> A Dream of Sunny Days > by Roranicus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Moon had risen over Equestria. Princess Luna took a deep, exhausted breath after the ordeal. Most ponies did not realize the effort that went into moving an object the size of Equestria's moon, or its sun for that matter. The princess walked back inside her quarters. She stood in the doorway and looked for an empty cup so she could make herself some cocoa: her own little reward for performing her duty. Luna took a moment to look around her room. Varied trinkets were lying around on tables and other pieces of furniture — a hoof-made flower pot, a doll missing an eye, an old diary, some letters, even a few thoughtful foal drawings. She smiled as she was reminded of the various ponies whose nightmares she helped vanquish. She eventually picked a cup with a child's drawing of a scooter on it, using it for the warm chocolaty reward. The princess only took a few sips of her cocoa before impatiently setting the cup on a small table. "I better check on sister," she quietly said to herself with a sigh. As she left her quarters, Luna found Captain Silvermane, Shining Armor's replacement as captain of the royal guard, waiting for her. The brown-coated mare grunted as she turned her gaze in the princess's direction. “Good evening, Captain.” the princess offered in a colder tone then she had intended. Silvermane soberly nodded as they walked toward Celestia's quarters, Luna leading the way. “How is my sister doing?” the princess asked. For a few months now, Celestia had been gravely ill, forcing Luna to secretly move the sun as well as the moon. Very few ponies were privy to the truth. “Her condition remains unchanged, although she does seem especially tired from the day's activities.” the unicorn replied, her expression unchanging. “Would it not be wise to call for Princess Twilight, Your Highness? Princess Celestia obviously needs rest, and I trust you would welcome the assistance.” Luna considered the captain's suggestion for a moment. “I will talk to my sister about this,” the princess firmly answered as she kept walking. “While I would welcome the help, I do not believe it is my decision to make.” Silvermane only grunted as a response. The two of them trotted through the castle's large hallways in silence. Luna took a few glances at her companion, taking notice of her watchtower cutie mark. The captain's constant presence around Luna certainly seemed to validate her talent for constant vigilance. They shortly arrived in Celestia's chambers. It was a scene that was becoming all too familiar to Luna. Celestia's mane was disheveled, seemingly losing its coloration and ethereal aspect. Her crown and the rest of her regalia were left on a nearby table as Councilor Kibitz and Prince Blueblood stood near her lavish bed, deep in discussion. "Your Highness, I urge you to stop this charade!" Kibitz argued, adjusting his monocle before it could fall off. "You should not hold court tomorrow. Dedicate what energy you have to the griffon ambassador instead!" "Nonsense!" Blueblood replied, pushing the smaller, balding unicorn with his hoof. "You should show a strong presence for the royal family in court, dear aunt. I will be more than happy to meet with Antoine in your stead." “Enough!” the Princess of the Night bellowed in the once traditional royal Canterlot voice. Luna quickly lowered the volume of her voice as Celestia winced in pain. “Kibitz, please let me have a moment with my sister. I will meet with you afterwards and see what I can do. You are not, however, to disturb her as she rests. Do I make myself clear?” Kibitz bowed as he left the room, giving Celestia a quick look of worry. Blueblood grinned as he bowed. "Thank you, Your Highness. It will be my pleasure to take over some of Celestia's duties as well as your own if you'd like, so you can spend more time with her." Luna gazed angrily at the prince. “As for you, get out of my sight! My sister is sick and in need of rest, and all you care about is securing more power for yourself. If I ever catch you disturbing my sister again, I will make you forever regret it!” The prince stared blankly at Luna and slowly backed away, a hint of fear in his eyes as he left the room. She might have been a bit hard on him, but his pathetic attempt at taking over Celestia's duties was not something she was in the mood for. Finally, she turned toward Silvermane. “Captain, wait outside. I wish to speak to my sister alone.” The guard captain bowed and left the room, closing the doors behind her after Blueblood took his exit. Luna let go of a breath she had not realized she had been holding. “How are you feeling, sister?” she asked, forcing a smile on her trembling lips. Celestia winced with pain as she replied, “Not so well, I admit. I've been keeping appearances for the sake of our subjects, but I'm not sure how long I can keep it up. Blueblood is now aware of my condition and wants to help, perhaps I should accept his offer...” Luna's eyebrows locked in a frown. "I know he's your nephew, but I don't trust him. He's vain, opportunistic, and a spoiled brat." “Don't be so hard on him, or the rest of the nobility for that matter.” Celestia replied with a heavy sigh. “They are the product of Canterlot society, but are still our subjects. I will not be here forever, Luna, and one day you will need to rule these ponies. In order to do that, they need to love you.” “I'm not sure that's something I can do alone. I... I once wanted this more than anything, but I've accepted now that the masses will never love me. I'm not like you, sister. I reach individual ponies in their dreams, but when it comes to facing the masses, I do not have your gift." Celestia averted her eyes. "You're right. As much as I love you, Luna, I have no right to ask this much of you. I think it's time for Twilight to come to Canterlot and rule by your side." "I'm sure it's not necessary," Luna pleaded, "You'll get better soon — you just need a bit more rest, that's all." The white-coated alicorn coughed before shaking her head. "No, Luna, I may not. I know it's hard, but it's a possibility we both have to face." Luna stared at her sister with her mouth gaping wide. "It can't be! I've hardly come back from my banishment! I won't let you die, Celestia. There must be something we can do!" "Yes there is. Bring Twilight here and accept her help. I've been grooming her for this," Celestia replied. She tried getting up from her bed but the effort proved too much. "You will have to go on without me, Luna. I know it won't be easy; I've been in your situation after your banishment, and I know the pain you're about to go through." The princess coughed a few more times as she talked. Luna took a deep breath but could not keep a few tears from falling. "We will call for her, sister, but not so she can take your place. There is still so much we do not understand about her 'magic of friendship'. Perhaps she can help us find a cure." Celestia tried to speak but instead started coughing uncontrollably, prompting Luna to immediately rise. The darker alicorn turned toward the door in panic as bright red blood spattered across the white bed sheets. The Princess of the Sun raised a hoof. “Please,” she weakly said between coughs, “we barely get any moments together, and we still have a lot to talk about.” Luna took another deep breath in an attempt to compose herself before returning her focus to her weakened older sister. Celestia's eyes were foggy, and her mane was losing its color. “Sister, what is happening to you?” Tears were now streaming down the Princess of the Night's cheeks, and she made no attempt to hide them. “Do you remember the first thing I told you when we were reunited, back at the Castle of the Pony Sisters?” Celestia weakly asked once her coughing had finally ceased. Celestia did not wait for a reply. “I told you we were meant to rule together, side by side. There was more truth to that than I had let on. One pony cannot control both the sun and the moon for very long. I'm sure you're starting to feel the sun's toll. I... I was too proud to admit it openly, but I will never be able to move the sun again. A thousand years of carrying all of our kingdom's burden, the magical toll of raising both the sun and the moon... They're too much even for me.” Luna's heart dropped into her stomach. “I did this to you? Are you saying this is it?” Celestia slowly nodded. She was about to say something but started coughing more blood. That was too much for Luna. She immediately rushed to the exit and busted open the large double doors. As she expected, Celestia's previous entourage was still waiting on the other side of the door. “Get Doctor Shimmerheart, now!” she yelled. Captain Silvermane and Kibitz hurried to wake the undoubtedly sleeping doctor. Blueblood tried going inside the room, but Luna blocked his way, staring at him with daggers in her eyes. To Kibitz’ credit, it did not take him long to return with Doctor Shimmerheart, Silvermane trailing behind them. Luna started explaining the situation to the small pink-coated earth pony mare, “We were talking when she started coughing blood. She grows extremely weak.” Shimmerheart nodded as she moved strands of curly purple hair away from her face. She approached the bed. Celestia was struggling to breathe and didn't seem to register anypony's presence. The doctor listened to her breathing and took her heartbeat before speaking up. “I will keep her under observation for the rest of the night. All of you, return to your quarters. Princess Luna, I'm afraid this charade cannot continue. I cannot let Princess Celestia hold court tomorrow in her current condition.” Her tone brooked no arguments. Luna nodded to the doctor. “Take good care of her.” She then took a deep breath and turned toward Kibitz. “Please have a letter sent to Ponyville tomorrow morning. I mean to have Twilight Sparkle summoned here to assume royal duties.” While Luna usually spent the night awake and slept during the day, she knew she would have heavy responsibilities waiting for her the following day, so she opted to get some rest. Sleep did not come easily to her. Doctor Shimmerheart had not seemed confident in her tone of voice, and while she would welcome Twilight Sparkle's assistance and company, the young princess was inexperienced and prone to make mistakes. No, it would have to be Luna who ruled. The Canterlot elite might object, but she wouldn't rule for them. She would do it for the common ponies. After all, how many dreams had she witnessed? The ponies who would welcome her into their dreams allowed her to see their desires, their fears. She would make use of that as ruler of Equestria. She knew these ponies better than anypony else. Between considering the possibility of ruling and her worries of Celestia's failing health, Luna never managed to get any rest. She stared at the ceiling wide awake until it was time to raise the sun. She walked outside on her balcony and brought forth the day before leaving to check on her sister. No escort was waiting for her today. In fact, not as many ponies as usual were walking the palace halls. If word had gotten around of Celestia's condition, it might explain how quiet the castle was this morning. Doubtlessly, the guards would have informed the population that the princess would not be holding court. When Luna arrived at Celestia's chamber, the two guards at the entrance shared a nervous look before letting her pass. The room was filled with ponies, most of them Canterlot nobles. The Princess of the Night cleared her throat loudly, making everypony get out of the way as she walked toward Doctor Shimmerheart. Immediately, she knew something was wrong. Celestia was pale, her eyes were closed, and she lay unmoving. The doctor had trouble meeting the princess' troubled glare as she spoke in a low voice. “I'm sorry, she passed away peacefully during the night.” Luna could not hold away the tears, but somehow managed to keep her composure. She wanted more than anything to throw all of these ponies out. Instead, she quietly asked, “Why I was not informed at once?” She surprised even herself with the calmness of her voice. The Canterlot nobles looked nervously at each others. It was Blueblood who spoke for them. “We had to discuss first, about matters of succession." Luna gasped in shock. “Discuss it? There is nothing to discuss," she spat. "I understand my duty. And while none of you may keep me from grieving for my sister, I will assume responsibility and summon Princess Twilight Sparkle to rule by my side.” “Perhaps Princess Twilight may rule, Your Highness, but you will not.” Blueblood firmly replied. “You see, we've all kept an eye on you. We know you've been keeping to yourself, secretly taking over ponies’ minds through their dreams." Luna stared dumbfounded at the prince. "Taking over? You would dare accuse me of such a crime? I help ponies overcome their nightmares, you ignorant mule!" The princess turned towards the crowd, screaming. "As for all of you, how dare you follow him. This is obviously a plot!" Silence fell over the room. A few noble ponies shared whispers, some of them shaking at the sight of the enraged alicorn. Doctor Shimmerheart looked down at her hooves as she took a few steps backwards. It was Captain Silvermane who stepped forward. "Evidence has been brought forward against you, Your Highness. The royal guards stand with Prince Blueblood on this." "Evidence? What kind of evidence?" Luna angrily demanded, releasing a loud, forceful stomp on the floor. Blueblood locked eyes with the princess as he continued. "You are the only pony who was consistently alone with the princess. It is obvious to all of us that we're now looking at the guilty party. You tried to take over Equestria a thousand years ago, and made another attempt right after your banishment ended. My dear aunt showed you nothing but compassion, regardless of your past crimes, and this is how you repay her?" Prince Blueblood straightened himself and stared menacingly at Luna. "Princess Luna, in the name of Equestria, I hereby place you under arrest for the murder of Princess Celestia. Captain Silvermane, take this traitor to the dungeon!” > I Applejack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good apples went into the first basket, ugly ones in the second, and finally the rotten fruits were thrown in the third basket. Applejack was sorting through the fruits as she absentmindedly nodded at Rainbow Dash, who was retelling the details of the Wonderbolts’ latest air show. Fluttershy, meanwhile, was silently sitting in the grass and writing a letter. "You know Rainbow, I'm sure you could join them Wonderbolts if you really wanted," Applejack said as she threw a bad apple away. "It's not like Spitfire's a stranger to you." "I know AJ, but let's be honest — my life is here," Rainbow replied after taking a bite of an apple. "We have this awesome castle and we get to do the whole ‘magic of friendship’ thing. I like the Wonderbolts and all, always will, but for now I'm happy here." "That's what you keep saying, but whenever you're going on about this stuff, it sounds like Ponyville's holding you back." Applejack said. "Don't worry, when I'm ready for the Wonderbolts, you'll all know," Rainbow teased with a grin before turning toward the yellow pegasus. "So Fluttershy, what are you writing about?" Fluttershy's attention turned from her letter. "Oh, I was letting Discord know how things are here in Ponyville. I'm always afraid he'll get lonely, living by himself in his Chaos Labyrinth." Applejack frowned at the mention of Discord's home. Regardless of his attempt at being a good friend, the earth pony still found it difficult to trust the spirit of chaos. Nopony in their right mind would isolate their homes the way he did. Rainbow grunted. "Seriously Fluttershy, I don't know how you can still talk to that guy. It seems like every time he shows up, some disaster happens. I know he helped us out a couple of times, but he's still one creepy... whatever he is!" Applejack couldn't help but agree with Rainbow. However, both Twilight and Fluttershy had decided that Discord was worthy of their trust, and this was enough for her. "Give the poor girl a rest, Rainbow. Discord’s helped us plenty of times before. While I admit the fella gives me the creeps too, I think Fluttershy has plenty of good reasons to call him friend." Rainbow let out another grunt and gave up the argument, as Fluttershy flashed a smile at Applejack. "Oh, I know you don't really mean it, Rainbow," the timid pegasus replied. "Beside, Discord has been asking about all of you. I know he cares deeply and really wants to be a good friend." "Well, I hope you didn't tell him about the princess being sick," Rainbow asked, raising an eyebrow. "We all agreed nopony had to know." Fluttershy shook her head. "No. I made a promise to Twilight and I intend to keep it. Beside, I can understand the princess not wanting everypony to know she's sick. She must feel so vulnerable." "Well, I'm sure our princess will be fine." Applejack retorted. "Still, Twilight wanted us ready to go to Canterlot in case we're needed." She took off her hat and wiped the sweat off her brow. "That reminds me, we'll be late — Rarity's expecting us to try out those fancy schmancy dresses she made. Can't see why I can't just wear my old one, but apparently we need to look our best for the Canterlot snobs." Applejack finished sorting her apples and took up the good apple basket on her back. "If you girls don't mind helping out? Rainbow can you take the rotten ones behind the barn with the others? Fluttershy, take that there basket to Big Macintosh in the cellar for the next cider batch. Then we can go see Rarity." Both of the earth pony's friends nodded and got to work. Rarity was busy fixing Pinkie Pie's dress when Applejack and her friends walked in. The party pony seemed to be struggling with standing still. "Please, Pinkie dear," the fashionista said, "I just have to fix the length here in the back, then you can jump about to your heart's content." "Hi girls!" Pinkie said, interrupting Rarity as she waved at Applejack's group. "Are you here for your dresses too?" "Yup," replied Applejack. "From what Twilight's been saying, we'll probably have to stop by Canterlot soon, although I don't understand why I can't just wear my dress from last time." Rarity frowned lightly. "Applejack, you know quite well that you can't be seen twice by royalty wearing the same dress. Twilight is a princess, and as her companions, we must look our best and make her proud." Her expression softened as she smiled warmly. "With that said, make yourselves at home. I'll be with you shortly." Applejack somehow doubted Twilight's worth as a princess would be judged on their wardrobe. Still, she politely nodded and sat, waiting for Rarity to make adjustments to her new dress. "If you say so, Rarity. If anything, it's an excuse for the six of us to spend some time together". "That's the spirit!" cheered Pinkie Pie. Rarity was finishing Pinkie's dress when Twilight Sparkle showed up with Spike on her back. The alicorn landed gracefully in front of Rarity's boutique, impressing Applejack with how fast she had mastered flight. "Hey girls! How is everything?" the princess asked in the falsely cheerful tone she used whenever she was nervous. "All fine and dandy," Applejack pleasantly replied. The rest of her friends mirrored the gesture. Twilight's voice took on a more serious tone. "Thanks again for doing this, Rarity. It's been six months and I'm afraid I'll be asked to help rule in Canterlot. I'm sure having these dresses ready will be useful." Rarity nodded with a smile, but it was Applejack who replied, "You don't sound too eager at the prospect, Twilight. Is everything okay?" Twilight smiled nervously at first. She looked at all of her friends and sighed. "No, it's not okay Applejack!" she said, waving her hoof in frustration. "Celestia isn't getting any better! What if she asks me to rule in Canterlot? What if she wants me to be just like her and I can't do it? I don't have her talents for politics, and I don't know the Canterlot nobles like she does. What if I mess up?" Applejack placed a comforting hoof on Twilight's back. "We'll all be there to help you if it comes down to that. Beside, Celestia's sick but you can still ask her for advice once in a while. You'll see in a few weeks. She'll get all better and we can forget any of this ever happened." "I've already started working on the ‘Princess-Celestia-got-better-and-Twilight-can-start-relaxing’ party!" Pinkie Pie immediately added as she jumped up and down. "Umm, do you think the princess likes chocolate or strawberry cake best?" Twilight giggled lightly. "Pinkie, Princess Celestia is very fond of chocolate cake. As for all of you, thank you for being here for me. It means a lot." They all smiled and got back to small talk. Rainbow Dash and Twilight started debating the latest ‘Daring Do’ book, causing Applejack to stop paying attention as she had never been a particular fan of the series. She instead turned her attention to Fluttershy, who happily described the progress of the baby raccoons who were born a few weeks ago. As they were discussing, Spike burped out a letter in a puff of green flames. "Looks like a message from the princesses!" he declared. He broke the seal and was about to start reading when Twilight snatched the scroll with her magic. The alicorn’s expression quickly began to change as she started reading. He lips first started trembling and soon enough, tears welled up in her eyes. Silence fell in the room. Applejack did not want to believe it, but such a reaction from her friend could only mean one thing. Applejack gently took the letter from Twilight. The alicorn barely registered her presence as Fluttershy went to comfort her. The farm pony started reading the letter, confirming what they all feared. Your Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle, It is with the deepest sorrow that I must announce the death of Equestria's ruler, Princess Celestia. I know her highness was a dear friend and mentor to you, and I wish you to know that all of Equestria grieves with you. The Princess was beloved by all, and her loss will be deeply felt by everypony across our nation. The Royal Council believes the princess was poisoned by her sister, Princess Luna. When confronted on this matter she escaped, killing a royal guard in the process. While the specifics are not yet known, rest assured that you will be fully brought up to speed upon your arrival in Canterlot. We hereby request your presence in the capital to attend Princess Celestia's funeral and assume the throne. A council of nobles led by Prince Blueblood governs the kingdom in your absence. They will be at your service in facilitating an easy transition, both for yourself and for the citizens of Equestria. May your reign be long and bring great prosperity. Princess Celestia was a wise ruler, and I have no doubt that you will follow closely in her hoofsteps with the grace and strength of a true Equestrian princess. Your servant and royal advisor, Kibitz Applejack read it again, this time out loud for the rest of her friends to hear. This made no sense. Celestia dead? Luna a murderer? Twilight had mentioned that Celestia was sick, but weren't alicorns immortal? And if she were sick, why would Luna be blamed? The farm pony was nearly speechless. "Sweet Celestia…" she murmured under her breath. Rainbow Dash was the first to speak, "This is ridiculous! Luna couldn't have done it. We know her! She loves her sister, and she left all that Nightmare Moon nonsense behind her! Those darn snobby unicorns have got to be lying; you all remember how Blueblood treated Rarity back at the Gala!" Rarity weakly whispered, "Not now, Rainbow." The six friends stood in silence. Applejack searched for something to say, but couldn't find the words. Rarity never finished her dresses. They all got aboard the early afternoon train to Canterlot. They didn't take much time to pack, as they opted to get to the capital as fast as possible. Truth be told, Applejack knew Twilight wouldn't rest until they arrived. The farm mare barely had time to say goodbye to her family. Twilight silently stared out out the window of her private train car. Applejack sat next to her. She waited a moment before speaking up. "You know Twi, I get what you're going through. I didn't know you back then, but when my folks died, I was devastated; the whole family was. Thing is, situations like that are never easy. You just wanna be alone, but you know you gotta be strong. Even if you're not sure how much you should lean on those around you, you have to have faith in them." Applejack knew she was reaching through to her friend as Twilight's face perked up. The alicorn tried to force a weak smile through her tears as the earth pony continued. "Me, I found it hard at first. I didn't want to run the farm — that was Pa's job. Big Mac was trying his hardest to fill Pa's shoes. He obviously wasn't cut out for it, though. You know how he is; never says anything unless he absolutely has to. As for Granny... She wasn't cut out for the pace like she once was — a great wealth of information though." "Seeing the rest of the family struggling... I tried to take it all on myself — showed a strong face to everypony down in Ponyville. That never fooled Granny for a second. She came to me one night and told me she was proud of me. She also said I didn't have to shoulder it all alone. Down in Ponyville, I had to keep acting strong; right there with the family, I could cry all I wanted to. We spent a good part of the night talking after that. Just reminiscing about Ma and Pa, talking about the family, the day Applebloom was born, that kind of stuff. Family and friends, that's what they're here for, Twi." "The next morning, I was back on the job and it all felt easier. I knew I'd still miss my folks. I still do to this day, but I also knew I wouldn't have to miss them alone. Horseapples, even Big Macintosh and Applebloom noticed the change. We became more united as a family after that day. I realized I could be both the strong mare they needed in the fields, and let them support me back at home." The earth pony smiled tentatively. "I wanna offer the same thing to you, Twilight. Once we arrive in the capital, all of them snobby Canterlot types are gonna wanna talk to Princess Twilight. The rest of us will probably get snubbed out of sight until Rarity manages to butter up the nobility enough to actually be in the same room as you. When we're together though, you can forget about all this princessy stuff. You can cry as much as you need to, and we can talk about Celestia as you remember her, as mentor and a friend. Then we'll all do what we can to help you out, and figure out what the hay's going on with Luna." Twilight began to cry heavier tears. "Oh, Applejack, you don't know what this means to me. Everypony is always expecting me to know what to do, and I do know, but I don't wanna be that pony right now! The truth is, I can't be Celestia. I know she trusted me and I will do what I have to do. I just..." Twilight took a few moments to slow down her erratic breathing and got up. Her ears finally perked up and an energetic spark returned to her eyes. "We shouldn't sit here doing nothing. Let's do something productive. Rarity, did you bring the funeral dresses?" Rarity's head turned as Twilight called her name. "Why yes, though they could use some adjustments. They are last year's fashion after all. I was actually hoping to finish them so we wouldn't have to rent." Twilight beamed "Alright, we'll need to look our best in Canterlot. I'll put on my dress first. Rarity, you can make the first few adjustments, then Fluttershy can complete the rest. Spike, help Rarity with her supplies. Pinkie Pie, please assist Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash and Applejack, find the other dresses. We can talk about Celestia as we get ready. We'll get through this together girls, I promise." As they got their dresses ready under Rarity's instructions, the six ponies and the baby dragon started retelling stories about their beloved monarch. Fluttershy told them of the time the princess brought Philomena to Ponyville, and of her subsequent visits to Canterlot when she saw the phoenix again. Pinkie Pie decribed how Celestia couldn't stop laughing after Luna threw a pie in her face at the Chuckle-Lot Banquet. Rarity talked of her stay at the castle, where the princess let her use the royal suite and gave her a personal tour of the castle. Spike told them of the time Celestia helped him find a gift for Twilight, which lead the both of them on an adventure all across Equestria. Rainbow Dash then talked about the interest that Princess Celestia gave to her Sonic Rainboom — how she first witnessed it at the Young Flyer's Competition and gave her more opportunities to perform as the years went by. Applejack was reminded of the day the Princess burst into the Sweet Apple Acres barn asking Granny Smith to bake her a pie. Celestia had apparently developed a sudden craving from a pie she tasted back when Granny was young. As for Twilight, she had a lot of stories about her childhood as the Princess' protégé. She talked of her first meeting with Celestia, of various spells she learned from her, of her friendship letters - all the way to her own ascension as an alicorn. They spent the rest of the trip getting ready for the funeral and reminiscing. Applejack had hoped that her speech would help her friend, but did not expect things to go this well. Twilight even helped her cope with her own loss. The alicorn was, before everything else, a leader. Applejack knew at this moment that her friend was undoubtedly the best pony to succeed Princess Celestia. As expected, a large group of ponies were waiting for their arrival at the Canterlot train station. A group of guards kept the busy station secure, holding back the crowd that was trying to get closer to the princess. Applejack held her hat as a slight breeze blew. This high in the mountains, winds were very common. The Royal Canterlot Trotting Band performed the National Anthem as Applejack accompanied Twilight and their other friends off the train. The princess had insisted they disembarked as a single group. Making a strong example of the magic of friendship was something Applejack could get behind. She also suspected that Twilight did not want to face the crowd alone. Royal Advisor Kibitz greeted them first, accompanied by Prince Blueblood and Captain Silvermane, the guard captain who had replaced Shining Armor. They all bowed when Twilight approached. The alicorn would have looked confident and regal to most onlookers in her crown and long, embroidered black dress, but Applejack knew her well enough to see she wasn't entirely comfortable with the situation. "You may rise." was all she said. Kibitz spoke for the group in a straight but unimposing voice. "We are honored you came so fast, your highness. I have taken the liberty to start planning the funeral for tomorrow, and we can look over the details later. Hopefully my work will meet with your approval. We have received word from Princess Cadance that she is set to arrive in time. However, as the new ruler, we were all hoping you would preside over the ceremony. We'll also have to go over the business of succession — get you up to speed and all, although all of that can wait. Oh, and we planned a small reception tonight to get you better acquainted with the various ambassadors and councilors. We are, of course, at your command, Your Highness." Twilight only hesitated for a moment before giving her orders. It always surprised Applejack when her friend spoke like royalty. "My friends and I are weary of this trip. I'd like to see my quarters. I assume you prepared some for my friends as well? Once we're at the palace, we'll discuss the situation with Princess Luna in detail. I have a hard time imagining my fellow princess capable of the crimes described in your letter." They were all about to walk to the castle when Applejack noticed Rarity tapping Twilight on the shoulder. The alicorn stopped and stared at the crowd for a moment before taking a deep breath. "My fellow Equestrians and dear subjects." The farm pony noticed the word subject did not come easily to Twilight, "I know we all feel terrible regarding the loss of Princess Celestia. She was not only a mentor to me, but a dear friend. I can never truly replace her, but given time, I promise to become the wise ruler you all hope for and expect. With the help of my friends, I know that I can give you all the Equestria that you deserve." The crowd politely clopped their hooves for the newest princess. So far, it appeared that they were accepting the new ruler, however the farm pony was left unconvinced. She remembered these very same elite laughing at both Twilight and her friends a few years ago when they accompanied Rarity to that fancy-schmancy garden party. Sure, they bowed now, but Applejack could smell dishonesty from a mile away, and these ponies stank of it. The trip to the castle took longer than usual. They paraded Twilight and her friends on a float so she could smile and wave at her new subjects. Kibitz and the nobility had planned for Twilight to be on the royal float by herself, but she insisted that her friends accompany her. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Spike seemed more than happy to smile, wave, and cheer, though Fluttershy kept hiding behind her mane and Applejack was happy to sit quietly. Twilight politely waved and smile, but the few looks she shared with Applejack spoke volumes; the alicorn was putting on a show for the masses, nothing more. Things calmed down a bit once the group arrived at the castle. As they walked toward the throne room, Councilor Kibitz spoke in hushed tones. "Your Highness, while Luna raised the sun this morning before her disappearance, we have no reason to believe that she intends to continue. Even if she still wishes do to so, I believe it would be proper for you to handle this task yourself." Twilight stopped in her tracks and blinked a few times at the request. Applejack had to admit she had been taking the sun for granted. The alicorn politely nodded at Kibitz. "Well, I will certainly consider doing so, although I have never tried raising the sun or moon by myself before. Perhaps with the help of other unicorns?" Rainbow Dash loudly intervened before Kibitz had a chance to reply. "Oh come on! You know Luna would never really let Equestria down. Whatever you're accusing her of, she'll still raise the sun and moon, you'll see!" As the farm pony smiled appreciatively at Rainbow's show of faith, Twilight gave her answer. "Very well, have the magic academy prepare a group of unicorns to assist me in raising the moon, should it be necessary. It hasn’t even been a day though, so I suggest we wait for Luna to raise the moon tonight to see if she still takes her duties seriously. I share my friend Rainbow Dash's opinion: Luna may be in hiding, but I suspect she's still loyal to her subjects." Kibitz bowed his head. "As Your Highness commands." Applejack noticed Prince Blueblood raising his hoof as if about to protest, but he lowered it after a moment and kept quiet. They soon arrived at their destination. Once they got to the throne room, guards closed the doors to give them some privacy. The room always felt larger when it was empty. Applejack could not help but stare at the empty throne from which Princess Celestia used to hold court. A small pink earth mare was waiting for them in a corner. Her white lab coat, and cutie mark of a stethoscope within a heart, hinted that she could be a doctor. Before anyone could say anything, Captain Silvermane's horn started glowing and a magical orange aura appeared around Twilight. "What exactly do you think you're doing?" the princess asked severely, staring at the captain. "My apologies Your Highness," Silvermane immediately replied in a flat tone. "Due to recent events, I had to make sure you were really yourself and not a changeling impostor. As you are aware, protective spells have been placed around Canterlot to detect their presence, but we have to take this extra step to be certain. I would also like to screen your companions, with your permission of course." Rainbow Dash flew down in the captain's face. "None of us are changelings. You can take my word for that, Missy. I'm certainly not letting you anywhere near me with that horn!" Applejack raised a hoof to calm her brash friend down. "She's just doing her job, Rainbow. If it helps, I'll go first." Twilight nodded as Silvermane performed her spell on Applejack. She was surrounded by the same orange hue that she saw around Twilight. The spell was complete after a short time, and the glow disappeared. "See Rainbow? Nothing weird to it." The captain quickly scanned the rest of their party, and then swiftly nodded at Blueblood and Kibitz. "Now then, I believe we can get down to business," the white-coated prince said. "Princess Twilight, your friends can wait for us in their quarters." "My friends will stay." the alicorn severely stated. "They may not be nobleponies but they are very dear to me and I trust them with everything. In fact, I plan to rule with their help." As she took to her friends' defense, Twilight moved under the stained glass window that depicted the six of them defeating Discord. Blueblood awkwardly bowed his head to Twilight Sparkle. "We serve at your command, Your Highness. As you are aware, my dear Aunt Celestia's health has worsened these last few months. During that time, her sister, Luna, assumed her magical duties in raising the sun while Princess Celestia still held court for appearance's sake. Many of the day-to-day tasks fell to Councilor Kibitz, myself, and a number of other nobles. In fact, an emergency council was formed in order to help govern the Kingdom. This council, led by myself, still rules over Equestria. We will continue to do so until you decide to take up the throne, at which point we will assure you a smooth transition. We will then continue to serve the crown under your rule." Applejack did not like this pony's tone. He almost seemed dismissive as he used Twilight's title, and did not hesitate to mention his family ties to Princess Celestia. Applejack did not fail to notice Rarity' awkwardly avoiding eye contact with Celestia's nephew. She remembered the fashionista’s misadventures at the gala a few years ago, when Blueblood proved to be a pompous pain in the flank. The prince continued his explanation. "When Celestia died, our dear Doctor Shimmerheart here," he pointed at the small pink pony in the back, "took some blood and performed an autopsy. Traces of moontears were found in her blood, and the drug's effect on her liver confirmed it. I will let the good doctor explain." Doctor Shimmerheart stepped forward as she was called. She gave Applejack and her friends a weak smile. "First of all, I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Princess Twilight, I remember how close you and Princess Celestia were and I really wish I could have done more." Twilight nodded in appreciation. "Now, as for Princess Celestia, you already know she was very weak. Over a thousand years of raising both the sun and the moon took its toll on her, and while it did take a few years for the sickness to manifest itself, there is no doubt it's what made her weak enough that the poison could affect her. Without this burden, she would have been able to brush the sickness off; alicorns are resistant to many infections and diseases, as you are no doubt aware." The earth pony doctor took a breath before continuing. "Now, regarding the actual poison, moontears are extracted from the moonflower — a rare flower said to grow on the moon itself, according to stories at least. It can be found in Equestria, prominently at the tops of mountains. The princess was poisoned slowly, over time. The poison can be placed in food or drink, and can also be absorbed through the skin in large enough quantities." Applejack had to interrupt. "Hold on a second, Sugarcube. None of that proves Luna was involved. Some old pony's tale says that a poisonous flower grows on the moon and then you featherbrains go ahead and accuse Princess Luna based on some darn theory? You're gonna need more than that to convince this pony." "Of course we have evidence, little pony, if you would listen long enough for your betters to explain. What was your name again, anyway?" The prince replied. "It's Applejack, and don't you ‘little pony’ me, you overstuffed..." Twilight raised her hoof. "Please, Applejack, let them finish before we jump to conclusions," she severely admonished before turning an angry glare toward the prince. "As for you, Prince Blueblood, these ponies are my friends, and I'll ask you treat them with more respect, is that understood?" "Perfectly, Your Highness." the prince replied. "Now, regarding evidence, I will let our dear captain explain. She has been leading the investigation." Captain Silvermane cleared her throat before starting her explanation. "Well, as Applejack said, we wouldn't accuse Princess Luna without evidence. During Princess Celestia's illness, I took it as my personal responsibility to follow Luna and ensure her personal safety. This gave me an opportunity to observe her routine, which often involved her staying alone in her quarters. She once told me she was chasing nightmares from the ponies of Equestria during these times, and that she required solitude to do so, though this could never be confirmed. This was one of two opportunities she would have had to be out of my sight. The other was when she'd visit Celestia in her quarters. The both of them often took their evening meals together, without anypony else in attendance. I, of course, objected, but both princesses insisted. Looking back, I believe that Celestia placed too much trust in her sister. Let us not forget that Luna once betrayed Equestria when she took the name 'Nightmare Moon'. If I remember properly, the six of you were instrumental in stopping her." "Of course they'd want to be alone, silly, they're sisters!" Pinkie Pie immediately responded. "Would you like to have some grumpy-mcgrumpyface guard stand over you as you try to spend some time with your sister?" The pink pony imitated a guard's salute while making an exaggerated frowny face. This made Rainbow Dash and Spike giggle while Fluttershy tried her best to hide her own amusement. Applejack, herself had to smile. Luckily for Pinkie, the only guard present in the throne room at the time was Silvermane. Blueblood scoffed while Silvermane ignored the pink pony as she continued her explanation. "There is more. The princess was in very poor health on the night of her death. Doctor Shimmerheart had insisted on keeping watch over her during the night; just before this, Celestia was alone with Luna. During Celestia’s final moments, the doctor did all she could, but nothing could stop the inevitable. She told the guards, and they went to get help; only then were myself and Councilor Kibitz awoken. Due to Princess Luna's past, we decided not to wake her right away. Truth be told, her past crimes as Nightmare Moon have not been forgiven by everypony. The fact that she was one of the few ponies left alone with Princess Celestia helped make her a suspect." "Being a suspect, it was decided that it would not be proper for Princess Luna to assume leadership," Blueblood chimed in. "I would assume the regency until a time that you, Princess Twilight, are ready to take the throne." The prince pointed at the large, empty chair that dominated the room. The captain nodded at Blueblood before she continued, "The princess did not react well to this news and became violent. She erected a shield that pushed Doctor Shimmerheart against the wall. Luckily she was unhurt. One of my guards wasn't so lucky; when he tried to penetrate the shield bubble, a burst of energy electrocuted him. He died instantly." Applejack and her friends all gasped at this revelation. Twilight reacted first. "You're telling me Princess Luna killed a guard? What happened to the body?" "It was taken to the morgue," Shimmerheart explained. "I performed the autopsy myself and can confirm the cause of death." "Good, we'll look at your findings." the alicorn announced. "Both with this guard and Princess Celestia. First, I would like to discuss some things with my friends; it will only take a moment." The Canterlot ponies all bowed and left them to talk. Applejack spoke first. "So what do you have in mind, Twi?" Twilight seemed lost in thought for a moment as she tapped her hoof to her chin. "Some of this feels off. I would like to confirm some of their claims, and I'd like some of you to go investigate. Rainbow Dash, see if you can talk to some of the pegasus guards. I know you've always wanted to try their training course so now's likely your chance. Maybe they saw or heard something." The blue pegasus nodded. "You got it Twilight." "Applejack, I'd like you to question the cooks. If the princess was poisoned, maybe something happened in the kitchen." The farm pony smiled at her friend. "Been a while since I've seen the Canterlot cooks. Maybe Salt And Pepper still works here." "Good. Rarity, can you see what you can find out from the nobility? I know you still have friends with Canterlot's high society. Take Fluttershy with you." "Of course Twilight, it will be my pleasure," Rarity pleasantly replied. "Pinkie Pie and Spike, the two of you will stay with me. I'd like for at least one or two of my friends to accompany me during anything remotely official; Blueblood obviously wants the rest of you out of the picture, and I won't have it." The pink pony beamed. "I'll wipe that frown off his face!" She quickly mounted a surprised Spike onto her back. Twilight smiled at her friends. "Thank you girls. And Spike. I knew I could count on you." The princess then turned toward Blueblood and the others as she spoke up. "We will see your doctor's findings. After that, I would like to see both Celestia and Luna's quarters. Some of my friends will be leaving us now. I need them to perform some errands." The group split up, leaving Applejack to find the kitchen on her own. With any luck, some of her friends from Cadance's wedding would still be working there. It would definitely help to have somepony she trusted in the castle outside of her group of friends. The first pony Applejack saw in the kitchen was Salt And Pepper, one of her old acquaintances from the castle. She was a yellow earth mare with a brown and white mane. Like Applejack, her face was covered in freckles. Her cutie mark was, unsurprisingly, salt and pepper shakers. She beamed the moment she saw the farm pony. "Applejack! It's been ages! How have you been? Wait, umm, you're probably here for the funeral — oops, wrong question," she said with a cringe. "I'm really sorry for your loss! Well, it's my loss too, all our loss. Oh, cinnamon sticks," she sighed, "I'm terrible at this." Applejack couldn't help but smile. She had forgotten this particular aspect of Salt And Pepper's personality. "Don't sweat it. All I've been hearing is ‘sorry for your loss’ lately anyway. Why don't you tell me what you're baking there?" "Oh, these? Lemon cakes for the reception tonight. I hear your friend Rarity is very fond of them. My own secret recipe, passed down to me by my mother. She figured it out by accident when she accidentally dropped a bit of chocolate fudge in the bowl. Oh no!" She buried her face in her hoof. "I just told you the secret haven't I?" Applejack laughed a bit. "I won't tell nopony, on that you can trust me. Anyway, I was actually coming down here for another reason. How much did they tell you about how the princess died?" Salt And Pepper's tone got more serious. "Not much, we just learned this morning actually. They kept the princess' condition a secret, so it was definitely a shock to everypony here. Why do you ask?" "Well, no easy way to say it, some of the bigwigs think the princess might have been poisoned. Twilight sent me down here to look around." Applejack noticed a bit of panic in her old acquaintance’s composure. "Don't you worry now, sugarcube. Nopony's in trouble. I just wanna look around, ask some questions, then I'm going straight back to Princess Twilight. No guards involved or anything like that." "Poison, in the kitchen? I'd have a hard time imagining it," the cook replied in a shaking voice. "For starters, none of us are ever left alone. The kitchens are locked at night; so are all the storerooms." Applejack nodded, allowing the mare to continue. "They are also protected by a spell that only allows them to be opened at certain hours, real fancy stuff. The guards randomly inspect the kitchens and royal tasters will try dishes at random." "Well, you do seem to take security seriously down here." Applejack replied as she started looking around the room and nodded at a guard who was standing right outside the kitchen, the cooks well in his sight. "On top of that, we are never told which plate will be given to whom. Still, you can have a look around if you want. Only two other cooks are here right now, but they were also working the night the princess died." Applejack allowed the mare to show her the kitchen. The room was exactly as she remembered it, kept clean with every ingredient labeled properly. She could smell a carrot and dandelion pie baking in the oven, reminding her that she hadn't eaten very well on the train. A griffon was cutting vegetables at one of the work tables. At the same time, a pegasus with a spatula cutie mark was busy preparing some pasta. The farmer had never met either of the two. Applejack let her friend return to her lemon cakes and introduced herself to the griffon. "Hey there, partner. Sorry to bother you. My name's Applejack, I'm with Princess Twilight. She asked me to come down here, take a look at things." The griffon smiled at her and extended a claw, which Applejack shook. "A pleasure, mademoiselle Applejack. My name is Gracien, cuisinier extraordinaire! If you are a chef, then you absolutely must try my potage!" "I'd be happy too," Applejack replied with a pleasant smile. "Who's your partner here?" The pegasus cook trotted toward Applejack. "Well hello, always happy to meet a new potential colleague. The name is Pancake Flip, I just started here at the castle last week." "It's a pleasure to meet you both. I imagine this is where the princess's dishes are prepared?" Gracien nodded. "Indeed. Does Princess Twilight have any particular dietary requirement we should follow?" "I'm sure whatever you'll make is fine. I'm mostly worried about Princess Celestia," Applejack replied. She almost whispered as she continued. "Some ponies think she might have been poisoned." "In our kitchen? Preposterous!" the griffon snapped with a gasp. Pancake Flip quickly shook his head. "None of us would ever do such a terrible thing!" Applejack backed stepped as she raised a hoof. "Don't worry, I'm not accusing either of you. I'd just like to look around if you don't mind." The two cooks shared a look, then nodded at Applejack. "If there's the slightest possibility, then of course you can look around," the pegasus said. Applejack searched the cupboards; nothing appeared out of the ordinary. She looked at the flower storage. She could easily identify each and every one of them, and was satisfied none could be the "moonflower" that poisoned the princess. Finally, she took a quick look at the ledgers but didn't see anything that seemed strange to her. If a poisoner had been in the kitchen, they hid their evidence well. I just hope my friends had better luck than me. Applejack quickly stopped by her room before she joined Twilight. It was larger than she was used to, and while it had all the furniture she could need, the space felt empty. She made a mental note to bring some of her things from Ponyville. She would have to ‘country up’ the place a bit if she were to stay here. She thought about how she would have to split her time between helping Twilight in Canterlot and running the farm down in Ponyville. She would definitely have to hire Caramel as a full-time farmhoof to make up for her absence. Those things could wait for later though. Twilight was waiting for her. She made her way to Celestia's quarters. The nobility had insisted that Twilight take residence there as a symbol of her new status or some other nonsense. Applejack knew Princess Celestia had died just last night in that very room; as far as she was concerned, nopony should have to sleep in there. The day's events were running through Applejack's head. Her investigation in the kitchen did not bring her any closer to understanding what was going on. She considered how her friends may have fared in their investigations. Both Rarity and Pinkie Pie had a good eye for details. Twilight could be very thorough, and so could Fluttershy in her own way. As for Rainbow Dash, she seemed to have perfect faith in Luna. Applejack sighed loudly. Intrigue and mystery did not exist in her world. She prized honesty and straightforward answers. It's what she saw in others too. Those cooks were decent, hardworking ponies, or griffons in Gracien's case. She hated having to suspect them. As the farm pony was lost in thought, she abruptly arrived at her destination. The two double-doors blocking entry to Celestia's quarters were closed, two unicorn guards blocking the way. "Can I go in?" Applejack asked. The guards nodded and opened the door with their magic. Applejack immediately noticed Twilight and Silvermane discussing something in the middle of the room as she walked in. She had been in Celestia's quarters in the past, and noticed some of the furniture had been changed. The bed was brand new — understandably they wouldn't have expected Twilight to sleep on the same mattress that her late mentor had just passed away on. The farm pony was glad for that at least. Scorch marks marred the red carpet and the walls. Applejack had seen the aftermath of enough magical battles to recognize them. It would seem that a fight definitely took place in this room. If the carpet wasn't proof enough, one of the stained glass windows had been broken and boarded up. Pinkie Pie and Spike were over in the reading area. The pink pony was wearing her detective hat, inspecting and shaking a small tea box underneath her magnifying glass. At the same time, the baby dragon was reading a diary, probably looking for clues. He poked Pinkie with his claw and showed her something in the journal, which immediately got her attention. Captain Silvermane nodded at Applejack as she spoke to Twilight. "So, these scorch marks indicate where Luna created her shield bubble. It first knocked Doctor Shimmerheart against the wall here." She pointed at a crack on the wall, suggesting the point of impact. Twilight nodded with interest as Pinkie Pie immediately started poking the crack with her hoof. The guard captain ignored the pink pony and continued. "The shield bubble surrounded the princess afterwards; it burned this circle, which you can see here, into the carpet. It was then that one of my guards tried to break the spell and was hurled backwards, his body landed where the lady Applejack is currently standing." Applejack yelped and jumped back at this announcement. The cold, analytical tone Silvermane used when explaining where a pony had died only a few hours ago, did not sit well with the earth pony. Twilight nervously gulped at the mention of the dead guard. "After she killed the guard, Luna escaped through the broken window. Some of the pegasus guards gave chase, but she managed to escape." The captain continued as she pointed at the window. "I then did what I could to calm the ponies who had gathered in this room." "The part about the chase fits with what I've heard," a voice said coming from behind Applejack. She turned around and saw Rainbow Dash, who had come in without anypony noticing. "I talked to a lot of guards outside, and they said the princess did fly away. They were training next to the window when it happened. The princess ordered them to stop pursuing, but the pegasi officers insisted." "The officers were indeed informed that Princess Luna was a suspect," Silvermane confirmed. "I had hoped it would not come to that, but I was the one who ordered the training exercises to take place outside the windows." Rainbow Dash looked like she was about to say something, but Twilight silenced her by raising her hoof. "Thank you very much Captain. Unless there is more I will let you return to your duties," she said with a forced smile. Silvermane nodded and saluted the princess before leaving. The guards closed the doors behind her. "I do not like that mare," Rainbow Dash said. "I can't believe Luna could have done any of that." Twilight looked at her friends, her ears drooped and her tail tucked between her legs. "I'm afraid the part about her killing a guard is true. I trust Doctor Shimmerheart; I've known her since I was a filly. Rarity and Fluttershy also talked to witnesses who saw the whole thing." Applejack frowned. "I still won't believe Luna poisoned her own sister." "I don't believe it either." the alicorn confirmed. "They did find poison in her quarters, but I believe somepony planted it there." Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash jumped at this. "Who the hay did that?" The pegasus asked angrily as she flew up. "I don't know, but we'll have to find out," Twilight severely replied. "We can't just throw accusations though, we'll need to handle this carefully." She tapped her hoof to her chin and turned toward the farm pony. "Applejack, did you learn anything in the kitchen?" "Nothing much. There's only three cooks. First one's Salt And Pepper, an old friend of mine from Cadance's wedding. I trust her." Her tone brooked no argument. "The second one was Pancake Flip, a pegasus who only came in a week ago." "It couldn't have been him," the princess replied. "Celestia was poisoned over multiple months. I had a look at Doctor Shimmerheart's report." "It obviously can't be him then. Either way, the third cook was a griffon. His name is Gracien. Nothing too suspicious about him either. He seemed really proud of his work. Overall, the security is pretty tight down in the kitchen. I had a look around and couldn't find anything suspicious-like." Twilight sighed. "I suppose this is all we'll get for now. I do mean to get to the bottom of this. It would really help if we could talk to Luna. For now, let's prepare for the reception. Fluttershy and Rarity are already in their quarters getting ready. We should all do the same." The moment Applejack and her friends entered the Canterlot Castle ballroom , a herald announced her alicorn friend's entrance. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, ruler of Equestria." Applejack gently patted Rarity on the back, who scoffed as the herald ignored her. As Twilight was led to her place of honor, a smaller version of the throne at the end of the ballroom, Applejack did what she usually did at these events; she found a corner where she could chat with Rainbow Dash without having to mingle with the nobility. Pinkie Pie went with Fluttershy to the balcony, the yellow pegasus obviously uncomfortable with the large crowd of ponies. As for Rarity, she wasted no time in following Twilight around and talking to some noble or other. Applejack had to admit the unicorn's skills would probably prove useful to Twilight regarding Equestrian politics. Rainbow quickly spotted a table filled with little sandwiches and led Applejack there. The two of them started devouring their way through one of the plates. "I never got why they have to make these sandwiches so tiny," Rainbow said with her mouth full. "It takes a hundred of them to make a decent meal." Applejack chuckled as a familiar voice made itself heard from behind them. "I've been wondering the exact same thing ever since I arrived here. It's been a while since I've seen the two of you." Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash turned around at the same time. Standing there was Little Strongheart, their buffalo friend from Appleoosa. She did clash a bit, being the only buffalo in the room and choosing to wear her traditional headdress rather than the froo-froo dresses everypony was wearing at the event. Applejack smiled at the acquaintance. "It has been a while, I’m surprised the news about the princess reached your tribe this fast. From what Braeburn tells me it can take weeks for any news from Canterlot to make its way to Appleoosa." "Oh, I was already here." The young buffalo said as she sat at their table. "One of the first things Princess Celestia did when she heard about what happened in Appleoosa was to visit us. She made sure both sides could live with the arrangement we made, and she made me and the chief an offer. You see, she wasn't even aware there might be conflicts between the ponies and buffaloes before you brought it to her attention. She offered me a position as an ambassador, representing my people's interest here in Canterlot. While I do miss the stampeding grounds greatly, I've been able to help my people a lot. I never cared much for all the politics, but the princess always listened to me. I'm hoping Twilight will do the same." "You can bet your flank she will!" Rainbow ardently affirmed. "You remember how much she cared about finding a peaceful way to settle your problems." The buffalo ambassador continued. "Either way, I can show you the ropes, tell you who's who, if you want. I sure wish someone helped me out when I first arrived." She waited for both ponies to nod before continuing. "For starters, I'm not the only ambassador here. You see that zebra talking to your friend Pinkie Pie? That's Zeratra. She's been trying to convince the magic academy to create a magical exchange program to get some ponies from Equestria to learn zebra alchemy and rune magic down in Zebrica, while the zebras could learn Equestrian magic." "Applebloom would sure love that," Applejack replied. "She's been spending a lot of time with our local zebra healer, Zecora. Apparently she's been learning all kinds of potions and other concoctions. I gotta admit, one of them is doing wonders for Granny's back. That zebra alchemy sure has its wonders." Little Strongheart smiled at that. "I couldn't tell. We buffaloes aren't very magically inclined. Apparently it's not that simple though. A group of nobles led by a pony called Floribunda are doing all they can to keep zebra magic out of the schools." "Now, if you look at that griffon bowing to Princess Twilight," the buffalo continued as she pointed toward a well-dressed griffon with white fur and gray feathers, "that's Antoine. He was in the middle of hammering out some trade agreement with Celestia, and I'm sure he'll do everything he can to get that completed. He's also been making friends with a lot of nobles. As for Blueblood, I assume he did everything he could to keep you out of the loop?" Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash nodded at the same time. "He did the same when I first arrived," Little Strongheart said with a light chuckle. "That one's never easy to deal with. The noble that's actually reasonable is Fancy Pants. He's the one with the blue mustache talking with your friend Rarity over there. He took the time to ask me about my people's traditions and wanted to make sure I was comfortably settling in." "Yep, we already know him. Well, kinda." Applejack replied. "I know he's Rarity's friend. Always seemed to me like he's trying to advance his own position, but Rarity trusts him and he's always done good by her." "Either way, I'm deeply sorry about Princess Celestia. If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask. I think a lot of ponies are relieved to see you and Princess Twilight arrive. I'll admit, I shudder at the thought of Blueblood on the throne." Rainbow Dash beamed at the praise. "Well, you can count on Twilight, she'd never let Equestria down. As for the rest of us, we'll be here to help. I can't speak for our entire group, but I'll definitely be staying with Twilight." Twilight stood up from her throne and created a flash of light with her horn. It was a trick Applejack had seen Celestia do on multiple occasions when the monarch wanted to get everypony's attention. The ponies in the room quieted to let the princess speak. "My friends, while I am very saddened by the loss of Princess Celestia, I'm also very happy about the warm welcome you have given me. I hope I can be the great ruler you all deserve, and promise I will do my best. My friends are here with me, and as always, I will continue to benefit from their help and council. I would not be where I am today if it weren't for them, and I hope you can all learn to love them the way I do." The crowd responded with polite applause. Applejack suspected that it would take more than a speech for the nobility to realize the Princess of Friendship wanted to rule with her friends. Twilight continued. "Now, ever since arriving here, I've learned a lot of disturbing things about Princess Luna. While the evidence does point to her, I believe that some of it could have been fabricated. The only way to know is to tackle this situation like civilized ponies. My first act as ruling princess is therefore to ask Princess Luna to return to Canterlot. She will be allowed to present her case and will be judged fairly, by myself and my friends. I would also ask all of you to give her a chance. Regardless of what she has done, Luna is a princess of Equestria and will be treated as such." The princess took a deep breath before continuing. "Now, I would like all of us to go outside. As some of you may know, Luna has been raising both the sun and the moon these past few months. She may have run away, but I'm fairly certain she will still perform her duty as a princess. Therefore, let us all witness the raising of the moon. You can all see that I'm not using my own magic." Applejack had to admire Twilight's faith in Luna. For all their optimism, none of them knew where Luna was, let alone if she'd raise the moon. A few moments passed as the ponies gathered and stared at the sky. Applejack noticed Captain Silvermane, still in her uniform, standing guard on the balcony. The farm pony politely nodded at her, but the guard captain did not seem to register her presence. Their patience was rewarded as the ponies witnessed the sun slowly setting and the moon making its way into the sky as it always had. Applejack could hear cheers coming from the city. It seemed that their concerns had become widespread, and they weren't the only ones relieved to see the day and night cycle continue uninterrupted. Twilight took the opportunity to address the crowd. "As you can see, Princess Luna is still doing her duty. I hope that when she returns to Canterlot, we can all figure out what happened, and she can eventually rule by my side. For now, let us appreciate her night." The speech was followed by another polite applause. Applejack heard Silvermane mutter under her breath, "Let's hope this particular night does not last forever." > II Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity sipped on a cup of wine as she listened to Fleur de Lys describe her views on the latest Canterlot fashion. While she normally would have been fascinated, her mind was occupied with other concerns. Princess Celestia's funeral was scheduled for tonight, and she was both saddened and worried about Twilight. The sun had risen in the morning, to the relief and dismay of the few ponies predicting the return of Nightmare Moon. Hopefully that would let the ponies of Canterlot know Luna was not to be feared. Fancy Pants had invited the fashionista to lunch at his Canterlot mansion with himself, his wife, and another noble mare Rarity knew as Floribunda. They were outside on the balcony, overlooking the high-class part of town. The four sat on luxurious chairs overlaid in rich fabric, surrounding a lavish white table. They had just finished eating a tasty daffodil salad with a touch of strawberry and were now sipping on a fine red wine. The meal was a nice occasion to reconnect with an old friend, as well as get an idea of the political situation in Canterlot. Regardless of the circumstances, Rarity could always appreciate the particular charms of high society. Fleur de Lys was now expressing her excitement over a new line of hats Prim Headline had just released. Rarity politely nodded as Fancy Pants' wife casually mentioned her plans to purchase one. Truth be told, she was too distracted to worry about it. Floribunda was the first to interrupt small talk and bring up the topic of politics. "So, Rarity, my dear? I heard you are part of Princess Twilight's entourage. One of her advisors, yes?" "You could say that." the fashionista replied to the vermilion-coated mare, adjusting her mane as a light breeze casually blew some of her hair over her face. "Twilight and I have been close since before she became a princess, and I continue to help her, along with our other friends. The six of us have been on countless adventures together, and have come to rely on each other a great deal." "Ah yes, I did notice some of your companions," the older mare replied slight disdain in her tone. "They certainly seemed the country type. I'm sure they're quite the item on those adventures of yours..." It was Fancy Pants who replied and saved Rarity the trouble of defending her friends. "Well, I dare say those ponies are all quite charming in a rustic sort of way. The pink one, Pinkie Pie is it? She has quite a way with children. I think you'd like her." Rarity took Fancy's invitation. "Why yes, Pinkie is very good with children. I must say my little sister, Sweetie Belle is very fond of her. I know she seems a bit childish at times, but she is absolutely great at finding that one thing that will make a pony happy. She even asked me to teach her about high society after Twilight became a princess." Fancy Pants glanced at Floribunda before finally asking Rarity the question she had been expecting all afternoon. "So, if I understood Princess Twilight correctly, she means for you and your friends to form the new Royal Council, yes?" The fashionista had already prepared her answer. Some of her friends would be quick to dismiss the nobility, but Rarity knew things were not that simple. Some of these nobles played roles essential to a functioning society. Floribunda, for example, made sure the school system ran smoothly. Not everypony agreed with her ideas, but they could not deny that she had helped a lot of talented teachers find work, while making sure the ones in place actually cared about the young ponies in their care. Rarity smiled warmly. "Well, you have to understand that Twilight is the princess of friendship. Everything she’s accomplished, she did with the five of us. We will always do our best to help her rule. Please do not mistake her intentions though; the princess has no plan to strip the existing nobility of its influence." "Oh?" Floribunda asked. "I have no doubt that you mean what you say, Rarity, but how can you make promises for the rest of your friends? We are not ignorant of your adventures, and we do know what kind of ponies your friends are. Applejack and Rainbow Dash in particular worry me as being disruptive. As for Pinkie Pie, while you claim she's great with kids, I still get shivers when I remember her antics at the Grand Galloping Gala a few years ago." Rarity had to admit, she did worry about what some of her friends were capable of. She cared about them deeply and trusted them entirely, but she also knew that Rainbow Dash and Applejack had particular tendencies of being crude and brash. As Floribunda had just mentioned, they did not understand Canterlot culture like she did. The nobility would look down on them, and they would look down on the nobility in return. On the other hoof, those same friends did help her with regard to her own closed-mindedness. She had gained appreciation for each of her friend's passions, even if they weren't her own. She decided to take the same route with the nobility. It's what Twilight would do. "My friends might seem strange to some of you at first, I admit, but they can bring a lot of positive things to Canterlot. For instance, how many ponies on the royal council have actually been on a farm before? I suspect none, yet still we expect the council to manage Equestria's agricultural policies. My good friend Applejack maintains her own apple orchard, and I believe that her help and expertise will prove invaluable. As another example, think of the council's reputation: many ponies outside of Canterlot mistrust the political class. I can't think of anypony better qualified then Pinkie Pie to reconnect us with the common ponies of Equestria." While Floribunda avoided her gaze as she took a sip of wine, Rarity’s words had clearly reached Fancy Pants and his wife, who smiled as they held each other's hooves. The stallion turned towards the vermilion unicorn, "If Rarity's friends are willing to give it their all for Equestria, I don't see why we can’t do the same for them. A bit of change never hurt anypony, and I believe Princess Twilight will not want to disrupt the existing institutions. As Rarity says, she will be there to help both sides work together." Fleur turned towards the fashionista. "Well, I certainly look forward to meeting them. We should invite Rarity's friends for supper soon, Fancy." Fleur's husband smiled and nodded, to Rarity's relief. "That would be a splendid idea, my dear. I propose a toast — to Her Highness Princess Celestia, whom we will never forget, and also to Princess Twilight Sparkle! May she and her friends help build an even stronger Equestria!" He raised his glass with his magic. Rarity was happy to join in the toast, and Fleur seemed equally cheerful. Floribunda, hesitated a moment, but she did raise her glass and took a small sip of wine. Rarity thought about asking what it would take to convince her, but decided against it. Better to let Twilight's actions speak for themselves. Beside, there would be plenty of time to cultivate trust in the coming months. The table fell quiet after the toast, and Rarity found her attention drawn to the activity in the sky. The pegasi were busy moving clouds over the city. Rain had been planned for later in the week, but Twilight had suggested they move it to today — the day of the funeral. In early Equestria, before there were princesses, it was a tradition for the pegasi to schedule rain during important funerals. It was a symbolic gesture, representing the sky crying alongside the ponies below. Rainbow Dash decided to handle the responsibility herself. Rarity could see her pegasus friend coordinating weather ponies from a small cloud on the city outskirts. The funeral could be the perfect occasion to set their differences aside. For one evening, the fashionista hoped they could just be honest with each other as equals, and grieve for their leader and mentor whom they had all loved without intrigue or suspicion. Rarity spent a good part of the afternoon visiting various Canterlot boutiques. She mostly stuck to window shopping, but did buy a hat she found to her liking. She was tempted to stop by her favorite coffee shop, but she saw the weather pegasi were almost ready to begin the rainfall and decided against it. Better to not ruin her mane. Once back at the castle and on the way to her own quarters, she came across Fluttershy leaving Twilight's. The timid pegasus waved at her with a concerned expression on her face. "Oh, Rarity, I'm glad to see you." The unicorn smiled at her friend. "Hello, Fluttershy, is everything alright? You look a bit pale." "Oh, I'm a bit nervous about the reception but it's not about me," Fluttershy softly replied. "It's Twilight! They want her to raise the moon tonight! Oh, I'm so worried about her! She says she can't do it. I really wanted to help her but I don't know how!" "Well, I'm sure there is something we can do," the unicorn replied. "Come on, let's go see her." The two of them walked to Celestia's former quarters. The door was closed, but they could hear their friend having one of her familiar bouts of panic. Under different circumstances, Rarity might have brushed it off as Twilight being Twilight; it was common for the alicorn to flip out over little things. This time though, she really was under tremendous pressure. Rarity ignored the two guards at the doors and opened them herself with her magic. She vaguely heard Fluttershy apologize to the two pegasi as she stormed in. An older unicorn with a short white goatee, balding mane, and a light green coat was currently being yelled at by a disheveled Twilight. "...so in a few hours you come up with this half-flanked formula and you just hope that your blatant ignorance of Starswirl's ninth law of matrix stabilization won't just blow up the entire moon?! Let alone the difficulty of getting fifteen unicorns to harmonize their magical connection without proper training! Speaking of fifteen, where did you even get that number? Did you pull it out of a hat expecting a rabbit?" The older unicorn took a deep, controlled breath. "I can assure you, Your Highness, the greatest minds in Canterlot have done the necessary calculations. I will leave our findings here with you. Should you need my help, I'll be at the academy. I sincerely hope you reconsider." He bowed and made his exit, taking the time to nod at Rarity and Fluttershy on his way out. A pile of documents, probably making up the spell in question, was left on a small coffee table. The two pegasi guards closed the door as he left, prompting Fluttershy to get out of the doorway and enter the room. She let out a quiet "eek!" as the door hit her on the rump. While Twilight was fuming, Rarity decided to break the silence. "Oh dear, are you alright? Fluttershy told me about what's going on. Is there anything I can do to help?" The alicorn lost what remained of her composure as she collapsed on a chair. "Oh Rarity! That was Professor Starflare. He and the nobles want me to raise the moon tonight! I told him that Luna had proven her loyalty, but he insisted that, 'As princess it is your duty to raise the sun and moon.'” She repeated Professor Starflare’s words in a deep, mocking tone. "Blueblood was here before, and even he insisted that the raising of the sun and moon be my responsibility. Apparently it’s my duty as Princess of Equestria, and it’s written in Equestria's constitution! I don't think I can do it! They came up with this idea of having fifteen unicorns feed me power, but I don't think it'll be enough! It's the moon we're talking about! You know, that huge thing floating in the sky? And let's not forget about the sun — it's even heavier!" Rarity gritted her teeth. That royal pain of a prince was taking advantage of her friend! "Why that stuck up... ahem," the fashionista stopped a moment to regain her composure. "Well, I'm sure if anypony can do it, you can. You've always been wonderful at magic. Beside, didn't you say that you might have to do it anyway? I remember you ordering this very research yesterday." The Princess sighed heavily. "I think I might have spoken too soon. Raising the sun or moon isn't just a matter of being an alicorn. It was directly linked to the princesses' cutie marks! In the same way that my magic couldn't create a work of beauty as elegant as yours can, or even create a shield as strong as my brother's, I wouldn’t be able to move the moon because it's Luna's destiny!" "Didn't the ancient unicorns raise the sun and moon?" Fluttershy asked tentatively. "It's what the Hearth’s Warming Eve tale says." "Yes Fluttershy, but that's just a story." the alicorn argued. "We don't know how they did it, how many unicorns were needed, or even if the story is true. For all we know, it's just a myth and some other alicorn raised the sun before Celestia!" "But you did it before." the fashionista argued. "During that whole Tirek debacle, didn't you raise the sun while you controlled the other princesses' magic?" Twilight sighed. "I did, but I could barely manage it. I also had direct access to all of Celestia, Luna, and Cadance's power on top of my own! Their power was already in tune with the sun and moon – I just borrowed it for a time." Rarity decided to take another approach. She sat next to her friend. "Twilight, tell me of the unicorn who was just in here. Professor Starflare you said? You must know him." "Oh, he was one of my teachers at Celestia's school for gifted unicorns," Twilight immediately replied. "He's always been a great magician, and one of Celestia's top magical advisors. A bit absent minded at times, but I'd still say he was a good teacher." Rarity tried to hide her smile; her friend could be quite predictable sometimes. "And would you say this teacher was fair? Did he give you appropriate challenges as a filly?" "Yes, he was a good teacher. I mean, his exams were always hard but never anything I couldn't grasp." The alicorn’s eyes then darted toward her friend, realization flashing on her face. "I see what you're getting at, Rarity. But while I always trusted him in the past, this is different — we're talking about magic that might not even be possible!" Fluttershy moved towards Twilight. "I know it has to be scary, but it's not something you'll have to go through alone. Do you remember when you helped me find the courage to help create the tornado to bring water to Cloudsdale? I was so scared, but both you and Dashie convinced me to be brave! I'm sure Professor Starflare worked really hard on this." Rarity could see they were getting through to their friend; she simply needed a little nudge. "I don't know much about magic, Twilight, but this Professor Starflare certainly seems like he does. Even if it doesn't work, Princess Luna will still raise the moon from her hiding place. You'll have some of the greatest minds in Equestria helping you out on this!" Twilight looked at her hooves for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. "You're right girls, I should give it a try. I can't hide from my responsibilities." Both Rarity and Fluttershy cheered at their friend's response, but while the fashionista believed in Twilight, she couldn't help but worry about Blueblood. The only reason Rarity could think of for the prince to rush her friend into raising the moon was because he wanted her to fail. While Rarity did not believe the prince could be responsible for what happened to Celestia, she did know him to be an opportunist who would take advantage of anything to further his own goals. An attempt at seizing power would not surprise the unicorn. She vowed to be more vigilant. Court intrigues were one of her areas of expertise, after all, and she would do all she could to protect her friend. Rarity shook off the usual disorientation that Twilight's teleportation often gave her. "Is this the only way to reach the professor's office?" she asked as she adjusted her mane using the small mirror she always carried with her. Twilight smiled sheepishly. "We could have taken the stairs, but it's simpler to use teleport circles." She pointed at a series of runes underneath their hooves. "Teleport circles?" Fluttershy asked as she scratched her head. "It helps unicorns direct teleportation," Twilight explained. "It's usually discouraged to teleport directly inside a professor's office, so most of them keep a small teleportation area such as this one just outside. Spells have been placed to better direct teleporting unicorns to these circles. There are many in the tower." Rarity nodded and looked around her. There was a door directly in front of them. On its left side was a painting of Princess Celestia. The wall portion on the right side was bare except for a lonely nail, suggesting another portrait used to hang there. Twilight frowned as she looked at the empty space. Fluttershy stepped toward the nail. "Oh, I assume that's where they used to hang-" "Princess Luna's portrait, yes," Twilight irritably completed. "They certainly wasted no time in removing it." Rarity kept herself from commenting. They had said all they had to regarding Luna. The unicorn hoped the Princess of the Night would return and explain her actions; it would be better for everypony that way. Twilight opened the door with her magic and walked in, followed by Fluttershy and Rarity. The professor's room was very practical in its decor. A single wooden bookcase occupied one of the corners, next to a table onto which some equipment that Rarity did not recognize was stored. The walls were left bare, outside of the usual elegant patterns found in most Canterlot buildings. The professor himself sat behind a small desk on a cushion. A number of these ornate cushions were placed around the room, offering visiting ponies the chance to sit comfortably. "I'll do it, professor!" Twilight loudly announced before the old unicorn could say a word. "I'm sure your research is fine, I'm just a bit nervous is all." Professor Starflare removed the small reading glasses he was wearing. "Don't worry about it, Princess; I'm simply happy you've reconsidered" He got up and slowly walked toward the group. Twilight smiled awkwardly. "Alright, Professor, how do we begin?" "Simple," Starflare replied. "You will need fifteen unicorns to help power the spell. Anypony would do, as they only need to allow you to drain their magic. They simply need a horn, and the ability to manage basic levitation and natural magic." "So I could assist Twilight? I would be honored to help!" Rarity beamed. "It's not going to hurt, is it?" she added as an afterthought. Twilight smiled at her friend. "No, magic draining is relatively painless, although you might have a harder time using your own magic for an hour or two after. As for your offer to help, of course I accept, Rarity! You're the first one I thought about." The professor nodded at the both of them. "Some of the nobles offered to help as well. I'm sure you already know that Prince Blueblood would take offense to not being included. I will, of course, offer my own services as well. Every other academy unicorn would also be honored to participate, I'm sure. I've prepared a list of ponies who’ve already asked to be part of the ritual." He levitated a rather long list towards Twilight. Rarity immediately took it with her magic. "I know you're busy, Twilight dear. Why don't you let me have a look at it? I’m already close with the nobility, and can limit the damage as far as offending ponies who get left out." Twilight nodded with a slight frown. "I'm not going to get away with refusing those nobles altogether, am I?" Rarity shook her head. "You really should get to know them, Twilight. I know they haven't given you the best impression in the past, but you will need them in order to rule efficiently. It's just something for you to think about." She noticed Professor Starflare let out a sigh of relief. The alicorn nodded at her friend. "I guess you're right, Rarity. Either way, I leave this list in your capable hooves." The three ponies left through the teleport enhancer the same way they came in. The fashionista took a first look at the list as they trotted to the exit, almost bumping into a small filly in the process. She should be able to make a good enough selection, and still find the time to fix everypony's hair before the funeral. As she promised herself, Rarity lined up all of her friends so she could prim them up for the funeral. The castle had a luxurious dressing room with large mirrors, chairs, and plenty of room for the dresses plus all the tools of her trade. She went for relatively simple designs for most of her friends. She had been pressed for time and had to work in a moving train, after all. Applejack and Rainbow Dash both seemed to appreciate the practicality of their garments, and Pinkie Pie seemed to love the tiny top hat that accompanied her ensemble. Twilight's dress was the one Rarity was the proudest of. She had enchanted some black fabric with embroideries of Twilight's cutie mark, using crushed diamond powder to give it a subtle shine. The light was curiously reflected on a skirt made from the same fabric. The cut was slightly curved and complimented the large gem she placed on the alicorn's chest. The dress had short sleeves covering the princess' front hooves, a bit of the diamond dust used there as well to create intricate but subtle patterns reminiscent of the night sky. The fashionista was in the middle of giving Fluttershy's mane a shampoo when Spike opened the door, rushing in. "You'll never guess who's here!" the baby dragon said. Princess Cadance and her husband Shining Armor walked into the room. They both smiled warmly, but the bags under their eyes betrayed how tired they both must have been from their trip. "Twily!" Shining Armor exclaimed, "I'm so sorry about what happened, we came as fast as we could!" Both Shining Armor and Cadance rushed to Twilight's side, the three of them sharing a long hug. Rarity watched the scene from a distance, allowing Twilight to share her family moment. A few tears trickled down Twilight's cheeks. "I'm so happy both of you are here. It means a lot to me. So much happened in the last two days, I don't even know what to do!" "You remember when the Crystal Empire returned?", Cadance gently said, "Celestia needed somepony to help restore it to its former glory and placed the burden on my shoulders. Had I been alone, I would have never been able to defend it against Sombra. But I wasn't. Just like you aren't." Cadance looked around, gesturing towards Rarity and the others. "You'll always have me to help you whenever you need it. I know what you have to do seems especially hard while having to deal with the loss of Celestia on top of it. I'll be happy to give you any advice you need." Shining Armor chimed in. "You can always count on me too, little sister." "I know, and thanks." the purple alicorn replied as she dried her tears. The ponies moved in closer and joined Twilight in greeting the couple. Upon receiving a pleading look from the pegasus, Rarity wrapped Fluttershy's mane in a towel, allowing her to join the group. The fashionista herself followed closely behind. "I'm glad the two of you could make it." Applejack announced. "Twilight here needs all the support she can get." The earth pony patted her friend on the back. The ponies all took a moment to enjoy each other's company. Cadance hugged each of them in turn, complimenting Rarity on her dresses once she got to her. "Very impressive designs as always, Rarity. I think I might place an order for a new dress before I return to the Empire." The fashionista nodded. "Of course, Your Highness." Cadance chuckled a bit. "No need for titles, Rarity." She turned toward Twilight. "So I heard you'll be attempting to raise the moon tonight?" Twilight gulped. Rarity knew her friend was still nervous at the prospect. "Yes, I'll be drawing power from fifteen unicorns; hopefully it'll be enough. I was wondering if the two of you would be interested in being part of that group?" Shining Armor was the one to reply. "I would be honored. As for Cadance, it could cause complications due to the treaty. The Crystal Assembly made sure to remind us both of it before we left. I can get away with some things, but it's harder for my wife." Twilight nodded. "I understand. I'll be happy to have you there, BBBFF." Pinkie Pie butted in between Cadance and Twilight. "Hold on a second! This isn't right, why can't Cadance help Twilight? Friends are supposed to help each other!" The two princesses fell silent at once, sharing a concerned look. Rarity tried to explain. "Pinkie, I don't suppose you've heard of the Crystal Treaty?" Pinkie Pie stared at her with a blank look. "The what now?" "Let me explain," the fashionista began. "Princess Cadance can fill in anything I might miss. After the Equestria Games, ponies from all over the nation started traveling to the Empire. Many decided to stay and open businesses. Since the Empire had been gone for a thousand years, its market opportunities there were ripe to say the least. This seemed great at first, but some of the crystal ponies started seeing problems. You see, the Empire has a unique culture. They have their own food, their own fashion, their own literature, all of which was in danger of being lost to our own Equestrian ways. Essentially, the empire had to rebuild itself." Princess Cadance continued after a nod from Rarity. "Groups of crystal ponies started demanding that Equestrian ponies be thrown out. There were public protests, and I was even asked to step down. Princess Celestia traveled to the empire when she heard the news. We both feared that the empire would crumble without an alicorn ruler. We may call it the Crystal Empire, but it's really one city — a city that's been isolated for a long time and needs protection from the many dangers of this world. Simply put, my magic was necessary to protect the Crystal Heart and the city itself. "With Celestia by my side, we sat down with the community leaders and came to an agreement. I would continue to rule, but would have to answer to an elected group of crystal ponies. Celestia would also agree to stay out of the Empire's politics. One pony could not be part of both governments, as Equestria and the Crystal Empire would now be considered separate nations. An alliance treaty was signed the same day, so if the Empire ever needed Equestria's help against an outside force, it could be offered. Ever since then, I've given up any claim to power in Canterlot. Rarity completed the explanation for a still confused Pinkie Pie. "If Princess Cadance were to rule by Twilight's side, she would have to abandon the Crystal Empire. This could spell disaster for the crystal ponies. The Empire needs alicorn magic to survive its harsh winters." "Well, I think it's a dumb treaty," the pink pony replied with a sullen look. "Pieces of paper shouldn't keep friends from helping each other." Twilight sighed and smiled weakly at her friend. "I wish things were always that simple, Pinkie. Politics can be a game of compromises, and sometimes nopony's really happy with the result." Spike also frowned. "I'm with you, Pinkie. Still, you can give Twilight advice, right Princess Cadance?" The pink alicorn nodded. "Of course Spike. And I will visit as often as I can. I just can't do anything official or leave my own subjects for too long." Applejack stepped forward and smiled tentatively. "We'll have plenty of time to go over the political mumbo-jumbo after the funeral," she offered. "For now, let's just take things easy. How's life in the Crystal Empire these days? I heard the folks there have been experimenting with some new crystal apple sauce." The funeral was as grand an affair as Rarity expected. As soon as she entered the room, the fashionista payed her respects to the fallen ruler. She smiled at the various gifts and mementos visiting ponies had left. Celestia looked peaceful in her coffin, surrounded by flower arrangements. Even as her eyes were closed and her mane unmoving, Rarity could almost feel her warm smile. Wherever she now was, the unicorn hoped the princess was looking back at her subjects with pride. As Rarity moved away from the casket, she gave Celestia one last lingering glance, allowing other ponies to say their goodbyes. Twilight had decreed that the event be open to the public, allowing anypony to come in and give their farewells. The room had been decorated with large banners marked with Princess Celestia's cutie mark. They complimented the stained glass windows depicting important events in Equestria's history, most of them involving the late princess. Rarity moved to the back of the room, where most of the nobility and visiting dignitaries talked amongst themselves. Twilight had decided to follow Pinkie Pie's advice and mingle with the common ponies, accepting their sympathies and reassuring them that she would be as wise a ruler as they deserved. Applejack had joined them, probably relishing the opportunity to spend time with common ponies rather than the Canterlot elite. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy disappeared, Rarity did not know where to. The fashionista could not help but notice that none of the Wonderbolts were present; no doubt this disappointed the blue pegasus. As for Spike, he stayed with Rarity. The baby dragon remained quiet and reserved. It took Rarity a moment to realize that this was probably the first time he was confronted by death. Unlike the rest of them, Spike's only family had been Twilight and Celestia. By dragon standards, he was still considered a baby. The situation could not be easy for him. "I'm extremely sorry for your loss," a voice said. Rarity turned around to see a griffon wearing a long black jacket complete with a black shirt and top hat. His equestrian was flawless, showing only the slightest hint of the peculiar accent commonly found in griffon high society. Rarity did not forget her courtesies. "Thank you very much, sir. I do not believe I have had the pleasure?" "Antoine, griffon ambassador to Equestria. Rest assured, the entire kingdom of Griffingard weeps with your great nation, from Featherreach to High Roost. If you need anything, I am at your service, Lady Rarity. Perhaps I could offer young Spike a rare gemstone from the Talon Mountains? I hear dragons are quite fond of them." Rarity smiled and nodded as Antoine produced a small, orange gem from his pocket and gave it to the salivating baby dragon. "Much obliged, Ambassador Antoine," Rarity politely replied. "I'm afraid these events have been hard on all of us, especially young Spike here. He grew up at the castle with Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight, back when she was an apprentice at the School For Gifted Unicorns. I am curious though, you've heard of us before?" "Of course, all of griffon high society knows of your group's exploits," Antoine replied enthusiastically. "I dare say, you and your friends are becoming legends. My own daughter back in High Roost keeps asking me if you ever plan on designing dresses for griffons." Regardless of the setting, Rarity could not help but be flattered. "Well, this is certainly something I will keep in mind. I have designed outfits for Spike here in the past, so unique physiologies are no stranger to me. I'm sure I can manage something for griffons." "Splendid, splendid, let me know if you ever do. I can connect you with some of our own fashion legends in Featherreach." The griffon ambassador at least sounded genuine in his flattery. Rarity smiled warmly as Antoine continued. "I'm certain we will see each other in the coming months. I understand Princess Twilight Sparkle values your council highly. The rest of your friends seem just as charming." "Well, I'm definitely glad you feel this way," the fashionista acquiesced. "I have to admit, this is giving me a good feeling regarding relations with the Griffingard. I'm sure my friends are looking forward to knowing you as well." Rarity gently ruffled the green scales on top of Spike's head as the baby dragon nibbled on his gemstone. Her conversation with the griffon ambassador made her feel better about the whole thing. No doubt he would have a favor to ask later; Rarity knew he had been in the middle of important trade negotiations with Princess Celestia. Still, she would welcome any show of respect for her friends. Prince Blueblood moved toward them and interjected himself into the conversation, making Rarity swallow a gulp. "Ambassador Antoine, Lady Rarity, today is a sad day for all of Equestria." "Prince Blueblood, my condolences on your loss," Rarity offered politely. Her dislike for the stallion would not keep her from acting properly. Blueblood was Celestia's closest living relative outside of Princess Luna after all. Antoine mirrored the gesture. "Yes, I, and the entire Griffon Kingdom, are deeply sorry." Spike stared suspiciously at Blueblood, forgetting his manners. The fashionista gave the baby dragon a subtle, "tsst", alongside a stern look. "So, Rarity, I have been told we will both be helping our new Princess in raising the moon tonight," the prince soberly said "I must say, it will prove to be quite an interesting experience." The fashionista nodded, uncertain where the prince was going with this. "Twilight told me the experience would be simple and painless for us. She'll be the one doing the heavy lifting, so to speak." "Well, this will help greatly, as the council still needs to approve of Twilight Sparkle as the new ruler. Raising the sun and moon would prove her worth without a doubt." The casual way in which the prince announced this shocked Rarity. The council did have to approve of Twilight's ascension to the throne, but it was merely a formality. Surely everypony knows that Celestia intended for Twilight to succeed her. Could they really refuse her the throne based on this ritual? Luckily for the fashionista, Antoine came to her rescue before she lost her composure. "Oh, I have no doubt our Princess Twilight will succeed. Even if the spell were to fail, I understand Princess Luna still performs her duty in exile. You can be assured that Griffingard will recognize Her Highness regardless of tonight's outcome." Blueblood glared at the ambassador for a moment but then calmly nodded. "Tonight will certainly prove to be interesting. We will see each other soon, I'm sure." As the prince slightly bowed his head and walked away, Rarity could not help but notice he had completely ignored Spike. As Blueblood left, Rarity saw Twilight moving toward the coffin, attended by Rainbow Dash and Applejack. The farm pony patted the alicorn on the back. Rarity gulped, realizing that it was time. She stepped forward and joined her friends, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Spike doing the same. The seven of them gathered together in front of the coffin, sharing a long moment of silence. This would be the last time they could see Celestia's face, and Rarity could not think of anypony she would rather share these strong emotions with then her friends. Twilight used her familiar attention grabbing spell. She amplified her voice, as she did every time she had to give a speech. Rarity noticed the pain in Twilight's eyes, the hint of fear in her voice, which she hid so well. "Ponies of Equestria and beyond — friends, today is a sad day for all of us. Princess Celestia did more for Equestria than anypony can ever know. She's outlived most of us, and she dedicated her long life to bettering the lives of other ponies everywhere.” "History teaches us about King Sombra's rebellion, about Tirek's attempt against Equestria, about countless threats that could have easily turned into war. We know the three tribes did not always get along, and that it took years for old rivalries to disappear. We all remember how Discord used to terrorize us. Celestia had a strong and gentle hoof in protecting ponies during all of these events. She would do anything in her power to protect her subjects. She saw good where nopony else could see it, and founded a nation based on friendship and harmony. It is our duty to keep this nation alive in her name." The princess took a deep breath and smiled longingly. "Ever since I was a little filly, Celestia had been my mentor and my friend. She taught me everything I know about magic, and then convinced me to learn the most powerful magic of all: the magic of friendship! I see many ponies in the room who could share similar stories.” "The truth is, Princess Celestia is irreplaceable. While I can never hope to be the paragon she was, I swear to you all that I will rule Equestria in the way she intended. She taught us all how to be better ponies, and now, it's time for all of Equestria to apply those lessons. I will never forget Princess Celestia, and I swear I will never forget her lessons." Twilight cried softly. Rarity found herself doing the same. Spike hugged the unicorn’s leg as hard as his small arms would allow and Rarity gently nuzzled him. Even Prince Blueblood shed a few tears. After a moment of silence, the Princess of Friendship touched her mentor's face one last time before slowly closing the casket with her magic. A group of unicorn guards levitated the coffin together. Twilight started the procession through the large hallway that lead to the gardens. Twilight, Rarity and their friends walked toward the Princess of the Sun's final resting place. The fashionista allowed Spike to ride on her back, the baby dragon obviously too heartbroken to walk. A large group of citizens was waiting outside in the gardens. Despite the customary rain, many of Equestria's citizens wanted to give their beloved ruler a final farewell. Ponies from all corners of Equestria were in attendance. Rarity even saw a few crystal ponies, as well as donkeys, zebras, and even a family of minotaurs. Rainwater blended with tears as Rarity stepped outside. For once, she did not care that her mane was getting wet. She looked at her friends. Fluttershy was openly crying, one of Rainbow Dash's wings around her. Even the brash pegasus couldn't hold back some tears of her own. Pinkie Pie's mane had lost some of its usual puffiness. The pink pony walked up to Twilight and gave her a long hug. Rarity’s attention then turned to a straight-faced Applejack. The earth pony's expression softened as she invited the unicorn into an emotional hug that they shared with Spike. The group stared at the freshly dug hole where the coffin would rest. A place of honor was chosen in the center of the statue garden, surrounded by Equestria's fallen heroes and legends. Rarity broke down in tears as she realized she truly would never see Princess Celestia again. Every single letter she ever wrote to the princess reeled through her mind. She could only imagine how Twilight felt; her friend had been far closer to the princess than most. The coffin was slowly lowered into the ground by the unicorn guards. The ponies looked down at their hooves in silence, the steady sound of the rain the only thing to be heard. After another few minutes of silence, Twilight walked forward. She nodded at Rarity, letting her know that it was time; as Princess Celestia went down into the earth, so would the sun set. It seemed only proper for both events to occur at once. The fashionista allowed Spike to get off her back and took her position in front of Twilight, the other unicorns joining her. They were arranged in two rows. Blueblood and the rest of the council made sure to be in the front row, Fancy Pants with his wife next to him. Three ponyvillians, Minuette, Lyra Heartstring and Galrion, stood in the back with Twilight's parents and Shining Armor. Three academy unicorns also joined them: Moondancer, Sapphire Blitz, and Professor Starflare himself. Rarity herself walked to the direct front of the group after Twilight motioned for her to do so. The alicorn took a long breath. "Tonight, the sun sets with the Princess who had raised it for millenniums. The ponies here before you have volunteered to help me raise the moon. Whatever happens, life in Equestria must go on." Twilight gave her parents and brother a weak smile as her horn began to glow. Rarity activated her own magic, allowing her friend to tap into it. The feeling was somewhat reminiscent of using the elements of harmony, but colder, without the usual emotional warmth. She could feel her magic being gently drained, fueling Twilight's spell. It was a connection that inspired trust — the familiar touch of a close friend. Rarity made herself think of past events. Even if this had nothing to do with the elements of harmony, it still felt right for her to focus on her generosity and how it had helped her friends in the past. The fashionista was losing herself in the experience when she started to feel the magical drain becoming more invasive. She soon realized that she had closed her eyes, and forced herself to open them. Twilight was struggling with the spell, her veins looking as though they were about to burst as she ground her teeth. The sky was a darker blue, but with no sign of the moon. Twilight tried giving it one last burst of effort, draining magic from Rarity and the other unicorns much faster. It had been a mistake. Rarity could not immediately make out what had just happened. An explosion originating from her horn forced her backward and threw her to the ground. She was left disoriented and could not hear what was going on. Had the backlash made her deaf? Her vision was blurry, and the rain on her coat felt strange. And the smell! It smelled like something was burning! Was it her horn? Oh my stars! My horn is on fire! Rarity touched the tip of her horn with her hoof. It was burning hot. She heard a muffled scream from behind her so she turned around. The unicorns all found themselves with singed horns, some bent over in pain. Blueblood and Floribunda were in a state of panic and were shouting. Fleur de Lys cried as she held her forehead, Fancy Pants tightly hugging her. Moondancer was unconscious, and to Rarity's horror, Sapphire Blitz lost her entire horn to the explosion. Worst of all was Lyra's friend, Galrion. His body was as still as a stone. After one look at him, Minuette screamed in panic. Rarity only had to turn her head to see the horror for herself; part of his face had blown apart under the explosion. The deadly wound left him unrecognizable, his body unmoving. The heat from his own horn had cauterized the wound, creating a stench of burnt flesh. Realization struck Rarity. She quickly turned her head around to see Twilight staring at the scene with a blank look on her face. The princess looked from one pony to the other, her eyes lost in confusion and panic. Hysteria broke within the crowd. Rarity heard countless screams of terror as guards were flying everywhere. One pony screamed, "Impostor! Twilight Sparkle is no true princess!" Rainbow Dash flew into the crowd, the fashionista unable to determine why. Rarity tried to move towards Twilight but her own hooves would not allow her to stand. She heard Twilight speak in a weak voice. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I never meant to...." The alicorn flew away, crying. Rarity raised her hoof weakly towards her friend but was only able to watch as the princess hurried from the scene in shame. As her vision began to fade, the last thing Rarity saw before losing consciousness was the moon rising. Rarity woke up startled in a dark room. There was a bit of light in a corner, though her eyes were having difficulty adapting. Probably a candle. She tried levitating it, only to receive a jolt of pain in her horn. "Oh, you're awake. Doctor Shimmerheart said you shouldn't use your magic for a few days." Rarity turned around slowly and pushed away her bedsheets to see the silhouette of a familiar pegasus. She gave her eyes a moment to adjust, allowing her to make out Fluttershy's face. After a few seconds, the unicorn found the strength to talk. "Wha... What happened?" "Oh, Rarity, it was horrible! The spell failed and everything got confused. The crowd started running away, ponies trampling other ponies. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash tried helping the guards in calming everypony down. Some of the ponies said horrible things about Twilight. I think she got scared. She flew away to her quarters and locked herself inside. Nopony has managed to get in!" The fashionista moved the covers away. She slowly got out of bed as her pegasus friend protested, gently pushing her back in bed. "Please Rarity! The doctor said you need to rest." "I will have none of it. Twilight is alone, scared, and I want to be there for her. She would do the same for any of us if our positions were reversed." Rarity's argument obviously convinced Fluttershy, as the pegasus helped her out of bed. Fluttershy turned on the light, allowing both ponies to see. Rarity took a moment to look at her reflection in the mirror. Her horn was bandaged and her mane was in terrible condition. Some of her hair had been singed by the spark that had injured her. Her fake eyelashes were absent and her face had been washed, all traces of her makeup gone. Rarity walked slowly, relying on Fluttershy's help. She was still weak from the ordeal, a lot of her magic having been drained all at once. The unicorn counted herself lucky — at least she still had her horn. From what she had seen, consequences could have been far more dire. Hopefully her magic would come back naturally. While her own quarters weren't too far from Twilight's, her weakened state made it feel like they were a world away. She could see her other friends next to the great double doors that lead to Celestia's former quarters, now occupied by Twilight. Spike was banging on the doors with both of his claws, crying and begging for them to be opened. "Open up, please, open the door!" It was clearly late at night. Applejack and Rainbow Dash slept on the carpet next to the huge double doors. As usual, two guards stood in front of the entrance. One of them seemed to be arguing with Pinkie Pie, pointing at the two sleeping ponies with his hoof. "...Obviously tired. We'll wake you should anything happen," the guard said with irritation in his voice. Their arguing stopped when they noticed Rarity and Fluttershy approaching. The fashionista forced herself to make the last few steps by herself. "Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy told me what happened. Is Twilight still locked up in there?" "Yes, and these meanie guards want us to go back to our rooms." Pinkie explained with her ears perked down. "I told them that Twilight is our friend, and that we'll spend all night in front of this door if we have to." Rarity saw the look of exasperation on the guards' faces. They both had pouches under their eyes, one glaring at her friends. She turned to the friendlier-looking of the two. "And what about you? Has anything been done to enter the room?" "Of course, Milady," he replied, a touch of concern in his voice. "The door is magically sealed. There's no way in. The same goes for the balcony door. Princess Twilight screamed a few times right after she locked herself in, insisting to be left alone. I think... I think she's asleep now. She's been silent for hours." Spike was still clawing at the door. "Come out Twilight, please come out!" Rarity held him with her hoof, interrupting his tantrum and allowing him to cry on her shoulder. "Spike's been like this ever since Twilight locked herself in," Pinkie explained. "We all tried to convince her to come out. It's not her fault, right Rarity? We all know Twilight did her best. Why won't she let us come to her?" The usually cheerful pony pleaded as she held the fashionista in a strong grip. "I think we should let her rest," Rarity firmly stated. Spike, still holding tightly to her chest, looked up to her. "I can't even begin to imagine what Twilight is going through. Let's allow her time to sleep. I'm sure we'll be able to get through to her tomorrow." Pinkie lowered her head. "You're right, but somepony needs to be there when she comes out. You should take Spike though, I think he needs a good friend. I've been trying to cheer him up but not even cupcakes will do the trick!" Rarity nodded at Pinkie before turning towards the young dragon. "How about you sleep in my room tonight, Spikey-poo? We'll be up tomorrow when Twilight comes out. As her friends we should be well-rested for her." The baby dragon slowly nodded. He tried to climb on her back but she faltered, still weak from the accident. Fluttershy took notice and placed Spike on her own back. She walked Rarity to her room, carrying the still weeping dragon. The fashionista found a large enough basket in her room and placed one of her pillows inside, topped by a spare blanket. Spike managed to whisper "Good night Rarity" before he immediately fell asleep. Fluttershy gave the sleeping baby dragon a smile. She then turned toward Rarity "I'm sure Twilight will let us in tomorrow. Thanks for doing this for Spike by the way, the poor dear really needs his rest. The rest of our friends should get to bed too, but I don't think we could ever convince Pinkie Pie." Rarity was too tired to say much. For all her brave talk, she had been through a lot, and never should have left her bed. She nodded to her friend as she snuggled into the covers. "I'm sure everything will work out in the end." As she closed her eyes, the unicorn knew things would not be that simple. Prince Blueblood would no doubt use the incident to try and obtain power. Many ponies would lose faith in Twilight, and the alicorn would take all the blame upon herself. Difficult times were ahead but for now, all Rarity could think about was sleep. The rays of the morning sun woke Rarity. She quietly thanked Princess Celestia for raising the sun before remembering the harsh new reality. As she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, the fashionista wondered where Luna was as she performed her royal duty. Would she ever return to Canterlot? The previous evening's events started rushing through Rarity's head as she slowly came to her senses. She remembered the attempt at raising the moon, the dead pony, the crowd panicking, her own injury, Twilight hiding in her room, and Spike sleeping in hers. Rarity began to get out of bed, eager to help her alicorn friend, but her body quickly reminded her of her injury with a jolt of pain, forcing her to slow down. Once she rose, she observed her face in the round, ornate mirror that was attached to the dresser in her room. As she slowly walked towards it, she took notice of her bandaged horn and remembered what happened the last time she tried to use magic. Doing her makeup might take a bit longer than usual. She desperately tried to pretty herself up using only her hooves. It certainly made the whole process more daunting. Still, Rarity stuck to it. Regardless of the situation, she was in Canterlot and had to look like a proper lady. Especially after the accident, the fashionista suspected she would have to use all her charm if she were to help Twilight. It took just shy of an hour for Rarity to find herself presentable. Luckily, she had woken with the dawn, having gone to sleep very early due to the accident. She felt strong enough to walk on her own; magical surges usually healed quickly in unicorns. She kept a brisk pace, not quite ready for anything too strenuous yet. At least she didn't need Fluttershy's help to walk anymore. The first thing she saw as she made her way towards Twilight's quarters was Professor Starflare, his horn surrounded by a golden hue that matched his eyes. The professor seemed to have been lucky enough to get out of the accident with his magic intact. Rainbow Dash stood next to him, all of Rarity's other friends seemingly absent. No doubt the guards had lost patience and insisted they return to their rooms. Two pegasi guards stood next to the entrance leading to the room, the doors still glowing in Twilight's purple magical aura. The blue pegasus waved at Rarity. "Oh, good morning Rare. Twilight still hasn't come out and the professor here is trying to magic his way through." Rainbow said, her head held low. Bags under her eyes revealed her lack of sleep. "Applejack and Pinkie Pie went to their rooms. The guards said we couldn't sleep on the floor and I told them I'd stay up and wake them if anything happened." Rarity placed a comforting hoof on her friend's shoulder. "It's for the best. Twilight will need us all in top shape. You might want to get some rest too. Sleep deprivation isn't doing your complexion any favors." Rainbow frowned. "I'll go to bed after the professor is done. Hopefully he can break through that spell." Starflare turned towards Rarity as his horn stopped glowing. "I'm certainly not trying to 'break through'. This is a simple analysis spell. To try and break something I'm not familiar with would be foolish and dangerous." "As foolish as making Twilight do that stupid Moon raising spell?" Rainbow Dash barked, taking a firm step in his direction. "I know that was your idea. Strange how all those ponies got injured and you get out of it with your precious little horn intact!" The older unicorn stood his ground and calmly met the pegasus's gaze. "I understand your frustration. The spell's failure was as much a surprise to me as to everypony else. As for why I wasn't affected, I am a trained mage and I managed to cast a protective spell at the last minute. Sadly, I did not have the time to protect anypony else." To his credit, his voice sounded sincere. "Rainbow, that was uncalled for," Rarity severely admonished as she walked between the two ponies. "This poor stallion is simply trying to help." She turned toward the professor. "Anything useful you've learned about the spell?" "Quite a bit, actually," Starflare explained. "The entire room is protected by a self-maintaining protective bubble. It's definitely alicorn magic, and might prove extremely difficult to break. Perhaps only another alicorn could do it." "Cadance was here last night. She tried, but couldn't get through," Rainbow replied in a flat tone. "Oh, well in that case we better find a weakness," the professor replied. "One thing I did determine is that the spell can be easily broken from the inside. Anypony inside the room would simply have to open these doors and it would dispel the bubble. Princess Twilight probably added this safeguard herself. On top of that, a second spell has been cast, one that drowns out sound. We can't hear anything from inside this room and anyone inside can't hear what goes on outside." Both Rarity and Rainbow gasped. The pegasus immediately grabbed the professor. "You mean Twilight shut us off, just like that? I can't believe she would do that!" "I agree with Rainbow," Rarity said, gently pulling the pegasus away from Starflare. "While I can understand Twilight wanting to be alone, all of this seems very unlike her." Professor Starflare took a deep breath and stroked his goatee. He finally replied in a low voice, "I have a good idea what she's going through. I've seen it before. We unicorn mages try to present magic as something safe and useful, but there is a danger involved. Twilight Sparkle is not the first to accidentally kill somepony through a botched spell. Unicorns who go through that often isolate themselves as she did. Some abandon magic altogether.” "Your friend has incredible willpower," he continued. "In time, I do believe she'll get better, but what she did was very traumatic. Once we manage to get in there, she'll need all of our support. I know both of you are close friends of the princess. I suggest you be there for her." Rarity looked down; she had not considered this. The fashionista could not even begin to imagine how she would react if she accidentally killed somepony. Rainbow seemed to be going through the same thought process as she sported a similar expression. Both of them kept quiet as the professor resumed his spell. They waited in silence for a few minutes. The professor moved around a bit as he worked his magic, sometimes muttering incomprehensible sounds under his breath. Rarity heard Rainbow Dash sigh. She couldn't blame her friend for feeling down. The pegasus was usually a mare of action and having to wait was probably torture for her. The professor eventually reacted more audibly. "Oh, this is curious..." His horn glowed with more intensity as Rarity raised her head. "Yes, I'm positive! The bubble is weakening and I’ve detected an opening — it should be located on the balcony. It's a hole just big enough for a pony to get through." Rarity didn't even have time to contemplate what the professor said as a multicolored blur left the hallway. Rarity got up, impatiently waiting for Rainbow Dash to return with more information. The professor turned around confused, scratching his head. It only took a moment for the double doors to slam open, a distressed-looking Rainbow Dash on the other side. The room was in a complete state of disarray. Tables had been flipped, scorch marks marred the once luxurious mattress, and a large mirror lay broken on the floor. Worst of all, Twilight was nowhere to be seen. A smashed window lead to the balcony. Could it be possible the princess fled? If that was the case, how come nopony reported seeing her? Hiding in the clouds was probably easy during the night, especially with a silence spell, however the Twilight Sparkle Rarity knew would never abandon her responsibilities like that. Rarity took a deep breath and started looking around, analyzing every piece of furniture, though not seeing anything relevant. Rainbow Dash was visibly just as concerned, flying around, looking everywhere until she eventually flew out the window. Rarity yelled at her to wait to no avail. The professor walked in, calmly scanning the room with his horn glowing. His eyes betrayed worry as they frantically swiped the room. Rarity turned back toward the guards, only to notice one of them had left, no doubt to report the situation back to his superiors. "I'm going to wake my friends up and let them know what happened. Do not let anypony disturb this room." The entire morning had been a chaotic mess. Word had quickly gotten around that Princess Twilight was gone. Many nobles called her a coward and demanded Blueblood be crowned. Another group of ponies requested that Princess Cadance abandon the Crystal Empire to assume the Equestrian throne. A small band of Twilight Sparkle loyalists declared anypony speaking against her to be a traitor. There were even ponies who called for the return of Princess Luna, some going as far as deeming the accident a punishment for betraying the Princess of the Night. Once Rarity's friends woke up, they quickly organized themselves. Applejack immediately took the lead, giving them all assignments the way Twilight usually did. She and Rainbow Dash would go to town and try to find information about where their friend might have gone, while Fluttershy was to ask the various animals in the gardens if they had seen or heard anything. Pinkie Pie and Rarity were left with damage control, trying to convince the various nobles that Twilight did not abandon them. Rarity's efforts culminated in a council meeting — one that she and her friends were allowed to attend. Around midday, she sat at a table alongside her pony friends, Spike, Prince Blueblood, Councilor Kibitz, Fancy Pants, Floribunda, and Captain Silvermane. Both Kibitz and Blueblood had their horns bandaged, probably suffering from the same injury as the fashionista. The tip of Fancy Pants’ horn had been lightly singed, while Floribunda had the fortune of being left unaffected. Professor Starflare was noticeably absent. The fashionista had insisted he be there, but Kibitz protested that the magic academy had no political power; it was an institution of learning, and not a branch of the government. The Prince was the first one to speak. "Welcome all. I know the last few days have been difficult for everypony, however, let us not mince words. The so called ‘Princess’ Twilight is gone. She failed in raising the moon, murdered a pony, de-horned another, and rather than own up to her actions, she fled like a scared filly. I, for one, do not see her as capable of leading our great nation." Rarity and her friends all got up to their hooves at once, even the normally timid Fluttershy. Applejack spoke up before anypony else could. "Listen here you overstuffed fussbucket. I won't have nopony talking about Twilight like that, Prince or no Prince! We don't know what happened, but I can promise you that Twi ain't no traitor, and she ain't no scaredy pony!" Rarity and her friends all nodded in unison at Applejack's declaration. While the fashionista might have normally approached the subject with a bit more tact, Blueblood deserved the blunt honesty. Fancy Pants politely nodded. "While her tone leaves much to be desired, the lady Applejack does raise a point. I daresay, we know very little of what really happened. Perhaps we should listen to Captain Silvermane's report first and then decide on a plan of action? And at the very least we should focus our efforts on finding Princess Twilight." Rarity smiled at her old Canterlot friend, silently thanking him as the Captain coughed lightly before addressing the group. "We know very little. Professor Starflare took a group of skilled unicorns and went through the room. Powerful magic was used, and identifying anything of specific usefulness inside the room proved to be impossible." "The state of the room suggests two possibilities," she continued. "Either Twilight Sparkle destroyed the furniture herself in anger, or she fought with somepony else inside the room. Some of the scorch marks are definitely reminiscent of magical fire." The captain then turned towards Rarity. "Is Princess Twilight prone to violence?" The fashionista's voice shuttered a bit, surprised at being addressed directly by the hardened guard captain. "N...No, she's not a violent pony. She's prone to late-night pacing, but never to the behavior you’re describing. Twilight would never hurt a fly, and she would certainly never destroy her own room with magic that way." Floribunda raised an eyebrow. "Could it be Princess Luna?" she asked. "I was told only another alicorn could break through alicorn magic. She's already suspected of being a traitor, maybe she attacked Twilight during the night?" Just as Blueblood raised a hoof, probably to voice his approval, Rainbow Dash flew up. "Not a chance! Luna is a friend, and definitely no traitor!" she yelled loudly. "I don't care what anypony says! Somepony else attacked Twilight, and I'm not gonna sit here and do nothing. We need to go find her!" Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Spike all voiced their agreement although Rarity was probably the only one who heard the yellow pegasus. Applejack sported a mysterious frown on her face. As for the fashionista, she opted to remain silent. She had to hear more. Blueblood glared at Rainbow before speaking up. "I could not agree more. The six of you are obviously more suited to this kind of rescue mission than the business of ruling a kingdom. I know Princess Celestia often relied on your little group for important missions, so I see no reason not to do the same. I charge all of you with finding Princess Twilight and bringing her back." Both Rarity and Applejack shared a look. The fashionista could tell her friend had come to the same realization. Rarity allowed Applejack to speak. "And who the hay left you in charge? I'm certainly not letting you take over Equestria just like that." Blueblood did not get a chance to reply before Kibitz raised his hoof. "Well, the laws of succession are quite clear, yes. In the absence of an alicorn ruler, the highest ranking noble is to serve as regent. Prince Blueblood will rule over Equestria until such a time as a princess properly takes the throne. If no princess is deemed suitable, this council has the authority to crown him ruling Prince of Equestria." This silenced the ponies in the room. Blueblood sported a smug look of satisfaction and Floribunda sighed deeply. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Spike all stared at the Prince with daggers in their eyes while Fluttershy hid behind her mane. Captain Silvermane was as unreadable as usual. Finally, Fancy Pants looked to Rarity, raising an eyebrow and tipping his head slightly. The fashionista knew what she had to do. The council could not be left in Blueblood's hooves alone. Rarity had promised Twilight she would help her rule the kingdom, and now was the time to hold up to that promise. She got up slowly. "Very well, I do agree that my friends should find Twilight. There is a good chance she left for Ponyville. If not, she will have been taken far away from Canterlot. The academy's unicorns would have easily been able to locate her otherwise." She took a deep breath. "I, however, will stay here." she continued. "Princess Twilight often voiced her desire to have us rule alongside her. At least one of her friends should sit on this council, and I believe this friend should be me. I already know all of you, and I'm sure Fancy Pants can vouch for my political acumen. This council needs to rule over Equestria, and a former bearer of the Elements of Harmony could go a long way in making sure it has the common ponies' support." "Preposterous," Blueblood scoffed. Pinkie stood up and gasped loudly. "Rarity, no! We have to stick together" "We have to find Twilight, not waste time in Canterlot!" Rainbow added, prompting everyone in the room to argue over one another. Applejack sent an ear piercing whistle into the hubub by placing her hoof between her teeth, silencing the room. "I agree with Rarity. She can handle the politics and fancy-shmancy stuff while we go find our friend." The rest of their friends remained silent, looking down. Now it would be up to the council. Fancy Pants did not wait for an invitation to speak. "Rarity's addition to the council could only help us in these difficult times, so I will support her appointment. I believe we should take it to a vote." Blueblood glared at the blue-maned stallion. "You would have Rarity appointed to my council? I suppose I can allow this vote; let us see how everypony feels about it." The Prince then turned toward the fashionista. "Your place isn't here, Rarity, so I vote against. For all your talk, you're still a Ponyville filly, not suited for Canterlot politics." Rarity used all her self control not to sigh at the prince's tone. Not that his attitude was in any way surprising. She also knew Fancy Pants would be her ally, and she hoped her luncheon with Floribunda had won her the older mare's support. Kibitz and Captain Silvermane were the wild cards. Councilor Kibitz tapped his hoof to his chin for a moment. Rarity could not help but look around the room nervously as her fate was being decided. Sweat rolled down her neck as the councilor made his announcement. "Very well, Your Highness," he bowed his head at Blueblood, another show of support for the prince. "Since we do not know how Twilight Sparkle left, I cannot support Rarity's admission to this council. After all, she could very well have abandoned her subjects." The fashionista barely had time to digest her disappointment as Floribunda coughed lightly. "A 'yes' for me. Rarity is a charming pony with good ideas. I would welcome her to the council with open hooves." Rarity's spirits went up as she silently congratulated herself; her gamble seemed to be working as far as the vermilion mare was concerned. So two in favor, two against. All eyes turned towards the guard captain. As the last member of the council, Silvermane had the deciding vote. She kept her usual neutral face as she simply announced, "I approve the motion." Rarity let out a breath she did not realize she had been holding. So Captain Silvermane was on her side after all. She slowly looked around the room. She would get to know these council ponies very well over the next few weeks. The fashionista was hopeful her friends would find Twilight soon. If they did not however, she would be here, doing her best to hold the kingdom together. It was still cloudy outside when Rarity walked her friends to the train station. She still felt a bit weak, but she also knew she might not get a chance to talk to them for a while. A few pegasi could be seen slowly moving clouds out of the way, although they seemed to be in no hurry to do so. Most of the shops were closed, the common ponies still in shock from the last few days' chain of events. Discarded newspapers, half-eaten flowers, and other pieces of trash littered the normally pristine Canterlot streets. The royal council would have to bring life back to the city before this depressing sight became the norm. The train to the Crystal Empire was set to leave a few moments before the one going to Ponyville. Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor walked to the train station alongside Rarity and her friends. While they all wanted to enjoy each other's company, most attempts at small talk failed, everypony obviously too concerned with the important tasks before them. Rarity recalled that the couple had spent the morning with Twilight's family, trying to comfort them. Each of Rarity's friends had had the same discussion with their own families at some point. Their friendship lead them to an often dangerous life, and family members could be left worrying. In Twilight's case, their fears had proven justified. Princess Cadance broke the silence. "I'm really sorry I can't do anything more. Sometimes, I wish I didn't have to obey that treaty. Still, if we hear of anything from the Crystal Empire you'll be the first to know." Pinkie Pie surprised Rarity by jumping right in front of the pink alicorn. "Well, it's a stupid treaty! Rarity could use your help and you could use your fancy alicorn magic to help us find Twilight! Friends don't let treaties come between friends!" "I want to help Twily more than anything!" Shining replied, placing a hoof on Pinkie's back. "Cadance is right though; we can't betray the Empire. I know my wife will try any spell she knows to contact Twilight. Trust me, Pinkie, she's my little sister and anything I can do to help, I will." Shining then turned towards Rarity. "I know what you're attempting won't be easy for you. Blueblood... He will make your life a nightmare. But if anypony can keep him from destroying Celestia's Equestria, I know it's you, Rarity." Rarity raised her hoof. "Don't worry about me, I can handle things here. Just promise me, all of you. Promise me you'll bring Twilight back safely!" All of her friends nodded, Fluttershy speaking first. "Oh, we will, Rarity. I'm sure we'll all be back together, soon." Rarity knew her decision to stay was not an easy pill to swallow for her friends. Spike in particular insisted he stay with her. As much as Rarity welcomed his friendship, she wouldn't have the time to take care of him. She also feared his mouth could get them both in trouble; Spike had a tendency to speak his mind very openly. Pinkie Pie promised to take care of him, and the baby dragon would be safer with the pink pony. As they arrived at the train station, boarding began for the Crystal Empire. A crystal pony herald announced Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor as they approached their own private car. "Well, I guess this is goodbye," Applejack said, failing to hide the worry in her voice. Spike ran toward Cadance, giving her a hug. The Princess of Love gently patted the baby dragon on the head with her hoof. "Good luck to all of you, from both of us," she said, Shining Armor nodding in agreement. "I worry about Equestria, but with Rarity on the council and the rest of you looking for Twilight, the nation is in good hooves." A few more pleasantries were exchanged and the train left for the northern Crystal Empire. The train to Ponyville began boarding immediately after. "Well, hopefully we will all see each other soon," Rarity told her friends. Her eyes watered a bit as she heard the conductor call for final boarding. "Find Twilight, I know you can do it. Wherever she is, she'll want to find us too. I'll be here, keeping Blueblood in check." The five ponies and baby dragon joined together in a group hug. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie openly wept while Applejack and Rainbow Dash tried to show strong faces. Spike broke down and cried. "I'll miss you, Rarity!" he exclaimed. The baby dragon kept holding on; it took Pinkie Pie to gently comfort him and convince him to leave on the train with the rest of them. Rarity watched her friends board their car. She stayed on the platform, watching the train leave as the ponies she cared for so dearly waved through the windows. Even after they were gone, she remained there for some time, contemplating the coming challenges. The fashionista had dreamt all her life of making it big in Canterlot, though now that she finally had, she could not find any happiness. > III Rainbow Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The train ride back to Ponyville had been long, boring, and uncomfortably quiet. As soon as Rainbow and her friends got off the train, they went straight for the Palace of Harmony. As they walked through Ponyville, the group was interrupted by curious townsponies. Eager eyes stared at them as question after question was asked. "Is it true Princess Twilight ran away?" "I heard Rarity is an Alicorn now!" "What happened to Lyra and Minuette? They've been so quiet since they returned." "Did Luna really transform back into Nightmare Moon?" Pinkie Pie and Applejack answered questions as they were asked. More ponies gathered around the group, speaking over each others. The normally quiet Ponyville quickly turned into a large gathering of concerned mares and stallions. Rainbow grunted in annoyance. She was about to fly up and give the crowd a piece of her mind, but Pinkie placed a hoof on her shoulder and shook her head. "Let me talk to them, girls," the pink pony said. "I'll catch up." Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Spike continued on their way toward the palace as Pinkie stayed behind to explain the situation in more details to the ponies of Ponyville. Rainbow silently thanked her friend for the distraction. They had better things to do than answer everypony's questions. The group entered the Palace of Harmony and made it to the central throne room that served as the palace's hub. A few books, a bowl of apples, some sketches Rarity did for one of her projects, and random objects littered the room and gave it a homely feel. Rainbow trotted to the central table, where the magical map of Equestria and beyond occasionally directed them to wherever they were needed. She poked it and sighed softly. "I suppose it would be too much to ask for this thing to just tell us where Twilight is." They all stared at the map for a moment. Applejack broke the silence when it was clear nothing would happen. "I don't think this'll work, and it doesn't seem like Twi's been in here. Anypony got any ideas?" Rainbow Dash shrugged, "Well, we can split up and look through the other rooms. If she's been here, she would have left us a note or something." Applejack nodded. "Good idea. I'll go to her room." "I'll take the library," Rainbow said. "I can look in the kitchen. Twilight might have gotten hungry," Fluttershy suggested. Spike spoke last. "I'll go down to the lab. Some of Twilight's experiments could blow up if they’re disturbed, and I think I'm the only one who knows what's safe to touch." "Good," Applejack said, nodding at each of them. "Let's all check those rooms and meet up back here." They all left to begin their search, Rainbow stepping into the slowly growing library that connected to the central throne room. While Rainbow had originally wanted to make it a gym, Twilight had insisted the room should be filled with bookcases. Eventually, the pegasus relented to her friend. It was, after all, her home. As the pegasus suspected, the library was left undisturbed. A few books were left open on the large, central table. Rainbow took a quick look at them, but nothing stuck out as something a princess on the run might consult. Two cookbooks, a schoolhouse history book, a pile of trashy romance novels — the same kind of things that would normally be lying around a library. Since this part of the castle was open to the public, finding any sort of clue would be tricky at best. In the back of the room, near the one large window that allowed natural light to come in, was a glass-protected display case. It contained a tome Rainbow knew very well — the journal she and her friends kept. As she flew toward it, she was reminded of all their challenges, their victories, their defeats, everything that made their friendship the way it was. It was all recorded within these pages. Surrounding it were six keys. The magical objects given to the pegasus and her friends reminded Rainbow of better times in her life. There's just no way Twilight would fly away and abandon us after seeing this stuff again. For good measure, the pegasus flew to the second story. It mainly contained ancient tomes, most of them incomprehensible to Rainbow. She quickly looked through to see if anything had been removed. The collection seemed as undisturbed, as usual. Perhaps Spike could tell if something was missing. "Enough looking around. It's time for action!" the pegasus said out loud before giving up on the search and returning to the throne room. Hopefully her friends would also be done investigating. Fluttershy and Spike were already in the throne room with Pinkie Pie, who seemed to have just returned. Applejack was nowhere to be seen, likely still in Twilight's room. "Nada in the library," Rainbow announced as she approached her friends. "I don't think Twilight was there." Spike confirmed what Rainbow suspected. "She hasn't been to the lab, and the food is still all here. I think you're right. Let's hope Applejack finds some kind of clue." "None of the townsponies saw her," Pinkie confirmed. "They're worried though; I might have to throw an 'everything will be alright' party to cheer them up!” Rainbow Dash stared dumbfounded at her friend. "This isn’t the time to think about parties, Pinkie! Our friend is missing. We left Rarity in who knows what kind of situation. Princess Luna is in hiding. We can't think about balloons and cupcakes right now!" Pinkie Pie looked down at her hooves dishearteningly as her ears drooped. "Oh, umm, Rainbow..." The pegasus turned her head to see Fluttershy timidly addressing her. "I think Pinkie's right; those ponies need a distraction. We're all worried, and so is everypony in town. I think Pinkie is very brave to volunteer to throw a party. She probably doesn't feel like celebrating any more than we do, but morale in town is so low. It's sad to watch." Fluttershy's tone raised as she spoke. "We have to do something about it!" Rainbow sighed. "Fine, maybe I spoke too soon, but don't expect me to have fun. The second we know where Twilight could be, I'm out of here!" The argument was cut short when Applejack walked down the stairs, a defeated expression on her face. "Well, Twi's room is just as she left it. How did the four of you fare?" They all shook their heads as the farm pony continued. "Well horseapples. I was hoping we'd have at least something to get started with. Fluttershy, I guess your idea's the best thing we got for now. I was hoping it wouldn't come to it though." Fluttershy beamed. "Oh Applejack! It'll work, trust me! He's a good friend, and he'll be willing to help." Rainbow frowned as she turned toward Fluttershy. "What the hay are the two of you going on about? If you know something Fluttershy, spit it out!" The yellow pegasus hid under her mane. Applejack took a few steps toward Dash. "Calm down, Rainbow. Me and Fluttershy talked about it earlier on the train, and we both agreed it wouldn't be our first option. She wants to write to Discord and ask for his help." Rainbow, Pinkie, and Spike all gasped. Discord may technically be reformed, but that did not make him trustworthy. "No way, no hay!" the blue pegasus replied, putting her hoof down. "For all we know, Discord's the one responsible! Who else could do this? I'm sure it would be a piece of cake for him to kidnap Twilight with his freaky magic." Rainbow realized she had spoken without thinking as Fluttershy glared severely at her. "Listen here, Rainbow. I know Discord has made some mistakes before, but so have all of us. He's proven his heart is in the right place, and that he's trying to do what's best. He's made a lot of progress and I'd like it, I'd really like it, if you didn't talk about my friend that way!" For such a timid pony, Fluttershy could be downright terrifying when angry. Rainbow turned toward Applejack for relief, but the expression on the farm pony's face eliminated any hope Rainbow could have had of arguing against Fluttershy's plan. Pinkie and Spike kept quiet as well. It seemed Discord would be coming to Ponyville. "Fine," Rainbow replied with a groan. "Let's go write him a letter," The four ponies and baby dragon found themselves on their way to Fluttershy's cottage. Pinkie Pie took the opportunity to invite everypony they saw on their way to her 'everything will be alright' party. While a few ponies seemed to share Rainbow's skepticism regarding the event, many more expressed curiosity at the prospect. The yellow pegasus explained her plan in more detail as the group entered her home. "As some of you might know, Discord created something he calls the 'Chaos Labyrinth'. It's his home, hidden somewhere in Equestria." Rainbow Dash stared at her blankly, as did the others. Fluttershy smiled and explained. "After a few weeks of living here with me, Discord had a hard time adjusting. As much as I need to be around my animals, Rainbow needs to fly, and Pinkie can't sleep without an emergency cupcake next to her bed, Discord needs to be surrounded by chaos. That's why he created the Labyrinth.” "Okay, so we just go to this labyrinth of his?" Rainbow asked. "Not quite," Fluttershy replied. "I don't know where the Chaos Labyrinth is. Every time I've been there, Discord transported us, and it's been in a different place every time. Twilight once said it was probably in another dimension. I think he just moves it around. It's always in isolated places, away from everypony else. Last time I visited, it was at the top of a mountain." "So, you write him a letter? I assume that creepy plant he left you still works," Applejack said as she pointed at a big carnivorous plant in a corner. Rainbow had seen Fluttershy use it before; she would write a letter, feed it to the plant, and Discord would receive it. Fluttershy looked at each of her friends in turn. "Yes. I want to tell him everything that’s happened. About Twilight, Luna, Celestia, about everything. I want to ask him for help." "Are you sure that's such a good idea?" Rainbow asked, hesitantly raising her hoof. "Since Tirek turned on him, Discord’s magic never fully returned to him. I don't think he even has the power to kidnap a princess." Fluttershy explained. "Twilight saved Discord that day. I just know he’ll be eager to repay the favor." Rainbow looked at the others. Spike shrugged while Pinkie smiled. Applejack nodded at Fluttershy. "It's worth a try," the farm pony said. Fluttershy smiled at her friends before moving toward her desk. She sat and started writing the letter in silence, her pet bunny, Angel, watching her from a nearby dresser. Angel eventually jumped on the desk, watching her write. Rainbow sometimes wondered if the bunny was able to read; he certainly did seem smarter than the average critter. Rainbow and the others watched Fluttershy write in silence. Her wings started to itch; she had to fly. Too much guessing, too much talking, not enough action! She started to pace, flexing her wings. Fluttershy finally finished writing after a few minutes. She rolled the letter up and brought it to the ugly carnivorous plant that seemed to wake up as she approached it. It opened its mouth and yawned, or at least imitated the action, as Rainbow didn't think yawning was something plants could actually do. A long tongue similar to a frog's leapt from the plant's maw to grab the paper. Fluttershy yelped as the tongue stuck to the letter, instantly pulling it inside the abomination's mouth. The plant burped loudly before returning to its sleepy state. "That is one creepy mailbox," Rainbow said. "Aren't you afraid it'll try to eat a squirrel or something?" Fluttershy shook her head. "Oh Rainbow. That's just Discord being Discord. The plant is completely harmless, although it did startle me the week it started singing." "Never mind. I don't want to know," Dash replied, rolling her eyes. The ponies did not have to wait long for a reply. After a few seconds, the plant started coughing loudly. Most of the animals ran away startled as Discord's abomination sprayed red dust all over the floor. "Don't worry little friends. Mr. Plant is just feeling a bit sick... I think?" Fluttershy took a moment to go around her room comforting the scared animals. Rainbow’s attention turned toward the red dust on the floor, although Applejack had already beaten her to it. The earth pony took a bit of it on her hoof, sniffing it. "Hmm, it just seems like dirt to me. What kind of trick is Discord playing now?" "Maybe it's a clue!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. She already had her magnifying glass out as she crawled around the plant, inspecting the dust through the tool. "Darn it!" Rainbow snapped in frustration. "Why can't anything be straight-forward? I'm tired of these clues and secrets. Is a clear answer too much to ask for?" As Rainbow stomped the floor in frustration, Spike took a bit of red dust on his claw and licked it, causing the ponies to stare at him in disgust. "That's gross, Spike!" Rainbow said. The baby dragon grinned at them. "I'm a dragon, I eat rocks and gems, remember? This is just like any of you licking your plate." Spike then pointed at himself, a satisfied look on this face. "Someone here knows where this dust comes from!" The four ponies exclaimed at once, "Where?" "The Badlands, south of Equestria," Spike explained. "Rainbow, you remember when I followed the dragon migration?" Rainbow Dash nodded as the dragon continued. "It's where we all ended up. I'd wager Discord is somewhere in that area." The new information got Pinkie Pie bouncing up and down. "Yay, Spike! Now we just have to go to the Badlands, get Discord, have him help us find Twilight, and we can be back in time for cake!" Applejack raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Pinkie, you have any idea how big the Badlands are? You could fit at least five Everfree Forests in there. This gives us a direction to go in, but not much else." "I'm sure we'll find more clues when we get there," Fluttershy suggested. "As scary as it is, I'm willing to go. I'd love for you girls to come with me." Rainbow Dash hesitantly placed a hoof on the yellow pegasus's back. "I don't know, Fluttershy. Why wouldn't Discord just tell you what’s up instead of sending you dirt?" "I'm not sure, Rainbow," Fluttershy replied. "I hope he's alright. If somepony went after Twilight, why not Discord too? What happened to poor Luna is suspicious as well... We have to go look for him!" Pinkie Pie suddenly stopped bouncing and in the blink of an eye, appeared face to face with Fluttershy, pushing Rainbow out of the way and grabbing the yellow pegasus's head. "Oh my gosh! If that's the case, they could go after Cadance! We should help her, too!" Applejack came between the two, moving Pinkie away from a startled Fluttershy. "Alright everypony, calm down. We'll have to think. How about we sleep on it? I reckon none of us had a good night's sleep since this whole thing started." The pink pony slowly nodded at Applejack. "You're right AJ. Beside, I promised I'd cheer everypony up, and I will. That includes all of you! Let's all relax, forget about all this frowny stuff for the rest of the day, and go save Twilight tomorrow!" Rainbow heard her add under her breath, "And we can go help Cadance, too." Rainbow Dash had to admit that getting her mind off things for a few hours would do some good. She kicked the door open and turned her head to the open sky. "Look, I'm going to fly for a while. I've been on the ground too long and my wings are aching for some action. If you all think we should go after Discord, then we can do it. Just point me in the right direction." Rainbow started with a few warm-up laps around Ponyville before gaining some altitude and flying off her frustration through sheer speed. She busted a few clouds and even practiced some of her tricks. Few pegasi could match Rainbow in high-altitude flight, so she often flew up high when she wanted solitude. Unfortunately, the lack of oxygen made it hard to perform complex maneuvers; she would run out of breath and risk losing consciousness. From high in the clouds, Rainbow could see a good part of Equestria. Ponyville seemed very small — only a group of brown dots on a green landscape. She knew ponies were down there, living their lives. From the sky, they were all but invisible — too minuscule to even consider. Canterlot was just as small, a protuberance on the tall mountain that towered over central Equestria. The capital was the city with the highest altitude in the nation except, of course, for Cloudsdale. Yet Rainbow was even higher still. Being on top of the world made the pegasus feel awesome. Rainbow contemplated the view until her lungs could no longer take the altitude. She then allowed herself to fall, spreading her wings and letting the currents to carry her. The wind decided where she would go as she glided for a few minutes. She only made the occasional adjustment to her course, effortlessly avoiding clouds, birds, and other obstacles. The pegasus eventually stabilized her flight, spotting a lonely cloud that looked perfect for a nap. She landed gracefully on the fluffy cushion before relaxing her muscles and falling to its puffy surface. In her frustration, she had over-exerted herself, only now realizing it as she lay resting. A nap will sure be welcome, Dash told herself as she closed her eyes. Sleep came easily to her. In her dreams, she rescued Rarity from Blueblood with Luna by her side. Twilight was there, as were all her other friends. As the leader of the Army of Awesome, Rainbow had single-hoofedly defended Equestria against villainy. She was about to throw Blueblood from Canterlot's highest balcony when something roused her from her sleep. "Rainbow Dash, wake up!" She slowly opened her eyes, the sun's unwelcoming rays beaming directly over her face. The vague shape of a pony appeared before her, shaking her awake. "I'm awake. Jeez, calm down!" she grumbled. Rainbow took a moment to adjust her eyes and return to the real world. She could make out a stallion with a dark gray coat standing on her cloud. Thunderlane. It was Thunderlane. The dark gray pegasus took a letter from his saddlebag. "Message for you from Cloudsdale. It's top priority, and I was told to deliver it to you in person and not to trust anypony else. You're not an easy mare to find, Rainbow." Rainbow grabbed the letter. What could be so important that they had to send Thunderlane searching for her? "Fine, I'll read it," she told the messenger. He stood there for a moment, as if waiting for something. "Don't you have some place to be?" she said as she shooed him away. Thunderlane nodded. "Right, I hope to see you soon then." He forced a smile that Rainbow didn't like. There was more going on here. As the other pegasus left, Rainbow ripped open the envelope. Two letters were inside: an official looking one, and a smaller, hoof-written note. The first had Cloudsdale's seal on it, as well as the Wonderbolts’. To Rainbow Dash, Due to recent events, Mayor Breezefall of Cloudsdale and Captain Spitfire of the Wonderbolts have found it prudent to initiate the Emergency Military Act of the Cloudsdale Constitution. As a Junior Wonderbolt and citizen of Cloudsdale, it is your duty to report to the city stadium for military service. You will be given a rank and responsibilities according to your skills and experience. More details will be given upon arrival. We understand this request might come as surprising, but the fate of Equestria may depend on swift action. Furthermore, in the name of national security, we demand that any information regarding this be kept secret. Do not inform friends or loved ones that you have been drafted. The letter had Spitfire's signature. Rainbow read it a second time, then a third. A draft letter made no sense. Like every pegasus who attended the Wonderbolts Academy, Rainbow had agreed to sign a document allowing Cloudsdale to summon her for military service. It was left over from the flight team's past as a defense force, but was considered a symbolic gesture more than anything else. The Emergency Military Act had never been enacted. The occasional call for volunteers would be made in times of crisis, but this was something different entirely. Perhaps the second letter would explain more. Rainbow Dash, I know your initial reflex will be to ignore the other letter you received. I've made you choose between Ponyville and Cloudsdale before, and in the past and you always chose your friends. I'm hoping I can convince you to come to us this time. It's for the good of all Equestria, Ponyville included. This isn't about competition like at the Equestria games. You've been to Canterlot. You know what's going on. Equestria is in danger and we need all the help we can get. I'm not drafting you as a common soldier. You'll be an officer in my inner circle. You've seen enough action to maybe teach even me a thing or two. I wish I could tell you more, but I can't risk it, not over a letter. I can promise you that if you come to Cloudsdale, it'll all be made clear. I need you here, Rainbow. I can't force you to come, but I hope, for everypony's sake, that you will. Spitfire Rainbow's eyes remained glued on the letter. This was everything she had hoped for. A clear direction, possibly an enemy to fight, and Spitfire probably had some leads. On the other hoof, why was the message so vague? If Spitfire knew something, then why not just spill the beans? Maybe Rainbow could take all of her friends to Cloudsdale with her. How would Spitfire react to her coming with other ponies, though? The letter did imply secrecy. Then again, an army couldn't be kept secret for long. If Cloudsdale had started drafting ponies, all of Equestria would know soon. The pegasus groaned in frustration. Was this how Rarity felt when she decided to stay behind? She fell on her back and stared at the sky. Rarity was in Canterlot, Fluttershy wanted to find Discord, Pinkie seemed to have a strange obsession with the Cadance, and now Rainbow herself was considering going off on her own to Cloudsdale. Maybe Applejack would have some advice. She seemed to be the only one holding them all together at the moment. Pinkie's party was tonight, and maybe the pink pony had a point. Getting her mind off things would do some good for Rainbow. At least she could look forward to having a bit of fun with her friends. She would also tell them about the letters. To hay with secrecy! Rainbow flew back down toward Ponyville. For now, maybe she could help Pinkie with the party. The party preparations went swiftly enough. Pinkie had covered the plaza in front of Sugarcube Corner with balloons, long streamers reaching from one house to another, and a wide variety of colorful lanterns. Four large barrels of Granny Smith's Special Reserve towered over a large table, with plenty of mugs available. Another table was covered with hay fries, small carrot dogs, vanilla lemon drops, daffodil crackers, and other tasty snacks. An enormous cake dominated the end of the table, waiting to be devoured by hungry townponies. Rainbow had spent the last few hours before the party helping out Pinkie and Spike with the decorations. As she assisted her friends, the pegasus found her mind wandering back to the letters she had received. On a few occasions, she thought about telling Pinkie, but couldn’t bring herself to. Would her friend see it as a betrayal? The pink pony hated when a friend left town, even if it was only for a short time. Every time she was about to say something, Rainbow gave up and occupied herself with another task. She knew her friends would have to know eventually. Maybe once the party was over, she could explain everything without breaking Pinkie's spirit. As ponies began arriving, they talked to each others in low voices. Pinkie jumped from one group to the next, offering drinks, telling jokes, and trying her best to get ponies to mingle. It didn't seem to have much effect though, as the party was slow to kick off. Spike sat down with Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle as they all shared a plate of hay fries. Applejack and Fluttershy arrived together with Mayor Mare. Thinking back on the events of the day, it did make sense that Applejack would have visited the mayor and gotten her up to speed. As for Rainbow, she was busy helping Mr. and Mrs. Cake bring more food from Sugarcube Corner to the large tables Pinkie had placed outside, near a statue of one of Ponyville's founders. The pegasus set the large bowl of punch she was carrying on a table and waved at her friends. She turned to the Cakes, who nodded at her and motioned toward Applejack and Fluttershy. Rainbow smiled at them before her attention turned to the party. Fluttershy was the first to spot Rainbow Dash. She waved the blue pegasus over to the three while Applejack explained something to Mayor Mare. Rainbow trotted through the slowly growing crowd of ponies. As she got closer to her friends, she felt a surge of nervousness. Should I tell them about the letters? Rainbow didn’t get enough time to consider it before Fluttershy welcomed her. "Oh, Rainbow Dash! I'm so happy you've decided to come to Pinkie's party." "Yeah, I actually helped her out with the decorations, too," Dash replied. "Pinkie's right. Everypony needs to relax a bit." "I'm glad you came around, Rainbow," Applejack said with a smile. "I was just telling Miss Mayor about Pinkie's party today. She’s decided to give a speech." "That's great," Rainbow said with a smile. "Good luck with that, Miss Mayor." "Well, I better go help the mayor get settled," Applejack continued. "You go enjoy yourself now, Rainbow. Try to relax." Mayor Mare nodded at the pegasus before leaving with Applejack. "Always a pleasure, Rainbow." Applejack and the mayor left Rainbow with Fluttershy. The blue pegasus’s thoughts once again turned toward the letters in her bag. Fluttershy wanted the four of them to go find Discord. Would she accept Rainbow going to Cloudsdale instead? She would probably say yes regardless, attempting to avoid possible conflict between her and her friend. The yellow pegasus interrupted her thoughts. "So, how was flying today?" Rainbow Dash brushed her mane. "It was fine, I got to practice a few tricks, then I took a nap." "Oh, that's nice," Fluttershy replied. Rainbow considered bringing up Twilight again, but remembered that Pinkie made her promise not to. She had to get through this party, and only one idea came to mind. "Come on, Fluttershy. Let's bust open one of those cider barrels." "If you want to," Fluttershy meekly replied as Rainbow dragged her to the table where Big Macintosh was serving mugs of the sweet apple drink. Getting drunk might not be wise, but it was probably the only way she could manage to keep the promise she had made to Pinkie: to relax and enjoy herself. As the two pegasi tested the surprisingly hard cider, Mayor Mare got up on the small stage she often brought to such events. Applejack stood next to it, but did not climb its stairs. Rainbow also spotted Pinkie bouncing toward the front of the crowd as the mayor raised her hoof, asking for silence. "Fillies and gentlecolts," Mayor Mare began. "As mayor of Ponyville, I first want to thank Pinkie Pie for getting us all together tonight. I know most of you are worried about the past few days' events. I share your worries, but I also trust that everything will turn out fine. Princess Twilight has always managed to triumph against everything thrown in her way, and I, for one, have no doubt she'll return to us. In the meantime, I know Ponyville can be strong. Our small town has always persevered in the face of adversity, and this will be no different!" Polite applause met the mayor's speech. Rainbow took another sip of cider as she looked over the crowd. Nopony was buying it, save for a mulberry-maned pony, whose loud, "woo!" made ponies turn in the direction of the cider barrels. The ponies of Ponyville continued whispering in low voices, probably sharing their doubts about the future. "Twilight always had Celestia helping her, this is different," Bonbon whispered to Lyra. "Does that mean Twilight will be okay, mommy?" Dinky asked her mother. "She didn't say why Rarity isn't here," Aloe told her sister Lotus. Rainbow noticed Applejack and the mayor sharing a look. This was obviously not the desired result of the speech. Rainbow kicked the dirt. So much for getting everypony's spirits up. Everypony returned to their conversations. Mugs of cider were passed around, and a few ponies stopped by the snack table. They were all going through the motions, pretending to enjoy themselves. Rainbow found Pinkie watching the crowd from her position near the stage. The pink pony eventually looked down at her hooves. By this time, her parties usually had everypony cheering. Rainbow turned to her drinking companion. "Darn it, Fluttershy. I knew this whole thing was a bad idea. Nopony can just pretend their problems are going away. Look at Pinkie! You know how she gets when ponies don't enjoy her parties." Rainbow's companion answered timidly, a hint of defiance in her voice. "At least Pinkie tried. She wanted so badly to cheer everypony up. I think we should help cheer her up in return." Dash sighed loudly and looked down for a moment. She eventually shook her head and started walking toward Pinkie, motioning for Fluttershy to follow. "You're right, come on." The two pegasi arrived next to the pink pony as the mayor got off the stage. The party's mood was slowly returning to its reserved, somber state. Pinkie's mane was slightly deflated, as it often was when the party pony felt sad or disappointed. "I'm sorry the party isn't working out so well," Rainbow awkwardly offered. Pinkie slowly raised her head. "You were right, Rainbow. This party was a waste of time. Nopony wants to be cheered up right now. I don't even want to have fun." "Now, that's just not true," Fluttershy replied, nuzzling Pinkie Pie. "Ponies did come. We all need to get things off our chests. It might just take a little bit longer for everypony to get out of their shells." She smiled and looked at the pink pony in the eyes. "Keep at it, Pinkie, you're doing a good thing, even if it might be hard to see it right now." "So get out there and do your thing, Pinkie!" Rainbow completed with renewed vigor as she pushed Pinkie toward the stage. Fluttershy had the right of it. We might as well go through with the party. It's not like it could get any worse. Pinkie gazed over the crowd of ponies. "You're right, girls!" she giddily replied as her mane sprang back into form. The pink pony jumped onto the stage. "Stop everypony!" The crowd quieted down and gave Pinkie its attention. "I want to thank all of you for coming to my party, it means a lot to me! Now, I know you're all worried and sad, I am too. I'm hoping we can forget about all of that tonight, though, and have a bit of fun!" Rainbow looked around. The ponies seemed to be listening to Pinkie as she continued. "I want to tell you all about a friend of mine. I know she's friends with a lot of you too. Her name is Twilight Sparkle. Whenever something bad happened here in Ponyville, she was here to help. She never gave up when the Everfree Forest started invading, or when Discord was turning the town upside down, or when Cerberus escaped. Each time things got bad, she got all of us together and helped us unite to save the town! Wherever she is, I know she's not giving up!" Pinkie took a breath. Her speech seemed to be having the desired effect as smiles started coming back to a few ponies' faces. "If we want to help her, then we need to stick together. Every time Twilight helped us fight some big baddy, we did it as friends, and even had fun! We need to do the same now. Like Miss Mayor said, we need to keep Ponyville alive! For tonight, let's stop thinking about everything we lost and have fun with everything we still have. We have each other, we have our homes, our town, we have cider, and we have cake!" Rainbow Dash was amazed that Pinkie not only brought smiles back to the ponies, but even managed to cheer up the pegasus herself. It still wasn't as energetic as the usual Ponyville parties, but the cider was flowing, ponies were smiling, and slices of cake were being passed around. Berry Punch and Lyra opened another barrel of cider. Drinking songs were sung as the Sun went down and the evening truly began. Rainbow was tempted to gulp down her whole mug of cider, but decided against it. She might have to fly to Cloudsdale, and didn’t want to endure the journey on a hangover. Pinkie didn’t share the same moderation as she joined Berry in a drinking song. "There once was a little pony who fell in a barrel of cider." Rainbow enjoyed listening to the drunken antics as she spent some time with the other weather ponies. Blossomforth told her how Cloudchaser had gotten stuck inside a raincloud. Flitter laughed and joined in the drinking song, other pegasi adding their voices. "She decided drinking it all was better than swimming forever." A group of stallions started singing. Caramel climbed on a barrel. He sang louder than the rest, convincing more mares and stallions to join in. Rainbow noticed Applejack still talking to the mayor. Big Macintosh joined them, carrying a slice of pie. A drunken Berry Punch bumped into him, throwing the pastry into the air and onto the mayor's head, causing a round of laughter. "Once the barrel was empty, little pony smashed it to the ground!" Pinkie Pie poured more mugs of cider, passing them around to everypony. Glasses were raised as the song increased in volume. Lyra gulped down an entire mug. Fluttershy and Cheerilee entertained the young colts and fillies who were still going strong. Rainbow spotted Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo in the group. The children laughed at the dancing and singing adults, Sweetie walking in an exaggerated zigzag, pretending to be drunk. "And as everypony looked at her, she yelled 'bring another round!'" Laughter resonated through the scene as Caramel fell down from his barrel onto a pile of hay fries. As the chorus echoed, more ponies joined in. "Drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and buck!" Applejack and her brother sang loudly, as did most of the weather team. Spike had been walking around asking for sips of cider, but now seemed to be having a hard time walking in a straight line. The evening continued in this fashion, the ponies finally allowing themselves a night of fun and celebration. The party started to die down after a few hours. Fluttershy had already gone to bed, as well as Cheerilee, Mayor Mare, and most of the other ponies. Berry Punch and Caramel were still drinking alongside Carrot Top, Noteworthy, and Lyra. Rainbow stood in a corner, yawning as she looked over the scene when Applejack joined her. "Hey there, Rainbow. We didn't get much chance to hang out tonight, but you seemed like you enjoyed yourself." "I gotta give it to Pinkie," the pegasus replied, raising her mug. "She managed to do it. I didn't think it was possible to cheer up anypony after what happened." "She sure knows what she's doing," the farm pony said as both she and Rainbow gazed over a snoring Pinkie Pie. The party pony had fallen asleep next to an empty barrel of cider. The two friends took a moment to appreciate the scene. The few ponies still awake seemed like their worries were mostly gone. Sure it would all hit them again in the morning, but at least Ponyville had gotten a chance to relax. Most of the cake had been eaten, save for the few half-eaten pieces found on plates all around the area. All of the cider was gone, except for the one last half-barrel, which Berry had just opened. Some ponies were still awake, calmly discussing whatever was on their minds, just as Rainbow and Applejack were doing. While they spoke quietly, they were clearly cheerful. The party was coming to an end, but everypony would surely go to sleep with smiles on their faces. Rainbow looked out in the distance. She sighed as she turned to her friend. "Applejack, I got drafted today." "You what now?" the farm pony asked, giving Rainbow a confused look. The pegasus took out the two letters she had been hiding all day. "I got these letters from Cloudsdale. Apparently they're reforming the military. As a Junior Wonderbolt, I have to report for duty." "They can't force you to do anything you don't want to, Rainbow." "I know, AJ, but here's the thing. I want to go. If Cloudsdale is getting organized like that, there's got to be a good reason. What else do we have? Going on a wild chase after Discord? Hoping Princess Cadance comes up with some spell to find Twilight?" Applejack sighed. "I know how you feel. Just today, the mayor asked me to stay in town. She suspected all of us would want to go out after Twilight." Rainbow raised an eyebrow, which prompted Applejack to nod and explain. "Apparently, Twilight handled so much of the town affairs, getting back to managing everything is too much. You heard her speech tonight, it wasn't as inspiring as she used to make them. She's just not sure she can handle the town on her own anymore. She's getting ready for retirement." "What are you trying to say?" Rainbow asked. "I'm saying maybe I should stay and help manage things here in Ponyville. You wanna go to Cloudsdale, Fluttershy wants to go after Discord, Pinkie kept going on about wanting to go to the Crystal Empire after a few mugs of cider... Is it wrong to go our separate ways on this one?" Rainbow Dash thought about it for a moment. "Isn't it what Twilight would have us do? She's always making use our skills in the best possible way. As much as I hate it, Rarity is probably where she'll be the most useful. Maybe we need to follow her example and each look for Twilight in our own way." "Maybe you're right," Applejack suggested, her hoof to her chin. "Let's sleep on it and decide what we want to do in the morning." "Speaking of, I'm about ready to hit the hay," the pegasus replied as she yawned. "See you tomorrow, AJ." "Sleep tight now, Rainbow," the earth pony replied, patting Dash on the back before they both went their separate ways. As she flew off toward her home, Rainbow knew sleep would come easily. If Applejack could understand why she wanted to go to Cloudsdale, no doubt her other friends would support her decision as well. The city of Cloudsdale finally came into view on the horizon. Rainbow Dash had been flying for a good part of the day, only taking the occasional break on passing clouds to allow her wings to rest. The trip from Ponyville to Cloudsdale was one Rainbow had made many times. A train station had recently been built in Gale, the village underneath the city, and a balloon would take visiting ponies up into the clouds, making the need to fly to reach the city a relic of the past. Twilight had also created an easier to cast version of her already permanent cloud walking spell, so earth ponies and unicorns could now easily visit the city in the clouds. For all the ease of travel now offered, Rainbow often opted to fly to Cloudsdale on her own anyway. The city had always been a symbol of pride for the pegasi; to touch it, one had to fly high up into the air. The reward of life in the sky was one that used to be reserved to the ponies able to reach it. Rainbow's time in Ponyville had changed her views on that, but she still enjoyed the personal challenge. The flight was also a tradition to Rainbow. It was a good test of her endurance, and the trip offered her time to reflect on past and future events. She had made an important decision this morning, but it was not one she made alone. This choice had the potential to change Rainbow's life, as well as her friends'. Rainbow and the others had all agreed to meet at Sugarcube Corner for breakfast. The blue pegasus had brought her two letters, expecting that everyone would want to see them. Pinkie Pie had visible pouches under her eyes from the previous night's party. She was slowly drinking one of Mrs. Cake's secret hangover cure milkshakes. Fluttershy, in contrast, had seemed well rested, her cyan eyes wide open and aware. Applejack appeared just as alert as the yellow pegasus. Her frown betrayed serious concern; Rainbow knew the farm pony had a lot of responsibilities on her shoulders. Spike seemed to have a hard time staying awake. He had curled up in a sleeping position on the chair next to Pinkie Pie. As for Rainbow, she had slept well, but not enough. She woke up shortly after the sunrise, thoughts of the important decisions ahead keeping her from getting back to sleep. Seeing the Sun in the morning reinforced her faith in Princess Luna; even while accused of imaginable crimes, she was still loyal to her ponies. After they had all ordered breakfast and went through the usual morning pleasantries, Applejack got them on track. "Alright, everypony. I've been thinking about what we all need to do, and I think we might have hard decisions to make. First of all, Rainbow, can you show them what you showed me last night?" Rainbow Dash gulped. She knew this was coming, and she did promise Applejack, but now it was real. "Yesterday, Thunderlane came to see me. He gave me these two letters." The pegasus took out both sheets of paper and placed them on the table. "It's a draft order, and a personal letter from Spitfire. They want me to join the Cloudsdale military." Fluttershy took the first letter and gave it a quick look. "Since when does Cloudsdale have an army? I know the Wonderbolts often fight monsters, but they haven't really been a true military since a long time ago, right?" "Technically, the Wonderbolts were founded as a military force," Rainbow replied. "They do have to go on missions once in a while, but overall, Equestria's always been peaceful. One thing everypony seems to forget is that pegasi who attend the Wonderbolts Academy can, at any point, be drafted into military service. It's mostly a symbolic thing. As far as I know, this is the first time it happened." Pinkie Pie immediately roused herself out of her half-slumber and jumped in front of Rainbow. "You can't go, Dashie! We need to stick together!" Applejack raised her hoof. "She should go, Pinkie. I found myself thinking last night, about what Twilight would do. Then Rainbow came to me with her letters. Twilight's a good leader. She knows our strengths. She'd ask all of us to work where we're at our best." Pinkie crossed her legs and glared at Rainbow. "Is that why you encouraged Rarity to stay in Canterlot?" Fluttershy asked. "Partly, yes," the farm pony replied. "If something's going on in Cloudsdale, we can't ignore it. The same way we can't forget about Discord." "So we all go find Discord and Rainbow goes to Cloudsdale?" suggested Pinkie, still glaring at Rainbow. "What about the Crystal Empire?" Applejack sighed. "Not exactly. Rainbow's going to Cloudsdale while Fluttershy will go find Discord. As for you, Pinkie, I feel like it's a waste of time, but Twilight often trusted your instincts. I'll risk doing the same. You can go see Cadance and Shining Armor. Take Spike with you; he's still a bit of a hero back there, and could be useful." Rainbow Dash had been quietly listening to the exchange, still trying to wrap her brain around it all. "What about you, AJ? Do you still want to stay here?" "That's right, Rainbow. I'm staying in Ponyville. Miss Mayor asked me to. She says Ponyville needs at least one of us here, holding the fort as it were. Ponies got used to Twilight and the rest of us protecting the town and all. Truth be told, Mayor Mare wanted all four of us to stay, but priority should be finding Twilight and Luna." "Works for me," Rainbow replied. "I'm certainly fine with going to Cloudsdale. It's where I'll be at my best, like you said." Her brow furrowed as she turned toward the yellow pegasus. "What about you, Fluttershy? Are you willing to go find Discord by yourself? Traveling alone to the badlands can't be safe." Fluttershy hid behind her long mane for a moment before taking a deep breath and meeting Rainbow's eyes. "Oh, it is very scary, but I think I can do it. Discord is a friend and I know he'll look out for me. As for you girls, Applejack is right. We all have things to do. I... I can be brave." She nodded firmly. "I'll find Discord's Chaos Labyrinth, and then I'm sure he'll be able to help." Applejack nodded at the group. "It's settled then. We'll go our separate ways and do what we do best. If any of you learns something, either return to Ponyville or write me a letter." The friends all nodded together. The rest of breakfast had been more casual. They all knew that these might be the last moments they would spend together for some time, and they all took advantage of it. Rainbow Dash had left her friends first, hugging each in turn and saying her goodbyes before finally taking flight toward Cloudsdale. She now found herself flying toward the city in the sky, her head filled with questions regarding what she would find there. Why was Rainbow the only one contacted? If there truly was a threat to Equestria, Spitfire might have asked for her friends to come too. Did the Wonderbolts' leader even have an enemy in mind, or did she order the re-militarization of Cloudsdale in anticipation of aggressive moves by another nation? Dash also remembered not seeing any of the Wonderbolts at the funeral in Canterlot. There would have to be a good reason for that. Did they suspect the enemy to be in the capital? If that was the case, Rarity could be in danger. Rainbow Dash lost herself in her thoughts longer than she realized. She found herself close enough to make out some of the city's features. Large rainbows arched over pristine white cloud buildings surrounded by the familiar white columns so distinctive of Cloudsdale architecture. She spied groups of pegasi in the distance. While Rainbow was too far away to differentiate their features, she could tell the metropolis was extremely busy. No doubt she wasn't the only one to receive a draft letter. As she approached further, Dash took notice of a familiar turquoise-coated pegasus. While she had remained in contact with Lightning Dust after the academy, their friendship had never fully recovered from the accident that almost killed Rainbow's friends. Still, both pegasi could respect each other's skills, and they had quickly realized that their friendly rivalry did not have to end. Rainbow waved at her old acquaintance. "Hey, Lightning! Wait up!" The golden-maned pegasus turned her head around. She immediately smiled as she saw Dash. "Hey, Rainbow Dash! Long time no see. I guess you're here for the same reason I am?" "Yup, draft letter. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but it's got to be important if Spitfire called in the Emergency Military Act." "I'm as much in the dark as you are," Lightning replied, matching Rainbow's flight speed. "Still, it's a chance to kick some tail and show Spitfire what I'm made of. I've been itching for some action lately." Rainbow frowned, "This isn't like stunt flying. Have you ever been in an actual fight? Some of the monsters I had to go against were pretty darn scary. Sure, I could totally take them on with my awesome moves, but it's nothing like flying loops or busting clouds." "Pfft, if you can take on monsters so can I," the turquoise pegasus replied as she shook her hoof dismissively. "Beside, I haven't seen you at the past two training camps." Rainbow harrumphed. "I've still been practicing! Being companion to a princess keeps me plenty busy!" "Whatever Dash. I guess I'll see what you're made of in training later." Rainbow nodded. "Oh, you can bet your flank you will!" As the two pegasi got closer to the city, they saw groups of ponies in uniforms everywhere. They wore protective armor over their chests and hooves. Plates of cloudsteel covered as much of the pony's bodies as possible without impeding their movement. Since pegasi fought in the sky, speed and maneuverability were often favored over solid protection. Rainbow and Lightning flew through the city in silence, both of them taking in the sights. The city was arming itself. A stallion placed posters on walls encouraging ponies who weren’t drafted to join the military. Some of those posters had been vandalized, crude drawings and anti-war messages plastered over them. War against whom though? The few ponies she questioned while flying through the city said Cloudsdale had only reformed the military as a precaution. "We better get some explanation about all this," she told her companion. Lightning Dust shrugged. "We got orders, we came. They just have to point me in the right direction and whatever's in the way is gonna be sorry." Rainbow sighed. Under different circumstances she might have agreed with Lightning. Today though, there was a lot at stake. Spitfire sent her a personalized letter; hopefully meeting the Wonderbolt leader would explain what was really going on. They arrived at the stadium to find it converted into a recruitment center. Groups of pegasi trained inside and above, all under the watchful eyes of Wonderbolt officers. Rainbow did notice the Wonderbolts still wore their signature blue and yellow outfits. It was a uniform that inspired loyalty. Whoever decided to have them wear it instead of the new armor understood how to keep morale up. A brown stallion with a large, black mustache stood next to the entrance with a clipboard in front of a table covered with papers. A large sign that told new recruits to 'report for duty here' was also placed in the area, indicating he was the pony to talk to. Rainbow landed in front of him, Lightning close behind her. "Rainbow Dash reporting for duty, Sir!" She gave the pony a military salute. Lightning mirrored the gesture, announcing her presence the same way. "Lightning Dust reporting for duty!" The stallion took a moment to look them over. He took a glimpse at his files before tipping his head in Lightning's direction. "Lightning Dust, you've been assigned to the sixth feather in Commander Soarin's wing. Report to Captain Rapidfire for assignment. You'll find him at the obstacle course, right up there above the stadium." He pointed up with his hoof to a group of ponies flying in formation through cloud circles, wind bursts, and other standard obstacles. Lightning gave the stallion another salute. "Sir!" she announced before flying off, giving Rainbow a wink as she went to meet with her superior. The mustachioed stallion turned toward Rainbow. "Rainbow Dash, I have special orders for you. You're to report directly to General Spitfire. She should be found in the stadium's royal suite. She converted it to her temporary office." "Yes sir!" she replied with another salute. She couldn't help but wonder about the titles. Spitfire had always been a captain. Why the sudden change to general? The stallion chuckled. "If what I heard about you is true, you won't be calling me 'Sir' for long." Rainbow grinned. "I'm sure of that. After all, I'm awesome!" The blue pegasus flew inside the stadium. She noticed the large balcony where Princess Celestia used to watch the various competitions. Fleetfoot was standing on it, talking to another mare Rainbow didn't recognize. Rainbow Dash landed on the platform, giving the other two pegasi a salute. Fleetfoot grinned at her. "Rainbow Dash, good, you're here. Spitfire was worried you wouldn't show up. I knew you'd come around, though." "Thank you, Ma'am!" Rainbow replied with a salute, uncertain how to approach the situation. The senior Wonderbolt chuckled lightly. "No need for that, you've been assigned the rank of Wing Commander, same as me. We'll be leading these ponies together." Rainbow gasped in surprise. She knew Spitfire believed in her abilities, but to make her a commander in the Cloudsdale military? "A... commander? It's an honor, but why me?" "I'll let Spitfire explain. Trust me, you'll love it." Fleetfoot replied, pointing toward the suite with her muzzle. "She should be in her office. Better not keep her waiting." Rainbow nodded, uncertain what to say. She noted large banners hanging around the suite as she walked inside. Half of them displayed Cloudsdale's insignia, the others showed the Wonderbolts'. A secretary sat at a desk with a pile of papers and a typewriter. She seemed too busy with her work to even notice Dash's presence. Spitfire was at the end of the room, sitting beside the same large desk she normally kept at the academy. She wore a severe-looking uniform. On the table sat a well-polished helmet. It was decorated with golden lightning bolts and a large red plume on top. "General Spitfire, Ma'am," Rainbow announced as she walked to her desk. The orange-maned Wonderbolt stopped reading the report she had in her hooves and stared at Rainbow Dash, blinking a few times. "Well, here's somepony I didn't expect to actually see. I suppose I owe Fleetfoot a drink." "Well, you said Equestria's future was in the balance," Rainbow hesitantly answered. "I couldn't ignore that, Ma'am." Spitfire smiled. "You can drop the Ma'am. I need you to be straight with me from now on." She rose and walked toward the balcony. "We can't talk in here though. Come on, feel like flying around the city?" Rainbow's wings were a bit tired from her journey, but she wasn't about to refuse Spitfire such a request. "Sure, I'm always ready to stretch my wings." "That's the spirit. Come on." Spitfire led Rainbow out of the suite. She nodded her head at Fleetfoot as she left. "I'm giving Rainbow the tour. We should be back in a few hours." Fleetfoot nodded back as Spitfire flew away, Rainbow trailing behind her. They flew in silence for a while, Rainbow taking in the sights. She spied large groups of ponies training in the stadium with spears. She decided to risk a question. "So, I gotta ask. Why all of this? I'll grant you, Equestria does feel vulnerable, but you don't build an army like this just in case the griffons decide to test our borders." Spitfire grinned at Rainbow. "Well, you're not afraid to ask questions. That's what I like about you, Dash. You say what's on your mind. Speaking of, I heard you stood up for Princess Luna back in Canterlot." "I just had to tell the truth," Rainbow replied. "Some of those nobles were coming up with the most insane accusations. Return of Nightmare Moon, betrayal of Equestria, they even accused her of murdering her sister!" Spitfire calmly nodded. "So I heard. You don't have to worry about me though. I agree with you. I happen to trust our Princess of the Night. Let's just say I used to have bad dreams." Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "Bad dreams?" "Never mind," the Wonderbolt leader answered with a weak smile. "I will answer all your questions, but first I want to show you around." She motioned toward the city. "We have the entire city mobilized. While we haven't called for a full conscription yet, the idea has been thrown around. For now, anypony who swore a pledge of loyalty has been drafted. We also called for volunteers within the city. We plan on recruiting within the rest of Equestria soon." "Why the secrecy, though?" Rainbow asked. "Simple; because Canterlot isn't aware we're doing this. You'll see the reason soon." Spitfire took a deep breath and eyed Dash severely. "Now, tell me Rainbow Dash, do you still feel comfortable leading ponies?" Rainbow nodded. "Fleetfoot did mention you wanted to make me an officer. I won't let you down, Ma'am!" Spitfire smiled. "Good, I expect nothing less. From now on, you serve under the rank of Wing Commander, meaning you'll have a full wing under your command. That's eight feathers, each made up of eight units." "And I unit is eight ponies. I remember my military history lessons," Rainbow replied with a wink. The general continued. "You have a lot of experience fighting all kind of creatures with Princess Twilight and your friends, and you’ve also demonstrated quick thinking, leadership, and loyalty in the past." Rainbow nodded, uncertain what to say. Spitfire frowned lightly. "Before I officially give you your rank and uniform though, I need to be sure you're in. I can't have you desert the moment Pinkie Pie or another one of your Ponyville friends calls. To be blunt, what we're doing here is too important, and your responsibility will be too great. Cloudsdale has to come first." Rainbow gulped. This was not a promise she could make lightly. On the one hoof, her whole purpose for coming here was to join the Cloudsdale Army. As a member of the inner circle, she would probably learn far more than she could have in Ponyville. If whatever was being planned was as important as Spitfire made it out to be, then there was nowhere else she should be. On the other hoof, Rainbow could not help but picture Pinkie Pie, Applejack, or one of her other friends in danger. Would she be able to stay in Cloudsdale and obey orders even if her friends needed her? What if Twilight was found? Would she be allowed to go after her? Rainbow risked asking. "What if we learn where Twilight Sparkle is? My friends are out looking for her right now." "Then we will go after her," Spitfire answered. She stopped suddenly, forcing Rainbow to pull up and turn toward the General. Spitfire's tone turned grave and serious. "But we will not put Equestria at risk. Above all else, the nation's safety is paramount. I need to know that you will be loyal to our cause, Rainbow. I must know that my commanders will see this to the end, no matter what happens." Spitfire's tone spoke volumes about the gravity of the situation. ‘Loyalty,’ the word kept ringing in Rainbow's head. She was reminded of her earlier conversation with her friends, each of them going where they could be the most useful. Rarity could not leave Canterlot, nor could Applejack just leave Ponyville. Rainbow was being loyal to her friends, even if they were far away. "I want to protect Equestria, General, and if that means Cloudsdale comes first, then it comes first. I trust you when you say it's worth it, and I won't get distracted." Even as she spoke the words, Rainbow felt her heartbeat race. I sure hope I'm making the right choice here. "Good," the general answered. "I think you're ready to learn exactly what we'll be fighting for. Follow me." "Where are we going?" Rainbow asked as they took a sharp turn. "To the mayor's house. There's somepony there you should meet." Mayor Breezefall lived in a large house on a cloud dominating the city. It was kept a respectable distance from other clouds, allowing him some privacy. The house was a two-story building, and was very open, as most Cloudsdale buildings were — only a set of columns separated the bulk of the house from onlookers, the middle part being the only completely closed-off area. Soldiers patrolled the cloud's perimeter, both in the air and on the surface. Rainbow counted at least twenty. "I'm assuming these guards aren't here just for the mayor?" Rainbow asked. "No, and you're about to find out why. Remember one thing though. What you're about to see inside this house must remain confidential. We will reveal it to the rest of Equestria, but not before we're ready to defend it." Rainbow nodded as she flew down toward the house. She tried her best to keep her hooves from shaking. What was this secret Spitfire was so adamant on protecting? She wouldn't even speak of it in the open. Both ponies landed on the cloud and walked toward the house. Guards saluted them as they approached the front door. A guard opened it as they approached, and they both stepped into the richly decorated house. The inside walls were framed in enchanted wood that wouldn't sink through clouds. Tapestries hung on the walls, depicting pegasi in flight. A large cloudstuff staircase lead to the second floor. Spitfire started walking toward it, but did not go up. She instead went to a small door on its side. She opened it to reveal another set of stairs going down. A few cloud homes had basements that were built inside the clouds themselves. Some ponies used them to store valuables away from sight — the perfect place to hide a secret in a city like Cloudsdale. Spitfire opened the door and held it for Rainbow, a small smile appearing on the general’s face. Dash stepped in, followed by her superior, who re-locked the door behind them. Together, they descended the dark staircase. During every step, tension rose within her. What was awaiting below? What secret was so important that an entire army would be mobilized to protect it? Her eyes were still adjusting to the darkness. Cloudsdale was always bright and sunny, being above the weather. A dark room within the city was something she had a hard time wrapping her head around. Ahead, she heard voices and saw a large black shape. A chair? As they approached, she could make out several ponies. Two wore armor, different from the soldiers she saw outside. Were those Canterlot guards? The other pony she knew to be the mayor. "Thank you, General Spitfire, for bringing Rainbow Dash here," a loud, commanding voice announced. It was unmistakable. As her eyes adjusted, Rainbow saw who stood before her, sitting on the dark throne, though she could hardly believe it. "Y...Your Highness," Rainbow said, hey voice trembling from the shock. Princess Luna gazed directly into the blue pegasus's eyes. "Rainbow Dash, I have heard of your actions in Canterlot, and how you refused to believe the slanderous lies being told about me. You were right. I did not murder my sister, nor am I guilty of any of the other crimes they accuse me of. For now, what I require from you is an oath. Are you forever my subject?" Rainbow Dash bowed deeply as all her doubts evaporated. "Yes, Your Highness. Your word is my command." > IV Captain Silvermane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a few days of being confined to the barracks, the mares and stallions of the Night Guard were forgetting their sense of discipline. Plates were left on tables, half-eaten meals congealing on them. Three soldiers were busy playing dice on the long central table, whilst another group of stallions shared bawdy stories. Two ponies slept, while others lay in their beds re-reading the few magazines available to them. Weapons and armor were left unattended, a few items in urgent need of a good polish. The exception was a very large, gray earth pony polishing his helm in silence. Captain Silvermane groaned in annoyance. This was not behavior she would tolerate amongst royal guards. Since the day of Luna’s violent escape, Silvermane had ordered them restrained here to their barracks. A small group had followed Luna into exile, choosing to remain loyal to the Princess of the Night rather than to their nation as a whole. Silvermane expected they might. It was for this reason that she decided to keep the rest under watch. She entered the dirty barracks followed by her right-hoof pony, the green-maned Lieutenant Breezerunner. "Hey Silvermane. How long you gonna keep us here?" one of the night guards asked, a short earth pony mare with a dark brown mane. "She'll keep us here until the princess is found! She don't trust us!" a pegasus stallion answered. "To hay with that!" another unicorn stallion exclaimed. "I'll transfer to the Day Guard and be done with this nonsense!" "Traitor! Princess Luna is our leader!" an eager earth pony stallion spat before turning his head towards the captain. "Do your worst, Silvermane!" The captain calmly looked around the room, making sure her expression remained flat and expressionless. She expected these kinds of reactions. Some of the lunar guards were extremely loyal to their princess, others would accept the deal she had come to offer. She allowed her lieutenant to restore order. "Quiet down, all of you! You are royal guards and this isn't kindergarten," Breezeruner barked. "I can still have you all court-martialed for insubordination!" The lieutenant turned to the stallion who had challenged Silvermane. "And you will address the captain as 'Ma'am' or 'Captain'. Is that clear, Soldier?" The earth pony gulped and looked down as the others stood and formed a line. Silvermane took a moment to observe the guards gathered before her. They were a mix of earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi — perhaps a grand total of twenty ponies. The Royal Guard was a relatively small force overall, and Luna never had more than a few under her banner at a time. "Alright, here's how things will go down," the Captain announced. "Your former ruler, Princess Luna, has been deemed a traitor. She fled the capital while under suspicion of poisoning Her Highness, Princess Celestia. In her flight, she killed a guard, injured others, and thus proved her guilt. In light of these events, I'm dissolving the Night Guard. I will not allow a regiment to remain in her service. I'm here to interrogate you all and bring back order to this madness." Sounds of protests erupted throughout the ranks. "You have no right to do this!" the same earth pony who had challenged her earlier declared with renewed hostility. Captain Silvermane walked up to him and met his protest with a cold, deep stare. For all his bravado, the pony's legs still shook when confronted by the captain's glare. "I have the right to do what it takes to protect our nation." She maintained her piercing stare. "Lieutenant Breezerunner, have the guards outside escort this soldier to the dungeon. Perhaps a few nights there will make him rethink his priorities." Silvermane turned her attention toward the other night guards as Breezerunner escorted the panicked soldier out. "Now, as for the rest of you, I'm certain you will give me no reason to doubt your loyalty to Equestria. Some of you may be allowed to resume your duties in the royal guards. We'll see after the interrogation.” "Those who still claim loyalty to Princess Luna will be dismissed and placed under arrest. As far as your former comrades who fled, it's the dungeon once we find them. Should we discover any of you helped them or Luna escape, you'll share the same fate." "Fine, ask your questions, then I'm out of here!" a pegasus mare spat. Another stallion joined in the protest as order crumbled in the ranks once again. "So we really are prisoners. We'd never be treated this way if the princesses were still here!" "They can ask me whatever they want, I have nothing to hide!" "We're royal guards. We shouldn't have our loyalty questioned like this!" "Quiet down! Order in the ranks!" Lieutenant Breezerunner shouted as he re-entered the room. His order did not seem to have much of an effect. Captain Silvermane studied the situation, taking mental notes of which ponies were in panic and which ones maintained some semblance of discipline. "We've been living in this filth too long, anything to get out of here!" "You're all idiots. As long as we get to be guards, who cares which princess we serve?" A loud thumping sound could be heard as a very large earth pony with a short black mane started banging his hoof on the floor. The sound quickly quieted down the troops and made them stand at attention. Silvermane had already identified the massive stallion as one of the few soldiers in the room who seemed to value discipline. "Shut up, you buffoons! Your commanding officer is speaking and I won't risk my career for you lot!" he barked before turning his head towards the captain. "Sorry for my insubordination, a'am." Captain Silvermane allowed herself a smirk. This pony’s intervention succeeded in bringing back order within the night guard, at least for now. Even her own Lieutenant Breezerunner stayed quiet. The gray-coated stallion's cutie mark of a punching bag and his humongous size gave no hesitation as to where his talents might lie. She walked directly in front of him. "Name and rank?" "Sergeant Boulderhoof," he replied, standing at attention. "Good, Sergeant Boulderhoof," she said, emphasizing his name. "Follow me for interrogation." "Ma'am," he answered, seemingly unperturbed. The Captain turned towards Breezerunner but spoke loud enough so the entire room could hear her. "Lieutenant, if anypony panics or steps out of line, it's the dungeon." A few soldiers in the room gulped nervously as Silvermane's right-hoof pony nodded and turned back toward them. Boulderhoof followed the captain as she led him into a small office in the back of the room. The office used to belong to Lieutenant Moonshadow. He had been in charge of the night guard regiment before he deserted his post, opting to follow Luna in disgrace. One of the first things that Captain Silvermane ordered after Luna's disappearance was for his office to be searched. As such, all of Moonshadow's personal items had been taken away, leaving behind a barren room containing only a desk, a few chairs, and a wilting plant in a corner. The captain sat behind the desk after closing the door. She waited a moment to see if Boulderhoof would sit. He did not, but stood at attention. Good, Silvermane thought, this one knows discipline. The captain waited in silence, considering the muscle-bound earth pony in front of her before motioning for him to sit. Boulderhoof nodded as he sat in the chair. "You seemed eager to please. Any reason for that, Soldier?" Silvermane began. "Just doing my duty, Ma'am." Silvermane raised an eyebrow. "I'll need more than that." The large earth pony seemed to tense up. "Permission to speak freely, Ma'am?" The captain nodded. "Granted. Be straight with me." Boulderhoof accepted the invitation. "Fair enough, Captain. Truth is, those scaredy ponies back there are a disgrace. We're supposed to be the protectors of Canterlot. Now, half of those dimwits are afraid of something as simple as answering a few questions. The others are still wearing blinders and can't see that we guards still have a job to do: protect and defend Equestria, princesses or no princesses." The earth pony spoke in a gruff voice with no hesitation. Captain Silvermane could not help but smile. This pony seemed like one she could use. Still, she had to know more. "So how long have you served in the royal guards?" "Five years," he answered. "My pa was a guard, same as my grandpa. Runs in the family." Silvermane nodded. "I take it you grew up in Canterlot then?" "Lived here all my life." The captain continued. "The others in your regiment seem to fear you." Boulderhoof guffawed at the question. "I've started training them. Lieutenant Moonshadow felt I could toughen them up a bit." "You didn't seem to have much success 'toughening them up', as you put it," the captain retorted, her gaze still focused on the giant stallion. "Oh, I barely got started with them. Beside, not everypony is suited to be a soldier. Too many ponies in the royal guard are just in it for the glory and the pay. No will to do what needs to be done." Boulderhoof was right. A lot of guards were common ponies looking for an excuse to get closer to royalty. Others were only in it for the pay, which was pretty good for a job that mostly involved standing next to doors. A few started out with good intentions, but grew lazy after a few years of service. Equestria was simply too peaceful. A lack of true conflicts had made an already small guard force soft. Captain Silvermane decided it was time to ask the tough question. "Tell me about your loyalty to Princess Luna. You swore an oath to serve her, did you not?" "I did. Never questioned her before now," Boulderhoof said. "She left though, without telling why. We got a word for that, Ma'am. Sorry for being blunt, but that word is desertion." The captain noticed a gleam of sweat on the stallion’s face. He was trying to prove his loyalty, and knew he was taking a risk by calling Luna a deserter. Honesty was something Silvermane could respect. "So I take it you have no problem in renouncing the traitor princess and swearing an oath to the royal council?" The large pony grinned. "You point me at Equestria's enemies, and I'll smash them to bits. Tell me to guard a spot, and I won't move an inch. I serve Equestria, and you're my commanding officer. That's all I need, Ma'am." Captain Silvermane silently nodded, allowing him to continue. "Let me prove myself," the earth pony continued. "Meteor Storm — she's the unicorn with the blue mane. If you're looking for a Luna loyalist, she's the one. I saw her conspiring in secret with some of the others. Couldn't make out what they said though." "Which others?" Silvermane calmly asked. "Donut Glaze, Arrowflight, and Fyreblitz," he answered. "The four of them often talk in a corner at night. I think I saw Meteor passing a note through a crack in the wall too." "So they have an informant on the outside," the captain completed. It was not a question. The large earth pony nodded. "I bet she knows a lot. If you want me to shake her up a bit, just give the order, Ma'am." Captain Silvermane could not help but smirk again at his reaction. "Well, now's as good a time as any. Get her in here. Let's see if you're as good as you claim." The interrogations had taken the better part of the day, Boulderhoof proving true to his word. Meteor Storm and her co-conspirators had quickly confessed. Within a few hours, Captain Silvermane had learned of a secret plot to return Luna to the throne; of a group of loyalists meeting on the outside; of every pony in the royal guard who remained loyal to the fallen Princess of the Night, and even of carrots stolen from the kitchen for midnight snacks. Boulderhoof had started his interrogations slowly with simple questions, but his methods escalated very quickly. He did not hesitate to use force the moment he got an answer he suspected might be a lie and took advantage of his superior strength like the weapon it was. Silvermane considered stopping him when he started threatening family members, but decided against it. She would never really stoop down to hurting innocent ponies of course, but she understood the power of fear. More importantly, she had a better understanding of what kind of pony the sergeant was, and how to use him to her advantage. After consulting with both Lieutenant Breezerunner and Sergeant Boulderhoof, she decided to integrate about half of the former night guards into the now unified Royal Canterlot Guard. The rest were discharged, except for the four conspirators who were thrown into the dungeon. Boulderhoof asked to continue the interrogations, but she denied him. Better to use a gentler hoof on them for now. Brutes like Boulderhoof had their uses, but only to an extent. Too much fear and brutality would breed false confessions. The most crucial piece of information that came out of the interrogations was a meeting place. After she confessed, Meteor Storm showed Captain Silvermane the letters she had received from the outside. According to the correspondences, groups of loyalists met every night at a donut shop called ‘Pony Joe's’. Silvermane decided to act on this information. She would not tolerate dissent, even amongst the common ponies. While everypony had gotten used to an alicorn princess on the throne, Luna as Equestria's sole ruler would be a disaster. The alicorn was brash and prone to fits of anger. The captain clearly remembered the recent incident when the princess lost her temper at Minotaur dignitaries, taking offense at a religious ritual they performed which involved ‘banishing the demons of the night.’ Silvermane had no doubt Luna would return. When she'd try, the captain did not want to be forced to deal with a resistance group inside the city. Fighting a battle on two fronts could mean the end for Canterlot. The only way to prevent this would be swift, proactive action. In the early evening, Captain Silvermane trotted down to Pony Joe's, accompanied by Lieutenant Breezerunner and a dozen guards. She would catch these ponies in the act and kill the movement in its infancy. The donut shop was a small, unimpressive place. It stood on a street corner in the commercial district, not far from the magic academy. The captain knew it was often frequented by unicorn students in need of a late night coffee while studying. The donuts were apparently very good, although Silvermane had never tried them, having never developed a taste for sweets. The store's most distinctive feature was a large donut standing on the roof. While nopony was sitting at any of the outside tables, lights could be seen inside the building indicating the shop was clearly open. As the captain approached the shop’s large windows, she could see a small group of ponies sitting in a circle inside. A rather big unicorn stood behind the counter, presumably the proprietor or one of his employees. Though they hadn’t yet been spotted, Silvermane didn't want to give the ponies inside a chance to react to their presence; she immediately ordered her guards in to secure the building. Lieutenant Breezerunner nodded and galloped toward the door, bucking it open. Silvermane could hear ponies gasping in surprise as her guards rushed inside to quickly take control of the shop before anypony got a chance to react. She followed closely behind the guards and found a group of eight ponies gathered in the center of the room, surrounded by guards. The fat one she assumed to be the proprietor stood forward. "What's the meaning of this?" Silvermane ignored the question as she walked around and inspected the room. No documents or fliers could be found on the tables, behind the counter, or anywhere else in sight. These ponies were apparently smart enough not to leave propaganda out in the open. Did she even have the right place? Perhaps Meteor and her co-conspirators gave her a false lead. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" the proprietor insisted again. "Quiet down!" Breezerunner ordered. "Hey now. I ain't gonna be ordered around in my own shop!" "You'll listen if you know what's good for you," Breezerunner replied. "I could very well have you arrested as a traitor along with the rest of this lot." Silvermane didn’t bother looking at the ponies as she addressed them. She would have to assume they were guilty for now. "We know this is a meeting for Luna loyalists." "We're allowed to talk about whatever we want. It's not against the law," a female voice replied. "And about Luna, I have no idea what you're talking about." Silvermane could smell a lie. "You are supporting a known traitor," she stated, looking at the group for the first time. "I'm going to need names. Who else is part of this conspiracy?" Now that she’d finally taken the time to observe the alleged conspirators, she was not impressed. Most of these ponies were younger, apparently students or other easily impressible mares and stallions. Nearly all seemed scared, except for one unicorn with a green coat and a light blue mane worn in a ponytail. She glared angrily at the captain with her large, blue eyes. Could she be the group's leader? "We don't know about any conspiracy!" the blue-maned mare firmly replied. "You have no right to hold us here!" one of her companions, a pegasus stallion added. "Do you think Meteor Storm got caught?" a yellow unicorn stallion whispered only to be shushed by one of his companions. "I'll tell you everything if you just let me go!" an earth pony mare exclaimed, breaking down in tears. This earned her glares from her co-conspirators. Silvermane smiled to herself as she turned back toward the exit. "Lieutenant, have these liars searched for evidence." This was too easy. The captain could hear sounds of protest as her guards started looking through the ponies' belongings. Some were pleading, others aggressively resisting. She only took a few steps toward the exit when she spotted a familiar unicorn coming toward the shop at a brisk canter. Darn it, not now, Silvermane thought to herself as Rarity entered the shop. “What's the meaning of this, Captain?" The purple-maned unicorn asked as she stared at Silvermane. "Simply making an arrest, Councillor," the captain replied. "What are you doing here?" "I'm stopping you from making a mistake," the councillor answered, talking a few steps toward Silvermane. "These ponies are innocent and I won't have you arresting them over suspicion and paranoia." Captain Silvermane stared blankly at Rarity. Only a few days as councillor, and already she presumed to order the captain around? "These are Luna worshippers. We can't have that kind of dissent run free in the city. There's talk of a plot to overthrow the council and place Luna on the throne! Now return to the castle. It's not safe for you to be here." "Oh please, these ponies are terrified," Rarity replied, slowly walking around Silvermane. "All I'm seeing are a few students talking about their favorite princess, right?" she asked the prisoners. The guards seemed hesitant. One pegasus soldier looked like he was about to step in and prevent Rarity from approaching, but one of his companions stopped him. Silvermane was about to protest when a stallion with a tan coat nodded slightly. "Yes miss, just a student..." The other Luna worshippers looked at Rarity with hope in their eyes. The same earth pony mare who panicked earlier pleaded to Rarity, "You're Rarity, right? Please help us!" As Breezerunner quieted down the conspirators with a severe stare, Rarity continued. "Now, I get that we're all afraid. Where is Luna? Will she come back? What ever will happen to Equestria?" the unicorn brought her hoof to her forehead in a mock-fainting gesture before staring seriously at Silvermane. "This is no reason to go around arresting ponies. Equestria was founded on accepting our differences. We are not going to start throwing anypony in the dungeons over political opinions." The captain stared at the council's newest member with daggers in her eyes. "I won't risk the city being taken apart by a conspiracy over ideology, councillor." "Conspiracy?" Rarity replied. "All that I can see here are ponies wishing their princess would come back. Do you seriously expect anypony to forget about Princess Luna overnight?" Captain Silvermane opened her mouth to protest but Rarity continued. "Before she disappeared, Princess Twilight asked us all to keep Princess Celestia's Equestria alive. This Equestria is one where ponies can speak their minds. I happen to know there's a cult in the Crystal Empire that worships King Sombra. Do you think Princess Cadance sends out her guards to arrest them? Of course not. She may not approve of their actions but as long as they hurt nopony, they can do as they please." While the councillor's argument did make some sense, it made Silvermane grind her teeth. She turned around and looked at her guards. A few had their heads down, most looked guilty. Lieutenant Breezerunner still stood over his charges, but Silvermane could pick up on the doubt in his eyes. As much as the captain hated Rarity at the moment, there was little she could do. By giving her speech in front of both guards and prisoners, Rarity was challenging Silvermane's loyalty to Equestrian values. Should she refuse to release the prisoners, she would seem like a tyrant. On the other hoof, releasing them would give more credence to Rarity's position, as word would quickly spread of how she successfully ordered Captain Silvermane to abandon her operation. Well played, councillor. Well played, Silvermane would have to watch out for that one; Rarity had a sharper mind than she let on. The captain made a mental note not to underestimate the Ponyville unicorn again. She turned to her second in command. "Alright, you heard the councillor. Pack it up." As he nodded and motioned for the guards to withdraw, Silvermane turned her attention to the conspirators. "You're free to go, but I see any of you stirring up trouble and it's off to the dungeon." The Luna followers all stood up, relief evident on their faces. The unicorn with the blue mane grinned, savoring her perceived victory. Silvermane would have to keep that one under close watch. As for the guards, a few seemed disappointed but most actually looked relieved. Silvermane wondered if any of them were secret Luna sympathizers. Before the ponies were clear of the area, Silvermane decided she wanted them to hear one last thing. "Just because you're free to speak your mind doesn't mean any of you can conspire against the council. I will not have the peace disturbed in this city." A few ponies nodded but most simply hurried off, not willing to test their luck. As everypony left the shop and the proprietor got back to his counter, Silvermane turned to Rarity. "A moment, councillor, in private." The Ponyville unicorn showed an innocent smile before winking at the donut vendor and quietly following the captain outside. So they knew each other. Interesting. Both unicorns walked toward the castle in silence. The commercial district was ever a busy one, even in the evening. Even if most of the common ponies probably couldn't care less about castle politics, Captain Silvermane did not want to risk being overheard. Rarity smiled and waved at passing ponies. She seemed to have a natural gift for charm, one which she regularly took advantage of while winning the admiration of most ponies she crossed. Truth be told, this gift was why Silvermane had supported her admission to the Royal Council. Princess Twilight's disappearance could be disastrous for the nation's morale. Having her most charismatic friend around could help in giving the ruling class a positive image. Once they were in the castle, safely away from the crowds, Captain Silvermane addressed the young councillor. "I'd like to know why you felt the need to interrupt an official royal guard operation." Rarity hesitated a moment before answering. "Why, it's simple. I was trying to stop an already bad situation from escalating." "You escalated the situation by deciding to trump the power of the royal guards," Silvermane retorted while staring her in the eyes. "How are we to police a street full of Luna supporters if you go around releasing everypony we deem a danger?" "Many ponies are loyal to Princess Luna and nothing you do or say will change that," Rarity explained. "If you try to silence anypony, you will simply create martyrs. No matter what you do, you will never be able to find every pony in Canterlot, dare I say all of Equestria, who believes Luna is innocent. What you will accomplish is associating the royal guards with oppression, all of it against the values of friendship Princess Celestia worked so hard to instill." The captain had to admit, there was a certain wisdom in this. Still, friendship alone could not protect Equestria. Rarity would have to realize that, and soon. Regardless of her reasons, Silvermane could not let the newest addition to the council step over her like this. "One thing I will not tolerate is you humiliating me in front of my guards, or the common ponies." Rarity brought her hoof to her muzzle in shock. Silvermane had no doubt it was all an act, but it was one the unicorn has visibly mastered. "Oh my stars! That was never my intention! I simply wanted to stop you from making a mistake. Isn't that what friends do for each other?" Captain Silvermane ignored the jab about friendship as she turned around, distancing herself from the other unicorn. "You don't need to explain to me how to keep the peace, councillor." "Duly noted, my dear captain," Rarity replied as she adjusted her mane with her hoof. "But if the council does its job correctly, the peace will keep itself." Grand declarations aside, Rarity did have a way with ponies. Perhaps trying things her way could have its merits. There was still the matter of the conspiracy though. "You may have a point. Still, we need to quell this pro-Luna sentiment while it's still in its infancy." Rarity gave Silvermane an inquisitive look. "Why ‘quell’? Why not just let our actions speak for themselves? Twilight offered Luna the chance to come back and explain herself. Let us repeat the same offer. If she does return, we can then resolve the situation peacefully. If not, our actions will determine how ponies react, should she insist on conflict." "So you suggest we do nothing? Simply let potential traitors destroy Canterlot from within?" "I suggest a gentler hoof, captain," Rarity said with a smile. "Convince everypony to love us, not fear us. If you find actual proof of treason, then by all means do what you must. Just remember that arresting ponies in the streets based on mere suspicions is not the way." Silvermane stared at the young unicorn for a moment. Her ideas made sense, even if it wasn't the way the captain normally did things. She decided to risk giving up the argument. "Fair enough, Councillor. We will do things your way for now. I will resort to a more subtle investigation." "I'm very glad to hear it, Captain," the councillor said warmly. "And I apologize again for anything I might have said to offend you." Silvermane knew holding a grudge would lead her nowhere. "Apology accepted, Councillor," Rarity nodded as the captain continued. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must return to my duties. I will see you at tomorrow's council session." "A pleasant evening to you, Captain," Rarity offered. The two ponies shook hooves and parted ways. Silvermane trotted toward her office, needing to settle a few things. Everypony present at the pro-Luna meeting would have to be placed under surveillance, same for the former night guards who were dismissed from the force. After a moment of consideration, Silvermane decided the same would be necessary for Rarity. While the captain still hoped she would be an ally, the newest councillor was potentially very dangerous. Captain Silvermane knew far more about all of Twilight Sparkle's friends than most ponies in Canterlot. While the nobility tended to dismiss them, the captain did the exact opposite. She knew Celestia used to keep a correspondence with her protégé, having her write about the lessons she’d learned. Those so called 'friendship reports' proved a trove of information regarding the alicorn, as well as her entourage. One event in particular caught the captain's attention. Rarity was once captured by a band of diamond dogs. While such occurrences weren't too common, it was known to happen. Most ponies in such a situation were forced into slave labor until they could be rescued. Rarity, however, used her wits to manipulate the simple creatures not only into letting her go, but also into giving up their precious gems. Silvermane had no doubt the Ponyville unicorn was using similar tactics earlier. Her arguments made sense; she told Silvermane exactly the right thing to get her way. Did Rarity have ulterior motives? All of her friends seemed to trust Luna, and the captain had no doubt that the newest councillor felt the same. She could very well be a supporter herself. Captain Silvermane made a mental note to find some way of ensuring Rarity's loyalty in the future. For now, she would simply have one of her spies follow the councillor around. In fact, she had the perfect pony in mind for the job. A warm cup of tea sat on a small wooden table surrounded by cushions, one upon which Captain Silvermane sat. The table was surrounded by a small dining room filled with a warm, quiet ambiance. Its modest size made it cozy rather than confining. Connected to it was a similarly small kitchen occupied by a stove, fridge, and a storage area. The entire place was kept clean and well ordered, from the carefully organized kitchen knives to the decorative wall hangings. Twilight Velvet returned from her small kitchen with a plate full of bite-sized carrots. Ever since her daughter Twilight Sparkle disappeared, Captain Silvermane opted to visit the older mare and her husband as often as her duties would allow. At first, it was under the guise of gathering information; the princess's parents were in a unique position when it came to understanding their daughter. Silvermane figured they might have an idea of where she went. Her first visit had given her a few leads, all of which turned out to be false. Velvet and her husband Nightlight had insisted their daughter would never run away and abandon her duties. They did eventually give up a few of her favorite thinking spots in Canterlot, namely a patch of grass right outside the magic academy, and coincidently, the donut shop the captain had visited earlier. No sign of the princess was found at either. Her second visit allowed her to do a bit of a follow-up, but was mostly spent ensuring the couple everything possible was being done to find their daughter. This was her third visit, and while her investigation did not produce any new evidence, she found herself drawn to the two ponies. Velvet sat down at the small table, levitating the plate of carrots and her cup of tea down before them. "Thank you again for your visit, captain. You really don't have to do this.” "I wanted to make sure you and your husband were alright," the captain replied. "I know what happened to your daughter has been tough on both of you." Speaking about Princess Twilight as somepony's daughter felt strange, but this was, of course, how her parents saw her. The many pictures of the princess as a filly found framed on the walls made this quite obvious. "Over the years, my husband and I got used to Twily getting in dangerous situations," the older mare slowly explained with hints of tears in her eyes. "A few times, we didn't hear from her for days. We always knew she would make it, though. During the Tirek crisis, when Discord first escaped, when rumors first surfaced of the Crystal Empire returning out of nowhere, we always knew Twilight was there protecting Equestria. We always kept faith that she would succeed." Silvermane nodded. "And you don't feel this way now?" Velvet shook her head. "She's all alone now. The other times, she had those amazing friends of hers helping her along the way." "I can assure you. They're looking for her right now," the captain offered. "I wish I shared your confidence," the princess's mother admitted, "but you're not the only one who’s been visiting. Rarity came in a few times too; she didn’t seem too certain of what could be done. She hid her doubts, just like you are, but a mother can tell when her daughter isn't safe." "We will continue with our efforts," was the only answer Captain Silvermane could think of as she glanced away, taking a sip of tea. The captain noticed a few tears beginning to well up in the older mare's eyes. "Sometimes, I wish my daughter never became a princess. Let somepony else carry the burdens of the world. She wasn't ready to rule Equestria. Princess Celestia was supposed to help her. And what about Princess Luna? Why couldn't she help? Is what they say about her true?" Darn it, why do they always have to cry? Silvermane didn't want to get into specifics regarding Luna. "We have some pretty solid evidence against her. Princess Luna fled the scene the moment she was considered a suspect. Even if she were innocent of the murder, she's still guilty of abandoning Equestria." "I've heard ponies say the same about my Twily", Velvet said, drying her eyes in a weak attempt to keep her composure. "I know it's all lies. My daughter cares about everypony in Equestria and would never turn her back on them. That doesn't make it any less hurtful to hear." "For what it's worth, I don't believe Princess Twilight abandoned Equestria either," the captain replied, forcing herself to meet eyes with the crying mare. "Ponies will always talk, but with Rarity on the council, faith in your daughter should return." Silvermane hoped she was right about this. Rarity was still a wild card in this game, and while Silvermane took a risk in supporting her, the results of that wager were yet to be determined. As for Twilight Sparkle, the young princess seemed strong of character, but who knows what that spell she cast did to her? The magical feedback could have damaged her mind. Even worse, Silvermane heard stories of magical overloads incinerating a unicorn on the spot. Still, those speculations were pointless here. There was certainly no need to worry the Princess's mother with them. Twilight Velvet took a deep breath and straightened herself up. "I have faith in my daughter. Wherever she is, my husband and I know she'll do whatever she can to come back to us." Captain Silvermane decided now was a good moment to change the subject. "Yes, you did tell me Nightlight was out tonight. Working, you said?" Twilight Velvet nodded, nibbling on a carrot. "Yes, he's been studying the stars at the magic academy. Lately, he's been burying himself in his work." "I have to say, I'm surprised the two of you even have to work," Silvermane observed. "Surely, the castle sends you more than enough money to live." The modest middle class home Twilight Sparkle’s parents lived in, tucked between a vegetable store and a student housing apartment, certainly wasn't a place anypony would expect nobles to live. "They do, and we donate most of it," the older mare answered. "My husband studies the stars. I write stories. Just because both of our children joined the upper nobility doesn't mean we have to stop being who we are. It's the same reason we still live in this house." Silvermane forced a smile. The house was indeed a simple one, although cozy and inviting. The captain could see herself living in such a place, perhaps in another life. Velvet continued. "Whenever the children come home, we don't want them to be reminded about palaces and royalty. We want them to find their old bedrooms as they left them; to eat the same hay pancakes at the same table they sat at when they were foals." Captain Silvermane's forced smile slowly became genuine as she listened to the kind, motherly mare. Ponies like Velvet were the reason she was a captain in the royal guards: to protect them and their way of life. Sometimes, it meant fighting enemies. Other times it meant making sure the wrong pony did not sit on the throne. The captain sipped on her tea as she listened to Twilight Velvet talk about her family. It almost made her regret choosing the life of a soldier and giving up on having children of her own. No point in dwelling on past choices though. She was a soldier. She made difficult decisions. The future would tell if those decisions were the right ones. Captain Silvermane woke up with the dawn in her modest house. She ate her breakfast with haste and picked up her armor. She carefully strapped the orichalcum plates around her body and hooves, taking a moment to test the solidity of it all. While Silvermane did not expect to go into battle in the middle of Canterlot, she still made it a point to fasten her armor properly, if only to set an example for her guards. She gave herself a look in her mirror, adjusting her gray mane. The watchtower on her flank reminded her, as if often did, of her duty; constant vigilance was her mission. It did not take her long to reach the castle. As usual, she nodded at passing ponies and returned the salutes of various guards she passed. The captain smiled in satisfaction when she saw Sergeant Boulderhoof leading the troops in training in front of the now abandoned night guards barrack. She considered stopping by and watching the soldiers train but decided against it. She had reports to read, and an important meeting to attend before today's council session. Silvermane continued through one of the castle’s smaller doors, leading her to the royal guard’s barracks. She ascended two sets of stairs to the third floor, passing through the guards' dining and break rooms. A few guards stood at attention as they saw her, obviously fearful of an inspection. Good, she thought to herself as she walked to her office. She liked keeping her troops just nervous enough that they wouldn't start slacking. Captain Silvermane's office was larger than what she needed. She kept it tidy, her desk usually clean and free of clutter. Drawers contained the various reports she’d received from all over Equestria. Numerous maps were pinned on the walls; every major city, including Canterlot, was displayed, along with Equestria's various regions and a few of the neighboring kingdoms. Another wall depicted structural plans of the castle itself. Silvermane liked being ready, and should she have to plan a defense, the documents would surely come in handy. The one element prominently displayed in the room was her captain's spear, which she’d mounted on the wall behind her desk. Silvermane took pride in keeping the weapon in good condition, regularly polishing and sharpening it. She also made time to train with it as often as her schedule allowed, just in case she ever needed to use it. The weapon reminded her of her father, “No matter how well maintained your weapon is, it can only be as sharp as the pony who wields it,” he used to say. The wisdom of his words had always stuck with her throughout the years. The captain admired the spear a moment longer before turning towards her desk. A few reports were left for her attention, no doubt written by the ponies she’d sent to the various corners of Equestria. Captain Silvermane wanted to make sure everypony was still loyal to the Canterlot throne, even after Celestia's demise. The Princess' influence had always been the greatest contributor to Equestrian peace, and Silvermane suspected opportunistic individuals might take advantage of her death to stir up trouble. She picked up the first report on her desk — Stormchaser's impression of the situation in Cloudsdale. What she read worried her. An army was being formed, the Wonderbolts were leading military drills, and the mayor's house had been fortified. She had to know more, and the report was severely lacking in details. She stood and asked the first guard she saw outside her office. "Go wake Stormchaser up and bring him to my office." The soldier nodded and galloped down to the barracks to carry out the order. Silvermane frowned. This wasn't the first time Stormchaser had left out important information from one of his reports. Yet another symptom of the severe lack of discipline plaguing the ranks. It did not take long for Stormchaser to arrive. The captain cringed at his appearance. His helmet was poorly adjusted, allowing his disheveled dark blue mane to show. He saluted as he entered Captain Silvermane’s office. "You wanted to see me, Ma'am?" Silvermane tossed the report back on her desk. "This report of yours troubles me. As usual, its details leave much to be desired, but we'll talk about it later. For now, I want to hear about everything you witnessed from your own mouth." The soldier gulped nervously. "I showed up in Cloudsdale as a civilian, like you ordered. I saw recruitment posters on buildings and soldiers in the streets. The city's stadium was converted to a recruitment center. The Wonderbolts were at the center of it all." The captain frowned. "Why are they building this military force?" "Well, it was hard to get a straight answer," the guard replied, nervously massaging the back of his neck with a light blue hoof. "Most ponies claimed it was a precaution, that with the princesses gone, Equestria was vulnerable." The guard stopped for a moment, but Silvermane maintained her impatient stare, waiting for an adequate answer. "I heard all sorts of rumors. That the Wonderbolts were looking to pacify the jackal tribes in the San Palomino desert, or that they were preparing to go after Discord. There was also talk of them going to Appleoosa to get some buffaloes under control, some story about them attacking the town, mostly just idiotic rumors." "I'll decide which rumors are idiotic, soldier," the captain said, her stare fixated on the shaking guard. "What about this stadium which you say was converted into a recruitment center. Did you get to see it for yourself?" "Well, I managed to get close," he explained, brushing sweat from his brow. "I couldn't get in, but I saw recruiters in front and pegasi training above it." "What kind of training?" Silvermane asked, exasperated. This was an important report, and this soldier kept skimping on details. She was tempted to get up and exclaim her displeasure, but opted to calmly remain seated, letting the threat of punishment quietly hang over Stormchaser's head. "Obstacle courses, cloud busting, racing, all the usual Wonderbolt exercises. I also heard combat noises from inside the stadium, so I can only assume they trained with weapons as well." "What kind of weapons?" the captain asked. "I need details, Soldier. I'm tired of asking for them." "I... I don't know," Stormchaser answered. "Lances maybe? I couldn't see inside the stadium, and there were too many guards." Silvermane found him shaking. There wasn’t much else she’d get from this guard. He obviously had not pried deeply enough. Silvermane took a different approach as she leaned back into her seat. "Alright Soldier. Did you notice anything else in Cloudsdale? Any places of interest being kept under guard? Tavern rumors? Anything that could give us a clue?" "Well, only one thing," the guard said hesitantly, breathing in relief as Silvermane's gaze left him. "The mayor's house was heavily protected. I asked a few subtle questions and was told they just wanted to keep him safe." "Why?" Silvermane asked, still sitting back in her chair. "I don't know, Ma'am, but I could tell some of those ponies were hiding something." "Like what?" The soldier considered his answer for a moment. "I'm not sure, Ma'am. I can tell you it was mostly the higher-ups. Some of them seemed nervous; they were less than happy to answer any questions. It made some of the commoners uneasy too." Silvermane impatiently raised an eyebrow. "I asked ponies near the house, also in a few local taverns. None of them had any idea. They just assumed the mayor had to be protected. One officer overheard me talking to a group of ponies and told me to mind my own business." "And what did you do after?" Silvermane inquired, her left ear twitching. The guard's own ears drooped down as he looked at his hooves. "N.. Nothing, I'm sorry Ma'am. I noticed soldiers following me from a distance after, and I left. I... I didn't want to be arrested." "You were sloppy," the captain severely replied. "You allowed yourself to arouse suspicion in Cloudsdale. It seems your investigative techniques are as bad as your reports." "It... it won't happen again, Ma'am." "You're right, Soldier, it won't. You will write this report again and leave it on my desk. If I am not satisfied, then you will write it a third time, and a fourth, until you can produce something satisfactory." "Y... yes Ma'am," Stormchaser answered as he started sweating and shaking again. Silvermane dismissed him with her hoof. She had more important things to think about than this fool's lack of discipline. The guard saluted awkwardly and quickly left the office. Captain Silvermane considered his shoddy report. She did not like what she’d heard one bit. Dissent was already forming in Canterlot. Ponies loyal to Luna, to Twilight Sparkle, or even to Discord refused to recognize the council's authority. Could the mayor of Cloudsdale be one of them? Perhaps it was the opposite; maybe he was being kept hostage in his own home as the ponies around him staged a coup. Regardless, there was an army in Cloudsdale and its true purpose was unknown. Even more worrisome was Canterlot's own situation. Outside of the guard force, the capital had no army. Equestria had been at peace for so long, anything resembling a serious military had long since been disbanded. The royal guards could handle the occasional diamond dog raid or rampaging monster from the Everfree Forest, but should Cloudsdale rise in rebellion, the guard would be hopelessly outnumbered. Convincing the council to form a Canterlot army could help, but it would prove challenging. Simply recruiting ponies for it would be a nightmare. The captain was so lost in her own thoughts that she failed to notice the maid coming into her office. Featherdust's cutie mark was unsurprisingly a feather duster, a fairly common symbol for a castle servants. What few ponies knew was that her mark also represented her ability to be as quiet as a feather — a talent very valuable for Silvermane's most trusted spy. The maid closed the door and started sweeping behind it, her usual sign that she had a report to give. Silvermane nodded at her, indicating it was safe to talk. Her spy's report was, after all, the main reason why she was in her office at this particular time. Featherdust's mission was of paramount importance. She had been tasked with finding the true culprit behind Celestia's death. The initial suggestion that she had been poisoned was merely a way for Silvermane and Blueblood to gain precious time while preventing Luna from taking the throne. When Doctor Shimmerheart actually found traces of moontears in Celestia's body, an investigation proved necessary. Captain Silvermane's first suspect had been Blueblood, but answers given by his personal bodyguard proved his innocence. He had multiple alibis, most of them involving gambling or sexual escapades with mares of less than stellar repute, though he was obviously not involved in a crime as devious as murder. Silvermane had been faced with a difficult choice. She could admit to her involvement in framing Luna and open an official investigation, or she could call on her resources and find the truth through subtlety. Featherdust was that resource. Anything official would mean jail for Silvermane and Luna on the throne. The captain obviously favored the option that didn't put an end to her plans, and her career. "I couldn't find anything in the Princess's room," the gray-coated mare whispered as she got closer to the captain's desk. "But I did see something at market you might find interesting." Captain Silvermane turned her attention to the maid, speaking softly so nopony outside the room could overhear. "Would the poisoner be stupid enough to openly sell moontears at market?" The spy nodded. "Not openly, but yes. A local healer had a few samples of the moontears flower. She claimed it could be used in healing potions." "Suspicious, but it hardly proves anything," the captain replied, tapping her chin with her hoof. "It's what I thought at first, too. Then I did some more digging," Featherdust explained. "The healer is a pegasus mare called Astral Blitz. She learned her trade from zebra alchemists. Even more interesting are her family connections." "Family connections?" Silvermane asked. "Yes, her brother is Lieutenant Moonshadow, the former head of Princess Luna's Night Guard." Silvermane raised an eyebrow. Moonshadow had fled with his princess and was considered a traitor. What motives could he have, though? Was he even involved or was it a coincidence? The evidence was circumstantial at best, and might not mean anything. On the other hoof, the possibility that Silvermane's gut feeling about Luna might prove justified could not be ignored. Could the Princess of the Night really have engineered her sister's murder? Such speculation was useless without facts to back it up. Silvermane needed more information. "Keep an eye out, see if you can find out who her regular customers are. Find anypony who might have purchased or taken the poison from her. Report any information you find back to me." The maid nodded. "Yes, Ma'am." "Now, you better get back to your duties before somepony gets suspicious." Featherdust quickly dusted off some of the furniture in the room and left. Captain Silvermane did not like putting the entire investigation on her shoulders, but it couldn't be helped. Few of her spies could be trusted as implicitly as the maid. She and the captain had known each other for years — ever since Silvermane had saved her from the hydra she’d lost her entire family to. Silvermane's thoughts returned to the poisoner. She had to consider that somepony in the nobility could be behind it. Blueblood had the most to gain, but his innocence was already proven by his bodyguard. Beside, he simply did not have the resources or the intelligence to pull off such an elaborate assassination. Both Fancy Pants and Kibitz struck her as too honest to even consider such a thing. As for Floribunda, she was ambitious, but certainly not enough to consider murder. All of the ambassadors had benefited from their relationship with Princess Celestia. The minor nobles would have had little to gain. Maybe one of them felt slighted by the princess in some way? The captain grunted as she stood up. She would have to remain vigilant, but no answers would come today. For now, she had the Cloudsdale situation to consider and a council meeting to attend. "...So with schools reopening, life is returning to normal. A few parents still want to keep their foals at home but they should come around soon." Captain Silvermane nodded as Floribunda finished explaining the current school situation to the council. Both Kibitz and Fancy Pants smiled appreciatively at her report while Blueblood stared at the ceiling in boredom. Rarity smiled warmly. "Thank you, Floribunda. I'm certainly delighted to hear the foals are returning to school," the purple-maned unicorn said. "Good," the captain said before turning toward Floribunda. "I was wondering if you had heard any talk around the schools regarding the princesses? Foals often betray their parents' opinions." "I believe most parents are happy to see a semblance of normalcy return," the older mare replied. "There is, of course, talk of Princess Twilight and Princess Luna in the schoolyards, but nothing to worry about, I'm sure." The council had been debating various points for a few hours now. Captain Silvermane straightened herself on her ornate seat. For all their necessity, council meetings could become tedious. Silvermane noticed she wasn't the only one getting uncomfortable. Rarity was obviously not used to sitting down for hours at a time as she kept shifting on her seat. The young unicorn did seem to manage paying attention though, keeping her eyes trained on whatever pony was talking. The captain decided it was time to bring up the main issue. "If that is all, Floribunda, then I have another issue to bring to the council's attention, regarding Cloudsdale." Floribunda nodded at the captain. "What about Cloudsdale?" Silvermane cleared her throat before answering. "There's no easy way to put it. They've been raising an army. More specifically, the Wonderbolts have been aggressively recruiting pegasi and training them for combat." As the captain expected, the information prompted everypony in the room except Silvermane and Fancy Pants to stand up in shock. Blueblood's ears twitched in annoyance as he raised his voice. "They dare raise an army without my permission?" "This is treason!" exclaimed Kibitz. "If they feel threatened, they should ask Canterlot for help," Floribunda declared. "Not act this way behind our backs." "Did Cloudsdale send any messages regarding this?" Rarity asked. "Do we know why they're doing such a thing?" Captain Silvermane shook her head. "They've kept quiet. I only learned of it through one of my informants." Silvermane noticed Fancy Pants looking thoughtful, his hoof to his chin. His silence did not escape the captain's attention, nor did the fact he was the only one who had remained seated. "Well, technically they are within their right," the mustachioed unicorn said as every head turned toward him. "The Wonderbolts are still a military force, so to speak. They are allowed to bolster their numbers and prepare for battle." "But without warning us?" Floribunda asked as she sat back down. "Why would they even do this if they didn't plan on rebelling, or something else just as awful?" "I will order them to stop, that much is certain!" Blueblood announced, raising his leg in the air. "Let us not jump to conclusions," Fancy Pants added. "For all we know, Cloudsdale only wants to protect itself. Let us not forget the pegasi have a strong military heritage." Silvermane did not fail to notice the shared glance between the stallion and Rarity. "And while they honor their so-called 'military heritage'," the captain explained, "Cloudsdale is building the largest army in Equestria." "We do have the royal guards," Kibitz offered as he slowly sat back on his chair, Rarity joining him. "Too few in numbers, insufficient training," Silvermane answered. "To be blunt, I need the authorization to recruit more aggressively and train my guards harder. We might need an army of our own." "You'll have it," Blueblood answered, slamming his hoof on the table. He was the only one still standing up. "If Cloudsdale wants to play at war, we'll show them Canterlot is not to be trifled with!" Rarity stared the Prince down. "I can't believe what I'm hearing! One report and we already assume treason? No, we should have hard facts before we even consider a military buildup of our own. Let us hear what the Cloudsdale ponies have to say." "I agree with Rarity," Fancy Pants said, tipping his head at the Ponyville mare. "Surely we can send an ambassador." "An ambassador would be prudent," Floribunda agreed. "We can do both," Silvermane carefully suggested. "We can build our own army as well as send an official envoy." She would not allow Rarity's naive view of the world keep her from doing her duty, not again. "Silver Tongue returned from her mission with the minotaur tribes," Kibitz said as he adjusted his monocle. "She's one of the best pegasi diplomats there are. As for the army, it would seem prudent to give our captain what she wants." "Oh, we're getting an army of our own," Blueblood flatly announced. "I will not leave Equestria vulnerable. As for Silver Tongue, I suppose we can send her. At the very least she can gather useful information." Rarity frowned. "Let us be careful with this military business," she suggested as she absentmindedly adjusted her mane. "Ponies are already uneasy with the idea of Equestria being ruled without a princess. Should we start filling the streets with soldiers, we might drive everypony against us." "I'm tempted to agree," Floribunda voiced. "This isn't the griffon kingdom. We don't want an omnipresent military." Silvermane had to think quickly. The council's fears of all things military could put Equestria in danger. Even if Cloudsdale did not harbor hostile intentions, some other nation would no doubt take advantage of Equestria's vulnerability. "I'm not saying we declare martial law," the captain suggested. "I would, however, advise that we recruit more guards and give them a stricter training regimen." Blueblood nodded at Silvermane before putting an end to the argument. "I have already given Captain Silvermane the authorization to recruit more guards. As for training, I'm leaving it entirely up to her. The discussion is over." While Captain Silvermane hoped she would never have to fight other ponies, the idea of a greater military presence was comforting to her. Few ponies seemed willing to accept how vulnerable Equestria was. With Princess Celestia gone, ponies would have to rely more and more on each other for security. That meant a dedicated force that knew how to fight. The captain could see the frustration on both Fancy Pants and Rarity's faces as they shared another look. Floribunda frowned slightly, but Silvermane expected she'd come to appreciate the extra security. Kibitz nodded at Blueblood. "Duly noted, Your Highness. With your permission, I will make the arrangements for Silver Tongue's diplomatic mission as well," the balding unicorn said, bowing slightly. "I'll send Lieutenant Breezerunner with an escort of pegasus guards to accompany her," the captain announced. A little show of strength might go a long way in convincing the Cloudsdale ponies to take Canterlot seriously. "It's settled then," Blueblood announced. "Do we have anything else to discuss?" "Yes, I believe we do," Rarity added. "What about the rest of Equestria?" "The rest of Equestria?" Floribunda asked, raising an eyebrow. The Ponyville unicorn explained in a pleasant voice. "Cloudsdale was founded on military tradition. They reacted to the recent events as their history thought them to. Who knows how other cities will react? We've already seen every possible reaction right here in Canterlot. What kinds of rumors do you think will circulate in Baltimare, Las Pegasus, or Manehattan?" "The lady Rarity might have a point," Kibitz said. "It wouldn't hurt to send representatives to other cities. Quell the rumors as it were." "Good, we can get an idea of everypony's loyalty while we're at it too," Blueblood announced, finally sitting down. "Now, the city I think we should consider most heavily is Manehattan." Silvermane had to admit the Prince had a point. Manehattan was the largest city in Equestria. Should they react the same way Cloudsdale did to the recent events, the council would have a very big problem on their hooves. "What would you suggest, Prince Blueblood?" Floribunda asked, turning her head toward the Prince. The prince smiled in a way Silvermane didn't like. "That a member of this council handle Manehattan in person." He looked slowly around the room. "Rarity, you certainly do not seem to lack in charms. How would you feel about such an assignment?" The idiot! Rarity was the one pony he should keep close! Silvermane had to gather all of her self-control not to lash out at the prince. The young councillor had already tried halting her efforts to recruit more guards. Away in another city, she could very well undermine everything both Silvermane and Blueblood were building. Close by, they could make sure she became a true ally. Blueblood was simply trying to get rid of somepony he saw as an inconvenience, rather than try to control her like he should. Captain Silvermane opted to make a proposition. "Perhaps Rarity would better serve the kingdom here in Canterlot." The Ponyville unicorn nodded in appreciation at the captain. Whatever her plans were, she wanted to remain in the city. "Who would you suggest we send, then?" Blueblood asked, visibly annoyed. Silvermane looked around the room. Blueblood himself would never leave the city, Kibitz was too much of a toady, and Floribunda lacked in charisma. That only left one option. "Fancy Pants," she turned towards the stallion. "You have investments in Manehattan, perhaps now would be a good time to check up on them." Silvermane quietly congratulated herself. Ridding Rarity of her closest ally would force her to find other ponies to trust. The captain could use the occasion to gain her as an ally. The stallion played with his mustache as he considered his response. Captain Silvermane noticed him and Rarity sharing yet another look, the Ponyville unicorn eventually nodding slightly. "Very well. I'll do it," he answered. "Excellent. Then unless somepony else has something to say, I’ll call this session to an end," Blueblood suggested. When nopony voiced any objections, he nodded. "Meeting adjourned." The council ponies stood and left the room one by one. Silvermane noticed Rarity and Fancy Pants leaving together. No doubt about to change whatever plans they had prior to the development of Fancy’s trip to Manehattan. Kibitz and Floribunda left in different directions, probably to their own duties. That left the Prince. "Captain, would you accompany me?" he asked. Silvermane grunted her approval, knowing it wasn't really a question. The two of them walked in silence toward the large office Blueblood kept. It was right next to the council chambers, a product of the prince's laziness and disdain for exercise. A large golden door blocked the way to the room. Blueblood opened it with his magic. The best word to describe the room on the other side was decadent. Couches made from rich fabric adorned a corner of the room next to a set of large windows. Blueblood's desk was a monstrosity made of solid gold with encrusted gems. A similar pattern could be found on the tall chair he kept behind it. Two large bookcases stood in the back, although Silvermane suspected they were there for show more than anything else. As for the room's most ridiculous feature, Blueblood kept an enormous portrait of himself behind his desk, between the two aforementioned bookcases. The artist the prince commissioned had taken great pains to make him look more muscular. Silvermane sighed as she thought of the small fortune in equestrian tax money that went into furnishing the room. Prince Blueblood went behind his desk and took out two glasses and a bottle. "A glass of wine?" he offered. "No, thank you. I'm on duty," Silvermane replied, motioning her refusal with her hoof. The prince frowned slightly as he poured himself a cup. "A shame. Let's get down to business then." He took a deep breath. "May I ask what that was about with Rarity back there? First you support her admission to the council, then you keep me from sending her away." The captain sighed. She often wondered how Blueblood had survived so long in politics with such little understanding of how the game was played. She supposed it was a testament to how smoothly everything had run under Celestia; nopony even had to play the game. "You need Rarity," she answered. "She has the charms, the charisma, her reputation as part of Twilight Sparkle's entourage, and she has a good head on her shoulders." Blueblood harrumphed as Silvermane continued. "Quite frankly, you could work on your own image. You're not exactly the most well-loved pony. It probably explains why so many Luna loyalists are appearing." "You dare!" the prince exclaimed, standing up and spilling his cup of wine. Silvermane did not flinch. "I'll dare all I want. The two of us are in this together. We both agreed Luna could not take the throne for the good of Equestria. We never planned on Twilight Sparkle disappearing though," and she might still be here if that moon rising ritual hadn't been attempted. "Right now, Rarity is the best we have. If we play our cards right, she'll continue to support the council. We can just as easily push her toward Luna's followers if we anger her. Trust me Blueblood, if Rarity decides to turn ponies against us, it'll mean trouble." In moments like this, Silvermane often regretted her choice in allies. Blueblood was vain, lacked vision, and made brash decisions without thinking. Truth be told, the only reason she favored him over Luna was that he could be controlled. For how long though? The plan had only been to keep him in power until Twilight Sparkle could take the throne. "Fine, you can keep her as a pet for all I care," the prince answered. "Just remember that you answer to me! I'm the prince of Equestria and I fully expect the council will have no choice but to crown me sooner rather than later." Captain Silvermane knew it wasn't worth arguing anymore; she had wounded Blueblood's ego. She nodded before leaving the room and left him a final remark, "A good leader needs support, Blueblood. Kibitz won't blindly follow you forever, and the rest of us will have to be won over." Blueblood was screaming vulgarities as Silvermane walked away from the office. She was hopeful that her message would eventually get through, even if she still harbored doubt. While the captain hoped Twilight Sparkle could be found, she doubted more and more that it would happen. Blueblood being crowned was a distinct possibility — one she should prepare for. She had three wild cards on the council. The first was Fancy Pants, who had just been taken care of. The second was Rarity, whose blind compassion could prove to be a real danger for Equestria. Finally, there was Blueblood, a spoiled brat who played at leading a nation while in reality, he would never amount to being more than a puppet. Silvermane stopped mid-stride as an idea struck her. Perhaps I can kill two birds with one stone. The captain smiled at her realization. She could make the best out of Rarity's talents while taming Blueblood at the same time; she just needed to convince the right ponies. First, I have to convince the prince, she thought to herself as she trotted back to her office. She would have a lot of work to do. > V Shining Armor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The royal couple had summoned the assembly to discuss the Equestrian situation as soon as they had gotten off the train from Canterlot. Shining Armor pleaded his case, telling the elected representatives from the Empire's six districts how much Equestria truly needed them. "From my understanding, Equestria is now ruled by a council," Councilor Honeycomb answered flatly. "I'm sure they can manage. I know both of you are aware that Equestria is in for troubled times ahead. With the loss of their leader, that is certain. You would drag the Empire into such a conflict? While we're just starting to rebuild? Perhaps we might be able to offer them aid in the future, but the Crystal Empire has no place in Equestrian politics." This prompted a series of nods from the rest of the council. While he understood Honeycomb's reservation, Shining Armor refused to give up that easily. "There might not be a crisis at all if we offer them help right now. You don't know Blueblood like I do. He's vain, opportunistic, and could very well lead Equestria to ruin if left to his own devices. At least allow us to advise the Equestrian government." Before anypony spoke up again, Honeycomb retorted severely. "This is precisely why we can't act, with all due respect, Your Highness," she stayed as polite and formal as she could as she addressed the prince and his wife. "Should this, by your own words, opportunistic leader try to take advantage of our vulnerability, what could we do? This assembly must think of the well-being of the Empire's citizens first. I understand you worry about your family, but there is nothing we can do." Shining was about to say something more but Cadance placed a hoof on his shoulder. "The councilor's right," the princess said softly, her ears flattened. "Trust me, I want to help our friends as much as you do, but we did swear that we would protect the Empire no matter what." They took a vote shortly after, all six councilors unanimously in agreement that Cadance and Shining Armor would stay away from Equestria, although none of them would deny the Princess the right to search for Twilight by magical means. That very same night, Shining's wife tried using her considerable magical talent to try and locate Shining's sister. No amount of effort yielded any shred of information. Even the Empire's various magical artifacts proved powerless in the endeavor. Four days had passed without anything happening. Neither Shining Armor nor Cadance could think of anything to help their Equestrian friends. Meanwhile, things got back to normal in the Empire. Trade continued and lives went on. Shining Armor found himself sitting on his uncomfortable throne, having a hard time paying attention as the citizens of the Crystal Empire petitioned the Assembly for whatever favors would make their lives easier. He got distracted by the Empire's flag hanging from the ceiling. The prince remembered when Equestria's flag had accompanied it. Like every other tie to the larger kingdom, it was removed after the signing of the Crystal Treaty. As was usually the case when the assembly listened to petitions, the room was filled with citizens. The six assembly members could handle most issues on their own. On the few occasions that somepony came in with a request magical in nature, Cadance would step up and happily offer her aid. As an old soldier, Shining felt like he had little to contribute. One pony asked about help with his crops. Another complained about taxes being too high. One artist asked about funding for a monument she wanted to build. Boring issues that the prince couldn't bring himself to care for. A new pony stepped forward. He was an average-sized crystal pony with a light purple coat and a blond and brown mane. The rook on his flank suggested he could be a chess player. Cadance waved for him to approach with a warm smile . "You have some matter to bring to the assembly?" "Well, a question," he asked, his voice nervously shaking. "I heard about what happened in Equestria and, ehm, for how long will the Sun and Moon rise?" The question elicited a series of gasps from the crowd. Councilor Honeycomb, always eager to step in, answered, "Whatever do you mean? The Equestrian ponies will keep rising the Sun and Moon, as they always have." The purple stallion continued, "Well, Princess Celestia raised the sun, and nopony knows where Princess Luna is. I heard Princess Twilight disappeared, too. Doesn't that mean you will have to raise the Sun and Moon, Your Highness?" He gulped as he awkwardly bowed to Cadance. That got Shining Armor's attention. With how worried he was for his little sister, he completely forgot about the astral bodies. Having been part of the failed attempt at raising the Moon, he had felt Twilight draining an absurd amount of energy from his horn. Was it even possible for somepony other than Celestia or Luna to bring forth the day and night? Could he permit Cadance to go through such an ordeal? Cadance brought her hoof to her chin before finally answering. "The Equestrian government hasn't approached me yet, which leads me to believe that they have it all under control." She took a deep breath. "If they were to ask me for help, I would of course be honored to offer it. After all, should the Sun and Moon stop moving, it could spell disaster for both the Empire and the rest of the world." Shining Armor forced himself to stay quiet. As worried as he was for his wife, she could make her own decisions. She didn't have to raise the Sun or Moon, not yet. If it got to that point, then both of them could face the challenge together, as they did everything else life had thrown at them. Honeycomb spoke again for the assembly as she nonchalantly adjusted her blue and pink mane. "Rest assured, we will make sure the Sun and Moon continue to rise for the citizens of the Crystal Empire. You have nothing to fear." Cadance nodded and smiled at the stallion who had asked the question. He gave Shining Armor a quick glance before stepping back into the crowd. A few more petitioners came in after. Two mares were fighting over some land. A stallion complained about his daughter's teacher being ignorant of zebra history. A few merchants asked to be reassured that trade with Equestria would not suffer from the current events. Shining Armor yawned, which earned him a stern look from his wife. One more hour and they would be done for the day. Would Cadance agree to try and look for Twilight again before they went to bed? The prince knew the chances of them finding his sister were slim, but he still wanted to try. At least he'd be doing something. The loud sound of a flugelhorn from the back of the room interrupted his reverie. Shining noticed a pink mane first, and a lighter pink coat. There was no mistaking her; this was one of Twilight's friends. The prince had never gotten to know Pinkie Pie that well, although he had met her on plenty of occasions. He had read about her from his sister's letters and from what he had seen in person, he knew her to be extremely cheerful and energetic. But what is she doing in the Crystal Empire? She was followed by a familiar-looking baby dragon. Spike had become a bit of a legend after delivering the Crystal Heart to Cadance when the Empire first returned from its banishment. Many ponies recognized him and bowed respectfully. Pinkie Pie bounced up to the front of the room, ponies naturally letting her pass. Shining Armor turned toward his wife who smiled warmly. "Pinkie? Spike? What brings the two of you to the Empire?" Shining asked. Pinkie Pie stepped forward and spoke without hesitation with a beaming smile. "Well, I know you said you couldn't help out in Equestria because of that silly treaty, but I think you're letting friends down! I'm here to convince you to come back. Rarity could use your help and I'm sure with the smarty pants unicorns at the magic academy, you could find Twilight in no time!" One of the more loud mouthed councilors, Golden Crop, immediately spoke. "Your Highness, this is outrageous! These outsiders have no business asking of us to endanger the Empire in affairs that are not our own!" Honeycomb raised a hoof, "Let her speak, Councilor Golden Crop. She's accompanied by the national hero Spike. We should at least hear them out." The pink pony smiled at the assembly leader. "Thanks, I promise cupcakes if you do." She grinned at the assembly before taking on a more inquisitive expression, raising an eyebrow. "I'm wondering though. Why don't you want to help Equestria? Aren't we all friends?" "The Crystal Empire is protected by its neutrality," Honeycomb explained. "We're a small nation and we stay out of other countries' affairs, including Equestria." Shining's wife offered Pinkie her own explanation, "The assembly is afraid that if we involve ourselves, I might have the Equestrian throne thrust upon me and no longer be able to protect the Crystal Empire." "It could also give the Empire unneeded attention and eventually drag us into Equestria's conflicts," Honeycomb completed. Pinkie Pie nodded. "I understand, but I'd still like to say something, if you would all hear me." "As a courtesy to your previous service to the Empire, you may proceed" Honeycomb replied flatly. From what he knew of Pinkie Pie, Shining Armor should not have been surprised by what happened next: the pink pony started singing as Spike accompanied her on a ukulele. She began her act by jumping behind Cadance's throne, climbing on it so she could sing hanging from the top. "Oh Cadance, Cadance, Cadance, your friends really need you. We've lost Twilight, we split apart we don't know what to do. With your help I have no doubt that we can make it through. If you look deep within your heart you know that it is true." The energetic pony followed her act with a jump from Cadance's throne to Shining Armor himself, forcing him to catch her as she hooked her leg around his neck. Spike somehow used the distraction to climb on the other side of the throne, the large chair now holding two ponies and the baby dragon. "Shining, Shining, Shining, we need your help a lot. I'm sure you could make things better if you gave it a shot. Helping friends is always fun and easy as a trot. So come with me, we'll spread some cheers from here to Canterlot." Pinkie galloped toward the crowd with Spike on her back. She allowed the baby dragon to slide off as she took on her back two little colts Shining hadn't even noticed. She carried them for a ride as she jumped through the crowd. "Crystal ponies, crystal ponies, please listen to me. Don't let fear keep you from being the ponies you can be. Last time you were in trouble, we helped in a jiffy. Now if you'd help us out you'd each be an awesome pony!" Pinkie finished her act with her hooves around two crystal ponies' necks, both of them sporting large smiles. Shining Armor did not fail to notice these ponies getting hostile stares from others in the crowd. It would take more than a song to convince the Empire's citizens, it seemed. Shining found himself enjoying Pinkie's musical petition. His wife could not hide a smile, although they both shared a concerned look. As much as they wanted to help out, they knew the assembly would never approve. The six district representatives stared blankly at the pink pony, confirming the prince's suspicions. "This is all very amusing, but it doesn't change our stance: the Crystal Empire does not involve itself in Equestrian affairs," Honeycomb firmly replied. The others nodded in unison. "What kind of help would you ask for?" Cadance asked. "While it's true my ability to act is limited, maybe I can do something for you." Shining's wife silenced the assembly with a stare before any of them could protest. Spike stepped forward to answer. "We want Cadance and Shining Armor to return to Equestria with us. We could really use their help in finding Twilight and reuniting Princess Luna with the Canterlot ponies. We just need them for a little while, then they can return here after." The ponies in the room gasped at the request. "They can't take away Princess Cadance!" "But it's Spike, the hero who saved us!" "The Crystal Heart would die out without our princess!" Shining Armor stood up, his years of training as a guard kicking in. His horn illuminated the room with a bright flash of light. "Calm down everypony! Let the assembly debate this." The prince's interruption seemed to work as the crystal ponies slowly quieted down, allowing their representatives to speak. As expected, Honeycomb spoke first. "While we do recognize the immense contribution both of you made to the Empire, we simply cannot allow Princess Cadance to leave. Our safety depends on the Crystal Heart, and the Heart depends on the princess. We cannot risk having her spend time away from us." "Let's not forget the Empire's neutrality," another councilor, Rose Quartz, added. "Should things go sour in regard to the Equestrian succession, the last thing we need is to be involved." This comment earned her a frown from Shining Armor, one Rose did not seem to notice. "Your Highnesses," Honeycomb continued, turning toward Shining and Cadance. "We do feel for the Equestrian ponies and recognize the immense service both Pinkie and Spike offered our nation. We should, however, remember that the Crystal Treaty was signed for a reason. The Crystal Heart and the citizens of the Empire are the priority here. Is it worth risking it all over a situation Equestria might very well resolve on its own?" Cadance looked down with a sigh. "As much as I would love to help you, Pinkie, I can't leave the Empire. The best I can offer is to try and locate Twilight again through magical means later tonight. You two are free to attend, of course." "That's it?" Spike asked. "But Twilight needs you. Everypony in Equestria does!" Pinkie Pie placed a hoof on Spike's shoulder. "It'll be okay Spikey," she said, giving him a comforting smile before turning toward the royal couple. "Cadance, Shining, I hope you don't mind if we both stay for a few days?" Shining Armor glanced at his wife, who nodded. "Of course, stay as long as you want. Consider yourselves guests of the castle," he said. "Thank you," Pinkie replied with her usual smile, although the prince could tell the expression was a bit forced. "I still hope you'll change your mind. I know that deep down, you all want to help. You still all deserve a little thank you for listening to me." The pink pony gave each councilor, as well as Shining and Cadance, a cupcake. The smell of strawberry frosting made Shining's mouth water, despite his attempt at self-control. As the earth pony mare and baby dragon returned to the crowd, Shining Armor could not help but worry about them. He wanted more than anything to give them the help they wanted, but Cadance was right; their responsibilities lay here, in the Empire. He nibbled on his cupcake, silently thanking Pinkie for the tasty distraction. Shining Armor sighed as the next petitioner stepped up toward the thrones. Just another hour of holding court and it would finally be over. Shining and Cadance had taken the rest of the day to show Pinkie Pie and Spike around the castle. Not much had changed since their last visit, so time was mostly spent reminiscing about happier times. Pinkie told them about a party she threw in Ponyville, and then her friends splitting up. It was early in the evening when the group arrived in the royal quarters. Cadance and her husband kept a private living room where they could receive friends without being disturbed. It was modestly decorated, with only a few portraits placed on the walls. Most were mementos of their time in Canterlot; reminders of Cadance's life as one of Celestia's pupils, Shining's time with the royal guards, as well as old family pictures. "Please, make yourselves at home," Cadance said as she sat on the large couch she and Shining often cuddled on in their evenings. Pinkie jumped on a large cushion, bouncing on it a few times before grinning appreciatively and sitting down. As for Spike, he immediately headed for the tea kettle on the little table at the back of the room. "Spike, you're a guest. We'll take care of the tea," Shining told the baby dragon. "Just make yourself comfortable." Spike shrugged. "It's okay. I enjoy making tea. Twilight always let me handle it back home." He gave everypony in the room a somewhat weak smile. "Be my guest, then," the prince replied. The baby dragon beamed as he got to work. It seemed Shining Armor wasn't the only one desperately looking for ways to be useful. Shining decided it was time to ask the questions that had been eating at him. "So, Pinkie. You told me your friends all went in different directions. What was that about?" Pinkie's ears perked up at the question. "Well, we couldn't agree on what to do. You see, Fluttershy wanted to see Discord; she thought he could help, or maybe he needed help. Apparently he's super far away in the middle of the Badlands. Rarity wanted to stay in Canterlot and make sure the snooty ponies don't turn Equestria into Boringestria or something-" Cadance interrupted the earth pony's rapid rambling. "Wait, wait, did you say Fluttershy went into the Badlands by herself?" "Yes, to find Discord," Spike answered as he brought a plate of miniature cakes to the central coffee table. "She was afraid whoever took Twilight was going after him too, since he's another powerful magic user." As worried as Shining Armor was about Fluttershy, this revelation sparked in him a sense of urgency. "If this is true, could Cadance be in danger, too?" And why didn't I think of it sooner? Pinkie stood in front of Cadance. "I'm not sure, but I was worried. It's part of why I'm here." She sounded disturbingly calm as her ears flattened. A short moment of silence fell in the room, eventually broken by Cadance. "Well, thank you for warning me, but I'm sure I'll be safe here in the Empire. I have my guards and my husband here with me." The alicorn gave her guests a warm and confident smile. Shining had to chime in. "I'll assign Flash Sentry as your personal bodyguard for now. I know you like to have your space, love, but I couldn't stand losing you." "We'll talk about it later, Shining," Cadance replied with a frown before turning toward Pinkie. "I remember Rarity staying in Canterlot. What about Rainbow and Applejack?" "Well, Applejack stayed in Ponyville and Dashie went to Cloudsdale to join the army," the pink pony explained as she settled back on her cushion. Shining Armor interrupted her. "What? Does that mean Cloudsdale enacted the Emergency Military Act? I know it's in their constitution, but it was always considered more symbolic than practical." "Something like that. I'm not sure about the details," Pinkie answered as she devoured one of the small cakes and accepted a cup of tea from Spike. "The letter she got was all hush hush and secrety. Nopony really knows what's going on in Cloudsdale." "They certainly can't keep this a secret for long," Shining replied. "Sooner or later somepony in Canterlot will demand answers, if they're not behind this to begin with." Cadance stared into the distance and her mouth was locked in a frown. "A military buildup is worrisome," she said. "I'm afraid it just gives more weight to Honeycomb's argument that we should stay out of it." "You can't sit back and do nothing!" Pinkie exclaimed, jumping in front of Cadance again. "These are our friends! I don't want Dashie or Rarity to get stuck in... in..." Tears formed in her eyes as she grabbed on to the princess tightly. "Let's not get carried away," Cadance responded, gently pushing Pinkie away. "For all we know it could just be a precaution. I don't think the Wonderbolts would start a civil war." "A civil war? That would be terrible!" Spike exclaimed, dropping the tea cup he was carrying. He started nibbling on his claws, ignoring the now broken cup on the floor. "Like I said, we shouldn't assume it'll come down to that," Cadance reassured as she picked up the broken cup with her magic. "Equestria hasn't been at war for decades. Even then, ponies were only defending their home." Shining Armor had been listening quietly for a while. "Equestria had Celestia protecting it in the past," he said as his head tilted up. "During my time in Canterlot, I can think of a few occasions when ponies demanded more aggressive actions toward other nations. You'd be surprised how many nobles called for a crusade against the entire changeling race, Blueblood being the first of them. The princess always put a stop to this kind of talk." Pinkie was still agitated. "But Blueblood is in charge now!" she said, this time grabbing Shining Armor. "Does it mean he'll send Equestria to war?" Spike was now chewing on both claws. "That's terrible! What are we gonna do?" "Calm down, please, both of you," Shining said louder than he expected, his old military reflex kicking in. "I'm worried too, but panic won't solve anything." The prince sighed and took a deep breath. "We don't actually know what Blueblood will do. Let's keep things in perspective for now." "I think Cadance should take the throne," Pinkie said flatly. "At least until we find Twilight. Rarity's doing what she can, but she needs help. We all do. Please Cadance, do it for your friends!" There was a moment of silence as everyone turned toward Shining's wife. The prince expected an explanation, a plan, a compromise. Instead, Cadance uttered a single word. "No." Spike reacted first, jumping in front of the princess. "What do you mean 'no'? You can't just say 'no'! What about our friends in Equestria?" "And what about our friends here in the Empire?" Cadance replied in a harsher tone than usual. "I do want to go to Equestria and help fix everything as much as the rest of you. It's just more complicated than that." "It doesn't have to be complicated. Just do it if you want to!" Pinkie said, staring straight at Cadance. "Helping friends should always come first." Cadance sighed and took a deep breath, placing her hoof over her heart. It was an exercise Shining often saw her practice when she seemed stressed. "Not at the expense of other friends, Pinkie. If I were to claim the throne in Canterlot, the crystal ponies would have to fend for themselves. Even if it were only temporary, you said yourself somepony could be looking to harm me. By going to Canterlot I would put myself at their mercy. Whoever went after Twilight would no doubt go after me." As much as Shining Armor wanted he and his wife to follow Pinkie back to Equestria, he had to admit Cadance was right. He could not ask her to throw herself into danger like that. "You're right, my love," he admitted with a sigh. "So we give up? Just like that?" Pinkie asked. Shining Armor hated seeing her spirit break, but he was powerless. Cadance's face slowly transformed into a smile. Shining recognized the expression; his wife just had an idea. "Maybe not. Maybe we can do something." "What?" asked Spike, his eyes brightening. "Can you teleport Twilight here? Bring Celestia back? Make me gigantic so I can save everypony?" The baby dragon jumped on the table and roared as loudly as his small lungs would allow, pretending to be full grown. Everypony in the room giggled at Spike's antics. "I don't think Cadance has anything so drastic in mind," the prince suggested. "Not quite, no," the princess said. "But with Pinkie and Spike here, perhaps I stand a better chance of detecting Twilight. Both of them have a special connection to her. You too, love. Maybe I can draw on that to force a connection and get an idea of where she is through a scrying spell." "It sounds too simple," Shining said, a frown returning to his face. "Is that really all it takes? Our love for Twilight and some positive thinking?" Pinkie jumped up and down. "If Cadance says she can do it, then that's all I need. Let's do it!" Spike cheered in approval. "I'm in too. Just tell me what to do!" "It's simple," Cadance explained. "We're going to use the Crystal Heart." Shining looked at his wife and raised an eyebrow. "I remember your last attempt at using the heart. It didn't work then. Why would it work now?" "Doesn't the heart protect the Empire?" Spike asked. "I don't understand how it could be used to locate somepony." "The Heart is a repository of love," the princess explained. "While nopony fully understands it and its magic, I know it can be used in bringing loved ones back together. If I try to focus a spell on it using the love we all feel for Twilight, I believe we might have a chance." "Let's get going then!" Pinkie said, already bolting toward the door. They all stood and left the room. Shining Armor saw Flash Sentry in the hallway with two crystal guards and motioned for them to follow. Better have them around, just in case the crowd got too curious. If being married to an alicorn taught the prince anything, it was that magic rituals should never be interrupted. The blue-maned pegasus guard nodded. "Going for a walk, Shin... I mean Your Highness?" The prince smiled at his old friend. "Cadance wants to try and locate Twilight using the Crystal Heart. We just need you to make sure nopony disturbs us." He then added an afterthought. "You don't need to be so formal around Pinkie Pie and Spike. They're old friends." "You got it, boss!" Flash said with a subtle smile, motioning for the two crystal guards to follow him. The walk to the base of the castle was a short one. The hallways were mostly empty, most of the castle staff having already returned home. The group went down the castle's large central staircase toward the large doors leading outside the Crystal Palace. Cadance led the group to the central pillar underneath the palace, where the Crystal Heart slowly rotated. The Princess positioned herself in front of the relic as Flash Sentry and his guards formed a perimeter around the area, in case somepony got curious. Cadance addressed the group. "I suppose I should explain what I plan on doing." The two ponies and the dragon nodded. Cadance smiled. "As you know, my magic is centered around love, the same way Twilight's is centered on friendship. Therefore, by focusing on the love we all share for her, I believe I might just be able to reach out to her." "Okidoki!" Pinkie Pie replied with her usual smile, "I have plenty of happy Twilight memories I can think about." Cadance nodded at the earth pony. "Exactly. Just like Pinkie said, focus on your memories of our friend. Spike and Shining, I know both of you grew up with her. Focus on your feelings toward Twilight as I work my magic and channel it through the Heart and try to locate her." They all nodded in unison as Cadance's horn lit up and enveloped the Crystal Heart within a blue aura. Shining closed his eyes, thinking about how much Twilight meant to him. He pictured her joining the magic academy when she was a filly. He remembered fondly the multiple visits Twilight paid him in the Crystal Empire. He recalled with pride his wedding, the return of Sombra, and countless other adventures they shared. Shining Armor slowly opened his eyes, smiling at the happy memories. He saw a concerned expression on Cadance's face as Pinkie jumped in front of her. "Did it work? Where's Twilight?" the earth pony asked, grabbing the princess by the shoulders. "I'm sorry Pinkie. It didn't," she dejectedly answered. Shining gasped, accompanied by Pinkie and Spike. "What went wrong?" the prince asked. Cadance released a deep sigh before answering. "Something blocked my magic. It could be a protective spell, anti-magic runes, perhaps a talisman. A number of things could cause this." "So wait, anypony can just buy a thingie and block magic?" Pinkie asked. "Not quite," Cadance explained. "Scrying magic is fairly easy to protect against, but most talismans wouldn't protect against a direct spell." Shining Armor started pacing back and forth. "Well, if something blocked your magic, it must mean somepony doesn't want Twilight found." "It would make sense," Cadance said as she scratched her chin. "Alicorns are very strong magic users by nature; even Celestia's body is still leaving a magical trace in the world. Looking for Twilight, I just feel like a wall is blocking me. There's intentional interference here." Shining stopped and swiftly turned toward his wife, his voice filled with concern. "So it just means somepony bought one of those items you mentioned?" "Well, it would have to be a powerful one," Cadance calmly explained. "Twilight's own magic, or even Luna's could probably block my scrying magic. Perhaps a handful of gifted unicorns could accomplish it as well. Whoever it was, they know what they're doing." Pinkie's ears slowly perked back up after an uncharacteristic moment of silence. "It's good news. It means Twilight is still alive. We can still find her." Spike's eyes slowly met the pink pony's. "You think so, Pinkie?" "Of course, silly," Pinkie answered, "They wouldn't be hiding her otherwise!" Shining gasped. "You're right, Pinkie," he said with renewed vigor, "It's not a very big lead, but at least it's something." "I'll write to Applejack and Rarity and let them know," Pinkie said. "We'll find her together!" "I certainly hope Shining and I can do more to help," Cadance suggested. "For now, perhaps we should all get some rest." "Yeah, I am getting pretty tired," Spike admitted with a yawn. Pinkie allowed the baby dragon to climb on her back. "Come on, Spikey. Let's go to bed." Shining Armor nodded at the earth pony before turning to the guards. "Flash, can you show Pinkie and Spike to one of the empty guest rooms?" The pegasus nodded and motioned for Pinkie and Spike to follow him. They all left toward the castle, leaving Shining alone with his wife. The prince frowned after a moment. "Love, you said Twilight or Luna could block your magic. You remember how Twily used to hide by herself a lot? Do you think she might be doing just that? This moon raising ritual must have been devastating for her." "Do you really think she could fall back to her old habits like that?" Cadance asked. "She's come so far from the shut-in filly she used to be." "I agree. It doesn't feel like her. But a pony died because of her spell," Shining added as his ears drooped. "It would be devastating for anypony, even my sister, strong as she is." Cadance sighed as she placed a leg around Shining's neck, kissing him on the cheek. "Twilight is strong. If she's in hiding I know she'll come back to us. If not, Pinkie and her friends will find her." She took a deep breath and forced a smile. "Come on, let's head to bed." Five days had passed since Pinkie Pie arrived in the Crystal Empire. Shining Armor tried returning to a somewhat normal routine. For all his worries, he couldn't just leave his entire life on hold. Pinkie had written to her friends, informing them of what they had learned through the ritual. Now all that was left was to wait and hope Applejack and Rarity could make some use out of the information Pinkie had sent them. While Pinkie and Spike spent most of their time going around the city talking to ponies, Shining kept himself busy doing the one thing he knew best: managing the guards. He personally led training drills, inspected the barracks, even intimidated the new recruits a bit. After what happened to Twilight, Shining could not leave Cadance unprotected. He had Flash Sentry follow her as a bodyguard whenever he could not be present himself. Guards were posted in front of the royal quarters at all times as well as around other sensitive areas in the castle. He also started performing random security inspections at different locations where his wife might end up. Shining was in the middle of one of his drills when Flash Sentry came to join him. A group of twenty crystal ponies stood at attention, each holding a lance. They were in one of the exterior jousting fields, which consisted of a series of long lines of dirt separated by wooden barriers where ponies could charge at each others. The area was surrounded by a tall crystalline fence, and currently empty sets of seats allowed anypony to watch the drills. The only building was a small supply shed that housed the wooden lances and crystalline armor used during training. "Who's protecting Cadance?" Shining asked in a rough tone the moment he saw Flash. Flash recoiled slightly at Shining's tone. "She's at the spa with her stylist. She kicked me out. She said she was tired of having me follow her around." Shining looked at his friend incredulously. "And you didn't object?" "Well, I tried," the pegasus said hesitantly. "Your wife... I mean, Her Highness, made it clear she didn't want me around anymore." Flash closed his eyes before adding. "I left some guards outside the spa." Shining Armor took off his helmet and massaged his temple. "I thought I made it clear you weren't supposed to leave her, Flash." "I insisted, boss. I really did," Flash replied. "She was about to start a scene. I've rarely seen her so angry. Maybe I got in her way?" The prince sighed heavily. He left his helmet on a nearby bench. "I suppose it's natural she'd get tired of having a bodyguard." He patted Flash on the back. "I'll talk to her tonight. As for you, just stiffen your backbone and stop being afraid of my wife." Seemingly glad to have dodged a bullet, Flash Sentry smiled awkwardly. "So, jousting drill?" Shining nodded as he pointed at the guards. "Yes, they're mostly new recruits and I want to see what they're capable of." Flash grinned as he walked toward them, the prince nodding, giving him permission to address the recruits. The pegasus approached the first pony. "So, how much do you know about jousting, soldier?" The guard stood straight as he answered. "Sir, I've won four competitions, sir!" He had a light purple coat and his mane was a mix of brown and blond. Shining Armor turned his head to get a glimpse at his cutie mark. It was a chess piece, a rook to be precise. This pony was familiar to Shining. "I remember you," the prince said. "You petitioned the assembly a few days ago." The soldier nodded. "Yes sir. I asked about the Sun and Moon." "Is that why you want to join the guards?" Flash Sentry asked. "Because you think we'll get involved with what's going on in Equestria?" The soldier gulped and looked around nervously. "Well, I don't know if I should say, sir." Shining rolled his eyes. "Just speak freely and answer the question." The young crystal pony cleared his throat. "Well, I've traveled a lot since the Empire returned and I've seen what the world is like. I don't think we can stay out of whatever is going on. If trouble is brewing in Equestria, then it will reach the Empire and I want to do my part to help, sir." Shining Armor could not help but smile. If more crystal ponies thought like this one, things would be simpler. "What's your name, soldier?" he asked the guard. "I'm Checkmate, sir." Flash Sentry eyed the young soldier up and down. Another nod from Shining prompted him to speak. "Well, let's see what you're made of, Checkmate. Let's hope you know how to use this lance. You'll be sparring against me." Checkmate grinned as he stepped forward, adjusting his lance. "Let me show you what I can do, sir." Shining Armor observed as both Checkmate and Flash Sentry positioned themselves at opposite sides of the field, each on their own side of the barrier. From the look both of them shared, the prince imagined the two had jousted together before. It made sense that Flash would choose to demonstrate with a pony he was familiar with. Both took a moment to adjust their armor, making sure it was properly fastened. Shining moved to the middle of the field and nodded at both participants. "Alright troops, this is how it's done," he told the recruits. "Take notes. You'll all be expected to practice the same moves afterwards." The prince turned toward the participants and raised his leg in the air. "Flash, Checkmate, are you ready?" Once both jousters nodded their head in his direction, Shining quickly lowered his leg in a straight arc. "Charge!" The jousters stared at each other, scraping the dirt with their hooves before charging. Both ponies seemed to have good control of their lance — Flash held it a bit high, but used his wing to readjust it. As for Checkmate, he kept his weapon straight and his head low. When they were about to hit each other, the crystal pony ducked to his left side, forcing the pegasus to tilt his lance further. It did allow Flash to lower his head and dodge the weapon, ending the first charge in a draw. They quickly repositioned themselves and went for another charge. This time, Checkmate pushed his opponent's lance with his own as they were about to connect, resulting in Flash getting destabilized and hit in the chest. The pegasus was thrown into one of the hay stacks laying on the side of the field. Shining Armor could not help but laugh. This young recruit certainly managed to prove himself. "Well done, soldier. It's been a long time since I've seen Flash fall that fast." Checkmate smiled as he explained. "Well, I noticed he used his wing to stabilize his lance, a common mistake made by pegasus jousters. A pony should use his entire body to control his weapon, sir." The young soldier gave the prince a smug smile. Shining chuckled quietly before turning toward the recruits. "Alright gang, you've seen how it's done. Pick a partner and start practicing." The prince trotted toward Flash Sentry, who was slowly getting up. The pegasus spat some hay he accidentally got in his mouth when he fell into the stack. "Darn, that soldier hits hard." Shining Armor grinned at his friend. "It's easy to forget jousting is such a popular sport around here. Most recruits have been doing it for years." "I know Checkmate is good at it," Flash replied. "I just didn't expect him to be that good." Shining raised an eyebrow. "So you do know him. I suspected you'd pick a sparring partner you were familiar with." Flash Sentry nodded. "I saw him joust at the last harvest festival. Ever since then I've been hoping he would consider signing up." As they were talking, Shining spotted Checkmate helping a younger mare with her position. The young stallion certainly seemed resourceful. As usual, Flash had a good eye for talent. "I should check out on my wife, but I suppose I can give the recruits a few tips before I go," Shining told his friend as he motioned toward the guards. "You'll be okay with handling the training here?" "I got it," the pegasus said as he brushed the last of the hay out of his mane. Shining Armor gave the trainees another quick look. He trotted between them and offered some advice in the midst of lances clashing against armors. "Don't be afraid to charge, Goldie," he told one mare. "You there, keep that lance stable if you wanna stand a chance," he suggested to a blond-maned stallion. The trainees seemed to have a good grasp on things. Shining gave them one last look before quietly taking off, letting Flash handle things. He trotted out through the front gate, taking on as fast a pace as he could toward the spa. Shining had been walking for a few minutes when he slammed his face with his hoof. Ponyfeathers! I forgot my helmet. The prince sighed and turned around, making his way back to the jousting grounds. He considered just leaving the helmet there and trusting Flash would pick it up for him, but decided it was better to go back. The piece of armor was a memento from his time as Canterlot's captain of the guards. Beside, he had just polished it and didn't want to risk leaving it outside for the night. As he softly trotted back onto the grounds, the prince heard a familiar voice whisper from a corner. "...Not here, somepony might report to Shining and everything would be ruined. We'll talk at the meeting tonight." Shining's ear twitched. Did he hear correctly? It sounded like Flash, but in the midst of crashing lances and ponies screaming as they charged each other, he could have misheard. Shining turned his head and saw Flash moving away from Checkmate. What were these ponies hiding? Flash Sentry never mentioned that he knew Checkmate personally, only that he saw him joust in the past. Whatever they were going on about, they wanted Shining out of it. Flash was one of his closest friends though; why would he keep such secrets? Shining Armor trotted toward the pegasus. He attempted to control his breathing. The thought of his best friend lying to him was not a pleasant pill to swallow. Flash Sentry jumped when he saw the prince. "Boss, I thought you had left," he said as his right ear twitched nervously. "Forgot my helmet," Shining said as he picked it up with his magic. "I trust everything's alright here?" "Everything's fine, as you can see," Flash replied, taking a glance at something behind the prince. Shining Armor turned around. As expected, Checkmate was there, looking at them. "Problem, soldier?" he asked. "N... No sir. I was just about to get back to drills." Darn it, what the hay is going on? Shining Armor thought about confronting them, but they would probably just deny it. Better to let it go for now and be more subtle about it later. 'Stick a spy on them,' Silvermane used to say in similar situations, back when she was a lieutenant under his command. Perhaps it was time to follow her advice. "Well, get to it," Shining said gruffly as he put his helmet back on. "Flash, I'll let you return to your troops." The prince had a sudden thought for Cadance. Did he really leave her all this time with a pony who might be part of a conspiracy? Shining left the training grounds as fast as he could without showing too much distress. The moment he was back in the streets he galloped toward the spa. Shining rushed through the streets of the Crystal Empire, ignoring the various crystal ponies whispering around him. No doubt his behavior attracted attention, but at this very moment, the prince only cared about one thing: his beloved Cadance's safety. The spa was surrounded by guards, just like Flash said. Shining Armor counted three, no wait, four of them. Outside of their presence, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He motioned for one of them to come to him. "Take my helmet back to the castle and have one of the servants bring it to my quarters," he ordered as he gave the object to the guard. "Yes Sir!" The guard said, grabbing the helmet and heading out in a canter. The prince sighed as he eyed the spa. He adjusted his mane as he walked to the front door and entered the establishment. Shining might have opened the door a bit too hard as everypony inside turned abruptly toward him. The spa was a large round building, actually only consisting of one large room. A few ponies were relaxing in the mud bath while others received massages on the large beds. A few staff ponies were busy gathering dirty towels in a corner. As all of them stopped what they were doing to stare at the prince, Shining noticed his wife's silhouette behind a privacy blind, in the back of the room. "Oh, uuh, don't mind me. I was just coming to see my wife," he announced awkwardly as most ponies shrugged off his presence and returned to their activities. When Shining Armor walked behind the blind, he found Cadance calmly getting a massage while wearing a mud mask complete with slices of cucumber over her eyes. She seemed relaxed and completely oblivious to her husband's presence while the pony massaging her wings frowned at Shining. "Whew, I'm so glad you're alright, love," he told her, a huge weight off his shoulders. Cadance slowly acknowledged him. "Wh... why wouldn't I be?" The prince looked to his left, then to his right, making sure nopony was listening in. "Well, first I heard Flash Sentry left you alone, then I overheard.... perhaps we should talk in private." He stared at the masseuse, a pink-coated crystal pony mare with a folded towel for a cutie mark. "Shining, I get that you're worried, but this is getting ridiculous," Cadance said with a sigh. "Can't I relax for one day without you imagining some threat or another?" "But love, this is serious," he replied before leaning down and whispering to his wife. "I overheard talk of a conspiracy." For a moment, Cadance said nothing. She then waved the masseuse away and sat up with a grunt. Shining Armor stayed silent as his wife cleaned the mask off her face. He knew her well and was aware of what the silent treatment meant. He'd gone too far and she was mad. The princess sighed again and took a deep breath. When she finally spoke, her tone left no room for arguments. "Alright Shining, tell me what you've seen, but you better not be chasing shadows." Shining Armor looked down at his hooves with guilt. He might have overdone it with the security precautions. "Look, love, I'm sorry. I just wouldn't be able to stand it if anything were to-" "You have my attention now," she retorted, not letting him finish his sentence. Her expression mellowed at she stared her husband in the eyes. "Look, I know you're worried, but this can't keep up. I can't have guards following me everywhere, tasting my meals, and looking through my stuff." "I... I understand, love, but I have to keep you safe. You remember what Pinkie and Spike said-" "I do," Cadance answered. "But we have to find some middle ground. I'm all for extra security, but this is too much. Just today, do you know how many spa patrons complained about the guards?" "Alright, I'll try to ease up things a bit," Shining acquiesced as he raised a hoof. "But I want you to promise you'll keep a bodyguard close when leaving the castle." Cadance finally smiled. "Alright, love, I'll let Flash follow me as long as he doesn't keep anypony from actually talking to me." Shining Armor's expression darkened as he lowered his voice. "It won't be Flash. I'm not sure I can trust him anymore." "You can't trust Flash Sentry?" Cadance asked, concern in her voice. "He's your best friend. What could possibly make you distrust him?" Shining Armor averted his eyes again and sighed heavily. "I heard him say something. It was about a meeting and keeping me away from it, hoping I wouldn't stand in his way." "I have a hard time imagining Flash Sentry as a conspirator," Cadance replied. "Are you sure you haven't misheard him?" "Maybe I did," Shining admitted. "It all happened during jousting drills. I still can't risk it. Between Twily being gone, the assembly refusing to help Pinkie, all those troubling news from Equestria, and the Sombra cultists, we can't be too careful." Cadance gave her husband a reassuring smile as she placed a hoof on his shoulder. "The Sombra cultists have always been inoffensive. You know they're just a small leftover group from those darker days. As for Equestria, we talked about it. Any involvement from the Empire would only drag us into their internal affairs. We have the crystal ponies to protect. How can we hope to perform our duty if we get dragged in the Equestrian succession?" Shining frowned. "You may be right, but I still want to make sure everything is okay. I'll investigate the matter and order the guards to leave the spa. I'll only leave one to act as your bodyguard." Cadance nodded in agreement. "Alright love, if it makes you feel safer. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going back to relaxing." She gave him a quick kiss before laying on her mattress again. "You know, you should accompany me at the spa sometime. I think you could do with a bit of relaxation." "I'll see you tonight," Shining replied, ignoring the invitation. "I love you Cadance." "I love you Shining" The prince left for a quick walk. Training would likely last for a few more hours. Afterwards he would follow Flash to this supposed meeting. Royal guard training had never covered trailing another pony; Shining Armor learned this skill through the mischief he used to get into with Twilight back when they were foals. He did find it useful a few times over the years, specifically the one time a thief snuck into Canterlot Castle. Shining had managed to trail the criminal to his hideout and save the royal guards weeks of investigation. Now, the prince was about to use those skills against his best friend. He waited in a dark alley between two buildings, right in front of the training grounds where Flash Sentry was still leading drills. The sounds of training were dying down. He could tell the recruits would soon be heading home. From his vantage point, Shining could not see the training grounds themselves. He did, however, have an unrestricted view of the arena's one exit. Unless somepony decided to jump the fence, he would be able to keep track of who came and left. Shining recalled every recruit's face and cutie mark. He had always made it a point to remember the ponies under his command; if they were going to follow his orders then the least he could do was to know who they were. He made mental notes of who left, and in whose company. So far, nothing seemed strange. The one thing that bothered the prince was that neither Flash nor Checkmate had left the area yet. Shining Armor waited for what seemed like an eternity. Was Flash onto him? The prince did his best to routinely scan the sky in case the pegasus decided to fly away. Perhaps he had missed him? That still did not explain why Checkmate hadn't left. Shining was about to abandon caution and check for himself when he heard hoofsteps coming from the training ground. Sure enough, Flash and Checkmate were leaving the arena together. Both of them had left their armor behind, although the pegasus carried a set of saddlebags. Now came the hard part. As both ponies made their way toward the east part of the city, Shining began following. While he considered himself decent at moving stealthily, the Crystal Empire was not the best place for the exercise; the streets tended to be large and well lit. The Sun was about to go down, so Shining would have darkness on his side soon. For now though, he would have to follow from a distance and hope he wasn't noticed. The two conspirators seemed deep in conversation. While Shining did not want to risk getting close enough to hear what they said, he could tell they had plenty to talk about. This seemed to lend credence to the prince's theory that the two ponies knew each other already. After a few blocks, Flash and Checkmate trotted down a dark alley. Shining Armor cursed under his breath, "hayfeathers." He would have to position himself to see them without being spotted. He didn't want to lose them, but could not risk being discovered either. At least he could see their shadows. They seemed to have stopped moving. Shining had to get closer. He saw a pile of crates near the alley where the two conspirators went. Hiding behind them would not allow him to see the two ponies, but it would bring him close enough that he might overhear their conversation. Hopefully getting this close would not get him caught. Shining slowly made his way to the hiding spot on the tip of his hooves, certain not to alert Flash and Checkmate. The sounds the prince heard made it seem like somepony was rummaging through some bags, presumably Flash. Fabric being unfolded perhaps? Shining wasn't sure. He did, however, hear the ponies speak. "Do we really have to wear these, Flash?" The voice was unmistakably Checkmate's. "We don't want to be recognized, not yet," Flash's voice responded. "Once we have enough support and we can go public, then subterfuge won't be necessary. For now, there are ponies who would do anything to stop what we're trying to do." "Alright, let's just hurry up and get there. I don't want to be late," Checkmate answered. A few moments later, Shining heard hoofsteps coming out of the alley before continuing down the street in their initial direction. The prince risked a peak from behind the crates and saw two ponies wrapped in brown cloaks, obviously the two conspirators. Shining Armor kept trailing the two ponies all the way to the industrial district, where various warehouses and factories could be found. It made sense. This district was always quiet and abandoned at night. They finally stopped at a nondescript warehouse made of the familiar crystalline material used in Crystal Empire architecture, this one of a light blue color. Shining saw both ponies head toward a small door on the side. He quickly hid on the side of a large building as Flash turned toward Shining's general direction, waiting for the last minute to see if he had been followed. If the situation were different, Shining Armor would have been disappointed in his friend's sloppiness. The pegasus shook his head and followed Checkmate inside the warehouse, closing the door behind him. The prince got as close to the door as he could without risking other conspirators noticing him. Flash mentioned other ponies. Who knew how many could be coming? Shining had a sudden moment of doubt and turned his head around. Nopony seemed to be there. Hopefully his vigilance hadn't failed him. The door appeared simple and ordinary except for one feature: a rough drawing of a balloon. Could this be a marker indicating the meeting's location? Perhaps the conspirators changed venues regularly and needed to rely on such signs, or maybe they expected new members and used such a symbol to guide them to the proper place? The symbol itself also worried Shining. Pinkie Pie had balloons for a cutie mark. Could this be a conspiracy against her? Perhaps it was the opposite and she started the movement? The prince never pictured the optimistic earth pony for the type to plot in secret, but then there was a lot about this particular friend of Twilight he didn't know. Shining circled around the building, looking for a window or other opening from which he could watch or listen in. The few that he could reach were too dirty to see through. As far as he could see, they were all closed. He couldn't see or hear a thing. He considered opening one of the windows, but didn't believe he could do so without making noise and attracting attention. Perhaps he could simply go in? Maybe call in some guards as backup? He was about to do as much, but decided against it; he did not want to leave the scene in case the conspirators started to move. The prince sat down to think behind the warehouse. He had to move and fast, else he would miss whatever was going on inside. He also risked detection the longer he lingered here. His eyes moved around the scene, spotting some garbage cans, other buildings, a ladder... Realization struck him. Of course, the ladder! Most warehouses had a roof trap, allowing pegasus delivery ponies to quickly leave their cargo without disturbing anypony else. Surely this building would be no different. Shining Armor rushed toward the steps only to slow down upon reaching them; it would be stupid to get overly excited and start making noise while he was so close to an answer. The prince slowly climbed to the top of the warehouse. One advantage of crystal ladders was that they did not creak the way the wooden ones did. This allowed the prince to get to the top faster than he expected. As he had hoped, he found a large passage on top of the structure. A sliding door kept it partially closed, but luck was on Shining's side as there was an opening just large enough for him to see through. Shining Armor finally managed to take a look inside. He could see a gathering of ponies, twenty, maybe thirty of them. He managed to make out Flash Sentry as well as a few other familiar faces, some of them ponies who worked at the castle, as well as a few guards. He spotted Checkmate talking to... Spike? It was definitely the baby dragon; he was unmistakable. If he was part of this conspiracy, then without a doubt Pinkie Pie would show up soon as well. Shining quickly became aware of another problem. The ponies were talking, but he couldn't hear them. The warehouse was two stories high and the sound of the wind drowned out the conversations happening below. The prince spotted a small office in a corner that would be the perfect hiding place. It connected to the larger room through a small wooden door. A larger window allowed anypony working there to see the warehouse. Since the small office had no ceiling, Shining could see it clearly from his vantage point. Moving there without being noticed would, however, prove nearly impossible. Perhaps there was a possibility. Shining was nowhere near his sister or his wife as far as magical ability went, but he could still manage a few spells better than the average unicorn, one of which was teleportation. He never completely mastered the spell, but Twilight did take some time to teach him whenever the two of them had some free time. Shining stared at his destination for a minute. He would have to perform the spell perfectly if he wanted to teleport in a way that wouldn't get him spotted. A botched spell might also create magical discharges that would attract attention, the very thing he wanted to avoid. No more hesitation! The prince gathered magical energy in his horn and mentally recited the words of power that activated the teleportation spell. 'From there to here, here to there, let me travel through thin air' As he released the energy from his horn, Shining Armor closed his eyes and pictured the small office. He created a mental image of the dirty desk filled with papers, the crooked chair behind it. He thought about the large file cabinet next to which he wanted to appear. He finally felt his entire body shift as he lay down on the ground, refusing to open his eyes. Voices could be heard. Did they spot him? Shining did not dare move a muscle. After a few long seconds that seemed like an eternity, he noticed the ponies were still talking to one another. He slowly opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings. He was exactly where he wanted to be, in the small office, next to the file cabinet. He had a hard time seeing anypony, but he could make out bits of conversations. "Wow, I didn't think so many ponies would come!" "Is it true we're getting free cupcakes?" "Really, I'm all for helping out, but what chance do we have?" "I heard Shining Armor might join us eventually." The prince still couldn't make out what the meeting was about, but did raise an eyebrow as his name was mentioned. He heard voices slowly quieting down as hoofsteps could be heard; somepony else just walked in the room. "I'm so glad you all came. As promised, I brought cupcakes for everypony!" There was no mistaking Pinkie Pie's voice. Shining had to admit he never imagined anypony would join a conspiracy over a promise of free cupcakes. Shining's ears twitched as Pinkie began. "I'm sure you all know why we're here. Equestria is in trouble and we need the Crystal Empire, but your assembly are being meanie-pants and don't want to help! Well, not if you all have something to say about it!" Shining heard the ponies cheer. So this is what Pinkie was up to. It all started making sense. Flash Sentry was a pegasus, native to Equestria. Checkmate had already shown interest in helping the southern nation. Both of them were only nervous about Shining putting an end to their meeting. As for Pinkie Pie, this was indeed the next logical step for her. If she couldn't convince the assembly, she would convince the ponies the assembly listened to: the population who had elected them. Pinkie continued, interrupting Shining's thoughts. "I know Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor would help if you all want them to. What you all need to do is simple. Convince your friends, your family, your mailpony, everypony you know. Once there's enough of you, then we go to the assembly and ask them to change their mind!" "You really think we can reverse the assembly's decision?" a mare asked. "Sure," Spike's voice replied. "If enough ponies want to help Equestria, they're sure to agree and help us out." A younger sounding stallion spoke up next. "What can we do though? The Crystal Empire doesn't have the same kind of resources as Equestria." "It's not a question of how much," Pinkie's voice answered, "It's a question of whom. Cadance or Shining Armor could help calm things down." "They'll never agree," Flash Sentry retorted. "Well, I think Shining Armor might see things our way, but Cadance will play it safe. Our best option is to convince Shining to accompany us to Equestria. Hopefully his influence will be enough." "No offense, Flash," an older sounding mare said, "but what Equestria needs is a true alicorn princess. The only help the Empire could offer would be Princess Cadance assuming the throne." "Remember that Prince Shining Armor is Princess Twilight's brother," a familiar sounding voice said. Was it Checkmate? Shining wasn't certain as the office wall partly drowned out his voice. "He was also the captain of the Canterlot guards. Ponies in Equestria will listen to him." All of this was a lot to take in for Shining Armor. Perhaps he could make a difference? Would the assembly allow it though? Would Cadance? He considered revealing himself for a moment, but did not dare. He had to know more. "Will the prince even agree to this?" another female voice asked. Shining thought it might be the same one who first asked about changing the assembly's mind. "Only way to find out is asking him," Spike replied. The voice Shining thought might be Checkmate's spoke again. "Once we tell him though, everypony will know about our plans. We have to be sure about it." The prince then heard Pinkie's familiar giggle. "Oh, I think Shining already knows." "Why do you think that?" Flash asked. "Cause he's hiding in the corner listening to us, silly!" The pink pony replied in her usual cheerful voice. What? Shining Armor could not believe his ears. He has been spotted? How long had Pinkie known? From the collective gasp the prince heard, nopony else had seen him. Shining Armor stared at the wall in front of him. He dared not move a muscle. "Pinkie, you can't be serious!" Flash exclaimed. Is that a hint of panic in his voice? Shining Armor knew there was only one thing to do. He slowly stood up from his hiding place and stared at the group of ponies through the large window connecting the office to the warehouse floor. They were mostly local crystal ponies, although a few Equestrian breeds could also be found. A few of them stepped back as he revealed himself, their expressions ranging from shock, to pleading, to a few hopeful smiles. Pinkie Pie knowingly stared at him with her ever present enthusiastic smile and playful blue eyes. "You really don't give up easy, do you Pinkie?" Shining asked, stepping out of the office. The pink pony shook her head. "Not when it's about helping friends." Shining Armor stepped toward the group. Dust and grime had gathered in his mane and coat while he was sneaking around and he probably didn't make for a very impressive sight. He brushed his mane once, hoping to get some of it off. "Well, I'm here now," he said. "You all might as well make your case." It was probably the best thing to do at this point; avoid a confrontation and hear them out. Pinkie was about to say something but Flash Sentry stepped forward and blocked her way as his eyes met the prince's. "Look, Shining. I should have come to you sooner. I realize it now. All of us here, we just want to help Equestria. For some of us, it's our home. Others are crystal ponies who made friends with Equestrian ponies. Just look at Jade Charm here," the pegasus pointed at a green-coated crystal mare, "she married an earth pony trader from Manehattan." Jade Charm nodded as she leaned against her husband, a bright red earth pony with a light blue short mane. "It is too much to ask for a chance to help out?" Checkmate asked. Shining Armor turned toward Spike and Pinkie Pie. Both stayed quiet, so the prince attempted an answer. "I get what you all want. I really do! To be honest, I agree with you all, but it's not that simple. It'll take more than this group to convince the assembly." "Forget the assembly!" Spike said, throwing his arms in the air. "Come back with us to Equestria. I'm sure nopony can keep you from doing what you want." "And do what?" Shining asked incredulously as he slammed his hoof on the ground. "I'm no longer the Canterlot guard captain and I was never any good at politics. I'm just as in the dark as the rest of you, about everything." "You can keep the peace," Checkmate said, staring severely at the prince. "How?" Shining asked. Checkmate took a long breath before responding. "You are Princess Twilight Sparkle's brother and you are respected as the Crystal Prince. Ponies also remember your time as Canterlot's guard captain. I've traveled to the capital a few times, I know a lot of ponies do not appreciate Silvermane the same way they loved you. If you ask the Canterlot nobles for help, they will give it to you." "And what would I ask them?" Shining Armor asked as he let out an exasperated breath. Pinkie Pie chose this moment to step in, jumping next to the prince and putting her hoof around his neck. "Easy peasy, ask them to let Luna come back. Then we can settle all this and go find Twilight together!" The prince shook his head and gently pushed the enthusiastic pony away. "It's really not that simple. Checkmate said Silvermane isn't too popular, well Luna isn't either. It was always hard for her to be accepted by ponies, nobles or commoners." "Which is precisely why she needs your help," Checkmate retorted as he pointed at Shining. Pinkie Pie gave Shining Armor a compassionate look. "You know, Shining. Forget about all of that. You should come to Equestria with us for one reason; because beneath all that frowny doubty stuff, I know how worried you are for Twilight. Nopony should keep you from that, and Cadance will understand!" Shining grunted in annoyance as he turned to face Pinkie Pie. "I have responsibilities, Pinkie. I can't just gallop off whenever I feel like it!" Flash Sentry walked toward the prince and patted him on the back. "Look, Shining. You know what you can and cannot do, but for the record, I agree with Pinkie. Cadance is fully capable of managing things here, and I can see how miserable this situation is making you." Shining brushed his friend's hoof away from his shoulder. "And leave Cadance alone? She's my wife, Flash!" Flash Sentry did not flinch. "It's your decision. The one thing I can tell is that constant drills with the guards and random security sweeps aren't doing anypony any favors, especially not you. You want to do something concrete? Here's your chance." The prince slammed his hoof on the ground again. "You all do what you want! If you want to run away to Equestria, do that, I won't keep you. Just remember there's no room in the crystal guard for deserters." He turned around and trotted toward the exit. Before leaving, he turned back one last time. "And stop hiding in secret. It makes you look like conspirators. Just leave me out of it!" "Shining, please wait..." the prince heard Pinkie plead as he stormed out of the warehouse. Shining Armor galloped by himself for the better part of an hour. He had to think and forget about his frustration before he returned to the castle, less he risked taking it out on Cadance. Physical exercise often helped him in those moments. He knew his wife was just as troubled as he was, and he did not want to upset her. Luna's night was well under way when the prince returned to the quarters he shared with Cadance. He fully expected to find her asleep, but she was sitting on their favorite couch, reading a book. The frown she gave him reminded the stallion he was still filthy from hiding in the dirt and grime. "Shining, what happened to you?" she asked, standing up and levitating a towel toward him. "Long story," he answered, accepting the towel. "I followed Flash. Turns out he really was hiding something, although he doesn't mean any harm." Cadance raised an eyebrow, prompting Shining to continue. "Him, Pinkie, and a group of maybe thirty ponies are meeting in secret to plan ways of convincing the assembly to let us to return to Equestria with them." The princess sighed. "It was to be expected. We both knew Pinkie Pie wouldn't give up, nor should we keep her from doing what she feels is right." "Yeah..." Shining replied, averting his eyes. The couple shared a long moment of silence. They exchanged looks, both obviously considering the situation. Shining Armor was a married stallion, not some colt going on adventures. Capable ponies were looking for Twilight. They did not need his help. His place was here, with his wife. They had the Empire to protect. "You want to go, don't you?" Cadance asked, interrupting his train of thought. "Wha... I... No! What gave you that idea?" Shining asked, his eyes bulged. The princess smiled warmly as she affectionately touched his face. "I know you, love. You're a stallion of action. Holding court and smiling at dignitaries isn't for you, not while Equestria needs help." "So if I were to ask, you would let me go?" he asked incredulously. Cadance nodded. "I won't keep you from doing what you have to." "What about your safety?" he asked as his heartbeat raced. "I'm surrounded by capable guards that you trained yourself. They will keep me safe. I can keep Flash as my bodyguard if it makes you feel safer too." "And what about the assembly?" "I can handle them," Cadance replied with a knowing smile. "I just want to ask you one thing. What would you do if you were to go to Equestria?" Shining Armor took a deep breath, still not believing this was happening. He took a few steps away from his wife, considering his answer before turning back toward her. "I want to go to Canterlot and try to convince the nobility to give Luna a chance to explain herself. I want to do everything I can to unite everypony so we can find Twilight together. My name still carries weight in Canterlot. Ponies like Captain Silvermane will listen to me." Cadance took a deep breath of her own as Shining waited nervously. Would she go as far as to let him embark on this quest? She grabbed hold to his face. "Just promise me that you won't take unnecessary risks. Promise me you'll be safe and come back to me. Promise me you'll get Twilight back, and you won't let any harm come to Pinkie, Spike or any of the others." Shining sighed in relief. "Cadance, my love, I promise. I'll be careful and I'll do everything I can to find Twily." He pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her passionately. After a moment, Cadance broke the kiss. "I can't let you go without something to remember me by," she said breathlessly, pulling from his legs. She walked toward the bedroom, playfully brushing his face with her tail. Shining watched Cadance as she walked, hypnotized by the sway in her hips. She stopped in the bedroom doorway, looking back over her shoulder. "Are you coming?" she cooed. > VI Fluttershy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only train that would take Fluttershy to Dodge Junction arrived at its destination late in the evening, roughly an hour after Luna had raised the moon. Rain fell heavily on the calm little hamlet, creating small rivers of mud on the dirt roads. The wind slammed the train station's sign against its wooden facade, masking the sounds of reveling coming from a nearby tavern, the only indication of activity present. The Equestrian train network went no further. To the east were the Hayseed Swamps, a deadly place populated with creatures that could not be found anywhere else in the known world. To the west stretched the large Appleoosan desert. Both destinations were inadvisable, especially for a pony traveling alone. Fluttershy's destination was much more dangerous; she was traveling south, to the badlands. The endless desert of red sand and treacherous rocky slopes was the supposed location of Discord's Chaos Labyrinth. If the spirit of chaos wanted a place for himself away from everypony else, he could not have made a better choice. "What am I getting into?" the shy pegasus mumbled to herself. She had two short weeks to get ready for her trip to one of the most dangerous places in Equestria. Applejack had tried to talk her out of it, explaining that Discord would come to her in Ponyville eventually. Fluttershy would not budge; Discord was a true friend, regardless of how anypony else felt. If he did not respond to her letters it was because he was in trouble. She only hoped that he would at least have left some clues as to his whereabouts. The reality of what she was attempting finally began to sink in during the train ride. Adventures weren't her forte. What if she got herself lost in the badlands? What if she got attacked by desert bandits? No, I have to be strong! she thought. For Discord, for Twilight, for all of my other friends. The pegasus had to wait four days for a train leaving for Dodge Junction. This gave her plenty of time to pick a pony who'd take care of the animals in her stead. She settled on Roseluck, who already had multiple pets. After that, all she could do was reflect on what she was getting herself into. She wrote more letters to Discord. One per day at first, until her nervousness got the better of her on the last day and she sent him five. Each was left unanswered, save for Discord's plant coughing more of the same red dust. The pegasus had made the best of the time available to her before leaving, saying goodbye to her animal friends, and stocking up on supplies — mostly dried fruit, which wouldn't spoil during her journey. Applejack had tried her best to keep the pegasus company during that time, even helping Fluttershy pack. Fluttershy shook her head, returning her thoughts to the present. There was no use in second-guessing her decisions. She was here, in Dodge Junction, and she had to make it through. Discord would sense her presence somehow, and he wouldn't leave her alone in the desert. She had to keep faith. The pegasus trotted slowly in the rain as the other passengers either hid in the train station or galloped toward the saloon. She had always enjoyed the rain. While thunderstorms tended to startle her, rain falling on her coat felt strangely soothing. Perhaps it was because nopony would disturb her when it rained? Fluttershy never asked herself why. She was merely grateful for the small distraction. She allowed herself a few moments to stretch her legs before heading for the saloon. Starting her journey in the dark wasn't advisable. She could get a room for now and maybe find a guide in the morning. As she got closer to the building, the voices coming from inside increased in volume. The pegasus's heartbeat raced at the prospect of facing a room full of ponies she did not know. Maybe if she made herself small enough, she wouldn't be noticed. The two-story building seemed to get taller as she approached it. A sign identifying it as "The Rusty Horseshoe" creaked as the wind shook it, drowning even the sound of the rain. Light peeked out of the large wooden maw that served as the Horseshoe's entrance. Deep voices could be heard louder and louder. Fluttershy thought she heard her own name. Fluttershy took a deep breath and stepped inside. She saw gatherings of ponies sitting at wooden tables. The room was mostly filled with earth ponies, but she also found the occasional pegasus or unicorn as well as a donkey working behind the bar, pouring drinks to rowdy customers. She kept her head down as she navigated the crowd, taking a generous breath of musty air in an attempt to calm herself. Few ponies seemed to notice Fluttershy as she slowly made her way toward the barkeep. She had a mind to simply rent a room for the night, but the smell of warm vegetable stew tempted her. She had not eaten properly on the train and only now realized she had built up an appetite. The barkeep failed to notice the timid pegasus as she sat at the bar. She managed a quiet, "Oh, excuse me," but to no avail; the donkey kept moving back and forth, serving the more vocal customers. Fluttershy calmly sat on the last stool at the end of the bar. The barkeep would get to her in time, he was simply very busy. On her left sat a small orange-coated stallion quietly sipping on a mug of cider by himself. A few hoofsteps behind her was a piano, although nopony was playing it at the moment. Fluttershy secretly wished somepony would play; music always soothed her. What I wouldn't give to hear the Ponytones right now. She whistled the beginning of 'Find the Music in You' before the pony sitting next to her turned his gaze in her direction, prompting her to quiet down and hide behind her mane. She was staring down at the bar when a gruff voice startled her. "What can I get you, Missy?" Fluttershy jumped and let out a quiet "Eek" as the donkey barkeep stared at her with his pale green eyes. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," he added in a friendly tone as he wiped a stain on the counter. Fluttershy timidly answered. "Oh, I'll have a bowl of that stew, if it's not a bother. Maybe a room for the night. You're not full are you?" The donkey smiled, presenting a dirty set of crooked teeth. "You're in luck. We have one room left, so it's yours. Anything to drink with your stew?" "Oh, just water, thank you," Fluttershy answered, her breathing calming down as she got more comfortable with the donkey's friendly demeanor. "You got it," he answered. "That'll be two bits for the stew and ten for the room." The pegasus nodded and produced fifteen bits from her saddlebags, leaving a generous tip on the counter. The room was more expensive than she would have liked, but she didn't have it in her to argue and risk upsetting this amiable donkey. Fluttershy tried to get comfortable on the small wooden stool as she waited for her stew to arrive. As she shifted uncomfortably, the pegasus almost regretted choosing to take a meal in such a room, trapped in a cramped little spot next to ponies she did not know. Conversations could be heard all over the room, although it was hard to make out anything specific. Something about crops, some other comment about a late cloud shipment from Cloudsdale, a group of drunks loudly debating the performance of the local rodeo ponies. One conversation, however, grabbed Fluttershy's attention. "So, do you all really believe these stories, you know, about the princess being dead?" a stallion's hoarse voice said. It came from the table right behind Fluttershy. While the pegasus did not want to turn around for fear somepony might catch her eavesdropping, she imagined him as being a large stallion. A younger-sounding stallion with a softer voice answered. "Princess Celestia? Everypony knows she's gone. What of it?" Fluttershy almost gasped, hearing a pony speak of the princess's death in such a casual tone. "Well, I don't believe it!" the hoarse sounding pony answered. "Them alicorns, they're all immortal. That means they can't die." "It just means they don't grow old, Pumpkin," a mare with a grating voice answered. "Princesses can still die." Fluttershy took a peek at the table behind her, her interest in the conversation surpassing her fear of being noticed. A group of four ponies sat together, sipping drinks. "I highly doubt she'd just play dead. She's gone alright," a short pegasus stallion with a red mane said. Judging from his voice, he was the same softer-sounding pony Fluttershy had heard earlier. "So you think the other princesses are dead too?" a green stallion wearing a brown vest asked. He was sitting at the same table, but his voice was new to Fluttershy. "Not a chance," the large orange-coated earth pony sitting at the table declared. His hoarse voice was unmistakable and judging by what the mare with the grating voice had said, his name was Pumpkin. "Princess Luna won't let us down." The mare answered immediately. Her green mane and yellow coat might have been pretty if she hadn't put on so much makeup. "Luna's gone though, so's the new princess. Twilight Snorkle, is it?" "Sparkle," the pegasus corrected. Fluttershy was silently grateful for his intervention, as she almost corrected the mare herself without thinking. "Right, Twilight Sparkle," the mare continued, "not that it matters, she's gone too. I heard Blueblood is in charge in Canterlot now." Fluttershy struggled with the temptation to take her friend's defense when she jumped at the sound of a wooden bowl being placed unceremoniously on the bar in front of her. "Your stew, Missy. Need anything else?" She turned to the donkey smiling at her. "Oh, thank you," she timidly replied. She nodded at the barkeep. "Just give me a holler if you need anything else," the donkey added. "I'll show you to your room once you're ready." Fluttershy answered with a smile of her own, taking a moment to smell her meal before digging in. The stew was a mix of carrots, cabbage, celery, potatoes and radish in a thick pepper broth. She took a nibble and was immediately glad she opted to order the meal; the vegetables were cooked to perfection and the flavors all mixed wonderfully with the broth. The shy pegasus was busy devouring her stew when her attention was drawn back to the table behind her. "I don't care what anypony says, I'm loyal to Princess Luna," Fluttershy heard Pumpkin announce loudly. "That princess of yours is a traitor," the mare with the grating voice added. "They say she actually killed Celestia. We're better off with Prince Blueblood, I say." "Again with your pretty-faced prince, Lylac," the soft sounding pegasus retorted, raising his voice a notch. "All he's ever done was pose for magazines. He's no ruler!" "Blueblood is just a figurehead anyway," the stallion with the brown vest added. Fluttershy took another peek behind her, the conversation capturing her attention again. "He's got this royal council. They're the ones making all the real calls." The mare got up angrily, prompting Fluttershy and a few other ponies to turn around. "Blueblood is certainly no figurehead! He's the one true ruler of Equestria! He will make everything better, you'll all see." "No offense, Lylac," the soft-spoken pegasus added, "but there's a difference between you having a crush on somepony and them being an actual leader. Truth is, there's only one pony who can succeed Celestia — the one she's been grooming for the position." Pumpkin raised an eyebrow. "And that would be?" "Twilight Sparkle, of course," the pegasus replied. Fluttershy could not hold back a smile. "Please, she just barely made it into royalty," Lylac argued. "If you ask me, these alicorns have ruled for too long. Let the unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies govern themselves for once! Prince Blueblood has lived in Canterlot his entire life. The royal council knows him well." "Better Sparkle on the throne than that stuck-up Blueblood," Pumpkin said. "I still don't know why we're still arguing; Luna is the only princess who should rule Equestria." The green earth pony with the brown vest retorted between sips of cider. "You seem awfully certain Luna is innocent, Pumpkin. Everything seems to point at her killing Celestia." Pumpkin angrily stood up, startling Fluttershy in the process. She quickly turned back to her stew, quietly listening as she took another spoonful. "I can't believe you're falling for those rumors, Cherry Jam. Princess Luna would never murder her own sister; it was obviously a setup by the nobility so they could control the throne." "Calm down, Pumpkin," the pegasus asked in his soft voice. "Although I do agree with you. Luna couldn't have killed her sister." "Alright, Sandstorm, who do you think did it?" Lylac asked. "That's easy," the pegasus replied, "Who would have everything to gain by getting rid of all the Princesses? Discord, that's who. They've given him free rein to do whatever he wants. If you ask me it was just a matter of time before he tried something like this again." "You know, you make a good point," Pumpkin added. "Hay, I still remember him storming into town with Tirek. Who's to say he's not doing the exact same thing now?" Because he's changed, because he learned his lesson, Fluttershy wanted to say. These ponies were accusing her friends, and doing so in such a vexingly casual way. She nervously nibbled on a carrot, resisting the urge to jump in the conversation. "If Discord is to blame as you say, how come we haven't seen him yet?" Lylac chimed in. "I think you're just too afraid to admit Luna might be guilty. Discord would have already started turning Equestria upside down by now." Take that! Fluttershy thought. At least one pony would be willing to believe her friend innocent, even if that same pony didn't have any faith in Twilight. "That's how devious his plan is," Sandstorm continued. "If he reveals himself, Equestria unites against him, but if he stays hidden, ponies accuse each others, chaos comes to Equestria, and he doesn't even have to lift a hoof, or claw, or whatever it is he has." "That makes sense, when you think about it," Pumpkin agreed. "It's definitely a scary thought," Lylac added softly. Fluttershy almost didn't hear her. "You make a good point, Sandstorm," Cherry Jam, who had been quiet for a while, added. "And there's more to consider. You remember who it was that freed Discord? Who it was that later proclaimed him to be reformed and a friend? Who constantly vouches for him?" "Sparkle," Pumpkin completed. What? It was enough that everypony constantly doubted Discord's sincerity, but now this pony accused he and Twilight of being complicit of murder? None of her friends deserved such treatment. "That would make sense," Lylac said with a tip of her head. "Discord, those alicorns, they're no different, they keep playing with strange magic and it's us, the common ponies, who pay the price." That was too much for Fluttershy to take. Without thinking, she turned around. "How dare you! None of you even know Discord, and yet you blindly accuse him. Twilight gave him a chance, at least. She recognized how much effort he put into reforming himself. That's more than I can say about any of you!" The four ponies sitting at the table turned toward her. The normally shy pony stared down the group, allowing her anger to surface. Pumpkin slowly walked toward the yellow pegasus. Fluttershy gulped as the enormous earth pony towered over her. "So we got ourselves a Discord lover, do we?" "Probably one of those crazy cultists from the desert," Cherry Jam added. Fluttershy wanted to run and hide. Why did she have to get involved? Loudmouthed, careless Fluttershy! Why couldn't she have minded her own business? The soft-spoken pegasus with the red mane calmly turned toward Pumpkin. "Calm down, she's no cultist." He got up and eyed the yellow pegasus. "You're Fluttershy, aren't you?" "Y... yes," Fluttershy answered, all desire for confrontation completely sapped from her. "Well, what do you know," Lylac added. "This is the pony who took responsibility for Discord after he was freed. Lost control of your pet, Fluttershy?" Fluttershy gulped. This wasn't the time to be afraid. She didn't have Rainbow, Applejack, or Twilight to hide behind; she had to be strong and brave. "D... Discord isn't my pet. He's a true friend. I'm here to find him and convince him to help." Her legs were shaking and her vision blurred. "Like he helped during that whole Tirek debacle?" Pumpkin spat. "Th... that was just a one-time slip up. I know he's learned his lesson." Fluttershy desperately explained. "I don't want trouble, please, I'm sorry. I'll get out of your way." Pumpkin grinned at Fluttershy, staring her down. His breath stank of cheap liquor. "Oh, too late for that. You've found your trouble, Discord lover." Pumpkin's hoof came faster than Fluttershy could react. She went down hard with a whimper. Her eyes started to water as she tasted her own blood on her tongue. "Please..." she whispered between sobs. "You don't get to beg," he yelled. "That monster you unleashed, look at the misery he's bringing across Equestria! You're lucky to get away with just a beating!" Fluttershy curled up in a ball. More ponies talked, but she couldn't make out what they said. Naive, careless Fluttershy! Nopony believed in Discord except for her. She should have kept her big mouth shut. She braced for another hit. "Sit down, Pumpkin. You've had enough to drink," a new voice ordered. Fluttershy heard an argument but couldn't make out the words. After a few moments, she slowly raised her head. Her tears made it hard to make out anything more than vague shapes. "Hey, get up," the same voice said. It sounded familiar, definitely female. Fluttershy dried her tears so she could look at her benefactor. The first thing she saw was a bright red mane, worn up in a bun. She then recognized Cherry Jubilee's cheerful green eyes. "Wh...what? Miss Jubilee, is that you?" Fluttershy asked in confusion. "Fluttershy, is it? You're one of Applejack's friends, aren't you? You sure know how to stir up trouble," the cherry farmer replied. Fluttershy slowly got up. She blushed and hid behind her mane as she noticed everypony in the room staring at her. Pumpkin still glared at her and Cherry Jubilee menacingly, but had returned to his table. "We better get out of here," Jubilee said. Fluttershy quietly followed her benefactor, not wanting to get into anymore trouble. She dried off her remaining tears as she stayed close to Jubilee. Both ponies left the saloon and trotted toward the cherry farmer's home. "You certainly didn't choose the right ponies to tangle with," Jubilee explained. "Pumpkin isn't usually a bad pony, but he does enjoy conflict, especially when he drinks. You're not the first newcomer he's tried to start a fight with." "I'm sorry," was all Fluttershy could offer. "Thank you for helping me, Miss Jubilee." "Well, I wasn't about to leave a nice pony such as yourself in that situation," she answered with a comforting smile. "You can stay in my home for tonight. I don't think leaving you at the Rusty Horseshoe is a good idea. Before we head to bed though, would you mind telling me what you're doing here in Dodge, and what happened to Princess Twilight?" "Of course, Miss Jubilee," Fluttershy replied with a nod. The feeling of the rain on her coat helped soothe the pegasus's nerves after the ordeal she'd just gone through. She walked quietly next to Jubilee, glad to have found an ally. A bowl of cherries was placed on a small table covered by a tablecloth featuring a cherry pattern. Various pictures of cherries adorned the walls, and even the mug Fluttershy drank hot cocoa from featured a cherry on the side. The pegasus couldn't help but see Cherry Jubilee's house as a cherry-laden version of Applejack's. It certainly shared the same peaceful country quality. Unlike the family house at Sweet Apple Acres, Jubilee kept a large estate. The living room both ponies sat in contained a total of four large couches, a multitude of cushions, and a few coffee tables. Cherry Jubilee was obviously accustomed to receiving guests, as this house was far too large for a pony living alone. Perhaps she had a family and just didn't mention them while Fluttershy had briefly worked for her? "Well, it looks like you're feeling better," Jubilee observed. Fluttershy nodded and smiled at her benefactor. "Yes, thank you again for your help, Miss Jubilee." "I know Applejack is fond of you, and you seem like a nice pony," the cherry farmer answered before her brow furrowed and her tone turned more serious. "Now, I would like some answers, if you don't mind." Fluttershy gulped. Most ponies didn't react too well when hearing about her desire to help Discord, as her experience at the saloon made painfully apparent. Still, Miss Jubilee helped her earlier, and she had to trust her if she were to have any chance of succeeding in her quest. "Of course, what would you like to know?" "For starters, what happened in Canterlot? Is it true Princess Twilight is gone? What about Princess Luna? Ponies say she murdered her sister!" Jubilee's eyes grew larger as she asked her questions. Fluttershy hadn't considered how ponies living on the frontier might react to current events. Little information ever seemed to reach them. Fluttershy took a deep breath. There was a lot to tell, and she knew Jubilee would have a lot more questions. "I know Princess Luna, and she would never harm her sister. Ponies in Canterlot say she's guilty, but none of my friends believe them. She's the one who's been raising the sun and moon all this time." "And nopony knows where she is?" Jubilee asked. Fluttershy shook her head "No, although I'm hoping Discord can help me find her." The cherry farmer frowned at the mention of the spirit of chaos. "We'll get to him later. For now, I'd like to know what happened to Princess Twilight. I take it the two of you are still friends?" "Very much so," Fluttershy confirmed. "None of us know where she's gone either. The Canterlot ponies wanted her to raise the moon. She tried her best, but it wasn't enough. They had her drain magic from other unicorns and something went wrong. Somepony died, Miss Jubilee!" Fluttershy took another sip of cocoa. Remembering the gruesome event made her voice shake, but her benefactor deserved the entire story. "So the spell went wrong?" the farmer asked. "And Princess Twilight ran away after?" Again, Fluttershy shook her head. "No, at least none of us think so. It looks like she might have fled, but her quarters were destroyed, like she'd fought some other unicorn. I think she was captured. I shudder to think where she is right now." Jubilee's expression softened. "I don't know the princess all that well, but if what I know about Applejack is any indication of your group of friend's determination, I'm sure you'll find her in no time." "Thank you," Fluttershy offered, following a warm sip of cocoa. "That's part of why I'm here. We're all doing our part to find Twilight and Luna." "And this is where Discord comes in?" Jubilee asked as her frown returned. Fluttershy nodded slowly. "Yes, I know he'll do whatever he can to help us." The cherry farmer harrumphed. "Well, I hope you know what you're doing. Just a word of warning, you won't find much sympathy around Dodge Junction if you mention Discord." Fluttershy's ears drooped as she stared at her half-empty cup of cocoa. "It's the same everywhere. Nopony trusts him, nopony will give him a chance," she whispered mostly to herself. It was hard enough defending Discord against her closest friends, but at least they would support her even if they didn't agree. In this frontier town, she was alone and nopony believed in her. Cherry Jubilee sat closer to Fluttershy and gazed at her with warm, compassionate eyes. "Look dear, I can't even begin to understand what you're going through. I've heard the stories of how you supposedly reformed Discord, a lot of ponies have. It's just hard for us to believe he's really changed." "But he did change!" Fluttershy argued, making an effort to meet Jubilee's eyes. "I know nopony believes me, but I know him, he's learned his lesson, even after the Tirek incident." "An incident that almost brought Equestria to ruin," Jubilee added. Fluttershy gulped. It was time to be assertive. She couldn't convince Cherry Jubilee to trust Discord, but perhaps she could still get her help. Be confident, Fluttershy, be strong! "Well, Equestria is still fine," she said with in a tone that brook no uncertainty. "I know a lot of ponies don't trust Discord, and nopony has to. Still, he's my friend and I want to find him. Can you help me, Miss Jubilee?" Cherry Jubilee slowly smiled at the pegasus. "Well, as I said, you can stay for the night. I might also have a lead for you if you're that set on finding Discord." Fluttershy's ears perked back up, "Oh, you know where he is?" "Not exactly," Jubilee replied, shaking her head, "but I know somepony who might have a clue." "Oh, who is it?" Fluttershy asked as her wings flared up. "Well, I didn't want to tell you at first. You see, the mare I have in mind is completely insane, although she does claim to know where Discord hides." "Insane?" Fluttershy asked. "Can we trust her?" Cherry Jubilee laughed softly, which made Fluttershy jump. Did she ask a stupid question again? "You're the one willing to trust Discord. If you ask me, it's a fool's quest and you'd be better off returning home, but I can tell I won't talk you out of it. You ask if you can trust crazy Screwball? Probably not, but I'd still trust her over Discord." "Well, there's no harm in talking to her, I suppose," the pegasus tentatively suggested. The cherry farmer seemed thoughtful for a moment, as Fluttershy nervously finished her cocoa. She eventually straightened herself up and met eyes with the pegasus. "If I can make an observation, what kind of friend would have you go through all these hoops just to check up on him?" "I... I don't know," the pegasus replied weakly. "I'm afraid Discord might be in trouble, but whatever's going on, I'm sure he has good reasons." "I hope so, for all our sakes," Jubilee replied with a sigh. "And if Discord is in trouble, I shudder at the thought of what could hold him off." "Well, whatever happened, I hope I can help him out," Fluttershy said, unsure what else to offer. Cherry Jubilee stood and invited her guest to do the same. "Well, we might as well get some rest. I can take you to see Screwball tomorrow." The cherry farmer walked toward a set of stairs. "Come on, I'll show you to one of the guest rooms." Fluttershy gladly followed. Sleep would do her some good. They walked up the stairs and Jubilee brought her to a large guest room, entirely furnished in the now familiar cherry pattern. The large bed in the center of the room looked extremely comfortable, and the rain rolling down the large windows gave Fluttershy a sense of comfort. She dropped her saddlebags next to a wooden dresser and made her way to the bed. "Good night, Miss Jubilee," she offered before falling onto the mattress. "Sleep well, Fluttershy. I'll see you in the morning." The Sun was already high in the sky when Fluttershy awoke from her slumber. She had a small, uneventful breakfast with Cherry Jubilee before the cherry farmer offered to take her to see Screwball. She again tried to convince Fluttershy to abandon her quest, but the pegasus would not relent. As soon as breakfast was over, Fluttershy took a moment to hang her soaked articles of clothing with Jubilee, who insisted on helping. Both ponies then trotted to the edge of Dodge. Thankfully for Fluttershy, they didn't have to cross the center of town. Of the few ponies they saw on the way, the pegasus recognized a few faces from the saloon. It was obvious from the glares she received that some of them recognized her as well. Fluttershy hid under her mane, staying close to her benefactor. Screwball lived in an isolated wooden shed surrounded by a few trees and an unkempt, completely wild lawn. The only path leading to the house, if it could even be called a path, was a rough passage of crushed weeds and flowers. As Fluttershy got closer, she tried to make out the inside of the shed, but its single window was too dirty and only a hint of light could be seen shining from within. "Well, here we are," Jubilee said. "Screwball mostly keeps to herself, although she does come to town once in a while to buy food and other necessities. Sometimes, somepony will take pity on her and leave some supplies." "Why haven't any doctors come to help her?" Fluttershy asked, her accusatory tone betraying her concern. Jubilee frowned. "A few tried, but we're not a big community, and we just don't have the facilities to take care of a pony like her. I guess since she never caused any trouble or hurt anypony, we just let her be." "Well, I'll just have to be nice to her and ask for her help politely," Fluttershy responded with a hopeful smile as she trotted toward the front door. The pegasus hesitantly knocked a few times with her hoof. "Miss Screwball? Are you home?" The door cracked open only slightly, revealing a violet eye. "Visitors? Oh, I always love visitors, especially the tasty ones." The voice was a light, high-pitched, if raspy one. "T...tasty?" Fluttershy asked, unable to keep her voice from shaking. The door swung wide open, revealing a pink coat and a violet mane streaked with white. "Oh, there's the cherry pony too. Cherries are good in the stew! I'm not too fond of butterflies though, too crunchy." The pony in front of Fluttershy grinned excitedly. Her eyes seemed to have a hard time focusing, constantly darting in different directions. As for her cutie mark, it was a screw alongside a baseball. Fluttershy could not imagine any one talent that would involve those two specific objects. Cherry Jubilee walked forward. "Don't worry, Fluttershy. Screwball doesn't actually eat ponies. It's just something she keeps babbling about." Screwball stared blankly at both her visitors, her eyes finally settling down. As far as Fluttershy could tell, her expression neither confirmed nor denied her claim of cannibalism. "Well I hope you don't eat innocent butterflies either," Fluttershy mumbled nervously. Regardless of her current quest, she couldn't stomach the thought of such innocent creatures being hurt. "Too crunchy, I said! Your flank will remain un-bitten in my home," Screwball replied, smiling innocently. Fluttershy gulped. She probably would not get a straight answer out of the madpony, but surely it was a jest? Nopony would actually eat butterflies, insane or not. "Please don't hurt any innocent bugs." she whispered under her breath. Cherry Jubilee walked inside the house, inviting Fluttershy to follow her. Screwball happily bounced up and down. The room the pegasus found herself in was a hoarder's paradise. Tons of various objects were lying around including cooking pots, toys, a few paintings, more furniture than anypony could ever use, random articles of clothing, and hats. There were hats everywhere, of all colors and types. "Screwball, I brought Fluttershy here because she could use your help," Jubilee tentatively suggested. The pegasus was still too busy taking in her surroundings to react, so much so that she failed to notice Screwball licking the back of her head. She jumped with a small "Eek!" "Oh, you taste wonderfully chaotic!" the madpony announced giddily. "I know why you're here! You want to see the great one, don't you?" "The... great one?" Fluttershy asked. Could she mean Discord? "Yes, I can smell him on you," Screwball continued. Fluttershy expected she would have to get used to such vague answers. "You've seen chaos, tasty, tasty chaos!" If Fluttershy was going to ask for help, now was as good a time as any. "Yes, Discord is my friend, and I'm trying to find him. Do you know where he is?" Screwball danced excitedly. "Oh, yes yes yes, if you're looking for him then you're the one I was waiting for!" The pegasus gasped. "You were waiting for me?" "Well, it seems Discord does care about you," Jubilee replied with a chuckle, "he did leave somepony to help you after all." "Yes, yes, he did!" Screwball confirmed. "You're Fluttershy, aren't you?" The pegasus meekly nodded. "Yes, I'm Fluttershy." "I knew it, I knew it!" the madpony cheered excitingly. "We all owe you so much for bringing our master back! Beautiful, beautiful chaos!" Fluttershy tried her best to hide her frown. Why did Screwball refer to Discord as her master? And she seemed positively giddy at the thought of the spirit of chaos causing ruckus. Did Discord return to his old ways? Was he leading some sort of madpony cult, as she heard somepony in the saloon claim? Fluttershy had to find out, and that meant following this strange pony. "I don't know about all that," the pegasus carefully replied, "I'm only worried about my friend." "We should go to him then, yes, yes, go to him!" Screwball was already pushing Fluttershy out the door, picking up a propeller beanie on the way. She flipped the hat up onto her head. "Wait, wait," Fluttershy said as she kept the madpony from pushing her outside by holding onto the door frame tightly. "Where are we going? I thought Discord was in the badlands." "The red mountains, yes, he's there!" Screwball continued as she kept pushing Fluttershy. Luckily for the pegasus, Cherry Jubilee gently shoved the strange pony away. "Hold on there, the two of you will need supplies if you're planning on going to the desert." "Yes, you're right, Miss Jubilee," Fluttershy acquiesced, thankful for the cherry farmer's intervention. "Oh, right," Screwball admitted, "I forgot Butterflies here isn't tasty enough to snack on." Fluttershy hid behind her mane. Screwball seemed oblivious to the discomfort she caused as she happily bounced around. Jubilee ignored the antics as she turned her head toward the pegasus. "How about I show you the market, Fluttershy? You can rejoin Screwball here in a few hours?" The pegasus nodded. "That sounds lovely. I'll need to grab my saddlebags at your farm, too." "Yes, I'll be here, ready to return to the master!" Screwball confirmed. As both ponies left the small shed, Fluttershy's mind was riddled with doubts. Why would Discord leave such a pony as her guide? Was it another one of his jests? For all his attempts at being a good friend, the spirit of chaos still had a tendency to play dangerous pranks on ponies. Also, why would he leave a guide for Fluttershy to follow, but not answer her letters? Surely even he would realize the situation was dire. Fluttershy kept near Jubilee. She took a deep breath as they headed for the market. Questions would have to be answered later. Dodge Junction's market was a busy one, similar to Ponyville's. Fluttershy spotted the usual fruit and vegetable vendors, as well as a few flower carts. She even noticed an earth pony stallion with a tall cowpony hat selling ponchos, ropes, tents, and other pieces of survival gear. She would probably need to stop there, although she wouldn't know what to do with half of these things. Cherry Jubilee escorted the pegasus to the center of town, the two of them exchanging stories about each of their small towns. Fluttershy was especially interested in the ponies taking care of the local animals. Snakes, in particular, could be a hoof-full to handle and understand. "Well, this is the market," Jubilee said. "Will you be okay finding what you need? Not that I mind helping you out, but I do have an orchard to run." Fluttershy's ears drooped down. She had gotten used to the cherry farmer's company and welcomed the assistance of a more assertive pony. Silly Fluttershy, she thought. Here she was, about to cross the desert with a madpony, and she was still scared of talking to strangers at market. "It'll be fine, thank you, Miss Jubilee," the pegasus quietly replied. "Alright, I'll leave you to it then," Jubilee said with a smile. "I'll have your stuff ready back at the ranch, don't forget to stop by and pick it up before you leave." Fluttershy nodded. "I will see you then. I shouldn't be too long here." Cherry Jubilee waved as she trotted away. Fluttershy stared at her newfound friend a bit too long, waving back. She gulped and turned toward the market. Certainly nothing bad would happen. She simply had to avoid mentioning Discord or her mission. It wouldn't be that hard. She wouldn't be remembered from last night either, or what if she was? What if those same ponies find me and attack me? Fluttershy nervously scanned her surroundings. The pegasus shook her head. This was only the town's market. She bought vegetables in Ponyville plenty of times on her own, no reason to be nervous. She trotted toward the survival gear kiosk. It was as good as any other place to start. "Good morning, sir," she told its proprietor with a slightly forced smile. "Morning there, Missy," he enthusiastically replied. "How can I help you?" Fluttershy stared blankly at his wares, uncertain what she would actually need. "Umm, well, I have to go to the desert. What do you think I need?" The stallion scratched his head. "It depends how long and how far you're going. If you're just going for a stroll, one of my hooded ponchos and plenty of water should do the trick." "Oh, I'm going a bit further," Fluttershy explained, "I have to reach the badlands to help a friend." The earth pony stallion gasped. "A sweet looking filly like yourself going all the way down to the badlands? What the hay are you hoping to find there?" Loudmouthed Fluttershy, she thought to herself. She could still fix this, not mentioning Discord would make it all okay. "Umm, yes, a friend traveled there, and I'm awfully worried." It was a weak answer, but she hoped the vendor would respect her privacy and not pry further. "I can see you don't wanna talk about it," he replied, to Fluttershy's relief. "That's fine and all. I just hope you have somepony helping you out. The desert isn't a safe place." Could Screwball be of any help in the desert? Probably not. Fluttershy considered asking this pony to be her guide, but this would mean revealing everything about her quest. Nopony would help her if they knew the truth. "Yes, I have a guide," she said. "He told me to gather supplies here, and that you'd know what I need." She gulped, hoping the merchant wouldn't see through her lie. "Well, first thing you'll need is plenty of water," the stallion explained. "I can sell you canteens. I'd also recommend a tent, a warm sleeping bag for the nights, and one of my ponchos for the day. Climbing the rocks in the badlands won't be an issue for a pegasus like yourself, but rope is still useful to have." "Well, I have a warm blanket and a hooded cloak," Fluttershy replied. "I'll take a tent, and some rope too. And three of those canteens." "You got it. That'll be seven bits." The pegasus counted her bits and placed them on the counter. Truth be told, Fluttershy was starting to fear she'd run out of money. Still, survival gear was more important than bits where she was going. The earth pony stallion took the bits and gave her the items she requested. "Nice doing business with you, Missy. Come back should you need anything else!" Fluttershy smiled as she left the kiosk. She really had been making a fuss over nothing. These ponies were merchants and happy to sell her their wares. None of them cared who she was. She was just letting the previous day's events get to her. As she trotted toward a cart of vegetables, a voice made Fluttershy's ears twitch. It couldn't be! She recognized it... She turned her head to the right and noticed Pumpkin, the large pony who attacked her the previous day. He was accompanied by the same blue pegasus he had been drinking with. Fluttershy could not let them see her! She looked to her left, to her right, behind her. Gotta hide! Where can I hide? She saw a barrel of turnips right next to a wooden crate. It would have to do. She quickly galloped toward it, diving behind. The market sounds became a blur as she breathed faster and faster, her heartbeat racing out of control. Quiet, I have to stay quiet. They couldn't be looking for her, could they? Fluttershy wanted to take a peek from behind her hiding spot, but dared not. What if they happened to look in her direction? They would find her and do horrible things to her. She closed her eyes and thought of her little animal friends back in Ponyville. The baby raccoons would be starting to walk by now. She hoped Angel Bunny didn't miss her too much, hopefully he wasn't being too hard on Roseluck. It was no use. All she could think about was Pumpkin's horrible stare as he had threatened her the previous night. She touched her cheek in the same place where he had hit her. She heard hoofsteps coming her way, and voices. What were they saying? Fluttershy couldn't make anything out. She forced herself to hold her breath. The slightest sound might reveal her position. "How about some of those turnips? Might work out for your soup, Sandstorm." Oh no! she thought. It's Pumpkin! He was right next to her hiding spot. Did he see her? What would he do to her? Fluttershy did not want to move a muscle, but her attempts to stay completely still failed as tears rolled down her cheeks. She looked at her hoof and found it shaking. Careless Fluttershy, stay still, stay quiet! Please, please... "Yeah, I'll grab a couple, let's get some carrots too." It sounded like the blue pegasus. Did it mean they hadn't seen her? Fluttershy waited for what seemed like an eternity. She stared at her still trembling hoof through her tearful eyes. She thought she heard hoofsteps going away from her hiding spot, but how could she be certain? It could be some other pony. Maybe Pumpkin was waiting for her to come out. She allowed herself to breathe. No sound could be heard outside of the usual market noises. She sighed in relief. Perhaps they were gone and she would be fine. She slapped her own hoof to get it to stop shaking. Fluttershy's heartbeat only just started to slow down when she heard the blue pegasus's voice again. "Hey, what's going on with that turnip barrel? Did it just move?" The terrified pegasus froze again. She thought she was safe, that they were going away. Now they would find her, hurt her. It was all for nothing! "Probably just kids playing, Sandstorm," Pumpkin's voice said. "Come on, let's go." This time, Fluttershy dared not move a muscle. Could they really be moving on? Would she be safe? Breathing became difficult and her tears come back. She kept her hooves firmly on the ground, knowing they would start shaking again at the slightest movement. She thought she heard a response from the blue pegasus but could not make it out. She closed her eyes. Discord, Twilight, anypony, please help me! She did not know how much time had passed. She kept her eyes closed and whimpered to herself. Why was she so afraid to come out? A brave pony like Rainbow Dash or Applejack wouldn't be afraid to stand up to these ponies. Useless Fluttershy, how can you help Discord when you can't even help yourself? "Hey, what are you doing there, hiding behind my turnips?" Fluttershy was too busy being scared to notice the earth pony mare approaching her. The pegasus turned her head to see a pair of angry green eyes staring at her. Fluttershy's own eyes opened wide in shock. "I... I... I'm so sorry!" Fluttershy whimpered as she ran away crying. She didn't look behind her, only ran in a random direction away from market. Scared, useless Fluttershy! I can't even go to market without making a scene. It took Fluttershy an hour at the edge of town to calm down before she trotted back toward Cherry Jubilee's ranch. She stopped at a local farm and bought a few carrots directly from the owner, not wanting to return to the market. As predicted, Jubilee had prepared her saddlebags and gathered her traveling gear. Fluttershy quickly checked to make sure everything was there. "Thank you so much, Miss Jubilee, for everything." "Always a pleasure to help," Jubilee replied. "You've been gone for a while. Everything went well at the market?" Fluttershy gulped. She had hoped Jubilee wouldn't ask about that. "Yes, I just took the scenic route," she lied. "Right," Jubilee replied, raising an eyebrow. Fluttershy knew how bad of a liar she was; the earth pony probably saw right through it all. "Either way, I've packed a few cherries in your saddlebag, in case you get hungry." Fluttershy nodded. "Thank you, I really hope I can repay you someday." "One last piece of advice, if I may," the cherry farmer added in a serious tone. "I know you want to help your friend, and I know you want to be brave. Just promise me you'll be careful. There's no shame in backing out if things get too tough. I'm sure Applejack and your other friends wouldn't want you to put yourself in harm's way." The pegasus's ears flattened as she looked down. "Trust me, Miss Jubilee, there's nothing I would like more than to abandon everything and return to my animal friends at home. I know I'm not cut out to be an adventurer. I'm not smart like Twilight, brave like Rainbow, or resourceful like Pinkie. I wouldn't even have had a place to sleep if it weren't for you. Still, I'm the only pony willing to believe in Discord, and I know that he needs my help. If I give it to him, I know he'll be able to help us find Twilight, find Luna, and set everything right." "And you're willing to follow a madpony into the badlands in the name of this friendship?" Jubilee asked. "There's no way I can talk you out of it?" "I won't stop. I know I can be strong, for Discord, for Twilight, for all of my friends," Fluttershy firmly shook her head. "I'll prove to everypony I can do this!" Cherry Jubilee smiled. "In that case, I will wish you good luck. Discord is lucky to have a good friend like you." She extended her hoof, but Fluttershy embraced her in a warm hug. Fluttershy extended her wings and flew up. While she more often than not opted to walk to her destinations, the occasional flight could get her spirits up. She would certainly need to 'get her head back in the game', as Rainbow would say. She rose toward the tops of the trees, admiring the scenery. The red peaks marking the entrance to the badlands loomed over the horizon. Beyond was a labyrinth of razor sharp rocks and lava pits with little to no signs of life; the perfect place for Discord to protect his privacy. She returned her attention to the dirt road she was flying over. Nopony seemed to be walking it, offering Fluttershy some precious moments of solitude. Alright, Fluttershy, what do you know so far? she asked herself. Discord was in the badlands, or at least the Labyrinth was. The spirit of chaos himself was either unable or unwilling to contact her directly, but he still sent Screwball to her as a guide. Discord had to have chosen Screwball for a good reason. Fluttershy knew he wouldn't trust her safety to just anypony. Still, she didn't like how Screwball referred to Discord as her master. Fluttershy was reminded of the ponies in the saloon mentioning a desert cult. Could they be worshiping Discord? Would her friend even allow it? The pegasus frowned at the thought; Discord would know better than to lead a cult and drag madponies even further into insanity. Screwball's shed came into view next to the road. Fluttershy landed gracefully, making sure her saddlebags were still there and properly adjusted before she trotted toward the door. The pegasus hesitated a moment before knocking. No turning back now. The door cracked open. Screwball's now familiar purple eye looked through the small opening. "It's me again," Fluttershy announced. "She's back, she's back!" the pink-coated earth pony cheered as she swung the door open. "We're going to see the master! Oh, how I missed your sweet, sweet chaos, master!" "Yes, I'm ready to go," the pegasus confirmed, still uncertain on how to handle Screwball. The earth pony put on her propeller beanie and strapped on a pair of saddlebags. She grinned at Fluttershy with childlike excitement. Was this all a game to her? In a way, she almost reminded the pegasus of Pinkie Pie. Hopefully her strange behavior would prove as benign as the party pony's. Both ponies got on their way, trotting at a brisk pace toward the South. Fluttershy tried not to look at the faraway mountains; it made the anticipation of her ambitious expedition feel all the more unnerving. Still, part of her was glad to leave Dodge Junction behind. There was no chance of Pumpkin and his cronies following her in the desert. The road toward the desert was a calm one. The landscape slowly gave way to a more arid scenery as less and less vegetation grew, the ground taking on a softer, sandier texture. Screwball, as expected, was already proving to be an odd traveling companion. She randomly stared at random objects or at distant points on the horizon, sometimes commenting on the taste of clouds, trees, rocks, or other parts of the scenery. It did not take long for the two ponies to enter the desert proper. It was a flat expanse of sand, marred only by the occasional cactus or rocky formation. Fluttershy alternated between walking and flying, allowing both her hooves and wings to rest. She felt bad for her earth pony companion, but Screwball did not seem to lack for energy, bouncing around and sometimes throwing sand in the air. The sun was hot, almost too hot to handle. Fluttershy was grateful for her hooded cloak and her canteens. Sticking to her water rations proved harder than expected as she found herself drinking far more often than she had planned. Screwball did not fare any better; the madpony went through an entire canteen in a matter of hours, eliciting a frown from Fluttershy. The pegasus mentally chided herself for failing to confront her companion on this matter. They spent an entire day walking toward the southern mountains. The sound of the wind slowly became a constant companion, the pegasus continuing to switch from walking to flying in an attempt to break the monotony of the journey. A cold breeze eventually brought to Fluttershy's attention that Luna was raising the moon. She landed next to Screwball and dropped her saddlebags. "Umm, we should make camp here, if you don't mind that is," she suggested. The earth pony sat down and shrugged, "Fine with me." Fluttershy started building the portable tent she had bought from the survival gear vendor. As she took out her blanket, she made another attempt at conversation. "So, how long before we get to Discord?" "Not far, not far at all!" Screwball replied. "Although maybe it's far, I really couldn't tell." The pegasus sighed heavily. "Umm, you do know where we're going, don't you?" "Of course, of course, to the badlands! We'll get to the master, do not be afraid!" Screwball grinned, obviously very sure of herself. Fluttershy wasn't so certain; she still hoped she wasn't making a costly mistake in trusting this pony. "How long have you known Discord?" the pegasus asked, changing the subject. "Oh, when he first broke through, the world finally made sense!" the madpony answered, beaming at Fluttershy. "He appeared in front of me, chuckled, and finally clouds tasted like dandelions, ponies could trot on music, and the color pink danced on three hooves!" Fluttershy gave her companion a blank look. "So even before he was reformed, you saw Discord as a friend?" "No, no, not a friend," Screwball corrected, "a master! He once ruled Equestria, you know, before the princesses brought all this confusing order." "But Discord isn't anypony's master anymore!" Fluttershy retorted, gasping in shock as she stood up. "He's a good friend, and he's not imposing chaos to anypony. He's changed!" The madpony shook her head. "He never changed, not for me or any of the others. He's still our master. He always will be." "Did Discord lie to me?" Fluttershy asked herself out loud. "Is he rebuilding his chaos empire without anypony knowing?" "Empire, yes, it's our little chaos empire, and we owe it all to you!" "And what about the rest of Equestria?" the pegasus inquired, raising her tone as she took a step toward the madpony. "What about the rest of us who do not want to live in chaos?" Screwball shrugged. "I don't know, why would anypony want to live without chaos? Isn't that why you're here, to join us?" Fluttershy shook her head. "Of course not! I worked hard to help Discord change his ways. He's a caring, loving friend now, not the lord of chaos he once was. I need his help to bring order back to Equestria, not draw it further into chaos!" The pegasus eyed her companion, realizing just how sane she suddenly appeared. Screwball's posture straightened up. Her eyes peered straight into Fluttershy's for the first time as her grin morphed into a frown. "Of course, you're just like all those other ponies. All you care about is your precious harmony. Never mind that the world could make sense to me and other ponies like me." "I never meant..." Fluttershy tried to respond but Screwball ignored her, looking down at her hooves, her ears flattened against her head. "I'm sorry, I'm sure Discord cares about you and won't let you down." It was a weak answer, but the best one the pegasus could come up with. After a few moments of silence, Fluttershy decided she should let Screwball have a few moments to herself. She dragged her hooves toward the tent, her legs wavering from exhaustion. "Well, I'm going to bed. You should join me soon," the pegasus said. The madpony had shifted her gaze from her own hooves to the red peaks marking the entrance to the badlands. As Screwball kept staring at the horizon, Fluttershy lay down under her cozy blanket. "Sleep well," the pegasus said as she closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep, exhausted from a long day spent walking under the sun. The daylight heat building up inside the tent woke Fluttershy from her slumber. The pegasus grunted, hiding her face under the blanket. Some sand had gotten underneath during the night and she coughed as a few grains got in her mouth. How Screwball even managed to eat the stuff was beyond her. Fluttershy raised her head in a sudden movement. Sweet Celestia, Screwball! The pegasus had fallen asleep while her guide was still angry at her. She looked to her right, then to her left. The madpony was not inside the tent. Don't panic, Fluttershy, Screwball is probably just outside, waiting for you. No amount of reassuring thoughts would do it. She got up and flew outside in a panic. The small camp was empty. Some of the canteens were gone and Screwball was nowhere to be found. Any hoofsteps she might have left had long disappeared, the wind having erased them. Fluttershy was looking through her bags to make sure nothing was stolen when the realization hit her: she was all alone. How could she hope to find Discord without a guide? Stupid, stupid Fluttershy, you're such a loudmouth! If she hadn't been so rude to Screwball, perhaps she wouldn't be in this situation. Fluttershy flew up and scanned the area, but to no avail. The earth pony was nowhere in sight, and all she had achieved was getting her wings needlessly tired. She landed and lay on the warm sand. Here she was, alone in the inhospitable desert. She looked toward the general direction of the town but could not make it out. She had traveled too far. The only landmark visible to her was the red peaks on the horizon. Could she even make it? What would happen when she arrived there? "Discord, please give me a sign, anything! I can't do it alone." Tears ran down her cheeks. So far, her quest had been nothing but disaster after disaster. She would probably die alone in the desert, all because she was too proud to admit going to the badlands was too dangerous. Perhaps she could have gone to Cloudsdale with Rainbow, or to the Crystal Empire with Pinkie. Rarity might have welcomed her company, or perhaps Applejack could have used her help in Ponyville. She took a sip of water before burying her head between her legs. The pegasus lost track of how long she stayed there, unmoving. She knew she had to pick up her tent and her blanket. She knew she should put her cloak back on to protect herself against the sun. All of it felt pointless. She did not move a muscle. The sound of the wind sweeping grains of sand was her only companion. A cackling sound shook her from her torpor. Fluttershy slowly raised her head and saw a set of brown paws. The creature in front of her had brown fur with a large black patch on its back. Tall, upright ears, and a long canine muzzle surrounded yellow eyes full of malice. It grinned, brandishing a large set of pointy teeth before it spoke. "We'll be eating pony meat tonight, gyahaha." More similar creatures joined the first one. As Fluttershy came back to her senses, she recognized them as jackals. How foolish she had been to forget she might have to deal with such desert denizens! "Please, don't do anything to me," she pleaded as the jackals surrounded her. They only responded by giggling to each other. One was already going through her discarded saddlebags, throwing items around. Some of the vegetables she bought, her cloak, all of her possessions were being tossed out of her bags. "Please, none of this is any good to you. It's my stuff, I need it to survive!" the pegasus continued. She quickly realized it was no use as her pleas were ignored. I wish Rainbow were here with me, she would know what to do. One of the jackals sneaked behind her and started poking her hind leg, no doubt thinking about how he was going to eat her. Fluttershy acted out of instinct and bucked the creature in the face, feeling a bit of pride as she heard its whimper. "Get her!" the lead jackal yelled. Her moment of victory was short-lived as all the jackals jumped at her at once. Fluttershy did the only thing she could; she flew up, managing her escape just in time. The creatures' claws left scratches on her skin, and she could feel blood oozing out of one of the deeper wounds. The jackals glared angrily at her, some even throwing the vegetables they had stolen from her bags at her. As the pegasus took a moment to gaze down at the scene, her will to fight disintegrated. It was one thing to act out of instinct, but quite another to attack such monsters all by herself. One of the cuts on her right flank was particularly painful. "Catch her! We can't let our meal get away!" the lead jackal kept shouting. He stared at her with vicious eyes. The other scavengers salivated greedily as they all stared at her. The pegasus flew away, carrying nothing except the one canteen that was already hanging from her neck. She flew as far and as fast as her wings would allow. She wasn't aware what direction she was going, just that she had to get away from the jackals. She kept her eyes closed, the wind savagely scratching them otherwise. She couldn't tell how long she flew. She just kept flapping her wings as hard as possible. The warm sun constantly assaulted her coat. Her fur was drenched with sweat and felt heavier and heavier, even the weight of her canteen was dragging her down. Fluttershy finally allowed herself to glide down, her legs giving up as she landed in the sand. As she tumbled down, the pegasus cringed. Sand entered the wound on her right flank and her eyes watered from the pain. She was about to clean the wound, but then remembered she only had the one canteen left, and it wasn't even full. Fluttershy looked around. There was sand as far as the eye could see. At least she seemed to have lost her pursuers. A rattlesnake curiously glanced at her and she slowly made her way toward it. "Hello there, little friend," she hesitantly said. "You wouldn't happen to know where I can find water, would you?" The snake stared at her with beady eyes that proved impossible to read, rattling its tail. The pegasus tried to make out what it was saying, but to no avail; she was in no condition to figure out how a snake communicated. She opened her canteen. "Water, little friend, please, do you know where I can find it?" The snake hissed and slithered away, ignoring her pleas. "No, wait!" Fluttershy called out weakly. How pathetic, she thought. She hadn't even been in Dodge for an hour and Jubilee had to rescue her. Now here she was, finally attempting to find Discord and her guide had run off, forcing her to beg a snake for help. The pegasus stared at the red peaks in the distance, still the only landmark she could make out. "Discord, please don't let me down," she said out loud as she started walking toward the badlands. She took a sip of water and got on her way with a sigh. She eventually managed to almost ignore the pain in her flank. She would get to a comfortable pace and eventually congratulate herself on ignoring it, but it would always come back, and become harder to tolerate. The process was repeated over and over, until her wings would get enough rest for her to take to the sky. When she was in the air, the sound of her wings was her only companion. The sun's heat was becoming more and more unbearable, making her drink more water than she should. Eventually, flying became too hard and she would land, at which point sand would get in her wound again. The sun's ravaging heat never stopped punishing her. Her attempts at rationing her water all failed until she went for a sip, only to find the bottle empty. This is it, she thought, I'm going to die here. Fluttershy tried her hardest to keep going. Every step became heavier and heavier. Her hooves dragged in the sand, every movement demanding immeasurable effort. She kept on going, counting the steps, "one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four". At one point, she tried raising a hoof and it refused to move. Her vision had become a blur, an endless waste of sand merging with the bright blue of the sky. Her mouth was dry. She didn't even have anymore saliva to swallow. Fluttershy fell down to the sand, her body unable to support its own weight anymore. "Twilight, Discord, everypony, I'm so sorry..." She closed her eyes and felt the warmth of the sun on her face. She dreamt of home. > VII Rainbow Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life in the newly formed Cloudsdale military proved more routine than Rainbow Dash initially expected. Her days always started with a training session — she would participate in warm-ups, fly laps with her troops, and lead them in weapon drills. She would often meet with her captains just before lunch and discuss the state of training, assignments for new recruits, and whatever concerns soldiers in her wing might have. Afternoons tended to be a bit more varied. Spitfire usually preferred holding war council meetings right after lunch. When no such meeting was scheduled, there were always special drills she wanted to run her soldiers through. Sometimes, she even took some time to study old tomes detailing ancient battles. The exercise felt boring and often pointless, but Spitfire had insisted on its importance. At least Twilight would have approved, Rainbow often told herself. There was no time for study on this day, however, as an