• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,803 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

VIII Rarity

"Just a hint of eyeshadow, a touch of blush." Rarity finished applying her makeup, admiring her reflection in the large mirror she had installed in her Canterlot Castle quarters. She frowned at a few misplaced locks of hair on her mane and levitated a brush, thankful that the failed moon rising ritual had only proscribed her from using her magic for a few days.

A few strokes were enough to return her coiffure to a proper, fashionable state. The unicorn turned around and gave her tail the same treatment, making sure it curled to her liking. Rarity frowned slightly; something was missing. "Ah, right," she said as her ears perked up. She opened her jewelry box and picked a sapphire necklace that matched her mane beautifully. "Perfect!" She added a touch of perfume, and admired her appearance in the mirror.

The more time she spent in Canterlot, the more Rarity thought of her appearance as her armor. Without her friends around to help, her charm and elegance were her only allies. She had Fancy Pants at first, but Blueblood and Silvermane had made sure he was sent away to Manehattan.

Rarity sighed as she thought of her friend and ally. She turned her head toward the small desk she kept in a corner of her room. I suppose I have time to write him a letter. She sat down slowly, careful not to ruin her tail right after she had groomed it. She levitated a quill and delicately dipped it in ink.

Dearest Fancy Pants,

Things in Canterlot have remained calm ever since you left. I still suspect Blueblood is looking for an excuse to demand the throne, but for now, hope that Twilight will soon return is still strong. As you suggested, I continue to cultivate a good relationship with Floribunda. She certainly shares our desire for peace, although I have yet to hear her speak out against our current ruler.

I hope things are going well for you in Manehattan. I hear fashion week is coming up soon, and while I would love nothing more than to enter my creations again this year, I am obviously tied up here in Canterlot. Please give Prim Hemline my apologies, should you speak with her. Regardless, I'm certain Fleur will enjoy the opportunity to attend the event.

Captain Silvermane continues to worry me. You were right to warn me about her. I did not fail to notice the many private meetings she and Blueblood had. I have to admit, I question Shining Armor's judgment in selecting her as his replacement. As we both suspected, she's now working hard in recruiting new guards and is having them go through rigorous drills. A brute called Boulderhoof is in charge of training. From what little I've observed, he seems to enjoy yelling at ponies. I think I've even seen him hit one of the new guards.

Silver Tongue should be back from her mission to Cloudsdale any day now. I pray that she brings good news and that whatever misunderstanding existed between our two cities can be solved, but I'm not naive. Whatever information our diplomat brings to us, I suspect Prince Blueblood will overreact. It will take all the council's efforts to keep him from doing something rash.

Please keep me apprised of any developments in Manehattan. Your last letter seemed to indicate the only major concerns over there were trade related. I do hope you can return to Canterlot soon. I admit to feeling safer with you around.

Your friend,


The fashionista allowed the ink a few minutes to dry before delicately folding the letter and placing it in an envelope, making sure it was properly sealed. She carefully placed it with the other letters she meant to send, and made a mental note to stop by Fancy Pants' office. He employed messengers who could deliver letters safely, without risk of anypony spying on his correspondences.

Rarity gazed outside her window, where a monument to Princess Celestia was being built. Nopony had truly realized how much Celestia did for Equestria until after she was gone. Had they all been too reliant on her guidance? Rarity remembered times when she would secretly blame the princess for what she and her friends had gone through. How could the princess have stayed back all those times when they faced Discord, Tirek, and countless other monsters? Now, the fashionista wished Celestia had taken a similar approach with the ruling class. In the end, she and her friends had grown from those experiences. Perhaps similar lessons about the importance of trust and friendship would have benefited the nobility as well.

Rarity sighed and shook her head. Her dreams of joining the Canterlot high society had never involved becoming part of the political class, but here she was nonetheless. It had been three weeks since she joined the council. While she never expected things to take this long, she knew she had to be patient. Her friends were counting on her to keep things under control until they found Twilight.

"Lady Rarity?" the soft voice of her assistant interrupted the fashionista's reverie.

Rarity turned around and found Sapphire Blitz staring at her, awkwardly holding an envelope. "What can I do for you?" Rarity asked.

"You received a letter, milady. It's from the Crystal Empire." Sapphire placed the still sealed envelope on a table and immediately brushed her blue mane in an effort to hide the stump that used to be her horn.

Rarity tried to hide her frown. The pink-coated unicorn had been part of the attempt at raising the moon, where the magical feedback had violently de-horned her. Rarity decided to employ her as an assistant and advisor soon after. While she knew it could never replace her old position at the magic academy, it would at least allow the unfortunate mare to still be useful.

"Thank you, Sapphire," Rarity replied. "I suppose I should take a quick look first before heading out to the academy."

"Oh, you're going to see Professor Starflare?" the pink mare asked while gazing down at her hooves.

Rarity nodded, slightly wincing at the mare's reaction. "Don't worry, I'm not expecting you to come with me. Why don't you head to the city and deliver a message to Canterlot elementary? Confirm that I still intend to stop by and talk to the foals this afternoon. Oh, and drop this at Fancy Pants' office on your way, will you?" She handed her assistant the sealed letter she had just written.

"I'll be happy to, milady," Sapphire Blitz said with a nod and a smile. "If I may ask, what business do you have at the academy?"

"Oh, it's regarding my investigation," Rarity replied, waving her hoof. "I just want to go over the professor's findings regarding Princess Celestia."

"Oh right, the runes they found underneath her bed?"

"Indeed, Sapphire," Rarity said as she levitated the letter her assistant had just delivered toward her desk. "I'm hoping the professor can tell me a bit about them before he presents his findings to the council." The fashionista forced a smile as she opened the envelope.

As soon as she unfolded the letter, Rarity's nostrils where attacked by a strong smell of cake frosting. The pink paper and various drawings of balloons and streamers made it quite clear who this letter was from. She started reading.

Hey there, Rarity,

I hope things aren't too boring for you in Canterlot. I know you like this fancy stuff, so you must feel right at home. Both me and Spike miss you a whole lot and we hope we can see you soon. I'm in the Crystal Empire right now. I'm hoping I can convince Cadance and Shining Armor to come back to Equestria with me, so maybe we'll all meet in Canterlot. I figured they could help you with all that fancy political stuff.

Anyway, I was writing to tell you some good news. Twilight is still alive! Cadance tried some spell to locate her. It didn't work, but she realized some sort of magic thingie was blocking her magic, keeping Twilight's location a secret. Apparently some magic devices can do that, and powerful unicorns can block magic too. Nopony would do that unless they wanted Twilight to stay hidden.

I hope she's not hurt. I plan on doing everything I can to find her. I know all of our friends will do the same. I've written to Applejack, too. I didn't know how to reach Dashie or Fluttershy, but maybe you or Applejack will know how?

We'll get through this, don't worry. If you get a moment, start thinking about the dress you want to wear at the "Twilight is back" party!

