• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,652 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Collector Vessel - Disabled

Chapter 124

Collector Vessel - Disabled

Fluttershy, Rainbow, Shepard, Grunt, and Garrus stepped out of the shuttle that had brought them into the massive collector vessel, their weapons raised in case of resistance to their arrival. They’d found the collector vessel floating in space next to the three turian vessels that had supposedly disabled it.

“I don’t like the sight of this, Shepard,” Garrus muttered as he looked around the cavern they found themselves in. “I don’t know of any weapons in my people’s arsenal that can disable this thing without thoroughly blowing it apart.”

“Well, maybe we’ll figure out how it’s possible when we get access to the ship’s data banks,” Shepard answered taking point with Grunt as they moved through the hive-like halls of the vessel checking every corner only to find it to be a lifeless husk… literally.

“All those pods, there most be hundreds!” Fluttershy said in awe as the rooves and halls of the larger chambers were lined with them.

“How many humans do you think are in there?” Rainbow asked in response, getting an answer from EDI over the radio.

“I detect no signs of life, Rainbow. It is probable that the victims inside died when the ship lost primary power.” Rainbow shivered at the thought of being trapped in one of those pods. “There’s something else, I compared the EM signature to known collector profiles. It is the vessel we encountered on Horizon.”

“That might explain how the turians managed to knock this thing out. The defense towers probably softened her up a bit,” Shepard theorized. “Anyway, we should push ahead further to find out more.”

“Agreed,” Garrus huffed, following the Commander as he lead them on to a point EDI had identified as a point where they would be able to gain access to the ship’s systems. The slightly dark hallways ominously loomed around them as they passed more and more pods before bumping into a horrific sight.

“Dear Faust...” Rainbow whispered as she suddenly felt nauseous at what she saw. Piles of human corpses littered the floor, Libms severed as they just rotted away.

“What the hell were they doing with these humans?” Shepard also said in horror.

“Looks like they were doing tests. These must have been the control group...” Fluttershy said in shock too. Grunt just huffed at the sight,

“We’ll make the collectors pay for this,” Garrus growled, getting the approval of the others as they moved deeper once again. Rainbow only felt her unease grow became jumpier, keeping her gaze locked on every shadow to see if there wasn’t anything hiding in them. The next thing the group then encountered was a line of pods with consoles next to them, only one of them filled.

“That’s a collector, where they experimenting on one of their own?” Garrus asked slightly baffled while Shepard downloaded the data from the terminal and sent it up to the Normandy.

“EDI, see if you can figure out what the collectors were doing here,” He told the AI.

“Copy that. Analyzing… The collectors were running baseline genetical comparisons between their own and human genome.”

“Wait, why would they be doing that?” Shepard asked slightly confused.

“I have no hypothesis on their motivation, I only have preliminary results. They are remarkable,” EDI stated. “A quad strand genetic structure, Traces of which are found in ancient ruins. Only one species are known to have this structure: Protheans.”

“Liara’s going to freak when she hears about this,” Fluttershy muttered.

“The collectors are Prothean?” Shepard said in awe.

“Negative. These are no longer prothean, Shepard, their genes show extensive signs of genetic rewrite. The reapers have completely repurposed them for their own needs.”

“That’s a horrible fate, but they’re still working with the reapers so we’ll have to stop them,” Shepard growled, re-shouldering his rifle and giving the signal to move. A bit further up they found a pile of discarded weapons which they quickly sifted through to see if there were any useful ones buried in the pile. In the end, Grunt got a massive shotgun out of it and Fluttershy an equally large sniper rifle which she strapped to her back.

“Commander, you gotta hear this.” Joker suddenly spoke up. “On a hunch, I asked EDI to run an analysis on this ship.”

“I compared the profile of this collector ship to the one the original Normandy encountered two years ago.” EDI continued for Joker. “They are an exact match.”

“Hunted by the same ship for two years? This is way beyond a coincidence.”

“Things aren’t adding up, watch your back down here Commander.”

“Will do,” Shepard replied as they were getting close to the marked access node, the group stepping into the massive open interior of the ship. Pretty much no-one of the group could hide their horror at the sight they saw there.

“This is unbelievable,” Rainbow gasped.

“No way… There must be millions of pods here!” Shepard exclaimed at the sight of the internal walls of the massive chamber that stretched as far as the eye could see.

“The entire human population of the Terminus systems could fit in here multiple times… Shepard, they’re going to target Earth,” Garrus concluded, his mouth slightly open in awe.

“Not if we stop them,” Shepard said in a low growl as he pushed ahead, the control panel they were looking for sat right in the middle of a platform.

“I wonder where all the collectors are, there’s no way they all died from the Turian attack.” Fluttershy too now started to dislike what was going on, her gut screaming at her that something was terribly wrong.

“We’ll find out very soon. EDI, I’m setting up a bridge between you and the collector ship. See if you can get anything useful from its data banks,” Shepard said as he typed the appropriate commands onto his omni-tool to connect the systems.

“Data mine in progress Shepard.” The collector ship’s pulsed momentarily before it wave of static from a power surge and blinked out. Machinery came to life around the platform as it suddenly but rapidly rose into the air.

“Whoa, Status!” Shepard immediately shouted.

“We had a major power surge, Shepard. I managed to divert it to non-critical systems but this was not a malfunction, it was a trap.” The platform came to a sudden halt a good fifty meters above the ground of the vessel.

“EDI we could use some help here!” the commander said as everyone looked around for any collectors, Fluttershy noticing movement behind some of the hive’s columns and taking potshots at them.

“There’s someone else in the system, I need to finish the download before I can override any systems.” A platform appeared in the distance, the movement on it definitely showing some unwelcome passengers.

“Damnit, take cover everyone!” Shepard ordered, jumping behind the edge of the platform with his assault rifle ready. Fluttershy took position further at the back as an idea popped into her mind.

What if I use that new Black Widow rifle… it’d hurt my shoulder like all hell without adjusting the dampening, maybe even break it, but it’d be ridiculously powerful… Or I could support the others up close with biotics, these platforms aren’t that big so we might be able to push them off of them...

1. Stick to the regular sniper rifle

2. Switch to the Black Widow

3. Get up close and personal with biotics

[Vote link]

Author's Note:

Collector Vessel will be a 2 chapter ordeal. Getting close now :3

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[Certainty: 80]

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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