn't sneak up on me I'm not as young as I used to be." The rip jaws like alien said holding his chest.

Deltorix tilted his head. “Is it just me or does he sound like Don Knotts?”

"Who?" Dillan asked raising an eyebrow. "I know in the show he was voiced by the guy that voiced Carl on Jimmy neutron."

Deltorix shrugs. “Just an older actor from my earth he may not even exist on your earth,” then Deltorix turns to pateleday. “Nice to meet ya.”

"You as well youngster, and as for your question yes three new butterfree eggs just came off the line, they’re right there." Petelleday said pointing to three eggs.

When Deltorix picked up an egg he noticed Dillan was lost in thought. "Wait that actor was he the one that played the turkey in the movie chicken little?"

Deltorix nodded and smirked as he slipped the egg into his inventory then said. “Yep, that's him.”

"Ah, I'm not good with names I know faces and movies." Dillan chuckles.

“Ah I see, I'm kind of the same way, but hey now I got an egg for Fluttershy.” Deltorix says with a grin then taps his chin looking annoyed. “Now I just need to give it to her without her fainting.”

"Why not just teleport it to her cottage with a note? Or have one of the CMC give it to her for you with a note." Dillan suggested, tapping his ultimatrix to turn ultimate again, this time the silhouette of Discord appearing again, just before the two teleport back to the portal.

“I suppose I could do that, or I could make myself look like I’m Spike's age, whatever I'll think of something.” Deltorix said as he looks around.

Dillan nodded. "Oh and I’m letting you know, after my last trip to the chasm of memories we discovered its magical field is a bit unstable so no magic." He informed Deltorix before stepping back into the portal.

Deltorix stops and looks at Dillan then looks at the portal sighing he focuses on each of his different energies and as he did before suppresses them until he gets multiple pop-ups each for a different skill for hiding energy but as before he can only hide ten percent of his energies. “Ok, I’m ready.'' Then he steps through the portal.

Dillan looked to Deltorix as he came through the portal, smiling until he noticed Deltorix confused expression. "What? Did I forget to tell you we had to come back to the plumber base first?"

“No of course not…” Deltorix looks away and coughs into his fist. “I needed those skills anyway.” he mumbled to himself.

"Uh ok, anyway I don’t think I explained that the portal takes us to a pocket dimension Azimuth created so the pokemon would be safe from hunters looking for a quick bit." Dillan said, smiling sheepishly sorry. "Also I need to work on explaining myself better. When I said no magic I meant no casting spells, magic that is a part of you and helps you is fine… jeez I need to work on that."

“Right, well I did need those skills anyway, ponies or at least unicorns can feel how powerful your magic is in my world and I have run into a ….horrible group before I was just lucky I had back up stronger than me.” Deltorix said and Dillan noticed his Ki was weaker than before they stepped through the portal.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. Are they gone or suppressed?" Dillan asked, with a finger on his chin in thought.

Deltorix waves a hand. “Thankfully me, and two other displaced went in and captured them all...and found the evidence of who is behind it apparently the Blueblood of my timeline was trying to create an artificial alicorn or at least turn himself into one, he managed to succeed in the end but it cost thousands of lives.”

Dillan blinks. "Thats… really fucked up… Also what about your magic and ki? Are they gone or suppressed?"

Deltorix raises an eyebrow but then it clicks and he chuckles. “Ooh no I'm fine, I just am using a skill or rather multiple skills to suppress my energies, unfortunately, I can only suppress about 10% right now and I need practice with these skills anyway so I'm keeping them on don't worry.”

Dillan nodded and smiled. "Alright then, let's try and try to contact Rava, and get you home to… see yourself."

Deltorix chuckles and rubs his stomach. “Yeah, I need to warn myself to not ask about Gwen.”

"Unfortunately we both know it doesn't work. That would be telling." Dillan laughs talking like paradox.

Deltorix rolls his eyes but smirks. “True but my future self tried which means I have to when it's my turn, so let's get going.”

Dillan rubs his head. "Now I have a headache, but ok." He said walking to the elevator.

