• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,659 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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107 - Please Adjust your Tracking

Spike punched the bed he was seated upon, "We should go get our money back! I mean, we earned it..."

Twilight shrugged softly, "I didn't learn any spells that would help us track them down. If I had known you two were going to get almost killed, I would have kept it in mind."

Rainbow flapped her remaining wing with a soft growl, "We could look around the area? Maybe somepony saw something?"

Applejack shook her head, "Now I ain't the brightest when it comes to city slickers, but ah don't think they'd be too keen to talk about it."

Soft Mane sighed lightly, "Hi, have you seen dangerous thugs? No? Thanks."

Sonata tried for a new topic, "You said something about ponies in trouble?"

Lex snorted softly, "You mean besides her?" he gestured at Rainbow Dash, "There may or may not be some ponies in peril in what is obviously a trap."

Sonata tilted her blue head, "So we'll have to be smarter than the trap! What kind is it? Bear trap?"

Applejack looked at Sonata a moment before looking towards Twilight, "Twi, she's adorable, but who is she? She seemed ta know you."

Sonata approached Twilight with a smile, "Me and Twi are besties! She saved me when things were looking totally icky."

Twilight perked an ear, "This is Sonata. She's one of three sirens I ran into in the human world. She was a bad pony, but she came over to our side."

Sonata bobbed her head, "The good pony side has cookies, and a lot less people making fun of you. So when are we going?"

Rainbow snorted loudly, "Maybe I should stay here... Can you send me home, Twilight?"

Twilight raised a brow, "That's not the Rainbow I know."

Rainbow shook herself out, "The Rainbow you know has two wings! The Rainbow you know isn't left for dead in dirty alleys." She crashed heavily to the ground, "I hate this world. I'm done with it. I want to go home."

Applejack moved over to Rainbow's side and nuzzled an ear, "Now ah won't hear that. If you go home, we can't fix your wing there. Is that what you want? Where's that Rainbow Dash can-do spirit?"

Rainbow lowered her head, curling a little, "Lying on the floor, like my wing. What use am I? I couldn't even handle three punks."

Spike floated over to Rainbow and landed on her back. She began to buck and squirm, but he held on gently, "Rainbow, you're still the best. This is, you know, a little setback. I still wouldn't want anyone else fighting back to back with me."

Rainbow went still a moment, then pushed up to her hooves, Spike still on her back. "Alright, fine. So where do we need to go?"

Twilight slapped down a map of Everglow and pointed, "Here! The easiest way would be to take the train to Yi Sheng and start looking around there."

Soft Mane nodded her head, "I've been that way once. Mom was selling to the alchemists." A sudden thought struck her, "Can we stop in Turves!? I haven't said hi to Mom in ages."

Twilight looked hesitant, but Soft Mane's hopeful expression melted her ice, "I suppose there's no harm in that. A one-day layover in Turves won't delay us much."

Applejack raised a brow, "Forgive for fergettin' but your mom's a pony or a human?"

Soft Mane pointed at Applejack, "She's a lot like you. She works the land. She's hard-working and honest."

Applejack nodded, "That sounds right nice enough, but doesn't answer th' question?"

Soft Mane shrugged, "Does it matter? But she's a green pony." She gestured to her legs, "Like these."

Lex raised a brow, "It hardly seems prudent to take time off to enjoy yourselves when you think that others might be in danger," his voice was thick with disdain. "Especially to visit some mare perverted enough to make love to a human."

Soft Mane went red with shock and fury, "You did not just say that! My parents were deeply in love!" She threw her hands on her hips, "Take it back."

Sonata blinked owlishly, "That was way harsh. Who can blame a guy for finding this attractive?" She shook her swimming suit clad bottom lightly.

Lex sneered. "Humans are savages that can only pretend to have a culture of their own. It's not surprising they'd be debauched enough to find a pony attractive. But one of our own that reciprocates those feelings is clearly mentally ill." He turned his gaze to Soft Mane, "Especially if they're irresponsible enough to breed with one of them."

Applejack moved up on Lex, blocking his view of Soft Mane, "Now see here. Y'all better cut that right out. Soft Mane's a terrific filly, and ah won't stand t'hear her parents being slandered. If'n ya want to travel with us, y'all better be respectful. Soft Mane didn't do nothing to deserve that kind of talk."

Lex eyed Applejack coldly, one brow raising, "I'm merely stating a fact. That level of xenophilia is clearly a form of insanity." His gaze wandered past the orange earth pony to the pony satyr behind her, and this time the disgust in his eyes was unmistakable. "Especially if they knew their union would result in their offspring being a freak, and did it anyway."

Twilight brought down a hoof with a clop, "Fortunately, no freaks happened. Now let's focus on the job ahead of us." She straightened her mane lightly, "All this squabbling isn't helping anypony."

Lex cast a sour look at Twilight, and seemed ready to argue the point. Opening his mouth, he caught himself suddenly, ears folding back as he glanced at his shadow - currently stretching oddly across the room, despite the soft light - before returning his gaze to the others, who were all looking at him with expressions ranging from discomfort to outrage. "Fine," he muttered, turning away from them.

Twilight slipped to her hooves and moved for the door, "No time like the present. We're not getting anything done in this room." She led the procession out past the slumbering innkeeper, who suddenly woke up.

