• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,617 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

  • ...

Chapter 2 [edited]

I step through the door and find myself in a long hallway then start walking and talk to myself out loud. "Huh must be my version of a loading screen."

I chuckle at my joke then after a minute of walking I come to another door. Opening it I step through to see four people armed and their Princess Celestia and Luna, I step through the door and close it behind me and the door disappears then I quickly use observe on the four in front of me.

Name: War
Title: Rider of the Apocalypse
This man was once human but had a run in with the infamous Merchant; now he is displaced as War from Darksiders.

Name: Death
Title: Rider of the Apocalypse
This man was once human but had a run in with the infamous Merchant; now he is displaced as Death from Darksiders 2.

Name: Fury
Title: Rider of the Apocalypse
This woman was once human and was displaced by the Merchant; now she is displaced as Fury from Darksiders 3. Her original Equestria was destroyed and she along with Strife was saved by Discord and now she is working with War and Death.

Name: Strife
Title: Rider of the Apocalypse
This man was once human and was displaced by the Merchant, now he is displaced as Strife from Darksiders Genesis. His original Equestria was destroyed and he alongside Fury were saved by Discord now he works alongside Death and War.

Smiling I look up at them and wave as I say “Greetings to you; princesses and my fellow Displaced. I am Deltorix, the Gamer.” I end with a bow to the princesses.

“Where are you from.” Twilight asked

“I am from another Equestria." I answer peeking at her from the corner of my eye.

“You're from another Equestria.” Pinkie echoed “How am I there? Oh who am I kidding; I'm great anywhere!”

“As an offering of assistance; I'd like to give you four something useful.” I say as I check how many bits I have and then the store to see what I would like to get them but I don't have enough. “Well this is awkward.”

“What happened.” Strife asked

“I don't have the money.” I answered, rubbing a claw behind my head “I'll have to take you to a dungeon. But first.... create party riders of the apocalypse invite War, Death, Fury, and Strife to party." I whisper the last part but it works as I see all four jerk back in surprise.

Once all four tap the yes button I say. “Thank you and welcome to the party, now I can take you to an Instant Dungeon.” Then a screen pops up and I read it quickly before Death asks.

Due to making a party with other displaced [Custom Dungeon] mode has been unlocked in this mode the player can pick any combination of monsters and how long the rounds lasts, as well as the look of the dungeon.

“Two requests with that." Death asks. “One: Unlimited enemies and two: all enemies are available for summon.”

“I can do that, I Just need to make a custom dungeon. And speak of the Devil; I just received a message that says I can.”

With that said I open up the custom dungeon mode settings and make it endless with a few seconds of wait time between bosses and the next wave then I look up at the Riders and say.
“Gather around, you four, and link hands with one another and that should make this easier." once they do I put my hand on War’s shoulder and say. "I.D. Create.”

Once that was finished; the five of us are sent into a huge chamber with a long hallway for enemies to spawn and had to wait to begin.

“Everything has been set. All the enemies can spawn and will continue until you decide to stop. Between each round will be a thirty-second break to collect loot. And speaking of; the loot will have to be turned over as the money earned here will not count as physical currency in your world.” I explain, “I'll stay here in the corner in the meantime. One last thing; there will be a boss after the fiftieth wave.”

“Try not to die.” Strife joked

As we got ready; a small horde of twenty zombie-like ponies shambled down the hall and were promptly shot down by Strife. Fury raced ahead and collected the piles of items left over as they disappeared into her in-game inventory.

“And now we just repeat until we're done.” Death mused

“I'm for waiting just a bit longer.” War chimed in “Let them come to us before destroying them.”

“Wave two.” Strife pointed out

With that; each readied their weapons and resisted the urge to attack while the room started to fill up with zombies and a couple timberwolves. Deciding they waited enough; Death had his Harvester scythe in its single blade form and used the increased size to spin it by the bottom of the handle and destroyed all the zombies, while War picked off the timberwolves.

“This is fun.” War mused “I'll have Chaoseater and the other weapons leveled up easily.”

“So far; these others were the toughest thing here.” Fury said, having destroyed the wolves.

I watch all this from behind them then I look over at the enemies and get a idea. I use the Shadow Clone Jutsu then fly up and me and my clones help by firing magic arrows into the monsters and I end up stealing a few kills.

Level up

Level up

Level up

Level up

Level up

"Hey that was my kill!" I hear War complain and the other riders chuckle then I have the shadow clones go collect everything.

"You snooze you lose." I chuckle and we keep fighting monsters for a while.

“Now this is what I'm talking about.” Strife said cheerfully “Come at me, you bastards!”

“I think we need to say thank you.” Fury said “You said your name was ‘Deltorix’; right?”

“Yes. I'm a Displaced like all of you but under different circumstances. and you're all welcome. I'm glad I can help you out.” I say as I stay back as all the monsters are too high for me to kill.

“What are we up to now.” Strife called.

“This should be the fiftieth wave." I say then get up and get ready. "The boss should be arriving any time now.”

“My weapons are finally done." War stated

“Looking at the prices of a few gifts I wanted to get you; I don’t have the 175,000 bits necessary.” I say.

“What do we have collected up till this point.” Strife asked.

“I don't know. I can't see how much each of you have.” I counter.

“Well; I'm up for slaying more.” Death stated.

“This looks promising.” Strife mused. “A huge horde of zombies approaches. I'll leave it to you.”