Pinkie Pie

Rarity let go of a breath she had not realized she had been holding. She dropped the letter on her desk as she stared at the ceiling.

"Everything alright, milady?" Sapphire's voice roused Rarity from her own thoughts.

"Yes, thank you Sapphire," the fashionista replied with a smile as she turned around. "This was a letter from my friend Pinkie Pie. Apparently Twilight is alive, although probably in trouble. Somepony is using magic to prevent scrying spells from finding her."

"This is great news," the assistant replied, again adjusting her mane to hide her stump. "I'm glad I got you this letter before you met professor Starflare, I'm sure he'd want to know."

Rarity smiled. "What about you? You still know about magic. Any idea what could block scrying magic?"

Sapphire looked at Rarity for a moment and brought her hoof to her chin. "I know it's possible to do with magic. Princess Luna was especially good at it; she valued her privacy and usually kept her quarters well shielded. In fact, all attempts at locating her have failed as well. I suppose Princess Twilight herself could cast the spell, too. My theory would be that wherever one princess is, we'll find the other. Perhaps they do not want to be found?"

"Mmm, seems a bit farfetched," Rarity replied as she raised an eyebrow. "According to the letter, common artifacts can be used to block magic. I would rather not make any assumptions before we have more proof. Beside, I know Twilight. She wouldn't isolate herself this way, and neither would Luna."

"I certainly hope you're right," Sapphire said with a frown. "I will admit, I find it hard to share your faith in them."

Rarity sighed. "I suppose counting Twilight Sparkle as one of my best friends gives me a unique perspective."

"Lady Rarity, if I may give you my honest opinion?" Sapphire asked.

"I always welcome it," the fashionista replied with a smile.

Sapphire Blitz took a deep breath. "Alright, milady. Forgive me if it sounds rude, but I've known Twilight Sparkle longer than you have. A lot of ponies at the magic academy have. If there's one thing she always excelled at, it's isolating herself. You do know Princess Celestia initially forced her to go to Ponyville and make some friends? Twilight's answer to everything had always been the same: lock herself in the library tower and read for days, completely alone."

"I know that, but she's changed," Rarity argued with a sigh. "I remember her when she arrived in Ponyville. I could tell she didn't want to be there. Pinkie Pie was the one who insisted we do everything to make her comfortable. We did just that, taking the time to know her. Over time, she lowered her barriers. You think it was magic that allowed her to ascend as an alicorn? No, it was friendship. Twilight left her desire for isolation behind when she settled in Ponyville."

"That was before she did this to me!" Sapphire snapped as she brushed her mane aside, showing the stubby remains of her horn. "She killed somepony, Lady Rarity! I don't think that her running away is that farfetched, considering it was her answer to problems for most of her life." The injured unicorn's breathing accelerated as she whipped her tail and her stance widened defensively. She slowly looked down, her ears flattening. Finally, she readjusted her mane, hiding the stump yet again.

"I... I'm sorry milady."

Rarity hesitantly placed her hoof on her assistant's shoulder. "Listen, Sapphire. I understand that what you're going through is hard. I can even understand you blaming Twilight for it, and I know that you don't share my faith in her. I can promise you that she's not the kind of pony who just runs away from her problems, not anymore. I've seen her grow. I've accompanied her every step of the way. Once we get her back, she'll do everything she can to do right by you, I'm certain of it."

"You're right, sorry again for my outburst," the pink-coated mare replied, trying to hide her tears. "Here, let me take this letter. You said you wanted it delivered to Fancy Pants' office?"

"Yes, thank you," Rarity said with a smile. "And you can always be honest around me, Sapphire. I think we could both use a friend."

"Kind of you to offer, milady," the injured unicorn replied with a smile of her own. She swiftly left the room, carefully closing the door behind her.

As soon as Sapphire had left the room, the fashionista finished getting ready. Too much extravagance would make her look more like a sycophant, and less like a pony holding true power. Therefore, she opted for a short gray dress that complimented her coat splendidly, complete with a blue beret. Simpler fashion would have to be favored in her current position.

The dandelion tea was a bit strong for Rarity's taste. She forced a smile as she took a sip, not wanting to accidentally insult her host. She leaned comfortably on a large couch, turning toward Professor Starflare. The older stallion kept an orderly and comfortable office, befitting a pony of his position.

"I hope you're enjoying your tea," the balding unicorn said.

"Yes, quite," Rarity lied, ignoring the bitter taste.

Starflare sat on a second couch, opposite the fashionista's. "I must say, you look particularly resplendent today, Lady Rarity. Life in the capital seems to agree with you."

"You flatter me, professor. If circumstances were different and the situation wasn't so dire, I have no doubt I'd feel right at home in Canterlot." Rarity forced herself to take another sip.

"Yes, your worry is quite understandable," the professor admitted with a slight frown. "In fact, I imagine this isn't just a social visit. You're wondering about my findings regarding Princess Twilight's disappearance."

"It has come to my attention that you've made some discovery regarding the runes," Rarity replied. "I was curious to know if it gave you any leads."

"And wanted to be sure I told you before Captain Silvermane," Starflare completed with a knowing smirk.

"I'm simply worried about my friend, professor, as you pointed out."

The older unicorn took a long sip of tea and raised an eyebrow. "Well, I can't see any reason to keep my findings from you. You are a member of the council and one of Princess Twilight's closest advisors, after all."

Rarity nodded with a smile. "I am glad to hear it, professor. Now, I understand a series of runes were drawn underneath the bed in the royal quarters?"

"Indeed," Starflare replied with a tip of his head. "I've been analyzing them, as you know. They're actually a product of past collaboration between the academy and zebra rune crafters. Essentially, we're talking magic enhancement."

"Wait, so you're saying the runes help unicorns use magic?" Rarity asked, raising an eyebrow.

The professor placed his tea cup on the small coffee table and met eyes with Rarity. "To be more precise, they enhance teleportation."

"Twilight teleported out?" Rarity asked, fidgeting on the couch. "Did the runes allow her to ignore the protective bubble she had conjured that night?"

"She could have, but think about it for a moment," the professor said. "Why would the princess draw runes in order to bypass her own magical bubble? It doesn't add up."

Rarity brought her hoof to her muzzle. "Oh, you're saying they were drawn in advance. This was planned." This would also fit with Pinkie's letter, suggesting a kidnapping. Interesting.


Rarity resisted the urge to stand up. "Professor, who in Canterlot has the skill to create such runes? And more importantly, how many unicorns could use them to teleport through Twilight's shield?"

Starflare stopped to think for a moment, stroking his white goatee. "Not that many, I admit. The feat would be easy for any alicorn, but only a handful of the most powerful academy unicorns would have the necessary skill to even attempt it. Your fellow council members would probably be more than happy to blame it on Princess Luna and call it a day."

