• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,622 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

  • ...

chapter 4

Author's Note:

This story is a crossover with the story THE SYMBOL OF PEACE.

And for those who may wonder about my writing style or lack there of, when it comes to music, my system is simple if the music is in the form of a playable video then it is being song within the story itself, but if it is a link to the song then it is just for the audience and no one within the story can here that music

As Crimson, Lilly, and I walk through the hallway Crimson speaks up. "What is this place and where are we going?"

"I call this my loading screen as a joke but this is my pathway to other worlds, and I don't know where we are going exactly just that it will be a different Equestria."

We then see a door and smile then run up to it, I open the door and see a human and a Genesect then close the door after Crimson and Lilly come through as the window disappears in pixels then I smile and wave.

"Hi. I'm guessing you are the local displaced?" I asked while relaxed

All Might
Level: 32
Title: Symbol of Peace

Title: legendary Genesect

He and the Genesect looked at me confused, "What's a Displaced?" He asks.

I am surprised then I smile and chuckles saying. "Oh goodie. I get to give the talk."

After saying this I can feel Crimson glaring at me, and peek at her to see her and Lilly blushing for some reason, but I choose to ignore her and start talking. "Displaced is short for dimensionally misplaced, and in most cases you went to some convention, and bought something from a guy dressed in a purple hoodie with a huge backpack, then found yourself here as the character you were dressed as."

I look him over and rub my chin. "Huh you look familiar, but I can't place it, I also see you have a Pokémon here with you."

Crimson hits my leg saying. "Stay on topic I want to hear this too."

"Ok ok geez, now as a displaced you have the powers, skills, or technology of the character you were dressed as, and aspects of the source material will leak into your Equestria. For example; I see you have a Pokemon with you, so chances are there will be more around at some point." I explain to them, then smile letting him and the Genesect ask questions.

"Okay, first off, I am All Might, just in his weak form, second who are you? Third, how did you get here? And fourth, what kind of dragon are you?" He asked.

"Are you here to take All Might's power? What are those two ponies? And if you are friendly, do you want to be friends?" The Genesect asked shyly, hiding behind All Might.

I snap my finger and point at him. "I knew you were familiar, you’re from My Hero Academia!"

I then chuckle and smile saying. "In order to your questions, My name is Deltorix and I got here through the void when you summoned me through my token." I point at the wooden controller in All Might's hand. "And I am a Equestrian dragon. My body is that of a dragon from Equestria or Equis, and no I'm not interested in having One For All, and yes they are ponies, thestrals to be exact, and from your question I'm guessing that ponies in your world are anthro."

I look back at Crimson and Lilly then back to All Might. "Between you and me, the one with the red mane is a bitch."

"Hey! Just because I take my job seriously, and find you extremely suspicious, doesn't make me a bitch...whatever that is." Crimson says to me, but I just chuckle.

"Anyway I'd love to make more friends. So how long have you been displaced? And do you two have any more questions?" I asks.

"Well, I have been here for only a day, and no questions from me." All Might said, and the Genesect nods her head in agreement.

"Ah I've displaced for a few days almost a week." I say.

"Almost a week my flank, you have been here a week, now can you answer my questions?!" Crimson demands of me.

I sighs and rub my face. "Crimson later, and All Might; I should tell you how to make a token if you want, and just so you know; a token is like a calling card, that displaced can used to call you for help or just to hang out. Be warned there are some...less friendly displaced out in the multiverse."

He looks like he is thinking it over then nod his head, making a decision. "Alright, teach me how to make a token." He said to me.

"Alright it's actually very simple choose something that represents you or your character, hold it in your hand and picture part of your soul going into it then speak your creed, the message you wish others to hear that tells them who you are and what your ideals are. Take mine for example; I offer friendship and power exchange while staying neutral." I explain and then I open the store and starts looking through for anything I can get him and his Genesect friend.

"Something that represents me." All Might then opens his hand and the familiar brilliant white glow of All for One appeared. "Will this work? It's the same glow that All Might showed Deku when he told him about One for All. Figured it might work for a token." The Genesect seemed to be awe as she tried to poke the glowing orb.

"Hmm hold on," I say getting closer and look right at it and say. "Observe." Then read the information that pops up.

Object Name: Light of One for All.
Information: the light of one for all is a semi solid manifestation of One for All. It grows brighter with each new host of the quirk.
Maker: All Might

"Hmm yeah I suppose that could work. Try to make it solid though; otherwise it won't be a good token if it can't be touched. Oh and here." I tap buy on the store and in a shower of pixels every costume All Might ever used appears.

"And so you don't have to carry them all like this," I also look and find something for him to carry it all in and again in a shower of pixels what looks like a locker appears with a symbol of the Capsule Corp. "There you go."

"Thanks, but how did you do that?” All Might asked, "Is it one of your abilities?"

"Kinda yeah. See; I have a store ability that lets me buy anything, now once you finish making your token just throw it into the air and a void portal should open and take it hmmm." I explain to him then go through the store and find and buy a glass ball that appears in pixels.

"There. Try putting the glow in that so it's solid, then you can give it your message." I smile and give him the ball but then I look him over and frown thinking. 'If he is in his weak form; then he must have been displaced after All Might was injured.'

"You got the short end of the stick huh?" I say while looking right were his injury is.

He looks at the injury as He puts the glow into glass ball, and just laughs a little. "Yeah, now I see how much pain All Might is always in when he is at his limit, unfortunately for me, my time limit is much shorter." He looked at the ball the contained the glow of All for One, "Now, time for the message; I guess." He went into his Power Mode, startling Crimson and Lilly, He then spoke his message. "To anyone there, if you require aid or someone to talk to, then crush this orb and I will be there!! And go beyond!! PLUS ULTRA!!!" He then coughed up some blood, and then He tosses the orb into the air causing a portal to appear and the glowing orb disappeared into it. He went back into his weak form while wiping some blood from his lip.

I cross my arms with my eyes closed thinking 'Hmmm I could help him and maybe I can get some extra power from him, and make a D-link.' then I look up at All Might. "I have deal for you, I'll try my best to heal you."

I hold up my hands to stop him from accepting right away before saying. "now before you accept I most likely won't be able to completely heal you but I should be able to give you a few hours of hero time, I'll do that and offer up access to magic and one bending style so even in your weak form your not defenseless."

He smiles then I says. "but in exchange I want a small fraction of your power called a D-link, I don't know what I'll get from you but it will be ether one of your signature attacks or a skill related to your personality."

He thinks this over, until he looks up and nods. "Alright, I accept. Besides, I may need a little more power in case some big time villain shows up." Ruby then speaks to Deltorix.

"Do you think I can have a few abilities. that's if you can teach me." The Genesect said, shying away again after she spoke, All Might just pats her head.

"Maybe something that let me learn other abilities just by seeing them?" The Genesect added, "Or maybe an ability to become armor for All Might? Or just simple shape shifting?"

"Hmmm I don't have any skills like that but I could give you two Z crystals and check to see if there's a mega stone for you." I tap my chin thinking then snap my fingers.

"Hey doesn't the Genesect use some kind of disks in the games or am I thinking of a different Pokémon?" I tilt my head looking at the Genesect.

"And all might which bending style would you like to learn?" I add as a after thought.

"What disks are you talking about exactly?" He asks, he looks like he is thinking hard.

"And for bending, I'm thinking, diamond or is that part of Earth? I don't know my bending very well." He adds.

"That’s the thing I can't remember completely but I could have sworn the her species in the games could use special disks to change their type." I rub my forehead and groan.

"Sorry I didn't really use the legendary Pokémon much except for Mewtwo. Dude was bad ass." I sigh and then say. "Skills. I'll look through my abilities to see what kind of magic I can offer you ok?"

"Okay, and I think you're thinking Arceus." The Genesect said, "He is the only legendary I know that uses discs, and they are plates. Except they don't change his type, just makes him immune to that type."

"As for bending, I think I'll just go for both fire and earth. Or can you only teach me one at a time?" All Might asks.

I snap my fingers. "Oh right it was Type Null that used the disks, he was a artificial Pokémon made to copy Arceus, and as for bending even though you have one for all I don't feel comfortable trying to give you more then one bending style it could destroy your energy network."

