• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,652 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 76


M-4a Shuriken - Submachine gun 27%
S-22b Eviscerator - Shotgun 23%

Dash looked over the tables of weapons, picking up a few and getting a good feeling for their weight. The first thing she giddily picked up was the grenade launcher, but her excitement dropped a bit as the weapon was much heavier than she’d expected.

Flying would be much harder with this thing. Maybe I should get something smaller?

Dash put the large launcher back and continued to the next weapon, the sniper rifle, which she swiftly passed. Sitting still for long amounts of time would be way too boring. The next thing after that was the SMG which she passed between her hooves.

I guess this one is kinda nice… and I know it’s fast.

Dash clipped the weapon to the magnet on her flank piece, liking the fact it collapsed into a small box when attached to armor.

“I think I should take this one with that one,” Dash pointed at the shotgun, hovering over to it and picking the weapon up.

“Close quarters I see? Not that that was too surprising,” Jacob said as he typed a few commands into his omni-tool. “I’ve assigned them to you, we’ll run you through some practice after the pickup at the Purgatory. Go get some more rest. We’re not expecting action, but we’re going to be dealing with criminals there. It’s better if we stay alert throughout our stay.”

“Yeah, that sounds about right. I’ll see you in a couple of hours. I’m going to take a nap,” Dash replied, being led out by Jacob and heading back down into the Normandy’s belly. Once there, she flopped down on one of the observatory couches, falling asleep almost instantly as she used her ability to sleep nearly anywhere until she would have to wake and head out with the commander.

Dash shuffled nervously at hearing the docking clamps connect to the prison ship. Although they weren’t expecting any trouble, Dash was still nervous about anything going wrong.

This isn’t Ponyville where everything will be alright. People could die here.

The airlock hissed as the slightly foul smelling air from the Purgatory flowed through the opening door. Dash almost gagged out of surprise but managed to repress it.

“Stay sharp everyone, and Dash, stay at the back. I don’t want you to become an immediate target if this goes south,” Shepard ordered before stepping onto the prison ship. A small group of mercs, with a turian seemingly as their leader, stood there and waited for them to approach.

“Welcome to the Purgatory Shepard. Your package is being prepped, and you can claim it shortly,” the turian stated as Sheppard stopped a few paces in front of him. “As this is a high-security vessel, you’ll need to relinquish your weapons before proceeding further.”

Dash tensed up when she saw Shepard’s hand move from his side to resting on his pistol. “I’m afraid I can’t do that,” he simply stated. The atmosphere tensed up further, and the mercs standing behind the first one also got ready to fight if it came down to it.

Ponyfeathers, this was NOT how this was supposed to go!

“Everyone stand down!” a new turian shouted as he came running up, the other mercs relaxing slightly but still staying on edge. “Commander, I’m Warden Kuril, and this is my ship. Your weapons will be returned upon your return to your ship. This is just standard procedure due to our dealings with these criminals.”

“It’s my standard procedure to keep mine and my team’s guns,” Shepard growled back, not giving an inch and glaring down the opposing turian.

“Let them proceed. There are just three of them, and our security is good enough to handle three of our guests. We’re bringing Jack out of cryo and will release her as soon as the funds have been transferred,” the warden told his mercs, his eyes briefly connecting with Rainbow’s. A shiver ran through her body. Within the span of the short gaze it felt as if the warden was learning everything about her with just that look. This feeling of discomfort persisted as they were led through the ship. The large rows of boxes lining the wall… The mechanical arms moving them around… It all just seemed wrong.

At some point the warden split off from them, and they were left to walk the last bit on their own. A whole line of cells lined walls of the final hallway, and in one of said cells a prisoner was being beaten. Dash winced every time the prisoner shouted for help. “HEY! What the buck is wrong with you two?!” she shouted as she charged up to the guard who was looking at his colleague beating the imprisoned human.

“Back off. I’m doing my job,” the guard gruffly said, dismissing the relatively small pegasus much to Dash’s frustration. Luckily for Rainbow, Shepard intervened as well.

“She's right though. This is wrong. You're just lowering yourself to their level. Stop this. For your own sake.”

The guard sighed before giving the other a hand signal to stop. “Yeah, you're right… We'll let him off the hook for now.”

Dash looked sympathetically to the other prisoners as they passed, some of them calling out in the hope they would be taken too. It wasn't long before they entered the out-processing facility where they were pointed towards a door that would open to the box queued behind it and release a prisoner…

But as the door opened there was only an open box.

“I'm sorry, Commander, but you and your small pony companion are worth much more than you could imagine. Drop your weapons and step into the box peacefully,” the Warden announced over the intercom. Dash could practically hear the growl from Shepard as the commander turned around to face the few mercs that had entered the room.

“Go to hell.”

With that said, all hell broke loose as both parties went for their weapons and opened fire on the other. Rainbow for one just stood dumbstruck as the situation rapidly deteriorated around her, only getting roused from it due to almost a clip of rounds hitting her shield and puncturing through to the composite armor below.

After jumping for the nearest cover, Dash waited for her shield to recharge. Trying to ignore the already dulling sting of pain in her chest, she used her SMG to pop up and aim at one of the mercs Shepard and Jacob hadn't eliminated yet.

I-I can't… I can't do that!

Without firing a shot Dash popped back into cover, her breath and heartbeat accelerated as she nearly panicked.

I couldn't kill him…

Letting your friends be in all the danger…



In a bout of rage Dash shot over the cover and pulled her shotgun. Her wings propelling her at high speed towards the last remaining merc who had no time to respond as Dash flared in front of his feet.


The corpse dropped to the ground in front of Dash, the pegasus' stomach immediately turning inside out and emptying it beside her as she looked at what she'd done.

“Get yourself together Dash!” Shepard shouted as he grabbed a hold of Dash's armor and pulled her behind cover. “You need to stay focused right now or you'll put all of us in danger, understand?”

“Y-yes sir!” Dash stammered as she pushed back another wave of nausea.

This wasn't supposed to happen! We were just briefly going to pick up that human, not shoot our way out!

Dash tried pushing the mix of emotions down as she followed the commander and Jacob down the hallway, maybe for the first time in her life feeling as if she wasn't up to the task.

Another door opened into a control room where an anxious technician shakily held a pistol aimed at the door. “ON THE FLOOR!” Shepard thundered, the technician immediately dropped the pistol and laid down. Jacob kicked the pistol away and kept him at gunpoint while Shepard used the main console. “Found Jack. Releasing her from cryo now,” he curtly stated. Just outside, machines started moving as a cryogenic tube rose from the floor. YMIR heavy security mechs activated and took aim at the containment chamber.

“Overkill much?” Jacob whistled as the doors to the cryo-tube opened and a very pissed woman was revealed, her hands and body glowing with biotic energy. “That’s Jack?!”

With a scream Jack ripped out of the chamber and charged forward, obliterating the mechs as if they were nothing more than cotton candy. Dash’s eyes went wide with awe and tinged with terror at the display.


Author's Note:

Had a lot of exams getting in the way of writing so I apologize for the wait. Next week I won't be here either as I'll be on base for a week so I hope I'll be able to get the next one ready soon.

Hope you enjoyed! :twilightsmile:

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[No vote]

Now edited by gerandakis and lordelliot

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