• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,617 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

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Chapter 15

I smile as I finish getting ready to go out to the play and check to make sure I have all the gifts for everyone in my inventory then nod to myself. “All set now to head to Canterlot.”

I walk out of my forge and am about to take off but then I notice something. I look closer and see a set of potara earrings. I pick them up and hear a message. ‘Whoever finds this earring will summon someone with the power of the gods. Subarashi!’

“Huh, a dragon ball Displaced, could come in handy.” I put them in my pocket and started flying towards Canterlot. After a few minutes, I made it to the outer edge of the city and land.

I look at a clock tower and smirk. “I got a whole hour before the play starts, perfect.” I say before I get a pop-up and pale. “Oh no not again!”

Special Event Dungeon
Hearts Warming themed dungeon. The player must kill the king of winter to win and collect prizes.

As soon as I finish reading it I am teleported into an instant dungeon that is a frozen-over version of Canterlot in the middle of a blizzard. “Holy shit!” I look around and see a few ghost-like ponies, which I realize are windigos.

They rush at me but I jump out of the way. I look at where I was as they pass through the ground and a spike of ice grows from where they touch. “Fuck, that was too close.” I look around and then see one coming up out of the ground before I fire a death beam at it, but it passes right through. “What the fuck!?”

The windigo screams with rage and fires a beam of cold magic at me and freezes my wing. “Damn that hurts!”

-200 life points

I use my ki to fly behind a building and then try to think of something, I then remember the token in my pocket. “I hope they can help.” I pull them out and call out. “I don't know who you are, but I need help now!”

The windigos turn around and charge at me, but before they could get a chance to attack, a bright flash of lightning struck in front of them. The windigos back off, I was taken by surprise as a purple portal ripped through reality like a storm brew. Out came a figure in a dark gi with a red belt and white boots. He had spiky hair, a potara earring on his left ear, and an x-shaped scar across his left cheek. I recognized him as one of the antagonists of Dragon Ball Super, Goku Black.

Goku Black
Title:Saiyan God

The Saiyan turned around to look at me, him having an emotionless stare. “You’ve better have a good reason to summon me…” He growled but stopped looking at me as he heard the screech of one of the Windigos.

“They would be the problem. I don't have many skills to hurt them and need back up.” I notice one is coming up behind him and aimed my finger over his shoulder, activating my eyes and using lock-on to target it and fire a blue beam of spirit energy. My spirit gun manages to hurt it and blast a hole through its chest.

Black smirked as he fully turned around to face the ghost ponies. “Not a bad shot." Black commented as he ignited his aura, white flames dancing around him. “These shouldn’t be a problem at all.” The Saiyan lifted up a hand and faced it towards the ghost ponies. The Windigos began to charge at Black, but before they could attack them, he whispered as his hand glowed purple.


In an instant, a majority of the Windigos are vaporized as their atoms are turned into nothing. The Windigos that weren’t caught in the attack were horrified, then backed away from the Saiyan. Black slowly faced them as he smirked. “Don’t worry, you’re next.”

I frown and keep my eyes on him while also watching the windigos as they start flying together and the storm gets worse. “And why would I be next?”

Black turned to face me with a confused glance. “You? No, I was referring to the Windigos.”

I blink and facepalm. “Sorry, I thought you were talking to me as they aren't actually real. You and I are the only real person here.” I told him and summoned my keyblade.

“You're gonna have to explain this to me after we face these things, I can only do that technique so many times before my body starts to give out.” Black finished as he faced the Windigos as the storm started to get worse by the second, however, Black seemed to be unfazed by it.

-10 life points

“What the hell?” I whisper, then check my stats and notice I'm slowly freezing. “Damn it.” I return to my normal eyes then activate my flame hollow and start to glow and steam. “That's better. Now then.” I rushed past Black and cut one of the windigos in half with my keyblade.

As the Windigo hissed, Black appeared above the ghost pony and he charged forward with his hand recoiled. Before the Saiyan had struck the Windigo, I saw him activate his ki blade as it struck the ghost pony. He shouted as the Windigo had started to glow purple before detonating in front of the Saiyan. The dust cleared to reveal Black dusting off and dust of his gi, the Saiyan looked towards me. “See if you can round them up together. With that, I can end these things with one more Haki!”

“Best save it for the boss monster!” I yell over the winds as I start cutting through the small tornado of windigos. “Destroy enough and a bigger stronger one will show up, he is who we need to kill to get out of here.”

“Got it!” Black shouted through the wind. As the Saiyan charged forward, a large gust of wind pushed him back from the tornado. I saw this aggravated him, I could hear him whisper. “This is starting to piss me off…” As he landed on the ground. He crouched down and pulled his arms towards his chest. With a loud yell, he threw his hands to the side, sending a massive shockwave that both pushed me back and disrupted the increasing storm, destroying the tornado of Windigo’s along with the ghosts themselves.

I blink and look at all the windigos and cross my fingers and make twenty clones and we all use spirit guns to blast the swarm of ghosts from every direction. Once we thin them out I fly in and cut through the few we missed with my keyblade and it starts to glow.

Black shouted and threw a hand to the side, making a longer version of his ki blade. He smirked at the last group of Windigos. “Now you lot will taste my blade!” As he shot forward before stopping a few feet away. He started to make motions with his blade as hundreds of shards shot forward, embedding themselves into the Windigos.

“Nice move, now check this out.” I transform my keyblade into its second form. my keyblade shines and turns into light changing into large red claws around my hands with a long blade on each of my fingers and a dragon's eye on the back of each of my palms. I then send ten energy slashes at the swarm and our two energies mix and explode.

