• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,649 Views, 3,514 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 98


Rainbow grumbled as she sat in front of the fire Wrex had going. There was apparently literally nothing to be done within the krogan camp that didn’t involve physical activities that Rainbow couldn’t do because of her wing still healing properly… which meant she had been incredibly bored for days. In the background, the other three laughed over some of their conversations. Wrex had been told of Shepard’s return to the galaxy and the events surrounding Fluttershy’s capture on the first day.

“Come on Dash, stop being such a grump. At least join us here,” Fluttershy called out to the other pegasus, Rainbow rolled her eyes but stood up and sat down at the table. “Here, drink.” Fluttershy pushed a mug over to Dash who carefully picked it up, a strong scent of alcohol coming from the liquid inside.

I mean, if Shy can hold it down I should be able to do so as well, right?

Dash took the mug and swallowed a mouthful, immediately frowning as the burning liquid went down her throat and she went into a coughing fit. “How much alcohol is in this stuff!”

Wrex and Garrus were laughing as hard as they could while Fluttershy chuckled softly. “A lot more than in AJ’s hard cider, that’s for sure.” She grinned as Dash tried another sip, taking it much better this time.

“Well duh… It’s not bad if you know what to expect,” Rainbow admitted as the laughter at the table died down again.

“Sadly I don’t have any Ryncol that you gals can try out,” Wrex chuckled as he raised his bottle and took a swig from it. Fluttershy rolled her eyes and grinned back.

“Ah yes, that stuff is so potent it’d knock even me out after a few shots,” Fluttershy said, shaking her head. Rainbow just looked as the bantering continued, thinking about how Shy never used to drink at all. Even the hard cider she’d just made out as weak alcohol used to be quite a lot for her and now she was chugging stuff that’d by all rights should have her drooling on the floor.

“So, when are you three going off-world?” Wrex asked, drawing Dash’s attention back to the conversation at hoof.

“We got word from the CDEM battle stations in orbit that we can hitch a ride on one of the supply freighters to the Citadel. If we can borrow a shuttle to bring us up there then we can be going by tomorrow,” Garrus explained, this was something Rainbow hadn't heard about yet.

Finally! It took way too long to get off this rock already!

“I’ll make it happen, I’m sure Shepard can use the help with the collectors.” Wrex emptied the bottle of Rryncol. “I won’t be joining. Got to make sure my kind gets back in order or we won’t stand a chance against the reapers.”

“We figured that,” Fluttershy nodded. “It’s respectable though, you’re doing too much good here to just up and leave.”

“Yeah, never heard of this many krogan working together before outside of criminal organizations. It’s a refreshing sight,” Garrus added, stretching his back and standing up from the table. “Anyway, we should get some sleep before heading off. We’re going to have to figure out our rendezvous with the commander tomorrow as well.”

“Sounds good to me,” Fluttershy said with a yawn, getting up as well and cleaning off the table before heading out. Rainbow followed the other pegasus to their small sleeping quarter where they had three hammocks made of some tarps.

“Good night you two,” Garrus grunted as he lay down in the hammock, immediately a soft snore coming from his direction as he had no trouble getting to sleep.

“Sleep tight,” Fluttershy chuckled, turning to her side to sleep as well, “You too, Dash.”

“Thanks.” Rainbow yawned as her head swam slightly and her eyes drooped and she swiftly fell asleep too.


Ugh, my head feels like it’s about to explode… stupid alcohol...


C’mon twenty more minutes…


For Celesti-

Rainbow opened her eyes to find herself in almost complete darkness, emergency lights shining their red hue over the cold metal of the passageway ahead.


A warm drop of liquid fell in the cyan fur of Rainbow’s nose, the little drop rolling down it and past the corner of her mouth, leaving an orange streak behind it.

What in Tarta-


Rainbow slowly looked up as another drop of the orange liquid fell on her muzzle. Her heart stopping at the sight of a krogan hanging upside down, his orange blood slowly flowing out of a hole in its head. Rainbow screamed in surprise and back-peddled against a closed bulkhead door.

“Hush now, quiet now~”

Lights flickered, a cold voice echoing off of the walls. The hallway in front of Dash was engulfed in darkness for only split seconds before the limited light returned, corpses had appeared all throughout it and a figure stood at the end of the hall.


“It’s time to lay your sleepy head~”

The lights continued to flicker and the figure that was previously standing at the end of the hall was now halfway obscured by darkness and a robe, blood pooling on the floor beneath it. Rainbow tried opening the door behind her but it was welded tightly shut.

“Hush now, quiet now~”


Hoofsteps on metal and steps in liquid came from behind Rainbow as tears forced themself from her eyes and she sniffed as she saw the obscured pony come closer. Her body was frozen and shaking with fear, her heart pounding in her chest as she pressed herself as far into the cold door behind her. The pony stepped into the light and the heavily scarred face became visible in the dim lighting, a crazed smile on her face.


“It’s time to go to Bed!~

“AAAHH!” Dash shot up from the hammock, going into a hover as she looked around her immediate area.


Rainbow’s gaze immediately fell on the location of where the sound had come from. A wet puddle lay on the stone rubble next to her hammock, a leaking pipe dripping water into it at a steady rate.

“Are you okay, Rainbow?” The hovering pegasus immediately spun around in the air, locking eyes with Fluttershy who was looking up at her in concern at Dash’s expression of complete and utter horror.

“Y-Yes, w-why wouldn’t I-I be?” Rainbow stuttered as she tried getting her heart and shaking back under control. Fluttershy didn’t look convinced and approached to try and comfort the other mare, only for Rainbow to backpedal into the corner of the room.

A pained look flashed over Shy’s face. “You’re afraid of me.” Dash looked at her but didn’t respond, her look of fear diminished only slightly. “I guess that’s all I deserve after what I’ve done... Garrus is already up, we’re getting onto the shuttle before sunrise.” Shy turned and left Rainbow on her own as the yellow pegasus felt a tear roll out of her eye.

You should have stopped her and told her that you… what? That you’re not afraid of her? That’s a lie and she’d see through it immediately.

Rainbow shook her head, she had to catch the shuttle regardless of her inner debate and talk to Shy at some point.

The trio entered the shuttle that had been prepared for them after they’d said their goodbyes to Wrex, soaring into the sky as the craft made for the orbital battle station.

“So, where are we going next? Shepard hasn’t answered my message yet so I’m not sure where he is,” Garrus called out from up front, throwing it into the group for them to think about it...

1. Find out where Shining is.

2. Look around the Citadel while waiting for a reply.

3. Go back to Illium to inform Liara.

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Author's Note:

Ok, writing break's over, back to work! Even though I spent time writing on Spits Fire instead... details!

Tags have been updated appropriately!

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[Certainty: 70]

Now edited by gerandakis

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