“Sis; why don't you take these instead.” Death offered.

“About time I get a turn.” she joked.

With that; Fury stood at the front of the hallway with her whip at the ready. As the horde started coming down; the whip was tossed from side to side, easily destroying everything. Trailing behind was a series of loud pounding as a big creature started to enter.

“That’s going to be a problem.” Strife mused.

Much to our surprise; a slightly smaller version of Tirek had just entered the room. Realizing they were going to lose room to maneuver soon; War decided to wait underneath the centaur and attack his underbelly, slicing it open.

“Damn.” Death offered. “That's gruesome; even to me.”

“It does the job and took down a boss.” War countered. “Besides; it’s not the real thing.”

“Perhaps we should call it." I suggest while all my clones start disappearing. “It has been a while and you did collect a lot of items.”

“You're right.” Death replied. "Mind sending us back?”

“Not a problem, I.D. Escape.” I get over by them and grab onto them.

To their relief; the dungeon started to shatter as the dining room reemerged.

“Welcome back.” Celestia started.

“I hate to break up what I'm sure would have been a nice reunion; but the four of you have been summoned." Discord said, opening a portal.

“The Charred Counsel wants us?” Death asked.

“Yes. Now let's get going." Discord stated.

“I guess I'll wait here." I start walking over to a chair.

“Nope. You're coming too.” Discord corrected, grabbing me. “Otherwise; I fear what Twilight would do to you.”

“Hey,” Twilight complained “It's not like I was going to dissect him or anything.”

Once through the portal; the location changed immensely. Instead of light walls and paintings; rock and lava pools were everywhere. Just a little ways in front of us were three carved totems; the representation of the Charred Counsel and four recognizable beings; the actual Horsemen. Standing, or rather floating; along side them was a six-eyed creature that looked like a black ghost known as a Watcher.

“What? Do my eyes deceive me." the Watcher asked “EIGHT Horsemen?”

“SHUT UP,” the eight Horsemen ordered simultaneously.

I snicker quietly to myself at the small exchange.

“Why is there another group here.” the actual War demanded. “What manner of trick is this!?”

“I sense these four are not entirely like us.” Death mused. “Nephilim bodies; with purely human souls.”

“Hold on.” Discord offered. “I'll make things easier on everyone.”

Discord snapped his fingers and the four Displaced Horsemen saw their figures start to alter. Their faces started to lengthen to look more pony-like as their feet shrunk into hooves; all the while keeping their armor. Horns started to grow out their foreheads with Fury and Strife having a normal spiral design. War’s was curved, while Death had a twisted and gnarled design. Wings were growing as well with Fury and Strife having regular designs. War and Death had thestral wings with the latter’s being aged and torn in places; but still functional nonetheless.

“There,” Discord announced “Four pony Horsemen against the real thing. Unfortunately; there is one major change.”

“What's that." the Displaced Death asked.

“You can no longer summon your horses.” Discord replied. "Being ponies now; you can see how wrong and improper it would be.”

“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? EXPLAIN YOURSELVES.” one of the figures demanded

“The four of us are Displaced along with our friend here,” the Displaced Death said quickly

“War and I were originally sent to a world known as Equus by a being known as the Merchant.”
“While we were there; demons attacked under an agreement made by a being called Tirek,” the Displaced War added

“Apparently; Tirek had escaped from a place known as Tartarus,” the Displaced Death clarified


“We were sent to a different world originally; but taken to the same as War and Death by the creature called Discord here with us,” the Displaced Fury answered

Standing off to the side and minding my own business; I had opened a window and looks for a few items to purchase for my fellow Displaced. Thankfully; my appearance was largely unnoticed by the rest.

“YOU SAID HE ESCAPED FROM TARTARUS!?” The left figure asks.

“What exactly is this Tartarus,” the real Death asked “I have no recollection of that name.”


“If I may ask; why is Equus so young a world,” the Displaced Death asked


“Was this Tirek one of them,” the real War asked "A Dæmon, I mean?"


“Before he died; Tirek did mention the others would have their revenge,” the Displaced Death commented “Do you have any idea as to who he was talking about?”

“I hate to interrupt,” I start hesitantly. "But do you mind if I borrow the four ponified Horsemen for a moment?”

“WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM THEM?” The middle figure asks me with their booming voice.

“All I'd like is to be able to collect the items they earned earlier,” I reply. “There were a few items I wanted to buy for them.”

“VERY WELL. MAKE IT QUICK.” The middle one tells me.

“Let's step into a side chamber for a moment,” I offer. "We'll be back shortly.”

With the permission granted; the five of them entered the room and were quickly sent into an empty Instant Dungeon.

“Let's get this over with. Access your inventories and just hand me everything and I'll sort it out.” I say.

“Alright. We're not going to regret this; are we,” Strife asked

“No. Besides; with some of the money that was earned I promised you I'd get you a few things,” I replied “Wow. From all that was over 500,000 bits; six spell books and a hundred potions. Alright we're done. We can go back and I'll get your stuff.” Having made short work of the loot; they returned to the original chamber. The four items I bought for them materialized on the floor.

“Death; you have a fully useable Soul Eater Evans scythe from Soul Eater and an enchantment allowing you to turn your existing scythe into the same. War; your Armageddon blade and an enchantment to duel-wield both, Strife; a new set of pistols from the game Batman Arkham Knight and an enchantment allowing your existing guns to become them as well and finally; Fury. Your gift is a charm containing the four Hollows of Flame, Force, Stasis and Storm from the Darksiders 3 game and the ability to switch at any time.” I tell them all.