Deltorix continues to laugh and pads Dillan on the back. “I had the same problem when I started watching shows and movies with time travel but you get used to it, basically it's a perfect loop where I know I'm supposed to warn myself because I already did.”

Dillan nods slowly, leaving his house. "It's about three miles away from ponyville, I have it hidden so ponies won't get to it."

“That's good I can just picture the CMC getting in trying to get their cutie marks.” Deltorix said with a chuckle as he follows Dillan.

Dillan laughs. "They already have then here."

Deltorix shakes his head laughing. “Say how much of the show have you seen?”

"All of it, huge brony. Not gonna lie, I cried when it ended." Dillan said smiling softly.

“Ah me too, though you have to admit, that ending was perfect.” Deltorix said as they entered a cave.

"Yeah, though I wish Spike and Sweetie Belle had gotten together, huge spikebelle fan." Dillan chuckles.

Deltorix chuckled and said. “I can see what you mean and I wished it went on longer and showed more of the world.”

Dillan nods. "Honestly I feel lucky to be able to now."

“So now that we are in the cave what next?” Deltorix asked as they go deeper.

Dillan continues walking downwards. "It’s really deep… ha that's what she said."

Deltorix facepalms. “Please don't start with that old joke. I heard it enough back in high school.” Deltorix continues to follow Dillan deep into the cave.

Dillan chuckles. "Sorry."

Deltorix shakes his head and says. “It's fine, not like it's a big deal. So while we are walking down there I had a thought, you are a Ben 10 displaced and thus you are a hero, and heroes always get their clothes ripped up so how about I give you Requip magic so you can always have spare clothes on you and be ready to change at a moments notice.”

"I mean if you want to? But my ultimatrix fixes my clothes as the original Omnitrix did." Dillan said.

“Really? Huh, I didn't notice that in the show.” Deltorix said then shrugged. “Oh well.”

"I'll take it tho, that way I can equip weapons and stuff without enemies knowing about it and it'll give me the element of surprise." Dillan smiles.

“Very true, ok hold on.” Deltorix said. Then he got in front of Dillan and held his hand over Dillan's head then said. “Teach Dillan Requip magic.” with that Deltorix hand glows then Dillan does as the information on how to use the spell and the magic pathways needed for that spell are put into him.

"Cool thanks." Dillan smiled.

“No problem man. Now can we get this done? I’m kinda wanting to see if Paradox kept his word and put that time field around my Smithy.” Deltorix said. Then in a flash, he summons out the golden tiger claws and holds them up. “With these, we can get there faster.”

"Are those from Xiaolin Showdown?" Dillan asked excitedly.

Deltorix chuckles and nods showing them off. “Yeah, thanks to my store function I can buy anything from any world in the multiverse.”

"Dude thats epic!" Dillan said. "Xiaolin showdown is my favorite show ever!"

Deltorix chuckles and smirks. “Mine too. So want to use this to make a shortcut?”

"Sure, but maybe I should do it I was in the chasm for I think two years I know it better." Dillan said smiling with a chuckle.

“Sure but I want it back. Maybe I'll send you another later but right now I need all my money for supplies.” Deltorix then handed the golden tiger claws over to Dillan.

Dillan nods slowly, looking at the tiger claws as he grabs it with one hand, Deltorix hand on the other claw. "Is it bad I want to do a showdown? I've always wanted to say-"

Deltorix huffs and rolls his eyes. “No! No showdowns, maybe I’ll give you a Mantis flip coin if you can behave.”

"Fine." Dillan chuckles.

Deltorix sighs and watches as Dillen opens a portal with the claws then the two walk through the portal and he looks around and whistles. “Wow, this place is amazing. I'll have to see if it exists in my world.”

"If it does make sure no one evil finds it." Dillan said, becoming his human form alien x and started meditating.

Deltorix looks around at the huge crystals around them. “That would be hard as there are groups that know how to create illusionary barriers, basically pocket realities where you can move through real space.”

Deltorix noticed Dillan's alien x tattoos began to glow a light blue again.

“I assume I'm speaking with the avatars of the past now?” Deltorix asks.

"Um dude I'm not connected to Rava, you’re supposed to meditate with me." Dillan said.

