• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,649 Views, 3,514 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 16


Okay, we'll go to the clinic you found 54%

"Okay," Fluttershy replied nervously, something that Liara completely missed, before following the asari who called a shuttle with her omni-tool. "So why do I need a biotic amp precisely?" the pegasus asked as the shuttle arrived and the two took off towards the location where Liara had found the asari surgeon.

"Because I have no idea if you could wield biotics in the same way we can," Liara replied, Fluttershy raised an eyebrow at that admission. "You see, with other biotics the element zero is an anomaly within their body as opposed to you where it seems to simply be a part of you. You also have never shown the ability to create even minor biotic fields but an amp might give you enough control to create them with the side effect of enhancing your natural abilities."

"So I'd be able to use biotics like you and be better at flying?" Fluttershy asked, Rainbow definitely wouldn't agree to something like this as she would most likely see it as a form of cheating.

"That's just an educated guess, the surgeon will most likely be able to tell you more," Liara told Fluttershy as the shuttle came to a stop at one of the upper wards' designated landing areas. A short walk through a bustling street later they arrived at the large clinic which, unlike Solana Armory, looked like a reputable business. Inside there was an asari working behind her desk, she looked up the moment Fluttershy and Liara entered.

"Welcome to Nyxin biotics, would you like to make an appointment?" she asked. Liara nodded in confirmation.

"My friend here is in need of a biotic amp, is there an opening available somewhere within the week?" Liara told the attendant who looked over at the pegasus and studied her.

"Possibly," the attendant replied to Liara before turning to Fluttershy again. "I haven't seen any of your kind in here before, are you a newly discovered species?" she asked as she finished looking over Fluttershy, she didn't seem judgemental but genuinely interested in the pegasus' heritage.

"Yes, something like that," Fluttershy said, she was indeed a newly discovered species but not in the way the asari was probably expecting.

"That's amazing! We usually have a waiting list but I'm sure my employer will be excited to work with you. If you can take a seat over there, I'll go get my employer," the attendant said as she stood up, pointed at a bench, and moved through a door into the back of the building. Fluttershy and Liara followed her instructions and sat down on a couch that was placed against the wall. After sitting down Fluttershy nervously began wringing her hooves,

Am I really up for this? What will the girls think of me installing all this technology within my body?

Fluttershy got so lost in thought that she didn't notice the attendant and another asari returning from the back room. "Hello there, may I have your names?" the new asari asked, Fluttershy let out a startled eep as she was pulled back to reality. "No need to be afraid of me," the asari chuckled, "my name is Nyxin V'ladri, What's yours?"

"F-Fluttershy, ma'am," the pegasus stuttered as she regained control over her breath. Nyxin smiled and crouched down in front of the pegasus.

"So you're here to get a biotic amp?" Nyxin continued, Fluttershy nodded at the asari. "In that case, we'll have to do an active scan of your body to see what part of your nervous system is devoted to controlling the eezo nodules in your body," She told Fluttershy before turning to Liara, "Could you help my attendant with filling in the necessary paperwork?"

Liara nodded and walked over to the front desk where she and the attendant started exchanging information while Fluttershy followed Nyxin to the back where they passed through clean white hallways that were lined with a few clean looking rooms that had hospital beds within them. Entering a room at the back, they reached a device that looked similar to the scanner Solana had used to get her measurements for her set of armor.

"Please, step onto the device and create a mass effect field when I tell you to," Nyxin said as she started the device that buzzed as it turned on. Fluttershy, ruffling her feathers in anticipation using her flight, used her magic to create a small breeze. "Please... use... by the goddess! These readings shouldn't be possible!" she gasped as had most likely picked up the little bit of magic Fluttershy had used.

The pegasus's ears went flat against her head as the asari was frantically pushing buttons, "I didn't do anything wrong, did I?" Fluttershy whimpered.

"No! No you haven't done anything wrong, It's just... the dark energy fields you're creating aren't generating mass effect fields in turn but they're, well, I'm not sure what they're doing, they just seem to mix with the surrounding air," Nyxin said as she looked up from her readings." Could you repeat whatever you did and some other things if possible?"

Fluttershy nodded and started flapping her wings, slowly lifting off the floor. The asari was looking between the data and the pegasus in awe. "This could revolutionize biotics as we know them! Would you be opposed to me using this data to conduct research? If you agree I'm willing to waive any fees for the surgery and put you first in line for surgery, which would have an open slot for tomorrow."

Fluttershy thought about it for a moment but couldn't decide what she should do, "Would you mind if I talk it over with my friend first?" she asked hoping that Liara could give her some advice on what to do.

"Of course! I'll keep the slot for tomorrow open regardless of your decision," Nyxin said as she led the pegasus back to the lobby where Liara was already waiting for them.

"We've got the paperwork sorted out, you only need to sign here to allow the clinic to operate on you," Liara told Fluttershy as the pegasus approached her. Fluttershy looked at the tablet Liara was holding out and saw it contained a filled out form that only required her to sign. Fluttershy nervously gulped and hesitated for a moment but pushed down the feeling and opened her omni-tool, digitally signing the form.

"Thank you very much, Miss Fluttershy. You're welcome back here for the surgery tomorrow, by then the VI's will have made a good model of your nervous system for me to use and I'll have a custom amp built," Nyxin said as she tucked away the tablet under her arm. "I wish you a very nice day, I hope you'll consider my offer," she said before turning and leaving the asari and pegasus alone in the lobby.

"What kind of offer was she talking about?" Liara asked curiously which prompted Fluttershy to tell the asari about the strange readings the device had given off. By the end of it, Liara seemed to be in deep thought. "I'd advise against giving her that data. Your descriptions of magic make me think that giving that much power to the wrong hands might be something very dangerous," she finally said as she finished thinking it over, "but you don't have to decide on this immediately anyway."

Fluttershy nodded as they left the clinic. "So what do we do now?"

"Whatever you want to do," Liara shrugged. "You could go to the hairdresser but that's not the highest priority right now."

I could go do that and be done with it or I could do something else. Nyxin did say my wings didn't create mass effect fields so I might have to figure out how to create them. Or maybe...

1. Let's go to the hairdresser

2. Can you help me create biotic fields?

3. [We could maybe do something fun?]

[Vote link]

Author's Note:

I'm back! We got let off from base early so I was home by Friday but I kind of got distracted by a build for the new cosplay I've been working on that I had been wanting to do for a while.
I managed to freehand this thing in less than two days :twilightsheepish:

It still needs a couple of things done to it but nothing that's going to draw my obsessive focus onto it again.:twilightsheepish:

Anyway, I'm curious as to what option you people will choose!:twilightsmile:

[Paragon] or a [Renegade] Are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[Certainty: 40]

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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