“Thank you for the gifts,” Death replied

Each of them grabbed their items and hurried back to the main chamber. The next thing was to ask Discord to help store them someplace.

“Finally,” the real Fury commented “We thought you got lost in there.”

“Odd looking scythe,” the real Death said “Harvester is better in every way.”

“There is no reason for that blade to ever be used,” the real War chastised “The Armageddon Blade was reserved for use against one person.”

“Nice pistols,” the real Strife commented as the other three turned to him “What? I know what I like. Mind if I see them for a moment?”

“Not at all,” the Displaced Strife replied

Once they were passed over; the real Strife had started to check the weight and feel of the pistols his counterpart now had. He started to feel giddy with something new.

“Do I detect that these can combine,” the real Strife asked hopefully

“They do indeed. They become a sniper rifle together,” the Displaced Strife answered

“Dragon,” the real Strife addressed “How did these weapons come?”

“They came with an additional enchantment to allow the existing pistols to transform into them,” I explain "And my name is ‘Deltorix’ in case you need it.” I cross my arms.

“My counterpart can keep the enchantment; as I claim these for myself,” the real Strife declared

“WE'LL RETURN TO THE TOPIC AT HAND IF YOU DON'T MIND.” The middle figure demands.

“This ‘Tirek’ mentioned a group of others,” the real Fury commented


“These sound nothing compared to the Seven I fought,” the real Fury retorted


“Yeah, yeah,” Discord replied sarcastically “‘Watch over them’. What do you think I've been doing? Sitting on my backside with my thumb stuck there? Rather uncomfortable if you ask me.”

“DO NOT TAKE THIS AS A JOKE. YOU WILL SEVERELY REGRET DOING SO.” The middle figure asks rhetorically.

“What do you think you can do,” Discord retorted “Turn me to stone? Been there, done that; was bored for years in the process.”

Instead of receiving an answer; Discord started to contort himself in agony. The Charred Counsel decided to punish him by burning him without the flames.

“That's enough,” the real War demanded “This punishment has gone on too long.”

“WAR; YOU WISH TO TAKE HIS PLACE?” The left one says to War.

“I'll…do…it,” Discord said through breaths “Watch…over…Horse…men.”

“DISMISSED.” They all say at once.

“Discord; do you have a moment,” the Displaced Death asked, as they left

“Of course,” Discord replied, before snapping his fingers “Your new scythe has been added to your hammerspace and War has his mounted on his back. And War, the non-pony War, I mean; thank you.”

“You're not the first that went through that,” the real War replied “Death did once.”

“Since you're me; have you managed to summon Rampage by any chance,” the real Fury asked
“I have. Is that a problem at all,” the Displaced Fury questioned

“My Rampage was killed by Angelic weaponry and later devoured by Gluttony,” the real Fury explained sadly “He was my closest companion.”

“I'm sorry to hear that,” the Displaced Fury offered, hugging her

“I'd hazard a guess that we aren't entirely like you,” the Displaced Death mused “I did see a moment where the four of you were here, while War and I were in Equestria.”

“Watch over that world,” the real Death stated “You are the Horsemen; after all.”

“It's time we return home,” Discord said “Hopefully; we don’t have to do this again. No offense; of course.”

“Well; I for one have one stop to make,” the real Strife mused “I need to see Ulthane about making these have unlimited ammo.”

Without further issue; Discord opened a portal that the five of us stepped through before he zipped it shut. Another opened up back in Canterlot Castle’s dining room where Celestia and the others were still waiting.

“Where have you been,” Pinkie demanded “That dragon Ridernapped you. Then you were sent someplace else.”

“Pinkie; let them rest for a moment,” Twilight cautioned

“It's time for me to head back to my world,” I say.

“Thanks again for the weapons,” Death commented “Now unfortunately; our contract is complete.”

“You're welcome. Just attach the enchantment to your person and it will activate,” I reply “Thank you for summoning me.”

After saying that the same golden screen and door from before opens behind me. Taking one last look, I smile and wave at them just before I walk through.

As I'm walking through the hallway four items fall in front of me my eyes widen as I pick up the mini Chaoseater knife and hear War’s voice.

"I am War of The Four Horsemen from Darksiders, for those who seek my aid stab mini Chaoseater into the ground and I will come, be warned if you try to use me to upset the Balance then I will end you."

I smile and put the knife into my inventory then pick up the mask and hear Death’s voice.

"I am Death of The Four Horsemen from Darksiders 2, if you have need of me to slay your enemies wear my mask and call my name, be warned if you try to use me to upset the Balance I will kill you and your allies."

After putting the mask in my inventory I then pick up the odd looking eye in a metal ring and hear Fury’s voice.

"I am Fury of The Four Horsemen from Darksiders 3, if you call me you better have a good reason to summon me, but be warned if you try to use me to upset the Balance I will end you slowly and make sure you feel every second."

I put Fury's token into my inventory and finally pick up Strife's gun and hear his voice.

"I am Strife of The Four Horsemen from Darksiders Genesis, if you are in need of a sharp shooter or just want to shoot the shit, fire my gun while calling my name and I'll come. But I'll have to kill ya if you try to upset the Balance."

