• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,654 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Appointments and Packages

Chapter 85

Appointments and Packages

“Will do, cap,” Dash said cheekily. Shining shook his head and didn’t dignify a response.

I should ask Captain Spitfire and the other ‘Bolts how they keep her in check if I ever get the opportunity again.

They eventually separated off at a shuttle station, his other two companions heading off to the residential district while he was going to the market first and the embassy after. The environment was still astonishing to the captain, but that wasn’t what was on his mind as he opened his messages folder and created a new message, addressed to the information broker.

I have a slight change in our initial agreement. I already explained that my fellow pony would most likely be joining me, but we picked up a turian who’s related to our pegasus friend. His name is Garrus Vakarian, seems to be Fluttershy’s mate, and when he heard about a potential for information he was very unwavering in his stance of coming along. Will this affect our agreement, or can we proceed as outlined in our previous correspondence?

Captain, Royal Solar Guard
-Shining Armor

Pressing the send button on the message, Shining lowered his hoof to gaze outside for the rest of the shuttle trip. What he hadn’t expected was that less than a minute later a reply to his message came in.

This eventuality was one of the ones I had anticipated. Our agreement stands. You shall be picked up by my aid at Illium’s starport.

-Liara T’Soni

Sighing a breath of relief, Shining closed his omni-tool again only to stop and think about what the message actually meant. She had anticipated Garrus might be there as well. This had the implication that Ms. T’Soni had already known about Garrus being connected to Fluttershy. His head hurt as he thought about it but decided to put it aside. He was probably going to get his answers to these questions when he met her.

Better to focus on my packages and appointments right now. I’ve got enough to do before we leave on the transport.

The shuttle set down in the commercial district, and Shining walked into the crowds that were strolling through the streets towards his first destination. “Nyxin biotics,” he muttered as he stood in front of the clinic where he had his first appointment and a business he had chosen for a very specific reason…

Shining thought about his pegasus companion’s stance on biotics. Rainbow had been very skittish every time he, or anyone else for that matter, had brought it up. It wasn’t hard to figure out that she had an aversion to being implanted with things if her omni-tool was any indication, even though her friend had also gotten the same surgery. Another specific reason he was here right now…

“Welcome to Nyxin biotics, do you have an appointment?” the asari attendant at the front desk asked as she saw the captain enter.

“Yes, I have my appointment under the name Shining Armor,” Shining answered as he appreciated the interior of the building.

“Perfect! You seem to be right on time as well. Please give me a moment to get doctor V'ladri.” The attendant went out back briefly only to appear moments later with another asari.

“Welcome to my clinic, Mister Armor. It’s an honor to finally speak to you in person, just as it is that a representative of a species would trust me to perform this operation on them,” she said, motioning for the captain to follow her out back to the clinic’s medical rooms. Shining waited with his response until the attendant was out of earshot.

“Is that what you told Miss Fluttershy as well before selling the readings of her scans on the black market?” He replied very calmly, looking at the bed in front of him as opposed to the asari standing behind him. “Let me be very clear ma’am. The only reason I’m here is because your clinic operated on a member of my species before, and so are the only ones who can get the job done within the required timespan…” Shining turned around to glare the asari straight into her eyes. “…If a similar ‘leak’ were to occur with my own data, my informant will have a field day burying this business in a mountain of legal complaints. Am I clear?” V'ladri was completely tensed up and staring at the unicorn in terror, slowly nodding an affirmation as the words truly hit her. “Good, then let’s start.”

This feels wrong.

Shining felt a little nauseous after the surgery, the newly implanted device at the base of his neck feeling strange to the unicorn. Whenever his new biotic amp was activated, it was as if his horn felt dozens of times more sensitive, making it impossible to use it for basic tasks, so for the time being he’d leave it inactive.

“It was a pleasure, Mister Armor. If there are any side-effects, then head to the nearest medical clinic to have the implant looked at. Other than that I hope you have a pleasurable experience with our product.” The goodbye from V’ladri was strained at best, but Shining didn’t care. He had his biotic implant now and just enough time to make the human embassy where he had his package delivered for safekeeping.

“The pleasure was all mine,” he replied with a smirk before walking out off the building and towards the shuttle platform where he had arrived, summoning a craft to take him to the presidium.

I wonder how Dash and Vakarian are getting along. It would be nice if I didn’t have to keep those two from fighting.

Shining had some more idle thoughts as he waited for the shuttle to reach its destination. He decided that he might as well get used to the biotic amp and left the device running throughout the trip. He tried some basic magic with his horn, like a simple light spell, but found that his horn simply couldn’t control his magic whenever it was active.

I wonder if pegasi have an easier time with these things because their wings aren’t attached directly to their head?

Growling in annoyance, Shining turned the device off again as he arrived at the presidium and made his way over the white bridges towards the human embassy. He exchanged some pleasantries at the entrance of the building and was swiftly taken out back by the embassy’s guards to where they had stored his order. The large box was swiftly opened and moved aside as it’s contents were placed on a table—a dozen armor pieces. It was nearly identical in design to the one Rainbow used, only without the wing holes and instead of dark grey, it was a light hue bordering white with a yellow stripe on the shoulder. The plates were slightly thicker to allow for more protection than the pegasus’ counterpart as well.

The captain had been planning this for a while. He was a part of Equestria’s military after all, only being less gung ho about it than Rainbow had been. Looking at the time Shining cursed silently as he quickly started donning the plates. He couldn’t haul around a massive box of armor all the time, so he’d have to wear it to get it along to places just as Dash had been doing. After fastening the last plate, Shining attempted the biotic amp for another time just to sync it with the suit before deactivating it…

Wait, what in Tartarus?

The previous nauseating throbbing was gone and replaced by a pull on his horn, almost feeling as if something was willing him to follow it. He almost went after it without thinking about it but stopped as he reminded himself of his schedule.

You can’t go after this Armor, if you do then you’re not going to make your transport to Illium. This is probably just you getting used to the amp. Nothing to worry about…

Shining tried to convince himself it was nothing, but his gut continued to bug him continuously…

1. Follow the strange pull on my horn. My gut has never proven me wrong before. [Miss the transport to Illium]

2. I have to hook up with Dash and Vakarian. We have a plan and should follow it.

[Vote link]

Author's Note:

One of my editors hasn't been online in a while so this one might be a bit rough untill he pops up again, I know he has a busy job so that might just be it, but until then I didn't want to wait longer to post this chapter. Hopefully you enjoyed!

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[Certainty: 90]

Now edited by gerandakis and lordelliot

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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