"The four styles are earth, fire, air, and water, and the advanced forms are, metal and lava bending for earth, there is also sand bending, then lightning bending for fire but that is extremely hard, air doesn't exactly have a advanced form sadly, and water... Water is the most dangerous, you can control liquid, gas, and solid forms of water and the advanced form is called blood bending when you control the water inside someone’s body." I shiver.

"Okay, Avatar knowledge returning. And yes blood bending is scary, it doesn't help the fact that our bodies are mostly water." All Might said, shuddering as well. "I think I'll just stick with earth and water. Can't really choose air seeing how I can just punch a tornado into existence."

"Well there is that but I don't think the Pegasi would like that much. also for magic I can teach you these spells which will unlock magic for you, bind which makes magical rope that wraps around your target." I demonstrate this by pointing at Crimson and saying bind then blue magical rope appears and wraps her up.

"Hey! What the buck!" I chuckle and smirk at her.

"That is for being rude to our new friend. After all; isn't friendship magic," I turned back to All Might. "The second spell is called magic arrow it shoots magic arrows at your target I'm sure you could work with it and make them even stronger, and the third is called life drain you literally drain the life out of someone and gain it for yourself, and finally the last spell is called requip magic, if you've seen Fairy Tail then you know what I'm talking about so I can teach you one or all of these what do you say?"

All Might looks deep in thought before making up his mind Then he looks to me. "Yes, teach all the magic, I need better defense for whoever is after my power keeps the fight going for too long and attacks me at my weakest, and I choose earth bending. I will never run out of it, nor does it require anything to make it." All Might said.

The Genesect speaks next. "And Genesect can't mega evolve, and I would like Magic Arrow and requip please."

I nod to All Might then look at surprised at the Genesect. "Huh I don't know what magic will do to a Pokémon but ok also my store has anything and everything even things that may not exist." I chuckle and smile while holding my hand over the Genesect's head.

"Now dear I need your name for this to work and you may forget your Pokémon moves. I don't know how that works in real life." I says to her.

"It's Ruby, and I may lose a couple of moves seeing how I only asked for Magic Arrow and Requip." Ruby said,

All Might then asks, "What kind of things do you have in this 'store’" He looks to me.

I nod to ruby then say. "Teach Ruby magic arrow and requip Magic." My hand glows then so does she then she gasps softly.

"I know how to use magic! That is amazing the information just appeared in my head." Ruby says suddenly.

"There you go and to answer your question All Might; my store is a multiverse store so I can buy anything and everything that exists and could exist. I know it's kind of over powered but a lot of the most expensive stuff is in the Trillions of bits." I shake my head.

"Alright All Might it’s your turn." I move my hand over All Might's head and say. "Teach All Might magic arrow, requip magic, bind, life drain, and earth bending." Again my hand glows then so does All Might.

"Whoa! That is some headrush." He says, shaking his head a little, then he looks like he remembered something, "You said earlier you can heal me and give me a longer time to stay in my Power Form?"

"Possible but I can't promise much are you ready for that?" I ask him but then my eyes widen and I look around slowly seeing all the ponies watching us 'Crap I completely forgot about the locals!' then I turn to All Might and say.

"Two things. First; mind if I take us somewhere private and second; does Twilight have wings?" I ask while leaning closer to All Might.

"Secret place yes; Twilight with wings, no." All Might says.

I sigh with relief then put a hand on All Might's shoulder. "Ruby grab onto All Might Crimson, Lilly grab my tail." I say while lifting my tail for them.

Then I lift my other hand and call out. "I.D. Create." And suddenly everyone around us disappear and the whole town looks abandoned.

"What the fuck? Did you create a whole new Ponyville without the ponies?" All might asked, somewhat shocked on much of a ghost town Ponyville can be.

I let go of All Might and step back. "Eh..kinda more like moved us to a mirror copy of Ponyville and so long as..." I stop seeing something behind All Might in the air I then lift my hand.

"Magic arrow!" Three arrows made of magic shoot out of my hand over his head He turns to see what I attacked and sees some kind of magic circle that is cracked then it shatters.

"What the heck was that?!" He asks shifting into his Power Form in case something bad is coming.

I pat his back to calm him down. "Don't stress yourself. If I had to guess; your bad guys were watching you, and the spell they used got pulled in with us but in here we could see it so I destroyed it."

Crimson and Lilly jump back when He shift into his big form.

"So we may have to deal with another villain? Great, I just fought Discord yesterday." He said as Ruby prepared her cannon.

I look between All Might and Ruby before saying. "I don't think they will attack right now at least if they are smart and they were smart enough to spy on you so you'll most likely have to fight some weak bad guys before the big bad shows himself." I then smile.

"But hey they can't spy on us in here so let's get you healed up and make sure your ready please remove your shirt." I tell him then cross my fingers and make three clones.

All Might did what I asked, and removed his shirt, causing Ruby, And Lilly to gasp at the large scar on his side.

"Hmmm alright first step water bending healing." One of the clones says as he walks closer pulling a jug of water out of the inventory then bends the water out onto his hands and holds them up to the scar and then all of our eyes change to blue with a six pointed star pupal.

"Second medical ninjutsu." Says a second clone and he moves up to All Might as will his hand glowing light blue with chakra.

"Third a good meal I'll be back soon." That clone runs into one of the houses.

"And finally fourth a simple senzu bean." I say while making a single bean appears in a pixel and catch it.

"Huh, combining the healing techniques of Avatar, Dragon Ball and Naruto. Smart." All Might says.

"Yeah that and my eyes can see through your body so I can focus on specific parts of your body I could try force healing and ki healing but I don't know those skills yet and I don't want to accidentally blast a hole through you." One of my clones says as they work on All Might's body I can actually see my clones slowly healing him.

As they work on All Might Lilly says. "Wow I didn't even know he could do this, its actually impressive."

She looks at her hooves." Can I heal too?"

One of my clones answer. "Yes most likely but it is a hard skill to earn but I'll show you when we get to Manehattan."

The clones slowly stop and two of them disappear in a puff of smoke Then I step forward and hold out a senzu bean to All Might. “Alright eat this then my last clone should be done with everyone's lunch and with my cooking skill the food will have some kind of buff to you like make you faster for a short time or more stealthy, all temporary sorry." I explain.

My eyes revert back to normal and then I rub them. "Damn that still hurts." I mumble.

"Alright, thanks,." All Might said, tossing the senzu bean into his mouth and ate it. "Hmm, always wondered what these things tasted like."

I smile and say. "Ok we can wait till you eat or try it now it's up to you when we test how much I healed you."

Just then the last clone comes out with more clones and a table and food. “Foods here. I got fruit for the ponies, poké puffs for Genesect and a nice big steak for All Might."

His mouth starts watering at the mention of steak. "Ah man, you are my favorite person right now." He says to me.

All my clones chuckle and set the table down along with chairs and pillows then sets the table and waves at it then all my clones disappear leaving me.

"Go on eat up everyone. By the way All Might; while you guys eat mind telling me what you know about Equestria?" I say as I sit next to All Might making sure Crimson and Lilly are on the other side of the table.

"Not much. I wasn't too into My Little Pony, unlike my son, he was a brony for sure, he and his friend liked the show, but they both disappeared, all I know is that the world is mostly ponies with few chances of dragon and griffons. everyone believes in the magic of friendship and there is an overgrown child who bends the fabric of reality for fun." He said, eating some of the steak while Ruby happily ate the poke puffs.

I nod then smile and pat his back. "Well that is about right and I am a brony too but you should know there is a chance of finding your son and friend if they were displaced like you."
I then pull a book out of my inventory. "Also there are more races on this world but this country is mostly ponies the ones you'll have to keep a eye on are, alicorns they are normally bigger then normal ponies and have both wings and a horn very powerful could probably take on the original all might at his prime." I say warning him.

"There is Celestia the white one, she is the oldest and has a reputation among some bronies that being she is very controlling and doesn't like wild cards so be careful around her."

"Next is her sister princess Luna, she is the blue one and was once corrupted and became Nightmare Moon but was saved by Twilight and her friends; she will most likely speak in old English depending on when in the timeline you are."

"Third is princess Cadence, the pink one, some people think she is as bad as Celestia as she uses her magic to spread love, in a flash back it was shown she used magic to stop two ponies from arguing and they started hugging."