I smile and put the last token into my inventory and continue walking through the hallway again for about a minute then when I see the door home I open it and step through to see my four guards I chuckle nervously. "I guess I have some explaining to do huh?"

Crimson stomps up to me and yells. "Where the buck were you?! You've been gone for days!"

My eyes widen and I look at them all. "Sorry I didn't know how long I would be gone."

Crimson starts yelling and the Shield brothers start asking questions. "Hey hey hey calm down I'll tell you everything but when we are in a I.D." I grab onto them and pull them into a instant dungeon then I back up and sit down on a chair.

"Ok first off I want to tell you that what I'm going to say stays between us please... I am what's known as a Displaced; short for dimensionally misplaced." I start telling them while trying to keep my story straight.

"I was something else before I came to Equestria but I don't have any wish to hurt anyone." I looked at Crimson when I say this.

"That still doesn't explain where you were and how you left?!" Crimson yells in frustration.

"What happened to me was another Displaced; although technically a group of displaced; called me to their Equestria and I helped them, after that I came back but there is some time difference between the two worlds as I was there for just a few hours." I try to calmly explain to calm her down which seems to work for now.

"Now I got some skill points and skill books from my friends mind if I take a look?" They grumble a bit but say I can nodding I open my inventory and pull out the six books and my eyes widen as I read what they give.

New Skill Blade-geyser
This skill lets the player make swords strike up from the ground around them by punching the ground.
Uses 100 Wrath per use.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

New Skill Stone-Skin
This skill adds a second layer of skin made of stone that reduces the damage the player takes by 10%
Uses 200 Wrath points per minute while active.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

New Skill Flame Hollow
This skill when activated boosts all fire based abilities by 50% also reduces fire damage taken by 25%.
Uses 500 Wrath points when activated for the first minute and a extra 100 Wrath points per minute while active.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

New Skill Stasis Hollow
This skill when active allows the player to walk on water by freezing it for a short time and reduces ice damage taken by 25%
Uses 500 Wrath points when activated for the first minute and a extra 100 Wrath points per minute while active.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

New skill Swordsmanship
This skill gives the player the ability to weald any type of sword.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

New skill Marksmanship
This skill allows the player to use any long range projectile weapon.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

"Huh I guess I can get special skill books from displaced where their powers that need a item can be a skill book for me." I say to myself then shrug and tap yes on all six then they turn into energy and flow into me then a new screen pops up.

New energy unlocked: Wrath
Wrath is determined by Strength but does not recharge on its own.
The energy Wrath can only recharge damaging enemies.

I blink and sigh then I check my stats and add the new points from fighting with the horsemen.

Titles: The Gamer
Name: Deltorix
Occupation: N/A
Level: 16
Next level: 75%
HP: 1400/1400
MP: 1000/1400
CHA: 1400/1400
Wrath: 1400/1400
STR: 14
DEX: 14
VIT: 14
INT: 14
WIS: 14
LUC: 13
Points: 0
Real Bits: 0
Loot Bits: 325,000

After finishing I look up to see them looking at me. "Ok before anything else what did I miss and what happened while I was gone."

Silver Shield sighs but tells me. "Well the day you disappeared Twilight and her friend were called to Canterlot to reserve medals for defeating Discord, then the next day when you didn't come back Twilight began to panic as she hasn't written a friendship report this week and had no idea where you were."

Bronze shield continued. "She didn't just panic she went crazy and used a spell to make the town go crazy and it took Princess Celestia to undo it, after that the Princess told Twilight and her friends that they have to all write friendship reports along with you too." I roll my eyes but smirk having a feeling this would happen.

Moon Lilly finishes. "After that was the sister hooves social that was today and now the town is getting ready for Nightmare Night tomorrow."

My eyes widen and I smirk. "Good good I've been looking forward to Nightmare Night, hmm I'll want to see the Mayor."

Crimson groans and yells. "Will you take this seriously?! You've been gone for three days for Celestia's sake!"

I sigh and look at her. "Crimson I can't help when I'm called to another world. If it makes you feel better, I'll try to bring you with me next time just don't tell anyone what you see."

She gives me a glare and says. "Why should I huh? What are you hiding?!"

I rub my face while sighing then say. "Look it's important to keep this stuff somewhat secret because if the wrong person finds out it can change our future. Let's say there was a attack that happened in a different Equestria that I bring you to everything turns out fine you decide to tell the Princesses about it and they act differently and could end up losing! Do you get it now?"

She looks away and huffs but says nothing more I just sigh and stand up. "Ok guys give me a minute and we can go back to the real world."

I then use the Shadow clone skill to make 10 clones then tell them. "Ok you four practice chakra control." I say pointing to a few clones then I point at the rest. "While you six practice the Transformation Jutsu." They all salute and get to work then I look to my guards.

"Ok let's go." I grab onto them and bring us back to the real world and then say. "Ok I am gonna try to meet the mayor and find a music store who wants to come with?" I say with cheer but they sigh and the two night guards leave and the day guards step up to me I nod and start walking.

While walking towards town hall I look around and see lots of ponies doing things such as shopping at the market place and talking with friends. By the time I get to the town hall some ponies have seen me and started whispering.

I breath out and go inside and see the scared receptionist I walk up and tell her. "Hello ma'am I'm hoping to have a meeting with the mayor would you be kind enough to see if she has some free time?"