Rarity picked up her cup of tea with her magic. She forced herself to take a sip, failing to hide a grimace at the bitter taste. "I take it you believe Princess Luna to be innocent?" Rarity had to risk the question. Perhaps this stallion could offer her more support than she hoped.

"Oh please," he replied, "Princess Luna may have her flaws, but a kidnapper she is not. More than likely she's in hiding, thinking of ways to reclaim the throne. She may be brash, but even she knows that acting against Princess Twilight, one of her strongest advocates here in Canterlot, would have only hurt her cause." The professor raised an eyebrow as he slowly shook his head. "No, I rather suspect that a third party is responsible for both the framing of Princess Luna and the disappearance of Princess Twilight."

This made Rarity stand up. "You suspect somepony here in Canterlot?"

"One thing I learned over the years is to stay away from the politics of the nobility," Starflare answered as he calmly took another sip of tea. "I'm more than willing to help you investigate magical matters, but I won't be making any accusations."

"Duly noted, professor," Rarity said flatly. "Now what about the runes themselves? Could anypony have drawn them?"

"Well, anypony knowledgeable in zebraic runes and their application in conjunction with unicorn magic," the stallion explained. "If I were you, I would start with the ponies who could have access to the royal quarters. Aren't they guarded at all times?"

Yes, but guarded by whom? Rarity thought to herself. "Do you have any idea how long those runes have been there?" she asked instead. "Perhaps they could have been used to enter the quarters and poison Celestia during her sleep."

Starflare shook his head. "No, I don't believe it to be the case. A pony like Princess Celestia would have felt a disturbance if such runes were placed in a familiar location such as her quarters. I would assume Princess Twilight would eventually feel it too. This was done shortly before your friend disappeared."

The fashionista absentmindedly twirled a strand of her mane. "Perhaps somepony didn't like her show of support for Princess Luna."

"As I said, it's not my place to make any accusations," Starflare reminded her with a frown.

Rarity took another sip of tea. The bitter taste wasn't as bothersome this time — perhaps it was growing on her. "I have to admit, there is one more piece of evidence I haven't told you about, professor."

"Oh?" Starflare asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You remember my friend Pinkie Pie? She's currently in the Crystal Empire, and she assisted Princess Cadance in a ritual meant to find Princess Twilight."

"Interesting," Starflare replied, his ears perking up. "What did she find?"

"Princess Twilight is hidden behind some device that blocks magical detection. This would seem to indicate that she is still alive," Rarity continued, smiling lightly as she met the professor's gaze. "Why bother with such subterfuge otherwise?"

Starflare gazed outside the window for a moment, his hopeful expression eventually turning into a frown. "It could also mean whoever is responsible wants to study her corpse. There is a lot we don't know about alicorns, and a lot of individuals out there would probably like nothing better than to dissect one."

"Oh my stars! How can you even suggest such a thing?" Rarity gasped, almost dropping her tea cup.

"I'm sorry, Lady Rarity, but I have to be fully honest and explore every possibility," Starflare replied with a sigh. "Hopefully, she isn't hurt, but let's be realistic. The kind of magic you describe is usually designed specifically to keep something hidden. It might take a long time for anypony to find the princess."

"Well, I refuse to give up," Rarity flatly said.

"Nor should you," Starflare completed. "In fact, I believe I will write to Princess Cadance. Perhaps with her help I can get closer to the truth."

"Thank you," Rarity said, finally allowing herself a weak smile. "I just know Twilight Sparkle is still alive. She's accomplished so much in her life, it cannot end this way."

"I will do everything I can to find her," Starflare answered. "In the meantime, you should keep doing what you do. Canterlot needs you, more than you realize."

Rarity looked down at her cup of tea and nodded. "I understand, professor."

"Should you need any more advice of a magical nature, my door is always open."

Rarity took another sip as she pondered all that was said. She almost didn't notice the bitterness this time. "Thank you, professor Starflare. I believe you have been very helpful."

"A pleasure to be of help," Starflare offered as he stood.

Rarity mirrored his gesture. "Thank you for the tea," she said with a smile. The bitter taste had indeed grown on her. "Have a pleasant day."

"A pleasant day to you as well, Lady Rarity."

The purple-maned unicorn adjusted her beret before leaving the room, smiling and tipping her head at Professor Starflare one last time before closing the office door.

Rarity took a glimpse at the space next to the door where Luna's portrait used to hang. It had since then been replaced by a portrait of Twilight. At least some ponies haven't given up on her just yet, the fashionista thought.

She trotted towards the staircase, frowning at the teleportation circle as she passed it. The one downside to visiting the magic academy was how inconvenient it was for unicorns who hadn't mastered instantaneous transport. Rarity had been lucky enough to have a student agree to transport her up on her way in. No such luck now; she would have to descend on her own and drench her coat with disgusting sweat.

As she began the monotonous trek downstairs, Rarity's thoughts wandered to her recent conversation. She had hoped Starflare would consider joining the council, but he made it clear he had no interest in politics. At least she could count him as an ally. He had chosen to trust her with his findings before he informed the rest of the council. The gesture was a clear message, one Rarity understood loud and clear.

Rarity trotted faster down the stairs as she thought about Twilight. Alright, what do I know so far? she asked herself. They used runes, specifically zebraic runes. Could a zebra be guilty? Few would have a motive, and it would be easy for anypony to use such runes specifically to incriminate one of the many zebras living in Canterlot. The runes also directly affected teleportation. This meant a unicorn, or possibly an alicorn. As much as Rarity hated suspecting Luna, she could not ignore the possibility that the Princess of the Night could be guilty. Technically though, any number of magic users could be responsible.

Rarity grunted in frustration and stopped in her tracks. This investigation was taking too long, and in the meantime, Twilight was probably alone, afraid, and subjected to who-knows-what. The fashionista took a few long breaths. Calm yourself, Rarity. Applejack, Rainbow, and the others will know what to do. You just have to tell them what you know. She sighed as she continued down the stairs. She had one more important stop before the council meeting.

"Miss Rarity, is Prince Blueblood going to become an alicorn now that he rules Equestria?" a small filly asked, staring at the fashionista with wide opened eyes.

Rarity smiled warmly at the class of young colts and fillies in front of her. "It takes more than ruling a nation to become an alicorn. Powerful acts of love or friendship will bring forth the transformation. Remember when I told you about Princess Twilight's ascension earlier? She would never have accomplished it if she hadn't cultivated strong friendships. Will Blueblood do the same? Only time will tell." Like that ruffian could ever have any understanding of true friendship.

When she had heard that Canterlot elementary was looking to invite somepony from the political class to speak to the foals, Rarity had jumped at the occasion. It hadn't taken a lot to convince Floribunda to introduce her to the right ponies; the fashionista suspected that the older mare would welcome the opportunity to avoid making the appearance herself.

"We have time for a few more questions for Councilor Rarity," Apple-a-Day, the green-coated teacher, announced.