important meeting had been called by Princess Luna. The morning's exercises had taken their toll on Dash's wings and she decided to trot to the mayor's house, where the meeting was set to take place. Ever since the cloudwalking spell had become more widespread, efforts had been made to connect all the clouds in Cloudsdale with bridges, allowing ponies without wings to visit every part of the city freely. Rainbow occasionally chose to use those routes. It gave her a new perspective on the city. Dash was crossing on one of the city's main commercial avenues when she heard a voice mentioning her name. "Oh my gosh, is that Rainbow Dash?" the commander turned her head around as she heard the enthusiastic female voice. A white pegasus mare stood with a huge smile on her face. Her pale green eyes were opened wide. "It is Rainbow Dash! Oh my gosh! I'm so honored to meet you!" Rainbow beamed at the praise. Whatever was going on, she would always enjoy the adoring cheers of her fans. "Yup, it's me! Greatest flyer in Equestria and Wing Commander in the Cloudsdale army," she said as she brushed her mane with an exaggerated gesture. "Oh wow," the mare said, blushing. "I'm sorry to bother you. I'm just such a huge fan. Ever since I saw you perform that sonic rainboom, I've been to every one of your shows. It's just... such an honor to see you in person!" A more modest pony might have brushed off the mare's excitement, downplayed her own achievements, or even pretended to be somepony else. Rainbow was not a modest pony and she would fully enjoy this fan's adoration. After all, being awesome had its perks. "Hey, I can't blame you, I am pretty darn impressive." The fan kept smiling. "There's just so much I'd want to ask you, but I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time. An important officer like you must be busy." "Hey, I'll always take some time for my fans," Dash enthusiastically replied. Truth be told, she could use the distraction only a good session of ego stroking could bring. "By the way, what's your name?" "I'm Minty," she answered, "just an average animal caregiver. I guide birds around and help them build their nests." She pointed to the three doves on her flank. "Hey, nothing wrong with taking care of animals," Rainbow said, "one of my best friends does that. She's really good at it, too." "Oh, is she in your... unit you call them?" Minty asked. "We call them wings," Rainbow explained. "Units are small groups of eight ponies. As a commander I lead an entire wing, that's 512 ponies. As for my friend who takes care of animals, her name is Fluttershy and I don't think she'd enjoy the military life. She would never hurt a fly, and doesn't enjoy flying all that much." Minty's eyes grew wide. "Hurt a fly? You're not planning on hurting anypony, are you?" "I hope not," Rainbow replied, averting her eyes for a moment. "Hopefully we won't have to. Everypony has to be prepared to kick some tail though. I wish I could explain it all, but you know, safety of the nation and all." "Well, I trust you," the mare replied, although Rainbow could hear the hesitation in her voice. "War truly sounds like a dreadful thing. I wouldn't want Equestria to lose its best flyers in such a terrible way." "Hey, I'm way too awesome to fall in a fight," Dash said. "Beside, with the number of pegasi we have, we can create unstoppable hurricanes. Nopony would stand a chance." Rainbow suddenly noticed the horrified expression on Minty's face. "Not that we'll have to unleash the storm. This is all just a precaution, you know." "It's fine. You said you had five hundred ponies, right?" Minty asked as she brushed some of her hair away from her face. "That's a lot of ponies to create a storm." "Oh no, that's just one wing," Dash continued. "I lead one, so do Fleetfoot and Soarin. If ponies keep volunteering we might have a fourth wing soon, too." Minty's eyes opened even wider, as her ears twitched in excitement. "Oh wow, I'm sure nopony will try to hurt Equestria with that kind of force on our side." Rainbow grinned. "We'll be fine, trust me," she said. "I really should get going though, important commander business and all. You want an autograph first?" Minty had a notebook and a pen out before Dash even finished her sentence. The commander happily signed the small book before handing it back while nonchalantly throwing her mane back. "Oh, thank you so much Rainbow Dash!" Minty said before flying away. Rainbow smiled and gave her a confident little salute. Now that's a pony who knows awesomeness when she sees it. Dash continued on her way, absentmindedly whistling one of Pinkie Pie's tunes. She had a good feeling about the day. She had respect, authority, and Princess Luna's confidence. Sure, she still needed to find Twilight and kick Blueblood's flank, but she had no doubt they would soon go to Canterlot and place the Princess of the Night on the throne. They would then devote all the kingdom's energy to finding Dash's missing friend. Was it so bad to be the hero for once? No tiptoeing around pretentious nobles, no incomprehensible egghead stuff. The day would be saved by good old fashioned flank kicking. Rainbow loved her friends dearly and completely trusted them, but she sometimes wondered if they would give her the same level of trust. How often did they hold her back or dismiss her solutions to problems as too "brutish?" The pegasus had to admit to a certain level of satisfaction regarding her current situation. Rainbow spotted the mayor's house in the distance. As usual, it was well protected; nopony would get in or out without Fleetfoot's elite feather knowing about it. The senior Wonderbolt had built this team specifically for Luna's protection, choosing ponies known for their vigilance and quickness to react. A few were former royal guards who chose to follow their princess in exile. Others grew up on the frontier, where defending one's home was often necessary. Each was hoof-picked by Fleetfoot herself, and had to be interviewed by the head of Luna's royal guard, Lieutenant Moonshadow. Cloudsdale's youngest commander nodded at the guards as she crossed the bridge leading to the mayor's house. A unicorn stallion stood at the building's entrance and nodded at Rainbow, who sighed. "Alright, get it over with," she said as her body was enveloped in a magical hue. While she understood that changelings could pose a threat, there was no indication that they were in any way involved in the current conflict. Rainbow walked inside and made her way downstairs as soon as the unicorn was done, grumbling to herself at the annoyance of having her identity questioned. Her eyes took a moment to adjust to the lack of light in the basement. Why the princess insisted on keeping her quarters so dark was beyond Dash, but it wasn't her place to complain; this was Princess Luna, and their duty was to obey her. Luna herself wasn't present, but muffled voices came from the office she kept in the back, indicating she was probably debating some issue or other with Mayor Breezefall and General Spitfire. The three of them often met before war council meetings. Only Lieutenant Moonshadow was in the room. The head of Luna's personal guard was one of the rare bat ponies; he looked like any other pegasus except for his bat wings and feline eyes. "Sup," Rainbow said as she arrived next to him, leaning against a wall. "Commander," he replied with a nod, maintaining a rigid composure. A moment of silence passed as Dash couldn't think of anything to say. Like most guards, Moonshadow betrayed little emotion and didn't seem too keen on small talk. Rainbow studied his bat wings. They seemed larger than her own, certainly thinner. She wondered what it would feel like to fly with such a set. Was he even born with them, or were they the result of magic? Maybe it was a version of the spell Twilight had once used to give Rarity wings. Rainbow was bored and her curiosity got the better of her. "So, what's with the bat wings?" she asked. The lieutenant raised an eyebrow. "What's with yours?" "You know what I mean," Dash continued. "Is it some spell? Are you part dragon? Were you accidentally hit by a spell attempting to keep vampire fruit bats from destroying an orchard, turning you into a bat pony?" "I was born this way, the same way you were born a pegasus," he answered with a sigh as Rainbow excitingly grinned. "So is there a huge city of bat ponies somewhere? Is it on the moon?" she continued, walking in front of him. "Just a few of us, living around Equestria." "And all of you are guards?" Dash kept going. "Is every pegasus a Wonderbolt?" Moonshadow replied as a light chuckle escaped his lips. "Uh, I guess not," Rainbow admitted. "I don't think you'll get a lot out of our royal guard friend," a female voice said coming from the entrance. Rainbow turned around and saw Fleetfoot, accompanied by Soarin. "Hey there," Dash said awkwardly offering her hoof. She still had difficulty considering the senior Wonderbolts her equals, especially considering she used to sleep with a Fleetfoot plush only a few years ago. "Rainbow, good to see you again," Soarin said, giving her a hoof bump. "How's training going with your wing?" Fleetfoot asked. "Most ponies are giving it their all," Rainbow said, "but it's starting to get hard motivating the troops when they don't know what they're fighting for." "We can't just tell everypony about Luna," Soarin replied. "Not before we're ready." "I gotta agree with Rainbow," Fleetfoot said as she sat on one of the chairs surrounding the central table. "None of those hay brains in Canterlot could do anything to stop us with the amount of ponies we have. Also, the moment they see the princess, everypony should flock to our side." "I wouldn't be so sure, Fleetfoot," Soarin continued, sitting next to her. "You know how manipulative the Canterlot nobles can be. I bet half the ponies there actually believe Blueblood's story." "I'm not worried," Rainbow said, taking the third seat, next to Soarin, "My friend Rarity's over in Canterlot. She'll help take care of those nasty rumors." Fleetfoot frowned. "You certainly put a lot of trust in this friend of yours. I hope it's justified." Rainbow rolled her eyes. This wasn't the first time Fleetfoot expressed doubt regarding Rarity. "Rare will come through. She always does." "What we'd need from her is intel," the senior Wonderbolt continued. "But you have yet to arrange that." "Hey, find me some way of getting in touch with her and I will," Rainbow argued as she glared at Fleetfoot. "Alright, stop it, both of you," Soarin interjected, moving forward on his chair as to get between the two mares. "Spitfire already ordered us not to contact anypony on the outside. Talking to Rarity would be too risky either way." "Soarin's right." Everypony turned around as Spitfire walked out of the back room, accompanied by Breezefall and Luna. "Your Highness," Lieutenant Moonshadow said with a bow as the princess sat on her throne, silently and severely looking over the ponies in the room. Spitfire and the mayor both sat at the table opposite the three wing commanders. As for Moonshadow, he stood next to the princess, his face as impassive as it had been since Rainbow entered the room. Rainbow expected Luna to begin, but the princess remained silent as Spitfire started the meeting. "Alright, we might have a big decision to make today. I'll get you all up to speed later. For now, I need to get an idea of where the troops are at. I assume you're all up to date on the status of your wings?" She took a deep breath and pointed at the white-maned commander. "Fleetfoot, let's start with you." "Sure thing, General," Fleetfoot replied with a grin. "I have six feathers filled with eager ponies. They're training hard every day. A seventh is being formed. As per your orders, I've sent units in the surrounding villages to recruit." Spitfire nodded. "Good, so I take it you'll have a full wing soon?" "It would help if I could recruit further," Fleetfoot said. "Not that many decent flyers live in the villages around Cloudsdale. The few pegasi there are too weak to even fly up to the city. Let me send my units to Vanhoover or Las Pegasus. They might even be able to recruit enough to form a fourth wing." The general shook her head. "Too risky. Maybe once we revealed Princess Luna to all of Equestria we can do as you said. For now, better to play it safe." As Fleetfoot harrumphed, an idea came to Rainbow. "Hey, Fleetfoot, have any earth ponies or unicorns asked to join in those villages you mentioned?" The senior commander turned toward Dash. "A few, I think. I had my soldiers note down their names, but I'm not sure what to do with them." "Send them my way," Rainbow replied with a grin, "I still have three feathers I need to form. I want to dedicate one of them to non-pegasus ponies." Spitfire raised an eyebrow at the youngest commander. "Mind explaining your idea, Rainbow Dash?" Rainbow smiled as she stood. "It's simple. I was thinking about all the adventures I had, and I was always glad to have ponies like Applejack or Twilight backing me up when I got in trouble. I was thinking a support feather could be useful. Unicorns can create shields and support us with weather magic. Earth ponies are pretty tough, too. I'd wager a whole herd of them would be hard to stop." "I like the idea," Soarin chimed in. "The EUP used to be made of all three breeds, after all." Rainbow beamed at the praise, also noticing Luna nod in approval. "It would help our image, too," Spitfire added. "Alright, Dash. Take Fleetfoot's list and do your thing. Outside of that, I take it training goes well?" "Well enough, but ponies are starting to ask questions. They want to know what they'll be fighting for, and I can't blame them," Rainbow said as she settled back on her seat. "I get security and all, but we can't keep it up forever." "I gotta agree with Rainbow," Fleetfoot said as she turned toward Spitfire. "Knowing what the hay they're fighting for would help motivate ponies. Recruitment would get easier, too." "And it may push Canterlot into an aggressive move," Soarin argued, his ears twitching in annoyance. "We have to be sure that we're ready before we reveal our true intent to Equestria. Our goal is for the Canterlot ponies to relinquish the throne to Luna without a fight, not start a civil war." "Something we're completely ready for," Fleetfoot said dismissively, waving her hoof in Soarin's direction. "Canterlot has nothing but a hoof full of guards while we have an almost fully formed army. We could reduce the city to dust if we wanted to!" "Please don't let it come to that," Mayor Breezefall, who had so far remained quiet, added. "I'm sure nopony here wants to be remembered as a murderer. I agree with Commander Soarin. Let us be careful." All eyes turned toward the Princess who was still sitting quietly on her throne, listening in to the conversation. "I cannot hide in his hole forever. Action must happen soon," she said after a few moments' thought. "I wish to keep things bloodless, but will not allow these traitorous nobles to remain in power. In the long run, a few ponies getting hurt now will pale compared to generations suffering under the kind of dynasty Blueblood would build if left unchecked." "We will do as you command, Your Highness," Spitfire said as she bowed her head in the monarch's direction. "Before we move on, though, Soarin, do you have anything to report?" The stallion shook his head. "As you all already know, my wing is fully staffed. They're training hard, but while they're all decent flyers, few ponies here have actual combat experience. It shows." "We should just start doing tornado drills, like I suggested," Fleetfoot said, banging her hoof on the table. "I will not have ponies destroy the city by throwing tornadoes around," the mayor said. "If you want to attempt such exercises, do it away from Cloudsdale." "Which we can't do for now, since we don't want to alert Canterlot to our tactics," Soarin said before turning toward Dash. "Rainbow, you've seen actual combat. How do you feel about our combat readiness?" "Nopony will be ready for it until they actually live through it," the young commander explained. "I suppose most of our soldiers could use more training flying in sync and throwing spears. We should also include hailstorms in the training course. If I wanted to hurt somepony, I'd hurl a tornado at them with chunks of ice flying in it." "Nasty," Soarin replied with a wince. "I like it," a grinning Fleetfoot added. "It's exactly the kind of thing I'd expect Canterlot's weather mages to throw at us, too." Luna nodded at her officers. "You should expect unicorn mages to try and freeze whatever water is present in the clouds. They might also use fireballs or other heat-based spells. Unicorn magic is very efficient at managing temperatures, but controlling the wind is difficult for them." "As you say, Your Highness," Spitfire said. "Unless there's anything else, the mayor has something he'd like to say." When nopony objected, she nodded at the older stallion. Breezefall coughed lightly and adjusted his small glasses before addressing the officers. "I'm afraid I have a bit of bad news. It's really something we've been expecting, but I'm not sure how it should be handled. A diplomat from Canterlot showed up at town hall this morning, accompanied by royal guards. She asked to speak with me and immediately demanded a justification for the military buildup." "And what did you tell her?" Fleetfoot asked. The mayor nervously stroked his balding blond mane. "Nothing for now, I assure you. I said it was only a precaution, but she didn't buy it. I managed to stall her, but I don't think we'll be rid of her any time soon." "What do we know about this diplomat?" Soarin asked calmly. "Her name is Silver Tongue," the mayor said. "She's supposed to be one of Canterlot's top negotiators — extremely sharp and observant." "She was hoof-picked by my sister," Luna explained, prompting everypony to again turn toward her throne. "Celestia always said that nopony was more dedicated to peace than Silver Tongue. She's also very thorough in her work. I know she will not hesitate to use deception to find out what she wants." "Can we convince her to join our side?" Rainbow asked, prompting everypony to stare at her as if she had just suggested they surrender. "Wait, hear me out. She was hoof-picked by Celestia and is dedicated to peace. Surely she can see that she's backing the wrong team. Let's just tell her the real princess is here. I'm sure we can gain her as an ally." Spitfire was the first to answer, "That's risky Dash, even for you." "I like it," Fleetfoot replied. "You would," Soarin said as he rolled his eyes. "Of course I would," Fleetfoot said, getting up as she slammed her hoof on the table again. "I'm tired of your cowardice, Soarin. We need to take risks if we want to win this war!" "And that's your problem," Soarin replied, standing up as well and meeting Fleetfoot's fuchsia eyes. "You're already calling it a war, and looking for any excuse to start it!" Rainbow wanted to chime in, but dared not. Soarin and Fleetfoot often argued over such issues and the younger pegasus had quickly learned her interventions would only add fuel to the fire. She could see Spitfire felt the same as she slammed her face with her hoof and mumbled something Rainbow couldn't hear. "Enough!" Luna yelled, prompting the two arguing ponies to quiet down. A glare from the princess made both of them instantly sit back on their chairs. "I've had enough of this arguing and hiding. I am a princess of Equestria and I should stand proudly in front of my ponies. We will do what Commander Rainbow Dash suggested. I want all of you to gather your troops at the stadium tonight, spread the word amongst the peasantry as well." "Your Highness, are you certain this is wise?" the mayor asked as he timidly raised his hoof. Luna dismissed the balding stallion with a hoof gesture. "Tonight, I will raise the moon in front of everypony and reveal myself. I will denounce the Canterlot traitors for what they are, and offer Silver Tongue a position here, in Cloudsdale." Nopony dared say a word. They were here to serve Princess Luna, and she had just made her decision. Even if Rainbow had any objections, she would have kept them to herself. She slowly turned her head toward Soarin to see how he was reacting. His drooped ears and downward gaze gave Dash all the information she needed. Spitfire broke the silence. "As you command, Your Highness," she said before turning toward her three commanders. "Rainbow, Soarin, Fleetfoot, you heard the princess. Go gather your respective wings. We only have a few hours before the sun is planned to go down." Wing Commander Rainbow Dash met her captains as soon as the meeting had been called to a close, passing on the order to gather the troops. Her excitement at the news that all would be revealed proved contagious; her officers all eagerly flew toward their respective feathers, gathering everypony under Rainbow's command. Two hours later, most soldiers had gathered in front of their barracks. A few were still in town, though their sergeants had dispatched volunteers to inform them of their orders. Rainbow had decided she wanted her troops to enter the stadium in style, flying in perfect formation so they could impress this Canterlot diplomat. When she saw the Cloudsdale military in action, she would have no choice but to bow to their awesomeness. Dash was in the middle of a last-minute inspection of Captain Whirlwind's troops when she heard coughing behind her. She turned around and came face to face with General Spitfire, wearing her full uniform, including the ornate helmet denoting her rank. "General Spitfire, ma'am," Rainbow said with a salute, her troops mirroring the gesture. Rainbow puffed up her chest in pride when she noticed a familiar figure behind the general. White coat, green mane, three doves for a cutie mark; there was no mistaking her. Spitfire was accompanied by the fanfilly who had asked Rainbow for an autograph earlier. "Seems you have a fan following you," Dash whispered as she winked at her superior. "What are you going on about, Dash?" the general asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm here to show the lady Silver Tongue around. She's the diplomat from Canterlot." Spitfire motioned for the white pegasus to step forward. The so-called 'fanfilly' wore a completely different demeanor than earlier. She stood straight, kept her eyes trained in front of her, and gave Rainbow a smug little smirk the commander did not appreciate one bit. Behind her were two white pegasi wearing Canterlot guard uniforms. "You!" Rainbow snapped, flying in front of the diplomat. "What the hay was that all about earlier?" Spitfire positioned herself between the two, pushing Rainbow away. "Whatever it is, stand down, Commander. This is no way to talk to a dignitary." The general glared severely at the Ponyville pegasus. "No, I'm the one who should apologize to the dear commander," Silver Tongue replied as she trotted around Spitfire. "I did lie to her after all, although I did so with the best of intentions." "You pretended to be a fan just to fish information out of me," Rainbow spat. "Well, surely you can't blame me. As an experienced commander, you must understand the importance of gathering intelligence." The diplomat winked at Rainbow, no doubt poking fun at her lack of experience. The blue pegasus bared her teeth, wanting nothing more than to clobber this featherbrain to the ground. "We'll talk about your lack of discipline later, Rainbow Dash," Spitfire whispered with a sigh. "For now, I'm just introducing my officers to our Canterlot friend." Dash took a deep breath. Gotta stay cool. She glanced at her troops. They all stood at attention, none of them outwardly reacting to their commander losing her nerve. "Yes, General," she forcefully said, struggling to meet her superior's eyes. The general glared sourly at Rainbow one last time before taking a breath and returning her attention to Silver Tongue. "Well, I see you've already met Wing Commander Rainbow Dash, so no introductions are necessary. What you haven't seen are her troops — some of the best trained pegasi in Cloudsdale. Under the protection of this growing military, everypony can be guaranteed safety." "Everypony in Cloudsdale, or all of Equestria?" the diplomat asked. Rainbow noticed Spitfire hesitating a moment before offering a reply. "What we're doing is for the benefit of all of Equestria. You'll see later tonight." "Ah yes, your grand announcement," Silver Tongue said as she brushed her green mane, "I certainly look forward to it, as do the ponies of this city, I'm sure." Rainbow decided it was time to redeem herself. "It will definitely prove to everypony that what we're doing here is necessary," she said, earning her a frown from Spitfire. "We shall see," the diplomat replied. "Lady Silver Tongue, perhaps we should continue our tour?" Spitfire suggested as she pointed toward a different cloud with one of her wings. The direction seemed random to Rainbow. Silver Tongue nodded. "Lead the way, General." Both ponies left the cloud, flying in the general vicinity of Soarin's wing. Dash sighed as they left, her ears flattened and her muzzle drooped toward the ground. "Darn it," she mumbled to herself. She took a deep breath before turning toward Captain Whirlwind. "Alright, let's finish this inspection. I want everypony's armor to shine before we head out." "Yes commander," he replied with a salute before lowering his voice. "If I may ask, what was that all about?" "Nothing you should concern yourself about," Dash said, forcing her hooves to stay still. "Just make sure your troops are ready. I'll go check on Captain Buzzfly's feather." It took all of Rainbow's self-control not to scream in frustration as she flew away to the next cloud to continue her inspection. While everypony in the newly formed Cloudsdale military usually trained around the stadium, Rainbow Dash had not seen them all standing at attention together before. It was an impressive sight, a few ponies over a thousand standing in ranks, each with their own unit, each unit within its feather, and every feather organized in the three wings making up the Cloudsdale army. Dash herself stood on the royal balcony. Additional clouds had been connected to it in order to turn it into a stage. She was accompanied by her fellow commanders, Soarin and Fleetfoot, as well as General Spitfire. "This is gonna be awesome," Rainbow whispered to Soarin, unable to contain her excitement. The older Wonderbolt smiled at her before returning to attention. One thing the elite flyers seemed to have experience with was keeping their cool in front of a crowd. Rainbow's joints ached and it was becoming hard not to flex her wings or otherwise move her muscles. From the other side of the stage, Mayor Breezefall and Silver Tongue were discussing something Rainbow couldn't hear. A half dozen Canterlot guards stood behind them. The pegasus tried not to look at the diplomat; her blood still boiled whenever she thought about how she had been manipulated. Rainbow looked up in the sky, attempting to distract herself from her bitter thoughts. The sun was nearing the end of its arc. It would soon need to be hidden away, making room for the moon and stars. For the first time since all this madness started, it would be done in a proper ceremony, ponies cheering for their one true princess. Rainbow's heartbeat accelerated at the thought. She couldn't wait to see the reaction on this mule of a diplomat's face as Luna revealed herself. The mayor stepped forward in front of the microphone that had been placed in front of the stage. He cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses before speaking up. "Fillies and gentlecolts, citizens of Cloudsdale and all of Equestria, as you all know, our city has been on high alert these past few weeks. You've seen the recruitment posters, and the officers in the streets. You've been told it was necessary, that Cloudsdale had to arm itself for the good of the nation. One question many of you have asked is a simple one: 'why'?" Breezefall paused for a breath. Rainbow found herself turning her head toward the crowd. While a few soldiers managed to maintain a disciplined composure, many were whispering to each other. She spied knees shaking and wings twitching in anticipation. Her own heartbeat raced, her excitement unable to be contained. The mayor continued his speech, pride evident in his deep voice. "The reason for this secrecy is simple: we were protecting the very future of Equestria. As you all know, our beloved ruler, Princess Celestia has passed away. The matter of succession should have been a simple one. However, ambitious politicians denied the throne to its true heir." A few ponies from the crowd gasped as they no doubt started to realize what the mayor was building up toward. The sky darkened as the sun gave way to the moon. "Fillies and gentlecolts, I give you Equestria's one true ruler, bringer of the sun and moon, mistress of the dream world, her Royal Highness Princess Luna!" As the mayor announced her, the midnight blue alicorn flew from behind the stadium high in the sky, following the moon. The stars lit up as she landed at the center of the stage, between the mayor and the officers. Rainbow couldn't keep herself from cheering, her fellow officers accompanying her. The crowd gasped in shock, but many of them chanted Luna's name, welcoming the princess with open hooves. As for Silver Tongue, her mouth gaped wide, and her eyes were the size of melons. She was staring at Luna like an idiot while her guards looked around in panic. A few even glared angrily at the Princess of the Night. Luna seemed to bask in the adoration of her subjects for a moment. Rainbow could see a satisfied smirk on her face, and hints of tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Once the cheers calmed down, Luna addressed the crowd. "Your Princess of the Night has arrived!" she announced proudly. As the excitement calmed down, Rainbow got to look at the crowd some more. Not everypony seemed as resolved as she hoped. A few were exchanging nervous glances, whispering to one another. The commander turned her attention back to the princess, who began her speech. "Citizens of Equestria," Luna began loudly, using the full power of her royal Canterlot voice. "A great injustice has been done. Prince Blueblood, Captain Silvermane, and a score of other conspirators falsely accused me of the most heinous of crimes. They falsified evidence and attempted to arrest me before I even had the chance to grieve my beloved sister. This will not stand, and thanks to all of you, the brave ponies of Cloudsdale, Equestria will be ruled by its rightful princess and not by the traitorous pretenders currently occupying Canterlot!" Rainbow cheered again, raising one of her legs in the air. She beamed with pride as the crowd screamed in delight. If anypony still had doubts, they weren't showing it. The one exception was the diplomat staring at Luna with a severe expression, having regained her composure. The Princess turned toward Silver Tongue. "You have been serving traitors, Lady Silver Tongue, but today you have a choice. Join us as we demand that the Canterlot nobility honor the laws of succession, and allow me to take the throne." The diplomat walked forward, bowing her head slightly. "Thank you for your offer, Your Highness. It's a pleasure to see you again," she said calmly, but loud enough for most ponies to hear. "One question, if I may ask: how do you intend on taking the throne?" "It is quite easy," Luna replied in a less powerful tone. "We have the greatest military Equestria has seen in years. We will demand Blueblood abandon his claim to the throne and proclaim me as the lawful princess of Equestria. He will then be given a fair trial for his crimes." Silver Tongue tapped her chin with her hoof and raised an eyebrow. "So you would take Canterlot by force? Might makes right? I wonder, is that the message you want to send to Equestria, to other nations?" Rainbow's blood boiled. She wanted nothing more than to clobber Silver Tongue again. She would question the princess over a principle, ignoring the dire situation Equestria was in? The commander put a hoof forward, wanting to intervene but Spitfire blocked her path and gave her a stern glare. Rainbow looked down. Clobbering would have to wait for another day. Luna ignored the officers and turned toward the crowd again. "This is the message we're sending to Equestria: do not think us weak! We will not tolerate corruption or lies, in Canterlot or anywhere else." "I agree, which is why I have a counter-offer to make," Silver Tongue said as she pointed toward her guards. "Come with us back to Canterlot. You can answer the accusations made against you in front of a lawful court. If you believe the evidence is false, then you will have the opportunity to prove it. Please, do not let violence and military action dictate who we are." Rainbow could not take anymore of this pony's manipulative arguments. "Come on, it's an obvious trap!" she yelled, earning her another glare from Spitfire as well as Luna's attention. "You are quite right, Rainbow Dash," the princess replied. "I will not return to Canterlot and submit myself to whatever travesty of justice Blueblood has in mind. You may tell them that nopony has to get hurt. They can yield the throne to me and honor Equestrian law, or face the wrath of Cloudsdale and every other city who wishes to join us." Silver Tongue calmly nodded before turning toward her escort. "Lieutenant, I believe our work here is done. We will return to Canterlot tonight." She then faced Luna one last time. "I beg you again to reconsider, Your Highness. War is not the answer." Luna remained silent, as did everypony else while the diplomat and her escort flew away. The crowd grew restless again, whispering to one another. That accursed Silver Tongue had managed to sow doubt into the ranks. This was not the time! The troops had to remain strong and loyal. Rainbow's wings twitched again in frustration. Dash and her fellow officers shared worried glances. Would it really come down to war? Surely Canterlot would surrender once the Cloudsdale army was in sight. Spitfire eventually took a step toward their ruler. "Princess?" she asked. Luna raised a hoof and turned toward the crowd. "Citizens! Our message has been sent. I know nopony wants to see war come to Equestria, but rest assured that even should it come to that, we shall make it swift and decisive. I am a veteran of a hundred battles, and I know I have the strongest military force in Equestria right here in front of me!" Some cheers resonated within the crowd as a few hooves raised in the air. Rainbow still saw too many ponies shaking their heads or whispering to one another. "I still see doubts on some of your faces," the princess continued, her confident voice unwavering. "Fear not, we will not charge without being prepared. Now that I have revealed myself, I have no doubt ponies from all over Equestria will line up to defend their true princess. As for the Canterlot nobility, we will show them that they do not stand a chance. Starting tomorrow morning, I'm ordering tornado drills to begin outside the city!" The cheers grew louder, and Rainbow noticed a smirk forming on Fleetfoot's face. Princess Luna took a moment to take a breath and sweep the crowd with her eyes. A subtle grin formed on her face as she continued. "This is our moment of glory! Future generations will remember this night as the moment Equestria refused to bow to tyranny. Will you let a few unicorns in Canterlot decide your fate?" "No!" the crowd yelled. "Will you allow their words to scare you into hiding in your clouds?" "No!" the crowd yelled again, even louder. "Then we will make them hear us!" Luna continued, flying up in the air as her voice projected to every corner of the stadium. "And we will take back Canterlot!" Rainbow's wings flapped excitingly as she began cheering, "Luna, Luna, Luna!" Spitfire quickly joined her, alongside Soarin and Fleetfoot. Soon, everypony in the stadium cheered for their one true princess. > VIII Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Just a hint of eyeshadow, a touch of blush." Rarity finished applying her makeup, admiring her reflection in the large mirror she had installed in her Canterlot Castle quarters. She frowned at a few misplaced locks of hair on her mane and levitated a brush, thankful that the failed moon rising ritual had only proscribed her from using her magic for a few days. A few strokes were enough to return her coiffure to a proper, fashionable state. The unicorn turned around and gave her tail the same treatment, making sure it curled to her liking. Rarity frowned slightly; something was missing. "Ah, right," she said as her ears perked up. She opened her jewelry box and picked a sapphire necklace that matched her mane beautifully. "Perfect!" She added a touch of perfume, and admired her appearance in the mirror. The more time she spent in Canterlot, the more Rarity thought of her appearance as her armor. Without her friends around to help, her charm and elegance were her only allies. She had Fancy Pants at first, but Blueblood and Silvermane had made sure he was sent away to Manehattan. Rarity sighed as she thought of her friend and ally. She turned her head toward the small desk she kept in a corner of her room. I suppose I have time to write him a letter. She sat down slowly, careful not to ruin her tail right after she had groomed it. She levitated a quill and delicately dipped it in ink. Dearest Fancy Pants, Things in Canterlot have remained calm ever since you left. I still suspect Blueblood is looking for an excuse to demand the throne, but for now, hope that Twilight will soon return is still strong. As you suggested, I continue to cultivate a good relationship with Floribunda. She certainly shares our desire for peace, although I have yet to hear her speak out against our current ruler. I hope things are going well for you in Manehattan. I hear fashion week is coming up soon, and while I would love nothing more than to enter my creations again this year, I am obviously tied up here in Canterlot. Please give Prim Hemline my apologies, should you speak with her. Regardless, I'm certain Fleur will enjoy the opportunity to attend the event. Captain Silvermane continues to worry me. You were right to warn me about her. I did not fail to notice the many private meetings she and Blueblood had. I have to admit, I question Shining Armor's judgment in selecting her as his replacement. As we both suspected, she's now working hard in recruiting new guards and is having them go through rigorous drills. A brute called Boulderhoof is in charge of training. From what little I've observed, he seems to enjoy yelling at ponies. I think I've even seen him hit one of the new guards. Silver Tongue should be back from her mission to Cloudsdale any day now. I pray that she brings good news and that whatever misunderstanding existed between our two cities can be solved, but I'm not naive. Whatever information our diplomat brings to us, I suspect Prince Blueblood will overreact. It will take all the council's efforts to keep him from doing something rash. Please keep me apprised of any developments in Manehattan. Your last letter seemed to indicate the only major concerns over there were trade related. I do hope you can return to Canterlot soon. I admit to feeling safer with you around. Your friend, Rarity The fashionista allowed the ink a few minutes to dry before delicately folding the letter and placing it in an envelope, making sure it was properly sealed. She carefully placed it with the other letters she meant to send, and made a mental note to stop by Fancy Pants' office. He employed messengers who could deliver letters safely, without risk of anypony spying on his correspondences. Rarity gazed outside her window, where a monument to Princess Celestia was being built. Nopony had truly realized how much Celestia did for Equestria until after she was gone. Had they all been too reliant on her guidance? Rarity remembered times when she would secretly blame the princess for what she and her friends had gone through. How could the princess have stayed back all those times when they faced Discord, Tirek, and countless other monsters? Now, the fashionista wished Celestia had taken a similar approach with the ruling class. In the end, she and her friends had grown from those experiences. Perhaps similar lessons about the importance of trust and friendship would have benefited the nobility as well. Rarity sighed and shook her head. Her dreams of joining the Canterlot high society had never involved becoming part of the political class, but here she was nonetheless. It had been three weeks since she joined the council. While she never expected things to take this long, she knew she had to be patient. Her friends were counting on her to keep things under control until they found Twilight. "Lady Rarity?" the soft voice of her assistant interrupted the fashionista's reverie. Rarity turned around and found Sapphire Blitz staring at her, awkwardly holding an envelope. "What can I do for you?" Rarity asked. "You received a letter, milady. It's from the Crystal Empire." Sapphire placed the still sealed envelope on a table and immediately brushed her blue mane in an effort to hide the stump that used to be her horn. Rarity tried to hide her frown. The pink-coated unicorn had been part of the attempt at raising the moon, where the magical feedback had violently de-horned her. Rarity decided to employ her as an assistant and advisor soon after. While she knew it could never replace her old position at the magic academy, it would at least allow the unfortunate mare to still be useful. "Thank you, Sapphire," Rarity replied. "I suppose I should take a quick look first before heading out to the academy." "Oh, you're going to see Professor Starflare?" the pink mare asked while gazing down at her hooves. Rarity nodded, slightly wincing at the mare's reaction. "Don't worry, I'm not expecting you to come with me. Why don't you head to the city and deliver a message to Canterlot elementary? Confirm that I still intend to stop by and talk to the foals this afternoon. Oh, and drop this at Fancy Pants' office on your way, will you?" She handed her assistant the sealed letter she had just written. "I'll be happy to, milady," Sapphire Blitz said with a nod and a smile. "If I may ask, what business do you have at the academy?" "Oh, it's regarding my investigation," Rarity replied, waving her hoof. "I just want to go over the professor's findings regarding Princess Celestia." "Oh right, the runes they found underneath her bed?" "Indeed, Sapphire," Rarity said as she levitated the letter her assistant had just delivered toward her desk. "I'm hoping the professor can tell me a bit about them before he presents his findings to the council." The fashionista forced a smile as she opened the envelope. As soon as she unfolded the letter, Rarity's nostrils where attacked by a strong smell of cake frosting. The pink paper and various drawings of balloons and streamers made it quite clear who this letter was from. She started reading. Hey there, Rarity, I hope things aren't too boring for you in Canterlot. I know you like this fancy stuff, so you must feel right at home. Both me and Spike miss you a whole lot and we hope we can see you soon. I'm in the Crystal Empire right now. I'm hoping I can convince Cadance and Shining Armor to come back to Equestria with me, so maybe we'll all meet in Canterlot. I figured they could help you with all that fancy political stuff. Anyway, I was writing to tell you some good news. Twilight is still alive! Cadance tried some spell to locate her. It didn't work, but she realized some sort of magic thingie was blocking her magic, keeping Twilight's location a secret. Apparently some magic devices can do that, and powerful unicorns can block magic too. Nopony would do that unless they wanted Twilight to stay hidden. I hope she's not hurt. I plan on doing everything I can to find her. I know all of our friends will do the same. I've written to Applejack, too. I didn't know how to reach Dashie or Fluttershy, but maybe you or Applejack will know how? We'll get through this, don't worry. If you get a moment, start thinking about the dress you want to wear at the "Twilight is back" party! Pinkie Pie Rarity let go of a breath she had not realized she had been holding. She dropped the letter on her desk as she stared at the ceiling. "Everything alright, milady?" Sapphire's voice roused Rarity from her own thoughts. "Yes, thank you Sapphire," the fashionista replied with a smile as she turned around. "This was a letter from my friend Pinkie Pie. Apparently Twilight is alive, although probably in trouble. Somepony is using magic to prevent scrying spells from finding her." "This is great news," the assistant replied, again adjusting her mane to hide her stump. "I'm glad I got you this letter before you met professor Starflare, I'm sure he'd want to know." Rarity smiled. "What about you? You still know about magic. Any idea what could block scrying magic?" Sapphire looked at Rarity for a moment and brought her hoof to her chin. "I know it's possible to do with magic. Princess Luna was especially good at it; she valued her privacy and usually kept her quarters well shielded. In fact, all attempts at locating her have failed as well. I suppose Princess Twilight herself could cast the spell, too. My theory would be that wherever one princess is, we'll find the other. Perhaps they do not want to be found?" "Mmm, seems a bit farfetched," Rarity replied as she raised an eyebrow. "According to the letter, common artifacts can be used to block magic. I would rather not make any assumptions before we have more proof. Beside, I know Twilight. She wouldn't isolate herself this way, and neither would Luna." "I certainly hope you're right," Sapphire said with a frown. "I will admit, I find it hard to share your faith in them." Rarity sighed. "I suppose counting Twilight Sparkle as one of my best friends gives me a unique perspective." "Lady Rarity, if I may give you my honest opinion?" Sapphire asked. "I always welcome it," the fashionista replied with a smile. Sapphire Blitz took a deep breath. "Alright, milady. Forgive me if it sounds rude, but I've known Twilight Sparkle longer than you have. A lot of ponies at the magic academy have. If there's one thing she always excelled at, it's isolating herself. You do know Princess Celestia initially forced her to go to Ponyville and make some friends? Twilight's answer to everything had always been the same: lock herself in the library tower and read for days, completely alone." "I know that, but she's changed," Rarity argued with a sigh. "I remember her when she arrived in Ponyville. I could tell she didn't want to be there. Pinkie Pie was the one who insisted we do everything to make her comfortable. We did just that, taking the time to know her. Over time, she lowered her barriers. You think it was magic that allowed her to ascend as an alicorn? No, it was friendship. Twilight left her desire for isolation behind when she settled in Ponyville." "That was before she did this to me!" Sapphire snapped as she brushed her mane aside, showing the stubby remains of her horn. "She killed somepony, Lady Rarity! I don't think that her running away is that farfetched, considering it was her answer to problems for most of her life." The injured unicorn's breathing accelerated as she whipped her tail and her stance widened defensively. She slowly looked down, her ears flattening. Finally, she readjusted her mane, hiding the stump yet again. "I... I'm sorry milady." Rarity hesitantly placed her hoof on her assistant's shoulder. "Listen, Sapphire. I understand that what you're going through is hard. I can even understand you blaming Twilight for it, and I know that you don't share my faith in her. I can promise you that she's not the kind of pony who just runs away from her problems, not anymore. I've seen her grow. I've accompanied her every step of the way. Once we get her back, she'll do everything she can to do right by you, I'm certain of it." "You're right, sorry again for my outburst," the pink-coated mare replied, trying to hide her tears. "Here, let me take this letter. You said you wanted it delivered to Fancy Pants' office?" "Yes, thank you," Rarity said with a smile. "And you can always be honest around me, Sapphire. I think we could both use a friend." "Kind of you to offer, milady," the injured unicorn replied with a smile of her own. She swiftly left the room, carefully closing the door behind her. As soon as Sapphire had left the room, the fashionista finished getting ready. Too much extravagance would make her look more like a sycophant, and less like a pony holding true power. Therefore, she opted for a short gray dress that complimented her coat splendidly, complete with a blue beret. Simpler fashion would have to be favored in her current position. The dandelion tea was a bit strong for Rarity's taste. She forced a smile as she took a sip, not wanting to accidentally insult her host. She leaned comfortably on a large couch, turning toward Professor Starflare. The older stallion kept an orderly and comfortable office, befitting a pony of his position. "I hope you're enjoying your tea," the balding unicorn said. "Yes, quite," Rarity lied, ignoring the bitter taste. Starflare sat on a second couch, opposite the fashionista's. "I must say, you look particularly resplendent today, Lady Rarity. Life in the capital seems to agree with you." "You flatter me, professor. If circumstances were different and the situation wasn't so dire, I have no doubt I'd feel right at home in Canterlot." Rarity forced herself to take another sip. "Yes, your worry is quite understandable," the professor admitted with a slight frown. "In fact, I imagine this isn't just a social visit. You're wondering about my findings regarding Princess Twilight's disappearance." "It has come to my attention that you've made some discovery regarding the runes," Rarity replied. "I was curious to know if it gave you any leads." "And wanted to be sure I told you before Captain Silvermane," Starflare completed with a knowing smirk. "I'm simply worried about my friend, professor, as you pointed out." The older unicorn took a long sip of tea and raised an eyebrow. "Well, I can't see any reason to keep my findings from you. You are a member of the council and one of Princess Twilight's closest advisors, after all." Rarity nodded with a smile. "I am glad to hear it, professor. Now, I understand a series of runes were drawn underneath the bed in the royal quarters?" "Indeed," Starflare replied with a tip of his head. "I've been analyzing them, as you know. They're actually a product of past collaboration between the academy and zebra rune crafters. Essentially, we're talking magic enhancement." "Wait, so you're saying the runes help unicorns use magic?" Rarity asked, raising an eyebrow. The professor placed his tea cup on the small coffee table and met eyes with Rarity. "To be more precise, they enhance teleportation." "Twilight teleported out?" Rarity asked, fidgeting on the couch. "Did the runes allow her to ignore the protective bubble she had conjured that night?" "She could have, but think about it for a moment," the professor said. "Why would the princess draw runes in order to bypass her own magical bubble? It doesn't add up." Rarity brought her hoof to her muzzle. "Oh, you're saying they were drawn in advance. This was planned." This would also fit with Pinkie's letter, suggesting a kidnapping. Interesting. "Exactly." Rarity resisted the urge to stand up. "Professor, who in Canterlot has the skill to create such runes? And more importantly, how many unicorns could use them to teleport through Twilight's shield?" Starflare stopped to think for a moment, stroking his white goatee. "Not that many, I admit. The feat would be easy for any alicorn, but only a handful of the most powerful academy unicorns would have the necessary skill to even attempt it. Your fellow council members would probably be more than happy to blame it on Princess Luna and call it a day." Rarity picked up her cup of tea with her magic. She forced herself to take a sip, failing to hide a grimace at the bitter taste. "I take it you believe Princess Luna to be innocent?" Rarity had to risk the question. Perhaps this stallion could offer her more support than she hoped. "Oh please," he replied, "Princess Luna may have her flaws, but a kidnapper she is not. More than likely she's in hiding, thinking of ways to reclaim the throne. She may be brash, but even she knows that acting against Princess Twilight, one of her strongest advocates here in Canterlot, would have only hurt her cause." The professor raised an eyebrow as he slowly shook his head. "No, I rather suspect that a third party is responsible for both the framing of Princess Luna and the disappearance of Princess Twilight." This made Rarity stand up. "You suspect somepony here in Canterlot?" "One thing I learned over the years is to stay away from the politics of the nobility," Starflare answered as he calmly took another sip of tea. "I'm more than willing to help you investigate magical matters, but I won't be making any accusations." "Duly noted, professor," Rarity said flatly. "Now what about the runes themselves? Could anypony have drawn them?" "Well, anypony knowledgeable in zebraic runes and their application in conjunction with unicorn magic," the stallion explained. "If I were you, I would start with the ponies who could have access to the royal quarters. Aren't they guarded at all times?" Yes, but guarded by whom? Rarity thought to herself. "Do you have any idea how long those runes have been there?" she asked instead. "Perhaps they could have been used to enter the quarters and poison Celestia during her sleep." Starflare shook his head. "No, I don't believe it to be the case. A pony like Princess Celestia would have felt a disturbance if such runes were placed in a familiar location such as her quarters. I would assume Princess Twilight would eventually feel it too. This was done shortly before your friend disappeared." The fashionista absentmindedly twirled a strand of her mane. "Perhaps somepony didn't like her show of support for Princess Luna." "As I said, it's not my place to make any accusations," Starflare reminded her with a frown. Rarity took another sip of tea. The bitter taste wasn't as bothersome this time — perhaps it was growing on her. "I have to admit, there is one more piece of evidence I haven't told you about, professor." "Oh?" Starflare asked, raising an eyebrow. "You remember my friend Pinkie Pie? She's currently in the Crystal Empire, and she assisted Princess Cadance in a ritual meant to find Princess Twilight." "Interesting," Starflare replied, his ears perking up. "What did she find?" "Princess Twilight is hidden behind some device that blocks magical detection. This would seem to indicate that she is still alive," Rarity continued, smiling lightly as she met the professor's gaze. "Why bother with such subterfuge otherwise?" Starflare gazed outside the window for a moment, his hopeful expression eventually turning into a frown. "It could also mean whoever is responsible wants to study her corpse. There is a lot we don't know about alicorns, and a lot of individuals out there would probably like nothing better than to dissect one." "Oh my stars! How can you even suggest such a thing?" Rarity gasped, almost dropping her tea cup. "I'm sorry, Lady Rarity, but I have to be fully honest and explore every possibility," Starflare replied with a sigh. "Hopefully, she isn't hurt, but let's be realistic. The kind of magic you describe is usually designed specifically to keep something hidden. It might take a long time for anypony to find the princess." "Well, I refuse to give up," Rarity flatly said. "Nor should you," Starflare completed. "In fact, I believe I will write to Princess Cadance. Perhaps with her help I can get closer to the truth." "Thank you," Rarity said, finally allowing herself a weak smile. "I just know Twilight Sparkle is still alive. She's accomplished so much in her life, it cannot end this way." "I will do everything I can to find her," Starflare answered. "In the meantime, you should keep doing what you do. Canterlot needs you, more than you realize." Rarity looked down at her cup of tea and nodded. "I understand, professor." "Should you need any more advice of a magical nature, my door is always open." Rarity took another sip as she pondered all that was said. She almost didn't notice the bitterness this time. "Thank you, professor Starflare. I believe you have been very helpful." "A pleasure to be of help," Starflare offered as he stood. Rarity mirrored his gesture. "Thank you for the tea," she said with a smile. The bitter taste had indeed grown on her. "Have a pleasant day." "A pleasant day to you as well, Lady Rarity." The purple-maned unicorn adjusted her beret before leaving the room, smiling and tipping her head at Professor Starflare one last time before closing the office door. Rarity took a glimpse at the space next to the door where Luna's portrait used to hang. It had since then been replaced by a portrait of Twilight. At least some ponies haven't given up on her just yet, the fashionista thought. She trotted towards the staircase, frowning at the teleportation circle as she passed it. The one downside to visiting the magic academy was how inconvenient it was for unicorns who hadn't mastered instantaneous transport. Rarity had been lucky enough to have a student agree to transport her up on her way in. No such luck now; she would have to descend on her own and drench her coat with disgusting sweat. As she began the monotonous trek downstairs, Rarity's thoughts wandered to her recent conversation. She had hoped Starflare would consider joining the council, but he made it clear he had no interest in politics. At least she could count him as an ally. He had chosen to trust her with his findings before he informed the rest of the council. The gesture was a clear message, one Rarity understood loud and clear. Rarity trotted faster down the stairs as she thought about Twilight. Alright, what do I know so far? she asked herself. They used runes, specifically zebraic runes. Could a zebra be guilty? Few would have a motive, and it would be easy for anypony to use such runes specifically to incriminate one of the many zebras living in Canterlot. The runes also directly affected teleportation. This meant a unicorn, or possibly an alicorn. As much as Rarity hated suspecting Luna, she could not ignore the possibility that the Princess of the Night could be guilty. Technically though, any number of magic users could be responsible. Rarity grunted in frustration and stopped in her tracks. This investigation was taking too long, and in the meantime, Twilight was probably alone, afraid, and subjected to who-knows-what. The fashionista took a few long breaths. Calm yourself, Rarity. Applejack, Rainbow, and the others will know what to do. You just have to tell them what you know. She sighed as she continued down the stairs. She had one more important stop before the council meeting. "Miss Rarity, is Prince Blueblood going to become an alicorn now that he rules Equestria?" a small filly asked, staring at the fashionista with wide opened eyes. Rarity smiled warmly at the class of young colts and fillies in front of her. "It takes more than ruling a nation to become an alicorn. Powerful acts of love or friendship will bring forth the transformation. Remember when I told you about Princess Twilight's ascension earlier? She would never have accomplished it if she hadn't cultivated strong friendships. Will Blueblood do the same? Only time will tell." Like that ruffian could ever have any understanding of true friendship. When she had heard that Canterlot elementary was looking to invite somepony from the political class to speak to the foals, Rarity had jumped at the occasion. It hadn't taken a lot to convince Floribunda to introduce her to the right ponies; the fashionista suspected that the older mare would welcome the opportunity to avoid making the appearance herself. "We have time for a few more questions for Councilor Rarity," Apple-a-Day, the green-coated teacher, announced. A flurry of hooves raised into the air. Rarity chuckled lightly in the midst of a chorus of, "Pick me! Pick me!" Apple-a-Day pointed towards a pink-coated filly with her hoof. "Go ahead, Blueberry Swirl." The unicorn filly stood. "Councilor Rarity, Is it true you beat Nightmare Moon? Can you do it again now that she's back?" "Well, I don't think Princess Luna changed back into Nightmare Moon," Rarity replied with an awkward smile. "Until we find out where she's gone, we can't know for sure. As for her original return, I did help turn her back into her true self. I had Twilight Sparkle and the rest of my friends with me, of course." The filly smiled, seemingly satisfied as her teacher pointed toward a pegasus colt. "We have time for one last question for councilor Rarity. Zipperbolt, you've had your hoof up for a while." The young gray colt adjusted his large glasses. "Miss Rarity, how come everypony thinks Princess Luna is a bad pony now?" A yellow unicorn colt spoke up before Rarity had a chance to answer. "Because she killed Celestia, you doofus." "Lemon Tart, don't interrupt!" Apple-a-Day warned with a stern glare. Rarity waited for a nod from the teacher before giving her answer. "I don't think she's a bad pony. She did run away from Canterlot, though. That leaves the royal council in charge of things. Without knowing where she is, we cannot ask her about what she did. Therefore, we can't really tell what happened. I do not, however, believe she could have harmed Princess Celestia." "Well, I know she's innocent!" Zipperbolt replied. "Oh?" Rarity asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. "I used to have bad dreams, but Luna chased them away!" "You just had a dream, Princess Luna wouldn't waste her time on you," Lemon Tart replied. "You're just jealous she never visited your dreams!" the gray colt retorted. Apple-a-Day stepped forward. "Alright, that's enough, both of you. You shouldn't misbehave in front of our guest," she said, staring severely at the two colts before turning toward Rarity. "Thanks again for coming, Councilor. I know the foals really enjoyed having you here to answer their questions." "It's been an absolute pleasure, Mrs. Apple-a-Day," the fashionista said with a warm smile. "And thank you for your warm welcome, everypony." The children clapped their hooves as Rarity smiled warmly, moving her mane away from her face. "Say goodbye to Miss Rarity," the teacher said as the fashionista left the classroom. A chorus of, "Goodbye Miss Rarity!" marked her departure as she walked toward the exit. As soon as Rarity was outside the room, she saw Floribunda waiting for her. The older mare was sitting on a bench, reading the day's paper. She turned to face the newest councilor. "I take it the foals behaved?" the older mare asked. "Oh, most definitely," Rarity replied as she set the pace toward the exit. "The little dears were a welcome distraction from council business. What about you? You met with the school principal, I believe?" Floribunda nodded as she followed the fashionista outside. "Yes, making a follow-up on his gymnasium project. He petitioned the throne for funding before you joined the council, and I facilitated the arrangement." "Ah yes, I think I overheard talk of the project," Rarity said. "I couldn't help but hear those last few questions you answered," Floribunda continued, changing the subject. "You're playing a dangerous game, defending Princess Luna like that." "I thought I gave neutral answers," Rarity replied, forcing her tone to stay as pleasant as possible. "I never openly supported Princess Luna, if it's what you mean." Floribunda kept walking. "You certainly didn't need to, your opinion is widely known everywhere in Canterlot." "And what opinion would that be?" Rarity asked with a frown. "Oh please, Rarity," the older mare said as she tipped her head towards the castle. "Your distaste of Prince Blueblood is transparent enough to be laughable. So is your refusal to even consider Princess Luna's guilt. Tell me, what do you think would happen if Luna were to take the throne?" Rarity stopped in her steps. "I... I admit that I don't know. The princess has always been, shall I say, distant." "Precisely," Floribunda confirmed, turning her head back towards the fashionista. "Do we want such an uncertain quantity in power? Prince Blueblood has his flaws, nopony on the council would deny it, but we can work around them. Most of us in the nobility have known him for years, we know how to work with his personality. Yes, the prince has his tantrums, and he could learn the value of modesty. Beyond that though, he really does care about Equestria. It might just not be apparent at first." Rarity stopped in her tracks. "I will certainly keep what you said regarding Prince Blueblood in mind, Lady Floribunda. Regardless, we are still keeping the throne ready for when Princess Twilight returns, are we not?" "Oh, if she returns, I will be more than happy to support her claim — after a justification of what happened at the failed ritual, of course," Floribunda said. "I will not, however, proceed with the assumption that she is even still alive. We're ruling a nation here, Councilor Rarity; we can't afford blind optimism." "Well forgive me for still believing in my friend," Rarity said with a frown. "You remember the runes they found in the royal chambers? It turns out that they enhance teleportation. I also happen to know that Princess Twilight is currently hidden behind some form of magic-blocking device. It's just a matter of finding her." "We all hope that the princess can be found and safely returned," Floribunda continued as she glared at the fashionista. "But you can't make important decisions under such assumptions. Blueblood is ruling Equestria now. You can help him rule as part of the council, or keep supporting a pony who's been declared an enemy of the state until you lose your position. If Twilight Sparkle were to return, then the council would consider her claim, not before." "I... see your point," Rarity said, looking down with a heavy sigh. "I would certainly hate losing an asset such as yourself over trivialities," the older mare said with a smile, placing a hoof on Rarity's back. "You are well-loved by the ponies of Canterlot and have a true gift for diplomacy that I am sure will serve the throne greatly one day. You are not, however, a career politician, no matter how much you style yourself as one. I would hate to lose such a... good friend to back door politics." Rarity took a deep breath and forced a smile. Twilight, Rainbow, everypony, please forgive me. "Of course, I am loyal to the council. I will make sure everypony knows I do not support Princess Luna as a ruler. She did run away, after all." "I am glad to hear it, Councilor," Floribunda replied, continuing on her way toward the castle, Rarity following closely behind. Rarity sighed quietly, looking at a conveniently placed statue so her companion would not see the doubt on her face. Her task was to keep Canterlot ready for Twilight's return. It was becoming apparent to her that this could not be done if she wasted her energy on supporting Luna. The Princess of the Night did have multiple chances to come back and explain herself. No, ponies like the foals she had just met had to come first. This meant keeping ponies like Prince Blueblood or Captain Silvermane from making harsh decisions. She had to choose her battles, therefore Blueblood would have her support, as much as she despised the stallion. Prince Blueblood smiled as the griffon ambassador presented his ideas to the council. For about an hour, they had been debating import taxes, luxury items from Griffingard, gem and food exports, the difficulty of transporting goods across the Oatlantic Ocean, and various cultural similarities between Equestria and Griffingard. Both the Prince and Griffon Ambassador Antoine seemed very adamant on this last point, constantly reminding the council of how close the two cultures apparently were. "I am more than pleased you are all willing to consider my trade proposal," Antoine said with a smile. "Both our societies have much to offer each other. In fact, I have something else to bring to the table." Rarity's head perked up. The talks had gone in circles for a while now, focusing on pleasantries and apparent mutual respect. The actual trade agreement had been thoroughly discussed earlier, even if it still had to be written down and signed. "Oh?" Blueblood asked. "Pardon me for prying," the ambassador said as he brought his claw to his chin, "but I've noticed increased military training outside the castle these past few days." "We have been recruiting lately, all in standard procedure," Silvermane explained before anypony else had a chance to speak. Antoine coughed lightly and smiled at the council ponies. "Far from me to judge your military practices. I would, however, offer to sell griffon-made weapons. We can also model armor around equine physiology if you so desire." Silvermane raised an eyebrow. "You would so readily trade away your advanced military equipment with another nation?" "Of course. You are our allies and we wouldn't want to see you ill-suited to defend your borders," the griffon replied. Rarity listened intently. She had no doubt griffon military engineering was decades ahead of Equestria's. Why would they be willing to share it though? What interest could King Aurélien of Griffingard have in a better equipped Equestrian military? The fashionista looked around the table. She shared a concerned look with Floribunda, and she noticed both Silvermane and Kibitz staring down Blueblood. Antoine's deep, brown eyes betrayed no malice, although Rarity suspected she would never be able to read his true intentions. The fashionista decided to break the silence. "Your offer is most generous, ambassador, but I'm afraid we would become dependent on your good will in regard to our national defense." "Lady Rarity does raise a good point," Kibitz added with a sigh hinting at relief. "We need to be able to manufacture our own weapons and armor, and be self-sufficient in that regard." "We need weapons and armor now," Blueblood said with a stern look. "I'm sure we can manufacture our own in the future." "As long as I can inspect what we're buying beforehand, I can work with this," Silvermane grunted. Antoine smiled and looked around the table. "I will be more than happy to bring you a few samples of what we have to offer, Captain Silvermane." Rarity did not fail to notice how the ambassador avoided answering her own comment. "Good," Blueblood replied, putting his hoof on the table. "Perhaps now we can..." The Prince never finished his sentence as the large double doors slammed open. Lieutenant Breezerunner, Silvermane's second in command, stood panting in the entrance. "What's the meaning of this?" Blueblood barked, staring down the guard. "How dare you interrupt a council meeting?" "I'm sorry, Your Highness," he said between breaths as he bowed, "but we have news from Cloudsdale, a most urgent matter. The Lady Silver Tongue requests that she be heard at once." Blueblood's expression softened at once as Rarity noticed him letting go of a breath he had been holding. "Finally, we'll know what these traitors are hiding! Send her in." Rarity turned her head toward Antoine and met his eyes. He nodded once. "It seems you have matters of state to attend. I will retire to my quarters for now. Do not hesitate to call for me, should you wish to continue our discussion." The ambassador shared a knowing look with Prince Blueblood as he took a bow. Ambassador Antoine left the room as Silver Tongue entered it. Both pony and griffon nodded respectfully as they crossed paths. Once Antoine had left, Lieutenant Breezerunner closed the doors and Silver Tongue brushed her unkempt green mane once before stepping towards the central table. It must indeed be an emergency if she didn't even take the time to make herself presentable before appearing in front of the royal council, Rarity thought. "Welcome back to Canterlot, Lady Silver Tongue," Kibitz offered as he motioned toward an empty seat with his hoof. The pegasus diplomat nodded and sat down. "Councilors, Your Highness, I apologize for bursting in, but what I learned in Cloudsdale is of the utmost importance." "Well, out with it!" Blueblood said. "Very well," Silver Tongue continued, "I'm sorry to say that this new Cloudsdale army is sworn to Princess Luna, and its intent is to place the Princess of the Night on the throne." "What?" the prince yelled, getting up and throwing his chair behind him in. "A military coup? This is unthinkable!" Floribunda said, holding her hoof to her muzzle in shock. "What else did she say? Surely she can't be serious about such a thing." Rarity asked, getting up as well. Silver Tongue took a moment to catch her breath before continuing. "The princess asked me to deliver an ultimatum: surrender the throne to her, or she will launch an invasion of Canterlot." "She dares?" Blueblood asked with fire in his eyes. He started pacing back and forth behind the table. "I will have her executed! I will have the traitor-pegasi banished! Captain Silvermane, ready our defenses. We will smash this army with all of Canterlot's might!" Rarity took a deep breath in an attempt to keep her composure. "Are we even prepared to fight? Furthermore, are we really willing to start a civil war?" "Start?" Blueblood said furiously as he stormed toward Rarity. "Luna is the one starting a civil war. We'll be defending ourselves!" "And sacrificing how many ponies in the process?" Rarity asked, staring down the prince. "I'm as shocked as all of you, truly, but is it really acceptable of us to sacrifice innocent ponies' lives in an attempt to secure the throne?" "Surrender? That's your idea?" Blueblood asked incredulously. "I should have expected as much from a Luna sympathizer such as you." Be careful, Rarity, this is what Floribunda warned you about. "What other choice do we have?" the fashionista asked. "Our army is nowhere near ready to fight the full might of Cloudsdale. We'd be sending good ponies to their death for nothing." "Rarity is right." All eyes turned towards Silvermane as she interrupted the debate. "We don't have enough ponies, and not enough weapons for them. Even if we accept Griffingard's offer, there's no time to recruit and train the amount of troops we'd need to repel an attack from Cloudsdale." Blueblood turned away and dismissed Silvermane with his hoof. "I can see I'm the only one here willing to do what's necessary," he announced flatly before turning toward Lieutenant Breezerunner, still waiting at the door. "You there, go fetch Ambassador Antoine." Silvermane gave the prince an unfazed look. "As I said, buying weapons from Griffingard won't be enough." "I don't want to buy weapons," Blueblood said with a grin, "I want to buy an army." The councilors all gasped in shock. He can't be serious, a griffon army in Equestria? "Your Highness," Kibitz interjected, "surely there must be another way. We can't allow Griffingard's army to establish a presence here." "This could be even worse than having Luna's army take over," Floribunda said, cutting off Kibitz. "Griffon soldiers are known to be barbaric," Rarity replied. "Thousands of ponies will die." A loud whistle from Captain Silvermane quieted down the room. She turned toward Silver Tongue, who was still quietly waiting in her seat. "Lady Silver Tongue, how large is this army? Who are the officers? How thorough is their training?" The captain looked slowly at every council member. "We need facts before we make a rash decision." The diplomat coughed lightly. "I haven't witnessed their training, but the Cloudsdale soldiers seemed surprisingly disciplined for such a ragtag group. As for their numbers, the army comprises three wings, each supposedly counts around five hundred ponies, all pegasi. I couldn't tell if those numbers are exact, and this is just what I was allowed to see." "And what about the officers?" Silvermane asked. Silver Tongue turned towards Rarity and gave her an apologetic look, her eyes softening. "The army is under the command of Princess Luna and General Spitfire. The wings are under the command of commanders Soarin, Fleetfoot, and Rainbow Dash." Rainbow, you brash fool, what have you been thinking? Rarity thought to herself as her heart sank and she felt the gaze of every councilor in the room. Blueblood slammed his hoof on the table and stared at Rarity. "No wonder you were so eager to surrender, you've been working with Luna all along! One of your closest friends is even one of her officers! You can't hide anymore." "I...I didn't know, I swear! I haven't spoken to Rainbow since she left Canterlot, or any of the others," Rarity pleaded, trying to meet eyes with the councilors, hoping for an ally. The fashionista only met stern looks. Finally, Floribunda dared to meet her gaze, if only for a moment. "Perhaps we should give Rarity some way of proving her loyalty," the older mare suggested. "It would be worth considering," Kibitz added, sharing a look with Blueblood. "Perhaps," the prince harrumphed, "Captain, have Lady Rarity escorted to her quarters. We have more pressing matters to discuss for now." Rarity got up slowly and looked down at her hooves. How could she have been so naive as to believe she would make a difference in Canterlot politics? Equestria will be plunged into civil war, Blueblood will stop at nothing to cement his power, and Silvermane will get the military buildup she so desperately wanted. Twilight, I'm so sorry. A hoof on her shoulder brought Rarity back to reality. It was one of the guard, whom she realized would escort her to her quarters, no doubt her cell from now on. She forced herself to look at the council ponies and tried to keep her eyes from watering. "Please, regardless of your opinion of me, do not let our nation fall into civil war. Do not let innocent ponies die over matters of succession. Twilight Sparkle is still alive! She's the one who should rule; everypony would accept her." Nopony dared give her an answer. Only Blueblood spoke. "Guard, take her away." Rarity walked slowly to her quarters, escorted by a pegasus guard. She did not utter a word as she quietly contemplated the scope of her failure. Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, it's all up to you now. "Please, Lady Rarity, you must calm down!" Sapphire Blitz said in a panic, trying to keep Rarity from breaking her mirror. She had already ripped apart two of her dresses in a fit of rage. "Get out of my way, Sapphire!" she screamed, breathing heavily through her nostrils. "Surely we can do something, milady. Things can't be as bleak as you say." Rarity yelled in her assistant's face. "One of my best friends, one of the few ponies I absolutely trust, is now about to start a war! As much as I try to wrap my head around it, to understand what plan she cooked up, nothing can justify this. Thousands of innocent ponies will die, Sapphire! Whatever gamble Luna had going on, it won't work." She looked down and took a few long breaths. Tears fell down her cheeks. "Blueblood will go to war, all because I failed in what I promised to do. I couldn't keep the peace in Canterlot." Sapphire Blitz took a deep breath, avoiding Rarity's gaze. "I... I understand your frustration, Lady Rarity," she managed to say in a shaking voice. "I'm certain there's something we can do. Perhaps you can prove your loyalty to the council somehow? I'm sure you will be given an opportunity to plead your case." "You don't get it, do you?" Rarity interrupted. "Blueblood has wanted me out of the picture since the beginning. Anypony who opposes his lust for power is an enemy. Nopony will stop him." Rarity fell down, onto her bed. Sapphire took a few hesitant steps in her direction as more tears formed around the fashionista's eyes. "Is... is there anything I can do, milady?" "Just leave me be," Rarity said as she waved her assistant away with one hoof, her head buried under the other. The unicorn did not even look to see if her assistant had left. She had failed in her mission. How foolish she had been, thinking she could make a change in Canterlot. Ponies like Blueblood and Silvermane had spent their entire lives building their influence and forging alliances. Rarity had nothing but a decent reputation as a fashion designer. It would take more than dresses to fix Equestria. She dragged herself to the bed, wondering how long they'd keep her in this room. Would they allow her to return to Ponyville? Would they just keep her locked up in here? Perhaps she would be thrown in a damp, dirty dungeon, never to be seen again. Would she even be allowed to write to her friends? Could they find Twilight without her and Rainbow? Rarity stared at the ceiling from her bed, losing herself in its intricate patterns. Her sobs turned into a blank expression as she allowed her mind to shut itself from the world. Eventually, darkness fell over the city. Luna had presumably raised the moon. How much time had passed was unknown to Rarity. She turned her head and saw the state of the room. "What a mess, this is certainly no way for a lady to behave," she said out loud in the most casual of tones. She got up from her bed and picked up a discarded box of jewelry, ripped dresses, and other leftovers from her earlier fit of rage, returning everything to its proper place. Whatever happens to me, I cannot forget my grace and elegance. This is something they cannot take from me. She found a broom and cleaned up her entire quarters, losing herself in the mindless act. After having lost track of time, she saw her reflection in a mirror and gasped in shock. "This won't do at all," she said to herself as she noticed her disheveled mane and ruined makeup. Rarity trotted toward her private bathroom, noticing a few rays of light coming in as she made her way. It seemed her cleaning spree had lasted longer than she thought. The cold shower brought Rarity back to reality. No doubt she would be questioned. There wasn't much anypony in Canterlot could find out from her that they didn't already know. Fancy Pants' letters should probably be destroyed for safety. She simply had to answer whatever questions they asked her, and give them what they wanted — proof of her loyalty. Rainbow Dash had made her choice, and would have to face the consequences. She had always been brash, but leading ponies into war? Did you really have no other choice, Rainbow? She was in front of her mirror, applying her makeup, when she heard a knock at the door. Her hair had been shampooed, conditioned, and brushed back into its usual elegant curls. All traces of her previous tears had been hidden behind a smile and a mask of eyeshadow. "A moment, please," she said as she finished putting on her lipstick. Rarity trotted towards the door, taking one last look in the mirror before judging her appearance acceptable. "You may enter." The door opened to reveal Councilor Kibitz, closely followed by Prince Blueblood. Rarity failed to hide a frown. She expected Captain Silvermane would be the one to show up and drill her with questions. "Your Highness, Councilor, how can I help you?" she said with a forced smile. Kibitz coughed lightly and adjusted his monocle. "Good morning, Lady Rarity. I hope you had a pleasant night, considering the circumstances." "Well enough," she lied, forcing a smile as her eyes met with Blueblood's. The Prince avoided her gaze immediately, turning toward a painting on the wall. "Well, with the formalities out of the way, I take it you know why we're here," Kibitz said with his light brown eyes locked on the fashionista. Rarity took a deep breath. "Yes, you want to question me, and you want me to somehow prove my loyalty." She kept as straight a face as she could, looking at both ponies with apprehension. Kibitz nodded. "Well, in light of recent events, you cannot blame us for being careful." "Having a council member associated with a known traitor, it would be unheard of," Blueblood said, finally meeting Rarity's eyes. Rarity took a deep breath. Could she bring herself to say it? The words escaped her mouth without her realizing: "Rainbow Dash is no friend of mine, not anymore." Blueblood's muzzle twisted into a smile. "This is good to hear, and a good start." "A good start?" Rarity gasped. "This is a pony I once considered to be one of my closest friends. She betrayed me personally with her ridiculous decision to get involved in this army. If anypony here was lied to, it's me." "So you say," Kibitz replied, sharing a nod with Blueblood. "We are willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but actions will have to be taken. You see, Rainbow Dash's unfortunate decision to betray our great nation will no doubt tarnish the council's image." Rarity listened quietly, slowly lowering her head as she wondered what Kibitz was going to ask of her. Would she be asked to publicly renounce Rainbow? Could she bring herself to go that far? "Ponies are still loyal to Princess Twilight, and her friends supporting the enemy will only bring further chaos to Equestria," the prince said, gritting his teeth. "Therefore, you want me to publicly renounce Rainbow Dash, don't you?" Rarity suggested. Better get it over with now. Let's find out what they want. "Well, that would be a start," Kibitz said after a light cough, "but it may not be enough. We need to solidify Prince Blueblood's claim to the throne. We need to send a clear message that Equestria will not falter in the face of civil war." "Marry me, Rarity," Blueblood said, taking a step towards Rarity and giving her a smile she might have once believed to be genuine. "What?" the fashionista exclaimed with a gasp. "You can't possibly be serious. Marry you? This is absurd!" "It didn't seem that absurd to you at the gala a few years ago," the prince replied. "You want to prove yourself loyal to the throne? Seal your support for me through marriage." Kibitz gave Blueblood a severe look before turning toward Rarity again. "You want a stable Equestria, Lady Rarity? This is how you will get it, by taking your place as Prince Blueblood's princess." "Your friends split apart," Blueblood continued, "Twilight Sparkle is more than likely dead, ridiculous theories about magic blocking devices aside, and Cloudsdale is rising in rebellion. We need to send a clear message to the ponies of Equestria that the throne is still in good hooves. It's your choice, Rarity. You can either become this nation's newest Princess and enjoy luxuries your Ponyville mind could never imagine, or remain trapped in this room." Rarity's blood boiled. She bucked a tall, ornate vase with her hoof. "Out, both of you, out of my sight! I would sooner marry one of Applejack's pigs than a ruffian such as you!" Both Kibitz and Blueblood jumped back in shock. Kibitz's monocle dropping from his face. "We will give you a few days to reconsider," the prince said, nodding at the older councilor. Both ponies left the room, leaving Rarity behind, fuming. As soon as the door was closed, she lost all attempt at composure and burst into tears. They wouldn't even consider that Twilight could still be alive, regardless of the proof available. On top of it, Rainbow was starting a civil war, and now they wanted her to marry this disgusting prince! Rarity buried herself under her blankets. It would seem she would be calling this room home for a long time. The day was spent trying, but failing to get any rest. Every time Rarity was about to fall asleep, she found herself remembering Blueblood's smug face and his self-entitled attitude whenever he referred to his so-called "right" to the throne. Closing her eyes brought forth images of the prince getting close to her, kissing her, sharing her bed. She'd open her eyes and groan in frustration. The only way Rarity could distract herself from her hatred toward Blueblood was by thinking about Rainbow Dash. What madness had gone through her friend's brain? Did the thought of innocent ponies dying even cross her mind? Did she really think Canterlot would surrender without a fight? What did it matter who sat the throne? Was it really worth anypony dying? The entire council, Luna, Rainbow Dash, the Wonderbolts, they should all head to Tartarus! That's where they all belonged, with the rest of the dangerous monsters. After a spending a good part of the day gritting her teeth and wincing as sunlight sneaked between the curtains, sleep overcame her. With nothing to do and no suitable plan of action coming to her, she drifted into dreams. The noises of castle life woke her up occasionally, usually ending with her staring at the ceiling for what seemed like an eternity. Rarity eventually pushed her blanket out of the way, and groaned as the bright light of the sun assaulted her drowsy eyes. She took a glimpse outside, seeing one of the castle groundskeepers planting flower arrangements around Celestia's monument. No doubt the statue would be finished any day now. The fashionista shook her head. She wasn't as strong a magic user as Twilight, but she could still levitate objects. Surely she could break the window by hurling a table at it. While she would normally frown at such an uncouth act, desperate times called for desperate measures. She would have to wait for nightfall. Even then, sneaking out of the castle grounds would be challenging, although not impossible. What could she do after, though? No doubt Silvermane and her guards would be out looking for her. Of course, Donut Joe! She had helped him two weeks ago. Surely he would be eager to repay the favor and quietly smuggle her back to Ponyville. From there, she could warn Applejack. Assuming she found her way to Applejack, what then? Warn her about Rainbow, then about the coming Griffon army? What could they do with this knowledge after? Fighting back was not an option. Perhaps evacuating the town, running away from the fighting? How would the ponies of Ponyville react? More importantly, what would it mean for Equestria? Furthermore, between Pinkie's letter and Starflare's findings, there were still a lot of questions left unanswered in Canterlot. She wouldn't be allowed to return if she escaped. She would be labeled a fugitive. They won't let me out, unless I marry him. Rarity thought. These were the choices before her — attempt an escape, marry this ruffian, or stay a prisoner for who knew how long. Rarity groaned in frustration as she smashed her head against the window. I need to think, she told herself as she trotted toward a bookcase. She picked up a worn copy of The Heart's Whinny. She had gone through the romantic novel many times in her life, usually when she needed to hide from harsh realities. It had always helped her when she needed to calm down, so she was glad to find a copy of it in her Canterlot quarters. Rarity settled down on a chair and opened the book to its first page. The familiar story of Golden Oats, the innocent and beautiful farm mare who was about to meet the love of her life, the gorgeous Prince Silversword, had always given Rarity inspiration in the past. Many dresses would never have even been conceived if it weren't for her constant re-reading of the novel. The fashionista got through the first chapter, almost forgetting her own predicament. She smiled as it ended with Golden Oats being captured by bandits, knowing Silversword would single-hoofedly rescue her in the following section. Her smile quickly made way to a frown, however, as reality crept back into her mind. Rarity closed the book and threw it across the room. Her own Prince wasn't like Silversword. In fact, he was the very opposite of charming. As for her, she wasn't some innocent farm pony meeting her one true love. She was an idiotic Ponyville filly who thought she actually stood a chance at successfully playing the political game. Rarity wasn't aware how long she had been staring at the wall when she heard a knock at the door. She turned her head as the sound became more insistent. "Fine, come in," she yelled, surprised at how weak her own voice sounded. The door slowly opened to reveal the muscular form of Captain Silvermane. The brown-coated mare nodded at the entrance guard as she walked in, prompting him to close and lock the door again. "Come to gloat, Captain?" The fashionista asked in a flat tone. "It's General now," Silvermane answered, ignoring the jab as she made her way toward an empty chair. "May I?" "Please, don't pretend like I have any say in what you can or can't do," Rarity replied, turning back toward the window. "I assume you finally got your army and you're happily galloping toward your war." "I'm not particularly happy about it, no," she replied in her usual severe voice as she sat down. "Well, you could have had me fooled," Rarity said, still refusing to give her tormentor the courtesy of her attention. Silvermane sighed loudly. "Whatever you may think of me, Lady Rarity, I'm a patriot at heart. Everything I do, I do for the benefit of Equestria. Not just for today, but in the long run." "I'm sure a civil war will do wonders for Equestria," Rarity snickered as she finally turned to face the former captain. Silvermane's piercing burnt orange eyes did not leave Rarity. "It's better than Luna on the throne," she said flatly. "I know what you're thinking. It'd be better to surrender, allow Princess Luna to rule than to let innocent ponies die. After all, is Prince Blueblood that much better?" "The thought had crossed my mind," Rarity replied, risking the bait. "I know nopony wants to hear it, but I have proof that Twilight is still alive. If you truly are a patriot, then you must understand she's the only one who can bring peace back to Equestria." "I will grant you that, and will be more than happy to support her claim once she is found," Silvermane admitted. "However, the vague magical theories you cooked up with Professor Starflare are a far cry from actually finding her, or even proving that she's alive. The safe route is to bet on the candidate we have available." "Prince Blueblood," Rarity flatly completed with a wince. For the first time since she had known Silvermane, Rarity saw her expression soften. Her eyebrows relaxed, and her muzzle abandoned its usual frown. "There is one major difference between Blueblood and Luna. One is immortal, the other is not. For all his flaws, Blueblood is also more prone to listening to advisors. For starters, he agreed to all of my recommendations surrounding the use of a griffon army, including leaving me in command, hence my new rank. Nopony in Canterlot wanted things to go this way. We only see the necessity in defending ourselves." "And you really believe everypony in Equestria will accept this decision?" Rarity asked, attempting a different tactic. "You could have a revolt on your hooves." "The Lady Floribunda already said as much after your departure," Silvermane continued. "This deal with Griffingard will remain a secret for now. I can assure you, ponies will be more than happy to see Centurion Bouvier's troops show up and defend them against the Cloudsdale invaders." "It seems like you thought of everything," Rarity suggested as she rolled her eyes. "Cut to the chase, General, why are you here?" Silvermane's mouth twisted in a subtle smile. "I heard you've been made a proposal recently, one that you refused." Rarity found herself grinding her teeth again. "You can't be serious. I don't know whose sick idea of a joke that was. To think I could marry that... that royal pain of a prince!" "Actually, the idea was mine, and I certainly do not think of it as a sick joke," Silvermane calmly explained as she stared calmly at the ex-councilor. "I would have thought petty revenge to be beneath you," Rarity replied, looking down in defeat. "This is for me humiliating you at the donut shop, isn't it?" "Please, Rarity, you're smarter than this. Do you really see me as the kind of pony who'd waste time and resources on something as fickle as revenge? As I told you earlier. Everything I do, I do for the benefit of Equestria." "Blueblood's benefit you mean," Rarity said as she got up from her seat. Silvermane did not take the bait and remained calmly on her own seat, her gaze glued on Rarity. "The nation is heading for civil war. Nothing you or I say can change that. What we can do is make sure the good ponies emerge on top so that future generations enjoy the peace we've grown so accustomed to. This means making sure a brash pony like Luna does not take the throne. It also means setting up a legacy built on the values of friendship you so treasure. The values I know you would instill in your future foals." "Children... with him?" Rarity gasped in shock. "You can't be serious, you would turn me into some... some royal foal machine for Blueblood?" "Not at all," Silvermane replied, finally getting up and placing a comforting hoof on Rarity's back. "I would also have you temper his decisions with wisdom and kindness. You've kept me from making a grave mistake at Pony Joe's. You may yet do the same with Prince Blueblood. As his wife, you will have his ear. You will be able to lead him down a gentler path." Rarity gulped and returned her attention to the window. She gently pushed Silvermane away. Could I really do it? Could I sacrifice my happiness this way? She pictured herself with Blueblood and gagged in disgust. Silvermane's voice broke Rarity's thoughts. "Tell me, Rarity, why did you ask to be on the council in the first place?" "To protect Equestria. I was hoping to keep Twilight's nation safe so she could return and take her throne," she replied weakly, still looking outside. A group of weather ponies were moving clouds over the gardens. "And this is precisely why you must agree to wed Prince Blueblood. You can keep him from making brash decisions. You can make sure innocent ponies are well protected. Perhaps you may even help convince Luna to back down from this war. You will have power of your own too. Ponies will listen to the crowned Princess of Equestria... Your Highness." Tears fell down Rarity's cheeks as weak laughter escaped her muzzle. "So this is how little you think of me? That I would betray Twilight and steal her throne." "Or make sure the throne is still hers when she returns," Silvermane's voice continued from behind Rarity. "I promise you, I will fully support her claim should she return, assuming she is still capable and willing of holding the position, of course. For now, Equestria needs a strong princess. One who has the love of the common ponies, the sense to rule wisely, and the status to be recognized by the council and nobility. As one of Princess Twilight's former advisors, you have that status." After a moment of silence, Rarity turned toward Silvermane. She didn't even try to hide the tears from her eyes. "My friends would not understand, they would never forgive me. You are asking me to live a life without love for the sake of Equestria." "This is the sacrifice the throne asks. Everypony in Canterlot's ruling class had to make it in some way or another. I cannot promise you happiness, I cannot promise you peace of mind. The only promise I can make is that you will have my support, and that you will be in a position to make true changes. If you thought you could help Equestria as a mere councilor, think what you will be able to do as a Princess." Rarity dried her tears. Ever since the day Twilight had named her the bearer of the Element of Generosity, she had been asked to give. She had always done so willingly, happy to be generous for its own sake. Now, she was asked to give away her own happiness, the love of her friends, all for a chance at saving her nation. It might keep innocent ponies from dying, it might keep the war from going too far. It might keep the children she had visited earlier from becoming orphans. Rarity bit her lip. "Very well, General. You may inform Prince Blueblood that I consent. I will take his hoof in marriage." Perhaps one day, this decision wouldn't taste so bitter. > IX Applejack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few heads turned in Applejack's direction as she entered town hall, but for the most part she was left ignored. She stormed toward the central desk where Tall Order, the mayor's assistant, sat. He adjusted his small, round glasses and moved his gray mane away from his face as he read a report. "Mayor's expecting me," Applejack said as she passed the desk. "You can't just barge in there," Tall Order protested, taking his eyes away from his work and raising a gray hoof. Applejack ignored him as she opened the door to the mayor's office. Mayor Mare was sitting behind her own desk, going through paperwork. "So? What's with the cloud shipment?" Applejack asked flatly, staring at the mayor. She heard Tall Order's voice from behind her. "I'm sorry Madam Mayor. She just barged in-" Mayor Mare raised a hoof. "It's fine, Order. I was expecting her." She took a deep and met Applejack's eyes. "I take it the pegasi still do not have the necessary rainclouds?" "Not a single one," Applejack replied while shaking her head. "In fact, we haven't heard anything from Cloudsdale. Crops will be ruined if we don't get rain soon." "Hmm, this is troublesome," the mayor said with a frown. "Close the door please. I think we have some serious measures to consider." "You can say that again," the farm pony replied as she closed the office's wooden door. She took a breath before turning back toward Ponyville's mayor. "So, any idea what we can do, Miss Mayor? I'll tell you right now, I talked to some of the other farmers and we can't wait much longer. We need rain if we wanna feed the town." "I sent Derpy to Cloudsdale to see what the holdup is, since they haven't replied to any of my letters," Mayor Mare explained. "I wrote a letter to the royal council in Canterlot as well. Perhaps you could ask Rarity for help? She's still on the council, isn't she?" Applejack sighed as she sat down on a chair in front of the mayor's desk. Rainbow's letter had asked to keep the Cloudsdale military buildup quiet. In fact, the pegasus wasn't even supposed to have told her friends. Still, this was weeks ago, and now ponies were suffering because of it. Sorry, Rainbow, but everypony deserves the truth. "Look, Miss Mayor. I think I have an idea of what's wrong in Cloudsdale," Applejack said, gazing down at the desk. "Oh?" Mayor Mare asked, raising an eyebrow. Applejack took off her stetson and held it close to her chest. "Look, I may not have been entirely honest with you. Remember when I told you Rainbow had left for Cloudsdale to look for clues? I left a part out. You see, Cloudsdale's building up an army, and they asked Rainbow to join." The mayor adjusted her glasses and gave Applejack a cold stare. "You mean to tell me Cloudsdale has been building an army in secret, that Rainbow Dash is part of said army, and that you thought it was a good idea to keep the truth from everypony?" "I'm sorry, Miss Mayor, I really am," Applejack replied. "There were so many times I wanted to tell you. Only thing that kept me from it was that letter Rainbow got, asking her to join. Spitfire specifically asked her to keep things quiet." "And you value Spitfire's request over your hometown? I understand that you want to stay loyal to your friends, but I deserve more honesty than this, Applejack." The farm pony shook her head. "I'm the first pony Rainbow went to after getting the letter. She came to me for advice and we talked about it for a long time. She wasn't supposed to tell anyone, Miss Mayor, but she told me. I couldn't just break her trust like that. I dunno about all this hush-hush stuff, but there's got to be a good reason for keeping things quiet." Mayor Mare sighed loudly. "Like it or not, Applejack, you are an important part of this community. Ponies look up to you, and I do admit that I can't manage this town as efficiently without you and your friends." "I know that, and again, I'm sorry," Applejack continued. "I'm not finished," the mayor interrupted, raising her hoof. "I asked you to stay because I want us to work together and keep this town running. I know how much you care about Ponyville, and I'm not accusing you of willingly harming us." "But?" Applejack asked, wincing at the expected accusation. "But you need to trust me," the mayor explained, her tone softening. "I may not have saved the world multiple times with the power of harmony, but I'm the elected mayor of this town. When it comes to the safety and well-being of Ponyville, I need you to be as honest with me as you'd be with Rainbow Dash or Rarity." Applejack picked up her hat and fiddled with it. "You're right, Miss Mayor. Ponyville's safety comes first, and I should have been straight with you. I suppose all this princess business is still new to all of us. Seems like only yesterday we were just a bunch of good friends. Anyway, I'll be honest with you from now on. What do you wanna know?" "For starters, what's going on in Cloudsdale?" "The Wonderbolts are building an army in secret, and Rainbow's joined them. That's all I know," Applejack said. "We all agreed there had to be some reason behind it all, and that it might give us a clue as to where Twilight is, or maybe where Luna is. Rainbow hasn't written back though, so there's no way to know if she learned anything." "And do you have any idea where Twilight or Luna might be?" "Not a clue," the farm pony continued, shaking her head. "Rarity's probably still asking questions in Canterlot. Fluttershy went to see if Discord has any clues, and Pinkie's off to ask Princess Cadance. Only news I got is this letter from Pinkie yesterday. Apparently Twilight's alive but behind some magic shield thingy. I showed the letter to Zecora, too, but even she didn't know how we could find her." "So nothing has changed, has it?" the mayor asked, her face locked in a frown. "We have no idea where Twilight is, or why she disappeared?" Applejack stared down the table with a sigh. "I guess we're not doing so well without Twilight." Mayor Mare's eyebrows relaxed as a comforting smile formed on her muzzle. She stood and walked toward the farm pony. "I'm sure your friends are doing fine," she said as she placed a tan hoof on Applejack's shoulder. "You can't put the weight of the world on your shoulders, Applejack. Twilight is a princess — she'll have the royal guards and all the Canterlot unicorns looking for her. Aren't Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres enough to worry about?" Applejack took a long breath, put her hat back on, and nodded at the mayor. "Alright. So what do we do about this cloud shortage, Miss Mayor?" The mayor put her glasses back on and quickly brushed her gray mane with her hoof. "Right, the cloud shortage. At this point, waiting on Cloudsdale seems pointless. I believe we should start producing our own rainclouds locally. We will have to carefully ration them, of course. Rain will be centralized onto sensible locations." "I'll make sure every farmer in Ponyville is aware and plans accordingly," Applejack said with another nod. "Good," the mayor replied. "I'll put out the word amongst the local pegasi that we're looking for volunteers for cloud production." "And you'll want me out there, endorsing it all and keeping folks together?" "You read my mind, Applejack." The farm pony smiled weakly. "Good, hopefully we'll be able to save the crops in time." "We will," the mayor replied with a smile of her own. "Now, I wanted to talk to you about the Palace of Harmony. I'm not sure it's wise to keep it unoccupied for-" Mayor Mare was interrupted by rapid banging on her office door. "Please, the mayor is busy!" Tall Order's muffled voice said. Mayor Mare rolled her eyes and trotted to the door. "What is this commotion about?" she asked as she opened it. Applejack suppressed a chuckle as she saw Applebloom wresting Tall Order in front of the office's entrance. The office clerk and young filly were entangled in one another, both pushing each other in an attempt to get back on their hooves. "I'm sorry, Miss Mayor, but this filly just keeps insisting on seeing her sister," Tall Order said as he got up, brushing dust off his coat. Applejack bit her lip, swallowing her amusement. "Applebloom, you know better than to force your way into the mayor's office." "Sorry Applejack," the filly replied, "but it's an emergency! Braeburn just galloped all the way from Appleoosa, and he has a buffalo lady with him. Granny Smith said to get you right away." "Calm down, there, little filly," Applejack said as she took a few steps toward her little sister. "What's Braeburn doing here in Ponyville?" Applebloom took a second to catch her breath. "He said Appleoosa is in danger. Something about changelings!" "Horseapples," Applejack muttered as she turned toward the mayor. Mayor Mare gave her a nod. "Go. If there are changelings in Appleoosa, they could be heading for Ponyville next." "I'm more worried about my family in Appleoosa for now," Applejack said with a frown. Applejack rushed out of town hall with Applebloom in tow. She galloped straight toward her family's farm, dodging food carts and passing ponies along the way, only slowing down when her little sister had to catch up. "So who's that buffalo you were talking about?" Applejack asked as she ran. "Her name is Little Strongheart. Braeburn says she's one of your friends, too." "That can't be. I saw her just a few weeks ago in..." Applejack never finished as she considered the implications. Could Braeburn have unknowingly brought a changeling to Ponyville? Maybe it was even worse, and both of them were really impostors. "Come on, Applebloom, let's step it up," she yelled behind her as she accelerated her pace. It did not take long for the two sisters to arrive at Sweet Apple Acres. Big Macintosh's plow lay in the middle of a field, mostly left untiled. Applejack burst open the door to the family house. "What happened? Is everypony alright?" All eyes turned toward her. "Applejack!" Braeburn exclaimed as he turned toward her, wincing in pain as he tried to get up from the couch he was sitting on. "Now, now, you've been galloping all the way from Appleoosa!" Granny Smith argued from her rocking chair. "Don't you move that caboose none, now." "Great galoshes!" Applejack gasped. "You came all that way on your own four hooves?" "To avoid attention in Appleoosa, yes," Little Strongheart explained from a cushion at the foot of the central table. "Both Braeburn and I discussed it. We don't want to risk the changelings knowing we're on to them. Boarding the train would have meant passing through town." Applejack made her way to one of the larger couches. Big Macintosh moved aside so she'd have room to sit. "Alright, I think you better start from the beginning," she said, her eyes locked on Braeburn. Let's just hope I'm not listening to a couple of changelings. Braeburn took a deep breath and nodded at his buffalo companion. "It all started when I noticed Sheriff Silverstar acting a bit strange," the yellow stallion began. "It was just little things. He wasn't as sociable as usual, ignoring ponies as they waved at him. He used to drink his coffee with at least three spoonfuls of sugar, but I caught him drinking it black. It took a few days for me to get suspicious." "Hmm, sounds fishy, but not really a reason to suspect changelings," Applejack said with a frown as she settled more comfortably on the couch. "You're right," Braeburn said. "At first, I just tried spending more time around him, see if anything was wrong. He didn't want any of it, being downright rude whenever I questioned him. At that point, I was worried for my friend, nothing more. One thing that got me nervous though was him going out into the desert late at night." "Meeting other changelings," Big Macintosh suggested. Little Strongheart nodded. "There's plenty of caves and other secret spots out there. Perfect places to hide." "That's exactly what I found," Braeburn continued. "I followed him all quiet like, kept my distance and all. I was pretty surprised when he left town. I first thought he was going to the buffalo lands," Braeburn tipped his head in Little Strongheart's direction, "but he just headed to an abandoned shack. That's where he met up with three changelings." "And what happened next?" Applebloom asked. She had been sitting by herself in a corner, munching on an apple. "After that, I ran straight to Little Strongheart," Braeburn said, looking down at his hooves. "I didn't know who I could trust in Appleoosa. First time I'd even seen those bugs. I knew nopony in town could be trusted after what I'd seen." Little Strongheart got up and placed a hoof on Braeburn's back. "I suggested we go to Ponyville and get help. The buffaloes have never met changelings before; we don't know how to recognize them. I was hoping somepony in Ponyville could help." Applejack was about to speak but her little sister's voice interrupted her. "If anypony can find a changeling, it's my sister Applejack! She fought an entire army of them in Canterlot!" "Then we did the right thing coming here," Braeburn said with a wide smile. "We're certainly not going to deny anypony in need, let alone family," Granny Smith added. "Eyup," Big Macintosh confirmed. Applejack brought her hoof to her chin and frowned. "I certainly don't wanna leave Appleoosa in trouble, but dealing with a changeling invasion ain't gonna be easy. We don't even know how many there are." "So you're not even going to try?" Applebloom asked. "I didn't say that. I just don't want to rush blindly," Applejack replied as she got up abruptly. "We need to know exactly what we're up against, how many bugs are out there, and what their plans are." Big Macintosh nodded his head. "Eyup." Applejack started pacing back and forth, looking around the room. Her eyes finally settled on Little Strongheart. "First things first. Why come here? An ambassador like you, you must have plenty o' friends in Canterlot. How long have you been back in Appleoosa anyway?" "About two weeks," the buffalo replied, meeting Applejack's gaze. Was this hesitation in her eyes, or were Applejack's suspicions getting the better of her? "As for why I'm here, Ponyville is closer to Appleoosa than Canterlot. I probably should have headed there, but ever since Princess Celestia passed away, it's hard to even get noticed, let alone find any sort of help. That's why I returned to my people in the first place." Applejack frowned. Or maybe the real Strongheart is still in Canterlot. She gulped and forced a comforting smile. "Well, either way, I suppose you both want some rest. You're free to stay here for a few nights, get your strength back while we figure out how to deal with them critters back in Appleoosa." "I'll show you to the guest room," Big Macintosh offered. Applejack interposed herself between her brother and their two guests. "Actually, the guest room is in pretty bad shape," she said as she shook her head and forced a smile. "It is?" Applebloom asked. "Yup! Better you stay in Applebloom's room for tonight," she continued. "They what now?" The filly asked again. "Why don't you sleep at Sweetie Belle's tonight?" Applejack suggested, nuzzling her little sister on the head while meeting eyes with Granny Smith. The older pony answered with a wink. "Right, the guest room is in such a mess. I'm sure you wouldn't mind staying with your little friend for tonight. Big Macintosh can check up on you tomorrow when he comes to town for the apple deliveries." "Eyup," the stallion acquiesced. "I guess," the filly said with a shrug. "Me and the crusaders did plan on writing about how much we still love Princess Luna in the Foal Free Press. We can do that tonight." "Consarn it Applebloom! Don't get involved with this stuff!" Applejack snapped, glaring at her little sister. "But sis, why not? We all know she's innocent!" the filly argued with a pout. "We'll talk about it later. Go see your friends for now, and please, don't get involved," Applejack continued, staring at Applebloom with pleading eyes. "Fine," Applebloom said, rolling her eyes as she made her way outside. Applejack turned toward her guests with a wide, hospitable smile. "Braeburn, Little Strongheart, why don't the two of you get settled? Big Macintosh can show you to Applebloom's room, and I'll drop by in a little while to check up on you." "Sounds good, thanks cuz," Braeburn replied as he slowly got up. Applejack waited for her brother and their two guests to reach the top of the stairs, following them with her eyes. As soon as they were out of sight, her forced smile made way to a frown. She sighed heavily as she walked toward her grandmother. "Alright, youngin," Granny Smith said with a frown, "I played along. Now you mind telling me what the giddyup that was all about with the guest room?" Applejack looked down and took a deep breath before meeting her granny's gaze. "I just wanted Applebloom out of the house. I... I don't want her in here with a changeling under our roof." "What?" Granny Smith asked as she slapped Applejack behind the head, making her hat fall off. "You're letting one of them critters in here? I thought I raised you better than that, silly filly." Applejack picked up her hat and held it firmly in her hooves. "I'm sorry, Granny, and I won't do anything to put the family in danger. I just need to prove that Little Strongheart is a changeling. I'll stay up tonight, keep an eye on them both. Only way I can get some answers." "At least you got the decency to get your sister out of the house," Granny Smith replied as she settled back in her rocking chair. "Now move your caboose and go check on your 'guests'. I don't want your brother alone with that bug." "Yes Granny," Applejack said with a gulp. She had to act fast. She and her friends were used to this kind of danger by now, but her family never signed up for any of this. She hurried upstairs — she had to be a good host, after all. The incessant "tick-tock" of the clock in Applejack's room kept her awake. The farm pony lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling with her eyes wide open. Even if she had wanted to sleep, she couldn't. Saying she'd keep an eye on Little Strongheart was one thing; doing it was quite another. What was she to do? Listen at the door all night? Hide under the bed and hope to see the buffalo transform into a bug? Was she even right in her suspicion? Everything Little Strongheart said could be true. Leaving the capital made sense. So did the buffalo's doubts that the royal guards would do anything for the residents of Appleoosa. Applejack had enough relatives living on the frontier to know small towns often had to fend for themselves — help from the capital would always arrive too late, if it came at all. Applejack got up with a grunt and slowly walked toward the open window. The brisk night air caressed her cheek as Luna's moon illuminated the night sky. Applejack's ear twitched as she thought she heard a sound. She turned her head in the general direction of the mysterious noise only to find one of the cows on a midnight stroll. She sighed as she stood on her back legs and leaned on the window frame. Applejack had lost track of time when she heard a much more definite cracking sound coming from her right. Darn it, that's Applebloom's room! She carefully got back on her four hooves and slowly moved toward the door. Consarn this old, creaky floor, she thought as the aging wood betrayed her attempt at remaining quiet. She pushed her bedroom door open inch by inch. Some mumbling came from the next room, but she couldn't make out the words. What she saw, however, was a faint green glow coming from underneath Applebloom's door. "Oh no you don't, you filthy bug." The words escaped her muzzle without her even realizing it. Applejack's blood boiled. How dare this creature impersonate a friend and come into her home? To hay with this. She galloped to the door and bucked it open. "Get your fangs off my cousin, you monster!" Little Strongheart was standing in front of the bed, where Braeburn still slept. She jumped and turned toward Applejack, her mouth agape. "I... I did not mean to offend," she said in a weak voice. The farm pony trotted inside the room. Braeburn slowly opened his eyes and turned toward her, apparently still half asleep. As for Little Strongheart, she took a hesitant step backwards, away from the raging earth pony. "Drop the act," Applejack continued as she moved in front of the buffalo and poked her sharply in the chest. "I know you're a changeling in disguise!" The buffalo looked around in panic. The likeness was almost perfect; this was exactly how Little Strongheart would react to the situation. "P...please, Applejack. I'm not a changeling. I would never do anything to hurt Braeburn!" "What were you doing next to the bed? What was that green light?" Applejack asked fiercely as she angrily pushed Little Strongheart against the wall. The earth pony's eyes stared at the buffalo's, searching for the slightest hesitation. "Green light?" Little Strongheart asked, breathing erratically. "I don't know what you're talking about. As for why I was standing... I couldn't sleep. This trip, it's been so difficult for him. I was worried about him, nothing more. Please, don't throw me out!" "Now, what's going on in here?" Big Macintosh's deep voice startled Applejack, who turned her head toward the large, red stallion. He was standing in the doorway, studying the situation, his eyes still half-closed. "Big Mac," Applejack said, her head turning back and forth between her brother and the buffalo. "I saw some green light coming from under the door. I was right. She's a changeling!" "Big Macintosh, please, you have to believe me!" Little Strongheart pleaded. "I'm not one of those creatures. I don't understand why your sister is making these accusations." The large stallion turned his head toward the now awake Braeburn, who was rubbing his eyes. "And what do you think, cousin?" Big Macintosh asked. Braeburn got up with a grunt. He took a sip from a nearby glass of water before answering. "I dunno what gave you this ridiculous idea, AJ, but Little Strongheart ain't no changeling. She helped me get to Ponyville in one piece, and believed me when nopony else would." Applejack looked from one stallion to the other. Both stared at her with the same accusatory eyes. "None of you believe me, do you?" she asked in a deadpan tone. A single "Nope" from Big Macintosh was all the answer she received. She slowly let go of the buffalo, taking a few steps back, but still unable to meet anypony's eyes. Could she have been wrong all along? No, the green light had been unmistakable. Little Strongheart returning to her people, that was also too convenient. Things didn't add up. Could they have replaced Big Macintosh too? Shucks, maybe I'm being paranoid. "Alright, I admit I may have acted rashly," she lied, looking out the window. "But I'll keep an eye open, and I suggest you do the same." The young buffalo stepped forward and placed a hoof on Applejack's shoulder. "I understand your suspicion, trust me. From what I've heard, those creatures can mimic anything and they excel at creating discord between loved ones. I can promise you, I am not the enemy." Applejack turned toward her brother's stern gaze, Braeburn's pleading eyes, and Little Strongheart's comforting smile. Outside the room, she could see Granny Smith observing the situation with a silent frown. Even if Little Strongheart was a changeling, there was no way to prove it for now. Better to bide her time and observe some more, as much as Applejack hated leaving her family in a potentially dangerous situation. She would need something tangible to prove her claim. "Alright, I'm sorry," she said with an awkward smile. She offered the buffalo her hoof. "Apology accepted," Little Strongheart said, accepting the hoofshake and embracing Applejack in a hug. "I understand your suspicion. Think nothing of it." "You're just under stress with all that's been going on, sis," Big Macintosh said compassionately with a light smile. "You're seeing monsters under the bed." Granny Smith coughed loudly. "Now that you youngins are done accusing each other, can we all go back to sleep? We all should have been asleep hours ago." "You're right, Granny," Applejack said with a sigh. "Eyup," Big Macintosh added before heading for his bedroom. Applejack left for her own room. As she passed her grandmother, the older mare gave her a knowing nod as her eyes quickly pointed toward the buffalo. The farm pony nodded back as she gently closed the door to Applebloom's room. This would be a long night. The morning had been uneventful. Granny Smith got up early to make waffles — a delicious breakfast that Applejack almost missed by oversleeping. After everything that had happened the previous night, the farm pony found it difficult to get any meaningful rest. Every animal sound coming from the barn, ever creak of the wooden floor, every noise made by the wind, it all kept her awake and ready to fight off whatever changeling would come to take her away. It took three cups of coffee for Applejack to start her day. A good part of breakfast was spent observing her family's guests while faking pleasantries. Nopony addressed her outburst from the previous night. She did notice a stern look from Big Macintosh at one point, but other than that, it was as if her accusation had never been made. Once breakfast was over, Applejack headed to the barn to feed the pigs. She would also have to buck some apples in the south field, and fertilize before they planted the corn seeds. Some of the cows had been complaining about spiders in their barn, and the farm pony would have to take care of it later. The moment Applejack was done with the pigs, she headed toward the orchard. She whistled as she headed toward the shiny red fruits in the south field, almost forgetting her current dilemma. Perhaps I was wrong about Little Strongheart, she told herself as she placed a few wooden barrels next to the first tree. The earth pony bucked hard, shaking the tree down to its roots. She grunted as nothing fell and bucked again, this time harder. A few apples dropped down this time. One or two more bucks and she could move on to the next tree. Applejack braced herself for a third buck when she heard a branch crack behind her. She spun around at once. If the changelings were coming for her, she'd be ready to fight them off. So far, nothing was in sight. She spotted a few birds flying in the sky, the wind ruffling the leaves in the trees, and a squirrel turning its head toward her. She sighed in annoyance. "Eh, just my imagination, I guess." She returned to applebucking. After she had gone through a few trees, she picked up the first barrel and carried it toward her cart. She was pushing it onto the back of the cart when she saw a shadow on the ground. "That's it, I've had it with you!" she screamed as she turned around angrily. Big Macintosh stared at her with a bored expression. "Just wondering if you need help," he said, chewing on a stalk of grass. "Oh, hey Big Mac," Applejack replied with an awkward snort. "You sneaked up on me real good there. Didn't hear you at all." Big Macintosh looked left, then right. "Eyup," he said. "So, uh, you can help me with the cart?" she awkwardly asked, pointing toward the wooden trailer. The large stallion turned his head toward the cart before letting out a somewhat hesitant "Eyup." Applejack raised an eyebrow but said nothing as he picked up another barrel of apples and hauled it onto the cart. She did the same, eager to get back to work. "Weren't you heading to town today?" she asked after a few minutes of quiet labor. "Nope," was all the stallion said, still focused on hauling barrels. "Wait a minute, didn't Granny Smith want you to bring some apples to market?" "Nope." Applejack's brow furrowed "And weren't you supposed to check on Applebloom too?" "Nope." "Weird, I thought that's what we agreed on last night," Applejack said, having difficulty keeping the suspicion out of her voice. "N...nope?" Big Macintosh's lips trembled as he nervously looked to his left. Consarn it. Is it one of them critters in disguise? Applejack stared down her 'brother,' looking for any sign that he might not be who he said he was. He smelled like Big Macintosh, walked like Big Macintosh, he even had the same eyes as Big Macintosh. It's actually his eyes. They can't fake his eyes. No, he had simply forgotten. "Well, you mind going to town and handling the deliveries later?" she suggested, her eyes still locked on him. "I don't want Applebloom worrying either." "Eyup," he replied. "On second thought, I'll go with you," she continued. "Going to town might do me some good." Big Macintosh nodded as he picked up another barrel, letting out another "Eyup." Applejack sighed and grunted as she kept working. She hauled the last of the barrels and helped her brother get strapped to the cart. As she walked behind him, she again allowed her thoughts to wander. How could she trust anypony? Perhaps she should just confront her brother, ask him to prove who he really is. And if I'm wrong, he'll think I'm paranoid, and I will lose his trust. Maybe there was another way. Changelings couldn't know everything. Applejack remembered what Twilight said about Chrysalis, how the queen didn't recognize some of the childhood memories she had shared with Cadance. Oh, horseapples! Protecting my family is more important than what Big Mac might think of me just this moment. She coughed once. "Say, Big Macintosh, when we go to town later, mind if we stop at that store where I bought my hat? I could use me some new boots." The stallion did not even turn to look at her as he replied. "Eyup." Applejack could not help but grin. I got you now. "That was a good impersonation, I'll grant you that. But really, you've been overdoing it with the 'eyups'." That got the creature masquerading as her brother to turn around. "What the hay are you going on about?" he replied with a severe frown. "Oh, it was a good try," Applejack replied, surprised by the smugness in her own voice. "Almost had me fooled. My real brother though, he'd know I got my hat from 'pa. I never bought it in a store!" The fake Big Macintosh's face twisted into a sneer as it quickly unhitched itself form the cart. "I guess we're doing this the hard way then. After what you've done to some of my brood in the battle of Canterlot, I was hoping it would come to that," the creature spat viciously. Applejack moved away from the cart and leaned back in a fighting stance. She was by no means a violent pony, but she had proven multiple times in the past that she could hold her own in a fight. She and her opponent circled each other slowly. In the blink of an eye, Big Macintosh's form transformed into Granny Smith's. A few more steps and it was Applebloom facing her. "If you think transforming into members of my family will stop me from clobbering you, you're dead wrong!" Applejack said loudly as she charged in, jumping at the changeling. The creature jumped backwards, avoiding Applejack's front hooves. It could not, however, escape the headbutt that followed. The earth pony did not get a chance to celebrate her victory, as the moment she raised her head she found the creature, now under Rarity's form, pouncing her to the ground. Applejack grunted as she fell, the creature holding her down. She tried in vain to shake it off, but both her front legs were pinned. The changeling transferred its weight to its right hoof, pushing hard on Applejack's ribcage. She winced through the pain, not reacting fast enough to avoid the blue hoof hitting her in the face. She tasted her own blood as Rainbow Dash growled viciously at her. Another hoof to the face, this time from Mayor Mare. Applejack had to shake the creature off and get out of this position. Another hit, her vision became blurry from her own tears, but she thought she saw a yellow and pink shape. The next hit she never saw coming, although she felt its full force. Get up, Applejack. They're going after your family and you need to get up! She moved her hind legs. In its haste to demolish her face, the changeling had forgotten about her most dangerous asset. She couldn't do much from her position, but she pushed the creature away with all the force her lower body could muster. It was just enough to give her the reprieve she needed to spin her entire body, taking the creature with her. Both Applejack and her assailant rolled on the ground. She groaned as a rock scraped her shoulder. I don't stand a chance in close quarters like this, she thought as she let go, allowing the creature to roll over her and fall on its side. She was now facing Pinkie Pie, who got up and bared a set of fangs at her. Applejack jumped back to her hooves, breathing rapidly as she readied herself for another strike. The changeling brushed the dirt with its pink hoof twice before charging. I'm ready for you this time. Applejack got up on her hind legs and jumped high, landing on the creature's back and shoving it down. She then easily hopped forward, brushing her enemy's body against the ground and leaving it in perfect position — right behind her. "I got you right where I want you," she said with a smug grin as she bucked as hard as she could. Applejack would have loved to see the reaction on the creature's face, but when she turned around, it lay motionless on the ground, back in its natural insectoid form. She spat some blood and grimaced as the pain in her face reminded her of the beating she took. No time to rest now, I gotta make sure the rest of the family is okay. She galloped to the cart and picked up some rope. Good thing I always keep my lasso close by, she told herself as she made her way back to the unconscious changeling. She carefully tied its hooves together, passing the rope through the holes in the creature's legs. She tested the strength of the rope to be sure it wouldn't escape and smiled appreciatively at her work before her face recoiled in pain again. Applejack fell under her own body's weight. Her soreness became all the more apparent as the adrenaline left her bloodstream. She stared at her unconscious captive, wondering what her next move should be. What did she know about changelings? They often acted in groups, replacing multiple ponies in a town. They also preferred to keep their victims alive, trapping them in cocoons. Those cocoons were usually left in the same hive. Yes, if these critters were taking over Ponyville, they'd be building a hive — a place to hide, plan, and keep their captives. After what felt like an eternity, Applejack got back up to her hooves. She looked down at the still bound changeling. He probably wouldn't betray the hive's location, at least not easily. She grunted and picked up her hat from the ground. She had not even realized it had fallen off during the fight. "Alright, better see if you have anything useful to say," she told the passed out creature as she trotted toward it, slamming her stetson back onto her head. The farm pony gave the changeling a small kick, quickly followed by a second one. It gargled some incomprehensible noise as it opened its eyes. "Wakey wakey, sunshine," Applejack teased with a smirk. "You're gonna answer some questions for me." "Don't think you'll make me betray the hive, pony," the creature spat. "So you do have a hive nearby. Good to know," Applejack replied as she nonchalantly bucked a single apple off a nearby tree, catching it before it hit the ground. The changeling hissed at her, showing its fangs. It struggled against its bonds, but quickly seemed to realize there was no getting out of this bondage. "You know I'll find your hive sooner or later," Applejack said casually as she took a bite of the apple. "So why don't you make it easy on yourself and point me in the right direction." "I won't talk that easily, pony, and I know you're too soft to do what must be done," the changeling replied, refusing to meet her gaze. Applejack took a second bite, this one slower. The creature had a point, it would probably take a lot for it to betray its comrades. Certainly more than what the farm pony would be willing to inflict. "Not that easy, is it?" the creature taunted. "You ponies are all such soft, loving creatures. Inflicting pain is too much for you. Anything you attempt trying to hurt me will end up hurting you even more." The earth pony threw away her half-eaten apple and trotted toward the bound changeling. "You're right. Torture ain't how we do things around here," she admitted. "You got me thinking though. Either you or one of your buddies impersonated Little Strongheart. Now you mimic my brother, and no doubt you were planning on replacing me. That means your hive is probably around these parts. How am I doing?" The creature's grimace was all the answer Applejack needed. She started dragging it toward her cart as she continued her speech. "Now, one thing you should know about my farm is that it's, well, my farm. Every hole, every nook and cranny, I know it all. I bet I find your hive before supper." The changeling struggled against its rope as Applejack unceremoniously threw it in the back of her cart. She hitched herself and walked back toward the farm. With the creature no longer able to see her face, she clenched her jaw as her eyes started to water. Granny, Big Mac, I hope you're alright. Applejack had spent the better part of an hour sneaking around the orchard, searching for whichever hole the changelings were hiding into. She started with some of the small caves and ravines where she used to play as a filly. They were all empty, although she did leave her prisoner inside one of the caves. Better to avoid returning to Sweet Apple Acres proper with a bound changeling. It would only serve to tip the other creatures that she was onto them. She made sure the creature was properly tied up before she gagged it with a rag and hid her cart inside a nearby ditch. Looking at the area where she kept her prisoner, Applejack nodded and grinned. No way its friends will find it here, she told herself as she adjusted her hat. Applejack kept her hoofsteps light as she made her way back to the family house. She had a mind to gallop there in a hurry, but without knowing how many changelings she'd be dealing with, she would have to favor caution. It didn't take long for Applejack to get near the farmhouse. She took cover behind the outhouse. Her eyes swept the area as she remained hidden. Nopony was in sight. At this time of day, Granny Smith would be inside, either taking a nap or reading. Big Macintosh would be working — the real one was probably still in town. Hopefully Applebloom was safe with him. She took a long breath. If I were a changeling trying to take over the orchard, where would I hide? The house was obviously a bad choice, as the Apple family was known to be hospitable. A room full of green slime would give away the creatures. The barn was also out of the question; it was much too open. Applejack's eyes turned from the barn to the small trap door on the ground. The apple cellar was seldom visited, mostly used for long term storage. It was usually kept locked, but it wouldn't be too hard for a changeling to break said lock. Let's just hope I'm not galloping straight into a trap, Applejack thought as she made her way to the trap door. Just as she feared, the lock had been broken and lay discarded on the ground. She gave her surroundings another nervous look, turning her head left, then right. She perked up her ears, hoping some sound would give her a clue as to what was going on. Sure enough, a faint scraping noise could be heard coming from underneath the trap door. I got you now. She slowly grabbed the handle, her lips shaking as she was about to pull. I sure hope Applebloom remembered to oil the hinges like I told her to. She slowly opened the trap door, wincing as she heard an ear-grating creaking noise. I'm gonna ground that filly for a month. While the earth pony could not make out specific words, a voice was clearly coming from the cellar. "Horseapples," she cursed under her breath as she wrenched the door open. Her mouth gaped open as she reached the bottom of the short staircase. Two changelings stood in front of the cocooned forms of both Granny Smith and Braeburn. Her family members were surrounded in what looked like a thick, transparent green membrane. Both of them had their eyes closed. Applejack did not get a chance to contemplate either pony's fate as the two creatures charged her. Her reflexes kicked in and she turned around, bucking hard with her powerful hind legs. Something was wrong though; her legs didn't hit anything solid. She turned around, only to see the creature had ducked. The other one took her shock as an opportunity to jump on her back. Only one thing to do now. "You better be ready for a ride," the earth pony announced with a grin as she started galloping in a circle, trying to buck the creature off. She went around the room, jumping over a crate and two barrels. The changeling on her back pulled on her coat and bit her mane. She ground her teeth as she ran, trying her best to ignore the pain in her scalp. She still managed to see the second changeling from the corner of her eye. No doubt it would try to intercept her. A split second decision was necessary, no time to think. She stopped abruptly, her hooves scraping the dirt floor. The creature was sent flying to the other side of the room, next to the cocoons. Applejack groaned in pain as it tried to hold on to her mane, ripping out a tuft of hair in the process. She quickly turned her head toward the other creature, trying to read its alien turquoise eyes. It moved around her, teasing her with hisses and growls. It's trying to distract me, turn me away from the other changeling, Applejack realized. She risked a look to her left, where the other creature was getting back on its hooves. Something else grabbed her attention. The cocoons had been shaken when the first changeling had been thrown against the wall. Braeburn's hooves started twitching and one of his eyes slowly opened. While the contraptions hung from a solid piece of green goo, the membrane at the front seemed thinner and, with luck, might be broken with a strong enough kick. Darn it, Applejack! She had taken too long to analyze the situation and the changeling facing her probably guessed she had called its bluff. Both creatures charged her. She dodge the first and ran toward the pod. Without thinking, she jumped and slammed the green membrane with her entire body's weight, hoping that would be enough to free her cousin. She managed a glimpse at Braeburn's panicked eyes as his hooves scrambled in the thick, green goo that filled the cocoon. The earth pony didn't get the chance to even see if she was successful or not, as the weight of one of her assailants pushed her to the ground. She tried to raise her head, but a hoof held it down. She swallowed some dust as her face was forced down, making her cough loudly. She heard Granny Smith's voice whisper in her ear. "Calm down now, it's all just a dream. Granny will take care of you." "Get off me, you lying varmint!" Applejack yelled as she spat out some dirt. The sound of a hoof hitting something hard accompanied the pressure on her body being released. Applejack didn't question her luck; she pushed her whole body upwards, shoving a seemingly surprised Granny Smith out of her way. The first thing she saw was Braeburn, covered in disgusting green sludge, wrestling the other creature. She grinned as she got up. This isn't really Granny, she told herself as she stomped the disguised changeling with both of her front hooves. While her blow pushed the creature away, it only seemed to enrage it, as it returned to its natural form and attempted to impale her with its sharpened horn. Applejack barely managed to lean to the side, changing what could have been a fatal blow to a wound on her left shoulder. She cried out in pain as her skin was gashed. As blood dripped from her wound, Applejack's eyes caught Braeburn giving his opponent a desperate headbutt. She turned her attention back to her own enemy, whose head and sharpened horn had now passed her body. She rotated on her injured leg, screaming in both pain and rage as her entire body protested. Her other hoof met the back of the changeling's head, and she placed all of her weight into it. "You come to my farm, attack my family, threaten my town," she spat as she slammed the creature's head against the ground. "Not here. I won't have any of it!" She screamed as she slammed the changeling's face a second time. Her tears blurred her vision as she gave a third hit, then a fourth. The creature's foul smelling blood mixed with the damp earth as she kept pulling its head back and smashing it in a puddle of its own filth. Something held her hoof back. Applejack tried to push against this mysterious force. "Lemme go! I need to get this monster off my farm!" She screamed as loud as her lungs would allow. "AJ, stop!" a voice pleaded. "You'll kill it!" As the salty taste of her tears mixed with her own blood dribbled onto her tongue, Applejack found her strength leaving her body. I've never killed anything before... she realized. She turned around and saw Braeburn holding her hoof, his coat still oozing with the disgusting green ichor. "Wha... what have I done?" Applejack managed to utter as her entire body fell to the floor next to the creature she has been beating mere moments ago. "It's okay, AJ, it's okay," Braeburn reassured as he embraced her warmly. "Whatever happens, you saved me. Prolly saved all of Ponyville!" Applejack forced a smile as tears fell down her cheeks. She looked behind her cousin and saw the other changeling on its back, its four hooves securely bound. Granny Smith was still cocooned in her own pod, right next to it. The farm pony took a few moments to breathe before she broke the embrace and dried her tears. "We better get Granny outta there, make sure them critters are secured, and warn Miss Mayor," she told her cousin as she picked up her hat from the ground and shook the dust from it. As Braeburn made his way to the still bleeding changeling on the ground, Applejack dragged herself toward the remaining cocoon. The membrane broke easily after she pushed it hard enough with her hooves. As Granny Smith's still unconscious body fell out of the pod, Applejack winced as pain reminded her of the various wounds she had suffered. As much as she wanted to go out and search the town for changelings, she would need a warm bath, somepony to take care of her injuries, and probably a long rest. Afterward, there would be a lot to do. The living room in the Apple family's house was eerily quiet as Applejack held a cold compress to her swollen right eye. The wound on her left shoulder would probably heal fast enough, but for now it was bandaged, forcing Applejack to rely on her right leg. Regardless, nothing could convince her to get off the couch; the pain from her various bruises and cuts could not be ignored any longer. She shared a look with Granny Smith, who softly rocked herself in her rocking chair. Both their pairs of eyes turned toward Braeburn, who was pacing back and forth across the room. "Will you quit that? You'll wear a hole in the floor," Granny barked. "Sorry," Braeburn said as he stopped in his tracks. He turned toward Applejack. "How long until Big Macintosh gets back? What about the Mayor? Is she coming? What have they done with the changelings we captured?" Applejack sighed loudly "Big Mac will be back when he's back. He's got to explain it all to Miss Mayor, after all. I'd also rather they take their time making sure those changelings don't escape." She bit her lip at the mention of the shapeshifters. She still didn't know if the one she'd beaten up would survive, only that it was in critical condition when her brother had taken it to the small prison house where Ponyville kept its criminals. "I should have gone with him," Braeburn replied as he stomped his hoof on the ground. "You should be resting," Applejack argued with a frown. "We still don't know what them pods do to a pony." "That's your answer, Applejack? Do nothing?" the stallion retorted, taking a few heavy steps in her direction. Applejack got up to her hooves, ignoring the pain in her shoulder. "I'm saying you rest up for now, so you can be in good enough shape for the trip back to Appleoosa." Granny Smith stood up as well. "What in tarnation are you talking about? That cheese-hoof hit you too hard on the noggin' if you think sending your cousin back in there is a good idea." "He won't be going alone," Applejack told her grandmother before turning back toward Braeburn. "I'll be going with him. I'm not gonna sit by while my family and friends, while my own blood, are being taken over by those critters!" Braeburn's muzzle slowly formed a hesitant smile as Applejack placed her hoof on his shoulder. "That's all fine and dandy, but how do the two of you plan on taking on an entire horde of those monsters?" Granny Smith calmly asked, settling back in her rocking chair. "All you're gonna do is get yourselves captured, or worse." "Not if we know what we're doing," Applejack replied, her gaze fixed on her grandmother. "I'm working on a plan." Applejack's blood boiled as Granny Smith rolled her eyes. "I've raised you since you were a little filly," the old mare said, adding insult to literal injury. "You get mighty stubborn when you put your mind to it, but this isn't some silly competition with Rainbow Dash we're talking about. You'll get way more than a bloody muzzle if you go through with this fool's plan of yours." "Fool's plan? Fool's plan?" Applejack yelled as she stormed toward her grandmother. "It's our own family we're talking about here! All of the Apples living in Appleoosa! I'm not gonna sit on my flank and wait for some hoity-toity Canterlot pony to send in the cavalry. We Apples take care of our own! You taught me that." "And you won't be taking care of nopony by acting like you have hay for brains," Granny replied, her tone finally raising in intensity. "Well, if you'll let me explain-" Applejack started before she heard the door open. She turned around and saw Big Macintosh, accompanied by Mayor Mare and a pink unicorn mare she didn't know. "I hope we're not interrupting," the mayor began. "Just planning our next move," Applejack said after taking a deep breath. She could hear Granny Smith grunt something unintelligible. Mayor Mare frowned as she took a seat, her unicorn companion standing next to her. "Well, far be it from me to get in the middle of your family business. I'm here because of what happened; I don't want to risk changelings infiltrating Ponyville. Before we begin though, there is something we need to make sure of. Miss Sparkler, if you would," she invited as she nodded at the pink unicorn. Sparkler took a few steps forward and closed her eyes. She ground her teeth and her horn lit up in a purple hue. "What in tarnation?" Applejack yelped as she was surrounded in an aura of the same color. The moment the spell was over, the farm pony turned toward the mayor. "You think we're changelings?" "I have to be certain," she explained. "Sparkler has a brother in the royal guards who taught her the changeling detection spell. We agreed to keep it a secret, so any changeling coming to town wouldn't make her a target." Applejack slowly nodded. "I take it Twilight knew." "Yes. In fact it was her idea," the mayor continued as Sparkler finished casting her spell on the rest of the Apple family. Applejack snorted and looked at the pink unicorn. "Satisfied?" she grunted. "Yes, I'm fairly sure nopony here is a changeling," Sparkler replied with a tip of her head and a smile that seemed uncomfortable. "Excellent. Let's begin then," Mayor Mare said as she took a deep breath. "I need to know, first of all, is Ponyville still in danger? Are there any more changelings in town?" "There's no way to know for sure, but I think we got them all," Applejack said. "We still haven't found Little Strongheart, but I think it's safe to assume she's one of the changelings we got locked up." "Have you managed to learn anything from them?" Braeburn asked with a furrowed brow. The mayor shook her head. "No, they've stayed quiet. One is in bad shape and still unconscious, the other two refuse to speak a word. I already sent a messenger to Rarity in Canterlot. Hopefully she'll be able to send us some guards in a few days and help us out." "A few days won't cut it!" Applejack said, slamming her hoof on the couch. Granny Smith frowned. "Don't you start again." Applejack ignored her grandmother and stood up, staring at the Mayor. "Ya'll need to mobilize the town. Have Sparkler here work her magic on ponies at random. We need to do something about Appleoosa too!" "I agree with AJ," Braeburn said, standing next to the orange-coated mare. "It's my family and friends in Appleoosa. We need to help them." "I understand, Mister Braeburn," the mayor said, her drooped ears betraying the air of confidence in her straight posture. "But Ponyville must come first. As I said, it might take a few days for any kind of help to arrive from Canterlot. In the meantime, we have to make sure nopony in town panics." "And what about Appleoosa?" Braeburn said. "I told Canterlot about Appleoosa, too," Mayor Mare replied as she met the stallion's gaze. "I'm sure they'll send what guards they can spare, but we need to give them time." Applejack stomped her hoof on the ground. "Doing nothing? That's the plan?" she asked incredulously. "I'm not gonna wait, and neither will Braeburn. We're going to Appleoosa. If Canterlot wants to send help, great. If not, we'll free the town without them. The Apple family protects its own." "And ponies on the frontier know how to fend for themselves," Braeburn completed. "Brilliant, youngins'," Granny Smith said as she rolled her eyes. "And how do the two of you plan on freeing an entire town?" Applejack grinned. "Simple: we find the hive, free everypony, and we take back the town. We'll kick those changelings out of town covered in tar and feathers!" "What a ridiculous notion!" Granny argued. "What makes you think you won't get caught first, or that this hive won't be guarded?" "Then we'll improvise. I won't sit back and do nothing." Applejack said, baring her teeth. "Please, Applejack. Think about what you're saying," Mayor Mare pleaded as she interjected herself between the farm pony and her grandmother. "I know how you feel, but remember, we had this same conversation when all your friends left. Your place is here, in Ponyville. We need you to be a pillar of strength, to keep everypony from panicking." "I'm sorry, Miss Mayor," Applejack replied as her eyes avoided the mayor's gaze. Her ears drooped and she lowered her voice. "Back then, I could stay because I knew my friends were all on the job. This time, Braeburn has nopony else to turn to. I just have to do this. I wouldn't be an Apple if I refused to help my cousin." "If I can say a few things?" All eyes turned toward Big Macintosh as he spoke up. "AJ, what you're planning is foolish, dangerous, and might not help anypony." "Big Mac, not you too," Applejack began softly before her brother silenced her by calmly raising his hoof. "I'm not finished," he said as he gave his sister a stern glare. "As I said, what you're planning is foolish, but I know better than to argue with you. Only thing I can do is ask you to stay. If you really want to go though, at least be careful. Make sure you're healed properly, and don't hesitate to get back here the moment things get too rough. I know your stubbornness can get you in trouble. Just make sure it doesn't get you killed." Everypony stayed silent for a moment. Applejack looked down at her hooves. Her swollen eye still hurt, and she still had to be careful not to lean on the leg connected to her injured shoulder. If I'm not being stubborn about this, who will? I won't let my family suffer out of fear. Braeburn eventually broke the silence. "I'll make sure Applejack stays safe. We'll find the Appleoosan ponies together and help free the town." Applejack looked up. "Alright, I'll agree to wait one day for my bruises to heal, and I can speak to the townsfolk for you, Miss Mayor. After that, me and Braeburn are off to Appleoosa." Mayor Mare looked at the farm pony with a deep frown. "I don't like it, Applejack, but I can see your mind is set. I just hope that this decision of yours is not one you'll come to regret." "I know it's the right call," Applejack said, her tone finally warming up. "Ya'll may not see it now, but things will turn out for the better. I just know it. Now, if ya'll excuse me, I wanna turn in early. Like ya'll reminded me, I need to rest up and let these here cuts and bruises heal up." Before she went up the stairs, Applejack met Granny Smith's eyes. The old mare maintained her severe frown, but eventually relented and offered a reluctant nod. In time, you'll see I'm right. > X Shining Armor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The best way to get a good look at the complex support structure keeping Canterlot from toppling down the mountain it was built upon was to take the train. It passed right underneath the city, allowing a clear view of the thick steel beams that anchored the various platforms onto which it rested. While most ponies were impressed by Canterlot's towers, gardens, and expensive boutiques, Shining Armor always found that the city's greatest achievement to be down here, hidden from view. "Whatcha looking at, Shiny?" Pinkie Pie, who sat next to him on the train, asked. The former guard captain smiled at his companion. "You see those support beams right there?" he asked, pointing at a network of interconnected metallic supports. Pinkie nodded and got up on her hooves, pushing her head closer to the window and the gigantic forest of colossal beams and cable. Each structure element was larger than a pony by far. Shining shifted his body deeper in his seat, allowing her the chance to see for herself. "They're all placed at regular intervals and share the weight of the city. Should one fail, there's a secondary structure backing everything up. This network has stood for a thousand years. Teams of unicorn engineers regularly inspect it. The slightest crack is immediately fixed." "Ooooh," Pinkie opened her eyes wide and placed her front hooves on the window frame. She pressed her face against the glass, eliciting a chuckle from Shining. "I never understood why anypony would want to live in such a place." Shining Armor turned around as he heard Checkmate's voice. The light purple crystal pony was sitting behind him, next to Spike. The baby dragon shrugged. "The city's been up here for hundreds of years. I don't see what's so dangerous about it." "It's not that I'm worried about the supports — I'm sure they're safe," Checkmate said. "It's the idea of such an extravagant city up on a mountain. I don't even want to think about how they built the place." "With a lot of ponies and magic involved," Shining replied with a smile. "Canterlot is a jewel of pride for the ponies of Equestria. It shows what we can accomplish when we work together, and it shows the rest of the world just how great of a nation we are." Spike raised an eyebrow. "You know, Checkmate, it's weird to hear you complain about fancy stuff when you live in the Crystal Empire." "The Crystal Empire isn't up on a mountain," the crystal pony replied. "Beside, we don't try to make the city look all that fancy. Crystals are the material we have available. There's also something about the Crystal Heart that makes everything shine. Don't ask me how it works." All eyes turned toward Shining Armor. He looked from Pinkie, to Checkmate, to Spike and rolled his eyes. "I have no idea why the Heart does that. Cadance is the magic expert. I've always just been there to support her." Pinkie smiled at Shining as she moved away from the window. "The why isn't important," the pink pony said. "It shines because the heart supports the city, the same way Canterlot is all pretty, up in the mountain, because these support beams keep it there." Checkmate slowly nodded. "You're right, Pinkie. I've traveled all across Equestria, and great beauty never just happens. The entire world revolves around the hard work ponies do, from the clouds in the sky, to the grass, to all the animals who make Equestria their home. It's easy to forget how much everything in our world relies on ponykind." Shining Armor gave the beams and supports one last look before the train entered a tunnel. He brought his hoof to his chin. "Isn't that what we're fighting for? Think about Equestria. The central pillar that held it together, that was Princess Celestia. How could we ever replace her? The task might be too much for one pony alone." "Well, that's why we're going to Canterlot, aren't we? To help them out with this giant task," Spike said as he leaned back in his seat. "Anyway, we should be there shortly, and I wanna take a nap first." The baby dragon curled up in a ball, slowly closing his eyes. "Let him sleep," Pinkie suggested as she settled back in her seat. Shining silently nodded as he turned his head back toward the window. The train left the tunnel, and an impressive view of Northern Equestria's fertile farmlands revealed itself. The unicorn stallion shifted his body to make himself more comfortable as he took in the sights. I can't believe I'm here, he told himself as he remembered what he had to go through just to leave the Crystal Empire. While Cadance had accepted his desire to return to Equestria, the Crystal Assembly had required a bit more convincing. A full ten days of arguing and denial culminated in Cadance being allowed to keep her existing influence in the Empire, with the understanding that Shining himself would give up any and all political power. His wife had announced this to him in her private office, after a closed door meeting with the assembly. He had agreed to stay out of the debate as a gesture of goodwill toward the elected officials. "The assembly is willing to let you go, but you have to understand, from this point on you'll be nothing more than my husband in their eyes. Your throne will be removed and you will only be allowed to attend court as a regular citizen." "A small sacrifice to make if it means I can save my sister," Shining replied, sitting in front of his wife's ornate crystalline desk. Cadance rolled her eyes and gave her husband a wry, knowing grin. "I know what you're thinking, my love. You're happy to be free of those responsibilities you never asked for." She raised a hoof, keeping Shining from interrupting her. "Don't deny it, I know you better than that." The stallion looked down, only meeting her gaze for a moment in the process. "Alright, I won't try to deny it. I know it seems selfish of me, leaving you with all those responsibilities, but answer me honestly, love. What have I accomplished as a prince here? The few times when you left me in charge, I did nothing but nod and smile at the assembly." "I know, Shining. I wouldn't have proposed it otherwise." She stood and walked toward him, gently raising his head with one of her hooves. "Once you return, I hope to convince them to name you captain of the guards." He slowly smiled at his wife. "Cadance, I don't know what I'd ever do without you." "Just make sure it's worth it," she replied, letting go of his face. "It may not seem like it now, but you giving up your claim to power in the Empire might prove a very big sacrifice. Should a similar crisis befall the Empire, you might not be able to do anything to help. The throne would be denied to you. Regardless of what happens, it might take years for you to repair your reputation here." "I'll cross that bridge once I get to it," he said. "For now, I'm mostly worried about what I'll do in Canterlot. Pinkie Pie and Spike will surely want to come along, and I want to take Checkmate with me too. He traveled all over Equestria and knows a lot of ponies — it could come in handy." Cadance nodded. "Good idea. What about Flash? I assume you'll want your best friend along." Shining shook his head. "No, Flash will stay here with you. He might not take it well at first, but I want somepony I can trust watching over you. I haven't forgotten Pinkie's warning that you might be a target, my love." "I suppose it's better to be safe," Cadance admitted with a light chuckle. "But really, you shouldn't worry too much. My refusal to involve myself in Equestrian affairs should protect me. If not, it's a good thing few ponies know just how skilled I am with battle magic." She gave her husband a knowing wink. Shining Armor got up and shook his head with a smile. "I suppose we'll both have to be careful." He walked toward Cadance and gave her a quick kiss. "I'll make sure Pinkie and the others get ready. It might be a long trip." Preparations had taken one extra day. Since Shining expected a lot of travel would be involved between Canterlot, Cloudsdale, and other locations the investigation might take them to, he ordered everypony involved to travel light. Things had gone pretty smoothly; after all, they had been prepared to leave a week ago. It was the assembly that had been holding them back. The most difficult thing for Shining to do had been at the barracks. He waited for a time when most of the troops were on duty before stepping inside. As expected, Flash Sentry was sitting by himself, polishing his lance. "Hey Flash, you have a moment?" Shining asked. "Shining!" the pegasus exclaimed with a wide smile as he got up. "Pinkie told me the good news. Sounds like we're finally going to Equestria." "Yes, this is what-" the unicorn stallion began before Flash cut him off. "I knew the assembly couldn't keep stalling us forever," he continued, ignoring Shining. "I'm ready to leave when you give the order. Do you want me in full armor or not? I suppose bringing Crystal Empire uniforms with us might be one of the things the assembly won't allow." "Flash," Shining said again, taking a step toward his enthusiastic friend. "Oh, I'll be honest with you, Shining, I've missed doing this." the pegasus' wings flapped in excitement. "It feels like just yesterday that the two of us would go on missions all around Equestria. I know, it won't be exactly the same, and the stakes are high, but I know that the two of us together can free your sister and save Equestria." "Flash!" the unicorn yelled, finally getting his friend's attention. "Oh, yes Shining?" "You're not going," Shining said, his ears drooping as Flash's mouth gaped open. "Not going? Wha... What do you mean not going? You're joking right?" The unicorn slowly shook his head. "I'm dead serious. Somepony has to stay and protect Cadance." "But there's a lot of capable ponies in the Crystal Guard. Any of them could act as her bodyguard," Flash continued. Shining took a step forward and placed a hoof on Flash's shoulder. "Nopony I can trust like you. Call me selfish, but I want Cadance protected by somepony I know for a fact to be trustworthy. A pony whom I'd trust with my life. This is you and nopony else, Flash." The pegasus pushed Shining's hoof away and turned away. "I... I understand. I suppose I got a little bit too excited." He sighed. "The princess's safety should come first, of course." "Look Flash, I'm sorry I can't bring you along. Trust me, I'd like nothing better," Shining said. "I remember how we both hated guard duty when we were rookies, always hoping we'd get out of the city. I really wish things could be different." "No, you're right," the pegasus said as he turned to face his friend. "Duty always comes first, and keeping me here to protect Cadance makes sense. I'll keep her safe until you return." His smile seemed genuine, if a bit awkward. "I'm glad you understand, and thank you," Shining said with a nod as he turned toward the exit. The unicorn stallion sighed as he walked away from the barracks. After a few moments, he jumped as he heard the loud sound of a hoof hitting a metal locker. I suppose I would have reacted the same in his place, Shining thought with a sigh. Two days of travel time later, Shining Armor still hoped he had made the right decision. They would be in Canterlot soon, and there would be no going back. The first thing Shining Armor saw as he got off the train were the omnipresent guards. He frowned at the scene as soldiers observed the passengers disembarking. He thought about asking them what was going on, but he didn't recognize any of them. They seemed well-trained enough, carefully observing every passenger without getting in the way, although one of them jumped slightly as Pinkie Pie offered him a piece of candy. "They certainly increased security since I was last here," Shining told his companions after giving the guards another suspicious look. "Reminds me of your wedding," Pinkie said as she swallowed a hoof-full of candy and offered some to Spike. "I wonder if there's a specific reason for the extra guards, or if it's just Silvermane making her mark," Shining mumbled, stroking his chin with his hoof. "She was always going on about the need for extra security." "Why don't we just ask one of them?" Spike suggested. "I mean, didn't these guards all worked for you before?" "Some, yes," Shining said, nodding slowly. "I see a lot of new faces though. They've obviously been recruiting." "You know," Checkmate added as he scratched the back of his head, "when I arrive in a new city, the guards are usually the last ponies I talk to when looking for information." "So what do you suggest?" Shining asked. "I have a friend who might know what's going on," Checkmate continued with a grin as he took a few steps forward. "She owns a natural remedy store not too far from the castle. She also has a brother in the Lunar Guard, so she often hears stories. I suggest we pay her a visit first." Shining turned his attention back to the soldiers and pondered the situation for a moment. No doubt anything he told the guards would be relayed to Silvermane, and he didn't want her to know the true reason for his visit just yet. "Alright Checkmate, it's your show. Take us to your friend." "Right this way," Checkmate said with a smile as he started toward the center of the city, motioning for the rest of the group to follow him. The three ponies trotted across Canterlot, taking the most direct route to the marketplace at the foot of the castle. A few guards eyed them suspiciously on the way, while others seemed completely lost, getting distracted by what seemed to be preparations for a celebration. The streets were being decorated with colorful banners and Equestria's flag hung outside most stores. It took them about an hour to arrive at a small shop sporting a poorly maintained storefront. A wooden sign depicted a tulip within a crescent moon, and numerous dried herbs hung behind the window. "So this is the place?" Shining asked. Checkmate nodded. "Aye, this is Astral Blitz's shop. She's one of the few ponies I'll completely trust to keep a secret in this city, so we can talk openly in front of her. A word of advice though. She's deeply loyal to Princess Luna, so try not to insinuate she might be guilty." "Well duh," Pinkie said, rolling her eyes. "Everypony with half their marbles knows Luna loved her sister too much to hurt her." She opened the door and stepped inside. Shining walked in, closely followed by Checkmate. A mix of potent floral and earthy smells assaulted the unicorn's nostrils as he stepped into the dimly lit store. Two ponies were already inside, both pegasus mares. The brown-coated one behind the counter waved at the group. "Welcome to Astral Remedies! I'll be with you in just..." Her eyes opened wide as she gasped in glee. "Checkmate! I didn't know you were coming to Canterlot." The crystal pony stepped ahead of Shining and smiled at the shop owner. "I just arrived, actually. I thought I'd introduce you to my friends. These are Pinkie Pie, Spike, and-" "Shining Armor," the gray-coated mare with a short, dark red mane standing in front of the wooden counter finished as her ears perked up excitedly. "Sorry... Your Highness." She blushed and avoided his eyes. "Oh, it's quite alright," the unicorn said with a polite smile. "You're not the first pony to recognize me. Your face does seem familiar though. Did you work at the castle by any chance?" "You got me," she said with a giggle. "I'm just a maid though. I'm surprised you even noticed me before." "Well, I do try to remember ponies I work with. I don't think I ever caught your name though." "Oh, how rude of me," the gray pegasus replied with another awkward smile as she brushed away her mane. "I'm Featherdust, a pleasure to meet you. If I may ask, what brings you back to Canterlot? Are you here on official business from the Crystal Empire?" Her hazel eyes brightened up as she winked at the stallion. "Oh no, the Crystal Empire stays out of Equestrian affairs," Shining explained, ignoring the wink as he shook his head. "Although I do hope I can help Equestria in some way. The rumors we've been hearing in the Empire are a bit troubling, to say the least." "Well, if you ever have any questions about the rumors in the castle, look me up," Featherdust offered with a flutter of her eyelids. "We maids hear a lot of things, and I would be happy to share them with a handsome stallion such as yourself." "Oh yes, of course," Shining said, looking nervously around him. Featherdust picked up a satchel of herbs from the counter and left two bits in its place. She waved at the group as she trotted toward the exit with a bounce. "I'll see you soon, Shining. Astral, see you in a week for the usual!" She brushed her tail against Shining's chin as she made for the exit. As the shopkeeper waved at her customer, Shining saw every eye turn toward him. Checkmate suppressed a giggle as Spike and Pinkie Pie both burst out laughing. The earth pony mare placed her leg around the unicorn's neck. "Looks like Shining has an admirer," she teased, poking him with her other hoof. "Somepony should tell her you're married," Checkmate added. "Yeah, yeah," Shining said, rolling his eyes as he gently pushed Pinkie away. "Anyway, Checkmate, you were introducing us to your friend." "Yes, of course," the crystal pony said as he trotted to the counter. "Everypony, this is Astral Blitz. I have yet to meet a pony who's as knowledgeable as she is in regard to herbs and potions. She traveled all the way to Zebrica to learn from zebra shamans." "Oh, you know Zecora?" Pinkie asked, shoving her face in front of the shopkeeper's. "I've heard the name. She's pretty well known in the field," Astral replied before turning her attention to Checkmate. "Either way, I take it by your company that you're not visiting Canterlot only for pleasure?" Checkmate shook his head. "No. To be honest, we're worried about the current state of affairs in Equestria. Shining Armor is here to try and help reason with the nobility, maybe find out exactly what happened to Princess Luna. Oh, and what's going on with all the guards in the street and the banners?" Astral raised an eyebrow. "You mean you haven't heard? Prince Blueblood is getting married to the Lady Rarity. It's what everypony's been talking about for days." "What?" Spike snapped with a gasp. "She can't be doing this willingly. We have to rescue her!" Pinkie grabbed the baby dragon in a hug. "This has to be a mistake. Rarity wouldn't do that." "She seemed happy enough when she made the announcement alongside the prince," Astral replied. "If anything, she has a lot to gain here, given that she'll become royalty." "This could be part of her plan," Shining suggested as he stroked his chin with his hoof. "Perhaps she's hoping to control him this way." Spike grabbed Pinkie's head. "We have to stop her. You remember how miserable Blueblood made her at the first gala." "We need some facts first," Shining said as he frowned at his two companions. Pinkie turned to face him. "Just give Spike a moment." She led the shocked baby dragon aside, between two tables covered with dried herbs. Checkmate and Shining shared as nod as the crystal pony turned back to his friend. "What about Princess Luna? Surely you must have heard something." Astral nodded softly as Shining and Checkmate leaned forward to hear her. She took a deep breath before speaking. "Luna is in Cloudsdale. The council hasn't said anything official, but the word is already out on the street. She raised an army and is planning on taking Canterlot by force." Shining and Checkmate stared incredulously at the shopkeeper. "That can't be right," Checkmate said after shaking his head. "Princess Luna has been alive for centuries; she knows better than to risk a war over matters of succession. And the Cloudsdale ponies, are they really this naive?" Shining took a deep breath and placed a hoof on Checkmate's shoulder. "I suppose something like this was inevitable." "What do you mean 'inevitable'?" Astral asked with a frown. "I mean that while Luna does want what's best for the ponies of Equestria, she also has a history of harsh decisions," Shining explained. "Nightmare Moon is the most well-known, but far from the only time she lost control." "You sound just like Blueblood now," the shopkeeper replied with a scoff. Shining ignored the jab. "And what about your brother? What's his part in all of this?" Checkmate asked Astral, his ears flattening in concern. Astral frowned. "He disappeared the same night as Princess Luna, and hasn't contacted me. Not that it stopped the guards from harassing me." "That's not very nice of them," Pinkie replied with a frown of her own as she got up and joined the discussion. "Well, it's not as bad as it used to be," the shopkeeper told Pinkie with a smile that seemed forced to Shining. "I think the lady Rarity got them to at least be less invasive about it. The guards have been less aggressive in town after she stopped Captain Silvermane from arresting a group of Princess Luna sympathizers." "I need to talk to Silvermane," Shining said after pondering the situation for a moment. "Perhaps I can get something out of her if I confront her." "Right now, I don't care about Luna, or about soldiers," Spike finally said, shifting his attention from a shelf filled with colorful vials to Shining Armor. "I'm going to the castle to see Rarity." "Whatever the reason why she agreed to this, she'll need a friend." Pinkie agreed with a nod. "So I'm coming with you." "Good idea," Shining said with a nod of his own. "Go see her, get a better idea of what she's been up to." He glared at Spike "Just please, be careful. No outbursts." Checkmate nodded. "I have a few friends in the city I can talk to. I can also get us a hotel room for the night. We'll have a place to talk, away from the prying ears in the castle." "No need for that," Shining said with a smile and a wave of his hoof. "We can all meet at Thirty-Eight Clover Avenue once we're done." "Ah, of course," Pinkie said as she smiled at Spike. "Am I missing something?" Checkmate asked. "It's where my parents live," Shining explained. "I'll stop by before heading to the castle, have them prepare the guest room. They should be more than happy to have us, and there are few ponies in the world I'd rather trust." "Well, whatever it is you all try to accomplish, good luck with it." Astral said, before turning toward the crystal pony. "Any friend of Checkmate's is a friend of mine. If you can actually do something to stop this insanity, all of Canterlot would be in your debt." Twilight Velvet leaned forward on her old couch and smiled at her son. "How is your tea? I hope it's not too hot." "It's just perfect, Mom," Shining replied with a nod. "Thanks again for letting me and my friends stay for tonight. I'd really rather we avoid staying in the castle." Velvet's smile quickly turned into a frown. "I'd rather you stay away from that place, too. Canterlot Castle took your sister from me. I don't want whatever political backstabbing is going on there to take you as well." "Beside, this is your home as well. You're always welcome here," Night Light, Shining's father, said from a large chair in the corner. "It's definitely appreciated, Dad," Shining said with a smile. He leaned forward. "As for the castle, I promise I'll be careful, but I have to try and calm things down. It's the only way I can find Twily." "That replacement of yours, Captain Silvermane, she said the same thing," Velvet replied as she avoided her son's gaze. "Rarity came by a few times, too. They all promised they would do anything to find my daughter." She took a deep breath. "And what have they done? Absolutely nothing. If you ask me, answers will not come from inside this castle. Ever since Princess Celestia passed away, it turned into a nest of vipers." "It probably has," Shining admitted as he shook his head lightly. "Nevertheless, I have to try." "You and your sister, you always had to try and save the world," Velvet said with a long sigh. "Sometimes, I wonder why you two can't just be content with living simple, safe lives." Shining forced a weak smile. "I supposed we were raised to care about our fellow pony. Sometimes, I wish Twilight would have stayed safe in Ponyville, and that she never earned her wings. We can't deny she did a lot of good, though. In the end, we have to accept the risks that come with our responsibilities." He took a long breath and stared at both his parents with determined eyes. "We'll find her, and things will turn right again. I promise." "Just be careful, son," Velvet said as she slowly took a sip of tea. "Canterlot isn't what it once was when it was ruled by the princesses. That Prince Blueblood, he doesn't care about everypony the way Princess Celestia or Princess Luna did." "You know, Mom," Shining said as he scratched the back of his neck. "You and Dad could always come to the Empire. Cadance would love to have you, and you'd be away from all the politics." Velvet sighed deeply. "I thought about asking you, but no. Canterlot is my home. I spent my entire life in this house; no amount of political machinations will make me abandon it." "The guards are also keeping us posted about the investigation into Twilight's disappearance," Night Light replied between sips of tea. "Whatever they find, I want to know about it." "Fair enough," Shining said with a nod. "And we really can't talk you out of getting involved?" Velvet asked as she stood up, exhausted concern evident on her face. "I know that you want to keep me safe, Mom," Shining replied, meeting her gaze. "But just like Dad wants to stay here in case somepony hears something, I have to do what I can. I used to be the captain of the royal guards. That still means something here, and maybe it can lead me to Twily. Hopefully I can help bring some sense of sanity between Prince Blueblood and Princess Luna, too." Velvet walked toward Shining. "Then I'll wish you good luck. You're free to stay here as long as you want. Your friends too." She smiled and embraced him in a tight hug. "Now, better get to it, son," his father replied with a smile of his own. "Good luck figuring things out in the castle, and let us know if you hear about anything." "Will do, dad," Shining replied with a smile and a nod. He left the house he grew up in with renewed confidence. If his parents believed in him, then surely he had made the right decision in embarking on this mission. The first stop would be the old barracks, so he could have a little chat with his successor. No matter how long he would be away, Canterlot Castle always felt like home to Shining Armor. Some of the best years of his life had been spent in its halls and courtyards, training with his fellow royal guards and advising Princess Celestia on matters of security. Of course, he never regretted his decision to leave behind his old life and live with his wife in the Crystal Empire. Still, nostalgia would settle in whenever he returned to this place. He smiled as he found the old bench where he and Flash used to gawk at the academy schoolfillies. As he trotted toward the side entrance usually reserved for the guards, he noticed the castle gardens, still similar to what they looked like when he served as captain. The one noticeable change was a large statue of Princess Celestia erected right where her body had been buried. He took a deep breath as he walked in front of the impressive monument, observing a moment of silence as he contemplated Celestia's compassionate expression, now immortalized in stone. I wonder what you would think of your subjects now, he grimly thought as he continued on his way. Shining Armor stopped in his tracks as he neared the entrance. Was that Sergeant Legerity guarding the door? Strange, she should have been promoted to lieutenant by now. The unicorn mare had always been a model officer, displaying loyalty, honesty, and a true desire to help anypony in need. "Sergeant Legerity?" Shining asked as he trotted toward her. The unicorn mare turned her head and immediately saluted with her gray hoof. "S... Sir, I didn't know you were coming to Canterlot." "I kept it quiet," Shining said, looking around to make sure nopony could hear their conversation. "I was going to talk to Silvermane, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to hear it all from you first." "Hear what, sir?" "Hear what exactly is going on around here," the stallion asked. "I've heard stories about the Cloudsdale ponies rising in rebellion under Princess Luna while Prince Blueblood busies himself with a wedding. How does Canterlot plan to react? Has diplomacy been attempted?" Legerity sighed and failed to hide a frustrated expression. "They never told us much, but I overheard a diplomat had been sent to Cloudsdale. I assume it went badly, as General Silvermane ordered heavy recruitment right after." Shining held his hoof up as he swallowed a gasp. "Hold on just one moment. General Silvermane?" "Yes, Blueblood himself gave her the new rank, alongside new authority to reorganize the royal guards as she sees fit." Her eyes desperately avoided Shining's stare. Just what are these ponies playing at? Shining Armor asked himself as he frowned at the sergeant. "Please tell me Silvermane isn't planning on fighting a civil war with the Cloudsdale ponies." "I... I really couldn't tell what the general is planning, sir," Legerity carefully answered. "One thing I can tell you, she's been meeting with griffon officers, and some of the weapons and armor we've been training with are of griffon origin." "Mmm, I suppose Griffingard would have some weapons to spare," the unicorn stallion mumbled to himself. He turned back toward the sergeant, only to see the door she was guarding opening. A large gray earth pony stallion wearing the orichalchum armor of a lieutenant walked out and frowned at Legerity. "What's going on here, Sergeant?" he asked in a gruff voice. "His Highness, Prince Shining Armor had some questions, sir," the sergeant answered as she stood at attention. "And she answered them admirably," Shining completed, not wanting Legerity to suffer her superior's ire on his account. "By the way, I don't believe you were in the guard while I was captain, Lieutenant..." "Boulderhoof," the enormous pony grunted. "Now what can we do for you, Your Highness?" Shining did not fail to notice the lieutenant's cold, hostile gaze directed at him. "I'm here to see General Silvermane," Shining replied. "Mmph, if you'll follow me," Boulderhoof said as he motioned for Shining to accompany him. "It's fine, Lieutenant. I think I know the way to my old office," Shining answered with a smirk. The large pony shook his head. "Nopony goes in the barracks unescorted. General's order." "Lead the way then," Shining said with a forced smile. He made sure to wait for Boulderhoof to turn around before rolling his eyes. I can't believe Silvermane promoted this brute before Legerity. Shining followed Boulderhoof inside the castle's busy barracks. A few ponies tried to hide gasps as he passed them. Others saluted him with respect, earning glares from Boulderhoof. He responded with salutes of his own, smiling at a few familiar faces. Even more guards were strangers to him, no doubt new recruits. Boulderhoof escorted Shining to the second floor, where the former captain's office used to be. The barrack had changed little since he had last been there, although it seemed to have been adjusted to accommodate more ponies. The beds were placed closer to one another. They stopped in front of Shining's old office. "Thank you, Lieutenant," Shining said with a slight bow of his head as he knocked on the closed door twice, eliciting an annoyed grunt from Boulderhoof. "What is it?" Silvermane's annoyed voice asked from behind the door. A stern glare from Boulderhoof convinced Shining to hold back and let the lieutenant open the door. As expected, the office had been heavily reconfigured. The desk had been moved to the end of the room, and an impressive looking spear was displayed on the wall behind Silvermane herself. The newly-promoted general was studying a map on her desk, taking notes with a levitated quill at the same time. "This better be important," she said without bothering to take her eyes away from her papers. "Sorry to bother you, ma'am, but you have a visitor," Boulderhoof said, finally prompting the unicorn mare to raise her head and look at the two stallions. Silvermane slowly raised her eyes from her documents. "Ah, Your Highness, I've been expecting you," she offered, the corners of her mouth hinting at a smirk. "You're well informed; I only just arrived," the unicorn stallion replied, hiding his annoyance with a forced smile. "I am not here as the Crystal Prince though. I want to talk to you as the stallion who used to sit behind this desk." He tapped the desk as he walked to it. Silvermane coughed once as her usual frown returned to her face. "The title is merely a formality," she coldly replied. She waited a moment before turning her eyes toward Boulderhoof. "Lieutenant, you may leave us." "Ma'am," Boulderhoof said with a salute. He left and closed the door. Shining took the time to walk slowly around the room, his eyes switching between the various maps on the wall and Silvermane fidgeting on her seat, one of her eyebrows twitching impatiently. Part of her still sees me as her superior and she's nervous. Good. "You seem to be doing well for yourself, General now, is it?" Silvermane nodded "Yes, the new rank seemed more appropriate for the leader of an army." The stallion sighed and stopped in his tracks, settling his gaze on the mare in front of him. "So this is what it comes down to? Canterlot builds an army, you receive a promotion, and Equestria falls into civil war? How are you even planning to defend Canterlot? Everypony with any knowledge of historical warfare knows this: the army with air superiority always has the advantage." "Don't worry, Your Highness, that is being addressed," Silvermane calmly said after a deep breath. "How?" Shining asked as he sat down in front of the desk, not taking his eyes off his former subordinate. "By mass recruiting pegasi and rushing through their training? It won't be enough, and you know it. Remember that I used to command the guards. Don't throw me the same rhetoric you give the nobility." Silvermane brought her hoof to her chin and looked at one of the maps on the wall for a moment before turning back toward Shining. "What I'm about to tell you, I'm only relaying out of respect for everything you've taught me. We do plan on announcing it to the masses in a few days either way." She took another deep breath. "We have a griffon army on the way. They agreed to sell us weapons, armor, as well as loan us their sixth legion, under the command of Centurion Bouvier." "What?" Shining asked incredulously, getting up in a sudden move. "This is your brilliant plan? Hire griffon mercenaries to slaughter our own citizens? Have you even attempted a diplomatic solution?" "Of course we have. Princess Luna made it quite clear that she would only accept our complete surrender. Either way, I think we can both agree it's preferable to negotiate from a position of strength. We can't do that unless our military strength matches theirs." "And of course, you want to give this position of strength to King Aurélien of Griffingard," Shining replied, rolling his eyes. "Honestly, General, what's so important about denying Princess Luna the throne? She has the strongest claim, and it's not like Blueblood is that great an alternative." Silvermane sighed loudly. "If you'll sit down, Your Highness, I will attempt to explain." Shining nodded with a grunt and sat back in front of the desk. The general waited a moment before continuing. "This civil war that's about to break is the result of a fatal flaw in the way Equestria was managed; we never planned for the demise of Princess Celestia. At first, Princess Luna might seem like the natural heir, but her ascension would quickly mean the doom of the nation." "I get it, you're not a fan," Shining said. "How does that give you — or Blueblood — the right to interfere this way?" "It wasn't the original plan," Silvermane continued calmly. "Princess Luna was, if you'll remember, a suspect in the murder of her sister. I only did my duty as captain of the guard by insuring she was thoroughly investigated before she'd be allowed to claim the throne. Unfortunately, she opted to flee the capital rather than go on trial. Her next move had been to go to Cloudsdale and raise an army against us. Now, let me ask you, Your Highness; is this the expected behavior of a pony who might rule all of Equestria?" Her muzzle stiffened as one of her ears twitched. Shining Armor's eyes narrowed while he gathered his thoughts. "Look, I will grant you that Princess Luna has a lot to learn, but with the proper advisors she can grow into a better leader. Once my sister is found, they can rule together. Is fighting to keep Blueblood on the throne really all that preferable?" "With all due respect, Your Highness, yes it is," Silvermane replied, leaning on her desk. "Unlike Princess Luna, Prince Blueblood listens to his advisors. He also won't live forever. Blueblood might not be the ideal ruler, but I know for a fact that the mother of his children will properly groom them for the position, creating a powerful legacy." Shining stared at Silvermane with his mouth agape, his eyes opened wide in shock. "So that's your plan? Sacrifice this entire generation of ponies in the vain hope that Rarity can raise a foal to be a better ruler for the future?" "If it's any consolation, my first choice would have been to have your sister on the throne. I can't, however, afford the luxury of assuming she's still alive." The unicorn mare kept her tone flat and unflinching, only resulting in making Shining Armor's blood boil. This was the last straw. Shining stood up and violently slammed both his front hooves on the desk, getting in Silvermane's face. "You don't get to talk about my sister that way! She is your princess, and your guards should be out looking for her, not starting a civil war. Send your griffons back to Griffingard, allow Luna to take the throne, and focus your efforts on finding Twilight. You'll have your peace right here, right now." Silvermane calmly brushed Shining's spittle off her muzzle before answering in a flat tone. "With all due respect, Your Highness, I highly doubt we'll get even short term peace. Should Luna take the throne, the following will happen in short order. She will first arrest myself, Prince Blueblood, Lady Rarity, and anypony else she sees as conspiring against her. If I'm lucky, I'll spend the rest of my life in the dungeon. More than likely, I'll be executed — It wouldn't be beyond Luna to order it. Shortly after, she'll use her Cloudsdale army, as well as the Canterlot soldiers she deems loyal, to attack Griffingard as retribution for acting against what she'll call Equestria's laws of succession. If she's willing to start a civil war, she will not hesitate to attack another nation." "Now you're just exaggerating," Shining continued. The general ignored him as she continued. "Best case scenario, yourself or some other brave ponies manage to find and bring back Princess Twilight Sparkle. She finds a nation in chaos, with a ruler bent on securing her position against perceived conspirators. You know Princess Luna, how impatient and impulsive she can be. You've seen her snap at dignitaries. Do you really think your sister can control her? At best she'll manage to save Rarity's life." Shining's heavy breathing calmed down, as he used every speck of self-control he had to get back on his hooves despite his racing heartbeat. "You're delusional, Silvermane. You're so convinced that you hold the truth that you're willing to set Equestria on fire for it. I'm starting to wonder what madness made me recommend you as my successor." Silvermane took a deep breath. Despite her taciturn exterior, Shining noticed her ears flattening and her eyes avoiding his. "I'm truly sorry you feel this way, Your Highness. Regardless of your opinion of me, I do have the utmost respect for you. However, let me remind you of why you wanted me for this job. How did you put it? Ah yes: 'The changeling queen managed to control me because I got too sentimental'." Silvermane firmly planted her hoof on her desk. "This is what protecting the nation without sentimentality entails." "This is what you're calling it?" Shining barked. "A royal guard's job is to protect and obey the throne, not dictate the laws of succession." "I'm hardly acting alone," Silvermane replied, still calmly sitting in her chair. "Rest assured that everything that happened, happened with the council's blessing. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have the city's defense to plan." She took a deep breath and glared at the stallion. "If I may be so bold, Your Highness, I'm not certain what you're trying to accomplish here. The Royal Guard is under my command now, and regardless of the respect I hold for you, I can't have you second-guessing my decisions. Now, will there be anything else?" "No, I think everything is clear enough," Shining flatly replied while grinding his teeth. He opened the door and, as expected, found Lieutenant Boulderhoof waiting for him on the other side. "Lieutenant, please escort His Highness back to the castle grounds, and make sure he has everything he needs to make his stay in Canterlot a comfortable one." Silvermane returned her attention to the map on her desk. Whatever allies Shining Armor hoped to find in Canterlot, he would not find them here. > XI Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sweet aroma of assorted tropical fruits accompanied the decadent breakfast set before Rarity. Raisins, cantaloupes, slices of melon, and oranges accompanied a generous mountain of pancakes, honeyed oatmeal, and a hard-boiled egg. She came to realize that what she once considered extravagance was the norm for the Canterlot elite. She smiled timidly at Prince Blueblood, who was sitting at the other end of the long table in the royal dining room. The stallion who was to become her husband currently seemed more interested in the goings-on of the weather pegasi outside the large windows overlooking the city than on their breakfast. Rarity sighed quietly before taking a deep breath and forcing a wider smile. "Is something the matter, my prince?" He slowly turned his head in her direction, keeping his muzzle high, as he usually did whenever he addressed most ponies. "No, my dear. Nothing you need to worry yourself about." And so it begins, Rarity thought. The war of courtesies. "Oh, but I insist," she replied with a subtle flicker of her eyelids. "If I'm to be your wife, then shouldn't we share all of our burdens?" Blueblood rolled his eyes dismissively. "Nothing you need to worry your pretty head about." Well, at least I remember my courtesies. "I imagine that you're wondering what we're going to do for cloud production. Or maybe you're just thinking about drafting all our weather pegasi into defending the city?" Rarity replied with a smirk as she adjusted her mane. "How am I doing?" "Let me worry about the affairs of state," Blueblood replied dismissively. "You worry about looking pretty for our wedding.” “Why you...” Rarity started in shock, before taking a long breath. You prepared yourself for this, Rarity. You will have to earn his respect. “Don't you worry, my prince. Our wedding ceremony will be remembered for decades to come.” “Of course it will,” Blueblood said with a smug grin. “After all, you'll be living the dream of many a young filly. A dream that used to be yours, if I'm not mistaken.” Rarity had to keep herself from grinding her teeth in embarrassment. “Well, I know we both changed a lot since that night.” “Indeed. I am now the ruler of Equestria, and you're hoping marrying me will let you keep some of the power you grabbed for yourself.” “So complete honesty, is it?” Rarity said with a smirk. “Alright, here's how it goes. The common ponies of Canterlot love me, but the nobility does not yet respect me. I can't win the nobility without you, and you need me to win the common ponies' love. Now, I'm sure neither of us expect to find true love out of this union, but we can work together. Ask yourself, Blueblood. Would you rather face rebellion in the streets, or ponies cheering for the both of us?” Blueblood smirked and raised an eyebrow in a way she didn't like. "Oh, ponies will cheer for us, of this I am certain. We are, after all, two of the most regal ponies in Equestria. You are a beautiful mare, Rarity; stallions will be just as jealous of me as mares will be jealous of you." "Yes, I'm sure the wedding will be a grand affair," Rarity continued. "I'm mostly thinking about what comes after." "After, I become Equestria's ruling Prince," Blueblood said, slowly getting up. "And you'll be free to do what you do best — spend time with the ponies of Canterlot and ensure their support." "A ruling council without the inclusion of Equestria's princess would be unheard of," Rarity said, putting all of her efforts into keeping a smile on her face. 