• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,657 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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106 - The Heroes Return

Rainbow grunted as she exited the building, giving her remaining wing a strong flap. One wing, no matter how strong, wouldn't get her off the ground, "This is so bogus I can't even think about it."

Soft Mane shrugged softly, "Looks like we walk. Don't stress too hard, Rainbow. I mean, sure it... looked like it hurt like hell itself, but we won more than enough money to fix it."

Rainbow perked an ear and began trotting towards the inn, "Really? Why didn't you say that before? I... suppose I can wait until we get to a doc and get it all... uh... Do we need the... you know... wing?"

Spike frowned with thought, "I don't think so." Soft nodded in agreement with him.

They wended their ways through the narrow streets of the poor side of town, making it about two blocks before trouble struck. As Spike plodded along, two figures emerged from either side of an alleyway he was just reaching. With powerful swings of saps held in mouths, they bludgeoned the already-wounded dragon across the head, making him see stars. He barely had time to shout in pain as bolts rained down on the party. Soft Mane slumped to the ground, perforated and unconscious. Rainbow staggered, fighting off whatever sleeping drug she was pricked with. Being stabbed with little bolts somehow just wasn't as bad as having her wing pulled free.

Rainbow growled in fury, "Let's get 'em, Spike!" Spike did not reply. He was on the ground in a heap. Her confidence wavered and her heart began to race as the two sap wielding ponies approached her. "Back off! I'm not the champion for nothing." She reared up on her hind legs, punching the air and trying to intimidate them with her prowess, but they were not moved.

A third pony emerged from the shadows, covered in leathers like the first two. Very little of their features could be seen, concealed by cloaks and masks to protect their identity, though this one did have a unicorn's horn. It used the horn, wrenching Spike's backpack free and walking away into the shadows from whence it came. "Hey!" shouted Rainbow as she moved for the thief, "I need that money!"

Her blind rush for the third played right into the first two assailants' plans. As she passed between them, they struck, beating her down to the ground with their saps with a few extra strikes to make sure she stayed down. With a dull chuckle, the successful team trotted off to enjoy their winnings.

Soft Mane was the first to awaken, throwing off the drug that had put her to sleep in the first place. She looked around the alley before clambering up to her hooves. Worry began to build like a knot as she realized what had happened. She rushed over to Spike and Rainbow Dash, letting her pink energy wash over them. She quickly revived them, but it was far too late to recover the prize money.

Rainbow looked like a mental wreck, shivering and scared. "Spike. Tell me. You saved the rest of the money we won, right? We can fix this... right?"

Spike gave a nervous "Uh..."

Rainbow shoved him, "We can fix this, right! I'm not going to be a..." She sunk before him, tears flowing hot, "Please tell me this Spike..."

Soft let out a soft sigh, "Spike, really? You had all the money in there?"

Spike shook his head, "I didn't want Twilight or Applejack to find the money while we were gone and start asking questions!"

Soft facepalmed, "Well, alright, do you know if Twilight has any money left over?"

Spike deflated as he confessed, "I held all of her money." He perked up then, "At least I paid that priest in advance, so Twilight'll get fixed."

Rainbow punched him in the chest, though her heart wasn't in it, "That's great for her! She won't have a headache anymore, but I get to be a deformed freak."

Soft cast her gaze to the night sky, "We should get back to the inn."

Spike nodded in agreement, and they set off on their march of shame through the city.

The next day, Applejack brought Sonata in to see Twilight. "Look'it what ah found. The city gave her t'us to help."

Twilight blinked owlishly and stood up, "Sonata! I didn't expect to see you again so soon." She advanced and embraced the aquatic pony and received a hug in return.

Sonata was smiling, "Great to see you too! Where are we going again? Applejack just said to follow her."

Lex stepped in, directing his eyes and red horn at the blue sea pony. "Who is this?"

Twilight took a step back, "Lex, this is Sonata. Sonata, Lex. It appears she will be journeying with us to rescue those ponies in need."

Lex frowned as he looked her over, "With no tools or supplies besides a swimsuit? Of what help will she be to anypony at all?" Despite Sonata being right there, he directed his questions at Twilight.

Sonata huffed softly, "I'm plenty good for a lot of things."

Applejack glanced between the two, "Ah don't mean to encourage anything, but what do you do, Miss Sonata? Last ah saw, you were teaching how to swim?"

Sonata bobbed her head quickly, "I'm totally good at that, for realsy, but that's not my only talent."

Twilight interjected, "She's an enchanter. She can bend people's minds, confuse them, or make them do what she wants. She's very good at it."

Applejack blinked, "That sounds mighty shady."