As soon as I finish she runs up the stairs and silver shield sighs. "That wasn't very nice scaring her like that."

I look at him like he is a idiot. "What did I so other then not be a pony?"

They don't answer as the mayor peeks her head in and says. "You wanted to see me Mr. Dragon?"

I smile and nod. "Yes ma'am you see wanted to put on a bit of a show for everypony on Nightmare Night all I need is to ask a musician for instruments for the show."

Mayor mare looks unsure and walks back and forth. "You want me to let you out on a show when you don't even have the instruments?"

Shrugged I say. "Well I would have gotten them first but I thought it would be smart to see if you would even let me, as for if I can actually play yeah I can I use to play all the time but lost my guitar before I came to Equestria."

She nods then goes to her desk and looks through some papers. "Ok Mr. Dragon I'll let you put on a show and I am sorry about my receptionist she is scared easily."

"It's no problem I knew I'd scare a few ponies just by being myself when I chose to come here but thank you." I smile and shake Mayor mare's hoof.

I then leave town hall and stop smacking my forehead I then turn back and pop my head into the town hall building and ask. "Sorry to bother you but can you tell me where I can find a music store?"

The receptionist points with a shaky hoof to the east so I thank her and go that way and after half a hour of looking I find the music store called 'Music Mania' I smile and walk inside and see a white unicorn mare with two tone blue mane bobbing her head to some music in her headphones, after seeing her name and title my eyes widen a bit.

Name: vinyl scratch/DJ pon3
Title: Elder Vampire
Level: ???

"Hi ma'am I was-" she stops me by holding up her hoof then takes her headphones off.

"None of that ‘ma'am’ or ‘miss’ stuff dude. Name’s Vinyl Scratch and what brings a dragon into my little shop?" She says while walking behind the counter.

"Ah well it's nice to meet you Vinyl; my name is Deltorix, and I'm here hoping to borrow some instruments for Nightmare Night I will buy them later but at the moment I don't have anything Bits." I explain to her while looking at the instruments around the room.

"Sorry dude can't exactly just let you take things for nothing." Vinyl says as she slowly shakes her head so I rub my chin then smile.

"How about this you let me borrow these instruments and I'll work here to pay off the debt and maybe if I do good enough you can make the job permanent? What do you think?" I hold my hand out with a list I made of instruments I'll need.

She thinks for a minute then smirks before taking the list and looks it over and puts her hoof in my hand and we shake. "Deal dragon dude. Can't wait to see what kinda music you know."
After some more talking and making a contract she gives me the instruments I asked for and with the help of Bronze and Silver we get them to the library.

"Thanks you two. Now then I'm going to practice for the rest of the day so do whatever you want." I then go into a I.D. and set the instruments up and just as I'm about to go get one of the clones to make them disappear I get two pop ups.

New skill learned Due to specific actions
skill Moderate Chakra control
This skill lowers the amount of chakra needed for skills by 25%
Sub skill learned
Sub skill chakra feet
This skill allows the player to walk on solid surfaces such as walls or ceilings without falling to gravity
Takes a minimum of 35 chakra per minute

I grin and go out to find the clones working on Chakra control after finding them I tell them to follow me and so we go back into the empty library then each of us start playing a instrument and after a few hours I get multiple pop ups.

My eyes widen and I get confused so I open my skills and tap on shadow clone jutsu.

Skill Shadow Clone Jutsu: level 10 (active)
This skill let's the player make a independent copy of themselves with 1 HP. Once the clone is beaten all memories go back to the player.
To use this skill a Minimum of 75 Chakra per clone, limited to a max of 10 clones.
All experience the clone gets from beating enemies or completing missions is put into the shadow clone skill, however due to leveling up this skill clones are able to earn skills and experience for skills that need chakra or don't need any energy points to use.

I smile now under standing then look to my clones. "Ok boys keep practicing till all the skills are up to level 15 then put everything into the inventory I'm gonna do some planning." I leave the I.D. letting my clones practice.

Once back in the real world I open my store and look through it then I see some skills the original Gamer had so I decide to buy them and then I look for a costume and grin when I see the perfect costume and I buy it then I see a section of the store for anime items and spells I decide to check it out and look through and add a few things to my wish list then my eyes widen then I buy a new skill and then close the window and look over the skill books.

New skill Requip magic
Requip magic is a style of magic from Fiore that lets the user hold weapons and armor in a pocket dimension, and changes what weapons or armor they are using at anytime.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

New skill Craft
A skill to make something. Many beings have advanced their civilization through inventing things. Crafted objects become better as mastery levels rise. Registered blueprint: 1.
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

New skill summon lowest Elemental
5MP: Summons the most basic Elemental. Long time ago, man realized nature's power and have not skimped out on trying to wield its powers. Eventually, they were able to communicate with elementals and could summon them at will.
The elemental's attributes will change as the caster's INT, skill level and Fire Element Affinity grows. It will also allow them to summon stronger elementals. Strongest Elemental you can summon now/summonable: Lowest Fire Elemental.
Max number of summonable Elementals:1. Consume 5 more mana per minute
Would you like to learn?
Yes? No?

I smile and tap yes on all of them then a new screen pops up.

Warning the skill Requip magic conflicts with the power of the Gamer, do you want to alter the power of the Gamer to match the skill or change the skill to match with the power of the Gamer?

I blink but push to change the skill to match my Gamer power and then all the books absorb into me and I nod.