"Little Spirit," she said with a smile, "You made it back from the great divide. You must have extraordinary friends and a powerful destiny. Where do you run to with your new flesh?"

Twilight paused and turned to face Drowsy End, "We're leaving the city for a while. There are ponies that need us."

Drowsy tilted her head, "The mistress smile on you in your journey. You follow your destined path true and fast. Do you remember her?"

Twilight blinked softly, "Remember who?"

Drowsy frowned slightly, "I had hoped, since you were a spirit, you might remember her. The guardian of the dead, grandmother of us all, Soft Whisper?"

Twilight shuddered softly. The name sent chills down her spine, "I... remember something. An old mare? She..." She frowned in thought, "She was chasing me."

Drowsy nodded, "As is her job. You were a lost soul, and she is the shepherd of souls. Forgive her, for hers is a job with little thanks."

Twilight nodded slowly, "I... saw her twice?" She squinted, trying to pry the memory free from the fog around it, "There was a place, a wonderful place. Why can't I remember it?"

Drowsy shrugged and let her head sink to the countertop, "The veil of death is not meant to be pierced. Your soul was taken by another goddess and held to her bosom. Surely you are favored. Best of luck in your journeys, at least you know it will have a happy ending." Just like that, she was out like a light, sleeping with her head on her counter.

Rainbow moved beside Twilight, "That was kinda creepy."

Applejack nodded her head, "Can't disagree. She seemed nice enough. Let's go."

They made their way quickly through the afternoon city. The train station was busy with a crowd of mostly ponies, but not exclusively. Applejack and Rainbow were captivated, looking at the other exotic species. "That there cat has wings," noted Applejack.

Rainbow pointed, "That dog's on fire, I think that beats it."

Applejack swept the crowd and blinked, "Well, what about a metal pony?" She pointed at what looked to be a pony made entirely of clockwork. His? Her? movement was precise. The way her clockwork worked to move her was a thing of enchanting craftsponyship. She noticed them staring at her and threw up her mechanical muzzle.

Rainbow snorted through a half-chuckle, "I guess we were being kind of rude."

They arrived at the ticket station and Twilight set a few coins on the countertop, "We're going to Turves."

The pony in the booth, a pegasus stallion, smiled, "Alrighty. Odd time of year to head that way. It'll be months before the festival and you don't look like farmers."

Soft Mane tapped the counter, "My mom's there."

The pony nodded, "Well that makes sense. I hope she's doing all right." He produced a handful of tickets and offered them to Twilight, "Enjoy your ride! It'll take about two days. The ticket comes with one meal in the dining car." He paused, "Ah, I should offer. For one more gold a ticket you can upgrade to the luxury pass. Complimentary drinks and three meals a day."

Twilight glanced back at the others.

Lex snorted with a slow roll of his eyes, "We have no need for comforts. We should conserve our money for more important matters."

Rainbow shook her head, "Don't know about anypony else? But I could use some cider right about now."

Spike shrugged, "We can afford a few extra gold, right?"

Twilight took out a platinum piece and got a few gold in return. The tickets were taken back and replaced with gold painted tickets. "Here ya are! Have a fine trip and thanks for riding the Lightning Rail. The next northbound train departs in fifteen minutes."

Sonata nudged Twilight. Twilight looked up to see Sonata holding a several gold coins in her mouth. She gently took them with her magic from Sonata, "What is this for?"

Sonata smiled, "I'm being paid for my work. I can cover my ticket and a few others. It's only fair, you guys saved me from a totally uncool fate."

Twilight tucked the coins away, "That's very nice of you, Sonata. So how's the city been treating you? We haven't seen you in a while."

"I know!" said Sonata, throwing a leg over Twilight's wither, "I missed you. That nice Queen went away, and the ponies she left in charge don't seem to like me at all. I'm way happier being with you guys. Can I stay with you?"

Twilight raised a brow, "I'd love to have you along, but aren't you still serving a sentence?"

Sonata pouted a little, "They don't care about me. If I vanished, I doubt they'd even look. Heck, you could say I was gobbled up by a monster."

Applejack snorted softly, "What's all this?"

Twilight shook her head, "Sonata... We'll talk to them when we get back, but we are coming back."

Sonata pouted softly, but didn't argue further. Applejack's curiosity swelled, "Yer under arrest? What fer?"

Sonata wobbled a hoof, "I mighta kinda been involved in taking over the castle." Applejack's eyes went wide, "I totally made up for it though! The Queen said I had to do community service for a year and then I'm free as a bird." She frowned a little, "I wonder if she meant a wild bird or a caged bird? Caged birds aren't that free."

Spike snickered softly, "Sorry Pinkie isn't here. She'd love to catch up with you, Sonata."

Sonata bobbed her head, "I know! Where is she? She's OK, right?"

Spike nodded quickly, "Oh she's fine, but she's back in Equestria."

Sonata moved over to Spike and looked him in the eyes, "You guys know how to get back and forth? Can I go with you? I can totes hang out with Pinkie! That girl knows how to party."

The group moved into the station proper and found the terminal where the northbound train would depart from. The train arrived five minutes later. Ponies filed off the train, filled with light-hearted conversation and excited voices. A conductor, a dwarf, called out, "Northbound train! Leaving in eight minutes! Board if yer boarding."

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