Black smirked as the explosion shook the area, the dust clearing it revealing the Windigos were no more. “Ah, I love the sound of explosions, something really satisfying about it…” The Saiyan sighed and his aura disappeared as we both landed on the ground. “So, when’s this big boss going to show up?” Black asked me as he crossed his arms.

I hold up a hand and slowly lower my fingers one at a time before there is a loud roar or rage and the storm gets even worse and the whole city shakes as a massive Windigo lifts itself up out of the ground and takes a deep breath and blasts us with subzero breath. I throw both my fists forward and huge geysers of flame come shooting out blocking the cold breath from hitting us. “He is all yours monkey boy.”

“Monkey Boy, please…” Black chuckled while he rolled his eyes. He crouched down and brought his arms to his sides. “Might as well make this flashy.” He commented as he shouted, a beam of pink shot up into the sky as the Saiyan let out a godly roar. His hair flew upwards and turned pink along with his eyebrows. His eyes turned grey as a godly aura surrounded him, he had turned Super Saiyan Rose. “Prepare yourself Windigo, for it shall be your last.” Black cackled as he shot forward, vanishing from my view and appearing instantly in front of the Windigo. “FAREWELL!!!” He shouted as his arm glowed purple.


In an instant, the giant Windigo was turned into nothing as its atoms were erased. The powerful attack had also made a shockwave that had destroyed the storm around us. The Saiyan sighed, his hair turning back to normal.

After the windigo king was defeated a massive pop-up window appears over the sky showing a countdown saying we only have five minutes. I make even more clones and send them off to collect everything. Then I look over to black. “Good work, hope you are a good guy.”

Black turned to face me with a smile. “Trust me, I’m a good guy, I don’t want to do that damn and idiotic plan anyway. Fucking hate Zamasu.” Black hissed as he frowned at the mention of the Supreme Kai. “Anyway, care to explain why it felt like we were in a game?”

I chuckle and hold out my hand. “Hi, I’m Deltorix, the gamer. My powers are game related. I am like a living game character. I can level up, gain skills easily and those skills can level up.” I explained to him and smirked.

I saw Black raise an eyebrow at my explanation before he shook my hand. “I think that’s the weirdest thing I’ve heard from a Displaced.” Black chuckled.

“Here is an easy example, create party, invite Goku black to party.” I say and I see his eyes focused on something in front of him, it has to be the screen only he can see. “If you tap yes and say stats you can see your own stats.”

Black nodded as he tapped yes and muttered “Stats…” Black focuses and sees his stats. “I swear this is weirder than Ed crushing me and I made a squeaky duck sound…” Black muttered.

I chuckle and shake my head. “I see you’ve met the crimson sage, he is damn near a god and you most likely squeaked because that's what happens when the abridged version of Goku gets squeezed, most displaced are usually a composite version of whatever character we are dressed as.”

Black chuckled as he tapped something and looked back at me. “Yeah, I just learned I’m a displaced throughout my decades of life, it’s so weird I never knew.” Black commented as he placed his hands on his hip. “Anyway, know a way out of here?”

I point up at the timer. “When that hits zero it will break on its own and we will be in canterlot. Oh, and it is hearts warming right now.'' I look up at the countdown seeing we have three minutes.

The Saiyan smiled. “That’s nice, so why is a ‘dungeon’ under Canterlot?” Black asked with curiosity as he stared at the sky.

I chuckle and shake my head. “Easy misunderstanding this is more like a pocket reality. It's like a mirror version of the physical world but obviously with some differences.” I charge a key ball and fire it into the sky and it goes for about a mile before hitting the edge of the dungeon and explodes showing the invisible wall. “See?”

Black nodded and saw the timer go down to two minutes. “Guess I’ll meditate for a little bit.” Black commented as he proceeded to sit down.

“Or we could do a bit of power-sharing, if you want.” I say as I pull my notebook out of my inventory and then hand it over to him. “Take a read, if you see any skills you want I'll teach them, but would you mind teaching me some stuff too?”

Black looked over the book and looked at me. “I don’t see a problem, let me just have a look and see if I see anything interesting.” Black agreed as he began to flip through the notebook quickly. After a few moments, he stopped flipping through the pages. “I think I’d like to have Fire Bending, could help me out.” Black said as he handed the notebook back.

I nod and smirk. “Alright, I'll even throw in some scrolls and books to help you train.” I check the timer and see it's almost up. “Oh shit, I almost forgot, here put this on.” I gave him the hologram watch. “Humans don't have the best rep in this Equestria so best to be disguised.”

Black caught the watch and put it on his wrist. He looked back at me. “Once we're out of here, I’m gonna want an explanation on that. Cause all I hear is Zamasu.” Black hissed as the hologram began to change his form. It took me by surprise as his form had changed to one of an Alicorn with dark grey fur, a long pair of dark wings sprouted from his back and a horn protruded from his head. His spiky black hair remained the same as a long spiky tail formed. His eyes were black and a snout formed. His gi remained of his Saiyan form, the disguised Saiyan looking at the hologram. “This should be interesting.” Black commented.

“How the hell? Is that you or the watch?” I ask, surprised. Then the world around us cracks up like glass and shatters revealing the bustling streets of Canterlot. I look around and frown before guiding him up to the castle.

“This is the watch, by the way, I can only access the Super Saiyan transformations. I always thought if I became a pony I would be an Alicorn.” Black commented as I led him to the castle gates.