A flurry of hooves raised into the air. Rarity chuckled lightly in the midst of a chorus of, "Pick me! Pick me!"

Apple-a-Day pointed towards a pink-coated filly with her hoof. "Go ahead, Blueberry Swirl."

The unicorn filly stood. "Councilor Rarity, Is it true you beat Nightmare Moon? Can you do it again now that she's back?"

"Well, I don't think Princess Luna changed back into Nightmare Moon," Rarity replied with an awkward smile. "Until we find out where she's gone, we can't know for sure. As for her original return, I did help turn her back into her true self. I had Twilight Sparkle and the rest of my friends with me, of course."

The filly smiled, seemingly satisfied as her teacher pointed toward a pegasus colt. "We have time for one last question for councilor Rarity. Zipperbolt, you've had your hoof up for a while."

The young gray colt adjusted his large glasses. "Miss Rarity, how come everypony thinks Princess Luna is a bad pony now?"

A yellow unicorn colt spoke up before Rarity had a chance to answer. "Because she killed Celestia, you doofus."

"Lemon Tart, don't interrupt!" Apple-a-Day warned with a stern glare.

Rarity waited for a nod from the teacher before giving her answer. "I don't think she's a bad pony. She did run away from Canterlot, though. That leaves the royal council in charge of things. Without knowing where she is, we cannot ask her about what she did. Therefore, we can't really tell what happened. I do not, however, believe she could have harmed Princess Celestia."

"Well, I know she's innocent!" Zipperbolt replied.

"Oh?" Rarity asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"I used to have bad dreams, but Luna chased them away!"

"You just had a dream, Princess Luna wouldn't waste her time on you," Lemon Tart replied.

"You're just jealous she never visited your dreams!" the gray colt retorted.

Apple-a-Day stepped forward. "Alright, that's enough, both of you. You shouldn't misbehave in front of our guest," she said, staring severely at the two colts before turning toward Rarity. "Thanks again for coming, Councilor. I know the foals really enjoyed having you here to answer their questions."

"It's been an absolute pleasure, Mrs. Apple-a-Day," the fashionista said with a warm smile. "And thank you for your warm welcome, everypony." The children clapped their hooves as Rarity smiled warmly, moving her mane away from her face.

"Say goodbye to Miss Rarity," the teacher said as the fashionista left the classroom.

A chorus of, "Goodbye Miss Rarity!" marked her departure as she walked toward the exit.

As soon as Rarity was outside the room, she saw Floribunda waiting for her. The older mare was sitting on a bench, reading the day's paper. She turned to face the newest councilor.

"I take it the foals behaved?" the older mare asked.

"Oh, most definitely," Rarity replied as she set the pace toward the exit. "The little dears were a welcome distraction from council business. What about you? You met with the school principal, I believe?"

Floribunda nodded as she followed the fashionista outside. "Yes, making a follow-up on his gymnasium project. He petitioned the throne for funding before you joined the council, and I facilitated the arrangement."

"Ah yes, I think I overheard talk of the project," Rarity said.

"I couldn't help but hear those last few questions you answered," Floribunda continued, changing the subject. "You're playing a dangerous game, defending Princess Luna like that."

"I thought I gave neutral answers," Rarity replied, forcing her tone to stay as pleasant as possible. "I never openly supported Princess Luna, if it's what you mean."

Floribunda kept walking. "You certainly didn't need to, your opinion is widely known everywhere in Canterlot."

"And what opinion would that be?" Rarity asked with a frown.

"Oh please, Rarity," the older mare said as she tipped her head towards the castle. "Your distaste of Prince Blueblood is transparent enough to be laughable. So is your refusal to even consider Princess Luna's guilt. Tell me, what do you think would happen if Luna were to take the throne?"

Rarity stopped in her steps. "I... I admit that I don't know. The princess has always been, shall I say, distant."

"Precisely," Floribunda confirmed, turning her head back towards the fashionista. "Do we want such an uncertain quantity in power? Prince Blueblood has his flaws, nopony on the council would deny it, but we can work around them. Most of us in the nobility have known him for years, we know how to work with his personality. Yes, the prince has his tantrums, and he could learn the value of modesty. Beyond that though, he really does care about Equestria. It might just not be apparent at first."

Rarity stopped in her tracks. "I will certainly keep what you said regarding Prince Blueblood in mind, Lady Floribunda. Regardless, we are still keeping the throne ready for when Princess Twilight returns, are we not?"

"Oh, if she returns, I will be more than happy to support her claim — after a justification of what happened at the failed ritual, of course," Floribunda said. "I will not, however, proceed with the assumption that she is even still alive. We're ruling a nation here, Councilor Rarity; we can't afford blind optimism."

"Well forgive me for still believing in my friend," Rarity said with a frown. "You remember the runes they found in the royal chambers? It turns out that they enhance teleportation. I also happen to know that Princess Twilight is currently hidden behind some form of magic-blocking device. It's just a matter of finding her."

"We all hope that the princess can be found and safely returned," Floribunda continued as she glared at the fashionista. "But you can't make important decisions under such assumptions. Blueblood is ruling Equestria now. You can help him rule as part of the council, or keep supporting a pony who's been declared an enemy of the state until you lose your position. If Twilight Sparkle were to return, then the council would consider her claim, not before."

"I... see your point," Rarity said, looking down with a heavy sigh.

"I would certainly hate losing an asset such as yourself over trivialities," the older mare said with a smile, placing a hoof on Rarity's back. "You are well-loved by the ponies of Canterlot and have a true gift for diplomacy that I am sure will serve the throne greatly one day. You are not, however, a career politician, no matter how much you style yourself as one. I would hate to lose such a... good friend to back door politics."

Rarity took a deep breath and forced a smile. Twilight, Rainbow, everypony, please forgive me. "Of course, I am loyal to the council. I will make sure everypony knows I do not support Princess Luna as a ruler. She did run away, after all."

"I am glad to hear it, Councilor," Floribunda replied, continuing on her way toward the castle, Rarity following closely behind.

Rarity sighed quietly, looking at a conveniently placed statue so her companion would not see the doubt on her face. Her task was to keep Canterlot ready for Twilight's return. It was becoming apparent to her that this could not be done if she wasted her energy on supporting Luna. The Princess of the Night did have multiple chances to come back and explain herself. No, ponies like the foals she had just met had to come first. This meant keeping ponies like Prince Blueblood or Captain Silvermane from making harsh decisions. She had to choose her battles, therefore Blueblood would have her support, as much as she despised the stallion.

Prince Blueblood smiled as the griffon ambassador presented his ideas to the council. For about an hour, they had been debating import taxes, luxury items from Griffingard, gem and food exports, the difficulty of transporting goods across the Oatlantic Ocean, and various cultural similarities between Equestria and Griffingard. Both the Prince and Griffon Ambassador Antoine seemed very adamant on this last point, constantly reminding the council of how close the two cultures apparently were.