I decided to play some games while I let my clones practice more and so I set up the TV and Xbox One. Fortunately; the library had electricity compatible with both after hooking everything up I start playing Brutal Legends I get about halfway through the story when my clones say they finished and disappear I look at the time and shrug then put everything back into my inventory then go back to reality and look for Twilight.

After I find her she runs up to me. "There you are where were you? I had to tell the Princess I didn't know where you went!"

I sigh and rub my neck. "That's a complicated answer, look I heard of a zebra that leaves near by can you tell me where to find them?"

She looks annoyed but groans and tells me she will take me to see her so I follow her into the Everfree Forest, we walk for close to a hour then I see a tree with tribal masks around it and Twilight smiles and walks up and knocks on the door after a few seconds the door opens.
"What a surprise young Twilight and a new dragon before my eyes, I do hope Ponyville is not facing its demise." I stare at the zebra named Zecora for a moment then sigh and rub my forehead.

"I'm sorry if this is rude but please try to rhyme less when I'm around I am not that bright." I say while looking at her.

Zecora just smiles sadly. "I'm sorry for the fuss but rhyme I must or I will become dust." I nod slowly then we come inside and sit down.

"Ok I'm hoping you'd help me out on a show for Ponyville, I plan on playing a song and if you have something to cover the area around the stage and behind the audience in a spooky mist that would be great." I ask her as I make a small drawing of what I'm talking about.

"If something spooky is what you need, I have the recipe guaranteed." Zecora says in her riming ways.

I smile and nod, "Good. When the lights go out start spreading the mist around and I'll handle everything else thanks."

After making sure she was ok with the plan and knew what to do, she agreed and so me and Twilight walked back.

On the way back Twilight asks me many questions. "Do you really know how to play so many instruments? How do you plan on playing so many instruments? What kind of show will you be putting on? Will it be appropriate for foals?"

I start getting annoying but calm down quickly I realize Gamer’s Mind calmed me down so I look over and answer her questions. "In the order you asked, yes I know how to play those instructions. It's a surprise. I'll play a few songs and give a few scares. As for the last question hmm I'd say if they are old enough to go out asking for candy they can handle a few scares just make sure the adults know it's all fake."

We make it back and I sit down and smile as I start reading Daring Do and the Sapphire Statue.
After a few hours of reading I look up and see its night time so I stretch and enter a empty I.D. And make a few clones and have them continue practicing the songs I want to play and have some practice the transformation Jutsu more then I enter a zombie dungeon and spend the rest of the night fighting zombies and collecting the loot leveling up 10 more times before I leave the I.D.

Sighing and rub my neck then after my clones finish I check the time and see its sunrise I sit down and think of what else I can do before the night but I shrug and go out and help the ponies making the stage then after hours of work the stage is finished.

"Thanks for the help, I guess your not such a bad dragon are you?" One of the worker ponies say I just nod.

They walk off and I close the curtain and start setting up my borrowed equipment and then make enough clones for the equipment then get really for the show as the sun sets and the party starts so Me and the other clones use the transformation jutsu to turn into zombie dragons and we get into position then the lights dim and the curtains are pulled open and we start playing a song as I sing.

I look slowly to the left as green mist slowly starts coming out from behind the stage, then I slowly look to the right as I sing.

♪ Hello there filles and colts.....are you ready...... for Nightmare Night? ♪

I chuckle darkly as the music starts up.

♪Filles and colts of every age wouldn't you like to see something strange? ♪

As I start my clones join in as so the clones in the mist taking the form of bad guys from the show.

♪Come with us in bleak moon light as we celebrate Nightmare Night.
This is Nightmare Night
This is nightmare night
Hope your ready for a ghastly fright
This is Nightmare Night see the bats taking flight, trick or treat till the neighbors all want to die of fright!
Little town, deathly still, this is the town of Ponyville ♪

Then suddenly next to the stage out of the green mist turned fog comes one of my clones turned into Nightmare Moon who sings.

♪I was the one who was banished away, but soon I shall make Celestia pay!♪

After her on the opposite side of the stage comes another clone changed to look like Discord and who sings.

♪I am the one with a maniacal twist, though my troublesome antics you have surely missed. ♪

Then they both sunk back into the fog as me and the clones on stage continue singing.

♪This is Nightmare Night, This is Nightmare Night
Nightmare Night
Nightmare Night
Nightmare Night
Be safe or very soon you'll be gabled up by Nightmare Moon
So many treats, don't get startled now,
Wouldn't you like to see a big surprise
round that corner hiding in the shadows bleak
Somepony is waiting to pounce and make you shriek
This is Nightmare Night, gloomy black and ghastly white,
Are you getting scared
Well that's just fine
Say it once maybe twice
Take care to not scare the mice
As you walk alone in the dead of night
Feel the fright of things out of sight, for tonight is Nightmare Night.♪

Then out of the green fog behind the huge crowd walks a clone in the form of King Sombra in all his glory who sings.

♪Im am the one with the jeweled desire, and I shall reclaim my grand empire. ♪

Then also behind the crowd comes out three clones who look like changelings who all sing in harmony.

♪We are the who deceive your eyes, lurking in sight with our perfect disguise♪

After they finished singing with some help with the green fog they changed into the flower mares, then between the Sombra and changeling clones comes a clone of Daybreaker who sings as will.

