• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,652 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 160


Try deflecting the shot with biotics. 49%

With only a few precious seconds left Fluttershy threw up a biotic barrier, slanting it so the projectile from the cannon would be deflected to the wall instead of straight in their faces.

That is if it's even a projectile, an energy weapon would royally suck right now...

Any more time to deliberate Fluttershy wouldn't get as with an earsplitting crack the cannon fired off it's payload. The strain on the shield was enormous as the projectile only barely changed course, but just enough to hit the wall, making it pulverise and explode from the seer kinetic impact.

Gilda and Fluttershy were both thrown back violently, the griffin getting off the best as she was already tightly curled into a ball but the pegasus had no such luck. Shy crashed into the side of the cave like a ragdol, energy reserves in the gutter and mind reeling in pain as her entire body felt broken. She felt herself being grabbed and dragged along the ground into the base itself, being propped up against a wall limply.

"Fluttershy, are you okay?" Gilda asked while heavily panting, blood from a cut on her forehead staining her feathers.

"No..." Fluttershy replied, grabbing her Black Widow and deploying it before pushing it into Gilda's claws. Darkness crept into her vision as she pulled her thermal clip reserve out as well. "Think of it like a highly accurate crossbow with a lot more kick. Three shots... pull lever to put in new clip... good luck..."

"Wait, what?! Whoa you can't be expecting me to-" Fluttershy didn't hear Gilda finish that sentence as she slumped over into unconsciousness.

Oh, you have to be kidding me! Gilda barely stopped herself from panicking as she held the unfamiliar weapon in her claws with its strange ammunition. Come on you pathetic excuse of a griffin, get your shit together!

Putting away the thermal clips into her saddlebag, Gilda picked Fluttershy's lip form off of the ground, making sure to be careful with the pegasus as she placed her on her own back. The thought of leaving Fluttershy briefly crossed her mind but the memory of what the pegasus had done to Gillis when challenged and her strange magic quickly banished that idea, she'd rather not be on the wrong end of that after she woke up.

Looking back at the massive hole in the wall made her gut twist, thanking the gods above that she got off with such minor injuries. She was definitely not stupid enough to step back into the line of sight of that weapon so the only way on was the hallway leading deeper into the base.

Those red lights totally aren't creepy at all...

Clamping the weapon under a wing, Gilda walked deeper into the facility. Her unease was not helped by the unmarked corridors and rows of locked doors she passed as she walked deeper. "Hey, anyone in here?" she called out in some vain hope that she'd get a response...

...She got one in the form of a floating metal box with a miniature version of the weapon that she'd seen at the entrance.

Oh Tartarus.

In a smooth motion she grabbed Fluttershy's weapon and pointed it at the machine. The telescope on top automatically zoomed out to a less ridiculous degree, letting Gilda place the red cross in it over the floating box.


Gilda was wholly unprepared for the immense recoil the rifle would have and the noise it would make, toppling her over and sending her and Fluttershy to the ground. Grimmacing, Gilda hoped the pegasus wouldn't have too bad a headache from getting dropped like that. "Sweet lord..." she gasped as she saw what remained of the metal machine. It was nearly completely shorn in half and a hole penetrated straight through it.

Trying to steady herself she placed a claw on the wall next to a door, a beep sounding from the wall as the previously solidly locked doors slid open. Gilda immediately prepared herself in case more of the machines would appear but none did. Just to be sure she held her breath and listened carefully for any sounds before carefully deciding to peek into one of them.

The inside of the room wasn't all that grandiose, a few items scattered about but nothing much of interest except for strange devices laying on some low metal tables.

I wonder what these are... picking up one of the little things made it instantly light up, Gilda out of surprise tossed the little thing right back where it came from. "What the fuck?"

Her curiosity was piqued as she didn't feel any adverse effects from having touched the device, reaching forward and picking it up again. A blue field of light sprung from the device in form of a half-ring, not completely unlike the orange field of light she'd seen around Fluttershy's foreleg, and large enough to fit around her head. Something she of course tested as she tried taking a closer look at the little symbols flashing over the field of light...

