• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,652 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 158


"And ya ain't goin' plumb mad in that suit of yers?" Applejack asked Rainbow, a hologram of the pegasus in question having sprung up from Fluttershy's omni-tool.

"Oh come on AJ, I'm not that bad!" Rainbow replied, touching her hoof to her chest in mock offence.

"Yer brain is in the clouds half the time, ya ain't convincing me that yer jus' fine not flyin' about," the farmer pushed further.

"I have to agree, darling. You are quite fond of your flight skills," Rarity agreed with Applejack.

"Alright, fine! It's nagging on me just a little..." Rainbow sighed. "But that doesn't mean I don't have a solution to that! Tali has been using her free time to teach me EVA, that way I can still float around outside."

"That sounds... like a good alternative actually," Fluttershy commented, "Are they tethering or using impulse thrusters?"

"Both actually, it's really easy when you get used to the controls-"

"She's just a natural Fluttershy," Tali interrupted, appearing on the hologram as well. "It's good to see you Fluttershy but I am afraid we'll have to talk later, I need to steal my marefriend here for a while."

Fluttershy chuckled and smiled. "Of course, we'll catch up later."

"Well I'll see you later girls, can't keep the lady waiting!" Rainbow closed the call, the girls around Fluttershy sharing a chuckle.

"Dashie looks really happy out there," Pinkie said with a bright smile after taking a sip from her milkshake.

"She was wearing a nearly opaque visor Pinkie, how could you see that?" Twilight asked curiously.

"How could you not? The twitches of her wing and that almost hopping about is clearly Dashie being excited!" Pinkie exclaimed in reply, causing another round of chuckles.

A slight breeze blew over the terrace in front of Sugarcube Corner making Fluttershy shiver, she had gotten completely unused to not wearing other than the coat she'd been born with. She did wear her armour though when she was exploring sections of the massive base with the guard just in case they tripped any security features, something they had yet to do and by this point weren't expecting to either.

"Ya know, this might very well be the last time things will be 'normal' 'round here," Applejack sighed, "Folks are moving out or joinin' the guard. Ponies are scared of what's to come."

"Running off elsewhere isn't going to work. Not with this enemy," Fluttershy said bitterly.

"They're just scared. Not everypony has seen what you have seen, Fluttershy," Rarity rested her legs on the table in front of her as she calmly admonished her friend. "Most ponies don't have the privilege to know someone that has been out there."

"I know Rarity, it's just frustrating to give out warnings only for them to be ignored," The yellow pegasus sighed. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad both Princesses are actually doing their best to prepare. From the few Normandy crewmembers that haven't gone dark, I've heard nothing all too promising..."

"We can only hope they take action soon," Rarity said sympathetically. "But on another less depressing topic, how is Amethyst doing? She's been growing very quickly, last time I saw her she had already grown to look like a young mare and it's been less than two weeks since she got here!"

Fluttershy looked over to Twilight as a smile formed on her face. "She's doing great, Twilight here has been giving her lessons on magical theory lately and we decided it might be best if she got the support they could give up in Canterlot."

"She's a very bright filly, that's for sure, but I think her mother implanted some of her knowledge into her at birth as well. There are some things she knows about magic that quite frankly astonish me," Twilight freely admitted.

"So you three are going to move to Canterlot as well?" Pinkie asked, her hair deflating slightly.

"Twilight and Amathyst are but I need to head to the Griffin Kingdom first, we found a lead that there might be another bunker up there and if we can find more stashed equipment then we can mobilize an even better defence," Fluttershy answered. "We'll keep in contact Pinkie, I promise, but there's a lot of work to be done and very little time to do it."

"Yeah, I get it..." the pink mare sighed. "But when this is all over I'm going to throw the biggest party!"

Fluttershy smiled at the bout of optimism, something she could very much use so every now and then. I'm glad I have them to not fall into despair, laughter really is going to be incredibly important in the coming months...

"Ah'll definitely be there when that happens," Applejack chuckled before glancing at Rarity, the two stiffened slightly as if hiding something. Fluttershy didn't have the slightest of troubles picking this up as Garrus was way more stoic than her two friends.

"I can see you two are hiding something," Fluttershy smirked. "Spill it."

"Well you see..." Rarity grimaced.

"Rares and mahself volunteered fer the night guard," Applejack admitted for the two of them.

"Wait, you did?" Twilight asked in astonishment, Pinkie actually looked surprised as well.

"Yes. They are looking for ponies to staff the Vindica and since we already flew the titan... It's not much but some experience is better than none at all," Rarity explained to them. "They're going to be taking her up and out through the shield to start with drills by the end of the week."

"Oh my, I whish you two the best of luck," Fluttershy smiled, standing up from the table. "But I think it is time we go our sepearte ways, I need to prepare Amethyst some more and pack up for my journey tonight."

"We know what ya mean Fluttershy," Applejack chuckled, standing up from her chair as well followed by the others and getting into a hug with eachother.

"Bestest friends forever?" Pinkie asked.


Fluttershy sat in the shuttle as Fidelis remote controlled the craft towards Griffinstone where a team of the avians would be waiting on her. She really didn't have anything to do but wait, having read over the intel and checked her rifle multiple times already.

Except the pistol that is... Can't have Amethyst being defenseless if Crysalis' changelings happen to be around now, can I?

The young changeling queen had not been happy about her leaving for a small amount of time but understood her reasoning why. As a second reassurance she'd told Angel to keep a good eye on her while there, why that seemed to get a tensed reaction from Twilight was beyond her.

What did my little sweetheart do to deserve such a cold stare of dread?...

Putting it out of her mind Fluttershy walked up to the front, seeing the large mountain upon which Griffinstone was built get larger.

"Remember Fluttershy, I cannot pick you up for at least two weeks since I'll be integrated into the Vindica. If you succeed earlier you'll have to use the local transportation to get back to Canterlot."

"Of course, the Vindica needs to have a well oiled crew."

"We're... getting there. The Lunar Guard is a very disciplined force with a wealth of patience but they aren't fit for everything. Let's just say having Gabby around along with your two friends, who seem to take to everything I tell them like fish in water, is helping out loads. Princess Luna too is wonderful, her ability to command respect is paramount with keeping the bridge crew organised and motivated."

"I trust that when they get back you'll have learned some valuable lessons." Fluttershy chuckled, walking over to the Shuttle's door.

"Of course! I have over five hundred simulations ready for everything from bridge crew to emergency maintenance ready to go." Fidelis exclaimed with a hint of pride in it's voice. "But you'll hear about that I'm sure. We have arrived, good luck Fluttershy."

The door opened up, revealing a group of griffins clad in plated armor and carrying swords. Fluttershy hopped out, the shuttle flying off on its own again, leaving her with the griffins.

"Welcome ma'am, Clan Grimmfeath-"

"Dweeb?!" one of the griffins on the second row exclaimed, the griffins in front of her looking back and glaring at her as she tried pushing through. Fluttershy's jaw slackened a bit in surprise, of course she hadn't always exactly gotten along with the griffin she still respected her for her friendship with Rainbow. That along with her connection to Gabby of course.

Smiling brightly she locked eyes with her.

"Hello Gilda."

Author's Note:

I see another War Asset coming in the future :ajsmug:

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be coloured [Grey]

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