"I am more than pleased you are all willing to consider my trade proposal," Antoine said with a smile. "Both our societies have much to offer each other. In fact, I have something else to bring to the table."

Rarity's head perked up. The talks had gone in circles for a while now, focusing on pleasantries and apparent mutual respect. The actual trade agreement had been thoroughly discussed earlier, even if it still had to be written down and signed.

"Oh?" Blueblood asked.

"Pardon me for prying," the ambassador said as he brought his claw to his chin, "but I've noticed increased military training outside the castle these past few days."

"We have been recruiting lately, all in standard procedure," Silvermane explained before anypony else had a chance to speak.

Antoine coughed lightly and smiled at the council ponies. "Far from me to judge your military practices. I would, however, offer to sell griffon-made weapons. We can also model armor around equine physiology if you so desire."

Silvermane raised an eyebrow. "You would so readily trade away your advanced military equipment with another nation?"

"Of course. You are our allies and we wouldn't want to see you ill-suited to defend your borders," the griffon replied.

Rarity listened intently. She had no doubt griffon military engineering was decades ahead of Equestria's. Why would they be willing to share it though? What interest could King Aurélien of Griffingard have in a better equipped Equestrian military? The fashionista looked around the table. She shared a concerned look with Floribunda, and she noticed both Silvermane and Kibitz staring down Blueblood. Antoine's deep, brown eyes betrayed no malice, although Rarity suspected she would never be able to read his true intentions.

The fashionista decided to break the silence. "Your offer is most generous, ambassador, but I'm afraid we would become dependent on your good will in regard to our national defense."

"Lady Rarity does raise a good point," Kibitz added with a sigh hinting at relief. "We need to be able to manufacture our own weapons and armor, and be self-sufficient in that regard."

"We need weapons and armor now," Blueblood said with a stern look. "I'm sure we can manufacture our own in the future."

"As long as I can inspect what we're buying beforehand, I can work with this," Silvermane grunted.

Antoine smiled and looked around the table. "I will be more than happy to bring you a few samples of what we have to offer, Captain Silvermane." Rarity did not fail to notice how the ambassador avoided answering her own comment.

"Good," Blueblood replied, putting his hoof on the table. "Perhaps now we can..."

The Prince never finished his sentence as the large double doors slammed open. Lieutenant Breezerunner, Silvermane's second in command, stood panting in the entrance.

"What's the meaning of this?" Blueblood barked, staring down the guard. "How dare you interrupt a council meeting?"

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," he said between breaths as he bowed, "but we have news from Cloudsdale, a most urgent matter. The Lady Silver Tongue requests that she be heard at once."

Blueblood's expression softened at once as Rarity noticed him letting go of a breath he had been holding. "Finally, we'll know what these traitors are hiding! Send her in."

Rarity turned her head toward Antoine and met his eyes. He nodded once. "It seems you have matters of state to attend. I will retire to my quarters for now. Do not hesitate to call for me, should you wish to continue our discussion." The ambassador shared a knowing look with Prince Blueblood as he took a bow.

Ambassador Antoine left the room as Silver Tongue entered it. Both pony and griffon nodded respectfully as they crossed paths. Once Antoine had left, Lieutenant Breezerunner closed the doors and Silver Tongue brushed her unkempt green mane once before stepping towards the central table. It must indeed be an emergency if she didn't even take the time to make herself presentable before appearing in front of the royal council, Rarity thought.

"Welcome back to Canterlot, Lady Silver Tongue," Kibitz offered as he motioned toward an empty seat with his hoof.

The pegasus diplomat nodded and sat down. "Councilors, Your Highness, I apologize for bursting in, but what I learned in Cloudsdale is of the utmost importance."

"Well, out with it!" Blueblood said.

"Very well," Silver Tongue continued, "I'm sorry to say that this new Cloudsdale army is sworn to Princess Luna, and its intent is to place the Princess of the Night on the throne."

"What?" the prince yelled, getting up and throwing his chair behind him in.

"A military coup? This is unthinkable!" Floribunda said, holding her hoof to her muzzle in shock.

"What else did she say? Surely she can't be serious about such a thing." Rarity asked, getting up as well.

Silver Tongue took a moment to catch her breath before continuing. "The princess asked me to deliver an ultimatum: surrender the throne to her, or she will launch an invasion of Canterlot."

"She dares?" Blueblood asked with fire in his eyes. He started pacing back and forth behind the table. "I will have her executed! I will have the traitor-pegasi banished! Captain Silvermane, ready our defenses. We will smash this army with all of Canterlot's might!"

Rarity took a deep breath in an attempt to keep her composure. "Are we even prepared to fight? Furthermore, are we really willing to start a civil war?"

"Start?" Blueblood said furiously as he stormed toward Rarity. "Luna is the one starting a civil war. We'll be defending ourselves!"

"And sacrificing how many ponies in the process?" Rarity asked, staring down the prince. "I'm as shocked as all of you, truly, but is it really acceptable of us to sacrifice innocent ponies' lives in an attempt to secure the throne?"

"Surrender? That's your idea?" Blueblood asked incredulously. "I should have expected as much from a Luna sympathizer such as you."

Be careful, Rarity, this is what Floribunda warned you about. "What other choice do we have?" the fashionista asked. "Our army is nowhere near ready to fight the full might of Cloudsdale. We'd be sending good ponies to their death for nothing."

"Rarity is right." All eyes turned towards Silvermane as she interrupted the debate. "We don't have enough ponies, and not enough weapons for them. Even if we accept Griffingard's offer, there's no time to recruit and train the amount of troops we'd need to repel an attack from Cloudsdale."

Blueblood turned away and dismissed Silvermane with his hoof. "I can see I'm the only one here willing to do what's necessary," he announced flatly before turning toward Lieutenant Breezerunner, still waiting at the door. "You there, go fetch Ambassador Antoine."

Silvermane gave the prince an unfazed look. "As I said, buying weapons from Griffingard won't be enough."

"I don't want to buy weapons," Blueblood said with a grin, "I want to buy an army."

The councilors all gasped in shock. He can't be serious, a griffon army in Equestria?

"Your Highness," Kibitz interjected, "surely there must be another way. We can't allow Griffingard's army to establish a presence here."

"This could be even worse than having Luna's army take over," Floribunda said, cutting off Kibitz.

"Griffon soldiers are known to be barbaric," Rarity replied. "Thousands of ponies will die."

A loud whistle from Captain Silvermane quieted down the room. She turned toward Silver Tongue, who was still quietly waiting in her seat. "Lady Silver Tongue, how large is this army? Who are the officers? How thorough is their training?" The captain looked slowly at every council member. "We need facts before we make a rash decision."