I shake my head. “I'll have to have Blaze check it out, there must be a malfunction. Anyway, at least you won't drive Celestia nuts just by looking human.” I tell him as I show the guards my invitation and we are let in, the guards looking shocked at the alicorn next to me.

I saw Black felt a little unnerved at the shock of the guards, “What, never seen another Alicorn before?” Black said annoyed, the guards looking away immediately.

I facepalm and groan as we walk into the castle. “Goku, all alicorns are royalty and goddesses here.” I told him in a whisper. “Now you wanted to know why you need a disguise right?”

“Yes, I did, and don’t call me Goku, Black is just fine.” Black whispered. “It also doesn't help because I appear to be a male Alicorn, you know. The only one that exists in this Equestria at the moment.” Black whispered as many of the guards had started to eye him now.

I nod and sigh. “To make a long story short, a long time ago shortly after Luna’s banishment, a large number of humans showed up on an island. They kept to themselves but then something happened and Celestia ended up ‘banishing’ them all. After that, I can't find any other records and I've been looking all over the planet.” I explain what I know to him.

Black was angered by this, his teeth gritting as I began to notice, but after a moment or two, Black had begun to calm down. After he took a deep breath, he looked at me. “Have you asked Celestia about it?” Black asked hesitantly.

I shake my head. “Last time I got information from her, she almost snapped. She said she glassed the whole island, but I haven't found any evidence of this yet.” I stop us as we come to a set of double doors.

“Look, I'm trying to find out what happened, for all I know Celestia was right and the humans were evil. So I'm waiting to judge till I have all the evidence.” I tell him then rub my chin and pull a cloak out and give it to him. “Wear this please.”

“Yeah, because putting a cloak on doesn't already make me suspicious.” Black says sarcastically. Rolling his eyes and swings the cloak over himself.

I sigh and frown. “I know, but I just want to keep Celestia calm.” I open the door and inside are the mane six, Celestia, Luna, and Greed. “Shit..um please tell me you can't see people's sins.”

3rd POV

“Nope.” Black whispered as the group ahead noticed them. Black noticed Luna looking at him specifically.

Deltorix sighs in relief and walks into the room waving. “Hey everypony, I come bring gifts!” He then pulls out wrapped box after wrapped box all different sizes and set them around the tree.

Black stood back and watched as the ponies started conversations with the dragon. Black was interrupted from his thought as he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw Luna looking at him with interest. “Oh uh… Hello Princess Luna.” Black stuttered.

“I have not seen a unicorn like you before, where are you from?” Luna asks Black.

Black rubbed the back of his head while chuckling nervously. “Well, I’m from… Manehattan… yeah.” Black carefully says, Luna raising an eyebrow. ‘Crap crap crap crap crap.’ Black shouted in his head.

“That I do not believe, I Would have seen your dream door by now.” Luna tells him then leans closer and whispers. “Are you from another world?”

Black’s eyes widened, he looked to the dragon and he nodded. He turned back to Luna. “Yeah, that’s why you haven’t seen my dream door.” Black whispered.

“Ah, I see, well welcome Equestria mister?” Luna trails off.

“Hm… oh, name is Goku Black.” The discussed Saiyan smiled as he held out a hand.

Luna smiles and shakes his hand. “I take it, young Deltorix required your aid?”

Black chuckled. “Yea, he needed help defeating a group of Windigos, they are no real challenge for me anyway.” Black commented as he crossed his arms as he watched Deltorix continue a conversation with the mane six and Celestia.

Deltorix chuckles as he teases the mane six. “Windigos?!” Luna whispers loudly. “Where are they? We can't let them escape.”

“Don’t worry, they were a part of Deltorix’s dungeon game thing. Plus that group of Windigos no longer exist. I erased every atom of them.” Black said seriously as Luna looked at him with surprise.

“To have such power is very impressive.” Luna says and looks at Black in a new light.

Then the worst thing happens, Greed opens his mouth. “Are we seriously going to ignore the fact that commoners are in the palace for this holiday!?”

Black crossed his arms and one of his eyes twitched as he glared at Greed. “Shut it Blue Balls, you're just a bratty child who thinks you're the center of attention.” Black hissed.

Greed glares and stomps up to Black as red lightning sparks around him as his skin turns into a black armor-like skin. “Maybe I should show you your place, commoner? My hooves are itching to beat some beast.” The mane six gasped.

“Sā, BlueBalls. Zehi o tameshi kudasai!(Come on then BlueBalls. I'd like to see you try it!)” Black taunted as he spoke Japanese. He smirked as it aggravated Greed.

Greed growls and lifts his hoof and throws a punch before Celestia yells. “Greed stop!” And he freezes and growls as the red chain marks along his body glow. “That is enough, come sit down and turn that horrible armor off please.” Greed is forced to follow her orders.

Black smirked as Greed mumbled. “He couldn’t harm me if he wanted to.” Black commented.

Del looked over to Black. “If you don't know, he has the power of the homunculus named Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist, you could even cut his leg off and it will grow back.” The ponies look a bit green.

“Even if he is stronger here, it doesn’t matter because Blue Balls will always be the same. No matter which universe he’s from, he will always be an arrogant idiot.” Black mocked as he could hear Greed growl.

“Trust me you don't want to know why he has those powers.” Del tells Black before going back to talking with the mane six.

“Yea, fills me with confidence.” Black said sarcastically. While Del is talking he sends a text message through the chat system, to Black.

Sorry but only the princesses know what happened. Greed was using body shops to take apart different species studying them and creating clones of ponies trying to perfect his ideals of perfection. if you actually look closely you'll notice he's missing his horn and has wings. He was an Alicorn and technically still is but his unicorn magic has been sealed off and his horn destroyed permanently.

