• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,677 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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87 - Never Leave a Country Gal Alone

While the others were blazing a trail of victory across Equestria, Applejack made quick work of bringing the ponyvillians home. Once word went out that others had returned, the town was soon filled again with over delighted ponies. The farm had fared well, relatively. It seemed that the earth critters hadn't done much around it and the orchard grew much as it always had, though many of the lower crops, such as the carrots, were in extreme need of weeding and watering.

Even the farm residents, such as the cows and pigs, started to show up, eager to return to their homes. The ponies of the town were willing to lend in a helping hoof, to say nothing of displaced Apples that turned up on Applejack's doorstep, eager to get back to work on a real farm. Everything was working out well, but this didn't satisfy Applejack.

Her friends were out there, risking and giving their all to get things right, and there she was, just farming. No, that would not do. She shared her feelings with Big Mac, who nodded softly at her, "Yup." One word, and a knowing look, and Applejack left. There was somepony that needed her and she wasn't going to shirk her duties.

And that was how Applejack found herself slinking through the dirt, trying to avoid alarming the diamond dogs she was sneaking up on. She had spent most of the day tracking them this far and was certain they were near an entrance to their caves, a biggun she reckoned, considering how many dogs had come and gone. The varmints she was watching seemed to chat amongst themselves about nothing at all before one yawned in a display of carnivorous teeth. Applejack winced at the sight, but continued her slow advance. She scaled up a tree with hooves and strong teeth, perching on a branch thick enough to support her as she peered down at the two.

"Is time for next shift," said one with an irritated grunt, "I go find." Then it moved off, shuffling away from the other.

Applejack thanked Celestia for the chance, waiting for the one below her to be entirely alone. With a great war cry of 'Yeeeee Hawww!' she came crashing down on the dog, driving it into the ground beneath her heavy hooves. She brought up a forehoof quickly and struck the already dizzy creature across the brow, sending him into dreams. The way was clear, and she dashed forward into the cave the second had slunk off to. "Hold it togetha Zecora, I'mma comin' for ya."

She sprinted ahead from cover to cover. Thankfully it seemed the dogs needed light almost as much as ponies, and there were torches set regularly to allow her to see. She went stiff as a board as she heard something rolling towards her. Two huge dogs appeared, working together to draw a cart laden with gems along. A smaller one followed behind them, barking orders at a rapid clip and berating them for every step. She held her breath tightly as she watched them lumber past her. Why were they so slow? When they finally turned a corner and got out of sight, Applejack took a sweet gasp of air and slunk forward.

As she pressed deeper and deeper into the dog mines, a faint voice echoed out towards her. At first it was little more than a murmur, but slowly it resolved into a female voice speaking in singing rhyme. She sounded tired and sad, but at least she was strong enough to sing. There were other voices with her, singing chorus.

"Oh, my Lord!
Oh, my good Lord!
Keep me from sinkin' down.
I tell you what I mean to do
(Keep me from sinkin' down)
I mean to go to heaven too
(Keep me from sinkin' down)
I look up yonder and what do I see?
(Keep me from sinkin' down)
I see the angels beckonin' me
(Keep me from sinkin' down)"

Applejack didn't understand all the words. What was an angel, and where was heaven? Crazy Zebricans! She was quietly thankful for the singing, as she followed it closer and closer to its source. Other sounds began to become obvious. Picks against stone, scraping, and soft grunts of effort. When she emerged into a large cavern, she gasped and dived behind some rubble.

There were half a dozen ponies, Zecora included, working to excavate a wall with rusty and worn looking picks. Behind them at about ten paces were several dogs of varying sizes. "Faster, ponies! Put your backs into it!" shrieked the smallest dog with the biggest voice. "Faster or half rations for all of you!"

The enslaved equines moaned with misery and redoubled their efforts. It was too much for an older looking stallion, who collapsed beside his pick, wheezing for breath. A larger dog approached the fallen pony as the small one went into fits, "See! Lazy ponies! This one costs you half rations! No use for weak ponies, none!" Seemingly oblivious to the smaller one's screeching, the larger dog hefted up the fallen stallion and began hauling him towards a dark hole.

"No, please, no, I'll work harder! Please!" begged the stallion, squirming weakly in the great dog's grip, "I don't want to die."

"No use for weak ponies," screamed the little dog, "You should have thought that before stopping your work!"

Applejack couldn't bear to watch anymore. It wasn't the ideal time to attack, but letting somepony die in front of her was too much. She sprung from her cover and dashed at the big one. "Who is that?" asked the little dog, pointing at her. The other large dogs began to snarl at her, but the one carrying the stallion seemed oblivious. That was all that mattered to Applejack in that moment. She leaped forward at the canine and spun around mid-air. With a lightning-fast lashing of her hind legs, she brought her hooves into the side of his head with the full fury of an apple bucker. He had turned his head at the last moment, possibly having noticed her. This was just in time to catch those hooves into his snout. He collapsed backwards, knocked out cleanly by the brutal strike. The stallion he was holding flopped to the ground limpy, whimpering in fear.