The diplomat coughed lightly. "I haven't witnessed their training, but the Cloudsdale soldiers seemed surprisingly disciplined for such a ragtag group. As for their numbers, the army comprises three wings, each supposedly counts around five hundred ponies, all pegasi. I couldn't tell if those numbers are exact, and this is just what I was allowed to see."

"And what about the officers?" Silvermane asked.

Silver Tongue turned towards Rarity and gave her an apologetic look, her eyes softening. "The army is under the command of Princess Luna and General Spitfire. The wings are under the command of commanders Soarin, Fleetfoot, and Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow, you brash fool, what have you been thinking? Rarity thought to herself as her heart sank and she felt the gaze of every councilor in the room.

Blueblood slammed his hoof on the table and stared at Rarity. "No wonder you were so eager to surrender, you've been working with Luna all along! One of your closest friends is even one of her officers! You can't hide anymore."

"I...I didn't know, I swear! I haven't spoken to Rainbow since she left Canterlot, or any of the others," Rarity pleaded, trying to meet eyes with the councilors, hoping for an ally.

The fashionista only met stern looks. Finally, Floribunda dared to meet her gaze, if only for a moment. "Perhaps we should give Rarity some way of proving her loyalty," the older mare suggested.

"It would be worth considering," Kibitz added, sharing a look with Blueblood.

"Perhaps," the prince harrumphed, "Captain, have Lady Rarity escorted to her quarters. We have more pressing matters to discuss for now."

Rarity got up slowly and looked down at her hooves. How could she have been so naive as to believe she would make a difference in Canterlot politics? Equestria will be plunged into civil war, Blueblood will stop at nothing to cement his power, and Silvermane will get the military buildup she so desperately wanted. Twilight, I'm so sorry.

A hoof on her shoulder brought Rarity back to reality. It was one of the guard, whom she realized would escort her to her quarters, no doubt her cell from now on. She forced herself to look at the council ponies and tried to keep her eyes from watering. "Please, regardless of your opinion of me, do not let our nation fall into civil war. Do not let innocent ponies die over matters of succession. Twilight Sparkle is still alive! She's the one who should rule; everypony would accept her."

Nopony dared give her an answer. Only Blueblood spoke. "Guard, take her away."

Rarity walked slowly to her quarters, escorted by a pegasus guard. She did not utter a word as she quietly contemplated the scope of her failure. Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, it's all up to you now.

"Please, Lady Rarity, you must calm down!" Sapphire Blitz said in a panic, trying to keep Rarity from breaking her mirror. She had already ripped apart two of her dresses in a fit of rage.

"Get out of my way, Sapphire!" she screamed, breathing heavily through her nostrils.

"Surely we can do something, milady. Things can't be as bleak as you say."

Rarity yelled in her assistant's face. "One of my best friends, one of the few ponies I absolutely trust, is now about to start a war! As much as I try to wrap my head around it, to understand what plan she cooked up, nothing can justify this. Thousands of innocent ponies will die, Sapphire! Whatever gamble Luna had going on, it won't work." She looked down and took a few long breaths. Tears fell down her cheeks. "Blueblood will go to war, all because I failed in what I promised to do. I couldn't keep the peace in Canterlot."

Sapphire Blitz took a deep breath, avoiding Rarity's gaze. "I... I understand your frustration, Lady Rarity," she managed to say in a shaking voice. "I'm certain there's something we can do. Perhaps you can prove your loyalty to the council somehow? I'm sure you will be given an opportunity to plead your case."

"You don't get it, do you?" Rarity interrupted. "Blueblood has wanted me out of the picture since the beginning. Anypony who opposes his lust for power is an enemy. Nopony will stop him."

Rarity fell down, onto her bed. Sapphire took a few hesitant steps in her direction as more tears formed around the fashionista's eyes. "Is... is there anything I can do, milady?"

"Just leave me be," Rarity said as she waved her assistant away with one hoof, her head buried under the other.

The unicorn did not even look to see if her assistant had left. She had failed in her mission. How foolish she had been, thinking she could make a change in Canterlot. Ponies like Blueblood and Silvermane had spent their entire lives building their influence and forging alliances. Rarity had nothing but a decent reputation as a fashion designer. It would take more than dresses to fix Equestria.

She dragged herself to the bed, wondering how long they'd keep her in this room. Would they allow her to return to Ponyville? Would they just keep her locked up in here? Perhaps she would be thrown in a damp, dirty dungeon, never to be seen again. Would she even be allowed to write to her friends? Could they find Twilight without her and Rainbow?

Rarity stared at the ceiling from her bed, losing herself in its intricate patterns. Her sobs turned into a blank expression as she allowed her mind to shut itself from the world. Eventually, darkness fell over the city. Luna had presumably raised the moon.

How much time had passed was unknown to Rarity. She turned her head and saw the state of the room. "What a mess, this is certainly no way for a lady to behave," she said out loud in the most casual of tones.

She got up from her bed and picked up a discarded box of jewelry, ripped dresses, and other leftovers from her earlier fit of rage, returning everything to its proper place. Whatever happens to me, I cannot forget my grace and elegance. This is something they cannot take from me. She found a broom and cleaned up her entire quarters, losing herself in the mindless act.

After having lost track of time, she saw her reflection in a mirror and gasped in shock. "This won't do at all," she said to herself as she noticed her disheveled mane and ruined makeup. Rarity trotted toward her private bathroom, noticing a few rays of light coming in as she made her way. It seemed her cleaning spree had lasted longer than she thought.

The cold shower brought Rarity back to reality. No doubt she would be questioned. There wasn't much anypony in Canterlot could find out from her that they didn't already know. Fancy Pants' letters should probably be destroyed for safety. She simply had to answer whatever questions they asked her, and give them what they wanted — proof of her loyalty. Rainbow Dash had made her choice, and would have to face the consequences. She had always been brash, but leading ponies into war? Did you really have no other choice, Rainbow?

She was in front of her mirror, applying her makeup, when she heard a knock at the door. Her hair had been shampooed, conditioned, and brushed back into its usual elegant curls. All traces of her previous tears had been hidden behind a smile and a mask of eyeshadow.

"A moment, please," she said as she finished putting on her lipstick.

Rarity trotted towards the door, taking one last look in the mirror before judging her appearance acceptable. "You may enter."

The door opened to reveal Councilor Kibitz, closely followed by Prince Blueblood. Rarity failed to hide a frown. She expected Captain Silvermane would be the one to show up and drill her with questions.

"Your Highness, Councilor, how can I help you?" she said with a forced smile.

Kibitz coughed lightly and adjusted his monocle. "Good morning, Lady Rarity. I hope you had a pleasant night, considering the circumstances."

"Well enough," she lied, forcing a smile as her eyes met with Blueblood's. The Prince avoided her gaze immediately, turning toward a painting on the wall.

"Well, with the formalities out of the way, I take it you know why we're here," Kibitz said with his light brown eyes locked on the fashionista.