Black saw the message and raised an eyebrow at it, still finding it odd as he saw the text pop up to his right. He returned the message.

It could be me, but I feel like he turned into Dr. Gero when trying to create the ‘perfect pony’ but that’s just me. Either way, I kinda feel bad for him for losing his horn, but only by a crumb.

Deltorix stopped Rainbow from opening her gift early, while replying.

Did I forget to mention that he cared nothing for the clones and had thousands of foal corpses in tanks and was doing this for years right under Celestia’s nose? If it were up to me, he'd be dead. Edward is the one that gave him a second chance.

Black responded as he continued his conversation with Luna.

And that crumb of pity has sailed and has just sunk to the bottom pit of the ocean.

“Hey everypony, isn't it close to show time?” Deltorix asked and Twilight gasps and gets the girls and leaves for the play house. “Rude, well I am gonna go get my seat, want to join me, Black?”

Black shrugged. “I’ve got nothing else to do really, why not.” Black comments as he walks to Deltorix’s side.

Deltorix waves to Princess Luna and the two leave, once they are alone he makes two clones and one turns into Blacks pony form and they leave. “And now we are free to do whatever, god I love clones.”

Deltorix grabs Black’s shoulder and says. “I.D. create.” and the clones disappear. “There now we are alone, so what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know really, I was actually kinda excited to go see the show, but I guess they’ve changed from how they were a thousand years ago.” Black says as he scratches the side of his head.

Deltorix shrugs. “I wouldn't know, but you can see this show from my clone's point of view later, for now how about we do some power-sharing and stuff?” He leads on the edge of an open window.

“I guess so, I am supposed to train Nightmare when I get back anyway. So would you like to teach me Firebending first, or do you want to do some ki training?” Black asked.

Deltorix chuckles and lifts his hand to Black’s face. “Teach Black Goku fire bending.” His hand glows then Black glows for a moment as a new energy network is made and the basics of fire bending is downloaded into his mind. “Done.”

Black looked wide-eyed, confused at what he meant. He then saw a screen pop up saying that he learned Fire Bending Basics. “How do you function?” Black asked, genuinely confused.

Del chuckles and smiles. “Like a game character, my powers are that of the gamer. Anyway, are you sure that's all you want to learn from my notebook?”

Black thought it over, seeing the mass majority of skills from the notebook could come in handy, but he thought of one that can counteract his new fire bending ability. “I mean, I guess I’ll take Water Bending too.”

Del shakes his head. “Sorry, I can't give you more than one bending ability unless you are immortal as the conflicting energies would rip your energy network apart and possibly kill you.”

Black nodded and sighed. “That’s fine, I can still counter fire with pure pressure anyway.” The Saiyan shrugging, he looked towards the dragon. “Either way, I guess it’s my turn on power-sharing, what would you like to learn from me?”

“As much as you're willing to teach me, but the top of my list is anything that can multiply my stats.” Del tells him while leading him to where the guards train.

As the two walked, Black knew what he wanted to learn. “You want to learn how to use the Kaioken, don’t you?”

“Yeah, that is the top of my list, and if you are up to it, I'd like to learn every move from the show, especially the spirit bomb, Destructo desk, the dragon fest, final flash, big bang, and super kamikaze ghosts!”

Black sighed as the two found themselves at the training yard. “The problem is that I only know how to do attacks mainly from Goku Black, Vegeta, Goku, and even some from Gogeta and Vegito. But as for anything else from the other characters of Dragon Ball I don’t know how to do those techniques.” Black explained as he took a few steps away from Del. “But we’ll worry about that later, how about you show me your strength first, just so then I can see if you can handle a certain level of Kaioken.”

Del shrugs and starts powering up his ki as an aura of energy covers him. “This is as much as I have, but as long as I can use the base kaioken, then I can just level it up to the higher versions.” Then he smirks. “Oh and I can also power up without yelling.”

Black closes his eyes and shakes his head. “Kaioken isn’t just about power, it’s all about mastery of your ki and your body. Plus you have to have a prepared body for the Kaioken. But from what you're displaying I say you could right now handle up to 5X Kaioken. When going past that you’ll start to break down your body.” Black said as he opened his eyes again, crossing his arms.

Del shakes his head and tells black. “Not how my powers work, even if you teach me times one hundred I’d start off with the base kaioken. When I learn a skill I get the weakest version and it levels up with the use of the skill for example.” He holds up a finger and uses a death beam and makes a small hole in the ground.

“That was as strong as I could use that skill when I first got it but now.” He fires another death beam this time making a deeper hole and burning the ground. “I can put more ki into the attack and do more damage.”

“I see.” Black said as he uncrossed his arms and walked towards the dragon. “So tell me, how would you normally go around learning skills? Does it happen when you learn information or do you have to do it in order to use the skill?” Black questioned as he stopped in front of the dragon.

“Well, so far I can learn skills two ways, first I can get a skill book, I'll check if there are any from the windigos, and second is once I do something for the first time.” Deltorix said as he started looking through his inventory screen while using illusion magic to show Black what he was doing.

Black watched as Del went through his inventory, multiple boxes oriented nicely with the items inside. Two books caught the dragon’s eye as they are from Dragon Ball Super. Del took them both out of his inventory and had them in his hands as he looked at them.

“Huh check this out I got both God Slicer Dance and ultra instinct from your fight!” He said with a grin then using illusion magic so black can see what he was doing he presses yes on the screens that ask if he wants to learn the techniques, but something went wrong as only one book was turned to light and absorbed.