“Right sorry, sometimes I forget things.” Deltorix then sits down in a meditation pose and starts to meditate.

Not too long afterward the two began meditating the crystals around them began reflecting the light. It surrounded the two before they opening their eyes, and finding themselves in a much larger chasm.

Deltorix opens his eyes and looks around. “Wow, this place is huge.”

"No kidding, this must be the spirit world chasm of memories." Dillan said looking around.

Deltorix nods in agreement then slowly stand up and looks around. “I wonder if just your Rava or both of them can appear here.”

Dillan shrugged. "I think my powers come from alien x, not a Rava but let's look around."

“Sounds good to me.” Deltorix said as the two start to explore.

"Look there's a crystal statue of Korra." Dillan said pointing at a crystallized statue

Deltorix walks closer and then notices more and looks down a path that has more statues. “Not just her, if I’d have to guess these are like the statues anng found in season one.”

"And I'd guess if we follow them eventually we'll find avatar Wan's statue but seeing as in the show the normal statues are stone and Wan's is wood with these being crystal I'd say it's safe to assume his is gonna be stone now." Dillan smiled, following the path. Dillan stopped at each avatar and bowed to them. "Aang, Roku, Kioshi."

Deltorix follows but his way of showing respect he merely bows his head to each statue. “That would be interesting and this will take a while.”

Dillan continued to nod and bow. "Kuruk, Yangchen, and Salai. I apologize for not knowing the rest of you."

After hours of walking and bowing the two make it to the statue of avatar Wan. “Well, here he is, the first avatar.”

Dillan bowed, his eyes glowing. "Avatar Wan, such an honor."

Deltorix bows his head as well then looks up at the statue. “I hope we can make you proud as avatars.”

Dillan's eyes glow, as do the other statue's eyes, crystals popping up out of the ground around them. Each crystal showing a different avatar, each one smiling. The two crystals showing Korra and Wan glowed a bit brighter. "Hello. I’m avatar Korra, and we're happy to meet you."

Deltorix’s eyes widen and he smiles. “So cool.” he whispers then he clears his throat. “It's an honor for us to meet all of you. I am Deltorix and this is Dillan.”

Dillan bows. "Greetings, my friend here wishes to talk to Rava."

"We know, thats why Korra and I have decided to talk to you." Wan said.

Deltorix looks at Dillan then Wan confused but not upset. “What is it you wanted to talk about?”

"I and Wan have Decided to infuse the two of you with our different Ravas." Korra said smiling.

Deltorix looks at Korra confused. “But we already have a Rava inside us.”

"Yes However when you give someone a new Rava, your Rava is split because you’re not a born avatar you’re a made one. By giving you two our Ravas you'll be able to give Ravas to your heart's content and speak to them." Wan said.

Deltorix’s eyes widen. “Shit, I've already given the power to two other displaced, will I be able to help them as well?”

"Because their Ravas are connected to yours once yours becomes a natural Rava so shall theirs." Wan said as Korra suddenly kissed Dillan, both their eyes glowing brightly before Korea's Rava spirit visibly glowed on her chest and transferred to Dillan.

Deltorix blinks in shock then looks to Wan. “Cool, good thing I’m Bi.” he chuckles.

"Oh, that's just Korra wanting to have some fun." Wan chuckles, as Korra pulled away and Dillan blushes.

"What can I say? It's been years since I kissed someone." Korra laughs.

Deltorix chuckles and smirks. “Well it seems Dillan wasn't expecting to be kissed by a beautiful woman.” he points to a bushing and frozen Dillan.

"I-I um." Dillan stuttered his mind in shock. "I-I haven't kissed anyone since my fiancee died…"

Deltorix sucks air through his teeth and looks away. “ouch.”

Korra blushed as wan shales his head. "I-I'm so sorry I-I didn't know!".

Dillan sighs, small flames escaping. "It's ok, you didn't know."

Deltorix tries to change the subject. “Say Korra are you from before or after you met Vaatu?”

Korra sighs. "I'm the side of Korra that died when He ripped out Rava."

