• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,648 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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70 - Heading Home

The Returners of the Dawn stood in the court once more. There were only a half a dozen soldiers scattered about the room. The Queen stood in the center of the room with the Returners arrayed before her. There were no idle watchers, as court was not truly in session. With a soft golden glow, Iliana lifted a fork from a pocket. "Equestria," she announced. Such was written on the fork in small writing.

"None of you are skilled enough to weave the spell of planar travel, so I will bring you home," explained Iliana. She looked towards Twilight as a book floated into view, "A gift. The spell for returning is here, when you've mastered it, you may visit the pony empire at your leisure. You have been a well mannered guest of us all, and we will not begrudge your return."

Twilight took the book, the glow fading from golden to pink before it floated into Twilight's saddlebag, "Thank you. I'll keep the fork safe."

Pinkie Pie leaned forward as she craned her head around, "Where's Sonata?"

Queen Iliana tilted her head faintly, "Working off her debt. I believe she is giving swim instructions to some foals while supervising them. Why do you ask?"

Pinkie shrugged softly, "I thought she'd be coming back with us, now that we're friends."

Iliana shook her head, "She has a debt to society to pay, and she will pay it. I am not cruel, Miss Pie, I will send her home, if she wishes, when her year is up."

Soft Mane smiles and nods, "That's fair. Be sure to tell her we're rooting for her and can't wait to see her again."

The queen hefted up onto her hind legs, a position none of them had seen before. She held out her fore hooves, soon forming a circle of touching hooves, claws, and hands in a circle. "I will try to bring you directly home, but this spell is not very precise. You will be on your world. From there, I trust you to navigate from there."

The Equestrian tuning fork began to hum softly in time to the Iliana's carefully spoken words. The world faded away from around them, leaving them in a strange void for the barest of instants before appearing abruptly somewhere else. The sun hung high in the sky above them while the air was hot and dry. They were surrounded by trees.

"Appleloosa!" declared Spike, recognizing the location first as he pointed off to the town at the end of the orchard.

The Queen went back to all fours with a nod, "My task is complete..." her words trailed off as she squinted into the distance, "Is your city on fire?"

Twilight took flight immediately, with Spike darting past her for a better view. They were still as Everglow had changed them, a fact Twilight meant to fix for herself eventually. The town was ablaze. The strange thing was that it wasn't burning down, just burning. Each building was a roaring bonfire, but there was no charring of the wood. There were no ponies in sight, "Thank Celestia," breathed out Twilight. "They must have gotten away, I hope."

"An unbalance," spoke Iliana, who flew beside Twilight. "Is this a normal occurrence in your world?"

Twilight shook her head quickly before heading down to join the others. "No! I'd never heard of such a thing until we took care of that earth one at the castle."

Iliana touched down, Spike a moment after. The Queen frowned thoughtfully, "It seems your world is already feeling the effects of joining the cosmology at large. My trip will not be as short as planned. Where do you need to be? I will see you to your home proper. Come to think, no. Wait here and allow me time. Send a message to your Queen informing her that I will be casting a harmless spell upon her, and to allow it."

The Queen drew out the scroll that Celestia had sent and began to weave magic around it intently in intricate lines from her horn.

Twilight looked to Spike, "You heard Iliana, take a letter."

Spike had a quill out shortly and was ready to begin.

Dear Princess Celestia,

We've arrived at home, close to Appleloosa, or what once was? We're not sure what happened here, but the town is on fire. I don't see any ponies around, so I am hoping they were evacuated before anypony was hurt. We've brought the Queen of the other world with us, and she is casting a spell on you. I recognized it as a spying spell. I think she wants to know where to teleport to, so please allow her this and we will be there in a flash.

Worried but Ready,
Princess Twilight Sparkle

A puff of electricity sent the scroll wisping away in a trail of magic in the direction of Canterlot. "Huh, I forgot it did that," said Spike. "I got used to it just vanishing."

A deep voice interrupted the group as three large bison galloped towards them, "Ponies, returned? Haven't you caused enough disharmony?"

Long Road drew his sword on the strangers, ready to protect his allies.

"It's cool," said Spike. "You guys don't remember me?"

The bison peered at Spike, "No, honored dragon. Your voice is familiar... Spike? You have grown greatly!"

Spike bobbed his head, "Yea, long story there. What's going on with the everburning town?" He hiked a thumb at the smoldering town. "That's not normal."

The bison all nodded in agreement with this as one began to speak, "A great calamity befell the foolish ponies of the town. A small fire that could not be quenched with water spread from one house to the next. They fled on their train to points unknown, leaving the burning town and the orchard behind."

Soft Mane shrugged, "So why were you blaming the ponies?"

"And who's fault could it be, strange creature?" asked another bison. "It was their town, and we saw nothing else there beside them. Their hubris has driven them away."

Pinkie popped an apple into the bison's mouth. "There's no reason to call them names behind their back. So whatcha doing now that you're all alone out here?"