“Huh?” Del read another pop-up only he could see and then he groaned before handing Black the book on ultra instinct. “I can't learn ultra instinct because of gamers mind.”

“Heh.” black chuckled as Del looked at him. “Even if you could learn it, I’m sure even with your gamer powers your body couldn’t handle it. You would have to be at a very high level in order to use it.” Black explained as he looked the book over. After looking at it for a minute, he put it in his belt.

Del shrugs and then starts to float. “Maybe, but ultra instinct needs me to listen to my instincts and gamers mind keeps me calm but also cuts me from my emotions so I am not affected by them...much.” Del shakes his head. “We are getting off-topic, let's get to training.”

“Right.” Black nodded as he crossed his arms again and began to think. “Now, how to teach oneself on the Kaioken…” Black mumbled as he began to float in the air and spin in circles upside down, which confused the Dragon. After a minute of spinning, Black got an idea.

Landing on his feet, he put a hand in front of him and his hand glowed green. A moment later, a book formed in his hands as his hands ceased its green glow. “There we go, here.” Black said cheerfully as he handed the book to Del.

“Let's see, it works and says The kaioken gives 10 points to strength, vitality, and Dexterity but costs 100 life points per second. Hmmm tough but useful.” Del said after he absorbed the book. “And done, now I know the kaioken.”

“Don’t know if this would apply, but I would recommend using the Kaioken in short bursts at first. I don’t know how many life points you have, but by the sound of the Kaioken in gamer terms. You would bring through your life points like paper in a fire. Using the skill in short bursts could decrease the life points slightly.” Black explained while placing a fist on his hip.

Deltorix nods as in a flash of light there is a bottle with a red liquid in it in his hand, he opens it as he speaks. “Yeah but maybe if I level it up enough I'll be able to use it without losing life points.” Then he drinks the potion. "Hopefully."

“Man wouldn’t that be helpful.” Black said as he chuckled.

Del nods before smirking and calls out. “Kaioken!” A red aura sparks around him. His muscles grow a bit and he starts flinching every second. “Yeah as it stands, this sucks. I'll have to train this skill whenever I have time.” Then the aura goes out.

“Yeah. Is there anything else you would be willing to learn?” Black asked the dragon with a raised eyebrow.

Del rubs his chin and thinks for a moment. “Well like I said most of Goku's moves, but if you have any advice on learning the other movies then I'd be happy to listen. We could also try out my training area, I should get some new enemies from meeting you.”

“Let’s see…” Black then began to mumble, listing out multiple moves and skills from Goku. After a few moments, he nodded and held out his hand once more and multiple books appeared in his hand. “These are a few of his. Containing his Instant Transmission, Super God Shock Flash, Spirit Bomb, Instant Transmission Kamehameha, and Dragon Punch.” Black read out as he handed them to the dragon.

“Sweet!” Del grins as he taps yes learning all of those skills. “Say, I'm thinking of making a trip to the DBZ universe at some point, as a Saiyan got any advice on how to not get my face punched?”

“Well, with the advice of one green man, Dodge.” Black said jokingly. “Besides that, don’t do anything that would anger anyone here and try to put up with Goku’s talking. With that, I’m sure you’ll be fine!” Black reassured.

Del shrugs. “Alright, well thanks for the skills. How about I put you in a training area so you can practice firebending?”

“I think that would be in order.” Black said as he smiled at the dragon.

“Alright, in that case first mind getting me a cloud while I set up your opponents?” Del said as he started typing away at a screen.

Black raised his eyebrows. “Get a cloud?” Black asked, confused.

Del points up at the sky. “I need a place to sit that is out of the way and I want to save my energies.”

Black stood there for a moment before he shrugged as he began to fly into the air, his cloak falling off. Black didn’t pay mind to it as he began to feel the winter cold. Not long after, he found himself a cloud and brought it down to the dragon. “Here’s your cloud."

“Thanks, hold onto it and me for a second.” Del said as he lifted his hand up. Black grabs onto both him and the cloud then Del calls out. “Create I.D.!” The area changed to a volcanic area and across a tournament-style arena stands Goku.

“Welp, there is your training buddy. Good luck.” Del grabs the cloud and flies high into the air.

“Oh, this is going to be fun…” Black chuckled as he began to pop his knuckles. He went into a stance as Goku did the same. In a flash, they both charged at each other and got into a struggle, both holding onto their hands as they tried to best each other. Black chuckled as he sprung Goku upside down and knee’d the Saiyan in the stomach. Goku cried out in pain as he coughed up spit. Before Goku could recover, Black sent a punch into his stomach as the Saiyan was sent flying.

“I know beating up your counterpart may be fun but how about you try firebending?” Del called out while eating popcorn.

“Give me a minute to warm up at least!” Black shouted before countering a punch from Goku, swatting away a ki blast. But didn’t react in time for Goku to kick Black in the head. The dark Saiyan recovered in time to kick Goku in the legs, tripping the Saiyan. As the two fell to the floor, they both grinned at each other as they shot forward, sending blow after blow.

Black saw an opening as he pushed Goku away with a pressured blast. After pushing the Saiyan back, Black closed his eyes and began to take deep breaths. He opened his eyes to see Goku about to kick him. Black reeled his head back and let out a big breath, a thin trail of fire escaping the Saiyans mouth as the counterpart dodged out of the way.

“Wow, I’m impressed that is an advanced technique your skill with ki must give you an edge when bending.” Del said. Then the clone Goku pats out the fire on his gi before he starts yelling as his ki grows and a yellow aura covers him. His hair spikes up and turns blond as his eyes turn green.