Deltorix sighs but smiles and puts a hand on her shoulder. “Then you'll be happy to hear she did eventually beat him and like Wan trapped him and got a new Rava.”

Korra smiles. "I know thank you." Korra said as Wan puts his hand on Deltorix shoulder, his Rava going into Deltorix.

Dillan looks around and sees Aang, and bows respectfully.

Deltorix smiles at wan then sees Anng and waves. “Well well if it isn't twinkle toes.” he chuckles.

"Only Toph can call me that." Aang shakes his head, putting his hands on Dillan's head and chest, eyes glowing.

“Fair enough.” Deltorix shrugs and watches what Aang is doing.

Dillan blinks and smiles. "So do I have energy bending now?" Aang nods and does the same to Deltorix.

Deltorix chuckles and says. “Thanks, Aang though I have a way of giving bending, now I have a way of taking it if those who I give it to prove to be unstable.”

Dillan nods, looking around at all the avatars. "I swear to make you all proud and to protect anyone who needs it!"

Deltorix nods and smiles. “As do I.”

All of the avatars bow, each one Vanishing leaving only the two new ones.

Deltorix looks to Dillan and smiles. “Seems we are officially avatars now.” Just then two more statues appear one of a tall man with a metal leg and arm, the other of another man, this one a little shorter than the first and wearing the outfit of the black bulls from black clover. “Huh, Ed’s and Asta’s statues are here too.”

Dillan nods. "Maybe the spirit world connects to all worlds with avatars in it."

“Highly possible there are some theories that all spirit worlds are connected in one way or another. so it would stand to reason that all physical worlds are connected through their spirit world. Meh, this is getting too complicated.”

"I know right." Dillan chuckles the two returning to their bodies.

Deltorix stretches and looks down. “Huh, neat I got a sub-skill and the title ‘True Avatar’. Now I can enter the avatar state at will.”

"Neat." Dillan smiles. "Alright, let's get you home' Deltorix our contract is complete." Dillan said a portal opening behind Deltorix before it closed suddenly and paradox came out from behind Dillan. "Oh right."

Deltorix chuckles and says. “You forgot about the time travel didn't you?” He then looks at Paradox. “Hey, nice to see you again.”

"You as well, our deal is complete by the way. So shall we go?" Paradox asked.

“Sure, oh.” Deltorix summons a wooden game controller. “I don't think I gave you my token, if you have a way of copying it you can have this.”

"Ok, and yes I do." Dillan smiled.

Deltorix smiled and gave Dillan his token. “Cool and call me if you ever need some help.”

"Same, also that badge Azimuth gave ya doubles as my token." Dillan smiles.

“Cool, and Paradox thanks for your help.” Deltorix said, smiling at him then Dillian finished copying Deltorix’s token and gave it back.

Dillan holds up his fist for a fist bump.

Deltorix chuckles and fist bumps Dillan. “See ya around.” then Paradox puts his hand on Deltorix’s shoulder and they disappear.

Deltorix’s POV

We reappear in front of the library and I smile at Paradox. “Thanks for the ride home. If Dillan ever needs me I’m willing to help.” I say.

“You’re quite welcome. Oh, and you’ll need these.” He gives me an orange lantern ring and battery.

“Oh wow. Cool thank you.” I take them and watch him leave then I out the ring and battery into my inventory.

I then walk inside seeing my past self along with Dillan and another Paradox and we blink at each other then we both give a flat glare to Paradox and say together. “Seems you were off by a few seconds.”

Dillan laughs, eating some sandwiches. "Relax, we're about to leave. And with the shadow clones not like it matters."

I nod and walk over taking a sandwich. “It's true I just saw myself and thought, ‘i'm gonna pull a small prank’ i mean it's not like the doc would ever let me do something like this, oh and Deltorix whatever you do, do not-” but paradox teleports my past self and Dillan away before I finish. “...Ask about Gwen.”

I sigh and shake my head. “I’ll be at my forge if you need me.” I leave and head to Rarity’s picking up the blueprints she and Coalheart made them I fly to my force and enter it.