"After alicorns you have normal ponies, earth ponies super strong, Pegasi able to fly and control the weather, and unicorns they use magic."

"Oh and just so you know at least inside Equestria everything natural is controlled by the ponies, next are dragons, Griffins, and diamond dogs."

"Dragons in most Equestrias are greedy jerks there are a few exceptions like Spike, Twilight's assistant. Griffins can be just as greedy as dragons but that is mostly because their country is more like a third world country, and finally the diamond dog are the ones you'll not like the most versions of them are shown as slavers and kidnappers they take ponies and any other being and make them mine for them."

"Let's see... There is also changelings, emotionvores they eat emotions and can shape shift you will most likely have to deal with them when the Royal wedding happens."

"Hmm there are more but that's most of the species that show up more then once. Any questions?" I explain my thoughts and reading out of the book to him showing him pictures of each race.

"Yeah, are Changelings a stick-together type or lone wolf? Also, what do these Diamonds look like? And are there any other villains of Equestria I should worry about?" He asked, finishing his steak, and letting out a large belch, hearing another one just as big, we all looked to see it was Ruby who had done the deed.

I starts chucking then say. "Sorry but damn that was a good one Ruby, and for your questions All Might you may want these." I pull out a quill and paper.

"Ok in order changelings live in a hive but there can be a lone changeling that is either one that was banished or one that goes out and collects love for the hive, to me they aren't evil in fact most get reformed in the show."

"Next diamond dogs look like a somewhat anthro dog they are not very smart live underground and speak in broken English but take all this with a grain of salt, I've seen many different versions some can speak and are good while others are like I described earlier."

"As for Equestria's villains; let's start it off with Nightmare Moon, in some timelines she can come back, others not so much, then there is Discord; God of chaos and disharmony, I'm guessing you already know about him, next would be the changelings or more specifically Queen Chrysalis and her hive attacking the Royal wedding between Shining Armor and Princess Cadence."

"Next is king Sombra when the Crystal Empire returns, he is like a living shadow but has a physical form and uses dark magic to show you your worst fear and control your mind so be careful with him. Also; you just need to keep him outside the empire till Twilight finds the Crystal Heart. Hint it's at the top of the crystal castle."

"Then after that Twilight will accidentally use a spell and..." I look over seeing my friends talking with Ruby then continue quieter. "After she fixes it she will ascend to a alicorn too, the next part is debatable if it happened in cannon or not but there will be a "princess summit" she will go to in the Crystal Empire." I use air quotes for princess summit.

"Then on the first night her crown will be stolen by a unicorn that will take it back through a magic mirror, though seeing as your world is anthro I don't think you'll have to worry about this much, anyway Twilight follows her and does some stuff ends up get her crown back and returning then the next thing that happens will be the plunder vines showing up."

"Celestia and Luna will disappear and black vines with blue thorns will start invading from the Everfree, Twilight and her friends go in and out the elements of harmony into the tree of harmony and poof they are all gone best you can do is protect the ponies while they do that."

"Then there will be Tirek he will suck up every ponies magic eventually and be powerful enough to destroy mountains, twilight will give up all the alicorn magic for her friends then unlock a special harmony magic from the tree and blast him returning everyone's magic."

"After that um.. Ah yes Starlight Glimmer. She is more powerful then Twilight and when she first appears just wants to remove cutie marks and wants everyone to be equal but she keeps hers, Twilight and her friends stop her but she escapes."

"When she returns however she uses a spell to travel back in time taking twilight and spike with her to stop Rainbow Dash’s rainboom the event that linked them all together and when they got their cutie marks...she does it and when Twilight and Spike return to the present the Equestria they return to is at war with Sombra." I shake my head and sigh.

"This repeats for a while each timeline getting worse then the last then they finally convince her to give up and they return to their own timeline and Twilight makes starlight her student." I chuckle softly and shake my head with a soft smile. ‘Never change Twilight.'

He nodded and finish writing everything I told him looking quite surprised on how bad most of these sound. "Thank you for the information, this will definitely help me find out who is trying steal One for All and what future threats I may be facing next." He said, looking over the notes. "Might as well make a book about this. Also, should I tell the Elements about these future threats our is it going to mess things up for the timeline?"

I bite my lip. "Wait till after Twilight becomes a alicorn to tell them and those aren't all the threats. Some time after Starlight becomes Twilight's student, Twilight her friends and Celestia and Luna will all be kidnapped by the changelings and replaced it will Starlight, a mare named Trixie a good changeling named Thorax and Discord that saves the day."

"After that the next threat will be I think the Storm King. Twilight and her friends will go out and find ally's to help free Equestria then end up stopping him.Tip; don't kill the purple mare with the broken horn."

"Then let's see ugh...its been so long since I've watched the newer episodes um...there was the pony of shadows but Twilight also brings back six old hero's, then Twilight has a school and eventually becomes ruler of Equestria after stopping Tirek, a filly named Cozy Glow and the changeling queen."

I sigh and rub my face. "You can do whatever you want honestly I plan on changing the future of my world when it comes to these big bad guys."

My eyes suddenly widen as I thought of something and pales a little. "Fuck, I don't have to worry about it but you do there is a chance only a chance that the caribou will try to invade your Equestria. They...they are the worst kind of person they treat women as objects and sex toys and use dark magic to make all males think the same as them, it only happens in anthro Equestria’s though so keep a eye out and find a way to protect your mind."

He was shocked to hear about that. "How in the name of all things good are they in a world for 3 year olds?!" He asked, angered and disgusted by the caribou.

I rub my face and groan. "Because the multiverse is infinite, anything and everything exists somewhere, and I know about this happening because of a fan fiction called Fall of Equestria it was most likely written by someone who doesn't like the show, but they didn't make that world just...let us look into it...it's hard to explain but it's called the bleeding effect where one universe will bleed into another be it ideas or beings. In fact; I believe that our imagination is a way to take small peeks into other worlds." I explain the best I can then I look over to see my friends looking over in shock at his out burst.

He pats me on the back, trying to comfort me, "Calm yourself, I get it, the multiverse is weird and things can happen. But no need to have a fit." He says to me.

"Right sorry for rambling there, anyway let's see I talked about most if not all the major villains that were in the show and a possible invasion only seen in fanfic's what do know anything else or do you want to test out your hero form?" I then chuckle and say. "A bit of advice: name your forms hero and civilian because weak form makes it sound like your helpless." I smirk.

A smile appears on his face. "You might be right, and sure let's test the hero form, but first let's check on Ponyville. something could be happening right now." He said.

I nod and call out. “Ok everyone huddle up..." Then I see the copy of Rainbow Dash's house and grin evilly and lift my hand up and say quietly. "Take this rainbow bitch."

Then I fire a blast of Ki at the cloud house and it explodes and I sigh happily. "Ok I feel better. Let's go, everyone grab onto me."

I lift my hand again and once all of us are touching me I call out. "I.D. Escape." And the world around us cracks like glass then shatters revealing Ponyville.

Except everything was in complete chaos. Ponies were screaming left and right, and right in the middle of it, were what appear to be anthro dogs wearing armor made of diamond. "Do all Diamond Dogs wear armor made of diamond? Armor which extremely difficult to break."

"They also have strange symbols on the armor as well." Ruby said, I looked closer and true to her word, they had various symbols all over their armor.

"Runes too?" All Might asks.

I groan and slump thinking of a plan then looks to my guards. "Crimson, Lilly protect and evacuate the town!"

They nod and fly off to help then I turn to Ruby and All Might and point at Ruby. "Ruby help them please, and All Might.." I smirk. "Smash."

Then I turn and hold out a hand and summon my keyblade. "To answer your questions, simple answer no." Then I rush into battle.

All Might followed behind me, going into hero mode and sent a fist towards a Diamond Dog, but I focus on my target and try to cut them with my keyblade but the armor stops the hit then I get shocked and the dog hits me knocking me onto the ground next to All Might.

-100 damage taken

-200 damage taken

I heard laughing and turned to see a large Diamond Dog, he was taller than even All Might and had the same build as well. On his back was a wicked blade that seemed to be made of a black crystal. "Foolish creatures, our armor is enchanted to handle pathetic attacks such as yours. Now hand over any gems and ponies, you may be spared." he said, drawing his blade and pointing it at us, "Oh and the names Beast Killer."

