• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,657 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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129 - Preparations for Home

Soft Mane stepped into the room with a quiet clip-clop, catching Spike's attention swiftly. He waved at her, "Hey, where are you coming back from?"

Soft shrugged softly, glancing around the quiet inn room, "Just got a letter back from mom. She wants to come."

Spike raised his brow, "That's good, I think?"

Soft gave a gentle smile, "I think so too, but it's a bit weird to imagine the family home will be abandoned. She said she could make a new farm in Equestria, if it meant being closer."

Spike gave a soft aww, "That's very nice of her. You have a great mom."

Soft pointed in the direction of the Luminace church/library, "Yours isn't all bad either."

Spike rolled his eyes, "We're not exactly like that, besides, wouldn't that make her your mom too?"

Soft frowned a little in thought, "I hadn't thought of it like that. She's a bit eccentric, but I could do worse for mother-in-laws. What does she like for her birthday?"

Spike gave her a flat look. "One guess, it ends in ook."

Soft clapped her hands together, "Not my brightest question, but good to know. How's everyone else doing?"

Spike counted on his fingers, "AJ and RD are spending the day sight-seeing around town. Lex is with Twilight studying... something? Wait, or checking in on the little ponies. Maybe both."

Soft shook her head, "That's not like you, Spike, to not know what Twilight's up to."

Spike shuffled his feet on the floor lightly, "I wanted you to get back first... We can go catch up to her now?"

And so they did, walking out of the room. Drowsy End noticed them pass by where she was propped against a broom, having dozed off in the middle of sweeping the front room. "I feel our time draws close to an end, though perhaps you'll come this way again." She frowned a little, "I didn't mean for that to rhyme, but I'll see you all again next time." Rhyming or not, sleep called to Drowsy, and she was not one to keep sleep waiting.

Deciding there was no good reason to try to rouse her, they moved past Drowsy quietly and made their way through the city to Luminace's temple. There they found the temple was having some sort of mass for the faithful. Twilight had joined the group, seated behind desks, facing the priest who was dressed more like a professor.

"And when life gives us challenges," spoke the priest, "We shall see it as an opportunity to learn, as what problem is there, that cannot be solved with knowledge."

A hoof raised in the class, and the priest pointed at its holder. The leatherwing pony rose to his hooves, "Is it not true that there is no problem whose answer does not lie in a book?"

The priest smiled, "While we wish this were so, and it usually is, sometimes, we are the one that needs to write the answer down for the next who follow behind us. For every challenge should be documented, so those who respect knowledge will find their answers. Also, my child, the grammar in that sentence was terrible. Please say a prayer to Luminace for forgiveness, but thank you for bringing that matter to the fore."

The line between classroom and prayer group blurred dangerously as they proceeded. Spike cast his gaze around, looking for Lex in the area, if not in the group itself.

His instinct was correct as he spotted the red-horned unicorn at the back of the room, clearly setting himself apart from the proceedings and watching with silent disapproval.

Lex scoffed, not for the first time, as the priest continued. As far as he was concerned, this entire exercise was backward - while they were right to lionize the acquisition of knowledge, their faith-based drive to do so meant that they failed to fully appreciate it. Doing so at the behest of, and for the approval of, their deity blinded them to the fact that higher learning was the gateway to improving the world for all ponies, rather than being an end unto itself.

Spike and Soft made their way to Lex to park beside him quietly in respect to the ongoing sermon.

"Today we have two very special guests," spoke the priests. He made a gentle gesture and Blue and Yellow emerged from behind his desk. "These two are wards of the temple. They have been wronged in the most severe of ways."

A hoof raised, "Someone burned their books?" Several alarmed gasps rung out at the very idea.

Another hoof went up, "They weren't provided stools to reach the higher books?"

The priest shook his head, "Until their arrival in our halls, they did not even know what a book was, nor how to read a single letter."

The alarmed cries were instant. Calls of sympathy rang out as the faithful of Luminace offered their services to the little ponies.

The priest smiled at Blue and Yellow, "As you can see, you are welcome here. Please, join us and we will learn of the pleasure of knowing. But this leads into the next topic, for what is knowledge, if not used to help those around us? Our lady, Luminace, is a patron of the bonds that tie one pony to another. Not the heated bonds of love, but the enduring bonds of friendship. Romance may come and go, but a good friend is for life." His eyes wandered the crowd, "Many of you, I would not hesitate to call friend, and know that I have many allies, to share triumph and burden. Yellow, Blue, what do you look for in a friend?"