“Time to get to work.” I stretch and grab my tools before I buy the metals I need using up almost all my money then I begin forging them into the different armors following the blueprints Rarity, Coalheart, and I made.

One week later

I wipe my forehead as I come out of the forge and smile. “Well, I did it. I made the armor in time and now I need to make my keyblade armor.”

I start by gathering the leftover Uru, vibranium, adamantium, and add a bit of beskar steel and start melting each metal in different forges. While they melt I make the casts for each piece of the armor. Once everything is set I start forgetting each piece one by one while a clone using the keyblade to send magic into each piece.

I continue making each piece thankfully not screwing up and after a few more days of forging I am down to my helmet and while the last of my metals melts I look to Chibi Ed. “Ok I’m going to get two helmets and I want you to mix their tech into the helmet I’m going to make as well as help install a high-tech memory card.”

“Yes, I will do my best.” He says as I use my store to buy an Iron man helmet and a Spartan Mark VI helmet and set them next to Chibi Ed, then I use the last of my money to buy a highly advanced but small memory card that can hold a Yottabyte of data and set it next to the helmets.

“Ok mix these together please.” I say and the Chibi nods and turns into a silver mist and covers the three helmets and the hard drive and merges them all together. Once done the cloud of nanites forms back into a parrot.

“Complete, however, there was an AI in one of the helmets so I moved them to yours.” I look at two the Helmet and it lights up.

“Greetings I am Jarvis 3.0 who are you?” Come a voice from the helmet.

“My name is Deltorix, you can call me Del.” I say as I lift the helmet up. “You don’t mind being in my armor do you?”

“No sir, I was programmed to help.” Jarvis says.

“Well that’s good welcome to my armor, I’m going to finish putting it together then I’ll check what you can do.” I say and assemble the armor then put it in my inventory. Then equipped it in a flash of magic and grin as it fit perfectly.

“Well done sir, my sensors indicate the armor is at 100% and it is quite impressive you could make it out of such strong metals.” Jarvis says to me as the heads-up display shows a small Motion tracker in the bottom right corner a bunch of stuff information about the armor on the left side and the top is an empty Energy bar. There is a spark around me and my magic starts to be drained as that Energy bar fills up and I realize it’s a shield.

“This is better than I thought, hmmm Jarvis I’m going to test something.” I tap the shoulder piece and in a flash of light, my armor is shrunk down to just the shoulder piece. “Jarvis, can you hear me?”

The shoulder armor lights up as Jarvis speaks. “Affirmative sir I am also still able to complete all other functions.”

“Perfect now I’m sorry if this is rude but unless I am alone or I specifically ask for you, please remain silent, I don’t want anyone knowing about you yet.” I say.

“Of course sir, I shall be waiting for you.” Jarvis says then seems to go dormant.

‘Ok, now to get some pony mannequin for tomorrow.’ I think to myself as I head out the door and head for Rarity’s. Once I get there I see the open sign I walk on in. “Hey, Rarity mind if I borrow a few of your pony mannequins? I need at least twenty-six, thirteen mares sized and thirteen stallions sized.”

“Oh, darling I’m guessing you need them for those armors.” She says turning away from a dress she is working on.

“Yeah, I and I need them for tomorrow.” I tell her then tap my chin. “Do you have a few alicorn-sized ones?”

“I’m afraid not darling, but I am sure you can come up with something, those notes you gave us were amazing! You wouldn’t mind if I incorporate them into some of my own designs, do you?” Rarity asks as she gets the mannequins I asked for.

I nod and say. “Go ahead, and thanks.” I put them into my inventory and quickly head back to my forge. Once I get back I pull out each manikin and armor setting it all together. “There we go.” I look to Chibi Ed. “I need you to make mannequins for four alicorns.”

“Is that all?” Chibi Ed took the leftover ash and some of the wood and transmuted it into the four alicorn manikins.

“Thank you, now then.” I put the last of the armor on them and once they are all set I covered them with a few sheets and smirked. “All set.”

I then use telekinesis to lift all the manikins and take them to Ponyville where I’ll meet the princesses. I smirk and make a clone to keep an eye out before I start to meditate. After a few hours, my clone taps my shoulder. I open my eyes to see Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, and Blueblood, as well as some guards.