Beast Killer
Title: Pack Alpha

I grunt and get back up and whisper "observe." then quickly move read the information on the armor.

Item: Diamond Armor
Information: this armor was made for the diamond dogs to use against All Might by a unknown person using special runes that cause the effects, repel physical attacks, give a electric shock to the one that touches the armor, lightens the armor, and makes the wearers faster.
Weakness: very strong dispelling magic and the joins where the flash is exposed.

Then I move over to All Might and helps him up and say to him. "I may have a plan but I need you to keep his attention."

He nods, "No way are we giving up the ponies mutt. So if you want them, you'll have to kill me to do it." He says, the famous smile that's always on All Might’s face ever present as He got into an attack position.

Beast Killer and the others dogs just smiled evilly, "Very well." Beast Killer looked to the others, "Kill him." they all charged, each one letting out a howl or bark of joy, and each one carried a deadly weapon.

All Might pulled his fist back, "Texas SMAAAAAAASH!!!!" He yelled out, sending a large gust of wind that knocked several Diamond Dogs off their feet or startle some to trip.

I smirk and swap my keyblade for my staff using equip magic. "What the big guy said!" I yell then aim a finger at the big dog and fires a death beam right into the elbow joint of the arm holding Beast Killer’s sword.

"Aim for the joints or just use some of the ground around you!" I then stomp my foot and make a wall of rock come out of the ground and kick it sending it flying at a group of dogs.

All Might followed my lead and punched the wall causing it to shoot into pieces towards them, hitting their joints or causing the ground under them to explode. I then use magic arrow to attack a group then I hear. "DETROIT SMASH!!!" I turn to see All Might punching Beast Killer’s exposed side, sending him flying.

I look over at All Might after he knocks Beast Killer away then smirk and nod. "Let's see if that armor can stop the force."

I start laughing; starting to enjoy myself as I lift my hands pulling one dog to me while pushing another into a group that was trying to get behind us.

Once the dog I pulled gets up to me I use the force to force the helmet off then slams the dogs head onto the ground hard enough to make a crater. “Stay. Good dog ha ha ha. Hey All Might; got one you can question later! The rest are free game!"

All Might nods and charge towards a group of Diamond Dogs; arms in front of him forming an X. "CAROLINA!!!" He said, then brought his arms down fast, "SMASH!!" the group was sent flying, I then noticed a Diamond Dog just about stab him from behind. "NEW HAMPSHIRE SMAAASH!!!" He shouts send himself flying backwards while colliding with the Diamond Dog while getting a shock from the runes, he landed on top of the dog who was crushed from All Might's weight.

"Alright All Might. Now, let me show you what I can do!" I yell making ten clones appear they all smirk then scatter flying over the dogs and using ki attacks and magic arrow to keep there distance then I move to All Might and pat his back then I grin and pull out a gun and aim at the dogs.

"Please don't tell me that's going to kill them?" He asks punching a Diamond Dog in his face.
I stop and look at All Might then sigh and puts the gun away. “Fine; your world, your way. But that doesn't mean I won't break bones. I hate slavers."

I then starts firing death beams at the dogs hitting their knees and elbows stopping them.

"Good, and don't hurt them....too much." All Might says, jumping in the air and prepped a smash, only to be tackled form the side, crashing to ground only to be thrown into a stall, apples fell around, "Applejack isn't going to be happy."

"You should worry about your own skin, freak." I looked to see Beast Killer and he was pissed. Getting up, All Might charged towards him, fist pulled back. He charged as well, and once he was close enough All Might struck, "NEBRASKA SMASH!!" All Might yelled and I turn to focus on the dogs behind only to see a group of dogs land on a group that was behind me.

I nod to All Might as thanks then I take a deep breath and focus magic into my throat then lets out a incredibly loud roar, so loud that most dogs cover their ears and even some glass shatters.

New Skill learned.
Skill: Intimidating Roar
This skill let's the player let out a extremely loud roar that scares and paralyze weaker enemies.
Costs 10 MP per minute of the roar.

"To all of you mutts this is your last chance leave and never retu-" I am interrupted when Beast Killer stabs me through my back.

-500 damage taken

"NO!!" All Might shouts and zooms to Beast Killer and punches him away from me. Then he grabs me and jumps away as fast possible, seeing Crimson and Lily, He landed next to them.
I check my status and see I am effected by a debuff.

Debuff: Darkness Poisoning
This debuff drains the players magic over time.
Time till Debuff wears off: Five minutes

I grunt and look up at All Might. "Pull it out now. I'm fine j-just hurts like hell." I move out of his arms and stands up with my back to him. "G-gamer’s body keeps my body intact. I'll be fine if you pull it out." I look back at All Might.

-500 damage taken

He nods, grabbing the handle of the blade, and pulled it out quickly, I let out a pained screamed, and look back as All Might looked at the blade, now that I got a closer look at it, it had a black mist covering. "Dark Magic." He says.

I pant and kneel down. "J-just give me a minute it's a status debuff." In flashes of light I summons health potions and starts drinking them as fast as I can. "I'll be fine in four minutes and thirty seconds give or take."

I then glare at the dogs and stands up the place where the sword was just glowing red. "I am going to rip that bastard's tail off."

Before we could do anything, a large beam struck the enter of Diamond Dogs, sending them either flying, or into the ground, Ruby landed in front of us, her cannon and stingers smoking. "Thought I might give you two some help." she said,

Then, the Main 6 arrive with a group of guards. "Good thing we came with backup." Twilight said as the guards raised their shields and pointed their spears at the Diamond Dogs. They almost looked like Spartans when doing that.

I smirk and chuckle. "Have Twilight study the sword. I will be fine but if it was used on anyone else we'll need to know how to help them."

I then take another heath potion and drink it then grin. “Hey All Might; can I rip these guys apart yet?"

I activate my eyes again and holds both my pointing fingers out waiting for All Might's permission.

He looks at me with a 'seriously?' look on his face then looked to the large mass of Diamond Dogs then back to me and nodded grimly, giving me the go ahead. "Ponies you may want to cover your eyes."

"Just leave some of them alive, we may need to question them." Ruby said, covering her eyes.

I just smirk and instead cups my hands. "Oh goodie! All Might; mind making a wall behind them?"

I chuckle then glare and blue ki starts forming a ball in my hands. "KA...MA....HA..."

All Might used his Earth Bending to make a 15 inch thick wall around the ponies and Ruby.

I grin seeing All Might protect the ponies. "MA...HA!!!" Then I fire the blast of ki at the dogs blowing up a large number of them making a large dust cloud and then I grunt and looks at All Might.

Level up

Level up

"Well now I'm out of ki I still have the force but just push pull and grab. Any ideas, or do you think they will have given up after seeing that?" I ask him while smiling softly.

All Might looks kinda disturbed but then he looks to Diamond Dogs, seeing them all out cold, including Beast Killer. "I think you managed to knock some of them out, let's-" a sonic blast hit us causing us to fly back, I land in hay cart, not seeing where All Might got sent, I look over and see a siren, and it is attached to a cart being pulled by a Timberwolf, "Looks like their backup arrived." I hear All Might say, then I watch as a Diamond Dog stabs the siren, causing it to release a pained shriek, which also included another sonic blast.

I groan as I get back up then look over at All Might and say. "Hmm a siren; that is interesting. First I've seen outside of TV, and by the looks of it I'd say they somehow caught and enslaved her as a weapon."

I decide to use water bending to lift her and the water out of the cart and over to us. “Listen here siren. You can surrender and All Might here may help you or fight and get trapped in ice your choice." I threaten here not in the mood to fight my new friend if she tries to control him.

"I-it's not like I'm trying to do anything bad!! Honest!!" the siren says, I can see she had light blue color to her, "T-those things just captured me and were using me as a weapon!!"

"Deltorix, let her go. we have other things to worry about." All Might said, while charging towards the Diamond Dogs, encasing his fist in stone, then he punched the nearest Diamond Dog next to him sending the dog flying, then he summons a wall of stone to block a volley of arrows.

I nod and freeze some of the water making a tub then leave the siren with the ponies. "Hurt them, and I do worse to you, got it?"

