• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,657 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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91 - Not Cool

Long Road escorted Rarity to her room, but left her there. "It will be a moment, Lady Rarity. There are important matters to discuss with your Queen." He left Rarity with a quizzical expression as he trotted towards the throne room at a brisk jog. When he drew close, he could see there were several other ponies waiting their turn to be seen in the day court and frowned.

Considering the situation, he approached one of the golden-armored guards, "Good day. I have urgent news for... Princess Celestia. It needs to reach her at earliest opportunity."

The guard looked back at the curiously armored donkey, but decorum required he not ask too many questions. He just nodded and slipped into the court hall. A few moments he returned and gestured with a toss of his head for Long Road to follow. He was placed at the front of the line, and with good timing. Already, Long Road could hear Celestia finishing in hearing the grievances of the pony in front of him.

He trotted up as the pegasus vacated the room, replacing her. Celestia looked to him and gave a nod, "Guest, I'm told you have news for me. Does this involve Twilight?" At his nod, she flared a wing out, "Everypony, please step out, court is in recess for fifteen minutes."

There was much grumbling, but the ponies complied, vacating the hall in an orderly fashion. Two guards remained by Celestia, but she waved them away next, "I will be fine." Soon it was just Long Road and her, "Do go on."

Long Road took a slow breath, "Your student, fellow princess, and, I think, friend, is suffering terribly. It may be too late to prevent her from walking this dark and awful path, but you could prevent it from happening again."

Celestia rose a brow delicately, "And how would I do this, sir Long Road?"

Long Road shuffled lightly, uncomfortable in the direct gaze of the godling, "Take on your proper mantle. Even if you refuse to be Queen, you are still a god. Accept that and let people learn to draw on your might."

Celestia's wings were soon out, an angry expression on her delicate features as she began to scowl at Long Road, but he continued, "It will require dedication, time, and strength of will for your ponies to channel your might. This is no simple gift, given to make their lives easy and care free. Any practitioner of divine magic knows it requires all the time and dedication of the arcane schools of magic. You allow your people to study magic, do you not?"

Celestia nodded, though it was a stiff motion. Long Road wobbled a hoof, "It's the same thing. But there is another side. As they learn to focus your energy, you will also grow grander. You will be more capable of defending them against threats too awful for them." He set his hoof down, "No pony deserves to go what Twilight is going through."

"He speaks truth," came a new voice before Luna trotted in from one of the doors in the back. "Forgive me, dear sister, but I have taken a worshipper, three, in fact."

Celestia wheeled on Luna, "I forbade it! Sister, how could you? We can't coddle our ponies like foals."

Luna shook her head slowly, "The first pony I took under wing reacted most unfavorably. One of her legs shriveled under the power, but she was unturned from her conviction. She bore her mark with pride. She wears my mark proudly around her neck, and brings about small miracles in the refugee camps. I can feel it, Tia, every time she calls on my power."

Celestia slumped in place, "That is a terrible price... and the others?"

Luna canted her head, "They were drawn by the tales spread by the first. They were bright eyed souls, eager to learn before me. Being cautious, I did not fill them with the power of the moon, and tried to show them how to do it on their own. It is taking much longer, and they still train, but they are learning and can already perform small tricks. But there is a part I did not mention, dear sister." At Celestia gesture to continue, Luna did so, "None of them are unicorns. As our friend, sir Long Road, stated, it is a matter of will and conviction. Two earth ponies and a pegasus have laid their lives before me and work with all their heart to ease the suffering of their peers. It is not easy, it is not a simple gift. All I am doing is handing them a tool, they must learn to swing it and use it well."

Celestia turned back to Long Road, "Tell me, why are you not at Twilight's side? Surely she needs you more than ever before."

Long Road flinched back from that, and began to sink to the floor, "Forgive me goddess, for I have sinned. I gave my services to another while she was dead and gone, and the prospect of following her darkened soul is too much to bear." He raised a hoof to brush at his whitened snout, "I was not this old when I met Lady Sparkle. I gave what remained of my youth for her. I bled and drowned for her and braved fiercest flame and sharpened spear for her sake. I died once for her, at the hands of a foe far too terrible for any of us to face. I... grow too weary. I thought I would die valiantly on the battlefield, but all I want now is peace. If you think me less for this, curse my name, strike me down... I deserve it and more. I have failed Lady Sparkle in the end."

There was quiet in the hallway before a hoof moved under Long Road's slumped chin and lifted it up to look at Celestia, "No warrior can fight forever. I will wish you well, sir Long Road. You have given me much to think about."

The doors to the court burst open with Rainbow Dash between them, "Long Road!" she bellowed, charging at him even with two guards trailing after her. Celestia extended a wing to cover the fallen Long and intercept the tackle of Rainbow. "Let me at him! This jerk just abandoned Twilight, for Rarity!"

The guards caught up to Rainbow and held her back in strong hooves, though she thrashed and wriggled about, making holding her quite a chore for both of them.

"Rainbow Dash," spoke Luna, "You are out of place."

Celestia shook her head, "I didn't know it was with Rarity... this will cause issues." She rose to her hooves fully, "I must go. Inform those waiting for court that it is cancelled for the remainder of the day. See to their housing in the city if they require it." She strode past Rainbow and Long Road before, with a flash, she vanished.

Rarity sat in her room with dampened cheeks and running makeup, working diligently on staining the plush pillow she held tightly in her magic. When the room flashed bright, she only barely saw it through the fabric, but it was enough to make her look up and see Celestia standing there. She rolled up quickly, trying to look presentable and failing entirely with her tear soaked snout. "Your Highness! I... didn't expect you."

Celestia tilted her head at Rarity, deciding to let her speak instead of digging, "You must know why I am here."