I stand up and smile. “Ah, welcome, I see you brought more people than expected, but that’s fine, Princess Luna.” I bow my head to her.

She nods. “Yes, I did not see why I could not invite my family.” She walks up to the sheet-covered armor, but I step in front of her.

“Now now, let me be the one to show them off.” I say with a smirk. Luna rolls her eyes slightly but steps back. I grin and then I walk over to the first sheet and grab it. “Now, I have made you all something special.”

“I highly doubt that.” I could barely hear Celestia mutter but choose to ignore her.

“So I’ll start with Princess Luna, seeing as she is the one I made the deal with.” I pull the sheet off showing off eight sets of armor. “Now as you can see there are eight sets of armor, that is because there are small differences between each set.”

I point to each one as I explain. “There is the unicorn set, that protects the user's horn while keeping their ability to cast. Next is the pegasus set, this one is made to resemble the wonder bolts, however.” I tap the necklace on the mannequins and both suits grow out of the necklace forming skin-tight suits. “These suits are skin-tight but just as strong as the rest. Then we have the thestal is similar to The Pegasus model however it is modified for their unique biology, and lastly, we have the earth pony set, this set focuses on speed and strength as it protects all the vital areas while allowing full range of movement.”

I smile as I move to a taller sheet and pull it off revealing a customized suit of armor made specifically for Princess Luna. “And lastly for the lunar set is the armor I made for Princess Luna herself, this armor incorporates all three of the basic armors together and also reinforces each other. Now you’re probably wondering what makes this armor so special? Well, it’s made of a special material called Vibranium, Vibranium is the material that can absorb any energy even kinetic energy, and redirect it I’ll demonstrate.” I pick up a rock and throw it at the alicorn set of armor and it hits the chest making The impact point glow purple.

“Now Princess Luna, please use your magic to make that armor stomp its hoof.” She does so and the kinetic energy from the rock transfers into the hoof making the stump even stronger. “ as you can see wearing this armor makes it so even if your opponent can land a hit on you all will do is make your hips even stronger.”

“I am very impressed Deltorix, such a marvel as these armors are world-changing.” Luna says with a smile.

I smile then walk over to the next sheet. “Next set is the rest of the armors as most of them are designed similar with a few changes, the main difference is the metals I used.” I lift the sheets off of all but the last set showing off a gold and blueish silver sets of armor. “And here we have the solar set and the crystal set.” After saying that Celestia seems to stiffen.

“Oh wow, you made me my own armor and for my guards? That is so nice of you.” Cadence said.

“Am I to assume you realized my greatness and have made me a set of armor as well?” Blueblood said.

I frown at him and roll my eyes. “No the last set of armor is a surprise for Celestia and only Celestia.” She looks at me with suspicion.

“And what actually do you have planned to show me?” She asks on guard.

I sigh at her paranoia but I create illusionary walls around the armors. “Go look for yourself, I’m sure you will be surprised both at the quality and for who it was made for.” She glares around me for a second then walks through the illusion wall. And after a few minutes of silence, she walks back through with a look that showed she was feeling confused, concerned, and hopeful.

She stops next to me and whispers. “I don’t know how you know, but if you interfere I will make sure that you burn in Tartarus.” Then she walks back over to the others.

I simply smile and turn to face them and clap my hands. “Well, did I do well enough to earn access to those rune books?”

They seem to think it over and then Luna steps forward. “As I am the one that accepted the deal, I say you have held up your end of the bargain. I shall have the books shipped to miss sparkle’s residence. As soon as I can.”

I grin and fist pump. “Yes, that will interesting to work on.” I say then I get a pop-up.

You have been invited by [unknown displaced] would you like to go?
Yes? No?

I look back up as I pressed yes. “Sorry but I have to go, a new friend needs help.” I say as my portal window opens behind me and everyone jumps back.

I turn to walk in and open the door before I hear. “Wait, I wish to join you. You intrigued me and I wish to see where you are going.” Luna asked. I think about it for a minute then nod and the two of us go through the door.

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with The ultimate surprise