♪I am the one who lowers the sun. The nightly horrors have just begun.♪

Then they too stepped back into the fog as I continue singing with the ones on stage.

♪This is Nightmare Night, this is Nightmare Night
Nightmare Night
Nightmare Night
Nightmare Night
Spiders and pumpkins everywhere, watchful owls with a eerie stare
It real is such a sight when you come out on Nightmare Night
Such delights are you shaking now,
There's no time to wait for the next surprise
Nightmare Moon might catch you unawares
and howl like a werewolf, Sending shivers down your spine
This is nightmare night everypony shriek ♪

Just as I get to the perfect part I smirk as the clouds part and I see that Luna is coming just like the show so I give her one hell of a entrance and point up at her as I continue singing.

♪Would you make way for the princess of the night
Princess Luna is queen of the moon
Everyone hail in the moonlight glow
This is Nightmare Night
This is Nightmare Night
Nightmare Night, Nightmare Night, Nightmare Night♪

The music slows down as the princess lands with her guards and I lower my head as the lights start to dim leaving just me in the light then I sing softly at first then as I pick up the pace the music comes back and all the clones come out as zombies and villains .

♪Be safe or very soon you'll be gobbled up by Nightmare Moon!
La, la, la la-la
La, la, la la-la
La la-la la, la

Then I end my song with a eerie speech. "So remember boys and girls, have fun on Nightmare Night. Be sure to get lots of candy, Or Nightmare Moon might gobble you instead." Then I end with a dark chuckle as I bow and the curtain closes.

Once I’m alone I get a pop up which surprises me, I read it then swipe it away.

Skill fusion.
Do to having and using multiple musical skills these skills have fused together into the new skill: One man band
This skill let’s the player play any music they remember at a amateur level.
No energy needed for this skill.

I walk down from the stage and walk up to Princess Luna and bow playfully. "Greetings Princess. It's a honor to meet my favorite princess."

Name: Luna Nocturnus
Title: Goddess of the night
Level: ????

She looks at me both mad and confused. "If we are thou favorite princess why doth thou make us look like a monster?"

I smile sadly. "I apologize if you feel that way but it was not meant that way after all before you showed up I had someone look like a evil version of your sister part of the performance, but princess I think you misunderstand a few things, this Holiday isn't about your evil half... At least not anymore it is mostly about enjoying safe scares and get as much candy as possible trust me if you listen to Twilight you'll have fun but two things,"

I hold up two fingers." First drop the Royal Canterlot voice it's too loud for a crowd this small especially when your so close to them you'll will scare and hurt them, second try to talk more like me and Twilight and drop the Royal we other then that have fun."

Just before Luna can reply to what I said I suddenly disappear into a I.D. I look down at a pop up.

Special Event Dungeon
Nightmare Night themed dungeon
Player has till midnight to win and collect prizes.

I hear a cold voice calls out and I look up to see Nightmare moon and a small army of thestrals stand before me “Who are you dragon?"

Nightmare moon

I gulp and look at her and see her name and level. "Greetings your highness sorry for the intrusion but I-" I'm cut of as she glares and lifts her hoof and points at me.

"Kill him." I pale and gulp and look at the evil ponies as they surround me.

I lift my fist over my head and yell out. "BLADE GEYSER!" Then quickly slam it down making large blades shoot out of the ground around me hitting and scattering the evil ponies then I quickly turn and run down a hallway trying to avoid getting hit by the thestral's weapons while thinking 'shit shit shit, this is not good I'm no where near good enough to fight Nightmare moon yet!'

I run down the hallway hearing the thundering hooves of the nightmare ponies behind me then I hold my hand out, "requip!" In a flash of light Strife's token appears in my hand and I aim back and fire at them as I run. I make some turns and end up in a courtyard then slam my hand onto the ground and call out, "craft golem!" Making one golem made of stone and dirt and it starts attacking the ponies and I keep my distance shooting the gun.

"Damn it I'm barely doing any damage." I say to myself as I keep firing at the nightmare ponies and me and my golem slowly kill the ones that followed me after a few minutes of fighting we finally killed them all then I use the shadow clone skill to make ten clones and order them to search out and kill the nightmare ponies and collect the drops and they spread out into the castle and I collect the drops from my earlier kills keeping a eye out.

"Damn I was fucking lucky I could bottleneck them now I-" I am cut off as the memories of a clone come to me after being killed by nightmare moon and she seemed pissed, "damn it... Think think think.." I snap my fingers and open my store but am shocked when I see it faded with a giant red X over it. "Damn it the store must be locked because this is a event dungeon, Inventory."

I call out and a different screen opens and I look through what I have a few hundred Health posions, three elixirs, my nightmare night costume with accessory, War's token, and some books then I look at the gun that is Strife's token that's in my hand and try to think of a plan then flinch as another clone is killed but then I smirk and stand up and move the costume to my character sheet and equip it and in a flash of light I am now wearing the signature red armor of the Dark Magician and in my free and his signature staff.

"Good thing this is actual armor that gives me some stat boosts." I chuckle to myself then get serious and look at the timer to see I have two hours and forty five minutes left to win.

"Hmmmm lets see ok I have a gun, a knife, a magic staff, and my own natural dragon abilities, I think I can do this the hardest enemy will be Nightmare herself so I'll save her for last." I check my chakra level and nod then make two more clones and slowly make my way through the castle I grunt when I don't find anyone but signs of battle then I get a idea and test it by calling out, "map" and a map of the area pops up and I grin when I see my clones locations but frown when another clone is killed and damn close to me by Nightmare again.