'Princess', that will take some getting used to. "Of course you'll be on the council. I wouldn't dream of keeping you away from it," the prince said, slowly walking toward her. He took her hoof in his own. "After all, you will be my dutiful wife, and will be there to support me." What is he playing at? Rarity couldn't hide her frown at Blueblood's apparent courtesy. "Yes, of course," she managed to blurt. "You seem doubtful, my dear," the prince continued, his grin growing wider as he reached for a pocket inside his jacket. "In fact, I'd like to share something I received from one of my fans with you." "You receive fan letters?" Rarity asked bewilderedly as she raised an eyebrow. "Yes. I still have a few fillies writing me love letters and such." He waved his hoof dismissively. "I usually have servants handle it, but this particular one was brought to my attention. You see, it comes from your hometown of Ponyville, from a young filly who, according to my staff, sends me a lot of admiration letters." "I'm certain I'll be able to draw from your vast experience in dealing with fans," Rarity replied with a forced smile. Get to the point. Where are you going with this? "My advice would be to have somepony else handle them, and only send what is relevant your way. Like this, for example," he said as he levitated the piece of paper he had slipped from his pocket toward the unicorn mare. "Apparently, this was written by some school fillies who wanted it published in their local school paper. It wasn't, of course — their teacher saw to that. What is interesting is that one of the fillies' classmate apparently found the article and sent it to me in some show of support. Juvenile, of course, but still interesting." Rarity carefully unfolded the paper and immediately gasped. Oh my stars! This is Sweetie Belle's hoofwriting. She quickly read through the text. She recognized the style her little sister and her friends used when writing for the Foal Free Press. She didn't have to read the entire thing, just the beginning was enough. We are Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, three little fillies from Ponyville, and we have all been visited by Princess Luna in our dreams. She's a kind, loving pony, and there's no way she's guilty of any of the nasty things she's been accused of... The bride-to-be took a deep breath, attempting to collect her thoughts. "This is just fillies talking. It's certainly not a threat to the crown. Neither of us can expect anypony to forget about Princess Luna overnight." "As I said," Blueblood continued with a smile that was just too warm for him, "you will be my beautiful, dutiful wife. I wouldn't dream of doing anything to your little sister or her friends. I know a lot of ponies who would like nothing better than to get their hooves on somepony who's experienced Luna's dream magic. But don't you worry; I wouldn't allow such a horrible thing to happen to the family of my loving, loyal wife." He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead as she closed her eyes and tried to keep her tears from showing. The loud noise of the sewing machine drowned out Rarity's thoughts. The one she had in Ponyville was a tad quieter, but it would take a few days for it to be moved to Canterlot alongside the rest of her possessions. Perhaps once everything had arrived, the castle would start to feel like her new home, where she would spend the rest of her life. One of her ears flicked as she thought she heard something. "It must be my imagination," she mumbled to herself with a sigh as she kept on working. The lining on her wedding dress was very delicate; no room for mistakes. A few more stitches... Voilà! Rarity paused to admire her work. The dress was coming along great. She had picked a very soft white silk, and had arranged it in a heart-shaped strapless top with a long skirt that would end in a long, royal train. She had chosen a light purple fabric for accents. On top of complimenting her tail perfectly, it was a piece of fabric that came from Ponyville — a small reminder of where she came from. She wished she would have had more time to improve her design, but it should still impress the wedding guests. It might not be her dream wedding, but it wouldn't keep her from wearing one of her own creations. A few knocks on the door broke her reverie. "Lady Rarity, you have a guest," Sapphire Blitz's voice announced from outside the room. "Come in," the white-coated unicorn said as she carefully placed her wedding dress on her work table. The door opened to reveal Rarity's assistant, her blue mane carefully coiffed in order to hide the stump where her horn used to be. A pink blur followed close behind and rushed forward in Rarity's direction. "Rarity!" Pinkie Pie yelled as she enveloped the unicorn in a strong embrace. "P...Pinkie?" Rarity asked, too surprised to react to the heartfelt hug. "Of course it's me, silly," the pink earth pony said, letting Rarity go and smiling widely. "Spikey is here too." She moved aside to reveal the baby dragon, who was still standing awkwardly in the door frame. "Well, this is a surprise," Rarity said, straining not to cry. "Sapphire, you may leave us." "I'll be close by should you need anything, milady," the assistant offered before bowing and closing the door behind her. Finally alone with her friends, Rarity dropped her mask and broke down in tears, embracing Pinkie warmly. "Oh, Pinkie, Spike, I'm so glad to have you two here! You have no idea how hard things have been for me. I was hoping to at least see Applejack here, but an emergency kept her away. I was certain I would be facing all of this by myself!" "What happened to you, Rarity?" Spike asked on the verge of tears. "Why did you even agree to marry Blueblood? Don't you remember how miserable he made you during that first gala?" Rarity buried her face in Pinkie's fluffy pink mane, ignoring the question. She heard a quiet, "Give her a moment, Spike," coming from her earth pony friend. The moment lasted a bit longer, everypony remaining silent as the unicorn found herself in a place of safety for the first time since Fancy Pants had left Canterlot. She allowed her tears to flow freely, ruining both her mascara and Pinkie's mane. After what seemed like an eternity, the embrace was broken and the unicorn's gaze found itself traveling between both of her friends. "I suppose you must both have a lot of questions." "To say the least," Spike replied, rolling his eyes. "Why are you marrying this guy?" "And why can't Applejack come here?" Pinkie added, her voice filled with concern. Rarity sighed and nodded at Pinkie. "Mayor Mare sent me a letter. Apparently changelings are taking over Appleoosa. Applejack went there to try and stop them." "Changelings?" Spike gasped. "Rarity, no!" Pinkie grabbed hold of the unicorn. "We can't let Applejack go there by herself." "I know that, Pinkie," the bride-to-be replied, more harshly than she expected. She forced her voice to relax before continuing. "I tried to convince Silvermane to send in the guards, but she says they're all occupied at the moment. I fear Applejack will have to handle this one on her own, at least for now." "Pinkie and I can go help her," Spike suggested weakly. Rarity shook her head. "I will not risk the two of you. Applejack should have waited for a reply from Canterlot. Beside, by the time you two arrive, it'll be too late." "So there's really no way we can help her?" the baby dragon asked. "I can make sure that such a tragedy is immediately addressed in the future," Rarity replied. "This is why I must marry Prince Blueblood. Canterlot is becoming too disconnected from the rest of Equestria. As a princess, I can help the nobility better understand the ponies living under their rule. "And marrying Blueblood is the only way?" Spike asked again. Rarity took a long breath. "Trust me, if there was another way, I would be more than happy to call this off. I was essentially given a choice: agree to this, or get thrown off the council. I was already under suspicion, due to Rainbow being part of this Cloudsdale insurrection." And then there's Sweetie Belle. Would my friends ever forgive me for putting her in danger? "And what's so important about being on the council?" Spike argued, his arms flailing in annoyance. "Is it really worth throwing your entire life away?" "Yes it is!" Rarity yelled louder than she would have expected. "Ponies could die, Spike! Blueblood is already committed to bringing in a Griffon legion from Griffingard. Unless there's somepony around to try and keep him under control, he could drag Equestria into a civil war that might last for years!" "I... I just wish you didn't have to do this," Spike whispered, looking down and fiddling with his claws. "Trust me, Spikey. I'm not thrilled about it," Rarity continued. "But I'm not going to risk anypony's life for something as small as my own happiness." "No, no, no, that just won't do!" Pinkie said as she stomped her hoof on the ground and directed a stern glare at Rarity. "I already explained it to Spike, Pinkie," Rarity said with an exasperated sigh. "The only way I can even attempt to keep some form of sanity here at court, and make sure Twilight is allowed to take back the throne when she returns, is to do this." "Not that," Pinkie said, shaking her hoof dismissively. "I trust you with that stuff. I'm talking about your happiness. You're my friend, and I know how long you've dreamed of the perfect wedding. Well, I'll do everything in my power to give it to you! Even if Blueblood isn't who you had in mind, I'll make sure you walk down the aisle with a smile on your face." "Oh, Pinkie," Rarity said with a warm smile as tears gathered in the corner of her eyes again. "I really wish it were that simple. No, this is what I must do, even if it means I will know only misery. My one satisfaction is knowing that, hopefully, fewer families will be destroyed by this terrible conflict." "I'm not going to pretend this will be easy," Pinkie continued, her expression uncharacteristically sober. "But at least, let me try. Who's planning the wedding right now?" "Councilor Kibitz," Rarity answered as she walked toward a particularly comfortable couch in the back of her room. "That won't do at all. Tell him I'll be taking over," Pinkie replied, shaking her head. Rarity sighed. "Well, I can insist on having you help in the planning," she said as she sat down. "I can work with that," Pinkie said, her usual smile returning to her face as she bounced toward Rarity's couch. Rarity allowed a smile of her own to form on her face. "Thank you, both of you," she said. "I'm curious though, what brings the two of you to Canterlot? I thought you were in the Crystal Empire." "We were, but we came back here with Shining Armor," Spike explained, moving to the couch and sitting next to Rarity. "He's meeting with Captain Silvermane right now, actually. He's trying to figure out what's going on." "Hopefully Shining can help you with all the political stuff," Pinkie added. "If he can help me figure out what Silvermane's plans are, it would definitely be useful," Rarity pondered as she brought her hoof to her chin. "As for you, Pinkie, I could use your help with something. After the wedding of course." "Anything! You just gotta ask," Pinkie replied, bouncing on a cushion near the couch. "I need you to go to Cloudsdale," Rarity explained, meeting the pink pony's chipper blue eyes. "I don't know what foolish idea went through Rainbow's head, but you need to talk her out of it. Maybe see if she can convince Luna to stand down. This rebellion will only cause thousands of ponies to die, and the council won't back out of it, not with a griffon legion behind them. If Luna ever wants to be welcomed back in Canterlot, she should focus on finding Twilight. She's the only one who can be accepted by everypony as ruling princess." "I'm sure Dashie wouldn't hurt anypony," Pinkie said as her ears flattened. "I think Rainbow got tangled up in some brash idea of military glory without thinking it through," Rarity replied with a frown. "It wouldn't be the first time she rushed blindly into a bad decision." "I'll just have to ask her why. I'm sure she has a good reason," Pinkie said with a weak smile, her evasive eyes betraying her obvious concern. "And what about you, Spikey-poo?" the unicorn asked, her head turning toward the baby dragon. "Me?" Spike asked with a shrug, "what about me?" "I can see why Pinkie wanted you along in the Crystal Empire, but it is far too dangerous to have you go with her to Cloudsdale." "Does that mean I can stay here with you?" he asked, his eyes beaming with excitement. "Oh," Rarity said as she scratched the back of her head. "I was actually thinking about sending you down to Ponyville, with my parents." "Come on, Rarity, please?" the baby dragon pleaded as he grabbed her hoof. "You know I can be useful. I can be your assistant. I can fetch your meals, clean up your quarters." The unicorn slowly shook her head. "I can't have you here. I won't be able to protect you. Canterlot isn't a safe place anymore." "What's the worst that can happen?" Pinkie asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm sure Spike knows not to get in your prince's way. He can keep a secret, too. You know it. I agree that he should stay. With all your plans to protect Equestria, you forgot that you might need a friend along." "I don't want to put any of my friends in danger," the unicorn replied. "I'm sorry, but I simply must refuse." "Don't you think it's my choice?" Spike said with a hard glare. "I'll listen to everything you say, but if you decided to take a risk like marrying Blueblood, shouldn't I be allowed to make the same choice? I get that you want to protect me, everypony does, but I'm tired of being protected. I want to help you!" "I... I don't know what to say..." Rarity mumbled. "Just say yes," the earth pony replied. "Admit that this entire thing will be easier if you have a friend you can trust, that Blueblood can't decide who you keep around you, and that Spike is a good friend who can support you." The unicorn looked down for a moment. "I... I admit that having you two here is the best thing that happened to me in weeks." She took a deep breath before turning back toward the baby dragon. "Spike, can you promise me that you won't get in Prince Blueblood's way? You might see him being rude to me, you might see things that you don't like. Just please, you musn't try to defend me." "I get it. You don't want me fighting your battles," Spike said, his eyes peering at the ground. "You're right though. I do need a friend," Rarity admitted as she smiled at the baby dragon and raised his head with her hoof. "As much as I hope I can get Blueblood to change, I know he will not be the kind husband I've dreamed about. Having you here will certainly be welcome in the coming months." "That's the spirit!" Pinkie said. "You shouldn't have to go through difficult times alone." As the three of them shared in a hug, Rarity felt a tad more hopeful for the future. Things still looked bleak. She still had to find a way to protect Sweetie Belle, and she would have many challenges yet to come, but for the first time since Fancy Pants had left Canterlot, she wasn't alone. Councilor Kibitz was holding two bouquets of roses using his magic. "You still haven't decided, Lady Rarity. Red or white roses?" Rarity took a few steps backward and surveyed the throne room, where the wedding ceremony was to take place. "Hmm, a mix of both, I think. Have two rows going up the stairs. Start with white roses at the bottom, red on top and a mix favoring one, then the other as we go up," "As you say, Your Highness," he replied with a bow. Rarity frowned at the title, but did not comment on it. She turned toward the stained glass window depicting Twilight's ascension as an alicorn and sighed regretfully. "Does Shining Armor still refuse to perform the ceremony?" she asked, changing the subject. "He does, Your Highness. He says he is no longer allowed to act as a representative of the Crystal Empire, and therefore cannot be considered royalty. The ceremony will have to be performed by a member of the council, I'm afraid." "Too bad we can't ask Princess Luna," Rarity joked, a light chuckle escaping her lips as her attention turned to another stained glass pattern, this one representing her and her friends freeing Luna from Nightmare Moon's grasp. "Yes, very amusing." Kibitz's voice shook with discomfort as he forced a timid laugh. The bride shook her head and turned back toward the councilor. "Either way, I suppose the ceremony will have to be performed by a council member, given the absence of a royal." Kibitz coughed lightly. "Well, as Your Highness is aware, I am more than prepared to rise to the occasion, should-" "Yes, yes, you can do it," Rarity said, cutting him off. At least one pony is excited about this wedding, she thought as a wide, excited smile appeared on the councilor's face. She took a deep breath before continuing. "I will insist that no decoration hide these windows. They depict the history of Equestria, and this entire union is about protecting our legacy. My profile also looks quite fetching on this one," she added, pointing to the window depicting their defeat of Discord. "Yes, the, ahem, assistant you insisted I work with also said as much." Kibitz scoffed, breaking eye contact with a smirking Rarity. "I'm certainly glad you and Pinkie are getting along," she said, swallowing a giggle. "Now, I also wanted to talk to you about-" Rarity never finished her sentence as a loud, familiar female voice was heard coming from the entrance. "Rarity, there you are! I can't believe how hard these ponies made it for me to see my own daughter on the day of her wedding." Oh no... Rarity slowly turned around and gasped in horror as her mother, father, and little sister walked into the room. "I... I did not expect you here," she mumbled in panic. It's not safe for them here. Why did they not stay in Ponyville like I asked in my letter? "Ah yes, our future princess's family," Kibitz said as he took a few steps forward. "I am councilor Kibitz, most honored to make your acquaintance." He politely took Rarity's mother, Cookie Crumble's hoof in his own, making her blush. "Well, well, this one's a charmer," the older mare said with a giggle, prompting her husband to roll his eyes. Hondo Flanks, Rarity's father, stepped forward, leaving behind a pouting Sweetie Belle, whom the bride noticed refused to even look in her direction. "The letter you sent worried us a bit, dear," the stallion began. "Why would you not want us here for your wedding, of all things?" Rarity winced, both at her father's lack of subtlety, and at the horrible flower-patterned shirt he wore. "Perhaps we should talk someplace quieter," she suggested with a forced, awkward smile. "I really should show you the castle gardens. They look simply gorgeous." "Your little sister has been to the garden once," her mother replied, nuzzling Sweetie Belle on the head. "Haven't you, Sweetie?" "Wasn't all that special," the filly said flatly, still looking away. "Councilor, will you be fine handling things here without me?" Rarity asked as she smiled at Kibitz. "Of course, Your Highness," he said, bowing again. "Pfft. It hasn't taken you long to have ponies bow to your every whim, 'Your Highness'," Sweetie Belle mumbled, her tone dripping with sarcasm. Rarity ignored the jab as she pushed her parents toward the nearest exit. "Come on, come on, you'll love it. I promise!" It took every inch of self-control she had to keep smiling. She quickly led her family through the castle hallways, taking the shortest route to the gardens. "Woah there! Why are we in such a hurry?" Hondo Flank, asked. "Oh, I do beg your pardon," Rarity said with a giggle that sounded forced even to her. "I'm just nervous. It is my wedding day, after all." "Right, it's not as if you're ashamed of us or anything," Sweetie Belle mumbled bitterly from behind Rarity. "Now, Sweetie, dear. Why would you even suggest such a thing?" Rarity replied, uncomfortably nodding her head at a passing maid. "Oh, I dunno," the filly snapped angrily as she stepped up and finally looked her sister in the eyes. "Maybe it's you asking us to stay in Ponyville, or maybe it's you marrying Blueblood and taking Luna's throne." Foolish little filly! Does she not realize the danger she's in? Rarity thought as she leaned toward Sweetie Belle. "Shhh. It's not safe to speak here. Wait until we're outside," she whispered. Their father stepped toward the young filly and placed a large hoof around her neck. "Alright, Rarity, but I expect a good explanation." His eyebrows locked in a frown. They all trotted toward the gardens, passing various statues and heading inside the maze. Rarity babbled on about the stories of the various ponies immortalized in stone, smiling at the few ponies she passed along the way. Her family's inability to play along with the charade made her sweat profusely, ruining her pristine white coat. As they made their way deeper inside the garden maze, Rarity quickly looked around, making sure they weren't being observed. She spotted a stone bench in the middle of a beautiful flower arrangement. "Ah, perfect," she said. "I will admit, Rarity, it is a beautiful place," her mother said as she sat on the bench, her husband joining her. "Alright, can I talk now?" Sweetie asked. "Yes, I suppose you all want an explanation," Rarity timidly began. "We'll support you in whatever makes you happy, Rarity, you know that," Cookie Crumbles began as she shushed Sweetie Belle with a hoof gesture. "But it's hard for us to understand. I remember the first time you dated this Prince Blueblood, back at the gala. You came back in tears, said he was real rude to you." "Oh, the situation is so complicated," Rarity began as she tried to keep her tears hidden. "I don't want to marry him, but I have to. It's the only way I can stay here, in Canterlot. The only way I can protect anypony from what's coming." "And here comes the drama!" Sweetie said as she rolled her eyes. "However you're throwing it around, Rarity, you're just being selfish. You want your stupid Canterlot wedding, and won't even invite your Ponyville family. You're even going to steal Luna's throne! If Twilight were here, she'd never let you do this." "Sweetie Belle, I will not have you talk to me this way!" Rarity ordered, slamming her hoof on the ground. "Get it through your skull; Princess Luna will not be Equestria's ruler. You yelling at me for it and trying to write silly articles in the Foal Free Press will not change any of that." "What? How do you know about that?" the filly asked with a gasp. "So you only write to ask us to stay out of Canterlot, but you have somepony spy on your little sister?" Hondo Flank said, raising an eyebrow. "We raised you better than that, Rarity." The bride shook her head. "It's not like that at all. I wanted you all to stay in Ponyville for your own safety, but apparently it's not even safe there anymore." She avoided her father's gaze. "Not safe?" her father asked, getting up on his hooves. "So you're saying you placed your own family in danger?" "I didn't want to, I swear!" Rarity pleaded as she felt a tear running down her cheek. She turned and faced her little sister. "I'm not the one who spied on you, Sweetie Belle. It was Blueblood. He wants to use you against me." Cookie Crumbles gasped. "This is terrible! What are we going to do?" "We're going back to Ponyville, is what we're gonna do," Hondo Flank snapped as he moved toward Rarity. "And we're taking both our daughters with us." "No, you can't!" Rarity yelped. "Don't you understand? I'm part of this." She took a deep breath, facing away from her family. Cookie Crumbles stood up and stood next to her husband. "Calm down, dear. I'm sure Rarity knows how to make this right." The bride forced herself to face her family again. She winced at her father's stern frown and her sister's angry glare. "Look, I am deeply sorry for everything, I truly am, but it's too late for me to walk away. Why do you think Prince Blueblood even wants to marry me? He needs me because I was part of Twilight's entourage; it's how he can legitimize his claim to the throne. Now that I've accepted, he won't let me out of the deal, even if I wanted to." Her family members slowly looked at each other, Sweetie Belle still pouting with daggers in her eyes while her parents shared a concerned nod. "So what happens now?" Cookie Crumbles asked. "Well, you're here now, so you'll have to attend the wedding and play the part Go to my boutique in town. Sassy Saddles will set you up with something decent to wear." "Figures. Even with our family in danger, she's worried about our wardrobes," Sweetie Belle mumbled, rolling her eyes. Rarity frowned, but ignored the comment as she continued. "You cannot talk about Princess Luna while in Canterlot, or even back in Ponyville for that matter. As far as anypony's concerned, you are proud that I'm marrying into royalty, and came here as any supporting family would for their daughter's wedding." "I really hope this is worth it," her father replied with a sigh. "It will," Rarity confirmed with a nod. "During your stay in Canterlot, some ponies might try to get information out of you. They might try to get you to talk about my life, or about Princess Luna. Perhaps they'll ask you about Twilight. Be very careful what you say. The royal court is a battlefield masked in courtesies, and our weapons are words and secrets." "Alright dear. It's only fair we do things your way while we're in Canterlot," her mother admitted with a sigh. "Good," Rarity said, smiling genuinely for the first time since her parents arrived. "Once the wedding is over, you must follow your original plan. Stay for the reception, congratulate Prince Blueblood, and give him your blessing." "You expect me to give him my blessing? After the way he treated you at that first gala you went to?" Hondo Flank blurted incredulously. "Yes, father. It is exactly what I expect of you." Rarity replied flatly, eyeing her father severely. "Remember what I said: everything is masked in courtesy here. If you show any hint of opposition to this union, it will be used against me." "You see, dad," Sweetie Belle added, poking her father's leg. "She's ashamed of us. She wants us to do things her way, help her betray Princess Luna." Rarity's blood boiled as she slammed her hoof on the ground. "That's enough, Sweetie Belle!" she yelled. "Princess Luna raised an army in Cloudsdale. She's planning to attack Canterlot and take the city by force. She probably wants to impose her rule in all of Equestria. Regardless of who she is or our history with her, this is wrong. I refuse to support anypony who disregards peace in such a way, and so should you." "And there goes subtlety," Hondo Flank replied, rolling his eyes as he placed his hoof on Sweetie's back. Rarity took a few deep breaths, turning her eyes toward a small stone with Celestia's cutie mark engraved on it. She raised her head and faced her father again. "Father, you need to trust me on this. I know what I'm doing. I understand, this isn't what you want for our family. I know neither of you understands what high society ever meant to me. However, this isn't about what I want. It's about what Equestria needs. What I'm doing here isn't any different from all those times I helped Twilight, Fluttershy, and the others battle monsters. I can't force you to agree with me or my methods, but I would like to have your support." "Rarity's right," Cookie Crumbles admitted, giving both her husband and younger daughter cold glares. "We need to keep this family safe, and I trust her when she says she knows what she's doing. So, Rarity, what else would you have us do?" "Thank you, mother. Now, this next part won't be easy," the bride continued with a short sigh as she lowered her voice. "After the reception is over, you will return to Ponyville by train, as you previously scheduled. However, as I said, even Ponyville isn't safe. I will try my best to find somepony I can trust who can smuggle you three to the Crystal Empire." "So you want us to abandon our home too?" Hondo Flank began, only to have Cookie Crumbles place her hoof in front of his face. "Let her finish," Rarity's mother interjected. "Thank you again, mother. Now, if a stranger asks you if you ever had a daffodil sandwich in Fillydelphia, that's the keyphrase. It means that pony works for me, and you can trust them." She took another deep breath. "Look, I know what I'm asking won't be easy. You'll have to leave your home and your friends. I wouldn't insist on it if I didn't truly believe it was for the best. You can hate me all you want for it, but at least you'll be safe. So please, promise me this at least." "I'm not leaving the crusaders!" Sweetie Belle started. "And I'm not betraying Princess Luna!" Hondo Flank sighed and spoke gently. "Yes, you will. I don't like this any more than you do, Sweetie, but we have to keep the family safe. I think your sister has made a terrible mistake, but at least she's willing to try and do something to protect us." "Th... thank you, father," Rarity said, moving toward her family for an embrace. Both her parents gladly took her in their hooves, even if Sweetie Belle still refused to get close to her and turned her head aside. I don't need Sweetie to forgive me for now, I just need her to stay safe, the bride told herself as she hugged her parents tightly. Rarity smiled timidly at her father as her heartbeat raced out of control. She could hear muffled voices from beyond the thick double doors separating her from the throne room, where an eager crowd of ponies waited to see her give herself to Prince Blueblood. You can do this, Rarity. It's all for the greater good. Even as she repeated the words in her head, she had trouble believing them. "What am I getting myself into?" she mumbled to herself, her knees shaking in anticipation. Her father raised an eyebrow. "It's not too late to give it all up, Rarity," he gently offered, placing a hoof on her shoulder. "Just say the word, and you can leave with us." Rarity turned away. It would be so simple, she thought, I could live in the Crystal Empire, away from the treacherous politics. She turned back toward her father, wanting nothing more than to accept his offer. "No, I must do this. I must do my duty," escaped her lips instead. Hondo Flank nodded silently as Rarity gulped nervously, waiting for the doors to open. She took a moment to adjust the ruby necklace Blueblood had given her earlier during the week. Its red color clashed a bit with her purple mane and pristine white silk wedding dress, but she wasn't about to refuse to wear the gift. She improvised and found some red earrings that complimented it well. She felt sweat on the back of her neck. She turned toward a nearby mirror, making sure the heart-shaped strapless top of her dress was still properly adjusted, and her thin bridal veil still fell evenly over the subtle curls she had given her mane. "Gah, what's that?" she blurted out, jumping as the soft music began. The massive doors slowly opened, surrounded in a unicorn's magical aura. "Oh, right," she said with a giggle, turning toward her father and smiling awkwardly. The throne room was filled with ponies, a spectacle that she only perceived as a multicolored blur. She took the first step, then another, making sure her father was still next to her. So many of them. She saw some of the lesser nobles smiling at her from both sides of the aisle. She kept walking, in tune with the traditional wedding music. Spike avoided her gaze, standing next to Shining Armor. Poor little Spikey. What a bad way for his boyhood crush to come to an end. More steps. The entire room was still blurry. Three mares cried as the bride passed them. She recognized a pink-coated earth pony in the group as one of her regular customers from Ponyville. She exchanged a smile with her. Pinkie stood next to the altar with an excited grin on her face, holding a purple cushion on one of her hooves. It contained two magnificent rings — the two intertwined bands of gold and silver she had chosen for Blueblood, and a diamond the size of a pigeon's egg attached to a golden ring that would soon be placed upon her horn. Rarity recognized the dress Pinkie wore; she had designed it herself for Twilight's coronation. Floribunda, right at the front of the crowd, wore another one of her designs: a gorgeous purple ball gown she knew still sold well at her boutique. Rarity had to keep herself from shaking her head as she saw Silvermane standing next to the older councilor, wearing a short yellow dress the fashionista had designed a few months ago. A few tears came to her eyes as she realized many of the mares in the room wore her designs. She was used to seeing two or three of her dresses at any one event, but she had never seen her work this prominently displayed. She found Pinkie again, and the party planner's perked ears, softened eyebrows, and caring blue irises made words unnecessary. Pinkie had done exactly the right thing. She had allowed Rarity to marry not as a princess or politician, but as a fashion designer. She turned her attention left, to the white-coated stallion's satisfied smirk. Prince Blueblood wore a black tuxedo with a classic cut. Rarity's warm, honest smile evaporated, only to quickly be replaced by the one she usually reserved for annoying customers or demanding nobles. And now, I'm a politician again. She walked straight, fighting the urge to slow down. She met her future husband's eyes as they shared a passionless smile. Kibitz stared at both of them placidly, calmly nodding. Rarity had to force herself to keep her attention on Blueblood, rather than Pinkie's encouraging smile. The music stopped as Hondo Flank stayed behind and allowed his daughter to climb the steps so she could stand next to her intended. The bride turned her head toward Pinkie and gulped nervously. Her friend gave her an encouraging tip of the head. Rarity smiled and nodded at Kibitz, who coughed once, gathering everypony's attention. "Fillies and gentlecolts," he began. "We are gathered here today to celebrate true love and harmony. Regardless of the hardships our nation goes through, we will never give up on what makes us all ponies. Prince Blueblood and Lady Rarity are here to remind us of this, as they invite us to celebrate their love, even as hatred threatens to rip our nation apart." The bride faced the groom, who did not return the gesture. She took a short, silent breath as Kibitz continued. "Equestria will remain strong, as shown by the union of Prince Blueblood, Keeper of Harmony, and true heir to the throne, and Lady Rarity, companion to Princess Twilight Sparkle, and former Bearer of the Element of Generosity." Blueblood finally faced his bride as her name was mentioned. Rarity could almost see the prince she used to dream about as their eyes met. "Prince Blueblood, will you take Lady Rarity to be your wife, to rule by your side, and comfort you? Will you protect her and always remain faithful to her?" "I do," the prince replied firmly, with a warmness Rarity would not have expected from him. "And Lady Rarity," Kibitz said as he turned toward her. "Do you take Prince Blueblood to be your husband? Do you swear to always support him, rule by his side, and remain faithful to him?" Rarity made sure not to break eye contact with Blueblood. "I do," she declared with a lump in her throat, feeling a tear run down her cheek. "Then I pronounce you husband and wife!" Kibitz announced loudly. "May Equestria prosper under your reign." They each levitated their respective wedding rings from Pinkie's cushion and carefully placed them on each other's horns. Rarity's lips met Blueblood's in a long, passionless kiss. She closed her eyes, attempting to picture the prince she had imagined as a younger filly, and not the one she would spend the rest of her life with. She almost didn't hear the cheers. The reception that followed the ceremony went by as if it were part of a dream. Ponies would come, wish both Rarity and her new husband good fortune, and she would politely thank them. She often found her eyes wandering to the various dishes brought to her. Cherry and dandelion sandwiches, hay pasta dripping in a sweet tomato sauce, rice-stuffed cabbage, a thick broccoli soup, and plates high with vegetables. As the bride, she was expected to sample every dish, and did so almost automatically. She smiled when she had to smile, thanked who she had to thank, and made sure to hold Blueblood's hoof as often as she could. Rarity allowed her eyes to wander to the table on her left, where her family sat alongside Spike. She had asked the baby dragon to keep an eye on Sweetie Belle and make sure the young filly didn't do anything that would get the family further into trouble. Her little sister noticed her, and reminded her with an angry glare that she was not forgiven. She returned her attention to her husband, as Fleur de Lys stepped toward the large, central table where the royal couple sat. "My congratulations to you both," Fancy Pants' wife offered as she bowed. "Thank you, Lady Fleur de Lys," Blueblood said with a satisfied, smug air. "My husband, Fancy Pants, wanted me to convey his deepest apology for his absence," the lithe unicorn mare continued. "As both of you know, he remains quite busy in Manehattan." "Of course," Rarity answered. "The work he's doing is very important to my husband and I, and should take priority. Perhaps, if the situation permits, we can visit the both of you there sometime in the coming months?" "A splendid idea, my dear," Blueblood acquiesced with a nod. "Then I will look forward to it, Your Highnesses," Fleur said with another bow, before she turned away and allowed General Silvermane to offer her congratulations. Silvermane took a few hesitant steps forward, awkwardly adjusting her dress. Rarity failed to suppress a giggle. "Not used to wearing dresses, are you General? A shame, this one suits you well." "Thank you, Your Highness," Silvermane said flatly with a bow. "It was a gift from your friend Pinkie Pie; she was quite insistent that I wear it for the wedding. Either way, congratulations to you both. I have no doubt that Equestria will prosper from this union." "It is our hope as well," Rarity said with a forced smile as she adjusted her mane. Blueblood turned and smiled at Rarity. "This union can only solidify the throne, General, and we have you to thank for facilitating it." "I only aim to serve," Silvermane replied, her taciturn frown never leaving her face. A pegasus couple stepped forward as Silvermane returned to the crowd, but they did not get a chance to say their piece as Pinkie loudly cheered, "Cake time!" from the back of the room, where she sat with a crystal pony unknown to Rarity. Two servants brought in a tall, multi-layered vanilla cake. Each layer was covered in a mixture of tropical fruits — kiwis, bananas, oranges, pieces of pineapple and mango all mixed together with meringue in a rainbow of colors. The towering desert was placed in front of the royal table, prompting the prince to rise and invite his bride to accompany him. Everypony in the room applauded loudly as they cut the first piece together. Rarity found she didn't have much of an appetite, but took a small piece anyway for appearance's sake. As the servants started passing out cake to the rest of the guest, the newly married couple returned to their table. Their eyes met by accident as they both sat down. "To the future," Rarity offered with a smile, as she raised her cup of Zebrican red. "To a bright future," Blueblood replied, mirroring the gesture. His smile almost seemed genuine. Underneath it all, who are you really, my dear new husband? Rarity broke eye contact and ate in silence, wishing she had taken a smaller portion. Some musicians began playing soothing, ambient music. Rarity sighed in relief as she noticed Spike and her little sister moving toward the orchestra as they ate their cake; anything to keep Sweetie Belle occupied and out of trouble. Councilor Kibitz seemed to have passed on the cake, as he was deep in conversation with Ambassador Antoine, who listened to him while nibbling on a piece of fruit. After sufficient time had been given for everypony to eat their dessert, Prince Blueblood stood, eliciting the room to fall silent and turn their attention to him. "Everypony," he began with a grin, proudly raising his hoof high the air. "I'm more than excited to have all of you, the elite of Equestria, present for this grand occasion. It means everything for my wife and I to have all of your support. Together, we will rule this nation with both strength and wisdom." The ponies in the room politely applauded as Rarity rose and stood next to the prince. She smiled at him warmly before turning toward the crowd. "I share my husband's joy and excitement," she added, her eyes traveling from one pony to the next. "By marrying my beloved, I accept to share the burden of the crown with him. I spent years at Princess Twilight Sparkle's side, and will rule the way she always intended: with honesty, fairness, and a deep desire for peace. I know that my dear Prince Blueblood admires Princess Twilight as much as I do, and will do everything he can to ensure that our nation remains prosperous and untroubled. Truly, today is a glorious day." Crying on purpose always came easily to Rarity. She turned toward her husband, a wide grin on her face and water in her eyes as she gave him a kiss. The stiffness in his lips gave her all the information she needed. The moment the kiss was over, Blueblood tilted his head and whispered, "Remember Sweetie Belle," in Rarity's ear. Trust me, I haven't forgotten, she thought. Instead, she spoke loud enough for ponies in the front row to hear. "We shouldn't bore our guests with speeches, my love. I believe it is time for the dance." "A splendid idea," Blueblood said, offering to take Rarity's hoof. The bride took one last sip of wine before accepting her husband's hoof and joining him in the center of the room. Ponies formed a circle around them as they began their waltz, the musicians giving them a more flavorful piece. Both ponies performed their parts, smiling at each other when their eyes met, moving in a circle so that everypony could see them, and closing their eyes, appearing to be lost in the moment. As soon as the music stopped, both Rarity and Blueblood moved apart from each other and bowed to the crowd. They were again met with polite applause. Now that the bride and groom had satisfied the tradition and performed the first dance, other ponies were free to join in for the next piece. The couple kept on dancing for a few more minutes, but moved aside as soon as etiquette would allow. Pinkie Pie loudly shouting, "Come on, Checkmate, let's hit this dance floor!" created the distraction they needed to step away. After another hour of seemingly endless congratulations, wishes, favor requests, and meaningless small talk, Rarity found an excuse to sneak out by herself onto the empty balcony overlooking the city. An open arch separated her from the reception, but the cool breeze kept most ponies inside. It was already quite dark, but the city lights still shone brightly. She could hear some faint music coming from the market square; apparently, her wedding was a cause for everypony to celebrate. She looked up toward the sky. The stars were beautiful, and the full moon illuminated the white stone floor she stood on. "Strange, I didn't think the moon was scheduled to be full tonight," she mumbled to herself. "It wasn't. This is obviously a message," a stallion's voice said from behind her. Rarity turned around to face Shining Armor casually strolling in her direction. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I imagine this must be the first moment of solitude you've had all day." "It's quite alright," Rarity replied, what she silently started to think of as her 'royal smile' returning to her face. "We haven't had the chance to talk since you arrived in Canterlot, and I do enjoy your company." "Well, I did hope we'd get a chance to catch up," Shining said. "I imagine the following days will be even busier for you." "Yes, no doubt," Rarity quietly acquiesced, looking down as her politician's mask dissipated. They shared a moment of silence as Shining Armor leaned on the edge of the balcony, right next to her. "What you're doing is very brave," the stallion finally said. Rarity gulped as she turned to face him. "I only hope it's worth it." "I heard about some of the things you did in the city," Shining continued, looking down in the market's direction. "You're giving up a lot because of my mistake, and I won't forget it." "Mistake?" Rarity asked as her ear twitched. "Silvermane," the former guard captain said. "I thought she would be the perfect successor — that recommending a pony who's so detached would help keep Canterlot safe. I fear I may have been wrong." Rarity couldn't help but chuckle. "You know this entire wedding was her idea? She said she did it so I'll have the opportunity to do more good." "I have no doubt she made similar promises to Blueblood," Shining continued. "She has Equestria's well-being at heart, but she's too reckless. I was worried that my sentimentality was a weakness after my own wedding, but it turns out it isn't; it's what kept me from needlessly sacrificing lives for the greater good. Silvermane won't make that distinction. She really believes a stronger Equestria will come out of this war." "I know," Rarity replied, looking in the distance. "I've been in Canterlot long enough. This is why I agreed to this wedding to begin with. With my new influence, I can stop her from making harsh decisions. I can make sure that only volunteers are sent out to fight. I can limit the damage, but I can't stop this war." "But you're hoping Pinkie Pie can convince Luna to stop it herself," Shining completed. The bride turned toward the stallion. "If it's not called off, it won't end well for the Cloudsdale ponies. There's a griffon legion coming here. We're talking about a military culture who spent decades in border skirmishes with Zebrica and the minotaur tribes. They have countless generations of experienced officers; Cloudsdale has Rainbow Dash." Shining gasped and his ears drooped. "Rarity, this is your friend you're talking about." "Not anymore," she answered, turning back toward the city. "She actually went along with this war. She volunteered for this madness." "And I wonder what she thinks of you now," Shining replied, his gaze fixated on her. Rarity sighed. "Look, I get what you're trying to do. Don't bother. There's too much to accomplish to worry about my personal feelings toward that idiotic, brash pegasus." "Well, I'll find out for myself," the stallion said. "I'll accompany Pinkie to Cloudsdale. I've known Princess Luna ever since she came back. Hopefully I can help reason with her. Perhaps if I offer her asylum in the Crystal Empire, she'll agree to call off this insanity." Rarity took a deep breath. "Speaking of the Empire, I have a favor to ask of you." "Oh?" "My family," Rarity whispered, leaning closer to him. "Blueblood has made threats against them. I don't think they're in danger for now, but I can't operate if they're constantly at risk. I need you to arrange for them to be sent to the Empire. Hopefully they can be protected there." "I suppose I can have Checkmate handle it," he replied, mimicking Rarity's low voice. "How do you want to do this?" "I will have my family take the train back to Ponyville. Have your friend follow them on board, and contact them when it's safe. He should ask them if they ever had a daffodil sandwich in Fillydelphia. This is how they'll recognize him. From there, I assume the pony you have in mind can handle the rest?" Shining nodded. "I'll make sure everything is arranged. For now, we should head back inside. Your absence is probably starting to get noticed." "You're right," Rarity admitted with a sigh. "And thank you. If we all do our part, we'll get through this." They both headed back inside and rejoined the festivities. It did not take long for the guests to start leaving. A few ponies seemed insistent on staying so they could beg one favor or another, but the reception had, for all intent and purposes, ended. For Rarity, it meant she couldn't ignore her new husband any longer, and had to face the reality of her first night as a married mare. "Ah, my lovely wife," Blueblood welcomed her, right after he waved goodnight to Floribunda and her husband. "I trust you enjoyed the reception as much as I have?" "How could I not?" she replied. "Indeed," he said with a grin. "Shall I take you to the royal quarters?" The bride gulped. Be strong, Rarity. You can do this. "Lead the way, my prince," she managed, unable to keep her voice from shaking. His smug, satisfied expression only made it worse. They left the ballroom and headed to the hallway leading to the royal bedroom. Rarity passed Pinkie Pie. The two friends exchanged looks. Rarity fought not to cry as Pinkie mixed a weak smile with chagrined eyes. The newly-married mare tried to draw strength from the pink pony's supportive presence, but no amount of encouraging smiles would make the situation any easier. The hallway seemed even longer than usual. Rarity kept her eyes down as she walked next to Blueblood into what now looked like a gigantic maw, ready to swallow her whole. She was heading to the quarters she would now share with Blueblood. The room where Celestia died, the room where Twilight was last seen, and now the room that would claim her innocence. She tucked her tail between her legs as Blueblood eyed her body in ways no true gentlecolt would ever be caught doing. She suppressed a shudder as tears threatened to spill out. Buck up, Rarity. You can't let him conquer you. You must do your duty, but do not let him have the satisfaction of making you appear weak. She took a deep breath and followed her husband. For Equestria, she would do her duty. > XII Rainbow Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A small group of houses made up the bulk of Saddlefree village while numerous farms extended its territory further to the north. A thick forest to the south separated the settlement from Ponyville and Canterlot. Rainbow Dash frowned as she eyed the tall trees; it would be the perfect place for an enemy to hide. She flew ahead toward the pegasus currently at the front of their V formation. "We land at this inn, soldier. I'll take the lead from here." The yellow-coated pegasus at the front slowed down and flew upwards, allowing Rainbow to glide under him and take the lead position, right in front of the unit's regular leader, Sergeant Flitter. She nodded at Flitter as she passed her. Normally, Rainbow would have trusted the sergeant with this mission, but three recruiters had gone missing in this area and their previous scouts had also failed to return. Not only did Rainbow decide to send in a full unit as a response, she opted to take command of it herself. She turned and cast her eyes north before heading toward the ground. She could almost see Cloudsdale in the distance. Everything between the city in the sky and Saddlefree was flat land with little place to hide. If there was danger, it was either in the village or the forest. Hopefully somepony in town would volunteer some information. Rainbow landed in front of a modest inn, the eight ponies under her command accompanying her. The wing commander slowly looked around. Townponies cautiously stepped away, probably intimidated by their military uniforms. "We're not here to hurt you," Rainbow announced. "We're just looking for information." An earth pony mother quickly grabbed her two children and dragged them inside her house as a pegasus couple quietly flew away. Rainbow sighed and turned toward Flitter. "Alright, Sergeant. Form a perimeter and see if anypony is willing to talk. I'll take Rapidflash and Derpypaws, and head inside." "Aye aye, ma'am," the grayish-blue sergeant answered with a salute. Rainbow trotted toward the inn, the two soldiers following closely behind. She swiftly opened the door, prompting the few ponies inside to turn their heads in her direction. As the day was still new, only three patrons sat at a round, wooden table in a dark corner. A unicorn barkeep gulped behind his counter as he made eye contact with the wing commander. Rainbow tried her best to smile as she made her way to the counter. The barkeep shook his head vigorously as he took a step backward "Whatever it is, we have nothing to do with it, and we want no part of it," he blurted out in a shaking voice. "Look, we just want information," the pegasus grunted as she rolled her eyes, stopping in front of the counter. "I don't know anything, I swear," the barkeep continued. "We just want to be left in peace." "You don't even know what I'm going to ask." Rainbow didn't wait for the pony to respond. "Some of our recruiters were last seen in this town, then never reported back. Any idea what happened to them?" "They got a room here, and they talked to some ponies in town. That's all I know," the unicorn replied, shaking and looking around the room nervously. "As I said, I mind my own business." Rainbow tapped her hoof on the counter. "Seriously, I'm not gonna hurt you or anything. I just wanna ask questions." "He's not gonna answer you," a loud voice shouted from the round table at the back. "Nopony here wants to help you Nightmare Moon lovers." As Rainbow swiftly turned in the voice's direction, she heard another voice whisper. "Quiet down, Applecrisp. You'll get us all in trouble." A fat, green-coated earth pony, presumably Applecrisp, got up from his chair and stared down Rainbow. "Do your worst. I'm not afraid of you featherbrain soldiers. You won't take any more of our youngsters to join your rebellion." "We're fighting to restore the throne to its proper ruler. It's a tad more productive than getting drunk at a bar on a Thursday morning," Rainbow replied with a snort, looking around the table. "Either way, you lot heard anything about our recruiters disappearing?" "I don't know a thing. Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." the fat pony said, poking Rainbow with his hoof. The two soldiers pointed their spears at him in retaliation. "Stand down, let's not start a fight," Rainbow ordered before turning back toward Applecrisp and pushing him back toward his chair. "This one is obviously just a drunk." A light purple pegasus sitting at the same table timidly raised one of her hooves. "As you said, he's just drunk." She gulped. "I'll answer your questions if you promise not to do anything to him." "Fair enough," Rainbow said with a nod. Applecrisp got up to retort, but the third pony sitting at the table, a dark blue earth pony mare, placed a hoof on his shoulder and whispered something in his ear. The wing commander ignored them as she gave the pegasus mare her full attention. "Any idea what happened to our soldiers?" She nervously shook her head. "No, ma'am, I'm sorry. We're just passing through. I can tell you a lot of ponies here don't like seeing soldiers. I've heard your recruiters weren't too popular." She hid behind her mane. Rainbow rolled her eyes. "I don't know what kind of crazy stories you heard, but Blueblood doesn't want anything good for Equestria. We're not here to hurt you, we're here to help." "And what if we don't want your help?" Applecrisp argued, pushing his friend aside and standing up again. "What if we think it should be Prince Blueblood saving us from Nightmare Moon?" "Let me teach this one a lesson, commander," Rapidflash spat as he pointed his spear toward Applecrisp again. "No, private," Rainbow said as she firmly shook her head. "He's just some idiot who believes the lies coming out of Canterlot. He's not worth our attention." "I'll show you how worthy of your attention I am!" the fat stallion snapped, prompting his two friends to get up and hold him back. "For Prince Blueblood! For Princess Rarity!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. He pushed his friends away and lunged toward Rainbow. Rainbow's blood boiled at the mention of her friend. "You keep Rarity out of this!" she yelled in the drunk's face. "Forcing Rarity to marry him is just another one of his crimes — one he'll pay for." Applecrisp guffawed. "That's what you think? That he forced her into this? I was at the wedding. That mare wasn't forced into this; she was just as excited about it as he was. Face it, Lieutenant, or Captain, or whatever you are, nopony wants you in Equestria. You're just a bully, and I only have one thing to say to bullies." The stallion attempted to strike Rainbow's cheek, but his blow only connected with the hard metal of her helmet. He spat in her face as he recoiled in pain from his failed punch. "It's commander. And you just struck an officer of the Cloudsdale army," Dash warned, seeing red. "Rapidflash, Derpypaws, get this drunk out of my sight." She breathed heavily. He's just a drunk, Rainbow. You're way too awesome to let him get to you. Beside, Rarity would never agree to this. He's just pushing your buttons. The commander looked at the two remaining mares staring at her with pleading eyes. Darn it, she thought as she turned toward her soldiers, who had begun dragging the drunk outside. "Alright, just give him water to drink, and let him out with a warning. We're not here to make enemies." "Th... thank you commander," the purple pegasus stammered. Rainbow took a long breath and tried her best to manage a comforting smile. "I think we started on the wrong hoof. I'm Rainbow Dash, Wing Commander in the Cloudsdale army, and I really just want to know what happened to my ponies." "I'm Candy Swirl," the mare answered as Rainbow invited her and her friend to sit back down. "So you say you just arrived here? That you were in Canterlot?" the commander asked, sitting comfortably on one of the wooden chairs. "Yes," Candy replied with a gulp. "We were there for the wedding, and we're returning home to Vanhoover. We're really not looking for trouble." Darn it, these ponies really haven't done anything bad, but I can't have them spread lies about Princess Luna. What would Twilight do in this situation? Rainbow tapped her hoof to her chin as she considered her options. "Look, I'm not going to hurt you or anything, but you gotta understand that everything you've been told in Canterlot, it's all lies. Blueblood and the other nobles would say anything to discredit Princess Luna. I can't have you spreading falsehoods around." Candy Swirl and her companion both looked down. "We won't, I promise. Applecrisp just had too much to drink. He doesn't realize what he's saying." "Since you were in Canterlot though, there is one thing I'd like to ask," Rainbow said with a sigh. I have nothing to lose at this point. "What can you tell me about Rarity? Did she really seem okay with this wedding? Or was it all another lie?" "She said she loved him," Candy replied in a shaking voice. "It sounded sincere. She said that their marriage would insure peace for all of Equestria." Rarity, what are you playing at? Dash thought to herself. You can't seriously be going along with this. "And you know absolutely nothing about what happened to the Cloudsdale troops who came here?" she asked instead. Candy slowly shook her head. "No, Commander. As I said, we only arrived yesterday, got a room, and had breakfast. If Applecrisp hadn't decided to hit the cider, we'd be on our way back by now." "Alright, fine. Just stay out of trouble, will you?" Rainbow said as she got up. She quickly adjusted her helmet before turning one last time toward the barkeep, who still nervously observed her and her two privates. The commander considered interrogating him further, but decided against it. Hopefully somepony in town would be more cooperative. Dash left the inn and spied Derpypaws having an argument with Applecrisp. She took a few steps in their direction and addressed her soldier. "Just let him go. We don't want to start a commotion." She sighed and turned toward the fat, drunken pony. "Go along your business, Applecrisp. Just stay out of trouble, and try not to get into fights with armed soldiers, will you?" The earth pony grumbled something unintelligible under his breath as he dragged his hooves back inside the inn. Rainbow kept her eyes trained on him, but quickly decided he wasn't worth the trouble. She saw Flitter in the distance talking to a bearded, bald earth pony. Hopefully the sergeant had better luck than her. She gave her wings a few flaps so she could get airborne and join Flitter. She allowed her body to glide, landing gracefully next to the sergeant. "Any luck?" Rainbow asked. "Yes, actually. This pony says he saw griffons in the area," Flitter said as she pointed to the older pony next to her. His unkempt beard and lazy eye made him look like he had seen better days. Apparently, he hadn't seen a bath in a while either. "Griffons?" Dash asked. "Why would they have anything to do with our missing recruiters?" "They're not just your average griffons," the old pony said, staring at Dash. "They're soldiers, all the way from that kingdom of theirs, on the other side of the Oatlantic. They've been asking questions, paying off townsfolk for their help." Rainbow turned toward Flitter. "Is this true? Griffon soldiers from Griffingard are here?" "It's what I just said!" the old pony replied. "The old stallion claims he saw them, that they hide in the forest," Flitter said. "Apparently they contacted a few ponies in town, too. It could be worth investigating, unless you found something else, ma'am." "Nothing in the inn," Rainbow replied, shaking her head. "Although many of the ponies here seem loyal to Canterlot. We'll have to be careful." "Noted, Commander. I'll let my troops know." "Now, as for you," Dash continued as she turned back toward the old pony. "Where exactly did you see those griffons? Were they wearing uniforms?" "No uniforms, at least not in town. They do have armor and weapons in their secret forest hideout." The stallion dramatically pointed toward the forest. "I can show you. Most of the ponies here would refuse to help, but not Old Oatston. No! I told that other unicorn about them, too." "Wait, other unicorn?" Rainbow asked. "It's the first I hear of it," Flitter interjected. "Yes, yes, a white unicorn, traveling with an earth pony," Old Oatston continued. "They were looking for Cloudsdale recruiters, too. They got real nervous when I told them about the griffons." "Could be spies from Canterlot," Flitter suggested with a frown. "Or just overeager ponies wanting to impress us; we'll have to keep an eye out for them," Dash told the sergeant before turning back to Oatston and nodding with a smile. "Princess Luna appreciates your loyalty, Oatston," "I know she does, I used to have bad dreams, and she took them away," he said with a grin, displaying a set of broken yellow teeth just as he poked Rainbow in the chest. "Anyway, I can take you to their secret forest hideout. I followed them there once, after they went and asked questions to the villagers." "What kind of questions did they ask?" Rainbow said, raising an eyebrow. "They wanted to know about you," Old Oatston whispered, inviting Rainbow and Flitter to get closer with his hoof. "They kept asking about Cloudsdale, and Princess Luna. How many ponies you have, which villagers joined you, where you get your food, but I wouldn't answer." "Good," Rainbow said, before turning her head toward the forest. "And you followed them after?" "I did, I did!" he giddily chanted. "Come, let me show you where they hide." "Not so fast," the commander ordered. "Flitter, gather the troops. Let's not head in there blind. Oatston, could you pinpoint where they're hiding on a map? Give us an idea of the surroundings?" "I suppose I could," he suggested, tapping his hoof to his chin. "Awesome," Rainbow replied wide a sly grin. "Let's all get to it, then." The trees' thick foliage could keep the most colorful ponies hidden from view. Still, when trying to hide, Rainbow wished she had brown fur like the soldier she partnered up with instead of her bright, easily noticeable blue coat. She made a mental note to cover herself in dirt on her next scouting mission. She had split her unit in groups of two, each group flying from one tree to the next, or sneaking from the ground and trying to stay out of view. She picked Derpypaws as her partner, a nervous-looking rookie whom she thought could learn a thing or two by watching her in action. The young pegasus breathed heavily. His head twitched at the slightest forest noise. Dash placed a hoof on his back, making him jump and almost fall off the branch he was standing on. "Calm down, soldier. If you move too much, or breathe too loudly, you could get us spotted. Think of this as playing hide and seek with foals. Nothing to worry about." She smiled encouragingly. Rainbow returned to scanning the landscape. She could hear birds singing, the wind in the leaves, and the occasional branch cracking. She groaned as she heard a cough coming from a tree a few meters ahead. I'll need to have a talk with Firebolt about subtlety, and taking something for his darn cough. Both Rainbow and Derpypaws' ears perked up at the sound of a sparrow's whistle — the agreed upon signal between Rainbow, Flitter, and the soldiers. "Somepony found something. Let's go," she whispered to her partner. "Aye aye, ma'am," Derpypaws answered with a nod. The two pegasi glided in the direction of the whistle, staying as close to the trees as possible. Any flap of their wings could rustle the leaves and betray their presence, so they allowed the wind to carry them. Rainbow tipped her head toward the trees as she felt they were getting closer. Both she and Derpypaws lowered themselves on two of the upper branches. Rainbow held her hoof up, asking for silence as she twitched one of her ears. Some sounds could be heard in the distance, possibly someone talking. Rainbow pointed downward — no reason to risk detection by flying. They would go the rest of the way below the branches. The commander easily glided from one branch to another until she reached the ground. Derpypaws wasn't as skillful, and chose a branch that proved too weak. It cracked under his weight, forcing him to flap his wings to avoid a crash. Rainbow groaned at him as he sheepishly blushed. The two ponies made their way through the thick forest, hiding behind trees as they followed the sound of conversation. The sickening smell of flesh being incinerated assaulted Rainbow's nostrils. Bleh, meat, she thought as she remembered Gilda's disgusting habit of eating rodents, both cooked and raw. Rainbow Dash slowly made her way toward the offending smell, constantly keeping an eye on her partner and making sure he didn't step on branches or dry leaves. There was still no sign of any other pegasus soldier, but they were getting close enough to start making out what was being said. "You're right, Gaston. This is good meat! You said you first had it in the south of Equestria?" a gruff voice asked, between munching sounds. "Yup, a small Saddle Arabian village next to the Badlands," another heavier voice answered. "Wasn't pony meat like this though, it was horse meat." Both Rainbow and Derpypaws gasped in shock. They were eating pony meat? This was a definite act of war. "Horse, pony, there's a difference?" a female voice asked, also with her beak full. "Of course, Caroline. Pony meat is much more tender. It might become a hot commodity if this war lasts for a while," Gaston answered. As Rainbow's blood boiled, she spotted Flitter hiding behind a tree with three other soldiers. She took a long, silent breath as she made her way toward the troops with extra care not to make a single sound. She turned her head in the direction the sergeant pointed and spied their targets. Four griffons were sitting around a campfire. To Rainbow's horror, what looked like a pony's hind leg was slowly rotated on a spit by one of the enemy soldiers. Her stomach turned as she shared a knowing look with Flitter that was worth a thousand words; these griffons had to die. Another quick glance at the camp revealed three tents, as well as some armor and weapons laying in a pile. No sign of any prisoners; the griffons must have killed and ate them after they interrogated them. Dash turned back toward Flitter and pointed at the camp with her right wing. Flitter nodded once and pointed at three different locations. Rainbow replied by flapping the tips of her wings three times and moving her hoof in a circular, downward fashion. She mentally thanked Soarin for insisting everypony learned military sign language. She took a quick look at the four soldiers accompanying them. They all held their spears nervously, shaking in apprehension. Better act now before they start over-thinking it. Rainbow flew up and ordered the charge. "For Equestria!" she loudly announced, prompting the three ponies hiding in the trees to join her as she flew above the camp. "Flap 'em," she ordered.+ Flitter, the three soldiers, and Rainbow herself to flap their wings toward the ground, creating powerful gusts of wind that would prevent the surprised griffons from taking off. As the griffons fumbled around, trying to pick up their weapons, Derpypaws, Firebolt, Rapidflash, and Leafbreeze all hovered right under the rest of the unit, holding their spears and getting ready to impale the enemy. Rainbow grinned as her soldiers lowered in altitude, giving the spearponies the space to maneuver without getting caught in the wind funnel. One griffon tried to fly up and attack with his bare claws, but lost his balance as soon as his paws left the ground, allowing Firebolt's spear to travel through his neck. The commander winced as the blood from his pierced jugular spattered across the ground and over the remains of the pony leg they had been devouring. Almost too easy, Dash thought as she looked down at her spear handlers. Movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. She turned around and gasped as a fifth griffon, a fat one wielding a cleaver, ran out of the largest of the tents. He screeched as he sped toward the ponies, throwing his weapon. "Watch out!" Dash yelled, only a mere moment too late. The cleaver buried itself right through the weak underbelly of Derpypaws' armor. He barely seemed to register his fate as he fell from the sky, struggling to breathe as his innards spilled out of the large, gaping wound left by the cutlery. "No!" Rainbow yelled as she flew down and picked up the fallen soldier's spear. She charged the fat griffon, who was already picking up another large kitchen knife. She screamed a maddening war cry as she thrust her weapon forward with all of her strength. The unarmored griffon never stood a chance. The spear pierced his heart as his brown eyes registered horror. As the dead griffon fell, Rainbow's eyes opened wide at the sight of the large tent's interior. The fresh carcass of a dead pony lay on a wooden table. Its entrails had been taken out, and two of the limbs had been cut off. The sound of battle behind her almost prevented Dash from hearing the worst of it: muffled, panicked cries coming from inside. Bile gathered up in her mouth; she winced and forced herself to swallow it. She couldn't lose her cool in front of her troops, even in the midst of such unspeakable horrors. She turned around and looked at the battle unfolding. Another griffon had been impaled on a spear. Of the two remaining enemy soldiers, one had managed to pick up a spear of her own and use it to frantically parry blows. The other was desperately using a metal plate to protect himself. The air funnel generated by Flitter and the others still kept them well grounded. For all intents and purposes, this battle was over. Rainbow decided she'd had enough. "It's all over. Surrender to us and we'll show you more decency than you've given our friends," she yelled at the enemy. "Yes, I give up," the griffon holding the plate said as he dropped his makeshift shield. His fellow soldier, a tough-looking female, still held her spear high and frowned at him. It took her a few moments to realize her predicament and announce her own surrender. "Okay, fine, you win," she said, unceremoniously tossing her weapon on the ground. Rainbow sighed as her eyes surveyed what remained of the camp. One of the smaller tents had been uprooted and thrown aside. Remains of the pony flesh the griffons had been eating mixed with the blood and gore of the dead soldiers. Further from the campfire, Derpypaws' corpse lay in the dirt, a fly landing on his lifeless eye. Closer to Rainbow, the fat griffon she had killed still seemed to beg for his life, even through the stillness of death. I can't start thinking about this stuff, not now, the commander thought as she shook her head. "Firebolt, you're with me. Flitter, have everypony else search the camp and secure the prisoners." She forced her eyes to remain trained on the sergeant. "Aye, ma'am," Flitter answered with a salute. "You heard the commander. Let's tie up those griffons." Rainbow turned back toward the larger tent. She could clearly hear sobs and muffled cries coming from inside. She adjusted her helmet and turned toward the soldier she had ordered at her side. "I don't know what's in there. Be ready for anything." Firebolt quietly nodded. His grimace and firmly closed muzzle showed just how much he struggled not to vomit at the smell of blood and rotting entrails. Rainbow gulped and took a few steps in. The inside of the tent was warmer, and the musky smell of sweat mixed with urine accompanied the existing stench. A bucket full of entrails lay next to the table, upon which an assortment of bloody knives and kitchen implements were carefully organized. Rainbow turned her head toward a dark corner of the tent, where two ponies looked at her in panic. Their hooves and wings had been tightly tied up, and dirty rags had been shoved into their mouths. "Mhhmphhh!" one of them, a red-coated stallion, called through his gag. "Let's free them," Dash ordered as she removed the gag from the stallion's mouth and got to work on untying his hooves. "Th...thank you, commander," he managed to mumble between sobs. The other prisoner wasn't faring any better. Even as Firebolt removed her gag, she hysterically cried and violently shook her head. She even pushed the soldier aside as she struggled. "Hey, calm down," Rainbow said, placing a hesitant hoof on her shoulder. When the mare kept struggling and pushed her hoof away, the commander decided a different approach was needed. "Soldier, name and rank!" She slowly opened her eyes. "B...Berrystar," she mumbled. "Private Berrystar, of the Cloudsdale army." Rainbow nodded severely. "Good, private. Now let Firebolt here untie you." "Y... yes commander," the soldier replied between sobs as Firebolt got back to work. Dash was about to get back to untying the stallion when Flitter's voice grabbed her attention. "Commander, there's something you should see." "Firebolt, take care of these two. I'll see what's going on," she said with a groan. Rainbow made her way outside and gasped at the sight of her soldiers surrounding Pinkie Pie and Shining Armor, probably the last ponies she would have expected to see. Shining stared her down with a piercing glare, while Pinkie looked away, her ears flattened and her tail tucked around her body protectively. "Wha... Pinkie? What are you doing here?" Dash managed to mumble. "Same as you, investigating the griffons," Shining Armor flatly replied. "We found them hiding in the bushes," Flitter explained. "Let them go. They did the right thing by staying out of sight," Rainbow ordered with a sigh before turning back toward Pinkie and Shining. "What's going on here?" "Can we talk in private?" the unicorn stallion asked, his eyes fixated on the commander. "Yeah, sure," Rainbow said. "Sergeant, give us a minute, will you." "As you say, Commander," Flitter replied. "Come on, let's finish searching this camp," she ordered the soldiers. Rainbow motioned for her friends to follow her into the woods, a few meters away from the ruined camp. She couldn't help but frown, both at Shining's unmistakable hostility and Pinkie's uncharacteristic evasiveness. "So how was your first taste of war?" Shining asked sardonically as soon as they were out of earshot. Rainbow's eyes found their way toward Derpypaws' stiff body. "I did what I had to. This is no different from any other monster I've faced before," she lied. "You don't mean it, Dashie!" Pinkie finally said, violently turning her head in Rainbow's direction. Her tearful, accusatory eyes glared at the commander. "I've never seen anything this horrible in my life, and this is what you want to turn Equestria into?" Rainbow gasped as her heartbeat jumped. "You're blaming me for this? I didn't bring these griffons here. I stopped them. I rescued two ponies, probably hundreds more. If anything, what happened here shows that Equestria needs a stronger military presence." "What happened here was a result of your so-called 'military presence'," Shining argued in an angry tone. "Did you really think that Canterlot would just call it quits and let Luna take the throne? In their minds, you're all rebels." "Are you saying they hired Griffon mercenaries?" Dash asked incredulously. "No, Rainbow, I'm saying they formally asked Griffingard for help. This was probably just an early scouting party you took out. An entire legion is coming here," Shining continued severely, pushing Dash with his hoof. "Please, Dashie. You can't let Equestria go to war," Pinkie pleaded as she firmly grabbed Rainbow's head. "We can work something out. Maybe let Luna hide in the Crystal Empire, or in Yakyakistan. She doesn't have to return to Canterlot. But please, convince her to stop this." The commander pushed Pinkie aside and took a deep breath as she turned away. "It's not that simple, Pinkie. Blueblood, he already accused Princess Luna of murdering her sister, he forced Rarity to marry him. Now he's allowed griffons to come to Equestria and hunt us for food. He must be stopped, no matter the cost." "Are you even listening to yourself?" Shining spat. "You don't even know what the cost is. You're just jumping blindly into some glorified idea of war. Was there any glory here today, Rainbow? How 'awesome' would you say all of this was?" Rainbow turned around and gave her wings a few flaps, getting airborne. "This is what you think? That I'm in it for the glory?" She spat on the ground. "I don't want Equestria to go to war, but I'll do what needs to be done. So will everypony in the Cloudsdale army. Now, are you going to help us? If not, get out of our way." Pinkie shook her head as tears fell down her cheeks. "We don't want this war, and I don't think Luna really wants it either. All we ask is to see her, offer her a place to stay in the Crystal Empire. We can still prevent this." Spitfire's voice resonated in Rainbow's head, a reminder of where her loyalty should lie. "No, Pinkie. I won't let you try to talk Luna into abandoning Equestria. Maybe you're all willing to give up, but I won't let Blueblood and his cronies take over." "I don't want that either, but have you considered there might be another way? Like maybe trusting Rarity with her plan to keep him under control," Pinkie suggested as she glared at Rainbow. "Trusting Rarity with her plan," Rainbow blurted with a gasp. "Do you mean to say she wasn't forced into this wedding? That it was actually her plan?" "She's sacrificing a lot to give everypony more time," Shining said with a sigh. "But she needs our help. The only way Princess Luna will be allowed back in Canterlot is by helping us do the one thing we should all be focusing on." "And that is?" Rainbow asked, rolling her eyes. Pinkie gasped. "Find and rescue Twilight! Is that war really more important than our friend to you?" Rainbow averted her eyes and slowly landed. "I... I haven't forgotten, but I have to protect Equestria first. If you find out anything about where she is, I can promise you I'll let Princess Luna know, and we'll save her. For now, I can't abandon my post. Not even for you, Pinkie." "So I take it we can't rely on your help if we want to see Princess Luna?" Shining asked in a softer tone. "No, I'm sorry," Dash said as she slowly shook her head. "If you go to Cloudsdale, you can petition for a meeting. For now, I have these prisoners to take care of." "Well, in this case that's all we have to say," Pinkie said as she dried her tears. "Please reconsider, Dashie. Your friends really need you right now." As Pinkie Pie and Shining Armor walked away, Rainbow managed to whisper, "I'm sorry," in a barely audible voice. She took a deep breath and dragged her hooves back toward the camp. Her eyes examined the dead bodies once more. She screamed as she knocked one of the pillars holding the large tent aside with a powerful buck, prompting her soldiers to jump and turn in her direction. "Commander, what's wrong?" Flitter asked as she took a few hesitant steps in Dash's direction. "Nothing you can do anything about. Just follow your orders, Sergeant," Rainbow ordered a bit more harshly than she intended. "Make sure the prisoners are secured, and the ponies we rescued are fit to travel. We're returning to Cloudsdale. These two I just spoke to won't be an issue." Cold water ran through Rainbow Dash's prismatic mane. She stared at her shower wall as the grime slowly washed off her sky-blue coat. It had been a few hours since she had returned from her scouting mission. The griffons had been placed in custody, and Fleetfoot had promised her best interrogators would get the truth out of them. The two survivors had been sent to the Cloudsdale hospital, where they would get the help they needed. Finally, Rainbow and Flitter both went through a full debriefing with General Spitfire. An emergency war council session had been called, but Dash had found some time for herself while Fleetfoot handled the griffons. A shower had been her obvious priority. Rainbow shook her head and broke her reverie. She looked down. The bottom of the tub was brown from all the dirt that had gathered up in her mane and coat. She winced as bits of dried blood fell off her legs. She quickly inspected her skin. As she had thought, the blood wasn't her own. It probably belonged to one of the cook's victims, or perhaps the cook himself. She sighed and picked up a bottle of shampoo. Her eyes closed for a moment, and two yellow orbs and a beak glared right into her. The cook's lifeless face stared at her in judgment, his expression frozen in the stillness of death. Rainbow gasped and dropped the bottle she had been holding. She slowly looked around her, breathing loudly and irregularly. Come on, I killed him. I can't be scared of a dead griffon — I'm awesome. As she scrubbed the dirt and griffon blood off her mane and coat, Rainbow thought she saw her victim silently watching her from the corner of her eye. She would turn around, only to see her shadow. She would feel him behind her, only to realize it was just the water raining down. She would jump, then breathe heavily as she attempted to rationalize her actions. He was a monster. I had no choice but to kill him. She washed off the soap and lightly tapped her shower raincloud, stopping the water from falling. Her coat still didn't feel clean, but she couldn't keep Spitfire waiting. Rainbow wasted no time in drying herself off, getting back into her uniform, and heading toward town hall. The building had been converted into their new military headquarters, now that Princess Luna had revealed herself. Dash flew directly there, taking to the sky far above the busy city life. She quietly went through the security checkpoint at the building's entrance and made her way directly to the war room, ignoring her fellow officers and sitting down at the table. She picked up a random report and buried her eyes in it. She thought she heard something as she read about the wingpower achieved in the creation of various tornadoes during drills. "Hey, Rainbow, everything okay?" a voice asked. She turned her head and faced Soarin's worried green eyes. "Yeah, whatever," Dash answered as she turned back to her report. "Let's just get this meeting done. I've had a long day." "I can imagine," Soarin mumbled. Rainbow could hear him wiggling on his chair. She sighed loudly. "Okay, what is it?" "Listen, Rainbow. It's your business and all, but I've read your report; you should talk to somepony. What you've been through isn't easy." He tried to place a hoof on her shoulders, but she brushed him away. "This was just the first battle," Fleetfoot chimed in from the other side of the table. "More will come. I hope you're both ready for it." "Won't be a problem," Rainbow replied, meeting her fellow commander's fuchsia eyes. "Anyway, Fleetfoot, any luck interrogating the prisoners?" Dash could feel Soarin's frown as Fleetfoot grinned at the change of subject. "Oh yes. One of them was particularly chatty. I think you managed to nab the scaredest griffon in their entire army." "I don't know how you can be so happy about it, given what we've learned," Spitfire said as she walked in with Princess Luna. All three commanders bowed respectfully to the princess as both she and the general sat at opposite ends of the table. "So what did we learn?" Rainbow asked the moment everypony was sitting at their place. Spitfire and Fleetfoot shared a nod before the general spoke up, "There's no easy way to put this. We can confirm we have a griffon army on its way here." "The prisoners were part of Griffingard's sixth legion," Fleetfoot explained. "To put it bluntly, they're part of an advanced scouting unit. The legion is coming here, at Blueblood's request." "Darn it," Rainbow snapped. She took a long breath and forcefully toned down her voice. "I had hoped Shining was wrong about this. How many soldiers are we talking about?" "Two thousand flyers," Fleetfoot answered, "although I don't know what their deployment plans are." "There goes the plan for a swift, bloodless victory," Soarin said, rolling his eyes. "Cloudsdale was never built to withstand a siege. We should move the city. Hide in the Crystal Mountains while we get our army ready." "Run away?" Spitfire asked, sweeping the room with her eyes. "It could take months, and allow the griffons to further solidify their position. Canterlot will no doubt bolster their own forces as well." "I will not run away from my own nation," Luna replied as she stared down Soarin. "It's going to be risky; Griffingard soldiers are well trained. However, things will only get worse should they be allowed to share this training with their Canterlot counterparts." "As you say, Your Highness," the general replied. "Commander Fleetfoot," Luna continued, "have you learned who is in command of the griffon legion?" "Yes, both prisoners admitted to it, let me look," she said as she went through some notes. "Ah, yes, one Centurion Bouvier." "I've heard the name," Rainbow said, tapping her hoof on her chin. "Wasn't he in Netherin, helping King Scorpan in his war with the minotaurs?" Everypony in the room turned toward Rainbow, raising eyebrows and gasping at her. "I didn't know you were so knowledgeable about griffon military deployments, Rainbow," Spitfire said. "Twilight once made me sit through a long lecture about it before a trip to Griffinstone. I kinda wish I had brought her notes on griffon culture with me." "Don't worry about it. We can have somepony handle the research," Spitfire said with a dismissive hoof wave. "I'm more worried about his association with Netherin. Isn't that where Tirek came from? I shudder at the thought of griffons learning his ability to drain magic." Luna shook her head. "That kind of magic is forbidden in Netherin. King Scorpan saw what his brother Tirek could do and vowed multiple times that such a misuse of magic would never happen under his rule." "And you're absolutely certain he won't change his mind?" Spitfire asked, raising an eyebrow. "Absolutely," the princess confirmed. "Of all the rulers I've met, he's one of the most honest and loyal." "Let's just hope all his subjects feel the same," Rainbow heard Soarin mumble. "Anyway, what are we going to do about Bouvier and his legion?" Dash asked. "I say we move out as soon as we can," Fleetfoot suggested as she slammed her hoof on the table. "We take Canterlot by force before the griffons arrive." "And what if they raise a shield to protect the city?" Soarin asked. "We could get flanked between the unicorn defenders and a griffon legion." "Commander Soarin is right," Luna replied. " The Canterlot unicorns will create a shield. It won't hold forever, but long enough for the reinforcements to arrive. We need a better plan." Fleetfoot grinned and turned toward Rainbow. "What about your friend Rarity? We could sneak somepony into the city, pass her a message. If she's been forced into this wedding as you say, she'd be more than happy to help us." "Forget about Rarity," Rainbow groaned. "Let's just say I was wrong about her." Dash looked down and closed her eyes. Once again, the dead griffon silently judged her. "So attacking Canterlot is too risky, and Cloudsdale can't withstand a siege," Spitfire said as she got up. "This only leaves one option, meeting the griffons in the field." "Spitfire... I mean General, you would risk our entire army in one battle?" Soarin said with a gasp, getting up from his seat as well. "We only have fifteen hundred ponies, a lot of them still untrained. The griffons outnumber us, and have years of experience." "We've been over this before, Soarin," Fleetfoot said as she tapped her hoof on the table in annoyance. "We can't win if we don't take risks." "You both make good points," Spitfire admitted with a nod. "Which is why I'm leaving Soarin's wing here to protect Cloudsdale and Princess Luna. Should we fail, you may move the city and begin recruiting again. Fleetfoot, Rainbow Dash, and myself will meet the griffons in the field. We know they're coming from the south, correct?" "Yes," Fleetfoot confirmed. "Most of the army has been waiting in the badlands, and should be flying over the Appleoosan Desert." Rainbow's eyes moved from one officer to the next as she slowly tried to wrap her head around the situation. The cook seemed to stare at her from every shadow. How many more lives would she be expected to take? "Wait... so if we're taking two wings, and they have two thousand flyers, they outnumber us two to one," she managed to say. "You're the last pony I would have expected to back down," Fleetfoot teased as she raised an eyebrow. "I'm not backing down," Rainbow replied, her pride overcoming her fear. "I just wanna make sure we know what we're doing. Like Soarin said, it's a huge risk." Luna leaned forward on her chair. "If I were Bouvier, I wouldn't move my entire army at once. He doesn't know what our move will be, so he'll probably send half of his army to reinforce Canterlot, and the other half straight to Cloudsdale." "So we meet this second group before they attack us, and then worry about taking Canterlot," Spitfire finished flatly. "Not what we initially hoped for, but it's the best we can do under the circumstances." Soarin sighed loudly. "And I suppose that's how it begins. The first war Equestria will have seen in centuries." "Yeah, not what I had in mind either," Rainbow whispered. Pinkie's words resonated in her head. We can work something out, maybe let Luna go to the Crystal Empire, or to Yakyakistan. She doesn't have to return to Canterlot, but please, convince her to disband this army. Perhaps it would be for the best. Rainbow took a deep breath and scanned the room with her eyes. "Look, I'm sorry if this is a breach of protocol or whatever, but I have to ask. Are we sure we want to do this? Intimidating Blueblood into giving up the throne was one thing, but we're talking war here. I saw a pony die today, and I killed a griffon myself. There will be a lot more of that if we keep going on this path. I think we should at least take a moment to consider it." She slowly raised her eyes in Luna's direction, feeling the princess's disapproving gaze. "You're right, Dash; it's at least worth the reflection," Spitfire admitted. Soarin placed a comforting hoof on Rainbow's back, smiling awkwardly while Fleetfoot rolled her eyes. "It's too late to back down, either way. We swore our loyalty to Princess Luna, I for one will see it to the end," the white-maned pegasus said. "Tell me Rainbow Dash," Luna finally said, her eyes staring into the distance. "What would you suggest we do instead of fighting?" "Like I said in my report, I met Shining Armor and Pinkie Pie," Rainbow said, gazing downward. "They said they could provide you asylum in the Crystal Empire, Your Highness. From there, we can all focus our energy on finding Twilight. Even Blueblood wouldn't be able to deny her the throne, and I know she'd welcome you back." Luna frowned and turned toward Rainbow. "I'm afraid it's not that simple. You see, I tried entering Twilight Sparkle's dreams for many nights after I heard of her disappearance. There was nothing." "Nothing... what does that mean?" "It can only mean one thing," Luna said, her eyebrows relaxing and her ears flattening. "Every living being dreams." "No," Rainbow whispered. "It can't be..." "She was probably murdered for the same reason Princess Luna was falsely accused," Spitfire suggested. Rainbow barely heard the general's voice as she struggled to hold the tears in. For once, it wasn't the cook staring at her, but the lifeless body of her friend. Rainbow took a long breath and suddenly rose to her hooves, prompting heads to turn her way. "We should give the troops the evening off," she suggested in a heavy tone. It took every ounce of self-control she had to keep her voice from cracking. "They'll need to get their affairs in order if they're going to head to war tomorrow." "Anypony else want to voice any concerns before we commit?" Spitfire asked. When no one replied, she gave them a severe frown. "Then tomorrow, both Rainbow and Fleetfoot's wings will leave for battle as planned. I will lead the assault myself." Luna nodded once, but her expression remained unreadable. > XIII Applejack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It doesn't look like a changeling town," Applejack muttered with a frown as she spied the ponies of Appleoosa from a distance while hiding behind a large boulder. A cool breeze untypical of regular Appleoosan weather displaced some sand. "Trust me, they're changelings," Braeburn said with a doubtless, serious nod. Applejack turned toward her cousin. "So? They wouldn't change their appearance and act like ponies unless they were trying to trick somepony." "Consarn it. Do you think they know we're watching?" the yellow stallion asked. "I mean, we've been searching the area for two days." The earth pony mare tapped her hoof to her chin. "Mmm, I don't think so. Them critters feed on love, remember? I bet they're keeping part of the town in the dark. For all we know, ponies aren't as tasty to them when trapped in pods. Plus, if the entire town had been converted and they were onto us, they wouldn't bother with hiding at all." "I hope you're sure about that," Braeburn mumbled as he adjusted his hat, the breeze almost blowing it off his head. "I'm not sure about anything," Applejack said. "But we ain't gonna find squat without talking to somepony. I say we risk it." Braeburn sighed. "There must be more places we haven't checked." "We've been out here for two days, Braeburn. We've searched caves, barns, even snuck around the buffalo camp. Maybe if we keep turning over rocks we'll get lucky, but while we do that, our friends and family are still being held captives by bugs. We have to face the facts; the hive is probably in town." The stallion took a nervous peek over the boulder. "Alright, we can give it a shot, but first sign of trouble, we bolt. Agreed?" "Agreed," Applejack said with a nod as she slightly lowered her hat. Braeburn took off one of his bags and hid it under the rock. "If we need to flee, we can come back here and get this bag. There's water and a tent in it. Trust me, I've made the trek to Ponyville without supplies once. I'm in no hurry to do it again." Applejack nodded. "Good thinking Braeburn." She walked away from her hiding place and motioned for the stallion to follow her. "Just don't act too nervous or anything. As far as anypony's concerned, you were just feeling stressed and went to Ponyville for a quick vacation." "If you say so, AJ," Braeburn replied with a gulp. "Don't worry, Braeburn," Applejack added with a smile. "It'll take more than a few changelings to stop us." The stallion smiled nervously as they casually trotted through the sand toward the settlement. A young couple happily waved at them as they came into view. Applejack smiled and nodded at them. Two older stallions played a game of cards in front of the general store while the owner swept the front of his business and smiled at Braeburn through the broom in his mouth. Applejack suppressed a frown at the normalcy of it all. How many of these ponies were changelings in disguise? "Let's take a look in the orchard," Applejack whispered to her companion. "There's probably plenty of hiding spots, just like in Ponyville." Braeburn nodded as he led her to the large expanse of apple trees at the end of the town. Two mugs of the local apple bitter were dropped on the dirty table Braeburn and Applejack shared at the dimly lit Salt Block. The earth pony mare produced two bits from her bag and gave them to the smiling waitress. She walked away as two stallions shouted rowdy comments at her. If Appleoosa was under invasion, the mood at the local watering hole did not reflect it. Ponies were happily drinking both on the main floor and the upper balcony while accompanied by mediocre music coming from a piano in a corner. Braeburn eyed his mug suspiciously as Applejack took a smell of hers. "I know what you're thinking," she whispered, "but we can't sit here without drinking something." "Well, if today taught us anything, it's that most ponies are who they say they are," Applejack's cousin replied, frowning as he took a small sip. "Or are really good at pretending to be." "Between you and me, you're the only pony here who I trust to be who he claims to be," she added before taking a sip of her own. They had spent a good part of the day going around town, talking to ponies and hiding subtle traps within small talk. Mentions of old anecdotes and the like were used in an attempt to trap changelings into revealing their lack of knowledge about the pony they impersonated. They also searched as many nooks and crannies as they could without attracting too much attention. The whole experience only made Applejack regret she hadn't managed to convince Sparkler to accompany them and put her changeling detection spell to good use. Who knew who or what they could trust in Appleoosa? Changelings were masters of disguise and deception, after all. There was no doubt in Applejack's mind that a good portion of the ponies in this room were really changelings. Perhaps the stallion sitting at the bar and drunkenly trying to woo some poor mare was a bug trying to feed. A mare was butchering the song she tried to play on the piano. Was this a sign that she was a changeling in disguise? Sheriff Silverstar sat with two of his deputies in a corner. This one was definitely not who he seemed — Braeburn had confirmed it. And I can't let him get too suspicious about us, Applejack thought as she waved at the sheriff. Braeburn winced nervously and was about to raise his hoof, but Applejack gave him a comforting nod. He surely knows we're not changelings. I just have to make sure he doesn't suspect that we know. Silverstar slowly walked toward their table with a wide grin. Sweat ran down Applejack's neck as she spied Braeburn gulping. She swallowed her anxiety and forced a smile. It's just a social thing. He doesn't know that we know. Even if he does, he won't reveal himself in the middle of the tavern. "Hey there, sheriff." "Applejack, now that's a great surprise." Silverstar beamed as he approached an empty chair onto which he sat after a nod from the Ponyville mare. "Is that what you were up to, Braeburn? You were visiting Applejack? We were all getting mighty worried here." "Y... yes sheriff. That's exactly where I was," Braeburn replied sheepishly. "I spent some time with the buffaloes, and then decided to pay Applejack a visit with Little Strongheart. I guess it was foolish of me not to tell anypony." "Well, no harm done," the sheriff said as he called for the waitress to bring him a mug of beer. "So how's life in Ponyville?" "Same old, same old," Applejack lied. "We're all mighty concerned with Princess Luna's Cloudsdale army and all, but I'm sure it'll all be fine." Truth be told, Applejack almost canceled her trip to Appleoosa when she heard Luna wanted to take the throne by force. It only took her a few hours, however, to strengthen her resolve; the changelings would only use the chaos as an advantage, and both Rarity and Rainbow Dash could be trusted to keep the situation under control. "And what about Little Strongheart?" Silverstar continued as he accepted a mug from the waitress and tipped her generously. "I hope our buffalo friends are doing well." "They sure are. You know our buffaloes," Braeburn replied with a wide smile and a nervous twitch in one of his ears. "Actually, Little Strongheart came with him to Ponyville to visit," Applejack completed, taking a sip of beer to calm her nerves. Is that him letting us know he's onto us? He must be aware of her mission to infiltrate Ponyville. I should have thought of this. "She stayed there; a few farmers wanted to learn about how buffaloes grow their food." She smiled at him, hoping the lie would be effective. Let him think the fake Strongheart had us fooled, somehow. "Well, I'm sure she'll have plenty to teach them," Silverstar replied with a grin. Applejack hoped her sweating wasn't too apparent. "I can tell you she taught the ponies around these parts a thing or two." He took a generous gulp of his own beer before leaning on the table. "So, how long are you planning to stay in Appleoosa? Anything you wanna do in particular?" "Just gonna spend some time around town, see how everypony's doing," Applejack said as pleasantly as she could. "I might help Braeburn out with his orchard." What's your game, you filthy bug? "We can always use the extra hooves," her cousin added. "Well, it's always a pleasure to have another friendly face here in Appleoosa," the sheriff said before raising his mug. Both Braeburn and Applejack mirrored the gesture. "Always a pleasure to spend some time away from all the Ponyville craziness," Applejack replied, prompting a round of laughter from around the table. "Well, I'll let y'all get back to your evening," Silverstar said as he rose and picked up his mug. "I gotta return to my deputies, but I wanted to welcome you to Appleoosa." "Thank you kindly, sheriff," Applejack replied with a tip of her hat. As soon as he was out of earshot, Applejack turned toward her companion. She found him wincing, although if it was due to their conversation or the mare playing the piano, she could not say. "If he didn't know we're really ourselves before, he knows now," Braeburn finally whispered. "You're right," Applejack said. "I'm starting to think coming here was a mistake. I don't know what he was trying to accomplish. Maybe try and trick us into a false sense of security?" Both ponies sipped their drinks in silence for a while. Applejack stared at the door, wondering if they should make an exit. No doubt it would lead to them being followed and attacked out on the streets. She groaned as she scanned the room with her eyes. The pianist finished her song and walked to the bar. Even through the sound of reveling, the wooden floor could be heard creaking as ponies stomped on it heavily. Some rowdy-looking ranchers sat at the bar, one of them laughing loudly. Two mares were deep in conversation on the balcony overlooking the tavern, in front of one of the rooms available for rent. Would they all transform and jump Applejack and Braeburn the moment their leader gave the signal? The piano player, a green-coated earth pony with a yellow mane, sat by herself on the table right next to Applejack's. The bags underneath her eyes immediately caught the farm pony's attention. This pony seemed like she hadn't slept in days — it certainly explained her poor performance. She sipped what looked like fizzy, non-alcoholic cider. It was Braeburn who turned to face her. "Hey there, Melody. You look a bit tired. Everything alright?" "Oh, I just haven't slept well," the mare replied evasively. "It is good to see you though." The stallion smiled. "Everything alright with you and the sheriff?" "Oh, most definitely," Melody replied. "He's actually been spending more time here at the Salt Block than usual lately." Applejack smiled politely before turning toward Braeburn. "Friend of yours?" "Oh, sorry, I should have introduced you," a blushing Braeburn replied. "Applejack, this is Country Melody, our resident musician. Melody, this is my cousin Applejack, from Ponyville." "Ah, yes, I remember seeing you at rodeos," the green-coated mare replied with a tired smile. "Well, I certainly hope you enjoyed the show," Applejack said with a grin. "Anyway, what's with you and the sheriff?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Let's just say that Melody is Silverstar's 'confidante'," Braeburn replied with a light smirk. "Sheesh, Braeburn, why don't you let everypony know while you're at it?" "Everypony already knows," the stallion replied, rolling his eyes. Silverstar's lover looks exhausted. It seems like the bug's been leeching off her love alright, Applejack thought as she took yet another sip. Braeburn must have noticed it too, and knowing her connection to Silverstar, figured she would still be herself, as the changeling would feed on her. Braeburn, you are brilliant. "So, you were saying the sheriff's been spending more time here recently?" she asked. "He wasn't a regular before?" Melody shook her head with a giggle. "Oh, he'd come around once in a while, but not nearly as often. He's here all the time now, and he's been spending some time behind the Salt Block, too. I asked, and he said it was something about stolen cider barrels. I imagine it's part of why we've been seeing more of him lately. I mean, besides yours truly, of course." Applejack met Braeburn's eyes. Her muzzle slowly morphed into a grin. Whatever the changelings were up to, the Salt Block had something to do with it. Braeburn quickly pointed at Melody with his eyes, prompting Applejack's expression to quickly shift back to the natural concern that would be expected of her. "Well, I sure hope the thief is caught soon," she told the musician. "With Sheriff Silverstar on it, I don't have any doubt it'll all be a thing of the past soon," Braeburn completed. "No doubt," Melody replied with a smile. "So, Applejack, any new tricks we can look forward to at the next rodeo?" "Well, as a matter of fact, I just might have a few surprises," she replied with a satisfied smirk. The following hour was spent in small talk, socializing with the local ponies and most importantly, killing off any suspicion anypony might have. Applejack did make sure not to drink too much though; later during the night they would have to sneak back through the back and find out just what the changelings were hiding in this seemingly innocent-looking watering hole. Hopefully they wouldn't be walking into a trap. Even after her eyes had some time to adjust, it was hard for Applejack to make out anything in the pitch blackness enveloping the moonless night. She was standing in the shadows, between the Salt Block and a purple two-stories neighboring house. The sound of the night breeze displacing grains of sand was all Applejack could hear. She turned around and nodded at Braeburn, who dutifully stayed behind her. Both ponies made their way behind the bar on the tips of their hooves. Faint muttering could be heard from inside the building. A speck of light from underneath the back door confirmed somepony was inside. Applejack frowned and turned her head toward the wooden ladder that lead up to an entrance to the attic. She pointed at it with her hoof and allowed Braeburn to climb first as she stood guard and locked her eyes on the door. If there's a ladder outside, it might mean the changelings want a way to get up there without going through the tavern. Perhaps while carrying captive ponies? Her ears twitched as she tried to make out what was being said inside the establishment. The only clear sound she could identify was the creaking of the old wooden ladder as it tried to support Braeburn's weight. Applejack turned her head and frowned at her cousin. She saw him wince as he climbed another step. His eyes closed as he put his weight on the aging wood. The creaking noise made way to a loud crack. Applejack jumped and turned toward the still closed door. The definite sound of hoofsteps could be heard coming from inside the building. She nervously looked around her. Braeburn was still trying to get off the ladder without making too much noise. Without thinking, she hid in the shadows next to the door. With any luck, she would be able to ambush whoever came out. The door opened slowly at first. Applejack saw the shock on Braeburn's face as the light coming from inside reflected on his face. A silhouette rushed out of the Salt Block toward Applejack's cousin. Not wanting to lose the element of surprise, Applejack jumped in the direction of the mysterious pony. Her front hooves connected with a gray ribcage, violently pushing her enemy on the ground. Applejack finally had a chance to glance at his surprised blue eyes, short black mane, and thick black mustache. This is the owner of the Salt Block, definitely a changeling, she reassured herself as she spun around and knocked him out with a solid hind leg kick to the face before he had a chance to call for help. Applejack became aware of her erratic, heavy breathing as she stared at the unconscious form of the tavern owner. Surely he would revert back to his changeling form any moment now. She took a peak inside the building. Not a sound could be heard, and no movement perceived. Had this creature been alone in there, or was there another one hiding? More importantly, had anypony heard them? "AJ, we need to go," Braeburn pleaded, interrupting her thought process by tapping her shoulder. Applejack shook her head. "I ain't running away. Not while we're so close. You stand guard here. I'm going up there." "Are you crazy? Somepony must have heard you knocking out this poor fella." He pointed to the unconscious form of the gray pony. It was slowly transforming back into its natural black, insectoid form. "I'm gonna have a peek, see what they're hiding up there." Applejack placed her hooves on the ladder. "You can hide if you see somepony. Throw a pebble or something if you need to grab my attention." She started making her way up before Braeburn had a chance to reply. She made sure to skip the cracked step, but there was no way around the creaking, aging wood. I really hope nopony else heard us, she told herself as she slipped inside the dark opening leading to the attic. Without any source of illumination, the room Applejack found herself in was even darker than the outside. She took a few blind steps, probing whatever was in front of her with her hoof so she wouldn't bump into a wall or crate. It took her a few moments to make her way into the room, until her hoof made contact with a gooey substance. The strange, squishy texture felt eerily familiar; it was the same material that made up the changeling pods she had found in Ponyville. I got you now, you varmints. Of course, she would have to figure out a way to actually see who was inside the pod, as well as count how many of them there were. There must be a lamp around here somewhere. By this point, her eyes had adjusted slightly to the deep darkness. She could make out a rough shape dangling from the ceiling. Bingo! As expected, the object in question was an oil lamp. Applejack quickly lit it up, allowing its glow to illuminate the room. As expected, changeling pods hung from the ceiling. She quickly counted eight of them. The tavern owner was in one, as well as an old mare who used to bake apples pies whenever Applejack would visit. A few more ponies she didn't recognize were also trapped. Silverstar was nowhere to be seen. Her eyes turned to the last pod. Applejack gasped in shock at its content, rushing closer to make sure her eyes did not trick her. Yellow coat, long pink mane, there was no mistaking it; it was Fluttershy trapped inside. A few good hits from Applejack's hooves were sufficient to break the pod's thin membrane. Green ichor flooded out as Fluttershy's unconscious body fell into her friend's hooves. "Fluttershy? How did you get here? Wake up." Applejack gently shook the pegasus. Fluttershy slowly opened her turquoise eyes. "Where... where am I?" she groggily asked as she shook her head. "Applejack?" "Easy now, you're safe," Applejack replied with a smile. "What happened to you?" Fluttershy slowly got up. "I don't know. I was in the desert. I was out of water, and..." The pegasus shrieked. "Are we in a changeling hive? Did they capture us?" "Shh, stay quiet, they might hear us," Applejack pleaded, grabbing her friend's face. "Stay with me, Fluttershy." The pegasus took a deep breath. "Sorry, I don't even know how I got here. The last thing I remember, I was in the desert. I had lost all of my traveling gear and I thought I was gonna die." "They must have nabbed you there," Applejack said, letting go of Fluttershy and tapping her chin with her hoof. "Did you manage to contact Discord?" "Discord? No, sorry, I never made it," Fluttershy replied weakly with her ears flattened. "It's fine. I never should have let you go by yourself in the first place," Applejack secretly cursed at herself. "Anyway, you're in Appleoosa. Changelings have started replacing the townsfolk." "Oh no, that's terrible." Fluttershy gasped. "Anyway, we need to-" Applejack never finished her sentence, as she heard Braeburn scream from outside. "Applejack, they found us!" "Consarn it!" the farm pony barked as she met Fluttershy's panicked eyes. Applejack took a deep breath before whispering her plan. "Alright, I'll go take a peek. Are you in any shape to fight them off?" Fluttershy hiding behind her mane and hugging her tail was all the answer Applejack needed. She turned around and ground her teeth as she ducked low and silently made her way toward the edge of the attic, where the ladder ended. She carefully raised her head, and immediately saw Braeburn surrounded by four changelings, as well as Sheriff Silverstar. "How about you surrender without a fuss, and your friend here won't get hurt," the obviously fake sheriff suggested smugly. "How about I free all your captives?" Applejack retorted. 'Silverstar' grinned. "Wrong answer. Attack!" Three of the changelings flew up directly in Applejack's direction. She retreated back inside the attic, rushing to Fluttershy's side. "We need to free these ponies, now!" "We don't have time!" Fluttershy yelled, retreating in a defensive posture as the three changelings landed and slowly crept in their direction baring sharpened fangs. Applejack quickly looked around. Fluttershy was in no condition to fight, and there was no way she could take on all three creatures by herself. Her eyes found a cider barrel right next to the now empty cocoon where Fluttershy had been trapped. She spun around and bucked it with all of her strength. A loud crashing sound could be heard from behind Applejack, although the only thing she could see was Fluttershy wincing behind one of her legs. She turned her head around and saw one changeling hovering in the air while its companion was still ducked on the side of the room. The third bug lay on its side, covered in cider and surrounded by the remains of the broken barrel. One down, two to go. The flying bug charged Applejack from the air. She jumped to her left, barely avoiding its sharp horn. From the corner of her eye, she saw the other changeling get back on its hooves. "Snap out of it, Fluttershy," Applejack yelled. "I can't do this by myself." The earth pony mare made a split second decision to trust in her friend as she jumped forward and pounced the second changeling, who was now back on its hooves and ready to strike. Her hooves met with the creature's, and they started pushing against each other's weight, both of them trying to force the other to the ground. Applejack attempted to headbutt her opponent, but he braced for the impact. They growled at each other as their foreheads met. The earth pony internally sighed in relief as she heard battle sounds coming from Fluttershy's direction. "Good job, girl! We might just make it out in one piece." Both the changeling and Applejack slowly spun around, both trying to outmaneuver the other. She spied Fluttershy wresting the second creature in the air from the corner of her eye. After a moment, the earth pony decided she'd had enough of this dance and kicked one of the changeling's rear hooves with her own. As she hoped, the creature fell to its side and spun its entire body madly in an attempt to regain a more stable footing. Applejack took the opportunity to lean down and kick him under the chin, throwing him upwards. She realized a moment too late that she had flung her opponent in the worst possible direction — right into the oil lamp she had lit earlier. "No!" she screamed in panic, throwing her hoof in the changeling's direction. It was, however, all for naught, as the lamp fell right between the dry wooden floor and a barrel of liquor. Applejack swiftly turned toward Fluttershy, who had her own changeling pinned down from the back with a ferocity the earth pony never imagined her friend possessed. She then saw the other pods, still occupied by unconscious ponies oblivious to the rapidly spreading flames. She cursed under her breath as she grabbed a nearby blanket and attempted to smother the flames. The oil had already leaked all over the dry, wooden floor. She ignored the two changelings who broke a window and swiftly flew away from the danger. The fire was all that that Applejack could see as it reached one of the pods. Would the pony inside at least be allowed a peaceful death, or would he suffer as he awakened to the horror Applejack had inflicted upon him? She rushed toward one of the pods, but felt a force grab onto her and push her back. Her eyes lowered and she became aware of an ooze-covered yellow leg holding onto her body. "No, we have to get back! We have to save them!" she screamed maddeningly at her rescuer. "No, we have to leave," Fluttershy replied loudly. "We won't make it!" Applejack was dragged outside the large opening leading outside. She felt herself glide gently toward the ground as she kept staring at the flaming attic. The screams of the burning ponies could now be heard through the sound of burning wood. She coughed heavily and was dropped unceremoniously on the ground, her hooves failing to support her body. She raised her head and saw Braeburn locked in a losing fight with two changelings. She shook her head and got back on her hooves. "Braeburn, we need to leave, now!" she barked between coughs. "Go! I'll be right behind you," the stallion yelled, his eyes jumping from one opponent to the next. "I ain't leaving you behind," Applejack argued as her cousin dodged a changeling's horn. She saw more of the bugs heading toward them. Braeburn turned and bucked one of the changelings in the face. His head turned toward Applejack at the worst possible moment as the other creature used the unwitting distraction to strike Braeburn's neck with its horn, impaling the earth pony. Braeburn's eyes opened wide as blood oozed out of his mouth. Applejack lay unmoving as the changeling withdrew its horn, now crimson with blood. Something shook Applejack, but she couldn't move. Screams of pain came from the burning building as the cocooned ponies met their end. The earth pony mare stared blankly at the scene as the changeling made its way in her direction, grinning and displaying its fangs as its horn still dripped with Braeburn's blood. Applejack's mouth gaped wide as her eyes started to water. "No, what have I done?" she whispered in a barely audible whimper. Pain in her cheek shook her out of her stupor, as she found herself facing Fluttershy. Her friend's yellow hoof connected to her other cheek. "Snap out of it, Applejack! Please. We need to leave." Applejack released a breath and nodded once, following her friend's lead. She turned to face the changelings again, who all grinned maniacally as they watched her go. Her mind blanked out as she galloped into the dark desert night. The desert landscape had already made way to the wild vegetation that subsisted on the untamed weather generated by the mysterious Everfree forest. After most of the previous night and a full day of travel, Appleoosa was well behind Applejack and Fluttershy. The entrance to the Everfree lay ahead. The two mares had traveled in silence for most of that time, limiting their interactions to requests for rest, water, or food. The same scenario repeated itself over and over. Applejack would gallop herself to exhaustion, only to have her pegasus friend ask that they take a break. She would look back, make sure they weren't followed, and they would both eat or drink in silence. On the few occasions when their eyes accidentally met, Applejack would immediately glance away and find something else in the distance to stare at. Applejack stopped in her tracks and gazed upward. "We'll make camp here. It's gonna be dark soon." She didn't even bother to look at Fluttershy. "It's probably going to rain soon, too," Fluttershy said. "These are untamed clouds from the Everfree Forest. We should hurry up and pitch the tent." The earth pony nodded as she dropped the bag Braeburn had hidden outside of Appleoosa and took out the tent. She mentally thanked him for this one last gift as she got to work by herself, planting the pickets and installing the light fabric that would protect them for the night. Fluttershy, meanwhile, picked berries off a nearby bush a few meters behind. The yellow pegasus made her way back. "I found some wild berries we can eat." Her voice sounded flat and tired. "We'll need our strength back for the trip around the Everfree." Applejack nodded once before stepping inside the tent. The dark clouds from the forest started creeping over their heads, and it would no doubt start pouring soon. Fluttershy followed closely behind, closing the two flaps of fabric that served as the temporary shelter's entrance. Both ponies ate in silence. While the berries Fluttershy had found were quite tasty, they made for a poor meal, and Applejack's stomach kept growling for more. "It's not your fault, you know," Fluttershy eventually said in a timid, hesitant voice. Applejack harrumphed, refusing to meet her friend's eyes. "I can't even begin to imagine how you feel, Applejack," Fluttershy continued. "This was the most horrible thing I have ever seen. Just know that I'm here for you. You know, when you want to talk." A loud sigh escaped Applejack's muzzle. She took off her hat and fiddled with it, shaking it off to get rid of the grains of sand blown onto it by the wind. "It's fine. You don't have to talk if you don't want to, but I think I need to. You were so brave out there, Applejack. You rescued me, even though I went into the desert by myself and foolishly got captured. I understand that you're probably mad at me, and that you might not want to ever see me again when we get back to Ponyville." "It's not you I'm mad at," Applejack weakly uttered, slowly turning her head toward her friend. "I'm the one to blame. I was so eager to jump into that situation. I killed all those ponies, including my own cousin, just because I had to rush into that thing without thinking it through. I should have listened to Granny. I probably should have waited for an answer from Canterlot. At least I should have contacted the real Little Strongheart." "I suppose we were both a bit foolish," Fluttershy replied, fiddling with her long pink tail. "Consarn it!" Applejack slammed her hoof on the ground as tears welled up in her eyes. "I've just made mistake after mistake! First I allowed everypony to split up. Now Rainbow's part of some army in Cloudsdale, and I don't have any idea what she's been up to. You could have easily died, and I got my own friends and family killed. I can't do it Fluttershy." "Um, do what?" the pegasus asked, her eyes slowly meeting Applejack's. "Whatever it is, I know you did your best. And for what it's worth, thank you for rescuing me." She smiled encouragingly. "My best just ain't good enough," the earth pony continued, now hugging her own tail. "I thought I could set everypony on the right path, but I'm not Twilight. I can't be Twilight, no matter how much everypony expects me to be." Fluttershy placed a comforting hoof on Applejack's shoulder. The earth pony mare looked up and met her friend's comforting smile, accepting the embrace. "We'll find a way to help the ponies of Appleoosa, I'm sure of it," the pegasus gently said. "And I'm sorry again for pushing you outside that building. We probably should have tried to save those ponies." "You did the right thing," Applejack softly admitted. "We would have died otherwise. You saved my life, Fluttershy." Applejack lost herself in her friend's warmth, allowing her tears to flow. Braeburn's smile made its way into her mind. As much as she kept telling herself that he was gone, she kept expecting that she would return to Appleoosa, and he would still be there, happily welcoming her to his town with his usual pride and enthusiasm. The embrace was eventually broken by both ponies. "Thanks, Fluttershy," Applejack mumbled. "I needed that." "I needed it too," Fluttershy replied warmly. Applejack sighed again. Droplets of rain could be heard falling on top of the tent. "I really hope this doesn't last all night," she said. Fluttershy nodded slowly. "It's always hard to predict the Everfree's weather. Rainbow Dash always said the clouds there don't follow the same rules as normal clouds." "Anyway, a bit of rain never hurt anypony," the earth pony said as she unrolled her blanket. "We better get some rest. Tomorrow we'll have to decide if we want to walk around the Everfree and take the safer path, or risk the shortcut through." "Oh no," Fluttershy said with a gasp. "Please don't make me go through the Everfree." Applejack let go of a breath and slowly shook her head. "You're right. No more stupid risks." Both ponies made themselves comfortable. The cold rain redoubled in intensity, and both friends cuddled together for warmth. The sound of the droplets hitting the fabric eased Applejack into slumber, although every time she closed her eyes, she saw the Salt Block burning again and immediately awoke. She could still hear the screams of the dying ponies, and could still see Braeburn's lifeless body hanging from the changeling's sharpened horn. She turned around, causing Fluttershy to groan in annoyance. As exhausted as she was, Applejack could not find rest. She closed her eyes and again focused her attention on the sound of the rain. She found herself grinding her teeth at what seemed to be random forest noises. It sounded almost like wings flapping. Applejack's eyes opened wide as her ears twitched. That isn't just wild animals, she realized as she slowly got back on her hooves. Fluttershy shifted around, no doubt being awakened by Applejack's movements. Quickly opening the tent's flaps, the earth pony poked her head outside. The rain immediately drenched her mane as she gasped in shock. She stepped outside to better see the spectacle — hundreds upon hundreds of shapes flew in formation toward the north. At first, she thought they were changelings, but they were too big. She then realized what she was looking at: griffons. A griffon army was flying almost directly above their tent, and they were heading straight for Ponyville. She prodded inside the tent with one of her hind legs, trying to nudge her friend. "Fluttershy... You gotta come out and see this," she whispered in a shaking voice. Her friend left the tent and stared blankly at the scene. "Are those... griffons? What do they want? What should we do?" "I don't know, Fluttershy. Whatever it means, it can't be good for Ponyville," Applejack's eyes remained glued on the aerial spectacle above their heads. "I'm sorry, but we'll have to risk traveling through the Everfree forest. Whatever's happening, I ain't leaving Ponyville hanging." Fluttershy did not reply, but slowly nodded. > XIV Rainbow Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soldiers placed large clouds across the skies spanning Ponyville and the Everfree Forest. While clouds were light and offered little in protection, they were perfect to hide the Cloudsdale troops. Ponies would be able to rest above this coverage should the griffons hide in the forest and try to force a stalemate. Wing Commander Rainbow Dash did not, however, expect a stalemate. The scouts she'd dispatched had already returned to her with confirmation that the griffon army was flying northward, over the Everfree forest and toward both Fleetfoot's wing and her own. Rainbow looked down from the command cloud. She could clearly make out Ponyville down at ground level. She turned toward General Spitfire, who stood next to her. "We're too close to Ponyville, General. Ponies could get hurt." "We'll try to keep the battle as far away from Ponyville as possible, Commander," Spitfire replied with a furrowed brow. "But this is the best chance we've got. The griffons will not want to rest in the Everfree, and will be tired from their long flight." "Aye, General," Rainbow grunted as her eyes once again found their way to the town. With luck, the bulk of Ponyville would be spared, but some of the surrounding farmlands, including Applejack's Sweet Apple Acres, would probably be ravaged by the tornadoes she and her fellow soldiers would soon create. I'm sorry, Applejack. I just hope everypony got to safety. Trees can be planted again. We just can't let the griffons establish themselves in Equestria. Spitfire stepped away from the edge of the cloud. "Come on, Dash. We need to get this briefing under way." Rainbow took one last glance at her adopted town before breathing in deeply and turning to follow her superior officer. Both pegasi made their way to the center of the cloud, where a makeshift cloud table had been fashioned. Wing Commander Fleetfoot stood behind it, studying a large map of the area. It looks like the one I used when planning Ponyville's weather, Rainbow thought with a sigh. "You were right, General," Fleetfoot said with a grin as the other two officers approached. "This is the perfect spot to attack them. We'll catch them while their wings are tired and destroy them before they encroach themselves in Equestria, with everypony in this town as a witness." Rainbow leveled a glare at her fellow commander. "Remember that innocent ponies could be hurt here, Fleetfoot. 'This town,' as you call it, is my home." "Nopony in Ponyville will get hurt," Spitfire said as she leaned on the table. "Not if we stick to the plan." Fleetfoot raised an eyebrow. "So I take it you've devised the final plan?" Spitfire nodded at both her commanders. "As planned, Commander Fleetfoot will lead our main force. Her wing will first create tornadoes and hurl them at the enemy. The goal here is to first break their formation and create confusion in the ranks." "Three of my captains will focus on this task," Fleetfoot said, smug satisfaction in her voice. "Their feathers got the best times for tornado creation." "Excellent," Spitfire replied flatly with a nod. "The rest of your wing will be in charge of creating a hurricane." "Wait, you're going with the hurricane plan?" Rainbow asked with a gasp. "Considering Ponyville, wouldn't the wind funnel be a safer option? We can just push them back into the Everfree." "I think it's a good plan," Fleetfoot said. "The funnel's too predictable, and we have nothing if they do manage to reach us. After we create the hurricane, we just have to get the bulk of their forces trapped in it, and then the support forces can take care of the rest." "Enough, both of you," Spitfire said with a hard glare directed at both commanders. "We've had these arguments all morning, and I made my choice." She took a long breath. Once it was clear neither Fleetfoot nor Rainbow had anything more to add, she continued. "Anyway, as you suggested this morning, Fleetfoot, we'll have your troops create a hurricane and go after the griffons. Try to trap as many as you can, but don't take unnecessary risks. The reserve forces will handle the stragglers." "Which is where I come in," Rainbow completed. The general nodded. "Use your best judgment as to when to go in. You'll be commanding our ground forces. Make sure to protect the town, and try to isolate griffon stragglers. Should it prove necessary, support Fleetfoot's hurricane force. Just be careful your troops don't get caught in the hurricane." "And I imagine you'll want my earth pony chargers taking care of any griffons that fall to the ground." Rainbow added. Spitfire nodded. "Yes, and if your unicorns could try and protect our flyers with their magic, it would help greatly." "I'll ask Captain Tinkerboom what they can do," Rainbow answered. "She knows best what the ponies in her feather can accomplish." Spitfire took a glimpse at the horizon and turned her attention back to Rainbow. "It's your command. Use your judgment." Rainbow firmly nodded. "And I'll make sure Ponyville stays safe too." "I'll expect you to. Just don't compromise our victory for it." "And you'll command the second half of Rainbow's wing, ma'am?" Fleetfoot asked, her eyes still glued to the map. "Aye," Spitfire said. "I'll reinforce from above the clouds, and also handle the rain and hail. Make sure your troops know to expect a torrential downpour." This last part had been Rainbow's idea. Griffingard was known for its dry climate. The average griffon soldier would not be as comfortable flying in the rain as a pegasus. "What about lightning?" Fleetfoot asked. "We have some bolts at the ready, but I'm not satisfied with the accuracy I've seen during training," Rainbow said with a frown. "We'd risk friendly fire." "I'll keep that in mind, but I don't wanna risk holding back, either," Spitfire added with a severe frown of her own. Rainbow averted her eyes. "Yeah, that makes sense." She couldn't hide the hesitation from her voice. Spitfire groaned. "I need to know you're fully committed, Dash. I can't have you hesitate during the battle." Rainbow took a deep breath. You knew this was coming, Rainbow. You can do this, you're awesome. She slammed her hoof on the cloud beneath her. "I won't let those griffons get through, ma'am. I know what the consequences are if they establish themselves in Equestria." "Good," the general replied with a nod. "Then I take it there are no questions?" "All clear to me, ma'am," Fleetfoot replied with her usual grin and a salute. Rainbow mirrored the sentiment with a sober nod. "Alright, excellent. Both of you get in position and make sure your troops are ready." Spitfire took another glance at the horizon, over the Everfree. The griffon army was already visible, although as a distant black swarm. "They should be here within the hour." "Then I'll see you both at the victory celebration," Rainbow said, surprising herself at how forced she sounded. The command cloud was left behind as Rainbow Dash flew away. She stopped to tell the four captains who would remain in the clouds that they would serve under Spitfire, just as planned. Once that formality was over, she glided downward, directing herself toward the large hill where the four feathers under her command had set up camp. A lone pegasus flew from the group to meet her. It didn't take long for Dash to get close enough to recognize her as Sergeant Flitter. "Report," Rainbow ordered. "All four feathers are accounted for, and everypony is ready," Flitter said with a salute as she glided next to the commander. "A few Ponyville ponies came by to ask questions. We explained the situation as best we could, like you ordered." "Good, hopefully they won't see us as the bad guys," Rainbow replied. "It's probably a good thing I had you and other Ponyville natives assigned to the ground force. I just wish we had more time to warn them." "Well, that's the bad news," Flitter continued with a gulp. "We've heard reports of advance griffon agents hiding in town. Apparently they have support there as well." "Darn it. Do we know where they're hiding?" Flitter shook her head. "All I know is that one of them met with the mayor. A young filly told us about it." Rainbow's eyes opened wide. "Oh no, don't tell me..." "Yes, ma'am, it was Scootaloo," the sergeant confirmed. "In fact, she's been hanging around camp, looking for you." "I'll take care of it," Rainbow replied with a sigh. "Go back to your unit, and thanks for the report." "Just doing my job, ma'am," Flitter replied with a salute before adjusting her course toward the edge of the camp. Rainbow quickly made her way to the large command tent erected at the top of a nearby hill. It was surrounded by masses of ponies adjusting their armor, polishing their spears, or talking to each other. A few card games were being played — no doubt the soldiers needed a distraction from the upcoming battle. Four of her captains stood in front of the tent, saluting as they noticed her. Rainbow looked next to them and frowned at the sight of a small, orange-coated pegasus filly. "What are you doing out here, Scootaloo?" Dash asked as she landed. "It's not safe for you out here." "Rainbow Dash!" The filly rushed to Dash's side. "She came from Ponyville and informed us that the griffons had sent representatives into town," Captain Tinkerboom, the yellow earth pony in command of the ground feather, said. Rainbow's expression softened as she nuzzled Scootaloo. "Thanks for helping us out, kid. I am glad to see you." Once the filly met her gaze, Dash's expression turned to a disapproving frown. "But you really have to get home. Get your family, and hide in your house's cellar. I don't want you around for what's coming." "But I wanna see you kick some tail," Scootaloo argued, her undersized wings flapping furiously in excitement. "The commander is right. This is no game," Tinkerboom said as she took a step forward and shook a strand of brown hair away from her face. "Tell you what, squirt," Rainbow continued. "I have a mission for you. Where's Applejack?" Scootaloo shook her head. "She left for Appleoosa with Braeburn. She wouldn't tell Applebloom why." Dash's frown returned. "Alright. Go back to Ponyville, and tell the mayor that I will personally make sure Ponyville stays safe. Let her know the griffons are up to no good, and I'll do everything I can to stop them. For now though, I need everypony to hide in their basements, just in case." "You got it, Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo said as she imitated a soldier's salute. "But promise you'll be careful too. I know Princess Luna is counting on you." The filly mounted her scooter and started on her way back to Ponyville. She winked knowingly at Rainbow as her tiny wings propelled her small vehicle away. "Friend of yours?" Tinkerboom asked with a smirk. "She's a good kid," Rainbow replied with a sigh. "I took her under my wing a while back. There's a problem with her wings, so she'll probably never fully fly. It's been hard for her, and she's been looking up to me for support." "That's good of you, Commander." "Anyway, enough of that, we have a battle to plan," Rainbow said severely as she took a few steps toward her other officers. "I take it everypony's ready for what's coming." "Aye commander," Captain Buzzfly, a short pegasus mare with a green coat, answered. "We're awaiting your orders." Rainbow gave one last look at Scootaloo making her way back to Ponyville and sighed. She took a deep breath and turned back toward her officers with renewed vigor. "Alright. Tinkerboom, I assume all your chargers are fully armored?" "Spiked heavy armor, my own design," the earth pony said with a grin. "They'll be unstoppable." "Good. Have your earth pony units stay together and take care of any griffons who get on the ground. I expect the rain and hail will destabilize a lot of them," Rainbow took a glimpse at the clouds before continuing. "And what about your unicorns? How many of them know offensive magic?" "Only six of them, I'm afraid," Tinkerboom replied. "I've had them train in the same unit, but I don't think they'll be able to make a difference." "You're right," Rainbow said, tapping her hoof to her chin. "Hmm, I know. Just have them join the other unicorns, creating shields and defending our wounded. Should worse come to worst, they can throw magical bolts at the enemy. I'd still rather keep this asset a secret for when we have more unicorns." "Understood, commander," the earth pony captain replied with a salute. "As for the rest of us," Rainbow continued, turning her head toward her other officers. "We have other jobs. The first one will be reinforcing Fleetfoot's wing as needed. Buzzfly, I want you to make that your priority. Create tornadoes, have your ponies create gusts of wind, whatever it takes to break the griffon lines and trap them in the hurricane. Make sure none of them can land." "Gotcha, ma'am," the short pegasus captain answered. "Captain Whirlwind," Rainbow said, prompting the tan pegasus captain to stand at attention. "Your feather will be our reserve forces. Anypony asks for more troops, you're the one who'll supply them. You have a good head for tactics, so I want you to stay back and coordinate the reinforcements." "You got it, commander." "Lastly, Captain Star Hunter," Rainbow continued, smiling at the azure-coated stallion. "Yes ma'am?" Star Hunter asked. "I'm putting you in charge of protecting Ponyville," Rainbow ordered, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "Any tornado that gets too close, you try to redirect or counter. You find civilians out on the streets, have one of your soldiers escort them to safety. Whatever happens, the town has to stay safe, and ponies have to know we're here to protect them." "You can count on me, commander," Star Hunter replied, his face beaming with pride. "I'll position some of my units within the town itself." "Good," Rainbow replied, nodding at each captain in turn. "The griffons should be here within the hour. Gather everypony; I want to address the troops before they head into battle." The four officers acquiesced and flew away to gather their respective feather. Rainbow's gaze turned north-west, toward her home town, without her realizing. Would the ponies there see her as a hero trying to defend them, or a traitor bringing war to their doorstep? Scootaloo claimed griffons were seen talking to the mayor. What did they tell her? Darn it, I could really use Applejack's help right now. I can't worry about both the battle and Ponyville. Rainbow shook her head and raised it toward the clouds, where Spitfire was preparing the thick storm clouds for the battle. A few droplets fell from the sky as the griffon swarm loomed closer. Soon, Rainbow thought with a gulp. No turning back now. It took a few more minutes for the ponies in her wing to assemble and form ranks. The now familiar spectacle of troops standing at attention did not bring her the pride it used to. Where knees once shook and doubts were once whispered in low voices, strong determination could now be seen in the hardened expressions on each and every pony's face. Rainbow flew up and hovered in front of her wing. She took a long breath and puffed up her chest as the rain drenched her mane and tail. "Alright, everypony. This is the moment we trained for. I know a lot of you hoped for a quick victory in Canterlot, but you also all knew we might have to fight for it." Rainbow paused for another breath and allowed her words to sink in with her troops. "Well, this is the day we fight! Blueblood and those cowards back in Canterlot? They're too scared to fight themselves, so they hide behind the griffons. Those birds don't scare us now, do they?" "No, ma'am!" the soldiers yelled in unison. If Rainbow had her doubts before, they evaporated at the discipline and determination showed by her troops. "That's right, this is our land. We have the advantage. Don't let those griffons scare you for a second. You're the best in Equestria, and you've been trained by the best." She took a moment to admire the resolve on every soldier's face. "Whatever happens, they can't beat us, we're awesome." A sea of cheers greeted her speech as her soldiers screamed loudly and clopped their hooves on the ground. If the rain bothered any of them, it didn't show. "Alright, everypony, follow your officers and get in position," Rainbow ordered. "I'll see you all at the victory party." The soldiers quickly made their way to their respective units. Every captain was already gathering the sergeants under their command so they could pass on her orders. Rainbow fought the temptation to hide in solitude inside a tent or alone on a cloud; the ponies under her command would need to see her in the minutes preceding the battle if morale was to remain high. She flew from one group to the next. First, she encouraged individual soldiers while their unit leaders were being briefed. Afterwards, she would assist her officers as needed, as well as send messengers to both Fleetfoot and Spitfire, informing them of the status of her troops. Through it all, she tried to keep her eyes from glancing at the familiar town. She had already struggled enough with doubts for a day as important as this one. The rain redoubling in intensity prompted her to turn her attention to the Everfree Forest. The griffon army was now in plain sight, and Fleetfoot's ponies had already begun flying in circles, creating tornadoes. So far so good. Let's hope the plan works. By the time the enemy reached the edge of the Everfree, Fleetfoot's ponies had already crafted three tornadoes and units of pegasi flapped their wings vigorously, directing the twisters at the invaders. Rainbow observed the spectacle from her vantage point, at the top of the hill. She nodded at Captain Buzzfly, who stood next to her. "Wait for my signal before going in, Captain." Dash did not look for a reaction from her officer. She preferred to keep her eyes glued to the battle that was about to start. The griffon army promptly split in two. Each half took a different direction, avoiding the tornadoes entirely. Rainbow ground her teeth. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. They might have separated the griffon forces, but they were still charging at the ponies in organized ranks, with only a minuscule portion of their troops having been caught by the tornadoes. Further back, the bulk of Fleetfoot's wing had been directing the winds in a vortex for a while. The hurricane started to look like the intimidating force it was meant to be, and the ponies powering it directed it toward the easternmost half of the griffon army. Good of you, Fleetfoot. Direct it to the griffons who are furthest away from Ponyville. Another group of tornadoes was being created and hurled at the other half of the enemy forces. Rainbow cheered as one of them managed to grasp a group of griffons who were probably blinded by the heavy rain. The commander grinned satisfactorily as she saw Captain Tinkerboom order two units of earth pony chargers in their general direction. A second tornado came too close to Ponyville for Rainbow's liking, but three of Captain Star Hunter's units flew out of the city to take care of it. "Fleetfoot's flyers won't hold out forever with this western group of griffons," Rainbow told Captain Buzzfly. "I'm sending your feather in. Try to create a wind funnel and hold them in place, the tornadoes will take care of the rest." "Aye aye, commander," Buzzfly replied with a salute as she turned toward her troops, who had been waiting diligently behind their captain. "You heard the commander. Let's get out there!" Rainbow had to hold her helmet as Buzzfly's entire feather flew over her head, toward the action. She quickly adjusted the strap, silently glad not to have found it loose in the midst of a fight. She watched her ponies head into battle for a moment before turning her attention to the eastern group, where Fleetfoot's hurricane was growing in size. A spyglass proved necessary to make up what was going on within the hurricane. Most of the easternmost griffon group seemed to be within the storm, but something didn't feel right. The intensity of it all was increasing at an alarming pace, and while it was hard to tell exactly through the heavy rain, the griffons seemed to be willingly flying into it. "Oh no," Rainbow mumbled as she came to a realization — the enemy was actually using Fleetfoot's hurricane against the ponies. They flew in circles around it, using the strong winds to their advantage, and attempting to trap the pegasi in the middle. The weaker flyers would be thrown right into griffon spears. Rainbow flew up, pacing back and forth in the air as she considered her options. While griffons weren't used to the powerful rain the pegasi used, they were also larger and better trained. Darn it. We should have expected that they'd use our own tactics against us. Spitfire was no doubt seeing the same thing, and would probably send her reserve forces in. "Ponyfeathers," she snapped out loud as she turned toward Captain Whirlwind, who waited behind the hill. She flew straight toward him, not bothering to land as she addressed him. "Fleetfoot's ponies in the hurricane are getting massacred. We have to move in." Whirlwind nodded as he flew up. "Go, go, go! You heard the commander," he ordered his troops, who eagerly accompanied him. Rainbow took a glance at the western battle, where Buzzfly's feather started pushing the griffons back toward the Everfree. Good, they have them on the run. Another feather carrying lightning clouds flew down from the sky in pursuit. It seemed Spitfire had the same thought as Dash. She grabbed a passing soldier, a short pegasus stallion with a white coat. "Fly above the clouds, and tell General Spitfire that I'm going inside the hurricane." The soldier nodded and flew upwards. "Here goes nothing," Rainbow mumbled as she flew with Whirlwind's feather toward the hurricane that was now growing into gargantuan proportions. The closer she got, the harder it was to fly through the rain. Torrents of water were thrown against her troops, and some of the weaker flyers in Captain Whirlwind's feather struggled to even stay in place. "This isn't going to work," Rainbow yelled, hoping the captain would be able to hear her. "We should head over the clouds," Whirlwind's voice suggested. "Go, go!" Rainbow yelled, hoping enough ponies would be able to hear her. She flapped her wings as hard as her muscles would allow. She quickly adjusted her flight goggles — an addition to her officer helmet she had insisted on — as she struggled in vain to gain altitude. The winds augmented again in intensity. This could only mean one thing. Rainbow saw that the storm was getting closer. Some of the ponies under her command had already been swept by the now uncontrollable hurricane. Rainbow braced herself. Her only chance now would be to let the storm carry her. She would have to stabilize her flight before she was thrown into the distance or impaled by a griffon spear. "Don't fight it, everypony. You have to ride the storm," she yelled desperately. What have we done? she managed to ask herself as she ground her teeth, preparing for the most difficult attempt at aerial recovery in her entire life. She couldn't prevent her thoughts from wandering toward Ponyville. If the storm kept growing at this pace, it would without a doubt reach the town. A particularly powerful current took hold of Rainbow. She spread her wings and risked riding it. She winced in pain as her wings felt like they threatened to rip apart. All she could do was scream as she used her entire body's weight to straighten herself out. You can do this, Rainbow. You're awesome. She was forced to adjust her breathing, as all the oxygen was sucked right out of her lungs. She quickly wiped the rainwater off her goggles and found herself riding the edge of the storm. She pushed with all of her strength against the wind, knowing full well she would now be fighting a constant battle against the centrifugal force. A few ponies flew alongside Dash. She recognized a few faces, including Captain Whirlwind. She sighed in relief and pointed toward the center with her muzzle, prompting a series of nods from the ponies who had made it this far. A few soldiers had even managed to hold on to their spears. Their role would be crucial once they managed to get through to the griffon flyers. It only took a few moments for Rainbow's group to notice a small group of griffons deeper within the storm. They were locked in melee combat with some of Fleetfoot's ponies, fighting around a storm cloud charged with lightning. Rainbow pushed her body further, ignoring the growing pain within her chest and the bile gathering up in the back of her throat. She managed to reach one of the griffons, whose spear met a pegasus sergeant's. She nodded at the pony and flapped her wings with all her force toward the griffon, pushing the enemy soldier onto the pegasus's spear. The sergeant screamed a war cry as he impaled the griffon, blood flowing onto his gray coat. One of his shoulder plates was in shambles, and his flight goggles had been broken and were now useless. Rainbow took a glance behind her, making sure her own ponies joined the battle. Captain Whirlwind seemed to have the situation under control, so she turned her attention to the sergeant, positioning herself next to him. "Report," she ordered as she ducked to avoid a stray lightning bolt. "It's bad, commander," the sergeant yelled over the sounds of battle. He winced as dust got into his exposed eyes. "Commander Fleetfoot is down, and we lost a lot of ponies to griffon spears. They've been reinforcing the hurricane and isolating our units. Our weaker flyers never stood a chance. We've been trying to spread our forces while forcing them to do the same." "They're using our own tactics against us," Rainbow said. "Who's in command here?" "I don't know, ma'am. Captain Flamesong was killed, and you're the first officer I've seen since." Darn it, darn it, darn it! It wasn't supposed to go down like this. Rainbow spat and groaned in frustration. "Alright, sergeant. Get your unit out of here. This battle is lost — no need to sacrifice any more lives for nothing." She took off her goggles and gave them to the sergeant. "Here, you'll need those more than me. I've flown without eye protection before." The stallion nodded, obvious relief evident on his face. Dash's group had managed to pacify most of the griffons, although a few birds retreated further inside the storm. She flew next to Captain Whirlwind, keeping pace with him. "These ponies are exhausted, Commander," the captain said. "I know," Rainbow said. "Fleetfoot is down. I'm taking command and signaling the retreat. No use wasting any more lives. We stick together and help our troops get out of here." "You got it, commander," Whirlwind replied, motioning for his surviving ponies to follow. Rainbow kept navigating the storm, desperately trying to reach whatever surviving ponies she could. The process was constantly repeated. Find a group of ponies, help them against the griffons they were battling, inform them about the retreat, and if possible, absorb them into her group. Sometimes, she would arrive too late and would only witness her fellow soldiers being butchered by the enemy. Sometimes, she would find ponies too weak to escape the storm on their own, forcing her to order one of her own to carry them. Eventually, pieces of a broken fence, straw, and various wooden debris made their way inside the storm. This could only mean one thing; Rainbow's fears had come true and the hurricane had reached Ponyville. Rainbow had a passing thought for Captains Buzzfly and Star Hunter. Did they also retreat, or were they trapped in the hurricane? Hopefully they managed to help the Ponyville ponies evacuate. "Nothing more we can do. We're getting out," Rainbow shouted as she dodged part of a wooden fence. She turned around and found a significant number of ponies following her. At least I managed to save some lives today. She allowed the wind to carry her outward, making sure to balance her body and keep a certain level of control over her trajectory. More than once, she had to duck in order to avoid flying debris, or even the bodies of fallen soldiers. The heavy rain falling in her now exposed eyes made the effort even more difficult. She winced on a few occasions as her fellow ponies did not always prove as skillful as her. We're gonna make it. I will save these ponies. Rainbow gave her wings a few flaps. The storm had now reached colossal proportions, and no end seemed in sight. A loose lightning bolt incinerated one of her soldiers. Rainbow's wings were getting tired, and she knew everypony under her command was flying on adrenaline alone. Where she expected to find relief, she instead came face to face with a swarm of heavily armored griffons flying in formation. Could this be the bulk of their army? Rainbow swore under her breath as she realized that the enemy was blocking her access to the edge of the storm. The commander spun to her side, directing her body downward. Perhaps she could lead her troops under them. While the maneuver seemed successful at first, it did not take long for the enemy to take notice of her significantly sized group. Rainbow was almost directly under the griffons when she realized she had to give the order. "Form ranks, everypony. Don't let them overpower you, and be mindful of their spears." She ducked around an enemy trying to impale her and grabbed his spear with her mouth, pulling violently as she punched him with vigor. She managed to steal the weapon and strike the griffon with the butt end of his own spear. Rainbow turned her head, searching for another opponent. She gasped in shock and almost allowed the storm to send her flying away as she found herself face to face with a white-feathered face sporting brilliant amber eyes, framed by lavender downy feathers. "Gilda," Dash whispered as she recognized her old junior flight camp friend. Their eyes met for a moment. Dash could not think of anything to say. Should she prepare to fight her friend, or perhaps strike first? Could she even bring herself to do it? Gilda took the decision away from her as she shook her head, then turned her attention away. Rainbow nodded as she held on to her stolen spear strongly, charging a different griffon. At least she would not have to kill a friend today. The battle almost became automatic. Rainbow would strike with the spear, then dodge an incoming attack. She would avoid flying debris, and sometimes order her forces to regroup in a better defensive position. One by one, her ponies were picked off. For every griffon they killed, two of their own fell. Once in a while, her eyes wandered in Gilda's direction. In these cases, she would quickly switch her attention to other griffons. They all started to look the same to Rainbow. She blocked an enemy's claw and pushed him away with her hind legs, making him lose control of his flight. She was about to turn to yet another enemy when she felt something small and hard hit the side of her helmet. Oh no, she thought as more tiny ice shards flew into the wind. So the battle was desperate enough for Spitfire to unleash the hail inside the storm. "It's not the time; we're still in here," Rainbow yelled in desperation, knowing full well the general could not hear her. She saw griffons and ponies alike getting swallowed by the piercing ice traveling at extreme velocity within the powerful storm winds. Her own Captain Whirlwind found his wing ravaged under the assault. To his credit, he managed to hold on to an enemy soldier and make sure he would take at least one griffon with him into the grave. Rainbow charged at an enemy officer, having nothing to lose. He easily pushed her spear away with his small shield, forcing her to drop the weapon or lose her balance. She attempted to push him with her hind legs, but he responded by taking his claw to her face. Rainbow gasped in horror as his talon grasped her head and forcefully turned it around. She pushed back with all of her might, striking him multiple times with her hooves. A large volley of hail fragments flew in her direction. Rainbow closed her eyes, but could still feel the shards piercing the flesh on her eyelids, her wings, her hooves, and her lightly armored underbelly. She screamed in pain. She attempted to open her eyes, but only the left one would respond. She turned her body around, managing to shield herself behind her enemy before the bulk of the hail volley reached them. The griffon shrieked in pain as thousands of glacial fragments pierced his armor and dug into his flesh. Rainbow tried to say something, but ended up spitting some of her own blood instead. She let go of the now immobile form of her enemy. Her body began to fall, and she realized too late that no amount of flapping would stabilize her position. She saw her troops desperately fighting an already lost battle from her one functioning eye as she felt something hard collide with her. Everything became red, then everything became black. > XV Applejack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The trek through the Everfree Forest went faster than Applejack initially expected. She had feared that Fluttershy would slow her down, but her timid friend proved to be in far better shape than she seemed. While the Everfree Forest did not have a true trail they could follow, it wasn't as dense as many feared. It could actually be crossed rather well, as long as its travelers were watchful of mysterious plants, monster lairs, and other dangers found in the untamed woods. As such, between Applejack's knowledge of the land, Fluttershy's skills with animals, and their combined experience exploring the forest, they were able to make good time. They galloped in silence, saving their energy and pacing themselves. They had been running for a while and were beginning to feel the pain of hunger. Luck was on their side, as they found a stream of clean water as well as a patch of mushrooms. Applejack checked them to see if any were poisonous. Luckily, none were. "Uhmm, Applejack?" Fluttershy asked between sips of water. The earth pony mare, who was also drinking from the stream, raised her head to reply. "Yes Fluttershy?" She turned around and gave her friend as comforting a smile as she could manage. "Well, I was thinking; this griffon army, maybe they're not heading for Ponyville?" Applejack sighed. "I really hope you're right. To be honest, I don't know what to think anymore. First it's changelings, now griffons, all of it while Cloudsdale goes up in arms." She kicked a rock into the stream. "It ain't right, Fluttershy. None of this mayhem feels right." The yellow pegasus looked down. She sighed and raised her eyes in Applejack's direction. "We'll make things right. We always do. What's the worst that can happen?" "Between Blueblood on the throne, Luna raising an army, and now these griffons, I'd say we're getting awful close to a worst case scenario," Applejack grunted. "We don't know that for sure," Fluttershy replied, placing a hoof on the earth pony's shoulder. "Until we get back to Ponyville, we have to keep faith that things will turn out for the best. At least we have each other." "Yeah, I suppose you're right," Applejack said. "Thanks for trying to keep my spirits up." "That's what friends are for," Fluttershy said with a smile. Applejack carefully packed the mushrooms for the road, and the two ponies got back on their way. They started with a brisk trot, gradually accelerating back into a comfortable galloping speed. They were making good time, and were sure to be in Ponyville before nightfall. Applejack turned to her companion as they passed a group of squirrels running in the opposite direction. "What are those critters afraid of?" "Oh, sorry, I didn't get the chance to ask," Fluttershy replied. "Hopefully we won't run into a monster or anything." Fluttershy didn't reply, but Applejack could almost feel the worry emanating from her friend. Leaves rustled in the wind as they got closer to Ponyville. Branches leaned as the wind pressed against them, and more critters fled the unknown danger. Applejack stopped in her tracks, prompting Fluttershy to clumsily bump into her rear. "What's wrong?" the pegasus asked. "I don't like this wind," Applejack said with a frown. "Those critters earlier, they were probably running away for a good reason, too." "Do you think it has to do with the griffons?" Fluttershy asked as her ears flattened. Applejack tapped her hoof to her chin as her tail whipped the air in annoyance. "Better safe than sorry. Can you fly above the trees? Lemme know if you see anything." "Oh, um, sure. Just a moment," Fluttershy gave her wings a few flaps and ascended above the trees. It only took her a few short moments to glide back down, her eyes wide open with shock. "You look like you've seen a ghost," Applejack said nervously. "Oh, Applejack, it's terrible!" Fluttershy replied between short breaths. "There's a giant hurricane right over Ponyville." "What?" the earth pony blurted. "Could the griffons have done this? What about the weather team?" "I... I don't know," Fluttershy quietly replied, averting her eyes. "Consarn it!" Applejack snapped, throwing her hat on the ground and making Fluttershy recoil. "We should probably hurry. See if anypony needs our help," the pegasus suggested. Applejack turned her back on her friend and tried to control her ragged breaths. "You're right, you're right," she eventually managed to whisper. She took another deep breath and picked up her hat, shaking the dirt off it before putting it back on her head. "Come on. We need to double time it back to Ponyville." Fluttershy nodded as they got back on their way, redoubling their galloping speed. They carefully dodged roots and other obstacles, and had to make way for fleeing forest creatures on a few occasions. Light droplets of rain began to trickle, but they soon made way to a torrential downpour, drenching their coats and making the trek even more difficult. Applejack even abandoned Braeburn's now soaked bag so it wouldn't slow her down. The earth pony mare kept galloping, wincing as her muscles ached in complaint, when she heard screams coming directly from above. She stopped and looked up. Fluttershy did the same. Two pegasi wearing what looked like light blue armor were flying over the trees and could be seen through a hole in the foliage. Applejack was about to comment when she saw at least three griffons wearing crimson red armor in pursuit. "Oh no!" Fluttershy gasped as clear sounds of metal clashing against metal resonated above the trees. They were accompanied by grunts and cries. Applejack's wince quickly turned into a horrified gulp as shrieks and cries of pain echoed through her head. The still-fresh image of the burning Salt Block came back to her mind as two pony bodies fell through the branches and onto the forest moss. Both Fluttershy and Applejack rushed to the fallen bodies. The first one, a pegasus stallion, had been impaled through the heart and had a clearly broken neck. Applejack didn't have time to contemplate his fate as the other pony — a light grayish-purple pegasus mare — coughed and attempted to raise her head. Tears welled up in Applejack's eyes as she came face to face with familiar raspberry eyes. "Oh my gosh, Flitter," she gasped. The former Ponyville weather pony was one of the many pegasi who had left town shortly after Rainbow Dash, only giving a vague reason as to why. Flitter tried to speak, but almost choked as her own blood filled her month. Applejack helped her up so she could spit it out. The earth pony got a better look at the pegasus soldier's wounds in the process. Flitter had a clearly broken wing as well as a deep gash on the side of her throat. "Flitter, stay with me," Applejack pleaded, holding the dying mare's body. "What's going on? Who are those griffons?" "Blueblood's thugs," the mare whispered weakly, wheezing and coughing as she tried to speak. "They were going to... to secure Equestria for him," she coughed some blood. "We tried to stop them. I'm so sorry, Applejack. I never meant for anything bad to happen to Ponyville." "Hush now, sugarcube," Applejack whispered. "You did what you thought was right." Flitter slowly closed her eyes, and her chest stopped moving shortly after. Applejack gently placed the body in the grass. She slowly removed her hat as Fluttershy joined her. She dried her eyes, both from tears and rainwater, and turned to her companion. "We need to learn what the hay is going on," she said through gritting teeth. Fluttershy nodded silently. She placed a hoof on Applejack's back as the two shared a somber look. "Let's go," the earth pony said after a respectful moment of silence. The gravity of the situation could not be ignored as Applejack and Fluttershy reached the edge of the Everfree Forest. The storm raged on violently, encompassing a major portion of the town. Between the rain and dust being moved by the strong winds, it was difficult to make anything out. If they continued on any further, they would risk getting whisked away by the tempest. The earth pony mare had to close her eyes and shield her face with her hat as the violent storm chafed her skin through her coat. "Fluttershy... what can we do against such a thing?" Applejack said, her eyes glued to the morbid spectacle. The pegasus protected her face with one of her legs. "I don't know. It would take hundreds of pegasi to get this storm under control." Applejack started pacing back and forth, holding her hat so the wind wouldn't take it away. "We need to do something. We can't stop it, but maybe there're survivors? We should head back into the forest, look for ponies." "We should find a place to hide!" Fluttershy argued. "We can't just do nothing!" the earth pony said. "Once this is done, the survivors will need our help," Fluttershy said, glaring at Applejack. "We can't help anypony if we die in this storm." "Dagnabbit!" Applejack grunted as she slammed her hat on the ground. She stepped on it to prevent the wind from claiming it. "You're right. Let's go to that bear cave of yours. Maybe somepony found shelter in there." "Right, of course," Fluttershy replied with a nervous nod. The two friends navigated the edge of the forest, often losing their footing to powerful gusts of wind. At one point, they had to swiftly duck behind a large tree as a large wooden plank was thrown by the storm and threatened to crash into them. Applejack stuck her head out to make sure the danger had passed. She saw a small group of griffons heading into the storm. "What are they up to now?" she mumbled to herself. The griffons stayed in place and flapped their wings, pushing against the storm. "What are they doing?" Applejack asked, turning toward her companion. "I think... I think they're trying to push away the storm," Fluttershy said, also staring at the scene. "That doesn't make a lick of sense," Applejack replied with a frown. "First they invade us, now they're trying to protect us? Wait, didn't Flitter say they were hired by Blueblood? Maybe they're here to help?" "Come on, it's not safe to stay out here," Fluttershy said, gently pulling on Applejack's leg. "We can find out what happened after things calm down." "Alright," the earth pony mare grunted, following her friend back into the dark forest. The two continued on their way. Applejack barely noticed her surroundings; she couldn't stop thinking about what she had witnessed. Had the storm reached Sweet Apple Acres? If it did, did her family get out in time? Darn it! I leave Ponyville and only bring disaster to Appleoosa. Now I get back to Ponyville, and it's facing its own disaster. A bump on the shoulder snapped her out of her thoughts. She turned to face Fluttershy, who pointed at an earth pony mare waving at them from further inside the woods. Applejack immediately recognized Bonbon, a cream-coated mare with a long blue and pink mane. Bonbon was yelling something, but it proved impossible to make out the words through the storm's noise. Both Fluttershy and Applejack rushed to Bonbon's side. "I'm so glad to see both of you," the distraught mare began. "We're hiding in a nearby cave, follow me." "You'll get no arguments from me," Applejack said as she followed Bonbon. They were quickly led to a nearby cave. Small groups of ponies huddled together, many wrapped in warm blankets. Applejack found a few familiar faces, although a good chunk of Ponyville's population wasn't anywhere to be seen. Even more troubling, there was no sign of Applebloom, Granny Smith, or Big Macintosh. Mayor Mare was equally absent. "Bonbon, you actually did find survivors," a surprised sounding Lyra said with a gasp. "I told you it was worth the risk," Bonbon replied, affectionately nuzzling her mint-coated unicorn friend. "Fluttershy, you're back," another voice from the back of the cave added. This time, it was Roseluck, accompanied by a few small animals. "The animals are safe. Don't worry. I even have the baby raccoons here." "Oh, thank goodness," the pegasus replied, rushing to Roseluck's side. Applejack allowed herself a subtle smile at her friend's good fortune before facing Bonbon again. Her eyebrows locked in a frown. "What's going on here? Are there other groups like this? Does this storm cover all of Ponyville?" "I don't know how much of the town is affected," Bonbon began in a soft voice, taking a deep breath. "I can tell you that it started when a griffon army flew over the Everfree Forest. That Cloudsdale army we all heard about? They were waiting for them right at the edge of town." "This is insane," Applejack replied with a gasp. "Was Rainbow Dash with them?" "Of course she was," Lyra said from a corner. "I saw her; she was one of their officers. The world is going crazy. I warned you." "Whatever," the tan-coated earth pony replied as she rolled her eyes. "I can confirm that Rainbow was there. A few griffons came into town and spoke to the mayor as well, but I wasn't there, so I don't know what they talked about." "Who cares?" Lyra continued with a dismissive gesture. "They probably insisted they'd need to take over the town after the battle or something." Applejack glared angrily at Lyra before returning her attention to Bonbon. "What's wrong with her?" "Don't get me started," Bonbon replied. "It all started when she went to Canterlot, and participated in that moon ritual. She couldn't deal with what she saw, what with that pony getting killed and all. She started drinking and, well, you can see where it all lead." Applejack nodded, uncertain how to reply. "So what about the rest of Ponyville? Is my family okay?" "I'm sorry, I don't know," Bonbon replied, shaking her head apologetically. "I know many ponies hid in their cellars or fled in other directions. I gathered up everypony I could find and led them to this cave." "You did good," Applejack said with a nod. "I suppose we should wait it out, and then return and find out the extent of the damage." "I hope you all like this cave," Lyra said. "After this storm's over, it'll be our new home. Here's to the glory of Princess Rarity!" She uncorked a small bottle of liquor and took a generous sip. "Yeah, that attitude's helping," Applejack replied before a realization came to her. "Wait, what does she mean, 'Princess Rarity'?" "Oh, right, it happened while you were away," Bonbon timidly began, an awkward expression on her face. "What happened? What the hay did Rarity do?" "I'm not exactly sure, as I only heard the stories coming from Canterlot," Bonbon said, taking a few hesitant steps in Applejack's direction. "Rarity and Prince Blueblood got married a few days ago. They had this big news, about their union solidifying the throne and granting Equestria a brighter future. I was a bit surprised, to be honest." "Consarn it. What is that girl thinking?" Applejack mumbled out loud. Her left ear twitched in annoyance. "What about her family? They have anything to say?" "I haven't seen them, not since they left for the wedding," Bonbon said. Applejack kicked the dirt. Why did Rarity even agree to this? Had she been coerced into it? Perhaps it was all part of her plan. There had to be a good reason. Is this really how easily we all fall apart without Twilight? Rarity getting married to a prince she hates, Rainbow Dash fighting in a war, Fluttershy getting captured by changelings. Some leader I turned out to be. A hoof was placed on her shoulder. Applejack slowly turned her head, and found Fluttershy gently smiling at her. Applejack never saw her leave Roseluck's side. "Once this is over, we can find out what exactly made Rarity do this. I'm sure she had a good reason, and didn't make this decision lightly." "To be honest, Fluttershy, I'm not too comfortable with her taking Twilight's throne," Applejack said. "It ain't hers, never will be. I'm just hoping she hasn't let all them fancy Canterlot ponies talk her into doing something stupid." "You know Rarity wouldn't do this without a good reason," Fluttershy replied. "We should try and get some rest for now. We'll have a lot to do once the storm calms down." "You go ahead. Bonbon and I have a lot to talk about." It took some time for the ponies hiding in the cave to realize the storm had subsided. Roseluck was the first to notice, pointing out that some of Fluttershy's critters were ready to head back outside. The group stuck together until they reached Ponyville, where they all gasped at the morbid spectacle in front of them. It was obvious from the first few steps taken into the ruined town that life in Ponyville would never be the same. While some houses had been spared the destruction, a lot had been wrecked to the ground. Many more were damaged, but could probably be repaired. The streets were littered with the bodies of both griffon and pegasus soldiers. Applejack even saw a few earth ponies and one unicorn, all wearing the Cloudsdale uniform. Even worse, a few faces were familiar. A mare and a stallion who had been hiding in the cave rushed to a dead body's side and cryed in each other's legs. Light rain fell from the still cloudy sky, another grim reminder of the horror the pegasi had created. Applejack violently threw her hat on the ground. "Is this what it all comes down to? Princess Celestia dies, and suddenly everypony turns into violent savages? Why the hay did they have to bring this fight to Ponyville? We never got no quarrels with them!" She screamed at the heavens, tears welling up in her eyes. She breathed heavily as nopony dared do or say anything. The reek of death had taken over the town, worse than anything that ever assaulted Applejack's nostrils. She spat once, and turned toward the townsfolk who were gathering around her. "Alright, we need to get this situation under control. Y'all take a moment to check on your families, then I want every able pony to meet back in front of town hall. We'll have to clean out the bodies first, and then plan out shelter. Any of you who owns a cart, bring it along. You see any soldiers from either side, don't talk to them, attack them, or anything. Stay away." Once a few ponies nodded and got on their way, she turned toward Bonbon. "Can you and Lyra check on the mayor? If there's a time we need her, it's now." "You got it, Applejack," the earth pony replied. "Come on, Lyra." "Fluttershy, go check on the animals," Applejack continued. "I will," the yellow pegasus said with a nod. "What about you?" "I'm worried about my family, Fluttershy," Applejack said, allowing her ears to flatten. "I need to know if they're alright first." "Of course," Fluttershy replied with a comforting smile. "We all meet in front of town hall in an hour," Applejack yelled loud enough for everypony to hear. She did not wait for a reply as she galloped toward Sweet Apple Acres, her mind filled with visions of Granny Smith, Applebloom, and Big Macintosh lying dead like all the other cadavers in the streets. Ponyville's avenues were just recognizable enough to sharpen the pain. Familiar houses were surrounded by rubble. Ponies just like her were digging through the ruins, desperately looking for signs of their loved ones. In the distance, groups of griffons flew in formation. She could see them landing in a field some distance from Ponyville. Why are they not occupying the town? Am I missing something? She ignored thoughts of the griffon army as she redoubled her pace toward Sweet Apple Acres. She sidestepped a pile of rubble and jumped over a broken fence the storm had moved to the middle of the road. Her heartbeat accelerated as she got closer to her home and found the damage was only getting worse. Her fears became reality as she passed a large ruined house only to see a large expanse of uprooted apple trees. The welcoming wooden sign marking the entrance to Applejack's farm was nowhere to be seen and even worse, the house behind it lay in ruins. The barn had been completely ripped apart by the strong winds. "No..." Applejack rushed toward her family house. The roof had completely caved, crushing the entire house and leaving it as little more than a pile of broken wooden planks. She maniacally threw pieces of wood out of the rubble. "Granny Smith! Applebloom! Big Macintosh! Please tell me you're still alive in there." Applejack kept digging. Some familiar items were discarded as she found them within the rubble: an old cooking pan, an album of family photos, a now broken jar Granny used to store apple jam in. She couldn't hold the tears in as each item reminded her of the ponies she cared the most for in the world — ponies she might never see again. Her legs stopped supporting her. She buried her face within her hooves as her body hit the ground. She could feel her own heartbeat still racing as she closed her eyes. "I'm done, this is too much," she whispered softly. Her ears perked up of their own accord as she slowly registered a dim banging noise. She slowly raised her head in the sound's general direction. The destroyed barn was in front of her, and as bereft of any sign of life as when she first arrived. Another banging sound reached her ears, this one louder. Her eyes traveled around the scene and she gasped as she saw the very spot where the changelings had hidden — the apple cellar. Applejack rushed to the closed trap door. A large wooden beam had fallen on top of it, preventing anypony from getting in or out. "Anypony alive in there?" she yelled. Tears found their way down her cheeks again as she heard a very clear, "Eyup." "I'll get you out of there, Big Mac," Applejack excitingly replied as she pushed on the offending piece of wood with all the strength her hind legs could muster. She had to buck it a few times, but eventually managed to clear the way. The first thing she saw as she opened the trap door was Big Macintosh's tired, dirty face. Applejack released a long sigh of relief she didn't even realize she had been holding. "Thank goodness," she blurted out. A yellow blur made its way past Big Macintosh before he could say anything. "Applejack!" Applebloom cheered as she grabbed on tightly to her sister. "I'm so glad you're all okay," Applejack replied, nuzzling her little sister. "Is Granny Smith here too?" "Eyup," Big Macintosh replied with a smile and a nod. "I'll help her out." The large red stallion made his way to the back of the cellar. Applejack took a moment to hug her little sister back, thankful that her immediate family, at least, had been spared. After a while, Applebloom's head rose up and the filly looked around. "What happened to the orchard?" she asked. "What are we going to do now?" "I don't know, Applebloom," Applejack replied. "Rebuild, I suppose." Big Macintosh slowly walked out of the cellar, helping Granny Smith. "Well, you youngins sure have done it now," the older mare said as she came face to face with the state of the farm. "What kind of insanity has the world turned into?" "I don't know, Granny," Applejack admitted, taking off her hat. "But I know we can't just give up. All of Ponyville is in shambles, but I promise I'll stay around and rebuild. No more running off to who-knows-what." "So what happened in Appleoosa?" Big Macintosh asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'll tell y'all later," Applejack flatly replied, shaking the dust off her hat. "For now, we got more urgent matters to take care of." The entire family stood together in silence for a moment. Their eyes stayed glued to the uprooted trees, destroyed barn, and the morbid spectacles of dead soldiers' bodies scattered all over the fields. "Come on, Big Macintosh. We gotta get the carts and head for the middle of town. We have to clean up this mess." As feared, the entire town square, including town hall, lay in ruins. As soon as Applejack got back to the center of town with her family, she asked everypony there for their report on the status of the town. Luckily, the northern half of Ponyville had been spared, and more than a few families showed willingness to share their homes with ponies whose houses had been destroyed. At nurse Redheart's insistence, Applejack first ordered all the bodies be dumped in the same spot, where they could be burned before disease had a chance to spread. The task that would have once been horrifying to her quickly began feeling eerily routine. She was in the middle of moving the body of an unknown pegasus soldier into the back of Big Macintosh's cart when Scootaloo rushed to her side. "Don't get too close, now, little filly," Applejack warned. Children like Applebloom and Scootaloo had been put to work relaying messages from one side of town to the next. "Blossomforth sent me," the orange pegasus filly replied. "She says the griffons are still in the field, and are staying away. They made a camp and have some prisoners." "Pegasi prisoners?" Applejack asked, taking off her hat and wiping the sweat off her brow. "Yes, Cloudsdale soldiers. Are we going to rescue them?" "Great idea kid! Let's rescue the soldiers who almost destroyed Ponyville," Lyra mocked as she dropped another body inside the cart. "They're Princess Luna's soldiers. Rainbow Dash was with them," Scootaloo continued as she glared at the mint-colored mare. "That's enough, Scootaloo," Applejack interrupted, putting her hoof down. "We're in no shape to get involved, and this ain't our fight." "The kid is right though," Caramel said after dropping a body in the cart. "It's just a matter of time before those griffons come into town. We should run away." Applejack shook her head. "If they wanted to occupy the town, they would have done it by now. I think they were just after the Cloudsdale ponies, and we're the innocent bystanders." "But what about Princess Luna?" Scootaloo insisted, her tiny wings flapping. "Not now, Scootaloo," Applejack admonished. "For now, we focus on fixing the town. We'll worry about Princesses later. Now go see Nurse Redheart and Granny Smith at the infirmary. They might need your help." "Fine," the pegasus filly said as she kicked the dirt. Applejack turned toward Big Macintosh and Lyra. "Will the two of you be alright? Bonbon's been digging through town hall's rubble for a while now, and I wanna go check on her." "Eyup." Her brother nodded. "I guess," Lyra said as she dumped another body into the cart, eliciting a frown from Applejack. Applejack stepped over some debris and made her way to the pile of debris that used to be town hall. Bonbon and her crew had already moved some of the larger debris, revealing a sight that made Applejack's mouth gape in shock. "Great galoshes," she whispered under her breath. While the bodies were still half-buried, Mayor Mare and her assistant, Tall Order, were easily recognizable. They huddled together as the same wooden beam lay atop both of their ribcages. "We just found them like that," Bonbon began softly as she turned toward Applejack. The farm mare took a deep breath. Death of loved ones was almost expected at this point. "Leave them for now. We gotta move the bodies down in the streets first." Bonbon and the others all observed a moment of silence before slowly nodding. They all got out of the rubble, carefully avoiding the sharper debris. Goldengrape, a light yellow stallion, was already hitching himself to a cart, the others joining him. Only Bonbon stood next to Applejack. "Now that we know for sure, there's one thing we need to talk about," the tan-coated mare said. "What now?" Applejack grunted. Bonbon took a deep breath. "If Ponyville ever needed a leader, it's now." "Oh, for pony's sake, Bonbon. Now is not the time to try and get elected," Applejack incredulously blurted before spitting on the ground. "Not what I have in mind," Bonbon continued with a dismissive gesture. "Elections can happen when things calm down. For now, we need somepony to keep things ordered." She smiled hesitantly at Applejack. "You're going to have to serve as interim mayor. Everypony will follow you and more importantly, the griffons might want to talk to the pony in charge once they do make their move." Applejack gulped. "I haven't thought about that," she admitted. "But you're right. Unless anypony objects, I suppose I'm the logical choice." Bonbon nodded. "Good. I suppose I should get back to work." Applejack sighed as the mare left to help her crew. She observed the area, seeing everypony busy at their tasks. Maybe I should go see the griffons myself and get some answers once and for all, she thought grimly as she eyed Caramel digging another body from underneath a fallen road sign. She felt some air being moved, and turned her head to her left. Fluttershy landed next to her. "All your critters made it out okay?" Applejack asked. "Yes, thank goodness," the pegasus replied. "What were you talking about with Bonbon? From your expression, it sounded important." "She says I should be interim mayor," Applejack said. "To tell you the truth, I haven't really considered the question." "Oh, so I take it Mayor Mare..." Fluttershy did not finish her sentence as she looked down at her hooves. "I'm sorry sugarcube," Applejack offered, shaking her head. "Either way, I suppose I'll have to get used to a lot of stuff." "I think you'll do a wonderful job," Fluttershy said with a timid smile. "Ponyville needs you, and you know I'll always be here to help you out." "Thank you kindly," Applejack said, finally allowing her muzzle to morph into a light smile. "Doesn't change things for now though. We got to clean up town and find someplace to house everypony whose homes got destroyed. Got any spare room at your cottage?" Fluttershy shook her head. "No, most of the critters are in right now. Nopony is using the Castle though." "Good idea," Applejack said. "It's way up north too, so it shouldn't have been affected." "You should get your family there," Fluttershy continued. "If you're going to be mayor and all." "Go and let Amethyst Star know," Applejack said with a nod. "I left her in charge of assigning families to houses with available room." "I can do that," Fluttershy replied as she was about to fly away. She stopped suddenly as she no doubt saw the same thing as Applejack. Blossomforth, the pegasus Applejack had left watching the griffons from a distance, was flying in their direction, accompanied by three griffons. Applejack took a few steps toward a cleared area in the middle of what used to be town square. She frowned as the flying procession quickly made its way to her. "Oh my," she heard Fluttershy whisper from behind her. An imposing looking, if slightly overweight, griffon with pristine gray feathers and dark brown fur took a few steps in Applejack's direction. His golden armor was heavily decorated and complete with a helmet of the same polished material. He stared at her with piercing hazel eyes through small, round spectacles. "I was told this is where I could meet the pony in charge," he began. "Are you the mayor?" "Mayor Mare died," Applejack flatly replied, meeting the griffon's stare. "I'm Applejack, and I'm in charge for now." "Unfortunate, and I am deeply sorry for your loss," the griffon offered, lowering his head respectfully and taking off his helmet. "My name is Centurion Ignacio Bouvier. I lead Griffingard's sixth legion. My soldiers are here at the behest of Prince Blueblood and Princess Rarity of Equestria." "And you thought it was a good idea to wreck my town and murder my friends," Applejack said, grinding her teeth. "A tragedy, of course. Our initial plan was to attack Cloudsdale and keep that pegasus army from terrorizing Equestria. Sadly, they decided to ambush us, no doubt hoping my troops would tire themselves out after crossing the forest." "So y'all created a storm?" Applejack continued, refusing to break her glare. She could see and hear ponies gathering around her and this Centurion Bouvier. "I understand that you have no reason to believe me," Bouvier continued, "but I ordered my troops to limit the damage to your town. Unfortunately, the Cloudsdale pegasi, no doubt as a result of inexperience, opted to create a powerful hurricane in order to annihilate my forces. As you can see, it backfired." "Let's say I believe you," Applejack said. "What now? I can't see you and your army bringing our dead back to life." "All I can offer is my help with the cleaning effort, Lady Applejack," Bouvier continued, smiling and taking a few steps in her direction. "With your permission, griffon soldiers will move in and help clear the bodies and rubble. We also offer to erect tents, and have blankets to spare." "That's a good start," Applejack replied, careful not to betray her relief. "And what would you ask in return?" "Nothing but your willingness to listen to our sincere apologies, and of course your loyalty to the throne of Equestria." "They just want to take over the town!" a voice from the crowd yelled. "They'll slice our throats as we sleep!" a mare in the back added. "Enough!" Applejack yelled, loudly slamming her hoof on the ground. She turned to face the crowd. "If these griffons wanna take over the town, there's nothing that can stop them. Right now, we need help, and we need shelter. I see no reason to refuse the centurion's help." "And what about the prisoners they're holding?" Caramel asked as he stepped forward. "It's true, I've seen them holding ponies prisoner," another voice from the crowd added. Applejack turned toward Bouvier and raised an eyebrow. The griffon officer raised a claw. "Of course, I can explain. We're holding some Cloudsdale soldiers prisoner. They will be taken to Canterlot, where they will be tried under Equestrian justice. As I mentioned, we are not invaders. We are here to help." The crowd grew restless. Ponies whispered to each other, and quite a few angry glares met both Applejack and Bouvier. "I wanna see the prisoners," Applejack said in a tone that brooke no argument. "Of course," Bouvier said, bowing his head. "We currently have them in our camp." "Good, let's go then," Applejack ordered. "Fluttershy, Caramel, the two of you come with me. Bonbon, you're in charge until I get back." "Alright, Applejack," Bonbon said with a nod. Bouvier pointed to the two soldiers with him. "I will leave these guards here as a gesture of goodwill, and as insurance that the Lady Applejack will be safely returned." "Good enough for me," Applejack said. Centurion Bouvier led the way outside of town and toward his army's camp. Applejack could easily tell not every soldier was present. Only a handful had been left to guard a group of maybe a hundred or so pegasi, all behind a fence with their wings tied up. Applejack turned to look at her companions. Fluttershy stayed close to her, nervously hiding behind her mane as she observed her surroundings. As for Caramel, he stared at Canterlot in the distance. It only took Applejack a moment to figure out what the stallion was looking at: groups of griffons flying in formation toward the capital. Applejack frowned as she entered the camp. A few soldiers eyed her suspiciously, but they all gave them a wide berth, probably due to their centurion's presence. As she got closer to the enclave where the prisoners were kept, she scanned the area for a rainbow mane. She was uncertain if she was glad or not that she couldn't find her friend. Had Rainbow managed to escape, or did she fall in battle? While she couldn't see her friend, she did manage to spot Spitfire's fiery orange mane. The Wonderbolts' leader sat down with the rest of the prisoners. "Spitfire," she mumbled, meeting eyes with the Wonderbolts' leader as she got within earshot. "General Spitfire," Bouvier corrected. "She was in command of the Cloudsdale army. She probably is the pony most responsible for the damage to your town." "I'll decide that for myself," Applejack replied flatly as she took a few steps toward the enclave. Two griffon guards blocked her way with spears, but a nod from Bouvier made them step back and let Applejack through. Spitfire and Applejack stared at each other for a moment. The senior Wonderbolt was dirty, her entire body covered in scars. Her eyebrows were locked in a defiant frown, but the bags under her eyes and her drooped ears betrayed her fatigue. "I heard the Centurion's excuse," Applejack began. "What's yours?" "I did what I had to in order to protect Equestria," Spitfire said. "For what it's worth, I never intended for any of this to happen. Ponyville was never supposed to get in harm's way." "Starting this hurricane right next to my town sure was the best way to protect Ponyville," Applejack angrily spat. "A lot of innocent ponies got hurt," Fluttershy completed, stepping up next to Applejack. "Are you all blind?" Spitfire snapped. "Blueblood invited griffons soldiers to Equestria, all so he could deny the throne to its rightful owner. We had to stop them now, before they entrenched themselves." Caramel stepped up and was about to say something, but Applejack blocked his path with her leg and a stern glare. "Right now, I don't care who sits on the