The bison with the apple chewed softly as another replied, "We stampede as we always have. There are less pies without the ponies, but there were no pies before they came. They left their trees, so we can have an apple or two if we please. If you are not here to cause trouble, we should go."

Farewells were exchanged and the bison moved off to where the rest of the herd was waiting. Long Road sheathed his blade before asking, "What were those? They seemed reasonable enough, and they were obviously of the hooved races."

Twilight gave an 'mmhmm', "That they are, bison. They're native to the area. They're mostly friendly since the local ponies came to an agreement with them."

"I see her," spoke Iliana. "Your princess is a majestic pony. Ah, she sees that I see her. Let's get you all to her." Iliana gathered everyone up close, spreading her wings over them as new words wrenched them away, appearing in Canterlot before Celestia.

Celestia was seated before a low table, with her sister, Luna, beside her. They rose as Iliana appeared and offered a respectful bow. "A pleasure to meet you," spoke Celestia, "It is not often we welcome dignitaries from another world. If you will excuse me, I must welcome another."

Decorum satisfied, Celestia moved for Twilight and they met in an eager embrace. Twilight let tears flow easily as tension she wasn't aware of began to bleed from her, "I missed you so much!" she blurted sincerely as she tried to bury herself in the strong warmth of the sun princess. Celestia wrapped a wing around Twilight, returning the embrace quietly for the moment.

Luna raised a brow as she looked over the new arrivals. "Pinkamena Pie," she spoke. "What has happened to you and Twilight. Is this Spike? You have all changed much since last we saw you."

Pinkie cleared her throat, "You're being rude, Luna." She gestured to Iliana, "This is Queen Iliana of Everglow." She waved at her companions, "Long Road, Soft Mane. Long Road is Twilight's bodyguard and knight. Soft Mane is under Spike's direct protection. Guys, this is Princess Luna, of Equestria, and that." She pointed a hoof at Celestia, "Is Princess Celestia, also of Equestria. They're sisters and co-rulers of the kingdom."

With Iliana and Celestia in the same place, they could compare the two. Celestia gave off more raw power, her mane wafting in the breeze with the colors of sunrise and a palpable sense of almost divinity. Iliana stood with her own power, but it was born of learned leadership and crafted magic. She would not be mistaken for a god, save for the blending of tribes that made her an alicorn.

Iliana gave a soft nod, "I take no offense. Being reunited with friends thought lost must be a great relief."

Luna examined Iliana then, "How interesting, a formed alicorn, like Twilight. Have you found some secret of immortality to rule your people?"

Luna's direct question made Iliana wince, "This is not the case. I will not forever watch my people, but my life is theirs as long as I can give it."

Celestia gently broke from her embrace with Twilight, "Let us not trouble our guest with such morbid questions. I thank you for bringing my precious Twilight back to me, though it seems she and her friends have been through much."

Iliana stood tall, "I would love to stay and gossip, but my people do need me. I have seen them home, now I must away myself." She lifted the Equestria tuning fork from a pocket and floated it to Twilight, "In case you need to return home from your travels." She smiled before bringing out the Everglow fork. "Fare well."

Long Road and Soft Mane bowed instinctively to their departing Queen. In a moment, she was gone.

Celestia looked to the new people, "I see you brought guests. Long Road and Soft Mane was it?" She tapped a chin with a hoof, "One of you is a donkey, that is clear, but the other? Will you tell me about yourself, Soft Mane?"

Soft Mane shuffled nervously on her hooves, "Well, my father was a human, and my mother is an earth-bound mare. I'm what that adds up to. Nice to meet you, your majesty." She curtsied in place. "Now I'm part of the team," she gestured broadly at the others assembled.

Luna tilted softly, "You have made another team? Our princess of friendship cannot help herself from forging powerful bonds."

Celestia gave a faint smile, "This is true. A pleasure to meet you both. Guards." She looked to two gold plated stallions standing by the door leading into the castle, "See our guests are well cared for. I must bring Twilight and Pinkie up to speed on recent events."

Twilight held up a hoof quickly, "I... don't mean to countermand you, Celestia, but Long Road is my knight, he should be present to know what is going on and be prepared."

Spike nodded quickly, "Yea, and Soft Mane is my responsibility. I have to keep her in sight."

Celestia reached a hoof to pat Spike on his head, "There is no place safer than my own castle. Surely you do not doubt me enough to worry for her here, do you Spike?"

"Uh, well, I guess not..." admitted Spike, deflating.

Celestia nodded, "Soft Mane, go with them. I will send them after you when we are done."

Soft Mane departed with an uncertain wave, soon lost behind the doors.

Luna nodded, "Now that we are down to secure ears only, where to begin..."

Author's Note:

Home at last! But things are not exactly as Twilight left them. It will take more than a book reorganizing to fix what's happened in her absence.

Dimensional travel is known to cause defects known as typos to appear.

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