• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,647 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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25 - Assemble Your Party Before Venturing Forth

"Lose the hat," said Twilight with a deadpan expression.

"But... Like the stories!" exclaimed Pinkie Pike, showing off her outfit. While most of it was very utilitarian with a chain shirt that was worn over a brown shirt. Her head was adorned with an authentic looking Chancellor Puddinghead cap. "I am a bold brave adventurer and will represent the earth pony way."

"If you must do historical reenactment, go with Smart Cookie instead," advised Twilight, "A lot more practical. I'll cover the hat."

The tailor shook her head, wings flapping as she did slow circles around the two, "Oh no. That cap is something special. I'm certain I'll get someone to buy it. Now tell me more of this 'Smart Cookie'."

Twilight and Pinkie Pie emerged to find a bored looking Spike, who perked up on seeing them. "Looking good, Pinks!" He gave an enthusiastic thumbs up before clapping for her, prompting her to bow for her audience of one. Pinkie Pie had a more tricorne cap, like Smart Cookie had been depicted as wearing, feather included. It matched the soft browns and yellows of the rest of her outfit.

"Now I'm feeling ready," she proclaimed as she nudged her backpack around.

"Why didn't you get saddlebags?" asked Twilight with some confusion.

"Oh yea," said Pinkie, "Maybe, but it came with a bunch of stuff for a traveling performer!" She upended the backpack, sending its contents spilling to the ground. A lute, mess kit, bedroll, some rocks on odd holding clips, and even some ink and a book. "I'm ready for everything! It even came with a belt." She reared up and pointed at her belt full of pouches.

Spike reached for the smaller things, namely the ink and rocks, and moved to stash them in the pouches, "There you go. What are they?"

"The sales-human said it was flint and steel, for starting fires," explained Pinkie, "That sounds useful."

While a part of Twilight cringed at the thought of Pinkie with the power of fire, she nodded at Pinkie, "It's good you're taking this seriously. We already have a job and our friend, Dawn Event, will be here in a few days to get it started."

Spike softly rapped a knuckle against the staff that floated besides Twilight, "So, what's up with this?"

Twilight blushed softly, "What? Nothing! It's... traditional for wizards." Spike raised a brow at her, "I am not copying her!" she proclaimed loudly enough to cause some of those wandering past to pause and stare. She nervously laughed it off as she lowered the staff, "Let's see if we can find Long Road, shall we?"

The trio went as one down the road as Pinkie asked, "So what's Long Road like? Does he have a long face?" She flashed a bright smile at her own humor.

"Actually," said Spike, "Yes. He's a donkey."

"Like Cranky? Is he a sad pants too?" ashed Pinkie, breathing a sigh of relief when Spike shook his head, "Phew, I thought I'd have to cheer him up and Cranky was no easy frown to turn upside down."

Long Road was where they found him before, but his cart was nowhere in sight. He was dressed in some kind of armor and had a sword strapped at his midsection. His long ears were exposed as his cap only covered the top of his head and down the sides, leaving ear and eyes open. He appeared quite out of place, standing there awkwardly.

"Long," called out Twilight, raising a hoof to wave at him as she ambled on her other three legs. As he looked towards her, she went about introducing her new, old, friend, "Long Road, this is Pinkie Pie. She will be joining us."

"Pleasure to meet you," said Long Road, looking over the earth-bound pony curiously, "So... does that mean?"

Spike nodded quickly, "Reginald said you could be part of our group, but it looks like you're kinda already dressed up for it? Where's your cart?"

The donkey smiled, "I sold it."

Twilight tilted her head a little, "But we didn't tell you yet if you could join us or not."

"The way I figured it," said Long, "If I joined you, I didn't need it, and if I was turned down again, I didn't need to stay here. I would return home in the country."

Pinkie bobbed her head in agreement, "Of course he's coming with us, so why not get ready?" She threw a hoof over his withers and pulled him closer, "We're going to be best friends! I mean, not that it's a contest or anything, I have a lot of best friends, like Twilight and Spike! So what's your favorite flavor of muffin?" After learning it was cherry she bobbed her head, "That's a good one. I like chocolate! Maybe you can show me some local recipes while we're bashing baddies huh?"

Long Road leaned over towards Spike and Twilight, "Is she always like this?"

"Always," deadpanned Spike before he snickered as Pinkie dragged him back over for more questions.

"Come on, Pink one, show me what you can do," demanded Fast Shadow as she lunged at Pinkie. Pinkie seemed to prefer staying on the defensive, dodging at the lashed out hoof and springing away from her, landing on top of the fence and peering down at the angry mare.