Then I rush in, using the force to grab, and slam dogs into each other then I get jumped on by a large number of dogs. Before I am completely pinned, I charge up a force push aimed in every direction then I release it and the diamond dogs are all pushed off me by the force. "Now I'm pissed!" I growl out, not noticing the red flames that start coming from my scales.

"I think it's time to stop holding back." All Might says, punching several Diamond Dogs as he charges towards Beast Killer. "I'll handle Beast Killer." He says, sending another dog flying.

I nod and yell to him. "Use 100% of your power if you have to. These runes may stop physical attacks but they can be overwhelmed!"

I then growl at the dogs and use the force to fight them grabbing some and throwing them at groups of them but then I get punched and get more angry.

-100 damage taken

I grab that diamond dog growling and start crushing his throat then I get stabbed by a spear then I see a new pop up and red flames start filling my vision.

-300 damage taken

Buff:Red flames of rage.
Information: the Red flames of rage are a natural part of [dragon] magic, powered by emotion. The flames will burn all it touches, and it will double the player's strength stat, but divides the intelligence stat by half.
Effects last for five minutes or until the player calms down.

I then roar in a rage seeing only red and start walking towards the scared diamond dogs, one gets brave enough to attack me but I grab him by the throat and snap his neck. "DELTORIX SMASH!"

I charge right at them, growing to the size of All Might, and mercilessly start killing each one not caring about them and shrug off their attacks then I hear All Might's voice and look over to see a huge tornado and see Beast Killer land hard.

I then start walking up to the unconscious Beast Killer wanting to hurt him because of my flames, then I stand over him.

"Deltorix not like bad dog! Deltorix smash dog; save ponies!" I lift my arms ready to crush the dog.

All Might tries to grab my arm, only to reel back in pain as my flames were too hot. I looked down and just before I bring my fists down, Beast Killer began to crack as a dark mists seeped out of the cracks, he then shattered, turning into dust.

I tilt my head. "Bad dog gone? I can...calm...down." The flames slowly go out and I shrink back to my normal size and sigh rubbing my head.

"Fuck, that was messed up. I’ll have to keep a better lid on my emotions. The flames of rage made me a moron." I look over at All Might.

"Hey, All Might; what happened?" I ask while checking my status.

"Well, you were about to kill Beast Killer until he just disappeared." All Might said, holding his hand, then he looked to the now tied up Diamond Dogs, thanks to Twilight and her friends, Ruby and Royal Guards. "Let's ask them."

I rubs my head groaning. "Right, sorry. They got me mad enough that my natural dragon magic came out the emotional flame." I explain as we walk over to them.

"It isn't one of my skills more like a temporary buff, and the red flames are powered by rage they double my strength but divide my intelligence." I tell him.

"Yeah. I kinda figured that out." All Might says, then he got to eye level with one of the dogs. "What was the purpose of this attack? Where did you get this armor and who gave you intelligence?" He asks him, the diamond dog just kept his mouth shut. "Better answer my question or my friend here will get them, and you saw what he can do to your friends." All Might said, pointing to the dead Diamond Dogs.

I grin evilly having a idea and crack my knuckles and then I sniff the air and lick my lips. "It has been a while since I've eaten Mind if I eat the ones that don't want to talk; All Might?"

I look at All Might and turn my head and wink the eye that the diamond dog can't see.

"Sure, I'm sure you loved the taste of dog, maybe they may have a hint of gem on them. Shall we find out." All Might said, following my idea, the Diamond Dog looked about ready to piss and shit himself before he spoke.

"Aright alright!! I'll talk!! I'll talk!!" he shouted. Me and All Might grinned,

"Good, now answer my questions." All Might says.

"We don't know who it was because they were wearing a cloak, but they gave us our intelligence and armor. They said to head here and capture as many ponies as we can, and to bring them back to our cave, and there were two divisions. One the attacking group, and the other sneak and capture while the attackers distracted the Main 6 and anybody else. And Beast Killer was created by that person to give us some extra power." The dog says.

"Are there anymore like Beast Killer?" All Might asked, the dog just shook his head no.

"They only gave us one, but our hideout is filled with Diamond Dogs. At least 35 total." The dog said.

"Thank you for the information." All Might said, knocking him out, then turned to me.

I start rubbing my chin with my eyes closed thinking out loud. "Hmmm this is troubling, All Might. Do you want my help dealing with them or would you rather deal with it yourself?"

Crimson walks up and says. "Are you seriously going to just abandon these ponies when they need help?!"

I look at her and groan. "Crimson this is his world, he has final say, besides I'm out of ki and chakra, and I'm low on magic and force energy too, the only energy I have left is spiritual and wrath!" I throw my arms in the air.

"We need something to defeat those Diamond Dogs, I'm nearly spent as well." All Might says, then he looks at Pinkie, he then starts grinning, "What we need, is a wild card that those dogs will never see coming."

"What? Do I got something on my face?" Pinkie asks, wiping her face with her hand.

I look where All Might is looking and pale. "Y-you want to unleash Pinkamena?!" I yell at All Might actually scared of the idea of pinkie's crazy half.

"What? Who is that?" All Might asks, "Whoever that is, no. Two words." He brings two fingers up. "Mirror Pool."

If possible I pale even more. "Oh God you are insane All Might. You want to make a army of Pinkie Pies? Ugh fine, just make sure to have Twilight know the spell and keep the real pinkie safe I'm going to mediate and get my energy back." I then sit down on the ground and start to meditate.

"I get it from my son." I hear All Might say, chuckling while walking a few steps away, "Twilight, do you know a spell that can send a clone from the Mirror Pool back?"

"Actually, yes, I do. I read about it in a book once." she said, "But we will have to be careful, we can accidentally send the original back to the Mirror Pool as well. We will need some was to tell if it's the original."

I then hear hoof steps walking up and hear Crimson say. "What can we do? The dragon may be a coward but we are night guards; we protect ponies."

"I know that, and honestly, is he a coward for fighting Diamond Dogs that have runes that block physical force; and have immense numbers? No, from what I've seen, that is a hero in the making." All Might says.

"Think about that, and as for you and your friend, I need you two to free anypony and anything that has been captured. Due to the fact they captured a siren and Timberwolf is worrying. Speaking of siren, we still have question for her." All Might says.

Crimson grumbles and walks away while another set of hoof steps comes walking up. "Please excuse my sister. A dragon attacked our village when she was a filly and our dad got hurt so badly he lost a wing. Because of that she blames all dragons." Lilly says, and I make note of that and understand Crimson a bit better now.

"It's alright, if anything, you should tell this to Deltorix, he is a dragon and a target for Crimson's hate." All Might said to Lilly.

I hear Lilly make a small sound of agreement then ask All Might. "What are you mister, All Might? I've never seen anything like you sir."

I can also hear Crimson and Ruby start talking with the guards most likely making a plan.

"Well, I'm a human. A human with an ability that you just saw, not every human has this ability though, so that makes me a superhero. I protect the innocent and fight for justice, not fame and fortune. Just to help those in need." All Might says to Lilly.

"Oh your a good human, I've heard of the legends of the monsters called humans." I make note of that and make a plan to do some research later.

After she says that Crimson comes over and says. “Hey the day guards here are actually good at their job, and we now have a good plan. If you’re helping, come learn your part, or we will leave you here with that lazy drake."

"Sorry, but I need to talk to the siren first, she may know something. After all, she was used as a weapon. But I will be there shortly." All Might says, then starts walking to the siren I assume, "Alright, I'm gonna ask some questions, is that alright with you?"

"Y-y-y-yes." she said, shivering most likely cold from the ice tub I out her in.

"Okay, if you answer honestly, I may ask my friend to unfreeze you. Who are you?"


"Anything you can tell us about where the Diamond Dogs are?"

"They are in a cave deep in the dark spooky forest over there." Sonata said, most likely talking about the Everfree Forest, "And there are a lot of traps set up, I saw them disable a few, such as spring loaded spikes in the ground and trees. Basically a death trap from every side."

"Anything else?" All Might asks.

"What traps they turned off I couldn't see. But they also have my sisters, Adagio and Aria. They were hooking them up to the those carts, they captured us when we heading through the forest. Please help them."