"I... do..." said Rarity, ears sagging. "I'm so sorry... I was living in lies! I wanted... I wanted her to be happy... I feigned courtship with him, hoping to draw our precious little Twilight out of her shell, but she barely took notice. The more nice things I said, the more I realized they weren't all lies and deception... He is a gentlecolt." She flopped onto the bed, looking broken, "But I took him. I took him from her. I'm the worst friend ever, but... I want him." She began beating on the bed with her hooves, "And now she's going back to that awful place to try and fix things and I'm not even by her side! You probably want to throw me in the dungeon, and I deserve it!" The sobs started fresh and shaking.

Celestia softly brushed at her snout with the tips of her wings, brushing away some of the tears, "You know who you should be talking to."

Rarity flinched, "But... how? Surely she hates me. She'll hate me forever! I... It can't be forgiven... What I've done."

Celestia smiled gently, "Twilight is a gentle soul, even as she is. It is all the more clear. At its most naked, her soul looked at me with pleading and innocent eyes. If you throw yourself before her and ask for forgiveness, and mean it..."

Rarity slowly sat up and slid to the ground, "She may give it... Or she may throw me off the side of Canterlot. I suppose I deserve either." Drawing in a loud snort of snot filled crying, she strode to the door, "I won't let her go without saying something, anything. I can't leave her on such a heartless note!"

Twilight sat besides Spike, looking as impatient as a ghost could get. "Where did she go?"

Spike shrugged, "Rainbow said she forgot something in the castle and took off, you know her. I bet she'll be back in a moment."

Twilight softly grumbled and began to pace before she froze in place. galloping towards her was a familiar white unicorn, her face a devastated map of mascara and tears. "Twilight!" cried the unicorn, Rarity, as she came closer, "Twilight!"

Twilight shuddered and turned away from Rarity as she drew close enough to talk.

"Please... Don't be like that, Twilight, please," said Rarity, stepping to within a few hoofs of Twilight. "I... came to say goodbye, but I hope not forever."

Twilight looked over her shoulder, "Not forever? Rarity... Do you even know what you did?"

Rarity sank at Twilight's hooves, "I'm the worst friend ever! It all happened so quickly, why... you had died, and it hurt. I couldn't even imagine a life without your adorable smile. Just thinking about it was... I couldn't do it darling, and he was there... That donkey I had worked myself into loving. I grabbed him like a mare drowning grabs a life preserver and I... I'm sorry. Truly, terribly, forever sorry."

Twilight scowled at Rarity, but it was just... not in her nature to keep being angry forever, and the expression slowly softened, "Why, Rarity? I mean... OK, you fell in love with Long Road." She flipped a wing out, "Fine! I'm not that good at romance anyway, but... now you won't go with me, when I need you the most. I can find another stallion, but I thought you were a friend."

Rarity rolled her ears back, "I... Darling, you want me to throw away everything right when I can finally stop being at war. While you were gone, we were under attack. Things are just getting under control." She sank her head again, "I'm tired, Twilight. If you hate me for this, I understand... but I don't like it. I want my Twilight back."

Twilight took a breath, though no air moved, then she thrust a hoof at Rarity, the spectral hoof hovering barely an inch from her white snout, "You don't get off that easy, Rarity! If you're not coming with me, you still have to work if you want me to ever forgive you. There are still disturbances across Equestria. I expect you girls to help closing them. First, help Pinkie with Fluttershy. I know you two are close, she needs you, maybe even more than I do. Once she's back on her hooves, I had better hear about how amazing you three do with fixing things around here. Maybe..." she leaned in, replacing her hoof with her face, "Maybe! If the stories I hear are good enough, we can put this all behind us."

Rarity nodded slowly before she gathered herself up, standing, "Equestria will be a safe place again before I take my break, dear." Her face broke into a soft smile, "Thank you."

Twilight ruffled her feathers, "Don't thank me yet. You have a lot of work ahead of you."

Rarity's horn shone as she gently embraced Twilight in her magic, "It will be worth it... to be friends again."

Twilight's stern expression broke under the embrace, "Rarity..."

Rarity trotted off with a new energy, looking determined. Twilight turned to look at Spike, "So?"

Spike raised a brow, "So?"

"Am I being a pushover?" asked Twilight.

Spike shrugged softly, "A little, welcome to the club. For what it's worth, I don't think she meant to hurt you. I think she's just, you know, not thinking."

Twilight snorted softly in an amused way, "So... what about you?"

"What about me?" asked Spike.

"Still in love with her?" she asked, circling around him through the air, her hooves free of the ground.

"Naw," he replied with a dismissive wave of a claw, "She falls in love too often. Uh... can you keep a secret?"

Twilight plopped down in front of him, clapping her hooves silently, "Yes!"

Spike leaned in, "Soft's kinda growing on me. I mean... she hasn't been so clingy, and she's nice, and I think she's growing up, and she still wants... me. Is that bad? I mean... she's a half pony, and young."

Twilight pointed at Spike, "You're young. If you feel this way, I say go with it. She obviously loves you, she's declared it enough times." She suddenly giggled, "Next time you see her, kiss her, right on the lips. You'll make her week."

Spike blushed hard at the suggestion, "Oh! I'm not sure... I'm ready for that."

Twilight savored dealing with Spike's innocent love life, forgetting her own, "Then hug her! A nice innocent hug. I bet she'll like it."

Spike nodded slowly and uncertainly, "Maybe..."

Author's Note:

A lot of things were thrown onto the table in this chapter. I well broke my 2k before I noticed it, but I like how most of it came out.

Rarity's greasy tears made a right mess of everything, beware of mascara typos.

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