"Aw, don't be mad," said Pinkie, "Here, I got a gift for you." She produced an apple and held it out.

Fast Shadow felt a terrible urge to accept the gift but struggled against it with a roar, instead charging at the pink enchantress. Her lance found purchase, sending Pinkie tumbling from the wall with a pained yelp on landing. "Meanie face!" she cried as she sprang back to her feet quickly before vanishing entirely.

"If you don't want to play nice," said a disembodied voice, making Fast Shadow turn to face it. "Then I'll have to play dirty." She suddenly appeared as she gave Fast Shadow a rough shove from behind, sending the mare over with her rump in the air in a most undignified fashion. Pinkie giggled and danced back, bouncing away from her trainer as Fast Shadow regained her footing.

Spike watched Pinkie and Fast Shadow duel back and forth, trading blows that were as commonly to embarrass as they were to actually injure. "Uh, Fast?" he called out, "Shouldn't she have a weapon?"

Fast Shadow drew up short of a bladed hoof strike, landing instead and considering the bard. "I had thought she was trained in the art of hoof combat, but you're right, she's shown no signs of it. Where is your weapon?"

"Do I haveta?" asked Pinkie, bouncing from hind-leg to hind-leg in place bipedally. As Fast Shadows nodded, Pinkie stuck out her tongue and moved over to the collection of wooden weapons. "Too big, too small, too... what is this? Ah ha!" She grabbed a rapier in a hoof where it seemed to stay for a moment before it clattered to the ground. She huffed before she grabbed it up in her mouth, "Ready!"

The practice battle resumed in earnest, with Pinkie returning fire more often with the long thin wood, often jabbing it where it would tickle or bring a blush to her foe, even if she failed to penetrate armor or tough hide. By the time it was over, Fast Shadows was eager to retreat, but Pinkie Pie was covered in fresh wounds for her trouble. The two combatants retired, having learned something from the other.

Under Score stood before the new, pink, recruit. He had placed a book on her head and bade her stand without it falling off, a task she was reluctantly doing, though it didn't stop her from talking. "I saw you a lot in the cauldron. You were always talking to Twilight about something or other but I couldn't hear you guys at all so I don't know what it was about can you tell me now? Why is this thing on my head anyway I have great posture look I can even jump with it." Which she did, bouncing up and down in place with the book remaining unjostled on her wild mane.

The wizard gave a soft sigh, "I was hoping it would calm you. You are an arcane caster, like Twilight, though your talents lie down a markedly different road."

"What?" exclaimed Pinkie, "I'm a wizard like Twilight? That's amazing. I was just joking about it before but two wizards means twice the explosions and we can get to the parties in half the time."

Under shook his head slowly, "Arcane, but not wizard. Twilight is not even a wizard, technically. You are clearly a bard. Your magic is in your song and dance, even in your endless energy and desire to play jokes on everyone, friend or foe."

"Does that mean I get to wear a pointed hat?" asked Pinkie.

Under raised a wrinkled brow, "You are already wearing a pointed hat."

"It's working!" celebrated Pinkie, proceeding to dance in place without knocking the book free on her head.

Under shook his head slowly, "Yours is an intuitive magic. You can do what you can do. You will not learn others from spellbooks, or even from tutoring, by and large. I can show you how magic works, so you know, but only you can unlock your own magic."

Pinkie nodded, the book wobbling dangerously before it settled, "Well that's OK then. I'll be the bestie best bard there is to help everyone else and keep them smiling."

Under broke into a soft smile, face creasing as he spoke, "Those are very wise words. It is a bard's profession to keep their fellows smiling. I will show you how to find books, so long as you promise to put them back where you found them, but there is little more for me to show you."

Pinkie tilted her head, letting the book land lightly on a table, "Okey Dokey Lokey. You're a nice wizard." Before Under could protest, he was drawn into a soft Pinkie embrace. Perhaps respecting her elders, she did not apply the bone crushing force she could to hugs. With a parting nuzzle she bounded out of the library in pursuit of her friends.

Reginald stood before a nervous looking Twilight. "No need to stand so stiffly. I only called you here for a formality. Since you've formed an official team, the paperwork requires a name."

"A name?" asked Twilight.

The human nodded, "For the team. Since you seem to be the leader, you seemed to be the one to ask."

Twilight looked uncertain, "Do you need it right this moment?"

Reginald reached out, mussing the top of Twilight's head, "Think about it and get back to me."

Author's Note:

We'll get it done in a montage!

Typos also happen in a montage, so beware and report diligently.

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