I decide to speak up while still meditating. "How did you three get back to Equestria? In most timelines you three were banished to that human Equestria.” I wait for sonata to answer.

"Well, we just saw a portal and sense it was Equestrian magic so we entered and wound up in dragon territory, so we left and hid in a town for a bit. Truth is we kinda missed Equestria, and looking back on all the things we did, it kinda made us feel bad. But we heard of a hero who defeated a lord of chaos, we thought 'hey, why not ask the hero for help?' Aria was against it, but Adagio agreed, seeing how it was a good idea to ask a hero to bring to Celestia to apologize for all the things we did and find a way to get a new energy source." Sonata said.

I stand up and walk over to her then activate my eyes and look her over, checking her energy network seeing if it can be changed then say. "There may be a way; but it would be painful. Basically, reversing your magic but I'm sure Celestia and Twilight could figure it out fine I believe her." I end talking to All Might.

"Oh and All Might; what’s the plan?" I use earth bending to make a solid tub then water bend sonata and the water into it and warms it up.

"Well, seeing how there are traps, I'm sure the Pinkie Pie army could easily disable them if we tell them it's fun. And maybe beat up the Diamond Dogs while you and me free Sonata's sisters. Lilly, Crimson and Ruby will free the ponies while the Main 6 and Royal Guards set up traps to keep any dogs from getting away." All Might says.

"Hmmm fine I agree with that but just make sure that Ruby keeps my guards in line and rescues everyone; not just ponies." I nod then pulls out another health potion and drink it.

"Right, we shall leave at once. Hey, Deltorix, got anything in that store that can use like a sword? I can't use a Smash attack in a cave. It'll collapse on us and everyone in there." All Might asks me.

"Hmmm well I could get you a normal sword. But for you; how’s about Thor's hammer from Marvel?" I ask while looking at my store.

"Oh hey training tip. Train your earth bending so you can use earth sight but that can be done later." I say then look at him waiting for his answer.

"Hmm, Thor's hammer does sound good, but maybe some other time, besides I said I didn't want a thousand tons of rock falling on everybody, do you think you can show me what's in the store or is that just for you?" All Might asks.

I shrug and say. "I can try. Make party with All Might; party name Heroes of Equestria."

All Might jumps a bit then he taps on the screen then I nod and say. "Alright try to open the store by saying 'store' and tell me how much you need to buy it and I'll give it to you."

All Might nods and says, "Store." And I watch as his eyes widen. "This is incredible!! You basically have a whole arsenal just right there!"

"Yeah except for one small problem." I say then rub my fingers together in the universal sign of money. "No money and all that is useless to me which is why I use my clones to farm money."

I snap my fingers. "Oh shit, I don't know if you figured it out on your own, but because you are All Might, quirks may start showing up in this world."

"Think you can afford these?" All Might asked me while drawing the names and prices in the dirt.

I smirk seeing how cheap it is and pull out the exact amount and give it to him. "Say Inventory and put the money in then buy it. I don't mind buying that cheap stuff for you." After telling him that I turn to start walking to Sonata.

"Also, what do you mean quirks will show up?!" All Might asks me in a quiet voice, "It's bad enough that somebody it targeting me, but if the world suddenly starts getting quirks, they'll be targets too." Then he looks over at the ponies probably making sure they didn't hear what I said, seeing that they were busy with something else, All Might let out a sigh of relief.

I stop and turn to face him again to explain once he is done.

"Inventory." He then put the money into his Inventory and bought the items. "Alright, are they in a different screen or part of Requip?" He asked me, "Also, what are you going to do with Sonata?"

"You'll have to move them out of your inventory then use your requip magic to hold them once you have the armor and weapon out I'll close the party so my powers don't get in the way. As for Sonata; I want to talk to her. I'm hopping I can save her and her sisters in my world but that is at least two years away for me." I say to All Might, while looking over at her while she talks with the mane six.

"And what I mean is; it is possible because aspects of the source material leak into a Equestria when a displaced is put into it or are already present when they get there. For example let's say your son got displaced as Steve from Minecraft; then monsters from Minecraft will start appearing in that Equestria, and because your All Might..." I trail off letting him finish the sentence.

"Quirks will appear here in Equestria." All Might says, looking a bit spooked.

Then All Might did what I said, moving the armor and sword out of my Inventory, then using his Requip magic to add them to his pocket dimension. "Alright, and good luck with trying to save them in the future." All Might says, as I start to walk off.

“Thanks." I say back then smirk. "Just let me talk with Sonata for a few minutes while you get ready. I would also recommend resting your hero mode." I say as I walk off.

I walk over to sonata and say. "Hello Sonata. I wanted to talk with you." I say to her as I sit down next to her.

She looks a bit worried but nods subdued, no doubt from my earlier display of power. "O-ok m-mister dragon."

I sigh softly and rub the back of my neck. "Look I'm sorry about how I treated you. I've only heard stories about you and your kind but I wanted to learn some more about you and your sisters. You see; I'm not from this Equestria and when I go home, I want to try to save my version of you and your sisters if I can. So; can you please tell me what I can say to them to get their trust and where you girls were living in the human Equestria?"

She thinks on it looking a bit confused but nods. "Ok and it's ok; I'm use to being threatened. As for getting them to trust you; hmmm well you can offer that version of me tacos. I love tacos!" She starts licking her lips.

I chuckle and use my store to buy a big meal from Taco Bell then give it to her. "Alright; and your sisters?"

She looks up a taco hanging out of her mouth then she swallows it and taps her chin. "Hmmm maybe tell them that they can see home again; but be careful. Aria won't be nice and may even try to use you." She tells me I nod and smile.

"Thank you Sonata. Now; do you mind telling me about your species a bit? For example; your gems. What would happen if it was forcefully removed from a siren? And to clarify I mean here in Equestria; not in that human Equestria." I ask her pointing at the gem in her chest.

She winces then looks down at her gem. "Well...our gems are how we use magic and feed on emotions, so they would most likely get weaker and weaker till they die from hunger."

I tap my chin thinking. 'Well scratch that plan. I'm not cruel enough to do that to them.' then I look up at her and smile. "Thank you Sonata. Enjoy the tacos and don't worry; All Might will save your sisters. It's what a hero does."

I chuckle as I walk over to Twilight, while checking my magic, and grumble to see its still low, but recharging now that the debuff is gone. "Hello Twilight. Any luck finding out how to undo the magic in that sword?"

She looks up surprised and nods. "Yes. Thankfully it is not that hard to find out what it does and I found a way to undo it and told the doctors how to do it so anyone cut with it will live."

"Good, good. Listen; Twilight I would like you to give Celesta a letter for me if you don't mind." I ask her while pulling out a note pad and quill and start writing.

"Oh um I don't mind mister dragon, but can I ask what it says?" She asks.

Dear Princess Celestia,

My name is Deltorix, I am the dragon that helped All Might save Ponyville and I have a warning and a request for you, the warning is ponies and other creatures may start developing powers called ‘quirks’. These powers are dangerous to the untrained; so that brings me to my request. The request is that you set aside enough money for All Might to have a school built to teach these individuals how to use their powers responsibility. The building would have to be every strong so the students don't accidentally destroy it. Again; this is just a possibility and not a certainty, so don't panic over this.

P.S. I plan on calling you a nick name if we meet before I go home.

"Sorry, no. This is for Princess Celestia's eyes only." I say to her after ripping the page out and roll it up.

She pouts and sighs before taking the note, and nods then I smile and walk over to Ruby and tap her head and point at the sleeping All Might. "Hey Ruby how about you go wake up sleepy head."

She giggles softly and nods going over and start shaking him.

His eyes slowly open, and saw Ruby who woke him up. He lets out a yawn as He rubs his eyes. "How long have I been out?"

"You've been out for a few hours. Deltorix has been talking with everyone else." Ruby said, All Might nods, getting up and walks to me.

"Hey, is everything ready for the rescue?" All Might asks.

"Oh yeah. All set, sleepy head. To keep your new health secret; stay in civilian form till the fighting starts ok?" I say as I use requip magic to put on my Dark Magician armor and summon my green staff.

“Alright, lets go!" All Might yells and as one him, me, the main six and the guards all head into the forest.