In another of the numerous surprises of that day the metal thing jumped from her claws and attached itself to the side of her head. Fluttershy's rifle clattered to the ground as Gilda tried pulling the device away from her head but failed miserably as the metal had seemingly embedded itself against her skull. Coldness spreading outwards from where it had connected to her head.

Nonononono, what is it doing! Get off you stupid thing!

The blue screen flashed, becoming transparent and showing some basic information in a language she could actually read. Some of the objects in the room being tagged by the device before a warning message popped up.

"No indoctrination detected. Please remain in the room and contact the security office to get yourself registered."

"Wait, what? Who the hell are you?!" Gilda exclaimed looking around to find the source of the voice.

"I am this interface's virtual intelligence, what is your inquiry?" Gilda stopped looking around, realising fairly quickly where the voice had come from.

"You're inside if that box?" She asked in awe.

"I am this interface's virtual intell-

"Yeah I get it, shut up," Gilda grumbled as the voice repeated the same message, it was clearly not that smart. "Wait, what did you mean by contact the security office?"

"You are not registered in the security database. Security drones will identify you as a threat and attempt to remove you."

Gilda though this through for a moment. "Can you show me where this office is?" Gilda jumped in surprise again as a transparent three dimensional map jumped up in front of her eyes, a room a few floors down blinking red. I think I'm starting to understand why Fluttershy was so adamant on getting in here, if there's more stuff like this in here...

"Can you lead me down there as well?" Gilda asked, picking Shy's rifle back up. The device scanned the weapon, connected to it, and started showing a red line coming straight out of the barrel to predict where it's projectile would go.

"It is inadvisable to traverse the Facility. Contact the security-"

"Pretty sure no-one's there to answer, you can lead me there or I'm using your map to go there on my own," Gilda interrupted the virtual intelligence, walking back out into the hallway where Fluttershy still lay unconscious. "Crap... Hey, if I leave her here will those drone things get her?"

"Pegasus mental status unknown. Potential threats will be removed."

"I'll take that as a yes then," Gilda grumbled, picking Fluttershy up onto her back again. "Alright lead the way."

A blue line appeared on the ground to show where gilda was supposed to go, Gilda along with her decently heavy passenger following down the hallway to a central room. Metal support columns were present near the walls of the room while the centre had a more raised platform. Two drones there sprung to life and focussed themselves on the newcomers but this time Gilda was prepared, doubly so with her new aiming aid.

The first drone she only glanced but that was enough for the devastating shot to blow part of it off, the second one got luckier as Gilda's shot went wide. A red warning flashed on her screen as the rifle refused to fire again. Crap, she did say just three shots.

The drone though wasn't going to allow her to just reload in peace, it's cannon lighting up and forcing Gilda to jump for cover behind a pillar. Fluttershy once again was thrown off like a ragdoll, faceplanting in the open as the shot from the drone missed her by a hair's length.

"Crap, crap crap..." Gilda continued cursing as she pulled on the handle Fluttershy had pointed out to eject the cartridge and got a new one from the ones she'd stashed away. Another round from the drone was sent off, this one hitting its mark only to be stopped by a shimmering shield. She's going to hate me so much when she wakes up, isn't she?

Taking aim once again, Gilda lined up her shot more carefully before depressing the trigger and nailing the machine out of the air. "Take that!" she laughed as the thing crashed into the ground, quickly checking to see how Fluttershy was doing though not finding her too much worse than she already was.

That shield thing she had was awfully useful, I don't think I'd take it too well if I got hit by one of those shots... What if I...

1. Use Fluttershy as bait for future drones.

2. Leave Fluttershy in cover next time drones appear.

[Vote link]

Author's Note:

Good job keeping Gilda alive! :trollestia:

On a more personal note, I just passed the Army's heaviest minimum basis fitness test with flying colours. That qualifies me to apply for Airborne or Special Operations. :rainbowdetermined2: Marines too technically but that ain't for me to say the least.

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be coloured [Grey]

[Certainty: 70]

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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