Rarity took a deep breath. "Yes, you want to question me, and you want me to somehow prove my loyalty." She kept as straight a face as she could, looking at both ponies with apprehension.

Kibitz nodded. "Well, in light of recent events, you cannot blame us for being careful."

"Having a council member associated with a known traitor, it would be unheard of," Blueblood said, finally meeting Rarity's eyes.

Rarity took a deep breath. Could she bring herself to say it? The words escaped her mouth without her realizing: "Rainbow Dash is no friend of mine, not anymore."

Blueblood's muzzle twisted into a smile. "This is good to hear, and a good start."

"A good start?" Rarity gasped. "This is a pony I once considered to be one of my closest friends. She betrayed me personally with her ridiculous decision to get involved in this army. If anypony here was lied to, it's me."

"So you say," Kibitz replied, sharing a nod with Blueblood. "We are willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but actions will have to be taken. You see, Rainbow Dash's unfortunate decision to betray our great nation will no doubt tarnish the council's image."

Rarity listened quietly, slowly lowering her head as she wondered what Kibitz was going to ask of her. Would she be asked to publicly renounce Rainbow? Could she bring herself to go that far?

"Ponies are still loyal to Princess Twilight, and her friends supporting the enemy will only bring further chaos to Equestria," the prince said, gritting his teeth.

"Therefore, you want me to publicly renounce Rainbow Dash, don't you?" Rarity suggested. Better get it over with now. Let's find out what they want.

"Well, that would be a start," Kibitz said after a light cough, "but it may not be enough. We need to solidify Prince Blueblood's claim to the throne. We need to send a clear message that Equestria will not falter in the face of civil war."

"Marry me, Rarity," Blueblood said, taking a step towards Rarity and giving her a smile she might have once believed to be genuine.

"What?" the fashionista exclaimed with a gasp. "You can't possibly be serious. Marry you? This is absurd!"

"It didn't seem that absurd to you at the gala a few years ago," the prince replied. "You want to prove yourself loyal to the throne? Seal your support for me through marriage."

Kibitz gave Blueblood a severe look before turning toward Rarity again. "You want a stable Equestria, Lady Rarity? This is how you will get it, by taking your place as Prince Blueblood's princess."

"Your friends split apart," Blueblood continued, "Twilight Sparkle is more than likely dead, ridiculous theories about magic blocking devices aside, and Cloudsdale is rising in rebellion. We need to send a clear message to the ponies of Equestria that the throne is still in good hooves. It's your choice, Rarity. You can either become this nation's newest Princess and enjoy luxuries your Ponyville mind could never imagine, or remain trapped in this room."

Rarity's blood boiled. She bucked a tall, ornate vase with her hoof. "Out, both of you, out of my sight! I would sooner marry one of Applejack's pigs than a ruffian such as you!"

Both Kibitz and Blueblood jumped back in shock. Kibitz's monocle dropping from his face. "We will give you a few days to reconsider," the prince said, nodding at the older councilor.

Both ponies left the room, leaving Rarity behind, fuming. As soon as the door was closed, she lost all attempt at composure and burst into tears. They wouldn't even consider that Twilight could still be alive, regardless of the proof available. On top of it, Rainbow was starting a civil war, and now they wanted her to marry this disgusting prince! Rarity buried herself under her blankets. It would seem she would be calling this room home for a long time.

The day was spent trying, but failing to get any rest. Every time Rarity was about to fall asleep, she found herself remembering Blueblood's smug face and his self-entitled attitude whenever he referred to his so-called "right" to the throne. Closing her eyes brought forth images of the prince getting close to her, kissing her, sharing her bed. She'd open her eyes and groan in frustration.

The only way Rarity could distract herself from her hatred toward Blueblood was by thinking about Rainbow Dash. What madness had gone through her friend's brain? Did the thought of innocent ponies dying even cross her mind? Did she really think Canterlot would surrender without a fight?

What did it matter who sat the throne? Was it really worth anypony dying? The entire council, Luna, Rainbow Dash, the Wonderbolts, they should all head to Tartarus! That's where they all belonged, with the rest of the dangerous monsters.

After a spending a good part of the day gritting her teeth and wincing as sunlight sneaked between the curtains, sleep overcame her. With nothing to do and no suitable plan of action coming to her, she drifted into dreams. The noises of castle life woke her up occasionally, usually ending with her staring at the ceiling for what seemed like an eternity.

Rarity eventually pushed her blanket out of the way, and groaned as the bright light of the sun assaulted her drowsy eyes. She took a glimpse outside, seeing one of the castle groundskeepers planting flower arrangements around Celestia's monument. No doubt the statue would be finished any day now.

The fashionista shook her head. She wasn't as strong a magic user as Twilight, but she could still levitate objects. Surely she could break the window by hurling a table at it. While she would normally frown at such an uncouth act, desperate times called for desperate measures. She would have to wait for nightfall. Even then, sneaking out of the castle grounds would be challenging, although not impossible.

What could she do after, though? No doubt Silvermane and her guards would be out looking for her. Of course, Donut Joe! She had helped him two weeks ago. Surely he would be eager to repay the favor and quietly smuggle her back to Ponyville. From there, she could warn Applejack.

Assuming she found her way to Applejack, what then? Warn her about Rainbow, then about the coming Griffon army? What could they do with this knowledge after? Fighting back was not an option. Perhaps evacuating the town, running away from the fighting? How would the ponies of Ponyville react? More importantly, what would it mean for Equestria? Furthermore, between Pinkie's letter and Starflare's findings, there were still a lot of questions left unanswered in Canterlot. She wouldn't be allowed to return if she escaped. She would be labeled a fugitive.

They won't let me out, unless I marry him. Rarity thought. These were the choices before her — attempt an escape, marry this ruffian, or stay a prisoner for who knew how long. Rarity groaned in frustration as she smashed her head against the window.

I need to think, she told herself as she trotted toward a bookcase. She picked up a worn copy of The Heart's Whinny. She had gone through the romantic novel many times in her life, usually when she needed to hide from harsh realities. It had always helped her when she needed to calm down, so she was glad to find a copy of it in her Canterlot quarters.

Rarity settled down on a chair and opened the book to its first page. The familiar story of Golden Oats, the innocent and beautiful farm mare who was about to meet the love of her life, the gorgeous Prince Silversword, had always given Rarity inspiration in the past. Many dresses would never have even been conceived if it weren't for her constant re-reading of the novel.

The fashionista got through the first chapter, almost forgetting her own predicament. She smiled as it ended with Golden Oats being captured by bandits, knowing Silversword would single-hoofedly rescue her in the following section. Her smile quickly made way to a frown, however, as reality crept back into her mind.

Rarity closed the book and threw it across the room. Her own Prince wasn't like Silversword. In fact, he was the very opposite of charming. As for her, she wasn't some innocent farm pony meeting her one true love. She was an idiotic Ponyville filly who thought she actually stood a chance at successfully playing the political game.