“The warmup is finished I guess.” Black smirked before throwing his arms to his side, letting out a godly roar as a massive yellow aura shot into the sky. Black's hair had spiked up turning blonde. His eyes turned green as the Saiyan smirked at his counterpart. Goku and Black smirked at each other before shooting at each other as they exchanged blows. Seemingly equal, they both transformed once again, their hair becoming spiked as lightning pulsed around them.

Black shouted as he shot a hand forward, a beam of fire exiting his hand as Goku shot a ki blast through the fire. Black stopped his fire bending and swatted the blast away, flying past Del as it exploded behind the dragon.

“Hey watch where you send those things!” Del said firing a ki ball of his own that hit the ground between the two.

“No promises!” Black shouted as he took a punch to the face. He slowly turned his head back to the bewildered Goku, seeing no effect from the punch. Black raised two fingers and faced them towards the Saiyans chest. In a split second, black formed the hand into a fist and punched Goku in the chest. A shockwave formed from the back of Goku as spit left the Saiyan.

After that, Black kicked Goku away into a wall. Black yelled as his hair grew down his back, lighting pulsed around him like a wildfire. “Get ready…” Black's voice lowered as he seemingly disappeared and reappeared behind Goku. “Hello there.”

Goku didn’t have enough time to comprehend what happened as Black grabbed the Saiyans face and dragged him against the tournament wall while with his other hand he was creating a fireball. With a shout, Black threw Goku into the air while throwing the fireball at him.

As the fireball hit the Saiyan, black pointed two fingers at Goku and grinned. “Dirty Fireworks…” An explosion followed after as it shook the arena, a smoking body falling towards the ground.

The body of Goku cracks up like glass then shatters, dissolving into pixels and Deltorix laughs clapping his hand. “Well done! You beat your counterpart, so want to fight anyone else or what? Because I think there is enough time for either one more fight or to do some snooping in the old castle before the girls finish their play and they start opening gifts.”

Black put a hand to his chin thinking, before eventually shrugging. “I think that’s enough for now, I’m still recovering from the battle with the Crimson Sage.” Black said as he pointed to the scar on his cheek, it resembling Bardock’s.

Del chuckled. “Yeah, I don't plan on fighting him till I’m ready.” Then he walks over and picks up a bag of bits from the dead Goku. “Grab onto me and we can go watch the girls open presents.” Black nodded as he walked over and put a hand on his shoulder.

“I.D. escape!” The world breaks and shatters like glass leaving them back in the real world and Del starts walking. “Oh and here.” He pulls out a tape recorder and gives it to Black. “The play is recorded from the clone’s point of view.”

“I’ll watch it later…” Black responds as he put the tape inside his gi. “So we off to see the girls?”

“Yes and the princesses, they are all opening gifts together and I gave a few out. Oh and do me a favor don't start a fight but stop Celestia from leaving before she gets her surprise please.” Del tells him as he makes a clone who flew off towards the Everfree forest.

“Any reason as to why you want me to stop Celestia from leaving?” Black asked as he raised an eyebrow.

“She has been hiding a secret, what happened to the humans of this world, I’m looking for evidence in her old castle and there might be some booby traps or alarms that will let her know someone's digging too deeply I just need enough time to find what I'm looking for and get out of there.” Del explains to Black.

“Gotcha” Black nodded.

Del smiles and then opens the door to the throne room where they see the mane six and the princesses. “Hey everyone, sorry about getting here late, I just wanted to show my friend some of the city real quick, we can get to the presents now.”

“I’ll just be right here, the present you gave me were abilities anyway.” Black said as he leaned against a wall crossing his arms. The ponies looked at him wide-eyed, confusing the Saiyan until he felt a breeze against his body. Looking down, he realized why. “You’ve got to be shitting me…”

Del looks over and facepalms. “Oh...um would you believe he is from a different Equestria where alicorns are more common?” Del asked the ponies.

“Well… I’m the only other one right now. And I’m not royalty, I’m a martial artist…” Black explained.

“I see...well as long as you are not human I'm fine with you being here.” Celestia said.

Celestia didn’t see it, but Black’s eye twitched as he glared at the Alicorn, Luna did spot this. But he calmed himself as the ponies continued to open their presents. Black has gotten many looks from them, making him slightly uncomfortable.

Fluttershy opens her gift from Del and finds two boxes inside, confused she takes one out and opens it. “Oh my gosh!” Inside is a large egg with green spots on it. She lifts it up and reads the note with it. “This is a catterpe egg, it is known as a pokemon, it looks like a caterpillar but it will grow and evolve quickly, below is a list of things to know about it.” She continues to read it and then sets the egg down gently.

Opening the second box she blushes when she lifts up a necklace that is golden with what seems like an image of a fox head in the center. “Oh dear, Fluttershy it is lovely!” Rarity said.

“A Golden fox, Del don’t tell me you're trying to start a relationship?” Black says jokingly as Fluttershy blushes even more.

Del blasts Black with a weak ki ball enough to singe his gi but not enough to hurt. “No, I'm not, it is for her protection, that is Vixen’s necklace, it lets whoever wears it have the power of any animal in the animal kingdom.” He crosses his arms and flames come out of his nose. “I'm not looking for a lover yet I have a long life ahead of me.”

Fluttershy looks at the necklace in a different light and smiles. “Thank you Deltorix.”

“Me next!” Rainbow said opening her gift and inside were a lot of books. “Aww man! Books?!”