The other enslaved ponies noticed the sudden attack and adopted hopeful expressions, but didn't move immediately to join. "Get her!" shrilly commanded the small dog. The two other large dogs surged forward, one drawing a heavy looking mace. Applejack spun on them and crouched. As that deadly weapon swung at her, she dived to the side and lashed out a hoof, catching one dog in the side of the leg with a satisfying thump. The other dog grabbed at her, plucking her from the ground and hurling her.

She bounced off the wall with an 'oof', but sprung back to her feet quickly, advancing on her enemies with a frown. The dog she'd kicked walked with a slight limp, but both were eager to rejoin the battle. They fanned out, moving to flank her. Applejack dashed towards the one with the mace, diving between his legs as she spun around and drove her legs upwards. The dog collapsed with a high pitched yelp, all will to battle removed.

The remaining large dog grabbed up the dropped mace and made a savage swing. Applejack tried to jump out of the way but it was too fast. Stars swam in her vision and ringing sounded in her ears as she staggered and collapsed. The large dog moved over her, bringing up its mace high to deliver a final blow. "What are you doing? Bad ponies! Bad!" came the voice of the small dog.

Two of the ponies had tackled the smaller dog and pinned him to the ground under their bulk. Three others, including Zecora, rushed the remaining large dog. They barreled into him from the side, knocking the finishing blow off mark as they drove him to the ground. Applejack struggled to her hooves as she watched them swarm over the dog, kicking and stomping for all they were worth. The battle was over as quickly as it had begun. "Shucks, and here Ah thought Ah was savin' y'all."

Zecora approached Applejack with a weary smile, helping her get upright. "Yours is a face I'm glad to see. Have you come to rescue me? Come, we should make all due haste. We haven't even a moment to waste."

They fled together, and soon all the ponies were back in Ponyville. The ponies went their separate ways after giving Applejack their thanks. Zecora remained with AJ. She had things to discuss.

Twilight frowned, a thing she did often in this accursedly bland place. She had tried using her magic, but it refused to come to her. She couldn't even use her natural unicorn gifts, and she was naked. The idea of being naked had never really occurred to her before going to Everglow, but she keenly felt the lack of her usual supplies. "Celestia, please! At least visit once in a while." She stuck a hoof against the unseen floor without a sound and sighed.

A new voice whispered from nowhere, "Have you been abandoned by your gods?"

"What? Who said that?" asked Twilight as she sprang up and began circling around, but she saw nothing but stars.

"I will never abandon you, lost child," came the whisper. Female, Twilight guessed, old. "Pony from another world, you carry the song of Everglow in your dead chest." Emerging from the stars came the vision of an elderly earth pony. Her eyes shone with red light and a glint of infinity. She radiated the power, that... uncertain majesty Twilight expected of Celestia and felt again when she encountered Luminace.

Twilight's ears flipped back, "Who are you? I didn't call you."

"Oh but you did," she spoke gently. "You are dead, are you not? You are now my responsibility. It took some time to find you, so far removed, but here I am."

"Who?" repeated Twilight, backing away from the goddess.

"How rude," she spoke, a smile overtaking her wrinkled form. "I am Soft Whisper, matron of death, and caretaker of the deceased." She raised a hoof to point at Twilight, "Like you."

Twilight shook her head quickly, "No! I still have things I need to do! My friends will fix this."

Soft Whisper shook her head slowly, "I've heard this all before. Don't be dramatic. Your soul has departed, but clings here in this half way place. It is time for you to pass on."

Shivering with fear, Twilight turned her tail and fled, running as fast as her legs would carry her through the starry plane.

Soft Whisper's voice reached Twilight as surely as if she were still standing beside her, but Twilight didn't look back. "You are defiant to the last, but death is inevitable. Even the mightiest Queens and Kings will find their rest with me eventually. Who are you, little hybrid, to defy the basic nature of the universe?"

Suddenly she was in front of Twilight. Twilight skidded to a halt as Soft Whisper drew the heavy pick from her side, "I don't wish to use this on you. I feel you were a good pony, who followed her destiny well and true. It is time to rest, little one."

Twilight's spectral eyes filled with tears as she quickly turned direction and fled anew, "No! Stay away from me! I don't want to go! They'll fix it! They always fix it! Stop trying to drag me away! I have to be here, I have to!" She could feel Soft Whisper's presence always one step behind her, keeping up without effort. Despite not having a body, she could feel her heart thundering in her chest and her breath coming in ragged gasps. Never before had she been this terrified as the promise of utter oblivion hung behind her. As she galloped through the stars, she saw a small tear, a tiny hole. She veered towards it and ran with every ounce of energy she could put into her legs, somehow growing pained and tired despite not even being true.

"Do not go there," spoke the voice that haunted her, "You will not like it. Lay down, little one. It is time to sleep. Accept your reward for a life well lived."

She didn't want a reward! She didn't want any of this! Twilight dove into that tiny hole, and everything came apart.

Author's Note:

Applejack got a nice moment of glory (Bet you forgot she was over there!) And Twilight struggles in the waiting room for souls. It sure got heavy in the end there.

Our transcribers swear they did a good job avoiding typos, but the diamond dogs will take half their rations if it isn't completely typo free!

Little note: I am trying to follow the rules of a given world when proper. Applejack vs Diamond Dogs results in folks being knocked silly, without spurts of blood or other gruesomeness. The demons, on the other hoof, are not native to Equestria, ditto elementals.

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