"Damn it looks like I don't have a choice, you take the knife and use your fire breath and fists against her," I say to the clone on my right, then I look to my left and give that clone the gun, "while you stay out of range and shoot her with the gun as for me," I smirk and tighten my grip on my staff then the three of us move into the next room and the two clones fly up near the ceiling while I stand in the open and aim the staff at the door way and start changing magic into it.

I then hear her voice from the doorway in front of me, "Where is that Tartarus damned dragon he has cost me enough ponies now I'm going to..." it's then that she walks into the room and spots me "...well is that the real you or are you another fake?"

I growl and say, "oh I'm real but your time as queen is over NOW! Bind." I tell her as I signal the clones and cast bind at the same time and as my magic rope binds Nightmare catching her by surprise. My clones attack the right one dives down and slashes her over and over as fast as he can with War’s knife while the left one starts shooting her while flying around the room I mean while charge my magic into the staff and fire it out at Nightmare getting a new skill but I swipe the screen away before reading it.

Just as I think that my plan is working Nightmare roars and uses her magic to break free, "ENOUGH!" both me and the knife clone are pushed back as she puts up a shield "I tire of these games, dragon."

She glares at me and grabs me in her magic then throws me into a wall hard enough that the wall cracks and leaves a body imprint.

-1100 damage taken

I grunt in pain and look at my HP and pale when I see I'm down to just 300 I pull myself free of the wall and while she is focused on killed my clones who are avoiding her I pull out a few Heath positions and drink them filling my HP again then I frown and send a message to all my clones using the chat function telling them to come to me then I keep my distance from Nightmare and blast her with my staff as the two clones breath fire onto her shield.

I watch as more closes come in and start using the Flame hollow skill and the extra fire power seems to break her shield faster and then we all use that skill and attack together but Nightmare destroys a clone and charges me. My eyes widen, but I roll out of the way then me and all my surviving clones breath fire on her using the max amount of magic and I hear her screams and watch her HP drop fast until she blasts out in a shockwave knocking us back. The clone with the gun puts it back in the inventory and then Nightmare slams me against the wall then pins me there by stabbing me in the chest with her sword she just summoned while scowling at me and pointing her horn at my face.


"Any last words you pathetic dragon? " she asks but I grin and summon the gun in my hand and shoot her horn off and while she screams in pain I aim the gun at her head.


"Yeah. You should have aimed for my head." I then fire the gun and take the last of her HP and she screams as she cracks up and then breaks apart like glass leaving behind a spell book and the sword still in my chest along with lots of bits.


I sigh pulling the sword out of my chest and slide against the wall till I'm sitting then make more clones and say. "Ok we won. Do clean up and take everything you can." I close my eyes and rest while my clones collet everything, while I'm waiting I drink some Health potions then I feel all my clones disappear and stand up and dismiss the gun and look at the timer just as the time runs out the instant dungeon shatters around me leaving me standing in the middle of town right in front of Princess Luna.

I sigh and rub my face. "Look I know you have questions I'll answer them but at the library." Then I make the last of my clones and tell four of them. "You four band duty." Then I look at the other four. "You four are on operation trick or treat." My clones salute me and the band ones run to the stage and start playing while the others use the Transformation skill to turn into filly versions of Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Chrysalis.

I look tired and walk to the library as Twilight and Luna follow and Twilight asking questions the whole time.

"Where did you go? What's that costume? How did you make more of yourself? Will you quit ignoring me like this!?" Twilight finally had enough and steps in front of me.

I rub my face in annoyance then say. "Look I’ll answer your questions but I'm sure you and Princess Luna would agree that it's a conversation best saved for somewhere private."

Luna speaks up nodding. "Yes, he is correct friend Twilight. Let us go to your home."

We finally get inside the library and I sit down and rub my face. "Twilight would you please go get everyone else I'd rather only have to explain this once."

Twilight looks hesitant but after Luna nods she runs off and I open my status screen and add the points I got earlier and from Nightmare moon and I see Luna giving me a odd look.

Titles: The Gamer
Name: Deltorix
Occupation: N/A
Level: 32
Next level: 13%
HP: 1000/27000
MP: 350/27000
CHA: 8500/27000
Wrath: 9000/27000
STR: 27
DEX: 27
VIT: 27
INT: 27
WIS: 27
LUC: 27
Points: 0
Real Bits:0
Loot Bits:1,300,450

After I finish Princess Luna finally asks. "What are you doing young dragon?"

I look over and close the screen " I'll explain it in detail later but the basic idea is I was adding the points I got to my stats..." Seeing her confused face I smile softly. "Like I said I'll explain in detail later now does this look familiar?" I use my requip magic to summon the sword Nightmare moon dropped and Luna gasps.

"Where did you get that?!" She yells thankfully not in the Royal Canterlot voice so I tell her that I fought a fake Nightmare moon and just as I finish Twilight and the rest of the mane six come in all in costumes.

'Well; time to tell them the truth. Let's hope Applejack does have lie detector powers.' I think to myself and take a breath to explain everything once everyone is sitting down.

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with https://www.fimfiction.net/story/450429/four-horsemen-come-to-equestria

I also apologize for the wait I am having some real life trouble.
And I'd like to say any songs or images I use belong to the original makers of them