We walk for hours until we arrived at the spot where Sonata said the Diamond Dog base was located. Sure enough; there were traps. I can see the holes where the spikes come up from the ground and in the tree. We were hidden in some bushes, watching as a Diamond Dog guard watches for any intruder. "Alright, we need some way to take out that guard quietly and to disable those traps." All Might says to the group, "Pinkie and the rest of the Main 6 should be arriving at the Mirror Pool soon, so we need to take them out quickly."

"Hmmm well I could use my bind spell on him then fly over and slit his throat. Then we have enough time to disarm the traps..." I say then look at Crimson.

"Crimson, Lilly do two know how to disarm these traps?" I ask them while tapping my foot.
"Not me, but Lilly is good with that stuff. But if she gets hurt; I'll buck you right in the junk!" Crimson says then threatens me.

All Might lets out a sigh, "Do you really need to kill him?"

"Not really." I say then crosses my arms.

"Sorry if I make you uncomfortable with my thinking. It is because of Gamer's mind that it stops my emotions from effecting my decisions." I explain while tapping my head.

"As for a different way to take him out why not work together? I use bind then Crimson flies over and knocks him out before he can make a sound." I suggest then look at All Might. "Your world your way."

"Thank you and good idea. She just needs to be-" All Might starts but is interrupted.

"Um, the traps are gone." we all looked and saw Ruby next to a knocked out guard, some traps smoking or just hanging. "I kinda knocked out the guard and disabled the traps while you two were talking."

I stare for a minute thinking 'Wow. All Might and I were so busy we didn't even notice when she did that.' then I chuckle and smile. "Good job Ruby, remind me to give Pinkie the recipe for poké puffs later."

Then I grin and grip my staff and walk into the tunnels. "Be ready for anything. They are known for digging through the ground and popping up behind intruders." I say as quietly as I can while still able for them to hear me.

As we walked in, we can hear the faintest trace of digging, walking further, we came up to three tunnels, each one had no light, "Alright, this is a pain in the ass." All Might said, "Deltorix, got anything that let us contact each other?"

I nod and add everyone into a party and tells them. "There is a message system. Just call out 'message' and type your message and if you get lost say 'map'."

After he explains they start trying it out but then the ground starts shaking. All Might must have realized what this was because he then shouts, "Everybody duck and cover!!" While looking down the tunnel we came in, I look as well, seeing a mass of pink. All Might and Ruby got up against the wall, While Lilly, Crimson and I doing the same, we all watched as a ton of Pinkie Pie's hop into each tunnel while saying 'fun'.

I look at the Pinkie herd and then over at All Might and yell. "If this goes wrong; I blame you!"

All Might just laughs as the Main 6 run towards us, "We did what you said," Twilight said, gasping for breath, "Man I need to get out more."

"It's not over yet. Three of you will go down one tunnel while the rest of you stand guard with the Royal Guards. Crimson, Lilly; find where the ponies and any other creatures are being held and free them. Me, Deltorix and Ruby will find Sonatas sisters." All Might said, then everyone headed into their respective tunnels, as me, All Might and Ruby were running, we can see many Pinkie Pie clones give the Diamond Dogs a hard time, seeing how they defy all logic, the runes basically can't hurt them if they are being random. "Still think this will go wrong?" All Might asked me, I give him a flat glare and flip him off while thinking, 'That kind of thinking is just begging the universe to make it harder for us.'

After I lower my hand I say. "Just be careful what you say, most Equestria's run on TV logic; meaning we can inadvertently invoke Murphy's law!"

We run into two dogs but I jump toward them grabbing their heads then slam their heads hard onto the ground. 'Just proved my point. Thank you universe.'

"Good work. Now lets...find..." both me and Ruby looked at All Might confused from him trailing off, before we look over the cliff, what we saw shocked us all. In a large cavern; Diamond Dogs forcing ponies, young dragons, griffons and bug ponies to mine, while Timberwolves pulled carts filled with gems, we also saw some Diamond Dogs forging armor with said gems.

"They're building an army." All Might said.

I growl and hit a wall. "God fucking damn it.” I look at All Might then say. "All Might, I'm going suggest something not so heroic here."

I close my eyes and takes a deep breath 'We need to use every advantage we can to win before we are overwhelmed, no matter if it's right or wrong.' then I say. "When we find the sirens, use their magic against the dogs. They can make them fight each other."

"I will allow it, but first, we have to free everyone before we free the sirens." All Might said, then looked around for the sirens, "Besides, you may be in trouble. Look." He points at the two sirens. "They are using them to blast the caverns walls to find gems. If you go down there, you might get blasted, and judging by the cracks around us, I'd say this place isn't gonna handle a massive sonic blast. We need some way to get those guards away."

"I got an idea. Magic Arrow!" Ruby said, firing several Magic Arrows at the Diamond Dogs guarding the sirens, killing them

I blink for a minute then chuckle. "Problem solved. You deal with the sirens and I'll use earth bending to reinforce the area."

I then make ten clones and we all start earth bending making the walls harder and more solid.

All Might shifted into his hero form and jumped down, sending any Diamond Dog that got too close flying, soon he was surrounded, then he quickly used Requip, and the armor he bought appeared on him along with the sword, he then charged towards the shocked Diamond Dogs at blinding speeds, slicing apart their armor, making them defenseless to Rubies attacks. I heard a pained shriek as a sonic blast came towards him, he jumped out of the way, only to be hit with another. He crashed into the wall, I then start using earth bending on that spot to make it slowly repair as All Might got out. Soon; as more blasts came his way, he kept dodging them, but me and my clones were having a hard time. "How long will the cavern stay up?" All Might asks while blocking a Diamond Dogs sword with his sword before kicking him away.

"We can harden it enough to survive the fighting for a few minutes but you need to get to them fast or the dogs will overwhelm one of us!" I yell then I enter a I.D. to go deeper into the cavern. Once I find a office I leave the I.D. and start looking through while my clones keep working.

3rd P.O.V. Main cavern

"Alright! Message!" All Might shouts, using his blade to block the Diamond Dogs weaponry, He quickly typed a message to Crimson and the others, telling them if they found any prisoners, get them out immediately. Once the message was sent, a beam struck a Diamond Dog behind him. He looked up and saw that Ruby was providing air support while keeping the dogs off of Deltorix's clones, All Might then uses his speed to cut the chains holding the prisoners and went towards the sirens. "Keep still, I'm going to get you out of here!" they listened and he cut the chains holding them. One of them, an orange siren then asked a question.

"Are you the hero who stopped the lord of chaos?" she asked, All Might nodded,

"Yes, and your sister is safe, she is at a settlement not to far from here. Now quickly! To the exit!!" All Might said, pointing to the top of the cavern, they nodded and flew to exit, helping a few others out as well. He made his there as well, he then heard a series of howling and barking, turning his head, he saw a horde of Diamond Dogs coming out of the ground and walls of the cavern, once he made it to the Deltorix clones he gave the order. "Crush them with the cavern!! TEXAS SMAAASH!!!" All Might said, creating a large gust of air that struck the caverns ceiling.

All the Deltorix clones nod and lift their arms then slam them down and the whole ceiling falls down onto the dog army then all the clones wave at All Might saying. "Keep going! The real Deltorix is going deeper for some kind of evidence for you!" Then they too get crushed and disappear.

All Might headed deeper and soon ran into Deltorix in a room.

P.O.V. Deltorix

I look up right when All Might comes in and smirk holding up some letters. "Good thing villains always make a mistake right?"

I give them to All Might asking. "So keep looking or get out of here? Because from what I got from the clones the whole cave is caving in."

I felt the area around us shake, then All Might stomps the ground, causing stones pillars to hold up the walls and ceiling in the room. Then he looked at me, "Keep looking." He said, while going over to chest and looking through it.

I nod and help by looking through the chest with him. "From the looks of it; they were getting orders from someone but they had no way to contact them back. Here; look at this." I finish by holding up a folder with pictures of the element bearers and files on each of them.

"Looks like they have been spying on the Element Bearers for quite a while. Look at this, the first information gathered on them was 3 weeks ago." All Might said pointing to the information, then he noticed something shining on the desk. Moving some papers aside to reveal a gem, he tried picking it up, only to hear a click, then the sound of grinding stone was heard behind us, looking to the wall, we saw a whole bookcase filled with books of magic, not just any magic, dark magic. "Whoever this person is, looks like they knew how to get books about this stuff." All Might said, looking at every book. "We need to bring this with us, the supplier could come back and give them to another." All Might said, grabbing a chest and dumping the books in.