Lex nodded lightly, "It is, but potentially useful." He didn't sound entirely convinced, "Is she hardened for actual conflict? Even if she knows some mind-magic, she looks like she would be safer here, giving swimming lessons."

Sonata's eyes widened, "What? No way! I'm totally going with Twilight and we're going to be the best hero team ever." She moved up beside Twilight and leaned against her with a big smile, "Maybe they'll cut my sentence down for good behavior."

Her positive attitude made Applejack and Twilight smile, but only deepened the displeasure in Lex's expression. Such ruminations were interrupted by a priest. He walked up to Twilight, "Time for the last one, and your week is complete." The last of Twilight's fatigue was lifted from her, but with some sadness. It meant her time in the library was at an end.

"Thank you," she said, lifting books and setting them back where they belong. "I learned so much."

The librarian-priest smiled at Twilight, "Many ponies simply walk out when their time is finished. You are polite to clean after yourself. It would be a pleasure to serve as host again, if you have the means and time."

The room became more crowded as Spike, Rainbow, and Soft came in.

Applejack's eyes went side, "Land sakes!" She rushed over to Rainbow, "What happened? Your... Oh Celestia! Who did this?"

Rainbow couldn't meet Applejack's eyes, looking anywhere but at her. Spike spoke up, "We got into a fight..."

Twilight blinked softly, taking in the situation. "Considering... I'm glad you're all alive! What were you doing? Who attacked you?"

The priest looked at Twilight, then the maimed pegasus. "Do you require my assistance?"

Spike sank, "They stole my backpack, and all my money."

Twilight looked to the priest, "I know it's much to ask, but... they're good ponies, warriors for truth and light. Surely Luminace would want you to help her?"

Rainbow broke down, "We were fighting for money!" Her confession released, she flopped to the ground and bawled.

Twilight went wide-eyed with shock while the priest quietly excused himself. Applejack brought her hoof down, clonking Rainbow on her head, "You did what?! I oughta tan yer hide but good! What were you thinking?!"

Spike gently grabbed Applejack's hoof, "Save some for me. I was there too."

Twilight shook her head, "So... what happened? You were gone the whole week. How long has it been since Dash lost..." She trailed off, swallowing hard.

Sonata looked nervously around, unsure what to say in this suddenly grave situation, "I have a few coins?" She produced a mouthful of gold coins and set them on the ground. It wasn't nearly enough.

Soft volunteered, "That was just last night. They," she waved at Rainbow and Spike, "went and joined a fighting ring. They did pretty good too, won the big prize, which included..." She waved at Rainbow's stump.

Twilight shook her head, "So how'd you lose the money after that?"

Spike shrugged softly, "I didn't want you to find the money and start asking questions, so I brought it with me each night. When we were mugged walking back, they took it all."

Twilight buried her face in a hoof as Applejack heaved a sigh. "Look, Dash." Dash looked up at her through tear-stained lashes. "Ah can't say ah understand exactly how you feel, but imagining missing a bucking leg sends chills through mah soul. You're a damn fool, but yer still our friend. We'll get it figured out. Now come 'ere." She held out a hoof and soon had Rainbow pressing into the available space. She squeezed Rainbow Dash and accepted her tears as only long-time friends could do.

Lex rolled his eyes with an annoyed huff, muttering something about maimed pegasi as he trotted off.

Twilight marched up to Spike and poked him in the chest with her horn, "Get to talking. I want every detail. Every. Single. Detail."

Spike began to tell the story of their battles, from their first night with the ogre, to the last night with the frenzied dwarf.

Lex snorted, having returned half-way through the story, "Did you take everything the dwarf had? It was yours by right of conquest."

Twilight's wings unfurled sharply, "You killed him!? Spike!"

Spike shrunk a bit, "I didn't mean to... I was... holding Rainbow's wing... I couldn't think. I was on top of him... There was so much blood." He buried his face in his claws, "I'm sorry, Twilight!"

Sonata collected her coins when no one moved to take them, "Wow, that sounds way harsh. Did you say sorry?"

Everyone took a moment to look over at Sonata. "What?"

Applejack shook her head out, "Well we gotta work with what we got. Twi, those ponies still need our help? I reckon we should get to it."

Twilight advanced on Spike and gathered him up in her wings. Though his body had grown, all Twilight could see was the baby dragon in obvious pain in front of her. "We'll figure this out," she said. "You're still my number one assistant, Spike. One mistake doesn't change that."

Spike smiled and hugged her tight. For the moment, it was OK.

Author's Note:

The dirty laundry is exposed to the harsh air of truth.

The priests were so offended by their behavior that they refused to spellcheck the document!

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