Del points. “Read the titles Dash.”

She does and her eyes widen. “History of flight? Stunt flying guide for the blue angels? How planes work for dummies?” She looks at Del. “What is this?”

“They are books on how humans flew with machines. I figured they might give you some inspiration for some new tricks.” He told her and she grins.

“That’s going to be interesting.” Black comments, thinking on how plane ethics would work with Pegasi.

The next one to open her gifts was Pinkie Pie who got a large box filled with cookbooks and party guides. She lets out a massive gasp that makes her inflate like a balloon and then she hugs Deltorix. “THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHSNKYOU!”

Black laughs as he watches the dragon being hugged to death by the party pony. “No matter which universe, Pinkie would always be Pinkie.” Black muttered.

Del pats her back and she zooms over to the box and starts looking through the books. The next pony to step up is Twilight. When she opens her box she sees a piece of paper and another box. “Sorry Twilight, I wanted to get you a second gift but I couldn't figure out how to do it right so here is an I.O.U. and your second gift.” She reads the note then opens the second box and gasps. “Magic books! Wait, these say white magic and black magic.”

Celestia’s eyes widen and is about to speak before Del beats her to the punch. “Those are just the classifications they fall under in the world where they are from, white magic refers to any magic based around healing and protection, while black magic refers to any magic that deals with dealing damage. They are from a few worlds I have peeked into from time to time.”

Black raises an eyebrow. “Peeking into worlds, I didn’t know that was possible. I’d thought you’d have to be summoned…” Black questions the dragon.

“Normally you'd be right but I have special eyes.” Del tells Black while changing his eyes to be blue with a six-pointed star pupil. He also sent a message through the message system.

It is a lie I told them to explain how I know about parts of their lives I wasn't around for.

Black saw the message and nodded as he watched Twilight start to talk about the books, this uninterested the Saiyan as he decided to do some image training. Closing his eyes and a thin white aura surrounded him.

“Wha, what is happening ta him?” Applejack asks.

“I think it's a form of mental training, just leave him be for now.” Del tells them.

The next pony to open their gifts are Applejack and inside are seeds and guide books. “What are these?”

“Those are seeds for senzu beans and winter apples, as well as guides on how to take care of them as they need specific kinds of care to grow.” Del explained.

“Well I am mighty thankful for this Del.” Applejack said.

The next one to open their gift was Rarity and inside her gift were rare materials and fashion magazines. “Oh thank you, darling! These are so magnificent!”

The last two to open their gifts are princess Luna and Celestia. Luna was first and inside is a video game console, and a coffee cup that says ‘Best princess’ on it.

While Celestia’s gift came in two boxes the first she opened turned out to be a full-sized inflatable prince Solaris sex doll, the girls blush while Pinkie and Rainow try to hide their giggles.

Their giggles were put to a stop as Black's hair started to have a red glow around him. Shortly after, his hair had turned red with his tail and eyebrows doing the same. A few of the feathers on his wings had done the same as a calm fire aura surrounding him. The Mane 6 were left speechless as Del face palmed, completely forgetting the sex doll.

Del stands up and walks up to Black and grabs a hair and pulls it out. “Hey, I get you want to train but you scared everyone.”

Black's eyes immediately opened and he glared at the dragon, catching him off guard. He glared at him for a few moments before realizing what he was doing. He looked around to see the ponies and princesses looking at him wearily. “Sorry…” Black sighs as his hair and eyes return to normal as Black walks to a shadowed part of the room and leans against a wall there, the Saiyan is deep in thought as he looked out a window.

Deltorix sighs and looks to Celeitsa. “Go ahead and check the second gift, it is more of a gift to your kingdom than to you though.” Then he walks over to Black while She lifts up a container with a light blue crystal in it that is radiating harmony magic. All the girls and Luna gasp and lean closer to it.

Del puts a hand on Black's back. “Do you want to head home?”

Black doesn’t look at the dragon, “No… it’s… it’s just when I train, I get a glimpse of Black's memories, or I’m fighting the one who killed my master. That was a point in time I don’t take lightly…” Black explains as he watches a family out the window enjoying their time.

Del pats his back and sighs. “Being displaced as a villain can suck from what I hear, but good always wins, you can beat your big bad when it comes time. You just need to keep hold of the ones you care about and have faith in yourself.”

Black chuckles lightly. “... 15…” Black mutters as he smiles at Del, who looks confused.

“What?” Del asked confused.

Black deadpanned. “You don’t get the reference?” Black asked as the dragon shook his head. “Seen Dragon Ball Z Abridged?”

Del blinks then facepalms. “Oh, you pulled a freezer.”

Black grins as he chuckles. “Yup, you wouldn’t believe the amount of times I’ve heard lines similar to that.” Black says as he rubs the back of his head. “But in all seriousness, I snapped when he killed my master, just like Gohan did when cell killed #16.” Black explained. The Saiyan watched as the ponies had started to converse about the crystal.

Del sighs and pats Black’s back. “I see, well I hope you can get a handle on your rage. But hey you have friends to fall back on.”

Black softly smiles. “Yeah… Celestia and Luna helped me a lot after that event.” He looks at the dragon with a smile. “How about we get out of the shadows, kinda looks like we’re scheming something.”

Del chuckles and smirks. “I wouldn't be surprised if Sunbutt thinks that of me every day.”

Black laughs as the two walk out of the shadows, Black going back to his spot he was last at while Del went back to the ponies. Black smiles as he watches the ponies converse with the dragon. But he notices Luna wasn’t there, looking around he sees Luna next to him. “When did you get here?” Black asked, confused.