I growl when I hear about the girls being spied on then I let out a sigh. "Yeah, can you carry that chest?"

I then walk over to another chest and find it locked. "Oh dear it's locked whatever well I do." I say while smirking then summons my keyblade and tap the chest and I hear it unlock.

"Let's see what's behind door number 3."I say playfully. 'Good thing that wasn't just a game mechanic or I would have looked like a moron.'

Inside was all sorts of images of a large Dragon, a giant bug pony with a sickly blue mane and tail, and All Might along with assassination orders and letters from the Caribou kingdom.

"This is why they have been doing as well?! Selling innocents to those..those.." He ripped one of the letters to shreds, a frown on his face, "Looks like I'm visiting the Caribou next. And when I do, they're gonna wish I hadn't!!"

'Oh this is bad. If he goes off without a plan this world is fucked.' I cross my arms then calmly say. "All Might calm down and think of a plan first. If you rush in without thinking even you will be taken down then this world will fall or worse they use their magic on you and use your power against the world."

I then walk up to him and use two fingers to hit his forehead. “One more thing, you’re a brand new displaced. Learn how to use your powers before you go after them."

"Besides in the fan fic; they didn't invite until Twilight got a castle, but at the very soonest they can go through with their plan is when the crystal empire returns because they turn the crystal heart something that gives off love and hope, into the crystal cock, and use it to spread their way of thinking to all the males within range and turns females into brainless sluts." I tell him while trying to also keep him calm and level headed.

He lets out a sigh, calming down, "Thank you Deltorix, and you're right, I need a plan." He said, then the room shook, "Grab everything you can and let's move!" All Might grabbed everything that was in the chest, while I also grab some stuff that he drops in his rush and before I could grab anymore, All Might asks sounding spooked. "Did you see that?!"

I look where All Might is looking but shake my head. "Sorry no I didn’t. But you most likely saw the one helping the Diamond dogs and they ran when they saw you here."

I then make clones and they all started putting things into my inventory then they all disappear leaving the original.

"Come on All Might. I'm making a express elevator out of here." I then lift my arms and the ceiling bends upwards.

"Let me help." All Might says, bending the ceiling as well, soon, we had huge hole which is the perfect size for the both of us to fly. "Hero's Wings!" He shouts, then two large golden wings of metal appeared on his back, giving them a few tests flaps, He then looks to me, "Wanna race?"

I smirk and lights fires in my hands then uses them to blast off the ground and through the hole. “You’re on! Last one to Ponyville has to boop princess Celestia!"

I start laughing as I fly using my fire bending and wings.

All Might laughed as well, jumping up the hole. He was about to pass me when everything seemed to slow, the moment he was in front of me, He flipped me off, time returned to normal and he zoomed passed, I then used my wings to fly faster, seeing the exit, then I came up right beside him, until we both flew out of the hole. We both landed, his wings disappearing as he shifted into his civilian form. "Looks like we both gotta boop the princess." he said.

I chuckle and smirk. "Yeah but I don't have to live here afterwards." I tease him then I look forward.

"Enjoy your time with the ponies while you can All Might, because Hell is coming one day but.." I look over at him and say with a smile. "This world also has a symbol of peace now."

He smiled, "You're right. No harm is coming to these ponies, or to anyone else, and whoever is after my power, they try and take it. I'll be ready." He said.

"Come on, let's get something to eat!" He said, offering his hand to me.

"Sure oh and one more thing All Might." I shake his hand, and a pop up comes up I read it quickly before saying.

D-link created.
The D-link with [All Might] is made you now share a strong bond with them.
This D-link gives you the temporary ability Heroic Aura, this ability lasts for a maximum of one minute or until you deactivate it, this ability heals all ally's and boosts their moral there is also a 20 point increase to your strength stat.

"You should try to make a school for heroes if quirks start showing up. Also try to meet the leaders of different countries and make a sort of emergency treaty that put simply will have them unite if there is a huge army were to invade another country and start spreading dark magic." I explain as we hurry to where everyone is waiting for us.

"Alright, I'll add that to the checklist of things to do." All Might said,

I laugh and point ahead. "Seems we have a hero’s welcome." He looks ahead to see a huge party in full swing.

We arrived to Ponyville to see all the creatures we had freed getting medical attention, food, and much needed sleep. I noticed Sonata with her sisters Adagio and Aria, were getting there wounds treated, the Timberwolves or what looked like Timberwolves, instead of rotting wood or the sickly green glow, the had stuff growing on them, like flowers and such with a calm blue glow, they were getting cared by Fluttershy. "Ever seen Timberwolves like that?" All Might asked me.

I rub my chin then shake my head. "Yes and no; mostly no. I've only heard of this happening a few times maybe two or three, they are timber wolves but they are growing plant life on themselves as a sign they are happy and content...or something. You'd have to ask Fluttershy to know for sure."

Just then there is a bright flash then a white alicorn appears in a beautiful dress then I elbows All Might whispering. "That is princess Celestia."

"Huh, figured I'd meet royalty soon." All Might said, Princess Celestia looks around, studying everyone, then her eyes landed on us. She then walked towards, All Might bowed slightly.

I smirk softly and just cross my arms. "Sup, sunbutt."

"Hello dragon, and who are you?" Celestia asked, not even fazed by the comment,

"My name is All Might, I'm the one who defeated Discord yesterday." All Might said, elbowing me in my ribs.

"Ah yes, my student told me about you. I thank you for defeating Discord. Sorry I couldn't thank you properly yesterday, but I was busy with other things." she said, "I thank you both for freeing these beings from the Diamond Dogs, I do not know how they managed to get to become smart, but you both did this land and many others a great service."

I grunt lightly from my elbow then say. "Not a problem Princess but there is one thing you can do for me and that is help me settle a bet. All you need to do is get closer for a moment."

I smile innocently and then once she is close enough I reach up and boop her snout saying. "Boop!"

All Might did the same, remembering the tie we had at the end of the race. "Boop!" He said, snickering, He looks to me and held his fist up for a fist bump,

I do the same and we bump fists then I looks at Celestia. "I'm sorry princess. We made a bet and we tied."

I shrug and add. "Anyway you should talk with Twilight and her friends. I need to talk with All Might some more."

She looks at us nods, then walks over to the shocked ponies. I looked at Deltorix, "What did you needed to talk to me about?" All Might asked.

"Well first of all, I want to thank you for helping me grow stronger and get a D-link. I also got to experience being a teacher, Secondly; I'm sad to say, but me and my ponies need to return to our world. I wish you luck but if you need help you can call me and keep a eye out for other tokens.” after I finish I wave Crimson and Lilly over.

"Well All Might; this has been one hell of a experience, and so you know when you want to send a displaced home say ‘our contract is complete’." I say with a smile then snap my fingers and write down the poke puff recipe. "Give this to Pinkie Pie for me."

"What is it?" He asked, looking at the note, and while he was I pull out the evidence I collected and out it down and pin it down with a rock.

While he reads it I say "Oh just keeping my promise to Ruby. Oh; and here one last gift for you and Ruby, best give these to Applejack."

I then give him a bag full of other bags of different seeds. "They are the berries from the Pokémon games."

"Thank you my friend, it was an honor fighting alongside you. And thank you for healing me and for the armor and sword. I will try to find way to craft and enchant armor. Good luck in your Equestria." He said to me, a smile on his face.

I smile and nod. "Thank you too All Might, and I wish you luck as well my friend."

"Our contract is complete." He said.

After saying that a screen pops up with a door on it then the door turns 3-dimensional and I open the door. "Alright time to head home ladies."

Crimson and Lilly wave then go through the doorway and I start but stop grinning a bit. "Oh before I go; mind saying the thing All Might said when he saw what Deku did at the beach?"

"Holy..... stinkin.... SUPER CRAP!" He says shifting into his hero mode.

I bust into laughter and smile. "Take care, All Might." And with that I close the door and start walking down the hallway when All Might's token falls in front of me I smile and out it in my inventory and continue walking with Crimson and Lilly toward the door home.