Rarity wasn't aware how long she had been staring at the wall when she heard a knock at the door. She turned her head as the sound became more insistent. "Fine, come in," she yelled, surprised at how weak her own voice sounded.

The door slowly opened to reveal the muscular form of Captain Silvermane. The brown-coated mare nodded at the entrance guard as she walked in, prompting him to close and lock the door again.

"Come to gloat, Captain?" The fashionista asked in a flat tone.

"It's General now," Silvermane answered, ignoring the jab as she made her way toward an empty chair. "May I?"

"Please, don't pretend like I have any say in what you can or can't do," Rarity replied, turning back toward the window. "I assume you finally got your army and you're happily galloping toward your war."

"I'm not particularly happy about it, no," she replied in her usual severe voice as she sat down.

"Well, you could have had me fooled," Rarity said, still refusing to give her tormentor the courtesy of her attention.

Silvermane sighed loudly. "Whatever you may think of me, Lady Rarity, I'm a patriot at heart. Everything I do, I do for the benefit of Equestria. Not just for today, but in the long run."

"I'm sure a civil war will do wonders for Equestria," Rarity snickered as she finally turned to face the former captain.

Silvermane's piercing burnt orange eyes did not leave Rarity. "It's better than Luna on the throne," she said flatly. "I know what you're thinking. It'd be better to surrender, allow Princess Luna to rule than to let innocent ponies die. After all, is Prince Blueblood that much better?"

"The thought had crossed my mind," Rarity replied, risking the bait. "I know nopony wants to hear it, but I have proof that Twilight is still alive. If you truly are a patriot, then you must understand she's the only one who can bring peace back to Equestria."

"I will grant you that, and will be more than happy to support her claim once she is found," Silvermane admitted. "However, the vague magical theories you cooked up with Professor Starflare are a far cry from actually finding her, or even proving that she's alive. The safe route is to bet on the candidate we have available."

"Prince Blueblood," Rarity flatly completed with a wince.

For the first time since she had known Silvermane, Rarity saw her expression soften. Her eyebrows relaxed, and her muzzle abandoned its usual frown. "There is one major difference between Blueblood and Luna. One is immortal, the other is not. For all his flaws, Blueblood is also more prone to listening to advisors. For starters, he agreed to all of my recommendations surrounding the use of a griffon army, including leaving me in command, hence my new rank. Nopony in Canterlot wanted things to go this way. We only see the necessity in defending ourselves."

"And you really believe everypony in Equestria will accept this decision?" Rarity asked, attempting a different tactic. "You could have a revolt on your hooves."

"The Lady Floribunda already said as much after your departure," Silvermane continued. "This deal with Griffingard will remain a secret for now. I can assure you, ponies will be more than happy to see Centurion Bouvier's troops show up and defend them against the Cloudsdale invaders."

"It seems like you thought of everything," Rarity suggested as she rolled her eyes. "Cut to the chase, General, why are you here?"

Silvermane's mouth twisted in a subtle smile. "I heard you've been made a proposal recently, one that you refused."

Rarity found herself grinding her teeth again. "You can't be serious. I don't know whose sick idea of a joke that was. To think I could marry that... that royal pain of a prince!"

"Actually, the idea was mine, and I certainly do not think of it as a sick joke," Silvermane calmly explained as she stared calmly at the ex-councilor.

"I would have thought petty revenge to be beneath you," Rarity replied, looking down in defeat. "This is for me humiliating you at the donut shop, isn't it?"

"Please, Rarity, you're smarter than this. Do you really see me as the kind of pony who'd waste time and resources on something as fickle as revenge? As I told you earlier. Everything I do, I do for the benefit of Equestria."

"Blueblood's benefit you mean," Rarity said as she got up from her seat.

Silvermane did not take the bait and remained calmly on her own seat, her gaze glued on Rarity. "The nation is heading for civil war. Nothing you or I say can change that. What we can do is make sure the good ponies emerge on top so that future generations enjoy the peace we've grown so accustomed to. This means making sure a brash pony like Luna does not take the throne. It also means setting up a legacy built on the values of friendship you so treasure. The values I know you would instill in your future foals."

"Children... with him?" Rarity gasped in shock. "You can't be serious, you would turn me into some... some royal foal machine for Blueblood?"

"Not at all," Silvermane replied, finally getting up and placing a comforting hoof on Rarity's back. "I would also have you temper his decisions with wisdom and kindness. You've kept me from making a grave mistake at Pony Joe's. You may yet do the same with Prince Blueblood. As his wife, you will have his ear. You will be able to lead him down a gentler path."

Rarity gulped and returned her attention to the window. She gently pushed Silvermane away. Could I really do it? Could I sacrifice my happiness this way? She pictured herself with Blueblood and gagged in disgust.

Silvermane's voice broke Rarity's thoughts. "Tell me, Rarity, why did you ask to be on the council in the first place?"

"To protect Equestria. I was hoping to keep Twilight's nation safe so she could return and take her throne," she replied weakly, still looking outside. A group of weather ponies were moving clouds over the gardens.

"And this is precisely why you must agree to wed Prince Blueblood. You can keep him from making brash decisions. You can make sure innocent ponies are well protected. Perhaps you may even help convince Luna to back down from this war. You will have power of your own too. Ponies will listen to the crowned Princess of Equestria... Your Highness."

Tears fell down Rarity's cheeks as weak laughter escaped her muzzle. "So this is how little you think of me? That I would betray Twilight and steal her throne."

"Or make sure the throne is still hers when she returns," Silvermane's voice continued from behind Rarity. "I promise you, I will fully support her claim should she return, assuming she is still capable and willing of holding the position, of course. For now, Equestria needs a strong princess. One who has the love of the common ponies, the sense to rule wisely, and the status to be recognized by the council and nobility. As one of Princess Twilight's former advisors, you have that status."

After a moment of silence, Rarity turned toward Silvermane. She didn't even try to hide the tears from her eyes. "My friends would not understand, they would never forgive me. You are asking me to live a life without love for the sake of Equestria."

"This is the sacrifice the throne asks. Everypony in Canterlot's ruling class had to make it in some way or another. I cannot promise you happiness, I cannot promise you peace of mind. The only promise I can make is that you will have my support, and that you will be in a position to make true changes. If you thought you could help Equestria as a mere councilor, think what you will be able to do as a Princess."

Rarity dried her tears. Ever since the day Twilight had named her the bearer of the Element of Generosity, she had been asked to give. She had always done so willingly, happy to be generous for its own sake. Now, she was asked to give away her own happiness, the love of her friends, all for a chance at saving her nation. It might keep innocent ponies from dying, it might keep the war from going too far.

It might keep the children she had visited earlier from becoming orphans.

Rarity bit her lip. "Very well, General. You may inform Prince Blueblood that I consent. I will take his hoof in marriage."

Perhaps one day, this decision wouldn't taste so bitter.