Lex grit his teeth. His childhood had taught him that the so-called "enduring bonds" of friendship were anything but. There had been plenty of other foals that he had wanted to be friends with when he was in school, only for them to spurn him when he didn't measure up to whatever unknowable standards they had. Whether quickly or after some time had passed, the end results had always been the same: repudiation and isolation.

Far more preferable was the absolute nature of duty. That level of responsibility was not something that could be discarded on mere whim, provided that a strong agency stood ready to enforce it, and was far easier to understand as well. But much to his disappointment, Queen Iliana's government didn't seem to extend that far, a failing that had caught him by surprise. And so, once again, those who needed help the most were forced to rely on the capriciousness of "friendship" to provide for them.

As far as Lex was concerned, it was an insult to their dignity as ponies.

Yellow and Blue spotted Lex as he thought his dark thoughts and pointed at him, "He's been a good friend to us," said Blue, "And her." They pointed out Twilight, then Spike and Soft.

The priest seemed happy, "It pleases me to know you are not entirely without blessing. You will make more friends while you are here..."

And so the sermon went, finishing with a prayer to Luminace for guidance when lost and a helping hoof, hand, or talon when alone. The multi-racial congregation rose up and began to disperse, though many stayed in small groups as they went. Blue and Yellow were accompanied by the priest and two others who were eager to share stories and get to know the little ones better.

Soft and Spike stood up. Spike raised a claw, "Hey Lex. Got anything you need to finish up before we go?"

"No," he replied curtly, giving a disdainful glance at Twilight's pet lizard, as though just acknowledging Spike's existence was unpleasant.

Spike raised a brow, "Don't have to be a jerk about it. Hey, Twi!" He waved her down, "Have fun?"

Twilight approached with a smile, "It was very educational! I had no idea there were so many eager scholars in the city. The temple here organizes many of the educational efforts in the city." She tapped her chin, "I can sorta see why the city government stays out of it." She looked to Soft, "Did you reach your mother?"

Soft nodded, "She's getting on a train and should be here by tomorrow. Will you be able to get her a farm?"

Twilight bobbed her head, "I'm certain we can settle her in. You said she grows peat?"

Soft rolled a hand, "That's what grows well around Turves. We should ask her if that's what she likes doing, but yeah."

Twilight looked thoughtful a moment, "I know where she could be placed, if that is the case."

One of Lex's eyes twitched at Twilight's remark about the local government, but he let it go. "Twilight, may I speak to you for a moment?"

Twilight perked an ear, "Sure thing, what's up?"

Lex looked at Spike and Soft Mane until they got the hint and moved off. Once they had, he turned his attention back to Twilight. "I'd like you to give me a copy of that plane-shifting spell before we go. Also, I'd like to look at that spellbook that you took from that gnoll."

Twilight lifted the ratty looking leather book and offered it to Lex, "Already copied what I wanted out of it, you can keep it. The plane shifting spell is incredibly complicated. I still haven't wrapped my mind around it yet, but if you want to scribe it from one book to the other, I suppose there's no harm?"

He took the book, placing it into his extradimensional pack. "I don't keep a spellbook. If you let me examine yours for a day or so and make a few notes, that should suffice." He paused for a moment, and his next statement made it clear why he'd sent the others away. "I...enjoyed our date last night."

Twilight brightened, "Oh thank Celestia. I thought I'd mangled half the instructions..."

Applejack sat watching the sunset, "We'll be home soon. It'll be real good to see the family again."

"Yup," agreed Rainbow, wings spread and sitting beside Applejack, "Still, I'm glad we came."

Applejack offered a hoof towards Rainbow, "Somepony's gotta keep that girl from killing herself."

Rainbow met the hoof with one of her own, "Somepony like us, right? Spike's not so bad now that he's all big and awesome."

Applejack's eyes wandered over Rainbow, "Right glad you got yer wings back. You're a far sight prettier with 'em."

Rainbow blushed at the compliment, snapping her wings shut in a moment of self-consciousness as she scrambled to her hooves. "Ah heh... Yeah..."

Applejack rose to stand more languidly, "We've been through some scrapes together. Ahm sure we'll be through some more, but ah'll take 'em if it means you're beside me."

Rainbow gave a quick nod, "I'll second that motion. We'll take what life throws at us, uh, together." They bumped hooves one more time before heading back to the inn side-by-side.

Author's Note:

A religious sermon, in my story?!

It's more likely than you think, but not as likely as typos. The congregation rebels against them and wields their weapons in the form of quills and ink.

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