“Teleportation spell.” Luna says simply, Black deadpanning. “By the way, what did you do earlier, I’ve never seen an Alicorn do that.” The night Princess questioned.

Black rubbed the back of his head, “Well, I’m the only one who can do it from where I’m from. It’s called Super Alicorn God, a transformation involving god ki.” Black explained, Luna listened with interest.

“I see, young Deltorix has shown me this Ki, it seems very destructive.” She said to black.

“If not controlled properly, especially if it’s god ki. One wrong move you could detonate yourself if you overload your body with ki. If that happens you would turn into stone, I knew a pony who did that once to protect his family. He turned to dust after impacting the ground…” Black said solemnly.

She looks down as her ears fold back. “Oh, he was close to you, wasn't he?”

Black's ears folded down as he looked out a window. “He was like a brother to me… He was one of the elements of Harmony, he tried to help defeat Discord but failed. Even when he detonated the blast didn’t even affect that snake.” Black hissed but calmed himself. “We were able to win, all that was left of the Elements of Harmony was my master, Starswirl.”

She gasps and covers her mouth with a hoof. “Starswirl was your master?”

Black smiled warmly. “Yup, the best one out there. He didn’t just teach just magic but also martial arts. Starswirl didn’t let up as he taught me and Luna through it all. He even made us plow fields for the farming ponies with our bare hands. Made us swim from Hydra’s while carrying weighted clothing.” Black says as he looks down at his hands. “He’s the wisest pony I’ve ever met.”

She giggles and smiles. “It's good to hold those memories close.” Then they hear Celestia yell.

“I don't care that you are in front of me, you are somehow at the old castle snooping around in my old room!” She yells at Del.

Black walks over and splits the two before Celestia did something stupid. “Hey! What are you two going on about?!”

“This human is digging around in my old room!” She yells and glares at Del.

He just rolls his eyes. “Go ahead and check, you will see I was nowhere near there.”

“For all we know, it could be a Diamond Dog who walked into your room. Probably looking for something valuable.” Black says as Celestia glared at him.

“We shall see.” She said before teleporting away.

Del pats Black’s back. “It's fine, everything is handled. If you are ready I can send you home.”

Black looked back to the ponies. “How long do you think the girls will be here for?” Black asked the dragon.

Deltorix shrugs and says “I'm not sure, I have not had the time to bond with them so I don't know how long they'll stay here, but I plan on leaving pretty soon to work on a few projects.”

“I think I’ll stay, let’s say about 15 minutes, just to see if anything interesting will happen.” Black finished with a chuckle.

Del shrugs and everyone hears a yell of rage. “Seems she found my message.” He chuckles.

“And what was your message?” Luna asked.

“I wrote all over the walls of her old room, ‘Sunbutt sucks’ and also left out a drawing of her but much fatter.” Del said with a chuckle.

Luna put a hoof to her mouth and tried to stifle any laughter. Black however didn’t laugh or smile, he looked intently out the window towards the old castle. His eyes squinted as he began to think.

Del smirks and gives Luna a copy of the drawing. “Here, be sure to prank her with it.” then he turns to Black. “What's up, Black?”

The Saiyan looks towards the dragon then looks at Luna, looking serious, “Tell me Luna, has she been… acting out lately?” Black questioned.

Luna sighs and nods. “Yes, but she seems to be getting worse each time she meets a human, I don't see the problem with humans though.”

“I see…” Black looks back at the window. “Luna, remember when you turned into Nightmare Moon, how did you feel at the time?” Black questions the night Princess as he walks towards the window.

Luna looks down and sighs. “I was consumed with loneliness and jealousy, and that is what allowed the parasite to infect me.”

“That’s right." Black said solomy. “I was almost consumed by my hatred when Discord almost killed everypony close to me. I lost myself when He killed some pony close to me. I turned into a Nightmare that wanted to eradicate every life form in the universe.” Black stood at the window with an arm leaning against it. “Now imagine what’s being bottled up inside Celestia now…”

Del sighs and crosses his arms. “I'll try to keep my distance for now then.”

“Yeah, keep as far from Celestia as much as possible, try not to be in the same room as her, because from what I’ve seen when you two talk. She seems to get angrier at humans no matter what you say.” Black explained as he turned his head to look at Del and Luna. “And Luna, try to get your sister off the topic of humans, get her to focus on her little ponies.”

They both nod and Del waves at the girls. “Well, I guess I should leave before she comes back.”

“Best be off as well, need to get back to some pony special.” Black says with a smile after walking towards the door. He turns back to Luna. “Farewell.” Black gave a two-finger salute before walking out of the room.

Del follows and looks at Black. “Good luck with your troubles, our contract is complete.”

“That it is.” Black says before a bolt of lightning struck behind him as a beam of light shined behind him. “Oh, almost forgot to give you this.” Black said as he grabbed the wristwatch and gave it to Del, his Saiyan form reappearing. “Can I just say, being summoned and going to a world is, Subarashi?” Black says as he chuckles.

“I don't know what that means.” Del said as he took the watch back.

Black steps towards the white pillar of light. “It means Wonderful in Japanese.” Black comments as he’s about to step into the portal. He turns around and gives Del a two-finger salute. “Farewell, for now!” Black shouts as he jumps into the portal as it’s struck with lightning one more time before it disappears completely. Leaving the dragon alone in the hallways.

Deltorix’s POV

I smile and shake my head. “Good guy, hope he finds his happy ending.” I say to myself before flying off to ponyville.

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with Equestrias divine God