throne. No amount of power is worth innocent ponies dying." "If only the world were that simple," Spitfire mumbled. Applejack turned toward Fluttershy and both ponies shared a knowing look. "Answer me just one question, Spitfire," Applejack continued, locking her eyes on the former Wonderbolt leader again. "What happened to Rainbow Dash?" This time, Spitfire avoided Applejack's eyes. "I'm sorry. She flew inside the storm and never came out. She was reported to have been taken out by hail." Fluttershy burst into tears as Applejack hugged her tightly. Caramel looked down in silence. Centurion Bouvier silently observed the scene, slowly nodding at Applejack. After a few moments of silence, the farm mare returned her attention to Spitfire. "You disgust me. First, you draw one of my best friends into this ridiculous crusade of yours. You turn her into a killer and coerce her into creating this hurricane with you. With said hurricane, you destroy my hometown, kill ponies I care for, and bring in horrors Equestria could never have imagined. If this is the Equestria Luna wants, then I want none of it." "Please, don't give up on everything because of my mistake," Spitfire pleaded. She attempted to get up, but a griffon soldier shoved her back down. Applejack turned toward Bouvier, letting go of Fluttershy in the process. "Centurion, can I have your word that your soldiers will leave us alone and won't bring more battles to Ponyville?" "All I can promise is that we'll respect your town, and we'll be available to protect it," the griffon centurion replied, taking a firm step toward Applejack. "My troops are available to help clean up your town, as promised. Once this is done, we will fly to Canterlot. All I ask is that your town support Prince Blueblood as rightful ruler of Equestria, and does not supply the rebel forces with troops, food, medical supplies, or any other aid." Caramel stepped up and raised a hoof. "Applejack, you can't seriously consider this? Luna is-" "Don't you start defending her again now," Applejack swiftly interrupted, glaring at the light amber stallion. She turned back toward the Centurion, who now had an open claw extended in her direction. She looked at it a moment before facing him. "Look, Centurion. I can't promise everypony in Ponyville will be loyal to Blueblood, but as long as I don't see no soldiers occupying my town, you got a deal. Luna is no princess of mine." She ignored Caramel's gasp as she firmly shook Bouvier's claw. "I take it you're satisfied that the prisoners deserve to be tried in Canterlot?" the centurion asked. Applejack turned back and glared at Spitfire. She then turned her back to the prisoners and looked at Ponyville. "For what the Wonderbolts did, I hope they rot." The sun was setting when everypony gathered up in front of the Palace of Harmony. The griffons had proven very efficient at clearing the town of rubble. While a few ponies vocally objected to their presence, most of their peers were grateful for the assistance. There would be work for days to come, but at least the ponies of Ponyville did not have to go at it alone. Granny Smith somehow managed to find herself another rocking chair. She gently rocked herself on the porch in front of the castle. Applejack sat next to her, taking off her hat and sighing in relief. The de-facto leader had not realized how exhausted she was until she found a moment to breathe. "You did good work here, youngin', given the circumstances," the older mare offered. "I sure hope it's enough," Applejack said, laying down on the ground. "After everything that's come to pass, I'm beat." "Speaking of, you never said what happened down in Appleoosa," Granny continued. "Or why you came back with Fluttershy." Applejack sighed deeply. Painful memories resurfaced as she forced herself to meet her grandmother's gaze. "Oh Granny, it was horrible. You were right. You were right all along and I should have listened to you." Granny Smith made herself comfortable on her rocking chair and nodded once, very slowly. Her comforting silence spoke volumes. "I managed to find one of them changeling hives. I found Fluttershy in there, as well as a bunch of other ponies, all trapped in them weird pods. I thought I could rescue them all, I really did, but I was found out by the bugs. An oil lamp fell during the scuffle, and the whole place went up in flames." "Oh my..." Granny gasped. "I only managed to rescue Fluttershy," Applejack continued. "Braeburn... He never made it." "I'm so sorry," the old mare offered. "You can say it. You told me so. I made the biggest mistake of my life, Granny. I abandoned Ponyville, got my family and friends in Appleoosa killed, then came back and found Ponyville in ruins." "Sounds like you learned something from the experience," Granny suggested. "No lesson is worth this!" Applejack yelled, standing up at once. Granny stayed in her chair and leaned forward. "Death is never something we're ready for, Applejack. We'll all have plenty of time to mourn the dead, but right now, Ponyville needs you. I know it ain't fair to put all that weight on your shoulders again, but you have a rare gift. Ponies look up to you." "It ain't right, Granny. This so-called 'gift', it got ponies killed." "You stop that nonsense right now," Granny interrupted in a stricter tone. "You made some pretty bad mistakes, I won't deny it, but you learned from them. More importantly, you saved Big Macintosh, Fluttershy, that young mare Bonbon, me, even Applebloom. We're all here to help and support you." The old mare tipped her head toward something behind her granddaughter as she finished. Applejack turned around and saw Fluttershy quietly standing there. "Oh... you've been here long?" Applejack asked. "Only a few moments. I didn't want to interrupt," Fluttershy said. "I'm sorry." "Don't be," Applejack replied. "Granny's right. I could use a friend right now." Fluttershy sat down and the three mares quietly watched the scenery for a while. Applebloom and Scootaloo were playing in the sand, drawing with their hooves. Meanwhile, a few ponies gathered around the castle. A few stares went Applejack's way, most of them ending in polite smiles and nods. Applejack ignored them and focused on the orange sunset. A group of griffons had been clearing out the heavy clouds for a few hours, and the sky was finally visible again. Fluttershy gently nudged her and broke her reverie. Applejack turned her head and saw Bonbon approaching her. She got up and put her hat back on. "Lemme guess, more problems?" Bonbon shook her head. "No, actually. Ponies are ready to head home. Most found a place to stay, and the griffons erected a few tents as temporary accommodations for the others." "That's good," Applejack said with an absent-minded nod. "What they need now is some sort of message that things will be okay," Bonbon continued. "And since you took charge..." "Ah shucks, I hate speeches," Applejack grunted. "Part of the job, I'm afraid," Bonbon replied sheepishly. "Just be yourself, you'll do great," Fluttershy said with a smile and a pat on the back. Applejack rolled her eyes. "Alright, Bonbon. Gather everypony up. You're right. Let's get it over with." "You got it, Miss Mayor," Bonbon said as she eagerly ran back toward the crowd. "I really hope ponies don't start calling me that," Applejack grumbled. "I think it suits you," Fluttershy teased, prompting Granny Smith to cackle, and Applejack to roll her eyes again. Bonbon quickly gathered up what ponies were around. A larger crowd than Applejack would have expected massed around the Palace of Harmony. It warmed her heart to see that even through this ordeal, Ponyville still had such a wonderful group of citizens. Applejack took a few steps forward, heading to the edge of the porch. "Alright everypony," she began loudly. "Y'all know I ain't much for speeches. To be honest, I don't think words can really express what's going on in all of our heads right now." She took a long breath. "But I know y'all are worried about the future. All I can say is that it ain't the first time our town has faced trouble. We've always come out on top, because we've always stood together." She quickly scanned the crowd, and saw a lot of hopeful nods, though a few doubtful glares still remained. All to be expected; it will take time. She took another breath. "I was glad to hear most of you found a place to stay. I really want to thank each of you who opened up their homes. Whatever happens, we're still one big community. Now, for the immediate future, I'd like everypony in town to help with rebuilding. The griffons have been helpful today, but they ain't our kin. In the coming weeks, we'll have to rely on ourselves a lot. For now, we'll house as many ponies as we can inside this here castle. I'd also like to make it our new town hall." "I got a question," Caramel's voice asked loudly from the front of the crowd. "Who put you in charge? Didn't you run away to Appleoosa while you were supposed to protect the town?" Applejack sighed. "You're right, and it'll be up to y'all to decide if you want me in charge or not. All I want is all of us working together and rebuilding the town. The faster we fix up Ponyville, the faster we can move on and have a real election." "Well, I'll definitely vote for you," Fluttershy said as she stepped forward, next to Applejack. "You rescued me from those awful changelings, and you're the pony who kept us together all day." The normally timid pegasus took a deep breath and aggressively turned toward Caramel. "So I really suggest you listen to her, mister." Fluttershy's intervention was met with smiles, a few ponies even applauded. Applejack sighed in relief. She didn't have the energy to argue with Caramel. She looked at the crowd and smiled at the ponies of Ponyville. Applejack opened her mouth and was about to speak again when a loud, high pitched voice from the crowd made itself heard. "How dare you?" a mysterious mare asked. Wait, I know that voice, but it doesn't make sense... A hooded figure made its way through the crowd, gently pushing ponies so she could get to the front. She lowered her hood with a yellow hoof, revealing Fluttershy's long pink, familiar mane. "What the hay," Applejack started, her head turning from the Fluttershy standing next to her to the one in front of the crowd. "I appreciate the sentiment," the new Fluttershy offered, "but not you taking my face. Applejack is my friend, and I will not let you take advantage of her." Applejack turned her head to her left, where the other Fluttershy stood. Her eyes glowed in a sickening green hue as she grew in size. Her yellow fur darkened as a crooked black horn grew on her forehead. "And it was all going so well. I suppose I'll have to do things the hard way now," Queen Chrysalis of the changelings angrily spat. > XVI Fluttershy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bright lights assaulted Fluttershy's eyes as she slowly woke from her slumber. A cacophony of sounds surrounded her, but she couldn't make anything out. She tried to speak, but found her throat too dry. "Drink this, slowly," an unknown female voice said softly. A glass of water was brought to Fluttershy's muzzle. She took it to her mouth greedily. "Slowly," the voice insisted. The blur in her vision soon defined itself as a female griffon's green eyes surrounded by brown feathers and a short beak. Fluttershy yelped and tried to get out of the bed she was lying on, but a claw held her down. "Easy now," the griffon gently said. "Where am I?" Fluttershy managed to ask after a few deep breaths. "You were found in the desert, severely dehydrated. We found a deep gash on your flank as well. You're lucky to be alive." Fluttershy slowly nodded as she took another sip of water. Her joints ached as she tried to move, and she winced as the water went down her throat. The air was noticeably hot and dry. Was she still in the desert? Perhaps she was in the badlands. "Don't drink too fast," the griffon repeated. "It might be a few days before you can get out of bed. For now, just rest. We'll take care of you." Many questions trotted through Fluttershy's mind as she settled back into bed. Why was a griffon nursing her? She looked at her surroundings. She seemed to be inside a large tent. Was this some sort of camp? None of it made any sense, but Fluttershy was too exhausted to ask her benefactor. She gently fell back into restful slumber. She slipped in and out of consciousness. Sometimes, the same nurse was looking over her. Other times, she saw different griffons. On one occasion, one of them wore what looked like thick leather armor adorned with unknown insignias. Fluttershy shivered at the thought of the innocent creatures who must have been brutally skinned to create this intimidating garment. She was definitely in an infirmary. Right in front of her was a table covered with various medical instruments, and another with bottles — she assumed they were filled with medicine. Two more beds stood next to hers, but they were both empty. On a few occasions, she heard muffled voices coming from outside the tent. Wherever she was, it sounded like a busy place. It reminded her strangely of the flight camps she had to attend as a foal. Sounds of wings flapping, rough laughter, even sounds of fighting. This last one worried her. Could she be in some sort of military camp? The armored griffon she saw would uphold such a theory. Why would griffon soldiers set up camp near Equestria's borders? She awoke again in the morning. The nurse walked in and nodded as Fluttershy met eyes with her. "You look stronger today," the griffon said as she took some notes on a pad of paper. "Yes, thank you very much," Fluttershy replied. "I think I'm ready to walk, and, um, if it's okay, can you tell me where I am?" The nurse glanced up from her notes. "I suppose you'll find out soon enough anyway. You're with the sixth Griffingard legion, currently in the Badlands, south of Equestria." The Badlands; then I made it. Fluttershy failed to hide her smile as she contemplated her luck. "How did you find me in the desert?" "Some of our soldiers were out on patrol. One of them recognized you and decided you were worth rescuing," the nurse explained. "In fact, I should get her. I imagine she'll want to speak to you." Fluttershy frowned as the nurse left the tent. She hesitantly slid out of the bed, slowly getting back on her hooves. After what seemed like days being stuck in bed, being able to move around felt like complete liberation. She attempted a few wobbly steps, carefully getting used to walking again. "You shouldn't be up on your own," the nurse's voice sternly admonished from the entrance. Fluttershy turned around and gasped as she saw a familiar face standing next to the nurse. "So you're finally awake," Gilda said, sizing Fluttershy with her light amber eyes. Rainbow Dash's old friend was the last individual the pegasus expected to see. "Wha.. What's going on? Gilda, what are you doing here?" Fluttershy mumbled in a stuttering voice. "Long story short, I was out on patrol with my squad and we found you dying in the desert. I saved your life, you know." "Oh, thank you," Fluttershy replied, forcing her eyes to remained trained on her apparent savior. "Can you walk?" Gilda asked, taking a step toward the pegasus. "Centurion Bouvier has questions for you." The nurse looked like she was about to protest, but a glare from Gilda quieted her. "Oh, I think I can," Fluttershy said. "Who is Centurion Bouvier? What does he want with me?" "He's the leader of this legion," Gilda explained, motioning for Fluttershy to accompany her. "Don't worry, we're not invading Equestria. We're the good guys here. I'll explain everything on the way." Fluttershy hesitantly took a few steps toward the exit. Gilda rolled her eyes and pushed her lightly with a large brown wing. The pegasus stopped and closed her eyes as the bright light of the sun assaulted them. Once she had adjusted to the brightness, she slowly contemplated the surrounding spectacle. She was indeed in the Badlands. The plateau the griffon camp was located on was surrounded by reddish jagged rock formations. Her hooves stood on dry, cracked soil covered in red dust. As for the camp itself, it consisted of long rows of tents. A deep ditch separated the camp from the surrounding wilderness, with tall wooden towers at the edges. "Oh my," Fluttershy whispered. "Impressive, eh?" Gilda said with a chuckle. "This is the griffon military in action." The pegasus hid under her mane. A group of armored and severe-looking griffons walked in front of her, almost knocking her to the ground. "I... I'm sorry," she whispered. This can't be real. What do they want with Equestria? "I get that you wanna admire, but you shouldn't stand in the way like that," Gilda scolded with a smirk. "Come on, I'll show you around." She turned and faced a soldier standing guard. "Go tell the centurion that she's awake, and that I'll bring her shortly." "Yes Decurion," the soldier replied with a salute before flying away. "Decurion?" Fluttershy asked, raising an eyebrow. "It means I'm the leader of my unit," Gilda explained. "I have you to thank for that, by the way. Rescuing you scored me points with the brass." Fluttershy gulped. "Uhm, Gilda? Why am I so important to your superiors? I'm really happy you rescued me, but I don't understand." The griffon rolled her eyes. "Have you taken a look at Equestria lately? If you haven't noticed, your leader's dead, the first heir to the throne ran away after being accused of the murder, and the second disappeared after botching some magic ritual. You happen to be very close to this last heir." "Oh, well, I really don't know where Twilight is. I was actually hoping to find some help in locating her." "Well that's too bad," Gilda replied with a disappointed sigh. "Still, I'm sure you'll be more helpful than you think. If anything, you can let us know what's really going on down in Equestria. It would sure help our mission." "Why do you want to know about Equestria?" Fluttershy risked asking. "If civil war breaks out or something, the rest of the world needs to make sure the sun still rises tomorrow morning. I'd say this justifies our army staying close just in case." Does this have to do with this secret army Rainbow joined? Fluttershy gulped as she once again avoided Gilda's gaze. "I'm sure everything will turn out fine." "Well pardon me for not sharing your enthusiasm," Gilda said, annoyance evident in her voice. "What a typical pony attitude. You're all so certain that everything will turn out for the best, and that the rest of the world should just trust you with controlling the sun and moon, as well as a good chunk of our weather." "Oh, I suppose I never thought about it that way," Fluttershy admitted meekly. "Anyway, you can all manage Equestria any way you want. I'm just here to get my military service done so I can finally move out of Griffinstone and set up shop in High Roost" "Military service?" Fluttershy asked hesitantly. Gilda sighed. "Griffons have to serve at least a year in the army if they want to become full citizens and own property." "Oh, that's terrible!" "It's just how we do things," Gilda replied as she rolled her eyes. "Come on. I'll show you around." She motioned for the pegasus to follow as she set a brisk pace toward a larger tent. A few griffons turned in their direction as they navigated the camp. Fluttershy stayed close to Gilda, trying as much as possible to hide behind the larger griffon. As a pony, she was no doubt a curiosity to them. A one-eyed blacksmith glared at her piercingly with his beady brown eye as he beat on a piece of metal with his hammer. Desperate mouse cries made Fluttershy's ears twitch as they neared an open pavilion. She turned her head and gasped in shock at the sight of multiple small cages stacked on top of each other. Each contained a group of small, terrified rodents. "What are you doing? You monsters!" Fluttershy flew as fast as she could toward the animals. Gilda stepped in front of her and blocked her path with a loud sigh. "News flash. We eat meat. If I can offer some advice, don't antagonize the army who saved you and nursed you back to health." She sternly glared at Fluttershy. Fluttershy whimpered. She drooped her ears and averted her eyes, trying to ignore the cries for help. I'm sorry, little friends. I don't think anyone other than me can even understand you. Perhaps she could find a way to sneak out and save them later. "Don't worry, we have plenty of other things you can eat," Gilda said as she continued on her way. Fluttershy trailed behind, unable to ignore the cries coming from the cages. I'll find some way to save you all later. Gilda kept talking, but Fluttershy couldn't make out the words. She was mesmerized by the surreal action around her. As a foal, she learned in school about basic griffon history. How they had one of the most impressive military machines on the planet, and how they almost started a catastrophic war with Zebrica a hundred years ago. Their obsession with soldiery was always seen as an oddity in Equestria — something most ponies shrugged off as a cultural difference. To see it in person, it felt more serious. If these griffons wanted to invade Equestria, could anypony stop them? Fluttershy flattened her ears, trying to drown out the sound of weapons being sharpened, soldiers loudly joking, and griffons training in the distance. She even thought she heard a familiar voice scream. Wait, that sounds familiar. It couldn't be... She stopped in her tracks and turned her head toward the noise that caught her attention. "Hey, are you coming?" Gilda's voice asked. Fluttershy barely heard it as she took a few hesitant steps between two tents. "You can't keep us in here! You can't contain the great one!" the panicked voice yelled. "Screwball!" Fluttershy uttered under her breath. Without bothering to look at her guide, she galloped in the direction of the voice, sidestepping crates, tent pickets, and other obstacles. "Wait, you can't go over there!" Gilda's voice yelled. Fluttershy ran toward a large, open area right behind a row of identical red tents. A deep hole had been dug and covered with a series of thin tree trunks tied together in a grid. The area was surrounded by guards, who all pointed their spears at Fluttershy. "What's that pony doing here?" an officer barked. Fluttershy gasped and slowed to a crawl. "S...Sorry," she pleaded. "I just heard a noise, and I thought I recognized the voice, and..." She never finished her sentence as Gilda landed next to her. "What were you thinking? This is a military camp, doofus. You can't just go running around wherever you want." "Keep your pet under control, Gilda," the officer warned with a stern glare. "Or else I'll just throw her in the pit with the others." "Whatever, Theo," Gilda replied, placing herself between Fluttershy and the officer. "You know the Centurion wants Fluttershy treated well." Theo grunted as whispers came from inside the pit. "Did I hear Fluttershy?" Screwball's unmistakable voice asked. "Fluttershy, I'm in here! They're keeping us from the master!" Fluttershy took a deep breath. "You're keeping ponies prisoner in there?" she asked with renewed vigor. She glared into Gilda's eyes. "I thought you said you were here to help. Is this what you had in store for me?" "What? No, not at all," Gilda replied, shaking her head. "These are just the madponies. They're a danger to themselves, you know. They all came here rambling about their spirit of chaos. Discord, you call him?" "You know where Discord is?" Fluttershy asked as he ears perked up. "That's why we set up camp here, so we can keep him from roaming wild," Gilda replied. "The last thing we need is that creature taking over the world, now that Celestia isn't here to keep him in check." Fluttershy took a few short breaths. Was this why Discord couldn't reply to her letters? Did the griffons somehow find a way to trap him inside his Labyrinth? "I'm going to talk to Screwball." Two griffon guards blocked her way as she trotted toward the pit, but a nod from Gilda prompted them to let her pass. The revolting smell of feces assaulted her nostrils as she approached close enough to the pit to see inside. Four ponies, including Screwball, lay inside. Two earth ponies sat in a corner, whispering to each other, while a pegasus stallion drew circles in the sand. Screwball stared up at Fluttershy with watering eyes. Her pink coat was covered in filth. "Please, you have to get us out of here," the madpony pleaded with tears in her eyes. "The master, he's silent. He left us to rot in this hole." "I... I'll do what I can," Fluttershy managed to whisper as her stomach threatened to expel the bland, tasteless hay she had been fed in the infirmary. "That's enough. These prisoners are dangerous," Theo's gruff voice ordered as Fluttershy felt a strong grip pull her back. Fluttershy wanted to promise that she'd be back. She wanted to comfort Screwball, to apologize for her harsh words in the desert. The words would not come. It was too much to hope the griffons would actually be helpful. Careless Fluttershy. You're way too trusting. She did not protest as she was herded back toward Gilda, who frowned at her severely. "We're going to see the centurion — no more wandering off. He'll decide what to do with you." "Okay," Fluttershy meekly said, looking down submissively. Maybe if I bide my time, I can find a way out of this mess. Discord is so close. Maybe I can find some way to let him out. She was led back to the rows of tents and toward a large purple pavilion. Gilda nodded to a guard at the entrance, who eyed Fluttershy a moment before stepping aside. The pegasus followed her guide inside. She heard a dignified-sounding voice, "And make sure you send a scouting party to Saddlefree. It should help us understand what's going on in Cloudsdale without attracting too much attention." Fluttershy stopped when she arrived inside the tent. An unmarked map of Equestria was spread on a large table. Two griffons wearing ornate armor studied it from her side of the table, while a dark brown officer wearing a golden chestplate over his plump belly and small round glasses eyed her up and down. From the corner of the room, a female griffon with white feathers, white fur, and red eyes observed the situation silently. Why is there a map of Equestria? What are they up to? Fluttershy asked herself with a gulp. "Ah, Decurion Gilda," the griffon with the glasses began in a strangely honeyed voice. "I see the pony you rescued is awake." He turned his gaze to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, is it? Please, have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. We're finished here anyway." The two griffon officers bowed respectfully and left the room. "You too, Decurion," the griffon in charge continued. "You can wait outside." Fluttershy did not turn to look at Gilda, but she heard a frustrated groan coming from her rescuer. The pegasus stood in place, uncertain what to do. The albino in the corner was the only one who didn't leave. She silently studied Fluttershy, prompting the pegasus to hide behind her mane. "Do not be shy," the griffon continued. "My name is Centurion Ignacio Bouvier. I lead the sixth Griffingard legion. I understand that the situation might be strange for you, and will be more than happy to answer your questions. In fact, I have a few things I'd like to ask of you as well." "Oh, I don't think I know much," Fluttershy timidly replied as she made her way to a comfortable-looking chair in front of the table. "Nonsense," the centurion said with a smile as he placed a bowl of assorted nuts on the table and pushed it toward the pegasus. "For starters, I happen to know you have knowledge regarding Discord." "Discord is not your enemy, you know," Fluttershy replied, closing her eyes as memories of Dodge Junction flooded her head. "I can accept that you believe as such," Bouvier acquiesced with a tip of his head. "Still, given the current uncertainty surrounding the succession of your nation's throne, I believe it prudent to keep this 'Discord' under close scrutiny. Need I remind you that he caused a lot of damages in the multiple events when he attempted to take over?" Fluttershy took a long breath. She gulped as she met eyes with the albino griffon, who still silently stared at her from the corner. She turned her attention back to Bouvier, opting to ignore the unsettling albino. "Centurion, I understand that Discord can be scary. He listens to me though. Gilda said you were worried about Equestria; well so am I. This is why I'm here. To find Discord and get him to help." "Perhaps in time," Bouvier suggested while adjusting his glasses. He picked up a nut and swallowed it. "For now, I would like you to think of yourself as our guest." Fluttershy did not like the centurion's patronizing smile. "You were lucky to survive your trip to the Badlands, and I couldn't live with myself should you head out there alone again." "You mean a guest like the madponies?" Fluttershy snapped, forcing her eyes to remain locked on the centurion. "Ah, you saw our prisoners," Bouvier said with a frown. "While it saddens me to keep ponies as prisoners, this is a military camp and they proved themselves to be unpredictable at best. I suppose it's natural that a creature such as Discord would attract unfortunate souls such as these." "So you keep them trapped in a filth-infested hole?" Fluttershy continued, standing up as her tail whipped the air. "Nopony should have to live in such disgusting conditions." A loud cough directed both Fluttershy and Bouvier's attention to the corner, where the albino made a series of strange gestures with her claws. She stared at the pegasus with her piercing red eyes. The strange griffon grunted flatly as she nodded once at the centurion. "Ah yes, of course. Thank you, Crystobel," Bouvier said before returning his attention to Fluttershy. "As my arcanist reminded me, these ponies have all attempted to enter the area controlled by Discord. The Labyrinth, I believed they called it. As far as we know, it could be fatal. Perhaps it may even allow Discord to escape." "I've been to the Labyrinth before," Fluttershy said, taking a breath in an attempt to calm herself. "It's not fatal, and I can promise you that nothing bad will happen should you let those ponies go." "I'll consider it," Bouvier flatly said, adjusting his glasses again. "However, let us be clear. I have no reason to believe Discord should be left unguarded. In fact, your insistence that he can be trusted worries me. As one of the heroes who once defeated him, I'm certain you can appreciate my position." Fluttershy sighed. Nopony ever believed me that Discord has changed. Why should I expect things to be any different with a griffon? "Uhm, Centurion, can I ask you one thing?" "Certainly." "What do you want with Equestria? We're far away from Griffingard. Why are you getting involved?" "A fair question," Bouvier replied. "Your nation is far more important than you think. I don't know how much griffon history you were taught, but Princess Celestia has been instrumental in keeping the peace between Griffingard and Zebrica. There is, of course, the movement of the sun and moon to consider." He took a pause and ate another nut. "The rest of the world is very much concerned by how the Equestrian succession is managed. I certainly hope my presence is not needed, but I believe the expression is, 'better safe than sorry'." Fluttershy gulped. If the griffons felt the need to send in their army, would the zebras do the same? Would the centaurs or the minotaurs? Her head spun just thinking about the implications. She heard the albino griffon cough again, but she ignored her. "You seem a bit pale. I fear the day might have been a bit taxing for a pony in your condition," Bouvier offered. "I will have Decurion Gilda escort you to the tent we prepared just for you. A meal will be brought shortly, and the nurse will check up on you regularly. You may walk around the camp if you wish, but I'm afraid I cannot allow you to do so unescorted. This is a military operation after all." Fluttershy gulped and nodded. So close, and I end up a prisoner. Careless Fluttershy. How will you get out of this one? "I may pay you a few visits," Bouvier continued. "So little information from Equestria makes its way here, into the Badlands. I'm sure your presence will prove invaluable." He nodded and returned his attention to a report on his desk. "Here, I managed to put together a decent salad for you," Gilda said as she dropped a bowl on the small central table. While Fluttershy's tent was a far cry from the accommodations she had enjoyed with Cherry Jubilee, she found herself lucky not to be trapped in a pit like Discord's followers. She had been given a small table upon which she ate her meals, as well as a few cushions, and a surprisingly comfortable straw cot. "Oh, thank you," Fluttershy said as she picked up the bowl. It contained a mix of lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, and small tomatoes. "I figured you'd be tired of eating the same hay for every meal," the griffon continued in her usual dismissive gruff tone. After two days in the tent, the hay did indeed start tasting bland. Fluttershy looked down into her bowl and carefully nibbled on a tomato. The one up side to being imprisoned was that she could eat alone. She still shivered when she thought of the innocent little rodents being eaten by the griffon soldiers. "Still giving me the silent treatment, are you?" Gilda sardonically said. "You have to give it up at this point. No one here will let you see Discord. Actually, none of us have seen him. There's just this giant sand vortex that we've been keeping contained. I'm not going to start listing the weird stuff that came out of it." Fluttershy suppressed a giggle. Even through all of this, Discord was still being Discord. "Look, I get how this all looks to you," Gilda said with a sigh. "We won't keep you here forever. I'll do what I can to convince the centurion to have you escorted back to Ponyville. Whatever you may think, I owe Rainbow a lot, and you're her friend." A true friend wouldn't keep me trapped in here. Fluttershy wanted to argue, but the words refused to come out. Every attempt at reasoning with her captors only prompted the same rhetoric. She turned around, refusing to meet Gilda's eyes. "Fine, whatever," the griffon continued. "Just let the guard know if you want to get out of this tent. You can still walk around the camp as much as you want." And I might do it more without some soldier escorting me. Fluttershy scoffed, waiting for Gilda to leave before tasting the salad. Truth be told, her stomach grumbled, and she found the prospect of eating something other than hay very appealing. The vegetables weren't as fresh as what she was used to in Ponyville, but in her current predicament, she would take what she could get. It was doubtful that Screwball and the others were given such a courtesy. The moment her meal was finished, Fluttershy dragged herself to her cot. She considered going out for a walk, but one peek outside revealed the camp and its stoic soldiers, convincing her otherwise. At best, it would be depressing. At worst, her stomach would turn again at the sight of a griffon eating a poor, innocent animal. While she had seen wild predators eat meat before, what these griffons did, keeping them trapped and waiting to be eaten, reached a level of cruelty that Fluttershy couldn't accept. She slammed her hoof on the cot in frustration. Innocent ponies being kept in a dirty hole, innocent mice being eaten alive, Discord seemingly trapped, and I can't even leave this tent. Think, Fluttershy, think. What would Twilight, Rarity, or Applejack do in this situation? Rarity would probably somehow charm her way out of it all. So would Pinkie Pie, she would have some unexpected trick up her sleeve. Applejack or Rainbow Dash would jump into action, taking out the guard and sneaking out during the night. As for Twilight, she would use her magic and probably cook up some scheme. These thoughts had been racing through her brain ever since her first conversation with Centurion Bouvier. The older officer already visited her on two occasions, pestering her with questions about Equestria under a veil of false courtesy. He would ask about everything from cloud production, to food storage, to Canterlot's military readiness. When she'd refuse to answer, he would repeat the same arguments about how they were here to help. Fluttershy's ear twitched as a squeaking noise brought her back to the present. She followed it to the base of her cot, where a gray rat sniffed the hay. "Hello there, little friend," she said with the first genuine smile she sported since waking up in the infirmary. The rat perked up its head and stared at Fluttershy with its small black orbs. It took a few hesitant steps in her direction; she allowed it to approach her at its own pace. "Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you," the pegasus said with a light giggle. She slowly walked to the table and picked up her salad bowl. A bit of lettuce had been left uneaten, so she dropped it on the ground. The rat sniffed it a few times before taking a small bite. It squeaked appreciatively as it greedily bit into the treat. Fluttershy watched the critter eat. Once it was done, it looked at her apprehensively. "It's all I have for now, but I'll keep more for you tomorrow," she whispered. She scratched her head a moment, when an idea came to her. "Tell me, little friend. Did you escape from those dreadful cages?" The rat squeaked a few times as it stood on its back legs. "I thought so," Fluttershy replied with a frown. "I think I can get your friends out, but I'll need your help." The squeaking stopped as the critter shook one of its ears while remaining immobile. The pegasus sighed. "I don't know how the griffons are keeping Discord trapped. They won't let me leave the camp, so I can't go and see for myself." She tapped her hoof to her chin as a thought crossed her mind. The rat squeaked again, scratching its ear. It could be risky, but I have no other choice. Fluttershy took a deep, determined breath. "I'm going to need you to leave the camp and enter Discord's Chaos Labyrinth. I will write him a letter, and I need you to carry it to him." She picked up the rat and gently pet it on the head. "I would never ask you to take such a risk if things weren't so dire. I... I don't know what you'll find in there. Please, stay away from anything that looks too dangerous." A pen and some paper were amongst the few luxuries the griffons had left her. She carefully ripped off a small piece just long enough to write a line. She dipped the pen in ink and carefully wrote her message: I am trapped in the griffon camp. How can I free you? -F She went back to her cot and lay there a moment, allowing the rat to climb on her as the ink dried. Fluttershy then carefully wrapped the message around one of the rat's front legs. She winced slightly as she pulled one of her long pink hairs, using it to tie the message in place. She took a moment to make sure it was properly secured before gently lowering the critter to the ground. "Go, little friend. Take my message to Discord," she whispered in its ear. The rat squeaked once more before running underneath one of the tent's flaps. I may not be brave or strong, but I have little friends I can rely on, Fluttershy thought with satisfaction. Days passed without Fluttershy hearing any kind of reply from her secret messenger. Gilda kept bringing her meals, and often asked more questions about Equestria, Discord, or even how her friends were doing. Bouvier stopped visiting. Fluttershy figured she must have made it clear she wouldn't help him in whatever plans he had. On one occasion, Crystobel, Bouvier's albino arcanist, came to see Fluttershy. She made her way inside the tent early in the morning, just as the pegasus was waking up. The griffon eerily stared at Fluttershy with her piercing red eyes, only blinking a few times as she eventually grinned, causing Fluttershy's blood to chill in her veins. "Wha... what do you want?" the pegasus had nervously asked. Crystobel coughed and produced a large syringe from her bag, prompting Fluttershy to gasp and back away, almost stumbling in the process "Wha... what are you going to do with that?" Fluttershy asked as she curled up in a corner. Crystobel grunted and two guards came in. They roughly restrained the shaken pegasus and held one of her legs in front of Crystobel. The albino griffon stabbed Fluttershy's leg with the needle, drawing a full syringe of blood. The pegasus nearly fainted. After the deed was done, Crystobel had ordered the guards to let go with a nod, studied the blood sample with a satisfied grin, and left the tent. Fluttershy no longer received any visitors after this meeting. Soldiers would come and deliver her meals, and she was still allowed to take escorted walks, but there was no sign of Gilda. When she questioned the guard, she was told the decurion had left on a scouting mission. A loud ruckus outside of her tent awoke Fluttershy another two days after Crystobel's visit. The pegasus poked her head out, but was immediately met by a guard's hardened glare. "Stay inside," he ordered. Fluttershy hid behind her mane and backpedaled inside. The activity she had seen when looking outside was unmistakable. Some of the tents were being packed, and crates were being loaded onto carts. The griffon army was on the move. And who knows where they'll take me? Be brave Fluttershy. You have to get out of this prison and hide. This is your only chance at finding Discord. Could she sneak out from underneath the tent? She could probably dig behind the cot and crawl underneath the fabric. From there, she would have to find a place to hide. Where though? With the griffons moving, the entire layout of the camp could be changed. What if they found her? What would they do to her? Even if she managed to escape, could she even make her way to the Labyrinth on her own? Enough! She slapped herself in the face. Now is not the time to doubt myself. Nopony is here, nopony but me. I'm just so close. What else can they do to me? If they wanted to hurt me, they would have done it already. Fluttershy made her way behind the cot and started digging. The soft sand gave way easily. She knew she would have normally been noticed, but with all the racket being made outside, now was the perfect chance. It only took her about a minute of digging to be able to poke her head from underneath the tent. A second row of identical tents was just behind. Luckily, no griffons seemed to be around, most of them busy in other parts of the camp. It's now or never. You can do it Fluttershy. She carefully crawled out, breathing heavily as she nervously looked around her. So far, none of the griffons seemed to have noticed her standing in the tight space behind her prison. The next step was leaving the camp. Fluttershy was stuck between two identical rows of tents. It wouldn't take long for the griffons to find her in such an open place. Perhaps she could hide inside another tent and wait things out? No, it won't work; a soldier might walk in and see me. She took a deep breath. The longer I stay here, the longer I risk being seen. Think, Fluttershy, think! She brought her ear to the tent in front of her, but heard nothing. She perked her head to the side. A group of three griffons took flight a few meters from her location. Fluttershy swiftly retreated back to her hiding spot, her heartbeat racing as sweat drenched her coat. One, two, three, four, five... she counted in her head, closing her eyes. Did the griffons see her? Surely they would have come for her by now. She slowly opened her eyes and peeked out from behind the tent again. The way seemed clear, at least directly in front of her. She tentatively took one step, then another. She looked left, the path was clear. She looked right, suppressing a gasp as she saw two griffons with their backs turned. They haven't seen me. Go, go! She forced her muzzle close, ground her teeth, and quietly slid out of her hiding spot and inside the very tent she'd used as cover. She looked around and only found four straw cots. She thought about hiding behind one, but they were too small. One way or another she would have to break for it. Maybe try to hide in the trench that surrounded the camp? Could she wait for nightfall? The day was still young, and the odds of her saying hidden all afternoon weren't in her favor. She sat down and took a few breaths. Soon, the griffons would start packing up their equipment in this part of the camp. She would have to run across the path to the next row of tents. If she could make her way from one row to the next, she would reach the camp's edge in no time. She gulped as she took one step toward the exit. She peeked to the right, the path was clear. She peeked to the left and gasped as she came face to face with a sharpened beak and piercing brown eyes surrounded by gray feathers. "Well, well, decided to go for a walk, did you, pony?" Decurion Theo scoffed. "I warned the centurion it wasn't wise to give you your own tent. You're coming with me." The stench was even worse than Fluttershy remembered, and the warm sun blinded her eyes through the wooden grating that was preventing her escape. As for the madponies, they had been keeping their distance from her ever since Theo had thrown her into the pit. The pegasus felt a shadow looming over her. She slowly raised her head and found the silhouette of a griffon. It took Fluttershy's eyes a few seconds to make out who it was, due to the brightness of the sun. Crystobel's white fur and feathers were unmistakable. Fluttershy curled up in a corner. Would her blood be taken again? "That's the one! The witch who's keeping us from the master," Screwball said, pointing an accusatory hoof at the albino griffon. Crystobel grunted, smirked at Fluttershy, and flew away. The pegasus heard Theo's gruff laughter in the distance. "Screwball," Fluttershy said in a hushed tone as she turned toward her former guide. "What's really going on here? What happened to you?" "They came for me after I left you," the madpony explained in an apologetic voice. "I should never have left. Surely this is why the master is punishing me." Fluttershy frowned. "Discord did not punish you. He's probably trapped and can't escape the Labyrinth." Screwball scoffed as a blue pegasus stallion stepped forward. "You do not see. You do not see, but I do! This is a test of our faith," he said. The wide opened eye on his flank made Fluttershy raise an eyebrow. "However you see him, I think Discord might come soon," Fluttershy whispered as she motioned for the two ponies to get closer. "I sent him a message. I hope it got to him, but with the griffons leaving the camp, it might be easier for him to find us." "Yes, yes, I heard they were going away," Screwball giddily added. "They're going to Equestria, something about Cloudsdale." Fluttershy gasped. "They're going to attack Cloudsdale?" Didn't Bouvier say he sent scouts to Cloudsdale? That's where Rainbow went. "Attack, defend, or go there for pancakes. At least they're going away," Screwball said with a shrug. "For now, let's just focus on getting out of here," Fluttershy suggested with a sigh. Arguing with Screwball would only prove a waste of energy. "Let's dig out. Eat the dirt and escape!" Screwball said. "Let's throw the new pony against the barrier," the pegasus stallion suggested, prompting Fluttershy to shake her head and take a step backward. A loud, "Quiet down there," silenced the prisoners. Fluttershy found a corner of the ditch where she could quietly lay down and think. After her failed attempt, this pit would surely be guarded at all times. For reasons unknown, Crystobel also seemed to show interest in her. Fluttershy shivered at the thought of the albino arcanist. What could she want with me? What about the others? Are they so afraid of Discord that they'll imprison anypony who shows him any sort of loyalty? Oh Fluttershy, what did you get involved in? She quietly listened as the griffon camp bustled with activity. Would they come and take her? Bouvier had said that they'd escort her back to Equestria. If that was the case, why throw her in this cell like a common criminal? For that matter, why did Crystobel take her blood? The prisoners bickered while Fluttershy looked away in an attempt to shut them out. I can't believe they had to live in this hole all this time while I had my comfortable tent. I should have tried harder to rescue them. What could she have done, though? There was only one thing to do: hope that Discord received her message and could somehow help them escape. One of the madponies, a short, green earth pony mare, took a few steps in Fluttershy's direction. Screwball immediately blocked her path and growled at her like a dog. The short mare whimpered away as Screwball grinned at Fluttershy. "Thanks," Fluttershy whispered to the madpony. "I really need some time to think." "You think too much," Screwball said dismissively. "The master will get us out, and then we'll have pudding." "I hope so," Fluttershy said weakly. "Because I shudder to think what the griffons will do to us." Screwball eyed the sand and placed a few grains on her tongue. Fluttershy rested her head on her legs, sighing at her own predicament. The griffons probably think I'm as mad as the rest of them, she thought as she tried to find a comfortable position. Time passed, maybe hours. The light of the sun still illuminated the pit, although the camp was leagues quieter. "Most of the army must have moved out," Fluttershy quietly said. "Does that mean we can escape?" the short green mare asked, her ears perking up. "I don't know," Fluttershy whispered, slowly standing up. "Stay quiet, they might be listening." "Hey, when's the food coming? I'm going to eat the yellow one!" Screwball yelled, ignoring Fluttershy. "Oh fine, I shouldn't let you lot starve," a familiar voice announced. The logs blocking the exit to the pit magically transformed into oats that rained on the now freed prisoners. "Discord!" Fluttershy gasped, her mouth gaped wide as the madponies cheered and climbed out. It took her a moment to flap her wings and get out of the pit. As expected, the spirit of chaos grinned at her, surrounded by a group of panicked griffons pointing spears. He flicked his tail, causing the soldier's weapons to hiss and slither away like snakes. Ignoring their panicked reaction, he opened his arms wide. "Fluttershy! How good to see you. I do apologize for missing our Tuesday tea." Fluttershy glared at Discord for a moment. She ground her teeth before she could no longer hold it in. "How long have you been watching us?" "Oh, I don't know, a few moments," he said as he floated in the wind and stroked his white goatee. "You know, for a pony who talks about friendship so much, you weren't too eager to get to know my friends." "We'll talk about the difference between making friends and tricking madponies into starting a chaos cult later," she said with a sigh. "For now, can we get out of here?" "Oh fine," Discord said as he picked up Screwball with his paw. She hugged him affectionately. "Don't worry now, my dear. We'll all be safe in the labyrinth," he told the earth pony as he tickled her belly with his claw. Fluttershy took a moment to look around. A few tents remained, although most had been packed. About a dozen griffons stood around the area, shaking as they stared at Discord. Fluttershy could see more soldiers flying in, led by Theo and Crystobel. "Ah, here comes our little, what do you call yourself, arcanist?" Discord said as he dropped Screwball, landed, and smirked at the albino griffon. "Grab him!" Theo ordered. Discord yawned and snapped his claw. Heavy-looking iron shoes materialized around each soldier's back paws, forcing them back to the ground. Only Crystobel was left in the air, staring dumbfounded at the spirit of chaos. "Grab me? Really?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Fluttershy flew up. "Don't hurt them, Discord." "Oh, don't worry. I have no problem with them," he said with a warm smile. "I have a problem with her." His expression morphed into a vicious grin as he held out his caw and teleported Crystobel into his grip. "So, you really thought your little toys could hold me, did you?" The albino struggled against the grip as she protested with guttural sounds. "Discord, we talked about this," Fluttershy pleaded. "You can't just do whatever you like to her, or anyone else you feel has wronged you." The spirit of chaos ignored the pegasus as he kept his eyes on Crystobel. "You hurt my friends, you know that? Granted, I did enjoy your hilarious attempt at containing me. Magic-blocking runes, really? Well, I will give you a point for keeping the mail from coming in. Good thing Fluttershy here managed to send a message." Fluttershy couldn't help herself but to beam with pride while Crystobel gave her a puzzled and incredulous look. Discord stroked his chin with his paw again. "Crystobel, Crystobel, Crystobel, what should I do with you?" Crystobel stopped struggling and glared directly into Discord's eyes with clear defiance. "Well, Fluttershy wants me to be nice, so I suppose it's your lucky day. I'll just have to deal with you later." He smirked and the albino disappeared in a flash of white light, causing Fluttershy as well as most griffon soldiers to gasp in shock. "Don't worry, she's safe. Mostly," he said with a dismissive gesture. "As for the rest of you," he continued, turning toward the soldiers. "You're boring me. Shoo, get out of here!" The moment he snapped his finger and freed the soldiers from their iron shoes, they all flew away, most not looking back. "I'm so glad you're back, Master!" Screwball cheered. "I suppose you've all more than earned some playtime in the Labyrinth," Discord said as he scratched his chin. Fluttershy frowned. "We're not done talking about this cult thing, you know." "Oh come now," Discord continued as he floated back up. "They're just having a bit of fun. Either way, weren't you the one who said we should get out of here? It's quite lovely right now in the Labyrinth, especially now that I got rid of Crystobel's annoying little magic-repelling runestones." "In a moment," Fluttershy said as her eyes found one of the pavilions the griffon army had left behind. "I have a promise to keep first." She swiftly flew to the dining area. While a lot of animals were gone, she still found quite a few rats, gerbils, and other rodents squeaking in their cages. "I'll free you now, little friends." The kitchen table was an exact replica of the one in Fluttershy's cottage. It was surrounded by similar chairs, as well as a dresser and an oven, both exactly like the ones the pegasus owned. The one thing missing were the walls. An endless ocean of lemonade surrounded the floating replica of the pegasus's dining room. She had spent two days inside the Labyrinth, living on this raft. Every time she went to sleep, she would awake only to find her familiar floor and furniture in different surroundings. First it had been in the middle of the desert, then on a cloud in an endless pink sky, and finally in this lemonade sea. "More tea, my dear?" Discord asked as a white porcelain teapot walked across the table on what looked like four monkey hands. "Yes, thank you," Fluttershy replied, attempting not to spill what was already in her cup. The room's rocking made the entire process a challenge. "This doesn't change that we have a lot to talk about, Discord." She leaned forward on her chair, placing the cup on the table. "I've been patient for two days, but we need to get back to our issues." Her expression changed to a heavy frown. "Well what kind of friend would I be if I didn't give you the time to recover?" he said as he blinked a few times and shrugged innocently. "But judging by your frown, you disapprove of my little friends." "I'm happy you have friends," Fluttershy clarified. "But I don't approve of you treating them like pets and having them worship you as their master." "Oh please. Have you seen how you and your merry band act around Twilight?" Discord allowed the walking teapot to fill his cup. "There's also the way all your critters act around you." "That's not the same," Fluttershy argued as she raised her voice. "Is it? Ponies naturally look for someone to follow. Just look at how confused everypony in Equestria is without Celestia around. They're all fighting over who they should bow to," Discord giggled through his smirk, eliciting a deep frown from Fluttershy. "I can't believe you're so casual about it," the pegasus continued as she raised her tone. "Twilight could be in danger, and the entire nation could fall apart. You saw the griffons." Discord took a sip of tea. "I will admit they were a bit of an annoyance. The white one's runestones actually managed to block most magic from entering the Labyrinth." "Which is why you didn't get my letters," Fluttershy finished. Discord nodded and scratched his chin. "Either way, about Screwball and her merry band, they're free to come and go as they please. I won't keep them from leaving if they want to." Fluttershy sighed. "Alright, Discord. I may not like it, but I suppose there's more important things to worry about." "You want me to solve your problems. Find Twilight and all." "That's why I traveled all this way," the pegasus said as she flew up and faced the spirit of chaos. "We really don't know what to do, Discord. If you could help us find Twilight, then she can sit on the throne and we can all be together again." Discord threw his teacup behind him, into the lemonade sea. "I could give you another Twilight? I say we give Screwball a haircut. Nopony will notice." Fluttershy sighed loudly. "Be serious, Discord." "Alright, fine. I should at least give you this one bit," he said as a winged pig came and gave him another teacup. "Twilight is still alive. Even behind Crystobel's doodads, I would have felt the magical backlash caused by the death of an alicorn. The air smelled like muffins for days after Celestia died." "Do you know where she is?" Fluttershy asked, her eyes opening wide and her ears perking up. "Not right now, no," the spirit of chaos replied, shaking his head. He tapped on his head and tea poured out of his ear, filling the cup. "I suppose I should look into it. Is that supposed to be something friends do?" "Yes Discord. Friends look out for each other," she explained as patiently as she could while landing back on her seat. Sometimes, she wondered if Discord faked ignorance just to get a rise out of her. The spirit of chaos stroked his goatee. "I suppose I could take a look into it, although with the griffons coming to Equestria, we might have something more pressing to take care of." "Oh?" Fluttershy asked. "You see, as much as I enjoy the chaos of a good war, I'd imagine you and the pony gang would like to limit the damage, so to speak. Now, I figure, what good is it being a near-immortal spirit of chaos learning about friendship if I can't use the lessons you so gracefully taught me and do my share to defend Equestria?" "So you'll stop the griffons?" Fluttershy asked, her ears perking up again. "Not quite. What kind of friend would I be if I fought all of your battles for you? No, you ponies will manage just fine. I will just level the playing field a bit." Discord snapped his claw and a large wave made the kitchen-raft rock violently, almost throwing Fluttershy into the lemonade sea. "What was that?" The pegasus gasped, flapping her wings and hovering over her mock dining room. "Oh, I just moved the Labyrinth," Discord explained as he opened an invisible crack high above his head. It revealed a stone staircase leading upwards. "Coming?" Fluttershy shook her head and allowed herself an amused smile as she followed her friend through the opening. No matter how many times she visited Discord, she could never get used to the strangeness. The stairs led inside a large cavern filled with luminescent mushrooms. Fluttershy noticed she was coming out of a giant mushroom's base. Similar gargantuan fungi covered the cavern floor, many of them sporting entrances to various parts of the Chaos Labyrinth. Screwball and the other madponies trotted out of another and looked around. One of them rushed to a pond in the middle of the cave. "Where are we?" Fluttershy asked, admiring the strange, but peaceful area. "Ever heard of the Mirror Pool?" Discord asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm sure you'll agree it's the last thing you want any army to have access to." Fluttershy shuddered. "Soldiers copying themselves over and over? I have to agree with you on this one, Discord." She couldn't keep herself from eyeing the madponies suspiciously. "Oh, don't worry about them," Discord said. "I'll make sure to get their clones back in the pool whenever they're done playing." "And what about Twilight? Can you help find her?" Fluttershy asked again, pleading with her eyes. "Oh, I'll see what I can do," Discord replied. "One thing I can tell you, the night Twilight disappeared, there was a pretty big magical disturbance. Like a pie to the face, really." "Right, the failed ritual," Fluttershy said with a nod. "No, no, not that," Discord said dismissively. "The battle that came after, that was it. Alicorn magic is so distinctive, tastes like strawberries. The small, really sweet ones." "So Twilight fought an alicorn? I can't believe Luna would do this." "No, no, no, not Luna," Discord continued with a frown. "That first part was our little Twi-Twi. She fought something that tastes like biting into a lime. Very changelingy taste." Fluttershy gasped. "Chrysalis. She's the one who captured Twilight?" "Could be," Discord said, summoning an apple and taking a bite out of it. "Maybe another changeling queen. I suppose you'll have to capture our queenie and ask her." "I'll let everypony know," Fluttershy said with renewed vigor. "For now, I think you should head back to Ponyville," Discord suggested with a grin. "Speaking of our old pal Chrysalis, she's being naughty again. I believe Applejack could use your help with her." "Changelings in Ponyville? Oh no," Fluttershy gasped as she flew up, ready to head out. "Oh, one last detail before you go," Discord said, teleporting in front of the pegasus and raising his claw. "You might be in a bit of a shock when you see Ponyville. Let's just say our friends have been keeping busy." Fluttershy frowned, her ears drooped in concern. "What happened to Ponyville? Are my friends safe?" "You'll find out soon enough, my dear," Discord replied with a smile. "For now, you better get going. You have a bug to catch, and apparently I have an alicorn princess to find." Fluttershy did not get a chance to reply as Discord snapped his claw again. She found herself in the Everfree Forest, right next to the large boulder that blocked the path to the Mirror Pool. She wasted no time in heading for Ponyville in a brisk canter. Ruins, ruins, and more ruins. This was the scenery Fluttershy had found herself in after leaving the Everfree Forest. Luckily, her animals were still alright, and her cottage only sustained superficial damage; her mailbox was the biggest lost. She carefully checked on her little friends. The birds all seemed to be safe, Angel Bunny happily jumped on her back, and the baby raccoons slept peacefully. "I'm so glad none of you got hurt," she told the animals gathered before her. "I don't know what happened to Ponyville. I really should be finding out. I don't suppose any of you can tell me?" She allowed herself a light giggle. Regardless of the horrors she lived through, and would no doubt be faced with in the future, she finally found herself amongst friends, at least for now. Angel jumped up and down on her back and pointed toward the door. Fluttershy perked up her ears and soon heard what the bunny was referring to: the faint sound of hoofsteps was making its way toward her cottage. Fluttershy quickly made her way outside. She opened the door and gasped as she saw a familiar tan coat and raspberry mane. "Roseluck! You're okay." The earth pony mare raised an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I be? You just asked me to get some bird seed." She dropped the bag she was carrying. "What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked. "How could I ask you to get bird seed when I only just got back?" "Did you hit your head?" Roseluck rushed to the pegasus's side. "You said you had to talk to Applejack, at Twilight's castle. We spoke barely an hour ago." Discord's warning flashed back into Fluttershy's head. He talked about Chrysalis, and Roseluck said she saw me. This can only mean... "Oh no." She gasped as she brought her hoof to her muzzle. "What's going on?" Roseluck asked again, holding on to Fluttershy. "You haven't been talking to me," Fluttershy said between breaths. "You've been talking to a changeling." The earth pony gasped. "You mean there're changelings in Ponyville again?" "Wait, again?" "Applejack managed to stop them about two weeks ago," Roseluck explained. "I really did miss a lot," Fluttershy said pensively. "No matter. I have to stop this changeling before things go too far. Roseluck, can you come in and tell me everything that happened while I was gone?" The earth pony mare nodded as Fluttershy accompanied her in. They sat together on the couch, Fluttershy fiddling with her mane as she dreaded what Roseluck was about to say. "I'll start with the good news," the earth pony began. "Most ponies are alive, and every animal made it. While about half of the town is destroyed, we have ponies rebuilding it, and the griffons have been helping out, for all its worth." "Wait, the griffons are here?" Fluttershy asked in a mild panic. Roseluck slowly nodded. "Yes, but they're leaving us alone for now. I guess I should start from the beginning. I'm not sure who started it, but a griffon army was headed this way, and the Cloudsdale ponies ambushed them near the Everfree Forest. The two armies clashed over Ponyville." "Oh, my," Fluttershy gasped again. "Wait, you said Cloudsdale. Was Rainbow Dash there?" "I heard that she was, but I couldn't tell you what happened. I'm sorry. Perhaps Applejack will be able to tell you more." Fluttershy sighed. "I really hope Rainbow made it out okay." The pegasus took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and pictured her friend's lifeless body. "Why does all of this have to happen?" "I'm really sorry," Roseluck said, placing a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. "For what it's worth, I'd bet on Rainbow managing to fly away safely." Fluttershy took a long, deep breath. "So the battle spread to Ponyville?" "It would be more accurate to say the storm the pegasi created spread to Ponyville," Roseluck said with a gulp. "And the griffons won?" Fluttershy asked with a wince. Roseluck nodded. "Yes, they have a few pegasi prisoners, whom they're keeping in a camp outside of town. They've been keeping their distance." Fluttershy frowned. "We can't trust the griffons. I've been a prisoner at one of their camps in the Badlands. Whatever they said is a lie." "You'll have to convince Applejack. She's serving as our temporary mayor." "I will," Fluttershy replied. She began to nod, when realization flashed in her head. "Wait, does that mean that Mayor Mare..." Roseluck's expression fell. "I'm sorry. Town hall was devastated. Nopony there survived." Ponyville in ruins, Rainbow Dash possibly hurt, Mayor Mare dead, it was all too much for Fluttershy to take. Roseluck gasped as the pegasus stood and screamed as loudly as she could. "I've heard enough! The griffons, the Cloudsdale ponies, they hurt my friends! Now this changeling is trying to take advantage of their situation. I won't have it! You can tell me the rest later." "If you say so," Roseluck hesitantly said, standing and taking a step backward. The pegasus breathed heavily. She looked around the room for something she could use, her eyes finding their way to a piece of gray fabric. She unfolded it to reveal a large cloak. "Perfect. With this, I can hide who I am until I confront the changeling and make sure I don't tip them off." "I'll stay here and watch over the animals," Roseluck quietly suggested. Fluttershy nodded firmly as she put on the cloak and got on her way. She trotted toward the Palace of Harmony as fast as she could without drawing too much attention. While the damage was pretty bad in the southern half of town, it wasn't as extensive further north. What few ponies she came across were too busy clearing out rubble to pay her mind. She soon saw the castle's peak and redoubled her pace. A large group of ponies had gathered in front of the Palace of Harmony. Fluttershy quickly made her way toward them. Applejack stood on the castle porch, giving a speech announcing her intent to become the new mayor. She was accompanied by Bonbon and the fake Fluttershy. Seeing her double made Fluttershy's blood boil. Behind them, Granny Smith rocked herself calmly on her chair. Applejack was taking a breath when the pegasus got close enough to hear, and a voice from the crowd interrupted her. "I got a question," a voice that sounded like Caramel said. "Who put you in charge? Didn't you run away to Appleoosa while you were supposed to protect the town?" "You're right," Applejack replied with a sigh. "And it'll be up to y'all to decide if you want me in charge or not. All I want is all of us working together and rebuilding the town. The faster we fix up Ponyville, the faster we can move on and have a real election." The fake Fluttershy stepped forward. "Well, I'll definitely vote for you. You rescued me from those awful changelings, and you're the pony who kept us together all day." Fluttershy winced. It really did sound like her. "So I really suggest you listen to her, mister." Cheers and applause met the imposter's claim. Fluttershy's blood boiled again as she found the strength to speak out. "How dare you?" Heads turned in her direction as she stepped forward. She gently pushed ponies out of her way and many faces gasped as they recognized her. She lowered her hood and glared directly at the changeling impersonating her. "What the hay?" Applejack gasped, her head turning between Fluttershy and the impostor. Fluttershy took a deep breath. "I appreciate the sentiment," she said with a confidence that surprised even her, "but not you taking my face. Applejack is my friend, and I will not let you take advantage of her." The impostor bared her fangs at Fluttershy as she was surrounded in a green hue. Her limbs stretched and her entire body turned black. Soon enough, Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, was staring her down. "And it was all going so well. I suppose I'll have to do things the hard way now." A few ponies from the crowd turned into changelings and attacked whoever was closest to them, causing a cacophony of panicked screams. Applejack turned to buck the queen, but was shot directly in the chest by a green beam from the changeling's horn. Fluttershy flew up and gasped at the spectacle with horror. "You don't get to hurt my friend!" she screamed without thinking as she charged at Chrysalis. The queen's eyes were wide open with surprise as Fluttershy hit her horn as hard as she could. Bonbon, who had been standing next to Applejack struck Chrysalis with a buck of her own. "Fight back everypony!" she yelled. Fluttershy charged forward and locked her head against the changeling queen's. Their eyes met, and the pegasus recognized the same expression she often saw in animals facing a predator; for all her bravado, the queen was small and afraid. She never expected to be called out, and was not ready to fight. "Do you really think you stand a chance, pony?" the queen taunted. "I'm as powerful as any alicorn." Chrysalis' entire face twisted as a loud cracking sound was heard. Her body fell down, revealing Applejack who had just hit her with a now broken rocking chair. "Don't take this the wrong way, Fluttershy, but I like you when you get angry," the apple farmer said with a grin. "Oh... I just reacted," Fluttershy said, only now realizing she had been facing the changeling queen head on. Applejack spat on the ground and looked at the crowd. "Sounds like we got them all under control." "There were only five of them," Caramel said as he finished hogtying a growling changeling. "We'll start doing random tests, try to root out any bugs still hiding amongst the townfolks," Applejack continued. "Bonbon, do you know if the old unicorn cell in the Ponyville jail house still works?" "I believe so. I don't know if it'll block changeling magic, though." "We'll have to risk it," Applejack said. She raised the volume of her voice as she faced the crowd. "I'll need volunteers to take the changelings to the jail house and stand guard for the night. Applebloom, go find Big Macintosh, and tell him to get Zecora. We'll need her magic expertise." "But I can go myself," the filly argued from underneath the porch. Applejack interrupted her with a stern glare. "No arguing. I don't want you in the Everfree all alone." "Fine," Applebloom said as she galloped away with Scootaloo in tow. Fluttershy looked from one pony to the next, impressed at how naturally Applejack had taken charge of the situation. She heard wings flapping in the distance and winced as she saw some griffons coming closer. "Applejack, don't let them take Chrysalis away," she whispered in her friend's ear. "Discord said she knows where Twilight is." "Good work," Applejack said with a tired smile. "I'll make up something to get rid of them." A group of eight griffons arrived on the scene. At the head was none other than Centurion Bouvier himself. He glared at Fluttershy, shock apparent in his hazel eyes. "Lady Applejack," he said flatly with a polite bow. "We heard some commotion. Is everything alright?" "Just a little town disagreement," Applejack lied. Fluttershy looked nervously from her friend to the griffon centurion. "Not everypony is happy with your presence in town. I hate to be blunt, but you coming here just now might make my job harder." "I understand," the centurion said, adjusting his glasses. "We'll return to camp. Please send for us should you need anything." Fluttershy forced herself to meet the centurion's eyes as he turned toward her one last time. The normally timid pegasus allowed herself a smirk. > XVII Shining Armor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "There goes another group," Shining Armor said with a frown as he watched a faraway group of pegasus soldiers flying northward. "I don't like it one bit!" Pinkie Pie replied as her brow furrowed. "They all went south as a group yesterday morning. Now we see them fly back one little group at a time. It can't be a good sign for Dashie..." Shining sighed and returned his attention to the fire he was building. They had been traveling all day from Saddlefree to Cloudsdale, and decided to set up camp for the night. "I'm not sure what else we could have done, Pinkie. Rainbow Dash seemed pretty dedicated to her cause." "We should have tried harder!" Pinkie argued, standing up. "I know Rainbow. She's not a bad pony, and she's not a killer." Shining groaned as he lit the fire with a quick spell. "I know she's not. None of those ponies are. I only hope we can find a way to talk to Luna and convince her to stop this madness. A group of weather ponies do not stand a chance against trained Griffingard soldiers." "I just hope that Dashie made it out," Pinkie stated with an atypical gravity to her voice. "And I'm sure Princess Luna will realize her mistake. She doesn't want to hurt anypony." "I wish I could share your optimism," Shining admitted with a sigh. "Times like these, it's all we have," Pinkie said with a weak smile as she grabbed her saddlebag. "Carrot?" she offered, taking some vegetables out of the bag. Shining Armor nodded as he levitated a carrot toward his mouth. He nibbled at it as he observed the pegasi flying north. It was the third group they had seen so far. As with the others, they seemed to be in a hurry and terribly disorganized. There was no doubt whatever battle they fought went sourly for them. But where did they fight? What exactly happened? "This could change everything," Shining said after a few minutes of eating in silence. "What could?" Pinkie asked, her mouth full. "This!" he replied, pointing at the pegasi flying in the distance. "We don't know exactly what went on, but we know there was a battle somewhere." He sighed heavily. "It means Equestria got its first taste of war. Some ponies will no doubt cry for revenge, and things will turn for the worse." "We can't let that happen, Shining," Pinkie replied with a gulp. Shining Armor averted his eyes as his ears drooped. "It's probably too late. Unless we can convince Luna to back down, the only thing left to do will be limiting the damage." "You know what I always say?" Pinkie asked, prompting Shining to pull his head back up and meet her gaze again. "Whatever happens, we have to stay positive. We'll always find a way. We just have to keep at it. I managed to convince you to come to Equestria, didn't I?" A light chuckle escaped Shining's lips. "I really get why my sister likes to have you around so much, Pinkie." Pinkie grinned and took another bite of her carrot, smiling as she chewed. Suddenly, she perked her head forward and slightly shook her tail. "Somepony's coming." "Where?" Shining asked as he turned around. The sun was slowly setting and it was getting harder to make out anything. After a moment, he saw a silhouette trotting on the road. "It looks like a single pony." The stranger accelerated toward them as Pinkie waved him over. His large size was the first thing Shining noticed, as well as his orange coat and short green mane. He stopped a few meters from them, frowning and staring at them with beady hazel eyes. "Which side are you on?" he asked loudly. "The fun side?" Pinkie suggested. "We weren't involved in the battle," Shining said. "If you can leave the fighting out and don't want any trouble, you're free to share in our fire." The stranger waited a moment before slowly nodding and stepping forward. "Fair enough." He made his way to their modest fire, dropping his saddlebags on the ground and sitting comfortably. A moment of silence passed as Pinkie and Shining shared a knowing look. "Where are you from?" Shining eventually asked. "Dodge," the earth pony stallion replied. "Oh, I've been there before!" Pinkie said. "Do you know Cherry Jubilee?" The stallion grunted and nodded. "She's well-known in Dodge. I own a pumpkin farm not far from her cherry orchard." He tipped his head toward the three pumpkins on his flank. "You're far away from home," Shining replied with a light frown. "I can't imagine you have to travel all the way here to sell your produce." "No, I have other reasons," the earth pony stallion replied as he shook his head. One of his eyebrows slowly raised as he studied Shining. "Say, you look familiar. Haven't I seen you before?" "Maybe in Ponyville? I've lived there my entire life," Shining lied. After a moment, he got up and offered his hoof. "Emerald Shield, pleasure to meet you." "I'm Pumpkin," the stallion answered, shaking the offered hoof. "And I'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie added. "If you're from Ponyville, I imagine you must be fleeing the battle," Pumpkin suggested after a moment. Pinkie and Shining shared another look, this one revealing deep concern. "Actually, we just saw the soldiers fleeing," the unicorn stallion explained. "If you could tell us what happened, it would be greatly helpful." "Well, I wasn't there myself, but I heard plenty from the survivors. From what I gathered, the Cloudsdale army prepared an ambush outside of the Everfree Forest, knowing the griffon army was on its way. The griffons used the storm the pegasi created and turned it against Ponyville." Pumpkin looked down and took a breath. "I'm deeply sorry. I wish I had better news. The griffons will pay, I'm certain of it." Shining turned to face Pinkie and found tears welling up in her eyes as she gulped silently. "Where there any survivors?" he asked severely. "From what I've been told, it wasn't the entire town that was affected," the large stallion replied. "But I really couldn't tell. Only thing I can promise is that I'll do whatever it takes to avenge Ponyville." Pinkie swiftly stood and rushed in front of Pumpkin, speaking through sobs. "Revenge is never the answer! It'll just create more disaster!" "Griffons in Equestria is what'll create disasters," Pumpkin replied. "Did you know one of their scouting parties actually ate ponies in the woods near Saddlefree? I don't care what anypony thinks. I'm going to join Princess Luna's army and do my part to bring sanity back to Equestria!" So the word is already out, Shining thought. No doubt this tragedy will only fuel more anti-griffon sentiments. This is bad. The unicorn stallion frowned disapprovingly at the stranger. "Either way, as I said earlier, we leave the fighting aside when sitting at this fire." "Fair enough," Pumpkin grunted. "Either way, we should get some rest soon. I'd like to reach Gale early tomorrow." "We're going the same direction," Pinkie completed as she dried her tears. "Then we can share the road," Pumpkin added with a nod. "As long as you don't fight for Blueblood you're good ponies in my book." Shining Armor frowned but did not reply. More ponies such as this one would no doubt be picking sides in the coming weeks. It was too late to stop the tide. The only thing left to do was try and control the damage. General panic would have been the best way to describe the small village of Gale, as Shining Armor, Pinkie Pie, and Pumpkin arrived during the early afternoon. Families were busy packing valuables onto carts while various ponies yelled at each other in the middle of the village. "We were all fools to rise up against Canterlot! Peaceful surrender is the only option!" one unicorn stallion yelled. "Coward!" a pegasus mare from the crowd angrily replied. "I will not live under griffon tyranny!" "I have a family to protect!" the stallion added. "I can't afford the luxury of blind devotion. If Princess Luna truly wishes to protect us, she'll admit defeat and leave us alone!" A rock thrown from the crowd impacted with the speaker's face. "Down with Blueblood! Down with the traitors!" another stallion's voice from the crowd yelled. "Death to the griffons!" an earth pony mare spat. Shining Armor and his group avoided the crowd. The unicorn stallion frowned as tones became more and more aggressive. This could either lead to an angry mob, or guards descending from the city of Cloudsdale and breaking up the group. Either way, it spelled bad news. "I don't like this one bit," Pinkie said with a frown, mirroring Shining's sentiment. "I just need to find a recruitment officer," Pumpkin barked. "I want nothing to do with these cowards," he snuffed at the growing crowd. Shining frowned. While Pumpkin had been an agreeable, if quiet, traveling companion, he was still there to join the war. "It's been a pleasure sharing the road with you," Shining said with a forced smile. "I would ask you to reconsider your decision to join this army, but I know your mind is set." The large stallion harrumphed. "I'm loyal to Princess Luna. I will do whatever it takes to help her secure the throne." Pinkie Pie silently walked toward Pumpkin and gave him a long hug. Shining might have chuckled at the orange stallion's surprised look if the situation wasn't so dire. "What was that about?" Pumpkin asked as Pinkie broke the embrace. "I don't agree with what you're doing, but nopony should go into a difficult situation without a hug," the pink pony answered with an earnest smile. Pumpkin nodded and offered a smile of his own before making his way around the crowd. "We shouldn't stay out here," Shining Armor finally said with a frown. "I agree," Pinkie mumbled weakly as her body shivered. As they moved away from the growing mob, Shining Armor's gaze made its way to the skies. Cloudsdale loomed over the small village of Gale. The small settlement found itself partially engulfed in the cloud city's shadow. Small dots, presumably pegasi, were flying around the city. Would the soldiers even bother coming down? If the battle had been lost as badly as Shining suspected, the ponies up there might be in complete panic. Pinkie nudged Shining and pointed toward a modest inn. They quickly made their way to the door, and the unicorn stallion attempted to open it, finding it locked. "I'm starting to wonder if coming here was a bad idea," he mumbled. "Go away, we're closed!" a voice yelled from behind the wooden door. "Please, we need to get away from this mob!" Pinkie pleaded as she banged her hooves on the door. "I'm not falling for that!" the mare behind the door replied. "The inn is closed! Find somewhere else to hide." "Come on," Shining said as he moved away from the door. "Let's find a quiet spot. Hopefully an officer comes down from Cloudsdale soon, and we can demand to see the princess." The loud noise of a glass bottle breaking was accompanied by screams. Pinkie and Shining shared a concerned nod before sneaking behind the inn, away from the crowd. The unicorn stallion breathed heavily as they hid out of sight. He heard his traveling companion doing the same. Both ponies barely got time to rest as they heard a loud cry coming from further away. Shining's old reflexes kicked in and he jumped into action, galloping toward the mysterious sound. "Wait up!" Pinkie yelled from behind him. The stallion tracked the cries to a nearby barn. Two earth ponies were pushing a griffon female with auburn feathers and dark brown fur back and forth. As Shining got closer, he noticed one of the griffon's wings was bent backwards. That explains why she doesn't just fly away. "Hey, what are you doing to that griffon?" Pinkie snapped loudly from behind Shining. "What's it to you?" one of the bullies, a yellow-coated stallion, gruffly spat. "Stupid birds like this one killed my sister," his companion, another earth pony with a light blue coat, added. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave her alone," Shining ordered as he fired up his horn for added effect. "And what are you going to do?" the first stallion teased. "Zap us with your fancy horn?" "Yes, actually, that is exactly what I'll do," Shining replied with a grin. He discharged a magical bolt near the front hooves of the first bully, making him jump backward. Pinkie Pie had already positioned herself between the injured griffon and the second thug. She growled as she assumed a defensive stance. Glares were shared between everyone present as Shining readied another bolt, hoping he would not have to use it. The griffon female hid behind Pinkie as she nervously gazed from one thug to the other. "Consarn it!" the second bully said. "Come on, Hopsy, let's get out of here." The two earth ponies backed down as they glared at their intended victim and her rescuers. "This isn't over, Gabrielle," Hopsy added before he and his companion galloped away. As soon as the thugs had left, Shining returned his attention to the griffon. Pinkie was already offering her water and comforting her. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" the pink pony asked. "I should be okay. The wing will heal," the griffon replied between short breaths. "Thank you for helping me." "We couldn't let those meanies hurt you," Pinkie replied. "Still, you didn't have to," the griffon continued as her breathing calmed. She smiled at her benefactors. "I'm Gabrielle by the way." "I'm Pinkie Pie, and this is Sh... Emerald Shield," Pinkie said as she pointed at Shining. "We should get out of here," Shining suggested. "Is this your barn?" Gabrielle slowly shook her head. "No, I was only fixing it up for the owner. I'm a carpenter, not a soldier." "Good. Do you know where we can hide?" Shining asked. "Maybe in my home?" Gabrielle suggested before she jumped up and gasped. "Oh no! My husband Carter is home. Those thugs mentioned they were going after him!" Will this madness ever stop? Shining thought as he clenched his jaw in frustration. "Alright, where is your house? Can you run?" Gabrielle nodded firmly. "Follow me!" She led both Shining and Pinkie around the village, carefully avoiding the still noisy central square. From what they glimpsed from between houses, the crowd had grown even larger. They were getting rowdier; Shining's ears were assaulted by sounds of fights breaking out. Even more worrisome were the loud, "death to all griffons!" chants. Shining shared a worried look with his companions as they redoubled in pace. The smell of burning wood reached their nostrils as Gabrielle gasped in shock. The anti-griffon chants were getting louder, and more insistent. Is this really all it takes to turn ponies to fear and hatred? "No, no, no, no, no!" Gabrielle cried as she came to a stop between two houses and held her head with both claws. "That's my house, right there!" She pointed at a humble wooden home surrounded by the angry mob. A unicorn was already taking a torch to it. "Carter!" Gabrielle yelled desperately. The flames were quickly spreading. A window at the back of the house opened and a gray-furred griffon attempted to sneak out amidst a chorus of "Burn the spy! Burn the spy!" Shining Armor held on to Gabrielle tightly. "There's nothing you can do. If you go in there, they'll kill you too." He found it difficult to hold his own tears back as the spectacle unfolded before his eyes. "We have to do something!" Pinkie pleaded as she pulled on Shining's leg. "What can we do?" he whispered. "We'll only get torn apart by the mob." The angry herd had already seen Carter trying to get out, and were surrounding him with torches, pitchforks, hoes, and whatever other makeshift weapons they got their hooves on. A few ponies in the crowd even carried military spears. "Don't look," Shining whispered to Gabrielle as gently as he could, while still holding the griffon and retreating backwards. "Don't touch me!" she screamed as she pushed him away. Screams of pain were heard over the mob's rabble. Some ponies had the audacity to cheer as Gabrielle and Carter's modest home burned down. The griffon's body could not be seen amongst the sea of angry rioters. "Hurry, this way," Pinkie snapped, pulling Shining behind another house. The unicorn stallion took hold of Gabrielle, who had fallen to her knees, her eyes red with tears. Pinkie led them to an underground cellar door hidden behind a shed and an unkempt bush and knocked on it a few times. "Open up, it's Pinkie Pie!" she pleaded when it didn't open. "What are you doing, Pinkie?" Shining asked as he nervously glanced behind him. "Come on, Tenderheart! I know you're scared, but when has it ever kept you from helping ponies in need?" Pinkie continued, ignoring Shining's question. Just as Shining was about to grab Pinkie and leave, the trap door opened. "Quickly, get in!" a soft female voice ordered. Shining did not wait for further invitation. He helped Gabrielle through the passage and into the mysterious cellar. Shining Armor's eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness. The first thing he saw was a blue-coated earth pony mare with a green mane and piercing pink eyes glaring at him. "Don't make a sound," she ordered. Pinkie carefully closed the trap door and made her way toward their host. Both ponies smiled and quickly hugged. After they broke the embrace, the blue mare motioned for Shining and Gabrielle to follow, as she carefully walked to the next room. They all found themselves in what seemed like a storage basement, with barrels stacked on top of each other. "It should be safe to talk, as long as we keep our voices down," the mare quietly said. "Thank you," Shining said as he bowed his head. "You saved our lives." The mare offered a weak smile. "From what I heard, the town is going crazy. I'm Tenderheart by the way." "Emerald Shield," Shining answered. "I already know who you are, Prince Shining Armor," Tenderheart replied, rolling her eyes. "I'm more worried about what happened to you," she added as she pushed Shining away and walked to Gabrielle. "What happened to your wing?" When Gabrielle looked away and attempted to hide her tears, Tenderheart turned toward Shining and Pinkie with a frown. "The angry mob went after her husband," Shining started, looking down and shaking his head. "Oh no, Carter!" Tenderheart finished with a gasp. "Gabrielle, I'm so sorry!" "We wanted to avoid this," the griffon weakly said. "We came to Equestria to escape war." Tenderheart slowly nodded. "I'll go get my medical kit to take care of this wing. The three of you will have to remain hidden down here for now, at least until things calm down." She paused a moment before mournfully turning her attention back toward Shining and Pinkie. "Thanks for helping Gabrielle. There is no excuse for what those ponies I once considered friends have done." She climbed a wooden staircase. The griffon quietly sat in a corner. Pinkie approached her, but she whispered something, prompting the pink pony to turn around and sit next to Shining. "She wants to be alone," Pinkie explained. Shining dropped his saddlebags and lay down in the dirt. "How did you know it was safe to come here?" "Oh, easy," Pinkie replied with a weak smile. "I already knew Tenderheart lived here. She used to be a nurse in Ponyville. When we passed her house, I saw her looking out her window. I remembered Tenderheart, and knew she would never hurt a fly. Both she and her husband are caring ponies." "Lucky you know so many ponies," Shining said with a sigh of relief. "How did you meet Tenderheart anyway?" "She has a husband, Windstream, and a son, Chipper Skies. That's a lot of birthday parties," Pinkie answered, her teary eyes still trained on Gabrielle. The pegasus officer stood on a makeshift stage, surrounded by guards. A large group of ponies had gathered in front of him. "By now you've all heard the rumors. The battle of Ponyville was lost, and the griffons established themselves in Canterlot. This is by no means the end of our fight! While General Spitfire has yet to return, Princess Luna is still the rightful ruler of Equestria! Under the leadership of Commander Soarin, we will push back the griffons and save Equestria from tyranny!" Shining Armor winced as ponies in the crowd cheered the stallion on the stage. He shared a concerned look with Tenderheart, who stood next to him at the back of the crowd. They both wore gray linen cloaks complete with hoods. Luckily, it was a chill day, so such protection from the cold would not appear out of place. "For our victory to be ensured, however, we must have order and discipline," the officer continued as he gazed severely at the crowd. "I understand and share your anger at both the Canterlot traitors and griffon invaders. I am not asking you to put that anger aside, but to channel it properly. The Cloudsdale army needs to bolster its numbers! We need volunteers who will not hesitate to risk their lives so Equestria's future can be solidified. Any of you willing to do what it takes, you are free to accompany us in the skies, where you will receive training and equipment as part of Princess Luna's army!" Another wave of cheers met the invitation, alongside another sickening, "Death to the griffons!" chant. "Be warned, however, that we will no longer accept half-measures. Canterlot spies will attempt to infiltrate us, and some amongst you may be too cowardly to fight for your nation. Therefore, any family wishing to benefit from Cloudsdale's protection must supply at least one able-bodied pony to the Cloudsdale military. Ponies of every breed are welcome. We have unicorns capable of allowing you all to walk on clouds. You have until tomorrow morning to comply." "You heard the captain! Here's our chance to get revenge!" a mare from the crowd exclaimed. "No more hiding!" another stallion added. Amongst the crowd of cheering ponies, a few frowns could be found. One mare cried as she held her daughter tightly. A group of stallions glanced at each others nervously. "This madness must stop," Shining whispered to Tenderheart. "I'll go talk to one of their officers to try and get an audience with Princess Luna." "Do you want me to get Pinkie Pie?" Tenderheart asked just as quietly. Shining Armor adjusted the hood on his gray cloak. "Not just yet. Tell ponies who do not want to join this army to meet at your house. I know it's risky, but I can at least offer you all asylum in the Crystal Empire." "Please be safe," Tenderheart replied. Shining Armor nodded before making his way around the crowd. He eyed a few of the recruiting officers. Should I reveal who I am? Perhaps I would be better off posing as a normal pony wanting to join up. I could then look for one of the higher-ups once I get inside the city. He turned around, only to find himself face to face with a turquoise face grinning smugly at him. "I thought it was you, Prince Shining Armor," the uniformed pegasus mare in front of him began. "We were told you were in the village." So much for subtlety, Shining thought with a frown. "Indeed I am." "My name is Sergeant Lightning Dust," the mare answered. "We've all been told you might be around. What I'd like to know is what you're doing here." "My business is with Princess Luna," Shining replied flatly. "I'm sure you would love to see her," Lightning said, her tone almost mocking. "Unfortunately for you, I have my orders. You're not going to Cloudsdale. Nopony here wants to antagonize the Crystal Empire though, so you're free to leave." "So a sergeant gets to decide if I get to see the Princess or not?" Shining scoffed. Lightning grinned again. "You were seen in Canterlot. We also know for a fact you attended Blueblood's wedding. Before that, you had a private meeting with Captain Silvermane. Whatever you're up to, Princess Luna will not see you." "It seems I underestimated your spies," Shining replied. "If anything, I can promise you that I'm not here to harm Her Highness. I only come as an ambassador for peace. We can try to put a stop to this madness. Equestria does not need to head into a civil war!" Lightning Dust spat on the ground. "I got your peace right here! Those featherbrains destroyed Ponyville, killed some of our greatest soldiers, and now they're trying to blame it on us. If the Crystal Empire wants to stay neutral, it's your choice. Don't try to talk us out of protecting our own nation. The Cloudsdale ponies aren't cowards!" "I don't suppose your superior would be more willing to consider my request," Shining asked, grinding his teeth in an attempt to keep his composure. "Ha!" Lighting said with a chuckle. "He's the one who gave me my orders. As I said, nopony will harm you, but you will not step inside Cloudsdale." "Very well," Shining said, trying to keep his voice straight. "Have a good day, Sergeant." Paranoia. They're ruled by fear and paranoia, Shining thought as he walked away from the crowd. He circled the village in an attempt to lose any observers. No need to bring additional scrutiny to Tenderheart's home. "I can't believe they wouldn't even let you see Luna!" Pinkie said with shock while sitting on a barrel. Shining shook his head. "They lost a battle. Now they're paranoid and desperate." "So what do we do now?" Pinkie asked. "We need to get up there." "I can't see how. The soldiers are controlling who gets in or out of the city. I suppose we could find a way to smuggle ourselves in. Even then, Luna will be tightly guarded." "Alright, then we deal with the immediate problem!" Pinkie replied, getting up on her hooves. "We get these ponies out of here. I talked to Windstream, Tenderheart's husband, while you were out. The soldiers want to force their son to join their army!" "He's still a teenager, and they want him to die for nothing," a stallion's voice softly replied from the staircase in the corner. Shining Armor turned his head and faced a dark blue pegasus stallion with a short purple mane. "Windstream, I take it? I'm Shining Armor." The stallion nodded. "It's an honor, Your Highness. I'm Tenderheart's husband. I was out in the farmlands, supplying rainclouds with my son, when I heard about the riot. Now my wife tells me about the two of you." "I'm sorry, we didn't want to put your family at risk, but we had nowhere else to turn," Shining replied as his ears drooped. "We're probably safer with you around," Windstream firmly replied. "Just on the way back, one of the Cloudsdale soldiers had the nerve to tell me my son would be expected to serve in the army, and they wanted my wife to join as a medic. We left Ponyville for this smaller village hoping things would be calmer. We need to get away before this thing breaks into an all-out war!" "Always the way it goes, isn't it?" A new voice added from a corner. Every head turned to face Gabrielle, who slowly walked out of the shadows. Her now bandaged wing twitched. "I left Griffingard because neither Carter nor I wanted to join the army. You need to go through military service if you want any sort of rights over there." "I heard as much," Shining said with a nod. "I know a few griffons moved to Equestria to escape it." "If you can stomach the vegetarian diet, it's the best option," Gabrielle replied with a weak chuckle. "One thing I can tell you — this Equestrian civil war, it's everything Griffingard wants." "Why?" Pinkie asked. "The griffons never seemed to have any problems with us." "It's some of the nobility in High Roost. They'll look for any excuse to prove to the world that they have the greatest army. There's this one duchess in particular. Alicia Bouvier, that's her name. She's always advising King Aurélien to recruit more soldiers, and get involved in every small conflict imaginable. Usually with territorial concessions in exchange." "Wait, did you say Bouvier?" Shining asked, raising an eyebrow. "Silvermane mentioned the griffons here in Equestria were under the command of a Centurion Bouvier. This can't be a coincidence." Gabrielle's eyes perked up as she stared at Shining. "Of course, her husband! I remember hearing he was an officer in the army. I imagine Equestria would be too important for her to trust anyone else." "So the griffons in Equestria are led by the husband of King Aurélien's most warlike councilor," Pinkie pondered with a scowl. "I don't like it one bit!" "Neither do I, Pinkie," Shining added. "There's more at play here. Something we're not seeing." "Well, none of it will mean anything if we don't leave this village," Windstream interrupted. "There's already been one riot. Once the word gets out that my family will not join this war, retaliation can be expected. I don't think the soldiers will do anything to stop it." "You're right," Shining said. "Tenderheart should be back soon with the families who want out. We should go through these barrels, get supplies ready for the road." Windstream nodded. "I have plenty of dried fruits, they should last us a long time. I also have an old cart in the back, but getting it out without being noticed would be tricky. As for medical supplies, my wife is a nurse; she should have everything we need and more." "Good," Shining nodded firmly. "I want a full inventory. We take only what we can carry. Every able pony should have full saddlebags." "And we come back, try to sneak into Cloudsdale once these ponies are safe?" Pinkie suggested. "Yes, that's a plan," Shining replied. "I'll go upstairs and get my son, Chipper Skies," Windstream added. "He'll help us pack." The group packed the necessary supplies swiftly enough under Shining's supervision. It was quickly decided that they would only pack the essentials. Windstream had wanted to take his cart, but Shining quickly convinced him that it would only slow them down and make them more noticeable. "What's taking my wife so long?" Windstream mumbled to himself as he counted the filled saddlebags. Shining's ears perked up as he heard the pegasus stallion. "She's probably waiting for dark. For all we know, the house is under surveillance and she doesn't want soldiers finding an excuse to come inside." "Well, it should be dark soon," Windstream continued. "I'll go upstairs and see if I can spot anything through the window." Shining Armor nodded as the pegasus walked up the stairs. He turned his attention to Pinkie and Chipper Skies, both in the middle of a card game. "Any news on mom?" the white-coated pegasus teenager asked. Shining shook his head as he sat next to the two. "Sorry, nothing so far. Your father went upstairs to see what he can find out." Chipper Skies grunted as he looked away. Shining gave Pinkie a worried look. "Don't worry, Chipper, I'm sure your parents will be fine," the pink pony replied with a smile. "It's not fair!" the teenager finally said, slamming his hoof in the dirt. "My parents shouldn't have to take all the risk! I should just join that stupid army, so they'll be left alone!" "Don't even talk like that!" Pinkie replied, grabbing his head and staring into his vibrant green eyes. "Your parents will get you out of this, Chipper. You just have to trust them!" "You'll be safe in the Crystal Empire," Shining added after a moment. "I get that you want to do something right now. We all do. What's important is saving as many ponies as we can. Once this is done, we'll plan our next move." "I guess," Chipper Skies said with a heavy sigh. He dropped his cards on the ground. "I'm tired of this game, Pinkie. I just wanna be alone for a while." Shining sat on the ground after the teenager had left to brood in another corner. "You know, Pinkie, he's right to be worried," he whispered so only she could hear him. "Something could have happened to Tenderheart. We might have to consider other options soon." Pinkie Pie frowned and her ears flattened. "Let's see what Windstream thinks when he gets back." The two waited in silence for a while. Shining turned his gaze toward Gabrielle, who was filling some water canteens in a corner. They shared a nod, but nothing else. There's nothing worse than the waiting game. I wonder if this is what happened to the Cloudsdale army in Ponyville? Maybe their officers proved too impatient. Shining's quiet contemplation of the situation was interrupted by Windstream almost tumbling down the stairs. "Bad news! There are guards in front of the house!" he announced in a panicked voice. "Tenderheart was talking to them outside. I saw other ponies around." "Darn it!" Shining spat as he swiftly stood up. "Let them take me! I'll join them if they leave you alone!" Chipper Skies immediately offered, stepping in front of his father. "This is no time to talk nonsense, Chipper Skies!" Windstream harshly scolded. He turned to Shining. "What do you think we should do?" Shining started pacing back and forth. "They definitely suspect you're hiding something. With the little show of support the population gave them, they probably want to make an example out of you." "I say we fight!" Gabrielle announced as she stepped forward and stared at her claw. "I won't let them take us like they took my husband!" "I'll fight too!" Chipper Skies said with a determined nod. "Enough of that!" Shining ordered as he glared at both the griffon and the teenager. "We need to get out of here." "We need to find out what they want," Pinkie calmly suggested, still sitting in a corner. She slowly got up. "These ponies are scared, just like us. They're not hurting anypony right now, just talking. I say we go outside and talk to them." "Are you insane?" Gabrielle snapped. "These are the same ponies who killed my husband!" Shining shook his head. "They are not. We're talking soldiers here, not an angry mob. Pinkie's right, there might be a way to talk ourselves out of this one. I'll go outside with her. I was recognized by a soldier, and was told they wouldn't do anything to me. They don't want to risk angering my wife. I can use that to my advantage." "We'll sneak through the back while you attempt to negotiate," Windstream added. "We'll wait for you near the burned down barn. Tenderheart will know where it is." Shining nodded. "Be careful." "You too," Windstream replied with a nod of his own. "Come on, let's see what the soldiers want," Shining said as he gestured for Pinkie to follow him. They made their way upstairs and left the house through the front door. The darkness of a moonless night engulfed the village. As expected, a small group of ponies were surrounded by pegasus soldiers armed with spears. Two more faced the house and pointed spears at Shining and Pinkie. At their head was Lightning Dust, sporting a proud smirk and holding a torch. "For a former royal guard, you're really not that subtle," the turquoise sergeant teased. "I never expected the ponies of Cloudsdale to be this paranoid," Shining replied, taking a deep breath. "Pinkie Pie," Lightning continued, slightly tipping her head in the pink pony's direction. "It's been a while. I didn't expect to see you here." "I didn't expect you to be bullying innocent ponies," Pinkie replied. "But I get that you're scared, and you don't know what to do." "I'm doing my job," Lightning replied. "These ponies are refusing military service. We suspect more are hiding in this house." "You have no right to force anypony into service," Shining replied. "They're all coming with me." The two soldiers standing behind Lighting stepped forward and pointed their spears at Pinkie and Shining again. "You're not in a situation to make demands," the sergeant scoffed. "You won't hurt Shining," Pinkie said as she stepped toward the soldiers. "You have plenty of volunteers for your army. You can't just take anypony you want. You'll meet ponies who want nothing to do with your war, even ponies who support Blueblood. It's bad enough that you're willing to kill other soldiers over a silly chair in Canterlot. Now you want to hurt innocents too?" Pinkie smiled lightly as she slowly shook her head. "You're not a bad pony, Lightning Dust. You're proud and you want to prove yourself. But you won't harm us." Shining saw Lightning's frown loosening as her tail shook. Pinkie's getting to her. She just needs a bit more push. "You have two choices," Shining stated. "First, you can fight us, right here, right now. You'll probably end up with another riot, and you'll have to explain to your superiors why the Crystal Prince was attacked under your watch. I can guarantee my wife will love whatever explanation you come up with." He took a breath, scanning Lightning's face for more signs of doubt. "Your other choice is to let us go. I will grant these ponies asylum in the Crystal Empire, and you will never see any of them again." Lightning glared silently at both Shining and Pinkie for a moment. The soldiers hardened their stances, no doubt ready to strike. "Fine, you can go," Lightning finally ordered. "But if I see any of you interfere with our affairs again, I will not show the same restraint." Shining let go of a breath he had not realized he had been holding. "You made the right decision. One last thing, if I may. Should you see Princess Luna, I would like you to tell her about what happened here today. Tell her about the riots, about the scared ponies, about the way you almost attacked us in the streets. Ask her if the throne is really worth it." Lightning scoffed, but said nothing. She nodded at the soldiers surrounding Tenderheart and the other civilians. The spears were lowered, and about a dozen ponies rushed behind Shining and Pinkie. "Let's go," Shining told his companions. They all turned around and left into the night. "Oh, Pinkie Pie," Lightning's voice called, prompting both Shining and Pinkie to turn around. "Yes?" Pinkie asked. "Rainbow Dash is dead," the sergeant flatly said. "She was killed by a hailstorm during the battle of Ponyville." Shining turned toward Pinkie, who stared blankly in front of her. He turned his glare toward Lightning, then back toward Pinkie. "Take care of yourself, Lightning Dust," Pinkie said as she mechanically turned around and set the pace. They walked in silence for a while. The eleven ponies Tenderheart had gathered up huddled together. One of them was supported by his wife as he nursed a broken leg. Shining found a moment to mention the meeting spot to Tenderheart before he moved back to walk next to Pinkie. He glanced at her a few times as she kept a determined pace. She held a strong face, but could not completely hide the tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm sorry," he eventually offered. Pinkie turned to him and nodded slowly. She returned her attention to the road in front of her. The group walked in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Shining kept glancing at Pinkie. From everything Twilight ever told me, Pinkie Pie was always the one to cheer her friends up when they were down. Ever since I started traveling with her, she was always the brave one. Nopony can stay strong through the death of a friend, though. Shining took a deep breath. He stared at Pinkie again. These weren't the tears of someone under shock. These were tears of resignation. "How long have you known?" he asked softly. "Ever since we heard about the battle," she replied, her voice having lost its usual bounciness. "Well, I suspected. Rainbow... she never gave up, ever. She wouldn't fly away and let her soldiers die alone. She would fight to the end. That's who she was." Pinkie sighed. "We should never have let her go to Cloudsdale." Shining looked down at the dirt road. "If there's anything you need, just ask." Her tears finally revealed themselves. "I don't know what I need, Shining. One of my best friends just died. Another is lost, nopony knows where. There's the one who got married to a stallion she hates, the one we sent to the end of Equestria all by herself, and then the one who burdened herself with trying to lead our silly little group. I just wanted to make my friends happy, Shining. I never wanted Twilight to become Equestria's only princess, Rainbow to join some army, or me to save ponies from a bunch of crazy soldiers." She sighed and finished in a meek whimper. "I never wanted my best friend to die in a war." Shining stopped and placed a hoof on Pinkie's shoulder, prompting her to do the same. He slowly embraced her. She held on tightly to his body, sobbing openly into his white coat. Tenderheart turned toward him from the front of the procession. They shared a nod, as she called for a break. The burned down barn was aptly named. It was exactly that — a barn that had once been ravaged by flames. Shining Armor's group slowly made their way toward the ruined building. The place was as silent as a grave. The tall, unkempt weeds surrounding it added to the eerie atmosphere that greeted them. "This is the place?" Shining asked. Tenderheart nodded. "This is where Chipper Skies used to run away to hang out with his friends." Shining frowned. "Looks like we're the first ones here." "No we're not," Pinkie said from behind him. "Hi Windstream!" she cheerfully waved, already back to her normal peppy demeanor. Three shadows emerged from the ruined building. Gabrielle, Windstream, and Chipper Skies were quickly recognizable. Tenderheart immediately galloped in their direction, embracing both her husband and son warmly. They're the lucky ones. So many families will end up broken because of this war, Shining thought grimly. Gabrielle slowly made her way in their direction. "I'm glad you made it out," she told Shining and Pinkie. "Same," Shining said. "I was worried for a moment, but I think they didn't want a potential incident with the Crystal Empire." "Speaking of," Pinkie added as she raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you give up all claims of power in the Empire when you came here with me?" "Those soldiers didn't know that," Shining replied with a wink. "I won't be able to play this card again though. I suspect Luna will send a representative to the Empire in the coming days." "The important thing is that you all got out alive," Gabrielle said as she stretched her neck and looked at the eleven escapees. "It looks like you brought quite a few ponies with you, too." Shining nodded. "They all want to escape this madness. Some have families in Canterlot. Others just do not want to risk their lives over the throne." He sighed. "I suspect the number of refugees will only grow, unless either Luna or Blueblood abandons this madness." "I don't think that is likely to happen soon," Windstream said as he walked in their direction, accompanied by his family. "As you said earlier, our best hope is to escape to the Crystal Empire. Are you certain they'll take us in?" "I'll write to Cadance and explain the situation," Shining explained with as comforting a smile as he could manage. "The assembly might ask you a few uncomfortable questions, but they won't refuse your request if you're fleeing the war." "And why should we flee?" Chipper Skies argued as he stepped forward, whipping the air with his tail. "There's so much more we can do!" "Chipper Skies, not this again!" Windstream scolded with a glare. "I'm serious, Dad!" the teenager continued. "More ponies will want to escape the war. We're both strong flyers, you can't deny it. Mom's a nurse, too. We could do some good. We could help ponies escape. Shining Armor said it. More and more families will need a way out." "Chipper makes a good point," Tenderheart admitted as she turned to her husband. Windstream gasped. "Honey, not you too?" "I won't let him take any risks, and if you want to take him with you to the Crystal Empire, then he comes with you. I am a nurse though, and if we're doing this, setting up a network to help refugees escape the war, I'll be needed. I can't turn my back on ponies in need." Windstream frowned as his eyes traveled from his wife to his son. "You know I couldn't let you do this alone, honey," he said with a resigned sigh. "One thing I want to make clear though. Chipper Skies, you will do what we tell you. No risks, no going out by yourself. Your main duties will be helping your mother within the safety of whatever camp we setup. This is not up for argument." The teenager turned to his mother for support, but lowered his head after she eyed him severely. "Alright, fine," he said. "No risks, no going out on my own." "I'm in too," Pinkie added. "If we're going to find Twilight, we have to talk to as many ponies as possible. Maybe somepony will get an idea. Regardless, if I can't make ponies happy, I can at least make sure they have a chance to stop being unhappy." Gabrielle stepped forward. "My husband is dead, and I have nowhere to go. I'm an experienced carpenter, and the last thing I wanna see is war. I'm in." "I suppose this is what's left to do," Shining admitted with a sigh. "I still won't give up on reaching out to Princess Luna, but like you, Nurse Tenderheart, I must obey my calling." He looked at the shield on his flank. "Besides, you'll need me to coordinate between the refugees and the Crystal Empire." Tenderheart nodded at each of them in turn. "It's settled then. We're setting up a network. We'll help refugees escape to the Crystal Empire, or any other neutral nation that will have them." "Good," Shining replied with a smile. "Now, as tired as we all are, I believe we should travel through the night. We convinced Lightning Dust to let us go, but one of her superiors might have a different idea." "I'll let everypony know," Tenderheart replied as she pointed her muzzle toward the refugees who all whispered to one another further back. "We can find refuge in one of the caves near the Galloping Gorge." Shining took a few long breaths as he looked back toward Gale and the city of Cloudsdale. The city lights brightened the horizon, creating an impressive spectacle in the sky. How long would it take for this same sight to be associated with horror? Shining shook his head, chasing out his grim thoughts. While he had failed in his initial mission, this group they created would offer ponies a glimmer of hope. "Something doesn't feel right," Pinkie mumbled, breaking his reverie. "Soldiers coming?" Shining asked. "I'll tell the others to move it." Pinkie shook her head. "No, it's the city. Look!" She pointed at Cloudsdale. It was hard to see at first, but the city started moving. "What's going on? Why are they moving the city?" Chipper Skies asked. "They're hiding it," Shining grimly explained. "They're taking it north, toward the Crystal Mountains. While the griffons can't find them, they'll have time to recruit across Equestria and coordinate hit and run attacks. The mountains cover all of Equestria's northern borders. This is bad news." They all stared at the cloud city in silence. Cloudsdale quickly gained in momentum as it headed north. By morning, it would be impossible to find. > XVIII General Silvermane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A unicorn guard nodded at General Silvermane after unlocking the door to the Canterlot dungeon. While the damp, dark cells had remained mostly empty over the last few decades, their very existence proved that ponykind hadn't always been as peaceful as in recent memory. Of course, the battle of Ponyville changed all that as the Cloudsdale prisoners needed to be housed somewhere. "Get me out of here! You have no right to keep us prisoner!" a stallion's voice screamed as Silvermane passed the cell he shared with other traitors. "Princess Luna will turn your dreams into nightmares for this!" another one added from a different cell. Silvermane rolled her eyes as she passed the rows of identical cells. Most in this corridor were already filled with captured enemy soldiers. Their rabble became common whenever she visited the dungeons. She made her way to the larger cell at the end of the corridor. She nodded at the small unicorn stallion feeding the prisoners their daily slop as she passed him. Silvermane quietly sighed as she stopped in front of the cell. This pegasus used to be a symbol of Equestrian strength. How the mighty have fallen. The general unlocked the door and stepped inside. The mare in the back of the cell was filthy. Her coat was covered in dirt, and had lost some of its bright yellow coloration. She sported numerous scars and bruises as well — obviously the result of beatings by the guards. "Good morning, Spitfire," Silvermane began, her eyes locked on the prisoner. The former Wonderbolt glared at the general, but remained silent. She shook her wings awkwardly. "I can see your clipped wings still bother you. This is just one of the things you should have considered before rising in rebellion against Canterlot." Silvermane calmly closed the door behind her as she spoke. "You can have your griffons mutilate me all you want, Silvermane. It won't change the fact that you are the traitor." The pegasus spat on the ground. "Everything I did was in service to the true heir to the throne." "Semantics," Silvermane replied, her face impassive. "You've been here, in this dungeon for an entire month. While I must admit to a certain level of admiration for your spirit, you're only useful to us if you give us information. I'm here to give you one last chance." "You can take your chance and stuff it!" Spitfire replied as she stood up. She attempted to step forward, but the chain locking one of her back hooves to the wall prevented her from doing so. "A shame," Silvermane calmly replied. "Let me explain the consequences of your defiance. Your execution is scheduled for tonight. Your head will be chopped off as a warning to others who might rise in rebellion. You can still prevent this if you give us the list of the Luna followers hiding in the city, and if you publicly denounce Princess Luna as a traitor to ponykind." Spitfire's eyes widened. "Equestria hasn't known the death penalty for centuries! You can't do this!" Silvermane sighed and spoke flatly. "Equestria hasn't known civil war for centuries either. Twenty-three civilians died because of your actions in Ponyville. Three hundred and fifty-two griffons shared the same fate. We don't have an exact count of the casualties in your army, but it's well in the hundreds." The general pointed an accusatory hoof at her prisoner. "You, Spitfire, are one of the worst criminals in the history of Equestria. That you're even allowed the opportunity to confess to your crime and continue your life in captivity is more generosity than you deserve." "You're right," Spitfire whispered, looking down. "I brought defeat to my troops. The real criminals, though, are the ponies who allowed griffons to come to Equestria." She took a deep breath and met Silvermane's gaze again. "Everything we did, we did to save Equestria from you. Princess Luna is still alive. Ponies haven't forgotten her, and in time they will rise up against you. If you think my death will inspire fear, you are wrong. It will inspire a wave of anger the likes of which you could never imagine!" "You certainly think highly of yourself," Silvermane scoffed. "You die in ten hours. Should you wish to prevent it and confess, call for the guards." She turned around and opened the door. She was about to step outside when she heard Spitfire speak. "Wait!" Silvermane turned her head around. "I will confess," the former Wonderbolt whispered. She lowered her eyes and sighed. Silvermane turned around and grinned. "A wise decision. I'm listening." "First of all," Spitfire said as she took a deep breath and glared at the general, "I need to know that anypony you capture will be treated fairly. No torture, no executions, no wing clipping, de-horning, or whatever else your sadistic mind can imagine." "I don't enjoy this anymore than you do," Silvermane said as she ground her teeth. "Wing clipping is a necessity of war. De-horning isn't necessary. Rune wards are just as effective at blocking magic. As for anypony we capture, they will not be executed. Forced labor in Ponyville might help them realize the extent of the damage this little rebellion has done." Silvermane's ears twitched as she spoke. She remembered the cell door was still opened behind her. Somepony's coming! Her instincts kicked in and she turned around. She leaned back on her hind legs as a blade rushed toward her face. She grimaced in pain as it slashed her cheek, drawing blood. She barely had time to register her adversary, a stallion holding a mouth blade in his muzzle. She fired a quick magical bolt from her horn. It wasn't enough to harm her adversary or leave a mark, but it did throw him off-balance. He dropped his blade as the bolt collided with his muzzle. "Guards!" Silvermane yelled as she rammed her assailant and pushed him against a wall with her armored body. She recognized the stallion who had been feeding the prisoners earlier. The stallion spat in one of Silvermane's eyes. She recoiled back and forced her eye closed, remembering her training. She concentrated on her horn and recited a battle spell in her head. To tear my enemies asunder, bring forth the force of thunder. As soon as she mentally finished the rhyme, bright orange energy coalesced around her horn. A bolt of lightning flashed and impacted the stallion, who was picking up his discarded mouth blade with his magic. His body stiffened as every nerve in his body was overloaded by the electrical discharge. Four guards rushed through the corridor to Silvermane's side. Two secured her assailant, while the others made sure Spitfire wasn't attempting an escape. "Are you okay, General?" one asked. She nodded as she touched the small wound on her face. "Yes, it's only a scratch. I'm more concerned about who this stallion is." The soldier looked down at him. "Cold Silver, I believe his name is. He was hired to feed the prisoners, clean up their chamber pots, that kind of stuff." "Take him away," Silvermane ordered as she whipped her tail in annoyance. "I want him interrogated. I want a full investigation on how such a pony was allowed access to the dungeon, and how he managed to smuggle this weapon in." "Yes, Ma'am," the stallion said with a nod. He and the other guard picked up the still dazed Cold Silver and dragged him away. The stallion shook his head as he was taken outside of the corridor. "Others will succeed where I failed, Silvermane! Long reign to Princess Luna!" Silvermane turned back toward Spitfire, who had received a solid kick from one of the guards. "Such pitiful distraction tactics are beneath you, Spitfire. To think you were once a symbol of Equestrian pride." The general spat on the ground. "You die tonight. Make your peace." Centurion Ignacio Bouvier adjusted his small glasses after he was done inspecting Silvermane's now stitched wound. "I warned you about the security in your dungeon." "It will be thoroughly investigated," Silvermane flatly replied as she made her way behind her desk. "I'm more concerned about Cloudsdale. Have your scouts found out anything?" Bouvier shook his head as he took a seat on one of the two extra chairs Silvermane kept in her office. "No, but as I told you, such a search could take months. The Crystal Mountains are treacherous. Powerful winds often make it impossible for my scouts to navigate." Silvermane frowned as she sat back on her chair. "Are we even sure this is where Cloudsdale is? They could have easily moved the city north to trick our scouts, and then turned it around toward the Haycific ocean." "A distinct possibility," Bouvier replied with a nod. "In all honesty, our only chance of finding your cloud city would be interrogating prisoners." "The Cloudsdale soldiers have been careful. They've been avoiding direct conflict since the battle, only attacking isolated settlements," Silvermane said. "Perhaps the execution will provoke them." Bouvier grinned. "Ah, so you're going ahead with my recommendation." "Spitfire didn't know anything. In fact, she was complicit in the assassination attempt," Silvermane continued as she ground her teeth. Go ahead, rub it in, she thought as she locked her gaze on the griffon. "I did warn you," Bouvier said, meeting the general's gaze. "She has nothing to lose, and she knows it. Your leader's insistence on refusing to punish civilians who support Luna will only allow such events to continue." "Princess Rarity's philosophy might be different from what you're used to in Griffingard, but ponies like her will be the ones restoring Equestria to its former glory," Silvermane adjusted herself on her seat. "Nevertheless, General, you must act." Bouvier adjusted his glasses as he spoke. "I recommend you let me handle this assassin. I will have the name of his accomplices before the end of the day." "Torture," Silvermane spoke under her breath. "We have laws in Equestria against this kind of thing, Centurion." The griffon chuckled loudly. "For such a smart pony, you can be extremely naive, General. Let me spell it out for you. The Cloudsdale army was humiliated in the field. By all accounts, it's now under the command of Soarin, a pony known to be both careful and patient. Their strategies will change. The riots we're seeing in Vanhoover and Fillydelphia are only the beginning. We can expect a lot more dirty tactics." "And you believe we should do the same," Silvermane completed flatly. "Use dirty tactics of our own." "It's what a good tactician would do," Bouvier explained, his beak twisting into a subtle smirk. "You find your enemy's weakness and exploit it. Yours, for example, is your desire for control. It's why you made up a new rank for yourself once you found out I was coming. As for our enemy, their current weapon is secrecy. I imagine that the protest we're seeing, the assassination attempt on your person, even the innocent-looking Luna support meetings, they are all the product of isolated terrorist cells." "Your flawed assessment of my motivations aside, I can agree with your analysis," Silvermane replied, forcing herself not to grind her teeth. "Intelligence networks will only take you so far," Bouvier continued. "Anyone can crack under sufficient pressure. I've seen the officer you put in charge of recruit training. You're not averse to using violence as a form of persuasion." "There's a difference between a soldier in training and a civilian prisoner." Bouvier nodded calmly. "One is serving his nation, the other actively tries to destroy it." Silvermane started grinding her teeth again. On the one hoof I have Rarity opposed to any sort of violence. On the other I have this griffon centurion trying to convince me that torture is the only solution. "I can see you need time to reflect," Bouvier continued. "It is, of course, your decision, General." He took a short breath. "If I may offer one last piece of advice. War is ugly. This one is going to turn uglier, as we're already hearing stories of hit and fly attacks. The longer we resist making difficult choices, the longer we let the enemy have the advantage." Silvermane rose and turned around as she sighed loudly. She gazed at her spear on the wall for a moment before returning her attention to the centurion. "Nopony hears about this. Not Prince Blueblood, not Princess Rarity, not even the prison guard. I will transfer the prisoner into your custody, and I'd better see results." "I only aim to serve," Bouvier replied with a bow. He stood and took out a golden pocket watch. "And it seems your meeting with the buffalo ambassador is about to start." He smiled and turned around to take his leave. Silvermane ground her teeth again. This griffon was used to having everything go his way. Everything he said made sense, and yet unless she found some way of managing him, he would wrest control of the Canterlot military from her bit by bit. Unless we become self-sufficient fast, he will solidify his position here in Canterlot. Perhaps if I can convince Blueblood that the griffons are not to be trusted... She whipped her tail and shook her head. Little Strongheart would be here soon, and Silvermane knew exactly what it would be about; the buffaloes and the ponies of Appleoosa had waited long enough. It was time to send in the royal guards to take care of the changeling problem. Ponyville's new mayor would appreciate the gesture as well. Silvermane looked at her spear once again. Whatever happened, she had a nation to defend. This meant that Appleoosa had to be liberated, regardless of whatever else was going on. The changelings were a known enemy, and if the rumors about Applejack holding their queen captive were true, then it would mean an easy victory — the perfect way to raise morale and make sure her soldiers didn't feel inferior when comparing themselves to the griffons. The throne room always looked larger when empty. Silvermane took a deep breath as she stepped inside the imposing room. She turned her head to the left and smiled lightly at the room's newest addition — a stained glass representation of the wedding between Blueblood and Rarity. The royal couple themselves sat on their thrones, on top of a set of stairs. Large banners hung from the ceiling, sporting both ponies' cutie marks. Prince Blueblood's voice resonated throughout the room. "We can't tolerate anymore delays, Professor. Every day Luna raises the Sun and Moon is another insult to our rule! I expect a suitable way for our unicorns to move the celestial bodies within the week!" Silvermane frowned as she turned her attention to Professor Starflare, who bowed at the foot of the stairs leading up to the throne. "I have a working theory, Your Highnesses. If you insist, we can try it in a few days. I would recommend caution, given what happened with Princess Twilight." "Enough with caution!" Blueblood replied with a dismissive gesture. "Get your unicorns ready for another attempt. The sooner my wife and I can begin raising the Sun and Moon, the better for everypony." Starflare's head raised and turned toward Rarity. The newly-crowned princess winced slightly, but responded with a short nod. "I'll get to it at once," Starflare said with a courteous bow before turning around. "General," he politely said as he passed Silvermane on his way out. "Professor," Silvermane replied. "Ah, General, I heard about what happened." Blueblood announced with a deep frown as Silvermane approached. "A shame about the scar on your face, but at least you're alright." Silvermane nodded, ignoring the temptation to touch her stitches. "I've already doubled the guards inside the dungeon. I plan on reviewing our security procedures as well. I will also assign each of you a bodyguard. If Luna's followers made an attempt on my life, they might try the same with either of you." "A wise precaution," Rarity replied. "I'm more interested on how you will catch these traitors and clean my city of their kind," Blueblood added with a grunt. "With a lot of careful planning and patience, I'm afraid," Silvermane explained. "I suspect they have multiple cells hidden both here in Canterlot and elsewhere in Equestria. As you are aware, pro-Luna riots have erupted in both Vanhoover and Fillydelphia." "Do what you must to root them out," Blueblood ordered. "But be mindful of innocents," Rarity completed with a glare. "We don't want ponies to see us as the tyrants." "Of course," Silvermane replied. Blueblood leaned forward. "What about Spitfire? Are we still proceeding with the execution?" "We are," Silvermane replied with a nod. She did not fail to notice Rarity's frown. "As you suggested though, Princess, I have scheduled no other executions." Rarity nodded once. "There's that, at least. You know how I feel about such barbarism. I do wish you would both reconsider." "Not this again!" Blueblood snapped. "We already talked about it. Spitfire is a traitor, and will die as one. We must send a clear message that this type of rebellion will not be tolerated!" Rarity sighed. "Of course. I just hope we don't all live to regret it. As for the other soldiers, with Cloudsdale gone, they should be able to work in our weather factory. I was told it should be operational soon." "Good," Silvermane replied with a nod. "The dungeon wasn't made to accommodate this many prisoners. I'll have soldiers sent to inspect the weather factory. If the prisoners are going to be put to work there, security needs to be tight." "And make sure everypony is treated fairly," Rarity warned with a stern glare. "I don't want to hear about beatings, ponies being overworked, or whatever other ideas the griffons placed inside your head." Does she know? I've underestimated her before. Perhaps Rarity has spies of her own? I should make sure to keep her under closer watch. Silvermane managed to keep her composure as she met the princess's eyes. "Of course, Your Highness." "Now, General, we need to talk about troop movements," Blueblood said. "I want those riots dealt with!" "Of course, but we're talking about large cities. There is also Appleoosa to consider." "Good point, General," Rarity said with a light smile. "It's already past time the changelings be dealt with." "I'll be sending three squads to the Appleoosan desert under the command of Lieutenant Breezerunner. Ambassador Little Strongheart will accompany them. I've already made the necessary arrangements." "Yes, yes, better to get it done with," Blueblood replied dismissively. "What about the riots? I won't have Equestria in chaos!" Silvermane nodded. "If we consider Canterlot's defensive needs as well as recruit training, we have enough griffon soldiers to pacify one city. Sending troops to both Vanhoover and Fillydelphia would spread our forces too thin." "What?" Blueblood yelled as he stood dramatically. "I gave you free reign to recruit, gave you a griffon army, and you can't even keep the peace?" "Calm yourself, beloved," Rarity calmly asked as she turned to his direction. "Surely you do not want to lose both cities. General Silvermane understands what she's talking about." Silvermane took a deep breath as she mentally thanked the princess. "As I was saying," she continued, "We have to choose which city to send troops to. Vanhoover is relatively isolated, and could become a strong base of operations for the Cloudsdale army. As for Fillydelphia, it's a major port, and would give them easy access to Manehattan and Baltimare." "And only Baltimare declared its loyalty to the throne," Blueblood continued with a groan. He unceremoniously sat back on his throne. "Manehattan apparently declared itself neutral. So much for Fancy Pants serving the crown's interests there." Rarity's smirk gave Silvermane all the information she needed. "My recommendation would be to take Fillydelphia," the general said. "Should the riots spread to the other nearby cities, the situation could easily grow out of control." "I concur," Rarity replied with a nod. "Beloved?" "Do what you feel is right, General," the prince said with a frustrated sigh. Silvermane bowed. "I take it this is all? If you will permit me, I will return to my duties." "Not quite yet," Blueblood interrupted as he raised his hoof. "There's still the matter of this new Ponyville mayor." "Applejack?" Rarity asked. "What about her?" "I've heard confirmation that she's holding the changeling queen captive," Blueblood said as he glared at his wife. "Such prisoners should be handled by the royal guards, not a small town mayor." "I agree that it should be looked into," Silvermane replied with a nod. "Princess Rarity, perhaps you would have an idea of what your friend is up to?" "I would imagine she's following the crown's order," Rarity said with an innocent smile. "Don't you dare give such orders without consulting me!" Blueblood snapped as he again stood up. "You really do need to work on your temper, beloved," the princess calmly continued as she admired her hooficure. "I believe you were the one who ordered Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and my other friends to look into Princess Twilight's disappearance. Queen Chrysalis would be a likely suspect, don't you think?" "She would," Silvermane said with a nod. "I must ask, Your Highness. Do you truly believe that your friend is better equipped to get the truth out of her than my trained soldiers?" "I do," Rarity firmly replied. "But if it makes you both feel better, I will investigate the matter myself." "What do you mean?" Blueblood asked. "I mean that it's high time I went to Ponyville for a few days," Rarity explained as she smiled at the prince. "They've been through a terrible ordeal, and are still rebuilding. A show of support from the crown can only be help improve our image. Certainly we can devote some resources to their rebuilding efforts as well. Of course, I can use the opportunity to look into this changeling situation." Silvermane bowed her head. "I will assemble an escort for you, Your Highness." "Thank you, General," Rarity replied with a smile before turning toward Blueblood. "In fact, beloved, you should accompany me. Let the ponies there see you and get to know you. Princess Luna visited Ponyville multiple times in the past." Blueblood glared at his wife again. "Is this really necessary? My time would be better spent handling the affairs of the state." "Councilors Kibitz and Floribunda are more than capable of handling things for a few days," Rarity continued. "If we expect to rule Equestria, we must be seen by its ponies. Just look at how many events Princess Celestia attended." Well played, Rarity, Silvermane thought as a grin formed on her muzzle. "The princess makes a good point, Your Highness. Perhaps Ambassador Antoine should accompany you as well? I'm sure Ponyville's citizens would appreciate some further assurance that Griffingard is indeed our ally." "Very well, if we absolutely must," Blueblood replied with a sigh. "Have an appropriate escort prepared, General. Of course, there is the execution to attend first." Disgust was evident on Rarity's face at the mention of Spitfire's execution. In time, she will see the necessity of such unpleasantness. At least she knows how to pick her battles. Block, deflect, strike. Silvermane practiced the familiar moves with her spear in the empty courtyard. An hour from now, Spitfire would be publicly executed for her crimes. No doubt the Luna followers would attempt a rescue attempt. She would have to remain alert. She spun her spear in the air and went through the motions again. Block, deflect, strike. She followed with another few precise strikes on the training dummy. She nodded once through her heavy breathing as she admired her handiwork. A clapping sound made itself heard from behind her. She ground her teeth as she turned around. "Centurion Bouvier," she said as she eyed the griffon officer. "General," Bouvier began. "Very impressive. I haven't had many occasions to witness a unicorn fighting with a levitated weapon before." "Pick up a spear and I'll teach you a few moves," Silvermane invited as she tipped her head toward a weapon rack. "Some other time, perhaps," Bouvier replied as he adjusted his glasses. "I have some information regarding the matter you left in my care." "Already?" Silvermane asked with a light frown. "We griffons can be very persuasive," the centurion replied flatly, his voice bereft of emotion. Silvermane motioned for him to follow as she headed for a water fountain. She eagerly drank before turning back toward the griffon. "Alright, what have you learned?" He sat down on a bench and adjusted his glasses again. "As we both suspected, the Luna followers are planning a rescue attempt. They found out about the planned route between the dungeon and the execution site — another flaw in your security — and are planning an ambush." "How did they find out?" Silvermane asked as her tail whipped back and forth in annoyance. "Unknown," Bouvier replied. "I fear my interrogator got a bit over-eager and the prisoner did not survive." Silvermane breathed heavily. "Sloppy. You had the prisoner for a mere few hours, and your incompetent torturer managed to muck it up. Did you at least learn anything more useful?" "The location of the attack," Bouvier said, ignoring the reprimand. "They will hide on Haycarte street." Silvermane tapped her hoof to her chin. "That makes sense. It's a narrow street, with a lot of small alleys where they can hide. Some of the ponies living there might be sympathetic to the cause and allow ambushers to hide in their homes." "I imagine you will want to alter the planned route," Bouvier suggested. "I do have a few recommendations." Silvermane paced back and forth. "Maybe not," she pondered to herself before facing the griffon again. "Do you know how many ponies will participate in this ambush?" "The prisoner first mentioned ten, later corrected it to twenty," the centurion said, again adjusting his glasses. "That's what happens when you use torture. Ponies will say anything to make it stop," Silvermane replied with a sigh. "No matter, we'll plan for thirty to be safe." Bouvier raised an eyebrow. "You suspect they still have a mole, and will adjust to any changes we make." Silvermane smirked. "It crossed my mind, but no. We're sticking to the original route. I have a plan that should help us take them out." Bouvier finally smiled. "I'm listening." "First, I'll need four of your soldiers." Silvermane shared a glare with Spitfire through the iron bars of her dank cell. "It's time," the general said. The pegasus spat on the ground of her cell. "You're a disgrace to everything Equestria stands for, Silvermane." "I thought as much," Silvermane replied sarcastically as she rolled her eyes. "Guards, get her ready to move." Right on cue, the two griffon guards accompanying her roughly pulled Spitfire up on her hooves. They carefully bound her already clipped wings with strong rope and clapped her hooves in manacles with chains long enough to walk, but not long enough for a gallop or canter. "Here's what's going to happen, General Spitfire," Silvermane began with a smirk. "You will be paraded through the streets of Canterlot as an example to what happens to traitors. You will then be given one last chance to confess your crimes before your execution." Spitfire kept glaring at Silvermane, but remained quiet. The guards unceremoniously tugged on her chains, nudging her to walk forward. To her credit, she did so with her head high and her eyes trained forward. The prisoners in the cells on both sides of the corridor restlessly rattled the bars and screamed obscenities at the soldiers. A few cries of, "We salute you, Spitfire," or, "Long live Princess Luna," resonated amongst the cacophony. A cart was waiting outside the dungeon, guarded by two more griffon soldiers. Two earth pony guards had volunteered to pull it all the way to the market square, where the guillotine awaited. "Get up there!" one of the griffons ordered as he pushed Spitfire toward the cart. Silvermane took a moment to make sure her armor was properly adjusted, her leg guards properly fastened, and her body plates solidly attached. The strap on her helmet was a bit loose, so she carefully tightened it. To finish, she cast a quick protective spell. Invisible shield, protective force, guard me from threats of every source. It wouldn't make her invulnerable, but it would keep her in a protective bubble that might slow down attackers and block minor hostile magic. Finally, she made sure her spear was properly attached to the side of her armor, and that she could easily retrieve it with her magic as needed. "Let's go," she ordered. The four griffons positioned themselves around the cart and moved alongside it. As for Silvermane, she stayed behind and kept her eyes locked on the prisoner. If everything went according to plan, she wouldn't be at risk of another assassination attempt for long. They traveled down Harmony Avenue, where many ponies were already waiting for the procession. The two griffon soldiers leading the march gently pushed the crowd aside. They occasionally had to make threatening gestures with their spears at a few obstinate civilians who would not move. "Death to the traitors!" one mare screamed as the cart passed her. "Kill her like she killed my brother!" a pegasus stallion yelled from the sky. "You betrayed Equestria!" "All Wonderbolts are traitors!" A rotten tomato was thrown from the crowd and landed on Spitfire's face. Cheers erupted as a result, and a few putrid cabbages were thrown on the former Wonderbolt. Very soon, the cart found itself advancing slowly amidst a sea of rancid eggs and overripe produce. Silvermane had to admit to a certain level of admiration for the prisoner; Spitfire managed to keep her composure and look forward, even as she found herself buried in refuse. They continued this way for a few more meters before Haycarte street came into view. It should happen soon. I better keep my eyes open, she grimly thought as she glanced at her spear. The griffons pushed the crowd aside and cleared a path toward the much narrower Haycarte street. Two rows of tall, two-stories houses bordered the stone path. More ponies waited on both sides, forcing the cart to move slowly, even as the griffons tried desperately to force a path. Pegasi flew over them, screaming insults at the former Wonderbolt. More civilians watched the procession through open windows. Aditionnal waves of rotten vegetables were thrown from such vantage points. Silvermane saw something glimmer from the corner of her eye. Here it comes, she thought as she quickly retrieved her spear and used it to block a dagger strike coming from an enraged pegasus flying out of a window. Ponies jumped out of windows, emerged from the crowd, even dove from the sky. A quick count revealed around fifteen armed ponies rushing in her direction. "Now!" Silvermane ordered loudly as she spun her spear around and impaled her pegasus assailant in the shoulder. Groups of pegasi flew upwards and flapped their wings, forcing the attackers to the ground. Ponies in the crowd panicked, but were quickly corralled by Silvermane's well-trained soldiers, who had been hiding among the civilians. Earth pony guards disguised as civilians quickly pushed the crowd away, forming a larger circle around the cart. Unicorns jumped in the middle and fired energy bolts at the attacking Luna followers. The four griffon soldiers retreated back toward the cart, where they could ensure nopony got close to Spitfire. One unicorn mare wearing a dark hooded cloak attempted to rush toward Spitfire, but a griffon grabbed her and smashed her head against the side of the cart, painting it with her blood. A green-coated pegasus stallion spun around to face the flying guards, but was impaled from behind by one of Silvermane's unicorns. The general herself jumped in the middle. She spun her spear around, blocking attacks and striking a charging earth pony. It only took a few seconds for her troops to get the enemies under control. The rebels who hadn't yet been slaughtered dropped their weapons and surrendered. A group of well-trained guards fighting with the element of surprise against a ragtag group of rebels. The Luna worshipers never stood a chance. She allowed herself a satisfied smirk. The rebels were quickly searched for hidden weapons and herded together in a group. Silvermane walked toward them, but quickly gasped in shock. "Velvet!?" she blurted out as she found herself face to face with Twilight Sparkle's mother standing in the middle of the group. The older mare glared at her. "Are you going to kill me too, Silvermane?" Silvermane stood speechless. "Why?" she managed to ask. Twilight Velvet spat on the ground as she remained close to her husband. "You know, I didn't trust you the moment my son recommended you as his successor. I tried to understand his choice. I even allowed you into my home. I tried to see what he saw in you." Her body trembled as she kept her watering eyes locked on Silvermane. "You're a monster. The kind who falsely accuses princesses of murder, invites Griffingard invaders to our doorstep, and corrupts impressionable young ponies into following in your folly." Silvermane's mouth gaped open as Velvet's words resonated within her mind. This is Princess Twilight's mother. She used to bake cookies for the royal guard trainees. How could she, of all ponies, turn to violence and rebellion? "I have but one thing to say to you," Nightlight, Velvet's husband, said as he hugged his wife. "Ever since our daughter was taken from us, we had nightmares. We were about to lose hope, when somepony took them away. Princess Luna, even after being accused of unspeakable crimes, still cares enough for the ponies of Equestria to take our nightmares away. You, General Silvermane, are trying to bring them to life." Silvermane ground her teeth. "Take them away!" she ordered. A large crowd had gathered in the market square to witness the execution. Pony guards of all three breeds surrounded the stage onto which the guillotine had been mounted. Silvermane mentally congratulated herself for ordering that no griffon soldiers be present for the execution, outside of the escort. The message had to be sent that Prince Blueblood, and not Griffingard, was in control. The prince stood on the stage surrounded by two unicorn bodyguards. He overlooked the crowd with a severe expression. Princess Rarity was noticeably absent, but Silvermane expected as much; the princess had already expressed her desire to avoid the execution as a form of protest. Silvermane stepped up next to Blueblood, right after Spitfire had been taken in front of the stage. The pegasus was filthy, covered in grime from the refuse thrown at her. She was bleeding from rocks and other projectiles that had impacted her. She somehow managed to keep her head up high as she glared over the crowd. I could almost respect a pony like her, Silvermane thought as she forced her face to remain stoic. Blueblood stepped forward and grinned. "Spitfire of Cloudsdale," he began loudly, using a spell to amplify his voice. "You have been found guilty of betraying Equestria. You raised an army with the intent of attacking the ponies of Canterlot, brought ruin to the town of Ponyville, and threatened to tear our nation apart. You have one last chance to confess to your crimes. Declare Luna to be a traitor to Equestria, demand that your misguided followers abandon any act of rebellion, and we may yet spare your life." The crowd screamed at Spitfire. More vegetables were thrown, and more insults came. "Kill her already!" "Peace to Equestria! Death to the traitor!" "Down with Nightmare Moon!" Spitfire took a deep breath. "I'm not going to beg!" she screamed loudly. "None of us wanted this war! Yes, I raised an army, and I would do so again to defend Equestria. I've lost a lot of good ponies I truly cared for. Fleetfoot, Rainbow Dash, Diamond Wind, Flipper Cloud. More names than I can remember. You all condemn me as a traitor while you invite a tyrant like Blueblood to rule you! We all know this is not what Princess Celestia would have wanted. Her sister, Princess Luna, is the true ruler of this nation. You want to kill me, Blueblood?" She spat in the prince's direction. "Do your worst!" Blueblood and Silvermane shared a nod. "Off with her head!" the prince ordered. Spitfire was dragged by two earth pony guards toward the guillotine. Silvermane saw tears welling up in her eyes as her breathing became erratic. The general frowned. Perhaps this was all the fight she had left in her. The pegasus's legs gave up as she was dragged toward the wooden pillory at the base of the guillotine. Her head turned upward, no doubt toward the sharpened blade. "Get up!" one of the guards yelled as he kicked her in the ribs. Spitfire whispered something Silvermane couldn't hear. The soldier kicked her again and forced her up, dragging her toward the pillory and locking her head in the wooden frame. Silvermane walked forward. Regardless of what the former Wonderbolt had done, she at least deserved the chance to face her enemy general one last time. Tears filled Spitfire's once vibrant orange eyes as she met the general's. "Please, Silvermane, I don't wanna die," she begged. Silvermane frowned and quickly nodded at the large, hooded earth pony behind the device. The heavy blade fell amidst a sea of cheers. > XIX Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity winced as her stomach threatened to eject her breakfast. Between her guilt at failing to convince Silvermane and her husband to spare Spitfire, and the need to wake up early enough to witness yet another attempt at raising the Sun, she had barely found any sleep. The darkness did not help her groggy state as she quietly observed Professor Starflare, who stood in the middle of the courtyard before a group of nearly forty unicorns. "You look troubled, my dear," Blueblood said as he eyed her up and down. They both stood together a respectable distance from the unicorns who would attempt the raising of the Sun. "It's nothing," Rarity lied with an awkward smile. "I believe the castle's rich food is not agreeing with me, that is all. I'll have the cooks prepare a lighter salad for lunch." She quickly adjusted her crown. "Of course," Blueblood said with a slight nod and a patronizing smile. "Your palate must still be used to the simpler Ponyville food. Our trip there should do you some good." Rarity turned her head and rolled her eyes. While Blueblood no doubt intended his snark comment as an insult, he was right. Seeing her old friends would do the newly-crowned princess a lot of good. Getting a better idea of life outside of Canterlot would hopefully help Blueblood gain perspective as well. She smiled at her husband and returned her attention to the unicorns. Starflare ordered them positioned in a circular pattern, constantly checking his notes as he gave them orders Rarity couldn't properly hear. Many of the participants seemed a bit young. Most likely they were students eager to prove themselves. They were surrounded by guards, who made sure the few curious onlookers did not interfere. "Why is this taking so long?" Blueblood asked impatiently. "I imagine the professor needs to ensure everything goes according to plan," Rarity replied, her eyes fixated on the ritual. "I don't know much about magic this complex, but from what Twilight used to tell me, any little variable could change everything." Blueblood harrumphed. "Whatever it takes to get this done. The sooner you and I can raise the Sun and Moon, the sooner we'll silence those ponies who still cling to Princess Luna." "Speaking of," Rarity said as her ears perked up. "There is one matter I heard about. Apparently General Silvermane made an arrest yesterday." Blueblood sighed. "Princess Twilight's parents, yes. Luckily, it's being kept under wraps for now. Although we should expect the common rabble to make up stories soon enough, given how public the arrest was." "Indeed," Rarity completed. "I imagine nopony knows how to handle this situation yet?" "They're in the dungeon for now. Do you think you can get them to make a public confession?" "I would have to talk to them first, but they are more likely to listen to me than any of Silvermane's goons," the princess continued with a frown. "For now, I recommend you take them out of the dungeon and give them comfortable quarters." "You would give such comfort to traitors?" Blueblood argued with a gasp. "I would give such comfort to the family of the one princess whose throne we're currently keeping warm," Rarity corrected as she raised a hoof. "Like it or not, Twilight Velvet and Nightlight can become powerful symbols. The castle servants talk; how ever we treat them, word will get out and it will reflect on us." "We arrested their little group of rebels and executed Luna's military leader," Blueblood replied. "I believe everypony will be too afraid to stand against us now." Rarity's frown deepened. "Fear isn't the greatest motivator, beloved. It will only drive the resistance movement underground. Even more so, they'll use those same fear tactics against us. They will promise ponies an escape from what they'll perceive as tyranny by fighting back." "You can't always be nice to everypony, Rarity. Traitors need to be punished." Rarity took a deep breath. "The safety of the nation is more important than punishing traitors. By all means, keep guards at their door, but Twilight's parents should receive the same courtesy as any other important member of the nobility." "Fine, do with them as you wish," Blueblood said as he rolled his eyes. "We will need at least some insurance that they won't try anything though." "Of course," Rarity replied with a forced smile. At least I have this much. Maybe I can convince them that peace in the city is what's important right now. Both husband and wife returned their attention to Starflare, who was finishing his preparation. The professor nodded at a few students before trotting toward the royal couple. "I believe we are ready to begin," he announced. "Good," Blueblood said. "Get on with it then. I'm eager to finally get this to work." "Good luck professor," Rarity completed with a warm smile. Starflare nodded. "Thank you, Your Highness. I am hopeful that today will finally bring us the results we're hoping for." He turned back toward his group. "Alright, as we practiced." The professor's students disposed themselves in two circles, one within the other. Starflare stood in the middle and eyed a few students before closing his eyes. His horn lit in a bright golden glow as the unicorns in the outside circle did the same. Each of them directed two magical beams at the two inner circle unicorns in front of them. This created a zigzag of colorful magic that looked, amusingly, like a drawing of the sun. The unicorns in the inner circle seemed to struggle as the beams connected with their horns. A few winced in pain, and one mare almost fell down to her knees. Most closed their eyes as they no doubt attempted to channel the energy from the outside circle's ponies. After a few seconds, Starflare's magic redoubled in visible intensity, as every unicorn from the inner circle connected to his horn with golden magical beams. The same color as Starflare's magic, Rarity noted. The bright light from the ritual forced Rarity to shield her eyes. She felt a bit of nausea again as the base of her horn itched from all the ambient magic. The sultriness that accompanied it felt like it might singe her mane. It eerily reminded her of the first ritual she had taken part in. The heat wave stopped as abruptly as it had arrived. Rarity slowly opened her eyes, only to see the night sky still illuminated by the Moon and stars. Starflare stood panting in the middle of the circle, while a few students fell to the ground, completely exhausted. "What's the meaning of this?" Blueblood yelled as he stepped forward. "What failed this time?" "I'm sorry, Your Highness," the professor weakly offered. "It was too much energy focused on my horn, and I had to interrupt the spell." "You should have accounted for this," the prince continued, staring down the worn out Starflare. "With all due respect, this isn't a simple matter!" Starflare snapped as he raised his head and met Blueblood's gaze. "The calculations are complex, and many variables are still unknown. Princess Celestia didn't exactly leave instructions behind." "You dare raise your tone to me!" Blueblood continued as he stared down the professor. Rarity quickly moved forward and interrupted him as she placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Please beloved. I'm sure they learned a lot from this experiment. You know it will take time to figure this out. Professor Starflare is doing his best." The prince violently turned to Rarity as he pushed her hoof away. "And while he 'does his best,' Luna continues to mock us by raising the Sun and Moon!" "Please, Your Highness," Starflare continued as he took a few deep breaths. "Research takes time. All of the academy's energy is focused on finding a solution, but you must accept that results might not be produced right away." "I expect something concrete by the time I've returned from Ponyville," Blueblood ordered as he turned around. "Come, Rarity." Rarity sighed and forced a smile. "A moment, beloved. I want to reassure the onlookers that everything will be alright." Blueblood said nothing as he continued toward the castle, but Rarity could hear him sigh loudly. She frowned as he made his way back inside. "Thank you Your Highness," Starflare said. "It's the least I could do. I know you're doing your best under impossible circumstances." The professor quickly looked around before continuing in a hushed voice. "Between you and me, we must consider the possibility that Princess Luna is blocking our attempts to raise the Sun." "Are you certain of this?" Rarity asked in a whisper. Starflare shook his head. "No, it's only a theory. This is why I'm telling you and only you." "Duly noted," Rarity said with a nod. "Regarding the other issue, I assume no progress was made?" "Between working on this spell and the lack of evidence, I'm nowhere closer to finding anything regarding Princess Twilight's disappearance," he answered, slowly shaking his head. "Wherever she is, the magic hiding her is beyond both myself and Princess Cadance. Perhaps I will know more once I receive her next letter. Rune magic is still my best theory, as it could shield a pony from any form of magical detection." Rarity nodded and smiled. "Thank you Professor. I know you're doing your best." "At least one pony appreciates my work," he grumbled under his breath. "I'll talk to Prince Blueblood," Rarity offered. "Once he calms down, he might be more receptive." "Thank you," Starflare said with a nod, clear relief in his voice. Rarity gently nodded before taking a few steps toward to the small crowd that had gathered at the entrance to the courtyard. Ponies were pushing each others, trying to see what was going on. Most of them were unicorns, although a few pegasi were flying above the group. One light purple crystal pony stood at the front of the group and met eyes with Rarity. She was about to walk directly to the crowd, but glares from a few guards convinced her to keep her distance. With the recent assassination attempt on General Silvermane, she decided to humor them. The princess took a deep breath and smiled as widely as she could. "Do not worry, everypony," she loudly announced. "This was all part of the experiment. You can be certain that everything is under control." The Sun rose over the horizon as she spoke. "I don't get it, Rarity," Spike said as he tried to keep pace behind her. "Why would Twilight's parents do this?" Rarity sighed and allowed the baby dragon to catch up. "I'll be honest, Spike. I have no idea. I do intend to find out though. The last thing I need is them encouraging rebellion in the city." "But they're safe, aren't they?" Spike asked in a shaking voice. "What happened to Spitfire won't happen to them, right?" "Oh Spike! I promise I will do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen," Rarity gently grabbed hold of the dragon. The memory of Spitfire's execution was still fresh in her mind. While she had refused to attend the event, she had been unable to ignore the cheers coming from the city. Did it really take so little for ponies to demand blood? No doubt the same ponies would demand that Nightlight, Twilight Velvet, and countless other ponies who showed loyalty to Princess Luna meet a similar fate. If I can save them today, it might set a precedent that'll help me save more ponies in the future. If only they hadn't been so foolish as to attack guards openly in the streets. "Rarity? Are you alright?" Spike asked, breaking her reverie. She smiled warmly. "Sorry, Spikey-poo. I was only thinking. Come on, let's go talk to them and find out exactly what's going on." The two of them made their way to the quarters Rarity had assigned to Twilight's parents. As expected, two severe-looking unicorn guards stood at the entrance. Rarity adjusted the collar of her simple red dress. She brought her hoof to her head to make sure her crown was in place, but quickly remembered she had opted not to wear it for this meeting. "Your Highness," one of the guards said as he bowed his head. Rarity smiled at him. "I'm here to see Princess Twilight's parents. If you would be a dear and unlock the door." "As you command," the guard said. "I will accompany you and ensure your safety." The princess rolled her eyes. "Oh please. I've known these ponies for years. They won't hurt me. Just wait out here. I'll call out when I'm ready to leave." The two guards shared a look but did not argue. The second one nodded and unlocked the door, allowing Rarity and Spike to step inside the generic-looking guest quarters. Both Twilight's parents sat on a large couch located underneath a tall window. Pegasus workers were busy outside, installing a metal frame around it. It seems even a comfortable prison must have bars. Rarity frowned slightly as she noticed an itch in her horn; something was blocking all magic within the room. Presumably, rune stones had been hidden within the walls. "I expected we'd see you sooner rather than later," Twilight Velvet began with an accusatory glare. "You're okay!" Spike cheered as he rushed toward the couple and hugged Velvet. "Nice to see you Spike," Nightlight replied with a light smile as he gently ruffled the scales on the baby dragon's head. Rarity could not help but smile at the affectionate display. In a way, Spike must be like another child to them. She kept her distance, knowing she wouldn't receive the same warm welcome as her dragon assistant. Once the moment had passed, Velvet returned her attention to Rarity and sighed loudly. "I suppose we have you to thank for getting us out of the dungeon." Spike sat next to Nightlight and silently listened to the exchange. The princess slowly nodded. "Yes. Regardless of what you did — and we will have to talk about it — you are Twilight's parents and I will not let you rot in Silvermane's dungeon." "There's at least that," Nightlight replied with a frown. "Although a gilded cage is still a cage. I don't suppose we'll ever be allowed to leave this room?" "Perhaps," Rarity suggested as she took a step in their direction. "The two of you represent an important symbol. Should you publicly denounce your rebellious acts as a mistake and ask ponies to obey the crown, it would go a long way in defending your case." "You mean do the same as you?" Velvet asked with a sneer. "Just play along for an extra bit of comfort?" "You should do it to save lives," Rarity corrected as she stared down Velvet. "Do you truly believe a few disorganized rebels can accomplish anything against an ever-growing Canterlot military?" "Both of our children faced worse odds and came out on top," Velvet continued as she held her husband's hoof. Rarity exasperatedly shook her head. "Neither Twilight Sparkle nor Shining Armor ever risked innocent pony lives. Is getting Luna on the throne really worth all of this? What were you thinking?" The princess's tone rose without her noticing. "Twilight isn't here, is she?" Velvet harshly replied as she stood up violently. "She was taken from us! Our son is gone to meet Princess Luna. Like you, he believes that this can still be resolved. Let me tell you, Your Highness," she almost spat the title. "My husband and I, we both sat calmly as more and more soldiers made their way into Canterlot. We welcomed Silvermane as she kept coming to us with false promises, we even went along with your ridiculous plan to take the throne for yourself." "I did no such thing!" Rarity interjected as she slammed her hoof on the floor. "The second Twilight comes back — and she will — I intend on giving her the throne. Let me remind you that if it weren't for me, you'd both still be in the dungeon, and far more ponies would have been executed!" "And for this, you married the very stallion who killed my daughter!" Velvet replied as tears started flowing down her cheeks. "What?" Rarity gasped. She felt a bit of nausea at the thought. "You can't be serious!" Spike snapped as he stood up and placed himself in front of Rarity. "Twilight isn't dead! And Rarity would never betray her friend like that!" "Don't you think it's all too convenient?" Velvet suggested as she gently pushed Spike aside and eyed Rarity down. "Prince Blueblood accuses Princess Luna of murder. She flees, forcing Twilight to take the throne without even a moment to grieve. Twilight is then forced to attempt raising the moon with barely any time to prepare. Of course, it all fails, and she disappears in the confusion. Who comes out the winner in all of this? Blueblood. He even managed to rope you into his scheme; he convinced you to marry him to better cement his rule. All he has to do in exchange is let you perform the occasional act of compassion. Getting us out of the dungeon was the latest." Nightlight stood next to his wife "The only thing Blueblood and Silvermane didn't account for was Princess Luna escaping. I'm sorry Rarity, but you're not the best hope for Equestria. Luna is." Rarity nervously looked from Velvet to Nightlight. She tried to reply, but another wave of nausea prevented it. "If you truly want to help Equestria," Velvet continued, "you'll help Princess Luna from the inside. If not, then you'll get nothing from us! My husband and I aren't going to become pawns in Blueblood's game like you!" Rarity's stomach turned and she bent over, ejecting her breakfast on the luxurious purple carpet. The entire room spun as she almost lost her footing. She heard Spike scream as he banged on the door. "We need help! Rarity's sick!" Rarity sighed and rolled her eyes as she lay on her bed. "This really isn't necessary, Spike. I feel fine." The baby dragon, who was standing next to the bed, firmly shook his head. "The doctor said you should remain in bed until she has the test results back." "I'm telling you. I'm fine!" Rarity argued. "It was probably just something I ate this morning. Those strawberries tasted a bit weird." "Still, better safe than sorry," Spike continued as he eyed the princess severely. "Doctor Shimmerheart should be back soon." Rarity buried her face in the pillow and sighed loudly again. "I can't believe I humiliated myself this way in front of Twilight Velvet and Nightlight!" "You're sick. It's not your fault," Spike replied as he gently patted her on the back. Rarity got her face out of the pillow and forced herself to meet Spike's eyes. "I only wish it didn't happen in front of them. They need to take me seriously. This is a delicate situation, Spike. Their actions could validate acts of rebellion, and that'll only give Silvermane fuel to send more guards out in the streets." "You can't worry about this stuff all the time, Rarity. This is probably why you're getting sick in the first place." Rarity sighed again. "Just leave me alone for a bit, Spike. I need to think." The baby dragon shook his head and crossed his arms. "No can do. I promised Doctor Shimmerheart that I'd make sure you stayed in bed." "Ugh, fine," Rarity said as she rolled her eyes and turned around. Hopefully this charade would be over soon and she would be allowed to return to her duties. What Velvet and Nightlight had said troubled her. Blueblood was known to be ambitious, true, but did ponies truly believe him to be responsible for Twilight's disappearance? Did they imagine her being complicit as well? It had to be expected that the Cloudsdale propaganda machine would be at work, but this was low. Blueblood was not a murderer. He was uncouth and short-sighted, but murdering Twilight? Rarity would not accept it without solid proof. And yet, what if there was some truth to it? Blueblood had come out on top at every turn. Silvermane was also getting everything she ever wanted. No doubt they would find Cloudsdale sooner rather than later, then it would all be a thing of the past. Could she really have been manipulated all along? Even if she had, what choice did she have? No, it was too late to doubt. She had made her choice, and she had to live with it. If Velvet's claim proved to be correct, then hopefully she could use her position to ensure a smooth transition. For now, however, the point was moot. Princess Luna was in hiding, and regardless of how anypony felt about her, she was still needed to raise the Sun and Moon. Rarity's eyes opened wide as she suddenly stood up, eliciting a frown from Spike. "The Sun and Moon, of course!" "What about them?" Spike asked as he raised an eyebrow. "Whoever captured Twilight knew that Luna would be needed to raise the Sun and Moon. There is simply no way that anypony can go through all of of the planning involved without considering this fact. Nopony in Canterlot knows how to accomplish this, unless they're keeping it a secret. If the guilty party truly supported Prince Blueblood, then they would have shared the how." "So does that tell us where Twilight is?" Spike asked excitingly as he jumped on the bed. Rarity frowned. "No, but it does narrow the suspects. The culprit is either someone who knows how to move the astral bodies, or one who has something to gain by ensuring either eternal day or night." "Discord," Spike mumbled under his breath. "A possibility," Rarity pondered as she tapped her chin. "It doesn't fit his style though. He would have been bragging about it by now. Also, I trust Fluttershy when she says he's truly reformed. A good possibility would be one of Luna's followers. By taking Twilight out of the equation, they ensure that Luna must remain free to do her duty, at least until Starflare perfects his ritual." "You really think so?" Spike asked. "If that's the case, we gotta tell Velvet and Nightlight!" "I don't know. It's just a theory," Rarity replied with a sigh. She stared at the ceiling a moment before turning toward Spike. "I have a job for you." "Anything, Rarity," the baby dragon answered with a nod. "I want you to keep visiting Twilight's parents regularly. They already trust you. Just bring their meals, get them anything they want, and be there for them. Don't do anything that would get you in trouble with the guards, but try to learn what they know about Princess Luna and her plans. They might suspect that you'll repeat everything to me — that's fine. We just need them on our side." "I can do that," Spike replied as he slowly got off the bed. "But I really don't think they know anything. They're just scared." "In that case, they'll need a friend," Rarity completed with a smile. "Who better than you?" Spike offered a smile of his own. "As soon as the doctor gets back, I'll get right on it." Rarity sighed. It was too much to hope he'd forget about his mission to keep her in bed. Hopefully Doctor Shimmerheart would be back soon. She would confirm that it was simple indigestion, and Rarity could get ready to take the train to Ponyville. After about half an hour of small talk with Spike, the door opened and Doctor Shimmerheart took a few hesitant steps inside. The smile on the small earth pony's pink face seemed to indicate that the problem was not serious, as Rarity expected. "Doctor, please tell me I can get out of bed!" the princess pleaded as she raised her head and offered a hopeful smile. "I do have a lot to take care of." "You're free to go along with your day, but I will need to see you regularly for the next few months," the doctor explained. "What's wrong with her?" Spike asked as he rushed to Shimmerheart's side. "Absolutely nothing!" Shimmerheart said with a light giggle. "Actually, the news is great. My congratulations to you, Your Highness." Walking from the castle to the train station proved quite the adventure now that Rarity had been crowned Ruling Princess of Equestria. She now had her own bodyguard, one gray unicorn mare with a golden mane by the name of Sergeant Legerity. The closer she got to the train station, the more ponies gathered around her. She was accompanied by Legerity and four extra earth pony guards surrounded them. Ponies waved at her and cheered their adoration, providing a welcome distraction from the doctor's news. "Princess Rarity!" "All hail the princess!" Rarity turned her head to whisper in Legerity's ear. "Can't I shake a few hooves, sign a few autographs? I can't hide behind guards forever." Legerity shook her head firmly. "I'm sorry, Your Highness, but any one of these ponies could be an assassin." A light purple crystal pony stallion from the crowd whispered a few words to one of the guards, who listened carefully before motioning for Legerity to step forward. The sergeant frowned and took a step toward the guard. A few words Rarity couldn't hear were exchanged, and an envelope was passed from the crystal pony to Legerity. "It seems you have a gift from a fan," the sergeant said with a hint of a smile in the corner of her muzzle. She offered Rarity the white envelope. "Hmm," Rarity mumbled as she tore it open and looked inside. She didn't even need to fully take the content out to see what it was; she would recognize Sweetie Belle's hoofwriting anywhere. It was a simple note that said, We're safe. She smiled and forced herself not to cry. Her plan had worked, and her family was out of harm's way! She raised her head and looked for the mysterious stallion who had given her the note, but he was nowhere to be found. "Everything alright, Your Highness?" Legerity asked. "Yes, very much so. This stallion's daughter wrote me a very touching note. Carry on, Sergeant." They carefully navigated the crowd toward the train station. Blueblood's royal carriage was parked in front of the station. Rarity remembered he had business in the city earlier. More guards surrounded the royal car at the end of the train. Rarity smiled and waved at the crowd as she walked between two rows of guards and into the train. She stepped inside the richly decorated private car she would share with her husband and found him deep in conversation with Ambassador Antoine. "Ah, my dear! Wonderful to see you!" Blueblood happily announced as he stood up. "I just heard the good news!" Rarity took a deep breath and forced a smile. "Indeed, My Prince. We will have an heir to the throne." Antoine stood as well. "My congratulations to you both! I am overjoyed to see such a bright future for Equestria!" "My deepest thanks, Ambassador," Rarity said with a polite smile. "All of Equestria will celebrate the birth of Blueblood the Second!" Blueblood proudly proclaimed. If that's how he wants to name his son, I really hope I have a girl, Rarity thought. "Indeed, a wondrous occasion," she said instead. "Well, I shall leave the two of you to celebrate," Antoine said with a bow. "I must return to my compartment and go over a few points I wish to discuss with Ponyville's mayor." "Of course, Ambassador," Blueblood said with a nod. Rarity offered another polite smile as Antoine left. She awkwardly looked around the car before selecting an empty bench to sit on. She met eyes with her husband, but could not decipher him. "Blueblood the Second is a terrible name," she said as she rolled her eyes. "What else should I call my son?" he scoffed. "What if it's a daughter?" Rarity suggested, raising an eyebrow. "I would think it obvious that a daughter would be named after Princess Celestia," "We'll discuss it later," Rarity said with a sigh. "I still have to get used to the idea." "Of being a mother?" Blueblood asked. "I'm sure you'll do a wondrous job. The servants will be there to take care of everything either way." "It might surprise you to learn that raising a child involves more than telling servants to change diapers," Rarity argued as she rolled her eyes. "I do intend to be there for my child as he or she grows up. The last thing we need is a foal with a sheltered life in the castle." "Of course, you want to show the heir to the throne the glorious life of a turnip farmer, or whatever it is your Ponyville friends do," Blueblood suggested with a frown. "If our foal is meant to rule over turnip farmers, then he or she needs to at least have been on a turnip farm before," Rarity argued as she stood up. "I certainly never stepped on a farm," Blueblood added as he mirrored the gesture and stared down his wife. "It never stopped me from ruling fairly." "Because you're such a wonderful model of a fair ruler," Rarity scoffed as she rolled her eyes again. "Watch your tongue!" Blueblood spat. "You know, I'm glad you feel this way," Rarity continued. "Our child will be better off with me as the sole parental figure." "Don't think I intend on letting you raise our child alone! He will receive the best tutors, just as I did." The loud sound of the train's horn marking the departure interrupted their argument. Rarity settled back on her seat before the train's movement could make her lose her balance. Blueblood wasn't as swift and almost fell down to his rump. The princess suppressed a giggle. Blueblood grunted as he sat back on his seat. Rarity turned away and looked to the window, but frowned as she found it covered by a curtain. Even for short trips within the city, Blueblood always insisted on such a level of privacy. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Rarity turned back toward her husband. "We should talk about Ponyville," she suggested. "I imagine you have a plan of what you want to do," Blueblood said as he levitated a pocket mirror and adjusted his blond mane. Rarity nodded. "Applejack will most likely be greeting us and offering us a tour. We should take note of any damage done to the town, and find out exactly how we can help them." "The royal treasury isn't unlimited," Blueblood scoffed, still working on his mane. "I'm not saying we give all of our gold with nothing in return," Rarity continued. "This army Silvermane is building will need to be fed. I don't know if you're aware, but most of Canterlot's food comes from Ponyville. The faster we help them rebuild, the faster they can supply us with apples, carrots, hay-" "Alright. Alright. I get it," Blueblood dismissively interrupted. "Ponyville is important for Canterlot, and not just because the mayor is a friend of yours." "More than that," Rarity continued. "If we show a willingness to help victims of battles, ponies will have more respect for us. A good leader is one who's capable of going down in the trenches as it were, and helping their less fortunate subjects." "What nonsense," Blueblood scoffed again. "Perhaps in Canterlot," Rarity said as she kept her eyes glued on the prince. "But in Ponyville, and in most of Equestria for that matter, ponies are used to seeing their leaders mingle with them. Princess Celestia visited Ponyville and other small towns quite regularly." "Because she had myself and the other nobles to manage things in her absence." "The same way we have ponies like Floribunda and Kibitz who are now doing the same," Rarity added. "I'm curious, did Celestia ever bring you along with her on any such trips?" "Why would she?" Blueblood asked as his brow furrowed. Rarity sighed. "To show you the world. How can you rule a land you barely ever visit? When was the last time you even left Canterlot?" "I don't know!" Blueblood snapped. His tail whipped the air. "Hold on," Rarity said as her ears slightly drooped. "You have left Canterlot before, have you not?" "I'm a busy stallion," Blueblood said as he looked away. "I don't have time to gallop all around Equestria." This explains a lot, Rarity thought as she brought her hoof to her chin. She adjusted her mane before getting up from her seat and taking a few steps toward her husband. "It is certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Perhaps Princess Celestia should have been more insistent. Regardless, let us discover Equestria together. We swore to rule this land, beloved. Not just Canterlot, all of Equestria!" He turned back toward Rarity and sighed loudly. "Alright, fine, so I never left Canterlot. It's not like I ever had a reason before today." The princess smiled and placed a comforting hoof on her husband's shoulder. "You'll find that Ponyville is a vibrant community with a wide variety of ponies. It might seem a bit strange to you at first, but you'll see that some things remain the same. It's just ponies trying to get by and make an honest living. If you give them a chance, they might surprise you." "You sound like my aunt," Blueblood admitted. "Always going on about how great small town ponies are." Rarity took a seat next to Blueblood. "She was right." She smiled at him again. "I'm not expecting you to enjoy Ponyville. It's going to be dirty, and I will admit that Applejack in particular could really improve on her etiquette. I'm only asking you to keep an open mind, the same way I had to ever since I joined the royal council." Blueblood sighed again. "Very well. If I'm going to do this, I might as well do it your way. Don't expect me to step into the mud or anything of the sort though." "I would not dream of it," Rarity said as she shook her head. The two of them sat in silence for a moment. "Perhaps I should call for some tea?" Rarity suggested. Blueblood's hoof found its way onto her belly. Rarity frowned as she faced him, only to find a strangely serene smile on his face. "I'm going to be a father," he mumbled under his breath. Rarity raised an eyebrow, but quickly allowed a smile to make its way onto her face. "We're both going to be parents." "Yes," the prince answered with a wide smile. Probably the most honest-looking smile Rarity ever saw on his face. "An heir to the throne, and swiftly as well. I do believe our marriage was meant to be." Rarity chuckled. "Why, next thing, you'll profess your love to me!" Blueblood stared at her blankly for a moment. His cheeks reddened before he let out a very undignified guffaw. Rarity responded with a laugh of her own, and they soon found themselves laughing hysterically in each other's hooves. "Prince Blueblood and Princess Rarity of Equestria," the herald announced as the royal couple stepped off the train. Rarity smiled as she found Applejack waiting for them with a group of local ponies. "Rarity," the newly-elected mayor welcomed flatly with a nod. "Princess Rarity," Blueblood corrected with a glare. "Your old friend is royalty now, and should be addressed as such." Rarity quickly shook her head as she saw the frown on Applejack's face. "Please, beloved. Applejack is an old friend. We can forget such lapses in protocol." Applejack smiled appreciatively at Rarity and took a deep breath. "Apologies, Your Highness. I'm honored to have you both visit Ponyville." While it wasn't evident to the casual listener, Rarity knew her friend well enough to hear the bitterness in her voice. Applejack tipped her head in Blueblood's direction before turning to the ponies behind her. "This my assistant Bonbon," she said as she pointed at the cream mare. She then tipped her head in a light amber stallion's direction "This here is Caramel. He's been leading a good part of the rebuilding efforts." "A pleasure to see you both again. I only wish we could have come sooner," Rarity replied. "What happened to Ponyville is a tragedy, and both my husband and I are committed to making sure such a thing never happens again." "This is the protection we can offer to anypony who remains loyal to the crown," Blueblood completed. "Right," Applejack flatly said. "As long as it'll keep Ponyville safe and away from any battles, I won't support Luna." Her ears drooped even as she met Blueblood's gaze. "We can't promise that Cloudsdale won't attack again, but Griffingard will do its best to avoid a second battle, Madam Mayor," Antoine said as he joined the conversation. "It's easy to make promises now, but they shouldn't be fighting this war in the first place!" Caramel argued from behind Applejack. "Enough that you slaughtered Spitfire in cold blood!" "Hush, Caramel," Applejack mumbled. "And who are you to question the judgment of your betters?" Blueblood snapped as he stepped forward and glared at Caramel. "This war is necessary. I will not have you question the throne!" "And I will not have you treat the citizens of Ponyville this way!" Applejack immediately retorted as she butted heads with the prince. Rarity interjected herself between the two before her husband had a chance to reply. Between Blueblood's pride and Applejack's stubbornness, there was a disaster waiting to happen. "Please, please, let us not get into arguments! We're all allies here." "Well said, Your Highness," Antoine completed as he bowed his head in her direction. "Alright, fine," Applejack said as she turned away from Blueblood and nodded at Rarity. Blueblood harrumphed. "Just remember your manners." Rarity noticed Applejack mumbling something under her breath, but couldn't make out the words. I hope this wasn't a mistake. Please Applejack, don't antagonize him. Bonbon stepped forward from behind the mayor. "How about we offer you a tour of the town, Your Highnesses, Ambassador." She smiled and bowed politely at both unicorns and the griffon, although Rarity noticed her eying Antoine suspiciously. "That sounds splendid, Bonbon," Rarity replied with a smile. Applejack nodded at her assistant. "We've already begun reconstruction, focusing on making sure we can grow enough food to feed the town. We still have plenty of ponies without a home though, not to mention all the destroyed businesses." "I'm certain we could spare some workers," Rarity suggested as she smiled at her husband. "We'll see," Blueblood said in a disgracefully uninterested tone as he looked around. Applejack frowned, but did not take the bait, to Rarity's relief. "If you'll follow me, I'll show you the worst of the damage, and what we're doing to rebuild Ponyville," the mayor led the way toward the middle of the town. Sergeant Legerity and a group of guards stepped forward and formed a circle around Rarity and her husband. The princess frowned at the sight of guards watching her even in her hometown, but knew better than to argue. As the group made its way through Ponyville, ponies gathered to see the royal couple. Rarity smiled and waved at familiar faces, many of which used to be her customers. While some ponies responded with smiles of their own, many actively avoided her gaze. She even met a few angry glares. Do they still see me, or do they only see the crown? Do they blame me for Spitfire's death? For the war itself? she wondered as she adjusted her small golden crown. "A good part of the southern half of town was destroyed in the battle," Applejack explained as she kept pace with the royal couple. "A few families were lucky enough that their houses could be fixed, but most have been completely destroyed." "Where are they housed now?" Rarity asked her friend. "Wherever there's room," Applejack answered. "We have a lot of ponies who volunteered to host refugees. Unoccupied buildings have been converted, too." "Feel free to use my old boutique," the princess offered with a smile. Applejack nodded. "Already done. No offense, but I didn't figure you'd use it again any time soon." "You did the right thing, no apology is needed," Rarity said. "You can settle homeless ponies in my family's house too. They won't be back for a while." She winked at Blueblood, prompting a frown out of him. "What about food production?" the prince asked, turning to Applejack. "Canterlot depends on your produce." Applejack sighed. "As I said earlier, we've focused our efforts there, but entire crops were lost. Sweet Apple Acres was completely destroyed, and Carrot Top's carrot farm isn't in great shape either." "Canterlot's army will need to be fed," Blueblood continued. "While we don't expect you to fight, we will expect you to feed our troops." "I can't conjure food out of nothing!" Applejack snapped again. "It takes time to grow produce, and it doesn't help that so many of our fields are still filled with riffraff from the battle." Rarity took her husband's hoof and smiled at him. "Applejack is right, My Prince. In time, Ponyville will be able to supply us with enough food to feed everypony, but they need to rebuild. The best we can do for now is to offer them help, so they do not lose the next harvest." Applejack nodded as she took a long breath. "I should probably show you the extent of the damage. It'll give you an idea of what's needed." "Good idea," Antoine said. They made their way to the southern half of town, where piles of debris ruined what used to be a lovely little neighborhood. As Applejack had mentioned, few houses were still standing, although they obviously had been repaired in a hurry using whatever materials were available. Blueblood gasped at the sight of the ruins. "I can see what you meant; this house has been completely destroyed." He stared at a house with a broken window and part of the roof patched with what looked like a broken table. "Actually, three families currently live in this house," Bonbon explained. "Truly horrible conditions," Antoine commented. "I must again apologize for Griffingard's involvement in this. We will, of course, help with reparations at your request, Madam Mayor." "Whatever help you can send, I'll take it," Applejack replied, although her averted gaze and low voice betrayed her discomfort. "I can have soldiers garrisoned near Ponyville within the week," the ambassador explained. "They can help provide security, will deter Cloudsdale from attacking again, and can offer temporary shelter to ponies who might need it." Applejack frowned and shook her head. "No offense, Ambassador, but your soldiers coming here is what drew the Cloudsdale army to attack in the first place. I was thinking more along the lines of workers and supplies." "We've suffered enough because of your soldiers." Caramel, who had remained silent so far, added. "It is, of course, as you wish," Antoine replied with a bow. Blueblood ground his teeth and turned toward Applejack. "Actually, it is as I wish. Ponyville is too important to leave unguarded. I hereby order you to assist both the Canterlot and Griffingard soldiers as they establish a camp." Rarity gasped at her husband. "Why was I not informed of this? Why hasn't the council voted on it?" "I'm informing you now," Blueblood replied with a smirk. "The council doesn't need to approve of military decisions." "You know, I'm being asked to give a lot, but you haven't offered much," Applejack replied. "I don't know how things are up there in Canterlot, but in Ponyville we don't just order ponies around like that!" "You're lucky I'm letting you keep your changeling prisoner!" Blueblood snapped. "Yes, we know you have Chrysalis locked up," he added when Applejack gasped. Rarity winced. This was exactly the kind of situation she feared. "How about we just continue the tour," she suggested. "We can negotiate in good faith once we have all the facts." "Fine with me," Applejack muttered as she rolled her eyes. Blueblood opened his mouth to say something but Rarity interrupted him by raising her hoof. "We discussed this, beloved. Trust me on this." The prince sighed softly. "Very well" Rarity allowed herself her first genuine smile since she arrived in Ponyville as she entered the Palace of Harmony. While it had taken a bit of arguing, she had managed to convince Sergeant Legerity that she would be fine visiting Applejack and Fluttershy unescorted. It had been Rarity's suggestion that Bonbon arrange for common citizens to meet both Blueblood and Ambassador Antoine. Perhaps meeting the victims of the battle without having her around would help improve his disposition. More importantly, she could separate her husband and Applejack. She had the opportunity to prepare him for the discussions to come on the train. Now, she had to do the same with her stubborn friend. Fluttershy's giddy voice broke her reflection. "Rarity! I'm so happy to see you!" "Fluttershy!" the princess exclaimed as she rushed to her pegasus friend's side and grabbed her in a strong hug. "I missed you when we arrived. It feels like it's been ages!" "I didn't want to be in the way," Fluttershy said as her eyes turned downward. "With you now a princess, and Applejack having so many requests for you and Prince Blueblood, I figured I'd wait for you to have some free time." Rarity chuckled lightly. "Now that's something I haven't had in a long time. At least I have Spike to keep me company." "How sweet of him," Fluttershy replied warmly. She stared at Rarity for a moment before her ears drooped. "So, uhm, I wanted to tell you..." Her voice trailed off as she looked downward again. She sighed softly. "What you're doing is very brave. I know you don't love Prince Blueblood, but I also know you'll do anything to protect Equestria. I can see it, even if Applejack might have a harder time." "Applejack is only trying to protect Ponyville," Rarity said. "I want to do what I can for her, but she won't be allowed to refuse every request from Canterlot." "I can if they're ridiculous requests," Applejack's voice loudly announced from the back of the room. "Nice to finally see you without our respective escorts, Applejack," Rarity said with a smile, ignoring the comment. "You'll forgive me if I don't share your enthusiasm," the mayor replied flatly as she joined Rarity and Fluttershy. "I have a town to rebuild, and I don't have the luxury of enjoying social visits." Rarity frowned. "And do you really believe I have no intent of helping you? You have my word that before I leave, you'll have additional workers, resources, even grain shipments for the farming community." "As long as I let your griffon ambassador set up some military camp in Ponyville," Applejack completed with a grunt. "Really Applejack, why would it be so bad?" Rarity asked. "I agree with Applejack," Fluttershy interrupted, prompting Rarity to gasp at her. "Fluttershy, not you too..." "You don't know what the griffons did," Fluttershy argued with a glare. "They kept me prisoner for weeks in their camp. Even worse, they kept Discord's friends trapped in a pit in horrible conditions! All of it so they could prevent Discord from leaving his Labyrinth. They're the reason I couldn't contact him to begin with!" Rarity stared blankly at Fluttershy. "Why did they want to contain Discord?" "To prevent him from affecting anything in Equestria. At least that's what they said. I'm not sure what they really want, but I'm scared to find out." "I don't have any love for this Cloudsdale army," Applejack added. "That don't mean I trust the griffons. As far as I'm concerned they share their part of the blame for what happened to Ponyville. It's all well and good that their ambassador is willing to come here and apologize, but I don't want to see no griffon soldiers here." "What about pony soldiers?" Rarity asked. Applejack sighed. "What's so important about having soldiers here?" Rarity sighed. "They're worried about Luna loyalists. There was an assassination attempt on Captain Silvermane. Twilight's parents were found to be part of the conspiracy against her." "What the hay," Applejack blurted with a gasp. "That's unlike them," Fluttershy completed. "There must be a mistake." Rarity shook her head. "No mistake. This is what's happening in Equestria now. Ponies are afraid and desperate. It's driving them to reckless actions. I'm sure you heard about the riots in Vanhoover and Fillydelphia." She took a deep breath and stared at both of her friends, who nodded grimly. "Look, I don't like any of this anymore than you do. I need you to trust me on this. Blueblood... He's never been out of Canterlot before today. This is the one chance we have of showing him the consequences of his actions. We can't antagonize him though. I learned to deal with him. Let him believe that he's in charge, and he'll be more likely to listen to reason." "I expect the same in return," Applejack replied severely. "I didn't want to become mayor, but here I am. This is my town now, and I expect to get the same kind of respect he demands." "Just compromise. It's all I'm asking," Rarity completed. "Alright, alright. I won't get him mad if I can avoid it," Applejack said. "And I'll think about allowing pony soldiers. No promises though." "I'm glad we can still agree and put our differences aside," Fluttershy said. "Now, why don't we go have some tea? We haven't spent quality time together since this madness began, and I'm sure we have a lot of catching up to do." "Good idea," Rarity said with a smile. "I suppose I could use some time away from running the town," Applejack added with a smile of her own. "So, princess stuff aside, what's going on with you, Rarity?" Rarity took another deep breath. "Well, you'll both find out soon enough, so you might as well learn it from me." She gulped as she found both of her friends' eyes glued on her. "I saw Doctor Shimmerheart this morning, and she gave me some news. I'm still uncertain how I feel about it." She took another breath. "Applejack, Fluttershy, I'm pregnant." > XX Applejack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack gulped as she stared at the unimpressive stone building. It was two stories tall with no markings indicating its purpose. The small fence surrounding it was ill-maintained and in desperate need of a new coat of paint. In a normally peaceful town like Ponyville, the jailhouse was not a place citizens took pride in. It was, however, the only location where prisoners with magical abilities could be contained. A full day of negotiations awaited Applejack. She would have to convince Prince Blueblood to send aid while somehow keeping him from turning Ponyville into a military camp. All the while, she had to cope with the news that Rarity was pregnant — the father being a stallion Applejack knew her unicorn friend hated. And of course, the subject of Chrysalis would no doubt come up. This was the primary reason Applejack got up even earlier than usual — so she could interrogate her prisoner and hopefully find some concrete reason to justify keeping the changeling in her custody. Applejack opened the door and stepped inside. She nodded at her improvised jailer. "Good morning, Zecora. I'm here to see the prisoner." Zerora nodded back, although with a frown. "She's in the back, ready to see you. Although don't expect what she says to be true." "I know. Still, I have to start somewhere," Applejack replied with a sigh. "I don't suppose you got anything out of her?" The zebra shook her head. "Nothing useful that I have heard. Most of her words were quite absurd." "I figured as much. Your runes holding up at least?" "She does not seem to have her magic, and I doubt she's using a stalling tactic," Zecora answered as she stepped toward Applejack. She took a deep breath. "I was wondering how long you'd need me in this prison. Could somepony else to take the position? I have other obligations at my shack — many injured soldiers to nurse back." Applejack sat down on a wooden chair. "I know, you told me before. You're not a jailer. You're the best I got though. You know full well that this prison can't hold Chrysalis without your runes. As for your wounded, I wish you'd reconsider and let me bring them into town." Zecora shook her head. "I refuse to take part in this conflict. And I will not let a single patient become a convict. I came here to escape war's brutality. I will not let it bend my morality." "Yeah, I know. You're neutral and you have soldiers from both sides in your care. I still wish you'd let me know who, but I respect your privacy. Either way, who else could guard this here prison?" "I have heard that Rarity is in town," Zecora replied with a shrug. "Perhaps you should get some help from the crown?" Applejack sighed. "That's what I was hoping to avoid. I'll be honest. I don't know if I can trust anypony from Canterlot." Zecora offered a comforting smile. "You should trust your friend Rarity. With Canterlot, she has great familiarity." Applejack sighed again. "I suppose I can't keep you here forever. I'll think about it. For now, I'll just see if I can get anything out of our changeling guest." The zebra nodded and pointed toward the small door behind her, which led to the large cell where Chrysalis was kept. She had been separated from her minions, who had all cocooned themselves. When Applejack had asked Zecora about it, she was told they did so to conserve energy. Apparently this was an ability Chrysalis either did not have or chose not to use. Twilight Sparkle's panicked violet eyes stared at Applejack from behind bars the moment the mayor entered the cell block. "Applejack, thank goodness you're here! You have to get me out of here." "Yeah, I'm not gonna fall for that," Applejack replied as she rolled her eyes. While Zecora's runes had managed to counter the queen's horn, it did not affect her shapeshifting ability. "Please, Applejack. You have to believe me! Chrysalis exchanged places with me during the night." Applejack ignored the bait. "You've been ratted out. I know you're the one who captured Twilight." While she had little reason to trust that Discord told Fluttershy the truth, it was still her best lead. Twilight's form was replaced in a green flash by Chrysalis' natural chitinous appearance. "You seem awfully certain of that, Applejack." She spoke in a condescending tone as she looked down at the earth pony. "I have my sources." "I'm dying of curiosity," Chrysalis replied with a chuckle as she turned toward the small window at the back of her cell. Applejack snorted. "I'm not going to reveal how I got my information to you. Suffice it to say you're wasting your time in denying it." "I'll be the judge of that," Chrysalis teased as she turned back to face her accuser. "Ask yourself. What would I have to gain by capturing Twilight? My people operate at their best when we avoid the spotlight." "You attacked Canterlot a while back," Applejack replied as she raised an eyebrow. "And I learned my lesson," the queen continued. "Do you really think I'm the kind of ruler who makes the same mistake twice?" "I don't know. Trying to trick me by impersonating Fluttershy wasn't too smart." "You flatter yourself," Chrysalis replied with a smug scoff. "If your pegasus friend hadn't somehow managed to survive her trip in the desert, I would still be quietly replacing ponies with my drones, and you'd be safely tucked in a pod." "There's one thing I don't get," Applejack said as she gazed into her prisoner's green eyes, looking for any sign of doubt or uncertainty. "Why replace Fluttershy yourself? Wouldn't one of your minions do the job fine?" "Ah! For this one you should congratulate yourself." The queen slowly brushed her tail against the bars. "You managed to put an end to my first infiltration attempt. I figured Ponyville might need a more personal touch." "And why Ponyville?" "Why not?" the queen continued. "With Equestria in chaos, it's the perfect time for my minions to feed." Applejack frowned. There had to be another reason, something more specific. She paced back and forth as realization suddenly flashed. "You haven't only sent minions to Ponyville," she mumbled to herself. She pointed at her prisoner. "This is simply the only town where they got caught." Chrysalis kept gazing smugly at Applejack, but the grinding of her teeth gave the mayor the confirmation she needed. "If that's the case though, why did you risk yourself by coming to Ponyville? There's something here that you want." "What a ridiculous notion," the queen said as she turned back toward the window. "Twilight Sparkle came from Ponyville," Applejack continued as she kept her eyes locked on Chrysalis. "It's also the town closest to Canterlot." Chrysalis turned around as her appearance changed to the regal form of Princess Celestia. "A fine theory, my little pony." "Don't you dare!" "The changelings are only trying to survive, my dear Applejack. Would you really deny them the opportunity to thrive and learn about the magic of friendship?" "You mean feed on us," Applejack replied as she spat on the ground. "And what makes you think it has to be a bad thing?" the fake Celestia continued. Applejack shook her head. She's trying to distract me with this act. She took a deep breath. "Enough of this. You know I was on to something with you wanting to get close to Canterlot. I'm thinking you either want to infiltrate it, or you have some other interest there. Maybe an accomplice who helped you nab Twilight?" Chrysalis, still wearing Celestia's form, stared at Applejack blankly. "So I'm asking you," Applejack continued with bared teeth. "Who's that accomplice, and where is Twilight?" Celestia's form quickly made way to Princess Luna's. "All you have is an unlikely theory with no proof. You want the guilty party to be the one you have trapped. You are not even considering there are others with stronger motives." "Way to be subtle, there, Chryssy. I got you now. You can play your games for now, but in time, you'll crack. It's my friend you attacked, and I won't rest until you've spilled every last secret you have!" "You're not going to torture me, are you?" Applebloom's voice asked as the filly's likeness stared at Applejack. Applejack turned around and left without saying a word. She knew she was on the right track. She just had to figure out a way to make Chrysalis spill the beans. All the while, whatever accomplice had assisted her in Canterlot would no doubt try to intervene. I can't let Blueblood take her back to Canterlot. A soft knock on her office door broke Applejack's concentration. She frowned as she moved her eyes away from her paperwork. "What is it?" The door slowly opened and revealed Rarity, who was wearing an extravagant purple dress, but not her crown. "I hope I'm not interrupting?" "Come on in. I suppose I could use a break," the mayor said with a sigh. "I knew running Ponyville involved paperwork, but I would never have guessed it was this bad." "Try ruling over a nation," Rarity replied with a weak giggle. Applejack grunted. "I'm not sure how much ruling you do, compared to smiling and looking pretty." Rarity sighed loudly as she sat in front of the desk. "Do you really think so little of me? After all we've been through together Applejack, I would think you would recognize the sacrifices I'm making." "Like getting yourself pregnant?" the earth pony replied in a deadpan voice. The unicorn rolled her eyes. "Yes, Applejack, Blueblood is my husband. Do I need to spell out what it is a husband and a wife do?" "What I'm wondering is why you married that clown in the first place!" Applejack snapped as she stood and glared angrily at her friend. "Oh, I'm sorry," Rarity replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Would you rather I had gotten thrown out of Canterlot? Good luck negotiating for Ponyville's well-being without me." The mayor and the princess glared at each other for a moment. Applejack's ears eventually flattened as she let go of the breath she had been holding. She slowly sat back down. "I just wish you hadn't married Blueblood. You deserve better." "Sometimes I wish the same," Rarity quietly answered. "But like you, I do what I must. Fluttershy told me you've been under a lot of stress. The task of rebuilding after this horrible battle fell on your shoulders, and I know that's not an easy burden to carry. I want to help you, Applejack, I really do. But you have to let me do it." "Alright, what's on your mind?" "Be willing to give something," Rarity answered in a firm voice. "I don't like it anymore than you do, but Equestria is in a state of civil war." She sighed as her features relaxed. "I don't know if I'm on the right side. To be fair, there probably isn't a right side, but I'm sticking with the one less likely to get us all killed." "And you really think allowing griffons to come to Equestria will help bring peace?" Rarity slowly shook her head. "I don't know, Applejack. I certainly don't like it, but all I can do is control the damage." Applejack averted her eyes. "It seems that's the only thing any of us do these days." "Unless you've found some lead," Rarity completed as her ears perked up. "Did you get anything out of Chrysalis?" "Just enough to know that if this husband of yours takes her back to Canterlot, we can kiss any hope of finding Twilight goodbye." "How so?" "She's responsible for Twilight's kidnapping, at least in part. I'm sure of it. I'm still trying to get to the bottom of it, but Discord was right. There's more though. Think about it for a minute; do you think she could have acted alone? Snatching a princess in the middle of Canterlot would take a lot of planning. She'd need allies to help her get in and out." "I have to admit, what you're saying makes sense," Rarity said as she stroked her chin. "It would be consistent with the runes found in the royal quarters." Applejack nodded. "Exactly, I remember you telling me about them." She took a deep breath. "As far as I'm concerned, you're the only one out of that cesspool of rotten apples who isn't a suspect. It's why I need her here, and away from whoever Blueblood or his griffon ambassador want to send down to Ponyville." Rarity fiddled with her mane. "What if I selected the guards myself?" "You won't be able to pick every soldier who comes to Ponyville, Rarity." "Alright, let's put it this way," Rarity continued as she stood and looked outside the window. "Do you really think there's anything you or I can do to prevent whatever accomplice our changeling queen might have from spying on you?" "Probably not," Applejack replied. "Good. So that's out of the way. Now, what about making sure your prisoner doesn't escape? I assume you have a capable jailer?" "Zecora's guarding her," Applejack explained as she took off her hat and fiddled with it. "She managed to set up some runes that block her magic." "Interesting," Rarity replied as she tapped her hoof to her chin. "Given that our local zebra shaman probably isn't too happy about watching over a prisoner, I imagine having a few unicorn guards would actually be beneficial." "If they're loyal," Applejack answered. "They'll be under orders to make sure she doesn't escape. Trust me, the last thing General Silvermane wants is for her soldiers to look bad and let Chrysalis loose, especially with the griffons breathing down her neck." Applejack raised an eyebrow. "I take it she doesn't get along with that griffon centurion?" "Let's call it friendly competition," Rarity replied with a wink. "Regardless, there's also the matter of Appleoosa." Applejack gasped. "You mean somepony will finally take care of it? I've been sending letters for a month!" "And I've been trying my hardest to convince Silvermane to send in the cavalry. Sadly, the aftermath of the battle left everypony on edge, as you've seen." "Well, I'm just glad it's finally being taken care of," Applejack replied with a sigh of relief. "So what's the plan?" "One of Silvermane's lieutenants already left for Appleoosa with some experienced unicorns. We all felt it would be better to keep the mission a secret to avoid changeling spies learning of it." "You think there're more changelings in Ponyville?" Rarity raised an eyebrow of her own. "You're holding their queen prisoner. What do you think?" "Alright, alright, you made your point. To be honest, I suspect that changelings are taking advantage of the war to infiltrate towns. Chrysalis all but confirmed it." Applejack replied with a sigh. "So I'll let Blueblood bring in his guards. They can set up their camp and help me guard the prisoner, but this is still my town, and Chrysalis is still my prisoner." "And I'll make sure you get construction materials, seeds, as well as clouds," Rarity answered with a smile and a nod. "Wait, you have clouds?" Applejack asked incredulously. "We've been scavenging them for weeks! We even had to demolish some pegasus homes." "A new factory is being built," Rarity explained. "The captured Cloudsdale soldiers will be put to work producing clouds." Applejack sneered. "Slave labor. Wonderful." "Prison labor," Rarity corrected, raising a hoof. "Need I remind you that these ponies are directly responsible for the current state of Ponyville?" The earth pony groaned. "Alright, fair enough. I hope you can get it all here fast enough. It's been getting awful chilly in the past few days, and that won't be good for the crops." "Are the Cloudsdale ponies trying to force an early winter?" Rarity asked. Applejack knew her well enough to hear the nervousness in her tone. The mayor shook her head. "The weather team thinks it's an after-effect of the hurricane that was created during the battle. Either way, it'll hurt farming." Rarity nodded. "I'll mention it at the next council meeting. The last thing we need is a weather crisis." Applejack smiled at her friend. "Thanks, Rarity." "It's my pleasure," the unicorn replied with a smile of her own. "As Rainbow Dash would say, 'I would never leave Ponyville hanging'." Rarity's smile slowly disappeared as she lowered her eyes, no doubt remembering the grim truth. A few seconds of silence passed, Applejack weakly meeting her friend's gaze. "I still can't believe she's gone." Rarity's hoof found its way to her belly. "Neither can I. It just seems like yesterday, the six of us were writing about our adventures together in Twilight's diary without a care in the world." She sighed heavily. "I don't think we can expect things to ever be the same." "Yeah," Applejack mumbled as she looked down at her desk. With the constant stress of rebuilding the town, she hadn't found the time to grieve one of her best friends. After a moment of silence, Rarity walked toward Applejack. "Did I tell you that Blueblood wants to name our child 'Blueblood the second'?" Applejack chuckled. "Is that a joke?" "My husband is quite serious about it for now, but I think his disposition will change about many things once he gets to hold his son or daughter. Did you know he never left Canterlot before today?" "It doesn't surprise me." "He might not be the husband of my dreams, but I can try and help him become a better pony," Rarity continued with a hopeful smile. Applejack played around with her hat before putting it back on. "You know, we still have two hours before the meeting with Blueblood. How about we grab some lunch?" "Good idea," Rarity replied with a wide smile. "I have a sudden craving for pickles." Both friends giggled as they made their way out of the cramped office. "So, to go over it again," Blueblood said as he nodded at Applejack. "Canterlot agrees to send two hundred workers, as well as supply materials to rebuild Ponyville. Your town will also receive priority for the first cloud shipments as long as you agree to supply the crown with enough food to feed the army." "Agreed," Applejack flatly said as she leaned on the table. It was a bit strange to share the Palace of Harmony's central table with the likes of Prince Blueblood, but she wasn't about to refuse to use it out of principle. In the end, it was just a table, and the map of Equestria on it had actually proven useful during the negotiations. "We'll agree to let your soldiers form a camp here as long as no griffons are stationed. Ponies only." "I do wish you would reconsider," Antoine said as he fixated his brown eyes on Applejack. "My people are not your enemy." "I've said it before, Ambassador," Applejack replied with severity as she met his gaze. "Your soldiers took part in the battle that destroyed Ponyville. Regardless of their intent, the townsfolk don't want to see them around these parts." "I believe Mayor Applejack's request is more than reasonable," Rarity added as she gently smiled at the ambassador. "Perhaps, in time, things might change. For now, let the ponies of Ponyville accept that the Canterlot military can be their friend." Leave it to Rarity to negotiate a smooth deal, Applejack thought as Antoine nodded at the princess. The mayor looked around the table. Bonbon was busy taking notes, Blueblood grinned appreciatively, and Rarity moved her mane aside as she offered Applejack a knowing smile. There seemed to be a hint of a frown forming around the griffon ambassador's beak. "I'm glad we could come to an arrangement," Blueblood continued. Whatever Rarity had told him must have worked. He had been mostly reasonable during the negotiations, although he seemed to have come close to losing his temper on a few occasions. "Now, this only leaves the matter of your prisoner." "Chrysalis is staying here," Applejack flatly stated. "I can let your soldiers interrogate her, but I'm not letting her out of my town." "Yes, my wife did say you believe she can be of use in your investigation to find Princess Twilight," Blueblood said as he adjusted his mane. "That's right. I haven't given up on my friend yet," Applejack confirmed with a nod. "I wonder though," the prince asked as he directed his gaze back toward Applejack. "Is it really wise to continue to work on such an investigation while you are the mayor of Ponyville? If I remember clearly, you did not hold that position when I gave you this task." Rarity gently held her husband's hoof. "Applejack will not act alone, My Prince. She has friends who are more than capable of helping her. Even if she has to divide her time, who better than Twilight's closest friends to lead the investigation?" "Forgive my bluntness, but one could say you lack objectivity," Antoine interrupted. "The Griffingard military is very much experienced with interrogations. If the changeling queen knows anything, then we will learn it." Applejack swiftly shook her head. "No way! I don't care what she's done, I won't let you torture my prisoner." "Torture is against Equestria's charter," Rarity added with a frown. "It will not be condoned under my rule." Blueblood, surprisingly, nodded at his wife. It seemed there was a limit to how far even he would be willing to go. "Look, I'm letting your soldiers establish themselves in Ponyville, and I'm even willing to let them interrogate the changelings," Applejack said again. "That's on my terms though. To be blunt, I can't be certain that there isn't a traitor in Canterlot. Twilight disappeared under your guard's watch. I'm not risking the best lead we have." "You dare insinuate that there is a traitor among us!" Blueblood snapped as he violently stood. "I could say the same about your backwater town! Who knows how many changelings are walking among your ponies?" Rarity winced and glared angrily at Applejack. Politics and subtlety might be your cup of tea, Rarity. I prefer the plain old truth. "Perhaps assigning some of our own guards to Ponyville's prison would serve as a suitable compromise?" the princess suggested. "I would like for an academy unicorn to come help with security as well. I will select this unicorn myself." "I can work with that," Applejack said. I might as well play it Rarity's way. It's what we agreed on earlier. Blueblood took a deep breath and sat back down. "Very well. I will give you custody over the prisoner, Mayor Applejack. Should she escape however, I will hold you personally responsible. I also expect my guards to have access to the prisoner should they need to interrogate her. Furthermore, her minions will be taken back to Canterlot. I will not allow the queen to be held in the same location as her brood." "That all seems reasonable to me." Rarity said as she raised an eyebrow at Applejack. I don't like it, Applejack thought as her eyes traveled between Blueblood and Rarity. If he's part of the conspiracy, and I wouldn't put it past him, he might try to let Chrysalis escape. That'll get him the excuse he needs to get rid of me and put one of his puppets in charge of Ponyville. "You can take her minions," Applejack finally answered. "Your guards can interrogate her, too. I won't take the blame if your guards drop the ball though. What I can do is promise that I won't let her go or loosen security unless the Canterlot council agrees." "I agree," Rarity immediately replied before Blueblood had a chance to do so. Blueblood harrumphed. "Fine, have it your way, as long as you remember where your loyalties lie. I will not tolerate you or your staff supporting Luna's claim." Applejack mustered all of her self-control not to roll her eyes. "I already agreed that Ponyville is loyal to Canterlot." "I believe we have a deal, then," Rarity said as she stood and smiled. Applejack nodded at her old friend. "Good. I'm glad we can all agree." "Indeed, I would say the day has been quite productive," Blueblood added as he rose as well. He turned his head toward Rarity. "Just in time too, my dear. We can accept Filthy Rich's dinner invitation. I'm looking forward to seeing what constitutes as luxury in Ponyville." "And I promised the weather team I would meet them and hear their grievances," Antoine said. "Your Highnesses, Madam Mayor." he politely bowed before leaving the room. Blueblood and Rarity followed close behind, leaving Applejack alone with her assistant, who was scribbling a few words in her notebook. "Well, that went better than I expected," the mayor told Bonbon after everyone had left. "It seems like it," Bonbon said as she raised her muzzle out of her notes. "We both know we need their help badly. I'm just glad we got it." Applejack sighed. "Yeah, it's good to finally have some sort of good news. Now, if I only I could get something out of the changeling queen." "I'm sure you'll manage," Bonbon offered with an encouraging smile. "There's a reason nopony wanted to run against you for mayor. You're the one pony who seems to always get things done while still standing for Ponyville's values." "Thanks for the vote of confidence," Applejack said with a light smile. "I'll let you get back to work. I know you're eager to get your notes sorted out." Bonbon nodded and smiled as Applejack left the room. The mayor sighed as she found herself walking toward her office. All in all, it had been a good day. She had made some progress with Chrysalis and had gotten most of what she wanted out of Blueblood. She still couldn't shake a feeling of dread though. Just like that, she had opened the door to a military presence in Ponyville. No doubt recruiters would come with the soldiers and attempt to drag ponies into the war. Applejack was so desperate to save Ponyville. Would her actions doom her beloved town instead? She shook her head and turned toward the stairs. She hadn't had much time to spend with her family lately, and it would do her some good to see how Granny Smith was doing. Living in the castle couldn't be easy for the older mare, who was used to the great outdoors. She headed upstairs, to the bedroom floor. The loud noise of a vase being broken made Applejack's ears perk up. She turned her head in the direction the sound came from and gasped. Those are the quarters I assigned to the griffon ambassador! She rushed to the door and knocked on it a few times. "Is everything alright in there?" She heard panicked whispers and rustling noises behind the door. Darn it. Somepony's going through the ambassador's stuff! With no time to hesitate, Applejack kicked the door open. "You ain't stealing from my guests!" she yelled as she came face to face with Applebloom and Scootaloo. Scootaloo was looking through a drawer while Applebloom had a pile of papers in front of her. The remains of the broken vase were on the floor, between the two fillies. "It's not what it looks like!" Applebloom immediately said as she pleaded with her eyes. "You mean you're not looking through the ambassador's stuff?" Applejack asked as she glared at both fillies. "We were just playing! I promise!" Scootaloo added as she shared a nervous look with Applebloom. Applejack slammed her hoof on the floor. "Don't lie to me! I have enough problems without you two making up stories. Now I'll ask again; what are you doing in the ambassador's quarters?" "We just wanted to learn about griffons," Applebloom replied as she turned her head down. "If you're so curious, just politely ask the ambassador," Applejack said without taking her eyes off her little sister and her friend. "We're sorry," Scootaloo added as she stood next to Applebloom with her muzzle downward. Applejack raised an eyebrow as she turned her attention to the papers Applebloom had been studying. "These look like reports from his visit to Ponyville. It describes the damage to the town, opinions regarding griffons-" She gasped as realization flashed on her face. "You didn't just want to learn; you were spying." "Sp... spying?" Scootaloo asked in a shaking voice that betrayed her guilt. "She still comes in your dreams, doesn't she?" Applejack asked in a low voice as her heartbeat raced. "She's using innocent fillies to do her dirty work." "Who are you talking about?" Applebloom asked as she nervously looked around. "Don't play innocent," Applejack continued with an angry glare. "You were spying for Princess Luna! Did she come into your dreams and ask you to do this, or are you just hoping to somehow send her whatever you found?" Scootaloo took a deep breath and stared Applejack in the eyes. "I don't care what you or Rarity say. Princess Luna took away our nightmares, so now we're helping her back!" Applejack threw her hat on the floor. "Do you even realize what danger you're getting yourselves into? I might not be able to protect you if you get caught doing something like this. Not to mention you're getting involved in a war! Haven't you seen the damage Luna's army did to Ponyville?" "That was the griffons," Scootaloo continued. "Enough!" Applejack snapped. "You're both grounded until the ambassador leaves town. Once he's away, we'll have a long talk about Princess Luna and the importance of staying out of trouble." "But Applejack-" Applebloom began. "Not another word!" Applejack interrupted. "Now show me where you got these papers. We need to put everything the way it was, and we'll blame the vase on the cleaning staff." It took all of Applejack's self-control to stop yelling at the fillies. If Princess Luna would stoop as low as dragging children into her war, then she truly had no right to rule Equestria. If Blueblood wanted Applejack's loyalty, then he would have it. Applejack bucked one of the few remaining apple trees at Sweet Apple Acres as hard as she could. "How could she do this?" she screamed. "How could she use my own little sister in her stupid war?" While the apple orchard was little more than a ruin, Applejack often returned here to think. Fluttershy took a few hesitant steps in her direction. "I'm sure there's an explanation. Maybe the fillies offered to help Luna when she visited their dreams?" "She has no business getting inside their heads to begin with!" Applejack continued as she turned back toward her pegasus friend. "You can't expect Princess Luna to stop chasing away nightmares," Fluttershy timidly replied as she looked away. Applejack took a few short breaths. "She's not chasing away nightmares. She's bringing them to us!" She pointed at the surrounding devastation as an added gesture. "I agree that the fillies shouldn't get involved," Fluttershy said with a sigh. "They really do love Princess Luna though, and you can't take that away from them." Applejack's legs gave out and her body fell at the foot of the tree. "Then what should I do, Fluttershy? I don't want to risk my sister getting involved. Imagine what would have happened if it had been the griffon ambassador and not me who caught them." "Probably something bad," Fluttershy agreed in a soft voice. "You're darn right, something bad! Things aren't gonna get easier either. I had to fully commit to supporting Canterlot so we could get the help we need. As much as I hate to say it, we can't allow anypony to openly support Luna anymore." "That might be a bit harsh," Fluttershy replied with a frown. "You can't expect ponies to act against their beliefs." "I can if it means survival," Applejack severely insisted. She avoided her friend's gaze and stared at the sky. "You've seen how things are out there. The truth is we won't be able to stay away from the war, not with Canterlot so close. If we're lucky, it'll end quickly and won't come back here." Fluttershy took a deep breath and sat next to Applejack. "I know these decisions aren't easy. If you want, maybe I can try to talk to the fillies? They've always trusted me in the past." "Be my guest," Applejack replied as she sighed once again. Fluttershy nodded, and both ponies sat in silence for a moment. The sun was about to set. Even within the devastated orchard, it made for a spectacular sight. "So Rarity's gonna be a mom," Applejack said after a few minutes. Fluttershy smiled lightly. "I talked to her about it earlier. She seems nervous, but I think she'll do fine." Applejack sighed. "I wish the father would have been somepony else. She deserves better than him." "I agree," Fluttershy said as she looked down. "I think she's very brave to do it though. I certainly wouldn't have been able to marry a stallion I didn't like, even if it meant saving my friends." "Let's just hope it pays off," Applejack added as she looked into the sunset. Silence fell over the orchard once more. With everything that was going on, there was little to discuss. Should they even be happy for Rarity? There was no doubt in Applejack's mind that this pregnancy was not something her unicorn friend wanted. The newly-crowned princess would act happy, smile when she was expected to, even praise her husband, but Applejack knew her better than that. Perhaps she could find happiness as a mother, but Rarity would never know happiness as a wife. There was still the Luna situation. No matter how Applejack turned the situation around in her head, nothing changed; no decent pony would employ children in such a careless and callous way. Bad enough that the princess was willing to fight a war just to hold on to the throne, she was dragging innocent ponies into it, including Applejack's family. For the first time since the battle, Applejack was actually warming up to the idea of supporting Blueblood's claim. One contender for the throne had taken the time to visit her town, while the other used her little sister as a spy. Granted, Rarity was probably behind every kindness that Blueblood even considered. At least he considered them. A subtle poke from Fluttershy broke Applejack's reverie. The earth pony turned her attention in the direction her friend was pointing and frowned. None other than Prince Blueblood was trotting through the ruined orchard, accompanied by two guards. "What does he want now?" Applejack said with a groan as she stood and shook her hat to get the dirt off. Fluttershy hid behind her mane, prompting Applejack to roll her eyes. She waved at the prince, who turned his head in her direction. The mayor sighed as she realized he wouldn't come to her, and she would have to walk to him instead. She nodded at Fluttershy, who followed close behind. "Mayor Applejack," Blueblood began with a slight tip of his head once they came into earshot. "Your Highness," she replied politely. "What can I do for you?" "Nothing, I was only assessing the damage," the prince replied as he looked away. "If I may ask, what was this place?" Applejack sighed softly. "This was Sweet Apple Acres. It was my farm, before it got destroyed in the battle." "I see," the prince replied as he nodded at Applejack, his eyes still avoiding her. "There really isn't much to be done here," the earth pony continued. "I figured the priority should go to farmers who are closer to getting things back on track. Apples trees take a long time to grow, after all." "I'm certain you'll make efficient use of the resources we send you," the prince replied with a frown. Something was obviously bothering him, but Applejack could not quite figure out what it was. "I already have a good idea how I want to allocate everything," she continued. "If I may ask, Your Highness, is something bothering you?" "Of course not!" he snapped as he turned his gaze toward her. "Except maybe for all this dirt. How can you ponies live in such filthy conditions?" Applejack sighed again and almost rolled her eyes. "We live the way we have to. Not everypony has the luxury of a castle, nor do we want to live there." "It was a lot dirtier right after the battle," Fluttershy added. "We really do have you to thank. Hopefully with the help you're sending, we can fix Ponyville." Blueblood turned his attention toward the pegasus and studied her a moment, prompting Fluttershy to hide behind her mane again. "None of my subjects should live in such filth," he finally replied. "Your loyalty will be rewarded." He then nodded at one of his guards and turned around, leaving the orchard. "What was that all about?" Applejack asked once the prince was out of earshot. "Rarity told me he never left Canterlot before today," Fluttershy said. "Maybe he's starting to realize what the consequences of this war will be." "One can only hope," Applejack replied as she gazed at Canterlot mountain in the distance. > XXI Soarin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The face in the mirror was one Soarin barely recognized. His once-vibrant emerald green eyes echoed nothing but fatigue. In a few months, he had gone from being adored as one of the Wonderbolts to leading an army attempting to free Equestria from tyranny. Many ponies he cared for had already given their lives for the cause, including Spitfire. Cloudsdale's military general sighed heavily as he adjusted the collar of his uniform shirt. He had decided to forgo wearing his armor in the city a few weeks ago. As a general, his job was to stay behind and plan, not rush toward danger. If only Spitfire had realized this, if she hadn't been so reckless, she would still be here, leading the army as she should. He brushed his dark blue mane before nodding severely to himself and making his way to the kitchen. His tired eyes found their way to an old picture of Spitfire and himself winning the gold medal at the Equestria games a few years ago. He sighed again as he turned his gaze away. Spitfire had been murdered by cowards in Canterlot, and the only thing he could do was to win this war in her name. The general poured himself a quick bowl of oats. He wasn't hungry, but knew that he should start the day with at least a half-decent meal. He looked outside his window and lost himself in the sights. His house, located on the edge of one of the highest clouds, offered him a gorgeous view of the city of Cloudsdale. The city wasn't as busy as it used to be. Ever since he had ordered it moved to the Crystal Mountains, a good segment of urban life had come to a halt. There wasn't really a need to manufacture weather, and the cold, northern climate kept most ponies inside when not working or on duty. It's not like many ponies still hold non-military jobs, he thought grimly. So many have been recruited into the army. Soarin's days had become pretty routine once the city had been established in its new location. He would make sure all the recruits got proper training, and then either assign them to one of the strike forces or send them over to Vanhoover or Las Pegasus — the two cities that proclaimed their loyalty to Princess Luna. Fillydelphia had done the same, but the griffon army had been quick to come in and "pacify" the city. Both Princess Luna and Soarin decided it would be best to reinforce the remaining loyal cities to prevent the same from happening again. He finished eating and left his empty bowl in the sink before taking a few steps onto his modest balcony. He eyed a turquoise-coated pony flying in his direction. Is she back already? he asked himself as he attempted to make out the pegasus's features. He nodded to himself as he recognized Sergeant Lightning Dust, probably his best field officer. "Sergeant," he said with grogginess in his voice. "General, Sir," she responded with a proud salute as she landed on his balcony. "I apologize for bothering you in your home, but I wanted to announce that the mission was a success." Soarin slowly nodded. "Good. I take it the buffaloes accepted our offer?" Lightning grinned. "With the help of the Las Pegasus militia, we got rid of every changeling in both Appleoosa and the buffalo camps. They all swore fealty to Princess Luna as a result." "Good work, Sergeant," Soarin replied as he stepped inside. "I'm making some coffee. Do you want any?" "No thanks, sir," Lightning continued as she awkwardly waited outside. "You can come in. Is there anything more?" "Thank you, sir," she said as she took a step in. "I kept the best for last. Blueblood decided to send in his troops way too late. My squad was still in the area when we heard they were coming. We got them without taking a single casualty. Best of all, we captured Lieutenant Breezerunner, one of Silvermane's top officers." The corners of Soarin's mouth slightly curved up. "Well done, Sergeant. Hopefully whatever we learn from him can give us an edge." "With your permission, I'll get started on him, sir," Lightning continued as she stood just beyond the balcony door. "Don't bother," Soarin said as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "We have interrogators for this kind of stuff. I'd much rather have you in the field." Soarin did not fail to notice the subtle frown on Lightning's face. No doubt she was hoping for a promotion, or at least some chance to prove she could be more than a field officer. She's my top field operative. I should give her some kind of reward, but I need her out there where her quick thinking is useful, not behind a desk where she'll get impatient and make rash decisions. The general took a long sip of coffee. He winced slightly as the hot liquid burned the tip of his tongue. "Fly with me," he ordered after a moment's thought. She nodded as she accompanied him on the balcony, where they both took to the air. They flew in silence for a few minutes. Soarin breathed the cool mountain air as he soared in the wind. Cloudsdale had been moved between a series of tall, rocky peaks about a day's flight away from Yakyakistan. Its altitude was also lower than it used to be, as to better hide it from griffon scouts. The mountains managed to cut the worst of the cold northern winds, but freezing breezes would still often chill his bones. Soarin turned to his subordinate. If the sergeant was bothered by the cold, it did not show in her stern demeanor as she flew in perfect formation with him. "I'm promoting you to captain," he said flatly. Her ears perked up as she grinned again. "Thank you, sir." "This doesn't change your mission," he continued. "To be blunt, you're too good in the field to waste training rookies or planning assaults. You'll stick with the same unit, although you might also be called to lead larger offensives." "You can count on me, sir." "One last thing," Soarin added as he met her eyes. "I've seen you in training often enough to know you can be reckless and overly eager to please. I want no unnecessary risks down in Equestria. Your orders are to lead hit-and-fly attacks. Target supply routes or isolated patrols. If you see a sizable enemy force, you are to run, not engage them." "Of course, General," Lightning replied with a light frown. "I mean it," he continued. "Recklessness is what almost cost us this war. The griffons are better trained and better equipped than we are." "I know, sir," she said with a sigh. "If I may speak freely?" Soarin nodded. "You may." "Rainbow Dash was a good friend of mine. She may not have thought much of me, but I looked up to her. I won't let those monsters do to me and my troops what they did to her, and I plan on living long enough to get my revenge." "Revenge, is it?" Soarin said as he gazed into the distance. "I suppose that's as good a motivation as any. Just make sure not to let it go to your head." He forced himself to smile at her. She shook her head and chuckled lightly. "It won't, Sir. Thanks for trusting me with this responsibility." The fact that you're thanking me for sending you into the fire is what worries me, he thought. He instead only grunted at her as he adjusted his course to land in front of town hall. "Get your troops rested for today," he ordered after they had both safely landed. "Tomorrow, I want you to head to the Saddlefree woods. Hide in there and cause as much trouble as you can." "Yes, General," Lightning replied with a salute before flying away. Soarin took a deep breath and headed inside. The guards at the entrance nodded at him as he entered, and one unicorn quickly scanned him to make sure he wasn't a changeling — a measure that would no doubt prove essential after the events in Appleoosa. A white-coated unicorn with a blue mane and brilliant violet eyes smiled at him as he came in. She motioned for him to follow her. "Good morning, Vinyl," Soarin politely said. "I take it Octavia is ready to see me?" Vinyl Scratch, the assistant to Princess Luna's new propaganda officer, nodded pleasantly at Soarin. She led him to the conference room at the back of the hall. "Ah, she must still be with the buffalo ambassador," he continued. The unicorn grinned at him. They both made their way inside the large conference room. It was currently occupied by Octavia herself, a gray mare with a long black mane. In front of her sat a small, light brown buffalo. Vinyl took a seat in the back. "General Soarin," Octavia said as she stood. "May I introduce you to Little Strongheart, ambassador for the buffalo tribes and the ponies of Appleoosa." "Ambassador," Soarin said with a polite nod. "General," Strongheart replied with a smile. "I wanted to thank you personally for sending troops to help my people when Canterlot would do nothing." "Thank the ponies of Las Pegasus," Soarin continued. "We asked them for their assistance in this matter when they chose to join our cause. They supplied the needed troops." "All under Princess Luna's order, of course," Octavia completed with a smile. "Unlike Prince Blueblood, the Princess of the Night is willing to act and protect all of her subjects, even non-ponies." "And in return, she will have our loyalty," Little Strongheart finished with a knowing smile. "So I take it the two of you agreed on the terms of our arrangement?" Soarin asked. "In a matter of speaking," Octavia said as she met his eyes. "We will have free access to the Appleoosan desert, and both the ponies and buffaloes living there will be willing to offer us a share of their harvest." "In exchange, we demand protection from any aggressive move by Canterlot," Little Strongheart completed. "I can post some troops there," Soarin completed. "Our forces are spread thin as it is, though." "I don't believe too many soldiers will be necessary," Octavia said, prompting both the general and the ambassador to turn in her direction. "Ambassador, I would like you and your people to spread the word. I will do the same with my agents. Let everypony in Equestria know that it was Princess Luna who rescued Appleoosa from the changelings. Should Canterlot threaten your people, they will be seen as the aggressors, attempting to reconquer liberated land." "Smart," Soarin said. "They can either let us keep Appleoosa, a strip of territory with little strategic value, or appear as tyrants." "Little strategic value, but immense symbolic value," Octavia completed with a knowing smile. Little Strongheart frowned. "It may not have strategic value, but it is my home." "Don't worry," Soarin replied as he walked to Strongheart and placed a hoof on her shoulder. "We promised we would defend your home, and we will, strategic value or not." Like most food from Yakyakistan, the strange white grains on Soarin's plate tasted too salty on top of being too dry. Octavia had hammered down an arrangement with Prince Rutherford a few weeks ago: food in exchange for help in managing yak weather. It kept Cloudsdale fed without risking supply caravans from Equestria being followed. The downside was food that wasn't very friendly to the pony palate. He smiled politely at Commander Tinkerboom, who sat to his right at the officer's table. It had been Princess Luna's idea to have all of her officers eat their evening meals together in the large officer's mess. The room used to be town hall's main meeting room, before the building had been appropriated by the Princess. These suppers gave them time to discuss strategy while keeping their days open for other duties. "Good work with the buffaloes, Octavia," Tinkerboom said as she munched on a spoonful of the yak rice. "It should indeed help us gain some support in Equestria," Octavia replied. "After the fiasco in Ponyville, many ponies are still afraid of us." Princess Luna nodded from the place of honor, at the end of the table. "Indeed. Fewer and fewer dreams are open to me. We need more victories of the sort if I am to make my return." "I agree that this is a step in the right direction," Soarin continued, "but we should still be cautious. We're far from ready to face the griffons directly." "So you keep saying, General," Commander Rapidfire, a pale gray Wonderbolt who had shown talent with both strategy and training regiments, replied. "Our troops are getting better though, and they will need to see action soon. I imagine we'll also learn something from the Canterlot officer Sergeant Lightning Dust captured." All eyes turned toward Tinkerboom, as one of her officers was in charge of the interrogation. "One major piece of information we learned is that Silvermane doesn't quite trust the griffons. This is information we could use to our advantage," she said. "I'll definitely keep that in mind," Octavia replied. "Good work, Commander Tinkerboom," Soarin said before turning his attention to Rapidfire. "Commander Rapidfire, I want you to send the ponies you feel are ready to Vanhoover and Las Pegasus. Their new commanding officers can assign them guard duty, and help reinforce our cities. I also want extra drills in both of those cities. We'll need to recruit and train more ponies if we're to face the griffons in battle." "Recruit how?" Tinkerboom asked, raising an eyebrow. "If you just ask for volunteers, you won't get the forces you want. There's already talk of discontent in our occupied cities." She eyed Soarin severely. "Vanhoover and Las Pegasus are both too far removed from Canterlot," Octavia said after a short sip of wine. "Most ponies living there don't really care who sits the throne." "Volunteers might not suffice," Rapidfire added. "We're using too many soldiers to protect cities that give us very little in return." "So you're suggesting mandatory conscription?" Soarin asked with a weak sigh. This wasn't the first time the idea had been pitched. Did they have that right? "We already did it in Cloudsdale, Sir," Rapidfire replied as his brow furrowed. "If I may be so bold, you can't hesitate about these things. We need more ponies, and we won't get them unless we do what's necessary." "I agree with the general," Octavia added with a frown. "Force ponies into service and we might breed mutiny." Luna, who had been silently watching the exchange, eyed her officers sternly. "This is not the first war I have fought. When my sister and I had to defend Equestria against invaders, everypony was expected to do their part." "With all due respect, Your Highness," Octavia replied as she met the princess's eyes. "Times have changed. Ponies have certain expectations. Loyalties are also divided. Conscripting Blueblood loyalists could prove disastrous." Luna's tone raised ever so slightly. "You were brought here because you understand morale and have a large network of contacts, Octavia. It will be your job to motivate the troops. Offer something more to ponies who volunteer for service. Make sure each and every soldier understands the consequences of leaving Blueblood on the throne." "I'll see what I can do," Octavia said with a sigh. "This is not a war we can win by attrition," the princess continued. "Hit and run tactics can help destabilize the enemy in the short term, but large scale assaults are what will reclaim the throne. We need soldiers for that." Soarin frowned. "As unpleasant as this is, you are right, Your Highness. We have no choice. Canterlot's army is growing, and we won't be able to feed our forces forever in this forsaken wasteland. The faster we recruit and train, the faster we can attack Canterlot and force Blueblood to surrender." "That's what I like to hear!" Rapidfire said with a wide grin as he slammed his hoof on the table, tossing some food around his plate in the process. "We need more action, and soon." "Only when I deem us ready, Commander," Soarin said in a tone that brook no arguments. "Of course, General," Rapidfire politely replied before taking a sip of wine and changing the subject. "And what about Shining Armor? I heard his band has been whisking ponies we expected to recruit away to Manehattan or the Crystal Empire. Some say he even helped deserters escape to Canterlot." "We can expect him to react badly to the conscription," Octavia said with a frown. "Perhaps he might try to sabotage our operations." "I say we hunt him down," Rapidfire said, banging his hoof on the table again. "He openly mocks us by taking away ponies who should be doing their part to help restore Princess Luna to the throne." Luna shook her head firmly. "Do nothing for now. Should he openly oppose us, then we'll act. For now, I'm willing to accept the loss of a few rebellious potential recruits in exchange for staying in Princess Cadance's good graces." "As you command, Your Highness," Soarin replied with a bow, thankful that Luna put an end to this particular topic. Luna nodded at the general. "Indeed. In the meantime, how is your new strategy faring in Equestria?" "We're starting to disrupt the enemy," Soarin said. "But it might not be enough. I'll be assigning more troops to hit-and-fly missions. If they can motivate acts of disobedience in villages where Canterlot gets its food, it will be even better." "I have something that could be useful for that," Tinkerboom added as she leaned toward Soarin. "The stealth armor design is ready, and we can start producing it. We should be able to equip ponies so they stay hidden in forests, in snow, even in the desert." "Good," Soarin said with a nod. "How about those explosives you were talking about?" "I have a prototype ready for testing," the earth pony commander continued with a grin. "We can try them out whenever you're ready." "At your convenience," Soarin said. "Just make sure you don't cause an avalanche or otherwise risk giving away our location." Tinkerboom nodded. "Don't worry, sir. I don't expect trouble." "Not expecting trouble is how we went from having the upper hoof to hiding in the frozen mountains," the general mumbled under his breath. Princess Luna raised an eyebrow and stared at him. "We have learned from those mistakes, General. You've made excellent work as my army's new leader." She raised her head and looked at every officer around the long table. "Each and every one of you has my full confidence. We must be cautious, as the general suggests, but also learn and improve. I will not spend the next decade hiding here in the cold." "And we won't let that happen, Your Highness," Rapidfire replied, renewed determination in his tone. "Of that, I have no doubt." The princess smiled knowingly. "To Princess Luna!" Octavia announced as she raised her glass. "To the true ruler of Equestria!" "To Princess Luna!" Soarin and his officers replied as they mirrored the gesture. Princess Luna, to Soarin's surprise, was the last pony to leave the officer's table. While she usually kept to herself, she had been spending more time outside her quarters these last few days. It was probably Octavia's influence; the former musician had shown great talent for getting ponies to do what she wanted. It seemed even the princess wasn't immune. The earth pony mare in question stood up from her seat and politely wished both the general and the princess a good night. Soarin was about to do the same when Luna raised a hoof. "A moment, General." "Your Highness?" Soarin asked as he sat back down. "You've done tremendous work under difficult circumstances," the princess began. "I know it wasn't easy for you." She rose and turned toward the exit. "Would you accompany me to my quarters for a glass of wine? I believe you could use some time away from your routine." Soarin frowned. "I have training to supervise tomorrow morning-" "It is neither wise nor polite to refuse an offer from royalty," Luna warned, cutting him off. Her tone was almost playful. "Very well, as my princess commands," Soarin hesitantly replied. Truth be told, he had never been inside Luna's personal quarters. He had to admit to a certain level of curiosity. The general accompanied the princess outside of the large dining room. Lieutenant Moonshadow, Luna's personal bodyguard, was waiting outside the door. The bat pony's piercing glare always seemed disconcerting to Soarin. The night guard almost never smiled, and was never seen in public when off-duty. He followed his princess closely like a trained hound. They flew up to the top of the clock tower using town hall's vertical hallway. Like in many large buildings in Cloudsdale, there were no stairs. They arrived at the top and found a large cloudsteel door. Luna approached it and opened it with her magic. "You may wait here, Lieutenant," Luna told her bodyguard. The guard frowned as he eyed Soarin suspiciously. "I'll be nearby should you need me, Your Highness." Soarin raised an eyebrow but said nothing. He tentatively followed the princess inside the large room. A large bed dominated the center, surrounded by a midnight blue canopy. One corner of the room was organized as a study, with three comfortable-looking purple sofas, two bookshelves filled with old tomes, and a cabinet containing both wine glasses and tea cups. The other corner of the room was home to a wooden dresser with a large mirror. Soarin gulped as he stepped inside. "Do make yourself comfortable," Luna invited as she stepped toward one of the sofas. Soarin followed her and sat on the sofa closest to the exit. He forced an awkward smile as the princess levitated two wine glasses out of her cabinet. "I hope you like red," the princess continued. "I'll take whatever you offer, Your Highness." The princess frowned slightly, but said nothing. She slowly shook her head as she opened a drawer and levitated a bottle out, quickly studying the label before nodding and turning back toward Soarin. "This is a bottle that the duke of Maretania gave my sister and I on our last visit," she said in a pensive tone. "I was hoping to share it with her, but that won't be possible now." "I'm sorry, Your Highness," Soarin replied, careful not to meet the princess's eyes. "It's just a bottle of wine," Luna replied with a light chuckle. "While I still grieve my sister, I refuse to live in the past." She uncorked the bottle with her magic. "Well, I'm honored that you would share it with me," Soarin continued, uncertain on how to react. Luna smiled at him as she poured the red maretonian into their glasses. "Letting go of the past is never easy, my dear general." "I'll take your word for it, Your Highness." "You don't need to," the princess continued as she levitated her glass and enjoyed its bouquet. "I can see how troubled you are." "You've been inside my dreams," Soarin flatly said as he eyed his still untouched glass. "I have," Luna confirmed. "I could still tell that something was bothering you, even if I hadn't." She took a deep breath as she sat down on the sofa directly in front of Soarin. "You still think about her a lot, don't you?" Soarin picked up his glass, staring at the liquid contained inside. "This wine is from Maretonia? Could we ask them for help against Blueblood?" "I already sent them multiple letters. They're committed to neutrality." Luna took a sip of wine. "You haven't answered my question. Do you still think about her?" The general took a generous sip and sighed deeply. "You mean Spitfire, don't you?" Luna nodded once. She offered a comforting smile. "We grew up together. We served in the Wonderbolts together our entire lives. Of course her death bothers me." "There is more to it than that," Luna pressed on. Soarin sighed again. He took another sip, and rolled the wine around his mouth a few times. It tasted sweet, with hints of raspberries. "She never knew," he admitted. "We were too close for me to risk breaking that friendship. She was my captain, then she was my general. I would have followed her to Tartarus." "But you didn't," Luna continued softly, her cyan eyes still locked on Soarin. "She went to fight a losing battle in Ponyville, and you stayed behind." "I was following orders," Soarin continued in a raspy voice. "The priority was protecting you, Your Highness. It still is." "We're not talking about me right now. We're talking about you." Soarin stood up and slowly shook his head. He stared down at his hooves. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, Your Highness, I really do. This is not something I want to deal with. I will continue to serve you, and my problems won't affect my performance-" "Sit!" Luna interrupted, her tone rising ever so slightly. "Your princess commands it." Soarin sat down with a sigh. "As you command." The princess took a deep breath. "It's not enough for you to do your duty, General Soarin. You are giving away much so that I might take my throne. You have shown multiple times that you trust me as a ruler. Yet when I tried to intervene within your dream and take away your fears, your mind pushed me away." "I don't want you to take away my fears!" Soarin finally snapped as he stood back up. "We should be afraid. We're facing impossible odds. Lack of fear is what got Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Rainbow Dash killed." Luna smiled knowingly as she took another small sip of wine. "As I mentioned earlier, nopony should live in the past." "So I should just forget about Spitrife?" Soarin yelled. "I should just forget about the innocent ponies we're sending to their deaths?" "So you believe our war is wrong," Luna said as she ignored the outburst and calmly placed her cup back on the table. Soarin breathed heavily. "I'm sorry, Your Highness. My tone was inexcusable." He slowly sat back down. "Of course, what we're doing isn't wrong. Blueblood is a tyrant who must be stopped. Unless you are restored to the throne, Equestria is doomed to fall. Any number of warlike nations would see it as ripe for the taking without an alicorn princess at the helm. You are needed as a symbol, and this doesn't even take into account your considerable magic." Luna sighed as her features relaxed. "Then you know the conflicts that I'm going through. I would like nothing more than for all of this to stop. I do not have a choice, though. As long as I'm alive, Blueblood's claim will always be threatened. He will hunt me down, and anypony who's loyal to me will be in danger. Now that he allied himself with Griffingard, he's even more of a threat. Still, would I take a way out if it was offered to me?" Soarin stared perplexed at the princess before realization came to him. "This is why you ordered that we not allow Shining Armor to see you. You were afraid you would accept whatever offer he had." "I admire you, General," Luna said as she stared at her glass. "You could have taken the easy way out yourself, but you kept on fighting. I'm not sure I could do the same." "We all draw our strength from you, Your Highness." "You draw your strength from the idea you all have of me," Luna corrected as she raised her hoof. "I'm just one pony. So was my sister. This might have been her biggest mistake, you know. She allowed ponies to see her as larger than life. No wonder the kingdom has fallen apart now that she's gone. Even I can't fill her shoes." "It's true," Soarin admitted as he took a deep breath and met the princess's gaze. "We all took Princess Celestia for granted." "This isn't the first time Equestria has been at war," Luna continued as she picked up her glass again. "We've fought Griffingard before, as well as Zebrica. Other pony tribes also attempted to create their own nations, some of them militaristic in nature. All of it happened centuries ago, and now only exists in tomes few ponies take the time to read." "But you remember," Soarin completed. "You remember, and can see this old Equestria returning." Luna nodded. "I was like you once. I would have followed Celestia anywhere. When she tried to build the peaceful nation we enjoyed for so long, I did not understand. I grew jealous and felt she would only weaken her subjects by eliminating hardship from their lives." "Is this how-" Soarin began before the princess cut him off. "It took decades for the transformation to manifest itself, but yes, this is how Nightmare Moon was born." Luna spoke in an uncharacteristically weak voice. Soarin picked up his glass again and took another sip. His eyes wandered to the bookcase on his left. He read a few titles: The Elements of Harmony; The Reign of Discord; Kings of Unicornia. Finally, he turned back to the princess. "Why are you telling me all this, Your Highness?" Luna chuckled lightly. "Because we should get to know each other. Honesty tends to help with that" she winked as she took another sip. "And I think we both feel a bit lonely. Here we are, trying desperately to restore the Equestrian throne while hiding in the frozen north. We're both making impossible decisions, all the while having to save face in front of our subjects. I figured we could take some time to enjoy a glass of wine together." Soarin finally allowed himself a smile as he took a sip of his own. "I don't know much about wine, but it seems like a good vintage." "One fit for a princess," Luna replied as both the general and the princess shared a light giggle. "You know, Your Highness," Soarin said. "I don't think I've laughed ever since all of this began." "Please, call me Luna. I have enough ponies around me insisting on titles." "As you wish, Luna," the name felt strange on Soarin's tongue. He took a deep breath and smiled a bit awkwardly. "You're right. I will never forget Spitfire, and I should have told her everything. What's done is done though." "She will always live on in your dreams, Soarin. You still have a life to live. Do not live it in Spitfire's shadow, or in my own." "It will take time," Soarin admitted in a soft voice. "Every worthwhile thing does," Luna continued with a smile. She chuckled lightly after a moment. "Say, have you ever wondered how Blueblood can possibly be Celestia's nephew? I can promise that he is definitely not my son." Soarin pondered the question a moment. "You know, I never really thought about it. Were they even related?" "They were," Luna said with another wink. "The nephew story was just my sister trying to hide her age. Celestia was actually his great-great-grandmother. His great-grandfather was the only son my sister had with her last consort." "Wait," Soarin said with a light gasp. "You mean to tell me Celestia had foals?" Luna chuckled again. "Come now, Soarin. You know how old I am, how old my sister was. Do you really think we never once considered motherhood in all of this time? Or that we never wanted to enjoy intimacy with a stallion? I've taken twelve different consorts in my life, although none since my return from banishment." "I suppose it makes sense," Soarin hesitantly said, still struggling with the idea. "This is actually where many noble families come from. They are the descendants of the children Celestia had with her various consorts over the years. A few of the older names can even trace their lineage back to me. Not that they would admit it." Soarin suddenly raised an eyebrow. "Wait, why are you telling me about royal consorts?" "I thought it was interesting," Luna replied with a knowing wink. "As I mentioned earlier, ponies in positions of power often need comfort." "And you believe I would need... comfort," Soarin suggested as he blushed lightly. He eyed the princess up and down. She was certainly a beautiful mare. "Everypony does," Luna replied with a sly smile. Soarin took another sip of wine. "I believe I'll have another glass, Your Highness." > XXII Shining Armor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I don't think we can do anything to fix this cart," Gabrielle told Shining Armor as she studied the wreckage. "The soldiers were thorough." This was the sixth family that had been attacked on the road this week. It was by chance that Shining and Gabrielle stumbled upon the scene mere moments after the attack was over. The owner of the cart, a short yellow-coated earth pony stallion, hugged his two daughters as Shining took a few steps in his direction. The unicorn frowned as he noticed some blood oozing from a deep cut on one of the stallion's front legs. "So what happened here, exactly?" Shining asked. "Don't worry. We can help you out. You're not the first family who finds themselves in this situation." "So I heard," the earth pony softly said while one of his daughters, an orange-coated filly with a long, braided green mane, clung tightly to his uninjured leg. "So what do you want with us?" He eyed Shining and Gabrielle suspiciously. "I promise, we're not going to hurt you," Shining said with a sigh. With the war came bandits, and ponies on the road had become understandably wary. "My name is Shining Armor. You might have heard of me. This is Gabrielle. We help victims of the war, ponies like you and your family. If you want, we can help you find refuge in the Crystal Empire or in Manehattan." "This could be a trick," the yellow stallion said with a frown. "You lull me into a false sense of safety and steal my valuables." "No offense," Gabrielle said as she rolled her eyes, "but if we wanted to steal from you, we wouldn't need to resort to trickery. Besides, it's not like you have much left." Her features relaxed. "What's your name?" "Buttercream," he said. "These are my daughters, Buttermilk and Buttercup." "And what exactly happened here, Buttercream?" Gabrielle asked. Buttercream sighed. "We come from Fetloch. My wife and I were farmers there. I decided to leave town with my daughters after the raids from Luna's soldiers became more frequent. I thought that maybe I could find work in Ponyville or Canterlot and get away from the raids. Just this morning, another scuffle between Cloudsdale troops and Griffingard soldiers happened right above the village. It turned out leaving was a bad idea though; we were ambushed on the road by Cloudsdale soldiers." "Wait," Shining said. "They just randomly attacked you with no reason?" Buttercream held one of the fillies tightly as he answered. "Not exactly. We met a stranger on the road, a unicorn mare. She asked us which side we supported. Like an idiot, I told her the truth: that I'm loyal to Prince Blueblood. That's when she whistled loudly and the soldiers attacked." "You're lucky you made it out alive," Gabrielle said as she eyed the wreckage again. The earth pony stallion shook his head. "It wasn't luck. They let us go. Their leader, a turquoise pegasus with a rough golden mane, she said 'that's what we deserved for supporting a traitor'." He spat on the ground. "They destroyed our cart, took our valuables, and left us on the side of the road. All of it to set some example for anypony who doesn't blindly follow their cause!" "Lightning Dust," Shining mumbled under his breath. It wasn't the first time this particular Cloudsdale officer attacked the innocent. She seemed to specialize in vicious hit and run attacks. "So you know her?" Buttercream asked as he raised an eyebrow. "I've run into her before," Shining said as he shared a knowing look with Gabrielle. "We can take you with us if you want, find you a place to hide. You said you had a wife. Is she still in Fetloch?" Both fillies gazed downward as their father looked away. One cried softly as the other silently hid behind her mane. "No," he whispered. "She joined the Canterlot army when the recruiters came. I received a letter a few weeks ago. She was killed in the Fillydelphia riots." "I'm sorry," Shining said as he attempted to hide his frown. Stories like this were becoming commonplace; ponies headed to war after hearing grand speeches about patriotism. In the end, they only brought death and sorrow to their families. Gabrielle and Shining shared a nod. The griffon stepped forward. "There's one thing I should clarify," she began severely. "We can send you away to Manehattan or the Crystal Empire if you want, but we won't take part in the war. If you're looking for passage to Canterlot, or are looking for some way to join the war on either side, you're on your own." "I... I understand," Buttercream said as he glanced at his two daughters. "I only want to keep my fillies safe. If you can get me away from all of this, I'll do whatever is necessary." "Just leave the war behind," Shining said with a weak smile. "This is a pointless conflict that never should have started. For now, all we can do is try to control the damage." Buttercream nodded. "Let me just see if they left anything useful in the wreckage," he said as he nuzzled his two daughters. "And thank you. I'm relieved to see there're still decent ponies out there." "Lightning Dust again?" Pinkie Pie asked, hints of disappointment in her tone as she finished her bowl of rock soup and leaned on her family's dining room table. Shining eyed the substance suspiciously from his seat at the edge of the table. While he understood that certain rocks could give broth a unique flavor, he still found the entire prospect disturbing. He shook his head before replying. "This is the fourth time we can pin an attack on her. No doubt she's responsible for more." "So is my farm in danger?" Limestone Pie, Pinkie's older sister, gravely asked as she glared at Shining. Pinkie had managed to convince her family to let Shining's group operate out of their rock farm, but the family regularly showed understandable concern. Shining took a deep breath, but Pinkie replied before he got the chance. "We'd never do anything to put any of you in danger. As soon as there's a risk, we'll leave." Gabrielle sighed from her corner of the table. "I don't think anyone is safe as long as the soldiers keep fighting. It's not just the Cloudsdale troops. Griffon patrols have increased, and both groups have met in battle. We've heard stories of griffons mutilating enemy soldiers as well, even innocent ponies." "I told you, Pinkie!" Limestone snapped as she slammed her wooden bowl on the table. "You're going to bring them all here!" "It's only a matter of time before they come to every farm," Shining replied as his eyes traveled between Pinkie, Limestone, and Gabrielle. His tone brook no arguments. "They'll suspect anyone not working with them of working against them. This is probably what Lightning is trying to do; she wants ponies to be afraid and paranoid." "Well, it's working," Limestone continued as she shook her gray bangs away from her face. "I'm scared for my farm. Already, my parents have left for the Crystal Empire. I'd be tempted to join them if I didn't need to protect my sisters and my land." "I wish we could make Lightning see how miserable she's making everypony," Pinkie said, her voice barely a whisper. "Forget about her," Shining said in as firm a tone as he could muster. "She had her chance. All we can do for now is what we've already been doing; we keep helping ponies who want to escape. The soldiers are leaving us be for now. If we start interfering with the war directly, that's going to change." "If you fight them, you get off my land," Limestone replied with a severe glare. "Agreed," Shining said, evenly meeting her gaze. Gabrielle stood and brought her empty bowl to the sink. "For now, what are we going to do with this family we just picked up?" "Tenderheart is probably done making sure they're healthy," Shining said as he got up as well. "Checkmate should be able to arrange passage on the next train." "It's a good thing your friend knows so many train conductors," Limestone said. "And it's a miracle so few of these trains haven't been raided by one side or the other." "Checkmate knows which routes are most at risk," Shining explained. "Either way, I should check up on them. Thank you again for the meal, Limestone. Pinkie, want to come with me?" "Okie dokie," Pinkie replied. "I'll help Limestone with the dishes," Gabrielle offered as she smiled at the grayish-purple earth pony mare. Shining led the way outside, closely followed by Pinkie. The rock farm was surprisingly calm, given that it had become the center of their operation. Maud Pie and Marble Pie, Pinkie's other two sisters, were busy turning rocks around in one of the fields. Other than that, there were no signs of activity. One of Limestone's conditions for allowing them to use the farm was that they keep their activities inside the barn to limit the attention air patrols would give the family. The request was not unreasonable to Shining. They made their way to the barn. The inside of the wooden building had been completely reorganized. A few mats were left in a corner for families to sleep on before transport could be arranged. One entire corner had been converted into an infirmary by Tenderheart, who was bandaging one of Buttercream's forelegs. The loft of the barn had been converted into a makeshift living area for Shining and his band — a few beds, a table they could eat on, and other necessities had been organized there. Pinkie headed for the play area she had built for children. Her bouncy demeanor immediately kicked in the second she saw Buttermilk and Buttercup. Sometimes I wonder how much of Pinkie's smile is legitimate, and how much is an act for the children, Shining thought to himself. He shook his head and walked toward the infirmary. "I hope everything is going well here?" Shining asked as he approached Buttercream and Tenderheart. "Well enough. Your doctor has been very kind to us," Buttercream replied with a weak smile. "Please, I'm only a nurse," Tenderheart said. "Your leg should be good. Just try not to step in anything that might infect the wound." "So what's the prognosis?" Shining asked as he inspected the bandaged leg. "He cut his leg running away from soldiers," the nurse said. "Nothing major, but I prefer to give him the full checkup here. From what Checkmate tells me, it's getting harder to find a proper doctor in the Crystal Empire." "A byproduct of so many refugees moving there," Shining said with a sigh. "Hopefully we can find a few medical experts willing to help out in the Empire." "I would imagine most doctors have been forcefully drafted by one side or the other by now," Buttercream said as he tried to bend his leg a few times. "Can I return to my daughters, nurse?" "You may," Tenderheart replied. "Make sure you pack everything you need, and travel light. Checkmate should be back soon to pick you up." The yellow stallion nodded and limped as he returned to his family. "You know, he was lucky the cut was only minor," Tenderheart whispered the moment the stallion was out of earshot. "With all of these Cloudsdale raids, we've started to see some pretty nasty wounds. I still have nightmares about the last raid on Gale." Shining nodded as his ears drooped. While he and Gabrielle had gone on patrol, Tenderheart and her husband had gone to check on their former hometown. "I still can't believe the pegasi went as low as to attack the ponies who fed Cloudsdale for all these years." "Apparently they insisted that all loyal ponies join them," Tenderheart explained. "Then the griffons came in and demanded everypony who remained pledge their loyalty to Canterlot. At least that's what I got from talking to the villagers. Judging by the damages, neither side took 'no' for an answer. The villagers weren't very forthcoming." Shining frowned and massaged one of his shoulders. "Sometimes, I wonder how we can possibly keep up with all these horrors. Sure, we can save a few ponies, but things keep getting worse." "A few ponies is better than none," Tenderheart replied with a weak smile as she placed a comforting hoof on Shining's shoulder. "I don't suppose you learned anything about where Cloudsdale might be hidden while you were in Gale?" "No, and I don't believe many ponies know," Tenderheart replied as she shook her head. "Apparently, the common soldiers don't even know. They stay in Equestria, while only Lightning Dust and a few other officers return to the city in the clouds." "And they probably move it regularly to be safe," Shining added. Pinkie Pie quietly approached them. She waved to the fillies before turning her attention to Shining and Tenderheart. "I think this family's going to be okay. Hopefully they can find a happier life in the Crystal Empire." "Or at least shelter for now," Tenderheart grimly completed. "So what's our next move?" Pinkie asked. "What do you mean?" Shining said. "We keep finding ponies in trouble and we send them to the Empire." "I mean about Lightning," Pinkie replied. "How do we find her?" Shining groaned as he massaged his temple. "We talked about this, Pinkie. We have to stay away from her and the other soldiers." "Maybe we can't talk Luna out of this war," Pinkie said. "But we might be able to get through to Lightning. She was Dashie's friend, and I know she's not really a bad pony. I can tell." Shining shook his head. "I know you want to see some good in her, Pinkie. I know you want to see hope. If Cloudsdale placed her in charge of these raids, there's a reason for it. A few words and some balloons won't change her actions." "But maybe helping her realize how many ponies she's hurting will," Pinkie argued. "What do we have to lose by trying?" "Our lives!" Shining snapped, prompting Buttercream and his daughters to turn toward him in shock. The unicorn stallion lowered his voice before continuing. "She won't take kindly to us interfering. We avoided direct contact ever since we fled Gale for the first time. I won't risk antagonizing her." "Shining is right," Tenderheart tentatively added. "I don't think words can fix anything at this point. Until Blueblood or Luna decide to surrender, all we can do is treat the symptoms." Pinkie offered a weak smile. "Well you'll forgive me if I don't believe you. There's always hope, and there's good in everypony." Shining sighed. It was clear that Pinkie's enthusiasm was the only thing keeping her going. The more time he spent around her, the more the unicorn realized she had to believe these things to keep going. "I just hope you're right," he said. "For now though, we just can't take the risk." He turned to Tenderheart before Pinkie could reply. "By the way, where's Chipper Skies? I thought you didn't want him out there." "He's helping out the Pie sisters," the nurse said. "I figured if he's not busy with chores in here, he can help us earn our keep." "Good thinking," Shining replied. Just as they mentioned him, Chipper Skies galloped inside the barn. "Checkmate is back, and he has bad news," he blurted out between pants as he rushed to Shining's side. "What happened? Is he alright?" Pinkie asked with a gasp. "I'm fine," Checkmate said as he came in behind the teenage pegasus. "Saddlefree isn't though. According to everypony I talked to, it got covered in a snowstorm. Many homes didn't survive." Everypony in the room gasped in shock. "Lightning Dust again?" Shining asked. "I don't know," the crystal pony replied as he shook his head. "All I know is that the village is now completely covered in snow and ice. It certainly sounds like a pegasus attack." "They've never done anything on this scale before," Pinkie mumbled under her breath, just loud enough for Shining to hear. After a moment of silence, Tenderheart spoke up. "There're going to be injured ponies. I need to go out there." "I'm coming with you," Pinkie said with a nod. "There's something fishy about this, and I don't like it." Shining sighed. "Then I'm coming too. If Lightning truly is behind this, then she went too far." Checkmate frowned. "You should stay here, Your Highness. You're our leader. I can't let you risk your life like this." "My decision is made, Checkmate," Shining replied. "And don't call me 'Your Highness.' I told you, I'm not a prince anymore. Anyway, I need you to get everypony and be ready to leave and find a new hideout, should we not return within four days. Better not take chances with the group's safety." "You got it, boss," Checkmate replied with a nod. "Return safe. Equestria still needs you." They were a full day's trot away from Saddlefree when the chilling wind first began its assault. The scenery that greeted them went from desolate to downright depressing. Farms lay abandoned and homes were left in ruins. Once green and fertile land was now gray, only a few obstinate weeds struggling to grow in defiance against the unnatural weather. Farm equipment left behind in the middle of a field told the grim tale of innocents fleeing an impending raid. Every step was becoming more of an effort to Shining Armor, Pinkie Pie, and Tenderheart. Shining knew things would only get worse, unless whatever storm the pegasi unleashed was to subside. "I don't get it," Tenderheart said as she kept pace with Shining. "Why would the pegasi attack Saddlefree? What advantage could they gain by doing this? I get the hit and run attacks, but this is more brazen." "Maybe they want to make an example of the ponies there? Maybe they just want to sow fear?" Shining suggested. "Maybe this is an elaborate trap for the griffons. Who knows what insanity is going through their heads?" "Or maybe it's not the Cloudsdale soldiers at all," Pinkie quietly suggested. "Then who else? The griffons?" Tenderheart asked. "Last I heard, most ponies in Saddlefree openly supported Blueblood's claim." "I don't know," Pinkie continued as her eyes narrowed. "I just have a hunch. Something feels wrong here." Shining sighed. "I'm sorry, Pinkie. I know you don't want to believe it, but this has Lightning Dust written all over it. We all knew it was only a matter of time before she crossed another line." "We'll just have to see," Pinkie replied as she sniffed the cold air. The group continued in silence. While they had each brought a warm jacket and a scarf, Shining feared it would soon prove insufficient as none of them had yet grown the thick winter coat ponies would naturally gain shortly before the colder months. After a few hours, Shining's ears perked up at a distant sound coming from the east. Pinkie had probably heard the same, as she grabbed hold of the stallion and pointed in the general direction the sound was coming from. About a dozen large shapes were coming in their direction from the air. It soon became easy to make out what they were. "Griffons," Shining uttered as he ground his teeth. "I hope they won't cause trouble," Tenderheart added. "We'll just tell them we're travelers. They're not gonna worry about us," Pinkie replied with a hopeful smile. "I hope you're right," Shining said as the soldiers headed directly for them. The lead griffon, wearing the colors of a decurion, landed quickly and precisely in front of the group as his troops surrounded the ponies. "Halt," he ordered as his eyes traveled between the three companions. "What can we do for you?" Shining asked with a gulp. "Isn't it a bit cold to be traveling?" the decurion suggested with a snarl. "It is," Shining continued. "I don't suppose any of you have warmer clothes to spare?" The griffons guffawed. "Alright, who are you and where are you going?" the decurion asked severely. "I'm Pinkie Pie," Pinkie replied. "We're going to Saddlefree to make sure our friends are okay." "I'm Tenderheart," the earth pony nurse said as the griffon tipped his beak in her direction. "Emerald Shield," Shining finished. The decurion did not take his eyes away from the group. "And who are those friends you're going to visit?" Pinkie was about to reply, but the griffon raised a claw. "I want the three of you to tell me all at once." Curse him,Shining thought as his friends remained silent. "Cat got your tongue?" the griffon asked with a smirk. "Here's what I think. I think you're Cloudsdale agents. Everyone knows to avoid Saddlefree with this storm the rebels unleashed, therefore I think you have something to do with this attack. How am I doing so far?" Shining was about to say something, but Tenderheart stepped forward and cut him off. "Look, we're not looking for anypony in particular. I'm a nurse, and I was going there to help survivors." She showed the soldiers her saddlebags filled with medical supplies. "These two are my escorts." "A nurse, eh?" One of the soldiers surrounding them said. "We could probably use one of those back in camp." "Quiet in the ranks," the decurion barked before returning his attention to Tenderheart. "Which side are you on, nurse?" "Neither," Tenderheart said, her eyes remaining trained on the lead griffon. "I'm just looking to help ponies in need." "Do we really look like fighters to you?" Pinkie added as she opened her bags. "Look, I brought candy for the children." "I haven't had candy in a while," another griffon soldier whispered. "Claws off! These are for the kids!" Pinkie snapped as she growled at the undisciplined soldier. The decurion stroked his chin with his claw. "Let's say I believe you. What would you do should you stumble upon an injured Cloudsdale soldier?" "Heal him," Tenderheart replied as she glared into the griffon officer's eyes. "The same thing I would do if I saw one of your soldiers bleeding on the side of the road." "You see, I can't have that. Assuming you're telling the truth, then your skills will be better used in the service of Prince Blueblood's army. If not, well, we griffons know how to get the truth out of ponies." He grabbed hold of Tenderheart's chin and smirked viciously. "Let's just say a little bird told me everything I need to know about your group." "So this is what it comes down to?" Shining said with an angry glare. "We get captured and tortured for helping the innocent?" "Grab them," the decurion calmly ordered as he ignored the unicorn stallion. "You can't do that!" Pinkie gasped as she stepped forward. Shining attempted to stop her, but was too late. She grabbed hold of the decurion. Shining never had time to react; one of the soldiers moved forward and gave her a solid hit on the head with the butt-end of his spear. Pinkie fell on the frozen earth as blood oozed from her forehead. "Anyone else want to try something?" the decurion snapped. Shining sighed and lowered his head in submission. He wouldn't have the time for a spell with the griffons this close. There was no way to get out of this — for now. He glanced at Pinkie. Luckily, she was getting up, albeit very slowly. "Can I at least take care of her?" Tenderheart asked as she pointed at Pinkie holding her head in pain. "She has no value to you dead, and this wound will get infected if I don't disinfect and bandage it now." The decurion looked around a moment. "Fine, but no funny business," he warned before motioning for two of his soldiers in the back. "Get the stallion in chains, and place a ring on his horn." As the soldiers placed a collar around Shining's neck and a magic inhibitor around his horn, Tenderheart moved to Pinkie's side. The nurse took some bandages and a small bottle from her bags. "This might hurt, but it's necessary," she explained. "The wound isn't deep, but it could get infected." She poured some of the liquid on a clean towel and applied it to Pinkie's wound, making the injured mare wince in pain. "What was that?" Pinkie asked through heavy breathing. "Alcohol, to disinfect the wound," Tenderheart said as she wrapped Pinkie's head in bandages. As soon as the nurse was finished, both earth pony mares found themselves collared, the same as Shining. The three were linked by a long chain that was held by griffon soldiers before and behind them. As for their bags, they were confiscated and searched. Pinkie growled as the griffons each took their share of her candy. "Where are you taking us?" Shining asked as calmly as he could under the circumstances. "To Saddlefree," the decurion replied as he turned his head south. "Let's meet the rest of our forces and take a look at what you did to that village." The long walk had taken most of the day. Any time Shining or one of his companions slowed down, the griffon holding the chain would give it a stern pull, forcing them to keep pace. The air only got colder and colder has they got closer to Saddlefree. Most of the buildings they encountered were in various states of disrepair, from a few broken windows to burned down piles of debris. Snow and ice covered the entire landscape, and the ponies often had to be careful not to slip. Even the griffon soldiers used their wings to balance themselves on the slippery ground. Saddlefree Forest loomed in the distance. Above it, thick gray clouds covered the sky and snow fell onto the nearby village of the same name. Shining would have commented, but every word out of his mouth or one of his companion's had been met with a rebuke from their captors. The stallion frowned as they passed a barn with its doors torn down. The wind was blowing large amounts of snow inside the ruined building. Only the foundation remained of a nearby farm house. It was clear that nopony lived in the immediate area anymore. If Cloudsdale troops were hiding, they were most likely in town, or perhaps high in the clouds; the thick cover would serve as the perfect hiding place to prepare an ambush. The decurion seemed to have come to the same conclusion; he ordered two of his soldiers to fly up. "This isn't right. We should have met one of Decurion Sasha's patrols by now," he mumbled under his breath before turning toward Shining. "What happened to our troops? Should I expect an ambush?" "How would I know?" Shining said with an exasperated sigh. "Still playing innocent, are you?" the griffon continued as he raised an eyebrow. "I told you, we know everything. No matter, you'll break eventually." "Leave him alone. He's telling you the truth," Pinkie snapped as she growled at the decurion. "Quiet you!" the soldier holding the chain yelled as he slapped Pinkie hard across the face, right under her bandage. "This isn't necessary!" Tenderheart pleaded as she attempted to step forward. One griffon pulled on her chain and forced her down in the snow. "All you're doing is hurting innocent ponies." What are you doing? Stop provoking them, Shining thought as he saw something in Pinkie's eye. There was a little spark that wasn't there before, just enough to hint that she had a plan. "You probably broke her bandage," Shining said with a glare, hoping it would be enough to help with whatever distraction his companions were trying to cause. "If you want to take another look at her forehead, you'll have to earn it," the decurion said as he pushed Tenderheart. "Where are Lightning's forces hiding?" "I told you before," Tenderheart said. "I don't know. If I did, I would tell you, but I don't." "Right here!" a voice from the sky yelled as waves of pegasi flew down. They each wore light white and blue armor, no doubt designed as camouflage. The griffons gasped and readied their weapons as the enemy charged them. "You were just distracting us!" the decurion yelled as he punched Tenderheart on the muzzle. "I think you have more to worry about than us right now," Shining said with a smirk, just as Pinkie pushed him and Tenderheart away from the soldiers, who took to the sky. "Don't let them escape!" the decurion yelled as Shining and Tenderheart were pushed into a ditch the stallion had failed to notice. Something exploded loudly behind them, prompting Shining to cover his head. He attempted to raise a protective shield as a reflex, but was soon reminded of the inhibitor ring around his horn. Shining raised his head slightly above the ditch. The area where the griffons had been standing was charred black, and three soldiers lay unmoving, one of them mere inches from Shining's face. The griffon's face was burned beyond recognition. Explosives, Shining thought grimly. The rest of their captors circled the pegasi, who met them spear to spear. Shining counted ten, maybe twelve pegasi. "Get back here," Pinkie quietly ordered as she pulled Shining down. Surprisingly, she was free of her collar and had already removed Tenderheart's. She winked as she held a key. "This is why you provoked him," Shining said with a gasp. "You wanted to steal his key." "I saw one of the pegasi and I knew we'd get our chance," Pinkie replied with a grin as she unlocked Shining's collar. Meanwhile, Tenderheart studied the inhibitor ring and prodded it a few times with her hoof. "I think I can get this off, but it might take an hour or two for your magic to return." "Just great," Shining said as he rolled his eyes. "Let's get out of here for now. You can figure out how to get it off once we're away from the battlefield." Pinkie led the way as they crawled out of the ditch. Shining spied Lightning Dust wearing the uniform of a captain and leading a charge. She had five other ponies with her. Her group headed into the melee hard and fast. Those griffons don't stand a chance. They're outnumbered and were taken by surprise. Shining's group got away from the road and galloped toward the snow-covered village. The wind grew in intensity as they moved closer. More snow fell. "How did they manage to create a snowstorm with Cloudsdale hidden who knows where?" Shining asked his companions over the noise of the battle. "I don't think Cloudsdale is responsible." Pinkie replied. Shining didn't get the chance to ask his companion to explain herself as he spied a wooden tool shed. "Let's hide in there!" All three ponies found themselves panting heavily as they managed to hide inside the small building. After about a minute of regaining their breath, Tenderheart inspected Shining's horn. After some more poking and prodding, she managed to unlock the small metal ring. The unicorn felt his connection to Equestria's magic slowly return. He tried to levitate a hammer hanging from the wall, and received sharp pain in his horn as a result. It seemed his magic would indeed take time to fully return. "Thank you Tenderheart," he said as he gently massaged his horn. "And thanks for getting us out of there in one piece, Pinkie." "No problem," the pink pony replied. "Now, we should still head to town," Tenderheart said. "There might be injured ponies in need of our help. I may have lost my supplies, but I still have my skills." "Agreed," Shining said. "The battle should be over soon. These raids are usually quick and bloody." He winced as memories of other events resurfaced. While this was the closest he and his companions had been to the action so far, he'd had plenty of chances to see the aftermath of similar conflicts in the previous weeks. "Let's just make sure the griffons are gone before we head out in the open." As expected, the battle was already over when they poked their heads out of the shed. Shining spied three griffons fleeing the village. "Something's been bothering me," he told his companions. "These griffons seemed awfully certain that we were Cloudsdale spies." "Military paranoia?" Tenderheart asked with a shrug. "I don't think so," Shining continued as he stroked his chin. "Well-trained soldiers wouldn't go around taking random travelers captive. The decurion said that someone tipped them off, told them we were spies." "Who would do that?" Pinkie asked as one of her ears twitched. She adjusted her bandage, which earned her a frown from Tenderheart. "Lightning maybe? Perhaps another party who wants to get rid of us?" Shining suggested. Pinkie's brow furrowed. "Why would Lightning do that?" "Well, we won't find out by standing here," Tenderheart said. "Let's get to the village. Maybe one of the villagers will have heard something." They walked in silence, soon reaching the first few houses on the edge of Saddlefree. Unlike the surrounding devastated farmlands, the town seemed to have fared much better. Straw roofs were completely covered in snow, but they at least held strong. Strong winds bent the branches of the few trees still holding on to a few defiant leaves. The only signs of life came from a tall building in the distance; the villagers no doubt hid there and waited for the weather to calm itself. The group made its way between a modest tailor's shop and the local bakery. They stopped in their tracks as they spied a dozen Cloudsdale soldiers in the middle of a large clearing scattered with tombstones — the town cemetery. Shining quickly led his companions behind an outhouse, hoping they weren't spotted. "Lightning Dust," Tenderheart whispered under her breath after taking a peek at the soldiers. "I see her," Pinkie said in a quiet voice. "What should we do?" "Shh," Shining warned. "I know you're hiding back there. Just come out," Lightning's voice yelled over the whistling of the wind, causing Shining to curse under his breath. He shared a quick look with his two companions before they all nodded. "Are you going to accuse us of working with the enemy too?" Shining asked as he took a few steps toward the soldiers. "What, not even a 'thank you' for saving you?" Lightning teased with a contemptuous grin. "Considering you could have killed us with that bomb you dropped, and that you might have been responsible for telling them we're spying for you, I don't think I owe you any thanks," Shining replied with a stern glare. "You're smarter than I give you credit for." Lightning scoffed. "It's nothing personal. I needed to get them off my trail, and since you always show up where you're the most annoying, I figured you were the perfect decoy." Shining looked upward. "And you needed somepony to take the fall for this storm. I gotta say, this is low, even for you. Freezing an entire village just like that?" "It would have been a good example to set," Lightning replied. "But we can't take credit for this one. I figured the griffons were to blame." Shining frowned. Why would either side do this, then refuse to take credit? Something doesn't add up. "Both of you did this!" Pinkie declared loudly as she stepped forward. "This is gonna be good," Lightning said as she rolled her eyes. "Did we hurt the magic of friendship or something?" She shared a quick laugh with her soldiers. "Really? None of you can see it?" Pinkie continued in an exasperated voice. "Didn't any of you ever pay attention at the Heart's Warming Eve play?" Shining gasped. "Pinkie, windigos are just a story. There's no such thing as spirits that turn the world to snow and ice when ponies don't get along." Lightning guffawed loudly. "You must have hit your head pretty hard. Now you're making up foal stories." Pinkie ignored the jab and stepped forward in front of the Cloudsdale captain. She looked at the tombstone in front of Lightning. "Indigo Zap," the pink pony read. "Was that somepony you knew?" "How did you..." Lightning began before she coughed and slightly adjusted her helmet. "That's none of your business." "Beloved sister, who died serving Equestria's true princess," Pinkie continued. She took a deep breath before facing Lightning again. "She's your sister, isn't she? It wouldn't be the first time a family has been broken by this war. She died because of your stupid army, and you decided to pay your respects before you left her hometown in ruins." "That's my family's business!" Lightning snapped angrily. "It has nothing to do with you." A few of the pegasus soldiers stepped forward, but Lightning held them back by raising her hoof. Shining was about to step forward and join Pinkie, but Tenderheart placed a hoof on his shoulder. "I think we should let Pinkie do her thing. She seems to have a plan," the nurse whispered. Pinkie smiled weakly. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. Regardless of what you did, nopony deserves to die. I know you think you're doing the right thing, but look around you. Whether you think windigos are responsible or you blame the griffons, this is the result of war. You should think about it. Tell it to your superiors." She raised her voice and addressed every soldier present. "This war has to stop. I will continue helping the ponies you all leave behind, but it's your choice to keep fighting. Just ask yourself: is what you're doing really worth this?" She pointed at the tombstone. "Was it worth Indigo Zap's death?" "We're fighting for Princess Luna," Lightning said as she ground her teeth. "My troops know it, so do I. You won't shake our loyalty this easy." "I've said what I had to say," Pinkie replied as she turned away. Shining could see a smile forming on the sides of her muzzle. "What about the civilians?" Shining asked loudly. "If you want to stick around and give ponies blankets, be my guest," Lightning said as her expression returned to its usual contemptuous snarl. "I'm keeping your supplies though. They'll be put to good use helping Princess Luna's army." Shining gave Lightning one last glare, but decided not to test his luck and turned around, leading his companions around the cemetery and toward the center of the town. "What was that about, Pinkie?" Tenderheart asked. "I think I got through to her," the pink pony said with a hopeful smile. "Now we wait, and hope she comes to her senses." > XXIII Fluttershy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It sometimes worried Fluttershy how easily life had returned to normal in Ponyville. Under the watchful eyes of Canterlot soldiers, the market square was busy with activity. Granted, the stalls weren't as filled with goods as they used to be, but nopony was starving and a sense of optimism had returned to the town. The workers sent by Canterlot had already rebuilt the important commercial district, and many families now had homes. However, even more were still forced to live with friends, relatives, or even in tents. Even though there were still houses to rebuild, the workers had installed a statue of Blueblood and Rarity in the middle of town square a few days prior. It created a bit of an uproar, which patriotism quickly overcame. Fluttershy found the statue to be a poor piece. While they had captured Blueblood's self-absorbed, smug expression perfectly, Rarity's smile lacked its usual warmth. This isn't my friend. This is just the princess they want her to be, the pegasus thought as she glanced at the statue. Fluttershy sighed as she moved along, keeping a distance between herself and the crowds of ponies gathered at the various stands. She frowned as she passed the military recruitment kiosk that Captain Boulderhoof, the leader of the Ponyville military camp, had ordered installed. Already, many ponies who would never have hurt a fly in the past lined up to join the war effort. Finally, she stopped at her destination. It felt strange to see Big Macintosh selling carrots, but he was the stallion manning Carrot Top's stand. Luckily, nopony else was buying from him at the moment; she wouldn't have to approach any crowds just to buy vegetables. "Good morning Fluttershy," the large stallion said with a smile. "Good morning Big Mac," she replied as she leaned on the counter. "I'll take the usual." "Eyup." Big Macintosh filled one of her bags with carrots. Meanwhile, Fluttershy found her attention once again drawn to the ridiculous statue. "Not the prettiest statue, eh?" the stallion said with a light smirk as he dropped the bag on the counter. "Oh, I guess it's okay," Fluttershy quietly replied. Big Macintosh frowned, but said nothing. Fluttershy gulped as she picked up a small bag of bits and gave it to the stallion. His expression remained unchanged as he accepted the payment. "Um, Big Mac? What's wrong?" The stallion rolled his eyes. "I was going to ask you the same thing. You and my sister, you both act as if nothing bothers you." "Oh," Fluttershy said as she avoided his eyes. Big Macintosh lowered his voice. "I don't like seeing all these soldiers any more than you do." "It's not just that," Fluttershy said after taking a deep breath. "They built this big statue of Blueblood, and ponies are rushing off to war. It's like they forgot that it's ponies like Rainbow Dash who are fighting on the other side. She was one of my best friends, Big Mac, and nopony even tries to remember her." "It affected AJ too," Big Macintosh said. "But she's denying it as she tries to carry the entire town's burden on her shoulders." Fluttershy shook her head. "I wish I could do more to help her. She barely even talks to me anymore." "She doesn't talk to anypony, ever since she found out what Applebloom was doing," "Applebloom might not be the only one," Fluttershy quietly continued, careful that nopony was near. "They can't expect ponies to all jump into this war just because they built a statue, sent some workers, and opened a recruitment booth." "It's working though," the large stallion said. "Ponies are scared, and are seeing the effects of this war. Just yesterday, I was attacked by a group of pegasus soldiers while making a delivery to the bayou." Fluttershy gasped. "Oh no! Nopony told me. Are you alright?" "I'm fine," the stallion replied. "My cart wasn't though. I had to leave it behind so I could run away." "Why are they doing this?" "Don't ask me," Big Macintosh said. "I know I'm not the only one. Three more of Carrot Top's delivery ponies got attacked just this week. I don't like it, but we might be forced to ask the soldiers to escort us." Fluttershy frowned again. More and more, the military was invading every part of their lives. One soldier even had the gall to ask her if she would be willing to offer some of her animal friends as food for the griffons. She still shivered when she remembered how angry she had gotten that day. "Just be careful," she told the stallion. "Somepony's gotta make the deliveries," Big Macintosh replied with a shrug. "It's not even your farm," Fluttershy argued with more intensity than she had expected. Big Macintosh's brow furrowed. "That doesn't change anything. I'm a farmer by trade. If I don't have a farm of my own, then I help somepony else with theirs." "I'm sorry," Fluttershy said, averting her eyes. "It's fine," the stallion replied as he sighed again. "Look, Fluttershy. Can I ask you a favor?" "Of course," the pegasus said with an apologetic smile. "Can you check on AJ? Between the rebuilding, Applebloom, and the changeling queen, she's getting mighty stressed. I don't know if there's anything you could help her with. Maybe see if you can at least get her to open up?" Fluttershy nodded. "I'll see what I can do. You're right. She's my friend and I should be there for her. Even if she tries to push me away." "It's all I ask," Big Macintosh said with a smile just as two mares walked to his stand. Fluttershy waved at the stallion as she left, almost bumping into a group of soldiers in the process. She smiled sheepishly at the frowning unicorn leading the patrol, swiftly making her way back to her cottage so she could feed her animals. Applebloom's loud whining made itself heard well outside Applejack's office. "It's not fair, Applejack!" Fluttershy winced as she neared her friend's workplace. There was little doubt in her mind what the argument was about; the filly had probably been caught spying again, which continued to infuriate her older sister. Applebloom almost bumped into Fluttershy as she stormed out of the office and outside the castle. "We're not done talking about this!" Ponyville's mayor yelled at her fleeing sister. "Oh, um, I can come back another time," Fluttershy said as she hid behind her mane. "It's fine," Applejack replied with a loud sigh. "I was going to send somepony for you anyway." The pegasus noticed the bags under her friend's eyes as she wiped the sweat from her brow. Fluttershy tentatively stepped inside the office. As was usually the case, it was messy and disorganized. Random papers were left all over the desk. A pile had even fallen on the floor. "Have a seat," Applejack invited as she took off her hat and left it on a corner table next to the office door. "You're still having problems with Applebloom?" Fluttershy asked as she sat before the desk. "Among other things," the mayor said as she sat behind her desk. "Cheerilee had the class write up something about the work the royal guards are doing after one of them came to see the children in class. I'll let you guess what Applebloom wanted to write." "I could try to talk to her again, if you want," Fluttershy suggested. She sighed. "I wish we didn't have to keep her from speaking her mind." "Not a luxury we have anymore," Applejack continued. "I don't know what this brute they put in charge of the camp would do to her if he found out. As for you talking to her again, be my guest. I doubt she'll listen to you. She's been mighty stubborn about this." "You could always send Applebloom to the Crystal Empire? It's what Rarity did for her family." "Not a chance." Applejack firmly shook her head. "I've talked about it with Big Macintosh and Granny Smith. Like it or not, I'm the mayor of this town. If I can't keep my own family around, why would anypony else?" "I wish I could do something to help," Fluttershy said as she offered a weak, comforting smile. "Listening to me yammer on about it is all I can ask," Applejack replied with an exasperated chuckle. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something else." "Oh?" Fluttershy's ears perked up. Applejack took a deep breath. She took a glimpse outside before returning her attention to Fluttershy. "It's about Chrysalis. I want you to help out with the interrogation." Fluttershy gasped. "Me? But what do you want me to do?" "Whatever you did to turn Discord around, if you think it'll help. I'll be honest. I don't know what to do. I have Boulderhoof breathing down my neck, wanting to take the queen to Canterlot. Meanwhile, all she does is mock me. I tried outsmarting her, threatening her, even bargaining with her. Nothing works." "Oh Applejack," Fluttershy replied weakly as she gazed downward. "I'm not sure I can do anything. Discord was lonely, and I could befriend him. Chrysalis... she scares me. I'm not sure what she's after." "So you're not going to try?" Applejack asked with a sigh. "I know it's hard, but I really need your help on this one." Fluttershy sighed as she forced herself to meet her friend's eyes. "Okay, Applejack. If you really need my help, I'll do it. I just don't know how yet." Applejack beamed. "Good, that's all I ask." She stood up and picked up her hat. "Let's get going then." "What? Now?" Fluttershy asked in a mildly panicked voice. "I have to meet with the weather team later today, then I have yet another pointless visit from Boulderhoof to look forward to. To be honest, I'd like to tell him I'm making progress on the changeling. He really wants to take her to Canterlot, and he knows he can't do that before I have some answers." Fluttershy sighed and hid behind her mane as she made for the door. "Alright, let's go." Four unicorn guards sat around a table as Fluttershy and Applejack entered the jail house. They shared a gruff laugh as a cream-coated unicorn mare groaned at them. She was sitting behind a wooden desk at the back of the room, moving a strand of her red and purple mane away from her face. The mayor coughed softly, grabbing their attention. "Madam mayor. You're here to see the prisoner?" a green-coated guard said as he awkwardly stood and picked up his helmet. Applejack nodded. "Yes, Clover. Fluttershy here is coming with me. I want her to have full access to Chrysalis whenever she needs it." "Yes, ma'am," Clover replied. "Well, I'll have to make sure Captain Boulderhoof is okay with it." Applejack snorted. "You know darn well that I get to decide who sees the prisoner. Boulderhoof will get her when I'm done." "Of course, ma'am," Clover said with an awkward salute. Applejack slowly shook her head and motioned for Fluttershy to follow. The unicorn mare rose from her seat to meet them. "Mayor Applejack," she began in a flat tone. "Moondancer," Applejack said with a polite nod. "This here is Fluttershy. As I said, she'll try to get to the bottom of what the prisoner knows." Moondancer's brow furrowed. "Duly noted. Just be careful in there. She'll probably try to feed on you." Fluttershy gulped. She hadn't considered this possibility. "What do you mean?" "She'll transform into somepony you know and try to trick you into falling for it," Applejack said. "It's pretty pitiful if you ask me." "Still, better safe than sorry," Moondancer replied. "I made sure all the proper runes that would block her horn's magic were carved, but there's nothing I can do to prevent her from shapeshifting or draining a pony's love." Fluttershy tried to take a glimpse through the small barred window on the wooden door behind Moondancer, but couldn't see anything. She took a breath before turning her attention back to the unicorn. "Um, if you don't mind, I have a question. How do you feed her?" Moondancer raised an eyebrow. "Well, we don't let her feed on ponies. Don't worry, changelings can survive for years without feeding on love. Regular food is enough to keep them alive. Love and emotions are used to power their magic." "Oh, I'll be careful then," Fluttershy tentatively replied. "Thank you." "I'll be here if you have any questions," Moondancer said with a weak smile. "Let me know if she does anything strange." Applejack nodded. "We should be good. Come on, Fluttershy." The pegasus followed closely behind her friend as one of the guards opened the door behind the desk. On the other side lay a blue-coated pony curled up in a ball. She was behind a strong set of steel bars, and magical runes had been inscribed on the floor and ceiling, just out of the prisoner's reach. "Fluttershy! I knew you'd come for me," Rainbow Dash's voice excitingly cheered as she rushed toward the bars. Fluttershy gasped at the resemblance. "You... you're not Rainbow Dash," she managed to say. "Give it up, Chrissy," Applejack said, rolling her eyes. "Your tricks ain't impressing anypony." "I don't know. She looks impressed," the changeling queen replied with a grin as she reverted back to her natural form and tipped her head toward Fluttershy. Applejack sat down on a wooden bench on the right of the only door leading into the room. "So, feeling chatty today?" "You're still hoping I'll give you the information you want," Chrysalis teased. "I told you what I want in return." "And I told you that you can forget about being freed," Applejack replied. "It ain't gonna happen." "Wait, what?" Fluttershy asked as her eyes traveled back and forth between the earth pony and the changeling. "Dear Applejack didn't tell you?" Chrysalis mocked as she turned her attention to Fluttershy. "She wants me to tell her where little Twilight is, but won't give me anything in return." "And what would you want in return?" Fluttershy asked after taking a deep breath. You can do this, Fluttershy. This is no different than when you befriended Discord. "Well, getting out of here would be a start," she began. "I also want your insurance that I won't be hunted down." "And I told you. That ain't gonna happen," Applejack said. Fluttershy turned and smiled at her friend. "Let me handle this, Applejack." She kept smiling as she returned her attention to the changeling queen. "That was a good impression of Rainbow Dash you did there." "Well, well, someone appreciates my talent," Chrysalis said as she smirked at Applejack. "Why her though?" Fluttershy asked, pressing on the point. The changeling queen shrugged. "Why not? She's as good a choice as anypony for practice." "I imagine practice is the best way to stay occupied in here," Fluttershy suggested. Chrysalis chuckled. "That, and your friend Applejack." She transformed again, adopting Braeburn's features. "So why'd you let me die, cousin?" the fake Braeburn said. "You got apples for brains?" Applejack stormed angrily toward the bars. "Are you done mocking everypony I ever cared for?" Braeburn's form made way for Pinkie Pie's. "But it's so fun! You should see the look on your face." "That's not very nice," Fluttershy said as she motioned for Applejack to sit. "Pinkie Pie wouldn't laugh at somepony else like that." "Well, maybe you don't know me all that well," the fake Pinkie continued. "I love laughing at everypony." Fluttershy grinned as an idea formed in her head. "Could you do Rainbow Dash again?" "Why?" Chrysalis asked as she returned to her true form and raised an eyebrow. "Because I miss my friend," Fluttershy said with a sigh. "I know you can't replace her, but maybe you can help me pretend." "Fluttershy, what are you doing?" Applejack nervously whispered from behind the pegasus. "It's okay, Applejack. I think I have a plan," Fluttershy replied with a nod before she returned her attention to the prisoner. "So, can you become Rainbow Dash for me?" In the blink of an eye, Rainbow Dash was in front of Fluttershy. "Hey, what's up, Fluttershy?" the blue pegasus said. It looks like her. It sounds like her. Fluttershy almost gasped at the uncanny resemblance. If she didn't know this was the changeling queen, she would have been fooled. "Hi Rainbow. How are you doing today?" "I wish I could get outside and fly," the fake Rainbow Dash replied. "I could show you some tricks, too." "Now, you know that's not possible," Fluttershy replied. "I could tell you about the baby raccoons though. They're getting stronger every day. They've even started running around the cottage." "Fine," Rainbow Dash replied as she rolled her eyes. She acts just like the real Rainbow, Fluttershy thought. She must have studied us all closely. The pegasus tried not to let this realization affect her too much. Fluttershy smiled as she studied the changeling imitating her deceased friend, trying and failing to see flaws in the appearance. "They should be strong enough to leave the cottage on their own soon," she continued. "My home will feel empty once they're gone." "I'm sure your other animals will keep you company," Rainbow continued. "I know," Fluttershy said with a smile, "but each and every one of my animal friends is unique. I always miss them when they're ready to leave and explore the world." "That's it!" Applejack snapped as she stood up and walked between Fluttershy and the prisoner. "I'm putting an end to this." She turned toward Chrysalis, who stared at the earth pony with a confused look, still wearing Rainbow's face. "I won't let you feed on my friend." "We were just talking," Fluttershy said, her head tilting to the side as her mouth tightened. "Come on," Applejack ordered as she led Fluttershy outside. The yellow pegasus could not get a single word in as her friend stormed past Moondancer and the guards, then outside the prison house, forcing her to follow. "What were you trying to prove in there?" Applejack asked once they were away from the guards' ears. There was an unusual harshness to her tone. "You remember what Moondancer said? This is how she feeds on you." Fluttershy sighed and glared at Applejack. "You're the one who asked me to talk to Chrysalis," she began in the most assertive voice she could muster. "I'm doing the same thing I did with Discord. I'm allowing her some space to be herself." "By letting her feed on you?" Applejack asked as her she whipped her tail. "Partly, yes," Fluttershy said with a nod. "I won't let her go too far, but this is the only way I can build trust. You came to me for help. This is how I'll find out where Twilight is." Applejack paced back and forth. "I really don't like this." "What other choices do we have?" I know I'm right. Applejack has to trust me on this one. The mayor sighed and turned back toward her friend. "Alright, fine. You can try to befriend her. I'm only allowing it because I can't think of anything better, and I still have Boulderhoof on my back wanting to take her away. I wanna be around whenever you see her though, or at least have somepony else I trust close by." "That's fine," Fluttershy said. "But please, no more outbursts like that. I need her to trust me, and I can only do it if I'm willing to trust her back." "You better be right about this," Applejack mumbled. I hope so too, Fluttershy silently thought as she smiled and nodded at her friend. Every day for an entire week, Fluttershy would visit Chrysalis in prison. At first, Applejack accompanied her. After the first three days, the mayor decided to trust her friend. Fluttershy imagined that Applejack's other duties required her full attention. Moondancer tried to argue at first, but quickly relented, although she regularly expressed her concern over Fluttershy's methods. The pegasus fully realized the risk involved in what she was doing. She would leave most sessions feeling tired and drained, no doubt as a result of the changeling queen feeding on her emotions. Sometimes, it was hard to even remember that it wasn't Rainbow Dash standing in front of her. If it weren't for the steel bars, Fluttershy might have lost herself in the illusion. Unlike Discord, Chrysalis was an expert in feigning friendship. After all, deception was at the very center of a changeling's nature. Still, the only way to find Twilight was to win the queen's trust, and the only way to do that was for Fluttershy to give said queen the benefit of the doubt, no matter how unwise it sounded. This was how she found herself, day after day, returning to the prison house. Every day, Chrysalis had already taken Rainbow's form when she arrived. From what the guards had told her, she rarely ever changed back. The two pegasi had been talking about whatever was going on in Ponyville, as usual. Fluttershy told her about the animals hiding in her cottage from the increasing cold, while Rainbow talked about the aerial tricks she hoped to perform the moment she was out. They both had been sitting in silence for about a minute when Fluttershy opened her saddlebags. "I brought a few blueberry muffins from Sugarcube Corner." Rainbow nodded with a smile as Fluttershy offered her a pastry between the bars. "Thanks. The food here isn't too great." Fluttershy took a small bite out of her own muffin before attempting a new approach. "These are Twilight's favorites, you know." "Are they?" Rainbow asked with her mouth full. If Fluttershy hoped mentioning Twilight would get something out of the changeling queen, it wasn't showing. "She used to get them all the time at Sugarcube Corner," Fluttershy said. "I have to admit, I like them a bit better when Pinkie makes them, but Mrs. Cake manages the recipe very well too." "Tastes fine to me," Rainbow replied. "A muffin's a muffin, right?" "I suppose it's special for me when Pinkie makes them," Fluttershy said as she looked downward. "I miss her a lot." "Pinkie? Where is she anyway?" "I'm not sure," Fluttershy replied. "I heard rumors that she was helping victims of the war with Shining Armor, but I don't know if there's any truth to it." "We could get out of here and find out," Rainbow suggested with a wink. Fluttershy sighed softly. "You know I can't do that." "Come on, Fluttershy. I need to fly!" Alright, Fluttershy. I think it's time to confront her. She took a long breath before gazing into the prisoner's eyes. "You know very well that I can't let you out. As much as I would like you to be, you're not really Rainbow." Rainbow sighed and transformed back into the intimidating form of Queen Chrysalis. "At least you were tasty while it lasted," she said. "This wasn't just for my sake," Fluttershy continued. She took a deep breath. "I wanted to give you a chance to be yourself. From what Applejack told me, you take pleasure in impersonating ponies." "It's what changelings do," Chrysalis said as she turned around and looked outside through the small barred window at the end of the cell. "I don't want to be your enemy, Chrysalis, but I can't let you out. Maybe if you tell me where Twilight is, I can put in a good word for you." "Enough games," the queen said as she turned around. "You want to know where Twilight is? I'll tell you if you let me out and give me your insurance that nopony will come after me. My conditions have not changed." "You know it's not up to me," Fluttershy said. "Who gets to decide then? Applejack? This is my offer. If your superiors don't take it, I've gorged myself on you enough to last for a few years in this hole." Fluttershy sighed. "Very well, I'll see what I can do." Please, Applejack. Be reasonable about this. The pegasus left the room and smiled politely at Moondancer as she left the prison house. She didn't have to travel for long as she saw Applejack and Captain Boulderhoof walking in her direction. "I hope you have something to report," the enormous gray earth pony who led the Ponyville garrison barked the moment he came into earshot. "M... Maybe," Fluttershy weakly replied, startled by the intimidating stallion. "I knew I could trust you," Applejack relied with a grin. "You might not like it," Fluttershy said as she concentrated her attention on her friend. "Chrysalis will tell us where Twilight is if we let her go and promise not to follow her. I think I won her trust though. I have faith that she'll tell me the truth." "And you seriously expect us to accept this deal?" Boulderhoof asked with a contemptuous guffaw. "Yes, I do," Fluttershy replied in as serious a tone as she could. "We went over this. You know that's not possible, Fluttershy," Applejack replied. "I promised that Canterlot could have Chrysalis after we're done with her. I also promised I wouldn't let her escape." "It's Twilight we're talking about!" Fluttershy snapped as she flapped her wings in frustration. "Don't you think I know that?" Applejack replied, slamming her hoof in the dirt. "I have other things I have to think about. I made promises, and I have to keep them." Boulderhoof snorted loudly. "I'll give you two one more week to get the truth out of this bug. After that, I will report to my superiors that you're wasting time." He turned his attention to Applejack. "Don't think for one second that your friendship with the princess will help you this time. The changeling queen is a military matter, and we can easily take her away should your techniques continue to prove ineffective." Applejack gazed pleadingly at Fluttershy. She didn't have to speak a word for her message to be clear. "I'll think of something," the pegasus softly replied. One of the baby raccoons climbed on Fluttershy's hoof as she lay on the long couch in her living room. Two birds sang from the birdhouse hanging above the pegasus's head, and a mouse sniffed the end of her long pink mane. "Oh, little friends. How am I going to get out of this one?" she asked with a long sigh. The mouse perked up its head and squeaked a few times. Fluttershy's ears twitched at the inviting sound. "I don't think Chrysalis will say anything unless Applejack agrees to let her go," Fluttershy said as the animals gathered up around her. "And Applejack won't agree because she made a promise to the guards." Angel, Fluttershy's ever-present bunny companion, tapped one of his legs on the floor. He stared at Fluttershy, his eyes displaying uncanny intelligence not usually found in animals. "Applejack would never break her promise," the pegasus replied with a gasp. She took a deep breath before continuing. "Even for Twilight. If she did, who knows what the soldiers would do? She probably wouldn't be allowed to be Ponyville's mayor anymore. She made the right decisions. I just hate how both Applejack and Rarity have so many responsibilities now." She slammed one of her hooves on the couch in frustration, making the one baby raccoon jump in confusion. Fluttershy blushed as she attempted to calm it down. Angel's stare didn't falter. Two squirrels and a weasel joined the bunny as they scratched the floor while glaring at the pegasus. "But what can I do? I'm just one pony. I don't lead a town or an entire kingdom. I had one mission, and I failed at it." Angel tapped his foot again. "Yes, I know that I managed to find Discord." The bunny kept tapping his foot. "And yes, I know that he told me Chrysalis was responsible for Twilight's disappearance." The bunny didn't stop. "I admit, I got more out of Chrysalis then Applejack did, but that's just because I don't have an entire city to run," Fluttershy added, prompting the bunny to finally stop tapping his foot. "Maybe you're right," the pegasus said as her ears perked up. "Applejack has a lot of responsibilities, but I don't. Except for all of you." The animals all squeaked, sang, barked, or made other sounds all at once, prompting Fluttershy to giggle. "Alright, alright, I get it. If there's anything I can do, then I should do it. I still can't do it alone though." Fluttershy stood as the animals moved aside to let her walk around her house. She made her way to her modest kitchen and heated up some water to make herself some tea. The beverage always seemed to calm her, and it helped her when she needed to think. If she was to find out where Twilight was being kept, she would need allies she could trust. She would also have to do it without Applejack. She was taking the now boiling kettle off the fire when she heard giggling coming from outside. Her ears perked up and she stretched her neck so she could see out the window. Applebloom and Scootaloo were right outside her house. No doubt the fillies wanted to play with the animals. Fluttershy allowed herself a smile. Anything that could distract them from playing spy for Princess Luna was more than welcome. The pegasus made her way outside. "Hello girls," she said. "Hi Fluttershy," Applebloom said with a smile, Scootaloo mirroring the gesture. "What are you two doing here? Are you here to see the animals?" "Actually, we wanted to ask you something," Applebloom tentatively said as she avoided Fluttershy's gaze. "We heard you were interrogating Chrysalis," Scootaloo completed. "What was she like? Did she try to eat you?" "Oh goodness no," Fluttershy replied. "We only talked. Nothing interesting really." "Come on," Scootaloo pressed on, her wings flapping in excitement. "Something cool must have happened in there." "I only tried to befriend her," Fluttershy said. "I was thinking that if I could show her how friendly we all are, she might think about changing her ways." "Did it work?" Applebloom asked, skepticism evident in her voice. "I think I helped her understand us better. But there's still a lot left to do." "I don't get it," Scootaloo replied as she directed an accusatory gaze at Fluttershy. "It's okay for you to want to be friends with Chrysalis, but not for us to want to be friends with Princess Luna?" Fluttershy sighed. "You know it's more complicated than that. Openly supporting Princess Luna can put you and your families in terrible danger. We've talked about it before." "It's not fair!" Applebloom argued. "You're just as bad as my sister. She always thinks about the stupid guards before her family." "Don't say things like that," Fluttershy said as an idea came to her head. Do I have the right to ask this of the fillies? "It's true though," Scootaloo said. "Applejack hates Luna." "I don't think she does," Fluttershy replied. "She's trying to make the best out of a difficult situation, like the rest of us." Like I am right now. I have to ask them. "Whatever," Applebloom said as she and Scootaloo turned away. "Wait," Fluttershy asked, prompting the fillies to return their attention to her. "Does Princess Luna still visit your dreams?" "What if she does?" Scootaloo said as she raised an eyebrow. "You can't keep us from dreaming." "That's not what I mean," Fluttershy continued, her voice taking a very serious tone. "Would you be able to pass a message on to her?" The fillies looked at each other before Applebloom whispered something in Scootaloo's ear. The pegasus filly finally nodded. "What's the message?" she asked. "Not now," Fluttershy said. "I'll need the two of you to wait for me at the old playground tonight, the one where you both got your cutie marks. I might have a message for the princess by then." "Here to see the prisoner?" one of the guards asked as Fluttershy entered the prison house. "Yes," Fluttershy said with a nod, trying her hardest to keep her voice from trembling. So many things could go wrong with her plan. No Fluttershy. You can't think this way. You can do this. "I'll unlock the door," the guard said as he made for the door. As usual, four soldiers were present, playing cards and looking bored. All four were unicorns, and Moondancer was nowhere to be seen, probably in bed. Just as planned. Fluttershy stepped inside and found Chrysalis laying in a corner of her cell, staring at the moonlight through the window. "Oh, it's you again," the queen said as she studied Fluttershy. "I'm not in the mood for muffins tonight." Fluttershy made sure the door was closed behind her before stepping up to the bars. "I can't promise you that the guards won't go after you," she began after a deep breath. "But I can get you out of here if you tell me exactly what happened to Twilight, and where she is now." Chrysalis chuckled. "So you're breaking me out, are you?" "I want to find my friend," Fluttershy said. Her tone brooked no arguments. "If I have to act behind the guards' backs to find her, then I will." "Amusing," Chrysalis said. "I'll bite. Open the door and I'll tell you everything." "Information first," Fluttershy said, again using all of her self-control to keep her voice from trembling. Chrysalis laughed again. "So after all this talk of friendship, you don't believe me? Let's make this a test. Prove that you truly believe in what you preach, and give me the benefit of the doubt." Fluttershy sighed. "And you swear that you will tell me everything?" "You might not believe me, but I do appreciate what you did," The queen softly said. "You might be the first pony who ever volunteered to be fed upon. Rest assured that the energy I gained from you will be put to good use in getting me safely away from this prison." "Alright," Fluttershy said, "I'll trust you." And I hope I'm not making a mistake, she thought as she forced herself to smile at the queen. Just on cue, two songbirds flew between the bars through the window and to Fluttershy. They carried a metallic key together. "Thank you little friends," Fluttershy said with a smile. "Now fly out and tell the others to start the distraction." The birds sang as they flew outside, following her instructions. "Impressive," the changeling queen said as she watched the birds fly away. "It reminds me of the control I have over my drones." "Except these are my friends," Fluttershy replied with a light frown. "I never force them to do anything." "The results are the same." Fluttershy decided not to argue the point as she put the key in the lock, just as loud banging sounds and shrieking ponies made themselves heard outside. "Rodent invasion around the jailhouse," Fluttershy explained, unable to hide the satisfaction in her tone as she opened the cell door. "Now, where is Twilight?" Please, don't make me regret this. Chrysalis smirked. "You know, I could easily overpower you and fly away with my secrets," the queen said, prompting Fluttershy to brace behind her leg for an attack. "But I won't. As I said, I do owe you a favor." Fluttershy sighed in relief. "Tell me quickly. The distraction won't keep the guards away forever." "The griffons came to me a few months ago. They made me an offer: capture Twilight Sparkle and give her over to them. They also told me to hold Appleoosa and replace all the influential ponies there. In exchange, I would get dominion over all of southern Equestria — A deal I never expected them to honor." "Why did you do it then?" "Revenge, why else?" The queen replied with a smirk. "Runes enhancing teleportation inside Twilight Sparkle's quarters allowing me to teach her a lesson? I would have done it for free." "And what about Twilight?" Fluttershy pressed on. "She's still alive, I think. She was quite exhausted when I fought her, so it wasn't hard to get the better of her. Just as I was about to knock her out, she trapped herself in some sort of crystal. I couldn't dispel it, but I could take her to the griffons, even if she was still locked inside that thing. I have no idea where they took her." So she did get the spell working, Fluttershy thought as she slowly smiled at the changeling queen. Crafty Twilight! I had no idea she could already do it. The pegasus didn't get the chance to ask another question as the door burst open. "It was a distraction!" a voice yelled. "Fluttershy is letting the bug escape." Two guards burst inside the room. Fluttershy hid behind her mane. Too soon! I'm not supposed to get caught yet. Careless Fluttershy. You were so close! The second guard tackled his companion from behind in a sudden move, to Fluttershy's surprise. "Quick, get out of here, My Queen!" he told Chrysalis as he held the real unicorn guard on the ground. His white fur transformed into black chitin. "You didn't think I would send all my minions away, did you?" Chrysalis said with a light chuckle. "Your detection methods aren't as foolproof as you think." Fluttershy didn't question her luck as she raced outside the cell and into the lobby, the queen following close behind. A flash of green light prompted the pegasus to look backward, only to find a unicorn guard where Chrysalis stood — an exact replica of the one locked in combat back inside the cell. "You won't get away with this!" the real guard yelled as he punched his changeling opponent with his left hoof. "I imagine you have a plan?" Fluttershy whispered, wincing at the sound of the poor guard still fighting the changeling drone. She eyed the door leading outside the prison. The changeling queen nodded as she walked to the door and opened it. As expected, a swarm of rats, weasels, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, and other critters were busy being chased by the two remaining guards, who turned their attention to Chrysalis. "I'm taking Fluttershy to safety," the queen said in a perfect imitation of the guard's voice. "Contain the situation until I return." "Shouldn't she be the one fixing this mess?" Another guard asked. "Um," Fluttershy hesitated as she nervously looked around. "Please calm down, little friends," she began, seeing no other options but to comply with the request. A few animals did calm down, but others were either too far away or enjoying the carnage too much to heed her call. Three mice were chasing a snobby-looking mare who was obviously afraid of them. Angel Bunny had discovered a barrel of carrots and was devouring the tasty vegetables. One raccoon had managed to turn a garbage can to its side and was rolling it across the road. The door to the jail house opened. "That isn't me, it's Chrysalis!" the soldier the changeling queen was impersonating yelled. "Fluttershy helped her escape." "I suppose our deal is at an end," the changeling queen replied as she transformed back to her true form, prompting the guards to lean back in defensive stances. Chrysalis, however, contented herself with teleporting away and out of sight. "Get her!" one of the guards yelled as he pointed at Fluttershy. The pegasus gulped as she flew away. Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me! She flapped her wings as fast as she could, looking behind to see three angry unicorn guards giving chase. "I knew something about her wasn't right," one guard yelled. "The queen must have taken control of her," another one added. Fluttershy kept flying forward, hoping that she could escape. Her plan was almost a success. "Gah, what's that?" one guard yelled, prompting Fluttershy to look behind her again. She squeed in delight as she found her animal friends climbing on the guards, crawling under their armor. "Thank you, little friends. It'll be worth it. I promise." She flew away, zig-zagging around houses so she could lose the guards for good. I did it, she thought to herself as she kept flying. One last thing to do. She quickly made her way to the playground, where she found Applebloom and Scootaloo sitting in the sand. "Quickly girls, we don't have much time," she said as she landed next to them. "What's going on?" Applebloom asked. "Do you have the message for the princess?" "Yes," Fluttershy said with a nervous nod. "Tell her that the griffons have Twilight. They had Chrysalis teleport inside her room and capture her. I don't know where they took her, but I know for a fact that Chrysalis didn't lie to me." Both fillies gasped. "We'll let her know," Scootaloo said after a moment's hesitation. "Thanks," Fluttershy replied between pants. Flying away had taken more out of her than she expected. "Tell Applejack, too. And tell her that Twilight managed to get her crystal shield spell working. She'll know what I'm talking about." "Why can't you tell her yourself?" Applebloom asked. "I had to do a bad thing to learn this information," Fluttershy admitted weakly. "The guards will no doubt catch me soon, and I don't know if they'll ever allow me to talk to Applejack." "What did you do?" Applebloom asked in a pleading voice. "There must be some way of helping you." "There isn't," Fluttershy replied, firmly shaking her head. "Just deliver the message. Also, remember that the same thing that's about to happen to me can happen to you should you continue supporting Luna openly. This is why Applejack is being so strict." The fillies stared at her with a mix of worry and confusion on their faces. "You can count on us," Scootaloo finally said. "Thank you," Fluttershy said with a weak smile as she flew away. All that was left to do was to make sure Applejack's position was safe. She flew at a more relaxed pace back toward the jail house. She could run away, try and make her way to the Crystal Empire, but the guards would need a culprit. She couldn't risk Applejack being accused in her place; it would destroy her entire plan. Captain Boulderhoof had to believe that Fluttershy had acted alone. There was only one way to accomplish this. As expected, Boulderhoof himself was at the scene of the crime, surrounded by Moondancer and half a dozen soldiers. Fluttershy calmly landed in front of them. "There she is," he barked. "Grab her." The pegasus didn't resist as unicorn guards placed manacles around her legs and wings. "I surrender," she said, gazing downward. "You just freed one of Equestria's most dangerous monsters," the earth pony officer said as he grabbed her face. "What were you trying to accomplish?" "I only wanted to save Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy lied as tears welled up in her eyes. Given all that she had gone through, they came easily. "I knew it," one of the prison guards said from behind Boulderhoof. "This stupid pegasus got herself brainwashed by the changeling." "You'll all face disciplinary action for your incompetence," the captain barked at the prison guards before returning his attention to Fluttershy. "As for you, I don't know if you're a traitor or just stupid, but there is no excuse for what you did. I heard they're looking for pegasus workers at the new weather factory prison, so that's where you're heading." Fluttershy looked away toward Canterlot, her eyes still filled with tears. Inwardly, she smiled. I did all I could, Applejack. I hope that it's enough. > XXIV Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity carefully observed the austere interrogation room as a guard held the door open for her. "I would like some time alone with the prisoner," she ordered. The prison guard raised an eyebrow as her bodyguard, Sergeant Legerity, furrowed her brow. "We can't leave you in here unguarded, Your Highness," Legerity said. "I've known this particular prisoner since we were foals," Rarity said with a sigh. "She won't hurt me, and some of the questions I wish to ask her are of a very sensitive nature. My order stands." Legerity frowned, but still bowed and relented. "As you wish, Your Highness." The prison guard knocked a few times on the small cloudsteel door at the back of the room. "Send in the prisoner," he barked. The door opened, revealing a yellow pegasus with a disheveled long pink mane. Her wings had been clipped, but she otherwise appeared healthy. "You may leave us," Rarity ordered in her most regal tone. Once the guards had left the room, she allowed her expression to change to that of concern. "Fluttershy! When I heard what you had done, I almost fainted. What madness seized you?" "I had to do something," Fluttershy said softly. "The only way Chrysalis would have told us anything was by freeing her, and I knew Applejack would get in trouble if she got involved." "Oh Fluttershy," Rarity whispered, uncertain what to say. The pegasus smiled weakly. "What I learned was worth it. Don't worry about me, Rarity. Like you and Applejack, I'm doing what I can to help." "And what did you learn? What was worth you getting arrested?" "Uhm, I think you should sit for this," Fluttershy said as she eyed the table in the center of the room. Rarity nodded as she levitated her chair and moved it to the other side so she could sit next to her friend rather than on opposite sides of a table. She grabbed Fluttershy's hoof in her own as they both sat down. "What happened, Fluttershy?" The pegasus took a deep breath. "I found out what happened to Twilight. It was Chrysalis. She captured her and turned her over to the griffons." "Are you certain?" Rarity asked gravely. "The changeling queen could have lied to you. She could be trying to divide us even more." "I'm sure," Fluttershy said. "Chrysalis mentioned that Twilight trapped herself in a crystal after she lost the fight." Both mares shared a knowing look. "Then it can only mean that she completed the spell," Rarity said with a gasp. She grabbed hold of Fluttershy's face. "Did she ever tell anypony beside us?" "I didn't even know she was still working on it," Fluttershy said. "She only mentioned the idea to us one time and told us to keep it quiet. You remember how she made us promise never to talk about it? She didn't even want Spike to know." Rarity tapped her chin. The crystal shield had only been an idea — a last resort spell that Twilight could use to protect herself in the event of danger. "She probably never finished the spell and used an incomplete version," Rarity said. "It might explain why every attempt at finding her failed." "That's right," Fluttershy completed as her ears perked up. "Cadance couldn't find her, and neither could Professor Starflare." "Remember what Twilight said," Rarity added. "This idea was, how did she call it? A 'practical application of the magic of friendship'. It's impossible to break the crystal through any means except one of us freeing her from it. The way Twilight explained it, the rest of us would be magically drawn to her as well." Fluttershy looked down. "It's been so long since she talked about it. I had completely forgotten. It was, what, a few weeks after her ascension as an alicorn princess?" "Something like that," Rarity said. "Poor Twilight. She probably never finished the spell. That was why she didn't talk about it. It's probably a miracle she even got it to work in the first place." Fluttershy took a deep breath. "Now you see why I had to do it. With this stupid war, we've all lost track of the most important thing. We have to find our friend." Rarity stood and slowly paced around the room. "If Twilight is trapped in the crystal, then she's not in pain. This gives us time. And while Chrysalis could not have made up that part, she could have easily lied about giving our friend over to the griffons. For all we know, Twilight is trapped in a changeling hive somewhere." "I believe her," Fluttershy said. Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Any particular reason why?" Fluttershy sighed softly. "I think I won her respect, to an extent. I trusted her, Rarity. I allowed her to feed on me, let her become Rainbow Dash for a week. Just like with Discord, I gave her space to be herself." "You what?" Rarity gasped. "Fluttershy, letting a changeling feed on you is no joke. Nopony knows the extent of the damage prolonged feeding can do. You could have died!" "But I didn't," Fluttershy insisted. "I got us the information we need, and I managed to keep you and Applejack in the clear. Just please, let my sacrifice mean something. You have to find Twilight now!" Rarity sat back in her chair. "Alright, alright, sorry. It's just a lot to take in. Besides me, who else knows about this? I assume you told Applejack?" "I was never allowed to see her," Fluttershy said. "I told Applebloom though, so she could tell Applejack. I also told the fillies to let Princess Luna know through their dreams." Rarity gasped again. "Fluttershy! Why would you do this? Are you not aware of what Luna is doing to Equestria?" Fluttershy's turquoise eyes blazed bright with fury as she stood up. "I can't believe what I'm hearing! This is Princess Luna we're talking about. Yes, she made a mistake, but I still believe she's a good pony at heart. I'm thinking that with all these ponies serving her, she can help us find Twilight. The two of them are still friends, regardless of what anypony thinks." "I certainly hope you're right," Rarity said with a sigh. "In the meantime, you gave her the perfect excuse to redouble her efforts in this war. If she didn't hate us and the griffons before, she'll now become more devoted to her cause than ever." Fluttershy's eyes opened wide in shock as she avoided Rarity's gaze. "Oh, I haven't considered that." Tears welled up in her eyes. "I just wanted to do some good, Rarity. I wanted to do my part." "And you did," Rarity said with a smile as she gently raised her friend's head. "I'll keep watching the griffons and make sure they don't try anything. In the meantime, I want you to stay put, and don't tell anypony about any of this. Can you do that?" "I can," Fluttershy said with a nod. "I promise." "Are they treating you well in here?" Rarity asked after a moment of silence. "I ordered that no prisoner be mistreated, but it can be hard to keep all the soldiers in check." "I'm fine," the pegasus said with a weak smile. "They're keeping us fed, and I have a cloud to sleep on. The work isn't easy, but I manage. I think not being able to fly is the hardest part. Mostly, I keep to myself and stay out of trouble." Rarity nodded. "Good. If I can figure out a way to get you out of this, I will." "Save Twilight first," Fluttershy said. "You can worry about me once she's safe." Rarity stood and hugged her friend tightly. "Thank you, Fluttershy." "I only did what any of us would have done to find Twilight," the pegasus said as she hugged Rarity back. The pegasus-drawn carriage made good time taking Rarity from the weather factory prison to Canterlot Castle. Legerity, who rode alongside her, took great care in observing the landing area before she allowed the princess to disembark. "Really Sergeant, I appreciate your diligence, but I hardly believe anypony will attack me on private castle grounds," Rarity said as she stepped off the carriage and waved over Sapphire Blitz, who was waiting for her near the landing pad. "Better safe than sorry, Your Highness," the bodyguard flatly replied. Rarity sighed as she walked over to her assistant. "Any news while I was gone, Sapphire?" "Indeed," the pink unicorn said with a pleasant smile. "Fancy Pants arrived by train a bit earlier than expected. A council meeting has been scheduled this afternoon at his request. He also demanded a private audience with you at your earliest convenience." "I will see him immediately," Rarity said. "Anything else?" "Spike remains occupied with Princess Twilight's parents. They had breakfast together this morning. Nothing out of the ordinary happened there." Rarity smiled. "They're not bad ponies. As I keep saying, I don't expect any more trouble from them." Should I tell them about Twilight? Should I tell Spike? Rarity kept her expression as pleasant as she could as she pondered these thoughts. "Anything else?" "Your old associate, Sassy Saddles, requested your permission to use your image on what she called 'The New Princess Dress'. I didn't want to presume to speak for you." "Tell her it's fine," Rarity said. "And give both her and Coco Pommel my regards." She took a deep breath before turning her eyes toward the palace. As tempting as it was to visit old friends, today was too important. "Sergeant Legerity, please escort me to my private office. Sapphire, have some dandelion tea brought there, and send for Fancy Pants. I will meet him in private." "As you command, Your Highness," the assistant said before she rushed inside. "If you'll follow me, Your Highness," Legerity said. Rarity followed her bodyguard, knowing better than to argue that she knew the way. If anything, she was beginning to enjoy the regality that came with being escorted everywhere. She politely saluted the minor nobles and servants she passed on the way to her office, making sure to smile and always present an air of confidence. The day's Canterlot Times was waiting for her on her desk, as usual. She thanked Legerity as she stepped in and sat down on her padded chair. The moment her bodyguard was out of sight, her smile dropped. If Scootaloo and Applebloom had really passed on Fluttershy's message to Luna, then it could jeopardize Fancy Pants' plan. She would have to discuss it thoroughly with him. She picked up the newspaper and read the headlines. Brave Canterlot soldiers crush a rebel attack in Whitetail Woods. She frowned at the article. As usual, there was no mention of the lives destroyed in the various successful raids by Cloudsdale troops. Following Ambassador Antoine's suggestion, Blueblood had ordered that the press be tightly controlled. If ponies were aware of stories such as the disaster at Saddlefree, Rarity suspected the recruitment offices would see fewer volunteers. A polite knock on her door preceded one of the castle servants bringing in a filled teapot, alongside two cups. Rarity silently thanked the maid as she moved on to a report. She considered asking the maid what had happened to Celestia's old reserve of griffon tea, which she had taken a liking too, but dismissed the idea as her eyes returned to her report; she simply didn't have the time for such frivolities. Another griffon patrol reported a group of ponies claiming to help refugees escape to the Crystal Empire. While the report also claimed that an informant revealed this group to be working for Cloudsdale, the influx of ponies coming into the Empire had to come from somewhere. Could Shining Armor have something to do with this? Rarity hadn't heard from him since her wedding. She had presumed he was in Cloudsdale, but perhaps he had taken another task upon himself. Pinkie Pie certainly wouldn't stand idly as ponies suffered. And then there was Twilight. Rarity had put Fluttershy's news at the back of her mind, not yet ready to consider the implications. Either Chrysalis wanted to use the griffons as a scapegoat, or Blueblood, in all his wisdom, had invited Equestria's newest enemy right in. If that was the case, could he be aware of what he did? She remembered one of the first things Floribunda had told her when she first settled in Canterlot; many elements within the nobility feared that Twilight would take away their privileges. Any of them could be in league with the griffons. She could be facing one or two ambitious nobles, or perhaps a vast conspiracy. Rarity groaned in frustration as she poured herself a cup of tea. She couldn't ignore the information she had, but couldn't risk tipping off potential traitors either. What she needed was proof. Ambassador Antoine was too clever to leave something obvious behind, if he was even aware of the situation. Perhaps he was just a pawn. Perhaps the culprit wasn't the Griffingard government, but a rogue faction. What the princess needed was allies. She needed ponies she could trust to help her find the truth. She took a small sip of tea as she looked out the large window in the back of her office. She placed her hoof on her belly. While she hadn't yet started to show, she could feel the life growing inside of her. What kind of future are we building for you? she wondered as she pondered her unborn child. A knock on her door broke her reverie. "Come in," she invited after taking a deep breath and putting on her regal smile once more. The door opened, revealing Sapphire Blitz. "Councilor Fancy Pants," her assistant announced as the blue-maned stallion stepped inside. "Fancy Pants," Rarity warmly welcomed as she stood from her seat. "What a wonderful pleasure to see you. Please, make yourself comfortable." "Thank you, Princess Rarity," the stallion replied with a bow. His warm smile told Rarity what his formality would not. After months working in Manehattan, he was no doubt as delighted as her to be reunited. "You may leave us, Sapphire," Rarity told her assistant before turning her attention to her guest. "Dandelion tea?" "Yes, please," Fancy said as Rarity poured him a cup. "I have to say, you look good. When you told me about your wedding, I admit that I was worried." "I did what I had to," Rarity said, unable to suppress a sigh. "And it's served our plans so far. As I wrote in my last letter, I brought my husband to Ponyville and showed him the extent of the devastation." "Yes, you did tell me it opened his eyes," Fancy said as he took a sip of tea, wincing slightly at the taste. "The bitterness takes a bit of getting used to," Rarity said as she took a sip of her own. "But enough with the formalities. I imagine that if you're here and you requested a council meeting, the plan was a success?" Fancy nodded. "Princess Luna agreed to negotiate a truce in Manehattan. Should Blueblood and yourself agree, we can work toward a cease-fire." Rarity smiled widely. "Excellent work! What did Princess Luna say? Anything we should know about?" Fancy Pants frowned lightly as he slowly shook his head. "I never got to meet her in person. She sent an envoy, a mare called Octavia. She gave us the usual platitudes; Princess Luna is always willing to consider peace, she wants what's best for Equestria. Whatever her angle may be coming into these negotiations, she made sure nopony in Manehattan knew." "No doubt they're aware of our association," Rarity said. "Anything they told you, they would assume you'd tell me." "And you'll be sitting on the other side of the negotiation table," Fancy completed. Rarity took another glimpse outside. A young couple was taking a stroll in the gardens. I have to tell him. There's no chance that Fancy Pants could be a traitor. She returned her attention to her guest. "There might be another complication." "Oh?" Fancy asked as he adjusted his monocle. "What I'm about to tell you must not leave this room. I do not yet know who I can trust." The stallion's expression relaxed. "You know you can always trust me, Rarity. I have no love for political backstabbing." "I know," Rarity said with a smile. "You remember my friend Fluttershy? She managed to learn that Queen Chrysalis attacked and captured Princess Twilight straight from the royal quarters." Fancy Pants gasped. "Are you certain that this information is genuine?" Rarity nodded. "The changeling queen admitted it. The next part is where things get complicated. From what she said, she did not work alone. The griffons were behind it, and now hold Princess Twilight." "And we only have the changeling's word?" "Now you see the problem," Rarity said. "Should I speak out and the griffons are guilty, it would only serve to tip them off. Without proof, however, no accusations can be made. This could just as easily be a ploy by the changelings to create even more chaos." "And if the griffons are behind Princess Twilight's disappearance, they might try to sabotage the cease-fire," Fancy completed. "There is more," Rarity added with a sigh. "Fluttershy also sent a message to Princess Luna through a known spy." "This isn't good," Fancy said as his brow furrowed. "Princess Luna will surely not hesitate to believe the griffons are guilty, and will also believe Prince Blueblood to be complicit in the ploy." "Meaning she might be using these negotiations as a stalling tactic." Fancy Pants grimaced as he took another sip of tea. "We still have to proceed normally. With luck, Princess Luna will come forward with new information. If not, canceling the negotiations will only tip the guilty party." "And if it is a changeling ploy, we'd play right into their hooves," Rarity said. "You're right. We should proceed normally, and I will continue my investigation here. Hopefully I can find more allies I can trust." Fancy Pants nodded. He levitated his cup and brought it to his lips, but changed his mind and placed it back on the desk. "I will meet with my husband," Rarity continued. "I want to prepare him for your announcement. Hopefully he's at least open to attempting these negotiations." "Good thinking," Fancy Pants replied as he stood up. "Unless there is anything else, I should probably prepare for this council meeting myself." Rarity got up as well. "Thank you again for everything you've done." "Just like you," Fancy said with a solemn nod, "I only did my duty." "More broccoli, my dear?" Blueblood asked as he levitated a plate in Rarity's direction. "Thank you," Rarity said as she accepted the dish. The council meeting had been planned for the early afternoon, so she decided she should have lunch with her husband beforehand. Blueblood took a sip of wine. His recent tendency to start drinking earlier and earlier troubled Rarity, but she knew better than to confront him on the matter. He gently placed his cup back on the table and nodded at Rarity. "So, I heard you visited the weather factory this morning." "Yes. I wanted to make sure Fluttershy was okay. Regardless of what she did, she's still a friend." "Royalty does not mingle with criminals," Blueblood said as he furrowed his brow. "I won't try to have her liberated, and I won't publicly deny her crime," Rarity replied with a sigh. "I owed her one visit, and that's all I did. If you like, I can even address the population and praise the diligence of the guards working there. It should safely distance me from Fluttershy." "That would be best," the prince said as he took another sip. Rarity took a bite of bread. Surely with what he saw in Ponyville, he will see the need for peace. She took a deep breath and smiled. "So, have you given any thought to Fancy Pants' suggestion?" "You mean the cease-fire? He approached me about it earlier. I told him I would consider it." "It would be to everypony's advantage," Rarity added. "We'd be negotiating from a position of strength. We control Canterlot and all of Eastern Equestria." Blueblood finished his cup in one gulp and sighed. "I'm no fool, Rarity. I saw Ponyville, and I realize that peace should be explored. Our position of strength, however, is precisely why we must be cautious. We could easily allow Luna time to rebuild, only so she can attack us later." And it would force us to send the griffons away, Rarity completed in her head. "We'll definitely have to consider these points, but I believe that a meeting on neutral ground is at least worthwhile." "I'll be honest," Blueblood said with a frown. "I don't like it. Luna is a traitor, and her army has done nothing but bring chaos and mayhem to our once-peaceful land." He raised his hoof as Rarity was about to reply. "However, I do not want to see a second Ponyville. So yes, Rarity. I will hear what Fancy Pants has to offer." "It's all I ask, beloved," Rarity said with a smile before returning to her meal. Rarity noticed the sweat rolling down Fancy Pants' neck as he stood before the council. At Blueblood's insistence, both Ambassador Antoine and Centurion Bouvier had joined the group. He places too much trust in the griffons, Rarity thought grimly. How far did this confidence go? Could the father of her child be responsible for Twilight's disappearance? "I asked you all here for a very important reason," Fancy Pants began. "As you know, this council sent me to Manehattan to secure loyalty to the throne." "An order that you disobeyed," Blueblood calmly replied as he leaned on the council table. "You chose to encourage neutrality instead." "I did," Fancy said with a bow. "I do apologize, but my actions were necessary. You see, I suspected that this war could take longer than expected, and that we might need a neutral party to help negotiate peace." "You could just as easily have handed Manehattan to Princess Luna," General Silvermane flatly said. "Your actions where foolish. The Crystal Empire could have served as a neutral location should negotiations prove necessary." "The Crystal Empire is in political turmoil, trying to adjust to existence in this century," Rarity said as she frowned at the general. Why are you so eager to fight this war, Silvermane? "Regardless," Kibitz added as he glared at Fancy Pants. "Acting behind the council's back was hardly the action of a loyal council member. This is not what we've come to expect from you, Councilor Fancy Pants." Rarity sighed. For this to work, she had to give the plan her full support early on. "Fancy Pants did not act alone. This was something he and I came up with together, for the good of Equestria." Kibitz stood up and gasped at Rarity. "So you conspired against the throne all along." "Sit down, Councilor," Blueblood snapped as he glared at the balding unicorn. "My wife can hardly conspire against herself, now can she?" "Thank you, my prince," Rarity replied with a smile. He certainly seems to want peace. Would that absolve him of suspicion, or does it simply mean he already has what he wants? Floribunda coughed lightly. "Well I, for one, would certainly welcome peace." "I agree," Fancy Pants said with a nod. "Which is why the city of Manehattan has agreed to host a peace conference. We finally have a chance to stop fighting and start talking." "Most unwise," Centurion Bouvier, who had so far remained quiet, calmly replied. "They resorted to guerilla tactics. This means we have them on the run. It's only a matter of time before my scouts find Cloudsdale. Once this is done, we will crush them once and for all. A truce will only allow them to re-arm themselves and most importantly, train their troops." "We would be able to do the same," Silvermane said. "All this would mean is Equestria losing its dependence on Griffingard." "Or your rebels attacking our nation in retribution," Antoine warned as he raised a claw. "Like it or not, Griffingard is now involved. We have the right to protect our interests." "You are quite right, Ambassador," Blueblood said as he glared severely at both Fancy Pants and Rarity. "No negotiations will take place without Griffingard's involvement." "Still, this is all speculation," Silvermane said. "I highly doubt Luna will agree to sit at the negotiation table." "You are quite wrong, General," Fancy Pants said with a light smirk. "In fact, she already accepted and sent us an envoy." He turned toward Blueblood and bowed his head. "Should you accept the offer, Your Highness, we can host the summit next week. All the preparations have already been made." All heads turned toward Blueblood, who stoop up. "Do not mistake what I'm about to say for weakness. I believe Princess Luna to be a traitor, and responsible for the murder of Princess Celestia. Still, it is my duty as ruling Prince of Equestria to protect my subjects. In the interest of avoiding another Ponyville, I will attend this peace summit." He turned and nodded at his wife, hints of a smile forming around his muzzle. Silvermane frowned. Rarity noticed her grinding her teeth. "Let me at least make sure the security precautions are in order. This could be a trap." "An exchange of hostages will take place to make sure no side double-crosses the other," Fancy said. "You will have to volunteer a number of high-ranking nobles for this. Some of Cloudsdale's most important citizens, as well as some of General Soarin's most trusted officers, will be placed in your custody for the duration of the talks." "A reasonable precaution," Rarity said. "I volunteer," Floribunda offered. "Let nopony say I didn't do my part for peace." Rarity's gasp slowly transformed into a respectful nod. "You are very brave, Lady Floribunda." Now, let's see what our griffon allies have to say. She turned her attention to the ambassador. "Ambassador Antoine, if Griffingard is to take place in the negotiations, shouldn't you offer a hostage of your own?" "You presume much," Antoine replied. "But in the name of our alliance, we would be willing to cooperate." "I will send Decurion Theo," Bouvier said. "He's one of my most trusted advisors. I believe he will prove adequate?" "He will," Blueblood replied before anyone else had a chance to chime in. "Then I suggest we begin the preparations," Fancy Pants said with an enthusiastic smile. "Let us work for peace." Rarity gently rocked herself on the comfortable chair she kept in her personal quarters. She slowly massaged her belly. While it was too early for the foal to start kicking, she could feel its presence inside of her. At least she wasn't so advanced in her pregnancy that she couldn't travel. She would need to attend the peace talks in person. Even if Blueblood might be open to the idea of peace, Rarity suspected he wouldn't be as open to the conditions Luna would insist on. That was assuming peace was even a possibility. For all she knew, either side could be using it as a stalling tactic. Luna might just be desperate enough to try something, and the griffons didn't seem too happy at the possibility of a cease-fire. Even Silvermane never tried to hide her distrust of Princess Luna. She could attempt to sabotage the negotiations. All of it would happen with Fluttershy's accusation in mind. If Luna knew, would she openly accuse the griffons during the talks? Knowing Ambassador Antoine, he already had some counter-arguments ready to prove his innocence, assuming he was guilty. Rarity sighed. She needed an ally. Fancy Pants could be trusted, but he had to maintain a neutral position. Being away from Canterlot, he also didn't have the resources to gather information on the griffons. Kibitz was probably innocent. For all his faults, he was a patriot and wouldn't resort to lies and trickery. Floribunda was also unlikely a part of any conspiracy. She was a traditionalist and valued peace and stability. Either way, neither councilor wouldn't have the resources to help either Rarity or the griffons. That left Prince Blueblood and General Silvermane. Blueblood's friendship with Antoine was well known, as well as his open support for the Griffingard cause. Either he'd allied himself with the griffons in order to secure the throne for himself, or he was being manipulated. As much as Rarity hoped she hadn't married the stallion responsible for her friend's kidnapping, she had to remain open to every possibility. And then there was Silvermane. The general seemed to have had a hoof in most major events since Celestia's demise. She was the one who attempted to arrest Princess Luna, she organized Rarity's wedding, she lead the war effort, and she even planned for Rarity's pregnancy. On the upside, she didn't seem to get along too well with Centurion Bouvier. Come to think of it, Prince Blueblood was the one to suggest the griffons come to Equestria, and Silvermane never hid her distrust toward Griffingard. She also insisted she remain in charge. Everything General Silvermane did, she did out of a sense of patriotism. A distorted sense of patriotism to be sure, but patriotism just the same. Rarity remembered quite well how she had sold her the idea of the wedding: raise a foal who would become a fair ruler for the next generation. Unless all of it had been a lie, Silvermane would oppose Equestria falling under King Aurélien of Griffingard's rule, something that was surely the griffon's ultimate plan should the accusation prove correct. If anything, getting the griffons out of Equestria could only help the peace effort. Since Rarity needed an ally, she would need to risk trusting the pony responsible for starting the war. She sighed as she stood and walked to the door. As expected, Sergeant Legerity was waiting on the other side the moment she opened it. "Please send for General Silvermane," Rarity ordered. "I would like to see her in private." "Yes, Your Highness," the bodyguard replied with a bow. Rarity returned to her rocking chair and picked up The Heart's Whinny from her coffee table. She was almost done reading it, having reached the chapter where Golden Oats had to prove to Prince Silversword that she wasn't responsible for sabotaging Queen Cupidity's gala. She allowed the story to distract her. She was finishing up the part where Golden Oats proved the horseshoe didn't fit her hoof, but was in fact Princess Vainglory's, when a knock on the door disturbed her. "Come in," she called. The door opened to reveal General Silvermane, who nodded at Legerity before closing the door behind her. "You called for me, Your Highness?" Rarity took a deep breath as she left her book on a nearby coffee table. "Please take a seat, General." She motioned for the comfortable long couch where she usually entertained guests. "I take it this is regarding the peace talks," Silvermane said as she sat down, keeping a rigid posture. "In a way," Rarity said as she sat next to the general. "What would you say if I were to tell you there are elements that might be looking to sabotage the negotiations?" "I would say the griffons have everything to gain by ensuring this war continues," Silvermane replied in her usual flat tone. "I fully expect that they'll try something." "I agree," Rarity said as she moved a strand of hair away from her face. "There is more. What I'm about to tell you must not leave this room. To tell you the truth, I'm still not certain if trusting you is a good idea." "But you'll tell me anyways," the general completed. "You wouldn't have called for me otherwise." "I believe you to be a patriot, General. Your actions are rash and callous, and you force ponies into despicable actions, all to serve your twisted sense of the greater good." Silvermane's expression remained unchanged and unimpressed as Rarity spoke. "I do believe, however, that you think you're doing the right thing. You wouldn't betray Equestria itself, only individual ponies you do not find worthy of serving her." "I only aim to serve, Your Highness." Silvermane was grinding her teeth as she replied. Rarity nodded and continued. "You know that my friend Fluttershy was imprisoned for freeing the changeling queen." "I'm certain you know better than to order her freed," Silvermane said. "Not what I'm getting at," Rarity replied sedately as her brow furrowed. "The reason she freed Chrysalis was to obtain information. In exchange for her freedom, the queen revealed two important pieces of information. First of all, she captured Twilight Sparkle. We know this to be true; Chrysalis described Twilight using a spell, one only Twilight's closest friends have any knowledge of." "Interesting theory," Silvermane said. A flicker in her burnt orange eyes betrayed her interest. "The second piece of information we found was that Chrysalis did not act alone. She claims that she handed Twilight over to the griffons." "Or the changeling queen could have lied, and Princess Twilight could be literally anywhere," Silvermane said. "She could be dead." "I don't think so," Rarity replied as she shook her head. "The spell I mentioned earlier is a protective shield. Twilight cannot be freed from it without myself or another one of our friends breaking it. This means that she's alive and unharmed." "But since your friend so wisely let the changeling queen go, we don't have any way to prove any of this." "Which is why I'm coming to you," Rarity continued, ignoring the jab at Fluttershy. "I need proof. You work closely with Centurion Bouvier, and I've been in Canterlot long enough to know you employ more spies than any sane pony should." "And you want me to investigate." Silvermane took a deep breath. "It's definitely an interesting theory, one worth considering." She tapped her hoof to her chin. "Very well, Your Highness. I will conduct a subtle investigation and see what I can find out. I will also speed up our troops' training — try to make sure our military machine isn't dependent on Griffingard." "Good," Rarity said. She adjusted her mane as she considered what she was about to say next. You need allies, Rarity. You have no choice but to tell her everything. "There is more." "Oh?" Silvermane asked as one of her ears twitched. "Fluttershy didn't pass on the message to me alone. She also sent it to Princess Luna, through one of her spies." "I don't suppose you've identified this spy?" Rarity sighed. "Irrelevant, the spy has since then left Ponyville and is doubtless already in Cloudsdale. What matters is that Princess Luna might come into these negotiations suspecting the griffons of being responsible for kidnapping Princess Twilight." "And she would assume that Prince Blueblood is behind it," Silvermane completed. "Typical Luna. We can expect rash action from her. I wouldn't be surprised if she accuses the griffons right in the middle of the peace talks." "A possibility we should be ready for," Rarity said with a stern nod. "I do not, however, wish to precipitate a confrontation. To be blunt, General, I don't care what your opinion of Princess Luna is. I want these peace talks to succeed, and so does my husband." "Yes, you seemed to have convinced him of the value of peace when you showed him Ponyville. Fear not, Your Highness. As you mentioned, I am a patriot, and I will obey the will of the crown. I will, however, keep my eyes opened. These negotiations can easily turn into an explosive situation, and I thank you for trusting me with this information. I will do my best to ensure everything goes as well as possible." "Then we can uncover the truth," Rarity completed. And hopefully I'm not making a mistake by trusting her. > XXV The Prisoner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She flew high in the endless sky, nothing but a sea of blue and the occasional cloud in sight. The perfect breeze allowed her to soar effortlessly as the gentle rays of the sun caressed her coat. "This is so awesome!" she attempted to say, although no sound would escape her muzzle. A mild panic overpowered her as she attempted to speak. Some unseen, oppressive force crushed her lungs. She attempted to scream, to no avail. The air felt heavy. It crushed her lungs and weighed her down. She first saw a shadow from the corner of her eye. Soon, the vague silhouette of a pony towered over her, envelopping the entire sky. She flapped harder, but her muscles felt sore. The harder she tried to fly away, the more it felt like she was drawn toward the looming shadow. She fell within the darkness, into the opened beak of a griffon, blood pouring out of its eyes. Its features almost seemed familiar. "I'm so sorry," she managed to say. Her lips trembled as she awoke on the cold, damp floor of her cell. The same dream again, the same shadow looming over her. She attempted to get up, her left hind leg making her wince in pain as she accidentally put weight on it. In another life, she had been in a battle. She had fallen and crushed her leg, and it never healed properly. Droplets of water fell from the ceiling. She blinked her remaining eye a few times, but couldn't make out anything in the darkness of her cell. Day and night had lost meaning in this place. Sometimes, she would be left alone for days, wondering if they would remember to feed her. Her tormentors could come at any moment though. Sometimes they would ask questions. Other times, they would beat her for no reason other than she was their prisoner. Every noise coming from outside the stone wall caused her to shake in her corner, fearing whatever torture they had planned for her. They can't break me, I'm awesome. She slowly crawled to the corner of the room where she usually hid her food - under a loose stone on the floor. This was at least her fourth hiding place. She would sometimes find her hidden cache of damp oats empty; presumably her captors took everything while she slept. They hadn't found them all, though. She was too clever for them. She was in the middle of removing the stone when she heard the door being unlocked and creak open behind her. "So, that's where you've been hiding the good stuff," a gruff voice mocked from behind her. Not now, please not now. She curled up in a ball. They can't touch me, I'm awesome. "Let's see what you have here," the voice continued as a strong claw easily pushed her away. She dared not open her eye, but recognized Crackbeak's voice. She didn't know any of the guards' names, so she invented her own. "Look at that," he said with a laugh. "Four miserable pieces of oats. You eat when we tell you to eat, pony." She braced for the kick she knew would follow. "Leave her alone," a female voice calmly ordered. This one was familiar: it was the liar. The liar would act nice, but she couldn't be trusted. It was all her fault. "Why'd you always have to ruin my fun, Gilda?" Crackbeak said. "Just empty her chamber pot and leave her food," the liar said. The loud sound of a bucket being dropped made the prisoner jump. Her eye opened for a moment, and she saw Crackbeak's vicious yellow orbs staring at her. Faint illumination from the torch in the hallway burned her eye. How long had it been since she had seen something other than darkness? "Look who's coming out to say hi," the griffon teased as he grabbed her head with his claw. The liar stayed back. The prisoner saw her silhouette, silently observing from the shadows. Tears welled up in the prisoner's eye. "They can't harm me, I'm awesome," she weakly mumbled, too low for her tormentors to hear. "You have something you want to tell me, pony?" Crackbeak asked. He ran down the length of her face with a sharpened claw. "Leave the questioning to the interrogators," the liar said as she moved out of the shadows and motioned for Crackbeak to follow her. "We have other prisoners to feed." Crackbeak glared into the prisoner's eye for a moment before shoving her unceremoniously to the cold floor. "Fine. I'll be back for you later, pony." With that, she was left alone. The door was slammed shut, leaving her in darkness once more. The blackness was her only friend. In the dark, none of them would hurt her. She had once enjoyed the light, back when she knew the sky. No! That was another pony. That was the pony who resisted. That pony got beaten every day for talking back. She crawled to the bucket the guards had left, carefully sniffing its content. Stale oats were mixed with blood left over from whatever else had been in there before. She forced herself to take a bite, knowing full well the griffons might come and take the food away at any time. She cringed at the metallic aftertaste. Her stomach churned, but she managed to keep it under control. On countless occasions before, she had puked when this stench assaulted her nostrils. Sometimes, remains of dead animals were left in the bottom of the barrel. She had once been forced to nibble on a rat's bones when they had forgotten to feed her for what felt like days. A few bites were all she could stomach. She carried a hoofful of oats and hid it next to the door. When they opened it, it would hide her food. The guards never closed the door when they came in. They weren't used to the darkness like she was. They can't trick me, I'm awesome. She made sure not to hide too much. It would get suspicious if she did, and they would search the room. She went to a different corner and curled up to sleep. She tried to hug her tail, but as usual, only found a shaved, skin-covered tailbone. She drifted back into unconsciousness. A spider crawled across her body, climbing between two ribs. Its tiny legs tickled her skin. "Hey there," she whispered. She once had a friend who could talk to animals. No! Don't remember her. If you remember her you might betray her. She breathed in and out. Such flashes from her old life would often come. No matter how hard she tried, they wouldn't stay away. She shook her head and placed her hoof on her body, prompting the spider to climb onto it. She brought it in front of her face. If she looked really hard, she could make out its features, even in the pitch blackness of her cell. The sound of steps coming toward the door prompted her to gasp. "Quick, hide," she whispered. The last time Crackbeak found her talking to a bug, he crushed it and threw it in her food. The spider crawled away into a crack on the floor. The door opened and the liar walked in, a torch in one of her claws. "Come on, Dash," she said. The prisoner slowly got up. This was another trick. The liar would act nice, but Crackbeak would hide, waiting to beat her. She had learned, and wouldn't be tricked anymore. "This is your chance to get out of this," the liar continued, again pretending to be her friend. "Just please, tell them what they want to know." The prisoner kept her head bowed as the liar bound her wings with a leather strap. A gentle push prompted her to limp forward. She wobbled every time she had to put weight on her crushed leg. She was taken out of her cell and through a stone hallway illuminated by torches on the walls. The flames burned her eye as she attempted to shield it. "I'm really sorry for this, Dash," the liar said as she led the prisoner to the end of the path. "If only you hadn't gotten involved." Liar! Liar! Liar! She flinched, but remained silent. "I have my orders," the liar continued. "Just please, tell them what they want, and all of this can end." The prisoner stopped. "Will you kill me?" she asked in a raspy voice. Her whole body twitched as the liar placed a claw on her shoulder. "I want to get you out of here, Dash. If you tell them what they want, maybe I can at least get you a more comfortable cell, better food. Please, you have to trust me." The prisoner looked away as her entire body trembled. It's a trick. It has to be a trick. Don't say anything. "Have it your way," the liar said with a sigh. She was led to a room at the end of the hall. A large table was inside, with a griffon sitting behind it. This one was new; the prisoner hadn't seen her before. She sported well-trimmed gray feathers and small glasses covering her green eyes. She didn't quite fit with the room, like the one fresh apple in a bucket of rotting fruit. She opened a file folder in front of her and started reading. The liar stood in a corner, next to Crackbeak. The strange, well-preened griffon kept reading the file. The prisoner shivered, but could not avert her eye. The sound of pages being turned echoed within the room, accompanied by her own racing heartbeat. A large mirror at the end of the room captured the prisoner's attention. She didn't speak or move. The figure that looked back at her was a pitiful bag of skin stretched over bare bones. Its coat was graying and filthy. Where once a vibrant mane might have been, rough patches of hair were struggling to grow. The entire right half of the creature's face was covered in scars, from a pierced eyeball to a shredded ear. "That isn't me," she whispered. "That isn't me! That isn't me! That isn't me!" She cried as she begged her own reflection. "Name and rank," the well-coiffed griffon asked, her voice calm and impersonal. The reflection in the mirror kept the prisoner's attention. Her remaining teeth were yellow and rotten. Two had been removed by her captors. "Name and rank," the interrogator's voice asked again, her voice as unflinching as before. Crackbeak stepped forward and forcefully brought her to a wooden chair in front of a large bucket of water. He hit her hard behind the head. "Answer the question." "Rainbow Dash," she weakly uttered. "Wing Commander Rainbow Dash." The name felt strange on her lips. Familiar, yet alien. "Incorrect," the interrogator said, her eyes still glued to the file. The prisoner screamed as Crackbeak grabbed her without warning and pushed her head under the water. Her wings strained against their bonds as water entered her lungs. Finally, she was released. She coughed up dirty water and gasped for breath. "Name and rank," the interrogator repeated. "Prisoner." It was as good a name as any. An apt description of her existence. "What is your purpose, prisoner?" the interrogator continued. The prisoner gazed at the creature in the mirror again. Such a pitiful bag of bones could not have a purpose. She apparently waited too long, as her head was violently forced into the water again. She pushed back with what little force she had left, attempting to get out. It was no use. Crackbeak was too strong. She coughed water out of her lungs as her head was pulled out. "What is your purpose?" the interrogator asked again, her voice flat and unchanging. She struggled to breathe as she leaned over the bucket. "To answer your questions," she mumbled between sobs. "My purpose is to answer your questions." "To speak the truth," the interrogator corrected as she finally raised her eyes from the file and looked at the prisoner. This time, she knew what to expect and held her breath before her head was pushed into the bucket. She was held in longer this time. Her body struggled, fighting for breath until she couldn't fight anymore. Her vision blackened. She had all but given up when Crackbeak pulled her out. I just have to tell them what they want. It isn't hard. It's just words. It doesn't mean they broke me if I just speak words, does it? The interrogator closed the file. "How did Twilight Sparkle become an alicorn?" she asked. "She completed Starswirl's unfinished spell," the prisoner replied. They had to know this already. It couldn't be betrayal; this was all a test. That's from another life. It happened to another mare. "Where did she find the elements of harmony?" They want to trick me, but I won't let them. "In the Everfree forest. In the Castle of the Two Sisters." "Where is she now?" "Gone, gone, gone," the prisoner mumbled. "She's gone." "How can her shield be broken?" "There is no shield. She's gone! Gone, gone, gone!" She held her head with her hooves. This is all a trick! Maybe the other pony knew, but not me. She's not me. She almost vomited as her head was violently shoved inside the bucket again. She barely had the strength to struggle this time. The moment she was dragged out, she expulsed the contents of her stomach. A mix of dirty water, yellow bile, and half-digested oats spewed into the bucket. "How can Twilight Sparkle's shield be broken?" "I don't know." She softly cried. "I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." The question makes no sense. How can I answer a question that makes no sense? Only a hit to the back of her head came this time. It took her by surprise, making her bite her own tongue. She spat some blood. The metallic taste still lingered in her mouth. "How can Twilight Sparkle's shield be broken?" "She never said." Twilight is dead. Why do they keep asking about a dead pony? The interrogator took a few notes in the file. She nodded at the guards, who got the prisoner back on her hooves. She was taken out of the room by Crackbeak and through the hallway again. Surely she would be sent back to the darkness of her cell. She dragged her hooves as she felt like puking again, prompting Crackbeak to hit her. "Move, pony. I don't have all day." She was taken past her cell to an area she had never seen. All the hallways looked the same, but she remembered the twists and turns of this stone labyrinth. Finally, they arrived in front of another stone door, which Crackbeak opened. Inside was another table, with another mirror, and another bucket. No, no no! They can't hurt me, I'm awesome. A short, fat griffon sat behind the table, reading a file out of a folder. "Name and rank?" he asked. The same pattern had been repeated more times than she could count. Every time, the same questions. Sometimes, they would use a different mirror, one that distorted her features beyond her normal disfigurement. Other times, it was the bucket of water that got replaced by a soldier with a whip, or even electroshocks. The sessions sometimes lasted a few minutes, other times it seemed like hours. More questions would be asked, about Ponyville, Canterlot, Cloudsdale, about many ponies she might have known in another life. "How many ponies live in Ponyville?" "How did you meet Soarin?" "How did Twilight Sparkle defeat Discord?" "Where is the Tree of Harmony located?" She would answer when she could. Sometimes, she didn't know the answers and would be punished, or she wouldn't even understand the questions. It seemed like she would be punished at random, sometimes even after providing the answer. After a few sessions, she would be returned to her cell. Sometimes, they would pick her up for another session mere moments later. Other times, she would be allowed some time to rest. How many days had passed, she couldn't tell. Perhaps it had been weeks, perhaps only hours. She gave the exact same answers every time: the ones she hoped wouldn't get her drowned, electrocuted, cut, or maimed. The last question was the one she could never answer. Twilight Sparkle was dead. What did they mean by her shield? Maybe she did know, or had once known. No! You can't remember. If you remember the other pony's life, you might betray the other pony's friends. She buried her head under her legs. But if I remember, maybe the pain will stop. What if the liar didn't lie? My purpose is to tell the truth. The truth! The truth! It has to be somewhere in my useless prisoner head. She tried to stand, but her crooked leg forced her back to the ground. She had to get these thoughts out of her head. Prisoners don't think. The door creaked and slowly opened. She backed away in a corner. Not again, please not again! I don't know! Two soldiers she hadn't yet seen stepped in. She curled up in a ball, prompting one of them to grab her by the nostrils and pull her up. She winced as she was forced to put some weight on her crushed leg. She mumbled to herself as she was dragged out of her cell and toward what would surely be another painful session. "They can't hurt me, I'm awesome. They can't break me, I'm awesome." The prisoner was brought to one of the torture rooms. She kept repeating her familiar mantra to herself as she was moved. They would often bring her back to a room she had been in before. She had counted five in total. Sometimes, they would change a few things, try to trick her, but she still knew her way around this labyrinth. She wouldn't let them trick her. She gasped as she stepped inside the room. Her eye found itself glued to a huge purple crystal next to the adjacent wall. Inside was a mare sporting wings and a horn. Her long mane was disheveled, and her eyes closed. The prisoner eyed the familiar form of the pony trapped within the object from horn to tail. She stopped as she reached the large star on the pony's flank. It was surrounded by five smaller stars — a symbol that once might have meant something to the prisoner. She shook her head. It looks exactly like her, but it can't be. She's dead! The alicorn's face was frozen in a grimace. "This is impossible. She's dead! She's dead!" "Name and rank?" a voice asked, barely registering to the prisoner's ears. Could this be the shield they had meant? Had she seen this before? "Name and rank?" the voice asked again in the now familiar flat tone. "I don't know!" the prisoner screamed. "I don't know! I don't know! I don't know!" Something in the back of her mind told her that it was a lie. There was something about this crystal. She had heard about it before. No! That isn't you! That's the other pony. The other pony is dead. "Name and rank?" "Prisoner," she weakly answered as she gazed downward. "What is your purpose?" "To speak the truth," she quietly spoke again, tears welling up in her remaining eye. "How did Twilight Sparkle become an alicorn?" "She completed Starswirl's spell." "Where did she find the elements of harmony?" "In the Castle of the Two Sisters." "Where is she now?" "This can't be true," she whispered. "This can't be true." "Where is she now?" the voice asked again. "She's dead," the prisoner replied, looking away. She finally saw her interrogator, a male griffon with dark auburn fur and a balding head. "She is not dead," the interrogator replied, breaking the usual routine. His voice almost sounded compassionate. "She's right here with us. Don't you recognize your friend Twilight Sparkle?" "Not my friend. The other pony's friend." "That's right," the interrogator replied, his tone remaining calm and gentle. He moved forward and placed his claw on her back. "She isn't your friend, therefore you owe her nothing. How do we get through her shield?" "I don't know." Yes you do. A voice inside her head resonated. "I don't know!" She screamed. "I believe you do," the interrogator calmly continued. He took a few steps away from her, keeping his gaze locked on her. "Don't you worry. Perhaps there is another way to help you remember." a hint of a grin formed around his beak. The prisoner said nothing as she quietly sobbed. They can't trick me, I'm awesome. "Guard," the interrogator called. The door opened and a claw grabbed hold of the prisoner, pulling her outside. She kept looking down as she obediently followed. They can't hurt me, I'm awesome. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry, Dash," the liar's voice said. The prisoner realized which guard was escorting her. "I don't believe you." Her own voice was barely a whisper. "If I had known things would have gotten this bad... I would have killed you on the battlefield instead of saving you." The liar's voice sounded sincere. It had to be a trick. Was she expected to beg for death? The prisoner remained silent as she was brought to a part of the prison she had never seen. She had to climb some stairs, a task made difficult by her crushed hind leg. She was tempted to fly, but knew better. Prisoners didn't fly. It would only result in her getting beaten again. Eventually, they reached the largest room she had yet seen. A glass orb larger than a pony was placed on a pedestal in the middle of the room, a strange golden cloud trapped inside. One table was filled with a wide array of instruments. She recognized a pair of pliers similar to the ones they used to pull out her teeth. The dead body of a pony lay on another table. Its torso had been sliced open, and some of the organs had been taken out. Flies buzzed around the rotting carcass. The prisoner averted her eye and tried to ignore the stench. An imposing form came from the back of the room. It had the lower body of a pony, but the upper body of a Minotaur. "Tirek," she weakly uttered, her eye opened wide in shock. The creature chuckled. "I'm afraid not, although I would like to believe the legacy of his work still lives through me." Its feature and voice marked it as female. "Did she recognize the alicorn?" the centaur asked as she turned toward the liar. "You don't have to do this," the liar replied. "She's completely broken. She might not even know who she is." "I did not ask for an opinion, Decurion, merely for information." "She did," the liar weakly replied. "Good," the creature said, displaying a set of yellow fangs. "Either she or her magic will help us. Place her inside the machine." "As you command," the liar said with a sigh. The prisoner didn't resist as she was brought to a small cage in a corner. She stepped inside, knowing full well how pointless resisting would be. The liar closed and locked the cage behind her. "Excellent," the centaur said, her voice cold and emotionless. She turned her attention to the prisoner. "You know, we tried everything to get through the crystal shield your friend conjured up. I have to say, I'm always impressed by the capabilities of alicorn magic. Based on Twilight Sparkle's abilities, I would imagine that the key to getting her out resides within you. Well, you or another one of her associates." The prisoner violently shook her head. Not me! That was the other pony! "This machine will extract your magic. A process I haven't mastered quite as well as Lord Tirek, I'm afraid. Should you have the ability to break Twilight Sparkle's shield, I do suggest you use it now." "I don't know," the prisoner said, sobbing softly. "I don't know." "A shame," the centaur said. "Although I'm eager to find out the results." A blinding red glow emitted from her horns and toward the cage. The prisoner screamed as she felt her body being torn apart, a part of her she didn't even know existed being stripped out. "Help me!" she begged the liar through sobs. The pain still lingered, even as the glow dissipated. She looked down at her body. Her coat was grayer than usual, and the lightning bolt on her flank, the one part of her that had still looked alive, was gone. She curled up in a ball and cried. > XXVI General Silvermane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two hundred and fifty-six soldiers stood aligned in the middle of the camp overlooking the city of Manehattan. They performed the morning drills under the watchful eyes of Captain Wind Rider, a former Wonderbolt whom General Silvermane recruited after she had learned he held a grudge against his old team. They better be ready, she thought as she listened to the pegasus officer yell orders. If the negotiations fail, we could have a battle on our hooves. Silvermane turned her attention to a group of unicorn soldiers escorting a mix of civilians and officers wearing Cloudsdale uniforms. Each side had exchanged about a dozen hostages to the other, hoping to prevent treachery. The real question was how expendable those ponies were considered by their respective sides. Seeing the pony at the head of the Cloudsdale group prompted Silvermane to raise an eyebrow. Octavia Melody had been known as a successful musician before the war. For unknown reasons, she had chosen to flee Canterlot and join Princess Luna, whom she served as a propaganda officer. No doubt she had been the one behind the riots in Vanhoover and Fillydelphia. The hostages were escorted to a large tent. As ordered by the royal couple, they would be comfortable and well treated, although under constant surveillance. Octavia turned toward Silvermane and frowned before being herded inside the tent with the rest of her group. Interesting choice for a hostage, Silvermane thought as she observed the proceedings. Sending Octavia could mean multiple things. Perhaps Luna and Soarin valued their military officers over their head of propaganda? That wouldn't be consistent with their tactics so far. After all, the riots and acts of rebellion had proven to be their most successful weapon. Perhaps they were hoping that Octavia could sow doubt in the heads of some of the Canterlot soldiers? Again, such a move would be foolish. A less prominent hostage would be a better choice, and they had to know the hostages would be isolated. One other option remained: loyalty. Of the top officers, she had to be the only one Luna trusted not to divulge information. Silvermane would have to discover for herself. She'd have to pay the former musician a visit once the hostages got settled in. Silence fell in the hostages' tent when Silvermane walked in, escorted by two earth pony soldiers. The group were all sitting at a long table in the center of the room, each of them maintaining a stern expression and rigid posture as they turned toward Silvermane. "Octavia," Silvermane calmly began from the entrance. "General," the former musician said as she stood up. "I hope your accommodations are acceptable?" "It will do," Octavia said. "I'm surprised you lasted as long as two hours before the desire to interrogate us got the better of you." "Actually, I was going to offer you a tour of the camp." Octavia smirked. "Aren't you afraid I'll learn your precious military secrets?" Silvermane allowed herself a subtle smile. "You won't learn anything you don't already know from your aerial scouts." Octavia stepped forward. "Very well, General." The soldiers escorted Silvermane and her prisoner outside. Silvermane set a leisurely pace, focusing on Octavia more than their direction. Octavia, meanwhile, kept a flat expression as her gaze remained trained in front of her. Silvermane spoke up after a few minutes of silence. "I was told you're a talented musician. I've never had much of an ear for music myself, but I know many in the Canterlot nobility were saddened to lose your talent." "I would be more than happy to return to the stage should the throne be restored to its rightful owner," Octavia said. "Who this rightful owner is could be decided in the coming days." "Come now," Octavia said. "We both know only a temporary cease-fire may come out of this." Silvermane raised an eyebrow. "I see you're as optimistic as I am about this whole situation." Octavia sighed as they passed a group of soldiers playing dice. "Would you answer a question for me, General?" "It depends." "Why are you so eager to fight this war?" Octavia stopped in her tracks and eyed Silvermane severely. "You seemed to have gone on to great lengths to keep Princess Luna away from the throne." "I could ask you the same," Silvermane said. "Why would a successful musician abandon her life to serve as a glorified propaganda writer in a rebellion?" Octavia rolled her eyes. "A desire to help Equestria; an understanding of the pivotal role Princess Luna plays; sour memories of Prince Blueblood's attitude at the various events where I played. Take your pick." Silvermane started walking again. "Sentimentality then." "It's better than paranoia," Octavia said as she kept pace with Silvermane. "I'm not sure which is worse, that you'd actually believe Princess Luna capable of murdering her sister, or that you'd fake the accusation to get her off the throne." "She was a suspect," Silvermane said. "She could have stood trial and attempted to prove her innocence. Instead, she ran away and started a war. I wonder what kind of ruler such a pony would make?" "A ruler who knows when her own court is plotting against her," Octavia said as they neared the edge of the camp. "You want to know why I joined Princess Luna? It's because Canterlot is a cancer, filled with selfish nobles who care only for their own interest. Most of them are happy to ignore everypony who doesn't live on their accursed mountain." She stopped directed a scornful stare at Silvermane. "This is the Equestria you're defending, General. A corrupt nation based on lies and deceit. Princess Luna represents what you all fear." "Please enlighten me," Silvermane said as she rolled her eyes. "You fear the truth. You know Princess Luna can enter your dreams and learn all your secrets. You know she wouldn't give the nobility the privileges they insist on, but would rather put them back in their place. Princess Luna would bring renewal, and this is not something you can stomach. The only thing I'm not certain about is whether you're as corrupt as the rest of them or simply afraid of change." "You know, you're right," Silvermane said with a short nod. "I am afraid of Princess Luna. Only a fool wouldn't be. She's brash, impulsive, and would sooner tear down an institution she disapproves of rather than try to work with it. The nobility you and your ilk so despise plays a role in Equestria. They promote stability — the kind of stability your ruler destroyed when she decided throwing the nation into civil war was preferable to facing a legitimate Equestrian court." Octavia sighed as she shook her head. "And this is your problem, Silvermane. You believe that a corrupt court system is acceptable. You fight in the name of lies and falsehoods. This is why we both know this war will not end. Your side won't rest as long as Princess Luna lives." "I suppose we'll have to see. I do hope you find your stay enjoyable. If you feel so inclined, Princess Rarity and Prince Blueblood would appreciate a private performance." "I gave up playing for ponies I despise," Octavia replied with a scoff. "A shame. I was told you were extremely talented." The entire Canterlot negotiation party sat on luxurious couches in the lobby of the Mane Fair Hotel, the establishment where the talks were to take place. While Prince Blueblood and Princess Rarity were to lead the talks, Ambassador Antoine was also present in order to protect griffon interests. Silvermane had insisted on her own participation as well as the presence of Professor Starflare, whose opinion could prove indispensable should magical matters such as the sun and moon were to be discussed. They were surrounded by twelve armed soldiers — the amount each side was allowed for personal protection within the city. Silvermane ground her teeth as Prince Blueblood ordered yet another glass of wine from a servant. The delegation had arrived from their camp outside Manehattan to the hotel before the Cloudsdale group. As such, they had to wait in the lobby for the negotiations to begin. Blueblood had started sampling the hotel's wine selection. He was seldom seen without a glass of wine these days. The servant turned to Princess Rarity, but she shook her head. Her glass was still full. The Princess took her husband's hoof. "Perhaps we should wait until after the negotiations for more wine, My Prince." She shared a concerned look with Silvermane as she spoke. "We shouldn't have arrived this early," he said. "Luna is insulting us by making us wait." "Nevertheless, it's safer this way," Silvermane said. "I'd rather avoid having both parties out on the streets at the same time." A voice came from behind Silvermane. "It was my intention as well." Silvermane turned around and found Fancy Pants standing behind her couch. He was followed by a light brown, overweight earth pony stallion. "Fancy Pants," Rarity welcomed with a warm smile. "Thank you again for facilitating these talks." "Thank you for agreeing to participate," Fancy said with a bow. "May I introduce Stufferson Crustini, the mayor of Manehattan." He moved aside and presented the fat pony. Stufferson bowed his head, "An honor to meet you both, Your Highnesses." "As agreed, Mayor Stufferson will observe the talks," Fancy said. "I imagine this will not be a problem?" "Not at all," Rarity said. "It is, after all, thanks to his willingness to offer his city as neutral territory that we finally have a chance to end this terrible war." Blueblood got up and frowned at his wife. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, my dear. We have yet to hear what Luna has to say for herself." "Nevertheless, My Prince," she said with a smile. "I'm sure our Manehattan friends more than appreciate our willingness to give peace a chance." "We most certainly do," Stufferson said as he raised his thick, gray eyebrows. "And I take great pride in the role Manehattan is to play in this historical event. May future generations remember Manehattan as the city that stood for peace." At least we know what his motivations are, Silvermane thought to herself. Should things turn sour, his desire for fame and recognition could be used to our advantage. She politely nodded at Fancy Pants, not wanting to share her thoughts on the matter. "Well, here's to making history," Blueblood said as he raised his glass of wine. Everypony else nodded and smiled, those with glasses joining in the toast. They spent nearly half an hour in small talk, the only incident being Prince Blueblood offering Fancy Pants his own monument in Canterlot. Luckily, Fancy brushed off the obvious bribery attempt with a laugh. If somepony was to be bribed, it would probably have to be the mayor of Manehattan, and then only after a few days of negotiations. Better to see what Luna's position was for now. The Cloudsdale party showed up in the lobby nearly an hour after the Canterlot group. They were accompanied by their own escort of armed guards. Silvermane's troops tightened their grips on their weapons as the enemy stepped in. Fancy Pants and Stufferson greeted them at the entrance, no doubt inviting them to leave their luggage inside their quarters. Each group was housed on a different wing of the hotel, on different floors, and with no common hallways. Manehattan troops guarded every entrance, giving at least the illusion of security. Silvermane had already bribed two different servants and one local guard in order to keep tabs on what Luna's party would do during their stay. Silvermane turned to her guards as soon as Luna and Soarin had left the lobby. "You four, head up to our wing and guard the sensible areas." She turned toward a different group. "You four will wait in the lobby for the negotiations to be over and escort us to our quarters once we're done. The rest, you'll accompany us inside." The guards saluted and nodded. Blueblood whispered something in Rarity's ear, no doubt some warning that he didn't want her giving up any sort of concession to the enemy. Ambassador Antoine raised an eyebrow at their interaction, but said nothing. He was probably just as interested as Silvermane in how the royal couple would approach this. Blueblood and Antoine might well be capable of sabotaging these talks without Luna's help. As for Starflare, he shared a nod with Silvermane. His presence could prove essential. Only time would tell. It took a few more minutes for the Cloudsdale party to return to the lobby. Fancy Pants positioned himself at the end of the room and coughed a few times, gathering everyone's attention. "Thank you all again for coming. Behind me is the room where the negotiations are to take place. As agreed, it has remained undisturbed, and will only now be unlocked with both parties present." Silvermane nodded as Fancy Pants produced a key from a pocket inside his black jacket. The general could already feel angry glares being exchanged between Blueblood and Luna as Fancy unlocked the door. Fancy continued, "You're each allowed four guards for personal protection. I'll moderate the negotiations myself, and Mayor Stufferson will observe the proceedings. Our own volunteer militia will also be present to ensure your safety. Are these terms still acceptable to both parties?" "They are," Luna said, both her voice and expression flat and unreadable. "More than adequate," Rarity said with a smile. Fancy opened the door. Twelve Manehattan earth pony guards stepped forward and entered, positioning themselves around the small room. A long wooden table stood in the middle with five seats on each side and another chair at each end. The room itself remained bare, save for a portrait of Princess Celestia at the end of the room. Not too subtle, Silvermane thought. Luna's party entered the room first, followed by Blueblood's. One of the four guards Silvermane had selected to accompany them placed a flat, red cushion on each of the five seats that would be occupied by a member of the Canterlot delegation. Soarin raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment. The moment every member of the Canterlot delegation sat down, Mayor Stufferson took his seat at the end of the table closest to the exit while Fancy took his own at the end of the room, under Celestia's portrait. Luna and Soarin remained standing. "These negotiations are about Equestria's future, not Griffingard's," Luna said. "We will not negotiate with bloodthirsty mercenaries." "You don't get to dictate who I bring as part of my delegation," Blueblood said as he glared at Luna. "Griffingard has every right to defend their interests." "You mean their interest in eating pony flesh?" Soarin spat. "We remember our troops' first encounter with your brutes very well." Antoine glared at Soarin. "In war, soldiers sometimes become undisciplined. Should I bring up the civilian casualties brought on by your raids, General?" "My sister would never have tolerated this from Griffingard soldiers, and neither will I." Luna's voice resonated across the room. "Please, please," Rarity said as she moved her well-coiffed violet mane away from her face. "If we hope to reach an agreement, we have to start somewhere. Horrors have been committed by both sides, and we'll all have to face the music." She turned and faced the griffon. "Ambassador Antoine, would you agree to participate only as an observer? You know very well that my husband and I have nothing but admiration for your great nation and its contributions. You can ensure that we defend your interests." The griffon ambassador shared what looked like a worried glance with Blueblood. They look nervous. Could Rarity's accusation about the griffons be true? If so, could Blueblood be part of this conspiracy? She made sure to keep her expression as flat as possible as she observed the exchange. "Very well," Antoine said with a quiet sigh. "In the interest of peace." "Princess Luna?" Fancy Pants asked. "It will have to do." "Good," Fancy Pants said with a nod. "Let us begin." Luna and Soarin shared a look, and both ponies sat down. I'll have to look into this accusation, Silvermane thought as she carefully studied Luna's every move. If anything, griffon soldiers eating pony meat could be used as a way to limit Bouvier's influence. Fancy Pants spoke as soon as everypony was in place. "In the past few months, Equestria has seen horrors that would have been unimaginable during Princess Celestia's reign. I would like to thank all of you for finally taking steps toward putting an end to this war." "I will not mince words," Blueblood said. "I expect formal recognition of my right to the throne. I also expect the Cloudsdale army to be disbanded, and the city returned to its true purpose: producing the weather." "Your so-called right to the throne is based on lies and treachery," Luna snapped. "I have not forgotten how you accused me of the most heinous of crimes." "And yet, you refused to provide any evidence as proof of your innocence," Blueblood replied with a scoff. Luna took a deep breath. "It goes without saying that I will not stand down unless you refute these accusations. Furthermore, any and all attempts at raising the sun and moon are to stop immediately, and my mastery over the astral bodies is to be formerly recognized." "We will not allow you to keep this power to yourself." Blueblood spat. "We reserve the right to engage in whatever magical research we want." "And how much progress have you made?" Luna asked as she turned her attention to Starflare. "Do you truly believe you have any chance of moving the astral bodies without alicorn magic?" "I have a working theory," the professor said. His weak and timid voice betrayed his obvious lack of confidence. "You have nothing," Luna said, her tone rising in intensity. "You are foals, playing with magic none of you understand." "Please, please," Fancy Pants interrupted as he stood and glared at both sides. "These arguments are pointless. We can only reach peace if both sides are willing to compromise." "What if we were to allow Princess Luna to control the sun and moon unopposed?" Rarity suggested. "In exchange, she agrees to teach the unicorns at the academy how to do it, as insurance." "So you do admit to ignorance in these matters," Luna stated. "We admit that such matters are your expertise," Rarity said. "The same way the finer points of ruling a nation seem to be ours." Luna frowned. "You disappoint me, Rarity. I would have thought you better than this. I have ruled over Equestria longer than all of your lifespans combined. I understand these so-called finer points better than you realize." "And yet you started this war," Silvermane said, carefully observing Luna for any sign of hesitation. "Princess Luna," Rarity continued with a smile. "It might be worth considering that you've been absent from Equestria for a thousand years. Perhaps waiting some time before assuming the throne would be the wiser course? I would be honored to accept you as a personal advisor should you disband your army." Blueblood gasped at his wife. "You can't be serious." "I am," Rarity firmly replied. "Princess Luna has centuries of experience and a greater understanding of magical matters than all of us combined. I would merely allow her to resume her former position, under our rule of course." Silvermane turned her eyes to Soarin and Luna. It was clear from both of their expressions that they wouldn't take the deal. A shame. Rarity's idea has some merit to it. Luna took a deep breath. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, Rarity, I really do. However, if you believe I will honor your princess game by bowing before you, then you're gravely mistaken. I'm willing to entertain a cease-fire in exchange for every griffon leaving Equestria. It's as far as I'll go." "So your army can threaten Griffingard," Antoine replied gravely. "Our alliance with Equestria is necessary for mutual protection." "You mean to further Griffingard's plots," Luna spat. Soarin directed an accusatory glare at Antoine as she spoke. "Our only plan is the protection of our allies," Antoine said as he nodded at Blueblood. Fancy Pants glared at the griffon ambassador. "May I remind you that you're here only as an observer, Ambassador. You agreed not to have a voice in these talks." Antoine took a deep breath. "Of course. I apologize for my breach in protocol." Luna and Soarin shared a knowing look. Silvermane found herself grinding her teeth. Don't do it. Don't accuse them. It'll only tip them off. "None of it matters. I happen to know what you're up to," Luna said as she stared down the griffon. "I know you're holding Princess Twilight Sparkle." Soarin's mouth morphed into a grin as everypony around the table gasped in shock. Even Rarity managed to feign surprise. Silvermane tried her best to remain calm, even as her blood boiled. "Preposterous," Antoine replied as he swiftly stood. He turned to Fancy Pants. "I cannot be expected to remain silent while my nation is being slandered." "Very well," Soarin said. "You may speak, Ambassador. Let's hear what lies you can conjure up." "What motive could we possibly have?" Antoine argued. "Capturing Princess Twilight would bring us nothing. It would only cause chaos in Equestria. Why would we want to destabilize one of our most important trading partners?" "Simple, so you can place your own puppet ruler on the throne," Luna said as she pointed at Blueblood. "I am nopony's puppet!" Blueblood snapped. "The griffons are here at my invitation, not the other way around." Silvermane ground her teeth. Between Antoine, Rarity, and herself, the prince probably hadn't made a single significant decision since he assumed the throne. On top of it all, Blueblood was already spending too much time with Antoine for Silvermane's liking. Antoine smiled at Blueblood. "Princess Luna is obviously trying to sow discord within our ranks. I assure you, Griffingard had nothing to do with Princess Twilight's disappearance. As far as we know, she fled Canterlot in grief after failing to raise the Moon." Fancy Pants frowned at Luna. "I assume you have proof, Your Highness." "I will supply it in time," Luna said. "Ha!" Antoine replied with a laugh. "Empty words." "Enough!" Blueblood snapped. "I will not stand here and have Equestria's greatest allies insulted this way. The griffon military are here to protect us against your brutality." He glared angrily at Luna. Rarity and Silvermane shared a worried look. The princess spoke up. "This is obviously a very passionate subject for all of us. How about we recess for the day and continue tomorrow?" "An excellent idea, Princess Rarity," Fancy said with a bow. "We'll reconvene tomorrow and attempt to come to an understanding then." He turned to Antoine. "And I will not tolerate any more outbursts, Ambassador. You're here as an observer, nothing more." Antoine bowed his head. "Of course." Silvermane met eyes with Soarin as everyone stood up. There was no doubt in her mind that the talks would fail, and she at least wanted to stare her opponent in the eyes once. I'll see you on the battlefield sooner rather than later, General. Silvermane carefully placed her hot cup of coffee on the desk before standing up to answer the knock on her door. She'd been lost in her own thoughts for the past hour, and had to admit that she'd welcome company. She took a deep breath as she walked to the door and opened it. "Princess Rarity," she said with a bow as she saw the princess. "May I come in?" Rarity asked. "Of course, Your Highness," Silvermane replied, stepping aside and letting the princess in. The general quickly made sure nopony was outside in the hallway. "You came alone." "I waited for Sergeant Legerity to get off-duty." Silvermane closed the door. "I can imagine what the reason for your visit is." "Princess Luna's accusation. It's what we suspected might happen." "Her accusing the griffons this blatantly is an obvious divisive tactic," Silvermane said as she sat back at her desk. "The question is, does Luna know that we received the same information she did?" "She might suspect it," Rarity pondered as she stroked her chin. "Perhaps she gambled that we might feel safer siding with her against the griffons." Silvermane allowed herself a smirk. "Luckily, it's just you and me who know. I would imagine that Prince Blueblood still doesn't believe a word of it?" "He and Ambassador Antoine fumed over it for an hour. As usual, the ambassador has him eating right out of his claw." "So the only change is that finding proof will be that much harder." Silvermane frowned as she took a sip of coffee. "If anything, your husband would probably hamper any investigation into his griffon friends." "We could ask for Princess Luna's help," Rarity said as she raised an eyebrow. Silvermane blinked a few times. "Your sense of humor leaves much to be desired, Your Highness." "I'm not joking," Rarity continued as she leaned on the desk. "What if I can convince Luna to assist us in proving the griffon's guilt? Even she must know that Twilight is the perfect pony for the throne." "Unless the griffons really are innocent," Silvermane said, her jaw stiffening. "As much as I know you want your friend to still be alive, what you're suggesting is treason." "What I'm suggesting is a way to finally have peace in Equestria. Yes, it would mean trusting our enemy. This is what these negotiations are about — finding common ground." "Secretly plotting against our ally with our current enemy," Silvermane pondered as she ground her teeth. She shook her head. "No. This is exactly what Luna wants. With all due respect, Your Highness, I won't let you play her game." "And what if she were to present proof?" Silvermane sighed. "If she does, then we might consider something. For now, I'll ask that you stay out of this. Do not attempt to contact Luna or her staff." Rarity glared at Silvermane. "You do not get to order me. Need I remind you that you're the one who placed me on the throne?" "Prince Blueblood did," Silvermane corrected. "And I can easily inform him of this conversation should you attempt to do something foolish." The princess's heavy breathing and stiffened joints told Silvermane everything she needed to know. Rarity would be angry, but she wouldn't sacrifice her position. "Please think about what I said," Rarity said with a forced smile. "Remember that your first duty is to the peace and safety of Equestria." "Of course," Silvermane said as she got up from behind her desk and bowed her head. "Will you be requiring me for anything else, Your Highness?" "I have what I need," Rarity said as she adjusted her mane and turned back toward the door. "Have a pleasant night." Silvermane sighed and returned to her coffee. For all her natural skill at navigating Equestrian politics, Rarity was still an idealist at heart. Trusting Luna was an easy answer, but not a smart one. Should the theory proved correct and Twilight Sparkle was held captive by the griffons, how could they know if she was even fit to rule? Griffon interrogators were known to be ruthless. If the princess had been tortured, she might not be the same pony anymore. Even if she were, would Luna allow her to take the throne? She was willing to go to war to secure it for herself. If she wouldn't give it up now, there was no reason she would for a young, unproven princess. Still, a truce would probably be the best option. It would allow Silvermane to use fear of Cloudsdale to bolster her ranks and better train her ponies. In time, their military machine would become efficient enough to do away with the griffons. She could also send spies to Griffingard — ponies who'd try to find out the truth about these accusations. For all the talk of trade and common values, Equestria lacked a presence in Griffingard. The embassy in High Roost was understaffed and the ambassador was an incompetent fool who managed to butter up the right nobles to obtain the position. Perhaps Lady Floribunda would make a better choice? She would have to be rewarded for her bravery in volunteering herself as a hostage, after all. Silvermane made a mental note to recommend she be appointed to the position. A knock on the door interrupted her thought process. Silvermane grunted and walked to the door, finding a lone earth pony mare in a maid's dress standing in the entrance. "I'm here about the bottle of Sabot Noir you ordered, General." Silvermane grunted. "Come in." The maid entered and placed the bottle of wine she was carrying on a table. She gave Silvermane an inquisitive look. "The next time you need to come in the middle of the night, I recommend you bring in some tea. Not a lot of generals would order a bottle of wine between two days of negotiations." "S... sorry General," the servant said in a shaking voice. Silvermane sighed. "Either way, it's safe to talk here. What have you learned?" "Both Princess Luna and General Soarin met with Fancy Pants and Mayor Stufferson in secret," the maid said. Silvermane ground her teeth. "What did they talk about?" "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear." The maid looked down at her hooves. "It's only by chance that I saw the princess and her general leave their quarters. I followed them, but the meeting was held behind closed doors." Silvermane frowned. "Have you told anypony else about this?" The maid shook her head. "No. As promised, I talked to you and only you." "Good," Silvermane said as she produced a bag of bits. "This should pay for your daughter's medicine. Have you learned anything else?" "Princess Luna and General Soarin share the same quarters. I'm not sure if this is relevant." Silvermane tapped her hoof to her chin. "So Luna has taken a consort, has she? Thank you for the information." The maid quickly counted the bits in the bag Silvermane had given her. "If I learn anything else, I'll make sure to let you know. Thank you very much, General." Silvermane nodded, which the maid took as a cue to leave. Luna getting intimate with her general could be useful later. For now, this secret meeting was what had Silvermane worried. Luckily, she had already planned for such an eventuality. Silvermane had to use all of her self control not to shift on her chair. Professor Starflare seemed to have more difficulty; he constantly adjusted himself on his red cushion. "I take it everypony had a pleasant night?" Fancy Pants said with a smile as he took his seat at the end of the table. He waited for everyone present to nod. "Then let us continue with the negotiations." Princess Luna rose and spoke. "We're prepared to return the city of Cloudsdale to its former location and stop all hostilities." "This is excellent," Rarity said, clear surprise in her voice. She blinked a few times. "What would you ask in return?" Blueblood asked as his brow furrowed. "First, we demand that the griffon army leave Equestria immediately," she began as she stared at Rarity. "We also demand a full investigation into the Twilight Sparkle issue. A team of investigators, chosen by myself and General Soarin, will head to High Roost and get to the bottom of this. Should they find nothing, then I swear not to take any aggressive action toward Griffingard as long as their army stays out of Equestria." Ambassador Antoine and Blueblood shared a nod. "You cannot expect us to betray our griffon allies," Blueblood said. "The only reason you're even offering this is that you're afraid. We have you on the run, and the moment your city is found, your rebellion will be crushed." Fancy Pants frowned. "Princess Luna's offer seems reasonable to me." "Perhaps Cloudsdale should also agree to disband its army as well?" Rarity suggested. "And leave ourselves defenseless?" Soarin replied as he shook his head. "Not as long as Canterlot has an army of its own." Silvermane's eyes traveled around the room. While Luna, Soarin, Blueblood, and Rarity exchanged glares, Fancy Pants and Stufferson shared a nod. Silvermane quickly eyed Starflare, who was sweating profusely. Fancy Pants sighed and looked down. "Rarity, I'm sorry." He closed his eyes and stiffened his jaw. Soldiers screamed behind the group. Silvermane turned her head around and found all four of her guards with spears jutting out of their chests. The weapons were held not by Luna's soldiers, but Manehattan guards. One of Silvermane's soldiers moaned as he directed a pleading gaze at his superior. The Cloudsdale soldiers, led by Luna's Lieutenant Moonshadow, pointed their weapons at the Canterlot group. Silvermane rose and readied a defensive spell. "Traitor!" Blueblood yelled at Fancy Pants. "Why?" Rarity asked with a gasp, her voice shaking. "What about peace?" Fancy took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Rarity, but this has to end. I allowed Princess Luna to enter my dream, and she showed me all I needed to see. If you knew what the griffons did to Rainbow Dash, you'd do the same." "Rainbow Dash is dead," Rarity said with tears in her eyes. Sounds of battle were heard coming from outside the door. Any moment now, more soldiers would rush in. Silvermane stared at Starflare. "You will be taken into custody and questioned," Fancy Pants continued. His voice was dry, and he didn't look any of them in the eyes. "You'll be treated fairly. We will, however, put an end to this charade once and for all." "Professor, now!" Silvermane ordered, not wanting to wait any longer. Starflare took a deep breath as his horn illuminated. "Stop him!" Luna yelled as the entire Canterlot party was enveloped in white light. They all materialized inside the command tent in the middle of their camp, outside the city. "What happened? Explain yourself!" Blueblood snapped. "We were teleported out," Silvermane said. "I had teleport enhancing runes drawn inside those cushions I knew you'd insist on using, Your Highness. I wanted us to have an exit strategy available." "Good thinking," Blueblood said after a moment's hesitation. "Although I should have been warned." He took a deep breath. "We'll discuss it later. For now, get the army ready. We're going to take this city." Silvermane shook her head. "We need to get you and the princess to safety. We don't have enough troops to fight both the Cloudsdale camp and the Manehattan militia." "We can't let them have Manehattan!" the prince snapped. He slammed his hoof on a table, almost breaking it. Rarity was panting in the back. "We must protect our child." Her voice was barely a whisper. She looked down as she held her belly. Blueblood's eyes traveled between Rarity and Silvermane. "Fine, but execute the hostages. I want Luna to see the severed heads of her officers when she arrives." "You can't!" Rarity said, snapping out of her torpor. "What about Floribunda?" "She knew the risk," Silvermane said as she ground her teeth. "Let's keep Octavia alive; I'll want to interrogate her." She walked out of the tent, followed by the rest of the party. Captain Wind Rider saluted as she left the tent. "I take it things went poorly, ma'am?" the former Wonderbolt asked. Silvermane nodded. "Get our forces ready. I want half your soldiers as an escort that'll take us back to Canterlot. The rest will stay behind and cover our escape. "You're sacrificing half of our troops?" Wind Rider asked with a gasp. "Better half than all," Silvermane said flatly as she stared at the city in the distance. "Now follow my orders." Antoine stepped forward. "Perhaps I can be of assistance," he said with a subtle smile. Silvermane raised an eyebrow. "I'm listening." "You're not the only one who planned for things to go sour," the griffon said. "Centurion Bouvier has dispatched a thousand flyers. They're currently hiding on clouds over the Oatlantic. All I need is one pegasus soldier to deliver a message, and they can assist your troops. Perhaps it might even be enough to take the city." Blueblood slammed his hoof on the ground. "Excellent! You once again proved yourself to be our loyal ally, Ambassador." "I only aim to serve," Antoine replied with a bow. Silvermane nodded. "Very well, Ambassador. Do it." She turned to Wind Rider. "Captain, please provide the ambassador with a messenger." As the captain left with Antoine to follow her orders, Silvermane turned back toward the party. Starflare still seemed shaken, and Blueblood was fuming. Rarity, meanwhile, was holding her belly as tears welled up in her eyes. "This was our last chance for peace," she whispered softly. "They're the ones who betrayed us, Your Highness," Silvermane said. Rarity turned around and dragged her hooves toward the royal carriage. "Just take us back to Canterlot." She looked at Silvermane with a piercing glare. "I wouldn't want to distract you from your precious war for too long." > XXVII Applejack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manehattan has fallen. These were the words on everypony's lips. Panic had almost broken out when the news reached Ponyville. Apparently, an attempt at peace talks had gone poorly, which resulted in either Manehattan choosing to side with Luna or the Cloudsdale troops invading. What really happened was still a bit vague. The soldiers had been quick to reassure the population that both Prince Blueblood and Princess Rarity were fine and had safely returned to Canterlot. Applejack was at least glad that her friend was okay, although she had yet to hear from her. While upset about the situation, Applejack already had too many problems to worry about. From farmers complaining about the weather, to soldiers scaring children, to the weather team complaining about cloud shipments, Applejack found herself having to solve every problem imaginable. She massaged her temples as Bonbon sent the next pony inside her office. Hearing every citizen's grievances was quickly becoming her least favorite part of being mayor. While she had been eager to help at first, she was now often asked to deliver the impossible using resources she didn't have. She opened her eyes and took a deep breath. "Carrot Top, what can I do for you?" "You promised me my fields would be prioritized by the weather team this week," the carrot farmer said as she stormed in, her voice grating and dripping with annoyance. "Now I have snow all over my crops. The earth is frozen stiff; not even Big Macintosh can work the plough." Applejack sighed. "I know, Carrot Top. Trust me, I know. What do you want me to do about it?" "Get the weather team on it," Carrot said. "We could have a food shortage on our hooves if we don't fix it soon." "The weather team is already on it. Haven't you seen the pegasi working over your farm?" "And yet it still snows." Applejack looked down at her desk as she sighed deeply. "This isn't normal weather. From what Blossomforth tells me, it's a byproduct of all this weather hustling the Cloudsdale soldiers are up to." "We have that brand new weather factory the soldiers keep talking about," Carrot Top said. "You're telling me that nothing they make there can help with this situation?" "Is this what you think? That our weather ponies are just ignoring your farm and being lazy?" Applejack snapped as she rose from her seat. "I know we have a problem, Carrot Top. Everypony knows." Applejack forced herself to breathe as Carrot recoiled in shock. "Look, I'm sorry. But all I can do is tell you the same thing I've told every farmer: start rationing food. We don't know how long this unnatural winter will last." Carrot Top took a deep breath and avoided Applejack's gaze. "It won't be enough," she whispered. "With everything we lost in the battle, the need to supply the army, and now the rodent problems, we'll have a famine on our hooves." Applejack sighed, then raised an eyebrow. "Wait, a rodent problem? This is the first I've heard of it." "What do you expect when the one pony who can control the local vermin population gets herself thrown in jail?" Carrot said as she rolled her eyes. "Without Fluttershy to keep them in check, rats and mice have begun raiding our food storage." "I'll see about finding a replacement," Applejack said. "I'll also talk to Boulderhoof, try to reduce the amount of food we give to the army. I don't care what the Canterlot bigwigs say; Ponyville comes first." Carrot Top smiled, although a bit forcefully. "Thank you, Miss Mayor." "Don't thank me just yet. Supplying all this food is how I managed to keep the griffons out of Ponyville. Boulderhoof has started talking about forced conscription, too." Carrot frowned. "The Cloudsdale rebels are responsible for forcing this winter on us. If their army needs more volunteers, then we should supply them." Applejack looked down. This kind of talk was becoming more and more common. "I'll talk to Boulderhoof," she said, not wanting to argue. Carrot Top nodded and left the office. Applejack groaned and scribbled a few notes. One thing was certain; she had to take care of this food situation fast. It wouldn't do to rebuild the town only to have her citizens suffer from famine. She got up and left the room. "Bonbon, do I have any more appointments today?" "Caramel wanted to speak to you. I imagine he wants to complain about the soldiers again. Cheerilee also wanted to have a few words about Applebloom's grades," Bonbon said as she took a quick look at her notebook. "Cancel both," Applejack said without breaking her stride. "I need to talk to Boulderhoof and put an end to this travesty." "Wha... what do you mean?" Bonbon asked as she trailed behind Applejack. Applejack kept walking. "I mean that we can't feed an army if we can barely feed ourselves." "But the entire agreement we have with Canterlot is about us feeding their troops," Bonbon said, trying to keep pace. "You can't go back on it." "I can't just ignore this problem and hope it goes away," Applejack argued with a sigh. She stopped and turned toward Bonbon. "We're not ready for winter because no winter has been scheduled. Even Boulderhoof should realize that." "He won't just let you cut him off," Bonbon argued in a weak voice. Applejack sighed. "He'll probably ask that we supply more troops, at least it's what I expect." "And you'll agree to that?" Bonbon said with a gasp. "What choice do I have?" Applejack said with more ire in her voice than she intended. "I can't ignore the war, I can't ignore the soldiers, I can't ignore the winter, and I certainly can't ignore our food problem. What would you have me do to fix this, Bonbon?" Bonbon looked down at her hooves. "I don't know, Applejack. Can't we ration food or something?" Applejack shook her head. "It won't be enough. I'll at least see what Boulderhoof has to say. In the meantime, I want you to find a replacement for Fluttershy." "It won't be easy to find a pony who can communicate with animals as well as she did." "Our survival may depend on it," Applejack continued. "If rodents have started raiding our food storage as Carrot Top says, it'll make an already bad situation worse. I don't care what you have to do, just find me somepony who can get those vermin under control." "Yes, Madam Mayor," Bonbon said with a nod. Applejack forced a smile and nodded at her assistant before trotting away toward the camp at the edge of town. Boulderhoof would probably be there, using training as an excuse to bully the ponies under his command. Light snow fell over Ponyville. Applejack wore a scarf and warm coat to make up for her lack of winter fur. While a few citizens were out and about, the streets were relatively quiet. Three young colts played in the snow, seemingly unaware of the famine the same peaceful snow bring in the near future. Once Applejack left the edge of her town and entered the military camp, the level of activity increased drastically. Soldiers were busy training outside, although a few shivered in their armor as they stood guard. Winter obviously hadn't been considered when Canterlot started to mass-produce military armor. Applejack couldn't help but feel for the poor soldiers who would have to fight and train outside in such poor weather without adequate protection from the elements. Even a pony's natural fur wasn't enough for a prolonged stay out in the cold. Applejack headed straight for the large wooden cabin at the end of the camp. While the soldiers had to spend their days outside, their superior kept a comfortable office in a well-isolated building in the back of the camp. "I need to talk to Boulderhoof," she said as she stormed inside. "Captain Boulderhoof is busy," the unicorn mare outside his office replied from behind a small wooden desk. She adjusted the collar of her soldier's uniform. Applejack groaned in frustration. "Tell him the mayor wants to see him. I'm not going to wait around in my own town." While she normally didn't mind having to wait for the military captain, the threat of famine coupled with Fluttershy being imprisoned had all but obliterated her patience. The unicorn sighed. "I'll ask if he can see you." She knocked on the door behind her twice and poked her head inside. She said something Applejack couldn't hear. The soldier stepped inside to speak to her superior. Applejack let go of a breath and found a seat, her eyes wandering around the room. The small entrance lobby was spartan by any standards. A small desk next to the door to the captain's office and two chairs, one of which Applejack sat on as she waited, were the only furniture present. A rather poor portrait of Blueblood hung on the wall opposite her seat. It only took a few minutes for two officers to leave the office alongside the unicorn mare Applejack had spoken too. "Go on in," the soldier said. Applejack nodded her thanks as she stepped inside. Boulderhoof was leaning back on his chair. Applejack frowned as she remembered the captain didn't keep any other sitting space in his office. He seemed to enjoy forcing his subordinates to stand. "This better be important," he said with a grunt. "You may be the mayor, but you can't just barge in here and interrupt military operations." "Is a potential famine important enough?" Applejack said. Boulderhoof glared at Applejack with a frown. "You're the farmer, not me. I'm sure you can figure things out." "That's why I'm here. You want to make this quick? I will. We can't produce enough food to feed both the army and ourselves, not with this snow." "We had an agreement," Boulderhoof said, staring her down. "You benefit from our protection, but have to show loyalty in exchange. You already failed to keep the changeling queen from escaping. Now you're telling me you can't even feed the troops that keep you safe?" "We can't even feed ourselves!" Applejack argued as she leaned in his face. "I can't magic food out of nowhere." "That's your problem to solve," Boulderhoof said. "If your citizens can't grow food, then perhaps they should serve the crown some other way." "So if we can't feed you, we should fight for you? Has it ever occurred to you that your duty is to protect ponies, not the other way around?" Bloulderhoof swiftly rose. "This is war! You fat, lazy ponies might have forgotten it. I think it's because we were too soft on you. You were allowed to live peacefully under our protection, always crying for more. It won't stand anymore. Either you double the food you give us, or each able-bodied pony who isn't working the fields will report for military duty." "You can't do that," Applejack snapped. "I have a deal with the prince and princess." "A deal that you failed to hold up to," Boulderhoof continued. "You lost the changeling queen, can't produce the food we need, and now rats are infesting every hole." "Maybe we wouldn't have a rat problem if you hadn't arrested the one pony who can control them." Applejack was yelling, but she didn't care. This idiot was taking things too far. Boulderhoof scoffed. "Of course, you'd be soft on a traitor. I have a better solution for your rat problems. We'll allow the griffons to set up camp here. At least they won't suffer from a food shortage with all these rodents running around." Applejack gasped in shock. "These animals are a part of our community! Feeding them to the griffons would go against everything Equestria holds dear. You want to imprison Fluttershy, fine. Don't take away everything she worked for." She took a deep breath, trying to lower her voice. "Besides, you don't have the authority to overrule the deal I made with Blueblood and Rarity." "Now that Manehattan has fallen to the enemy, I don't believe they'll be as lenient with you as they have been in the past," Boulderhoof said as he smirked at Applejack. "I'll be writing to my superiors with my recommendations. You can't hide behind Rarity forever. Sooner rather than later, you'll have to face reality." He sat back down. "So I suggest you feed the troops as you promised you would. Applejack ground her teeth as she struggled to regain her composure. "I'll see what I can do about the food." "More carrots?" Granny Smith asked as she passed Applejack a plate across the kitchen table. With the castle being so big, the family often opted to take their meals in the smaller kitchen rather than the exorbitant dining room. "I'm fine," Applejack absentmindedly replied. The day's events had killed her appetite, and truth be told, she was tired of eating carrots all the time. Big Macintosh raised an eyebrow. "You should eat." Applejack sighed. "I'm not hungry. Besides, we shouldn't be cooking so many carrots. We have to ration food, remember." "I'm sure you'll figure out something," Granny said with a gentle smile. "You always managed to come through, both for this family and for Ponyville." "Not this time," Applejack weakly said as she shook her head. "Everywhere else we could get food from is either allied with Cloudsdale or facing the same problems we are. For all we know, this was Luna's plan all along: start winter and deny us food." "Rarity won't let things come to that," Big Macintosh said, although his voice betrayed his lack of confidence in his own words. "I wrote her a letter," Applejack said. "Unless she can pull another miracle, I might be forced to give Boulderhoof exactly what he wants." Granny frowned and shook her head. After a moment, she shared a nod with Big Macintosh. "I think that's enough mayor problems for one day, Applejack. Sit down on your caboose and relax. The solution will come to you if you stop fussing over it." Applejack took a deep breath and tried to force a smile that wouldn't come. "I'll try, Granny. I just don't want to be remembered as the pony who betrayed Ponyville." "You'll be remembered as the pony who overworked herself over Ponyville if you keep it up." "Alright, alright," Applejack said, letting go and smiling at her grandmother. "So what's Applebloom's excuse for missing family dinner tonight?" "Sleepover at Scootaloo's," Granny said. "She's been behaving in school this week, so I figured I'd allow it." "I suppose she deserves her break," Applejack said with a weak smile. "I really hate having to keep her from speaking her mind, you know." "We all do," Granny Smith said as she placed a hoof on Applejack's. "Nopony's blaming you. You really are doing more than anypony could ever ask." "Eyup," Big Macintosh said with a nod. "At least I don't have to work on a carrot farm," Applejack teased with a grimace, prompting a round of laughter around the table. "I think I'll take a second serving after all," she told her grandmother with a smile, this one genuine. As Granny passed the plate to Applejack, the door to the kitchen burst open, revealing a panicked Bonbon. "Quick, Applejack, follow me! Carrot Top's farm is under attack!" "What?" Applejack blurted out as she stood and rushed to her assistant's side. "What do you mean under attack?" "Cloudsdale soldiers," Bonbon explained between pants. "They came out of the Everfree without warning." "Consarn it!" Applejack spat. "Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, stay here and hide. I have to go make sure everypony's alright." "And what do you think you'll accomplish out there?" Granny asked in a shaky voice. Applelack put her hoof down. "I won't hide while my town is in danger. Bonbon, take me to Boulderhoof." "Y... yes Miss Mayor," the assistant said as she led the way. They swiftly left the castle, galloping through the emptying streets of Ponyville. Thick black smoke could be seen coming from Carrot Top's farm. "Oh no," Applejack said with a gasp. "Our food stores." "Carrot Top is our most productive farmer," Bonbon said, her voice weak. "What are we going to do?" "Stop this madness for now," Applejack said as she redoubled her pace. "We'll face the consequences tomorrow." Truth be told, she knew that there would be no way out of this one. Cloudsdale had probably given Boulderhoof all the leverage he needed to force conscription. As for the famine, it was now inevitable. Panicked ponies running in the opposite direction passed Applejack and Bonbon as they neared the farm. The sounds of steel hitting steel, the raging winds, and the screams of agony could not be mistaken. Pegasi soldiers flew in circles above the farm, pushing torrents wind against each other. While the Canterlot flyers were easily visible in their bright orichalchum armor, the Cloudsdale troops wore darker protection, making them harder to see in the night sky. Roseluck, one of the many ponies fleeing the battle, ran into Applejack. "The soldiers are coming this way! We have to hide!" "How did this start?" Applejack asked as she grabbed hold of the panicked mare. "What are the Cloudsdale troops doing?" "I don't know," Roseluck said as she frantically shook her head. "They're burning everything!" "Get yourself to safety," Applejack ordered as she let go. Roseluck was obviously too scared to provide any valuable information. Applejack turned her attention to Bonbon. "We need to find Boulderhoof and find out what's going on." "He's probably in the middle of the melee." Bonbon said, shaking her head. "We'll never reach him." "I'm not gonna sit still while my town burns!" Applejack snapped as she slammed her hoof. "Come on, we're going in." She charged toward the battle, ignoring whatever her assistant would have to say in response. Applejack galloped a few more paces and turned right after the flower shop. She stopped in her tracks as she found a group of earth ponies wearing dark, spiked armor charging right at her. "Consarn it," she barked. "Grab her!" one of the enemy soldiers ordered as the entire herd galloped in her direction. Applejack positioned herself between the attackers and her assistant by reflex. "Get out of here, Bonbon," she ordered as she bared her teeth at the charging earth ponies. Instead of attacking her, they surrounded her. Their leader, a green earth pony mare with a vicious glare grinned at her, displaying a set of broken teeth. "Surrender and we won't hurt you. You're too valuable a hostage to kill anyway." Applejack pawed the dirt with her hoof as she aggressively snorted. "You come into my town, burn my crops, and want me to surrender to you?" "You mean Blueblood's town?" the mare said with a snort. "No, I mean my town!" Applejack snapped as she bucked the soldier behind her. She felt her hooves hit something hard, and knew she had done the damage she had hoped for. Her victory, however, was short lived as two soldiers tackled her to the ground. "Attack!" Applejack heard a new voice yell. She couldn't see what happened, but the erratic movement and dirt being moved around told her what she needed to know. Applejack felt the weight that was holding her down diminish, allowing her to turn around and push the remaining soldier still holding her front left leg. She found herself in the middle of a melee between her Cloudsdale aggressors and a squad of Canterlot guards. She head-butted the pony who was attempting to hold her down before turning her attention to Bonbon, who quivered under an upside-down cart. A unicorn stallion wearing a Canterlot sergeant's uniform jumped in front of her after pushing away a Cloudsdale earth pony with a magical force shield. "Mayor Applejack, come with me." "I need to take care of this fire," Applejack replied, already prepared to get back on her way. "It's too dangerous," the guard argued as he surrounded Applejack and himself in a magical shield. "I've been ordered to keep you safe. We'll handle the flames, I promise." Applejack spat on the ground. "Fine, but we return the moment it's safe. I'm not leaving my town behind." The guard nodded as Applejack helped Bonbon up. The Canterlot unicorns erected a shield, protecting the earth pony guards who pushed against the Cloudsdale chargers. Meanwhile, the sergeant took two of his soldiers with him as they formed a perimeter around Applejack and her assistant. Applejack picked up her hat and nodded at the sergeant. "Go, go!" the sergeant yelled as he led the way, his two soldiers moving behind Applejack and watching their flank. Two enemy combatants attempted to give chase, but a brave earth pony mare wearing the Canterlot golden armor charged them both, pushing one to the ground and destabilizing the other long enough for Applejack's group to make their escape. "Thanks for the rescue," Applejack said between pants as they turned behind Sugarcube Corner. "What's your name, by the way?" "I'm Chestnut," the sergeant said. "And as I said, I've been ordered by Captain Boulderhoof to keep you safe." Applejack frowned. "The safety of my town comes before my own. I can wait for the battle to calm down, but I'm going to be there to fight the flames." "Fair enough," Chestnut said. "For now, let's hide inside the bakery." The group made for Sugarcube Corner and Chestnut banged on the door a few times, to no avail. "We might have to break in," he mumbled with a wince. Applejack rolled her eyes. "The Cakes are just afraid." She knocked a few times herself. "It's Applejack. Let us in." she yelled. It took a few seconds for the door to crack open. "Quick, come in," Mr. Cake whispered as the group sneaked inside the bakery. After a moment, Applejack's eyes adjusted to the pitch blackness inside Sugarcube Corner. "Stay away from the windows," Mr. Cake whispered as he led Applejack behind the counter. "We can hide in the basement." Applejack shook her head. "I'm staying here. The battle will be over soon, and I won't hide a second longer than I have to. Go and stay with your wife. If soldiers come in, we'll tell them you aren't here." The bakery owner nodded and disappeared through a door, prompting Applejack and Bonbon to sit on the floor near a window that allowed them to see the smoke coming from Carrot Top's farm. The occasional wave of pegasi could be seen in the sky, and the powerful winds created by the battle pushed against the exterior of the bakery. Sergeant Chestnut ordered his two subordinates to different points inside the room, where they could observe what was going on outside. As for the sergeant, he stayed near the front door, ready to fight whatever intruder might burst in. The sound of the wind banging Sugarcube Corner's wooden sign against the store's facade and the faraway screams of battle were Applejack's only companions. None of the ponies dared speak a word, all of them no doubt contemplating what would happen in the next few hours. How big of an attack was it? Could it be yet another raid by Lightning Dust, or was it a precursor to a much larger attack? With Manehattan now under their control, Luna's troops would no doubt become more bold. Perhaps they might even attack Canterlot itself in the coming weeks. Applejack sighed. Was there anything she could have done to avoid this? By agreeing to feed the Canterlot army, she'd made Ponyville a target. What choice did she have though? Even Rarity wouldn't have been able to protect her had she chosen neutrality. A scream coming from right outside the bakery broke her reverie. "Somepony help me!" Bonbon stood up with a gasp. "That's Lyra's voice!" "Consarn it," Applejack barked as she mirrored the gesture. "We have to help her." Chestnut shook his head and blocked her path. "You're not going out there. My job is to keep you safe." "And my job is to keep my citizens safe," Applejack retorted as she pushed him away. "I'm going out there." She rushed to the front of the store and saw Bonbon's mint-colored friend running away from three earth pony soldiers from outside the window. "We could really use your help, Sergeant." "Be reasonable. We don't know how many soldiers are out there," the sergeant argued. Bonbon slapped the sergeant in the face. "That's my best friend out there!" She rushed for the door, Applejack following closely behind. "Hold on, Lyra, I'm coming!" Lyra turned her panicked, pleading eyes toward Bonbon and Applejack. A large, orange-coated stallion tackled her to the ground. She desperately tried to wrestle her way out. A strong gust of wind pushed Applejack and Bonbon aside as they ran outside. Applejack realized too late that three pegasi had been hovering over the bakery, flapping their wings and pinning them to the ground. A bright flash of light accompanied the dying wind. Chestnut bared his teeth from the entrance as he blasted one of the pegasi with his horn, prompting the other two to recoil in surprise. Applejack didn't hesitate. She rushed toward the large earth pony who held Lyra to the ground, flat on her belly. He yanked her tail aside, and the look of panic on Lyra's face alongside the predatory lust in the soldier's eyes exposed just how low this stallion had fallen. "Get off her!" Applejack yelled as she punched the stallion in the face. The large earth pony soldier was stronger than Applejack had anticipated. His head recoiled slightly from the blow, but he quickly answered with a violent push. She saw Bonbon wrestling with another soldier from the corner of her eye as she fell. Lyra crawled to the foot of a tall building, whimpering. Applejack attempted to get back up, but her opponent kicked her in the stomach, making her gasp for air. She tried to get up once more, but he forced her face in the dirt with one of his hooves. She attempted to kick him off, but from her weakened position, he easily avoided her blows. She saw one of the Canterlot soldiers impaling a Cloudsdale pegasus with his spear while Chestnut protected him from an enemy gust of wind with a magical shield. Applejack swallowed her pride and managed to breathe in enough air to call out. "Sergeant, help!" Chestnut turned his gaze toward Applejack and summoned a blast of magical energy from his horn. He winced in pain as a small ball of magic collided with Applejack's assailant. From the expression on Chestnut's face, he probably had very little strength left in him for more spells. The large earth pony flinched from the blow and let go of Applejack's head. She didn't press her luck and rolled away from him before getting back up. Her enemy was still shaking his head from the magical blast when she spun around and bucked as hard as she could, striking his head and knocking his helmet off. Her hooves had left a visible mark on his face and he struggled to open one of his eyes. He screamed as she bucked again, this time hitting him in the chest. Applejack felt a surge of satisfaction at the dent her blow left on his armor. He doubled-over in pain, allowing Applejack to turn around and land blow after blow on his face. She struck him again, and again, until her hoof bled. Nopony tried to stop her. She found her enemy breathing with difficulty, blood oozing from multiple wounds on his face. She kicked him between the legs one last time for good measure before turning her attention back to her surroundings. One of the Canterlot soldiers lay impaled with a Cloudsdale spear lodged between his ribs. The other was making sure an enemy pegasus was really dead. As for Chestnut, he stood panting over the bodies of the other two enemy earth pony soldiers. Bonbon held a crying Lyra in her hooves. "I'm sorry about your soldiers," Applejack awkwardly offered to the Sergeant. "Thanks for your help." Chestnut grunted but didn't reply. Both he and Applejack turned their attention toward the general direction of Carrot Top's farm. No more pegasi flew in the sky, only black smoke remained. "It looks like the battle may be over," Chestnut said in a flat voice after a moment of silence. Applejack sighed. "Gather as many ponies as you can. We still have a fire to take care of." Shortly after the battle came another snowstorm. While these were usually unwelcome, this time it helped the ponies fight the flames. Sadly, it all came too late; a significant part of their reserves of hay, oats, carrots, and potatoes had been lost to the flame. A lot of what survived was covered in snow and rubble, the buildings where the barrels were stored having collapsed. Applejack ordered a full account of the damage and of their remaining food stores, but knew it could take a few days to obtain any reliable information. After spending most of the night extinguishing the fire and making sure ponies were safe, everypony in Ponyville needed some much deserved rest. Applejack, however, didn't feel any urge to go to bed. She wouldn't rest until she knew exactly what was going on. While some soldiers were still helping out around town and patrolling Ponyville looking for Cloudsdale stragglers, most had returned to camp. The damage to the town's food store had been substantial, but it could have been much worse. The attack had mostly been contained to Carrot Top's farm, outside of a few undisciplined soldiers who ran inside the town with the hope of stealing valuables or committing other crimes. For what little it was worth, the Canterlot troops had managed to defend Ponyville. She met with Carrot Top in the farmer's house to discuss the situation. The snow storm still raged outside, and they could barely see anything outside the windows. "So give it to me straight. How bad is it?" Applejack asked. Carrot Top sighed. "We're talking famine. The Cloudsdale army has spent the last few months raiding farms and supply routes everywhere from Gale to Ponyville." "Taking out Equestria's most fertile lands," Applejack completed. She threw her hat on the floor in frustration. "I don't know what to do. The only reason Luna would do this is to starve us out. She's bringing this unnatural winter, and she knows we can't last without food." "We have to end this," Carrot said as she stared at the storm outside the window. "I don't care what you do, but we can't feed Ponyville for more than a few months with what we have left. Less if we have the army to worry about." "I don't know where I can find food," Applejack said weakly. "I'll write to Rarity, let her know that we just can't do it." "What does it mean for us?" Carrot asked with a gulp. "Canterlot is counting on us to feed their troops." "I imagine they'll start sending our ponies to war," Applejack said, unable to keep tears from welling up in her eyes. "After this, I don't think Boulderhoof will give me any choice." Carrot Top walked to Applejack and placed a hoof on her shoulder. She took a deep breath. "Luna sent her goons to burn down my farm. She's caused nothing but misery. If the army wants us to go out and fight, I say we go out and fight. You said it yourself — she wants to starve us out. This is bigger than Ponyville, Applejack." Applejack sighed. Was it even worth fighting this battle at this point? The war was raging, and her town had been attacked a second time. "I'll talk to Boulderhoof," she said as she headed for the exit. Navigating the storm proved difficult, but she knew she couldn't rest before she had her answers. She could barely feel the morning sun's rays through the thick clouds, and heavy snow blew into her eyes. Luckily, she didn't have to walk far. Years of farm work hardened her body to the point where no amount of snow could keep her from her destination. The storm had slightly subsided by the time she reached the camp. Heavy snow still fell from the sky, but at least the wind no longer impeded her movement. She found guards shivering in the cold, although anypony not on duty was understandably resting inside the barracks. "Where's Boulderhoof?" she asked one of the guards. "Interrogating a prisoner," the soldier said. He sounded exhausted, and couldn't even stand upright. Would her citizens be forced to endure conditions such as these after Boulderhoof's conscription? Applejack shook her head. Such thoughts would have to wait for later. "Take me to him." "I... I can't abandon my post. He's right behind that building, right there." Applejack nodded her thanks and headed in the direction the soldier had pointed out. As expected, Boulderhoof was there alongside five of his soldiers and a tied up prisoner. Applejack frowned as she got closer and realized it was the same large, orange-coated earth pony who had assaulted Lyra during the battle. He was bleeding in the snow. "Madam Mayor," Boulderhoof said with a grin. "We were just about to find out what went through these idiots' brains when they decided to attack Ponyville." He kicked the prisoner in the ribs, prompting an audible yelp. "Just give it to me straight," Applejack said impatiently. "I've had a long night." Boulderhoof grabbed the prisoner by his green mane and forced him to look at Applejack. "Name and rank?" "Pumpkin," the prisoner said after spitting some blood. "Private Pumpkin." "See? That's not so hard," Boulderhoof teased. Applejack realized that this was probably the happiest she had ever seen the Captain — bullying a tied up prisoner. "And who was your commanding officer, Private Pumpkin?" "Captain Lightning Dust," he said, his voice weak and resigned. "The one and only," Boulderhoof said as he returned his attention to Applejack. "She was responsible for most raids in the region, you know. I think we took out a good chunk of her forces. You should be happy." "I'll withhold my enthusiasm until we can feed the town," Applejack said before looking down at the prisoner. "Answer me just one question. Why? What's the plan, starve us out? How does trying to rape one of my citizens factor into Luna's grand plan?" She could barely contain her rage. The temptation to join Boulderhoof in brutalizing this sorry excuse for a pony gnawed at her. I have to be better than this. One of the soldiers kicked the prisoner after a few seconds of silence. "Answer the mayor," Applejack used all of her self-control to keep her expression straight. "Fine, fine," Pumpkin said after spitting more blood. "We were trying to take out your food supplies, Lightning's orders. Make ponies afraid of supporting Canterlot." He winced as he tried to smirk at Applejack. "That mint-coated friend of yours sure won't forget me any day soon. It's not like griffon patrols are doing any differently in the lands we control." Boulderhoof grabbed the prisoner up and shoved him against a wall. "We didn't ask for your opinion." He punched him again, prompting Pumpkin to spit out a broken tooth. "Was that all your forces attacking Ponyville?" Pumpkin spat a mix of blood and spittle in Boulderhoof's face. "Wrong answer," Boulderhoof said as he threw the prisoner back in the freezing snow. He nodded at his soldiers, who kicked him repeatedly. Applejack frowned. "Is this really necessary?" "After what he did, I would have thought you'd be lining up to beat him, too," Boulderhoof said in a slightly mocking tone. "Then you know nothing about me," Applejack replied, turning her gaze away from the camp and the brutal scene. "Wait, wait, I'll talk," Pumpkin said after a particularly nasty-looking kick between his legs. "That wasn't all of our forces in the region, but a good chunk. We have more coming though, so don't start celebrating just yet." "Rookie troops taking over for experienced raiders?" Boulderhoof said with another grin. "I think we can celebrate a little bit." He turned to Applejack. "See? We got Lightning Dust on the run. She probably lived with these soldiers for so long, losing them'll demoralize her. Remember, if you want to hurt an enemy, take out what matters the most to them." "Just do what you have to to keep my town safe," Applejack said as she rolled her eyes. "And I'll do what I can to salvage our food stores and protect them from the rats." "Good," Boulderhoof said with a nod. "Expect an announcement in the coming days. Every family will be expected to supply their strongest ponies for military service. This includes your brother. We'll hit them back, and hit them back hard." Applejack shook her head. "Not before I have a few words with Rarity. I'm not letting you force ponies into this war." Boulderhoof scoffed. "I would have thought this attack would have ended your stubborn streak. Write to the princess all you want. In the meantime, we'll be losing time while Cloudsdale prepares another attack." "We'll talk about it when you're done brutalizing prisoners," Applejack said, struggling to keep the anger out of her voice. "I have a family to get back to." She turned away, but sighed and returned her attention to the captain one last time. "Thank Chestnut for me. He saved my life out there." She didn't wait for a reply as she kept on walking. She stormed out of the camp and back toward the castle. The snow didn't show any sign of slowing down, and Ponyville's dirt roads already proved difficult to navigate. She made a mental note to have Bonbon handle this problem and have ponies at least clear out the main avenues. The Palace of Harmony was eerily silent as Applejack entered its spacious halls. She made her way to the second floor, where her family kept their living quarters. She entered the room they used as a living room, only to find both Granny Smith and Big Macintosh staring at the floor in silence. "I'm glad the two of you are okay," Applejack said. She looked around the room and her heartbeat raced. "Wait, what's with the glum faces? Where's Applebloom?" Big Macintosh silently picked up a piece of paper from the coffee table and handed it to Applejack. She carefully unfolded it and began reading. Dear Applejack, Granny Smith, and Big Macintosh I know you don't care much for Princess Luna, but I do. She's been coming into my dreams, as well as Scootaloo's. Now, she's sending us on a mission. We're going to find Pinkie Pie, and figure out some way of rescuing Rainbow Dash. I think we might be able to find Twilight, too. Please don't worry about us. Many ponies in Equestria used to have bad dreams, and they will help protect us. Love, Applebloom "This... this doesn't make any sense," Applejack managed to mumble as she dropped the note on the floor. "Rainbow Dash is dead. Why would Luna just take my little sister like that?" "I don't know," Granny Smith said, her voice barely a whisper. Applejack's heart raced again. She started pacing back and forth in the room. "She attacks my town, burns my food, kills my citizens, and now takes away my little sister." She screamed as she violently bucked a nearby mirror, shattering it into a thousand pieces. "I've had it! Nopony decent would use children this way! I'm going back to see Boulderhoof." She took a deep breath and stared at the storm still raging outside. "Ponyville is joining the fight." > XXVIII Scootaloo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo glided through the sky, her orange wings stretched to their limit. A gentle breeze carried her far above Ponyville as it blew through her mane. She gave her wings a few effortless flaps, rising in the air and closing her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered. A familiar voice came from her right. "It is your dream, Scootaloo. I merely accompany you through it." Scootaloo opened her eyes and shared a smile with Princess Luna, who flew alongside her. "You're the one who chased away my nightmares and who's letting me fly, Princess Luna." "You shouldn't lose hope," the princess said as she dodged a cloud and readjusted her course. "You are still young. Perhaps one day you will fly." "My wings are too small. The doctors told me." She sighed. "As long as I can fly here with you, I'm okay with it." The Princess stared into the distance. "There is another who used to take you to the sky." Scootaloo shook her head as she landed on a light pink cloud. "Not anymore. Rainbow died in that battle." Luna landed next to Scootaloo and placed a comforting wing around her body. "Listen to me, Scootaloo. You have brought me a lot of important information these past few months. It's time for me to return the favor." "Oh?" "Rainbow Dash is still alive," Luna said. "She isn't well, and you might not like what you see when she's found, but she's still alive." "How do you know?" Scootaloo asked. Her heartbeat raced at the possibility, even as her skeptic side doubted the princess's words. "The way you would expect; she continues to dream." Scootaloo flew up, her wings buzzing in excitement. Luna hovered as well as the cloud they had rested on disappeared. "Can I see her? Can we go into her dreams?" "Perhaps," the princess said a bit too severely for Scootaloo's taste. "Entering her dream would be difficult. She does not welcome me during her slumber." "What do you mean? I thought you entered everypony's dreams." "Anypony who wants me to," Luna clarified. "You could throw me out at any moment, and I would be powerless to resist your will. Rainbow Dash has been through a lot. She doesn't trust me as she once did. I will need time to figure out a way to get through to her." "And you need my help for it?" Luna nodded. "Perhaps. You and Rainbow share a special bond. She thinks of you like a little sister. Perhaps you may succeed where I failed. Furthermore, the world of dreams is familiar to you. You seem well attuned to it." Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. "Wait, are you saying I could enter dreams just like you?" "Not quite," Luna said. "You would need alicorn magic to do so. But with my help, you could help other ponies vanquish their nightmares." "You can count on me!" Scootaloo said as she flew a loop. She grinned at Luna, but found the princess averting her eyes. "What's wrong, Princess?" "I would have another favor to ask of you." "Anything," Scootaloo said. "I told you before, we're loyal to you. Anything to get rid of that idiot Blueblood." Luna smiled. "Let's meet with your friends. I believe it's been a while since you and Applebloom spoke with Sweetie Belle." A door appeared in the middle of the sky and opened as Luna approached it. Scootaloo's eyes opened wide with wonder as she stepped through the opening, finding herself alongside Luna in a crystalline cavern. Every surface reflected the light in a rainbow of colors. "Cool!" Scootaloo said as she flew around the room. "It's a cave I found in the Crystal Empire." Sweetie Belle's voice came from the ground. Scootaloo looked down and found her two best friends standing in a corner. "Sweetie! How's it going?" Scootaloo said as she landed. "I'm glad to see you two," Sweetie said with a weak smile. "But I hate it in the Empire." "What's so bad about the Empire?" Applebloom asked. Sweetie sat down and sighed. "My parents argue all the time. We barely ever have anything to eat, and all the ponies from Equestria have to live in this terrible place, mostly in tents and little shacks. I live with my parents in a tiny room. The roof leaks all the time, and my dad snores." "That doesn't make sense," Scootaloo said. "The Crystal Empire is this beautiful, amazing place." "Princess Cadance showed up once," Sweetie continued. "She was nice. She gave me a blanket and some crystal corn on the cob. Most of the time though, I hate it. I wish I could go back to Equestria." "The life of a refugee is not an easy one, Sweetie Belle," Luna tentatively said as she took a step forward. "Soon, we will vanquish Blueblood and his griffon masters, and you can return home." "And you won't hurt Rarity, will you?" Sweetie asked the Princess. "I might have to punish her for her actions, but no, I will not take her from you." "Don't worry," Scootaloo said. "You know Princess Luna would never hurt Rarity. Also, she told me she has a special mission for us. I'm sure it'll help end this stupid war." "It might," Luna said as she bowed her head. "But I do not want to force any of you into this." "You're not forcing us. All three of us want to help," Sweetie said with a smile. "By the way, I did like you asked and delivered Fluttershy's message to Princess Cadance when she gave me that blanket I told you about. She said she'd see what she could do about the griffons. She also asked me not to tell anypony." "Follow her advice," Luna said as she placed a hoof on Sweetie's shoulder. "It will keep you safe." "And what about us?" Applebloom asked. Luna took a deep breath. "I need the two of you to leave Ponyville and find Pinkie Pie. You must tell her that Rainbow Dash is still alive, perhaps with Twilight. This part is not clear." "Really?" Applebloom said, her eyes opened wide. "It's what I gathered from the glimpses I had of her dreams. I also do not believe it will be safe for either of you to remain in Ponyville." "Wait, does that mean we'll get to join you in Cloudsdale?" Scootaloo asked. "Or are you sending us to rescue Rainbow Dash?" "Are they coming with me to the Crystal Empire?" Sweetie asked. Luna shook her head. "I need you to deliver a message, nothing more. Equestria has become a dangerous place. I will need the two of you to hide from any strangers you see on the road." "You can count on us," Scootaloo said as she shared a determined nod with Applebloom. "Me too," Sweetie said. "I wish I could come with." "Good," Luna said. "You will need to leave Ponyville tomorrow, before nightfall. Travel northwest, through the Saddlefree woods." She illuminated her horn and the scenery changed from the crystalline cave to a wooden shack on the edge of the woods. "The stallion living here will help you on your quest. His name is Old Oatston." "He'll take us to Pinkie Pie?" Applebloom said. Luna nodded. "I will talk to you in your dreams again and give you more instructions, including where exactly Rainbow Dash is." "Hold on," Scootaloo said as she flew in front of the princess. "Why not tell us where she is now?" Luna sighed. "I do not yet know. That is why I believe I will need your help again, Scootaloo. I wish you to leave right away because I do not believe that remaining in Ponyville will be safe for either of you." Applebloom raised an eyebrow. "Why? What's going to happen?" "I cannot say," Luna replied with a sigh. "Just please, children. Trust me on this." "I trust you, Princess," Scootaloo said. "I'm just happy we can help you, and I can't wait to see Rainbow Dash again." "Just be careful," Sweetie pleaded. "Don't worry," Scootaloo said with a grin. "If Princess Luna says we can do it, then I'm not scared at all." "Let's still be careful, Scoots," Applebloom said. "Applebloom is correct," Luna said. "I would not ask this of you if there was any other way. I do trust you to complete this quest, but be safe, and do not take unnecessary risks. This nightmare will end soon, I promise." Scootaloo packed her saddlebags lightly. She picked a blanket and some snacks she had been hiding in her room. Ever since her parents had started talking about rationing food, she had been hiding candy and dried fruits in one of the drawers under her bed. She had spent most of the day planning her escape. The first part had been easy; she convinced her parents to let her sleep over at Applebloom's. This also had the advantage of letting her bring a blanket without looking suspicious. She scribbled a quick letter that would let her parents know not to worry and hid it under her pillow. They probably wouldn't find it right away, giving her time to leave Ponyville. Heavy snow had fallen for most of the week. While perfect for building snow ponies, it was too thick for Scootaloo to ride her scooter. She opted to leave it behind when she left to meet Applebloom in the playground, shortly after lunch. She wore her warmest winter clothes, expecting to travel in harsh conditions. The two fillies met in the same snow-covered playground where Fluttershy had informed them of the griffons' plot. With their clubhouse gone and both their families opposed to their support of Princess Luna, they had picked this park as one of many locations where they could meet and plan in secret. More often than not, they would only find bits and pieces of information to relay to the princess, mostly things Applebloom overheard her sister say. This time, it would be different. Luna had entrusted them with an important mission. Scootaloo found Applebloom throwing snowballs against the miniature wooden cabin in the middle of the park. "Scoots, there you are," Applebloom said. "I was worried you wouldn't come." "Don't worry. My parents think I'm sleeping over, like we planned," Scootaloo said as the two shared a knowing look. "It took a bit more convincing than I expected, but I got Granny Smith to agree. She thinks I'm sleeping over at your place." "Perfect," Scootaloo said, clapping her hooves together. "Now we can figure out how we'll get to Saddlefree woods." Applebloom averted her eyes as she sighed softly. "I don't like lying to our families, Scootaloo." Scootaloo frowned. "You can't back out of this. I need you." "I won't, but don't you think we should tell them the truth?" Scootaloo shook her head. "Are you crazy? If we tell Applejack, we'll never be allowed to leave our rooms. No offense, but your sister turned a bit nutty ever since she became mayor." "She just wants to protect me," Applebloom said in a weak voice. "And that's why we can't tell her," Scootaloo continued. "You remember what happened the last time she obsessed over protecting you?" Applebloom sighed again as she brushed the snow with her hoof. "Fine. I just hope she forgives me." Scootaloo offered a comforting smile. "Don't worry. After this is done, we'll be heroes." "Yeah, you're right," Applebloom said with a sheepish smile. "So how are we gonna do this?" "We could just walk out of town," Scootaloo suggested with a shrug. "Tell ponies who ask we're going out to play." Applebloom shook her head. "There're soldiers patrolling outside Ponyville. Caramel was complaining about it to my sister the other day." Scootaloo's brow furrowed as she stroked her chin. "So, we need some way to hide as we leave town." "What about a train?" "Maybe," Scootaloo said. "They're always full of soldiers though, and I'm not sure any go to Saddlefree." "Yeah, they always stop when it snows, too," Applebloom said as she kicked the snow. The two friends stared in the distance for a moment. A unicorn couple was taking a stroll on one of the few cleared paths in the park. Pipsqueak and Featherweight were chasing each other and almost bumped into Cranky Doodle Donkey, who was pulling a cart full of barrels covered with a tarp on the alley in front of the park. Scootaloo's ears perked up. A grin slowly formed on her muzzle. "I got an idea. Where do you think Cranky is taking those barrels?" "Wait, you can't be serious," Applebloom said with a gulp. "I mean, we all know he takes food to the soldiers at the front lines." "And you know where the front lines are?" Scootaloo continued. "Beyond Saddlefree Woods," Applebloom slowly completed. "You want to sneak on the back of his cart?" "Why not? It's perfect." Scootaloo grabbed Applebloom by the leg and dragged her toward the cart. "We'll get caught," Applebloom argued as she resisted the pull. "Not if you follow my lead," Scootaloo said without breaking a stride. She led Applebloom toward Pipsqueak, who was giggling with Featherweight in a corner. "Hi Crusaders," the spotted Trottingham Colt said as he waved them over. "Hey boys," Scootaloo said with a sly wink. "I have a favor to ask." "This isn't going to get us in trouble, is it?" Featherweight asked as he raised an eyebrow. "No, it'll just be funny," Scootaloo said with a dismissive gesture. "We just need you two to distract Cranky while we sneak behind his cart." "We just want to prank him," Applebloom added. "I don't know about this," Featherweight said as he shared a look with Pipsqueak. "Come on, it'll be fun," Scootaloo teased with a playful grin. Pipsqueak nodded at his friend. "Alright, we'll do it, but you owe us one." "Deal," Scootaloo happily replied. "It'll be worth it, trust me." The four of them shared nods and hoof bumps as they ran ahead to get their plan into motion. Cranky had already turned a corner, but they knew a shortcut to quickly reach him. They waited in an alley for the donkey to walk along, dragging his cart. Pipsqueak ran ahead, closely followed by Featherweight. "I told you kids to stop fooling around," Cranky barked as one of the colts bumped into him. Scootaloo couldn't see which one. The two friends shared a nod. Scootaloo glanced around to make sure nopony was watching before she led the way toward the back of the cart, just as she heard Featherweight apologize to Cranky. Both fillies carefully climbed on the back and made their way under the heavy tarp that protected the barrels from the snow. They found a small space between two barrels, where they managed to crawl together. "Get your hoof out of my face," Applebloom whispered. "Shhh," Scootaloo said as she managed to position herself in a way that wouldn't bother her friend too much. "Alright, now shoo. Don't let me catch you bothering anypony again," Cranky's voice warned as the cart got moving. Scootaloo winced as the movement of the cart made her accidentally bump her head on a barrel. A turnip fell out of it and into her lap. She used all of her self-control to stay quiet and not move around too much. It wouldn't do to go through all of this only to get caught by Cranky. She could feel Applebloom's chest move as her friend breathed heavily. The air felt thick under the tarp, and her body began to sweat. Do it for Luna. Do it for Rainbow Dash. The ride felt like it was taking forever. It seemed like Cranky pulled his cart over every rock and hole, as Scootaloo and Applebloom kept being jolted around, bumping into each other. A crack allowed frozen winter air to come through and contrast with the unbearable heat that was growing underneath the tarp. If the bumps and bruises wouldn't be enough, Scootaloo might return from this adventure with a nasty cold. Her hoof touched Applebloom's. Neither of them dared say a word. Scootaloo felt her heartbeat race every time the cart bumped. She almost jumped out of the cart on a few occasions, only finding strength in Applebloom's presence. The barrels often shook, threatening to crush them both. Scootaloo breathed in and out as she closed her eyes. She had lost track of how much time had passed when the cart finally stopped. She heard a gruff voice coming from the outside. "What do you have inside this cart?" Scootaloo swore under her breath. How could she had been so foolish? Of course, soldiers would search every cart leaving Ponyville. She felt Applebloom's hoof shake in her own. "I'm taking my usual delivery to the soldiers on the other side of the forest," Cranky said. "Turnips again?" the gruff voice said. "I'm glad I'm not posted there. I wouldn't want to eat turnips every day." Scootaloo's entire body shook as the voice got closer. She felt Applebloom's erratic breathing on the side of her face. "Let's see what you have in there." Cold air sneaked through the barrels as the tarp was partially moved. "Yup, just turnips," the soldier's voice said absentmindedly as the tarp was returned to its position. Scootaloo couldn't believe their luck. She dragged herself closer to Applebloom. No doubt her friend was just as relieved as she was. Cranky got on his way again, which shook the barrel Scootaloo leaned on, resulting in her head bumping against her friend's. "Ow," Applebloom said. The cart came to a stop again, prompting Scootaloo to remain completely silent. We were so close. "Hey, Cranky, better oil up those wheels," the guard mocked with a loud guffaw. "Yeah yeah, very funny," Cranky said as the cart got moving again. Scootaloo sighed in relief at their continued fortune. The ride continued for what seemed like hours. Both fillies managed to lie down in a more comfortable position, using their saddlebags as pillows. The cool breeze made the heat more bearable, and the cart's movement almost became familiar. The two friends snacked on turnips before lowering their heads between their legs. Scootaloo eventually closed her eyes and managed to let the movement of the cart lull her to sleep. Something didn't feel quite right as Scootaloo opened her eyes. It took her a moment to realize that she was no longer moving. She gently poked Applebloom, who groaned as she awoke. Scootaloo shushed her by bringing her hoof to her friend's muzzle. Scootaloo perked up her ears. No voices could be heard, but the wind was blowing on the tarp covering the cart. There was no way to tell what was going on outside. "I'll try to take a peek," she whispered as softly as she could. She rose and lifted the tarp, managing to find a crack through which she could see outside. It was getting dark, making it hard to make out anything. She spied trees. Could they have reached the forest? "What do you see?" Applebloom asked from behind Scootaloo as she gave her tail a quick tug. Scootaloo got back down. "I think it's safe to come out," she whispered. "There's a forest close by." "Finally. I was getting mighty cramped in here," Applebloom said as she crawled out from their hiding spot between the two barrels. Applebloom helped Scootaloo climb over the barrels and out of the cart. They were next to an unlit house with boarded-up windows. The cart was covered in leaves, branches and other forest detritus. Sure enough, the forest was right next to them. "You think this is Saddlefree Woods?" Applebloom whispered. Scootaloo nodded as she trotted toward the trees. "I think so. I know Cranky was going toward Saddlefree. He must have decided to spend the night in that abandoned house." "I wouldn't want to spend the night in there," Applebloom said with a shiver. "What if there're ghosts?" "There's no such thing as ghosts. I think?" Scootaloo said as a cold breeze threatened to push her off her hooves. She looked behind her and saw the house in its entirety. It was two stories tall, but the roof had caved in. At least three windows were broken. "Still, I wouldn't want to spend the night in there either." Applebloom and Scootaloo made their way toward the forest. Snow had begun to fall, and the wind only seemed to get colder. Luckily, the trees cut off the worst of it once the fillies got between them. It was little use, however, as the light of the full moon couldn't show them the way between the thick foliage. If there was a path, they wouldn't find it before daylight. "I wish Sweetie Belle were here," Applebloom said as she huddled close to Scootaloo. "She could use her magic to give us some light." "We need to find somewhere to spend the night," Scootaloo said with a gulp. "It'll be just like those camping trips, right?" She forced a weak smile. Applebloom sobbed softly. "I don't think coming here was a good idea, Scoots." "Come on, Applebloom. We can do this. Luna's counting on us." "I wanna go back home," Applebloom said, her voice barely a whisper. Scootaloo sighed. "Look, I'm afraid too, but you remember what Luna said; Rainbow Dash is in danger. We're the only ones who can save her. The Princess wouldn't have asked us to do this if she didn't think we could." "Let's just find a place to spend the night," Applebloom said. The two friends kept on walking. The snow fell faster and faster, making the trek difficult for their small legs. Even through her winter clothes, the wind chilled Scootaloo's bones. Based on her whimpers, Applebloom wasn't faring any better. They both fell in the snow multiple times. They had to rely on one another as exhaustion quickly got the better of them. "Scoots, we can't keep on going like this," Applebloom said, her voice shaking. Scootaloo raised her head and spied a rocky formation in the distance. "Just a bit more, Applebloom. I think there's a cave over there." The fillies kept on walking. Scootaloo's saddlebags felt heavier and heavier as she dragged herself toward their destination. The clouds in the sky moved, and a ray of moonlight showed them an opening in the rocky formation. "A cave!" Scootaloo cheered, tears of joy falling down her cheeks. She managed to accelerate her pace as she navigated the deep snow toward the shelter. Even Applebloom seemed to find some energy for these last steps. Finally, they reached the dark cave. Both friends fell to the cold, rocky ground, panting in exhaustion. "We made it," Scootaloo weakly uttered as she reached up and touched Applebloom's hoof with her own. After a moment, Scootaloo crawled to her Saddlebags and took out her blanket. "Just take one," Applebloom said. "Applejack told me that if we have to sleep in the cold, we have to huddle together for warmth." Scootaloo nodded, too weak to reply. She unrolled the warm woolen blanket and motioned for Applebloom to come over. Both fillies wrapped themselves in, huddled in each other's warmth. Sleep quickly came to Scootaloo, but the princess didn't visit her dreams. Scootaloo's entire body felt sore as she found Applebloom gently shaking her. Her friend was rambling about something she couldn't understand in her groggy state. "I'm awake, I'm awake," Scootaloo said as she pushed Applebloom away. She brought her head out from under the blanket and found Applebloom standing in front of her, wearing her winter clothes. "We need to get going," Applebloom said. Her voice was soft, and her eyes seemed to avoid Scootaloo's. "Just give me a minute," Scootaloo said as she groaned. "Remind me never to sleep on the floor again when we get back home." "Look, Scootaloo, I've been thinking," Applebloom said. "I'm not so sure that doing this is a good idea." "What do you mean?" Scootaloo said. "We're so close. Just a bit more and we'll reach Oatston's cabin." "Are we? You don't even know how to get through this forest. I think we should head back, find Cranky, and own up to what we've done." Scootaloo rushed toward her friend. "You're not making any sense. Just another day and we can find the cabin, I know it." She glared at Applebloom. "Are you a coward?" "You know what, Scoots?" Applebloom said with an angry glare of her own. "Maybe I am a coward, or maybe I'm just being realistic. We're just two little fillies; we can't do this. We almost died, Scootaloo. Please, let's do the smart thing here." "Rainbow Dash wouldn't give up, and I won't either. She's counting on us." Applebloom sighed. "Fine, go die in the cold! I'm going back to find Cranky. I'll own up to what I've done, and I'll ask him to take me back to Ponyville." "Fine!" Scootaloo yelled. "I hope you enjoy kissing Blueblood's hooves with your sister." "You know what? Maybe I will. At least he's not sending me to die out in the snow." Scootaloo gasped. "I can't believe you just said that. Just get out of my sight!" She turned back and pulled her saddlebags toward her. She heard Applebloom leaving the cave. She grumbled under her breath as she rolled up her sweat-drenched blanket and forced it into her saddlebags. She grabbed some oats and ate a quick breakfast before heading toward the exit. There was even more snow than yesterday, and more was falling still. "I can do this," Scootaloo said under her breath. Scootaloo took a few hesitant steps outside the cave. Her hooves sunk in the snow and she cursed herself for not thinking ahead; she could have packed snow shoes. If only her wings would work, she could fly over it all. Then again, even a strong flyer like Rainbow Dash would struggle when it snowed this much. She tightened her scarf around her neck before getting on her way. Each step forced her to climb over the heavy snow. She frowned as she saw Applebloom's hoof prints heading back toward the edge of the forest. I gotta find the path, Scootaloo thought to herself. Luna said that if I follow it, I'll find Oatston's cabin. She picked a random direction and got on her way. Every tree looked the same, and she had no idea which way the path could be. It had been too dark when she had found the cave. Okay, think. You can always get out of the forest. Maybe you can find the path again from the outside. As much as she hated backtracking, it was her only option. The last thing she wanted was to get lost and be forced to spend another night outside in the cold. She placed one hoof in front of the other, constantly reminding herself of the stakes. For Luna. For Rainbow Dash. Minutes passed with nothing but more snow and more trees in sight. Faraway voices eventually made their way to her ears. Was somepony there? If she heard voices, it might mean the road was close by. Scootaloo hurried and tried to follow the sound. As she got closer, she was able to make out the words, and most importantly, the voice. "Please, Cranky. I know what I did was wrong, but I really want to get back home." There were no doubts; that was Applebloom. "I'm not delaying my delivery," Cranky replied. "Hop on, and we'll have a long talk with your sister once we get back." Scootaloo kept walking in the direction of the voices, careful to be as quiet as she could. At least Applebloom was safe. Still, Scootaloo had no desire to be seen and forced to return home. "Thank you," Applebloom said. "And you're here completely on your own?" Cranky said. "Your little friend Scootaloo isn't in on this? The two of you always seem to be getting in trouble together." Scootaloo swore under her breath. If Applebloom betrayed her, Cranky might go into the woods and look for her. A few seconds passed before Applebloom replied. "No, it was just me. I wanted to get away from Ponyville. I know that it was stupid now." "You can hear the lecture on the way," Cranky said with a groan. "I'm late enough as it is." Scootaloo sighed as she allowed her body to drop in the snow. Thank you Applebloom. She waited a few moments for the cart to leave before she got back on her hooves. Following the same direction the voices had come from, it wasn't hard for Scootaloo to find the road. She even managed to find the tracks Cranky had left. Scootaloo followed the road. She sighed at the irony of Applebloom probably reaching their destination before her. Perhaps she should have accompanied her and made a run for it once they got closer to the cabin. As far as she knew, there was only one road going through the forest, so Cranky would have to pass next to the cabin. One hoof in front of the other, Scootaloo kept as fast a pace as she could, only stopping when she was too exhausted to continue. Her supply of dried fruits, oats, and candy kept her going, even as the snow kept falling. At least the wind had slowed down. Most of the day went by without incident outside of countless aches from fighting the elements. The snow finally calmed down by the end of the day, although the sun going down was accompanied by the cold worsening. Scootaloo wished she had some way of asking Luna to delay the night for an hour or two. The moon was high in the sky when Scootaloo saw her objective. The small wooden cabin stood on the edge of the road, just like in her dream. It was illuminated by a single torch, allowing her to see it in the distance. She galloped to it, excitedly knocking on the door. A yellow-coated earth pony stallion opened the door. What few hairs remained on his bald head were white, as was his spotty beard. He gazed down at Scootaloo with pale green eyes, including a lazy one that didn't seem to register her presence. "Uhm, I was supposed to come here," Scootaloo said. Her speech stuttered as she didn't quite know what to make of this strange stallion standing before her. "I used to have bad dreams." The old pony smiled, displaying a dirty set of yellow teeth. "Just in time. Soup's ready." Scootaloo followed the stallion inside, smiling at the cabin's warmth. "I'm Scootaloo," she said, unable to keep the awkwardness out of her voice. "I know," the stallion said. "Just like you know they call me Old Oatston." "You really know how to find Pinkie Pie?" Scootaloo asked as she took off her hat and coat. "Oh yes," Oatston said as he walked to his kitchen stove. A pot was on the fire, a pleasant smell coming from its contents. The cabin was relatively spartan. It consisted of a single room, with a table and the stove in a corner. A small bed was in another, with a large basket full of hay next to it. At least it beats sleeping on a freezing rock, Scootaloo thought to herself. "Where is she?" Scootaloo asked. "Will it be long to find her?" The old stallion chuckled as he poured a bowl of soup. "You sure are an eager one. To answer your question, I don't know. Ponies from her group often travel around these parts. We'll just ask them to take you to her." "Wait," Scootaloo asked. "Her group?" "Some refugee secret railroad," Oatston said as he brought Scootaloo her soup. "They smuggle ponies who wanna flee the war to the Crystal Empire or something. I never really paid them much attention." Scootaloo's mouth watered as she smelled her soup. Pieces of carrots, cabbage, celery, and turnips floated in a thick green broth. Her worries dissolved as she started devouring the meal with gusto, prompting Oatston to chuckle again. "Traveling in the snow always builds up an appetite," he said. Scootaloo ate in silence. Oatston smiled as he kept refilling her bowl. Truth be told, the soup tasted a bit stale, but she would have devoured anything. A loud burp escaped Scootaloo's mouth once she was done with her third serving. "So we just wait?" she asked her host. "That's the plan," he said. "For now, I'd imagine you'll want to sleep. I think you're due pleasant dreams soon." Scootaloo nodded. Luna did promise she'd visit her again soon, and that she might need her to share a dream with Rainbow Dash. She eyed the basket full of hay. "I can get you a blanket if you want," Oatston said. "Yeah, Mine's soaked," Scootaloo said as she dragged herself to the pile of hay. The old pony placed a thick woolen blanket over her as she fell asleep, finally enjoying the warmth of a roof over her head. A gigantic whirlwind of snow and ice quickly gained on Scootaloo. She tried to flap her wings, but they wouldn't respond. Her sluggish movements did nothing to take her away from the oncoming storm. She tried to scream, but no sound would leave her lungs. She kept struggling, uselessly waving her legs around. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. She closed her eyes and prepared for the inevitable. Nothing came. She felt a warmth coming toward her. "You are safe from your nightmare now, Scootaloo." She opened her eyes and found herself in her Ponyville bedroom, facing Princess Luna. "Oh," she said. "I'm dreaming." "I'm sorry you had to go through this," The Princess said. "I take it you're safe now?" Scootaloo nodded. "I'm in Oatston's cabin. He said he can help me find Pinkie Pie." "Good," Luna said with a smile. "One thing worries me though. Where is Applebloom? Her dreams are closed to me." Scootaloo sighed. "She gave up. She's gone back to Ponyville. I'm on my own, Luna." Luna frowned, then took a deep breath. "Perhaps I have been asking too much of the two of you." "I can do it," Scootaloo said as she flew up. "Rainbow Dash would never give up. You wouldn't either. I'm going to find Pinkie Pie, and we're going to rescue Rainbow." "I appreciate your loyalty," the princess said. "Shall we fly together?" Scootaloo nodded, just as the room dissolved to make way for the open sky. She spread her wings and flew in tandem with Luna. "Thanks for taking away my nightmare." "I was merely doing my duty," Luna said. "And now, I'm afraid I must ask more of you. I told you the last time we spoke that I might need you to enter Rainbow Dash's dreams." "I'm ready," Scootaloo said with a determined nod. Luna's brow furrowed. "I must warn you, Scootaloo. You might not like what you see. From what little I gleamed of Rainbow Dash's dreams, she is not well. You might have a hard time recognizing her." "What do you mean?" Scootaloo asked. "Rainbow Dash is way too awesome to let anything get to her." "I wouldn't be so sure," Luna said as she shook her head. "She has been through horrors that no pony should ever experience. I will admit, I'm still uncertain if showing you these horrors is something I should be doing." "I'll do it," Scootaloo said. "For Rainbow Dash." "Very well. As I said, Rainbow hasn't allowed me to interact with her dreams. She sees me as a nightmare, and either wakes up or throws me out. You will have to remind her who she is, and find some way to get through to her so that she may tell us where she's being held." Scootaloo nodded. "I can do that." Luna's horn lit up. A door appeared in the middle of the sky, revealing another endless expense, although this one was gray and covered in lifeless clouds. Luna flew through the passage, Scootaloo following closely behind. "This is Rainbow's dream?" Scootaloo asked. "It's so gray." "I'm afraid so," Luna said. "With every night, her dreams become more bland and colorless. We can still leave if you're not ready." "I can do this," Scootaloo said as she observed her surroundings. "So, um. What do I do?" "Find her and talk to her," Luna said. "As far as I can tell, she's always alone in her dreams. Just remember, whenever I try to interact with her, it ends badly. I cannot show myself in this dream. You will be on your own." "I got it," Scootaloo said. "I just have to talk to Rainbow and remind her of how awesome she is. It shouldn't be too hard. Right?" She heard the doubt in her own voice as she spoke. She was the one who looked up to Rainbow, not the other way around. Could she really help her? "Trust in yourself, Scootaloo. I will be close by, watching and listening." With that, the princess flew up, dissolving into nothingness. Scootaloo gulped as she took a turn. She glided through the colorless sky, hoping to find the pony who was her older sister by every mean but blood. She saw a form soar through the sky in the distance and gave her wings a few flaps, heading in its direction. She managed to make out Rainbow Dash's features, but this pony was colorless, wore no mane, and flew in a straight line with an emotionless expression. Both her eyes were closed, and her muzzle remained stiff, without any hints of movement. More worrisome, her flank was completely blank — no sign of a cutie mark. The pony matching Rainbow Dash's features glided dispassionately through the air. Scootaloo positioned herself next to her big sister, waving and trying to get her attention. She was ignored, even as she flew in front of her. "Hey, Rainbow Dash," she said. "It's me, Scootaloo." The gray Rainbow kept flying in a straight line, her expression unchanging. "We can just fly in silence for a while," Scootaloo continued. "I always wanted to fly with you." Rainbow slowly turned her head in Scootaloo's direction. "You're not real," she whispered in a raspy voice. "It's not a dream," Scootaloo argued as she flapped her wings to gain altitude. The air somehow got heavier. "Well, it is, but I'm not part of the dream. It's really me. It's Scootaloo." "I don't know any Scootaloo," Rainbow said mechanically as she returned her attention to her course. "What happened to you, Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo whispered to herself. She then grinned as an idea flashed in her head. "Hey, maybe you don't know me, but can you do a sonic rainboom? I heard you're the only pony who can do one." Dash returned her attention to Scootaloo. The filly thought she saw panic in the dreaming mare's eyes. "No... It's impossible. Nopony can do a sonic rainboom." "You've done it plenty of times," Scootaloo said with a smile. "I've seen you do it. It's the most amazing thing ever." "Not me, not me," the gray Rainbow said, her voice shaking in panic as she held her head with her hooves. "The other pony, maybe. Not me." "Wait, what other pony?" "It's a trick!" She said as she glared at Scootaloo, hey ears twitching. "You want to trick me, make me think the other pony is real. It's not going to work." "I don't understand," Scootaloo said as the air got even heavier. The clouds got darker. "There's no other pony here. It's just you and me." Could she be talking about Luna? Can she sense her presence? "Not real. Not real. Not real," Rainbow kept mumbling. "They can't trick me, I'm awesome." "I'm not trying to trick you. Please let me help you." Rainbow Dash curled up in a ball and held her head tightly. She fell, and Scootaloo was forced to dive just to keep pace with her. The sky got darker and darker, to the point where it was impossible to make out anything, not even Rainbow. The air got heavier and a powerful stench unlike anything Scootaloo had ever smelled overpowered her nostrils. Scootaloo found herself standing on hard, wet stone. She tried to feel her way around, meeting a stone wall. A room. I'm in a dark room. Wherever she turned her head, no source of light was to be found. Rainbow kept muttering. Scootaloo couldn't see her, only hear her voice. "They can't hurt me, I'm awesome. They can't break me, I'm awesome." "I'm not trying to break you," Scootaloo argued to no avail. "They can't trick me, I'm awesome." "Yes you are," Scootaloo said, stepping in the direction the voice came from. "You're awesome and you can beat this. Just let me help you through it." "They can't hurt me, I'm awesome." Scootaloo slammed her hoof on the cold stone in frustration. There had to be some way to reach through to her. "Please, Rainbow," she whispered. An idea sparked in her head. This is a dream. Maybe I can change things here. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Light, come on, I need some light. She opened her eyes again and gasped as weak illumination appeared from the ceiling. She was in a stone cell, the only exit being a heavy wooden door. Rainbow Dash shivered in a corner and blocked the light with one of her legs. Her right eye was closed and covered with a large scar, and very little remained of her right ear. Her mane and tail had been shaved and only seemed to grow back in uneven spots. Her graying coat couldn't hide the wounds on her skeletal frame, and there was still no cutie mark on her flank. "Rainbow Dash, what have they done to you?" Tears welled up in Scootaloo's eyes. She averted them, only to see Twilight Sparkle standing silently in a corner, her face frozen in a horrific grimace. Moreso, her features were distorted, even blurred. Her brow was unnaturally stretched, her muzzle too large, and the details on her face lacked details, not unlike a crude drawing. "Twilight?" Scootaloo asked between sobs. Twilight remained as unmoving as a statue. "Twilight, can you hear me?" Scootaloo asked again. She was pushed aside by a panicked Rainbow Dash. "No, it's not here! As long as you ignore it, it's not here. It's a trick, you know." The mare's voice was filled with terror and madness as she stuttered in her speech. She was missing at least two teeth, and the others were yellowed and rotting. "But she is here," Scootaloo insisted. "It's Twilight. Why is Twilight here with us? Why does she look so scared?" "Put out the light!" Rainbow pleaded. "We can only hide if there's no light!" Scootaloo found herself crying again. "But you love the light. You never hide in the darkness. You love the open skies." "No, no, no! Not me, the other pony!" "You're Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo said, grabbing hold of her big sister. "You're the fastest flyer in Equestria. I don't know what happened to you, but we can save you." Rainbow pushed Scootaloo away and whimpered in a ball again. "They can't hurt me, I'm awesome." Scootaloo took a deep breath. Again, this is a dream. You can take control of that dream. She bared her teeth as she ripped a tear into one of the stone walls as if it were made of paper, revealing the blue sky on the other side. Rainbow crawled away from it in a panic, hiding her head under her legs. "You can beat this," Scootaloo yelled. "This is a dream. You don't have to be in this cell here." "It's a trick, a trick!" "It's not a trick," Scootaloo continued. "It's really me. Tell me where you are, and I can tell Princess Luna. We can save you." "They can't trick me, I'm awesome." "Stop saying you're awesome and be awesome," Scootaloo moved next to Rainbow and pointed toward the outside. Rainbow took a peak at the crack and hid her face again. "Sorry Rainbow, but I have to do this," Scootaloo said as she flew up. She took a deep breath as she grabbed hold of Rainbow. This is a dream. I can be as strong as I want to. She managed to drag the shivering pegasus toward the opening. "No! Don't take me out there!" Dash screamed. "That isn't me! Not me!" "You love the sky," Scootaloo continued as she kept pulling the panicked Rainbow Dash. "Don't take me out there!" Rainbow screamed maniacally. "I don't belong out there!" "Yes you do!" Scootaloo pushed Rainbow as hard as she could. Rainbow curled up in a ball as she was thrown through the tear and into the wild blue expanse. Scootaloo dived after her. "Come on. Fly, Rainbow. I know you can fly." The ground didn't seem to get any closer as both pegasi fell. Scootaloo looked in the distance and saw Twilight Sparkle drifting in the air, as silent as she had been in the prison cell. This particular mystery could wait for later. Scootaloo glided down, trying to follow Rainbow in her fall. "Please, fly." Rainbow's kept mumbling to herself, her wings still folded. Scootaloo took a deep breath and tried to ignore her own tears. "If you won't save yourself, then maybe you'll save me." She willed her wings to retract and allowed her body to fall. She closed her eyes, refusing to save herself. Scootaloo kept repeating to herself that it was all a dream. She kept her eyes closed as she tried to remember the Rainbow Dash she knew. Rainbow never abandoned a friend in need. How many times had she been there to catch her in the past? She smiled as she felt herself fall even faster. It took a moment before Scootaloo felt something grab onto her. She opened her eyes and found herself in Rainbow's hooves. The pegasus flew forward, looking far in front of her. "Rainbow Dash. You did save me," Scootaloo said with a warm smile. Her big sister's fur was warm to the touch. It felt soft, with no hint of the scars that previously marred it. Rainbow slowed down as Scootaloo got airborne. "You shouldn't be here," Rainbow whispered. "You can't be real." "I am," Scootaloo said as she grabbed Rainbow's hoof. "Luna brought me into your dream." "She shouldn't," Rainbow said as she shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm not that pony anymore. Rainbow Dash is dead." "No, you're right here," Scootaloo said. "I don't know what they did to you, but you can beat it. Just let me in." The sky darkened as Rainbow closed her eyes. "It's better this way. Rainbow Dash isn't strong enough. Rainbow Dash would betray her friends." "Rainbow," Scootaloo said with another smile. "I'd like to see you do a sonic rainboom." Rainbow shook her head. "No, don't make me." Dark clouds gathered up in the distance and coalesced together. For a moment, they looked like the face of a griffon. "It's coming," Rainbow continued, her voice shaking with fear. "It always comes." "What's coming?" "The darkness. It always comes and swallows me." "You can beat it," Scootaloo said. "You're the fastest flyer in Equestria. You can outrun it. Do a sonic rainboom, and get rid of those dark clouds." "I can't," Rainbow said, closing her eyes as tears fell down her cheeks. "Just follow me," Scootaloo said as she flapped her wings as hard as she could, flying in a straight line. "Are you really going to let me beat you?" Scootaloo looked behind her. Rainbow flapped her wings and winced as she tried to keep pace. Further away, Twilight flew into the dark clouds and was swallowed whole. "Keep flapping," Scootaloo yelled. "Harder! Faster! Remember the sky, Rainbow. Remember how much you love flying." Rainbow accelerated. Scootaloo smiled as she saw her big sister had grown her prismatic mane and tail again. She grabbed Scootaloo with one of her front legs as she passed her. Everything seemed to feel lighter as a visible cone of air formed up in front of them. Scootaloo cheered as Rainbow redoubled in speed, culminating in a colorful shockwave. Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash found themselves under a starry sky. Rainbow landed on a lone cloud floating over Ponyville. "Scootaloo," she said. "I did it." "That was awesome," Scootaloo said. "I knew you were in there somewhere." Rainbow averted her eyes, but failed to hide the tears. "Not when I wake up. They've done horrible things to me, Scoots. They have Twilight. She's kept behind some protective spell, and they want me to break that spell. I don't know how, or even if I ever did. Now, I'm afraid that I might." "I don't understand," Scootaloo said. "They broke me," Rainbow said in a soft voice. "I can't hide and pretend anymore, Scoots. They completely broke me." Scootaloo shook her head. "They haven't broken you. Not completely. I'm here with Princess Luna. We can find you, rescue you." "They're too powerful," Rainbow said as she shook her head. "At least let us try," Scootaloo argued. "Let Luna come into your dream." Rainbow stared at the horizon for a moment before she spoke. "I want this nightmare to end. I trust you." Scootaloo smiled as Princess Luna materialized in the sky. "I am delighted to see you back, Rainbow Dash." "P... Princess," Rainbow mumbled as Luna landed on the cloud. "I will send help," Luna said. "We'll rescue both you and Twilight Sparkle. First though, I must know where you are." "I don't know," Rainbow said, shaking her head. "They always keep me in a dark cell. I don't even remember what the outside looks like." "Try to remember," Luna said. "How did you arrive? Did you overhear any conversations? I know your mind is hiding from these things, but you can remember." "You can do it, Rainbow," Scootaloo said. "It must have happened after the battle. What happened after Ponyville?" "Gilda," Rainbow whispered. "It was Gilda. She said she was rescuing me, but she locked me in a cage." "Remember," Luna ordered. "Can you take us back to this day?" Metal bars grew from the cloud they were on. The surrounding space transformed into what looked like a ship's hold. Rainbow paced back and forth inside her cage, baring her teeth as a griffon came down a set of wooden stairs. Rainbow's right eye was closed and sporting a deep scar, as it had earlier in the dream. Her right ear was also in tatters. Scootaloo noticed that Rainbow favored her right hind leg. "Gilda," Scootaloo whispered into Luna's ear. "You'll pay for this," Rainbow spat. "Where are you taking me?" "I swear, this isn't what I wanted," the griffon said, her tone soft and regretful. She approached the cage. "I only wanted to rescue you, but you know how it is. I had my orders. For what it's worth, Dash, I'll do what I can to protect you." "Right, until they order you to torture me or something," Rainbow said. "You won't be able to break me." Gilda sighed. "They're taking you to High Roost. I don't know what we'll find there, but I know that you should talk. The prisoners they send to the tower of King's End, they don't come out right. Most of the time they never come out at all. Just please, give them what they want. I promise, I'll do what I can to get you out, but I need your help." Rainbow spat in Gilda's face. "If you think I'll betray Equestria, you're dead wrong." "You can be real stubborn sometimes," Gilda said as she brushed the spittle off her face. She turned around and headed out of the ship's hold. "I'll stick around. They're giving me whatever posting I want as a reward for nabbing you. I'll ask to be your jailer. Maybe I can talk some sense into you, or keep you from the worst of it." Rainbow turned away, refusing to face her captor. The scenery dissolved, leaving only the cloud they had previously been on. "High Roost," Luna repeated as a grin formed on her muzzle. "The tower of King's End." Rainbow winced as she heard the names. "Does this mean you can rescue me?" Her appearance returned to normal, or at least the normal Scootaloo remembered. "I can," the princess said. "Just hold on a while longer. I promise you, Commander." Rainbow recoiled as she heard the title, although Luna ignored the reaction. "You will get out of this." "I don't know how far away High Roost is, but we'll come get you," Scootaloo said, her wings buzzing in excitement. "I don't know if I can last any longer," Rainbow said. She stared away in the distance. "You can do it," Scootaloo said as she hugged her big sister. "Just a little bit longer." Rainbow hugged her back, the two crying into each other's shoulders. The moment seemed to last forever. Rainbow smiled at Scootaloo. "Hey Scoots?" "Yes?" "Do you think we could fly a bit more before we wake up? I've always wanted to fly with you." > XXIX Shining Armor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor groaned as he levitated a log toward the furnace. Now that the snowstorms had become commonplace, keeping the barn well-heated proved a serious concern. Shining watched the flames engulf the log he'd placed into the fire, then he climbed up the ladder to the loft area for some well-deserved rest. He found his straw bed and dropped his exhausted body onto it. His group had found six families escaping the famine in Ponyville earlier that day, and had sent them on their way to the Empire. Checkmate and Tenderheart had volunteered to escort them to the Saddlefree train station, where most of the workers had been bribed to turn blind eyes to the refugee smuggling operations. Even then, they might not be able to keep it up much longer. Just last week, a wagon hiding refugees had been seized by Cloudsdale soldiers who nabbed the ponies inside. They probably had been put to work making weapons and armor, or growing food for the military. Shining had even heard stories of children being held as hostages in work camps while their parents were forced to become soldiers, although it was becoming hard to separate fact from fiction, given the amount of propaganda thrown around by both sides. Shining sighed as he stared at the ceiling. He made a mental note to have Chipper Skies remove the cobwebs; the spiders seemed to be at it again. He closed his eyes. "Whatcha doing, Shiny?" Pinkie's giddy voice asked. He opened his eyes and found Pinkie standing in front of his bed. "Just getting some rest. I haven't slept too well these past few days." Pinkie walked to the bed and sat next to Shining. "You miss Cadance, don't you?" "That obvious, eh?" Shining said with a weak smile. "It's okay," Pinkie said. "I miss my friends, too." Shining sat up and sighed again. "You know, Pinkie. Sometimes I wonder why we do all of this." "To help ponies, silly." "Are we really though?" Shining said. "I received another letter from Cadance. The conditions in the refugee camps are getting pretty bad. The Crystal Empire just doesn't have the resources to support so many ponies, and the assembly is doing everything to keep the Equestrians out of the city. I was thinking we could send more ponies to Manehattan, but now that Luna has taken it, that option's out." Pinkie placed a hoof on Shining's back and smiled. "We'll get through this. Maybe we can find some other place willing to take in refugees. Yakyakistan or Saddle Arabia maybe? Still, at least we got these families away from the war. That counts for something, right?" "You're right." "I have an idea," Pinkie said. "Why don't you go to the Empire for a few days? Take the next train. Maybe you and Cadance can find a way to help all those families." Shining chuckled. "I don't think Cadance would let me come back to Equestria if I set a hoof back in the Empire." He shook his head. "And what about you? I know you've been worried about Applejack ever since we heard about the attack on Ponyville. I'm sure you'd like to take a break and visit your friend." "And where would you be without me?" Pinkie said as they shared a laugh. Her expression turned more serious. "To be honest, I wouldn't know what to expect if I returned to Ponyville. You remember what happened the last time we ran into Canterlot soldiers." "Those were griffons," Shining corrected. "Applejack already has enough problems without having to defend me," Pinkie continued. "I'll see her and all my other friends soon, and you'll get back to Cadance, too." "You seem awfully sure." "I'm not, but I prefer to stay hopeful. You'll see, we'll be laughing about it with Twilight before you know it." "You know what the scariest part of it is?" Shining said. "I almost forget about Twilight sometimes. With all that's been going on, it's hard to even remember she's the reason you and I started this." "We'll find her," Pinkie said with a knowing smile. "Pinkie," Shining said as he stood and shook his head. "I wonder how you manage to stay positive about everything all the time." Pinkie shrugged. "Must be all the candy I eat." Shining raised an eyebrow and shook his head as he suppressed a chuckle. "I'm going for a cup of coffee. You think your sisters feel charitable enough to let me have one today?" "Sure. Maud's actually pretty fond of you." Shining scratched his head. How Pinkie was able to tell what her sister liked and disliked was still beyond him. They left the barn and headed for the house. Maud was mixing some vegetables in a cooking pot when Shining and Pinkie walked in. She nodded to Shining as approached the coffee pot, indicating he could make himself a cup. "Thanks," he said. "Do you want a cup, too?" "You're welcome," Maud said in her usual flat tone. "And no thanks. Coffee makes me jittery." Pinkie helped Maud by cutting some carrots as Shining filled a kettle with water. He spoke up after a few minutes of silence. "Do we have enough food to last the winter?" "We should," Maud said. "Unless it lasts longer than three months." "Then this war needs to end in three months," Pinkie said. "Otherwise the windigos won't go away." "We still don't know for sure if windigos are even real," Shining said with a frown. "It could just be an aftereffect of all this messing around with the weather." "Either of which can be fixed by ending the war," Maud said, her eyes still glued to her broth. "Pinkie, pass me the salt." "Maud's right," Pinkie said as she tossed the salt to her sister. "Maybe we should try to find Luna again?" Shining shook his head. "If the stories about Manehattan are true, then her response to an offer of peace was to invade a city." "You'll think of something," Maud said. Shining sighed as the water started boiling. He poured it through the coffee filter and made two cups of coffee, passing one to Pinkie. He was about to take a sip when he heard galloping sounds coming from outside. "Somepony's coming," Pinkie said as her tail shook and her ears perked up. Windstream rushed in, just as everypony in the room rose. "What's wrong?" Shining asked when he saw the urgency on his face. "Pinkie, Shining, you'll want to hear this," he said as he moved aside, allowing Tenderheart to come in with an orange-coated filly wrapped in a blanket. Her purple mane was disheveled, and she looked like she hadn't seen a bath in weeks. "Scootaloo?" Pinkie said as she rushed to the filly's side. "What are you doing here?" Scootaloo took a deep breath. "Princess Luna sent me to find you, Pinkie Pie. I know where Rainbow Dash is." She panted as she stared into Pinkie's eyes, "And Twilight's with her." "So let me get this straight," Shining said as he leaned on the kitchen table. "Luna has been visiting you in your dreams and allowed you to share a dream with Rainbow Dash. From there, you claim to have learned that she's still alive, and held with Twilight in High Roost." "In a tower called King's End, yes," Scootaloo said. The hot cup of cocoa Tenderheart had given her seemed to have given the filly her energy back, and she'd ditched her blanket halfway through her story. "If you go to Baltimare, there's a captain called Featherwave who'll take you there. He'll wait for you in a place called 'Salty Waters'." Shining looked around the room. He had gathered his inner circle to hear the filly's story. As such, Gabrielle, Windstream, Tenderheart, and Checkmate sat around the table. Pinkie was going through a bag in a corner, being uncharacteristically quiet. Chipper Skies sat next to his mother and stared out the window. "Sounds fishy to me," Checkmate said. "I wouldn't have come all this way just to lie to you," Scootaloo argued. "I don't think you're lying," Checkmate said. "I think Luna might have manipulated you. She could have fed you a dream of Rainbow Dash, and then sent you to us." Scootaloo shook her head. "No, it was Rainbow Dash. And Luna wouldn't lie to me. Rainbow's being tortured, and they might torture Twilight too if you don't save her!" Gabrielle frowned and turned toward Checkmate. "Why would Princess Luna lie about this? What would she have to gain?" "Get us out of her way," Shining said as his brow furrowed. "She also gets us to spy on the griffons for her." "I don't think a filly's dream is proof enough to go on such a dangerous mission," Checkmate said with a frown. "I'm sorry, Scootaloo. You're free to stay with us for a while, but I won't do Luna's dirty work." "Hold on," Gabrielle said as she raised a claw. "There could be some merit to this. King's End is well known in High Roost — it's a prison tower with a grim reputation. Some say it was built to house dangerous magical creatures. If the griffons have an alicorn princess captive, that's where they'll keep her." "See? I'm right," Scootaloo said as she leaned forward. "Not so fast," Shining said. "We need to discuss this. Is there anything else you haven't told us, Scootaloo?" "Only that Princess Luna isn't bad. Ponies are telling a lot of lies about her, but she only wants what's best for Equestria." "Things aren't always that simple," Shining mumbled to himself before turning toward Chipper Skies, who was leaning on the table. "Chipper, why don't you show Scootaloo to the barn? She'll be staying with us for a while." "Sure," the teenager said with a disinterested nod. "Come on, Scootaloo." Once Chipper Skies had led Scootaloo outside the kitchen, Windstream spoke up. "This could help us do something concrete to stop the war. If Princess Twilight really is being held captive, she could put a stop to all of this." "But if not, we'd be wasting our time while ponies suffer," Tenderheart argued. "We're doing good work here." Gabrielle's brow furrowed. "For how long though? We've already sent the Crystal Empire more refugees than they can support, and we're running dangerously low on medical supplies." She turned her attention to Shining. "I grew up in High Roost. I have a sister living there, and her husband's doing his military service as a guard in the castle. Let's do it, Shining. We can free your sister, and make sure she doesn't share my husband's fate." Checkmate frowned. "I'm worried you might be making this personal, Gabrielle. Luna's feeding us exactly what we want so we'll charge blindly toward High Roost." "Lightning Dust was defeated in Ponyville," Gabrielle said. "It's the perfect time for us to switch our attention elsewhere, now that she's no longer a problem." "Except she wasn't captured or killed," Tenderheart said. "She'll be receiving reinforcements any day now, and everything will start over. We'll be needed more than ever." Shining massaged his temples. He would do anything to save his sister. What Checkmate said, however, made sense. If Luna was manipulating them, her plan was perfect. Feed a young filly exactly the dream she wanted to see so she'd come to them with a sad story. She offered Shining her sister back, Pinkie her friends back, and all they would need to do is leave the lands she was trying to conquer and spy on her enemies for her. "I need to think," he said. "You can do that on the way," Pinkie said from her corner of the room, holding a pair of saddlebags. She replied to the puzzled looks she got from everyone in the room with a firm nod. "My friends are in trouble. I'm going to help them. It's your sister, Shining." "But, what if Checkmate is right and it's a trap?" Shining said. "Then we still won't have ignored a valid clue," Pinkie continued. "This is why you left the Crystal Empire, remember? You wanted a chance to find Twilight." Shining slowly rose from his seat and sighed. "You're right, Pinkie. If there's a chance, we should take it." He looked around the room. "Gabrielle, I want you to come with me and Pinkie. You know your way around High Roost, and I don't want to pass on your expertise. Checkmate, I'm leaving you in charge here. Keep up what we've been doing." "Will do, sir," the crystal pony replied with a nod. "I hope you're not making a mistake." "Pinkie's right," Shining said as he smiled at her. "I left the Crystal Empire to find my sister. That's exactly what I'm going to do." It took four days for Shining Armor, Pinkie Pie, and Gabrielle to arrive in Baltimare. Checkmate had managed to find them a train that would take them there while passing through Ponyville. Pinkie had asked to visit her friends, but Shining refused her; she was too well-known and word would have gotten out to the griffons had she been seen. The rest of the trip went on without incidents. They traveled in the cheaper seats to avoid gathering attention. They also opted to wear warm traveling cloaks that had the dual advantages of protecting them against the cold and hiding their features, including their cutie marks. Even the Canterlot soldiers who came in to inspect the train midway through the trip didn't recognize them. They arrived in Baltimare in the late afternoon. Unlike the war-torn lands Shining had grown accustomed to, this city was bustling with activity. Everywhere, posters vaunted the merits of the Canterlot royal couple and their army. Factories were busy producing weapons and armor for the future soldiers being enlisted by the many recruiters they encountered on the way. Signs everywhere reminded the population that only families who supplied at least one volunteer for the army would receive food rations — a subtle reminder of the looming threat of famine. "Reminds me of High Roost," Gabrielle grunted under her breath as they neared the docks. "Which part?" Shining asked. Gabrielle sighed. "The constant military glorification. The reminders that you're not a true citizen unless you're willing to fight and die for your nation." Shining nodded. "A lot of this was probably Bouvier's idea, too. They're turning Equestria into a second Griffingard." Pinkie eyed a wall suspiciously. "I don't quite remember this ever happening," she mumbled at a war poster in front of her. It displayed Twilight locked in a fight with Luna, with a caption that asked the populace to 'Remember Princess Twilight.' Shining groaned and rolled his eyes. He had expected one side or the other would use his sister as a propaganda tool. Hopefully Scootaloo had told them the truth, and Twilight really was in High Roost. Perhaps she could put an end to this madness once she returned to Equestria. "Let's just try to find the ship," he said as he shook his head. "Here we are," Pinkie said with a smile as she hopped in the direction of an unsavory-looking watering hole. A wooden sign identified it as 'Salty Waters' in fading paint. It looked like the place where Scootaloo had told them the captain would be waiting. Shining adjusted his winter cloak before following Pinkie inside. The tavern stank of vomit and cheap rum. Drunken sailors sang lewd songs at the tops of their lungs. A few even whistled as Pinkie passed them. She winked at them before taking a seat at a table. Gabrielle and Shining joined her. "So, we just wait?" Gabrielle said. Shining nodded. "This is the place Scootaloo mentioned. We should order drinks so we don't arouse suspicion." Pinkie nodded as she waved an earth pony waitress over and yelled loud enough for every patron to hear. "I'll take a cranberry juice!" "I think there's something about subtlety you just don't get," Gabrielle said with a wince. The waitress made her way to their table. "I was going to get to you," she said in an annoyed tone as she frowned at Pinkie. "So, what can I get the rest of you?" "An ale for me," Shining said. "I'll have a glass of gryppa if you have it." Gabrielle said. "We keep a stock for griffon sailors," the waitress said. "I'll be right back with your drinks." Shining nodded his thanks and waited for the waitress to step away before he returned his attention to his companions. "Let's try to stay quiet for now. Hopefully we'll be contacted soon. In the meantime, better try to fit in without attracting attention." He glared at Pinkie. Her definition of fitting in would probably involve singing with the sailors. The waitress returned with their orders. Shining quietly sipped his beer, observing his surroundings. While most of the patrons present were ponies, a few griffon crews occupied their corner of the tavern. Shining even saw a few donkeys and a zebra couple. A group of soldiers were playing darts, using a crude drawing of Princess Luna as a target. Just beautiful, Shining thought as he rolled his eyes. An earth pony stallion with a blue coat and a short, well-coiffed white mane separated himself from the crowd and stood before their table. "May I join you?" he asked. Shining raised an eyebrow. "Depends. You are?" "Someone who used to have bad dreams," the stallion whispered, prompting Shining to nod in the direction of an empty seat. The moment the stallion sat, Pinkie spoke up. "I'm Pinkie Pie. What's your name?" "I'm Captain High Seas. My ship is the Defiant Mare. Our common friend already told me about you, Pinkie Pie. I don't know who your friends are though." "I'm Emerald Shield," Shining said. "Gabrielle," the griffon said. "You can take us to High Roost?" He glanced around the room, obviously nervous. "My ship leaves tomorrow," he said with a nod. "My crew isn't aware of our arrangement though. The three of you will have to come up with a good story to explain your presence on the ship." "I have family in High Roost," Gabrielle said. "These two are my friends, who are traveling with me." "We can work to pay for passage," Shining added. "It'll look better for you if we provide payment." "I was going to suggest it," the captain said. "Works for me," Pinkie said with a smile. High Seas raised an eyebrow. "Just follow the plan. You should take a room here for tonight. My ship leaves tomorrow before noon. If you're late, we leave without you." Shining nodded. "We'll be there. Thanks." The captain nodded as he left the table. He promptly exited the tavern, no doubt to return to his ship. Shining took another sip of his beer. "Let's finish our drinks, and then get a room. I want us ready to leave early tomorrow." The docks were already bustling with activity when Shining, Pinkie, and Gabrielle left the tavern early in the morning. The day was a particularly cold one, with the sun barely visible through the thick clouds. Braziers were lit to provide warmth, with groups of ponies huddling close to the flames. A few questions from Pinkie directed at one such group allowed them to easily find out where the Defiant Mare was moored. "Let's hurry and find the ship," Shining whispered to his companions. "I don't really care to remain in this city any longer than necessary." "Agreed," Gabrielle said. "It's right over there." Pinkie pointed at a large ship with two masts and a statue of a pegasus with its wings outstretched at the prow. It was moored at the end of the docks, and the sails had yet to be unrolled. The group approached the dock as swiftly as they could without drawing attention to themselves. Shining frowned as they neared the ship. A group of soldiers were posted in front, and what few sailors were on deck were sitting down, seemingly in no hurry to get the ship ready for departure. "Something's wrong," he whispered. "I don't like it either," Pinkie said. "We should ask around," Gabrielle completed. Shining nodded. "I agree. Hopefully somepony here can tell us what happened." "This guy would know," Pinkie said as she hopped toward a bearded pegasus stallion with a bandaged wing sitting on the ground. "Hi. Want some candy?" She produced a hoof-full of candy from her saddlebag and gave it to the ragged pony. "Oh, sure," he said, a look of confusion on his face. "Say, you wouldn't happen to have a few bits, would you? I've been down on my luck ever since I was injured fighting in the Fillydelphia riots." "Of course," Pinkie said as she handed him three bits. "By the way, any idea what happened to that boat over there? What's with all the soldiers?" The stallion spat on the ground. "Turns out the captain was a filthy traitor. He was spying for Princess Luna and conspiring against the royal couple. Thankfully, somepony ratted him out." "Do you know who?" Shining asked. "Heck if I know," the pegasus said. "Whoever did it is a hero. Probably saved a lot of lives." "Then I'm glad he was found out," Shining said. "Thank you for the information." They stepped away and Shining sighed. "This isn't good," he whispered. "Do you think they know about us?" Gabrielle asked. "We might be better off fleeing the city." Pinkie shook her head. "I'm not abandoning Rainbow or Twilight. We'll find another ship." Shining placed a hoof on Pinkie's shoulder. "Gabrielle's right. For all we know, the guards are already looking for us. If the soldiers still follow Canterlot guard procedures, they'll warn every ship captain about us and order them to call the guards if we attempt to book passage. I should know — I wrote those procedures." "I would imagine this also applies to the train station," Gabrielle said with a frown. Shining nodded. "We might have to find some place to hide." "We don't even know that anypony's looking for us," Pinkie argued. "I'm sure one of the ship captains would agree to help us find Twilight." Shining groaned. "You don't actually suggest telling every captain the truth, I hope?" "Just the ones I think I can trust," Pinkie said with a smile. "Don't worry. I'll be careful. I'm good at knowing who to trust." "You're gonna get us all killed," Gabrielle snapped, the volume of her voice earning her a glare from Shining. Pinkie sighed. "I know you're scared, but trust me. It'll all be okay. These are all good ponies who got dragged into this war the same as all of us. We have to trust them." Shining shook his head. "Let's find a place to hide for now. I don't like us discussing this in the open. We can decide our next move with a roof over our heads." Shining kept watch from the only window in the hotel room they had just rented. While he'd spotted a few soldier patrols, none seemed to show the inn any interest. Either they didn't know his group was hiding in there, or Pinkie was right and there was no search. A knock on the door made him jump. He made his way to the door and cracked it open. A sigh of relief escaped his muzzle as he recognized Gabrielle, carrying two bags full of vegetables. "These were overpriced and not particularly fresh, but at least we won't starve," she said as soon as the door was closed behind her. "Thanks," Shining said. "I don't suppose you managed to hear anything about Pinkie?" Gabrielle shook her head. "Nothing. It's a big city, and I didn't try to find her. As much as I disagree with her running off like that, I think she's smart enough not to get caught." "I hope so," Shining said with a sigh. "I'm worried she might not be thinking clearly. The prospect of finding her friends seems to be the only thing driving her." "I would have thought you'd feel the same about finding your sister," Gabrielle said as she emptied the bags on a table. "I have years of training as a royal guard. Pinkie doesn't have the same level of self-control. Still, I hope that she's right." "I just hope she doesn't get herself captured," Gabrielle said with a frown. Shining sighed as he took another peek outside. He averted his eyes and swore to himself. "I shouldn't have allowed this. I knew this entire thing was a bad idea the moment that filly showed up. Luna's smart enough to know exactly how to manipulate ponies. We played right into her hooves." He took a deep breath and turned toward Gabrielle. "It doesn't add up," Gabrielle said as she stroked her chin. "Why would Luna get her own spy caught? And why bother sending us all the way here just so we'd be captured by her enemies?" "You're right," Shining said. "Still, we chose to trust her on the word of a school filly. I put both you and Pinkie in danger over something that may well only be a dream." "Let's just get out of here," Gabrielle said. "We can attribute blame after." "I don't suppose you have a plan?" Shining asked as he raised an eyebrow. "The skies are being watched, so I can't just fly out. Our best bet would be to hang around the train station. One of Checkmate's conductors will stop by Baltimare eventually. Then we'll just have to smuggle ourselves out of the city." "I don't like the idea of staying around the train station, but we may not have a choice." "One more thing," Gabrielle said with a sigh. "If Pinkie's not back tonight, we'll have to abandon this inn and find some other place to hide. If she gets captured, she could reveal our location." "Under the tender care of griffon interrogators," Shining completed under his breath. Gabrielle nodded. No words needed to be spoken. Pinkie and Shining had already managed to barely escape griffon captivity once. They wouldn't be as lucky if they got sloppy a second time. "Apple?" Gabrielle asked as she picked up two fruits from the table. Shining nodded and the griffon threw him one. He grabbed it with his magic and took a bite, trying not to think of their current predicament. They ate in silence when a few quick knocks at the door made them share a panicked look. "Stay here. I'll go see who it is," Shining whispered as he made his way to the door. Just like he had done earlier, he cracked it open, only to find an exhausted but still smiling Pinkie Pie staring at him. "Pinkie! We were worried sick." Pinkie entered the room and closed the door. "Good news. I found us a ship." "To High Roost?" Shining asked incredulously. "Which ship? How do you know it's not a trap?" "The first mate seemed nice," Pinkie said with an innocent smile. "Also, she's down in the lobby. If she wanted to sell us out to the guards, she'd have called them by now." "You brought her here?" Gabrielle snapped. "Are you insane? What part of 'we need to lay low' did you not understand?" Pinkie walked around the griffon and grabbed an apple from the table. "It's why I only brought the first mate here, silly. Don't worry. I have a good feeling about this." "Oh, well if your gut feeling says so, then by all means, let's blindly follow this stranger," Gabrielle said as she threw her claws in the air. "I think we can at least hear this pony out," Shining said. He smiled at Pinkie. "We've both worked with Pinkie long enough to know her instincts can often be trusted." "Thanks, Shiny," Pinkie said. "So what do you say, Gabrielle?" The griffon sighed loudly. "Fine. I suppose if we made it this far, we might as well give this pony a chance." "That's the spirit," Pinkie cheered. "Come on, follow me." Shining stopped in his tracks "Hold on. Just in case this is a trap, Gabrielle, I want you to stay here. If we're not back in two hours, just assume we were captured and escape the city. The others should know what happened so they can prepare." "Good thinking," Gabrielle said with a nod. "And good luck." Pinkie led Shining Armor to the lobby, where a light green pegasus mare sat on a dirty cushion. She wore her short blond mane under a bandanna that featured a perfect replica of her cutie mark: a steel anchor. The lobby was a relatively spartan room, with the earth pony stallion working the reception reading a book behind the counter. He was far enough away that they could speak without him overhearing. "So you must be Shining Armor," the mare said. "I've always wanted to meet royalty." She stood up and grinned from ear to ear. Shining groaned at Pinkie. "You told her everything, didn't you?" Pinkie nodded with a smile. "Well, she recognized me anyway, and I'm a good judge of character. I figured I should trust her if we want her help." "Wait, if she recognized you, wouldn't it mean the guards really are looking for us?" Shining asked. He had a moment of panic and stretched his neck to look outside one of the tall window, making sure no soldiers were waiting for them. "I didn't recognize her from a wanted notice or anything," the mare said with a giggle. "As far as I know, the soldiers don't even know any of you are in town. I recognized Pinkie Pie because she's one of Equestria's heroes." "Oh," Shining said, blinking a few times. Pinkie placed her leg around the mare's neck. "You see, Coral Drifter here has been following what Twilight and the rest of us have been doing. She has a sister called Night Glider who had her cutie mark taken away. You know, from the village where everypony had the equal sign cutie mark." Shining nodded. "Yeah, Twily told me that story." Coral Drifter chuckled. "You call the princess 'Twily'? That's so cute! Anyways, I'm Coral Drifter, like Pinkie said. I'm the first mate on the Siren's Madness, a ship that travels between Baltimare and High Roost. We could take you there." "And what would be your price?" Shining asked. "Can I get one of those stained glass windows after we rescue the princess?" Coral said. "I'm just kidding! You'll have to talk to Captian Seaswirl. He bought the ship about a month ago." "So your ship has a new captain?" Shining asked. "How come?" "When the war broke out, Captain Stormfeather decided he wanted to retire," Coral said. "He knew his ship might be pressed into service by one side or the other, and didn't want any part of it. It took him a while, but he managed to find a buyer. It was a bit strange at first serving under Captain Seaswirl, but I'm not complaining. He managed to keep us out of the war so far, and we make good coin trading between Griffingard and Equestria." "I see," Shining said. "They're going to High Roost anyway," Pinkie said. "Look, I'll tell you the truth," Coral continued. "Captain Seaswirl hates the war. If what Pinkie told me has any truth to it, then the entire crew of the Siren's Madness will jump at the opportunity to help you." Shining shared a nod with Pinkie before replying. "Alright, take us to your captain." The Siren's Madness was a relatively small ship with a single mast. A group of four sailors were busy playing a game of cards on deck, using a wooden crate as a table. They ignored Shining and Pinkie as Coral Drifter brought them on board. The duo was taken to the captain's cabin, at the aft of the vessel. A tall unicorn stallion was feeding some crackers to a caged albino parrot when the group walked in. He wore a short red vest over a well-maintained gray coat. His long goatee and short, dark blue mane seemed fairly disheveled in contrast, and the sinking ship on his flank didn't inspire confidence. He stared at Shining with piercing yellow eyes. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" "Captain, these two seek passage to High Roost alongside a third passenger," Coral said. "I really think you should hear out their story." "Oh, I'm sure it's a good one," the captain said, stepping forward. "Not every day I have the Prince of the Crystal Empire on my ship." Shining groaned under his breath. There was no lying to this stallion. "What would it take for you to take us to High Roost?" he asked. "The truth," Seaswirl said, smiling and displaying a golden tooth. Pinkie stepped forward. "We're going to High Roost to find Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. I think my friends are being held there, and I really want to find them. Twilight could stop this silly war, too, if we save her." "Interesting," the captain said as he fed a second cracker to his bird. "I'm already familiar with your exploits, Pinkie Pie. My first mate is quite the admirer." Coral blushed. "I was going to ask you for an autograph." Pinkie smiled. "If you help us do this, I'll organize your next birthday party." "Would you be willing to have us on board?" Shining asked. "It's our route," Seaswirl said with a shrug. "And I suppose I'd be a fool to give up on the prospect of being a hero." Shining's eyes met Pinkie's again. They both shared a nod. "Then I suppose we were in luck to find you," he said with a smile, extending his hoof. "We can work to earn our keep on your ship." The captain shook Shining's hoof before walking to his desk. He picked up a small box and opened it. "I was going to make myself a cup of tea, would you like some?" Shining nodded, just as Pinkie rushed to the captain's side and picked up the box. "Hold on a second," she said. "Where did you get this box?" Seaswirl raised an eyebrow. "From the hold. This is Talon Mint tea. It only grows on the Talon mountains, near High Roost." "And you've been importing it to Equestria?" Pinkie asked with a severity Shining wouldn't have expected from her. The captain stroked his goatee. "Ah, it's quite an interesting story, actually. This tea was quite popular in Canterlot, and the previous owner of this ship made quite a fortune importing it. You see, it was Princess Celestia's favorite, and apparently some ponies started to drink it, trying to emulate her." "Princess Celestia had a tea box just like yours in her quarters," Pinkie said, her eyes fixated on the small blue box. "She got it from Griffingard?" "Actually, I believe she was first introduced to it as a gift from Ambassador Antoine," the captain said. "The ambassador kept supplying the princess with Talon Mint, according to my predecessor. Apparently he had his staff keep the best leaves for her." Pinkie's mouth gaped open as she held the tea box. "Princess Celestia had her own tea reserve," she mumbled. Shining took a hesitant step toward his companion. "Pinkie, what are you going on about?" Pinkie grabbed hold of Shining's head. "The griffon ambassador was the one supplying Princess Celestia with her favorite tea," she repeated. "She kept it in a box like this one in her quarters. Don't you get it? This is how she was poisoned. Ambassador Antoine murdered Princess Celestia." > XXX Scootaloo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life at the rock farm was just as boring as Pinkie had made it out to be in her stories. Scootaloo went to bed every night hoping for a visit from Luna, but the princess had yet to talk to her. Eight days had passed since she'd completed her task, and still no dream came. Her life couldn't get any less exciting. Like everypony residing on the farm, Scootaloo was expected to work and earn her keep. She was woken up early every morning to help Marble Pie grind rocks into smaller pebbles. The meals served after were bland, and the quantities too small. Her complaints were always met with a warning that they had to ration food. Once, Marble's sister Limestone made her work an extra shift as punishment for her "ungratefulness." She complained to Tenderheart, but to no avail. Apparently, her reward for delivering a message that could save Rainbow's life was forced labor. The farm was full of small caves and other hidden spots. Scootaloo would often sneak away to these places to take naps or play by herself. She had spent a good chunk of the afternoon building a snow fort in one such isolated corner of the farm. She made her way back to the house when it started to snow again, not wishing to be stuck in a snowstorm. She almost stayed in the cave so she could avoid another lecture from Limestone. Commotion around the barn captured Scootaloo's attention as she returned. Maud and Limestone were locked in deep conversation with Windstream in front of the entrance while a large group of ponies hid inside the building. Scootaloo's curiosity got the better of her and she made her way to the barn. She was usually asked to stay away from it, although she seldom listened. Chipper Skies, the annoying white-coated pegasus teenager, landed in front of her. "Sorry, you can't go in there," he said as he blocked her path. "Get out of my way, Chipper," Scootaloo said. "I just want to see what's going on." "No can do," Chipper said as he shook his head. "We don't need you throwing your Cloudsdale propaganda to the refugees." "Just let me see," Scootaloo insisted as she tried to sidestep Chipper, who kept blocking her way. "I'm bigger than you and my wings work, unlike yours. Just give it up." The teenager held her back as she tried to rush pass him. Scootaloo had no time for this self-righteous idiot. She bit his leg as hard as she could and galloped toward the barn while he screamed in pain. "What's the meaning of this?" Windstream snapped as he landed and blocked Scootaloo's path. "What did you do to my son?" "He grabbed me first." "She bit me," Chipper whimpered from behind Scootaloo. "She's insane, like all the other Luna followers." Scootaloo ignored Chipper's whining as she stretched her neck to look inside. A pegasus stallion wore black armor with Luna's cutie mark painted on it. "Wait, why are Cloudsdale soldiers in there?" "That's none of your concern," Windstream said. "Now apologize to Chipper Skies." "Fine, I'm sorry you're such a mama's boy, Chipper Skies," Scootaloo said without turning to look at him. "Now, what's with the soldiers?" "I told you not to get involved," Windstream continued. "And I expect better from you. Go back inside. The Pie sisters tell me you've been avoiding doing your chores again." Scootaloo ignored him as she made another run for the barn. "Hey there! Are you a Cloudsdale soldier?" she yelled at the mysterious pony. Tenderheart and Checkmate tried to block her path to the barn, but to no avail. The armored pegasus averted his eyes as a mare next to him mumbled something in his ear. Tenderheart stepped up. "There are no soldiers here," she told Scootaloo. "Why is he wearing the armor then?" Scootaloo asked. "To protect himself from the cold. His winter clothes were stolen," Tenderheart said. "Now get back in the house. You were warned before not to interfere with what we do here." "Come on," Windstream said as he grabbed hold of her. "I'm sending you to bed early tonight. I also think it's high time we find your family and send you back to them. I was hoping we wouldn't have to risk the trip, but you leave us little choice." Realization flashed in Scootaloo's head as Windstream pulled her away. "You didn't just find this armor. You're deserters! You're abandoning Princess Luna." Concerned looks shared amongst the ponies in the barn told Scootaloo what she needed to know. "We're abandoning a pointless war," a purple unicorn mare said. "We were warned about you, how you still cling to some hope that Luna will save Equestria. I fought for her in enough raids, I can promise you that she's not the pony you think she is. I've seen enough ponies die in her name for a lifetime." "Princess Luna knows what she's doing," Scootaloo said with a hard glare. "I still trust her. I'm not a traitor like you." Someone slapped Scootaloo hard behind the head, making her recoil. "That's enough from you," Windstream spat. "I'm locking you up in the attic room until you come back to your senses." The attic room had become a very familiar place to Scootaloo. She often found herself locked up in this room whenever she said or did something the ponies living on the farm disliked. Just like in Ponyville, any show of support for Princess Luna was met with punishment most of the time. Sometimes, she'd get lucky and only have to deal with stern scolding. The sun had already set. Scootaloo dropped on her straw bed and scratched herself behind the ear. Apparently getting fleas was part of the adventurer's life. With nothing to keep her occupied, the constant itch was becoming more and more bothersome. This would be her ninth night spent on the farm. Scootaloo started to wonder why the princess had yet to visit her dreams. She had done everything she was asked to do. Was Luna somehow unable to enter her dreams? Had she offended the princess? Her thoughts wandered back to the day's events. It wasn't the first time she was told she would be escorted back to Ponyville. At first, she had pleaded to stay, knowing that she would probably never be allowed out of her room once her parents found out what she had done. Now, she wasn't so sure. Was being trapped on this farm really preferable to being trapped in her room back home? She had to find Cloudsdale. If she managed to make her way to the city in the clouds, then Princess Luna would see how worthy she was. If only the princess could come into her dreams, Scootaloo could let her know how much she could still help. Maybe this is a test, she thought. Rainbow Dash wouldn't just sit back and wait with deserters. She would get out and make things happen. Scootaloo walked to the lone window in the room. She knew the door was probably locked, but nopony expected her to fly out the window. While her diminutive wings didn't allow her to fly, she could glide well enough to escape. She dragged a bench and climbed to the window. The thick wooden frame had been twisted by the seasons and wouldn't budge when Scootaloo pushed on it. "Come on, you stupid window," she mumbled under her breath. She wanted to scream, but knew it would alert the Pie sisters to her actions. She took a deep breath and pushed again. Her wings buzzed furiously as she tried to force the window open with all of her strength. She leaned back and threw her hooves toward the glass again, using her wings to hover in the air as she once more pushed as hard as she could. A loud popping sound accompanied the window slamming open. Scootaloo's momentum forced her outside. A powerful breeze pushed her against the roof's inclination, and she found herself slipping downward. Her wings flapped maddeningly, trying to stabilize her fall. She managed to glide toward a large pile of snow, falling head first into it. A groan escaped her lips as she slowly pushed herself out of the snow. She opened her eyes and shook her head, getting some snow out of her mane. She cursed herself for not wearing winter clothes as a cold breeze pierced her fur and chilled her bones. Could she sneak inside and find her hat and coat? They were usually kept near the front door. She took one step toward the door before hearing a voice coming from inside the house. "I'm telling you, Marble. It's just your imagination." Scootaloo would have recognized Limestone's voice anywhere. A quick look around revealed nothing but snow. She jumped behind the closest pile, using her wings to hover and avoid leaving hoofprints. "See? Nothing," Limetone said right after Scootaloo heard the door open. "It's just an animal or something." Scootaloo held her breath as she shivered in the snow, curled up and hugging her tail. Even as the door closed, she dared not move a muscle. The freezing wind soon convinced her that she couldn't stay here. She rose back to her hooves. If she were to leave, she'd need warm clothes. Sneaking back inside the house wasn't an option; Limestone and Marble would hear her. If she waited for them to fall asleep, she'd freeze to death first. That only left the barn as an option. Tenderheart kept a supply of warm clothes she'd give away to refugees. Scootaloo also knew that the ponies who slept in the barn did so on the second floor. With luck, she could sneak in unseen. It was risky, but at this point, even getting caught would be preferable to remaining outside without protection. She carefully made her way to the barn. She took a peek under the large barn doors, but no light seemed to come out. She sighed in relief. Now all she had to do was find a way to sneak inside and steal some clothes. Scootaloo turned around and bumped into something. She looked up and gasped as as dark blue face stared down at her. The deep scar across the stallion's muzzle made his frown look all the more intimidating. She finally recognized this pony as the same one who wore Cloudsdale armor earlier. "You didn't really think we wouldn't keep a lookout, did you?" the soldier said with a scoff. "I've been watching you ever since you threw yourself out that window." "So what? You're just going to lock me back up inside?" Scootaloo spat. "I haven't decided yet," the stallion said. "We've been told to avoid you, that you'd report us to Princess Luna." "I won't if you let me go," Scootaloo said, trying her hardest to make her voice menacing. The stallion chuckled. "I'm still not sure if this dream magic exists. If it does, then I'd imagine you already told the princess everything you saw. Not that it matters. This war is lost." Scootaloo stomped her hoof in the snow. "You might have given up on Princess Luna, but I haven't! You're a coward." "I won't give up on my life just so she can have the throne," the stallion said with a sigh. "Neither should the ponies who came with me. Haven't you seen the burned down houses? The dead bodies? All the devastation?" "That's the griffons," Scootaloo argued. The soldier shook his head. "I've killed civilians and I've burned down farms, so did everypony in my unit. This isn't a game, kid. This is war, and your princess is losing it. You're just as bad as Lightning." "I don't care!" Scootaloo spat. "I just want to get out of here and get to Cloudsdale. Maybe you did some bad things, but nothing as bad as what Blueblood and his soldiers are doing." "Blueblood, Luna, they're both just as bad. I don't know why you cling to her so much, but you'll only be disappointed. At worst, you'll get yourself killed. Don't you have a family waiting for you back home?" "No," Scootaloo lied. "Griffons killed my parents. Princess Luna promised me I could have a home in Cloudsdale when she visited me in my dreams." She averted her eyes, hoping the soldier wouldn't see through her deception. "I didn't think she'd stoop as low as to use orphans," the soldier mumbled. "She never forced me to do anything. I'm the one who wanted to help. Now please, can you let me go? I know there're winter clothes in the barn. I just need a warm coat so I can get on my way and find a soldier who'll take me to Princess Luna." The soldier sighed again. "The only reason I'm doing this is so Lightning sees you. Maybe seeing an orphan of the war will get her to realize how pointless her raids are." "So you'll help me?" Scootaloo said as her ears perked up. "Wait here, I'll get you a coat," the stallion said. "Then I'll tell you which way to go." He flew up and over the barn. Scootaloo waited just as she was told. She paced back and forth. Could this be a trap? Maybe he'd come back with other ponies and she would get locked up again? She shook her head. He could have easily overpowered her if he wanted to. He would be back. He only had to find suitable clothes for her. A few minutes later, the soldier flew down carrying two bags. "Here, I got you a coat, a hat, a scarf, and some boots," he said as he threw Scootaloo the first bag. "This second bag has a blanket, and some dried fruit and nuts for the road." "Thanks," Scootaloo said with a weak smile as she swiftly put on the warm clothes. "You'll want to head west," the stallion continued as he pointed over a pile of snow. "Lightning Dust was hiding out with some injured soldiers too stubborn to follow us. I imagine she moved her camp since we left, but she couldn't have gone far, not with the wounded." "And she'll take me to Cloudsdale?" "Maybe," the soldier said with a sigh. "But I can't promise you anything. For all I know, she could use you as a hostage to force Checkmate and Tenderheart to give us up." Scootaloo nodded. "Better than staying here. Why are you helping me though?" The stallion sighed weakly. "Like I said, I'm hoping that seeing an orphan will help Lightning realize how fruitless this all is. Also, you obviously don't want to be here, and I'd rather you have a chance of making it out there. Without these clothes, you won't last the night." "Thanks, and I think I'll be alright." She tried to smile, but her jaw felt stiff. "And don't worry. I won't rat you out to Princess Luna. Even if I did, I know she'd forgive you." "I hope you're right," the stallion said as he flew up. Scootaloo wasted no time in grabbing the saddlebags the soldier had left her and galloping away in the direction he had indicated. With any luck, she would find these Cloudsdale soldiers and they would take her to the princess. Unlike the last time she ran away, the sky was clear. The clothes she had been given by the soldier were also warmer than what she had initially brought with her. The coat was made for an earth pony or unicorn, and her wings were trapped inside of it. At least they were kept warm, and it wasn't like she would have much use for them. Paths had already been cleared, so Scootaloo could at least leave the farm without having to navigate thick snow. The road was slippery, and she fell a few times. Still, a few bruises were preferable to a slow pace that might end up getting her caught. She soon learned to take advantage of the ice patches and slide forward. It wasn't any different from some of the games she used to play in Ponyville. Scootaloo couldn't help herself but to giggle as she kept running and sliding. After everything that happened, she would finally get her reward. Moving kept her warm, and she would finally meet ponies who fought for the right side. What the soldier had told her had to be a lie. There was no way Luna would tell her soldiers to harm innocents. What seemed like hours passed, and Scootaloo found herself slowing down. The area surrounding the rock farm consisted of nothing but more rocks. Whenever she stopped and thought about making camp, the cold wind blowing across the open plain reminded her of the need for real shelter. She spied rocky formations in the distance that were probably large enough to house a small cave. Hopefully it would suffice, and she could search for the Cloudsdale soldiers after a few hours of sleep. She tried to accelerate her pace toward the cave she hoped was waiting for her, but her legs were too tired to carry her. She dragged herself to the rock formation, slipping a few times on patches of ice she couldn't see. The third time she fell, her eyes caught a flicker of light coming from the rocky formation. What's that? she asked herself. She rose and made her way toward the source. There was definite light coming from behind the rocks. She moved behind a boulder and slipped her head over it, making sure to stay hidden. She gasped as she saw a slope leading into a cave. Two ponies were sleeping near a fire, while a third one stood near the entrance wearing Cloudsdale armor. "Yes!" Scootaloo quietly cheered. The pony at the entrance, a teal-coated pegasus mare with a long and rough golden mane, pointed a spear toward Scootaloo's hiding spot. "Get out slowly, and walk toward me. No sudden moves. If you try to run, I'll catch you and kill you." Scootaloo took a few steps out from behind the boulder and down the slope. "I'm not armed. I'm alone," she said in a shaking voice. "I... I was hoping to find you." "Why?" the soldier asked. "Whatever you think you'll accomplish, kid, you've made a mistake." Scootaloo breathed in and out. "I want you to take me to Princess Luna. She came to me in my dreams and I've delivered a message for her. I just want to go to Cloudsdale and help her." "Sorry, you're too young to join," the teal mare replied with a scoff. "I can't let you run off after you've seen our camp, though." "I'm not running off," Scootaloo said. "I have food in my bags. It's yours if you want it. I just want to see Princess Luna." The mare chuckled and motioned for Scootaloo to approach. "The Princess isn't here, you know. She's far away. Look around you. We're not in any shape to reach Cloudsdale." Scootaloo stepped forward and approached the fire. She smiled as she felt its warmth. "Whatever happens, I'm sure I can be of help. Can I sleep by your fire for tonight?" "Sure," the mare said. "If anything, you can help me take care of the wounded." "I can do that. I'm Scootaloo by the way." "Captain Lightning Dust," the soldier said. "You might have heard of me." Scootaloo nodded. "Ponies have been saying horrible things about you, but I know they're lying. Nopony serving Princess Luna would hurt innocents." Lightning snickered. "You keep telling yourself that, kid. Just get some rest. If you really want to help, then there won't be any shortage of chores tomorrow." Scootaloo took out her blanket and rested comfortably next to the fire. She closed her eyes. If she could help these soldiers out, then surely they would take her to Cloudsdale. Even if Luna didn't visit her dreams, Scootaloo knew she would see the princess soon. A few pokes to the ribs awoke Scootaloo after what felt like insufficient sleep. "Get up, kid," Lightning's gruff voice said as Scootaloo slowly opened her eyes. She saw a red-coated stallion with a bandaged wing and a large scar around his torso going through her saddlebags while a yellow earth pony mare added wood to the fire. Lightning was sitting next to her, fiddling with what looked like a broken spearhead the size of a pony's hoof. "So what are you going to do with the kid, ma'am?" the yellow mare asked. "I'm not sure yet," Lightning said as Scootaloo groggily got back on her hooves. "She said she wants to go to Cloudsdale." The injured stallion's brow furrowed as he studied Scootaloo. "You're a bit young to volunteer, but they'd probably take you." "I already work for Princess Luna," Scootaloo said. "I used to have bad dreams, but she took them away. I was spying for her in Ponyville, and then I delivered a message for her." "What kind of message?" Lightning asked. She used her broken spearhead to dislodge a bit of food from between her teeth. Scootaloo sighed. "About Rainbow Dash. She's still alive, and being held by the griffons with Princess Twilight." Lightning dropped her spearhead and stared down Scootaloo. "That's my friend you're talking about, kid. Be very careful what you say." "She's my friend too!" Scootaloo said. "Princess Luna took me inside Rainbow's dreams. She's in High Roost being tortured. I told Pinkie Pie about it, and she went to rescue her with Shining Armor." "You mean these two actually believed that ridiculous story?" Lightning snickered. "Whatever kid, at least you got them off my flank. Rainbow Dash is dead, though. I dunno where that story comes from, but it's a load of manure." The injured stallion coughed lightly. "You know ma'am, Princess Luna really does visit ponies' dreams. Maybe this filly is telling the truth?" Lightning rolled her eyes as she pocketed her spearhead. "So, the princess finds out her commander who died a hero is apparently still alive and being held with Princess Twilight? Instead of sending in the army, she sends an exiled prince and the most annoying party planner in Equestria? I don't buy it. You're too naive, Snowsurfer." "If anypony can rescue Rainbow and Twilight, Pinkie Pie can," Scootaloo said. "Wasn't this Pinkie Pie part of Princess Twilight's entourage?" the yellow-coated mare said. "Maybe that's why the Princess wanted to send her? High Roost's probably too well protected for us to invade anyways." "Just shut up, you two," Lightning snapped as she turned toward the cave's exit. "My concern right now is keeping us safe." "We'll all be safe in Cloudsdale," Scootaloo said. "Except we have an injured soldier," Lightning spat as she turned toward Scootaloo, who was too mortified to wipe the spittle off her face. "I'm not leaving Snowsurfer behind, especially not for some juvenile fantasy about Princess Luna. I've lost enough soldiers already." "I'm sorry," Scootaloo said, staring down at her hooves. "You're right. Rainbow Dash always said never to leave anypony behind when we went camping." Lightning sighed. "How do you know Rainbow anyway?" "She took me under her wing. She was always kind of like my big sister back in Ponyville." Lightning blinked a few times. "Wait, are you that cripple kid she was taking care of?" "I'm not a cripple!" Scootaloo said as she tried to unfold her wings beneath her winter coat. "My wings are just taking longer to grow." "You keep telling yourself that, kid." "Let the kid have some hope," Snowsurfer said as he threw a few nuts from Scootaloo's bag into his mouth. "Either way, she makes a good point. If you and Lemondrop just wait with me here, we'll all be either killed or captured." "We've had this argument before," Lightning said. "I'm not abandoning you." "Then I'll just find Shining Armor's little group. We both know I won't be any good to anypony in this war. What does it matter if I pretend to be a deserter and hide out in the Empire? At least I won't be wasting any of Cloudsdale's medical supplies." "That's ridiculous," Lightning said. "Yeah, those deserters are cowards," Scootaloo added. "Shut up, kid," Lightning snapped. "You mind your own business or you'll be spending the next night outside in the cold." Scootaloo sat and looked down at the ground again. She started to voice an apology, but Lightning's angry glare convinced her to remain quiet. "You know, ma'am," Lemondrop said. "Snowsurfer has a point. At least one of us needs to report back and let General Soarin know what's going on. You're one of the fastest flyers in the entire army; you should head to Cloudsdale. I'll take Snowsurfer to that rock farm, at least get him close enough. I can make my way to Vanhoover or Las Pegasus after." "That's suicide," Lightning said. "You've seen how many griffon patrols are in the area. They already took out what few of us survived the Ponyville raid." "By now, they probably heard about the mass desertion," Lemondrop continued. "I'd imagine there're not as many patrols around. Either way, I'll ditch my armor and travel as a civilian. You know as much as I do that it's the only choice." Lightning paced back and forth. Scootaloo rose to say something, but Lemondrop forced her to sit still with a severe glare. Eventually, Lightning bucked the cave wall hard. "Ponyfeathers! Alright Lemondrop, you win. Just be careful out there." The soldier nodded. "Will do, ma'am." "You're doing the right thing Captain," Snowsurfer said. "I hope so," Lightning said with a sigh. "Come on kid, hop on my back. Looks like you got your wish." Flying on the back of a pegasus always felt different from flying in a dream. Lightning easily flew as fast as Rainbow. She stayed well above the clouds and Scootaloo found it difficult to breathe at first, until Lightning explained that she had to breathe slowly and deeply. Scootaloo was also grateful that she had been given a pair of goggles. Rainbow had once demonstrated their importance by taking Scootaloo out for a fly, both with and without eye protection. They had been flying for the better part of the day, only stopping once on a thick cloud to eat a quick lunch. The moment they were done, Lightning had insisted they get going again. The high speed at which Lightning flew combined with the lack of air in high altitude made conversation impossible. Scootaloo eventually got bored looking down at the clouds and distant landscape. She was starting to doze off when Lightning lowered in altitude and landed on a large cloud. "We'll spend the night here, kid. Have you ever built a cloud shelter before?" "A what?" "You went camping with Rainbow Dash and she never taught you that?" Lightning said as she raised an eyebrow. "Whatever, I'll do it. Just go get some food and water from my bag." "We mostly camped with unicorns and earth ponies," Scootaloo said as she searched through the bag. "Are we going to reach Cloudsdale soon?" "At least two more days," Lighting said as she dug into the cloud. "If the wind is on our side and I don't have to dodge griffon patrols." "Can griffons find us here?" "That's what the cloud shelter's for." Lightning sighed as she motioned for Scootaloo to come over. "See, I'm digging a hole in the cloud. I'll use the excess material to create a roof for the shelter, only leaving a small opening to crawl in and out. Nopony will see us, unless they get really close. This will also protect us against the cold, although we'll use a blanket, too." "Gotcha," Scootaloo said as she started digging. "That's good, but be careful not to dig too deep. You don't want to fall through; it's a long way down." Lightning snickered as Scootaloo gulped. She dug slower, making sure that she didn't go through the cloud. She placed the extra bits of material in a pile, just like Lightning was doing. "So why do you want to go to Cloudsdale so bad?" Lightning asked as she started working the pile of excess cloud into a more malleable form. "To see Princess Luna, I told you. I want to help her." "Seriously kid, what do you think you can do for her? I think you're just trying to escape this war, like most ponies. The only difference is that you've created this fantasy around Luna." "I know you don't believe me, but she does visit my dreams." "I'm sure she did once," Lightning said as she started building the roof of the shelter. "Keep digging, I'll need more material." Scootaloo dug a bit more. "Is this deep enough?" When Lightning nodded, she took a deep breath. "I helped her get through to Rainbow Dash. We visited her dream together. The princess said I was well attuned to the dreamworld. Maybe I can help her fight off ponies' nightmares." "The worst nightmare is the one we created," Lightning mumbled with a sigh. She reached inside her large pocket and picked her broken spearhead, staring down at it. "What's that?" Scootaloo asked. "The spearhead, I mean. I've seen you holding it before." Lightning grunted. "You wouldn't understand." "Did it belong to somepony you killed?" Lightning shook her head. "It's just a reminder. Don't worry about it." She pocketed it again. "War isn't pretty, kid." "What do you mean?" "Come on kid. Your wings are crippled, not your eyes. You saw the damage in Equestria. I killed more ponies than I can count, and got my troops slaughtered as a reward. You could call it karma, I guess. Either way, it's not like anything was gained." "That's not true," Scootaloo argued. "Luna took Manehattan. Everypony was talking about it." "Until Blueblood takes it, or goes after another city," Lightning said. "You know, Rainbow warned me about this. She knew war wasn't a joke from day one. It's not like it did her any good. Either you imagined your little story and she's dead, or you're right and she's gonna die soon in a griffon prison." "I trust Pinkie," Scootaloo said. "And I trust Princess Luna." "Just be careful who you put your trust in, kid. You might end up disappointed." Lightning scratched the back of her head as she observed the shelter. "Alright, get out of that hole. I need to finish up the roof so we can catch some sleep. I want to leave early tomorrow morning." "Hey kid, wake up." Scootaloo opened her eyes as she felt the wind blow through her mane. This was her third day traveling on Lightning's back, and she had quickly learned how to safely doze off while holding on to the older pegasus. "We're here," Lightning said. "I figured you'd want a look at the city. It's not as pretty up close." Scootaloo gasped at the spectacle displayed in front of her eyes. The complex network of clouds forming the city of Cloudsdale lay hidden between tall, snowy peaks. The setting sun gave every cloud a beautiful orange hue. Underneath the city was a desolate landscape of sharp rocks. "Are we still in the Crystal Mountains?". "It's a good place to hide a floating city," Lightning said. Scootaloo smiled. I made it. I finally made it. She could already make out the beautiful white columns typical of Cloudsdale architecture. "Wait, didn't Cloudsdale have rainbow falls? Where are the rainbows?" "We stopped making rainbows months ago. It's a side effect of turning the city into a war machine." Scootaloo silently nodded, even though she knew Lightning couldn't see her. As they got closer, she spotted soldiers patrolling the skies. A few saluted as Lightning passed them. Apart from military patrols and soldiers in training, Scootaloo couldn't see anypony. A group of unicorns were practicing throwing magical bolts at targets on a field while a group of earth ponies ran in loops. Lightning took a turn toward a large building dominating one of the upper clouds. "We're going to meet my superiors. Be on your best behavior, and don't say anything unless spoken to first." Lightning's tone was severe and brook no arguments. "After that, can I see Princess Luna?" "If General Soarin allows it. You pestering him with questions will not give you any points. Stay quiet, and do as you're told." "Okay, Lightning," Scootaloo quietly replied. If all it took was a bit more patience, then she could do that. Lightning landed in front of the large building and dropped off Scootaloo. The guards at the entrance saluted as they saw her, and she replied with a nod. "Is General Soarin here?" She asked as she walked toward the entrance without breaking a stride. Scootaloo tried her best to keep up. "He should be in his office, Captain," one of the guards said. "Good," Lightning said as she stormed through the large double doors. Ponies in military uniforms were busy walking back and forth inside the building's lobby. If the streets were quiet, this place was bustling with activity. A light blue unicorn mare walked toward Lightning. "Captain Lightning Dust? We heard your feather was wiped out. How did you make it out?" "With a lot of luck," Lighting said. "I need to see General Soarin, then I need to see the princess. Apparently this filly here was working for her." The blue unicorn whistled. "Whew, I knew Princess Luna had ponies who gave her information through dreams. Didn't expect any to be kids though." Scootaloo was about to argue her value as a spy, but another glare from Lightning convinced her to stay quiet. "Either way," the unicorn continued. "The general's in his office. He'll probably want to hear your report." "Thanks," Lightning said. "Come on kid." She led Scootaloo to an office at the end of a hallway. "Is this place always so busy?" "This is the army's command center," Lightning explained. "Not what you expected?" "I didn't expect anything," Scootaloo said. Truth be told, she knew Princess Luna as the warden of dreams. She never pictured her in the middle of so much activity. Then again, the princess was nowhere to be seen, although seeing her cutie mark on every uniform and every banner was a constant reminder that this was in fact her city. Lightning knocked on the door at the end of the hall. She opened it without waiting for a response. The earth pony mare on the other side gasped as she walked in. Lightning rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, Jubileena, I'm still alive. Can you tell the general I'm here? I imagine he'll want to see me." "I'll see if he's available," Jubileena said as she rose from her seat. "Who's this little filly with you?" She smiled awkwardly at Scootaloo. "I'm Scootaloo." "She claims to be one of the ponies spying for Luna through dreams," Lightning said. "I brought her along in case there's any truth to it." "It's true," Scootaloo argued as Lightning groaned. "Just take a seat," Jubileena said as she walked inside the office. Lightning did as instructed, but Scootaloo jumped up and down, her wings buzzing with excitement. "Just sit down and stay quiet," Lightning said with a sigh. "You're about to meet the general of the Cloudsdale army, not get a new toy." "I'm about to meet one of the Wonderbolts!" Scootaloo corrected with an excited smile. Lightning rolled her eyes. "Trust me kid. There are no Wonderbolts anymore. The pony we're going to meet is the leader of the army, and he has no time for foolishness." She sighed and smiled weakly. "Just stay still. I'll try to convince him to let you see the princess." "Thanks," Scootaloo said as she forced herself to sit down, although she kept rocking herself from side to side. Scootaloo waited in silence as Lightning fiddled with her spearhead, testing its sharpness against her hoof. After a moment, Jubileena left the office. "General Soarin will see you now." "Come on kid," Lightning said as she motioned for Scootaloo to follow her inside the office. She carefully pocketed the spearhead. A large wooden desk covered in maps stood in the middle of the room. Soarin himself was sitting behind it, studying the two ponies who came in. Scootaloo was a bit disappointed; she expected him to be taller. His dark blue mane was also shorter than on his Wonderbolts pictures. The only thing Scootaloo could see in the room that could hint at this stallion's past were pictures of Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Rainbow Dash on a shelf. "You're still alive," Soarin flatly stated. "I take it the rest of your feather wasn't as lucky?" "No, sir," Lightning replied as she stood at attention. "I failed in Ponyville, as you surely heard by now. What few soldiers survived the raid were either killed by griffon patrols or deserted like cowards." "This isn't good," Soarin said with a frown. "With your troops out of commission, Canterlot has shifted its focus to Vanhoover. The city is currently under siege." "I take it you want me back out there, General?" Lightning asked. Scootaloo thought she heard a gulp at the end. "Possibly," Soarin said with a nod. "Not before you get some rest and a full debriefing. In the meantime, I take it you brought this filly here for a reason?" Scootaloo stepped forward. "I'm here to see Princess Luna, sir." Lightning sighed. "She claims that the princess talked to her through her dreams. Her entire story sounded a bit ridiculous to me, sir. Still, I brought her in case she really does work for the princess. Worse case, we can put her to work in one of the factories." Soarin rose and walked to Scootaloo. He smiled at her. "So, what did you do for Princess Luna, little one?" Scootaloo took a deep breath. "I was spying for her in Ponyville at first. Then, she asked me to deliver a message to Pinkie Pie about Rainbow Dash and Princess Twilight." Soarin raised his hoof. "Say no more. I believe you." He sighed and shook his head. "Princess Luna was hoping you'd stay put and out of danger, Scootaloo." Scootaloo beamed at Soarin using her name. A Wonderbolt actually knew about her! "See? I told you I was telling the truth," she told Lightning with a grin. Soarin shook his head as Lightning gave Scootaloo another glare. "I suppose Princess Luna should decide what to do with you now that you're here. What you did was foolish though. You were supposed to stay safe." "I'm sure I can help you some more," Scootaloo said. Soarin ignored her as he returned his attention to Lightning. "Captain, go rest up. We'll have a full debriefing tomorrow at the earliest. I'll make sure Scootaloo here gets to see the princess." Lightning saluted. "Sir, if you don't mind, I'd like to take her to see Princess Luna myself. I've taken her this far, and I'm sure the city can be scary to her." Soarin smiled as he raised an eyebrow. "It seems like the captain has a soft spot for you, little one. Very well Captain. Get her cleaned up and presentable, then take her to see the princess." "Thank you, sir," Lightning said. As soon as they were done with Soarin, Scootaloo was taken to a different building where a warm bath was poured for her. A fat earth pony mare scrubbed her until her skin felt raw. It took three times the normal amount of shampoo to get rid of the dirt and sweat from her coat. According to the fat mare, getting rid of her fleas took quite a bit of effort, too. She met with Lightning in the second building's lobby after her mane and tail had been thoroughly brushed. She suppressed a giggle as she saw the captain as clean and well-coiffed as her. Lightning was wearing an intricate uniform complete with a long cape, turning her into a far cry from the ragged soldier Scootaloo had met in the field. "Alright, let's take you to see the princess," Lightning said. Scootaloo beamed. "Thanks for everything you've done for me, Lightning." "Just my duty." They returned to the military headquarters and Lightning took Scootaloo through a new hallway. At the end was a door leading to the foot of a stairless tower. "Hop on," Lightning said. "Oh, right," Scootaloo said as she climbed on Lightning's back. "No stairs in Cloudsdale." Scootaloo was taken up the tower in front of a large, ornate door. A severe-looking pony glared at her with feline eyes. His polished night guard armor and his bat wings made Scootaloo gulp as she avoided looking directly at him. He studied Lightning as she landed in front of him and allowed Scootaloo to get off. "I'm here to take this filly to the princess," Lightning said. The guard nodded and opened the door. Scootaloo couldn't contain her excitement and galloped in, sidestepping the grim-looking bat pony. She found herself in a voluminous, circular room. A large bed dominated the center of the room, and one corner had been turned into a study area. Another seemed reserved for relaxation, occupied by two large couches. The back of Luna's mane flowed beyond opened balcony doors. "Princess!" Scootaloo cheered as she ran toward the midnight-blue alicorn. Luna turned around and smiled. Her bright cyan eyes shone with warmth and compassion. "I am glad to finally see you in person, Scootaloo," she began, before her expression turned to a frown. "You should not have come here, however. You were to remain safely hidden." "The ponies at the rock farm said horrible things about you," Scootaloo said as she averted her eyes. "After everything that's happened, I wanted to come here. I'm sure I can help you." Luna's smile returned to her face. "Well, now that you're here, I suppose you can stay awhile. I'm sure we can find you something to do." "Thank you Princess." "And what about you, Captain?" Luna said as she turned her attention to Lightning, who was standing in the entrance. "I just wanted to make sure the kid was okay," Lightning said. "General Soarin told me you took good care of her," Luna said. "It was my duty." Luna walked forward and placed a hoof on Lightning's shoulder. "After what happened to your unit, I can understand why you wouldn't let this little one suffer needlessly. You may wait here for now. Later, you will find Scootaloo adequate quarters." "As you command, Your Highness," Lightning said with a bow. If she was in any way touched by Luna's words, her expression didn't show it. "Come, Scootaloo," Luna said as she walked back toward the balcony. "Let us watch the night sky together." Scootaloo took a few tentative steps onto Luna's cloud balcony. An aurora brightened the star-covered sky in hues of blue and green. "It's beautiful," she said. "Did you do this, Princess?" Luna shook her head. "This is the northern sky's reaction to the night. Some say it's the effect of the Crystal Heart." Scootaloo stared at the sky, admiring the spectacle. After a moment, she took a deep breath and turned her attention to Luna. "Princess, can I ask you a question?" "Anything," Luna said with a smile. "Why are you fighting this war? Everywhere I went, ponies were suffering. They all blamed you for it." Luna sighed and extended a wing around Scootaloo. She spoke quietly. "Every night, I wish it didn't have to be this way. If I do nothing, the griffons will take over Equestria. Blueblood, Silvermane, Rarity, they're all being used. I don't know which of them are puppets, and which are traitors. Trust me, I don't want you or anypony else involved. Still, the happiness of tomorrow's ponies depends on the suffering of today's generation." Scootaloo sighed. "If you say it's needed, then I believe you. Just let me help you." "We can admire the stars together," Luna said with a wink. "It has been too long since I simply gazed at the night sky." "Okay," Scootaloo said as she returned her attention to the spectacle in the sky. She closed her eyes and slowly breathed in the cold night air. "I love you, Princess." Gurgling sounds were the only reply Scootaloo received. She opened her eyes and shrieked in horror as she found Luna's eyes opened wide. The princess's muzzle opened with a gasp, and then twisted into a grimace of pain and terror. She spat copious amounts of blood, and even more was running down her neck. Scootaloo backpedaled and slipped on the ground. Lightning's spearhead was lodged deeply in the back of Luna's neck, being forced deeper by Lightning's hoof. Tears fell down Lightning's cheeks. "I'm sorry, kid. This war has to end, at any cost." > XXXI Soarin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Masses of curious onlookers surrounded the princess's tower, airborne soldiers keeping them at bay. Soarin flew over the crowd and groaned as he landed onto the balcony. The guards moved aside, nopony uttering a word as he silently observed the scene. The princess's body lay lifeless on the ground. Soarin took a few hesitant steps toward his lover only to find a spearhead deeply lodged in the back of her neck. A light pink pegasus with a red cross on her flank shook her head apologetically. "Who did this?" Soarin asked, carefully enunciating every syllable. He tried to keep his erratic breathing under control. "It was Lightning Dust," Moonshadow said from inside the princess's quarters. The bat pony's ears drooped while his muzzle twisted in a wince and his red eyes avoided Soarin. "I take full blame for what happened here, General. I shouldn't have let that traitor enter unescorted." "Where is Lightning now?" Soarin asked, his eyes trained on Moonshadow. "I had the guards take her into custody. They're probably beating the truth out of her as we speak." Soarin closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I'll want to interrogate her myself. And what about the filly, Scootaloo? Was she in on this?" Moonshadow shook his head. "She's heavily traumatized. One of the nurses is with her now. She's the only one who witnessed the events." Soarin nodded. "I'll want a word with her, too. I imagine from the commotion that it's too late to keep this a secret?" "It happened on the balcony. The filly's screams attracted onlookers, and the word spread out. At least the guards got here before the culprit could escape." "I'll sort out this mess later," Soarin said with a sigh and a dismissive gesture. His eyes wandered back to Luna's body. Her once-flowing mane lay motionless, the stars that once gave it its majesty extinguished. Her cyan eyes were closed, with an unnatural stiffness to her eyelids. The nurse examining the body hesitated a moment before stepping aside. Nopony will ever know what she truly meant to me, he reflected as tears welled up in his eyes. He closed them and ground his teeth. "Lightning will pay dearly for this, so will the Canterlot traitors who put her up to this." "We serve at your command, sir," the nurse said, confusion in her voice. Soarin rose. "Make sure the body is prepared for the funeral as soon as possible. The sooner we can honor her memory, the sooner we can avenge her." "Yes General." Soarin turned his attention to Scootaloo, who was wrapped up in a blanket, crying into the wing of another pegasus nurse on one of the couches. He sighed as he walked toward them. The nurse shook her head. "She saw everything?" Soarin asked. "She did," the nurse said. "I don't think you'll get much out of her right now." "What did you see?" Soarin asked as he pushed the nurse's wing away from Scootaloo. "How did Luna die?" The filly averted her eyes and quietly sobbed. "I need to know," Soarin insisted. "She won't be able to say anything, sir," the nurse insisted. "She's traumatized. Let me take her down to the infirmary. Maybe I can give her hot cocoa? You'll have to wait for your answers." Soarin groaned. "Our ruler is dead, and you worry about getting a filly some hot cocoa?" The nurse rose and frowned as she stared down Soarin. "Right now, I don't care that you're the leader of this army. I have a traumatized patient, and I will care for her. You trying to force her to talk is not helping." "Fine," Soarin said with a sigh. He turned his attention to a guard. "You, escort this nurse and her patient back to the infirmary. Report to me as soon as the filly is ready to talk." "Yes sir," the guard said with a salute. "Thank you General," the nurse said, bowing her head. Soarin returned his attention to Luna's body. Whatever happened, he would have to get to the bottom of it. He took a deep breath and walked toward Moonshadow. "Lieutenant Moonshadow, take me to the prisoner." Lightning Dust was being held in one of the cells within the military headquarters. Two guards were at work beating her when Soarin walked in. She had a black eye, and one of her teeth was on the floor. She spat blood as a soldier kicked her in the ribs. "You want a go at her, sir?" the earth pony stallion who had been punching her in the face asked as he kicked one of her legs. "I'm here to interrogate the prisoner," Soarin said. "Make her stand." "Get up," the second soldier, a gray pegasus, ordered. The two guards picked Lightning up and forced her on her hooves. "One question," Soarin said with a stern glare. "Why?" "To end the war," Lightning said. She struggled to stand and couldn't keep her head up. "If this is what it takes for this insanity to end, then I'm glad I killed her." She tried to smile, displaying a bloody muzzle full of broken teeth. "Now there's no point in you killing anypony in the name of a dead monarch." "You really think your actions will make us pack up and surrender?" Soarin said. He spat on the cell floor. "You forgot what we're fighting against. I will never accept griffon tyranny, regardless of what happens. You haven't ended anything, Lightning Dust. What you did is murder one of the most remarkable ponies who ever lived. Equestria will mourn her loss, and your name will be vilified alongside monsters such as Tirek and Sombra." "At least Equestria will vilify me in peace," Lightning said as she winced in pain. "We'll no longer see fillies running off in blind worship to a warmongering princess." "You don't get to control our fate!" Soarin spat. "Your execution will serve as an example to ponies who doubt our mission." "Isn't that what you wanted out of me? To die for a cause? You'll get your wish. It just won't be for Luna's cause. I'm done sending ponies to the slaughter in her name." Soarin turned to the soldiers. "Break a confession out of her. I want her to cry with remorse at her execution." "With pleasure, sir," the earth pony soldier said with a grin as he punched Lightning in the stomach. Soarin left the cell with a heavy frown. Moonshadow was waiting for him, and Rapidfire had joined him. "I just heard, General," Rapidfire said, his gray face twisted with concern. "Did you get anything out of that traitor?" Soarin sighed. "Apparently she did it to end the war." "We should send Blueblood her severed head!" Rapidfire snapped. "Let's give Princess Luna a proper funeral first," Soarin said. "Then we'll decide how we want to counterattack." Moonshadow gasped. "General, with all due respect, you may be making a mistake." "The only mistake that was made here is you failing as a bodyguard," Rapidfire said. "You don't get to second-guess military officers." Soarin raised his hoof. "Let him speak, Commander." "Thank you General," the bat pony said with a sigh. "Commander, I will gladly face whatever punishment I deserve for failing in my duty. What I mean is, why counterattack? With our princess gone, what are we fighting for? Is that really what Princess Luna would have wanted?" "You traitor!" Rapidfire pushed Moonshadow against the wall. "Our princess's body is still warm, and you're already talking about abandoning her cause? You're a disgrace." "We won't abandon the war," Soarin said. "Not as long as a single griffon soldier still breathes. I will not let Canterlot win just because they convinced one cowardly soldier to betray us and murder the princess. Lieutenant Moonshadow, you will guard the princess's body until her funeral. Once this is done, you will be demoted to private." "I understand, General," Moonshadow said with a bow. "Commander Rapidfire, take me to see Floribunda. She may know something." "Gladly sir," Rapidfire said. They left the military headquarters and flew to the prison cloud. The large cloudsteel building that housed Cloudsdale's prisoners loomed over a lone cloud on the edge of the city. Pegasus soldiers patrolled its perimeter, making sure that none of the traitors, would-be deserters, and Blueblood loyalists held inside could escape. Soarin followed Rapidfire inside the building through the roof entrance. Unlike the more visible buildings in Cloudsdale, this one had no access for wingless ponies. Guards saluted as the two officers made their way to an isolated cell in the high-security wing. "I'll speak to her alone," Soarin ordered as they approached the door. "I'll wait here, sir," Rapidfire said with a salute. Soarin stepped in and found Floribunda sitting at a desk. While few luxuries were permitted in prison, she had been allowed room to write — the brass had figured she might betray information through writing. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, General?" the prisoner asked without taking her eyes away from the paper. "You really don't know, do you?" Floribunda placed her quill back on the desk and turned to face Soarin. "I'm afraid I'm not as well informed as I used to be." "Lightning Dust," Soarin said. "Name ring a bell to you?" "I'm afraid that it does not. Is she one of yours or one of ours? I must admit that all these soldier names confuse me after a while." Soarin ground his teeth, trying to ignore Floribunda's contemptuous tone. "That's what I'm trying to determine." "I'm afraid that you have the wrong pony. I had nothing to do with military operations. I don't have the stomach for it. Honestly, General, you do not truly believe General Silvermane would have permitted me to be traded as a hostage if I knew anything of value, do you?" "Enough games," Soarin spat. "Did you or did you not have an assassin in our ranks?" Floribunda sighed. "How would you expect me to know? The royal council was never tasked with military matters. We left such unpleasantness to General Silvermane and Centurion Bouvier. If you have questions about Equestria's education system, however, I would be thrilled to answer them." Soarin's brow furrowed. "Let's pretend I believe you. I hope you have something for me, or I might reconsider your usefulness." He took a deep breath. "I will ask again. What do you know about the spies and assassins in our midst?" "I'm sure General Silvermane employs spies and assassins, but I was never privy to her plans. I'm not even aware of what's prompting this visit, General." Ponyfeathers. What she says makes sense. She probably was never told of any plans. Soarin cursed under his breath. If Floribunda couldn't help with the investigation, she would have to be useful in some other way. "If you can't give us useful information, then there's only one fate for you," Soarin said. "You were part of the very council that allowed the griffon invaders to come to our land. You're one of the ponies who refused the throne to its rightful owner, Princess Luna." "I would say that this is a matter of interpretation," Floribunda said, "but I don't believe you wish to debate it." "You will be executed alongside the traitor Lightning Dust," Soarin said as he stared the prisoner down. Floribunda gulped, but kept her head high as she met Soarin's gaze. "Well, at least I am thankful that you gave me time to prepare." She spoke loudly and proudly, although she was betrayed by her shaking voice. "If I may make one request? Please have my uncensored memoirs sent to my husband in Canterlot. I have been writing them for as long as I have been in your custody. With that being said, may I know why I am scheduled to die?" Soarin ground his teeth. "For the assassination of Princess Luna, rightful ruler of Equestria." Floribunda gasped, but quickly took a deep breath and kept her head high. "If killing me will end this war, then so be it." Soarin walked to her. "This is where you're wrong. You think the war was only about Princess Luna? It's not. It's about Blueblood selling off our lives to fuel his own ego. You think that murdering our leader in cold blood will stop us? It will only reignite our fire. Your death will open the way to Canterlot burning." Floribunda twitched, even as she kept her defiant stare. Soarin poured himself a glass of whiskey. While he hadn't been much of a drinker in his younger days, he had picked up the habit in recent months. "Can I offer you a glass, Commander?" he asked Rapidfire, who was sitting on the sofa in the back of Soarin's study. Rapidfire shook his head. "No thanks, sir. I'm on duty." "Aren't we always," Soarin whispered with a sigh as he took a sip. He sat next to Rapidfire. His personal study, like his quarters, was a simple room with only minimal furniture. A few shelves were stocked with Wonderbolts trophies and memorabilia, as well as a few tomes on military history. "So what do we do now?" Rapidfire asked. "I was hoping to just have a drink." "You know what I mean," Rapidfire continued. "We have to give the troops something, and fast. We could face mutiny or mass desertion if we don't focus our soldiers' rage. More than likely, your leadership will be questioned and factions will emerge." "Don't you think I know that?" Soarin snapped as he stood up, almost spilling his glass in the process. "I think you're understandably upset, and could use my advice," Rapidfire calmly said from his seat. "Deny it all you want, the relationship you had with the princess was no secret." Soarin sighed. "And you think I have no right to be upset right now?" "I think you have every right to be upset, General. You should fuel your anger in a way that will further our cause — further Princess Luna's cause." "You want me to attack Canterlot, don't you?" Rapidfire nodded. "It's either that or Lightning wins. As I said, we could face mutiny or desertion. Right now, the Canterlot army is distracted at Vanhoover. They repelled the raid at Ponyville and feel overconfident. They believe that we're too busy securing Manehattan to attack." Soarin sat back down. He stroked his chin and took another sip. "It would take everything we have to take Canterlot. If we fail, then it's all over." "If we do nothing it's all over," Rapidfire said as he leaned forward. "Let us at least take out Blueblood. We can place Princess Cadance on the throne after it's done." Soarin sighed. "We won't have to. There's something I haven't told you." "Oh?" Rapidfire said, raising an eyebrow. "Twilight Sparkle is still alive," Soarin said. "She's under some protective spell. Luna found her by entering Rainbow Dash's dreams." Rapidfire blinked a few times. "Wait, so Dash's still alive, too?" "According to Princess Luna, they're both being held in High Roost. As I said, Princess Twilight is under some protective spell, but Dash is being tortured. It's only a matter of time before she breaks and lets the griffons know how to bypass the spell." "How come I was never told about this, sir? I could have helped you plan an attack on High Roost." Soarin sighed. "That's precisely why. We're in no shape to attack High Roost. The city is well defended against aerial attacks, and the griffons are too well prepared. Remember that they only sent one division to Equestria. The bulk of their army is still in Griffingard, probably massing on the Zebrican border." He took a sip of whiskey. "Princess Luna sent an agent to Griffingard to free the prisoners. It's our best hope." Soarin frowned as he thought of Pinkie Pie. While Luna had been more than willing to trust Rainbow Dash's old friend, he had always favored sending in one of their own instead. "So what do we do?" Rapidfire asked. "We attack Canterlot. Once we've taken the city, we can unite Equestria under one banner. We'll reveal the griffon plot to the world, and then ally with Zebrica against Griffingard. After decades of border skirmishes, the zebras would welcome the opportunity. The envoy Luna sent to Zebrica already confirmed as much. In fact, the zebras are just waiting for Griffingard to get distracted enough with Equestria before they strike." "Good," Rapidfire said, the corners of his mouth perking up. "The troops will be itching for some action." "Not just action," Soarin corrected. "Revenge. Blueblood has betrayed Equestria. He stole the throne from its rightful ruler and brought nothing but pain and suffering to the nation. He needs to die, and he needs to die slowly. I don't know if Lightning was working for him or not. Either way, I hold him responsible." Soarin downed his drink in one gulp. "Send your fastest messengers to Commander Tinkerboom in Manehattan. Have her march what troops she can spare to Canterlot. Once the messenger's away, assemble the troops we have in the city. It's time I told everypony what the stakes are, and what the plan is." Rapidfire nodded. "With pleasure, sir. It's time to end this." Princess Luna's body had been placed in a wooden coffin. Her closed eyes made her face appear peaceful in its stillness, even as her normally flowing mane lay motionless. She had been moved to the coliseum under heavy guard. Later, the body would be brought out and every pony in Cloudsdale would get their chance to grieve. For now, Soarin found himself alone with his princess for the first time since her murder. He sighed as he moved to the coffin. "I'm not good at this," he whispered under his breath. "Am I supposed to talk to you? To cry and hope you're in a better place? What am I supposed to do now?" Soarin knelt in front of the coffin and stared at the body. He barely recognized her. There was no sign of the mysterious smile he always found so endearing. Her mane had lost some of its color, and the starlight glow that made it so distinctive was gone. "They're going to pay for this, Luna," He said as tears fell down his cheeks. "Whatever they told Lightning, this is the last straw. Silvermane is somehow behind it. I know it. She lied to deny you the throne, and somehow she lied to an officer I thought I could trust." He slammed his head on the side of the coffin. "I should have seen it, Luna. I should have seen it coming. Have I left her out there too long? Was she planning to kill you all along? Either way, I won't let your death be meaningless." Soarin forced himself to stare at his princess's body. "I'll make them pay, Luna. I'll take Canterlot in your name, and make sure everypony remembers you as the great ruler you are, not as these lies they've been making up about you." Tears were now falling freely. Soarin lost all pretense of self-control. Everypony he had ever cared for had been taken from him by this war. "Is this where caution has left me? While I sit back and plan, the enemy slowly takes away everything I hold dear?" Soarin sat down in front of the coffin. He cried by himself, staring at the coffin and tried desperately to see the smallest hint of life on Luna's dead body. Minutes passed in silence. He could almost see her smile when he slowly rose to his hooves. He turned around and found Scootaloo standing awkwardly in the doorway. "S... sorry General," she mumbled. "I'll come back later." Soarin sighed and shook his head. "It's fine. Lieutenant Moonshadow let you in?" "Nurse Night Rain said I should say my goodbyes," the filly said as she averted her eyes. Soarin nodded as he moved aside to let Scootaloo walk to the coffin. She took a few steps, but her legs almost gave out when she got close enough to see the body. She sobbed as her gaze fell downwards. "I miss her very much, too," Soarin gently said. Scootaloo turned toward him, her eyes red from crying. "Why did she do it?" "Who?" "Lightning." "I don't know," Soarin said with a quiet sigh. "I've been asking myself the same thing since it happened." "She helped me," Scootaloo whispered as she leaned before the body. "She took away my nightmares, and kept visiting me in my dreams." She sobbed. "She let me fly." Soarin stood a respectable distance away, letting the filly mourn Luna. How many ponies had felt his princess's delicate touch through their dreams? "So what happens now?" Scootaloo asked as she turned her eyes toward a window displaying the starry sky. "Now, we avenge her. We make Blueblood pay. That, I can promise you." "It's still night outside," Scootaloo said, still staring out the window. Soarin frowned. Scootaloo had a point. How long had it been? Definitely too long — the sun should have been raised a few hours ago at least. "I'll write to Princess Cadance." "She won't be able to do it. Twilight couldn't. Equestria will end up in eternal night." "We'll figure out something," Soarin said. "Don't worry." Scootaloo shook her head as her tears started falling again. "No you won't. Princess Luna was the only one who could protect Equestria." "We'll get rid of Blueblood, then we'll talk to Princess Cadance," Soarin said, placing a hoof around the filly's neck. She tensed up, but didn't push him away. "It'll be alright," he lied. It was an empty platitude, but the filly didn't seem to care. She cried on his leg. An honor guard was standing on both sides of the cloud onto which Luna's coffin had been placed. The coffin had been mounted on a series of wooden logs, as per the ancient Cloudsdale tradition. Soarin stood next to Commander Rapidfire and other officers, including Moonshadow who had been permitted to stand with the brass; it was to be the bat pony's last act as a lieutenant before he was to be officially demoted. Every soldier present in the city, as well as a large number of civilian workers, stood at attention throughout the stadium. Soarin stepped in front of the coffin. He brought his hoof to Luna's cheek, crying softly as he touched his princess's smooth fur one last time. "I'm sorry, my love," he whispered. Soarin took a deep breath and nodded at Moonshadow, who closed the coffin. He moved forward onto the stage and swept the crowd with his eyes. All the soldiers stood at attention. He looked upwards and found Scootaloo on one of the smaller balconies, crying into nurse Night Rain's wing. "We salute Princess Luna, who died the true ruler of Equestria," He shouted as he saluted. The crowd mirrored his gesture. "She was our ruler, and our beacon of hope." His eyes found their way toward Scootaloo. "She helped countless ponies, not just through inspiration, but directly, by visiting their dreams and vanquishing their nightmares. Luna was the princess of the night, who worked in the shadow to nurture and protect us all." Soarin closed his eyes as he considered his words. "That she was taken from us is a crime against everything Equestria holds dear. Some ponies still feared her as Nightmare Moon in the end, which is a travesty. I came to know Luna very well, and that monster the stories described was well and truly gone. Future generations will never know Luna's protection as they dream, and that is the true crime that was committed." Soarin saluted again. "Princess Luna, we honor you and your memory." An orchestra began playing Equestria's national anthem as the eight pegasus guards who surrounded Luna's coffin flapped their wings and raised the funeral cloud into the air. Moonshadow picked up a torch and followed them up in the night sky above the stadium. Soarin forced his face to remain hard and stoic as Moonshadow lit the wooden base of the coffin on fire. The guards, meanwhile, used their wings to push the cloud in the direction of the moon. Princess Luna's body burned as it was carried away to its final resting place, being carried by both the pegasus guards and the horns of a unicorn team standing at the top of the coliseum. The crowd observed a few minutes of silence as every pair of eyes was trained on the burning pyre, by far the brightest source of light. Soarin looked at them again. It would be so easy to abandon everything, but he couldn't allow Luna's death to remain meaningless. He took another deep breath as he prepared to address the crowd again. "Tonight, we mourn our princess. She died because a traitor feared our enemy and no longer believed that we could overcome tyranny." The crowd roared in anger. Spears were waved in the air and hooves were slammed on the stadium's floor. "It's high time I told you all what we're really fighting for," Soarin continued. "Blueblood has been serving the griffons all along. They're holding Commander Rainbow Dash and Princess Twilight Sparkle in High Roost as we speak. This is why Princess Luna died, because these invaders are dead set on killing or capturing every alicorn princess in existence. Once we've taken Canterlot, then we will storm High Roost and teach these griffons what it means to mess with Equestria!" The crowd gasped in shock. Some soldiers whispered to one another, while others screamed in rage. Soarin kept on speaking. "For a long time, we hid here, in the mountains, sending raiding parties and plotting in secret. No longer! We have taken Manehattan. Our army numbers in the thousands. It's time to fly to Canterlot and remove the traitors from the throne!" The crowd yelled its approval, bloodlust clear on everypony's face. "You've been training for this, the moment we have all been waiting for. Our brave troops in Manehattan, Vanhoover, and Las Pegasus will be joining us in this endeavor. Mark my words; we will execute Blueblood for his treachery, and retake Canterlot in Princess Luna's name!" Screams of rage and cheers of approval met Soarin's speech. He nodded approvingly, still unable to smile. This should be your victory, my love, not mine. He turned to Rapidfire, and both pegasus stallions shared a nod. The commander gave two of his soldiers a signal, and a cloud was brought forward on top of a floorless part of the stadium, directly above the sharp rocks making up the desolate Crystal Mountains landscape. The crowd booed and spat when they recognized the two ponies standing on the cloud: Lightning Dust and Floribunda. Soarin flew up. "Before we move out, we need to send a clear message. We will not tolerate treachery." He flew down in front of the cloud and his brow furrowed. "Lady Floribunda, you have conspired against Equestria's true ruler. You sat on the traitor Blueblood's council while he invited murderous griffons to ravage and plunder our nation. Any last words?" Floribunda held her head high. While her mane was disheveled and her face sported a few bruises, she managed to maintain a defiant glare. "I have nothing to say to you. Princess Luna engineered her own demise by starting this war. I die knowing I did what was right." "So be it," Soarin said before turning his attention to the second prisoner. Lightning Dust sported a black eye and multiple bruises, including a few cuts. Her wings were tightly bound on top of having been clipped earlier. "Lightning Dust, you are guilty of assassinating your rightful ruler, Princess Luna of Equestria. You are a disgrace to everything she and this army ever stood for. Do you have anything to say before you die?" Lightning met Soarin's glare. "Everything I did, I did for peace. While you sit here, hiding in the clouds, ponies die. It seems it'll take even more deaths for you to stop being a fool, Soarin." She coughed and spat blood. Soarin scoffed. "Floribunda, Lightning Dust, in the name of Princess Luna, I sentence you to die." He nodded at the two pegasus soldiers who had brought in the prisoners. The two soldiers bucked the cloud the prisoners were standing on, disintegrating it into vapor. Both prisoners fell toward the sharp rocks below, screaming and begging. The crowd roared in approval, and Soarin finally allowed himself a smile as he looked up at the stars. > XXXII Shining Armor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Say 'Pinkie Pie'," Pinkie said, her face brushing again the albino parrot's cage. Shining Armor chuckled from his seat in front of the Captain's desk. Seaswirl had been kind enough to allow them to use his cabin. They often took advantage of it to either get out of the sailors' way or plan their next move. "I don't think the bird can talk." Gabrielle said from the couch opposite the desk as she rolled her eyes. "And you'll get your nose bitten if you stand that close." "That's boring," Pinkie said with a pout. "Parrots are supposed to repeat." Shining shook his head. He rose and walked to one of the small windows in the back of the cabin. "I imagine the sun will be up soon. Coral Drifter told me we should be in High Roost come morning." "Now I remember why I never went back home," Gabrielle said with a groan. "I hate spending so much time on ships." "It could be worse," Shining said with a shrug. "At least the captain and the first mate are friendly enough. Plus, they let us use this cabin." The griffon sighed. "The two of you might be too quick to trust Seaswirl. There's something about him that rubs me the wrong way." Pinkie gave up on the parrot and walked to Gabrielle. "Trust me. Seaswirl is on our side. I can tell if a smile is genuine." She winked knowingly. "Is that why you trusted him with delivering a letter to your friend in Canterlot?" Gabrielle said. "Because you like his smile?" Shining sighed. This was an argument they'd had multiple times. After Pinkie figured out that Ambassador Antoine was responsible for Princess Celestia's murder, she naturally wanted to warn Rarity. Seaswirl offered to send a messenger, claiming he had the means to get the letter safely in Rarity's hooves. While Shining and Gabrielle had their doubts, Pinkie accepted without hesitation. "Let's not go over this again," Shining said before Pinkie could reply. He walked to the door. "I'm going outside to see what's going on. I feel like the sun should have been up by now." Pinkie frowned and accompanied him. "I don't like it either. I hope it's not something bad." It was easy to forget who controlled the sun and moon. Could this be a message from Luna? Equestria was already facing famine, and the Cloudsdale troops had shown willingness to burn civilian food stores. This could very well be her newest attack — create eternal night and force Blueblood to capitulate. No doubt Cadance would be asked to try and raise the sun. I wish I were there with you, my love. Shining, Pinkie, and Gabrielle found the deck eerily silent. A series of bright flames were visible off the starboard bow. Shining's eyes took a minute to adjust before he realized they were braziers illuminating a city. One particularly bright source of light appeared to be a lighthouse. He made sure his companions were still following him before finding Seaswirl, who silently observed the scene. "What's going on, Captain?" Shining asked as he approached the captain. Seaswirl smirked. "We've arrived. Welcome to High Roost." "And it's still night," Shining said. The captain nodded. "It was bound to happen. I'm surprised Luna didn't do it sooner, to be frank." Gabrielle's brow furrowed. "It only means we need to hurry up." "For starters, we need to dock the ship," Seaswirl said as he stared at the city in the distance. "It seems we're not the only ship who needs direction through this darkness. We're expecting guards to come by and give us directions." "Will this be a problem?" Shining asked. "I'd rather avoid attention." "We'll be fine," Seaswirl said with a dismissive gesture. "Just hide below deck if you're scared. Trust me, they don't have time to inspect us." "The darkness could play to our advantage," Pinkie said with her usual enthusiastic smile. "Easier to hide, and the soldiers will be too busy with all the coming ships to search ours." "I like the way you think," the captain said with a grin. Shining turned his attention back to the city. Like the stories said, it was built into a mountain. Various buildings were carved directly into the rock, although the details were hard to make out. Most of the illumination came from a large city at the foot of the tall peak. "It's more impressive in the daylight," Gabrielle said. Shining nodded absentmindedly. "So how much will we get noticed in there, being ponies?" "Actually, not that much," Gabrielle said. "The lower city houses a large donkey population, and quite a few unicorns, too. Unicorn magic is high in demand. You could pass yourself as a spellcaster for hire." Shining's brow furrowed. "I just hope they don't ask me to demonstrate. Outside of magical shields, I'm not all that skilled. Nothing like my wife or my sister." "We'll be fine," Pinkie said with a wink. "With Gabrielle's family and Captain Seaswirl's knowledge of the city, we'll get by." "I think the captain will be plenty busy with his ship, Pinkie," Gabrielle said. Seaswirl stepped forward. "Actually, Coral Drifter can manage things without me. I figure it's not every day I get to help rescue a princess. I'd like to come with." He smiled widely, displaying his golden tooth. "The more the merrier!" Pinkie cheered before anyone had a chance to object. "Flyers incoming!" A voice from the vigil at the top of the mast yelled. "That would be the dock guards," Seaswirl said. "You folks better hide below deck. I'll have somepony get you once it's safe." Shining nodded. "Thank you." Just as promised, getting into High Roost proved simple and straightforward. Soldiers escorted the Siren's Madness to the docks, then left the crew to their own devices. Once the ship was safely moored, the crew was allowed to unload their cargo. Shining, Pinkie, Gabrielle, and Seaswirl easily sneaked away from the docks and into the lower city. High Roost's docks led into a labyrinth of stone and clay houses tightly packed together. Soldiers were a common occurrence, but unlike in Equestria, they didn't go out of their way to make patrols as visible as possible. The deeper they went into the city, the quieter the streets got. Shining couldn't blame the citizens for staying inside when facing the prospect of eternal night. The mountain towered over them all the way to Gabrielle's family home. If the buildings in the lower city were small and modest, the impressive stone structures jutting out of the mountain were anything but. "That's where the wealthiest citizens live," Gabrielle quietly explained. "The mountain city is only accessible through flight. Griffons like to remind the donkeys and ponies that they own the city." Shining nodded. "I imagine that King Aurélien lives up there?" "His palace is at the very top," Gabrielle said. "I've never been there, but I heard there's an area surrounding it where dignitaries from other nations can move around without wings." "So if we want to get the Equestrian embassy to help us, we have to go up there?" Pinkie asked. Shining shook his head. "The ambassador is a friend of Blueblood's. He might well be in on the entire conspiracy." "Pfft," the captain said. "Who needs nobles and ambassadors when we have friendship, right?" He grinned at Pinkie, who answered with a smile. Shining frowned, but remained silent. "We're here," Gabrielle said as they neared a nondescript block of clay with a small window and a wooden door. It was nearly identical to all the other homes in the area. Gabrielle knocked twice. "I trust my family, and I think they'll be on our side. Let me do the talking though." Shining nodded just as the door opened, revealing a gray-feathered griffon with thick red fur and piercing dark brown eyes. His expression lightened up the moment he saw who was at the door. "Gabrielle! I didn't know you were coming." "Hello Basil," Gabrielle said with a warm smile. "I brought some friends from Equestria. We could use your help with something. Is Grace home?" "She's in the back, brooding our egg," Basil said as he motioned for the group to enter. "Please, come in." "Thank you," Shining said as they all stepped inside. As expected, the house was small, but warm. A few knickknacks were lying around, with a well-polished golden set of armor left on a central table. A stove and a pantry were at the back of the room. Apparently, it served as a kitchen as well as a dining room. Basil walked to an open passage at the end of the room, followed by Gabrielle. Shining led the rest of the group behind the two griffons. They arrived in another small room with a mattress in the middle and a straw cot onto which a female griffon with the same auburn feathers as Gabrielle lay. Unlike her sister's brown fur, hers was blond. "Gabrielle! I was so worried about you when I heard soldiers were going to Equestria!" "I'm fine, Grace" Gabrielle said as she walked forward and nuzzled her sister. Her expression quickly changed to a frown. "Things aren't well in Equestria though. The only reason I'm still alive is these ponies here. This is Shining Armor, and this is Pinkie Pie. This other stallion here is Captain Seaswirl. He granted us passage on his ship." Grace smiled at them. "Thank you all for helping my sister. I'm Grace, and you already met my husband Basil. I'd rise, but..." She slightly turned her body to show the egg under her belly. "Ohhh!" Pinkie said as she rushed forward. "Hi there little eggy." "Congratulations," Gabrielle said with a weak smile. "I know you've been wanting a kid for a while." "Thank you," Grace said. "And what about you? Where's Carter?" Tears welled up in Gabrielle's eyes, and Pinkie walked forward, placing a hoof on the griffon's shoulder. Gabrielle shook her head. Grace gasped. "Oh no! What happened?" Shining spoke up while Gabrielle accepted Pinkie's embrace. "Riots in Gale. After the initial battle between Luna's forces and the griffons at Ponyville, many ponies blamed all griffons for the deaths of their friends and family members." "I wish I could find these cowards and make them pay," Basil snapped. Shining sighed. "Most of them probably did. The Cloudsdale army conscripted the entire village soon after, and a lot of those ponies died in battle." Gabrielle gently pushed Pinkie aside. "Shining is right. The Equestrians were never ready for war. They're scared and confused, and Centurion Bouvier's forces are taking advantage of that." Basil frowned. "I know you don't like the military, Gabrielle, but I hope you're not saying what I think you're saying." "I am," Gabrielle firmly replied. "And it's not just about me not wanting to serve in the Griffingard legions. Crimes have been committed against Equestria, and I'd like your help in making sure that the guilty parties are brought to justice." Grace took a deep breath. "We should hear them out, Basil. We can decide if we want to help them after." "Fine," Basil said with a sigh. Shining nodded. "Thank you. Whatever happens, I don't want to put your family in danger. Now, we're here because we believe Equestrian national heroes are being kept in a place known as King's End tower." Basil frowned. "Good luck getting in there. The place is a fortress. Only the most dangerous prisoners are held in there. Rumor says that it was built by the Lodge specifically to hold dangerous magical creatures." "The Lodge?" Pinkie asked. "That's new." "The Lodge is the worst-kept secret in High Roost," Grace said. "It's a group of high-ranking nobles who plot to bring Griffingard back to glory. A lot of talk of the old wars with Zebrica, the conquest of Brayzil, that kind of thing. Old, wealthy names like the Claybornes, the Garciens, the Bouviers—" "Wait, Bouvier?" Shining said. "That's the name of the centurion in charge of the forces in Equestria. And isn't his wife part of the king's entourage?" "Alicia," Gabrielle said with a nod. "And yes, she is." "Both of them are prominent members," Grace said. Pinkie and Shining shared a knowing nod. "It all makes sense," Shining said. "A griffon secret society who wants to bring their nation back to the old days plots against Equestria. They murder one princess, capture another, force another one into exile." Pinkie gasped. "Oh no! Does it mean that Cadance—" "We have to stop this for her sake as well as everyone else's," Shining said, cutting off Pinkie. "How do we get inside King's End?" "Very few are even allowed in," Basil said. "Specific guards are assigned to it, and only members of the nobility and their escorts can go there. It's located on the other side of the mountain, and is fairly well isolated. Stories say that it was built there because that location is resistant to magic." "It's the crossing of magical paths," Seaswirl said. "It apparently makes most forms of magic difficult, and there're stories of some form of changeling artifact at play, making most magic impossible," When every eyes turned in his direction, he shrugged. "I read about it once." "Well, we need to get in," Pinkie said. "Grace, Basil, can we count on your help?" "You said they're holding an Equestrian princess captive?" Grace asked as she shifted her body on the straw cot. "Princess Twilight," Pinkie said, looking down at her hooves. "One of my best friends, and Shining's sister. They're also holding Rainbow Dash, another one of our friends." Basil and Grace shared a look. They whispered in each other's ears as Shining's group politely stepped away. After a minute, Basil stepped forward. "You can stay here for a while, but you have to leave before you make your move. As far as getting inside the tower, you'll need the help of someone who has access. I'm just a city guard — I can't help you there." "Do you know of anyone?" Gabrielle asked. "Even if it's just a rumor, anything will help." Basil scratched his chin. "Maybe. There's a guard who often drinks in a donkey bar nearby. Jenny's Trough, I believe it's called. I don't know her name, only that she's been hitting the bottle pretty hard. Some patrons have been complaining, but she's a decurion, so she pretty much gets a free pass." "Hmm, it's better than nothing," Shining said. "It's worth checking out. Pinkie, Gabrielle, Captain, you want to come with me?" "I'll stay here with my family," Gabrielle said. "I haven't seen them in a long time." "Understandable," Shining said with a nod. "I think it's a splendid idea," the captain said. "While you do this, I'll go talk to a few acquaintances. I can make a few subtle inquiries. I have a few friends in this city." Shining frowned. "We should stay together." "Come now," the captain said with a mock feinting expression. "You wound me. If I wanted to betray you to the guards, I would have done it already." "We can trust him," Pinkie said with a firm nod. "I know I'm right on this, Shiny." Shining shared a concerned look with Gabrielle but nodded. "Alright, let's see what we can learn and meet back here." Jenny's Trough was as depressing a watering hole as Shining ever saw. Around thirty patrons quietly drank themselves into oblivion. At least three donkeys were already passed out drunk in their own vomit. Each table sported one or more burnt out candles next to a still lit one. I suppose the prospect of eternal night is affecting drunks as much as anyone else, Shining thought as he observed the scene. "This place could use some cheering up," Pinkie whispered. "Not now, Pinkie," Shining said, his tone harsher than he intended. Pinkie's ears flattened, but she didn't argue. The crowd was split between griffons and donkeys, with a small group of unicorns sitting at the bar. None of the griffons wore military uniforms, so finding their target wouldn't be as simple as hoped. Shining turned again to Pinkie, who was studying the room with her eyes. Suddenly, she jumped and her tail flickered excitedly. "Oh! I know her." Shining tried to say something, but Pinkie had already rushed to a griffon's side in front of the bar. "Hi Gilda!" she called in the cheerful tone one would use when addressing a close friend. The white-feathered griffon, presumably Gilda, rose and stared at Pinkie with what could only be described as panic. "You... you shouldn't be here," the griffon said. Shining stepped forward. "Hold on. We mean you no harm." Gilda's eyes quickly traveled between the two ponies. "What are you even doing in High Roost, Pinkie Pie? Who's your friend?" Shining held back as Pinkie smiled. "We're here looking for a friend. Maybe you can help us?" "I can't," Gilda snapped. She took a deep breath and sat back at her table. "Now get out of here and let me enjoy my drink." She returned her attention to a lone glass of gryppa. Pinkie turned to Shining and raised an eyebrow. Shining gestured back toward Gilda with his head, opting to trust his companion's judgment. Whoever this griffon was, she was obviously afraid of something. "Gilda," Pinkie said as she sat next to her. "Do you have any idea what happened to Rainbow Dash?" "She's dead," the griffon said flatly, staring at her glass. "You might die too if you don't leave this city right now. There's nopony for you to save here." She picked up her glass and sipped its contents. Pinkie shook her head. "She's not. She's alive, and somewhere in this city." She placed her hoof on Gilda's claw. "Do you have any idea where she might be?" "You're insane," Gilda said as she pulled her claw away from Pinkie's hoof. "I saw Rainbow die at the battle of Ponyville. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to forget about this stupid war. Your being here is not helping. Just go spread friendship to the donkeys or something." Shining sighed and took a step forward. It seemed like this griffon would need an extra push. "King's End tower," he said as he sat next to the griffon. "Name ring a bell?" "It's a prison," Gilda said. "It's just where we drop magical creatures. There's nothing interesting there." She kept glancing at the exit, as if looking for an excuse to run away. "We were told one of the guards from King's End often drinks here," Shining pressed on. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about this?" "I don't know if you noticed," Gilda said as she rolled her eyes. "But this isn't the kind of bar where we go to chat and make friends. I don't care what these others do with their lives, and they don't care about mine." "But we care," Pinkie said with a smile. "We care about you, and we care about Rainbow Dash. Whatever has you down, we know you could use some help." Gilda sighed. "I'm not having your death on my conscience. Last warning. Get out and don't come back." Shining rolled his eyes and slammed his hoof on the table. "Enough with the self-pity. We can make our own choices, and we're not leaving without answers. Now, your insistence that we leave only makes you look suspicious. If Rainbow Dash really was your friend, don't you think you should do everything you can to help her?" "Shining's right," Pinkie said, placing a hoof on Shining's shoulder. Her gentle tone contrasted with Shining's harsher demeanor. "I don't know what happened to you. To be fair, everypony back in Equestria looks just as sad. We can't forget our friendship though." "I forgot how annoying you could be," Gilda said with a groan. "Fine, I'll tell you what you want, but not here. Do you have a safe spot where we can talk?" Pinkie and Shining shared a grin. "We do," Shining said. Gilda quickly looked around the room. "Alright, let's go. I just hope we're not being watched." They left and made their way through the dark streets back toward Grace's house. High Roost was eerily silent, the only signs of life being the candlelight flickers escaping some of the windows they passed. Shining trusted Pinkie's natural sense of direction to guide them through the small alleys. He still had a hard time recognizing one street from the other. He was tempted on a few occasions to start questioning Gilda. Just who was this griffon? She was obviously an acquaintance of both Pinkie and Rainbow. Once again, Pinkie was quick to trust her. The earth pony's judgment hadn't led them astray so far, but their luck couldn't hold out forever. They turned a corner Shining recognized. They would arrive soon, and he would finally get his answers. A sharp whistling sound made them all stop in their tracks. Shining turned his head to the right, only to find an equine silhouette in an alley motioning for them to follow. Shining shared confused looks with Pinkie and Gilda. "Quick, follow me," a familiar voice said. The silhouette stepped forward and was revealed as Captain Seaswirl. Shining's brow furrowed as he followed the captain through a dark and dirty alley. The group was led through pitch blackness in a zigzag of confusing back streets. "I wonder how many ship captains know the ins and outs of High Roost's slums," Shining whispered. "I'm full of surprises," Seaswirl said, a hint of pride in his voice. "Shhh," Gilda's voice admonished as they neared a source of light. The captain hid behind a large pile of garbage, and Shining followed close behind. He swore under his breath as he saw two guards standing in front of Grace's home. How much do they know? Has Gabrielle been captured? He turned his head back and shared a concerned look with Pinkie, who studied the situation with a deep frown. Hints of movement grabbed Shining's attention toward the house's small window. More guards were probably inside, either searching or questioning the family, probably both. The two soldiers at the entrance were deep in conversation, but Shining couldn't make out the words. After a few minutes, the door opened and two more soldiers left. One said a few words to Basil, and the four flew away. Basil sighed deeply and looked around the streets before frowning and closing the door. "I am not going with you in that house," Gilda whispered. "It's safe to say our safehouse isn't safe anymore," Shining said, straining to keep the anger out of his voice. "I hope they're alright," Pinkie quietly added. "I don't want Grace and Basil to get in trouble because of us." "Or Gabrielle," Shining said. "They haven't left with prisoners though, so that's good news." "Let's wait here for a few minutes, in case the guards are still around," Seaswirl said. "Once it's safe, I might have a warehouse where we can hide." "Why didn't you mention it sooner?" Shining said with a frown. Seaswirl was definitely hiding something. The captain shrugged. "Gabrielle seemed to have it covered." "Hold on," Pinkie said. "Look, someone's coming out of the house." The door opened to reveal Gabrielle, wearing a thick cloak. "Good, she's okay," Shining said, hearing the relief in his own voice. He stepped forward and motioned for her to follow them in the alley. Gabrielle looked left, then right, before running to them. "That was too close," she said. "Good thing Basil is well-liked within the guard. He managed to talk them out of searching the house." "What was that all about?" Pinkie asked as she hugged Gabrielle. "We were spotted," Gabrielle said. "They're looking for you two. I managed to hide in the basement, but we can't rely on my family anymore." "That's fine. Captain Seaswirl says he might be able to find us another hiding spot," Shining said. "Now, let's get out of here. We stick to the shadows, and try to avoid any more attention." I just hope I'm not making a mistake by trusting Seaswirl. There's something fishy about him. The group made its way to a district neighboring the docks, filled with buildings crammed together. Like many parts of the city, the entire area looked abandoned — another side effect of the unnaturally long night. Seaswirl led them to a large warehouse located between two almost identical nondescript stone buildings. He opened the door, revealing a dusty interior filled with barrels and crates. "Voilà!" Seaswirl said as he extended his hoof toward the poorly lit interior. Shining sat on a small crate. "Alright, this'll do. Before we begin, how safe are we here, Captain?" "We should be able to use this place for a few days. Let's just say the owner owes me a favor." Seaswirl grinned as he opened a barrel with his magic and picked a pear from it. "Anypony hungry?" Pinkie ignored the captain and turned to Gilda. "Alright. Now can you tell us what you know about Rainbow?" Gilda sighed. "It won't change anything. You lot can't help her." "Try me," Pinkie said with a determined glare. Shining had rarely seen her this intense. "Fine," Gilda said with a sigh. "I suppose you deserve the truth. Rainbow Dash is being held in King's End, like you thought. I volunteered to be one of her jailers so I could make sure she was well treated. Not that I managed to do much. Either way, everything that happened is my fault." She gazed downward as her tail whipped the air. "What do you mean?" Shining asked. Gilda took a deep breath. "During the battle of Ponyville, Rainbow got caught in a hailstorm and collided with some debris. I caught her and brought her to safety. I thought that no one would find us, considering the chaos of the battle. I was wrong." "Other griffon soldiers found you?" Gabrielle asked as she grabbed a pear from Seaswirl's barrel. "My commanding officer," Gilda said with a nod. "I was congratulated for capturing one of Twilight Sparkle's companions and tasked with taking her back to High Roost. We had a supply ship coming to our camp in the badlands. I took Rainbow there and she was loaded onto the ship." "And you never thought about running away with her?" Pinkie asked with another hard, accusatory stare. "I still have some loyalty for my people," Gilda snapped. She took a deep breath and averted her eyes. "Maybe if I had known what was in store for Rainbow, I'd have tried something. Still, she was taken back to High Roost by ship, and immediately brought to the tower. I was offered a posting of my choice as a reward, and I asked to remain with her." "That makes no sense," Shining said. "You're a griffon officer. You had to know what happens to prisoners. Actually, why even take pony prisoners back to High Roost instead of Canterlot? Didn't you ever stop to ask?" Gilda met Shining's glare. "Question my superiors? Is that something you do in Equestria? It was a battlefield, and I did what I was told. Maybe they needed hostages, maybe they wanted to interrogate her, I had no idea." She lowered her head and sighed. "Look, I regret it, alright. If I could have done things differently, I would have. It's too late for that." Shining grunted. "Fair enough, what's done is done. Hopefully you'll be able to redeem yourself." He took a deep breath. "You're still a guard in King's End?" "Yeah," Gilda said. "So you can get us in the tower?" Gilda threw her claws in the air. "Are you insane? This is one of the most well-guarded prisons in all of Griffingard. Almost no magic works in there, and only known soldiers are allowed inside." "And members of the Lodge," Gabrielle completed. "Good luck impersonating either," Gilda said. "The only way ponies like yourselves are going in there is as prisoners. There's actually a bounty on your head, Pinkie Pie. Not that you'd want to experience what they'd have in store for you." "Wait," Pinkie asked. "Why me?" Gilda sighed. "Because you're one of Twilight Sparkle's associates. This is the same reason they wanted Rainbow Dash. They almost got your friend Fluttershy, too. The supply boat coming in late is the only thing that saved her." She raised her claw as Pinkie was about to say something. "Before you freak out, I had no idea what they wanted with Fluttershy at the time. We found her in the desert, kept her in the camp, and then I was called to battle. I only heard about the plan to take her back once I got back to High Roost." "So Fluttershy is safe?" Pinkie asked. "As far as I know," Gilda said. "We were just keeping her from going back and warning Equestria of our presence." "She better be," Pinkie said with a severe glare. "Right now, I'm more concerned about Twilight," Shining said. "We heard rumors that she's also being held in King's End." His heartbeat raced at the possibility of finally finding his sister. Gilda nodded. "She's behind some crystal shield. I haven't seen anything like it before, and no attempt at breaking it succeeded." Pinkie's ears perked up. "Oh! Twilight's always been smart. That's good." Gilda blinked a few times. "You know what it is? How to open it?" "Of course, silly," Pinkie said with an innocent smile. "Keep that information to yourself," Shining warned. "I'd rather no one knows before we get to Twilight." Pinkie nodded. "Good idea. We'll free her soon anyways." Shining returned his attention to Gilda. "So what's going on exactly in that place?" "You won't like it," Gilda said. "King's End is a prison for ponies. Every single prisoner has either been captured during the war or is a unicorn criminal from High Roost. It's run by a centaur called Valerak. She experiments on the prisoners. I'm not sure what she's trying to accomplish, but I still have nightmares when I think of the remains I had to pick up after some of her experiments." "Are you serious?" Shining barked as he grabbed hold of Gilda and pushed her against a pile of crates. "Not only do they torture Equestrian ponies, they've been planning this? They built a prison just to experiment on us?" Pinkie's weak voice barely reached Shining's ears. "Why would they do something like that?" "Don't ask me," Gilda said, pushing Shining away and wiping his spittle off her face. "It's Valerak's experiments. That centaur's insane, if you ask me." "Wait, wasn't Tirek a centaur?" Gabrielle asked. She directed a severe glare at Shining as she moved between him and Gilda. "That's a name Valerak mentions a lot," Gilda said with a wince. "I think she idolizes him. Always mentions how she wants to recreate his magic." Shining took a deep breath to calm himself. "Tirek got his power by stealing pony magic," he said. "He almost took over Equestria that way." "Is this what they're up to?" Gabrielle asked. "They want to steal pony magic?" Gilda shrugged. "I don't know, and I didn't ask. All I know is that they want Rainbow Dash to tell them how to get rid of the crystal protecting your princess. I don't know what Valerak wants with Twilight, but I'm pretty sure it won't be good for her or any of you." "We need to get in there," Pinkie said firmly. "You said any member of the Lodge can visit?" "One of them comes once in a while to get progress reports from Valerak," Gilda said. "Duchess Alicia Bouvier." "I know who she is," Shining said. "Pinkie, what are you up to?" "It's simple," she said. "I want us to impersonate griffon guards and escort one of these Lodge members in the tower. We can free Twilight and Dashie once we're in." Gilda blinked. "That's ridiculous. Maybe, if by some miracle all of Duchess Bouvier's guards got sick or reassigned, I could pass off other griffon guards as her escort. In case you forgot, you're all ponies, except for Gabrielle here who might have been seen by the guards already." Pinkie nodded. "I understand. I think it should be doable." Shining sighed. "This isn't a game, Pinkie. You don't have that kind of magic. None of us do." "Really, none of you?" Pinkie asked incredulously. She took a deep breath and turned to Captain Seaswirl, who was still silently eating his pear in a corner. "This game was fun for a while, but we really need your help now." "Why, I don't know what you're talking about," Seaswirl said as he nervously looked around the room. Pinkie smiled. "Come on, you can't trick me." The captain rolled his eyes. "Oh fine. I always knew you were the smart one, Pinkie Pie." His horn lit up and a bright light blinded Shining. A second later, the captain was no more, and in his place stood a creature Shining never expected to see in this place. He erected a protective shield by reflex while both Gilda and Gabrielle took a defensive posture. "You got me!" Discord said as he threw his paw and his claw in the air. "You actually figured me out faster than expected. I should give you a prize." "What are you doing here, Discord?" Shining asked, an offensive spell at the ready. "Why, helping my friends, what else?" the spirit of chaos replied. "Although I'm not sure what Pinkie here expects of me." "Well, can you just teleport Twilight and Dashie out of there?" Pinkie asked, raising an eyebrow. "Tsk tsk," Discord admonished, waving one of his fingers. "What kind of friend would I be if I just solved all your problems for you? There's also the part where little magic works inside that dreadful tower of theirs. I'm afraid they wouldn't even make an exception for little old me." "Somehow, I have a hard time believing this thing blocks your magic," Shining sardonically said. "I don't care if you believe it or not," Discord said with a shrug. "Either way. I can give you two a griffon makeover if you want. I have no idea how long it'll last. That's the fun part about chaos: the surprise." "You better not be playing games with us, Discord," Shining said, directing a hardened glare at the spirit of chaos. "Come now, Shining Armor. Didn't Twily tell you how much of a good friend I am to her now?" He slithered to Shining's side and placed his arm around his neck. "It's our only chance," Pinkie said. "I trust you, Discord." "So, we can turn you two into griffons," Gilda said. "That doesn't solve the issue of getting you in. Bouvier already has her regular guards." "Who will all be terribly indisposed after a certain someone slips poison joke in the guards' food," Discord said as he summoned one of the blue flowers in his claw. "Stay away from the barracks' cafeteria for a few days, my dear," he told Gilda as he floated to her and scratched her underneath the beak. Gilda pushed Discord's paw away. "Alright, so assuming Alicia wants to go to King's End during this time, I might be able to pass you two off as her escort." "Actually," Shining said as the corners of his mouth perked up. "I imagine she'll be making regular trips there." "Why is that?" Gabrielle said. "The sun," Shining continued. "Think about it. She has a mad centaur studying pony magic, desperate to get a hold of an alicorn. She'll want her to find some way of controlling the sun, assuming that's not the goal of the whole project to begin with." "A lot of 'ifs' in that plan," Gabrielle said. "Don't worry, Gabrielle, you're not coming with," Shining said. "I don't know if you were seen or not at your family house, but I'm not risking it. Get back to the ship, and try not to be seen. Make sure they're ready to depart should we return. We might have to make a run for it." "I hope not," Gilda said. "Escaping one of the most powerful military ports in existence while under fire would be suicide." "We'll be fine," Pinkie said with a smile and dismissive gesture. "Worst case, we escape on hoof and get back to Equestria through the northern pass. Maybe we can find another ship, too." "I wish I shared your optimism," Shining said with a sigh. "It's the only plan we have though. Gilda, can I count on you to teach us griffon military protocol? We need to be able to play the part. Hopefully we can learn to fly in time, too." "It'll be just like wiggling your ears," Discord said as he snapped his finger. Shining shielded his eyes as a flash of light again overpowered his vision. When he opened them, he found himself staring at the leg he used to cover his eyes, still covered in white fur, but now ending in a sharpened claw. Just as Discord had promised, flying came relatively easily. Pinkie picked it up instantly and flew circles around the warehouse seconds after her transformation. Shining required a bit of adaptation, but eventually got the hang of it. Most of their time was spent learning military lingo and protocol. Shining and Pinkie had to learn how to fly in formation, stand at attention, properly salute, and how to address both members of the nobility and superior officers. This, Shining picked up easily. Pinkie had a harder time keeping herself from giggling through the exercises. Gilda left shortly after, as she was due to report for duty. Discord had already gone to execute whatever crazy plan his deranged mind had hatched up. As for Gabrielle, she left for the boat soon after their transformation. This left Shining and Pinkie by themselves in the warehouse, free to get accustomed to their still unfamiliar bodies. While Pinkie retained her bright blue eyes, her pink fur had been replaced by white feathers, although the ones around her head sported pink tips. The fur on her lower body was bright red. As for Shining, his fur remained as white as when he was a pony, although his head was now covered in well-groomed black feathers. Shining sat down in a corner, struggling with finding a comfortable way to place his tail. "This is just strange. I wonder if this is how Twilight felt when she got her wings?" "Cadance never told you how she got hers?" Pinkie asked as she unfolded her wings and looked them over. "She was a teenager when it happened," Shining said. "She was also born a pegasus, not a unicorn. She said it took her a few years to get a grasp of magic. A lot of unicorns barely use their magic. It must have been the same for her at first." "It comes with living around earth ponies," Pinkie said as she attempted to eat a piece of candy, struggling to move it around her beak. "A lot of unicorns and pegasi feel bad for us. It's silly, but I guess they're just trying to be nice." "Hmm, I never thought about it that way," Shining said as he scratched his head. He stared dumbfounded at his claw. "These are amazing for relieving an itch." "I know! I wish I'd packed some itching powder," Pinkie said. She giggled, but her expression soon turned more serious. She averted her eyes for a moment before facing Shining again. "I'm worried about Dashie; she's been in there so long. I don't know what the griffons did to her." "We'll get her out," Shining said. "But I'm not gonna lie. The stories I heard about griffon prisons aren't pleasant. We might not like what we see." Pinkie turned away and hugged her tail. "Dashie's strong. I know she'll be alright." Her voice was flat, lacking its usual enthusiasm. Shining sighed, trying to think of something comforting or profound to say. Nothing would come. "I suppose we should get some rest," he finally said. "I don't know how long it'll take for Gilda to come back." Pinkie nodded. "Goodnight, Shiny." "Wake up." Shining was shaken vigorously. He slowly opened his eyes and found Gilda's claw on his shoulder. "I'm up, I'm up," Shining said, his voice groggy and somehow unfamiliar. He panicked for a moment before remembering Discord had transformed him into a griffon. He brought his claw to his beak. "How do you get used to these things?" "The claws or the beak?" Gilda asked with a light chuckle. "Both," Shining said as he rose. Pinkie was already bouncing up and down with her armor on. "So what's the plan?" "Discord did it," Gilda said. "I don't know how he managed it, but most of the prison guards got sick from bad rations. I volunteered to take over as Duchess Bouvier's escort and spent a few hours escorting her around. Just as expected, she wants to visit Valerak. I conveniently expressed concern for her security, and suggested I bring some promising new recruits who know how to keep their mouth shut." "Well done," Shining said with a nod. "Put on your armor," Gilda said, throwing Shining a griffon breastplate. He tried to use magic he no longer possessed to levitate it, and ended up with the piece of armor hitting him in the face. Gilda smirked at his attempt. "You two are now under my command. Follow me, do what I tell you to, and don't speak unless spoken to." She turned to face Pinkie. "And no smiling. You're a soldier in the fourth legion, remember." Pinkie gulped. Shining could see the corners of her beak rising up as he finished putting on his armor. "We'll be good. Remember Pinkie, wait for the signal." Pinkie nodded. "Okidokey." They left the warehouse and flew upward to the upper city. Flying felt strangely liberating. If High Roost felt cramped and oppressive from the ground, the opposite was true in the air. Even in the dark, the various towers and ornate stone houses proved to be a magnificent display. This was a civilization that took pride in its ability to fly. While Cloudsdale required its citizens to walk on clouds, the upper district of High Roost forbade any mode of transportation besides flying. Doors lead to balconies where griffons could take to the skies. It took most of Shining's concentration to fly in formation with Gilda. Flying in the open sky proved more challenging than the controlled environment of the warehouse, with multiple distractions in every direction. If anything, Shining gained a new appreciation for stunt flyers like Rainbow Dash and what they trained for every day. Luckily, Gilda either took notice of his struggles or chose to slow down out of concern for the poor visibility. Either way, Shining silently thanked her. Gilda guided them further and further up in altitude. Shining found himself running out of breath as he had to flap harder and harder just to keep up. After a few moments, Gilda reoriented herself toward a particularly large stone and marble mansion deeply embedded into the mountain. They landed on a large balcony surrounded by tall white columns. Gilda saluted as two griffons walked forward. Shining and Pinkie mirrored the gesture. "Ah, here's my escort," a tall and lithe female griffon said in a distinguished voice. She wore a light pink dress over auburn fur and white feathers. "Remember, Centurion Garcien," she told the muscular gray-feathered officer with her. "I want your legion ready for the next phase of the Equestrian plan. We cannot afford delays." And that settles her involvement, Shining thought. If the griffons were willing to send more troops to Equestria, it meant they expected a quick resolution to the conflict. Otherwise, they would leave their border vulnerable to Zebra attacks for an extended period of time. I have to hurry and get Twilight back on her throne. The noble turned toward Gilda. "This is the best you could get for an escort, Decurion?" Gilda bowed deeply. "I can vouch for these two, Duchess. They are some of the most loyal soldiers to come out of training in recent weeks." "They'll have to do," Alicia said with a sigh. "Hitch them to my carriage and take me to the tower." "Yes Duchess," Gilda said before turning her attention to Shining and Pinkie. "You heard Her Ladyship. Don't make me regret trusting you two." They flew down a level and found a gold-plated carriage. Shining raised an eyebrow as he observed the contraption. "So, um, how do I pull this? We didn't train for it." "I imagine it's just like pulling a cart," Pinkie said as she hitched herself. "Pretty much," Gilda said. "Now hurry up. The Duchess isn't known for her patience." Shining fastened the leather strap around his body and tested its tightness before nodding at Gilda. They took flight and left the hangar. Just as Gilda said, it felt a lot like pulling a cart. Shining opted to follow Pinkie's lead as they landed the carriage on Alicia's balcony. "Don't worry, mommy will be right back," the duchess said. Shining's curiosity got the better of him and he turned his head, finding Alicia nuzzling a young female griffon's golden feathers. "I'm scared, mom," the little girl said. "When's the sun coming back?" Alicia smiled. "This is what your daddy and I are working on. Everything we do, we do to keep you safe." Shining straightened his head back before the duchess could notice him eavesdropping. Your mother is a murderer, he wanted to say. He kept his expression rigid and unflinching. He felt Alicia's added weight on the carriage as she stepped on. Gilda flew up. "Let's go," she ordered. Gilda led the way around the mountain, passing yet more buildings built within the rock. Eventually, they reached the other side, where the rocky falls made way to grassy slopes. A tall, circular tower stood by itself, only illuminated by torches on the roof. As they got closer, Shining saw that it had no windows or entrances of any kind, at least none that he could see. Gilda directed them to the roof. The air seemed heavier as they flew closer. The feeling was reminiscent of the magic inhibiting fields found in prisons where unicorn criminals were held, only multiplied tenfold. Shining gulped as they passed a patrol. They landed on a floor of gray stones that were strangely cold to the touch. A lone trap door was guarded by two soldiers, who saluted the duchess. "Wait here," Alicia said as she disembarked. Gilda shook her head. "With all due respect, Milady, I must request you be escorted. The tower is understaffed due to bad rations, and your safety is my main concern." "If you must," the duchess said with a sigh. "Take me to Valerak." > XXXIII The Prisoner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The droplets falling from the ceiling made for a peculiar melody. If the prisoner stretched her hoof forward, drops of water would wet her fur and the sound would change. She opened and closed her eye, but was met by darkness either way. Your name is Rainbow Dash, the filly's voice kept repeating. The prisoner held her head, wincing as she accidentally touched a cut left on her scalp by one of the interrogators. Perhaps it was all another trick. This creature, this centaur, had taken her cutie mark. She had taken everything. She could probably enter her dreams, too. Yes, it had to be a trick. Somehow, she wanted the secrets buried deep inside her head. Your name is Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo's voice said again. Could it really be her? Luna could enter dreams. Maybe it was all real? If so, then why were her dreams silent again? They can't trick me, I'm awesome. She bit her own hoof, her broken teeth hurting more than her flesh. Hope was not for this prisoner. It would only weaken her, let them break her. She bit herself again. Stupid, stupid pony. Don't let them trick you. The door opened with a loud creak. "You're biting yourself now? I can arrange a nice pony leg for your next meal if you play nice," Crackbeak's voice mocked with a loud guffaw. The prisoner stood motionless, her head down. Defiance would only be punished. "You're getting another audience today," Crackbeak said. "Hurry it up." He slapped her on the flank as an added gesture, forcing her to limp out of the cell. "I guess we can always chop off that leg and make you eat it," Crackbeak continued as he led her through the dark corridors. "It's not like you're getting much use of it. We should make it a game. Wanna lose a leg or a wing? We'll feed either to you as your first taste of pony meat." "P... please," she said. "Keep your whimpering for the duchess. Now hurry up before I really do rip off one of your wings." She was taken down an eerily familiar path, toward the end of the hallway. Once she arrived at the staircase, she knew what it meant; the creature would experiment on her again. The first time, her cutie mark had been taken. The second, she had been cut, examined, and tortured, all of it without a single question being asked. She gulped as Crackbeak pushed her toward the steps. "Get up there, you good for nothing idiot." She winced as she climbed the steps. This was always hard on her bad leg. She unfolded her wings slightly, but was quickly hit behind the head by the end of Crackbeak's spear. "I see you try to use those wings again, and I pull off your feathers one by one." The prisoner folded her wings back, remembering the last time her tormentors had plucked her feathers. She was brought to the room at the top of the stairs. The centaur was staring at her with a malicious grin. "Good, we can begin." A new griffon stood with the liar next to a closed door the prisoner had never seen opened. Her pristine, well-groomed white feathers and haughty demeanor stood in contrast with the grim torture chamber as she stepped forward. "You took her mark," the haughty griffon said. "Have you at least gotten anything out of it?" "Not yet," the centaur said. "It doesn't seem different from any of the other ones. I don't think this one has the magic we're looking for." "A pity," the haughty griffon said. She turned back toward the prisoner. "I want you to answer, and I want you to answer truthfully." "Of... of course," the prisoner said, keeping her head low. "Twilight Sparkle," the griffon said. "Do you know how to get her out of her crystalline prison?" "I don't know," the prisoner said, failing to keep her voice from shaking. "You're strong-willed," the griffon said as she walked around her. "Or incredibly stupid. My reports suggest both, actually. They also suggest you have a strong sense of self-sacrifice." The prisoner gulped. She closed her eye. She's trying to trick you. Just like the filly in your dreams. "Unfortunately for you, we no longer have the luxury of patience. Either you know how to give us access to Princess Twilight, or you're useless to us." You are Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo's voice resonated in her head. You can get out of this. "Silent eh?" the haughty griffon continued as she walked back in front of her. "No matter. Valerak here has shown some interest in dissecting you. I suppose we'll have to find another test subject. There is another potential target causing ruckus for our troops back in Equestria. Her name is Pinkie Pie, I believe? If not, I happen to know our allies in Canterlot are holding a certain Fluttershy for treason. I'm sure we could offer them something of value in exchange for her." Rainbow held her head with her hooves. "You lie," she said as she fell to the floor. She heard the griffon step away. Voices were speaking, but she couldn't make them out. She was dragged along the cold floor by Crackbeak. "Strap her to this table," the centaur ordered. Her remaining eye opened and she saw the liar standing next to the haughty griffon. Two other guards stood behind, one staring at her with bright blue eyes. What was it about those eyes? The guard's features loosened, and the prisoner lost track of her as the centaur's large red body blocked the path. "It should be easier for me to get the truth out of you when I don't have to make sure you stay alive," the monster said with a calculated grin. The prisoner failed to hold in her tears. Twilight, Scootaloo, I'm so sorry. She expected cold steel on her flesh, but instead, the centaur let out a feral scream. The prisoner looked up and found two claws holding onto the creature's neck from behind. "Hold on, Dashie. We're getting you out of this!" That voice... It's impossible! The prisoner was pulled down to the ground and Crackbeak struck her face. "You try anything and I'll break every bone in your body." He turned and faced the liar, who was flying and stabbing at the centaur with her spear. A second guard was holding onto the monster tightly, her feathers taking on a strange pink tone as she attempted to hinder the creature's movement. Another guard in the back was holding a blade to the haughty griffon's throat. "Commander Rainbow Dash," the guard yelled in her direction. "Snap out of it!" Your name is Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo's voice resonated again. "Decurion Gilda, stand down!" Crackbeak yelled as he flew up and grabbed hold of the soldier on the centaur's back. He pulled her aside and threw her to the ground. The liar was locked in combat with the monster while the second soldier gave her wings a few flaps and shoved Crackbeak to the ground next to the prisoner. The soldier turned toward her, gazing with hopeful blue eyes. "It's me! It's Pinkie! Snap out of it!" "You move a muscle and I make you eat your remaining eyeball," Crackbeak spat as he rose to his legs. Rainbow breathed in and out. Her heartbeat raced as she looked down at the fallen form of her tormentor. My name is Rainbow Dash. She jumped on Crackbeak and bashed his face with her hoof. "My name is Rainbow Dash!" She cried as she punched him again, and again, and again. "Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!" She kept beating her tormentor's face until her hoof bled. The crack on his beak opened, and a large piece of it broke off. Rainbow grabbed the broken piece and shoved it inside one of Crackbeak's eyes, prompting a satisfying cry of terror from the griffon. "How about that?" Rainbow yelled. "Do you want me to feed you your own eyeball?" "Dashie, stop!" a voice yelled as Rainbow was pushed away. "No! I won't go back!" Rainbow screamed as her entire body was shaken. "It's me! It's Pinkie!" Rainbow opened her eye and found a pink face staring at her with tearful blue eyes. "Please tell me you recognize me." Pinkie hugged Rainbow tightly. Rainbow remained motionless. The liar had impaled the centaur with her spear while the other guard was still holding the haughty griffon hostage. His features were slowly transforming. His beak was becoming shorter and a horn was growing on his head. "Is this a dream?" Rainbow asked. "No," Pinkie said. "It's real. We're taking you out of here." Rainbow stared blankly at the wall as she was tightly hugged. She spied Crackbeak from the corner of her eye, lying motionless in a pool of his own blood. The liar was staring at her, a strange smile forming on her face. Behind her, the guard holding the haughty griffon hostage had transformed into a white unicorn stallion. Shining Armor, Twilight's brother. After a moment of silence, Pinkie broke the embrace. "I don't understand," Rainbow managed to say. "It was Discord," Pinkie said. "He transformed us into griffons so we could get in here, and Gilda helped us." "She's a liar," Rainbow said as she glared at the griffon. "Everything that happened to me is her fault." She walked to the liar, to Gilda. "I should kill you like I killed Crackbeak." "Rainbow, no!" Pinkie pleaded as she rushed between Rainbow and the liar. "I don't know what happened to you in here, but you're not a murderer." "No one's killing anyone," Shining said as he stepped forward, right after he finished tying up his hostage. "And you didn't have to kill the centaur, Gilda." The liar scoffed. "Trust me. If you knew half of what she's done, you'd thank me for ridding the world of her. Now, can we free your princess and get out? There's still plenty of guards in this tower, and we can't take them all on." Rainbow turned around and spat on Crackbeak's body. "This one deserved it, too." Pinkie's ears drooped as she sighed. "Let's get out of here and get you better." The liar made her way to a thick wooden door in a corner of the laboratory, between a library filled with occult tomes and a table with a half-dissected pony rotting on it. "Your princess is in there." Shining walked forward and opened the door, Pinkie and Rainbow following him inside. This wasn't the first time Dash had been brought inside such a room, forced to stare at the frozen form of Twilight Sparkle. The voices of multiple interrogators resonated in her head at once. How can Twilight Sparkle's shield be broken? The liar turned to Pinkie. "I hope you know how to crack open this thing. Dash obviously doesn't know. She would have talked by now if she did." "She does," Pinkie said. Rainbow averted her eye. "What are you talking about? I've never seen this before." Yes you have, Scootaloo's voice said in Rainbow's head. "Remember," Pinkie said, placing a hoof on Rainbow's back. "Twilight told all of us after she got her wings." Rainbow gulped and nodded. All along, it was that simple, hidden in a part of her mind that refused to surface. A voice screamed in her head, but she ignored it. She limped to the crystalline shield and tears fell down her cheeks as she touched the surface with her hoof. "It's safe, Twilight. You can come out." Her voice was barely a whisper. "That's it?" Gilda said incredulously as Rainbow watched the purple crystal slowly dissolve. "It's a friendship shield," Pinkie said. "Any one of Twilight's friends can free her from it." "So all this time, you were protecting her?" The liar said. Rainbow didn't grace the liar with an answer as Twilight gently fell from the melting crystal. She opened her eyes. "Chrysalis... No..." she whispered as she came back to her senses. Pinkie rushed to their friend's side. "Easy Twilight. You're with friends." "P... Pinkie," Twilight said as Pinkie held her. Her eyes frantically looked around the room. "Where am I? Where's Chrysalis?" "The battle is over. You're in High Roost," Pinkie said. "You were held by the griffons, but we're rescuing you." "Wait, what?" Twilight groggily replied as she slowly rose. Her eyes opened wide with shock as they met Rainbow's. "Rainbow? What happened to you?" Twilight rushed to Rainbow's side, her violet eyes filled with concern. Rainbow took a step backward and averted her eye. She remembered how she looked. She was missing an eye, one of her legs barely worked, her mane was gone, and she was little more than skin tightly rotting on her aching bones. Her cutie mark was also gone, maybe for good. "D... don't look at me," she whispered. "What did they do to my friend?" Twilight said, barely containing the rage in her voice. "Easy now, Twily," Shining said as he stepped forward. "I'm not going to lie. A lot of horrible things have happened. Equestria is at war. For now, we need to get you out of here." Twilight gasped. "Equestria at war? Against the griffons?" She breathed heavily, staring at the wall a moment before she walked to Rainbow and grabbed hold of her head. "Did you let them torture you to protect me?" "The griffons manipulated everything," Shining said. "Blueblood and Luna have been at war for months. I'll give you all the details, but we need to escape this prison first." He looked down. "They even murdered Princess Celestia". Twilight stared at her brother as her chest heaved up and down. She ground her teeth, her eyes darting between Shining and Rainbow. "They're monsters, Twilight," Rainbow said. Twilight gazed at Rainbow a moment before nodding. She placed her hoof over her heart and took in a deep breath, slowly letting it out. "Okay. I assume you have a plan?" "We could take the carriage and make a run for it," Shining suggested. "Not gonna happen," Gilda said, shaking her head. "I don't know if you noticed, but there are patrols outside. We won't outfly them, not while pulling a carriage and with a wounded prisoner." "My magic isn't working," Twilight said, a hint of panic in her voice. "Most forms of magic are blocked in this place," Shining said. "I think they built this prison specifically for alicorns." "Well, let's get out of this room then," Twilight said. "Maybe we can figure something out." "That's the Twilight I know!" Pinkie cheered. "It'll be just like old times, right Dashie?" Rainbow jumped as she felt Pinkie's leg around her neck. She started to recoil, before she remembered this was her friend, and not Crackbeak looking to torment her. The group returned to the laboratory, and Twilight gasped in shock at its content. "What happened here? Did they experiment on ponies?" "They experimented on ponies, obviously," the liar said. "As to why, I have no idea. I know this big machine in the middle was used to suck off Rainbow's cutie mark. They used it on other prisoners, too." Twilight carefully studied the machine, from the electrified rods at the end to the giant glass receptacle containing a glowing, orange substance, to the various pipes linking everything together. "Well, at least giving everypony their cutie marks back will be simple enough." "It will?" Shining asked. Twilight smiled at Rainbow. "A cutie mark is an essential part of a pony. While it can be separated from said pony, it'll always be a part of them. All we have to do is break this jar, and everypony will get their marks back." A solid buck from Twilight broke the glass. The contents of the vial oozed out and evaporated into small balls of energy that flew in different directions. One went immediately to Rainbow, who found herself enveloped in a light blueish hue as she felt her strength return. Her coat even regained some of its coloration. "Thank you, Twilight," she said as she looked down at the lightning bolt that was now back on her flank. She smiled, the expression on her face strange and unfamiliar. "Do you feel better?" Twilight asked as she flew to Rainbow's side. "I'm not sure how to handle this." "I'll be fine," Rainbow lied. Twilight walked to a desk. She frowned as she passed the centaur's dead body. "Research notes," she said as she picked up a notebook from the desk. "It should give us more information about what was going on here." "Great," Gilda said as she kept glancing at the room's two main exits. "Now, how do we get out? All the prisoners getting their cutie marks back will alert the guards." "Before we do that," Twilight said with a frown. "What about the other prisoners? I won't let anypony else rot in this place." "I... I never saw any," Rainbow said. Gilda shook her head "Forget it. The way to the cells is too heavily guarded. We have to pass the barracks to get there." As if on cue, Rainbow heard noises from outside the door leading back toward her cell. Shining rushed toward it and locked it with a heavy wooden bar. "This won't hold them for long," he said. "We can't leave innocent ponies in this place," Pinkie argued. Shining Armor raised his hoof. "We have to. I hate it as much as all of you, but the only way we'll help anypony is if we escape, get back to Equestria, and restore Twilight to the throne." He sighed and turned to his sister. "Twily, once you rule in Canterlot, you can insist every prisoner be freed. You'll be able to pressure Griffingard, even ask for reparations." Twilight sighed. "You're right, Shining. So how do we get out?" The guards started banging on the door, making it buckle. Rainbow held her head with her hooves. "The only entrance I saw is on the roof," Shining said. "It's the only one that I know of," the liar confirmed. Rainbow took a deep breath and turned to the bound and gagged form of the haughty griffon. Even in this state, she looked like she could reduce Rainbow back to a whimpering mess with nothing but a look. Rainbow tried to ignore the sounds of the guards on the other side of the door and willed her voice to sound firm. "Would she know?" "Alicia?" Shining said. "Actually, she might." "Who is she anyway?" Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow. "Duchess Alicia Bouvier," Shining said as his brow furrowed. "She's one of the architects of your kidnapping, and of the civil war in Equestria." Twilight moved to the captured griffon and removed her gag. "Because we're in a hurry to escape, I won't ask you why you plunged Equestria into war, but mark my words: you do not hurt my friend or my nation without answering to me." She stared at Alicia, who still managed to appear defiant. "For now, answer me just one question: how do we get out of here?" The haughty griffon chuckled. "You can't. The guards will break the door any moment, and all your efforts will have been for nothing." Rainbow gulped and shook her head. Her eye found its way toward Pinkie, who offered a weak smile. Trust in Twilight. Trust in Pinkie. They're not broken like you are. They'll figure something out. "Ooh, what about this?" Pinkie asked, prompting every head to turn in her direction. She pushed a metal trapdoor just large enough for a pony or griffon to fit through. The liar rolled her eyes. "That's where Valerak dropped the dead bodies. I don't know what's down there, but I wouldn't want to find out. Maybe I can try to talk the guards out of bursting in? Tell them a sensitive experiment is under way?" "There's no heat, so no fire," Pinkie said as she stuck her leg in the hole. "A bit of a breeze though." "Wait, does it lead outside?" Rainbow asked. "Don't be an idiot," Alicia said as she rolled her eyes. "Do you really think we'd dump dead bodies outside? This is a disposal chute. It means what we throw down there is never seen again." "But how?" Pinkie asked. "That's actually a good question," Gilda said as she tapped her claw on her beak. "I always wondered." The haughty griffon grinned. "Have fun finding out." "One way to find out," Pinkie said with a smile. "I'll let you know if it's safe." With that, she jumped down the chute. "Weeeeeeeee!" "Pinkie, no!" Twilight yelled just as everyone gathered around the chute. "Well, so much for your friend," the haughty griffon said. Rainbow lay down and held her head under her legs. It was all for nothing. Pinkie probably just died, and the guards would come any moment. They would torture Twilight, and get everything they wanted. "Hey, it's cozy down here," Pinkie's voice called. "Pinkie?" Rainbow asked. "Does it mean we can get out?" Shining smiled. "I've trusted her instincts so far." He jumped into the chute. Gilda picked up the still bound haughty griffon. "Don't you dare, Decurion. I'm giving you a direct order to release me at once." "As you command," Gilda said with a smirk as she dropped Alicia down the chute. Twilight jumped shortly after. Rainbow limped to the opening. Whatever was down there, nothing could be worse than remaining a prisoner. She turned to face Gilda, the liar. "I'm going to kill you," Dash said. "Look Dash, I did a lot of bad things, and I probably deserve it. Can we just get out of here for now? You still need me." "It's not over," Rainbow said as she positioned herself in front of the chute. "You're just as bad as the rest of them." With that, she jumped down. She slid down a metal chute, scraping her skin in the process. She tried to use her wings to orient her fall, which achieved little given the pitch blackness and the lack of space. She fell into a large, dark cave. She unfolded her wings and hovered in the air, relieved that the reflexes from her old life hadn't completely left her. The only visible light came from Twilight and Shining's horns — at least they had their magic back. They stood on a cave floor, surrounded by piles of bones. It almost reminded her of her old cell, but it was so big. She couldn't even see the cave walls. "Where are we?" Shining asked. Twilight studied the bones. "I would imagine a monster's lair." "What kind of monster?" Shining asked Alicia as he grabbed her. "You'll find out soon enough," Alicia said, the shaking in her voice betraying her obvious nervousness. Rainbow landed next to Pinkie. "We can beat this thing, right?" "Of course, Dashie," Pinkie said with a wide, optimistic smile. "I'm pretty sure we're outside the range of the magic blocking changeling thingy they have in the tower, so we have Twilight's magic." Twilight averted her eyes. "Well, my magic is pretty depleted right now. I just got out of a fight with the changeling queen, remember?" Shining raised an eyebrow. "That was months ago, Twilight." Twilight sighed. "The spell I used was a stasis bubble. It's as if time didn't pass for me. The best I can manage for now are magic lights." A loud, guttural cry interrupted the conversation, "Meaaaaaaaat!" Rainbow gulped as she tried to pinpoint where it had come from. It resonated through every cave wall, as if they already were in the creature's belly. The image of the griffon butcher Rainbow had killed in Saddlefree woods flashed in her head. It had been so long, and yet she still clearly remembered her first kill. Rainbow huddled next to Twilight and Pinkie. Shining's horn lit up as Gilda took a defensive posture. As for Alicia, her eyes opened wide with fear. "What was that?" Shining asked, his voice quiet. "Sounds big and angry," Gilda whispered. A large silhouette rushed out of the darkness. A claw stretched forward and grabbed hold of Gilda while another slammed the ground next to the group. A one-eyed goat face roared ferociously at them. Its breath stank of rotten meat and its sharpened fangs were stained with blood and guts. "What the hay is that thing?" Shining asked as he attempted to push the creature away with a magical wall. "An arimaspi!" Twilight said a bit too excitedly for Rainbow's taste. "I always wanted to see one up close." Rainbow's vision blurred as she stared at the roaring monster. "It's gonna take me back." She shook her head and took a step backward. "I can't let it take me back." She flew up, finding the strength to will her wings to support her weight. She took a deep breath, and charged at the monstrosity. "Rainbow, no!" Twilight yelled as the creature raised to its back legs and batted Rainbow aside with a swipe of its claw. She scraped her skin as she fell to the rocky cave floor. Pinkie rushed to her side as Shining threw a magical ray at the arimaspi. It only seemed to bounce off its thick skin. Gilda, still being held in the creature's grip, attempted to strike the monster's claw with her spear, which only prompted the monster to slam her body on the ground. "Are you okay Dashie?" Pinkie asked as she held Rainbow's head. Twilight flew up and tried to distract the creature as Shining bucked one of its legs. Gilda was still trying to get back up and regain her senses. "It's gonna take me back," Rainbow mumbled, her eye glued to the spectacle. "It's going to eat them all and take me back!" Pinkie shook her. "We won't let that happen." "There is no escape from this prison," Rainbow continued, ignoring her friend. "They'll break all of you like they broke me." A smile formed on Pinkie's muzzle. "This is a prison," she quietly pondered as her attention turned to the arimaspi. "Wait here, Dashie. I have an idea." Twilight ducked another blow from the creature as it tried to step on Gilda, Shining's magical shield her only defense. Pinkie rushed in front of the one-eyed monster. "Stop! We can help you get out of here." The monster abandoned Gilda and turned on Pinkie. It picked her up as it roared, "Meaaaat," covering Pinkie in spittle. "You've been stuck in here so long you don't even remember what outside is like, do you?" Pinkie said as she winced against the arimaspi's grip. "They just keep throwing you bodies to eat. How long have you been down here?" The arimaspi stopped and blinked with its only eye a few times. "Out...side?" he mumbled, still holding Pinkie. Gilda flew up, but Twilight blocked the griffon's path and shook her head. Rainbow limped toward the group. "What are you doing Pinkie? That thing will eat you!" Pinkie shook her head. "He easily could have by now. Just like you, he's a prisoner." "Outside?" The arimaspi asked as it sniffed Pinkie. "Prisoner?" "Just like Dashie here," Pinkie said with a smile. She managed to free one of her legs and point at Rainbow, who winced as the monster stared at her. "I bet the griffons built their tower over your lair, or maybe they dragged you here. They blocked the way out, and have been dropping you food." "Escape," the monster whispered. Its features seemed to relax. "I promise, we'll help you escape," Pinkie said. "We want to escape too, don't we?" Twilight flew up. "That's right. The griffons have been holding me, too. If we work together, we can get out." The arimaspi placed Pinkie back on the cave floor. "Outside," it repeated. "Yes, we're going outside," Pinkie said. She extended one of her hooves. "Friend?" The arimaspi grunted as he turned around. Rainbow walked to Pinkie. "How did you do that?" "I remembered that this tower was used to trap magical creatures," Pinkie said. "Also, no one would want to live in a cave like this by choice, silly." "I think he wants us to follow him," Twilight said as the arimaspi walked toward the other side of the cave. Gilda massaged her shoulder with a grunt. "Are we really going to trust this thing?" Shining forced Alicia back up and brought her forward. "It's not like we really had a shot at beating it," he said. "No, you'd rather unleash it onto the unsuspecting city," Alicia said. "Because that's what will happen if you free it. Hundreds will die." "You should have thought about that before you trapped it down here," Rainbow said. "I won't let any harm come to High Roost," Twilight said. "Regardless of how you treated my subjects, Duchess, I won't stoop down to punishing yours." "You two can fight over it on the way," Gilda said as the group moved forward, following the arimaspi. Pinkie walked next to Rainbow. "Here, you can lean on me." Dash recoiled in shock. "Wha... what are you doing?" "Your leg," Pinkie said. "It looks like it hurts, so I'm helping you walk." "Oh," Rainbow said, averting her eye. As hard as she tried, she couldn't remember a time when she didn't have a limp, or when anyone stopped to help her. She still expected to wake up in her cell, with Crackbeak waiting to beat her. They followed the arimaspi to a far corner of the cave leading into a passage. The creature had to duck its head when crawling through it, resulting in a slower pace that gave Rainbow a chance to rest her crooked leg. She thought about flying, but still felt too weak to keep her wings going for longer than a minute or so. Unfolding her wings also raised an alarm in the back of her mind. Prisoners don't fly. The light coming from Twilight and Shining's horns was the only way they could see anything. Having lived in the darkness of her cell for so long though, Rainbow could have followed the arimaspi by sound alone. They kept going for a few minutes before arriving at a pile of rubble. Mushrooms grew all over large stones. "No outside," the arimaspi said. "Hmm, a cave-in blocked the entrance," Twilight said as she studied the rocks. "It looks like it happened quite a while ago, too." "So this was your plan?" Shining asked Alicia as he pushed her forward. "You created a cave-in just so you could have this monster get rid of evidence for you?" "We also kept it from destroying the city," Alicia said. "Arimaspi are smart enough to play along with plans like yours. Mark my word, its escape can only end in disaster." Pinkie hopped in front of the creature. "You won't hurt any griffons when you get out, will you? You'll just escape into the wild?" "Free," the arimaspi said. "No kill, just free." "See, he's just a big fuzzy boy," Pinkie said with a wide grin. Rainbow frowned. How could Pinkie act so carefree? Shining Armor stroked his chin. "We still have to figure out how to get out. I imagine our friend here already tried to move these boulders, and he's way stronger than we are." "You're right," Twilight said. "Even with my magic at full strength, I couldn't get us through this passage." Rainbow sighed as she gave her wings a few flaps. Would she ever be able to fly as well as she used to? She felt a surge of nostalgia for the open air. She gasped as a realization came to her. "Air," she whispered. "What do you mean, Dashie?" Pinkie asked. "Air!" Rainbow repeated. "We're breathing fine in here, so is the arimaspi. It means air is coming in and out. There must be a passage close by." Twilight flew up. "Oh my gosh! Rainbow, you're a genius! Of course, there would be an air vent somewhere. Probably a hole too small for an arimaspi to go through." "Or out of its reach," Gilda said. "This thing doesn't have wings. If we can find it, we can escape through it. Me and the princess can carry the rest of you." Pinkie shook her head. "We still need to help our friend escape." She motioned toward the arimaspi, who was scratching its head. In a way, this creature was closer to Rainbow than Pinkie or Twilight. None of them knew what true captivity felt like. None of them could understand. Rainbow probably looked just as monstrous to outsiders in her current state. Gilda sighed. "Look, we have a chance to both escape and make sure this thing doesn't destroy half of High Roost. I say we find the exit and bolt." "I made a promise," Pinkie insisted as she glared at Gilda. Twilight raised a hoof. "Let's find the exit for now. We can figure out the details after." Rainbow noticed a knowing smile being shared between Twilight and Pinkie. Pinkie hopped on the arimaspi's back, who surprisingly helped her up. "So, do you have any idea where the exit is? I promise you, we won't abandon you here." The creature nodded as it made its way back down the passage. It led them back to the main room, where it pointed at the ceiling. "Outside," it grunted. Just like Rainbow had gotten eerily familiar with her cell, the arimaspi knew his by heart. Rainbow could feel a slight breeze coming from the ceiling as she flew up. She shivered at the feeling of fresh air on her skin — another thing she had all but forgotten. "I'll go see where it leads," Gilda said. "The rest of you wait here." Rainbow groaned as she landed. Gilda was still the liar. Rainbow was about to say something, but Pinkie placed a hoof on her shoulder and shook her head. Shining Armor nodded. "Hold on, let me see your spear." His horn illuminated and the tip of the weapon took on the same blue glow. "Here, it'll help you see. Let us know if the path leads outside, and if we can use it to escape. We'll wait here." "Eh, thanks," Gilda said as she studied the glowing weapon a moment before flying into the darkness. "I didn't know you learned that spell," Twilight said to her brother. "It was pretty useful when patrolling at night with pegasus and earth pony guards," Shining said. Rainbow watched as Gilda ascended toward a crack in the rock. She slipped through it, having just enough space to crawl through. Part of Rainbow feared that this was the last they'd see of her. Another part worried she'd be back with more guards. "Well, we have some time while she explores," Twilight said with a sigh. "So, I want to know: how long was I trapped in that crystal, and what exactly happened in Equestria?" Rainbow gulped as she shared concerned looks with Pinkie and Shining. "Better get comfortable," Shining said. "This is a long story." Rainbow remained silent as Shining and Pinkie retold the tale of what happened after Twilight's abduction. Rainbow learned about Lightning's vicious raids, about the forced conscriptions, and about the countless deaths caused by both sides. She averted her eye when Pinkie talked about the eternal night. To think I had a part in all of this. Rainbow barely recognized herself when Pinkie told Twilight of her time in the Cloudsdale army. Twilight interrupted on a few occasions to ask for clarifications. She kept a straight, serious expression through it all, asking about the different factions and the individuals involved. She gulped or ground her teeth on a few occasions, but pushed Pinkie away whenever she approached her for a hug or some other form of comfort. Eventually, Twilight nodded. "Thank you for letting me know. I'll need some time to figure out what I want to do." Rainbow dared not move a muscle. All of it was supposed to have ended quickly. Go to Canterlot, then force Blueblood to give up the throne. Now, Equestria was stuck in a civil war, and Luna was refusing to raise the sun. The alternative, Princess Luna being dead, was too horrific for Rainbow to contemplate. "Are you okay, Twilight?" Pinkie asked. "No Pinkie, I am not okay," Twilight said with a level of intensity that made Rainbow recoil. She hovered over the group and yelled. "My failed attempt to raise the sun caused me to trap myself with the changeling queen. Now, I learn that countless ponies have died over a stupid fight over the throne. I'm as far away from okay as you can imagine!" Rainbow limped toward Twilight. "I'm just as much to blame. I should have listened to you, Pinkie. I should have taken you to Cloudsdale like you asked back when we met in Saddlefree woods." The arimaspi, who was sitting quietly in a corner, scratched its head. "Pony sad?" "It's too late to blame ourselves," Shining said. "If anything, we know that the griffons are to blame. Twilight, the research notes you grabbed will probably shed some light on a lot of things. What we know is that the griffons conspired to murder Princess Celestia and kidnap you. They probably convinced Blueblood to deny Princess Luna the throne as well." Twilight landed and pushed her brother aside so she could face Alicia, who was still bound beside the unicorn stallion. Rainbow walked next to her friend. "What you did to Equestria," Twilight said, "is unspeakable. What have we ever done to you?" "You personally?" Alicia replied, her tone as haughty and pretentious as it had been before she was captured. "Absolutely nothing. If anything, I pity you. You're the perfect product of pony society — so certain that values like friendship and honesty somehow grant you dominion over the world. I abhor you no ill will, Twilight Sparkle. I only wish for my people to return to glory. Your nation's control of nearly everything in this world is an obstacle to that." "Griffon greed," Rainbow spat. "I should have known." "I don't get what's so great about the glory days of Griffingard," Pinkie said. "It's like the time King Grover tried to unite Griffingard with some stupid idol after one of his pointless wars with Zebrica, only for that same silly idol to get stolen." Twilight blinked a few times. "That's surprisingly accurate, Pinkie." She returned her attention to Alicia and frowned. "If you had grievances, I would have been more than happy to listen to them. Princess Celestia would have been willing to do just as much." Rainbow gasped at Twilight. "You're not going to forgive her, are you? Look at what she did to me!" "We're taking her back to Equestria," Twilight said. "I still have to decide what I want to do. This cave isn't the place for that." "It'll be okay, Dashie," Pinkie said. "We got Twilight back. Things can return to what they used to be." No they can't, Rainbow thought, although she didn't have it in her to argue with Pinkie. "Awww, how touching." Every head turned toward the sound of the sarcastic voice. Rainbow felt a prickle on the back of her neck as she heard the liar's voice; Gilda was hovering over the group, still holding the shining spear. "I take it by your satisfied expression that you found a way out," Shining said. Gilda nodded. "It's a long crawl, but there's a crack large enough for a pony or griffon to fit in, and it leads to a ledge. All of us should be able to get out." "All of us?" Pinkie asked raising an eyebrow. Gilda scoffed. "If you're talking about your monster, you can forget about it. Even if he could fit, which he can't, we wouldn't be able to fly him up there." "Then we find another way out," Pinkie said, glaring at Gilda. Her voice was firm. "I made a promise, and I'm not breaking it!" "Don't be ridiculous," Gilda said as she landed. "This is the only way out. We won't find another one." Shining sighed. "Gilda may be right, Pinkie. If anything, we can see about returning later." "No outside?" the arimaspi said. "We'll find a way," Pinkie said with a hopeful smile. "Maybe if we wait for my magic to return," Twilight suggested. "I might be able to break some of these rocks and dig our way out." "Even you aren't that powerful a magic user, Twily," Shining said. "Celestia might have been able to pull it off, given a few days. That's not even counting the danger of a cave-in. As things stand, we need to hurry and get you back on the throne. We have a war to stop. Then we'll be able to worry about this prison." Rainbow turned to Shining. "Being left alone in a place like this," she said. "It's not right. It breaks you." The arimaspi suddenly looked more real than any of the ponies present. None of them could even begin to understand. "We'll have to come back for him," Twilight said. She took a deep breath and flew up in front of the creature. "Listen. This crack is too small for us to take you out, but if we do leave, we can find some way of sending help." "No outside?" the arimaspi said again. Twilight shook her head. "Not yet, but as soon as we can." The arimaspi picked up Pinkie and held her in front of its singular eye. "Pony promised." Pinkie nodded. "And I'll keep my promise. We'll get you out of this. It might be hard for you to believe me, but we have friends outside. One of them in particular might be able to get you out." "Oh, right," Shining said. "I suppose Discord could handle this." "Great," Alicia mumbled. "Now we'll have two dangerous creatures roaming around High Roost." "We could feed him the duchess," Rainbow said. "It might make the wait less painful, and she deserves it." "Meat?" "Absolutely not," Twilight said, her brow locked in a frown. "She'll be given a fair trial in Equestria." "Fine," Rainbow said with a sigh. "Alright, we've wasted enough time," Gilda said as she picked up Shining Armor. "I'll lift you all up to the crack. From there, we'll have to crawl up to the surface. It shouldn't be too bad." It took a few minutes for the entire group to reach the crack. As Gilda said, it was just large enough so they could crawl in single file. Between Twilight and Gilda, they had been able to carry everyone up to the passage. Rainbow wanted to help, but her beaten body was still too weak. Simply flying up by herself proved demanding. At least she didn't have to rely on her crooked leg to support her while she was in the air. Crawling up the crack took the longest. Rainbow was second in line, behind Shining Armor. She could see the night sky opening up at the other end. Tears welled up in her remaining eye as the stars got closer. It's the sky. I barely remembered what the sky looked like. She smiled as the first hints of fresh air brushed her face. The upward crawl proved more demanding as time went on. The rocky surface kept chafing her skin, and she winced whenever she accidentally put weight on her crooked leg. She almost lost her footing on a few occasions, but kept on going through willpower alone, knowing she was closer to freedom than she would ever have imagined possible. Once she reached the end, she hoisted herself against a moss-covered rocky formation with Shining's help and saw the starry sky meeting tall peaks. She was high above the land, with only a small stretch of mossy rocks onto which to stand before a long drop. Mountains spanned the scenery as far as the eye could see, with an endless expense of water stretching out to the right. A few lights near the ocean marked villages. No doubt High Roost itself was behind her, on the other side of the mountain. Rainbow closed her eye and took in the fresh night air. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she extended her wings. If only she had the strength to fly. She felt a hoof on her shoulder and opened her eye. Twilight was smiling at her. "I never thought I'd see the sky again, Twilight." Twilight huddled close to Rainbow, the two friends sharing a smile as they stared at the night sky. > XXXIV Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open curtains revealed the moon shining through Rarity's windows. She gently rubbed her swollen belly, contemplating her unborn foal's potential future. It had been three days since the sun last showed its rays. The rumor around Canterlot spoke of a final warning from Princess Luna. The war would only get bloodier, as her husband categorically refused to reopen negotiations after the Manehattan fiasco. Rarity could hardly blame him. They had showed up with good intentions, wanting nothing more than to negotiate in good faith. Yet Fancy Pants, one of the few ponies she thought she could trust, betrayed her. His words still resonated in her head whenever she closed her eyes. If you knew what the griffons did to Rainbow Dash, you would do the same as I did. Rainbow Dash was dead. Multiple sources claimed they saw her ripped apart by a hailstorm during the battle of Ponyville, only for her body to be swept off by debris afterward. Was that what Fancy had meant? That she died a brutal death in battle? That couldn't be it. Her demise was a well-known fact; it wouldn't make an intelligent pony like Fancy change his mind that easily. What if Rainbow didn't die on the battlefield? The question kept coming back to Rarity. Rainbow's body was never recovered. Rarity had always shrugged it off as the damage being too extensive. Some soldiers died deep in the Everfree, or were buried under so much debris their bodies could never be recovered. There were even cadavers mutilated beyond recognition. A true account of casualties had proven impossible to tally. But then, what if the griffons had captured Rainbow? Rarity already suspected them of having captured Twilight, and Fancy seemed to agree. Had Princess Luna somehow found proof of this? Perhaps she shared it with Fancy? If that was the case, why not share it with her as well? The answer forced itself to the back of her mind. He doesn't trust me anymore. Even in his eyes, I now belong to Blueblood. In fact, why should anyone trust her? What had she accomplished in Canterlot? She sat the throne, but merely as a figurehead. Blueblood and Silvermane still called most of the shots, and Ambassador Antoine constantly whispered advice in her husband's ear. Yes, she managed to save a few prisoners from execution and negotiate some semblance of authority for Applejack. In the end, Ponyville was facing forced conscription, soldiers were still dying by the hundreds, and her efforts to negotiate peace only created more violence and distrust. It had even thrown Manehattan, the only neutral Equestrian city, straight into the war. Rarity sighed as she rose to her hooves. The castle and the city below were eerily quiet. Ever since the sun had stopped rising, ponies were afraid to leave their homes. A few determined souls still kept their businesses open, but the rare customers they got only bought the bare necessities. The recruitment offices, in contrast, kept busy. Desire to see the sun return proved to be a strong motivator for ponies to volunteer for the army. They all seemed to forget that only Princess Luna could control the sun and moon. Multiple messengers had been sent to the Crystal Empire, but Princess Cadance assured them that she was as powerless as Twilight had been. Blueblood kept yelling at Starflare to come up with an answer. So far the finest minds in Canterlot couldn't make heads or tails of the multiple failed attempts. The war was lost. All it could bring was more death and suffering. Whatever the griffons' plan was, it was succeeding. Could they have found a way to raise the sun? Perhaps it was their plan all along: eliminate anyone else capable of it, so they could announce themselves to the world as its saviors. Rarity considered going out for a stroll, but decided against it. She barely ever left her quarters anymore. She often used her pregnancy as an excuse to feign sickness and avoid social functions. She couldn't stomach smiling at well-dressed dignitaries and eat extravagant meals while the ponies she was supposed to protect suffered. A knock on the door interrupted her grim introspection. "Enter," she said with a loud sigh. The door opened, revealing Sapphire Blitz. "I'm sorry to disturb you, Milady," Sapphire tentatively said, "but there's a, well, a rather odd messenger from Baltimare who insists on seeing you." Rarity's brow furrowed. As far as she knew, none of her acquaintances were currently in Baltimare. "Fine, send this messenger in." Her mane was in horrible condition, and she didn't even have her makeup on, but she didn't care. Sapphire stepped inside, accompanied by a pink earth pony mare with a curly purple and white mane who excitedly looked all around the room. Rarity could not even attempt a guess as to what the ball and screw on her flank meant. "Ooh, fancy," the messenger said. "But is it tasty?" "I... do not believe that it is?" Rarity said. She cleared her throat "You asked to speak with me?" "Oh, yes," the messenger said as she jumped up and down. "You're Rarity, right? Pinkie Pie's friend?" "Indeed I am," Rarity said with a hopeful smile. She hadn't heard from Pinkie in months. Could this finally be good news? The mare took a letter out of her saddlebags. "Message for you." "Thank you," Rarity said as she grabbed the sealed envelope with her magic. "Is this from Pinkie?" "I think so," the messenger said, scratching her head. "Say, are you going to open it? I've been curious all the way about what's in it." Rarity raised an eyebrow, but opted to open the envelope. It certainly wouldn't be all that surprising that Pinkie would hire such an odd pony. Hopefully the letter contained good news. She made sure the seal hadn't been tampered with before she cracked it open. Hey Rarity, I hope life isn't too bad for you. I have good news. I'm going to rescue Rainbow and Twilight with Shining Armor. I don't wanna say too much, in case some meanie pants reads this letter, even though it's not polite to read somepony else's mail. Either way, just hold on tight. We'll get the gang back together soon, I promise. That's not why I wrote you this letter though. You know the tea Celestia enjoyed so much? She kept a box of it in her quarters. Well, it was a gift from Ambassador Antoine! He's been supplying it to her directly from High Roost! I talked to the ponies who shipped it to Equestria. There were entire crates of it, but specific boxes were reserved for the princess. I just know Antoine ha had it poisoned! He's the one who killed her! Just, be careful around him. The griffons have done some really bad things, but not all of them are mean. Some are just trying to be nice. Antoine and his soldiers though, they're rotten. They captured Rainbow and are keeping her in High Roost. I don't know what they're doing to her, but I've heard it's pretty bad. Your friend, Pinkie Pie. P.S. Don't tell anypony about this letter. I'm on a top-secret mission that nopony must know about. Rarity gasped and almost dropped the letter. She read it a second time to be certain. What Fancy Pants had said was true; Rainbow Dash was being held by the griffons, and something awful was being done to her. She forced a smile as she remembered her assistant was staring at her alongside the messenger. "Sapphire, please provide this messenger with a meal, a place to sleep, as well as suitable payment for her services." "Wait, what does the letter say?" the messenger asked. "Just some personal matters, nothing exciting," Rarity lied. "Sapphire, I will require your services again later, please make sure to be available." "Of course, Milady," Sapphire said with a bow. "If you'll accompany me, Miss?" "Screwball," the messenger said as she bounced after Sapphire outside the room. Rarity let go of a breath the moment the door was closed. Antoine had Celestia assassinated. His nation also kidnapped Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. Chrysalis claiming the griffons were guilty was one thing, but when both Fancy Pants and Pinkie Pie swore that it was the truth, then it couldn't be ignored. While no definitive proof had been found, too many trails lead to the griffon ambassador for there to be a coincidence. Antoine, however, couldn't have acted alone. He had to have accomplices in Canterlot. A frown formed up on Rarity's muzzle. The most obvious one would be the pony who invited the griffon army to Equestria to begin with. The pony who was known to be Ambassador Antoine's close friend: her husband, Prince Blueblood. Rarity walked to her fireplace and threw Pinkie's letter into the fire alongside the envelope. She couldn't risk anypony learning its contents, at least not yet. She took a deep breath before returning to her chair in front of the window. All she needed was proof. If she could find irrefutable evidence pointing to the various guilty parties in this conspiracy, none of them could attempt to deny Twilight the throne once she returned. In the worst case, should the unthinkable happen, Rarity could use the same information to at least keep the potential traitors away from the throne, including her own husband. She grimaced at the prospect, trying not to think of what it would mean for herself, being the wife of a traitor. She kept observing the scenery outside. Thick clouds gathered over Canterlot. The weather pegasi had once explained that this was due to both Cloudsdale's absence, and the continued use of weaponized weather by troops from both sides. The same excuse had been given for the unwanted snow that now covered all of Equestria. Rarity rose and walked to her sewing machine. She'd been working on a new dress whenever she needed time to think. Now was as good a time as any. She absentmindedly stitched pieces of fabric together as she considered her options. She would have to act fast, but also be thorough. Her attention to detail and experience as a business owner would serve her well here. Sapphire returned after about an hour. Rarity immediately invited her in. "I take it everything went well with our guest?" "I believe so?" Sapphire said as she scratched her head. "She proceeded to lick every piece of furniture in the guest room I assigned to her, but she otherwise seemed satisfied with it." "I won't ask," Rarity said. "Either way, I have a task for you. One that requires a great deal of secrecy." "I can be quiet," Sapphire said with a knowing smile. "Good," Rarity continued with a nod. "I will need all the records of Ambassador Antoine's activities since he arrived in Canterlot. The events he attended, the servants working for him, any aides working under him, any friends he made. Kibitz always claimed that nothing ever got past Canterlot's bureaucracy. It's time to put his claim to the test." "May I ask why?" Sapphire asked, one of her ears twitching. Rarity shook her head. "Not now. Once I find what I'm looking for, then perhaps." She paused. "I might also ask you to look into the activities of other individuals in the coming days. Some of my requests may shock you, but you have to understand that Equestrian security may be at stake. I'm placing a lot of trust in you, Sapphire, but I know that I can count on you. "I'll be sure to prove worthy of your trust, Milady," Sapphire said. "I'll be discreet." She started to leave, but Rarity raised a hoof. "Oh, one more thing, I'm particularly interested in the activities Antoine shared with my husband, both before and after our marriage. Also, feel free to take what bits you need from my personal treasury should you need to convince the record keepers to keep this business quiet." Sapphire bowed again with a smile. "Nopony will know. With your permission, I will also let your husband know that you are indisposed again, due to the pregnancy." "Perfect," Rarity said. She allowed herself a satisfied grin. It took the better part of three days, or at least a length of time that would be three days if the sun still rose, to go through all the documents Sapphire had brought Rarity, which detailed not only Antoine's activities, but his staff's as well as her husband's. Her meals were being taken to her quarters, and on two occasions she had to refuse visits from Doctor Shimmerheart. Blueblood himself had even asked to see her. He expressed his concern to Sapphire, who relayed the message. Whether it was all an act or he had really grown fond of her, she couldn't let herself be distracted from her task. Between Kibitz's obsession with record keeping and Silvermane's obsession with information, Canterlot generated a lot of paperwork on the comings and goings of foreign ambassadors. Most of it was cleverly inserted into financial records. Such expenses gave a clear picture of the ambassador's activities, as well as who he spent his time with. Even the names of the servants employed at every function he attended were clearly documented. As expected, Antoine spent a lot of time with Blueblood, from before Celestia's illness all the way to the present day. They mostly attended public events, such as galas or the opera. They both seemed fond of private balcony suites. While it could mean they'd want to conspire without being disturbed, it was also normal behavior for individuals of their stature. Rarity groaned and slammed her head on her desk. The ambassador was too smart to leave a visible trail. There were records of him treating dozens of nobles to dinner, soliciting favors all over Canterlot. How many of these were conspirators was a mystery. The ambassador had even invited Rarity herself to the theater once. He had been nothing but polite, only asking the then newly-crowned princess to consider lifting a ban on leather imports to Equestria. She'd refused, of course, but he took her refusal with grace. If Antoine did anything suspicious, it had to go through servants, the same way Rarity relied on Sapphire to fetch documents for her. Doing it herself would bring unwanted attention to her activities. She rose and looked through a different pile of documents. More precisely, the pay slips for everyone in Antoine's service. She grabbed the paperwork about Blueblood's staff as well, just to be on the safe side. While none of this would cover bribes, it could still shed some light on their activities. She spent hours going through it all until the names and numbers all seemed to jumble together. She was falling asleep when a knock on the door preluded Sapphire entering the room. "Your soup, Milady." Rarity groggily massaged her temples. "Oh, thank you Sapphire. Perhaps eating will help me concentrate through this." Sapphire stood next to the desk and raised an eyebrow as she observed the mess of paperwork. "Well, here's somepony I haven't seen in a long time." Rarity's head perked up. "Hmm? Who?" "This name right here," Sapphire said as she pointed at one of the sheets. "Tidy Trim. He used to be Prince Blueblood's personal butler, followed him everywhere. A competent servant, I never understood why he got laid off." "Laid off?" Rarity said. "Whatever do you mean? This form shows the servants who were payed last week." Sapphire raised an eyebrow. "That's impossible. I firmly remember the Prince firing him shortly after Princess Celestia's death." "And yet he's still on the payroll," Rarity pondered. "Are you on to something, Milady?" "I might just be," Rarity said as she stared at the form. "If Prince Blueblood fired this Tidy Trim, but still pays him, it could mean he knows something. My husband would never continue sending money to a butler who offended him." She stood up. "I believe it's time I finally got out of this room and visited the city." "Are you certain that's wise? Going out in the cold in your condition might not be safe." Rarity rolled her eyes. "I'm pregnant, not dying. Please have Sergeant Legerity report to my quarters. I will leave right after I finish this soup and have made myself presentable." After extensive protest from Legerity, Rarity opted to head into the city on hoof. Using the royal carriage would only draw unwanted attention. While she could easily make up excuses as to why she locked herself in her quarters to review financial records, being seen visiting Tidy Trim would easily give away her true goals. She sneaked out through one of the castle's back doors, Legerity and herself wearing nondescript dark blue winter cloaks. Legerity led Rarity all the way to the lower city, where Tidy Trim was reported to reside. She found a small house tightly sandwiched between two other residences. She walked toward the door, but Legerity blocked her path. "Allow me to make sure it's safe, Your Highness." Rarity sighed. "If you must." The door cracked open after a few knocks from Legerity. "Who are you? What do you want?" a nervous stallion's voice asked from the other side. "Tidy Trim? We have some questions for you," Legerity said, a harsh severity to her tone. "Whatever it is, I didn't do it." the shaking voice said. Rarity took a deep breath and stepped forward. "Nopony knows we're here yet. If you tell us everything we want to know, we might just be able to keep things that way." The door opened a bit further and a pair of golden eyes opened wide as Rarity smiled widely. "Y... Your Highness?" he said with a gulp. "May we come in?" Rarity asked. Tidy Trim sighed. "Of course." He nervously brushed his pink mane with a gray hoof as he opened the door with his magic. Legerity entered the small house first and quickly looked over the room before nodding at Rarity, letting her know that it was safe to enter. The place was well-maintained, in better shape than most homes in the lower city. The room Rarity found herself in was a small study, complete with two couches, a small table, and two large bookcases. A voluminous tome was left open on the table. Rarity moved the cover so she could read the title. "Nightmare Moon: A Complete History. Interesting choice of topic," she casually observed. Tidy shook as Rarity walked around the room. "May I... May I offer you some refreshments, Your Highness?" Rarity raised her hoof and smiled. "That won't be necessary, I don't expect I'll bother you for long. Why don't we take a seat?" She spoke pleasantly as she motioned toward one of the sofas, herself sitting on the other. A tip from Legerity's head made Tidy walk forward and sit, although he kept a straight posture and his eyes remained trained on Rarity, who levitated a small mirror from her purse and quickly rearranged her mane. Tidy kept shifting on his sofa. "You were my husband's butler?" she asked casually. "Y... yes Your Highness, I was." "And yet he fired you. Were your services no longer satisfactory?" "I accidentally spilled some wine on his carpet," Tidy mechanically replied. "Ah, an unfortunate accident," Rarity said, keeping her voice as pleasant as she could despite Tidy's obviously rehearsed answer. "And yet, he seemed to have partly forgiven you, given how you are still receiving a salary." "Oh," Tidy continued, nervously glancing toward Legerity. "I admit, it was a mistake, and I never reported it. I figured as long as nopony noticed, there was nothing wrong in collecting the pay, right? I'll... I'll pay it all back, I promise." Rarity waved her hoof dismissively. "Nothing to worry about. I'm sure my husband had a good reason to allow you to continue receiving your salary. In fact, judging by the pristine state of this room, I'm surprised he let you go. I might well take you into my service." "I... I would be honored, Your Highness," Tidy said with a weak smile. "There is one matter that irks me though," Rarity continued as she casually adjusted her mane. She turned her attention back to Tidy and gazed severely into his eyes. "I insist that everypony working for me be completely honest. Any foal could see through the lies you just told me. Now, let us try this again. Why did my husband fire you, but kept paying you? It's not a detail he'd overlook, so he obviously wants you out of the way. I'm curious as to why that is, as you can surely understand." Tidy gulped. "If I tell you, will you let me go?" "I will keep you safe," Rarity said with a firm nod. Tidy took a deep breath. He eyed Legerity one more time before gazing downward. "I suppose it's no use hiding anymore. I was Blueblood's personal servant for years. I overheard a lot of things, and was privy to multiple conflicts between His Highness and Princess Luna, especially during Princess Celestia's illness." "It was never a secret that the two didn't get along," Rarity said. "What isn't known is that the night Princess Celestia died, Prince Blueblood came to me and asked if I could be trusted to keep a secret." Rarity nodded again. "So, he did confide in you." Tidy shook his head. "He never told me why, but it was easy to figure out. He gave me a small satchel of herbs and told me to plant it in Princess Luna's quarters. I was told that I would be leaving his service afterwards, but would be well compensated. I would still receive my salary, as well as a considerable bonus once it was safe to pull that much money from the treasury without raising attention." "Moontears," Rarity whispered to herself. She returned to her pleasant demeanor as she smiled at Tidy. "One last question. Did my husband meet with anyone in the weeks prior to Princess Celestia's demise? Any secret meetings you were not allowed into?" Tidy nodded. "He regularly visited Princess Celestia as well as Doctor Shimmerheart. He was visibly worried for the princess. He also had multiple closed-door meetings with Captain Silvermane, and spent a lot of time with Ambassador Antoine. I believe the ambassador wanted to cheer him up. The two had always been close friends." Blueblood, Antoine, and Silvermane. It keeps coming back to the same individuals. Rarity nodded and smiled as she rose. "This will do nicely. You have been tremendously helpful." "So... I'm free to go?" he asked. Legerity's brow furrowed, but Rarity raised a hoof. "After what you told me, it would be unwise for you to remain in Canterlot." Tidy shook at Rarity's words. "I did, however, promise you protection. I will write a letter to be given to Ponyville's mayor. Her name is Applejack, and I trust her. You will tell her everything you told me and request her protection. She will keep you safe until a time when you will be called to testify." "And if I refuse to testify?" Rarity smiled. "Then you may attempt to deal with my husband's wrath. He is, sadly, not as forgiving as I am." Tidy sighed. "Very well. I'll gather my things." "And I will draft the letter," Rarity said. "May I use your desk?" Tidy Trim nodded and Rarity wrote a quick letter to Applejack, explaining that Tidy Trim needed to be protected. She purposefully left the details vague, asking her old friend to trust her judgment. She then carefully folded and sealed it. Tidy returned with a set of saddlebags. "I always knew a day might come when I have to quickly flee the city," he said. Rarity handed him the letter. "Take the next train to Ponyville. Do not talk to anypony you don't know, and head straight for the castle once you reach the city. Give this letter to Applejack and nopony else. Not her assistant, nor any of the soldiers protecting her town." Tidy nodded. "Thank you, Your Highness. You are as generous as the stories say." Legerity turned to the window and took a peek outside, making sure it was safe to leave. She mumbled something under her breath Rarity couldn't hear. "Is something the matter, Sergeant?" Rarity asked. Legerity bowed her head. "I'm sorry, Your Highness. I failed in my duty, and we were followed. There's a royal carriage waiting in front of the house." Rarity frowned. "Anypony around it?" "Just two earth pony guards hitched to it." Rarity took a deep breath. "Well, it seems I shall return to the castle with a proper escort. Sergeant, if you would please escort this gentlecolt. Make sure he safely reaches the train station." "But... Your Highness-" Legerity began before Rarity cut her off. "None of the guards would dare hurt me, but Tidy Trim's life could be in danger. You heard his testimony, how important it is to Equestria's safety. Tell me honestly, Sergeant: Do you believe my husband should still rule after what you heard?" Legerity sighed. "You're right. Too many times, I turned a blind eye to what was going on in Canterlot. Please, Your Highness, promise me you'll be safe until I return." Rarity nodded. "Once you do, head straight for my quarters. Do not stop at the barracks. If one of your superiors orders you otherwise, let them know you are obeying a royal command." Legerity smiled. "Of course, Your Highness." She turned to Tidy. "Let's wait a few minutes for the carriage to leave, then we'll sneak through the back door." Tidy nodded as Rarity took a deep breath and headed out the front door. The moment she was outside, the door to the carriage opened and Silvermane herself stepped out. "If you'll step inside, Your Highness. I would be remiss in my duty to leave you out in the streets by yourself." "How kind of you, General," Rarity said, trying to mask the sarcasm in her tone. Silvermane helped Rarity inside the comfortable golden carriage. She followed Rarity in, sitting in front of her. The thick red curtains on the carriage's windows were closed, giving them privacy. An enchanted orb on the ceiling provided light. The carriage got moving the moment they were inside. Rarity adjusted her mane, opting for patience. If Silvermane really was implicated, she'd have to be careful when attempting to prove her guilt. "Have you found what you were looking for?" Silvermane asked flatly. Rarity nodded. "I have." Silvermane kept her expression straight. "And what do you plan to do with the information you learned?" "That remains to be seen, General. The conversation we're about to have could influence my actions." Silvermane nodded, but Rarity thought she noticed a twitch in her eyebrow. "And what have you learned?" Rarity took a deep breath. Enough beating around the bush. She's guilty and we both know it. "I know that my husband conspired to remove Luna from the throne, and I know that Antoine was involved, both in Blueblood's coup and Celestia's death. I also know that the coup couldn't have been engineered without the guards' support, which brings me to you." Silvermane, to her credit, remained impassive in her expression. "So, you have nothing but suspicions." "It doesn't matter what I have," Rarity continued. "I took steps to ensure my primary witness will never be found, and once Blueblood's duplicity is revealed, I suspect neither of us will get out of it with our hide intact. We both openly supported his regime, and we both know politics can be brutal." "So that's it. You would destroy everything you built here, destabilize Canterlot's power to the point where the war would be lost, all of it for what?" "For peace," Rarity said. "I've told you before, General. I believe you to be a patriot. A misguided patriot for sure, but a patriot just the same. I think that you realize this war can only harm Equestria. The griffons have manipulated events from the start. They've manipulated you. Our only option is to put a stop to this insanity and unite Equestria once more. And I'm very sorry, General, but you are not the pony to do it." Silvermane sighed. "Very well, cards on the table. I didn't play a part in Princess Celestia's murder. I merely made certain that Luna would not take the throne. As for Prince Blueblood, I can guarantee that I had him thoroughly investigated. For what it's worth, I don't believe him to be guilty of anything more than opportunism. Regardless of what you may think of me, everything I did, I did for Equestria." "Spare me your platitudes, General," Rarity said, her tone rising in intensity. "You conspired against the throne, all of it at Griffingard's behest. You were manipulated from the start. The only question I have is the following: did you serve Griffingard willingly?" Silvermane frowned. "I was not aware of Ambassador Antoine's involvement before you brought it to my attention." Rarity glared at Silvermane, attempting to calm her growing rage. While she wanted nothing more than to give this mare a piece of her mind, she had to remain in control. "This has gone on long enough, General. It's time to put an end to all the lies." "And what do you have in mind?" "You will publicly reveal everything you know, everything you are guilty of," Rarity ordered as she straightened herself. "You and I will publicly order the griffons to leave Equestria. Your forces must be ready to reinforce that order should it prove necessary. It will not, however, as we will message Princess Luna and inform her that in light of this conspiracy, the throne is hers. After all of this is done, you will resign. I can promise you a fair trial, and a cell just as comfortable as the one I granted Twilight Sparkle's parents." Silvermane scoffed. "There's one problem with this plan of yours, Your Highness." "I fail to see any problems," Rarity said. "I have enough on you to destroy you." "Princess Luna is dead," Silvermane said, her tone bereft of emotion. "She was killed by one of her own officers. It placed her army on the warpath; General Soarin ordered a final attack on Canterlot. They're calling for both of our heads, as well as Prince Blueblood's. They already executed Lady Floribunda. I'm afraid that the time for reason is over." Rarity gasped. "Then the sun not rising..." "Is an effect of nopony controlling it," Silvermane finished. "It was never a message from Princess Luna. That she died at night was a mere coincidence." "And you plan on sacrificing more lives? We can prevent this. We surrender the throne and tell them that Princess Twilight is on her way back — yes, my friends have been as active as I've been." "Twilight Sparkle may yet take the throne once the rebellion has been crushed, should she be able to do so after months under the care of griffon interrogators," Silvermane said. "I'm not beyond admitting that she would be the ideal option. As for Canterlot, Surrendering the city to Princess Luna would have been a bad idea. Surrendering it to rebels and anarchists who fight in the name of a dead monarch is pure madness. We will throw the griffons out of Equestria, but not before we take care of this attack. I already had our troops recalled in preparation for the siege." Rarity sighed. "I can see I won't be able to talk you out of this, and I won't waste my time fighting you. I will not, however, sacrifice more lives than is necessary. If you want to fight for Canterlot, you will do so without putting its population at risk." "And what do you mean by that?" Silvermane asked, her ears twitching in annoyance. "I will evacuate the city. I will inform the population of what is coming, and anypony who wishes to leave will be free to do so. You can have your final stand. Equestria will prosper on its own after you and the other soldiers have killed each other. I'm done playing this game." Rarity opened the carriage's curtains and gazed outside at the falling snow. Silvermane bowed her head. "As you command, Your Highness. Whatever you may think of me, I have no desire to see our population slaughtered. I only ask that you allow me to lead the defense. Let us keep this conversation between the two of us." Rarity frowned. "We shall see, General." "Perhaps I should offer an extra incentive," Silvermane said as she leaned back on her seat. "Are you at all familiar with a unicorn by the name of Lucky Zest?" "The name doesn't ring a bell." "I'm not surprised," Silvermane continued. "He was one of many unsuccessful students attending the magic academy. He was only accepted because of his mother's influence." Rarity blinked a few times. "And where is this story going?" "To Griffingard, I believe," Silvermane said, hints of a grin on her muzzle. "Lucky Zest disappeared shortly after Princess Twilight. It turns out that he was seen in Fillydelphia, embarking on a ship heading to Zebrica. I can only imagine he would have made his way to Griffingard from there." Rarity's hoof slowly found its way to her muzzle. "Then you believe he is..." "He was also seen in the castle during the chaos after Princess Luna fled. It took some convincing, but I did get one of the guards to admit he accepted a bribe to let Lucky Zest inside the royal quarters. This guard is now in locked up in the dungeon." "A washed-out magical student agreed to draw teleport-enhancing runes in the royal quarters, no doubt after Antoine made him multiple promises," Rarity pondered as she stroked her chin. Silvermane nodded. "You will never find him in Griffingard, at least not without my spies." Rarity sighed. "Very well, General. We'll play it your way for now. Mark my words though, there will be a reckoning. You will be made to answer for your crimes." Rarity angrily stormed through the castle hallways. While she did get a confession out of Silvermane, the general should not have known where she was going. Even if Silvermane had Rarity followed, she was too well prepared. This could only mean one thing. Rarity opened the door to her quarters and as expected, found her assistant, Sapphire Blitz, boiling some water in preparation for Rarity's tea. "Milady, you're back. Have you found anything of value?" "I have," Rarity said, keeping her tone flat. "I have one question for you: why did you do it?" "I don't understand," Sapphire said. "Do what?" "Silvermane ambushed me. She knew exactly where I was going, and what I was investigating. Only two ponies knew about this. One was Legerity, who was with me the entire time. That leaves you." Sapphire sighed and averted her eyes. "I suppose you had to find out eventually." "I ask again. Why?" Rarity stared down her assistant. Sapphire sat down on a wooden chair. She moved her mane aside, revealing her broken stump. "After the failed ritual broke my horn, I didn't know where to go. Magic was everything to me; I was a respected researcher at the magic academy, and I have a family to provide for. That's when Silvermane came to me." Rarity frowned. "So, it was money all along?" "She said she'd pay me to keep her informed on what you did. She's the one who asked me to approach you, tell you about my situation. She knew you'd hire me out of pity." Rarity took a deep breath and sat next to Sapphire. "But why did you keep doing it? If it was money, I could have given you more. Maybe I could even have talked to Professor Starflare, convince him to give you a teaching position at the academy." "I wanted to," Sapphire pleaded, tears in her eyes. "So many times I wanted to tell you, but I knew you'd never trust me again if you learned the truth. Silvermane promised that everything my family needed would be provided for, should I stay loyal to her." Rarity turned toward the window. "You are hereby dismissed from my service. You broke my trust and took advantage of my friendship." She glanced back at her former assistant. "Perhaps if you'd trusted me, we could have worked something out." "I understand, Milady," Sapphire quietly said as she dragged her hooves toward the exit. "And I forgive you," Rarity continued with a weak smile. "Pardon me?" Sapphire blurted as she stopped in her tracks. "Silvermane has been manipulating everypony in this city for as long as she's been commanding the guards. You're not the first one to fall into one of her traps." Rarity's hoof found its way toward her belly. "She manipulated me as well, made me believe that her goals were also mine. I can't hold it against you. We're both victims, and I can't blame you for that. Also, when I found you out, you told me the truth. You didn't attempt to hide." Sapphire cried again. "Th... thank you Milady." "Now go," Rarity said. "Canterlot will be attacked by the Cloudsdale army shortly, and I don't want your family in danger. Get them out of the city." Sapphire's eyes grew wide. "I will. Thank you again." She left the room swiftly, just as the kettle whistled. Organizing the evacuation went surprisingly well. Councilor Kibitz offered Rarity his support the moment he heard of her plan. She had criers sent all around the city, warning the citizens and letting them know that trains would be leaving for as long as it would be safe. Blueblood was conveniently busy drinking and plotting with Antoine, leaving Rarity free to make full use of her authority without risking either of them contradicting her. Legerity returned shortly after the confrontation with Sapphire. Tidy Trim had safely been escorted to the train station, and managed to board a train to Ponyville at the last minute. At least there was one thing Rarity no longer had to worry about. She only had a few more errands to run in the castle. It took some planning and a few bribes in preparation, and it would take her away from her duties at the train station. Still, she felt it was important to make her way to a particular guest room within the castle. As usual, two unicorn guards stood in front of the wooden door. They saluted Rarity as she approached. "I'm here to see them," she said. "Of course, Your Highness," one of the soldiers replied. "Spike is already with them." "Good," Rarity said with a smile as the second guard opened the door for her. She stepped inside and found Twilight Velvet writing at a desk while Spike and Nightlight busied themselves with a game of checkers. "Rarity!" Spike cheered as he rushed to her side. She turned forward so the enthusiastic baby dragon wouldn't accidentally bump into her belly. Velvet rose and eyed Rarity up and down. "You look good. I hope the cramps and cravings haven't been too bad." "It's been manageable," Rarity said. Velvet nodded. "Well, whatever I may think of you and what you're doing here, congratulations. I know first hoof the joy that comes with bringing a child to the world." "Thank you," Rarity said. "Any advice for a new mother?" "Always protect your children, but also let them bloom. Allow your child to walk his or her own path." Rarity nodded. "I will. Thank you." Nightlight coughed lightly. "So, to what do we owe the honor of your visit?" There was definite sarcasm in his tone. Rarity looked behind her to make sure the guards had closed the door, and took a deep breath. "Princess Luna is dead," she said, causing a chorus of shock. "And her army is coming here, seeking revenge. I'm evacuating the city. I don't want any innocents injured, this includes the two of you." "So, we're going back to Ponyville?" Spike asked. "Yes, Spikey. We are." Rarity nuzzled the baby dragon on the head. Velvet raised an eyebrow. "I thought it took all of your influence to keep us out of the dungeon. How do you suggest having us freed?" Rarity grinned as she walked to the window. "It's a bit of a drop, but the snow will protect your fall." "What about the bars?" Nightlight asked incredulously. Rarity smiled at Spike. "Did you know that a dragon's bite can break through a solid diamond? Steel bars shouldn't prove too much of a challenge." Spike flexed his arms. "Piece of cake, although the taste is terrible." Velvet frowned. "Alright, we get outside. We still need to get off the palace grounds." "Again, all taken care of," Rarity continued as she walked around them. "In about fifteen minutes, the gardener's shed will accidentally catch fire. You should be able to sneak out during the confusion. I've had a bag hidden right under your window. It contains warm winter cloaks that will also help hide your identities, as well as enough bits for you to get by." "And after that?" Velvet asked, her ears perking up. "You head straight for the train station. I will be there shortly, coordinating the evacuation of the city. Anypony who wishes to leave will be able to do so. Councilor Kibitz is already there, letting the conductors know the plan. It should be easy for both of you to sneak aboard one of the trains." Velvet shared a smile with her husband. "Thank you, Rarity. Why are you doing this for us?" Rarity smiled back. "Twilight is still alive. Right now, Pinkie Pie and Shining Armor have gone to High Roost to rescue her. Your children will need their parents, and I would never dare take you away from them." Tears welled up in Velvet's eyes as Nightlight stood with his mouth agape. "Are you certain?" the stallion asked. "As certain as I can be," Rarity said. "Twilight will need you once she returns." Nightlight and Velvet nodded, and shared in a hug. After a moment, Velvet walked to Rarity and embraced her warmly. "Thank you, Rarity. For everything. Remember what I said. A mother will always do whatever it takes to protect her children." Rarity smiled. "I won't forget, I promise. I'm going to leave Spike here with you. Wait until I'm gone before breaking the bars. And Spike, make sure they get to the train station safely. If anything goes sour, take them to Sassy Saddles." "You got it Rarity," Spike said with a determined nod. Nightlight stepped forward and offered his hoof, which Rarity shook. "Thank you, Rarity. My daughter is lucky to have a friend like you." Rarity smiled as she headed for the door. "Good luck to the three of you." She knocked on the door a few times, letting Legerity and the other guards know that she was ready to leave. One last stop and she could head for the train station. The Canterlot dungeon was a dreary, damp place with insufficient light. Rarity carefully sidestepped a puddle of filthy water as she adjusted her hood. The only way Legerity even agreed to lead her to this place was if she hid her identity with a dark cloak. Her bodyguard turned back to make sure she was still following. "Are you certain you want to do this, Your Highness?" Rarity gulped, but took a determined breath and nodded. "I am. Octavia could have valuable information. Furthermore, her influence might prove invaluable to Twilight upon her return." "Very well," Legerity said with a severe frown. "I already ordered her taken to the interrogation room, like we discussed. I will, however, insist that I remain present while you question her." Rarity sighed. "I suppose I owe you as much. You've proven yourself loyal, and I might need you should the plan work." Legerity nodded with a grunt. She produced a key and unlocked a thick wooden door. She stepped inside, taking a quick look before signaling to Rarity that it was safe to follow her. Legerity positioned herself next to the door, staring severely at the prisoner within the room. The mare sitting on a wooden chair at the back of the room was filthy. Her once pristine black mane was disheveled and covered in dust. Grime and sweat tarnished her gray coat. Her bright purple eyes remained defiant as they carefully followed Rarity, who sat down on a much more comfortable seat, on the opposite end of the large central table that divided the room in two. Rarity lowered her hood. A hint of surprise formed on the prisoner's face. "I didn't expect you to be the one to torment me, Rarity." "I didn't come here to torment you, Octavia," Rarity said. She took a deep breath and met the earth pony's gaze. "I need to know. Why did you do it? Why did you join the rebellion?" "I supported the rightful ruler," Octavia said with a severe glare. "I can almost understand why the Canterlot nobility would snub Princess Luna, but you? You lived in Ponyville. You've seen the world. How can you ignore the threat Blueblood and the griffons pose?" Rarity forced herself to remain calm. "My main concern is the threat the war poses. How many lives have been lost? How many generations will suffer in the shadow of this nightmare we created for ourselves? For what it's worth, in a perfect world, Luna would not have been denied the throne. What's done is done though. To be blunt, your princess is no more, and I have little time for philosophical debate at the moment." Octavia sighed and turned her gaze to the stone wall. "So, it's true after all. I was hoping that it was only a lie told by the guards to torment me." "Princess Luna is dead," Rarity said, surprising even herself with the harshness of her tone. "That is not, however, what this is about. General Soarin's response to her assassination was to gather his forces for one last attack on Canterlot." Octavia grinned, a hint of madness in her eyes. "At least your griffons and your precious husband will share Princess Luna's fate." "Do you truly believe the griffons will die for us?" Rarity snapped as she rose to her hooves. "They'll leave and let us fight it out. This is probably the perfect situation for Antoine and Bouvier. They'll watch us slaughter each other and laugh." She sighed as she walked toward Octavia, ignoring Legerity's groan. "The griffons murdered Princess Celestia, and Blueblood had Princess Luna falsely accused. I have proof, but it won't do us any good if we all kill each other." Silence fell within the room. Octavia started to rise, but Legerity taking a step forward prevented her from doing so. After a few moments, she turned to face Rarity again. "We need a stable ruler. One who will bring this conspiracy to light and unite Equestria against the griffons.” Rarity smiled. "I couldn't agree more. Twilight Sparkle is alive, and some of my friends are on a mission to rescue her from griffon captivity. In the meantime though, we need to unite Equestria." Rarity took a deep breath and shared a nod with Legerity before returning her attention to Octavia. Legerity took the cue to throw a folded cloak onto the table. "Come with me to Ponyville. We might not be able to prevent the coming battle, but we can try to end the war. If you add your voice to my own, it might help pave the way toward peace." A tip from Legerity's head preceded Octavia rising from her seat. "Even if what you say is true, there's no way you can get me out of here." Rarity smiled again. "I wouldn't be so sure. Canterlot Castle was built shortly after the fall of Unicornia. The ancient Unicorns were no stranger to secret plots, and had a tendency to build secret passages within their castles. There is such a secret door in this very room." Octavia's ears perked up. "And then we head for Ponyville?" Rarity nodded and pointed at the cloak on the table. "Put on this cloak. You are then to head for the train station, where Councilor Kibitz and myself will supervise the city evacuation. It should be easy for you to sneak aboard one of the trains. Once you're in Ponyville, head for the Palace of Harmony and let Applejack know that I sent you. I will join you there once my business in Canterlot is complete." Octavia grabbed the wrapped cloak from the table and nodded. "Thank you, Rarity, and good luck." Rarity allowed herself a smile. "Good luck to you as well." The train station was overflowing with ponies desperate to escape the upcoming battle. Volunteers herded scared civilians into cars as Rarity stood on a makeshift stage, desperately pleading for everypony to remain calm. "Please, there will be more trains coming. Regardless of what happens, we are still Equestrians! We should not act like terrified animals." One panicked mare tried to climb on stage, but Legerity pushed her off. "Please, Your Highness! My husband is working at the castle. I haven't seen him!" "There's not enough room! How will you find enough wagons for all of us?" "Oh my gosh, we're all going to die!" Rarity took a deep breath. "Please, everypony, remain calm! Is this how you all face danger? The Cloudsdale army isn't here yet. We have time, and there will be more trains. They have all been commandeered for the evacuation effort. We can get you out, but you must remain calm." While there were still cries of discontent from the crowd, enough civilians had gotten the message and were attempting to calm their panicked compatriots. Rarity nodded before turning around toward Kibitz, who sat inside the cabin behind the stage. "Energizing speech, Your Highness, but they're right. We probably won't be able to evacuate them all." Rarity sighed. "I know, but it'll be even worse if we have a panic on our hooves." She winced as she held her belly. Exhaustion was getting the better of her, and her muscles ached from standing out in the freezing wind. "You should lie down," Kibitz suggested as he adjusted his monocle. "It's not healthy for a pregnant mare such as yourself to stand outside in the cold this long." "My subjects are counting on me. Seeing me will give them strength." "At least take a few moments," Kibitz said as he pointed to a straw cot in a corner. "I apologize for the frugality of the arrangement. I could have the royal car prepared for you." Rarity stared down Kibitz with a frown. "As I already ordered, I want the royal car used to evacuate civilians, the same as any other." "If you are certain," Kibitz hesitantly replied. "Once I must leave, I will take a carriage. I'm sure two pegasus guards with strong enough wings for the trip can be spared." "Very well," Kibitz said with a bow. "I will make the arrangements." Rarity let go of a breath as she dropped her body on the cot at the back of the cabin. She motioned for a servant to bring her a bowl of honeyed oats. Two hours standing in the cold and trying her best to give encouraging speeches built up her appetite. Given that she ate for two, she was famished. She devoured her oats with gusto, knowing that she couldn't wait in the cabin for too long. It was only a matter of time before panic broke out again, and she would be needed to defuse the situation. She heard the familiar bell signifying that the train was full and getting ready to depart. If everything went according to schedule, it would only take about ten minutes for another one to arrive. She had ordered as many trains as she could back to Canterlot, but pegasus messengers could only travel so far. Featherdust, one of the castle maids who had volunteered to help with the evacuation, walked to Rarity. "You have a visitor, Your Highness. Your baby dragon companion. Spike, I believe?" Rarity smiled. "Send him in." This would be one less thing to worry about. No doubt Spike would report Twilight's parents leaving on the train. Spike trailed his feet as he approached her. Rarity could tell from his downtrodden expression that the news wasn't good. She waited for the maid to leave before speaking. "Spike, what's wrong?" "I'm so sorry Rarity," he mumbled, struggling not to cry. "Twilight's parents, they lost me in an alley. They both said they were sorry, and they galloped away. I tried to follow them, but you know I can never run as fast as ponies." Rarity swore under her breath. What are they thinking? Their daughter is alive! It's not the time to run around and play revolutionary. She sighed and motioned for Spike to get closer. "I'm sorry, Spike. I know you did what you could. Thank you for your help." "So, you forgive me?" "Of course I do," Rarity warmly said. "Can you stay here and help me?" Spike dried his tears with the back of his claw. "I can do that. What do you want me to do?" "Go find Councilor Kibitz. He's coordinating the efforts. He'll find you some work. Once it's time to leave, you'll come with me on the royal carriage." Spike nodded as a smile returned to his face. As he ran away to fulfill his duty, Rarity started to rise, but her head fell back into the hay. Maybe I can wait a little bit longer. As much as it pained her, Twilight's parents had made their decision. She could only hope they would somehow escape the city on their own and not do anything foolish. It took an hour before Rarity felt ready to stand again. Doctor Shimmerheart was sent, at the insistence of both Spike and Kibitz. She confirmed what Rarity already knew; she over-strained herself these last few days, and badly needed rest. She was tempted to ignore them, but she had her foal to worry about. She managed to get back on her hooves and poke her head outside, and frowned as she saw her husband's ornate carriage parked next to the train station. Two dozen soldiers surrounded it. I suppose it was only a matter of time before he showed up. I might as well face him now. "Legerity," Rarity called, prompting her bodyguard to enter the cabin and salute. "Please take me to see my husband." "Yes, Your Highness," Legerity said. Legerity and four other guards created a path from the cabin to the royal carriage. A few ponies stretched out their hooves and begged favors from Rarity, but the soldiers kept them out of the way. Rarity was tempted to stop and hear them out. She decided against it, wanting to deal with Blueblood as fast as possible. My own husband plotted behind all of our backs all this time. He conspired to steal the throne from Princess Luna, and was possibly part of the plot to assassinate Princess Celestia. What should I do with him? They arrived at the carriage, and Legerity nodded at the pegasus sergeant standing next to the door. He opened it and bowed as Rarity approached. She politely nodded and allowed the soldier to help her in. As expected, Blueblood was sitting in the back, sipping on a glass of wine. Of course, he would be drinking on a day like today. "My Prince," she said as she sat in front of him. "Quite the enterprise you started," Blueblood said with a severe glare. "I'm merely protecting our citizens," Rarity said with a smile. "We both saw what happened in Ponyville. I want to prevent our citizens from facing the same in Canterlot. In hindsight, I should probably have consulted you, but you were busy with the ambassador." Blueblood nodded. "Yes, preparing the city's defenses. I take it you have no faith in our brave soldiers' capacity to defeat the rebels?" Rarity frowned. "It's not a question of faith. This will be a battle. Ponies will die. Like it or not, the Cloudsdale army wants you, not our citizens. Have they not suffered enough?" She eyed his smug look, his well-coiffed mane, and his delicate hooficure. She might have made him into a more compassionate pony, but at heart, Blueblood still was the monster who conspired to steal the throne and start a war. "Think about it. After you've won the battle, you will be remembered as the Prince who refused to risk the lives of his citizens." A smile formed around Blueblood's muzzle. "You may be right, my love." Rarity had to use all of her self-control not to recoil. Blueblood had never called her that in private before. While he'd warmed up significantly since their wedding, this was new. "I only mean to serve our nation, you know that," she said a bit forcefully. "Will you be leaving with them?" He asked. Rarity's heartbeat raced as she answered. "How I wish I could remain here with you, My Prince. However, I dare not risk the life of our foal. While I have faith that you will be victorious, I must not take any chances. I must protect our future." She brought her hoof to her belly as an added gesture. "Then perhaps I should accompany you," Blueblood suggested as he grabbed hold of her hoof. Rarity gasped. "Oh no! Our brave troops must see you. Being led by the amazing prince they're fighting for will give them courage! Let everypony in Canterlot see you for the brave stallion you are." She took a deep breath. "I have grown to love you as well, my Prince. I trust that you can do this." He smiled warmly, right before they kissed. For the first time in months, his touch felt bitter, just as it had on her wedding night. > XXXV The Survivor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The climb down the mountain proved challenging at best. Rainbow flew as often as she could, but her underused wings couldn't support her for long. She was then forced to walk, and whenever she walked for too long, her crooked hind leg would hurt. She stumbled and fell more than once. It took an hour for Twilight to suggest she shouldn't be walking at all, and as much as Rainbow wanted to argue, the pain in her leg forced her to relent. Shining Armor managed to build an improvised gurney out of branches and Alicia's dress. The duchess complained tremendously as her garment was ripped, but her whining remained ignored. Pinkie volunteered to drag the gurney. Rainbow winced a few times as she was accidentally bumped into rocks. To Pinkie's credit, she did try to avoid them as much as she could. The path was a bumpy one though. On a few occasions, Twilight or Shining had to levitate the gurney while Rainbow flew over cliffs, boulders, or other obstacles by herself. The group remained mostly silent as they traveled. Pinkie tried to make a few jokes to lighten the mood, but she was met with silence at best, scoffs from the griffons at worst. Rainbow's eye met Alicia's on a few occasions. She couldn't help herself but to growl at the monster responsible for her capture and torture. Alicia was right here, wings bound and at their mercy. Twilight would probably advocate for gentle treatment, perhaps even forgiveness. Alicia Bouvier didn't deserve any. Before this is all over, I will kill her, Rainbow promised herself as she stared at the starry sky. The same goes for Gilda. Neither of them deserve any kind of mercy. Rainbow wasn't sure how long they traveled. They went down the mountain and into a pine tree forest. There was no clear path they could travel, and the ground proved to be just as rocky and bumpy as it had been when they went down the mountain. "Stop," Shining ordered. "There's a cave over there. We should rest up. Most of you look exhausted." "Good idea," Twilight said. "We should look for berries, roots, or anything else we can eat." Rainbow was dragged toward the cave. "It's okay, Pinkie. I can move on my own from here," she said as she stood and limped inside the cave. It was barely large enough to provide them all room to sleep. She moved closer to the cave wall, where something seemed to be growing. "I found mushrooms," she said. Twilight walked next to her. "Hmm, I don't think these are poisonous, but it's been a while since I read the complete guide to Griffingard mushrooms." "They're fine," Gilda said as she sat in a corner. "They taste horrible, but they're not poisonous." "Oh, thank you," Twilight said as Dash rolled her eye. "Delicious!" Pinkie cheered, her mouth already full. "Wait," Rainbow said. "You just took her word for it?" Pinkie shrugged. "Why wouldn't I?" "Maybe because she tortured me for months?" Rainbow snapped. "You coerce her into helping you, and suddenly she's everypony's best friend? I don't buy it." Gilda sighed. "Look, Dash. You have every right to hate me, and I don't ever expect you to forgive me. What I did though, I did to keep you safe. Trust me, things could have been much worse if I hadn't intervened." "You keep telling yourself that," Rainbow said. "I still remember you handing me over to them in the first place." Pinkie placed a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. "I understand how you feel, Dashie, but she really did help us. We couldn't have freed you without her." "Whatever," Rainbow said, pushing Pinkie away. She sat in a dark corner and nibbled on a mushroom. It tasted bland, but at least it was better than the moldy hay she'd been fed in prison. Twilight took out Valerak's journal from her bag. "While we rest, we might as well figure out what these experiments were all about." She began reading as she munched on a mushroom. After a few minutes of silence, Twilight's head rose from the notebook. "According to this, Valerak was one of the few centaurs who studied Tirek's magic, back in Netherin. King Scorpan outlawed magic-stealing spells a long time ago, but a few rebel spellcasters still practiced it." "That sounds about right," Rainbow said, painfully remembering having her magic and cutie mark taken. "Apparently, she met with a visiting griffon military officer who showed interest in her research," Twilight continued. "His name was Centurion Ignacio Bouvier." "Her husband," Shining said as he tipped his head toward their prisoner. "Things are starting to make sense now." Heads turned toward Alicia, but she scoffed and remained quiet. Twilight took a short breath and kept going through the notes. "This is troubling. Apparently, Valerak was trying to build a machine that would raise the sun and moon." Her eyes opened wide as she kept reading. "My goodness! She drained dozens of ponies of their magic. Many didn't even survive the process. When she realized that it wouldn't be enough to just add up a lot of magic, she started obsessing about..." Twilight stopped reading as she gulped and stared blankly at the cave wall. "About what?" Pinkie asked. "About me," Twilight said, her voice barely a whisper. She took a deep breath before reading out loud. "'The pegasus known as Rainbow Dash has proven resistant. We believe that we successfully destroyed her pride and troublesome rebellious personality. Still, she claims not to know how to release the alicorn from her protective shield. From the interrogation reports I read, it would seem that she's been broken to the point of forgetting key aspects of her past life. I therefore recommended placing her in contact with the alicorn. Perhaps draining her magic can also offer insight into the unique powers the ponies seem to possess. I also recommended sleep deprivation. She is to be fed only the bare minimum, and not allowed sufficient time to rest. Perhaps in time, pain will stimulate her memory'." Twilight stopped reading. Tears fell down her cheeks as she turned toward Rainbow. "Is it true? Did you go through all of that to protect me?" Rainbow averted her eye. "I told you. I don't want to talk about it." "You should have freed me," Twilight said, tentatively placing a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. "We could have survived this together." "No we couldn't have!" Rainbow snapped as she pushed Twilight's leg away. "Do you really think we would have even been kept together? They would have tortured you. They would have taken your magic, and then beaten you daily for fun. Did you know one of them took a hammer to my teeth out of boredom?" She pointed at Gilda. "This one watched." "I... I'm sorry Rainbow," Twilight said. "I truly had no idea." Rainbow curled up in a ball and looked away. "Like I said, I don't want to talk about it." "Well, I'll be here when you feel ready," Twilight said. Rainbow turned her gaze back toward her friend, but sighed and remained silent. "Me too, Dashie," Pinkie added. Twilight took another deep breath. She closed the notebook and rose to her hooves, turning toward Alicia. "Now, is all of this true?" She spoke in an eerily calm voice. "Why should I tell you?" Alicia spat. Twilight's horn lit brightly as she outstretched her wings. "After what you did to my friend, don't you dare defy me. You wanted to know about alicorn magic?" Twilight's tone rose, as the cave heated up. Powerful wind blew from her horn as her blinding magical hue doubled in intensity. Even her eyes seemed to radiate magic. Alicia and everyone else in the room was pushed against the cave walls. Rainbow crawled in a corner and shielded her eye. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't acquaint you more directly with my magic?" Alicia shook as she tried to back away. She strained against her bondage, trying desperately to unfold her wings. "It's all true! It's all true!" she pleaded. Rainbow's head perked up as she struggled to see Alicia's panicked expression through the magical light. Twilight's horn slowly returned to its normal state. She kept glaring at Alicia. "This was your plan? Take out every alicorn so you could raise the sun and moon?" "Why not?" Alicia said, defiance back in her voice. "You ponies have dominated the world for centuries. Griffingard's borders should have extended all over this continent, but Princess Celestia insisted on stopping us. Worst of all, we were forced to be thankful and to pretend that she freed us from war by her benevolence alone." "You really believe that war was what your citizens wanted?" Twilight said incredulously. "I wouldn't expect you to understand," Alicia spat. "How did Princess Celestia groom you for the throne exactly? She took you from a family with no prestige, tutored you in magic for a few years, and then dumped you in a backwater farming town. Yet after her death, she wanted you and a tyrant who tried on two occasions to destroy the world by depriving it of the sun, to rule in her stead." "And you felt you'd do a better job?" Twilight asked. "How does torturing innocents and starting wars make you suited to rule over anyone?" To Rainbow's surprise, Alicia grinned. "It's funny you say that, as you threatened me with torture mere moments ago. There is more to ruling than your limited experience will tell you, Twilight Sparkle. You should just leave it to more capable individuals." Twilight took a deep breath. She brought her hoof to her chest, and exhaled slowly. "I'm not going to play your games, Duchess. Your plan has failed." "We shall see," Alicia said in a low voice. Shining rose and levitated a dirty rag. "I think we've heard enough. Duchess, your machine is destroyed, your centaur dead, and her notes with us. Your plan will soon be revealed to the world, and King Aurélien will turn on the Lodge." He solidly gagged her and bound her legs together, then turned to Twilight. "Here, we wouldn't want her running away while we sleep." Rainbow allowed herself a sense of satisfaction at the sight of Alicia trying to complain through her gag. "Good thinking," Twilight said with a nod. "Now, we should figure out how exactly we'll return to Equestria. They must be looking for us in the city." "I saw little villages along the coast," Pinkie said. "Maybe we'll get lucky there?" "And what then?" Gilda asked. Twilight tapped her hoof to her chin. "They might still want to keep my kidnapping quiet. I wouldn't be surprised if the villagers have no idea what's going on. If anything, it could give us a chance to find out what tools we have at our disposal." "Well, we won't get any brilliant ideas without a few hours of sleep," Shining said. "I'll take the first watch." Rainbow yawned from her dark corner of the cave. Shining was right. Sleep would be welcome. The dark silhouette approached her. What little light was present reflected off the sharpened butcher's knife drawing closer and closer. Rainbow tried to scream, but no sound would escape her lungs. "Time to take out that other eye," Crackbeak's vicious voice mocked, except Crackbeak wasn't the one approaching her. This griffon was fat, and wore an apron covered in blood. "Maybe a leg after, or a wing." Rainbow struggled, but she was tightly bound to a cold surface. The knife met with her skin, slowly burning it as it sliced through. "I'm sorry," she managed to plead. "I'll never try to escape again! I'm so sorry!" She opened her eye with a gasp and found herself lying on cold stone. She turned around and had a moment of disorientation as she didn't recognize her cell. Her heartbeat started to race, and she sweat profusely. A cave opening lay before her. And she remembered. I escaped. Pinkie freed me. Rainbow looked around the cave. It was dark and everyone was sleeping. Closest to her was Pinkie, who snored softly. Rainbow closed her eye again, but saw Crackbeak's face mocking her. She turned around. She was exhausted, but knew she wouldn't find sleep again. And the one responsible is right here. Twilight would always come up with excuses as to why Rainbow couldn't get her revenge. She never had to live through any of the horrors, safely hidden inside her shield while Rainbow fought and suffered. She turned and watched the bound Alicia sleep. The duchess winced uncomfortably, probably not used to sleeping on rough stone. Rainbow rose and made her way toward the sleeping griffon. Every night Rainbow was tortured, this one was sleeping comfortably underneath silk sheets. Probably for the first time in her life, she had to go through an uncomfortable night, and she had the audacity to grimace as if she was in pain? Alicia Bouvier did not understand pain, but that would change. Rainbow leaned down and pressed her hooves on the griffon's throat. She managed to do so with enough strength that her victim couldn't scream. Alicia's eyes opened wide and she stared at Rainbow with panic, pleading through her tears and trying to scream through her gag. Rainbow bared her teeth as she kept pushing. You're going to die, Alicia. You're going to die, and your final thoughts will be of me and what you did to me. No happiness came to Rainbow as she choked the life out of her tormentor. Even as Alicia pleaded with her eyes, Rainbow kept mechanically pushing on her throat. She felt the life draining out of her victim as something grabbed her from behind. Rainbow was dragged through the air out of the cave. "Let me go!" she shouted, fighting against her assailant. "Not until we settle this once and for all," Gilda replied. She held on to Rainbow in a tight grip as she flew through the woods. Rainbow managed to turn around and hit Gilda in the face with the back of her hoof. It was just enough to make Gilda lose balance and collide with a branch. They both fell to the ground and rolled in the dirt. A tree put a stop to Rainbow's tumbling as she collided with its trunk. Rainbow rose and faced her enemy, who massaged her own bruised shoulder. "You're really not making this easy, Dash." "Shut up!" Rainbow yelled. "You don't get to play high and mighty, not after what you did." Gilda approached Rainbow. "You want to lash out? Fine, hit me." Gilda yelled back. "I deserve it, I betrayed you. I'm the villain; happy now?" "I don't want to hit you," Rainbow said, barely containing her rage. "I want to kill you. You don't deserve to live, the same goes for your superior back in the cave." Gilda sighed and averted her eyes. "I get it Dash, you're angry. I'm not going to pretend I understand what you're going through. Don't think for a moment that any of it was easy for me. When I rescued you from that battle, I never intended for my superior to find us." "A likely story," Rainbow spat. "Shut up and let me confess," Gilda said. She took a deep breath. "Honestly, I never thought things would go this far. I thought you'd be questioned, maybe ransomed back or something. Once I realized what was in store for you, it was too late." "So you just watched." "I was offered any posting I wanted. I could have asked for a comfortable palace guard posting, where I'd finish my service and earn my citizenship. Instead, I asked to stay as your jailer. Do you have any idea the things I prevented? Notice you still have working wings? I talked them out of ripping one off. I barely convinced them not to burn your remaining eye with acid. I protected you more than you know, Dash." Rainbow glared at her former captor. "It doesn't change what you did, and it doesn't change that Alicia has to die." Gilda sighed. "Look, I'm a monster, I get it. Nothing I ever do will make up for destroying your life. After this is all over, we'll part ways and never see each other again. Can we at least get back to Equestria without you trying to kill anyone else?" "No promises," Dash mumbled under her breath. Gilda grabbed Rainbow's head and turned it back toward her. "Darn it, Dash. Talk to me! You're mad, that's good. You're supposed to be. Hit me, yell at me, get it out of your system." "What makes you think talking will solve anything?" Rainbow pushed Gilda away. "I don't know, it might help," Gilda said. "I agree with you. Alicia's a monster. She doesn't deserve the kindness she'll receive in Equestria. I've been saying for years that you ponies are too soft. Your friend Twilight, she needs her alive though. So please, don't kill her. Don't do it for you or me, do it for your friends. Right now, they're all you have left. Don't lose them, too." Rainbow turned around as she erratically breathed in and out. Gilda was right. Twilight would never forgive her. She silently limped into the dark forest. She heard Gilda fly after her, but knew better than to try and escape her. "Look, maybe you should talk to Pinkie or something?" Gilda suggested. Rainbow took a deep breath and turned back to face Gilda. She spoke in a soft voice. "Do you remember when we were near Dodge Junction?" "The night I was on guard duty," Gilda said, avoiding Rainbow's gaze. "I awoke and saw you. You could have ended it all right there. You could have let me go like I asked. I'd have flown to the city and hid there." "But I chose to obey orders," Gilda continued. "I was afraid of what would happen to me if I let you go." "Whatever you did to help my friends rescue me, it means nothing. You had one chance to make things right. All you had to do was unbind me that night, and let me fly away. Everything that happened after is on you." "Fine," Gilda said. "It's my fault. I should have freed you when I had the chance. You think I haven't told myself that before? You think I haven't spent entire nights up, blaming myself for what happened to you? So here, I was wrong, and I deserve to be punished. Happy now?" Rainbow breathed in and out. Tears welled up in her eye as she punched Gilda's face with all of her strength. The griffon fell to the ground. "You destroyed my life!" She kicked her tormentor, who grimaced in pain. "Do you think I'll ever be able to fly like I used to? That this useless leg will ever work again?" Gilda moved to get up, but Rainbow kicked her again for good measure. "I hate you!" She spat on her. Gilda spat some blood as she slowly got up. "Feeling better?" she asked. "No," Dash said. "But I won't kill anyone, at least not for now." "Let's get back," Gilda said with a quick nod. "We probably woke everyone up." They flew back to the cave, where everyone was awake and staring at them. "We're good," Gilda said as she walked back inside and returned to her sleeping spot. Rainbow nodded as she followed her in. The group slept for a few hours before getting back on their way. Rainbow hadn't managed to find any meaningful rest. She kept staring at the cave wall, torn between the shame of letting Twilight see what she'd become and how much she hated herself for failing to kill her tormentor. She remained motionless until the others rose from their slumber. Pinkie offered to keep pulling Rainbow on the gurney once they got back on their way, but she refused. If she couldn't kill Alicia, she would at least show her that she wasn't broken. Flying was painful. Her muscles had atrophied, and she lamented the loss of the feathers Crackbeak had pulled. Still, she pressed on. If she could still fly, then perhaps part of who she used to be could survive. Pinkie tried to approach Rainbow on a few occasions as they walked, but Rainbow pushed her away. She felt Twilight's judgmental gaze on her the entire time. At best, she was a victim. At worst, she was a murderer. Even if Rainbow had managed to kill Alicia, the griffon duchess had already won. The group moved slowly, mostly due to Alicia being unable to keep the pace. Even if her muscles ached, Rainbow forced herself to keep going. Anything to make the haughty griffon suffer. When they took breaks, she used the opportunity to stretch her wing muscles. Twilight and Pinkie both protested that she'd over-strain herself, but she ignored them. It took about four hours to reach the coast. Shining gagged Alicia as they got close, so she wouldn't call for help. They climbed up a cliff and hid in tall grass, up a slope overlooking a small village. A row of clay houses stood next to the coast, leading to a wooden dock. While they were too far to make out specific features, Rainbow spied a few donkeys walking about. Some of them sat at the dock holding wooden sticks. Finding out what was going on proved impossible without approaching and risking detection. "Those are fishing poles," Gilda explained. "They're capturing fish to feed High Roost's population." "Nopony asked you," Rainbow said without bothering to look at Gilda. "Poor little fishies," Pinkie said as her ears flattened. "Well, we reached the coast," Shining said as he walked forward and joined them, eying the village with a frown. "What now?" "I imagine they're still looking for us in the city," Twilight said. "What about the ship that brought you here? Discord could take it out to sea." Gilda shook her head. "I can guarantee that no ship will leave until we're found. You're way too valuable to them, Princess. The long night also gives them an excuse to close down the docks." "So?" Rainbow asked. "Doesn't Discord have his freaky magic?" Shining scratched his head. "I'm not sure. He took the form of a pony, and only revealed himself after Pinkie recognized him. I think something might be limiting his abilities." "Or he wants to limit his involvment," Twilight pondered, her eyes glued on the ocean. "Either way, it seems like we need to do three things. First, we need to send a message to Discord, and whoever else is on that ship. Second, we need to figure out a way to get him out of the port. Finally, we need to head out to sea ourselves." "Third one's easy," Pinkie said with a smile. "There's a rowboat just off this dock, over there." She pointed at a small wooden embarkation. "Let's just hope the villagers are willing to sell it to us," Twilight said. "I could write them a note, promising them multiple times the boat's value if they redeem it in Equestria." Gilda rolled her eyes. "It'd be simpler to just take it." "I'm not a thief," Twilight said. "Then just leave the note behind," Shining said. "This is an emergency, Twily. We can't take chances." "Fine," Twilight said with a sigh. Gilda scratched her chin and turned her head toward the city. "I can probably deliver the message to Discord. If I ditch my armor, I can pass as a civilian. What's the name of the ship?" "The Siren's Madness," Pinkie said. "When you see Discord, tell him to free the arimaspi, too." "Really?" Gilda said incredulously. "I made a promise," Pinkie firmly replied. "We still don't know how we'll get the ship out to sea," Gilda continued. "Or how we can get to this boat without the entire village seeing us," Shining added. "Seeing Alicia here as our prisoner will definitely turn them against us." The Duchess growled through her gag, and her wings struggled against their bondage. "It's night," Pinkie said. "Maybe we can hide ourselves somehow?" Rainbow's ears perked. "Fog!" she said. Twilight turned toward her and grinned maniacally. "Rainbow, that's brilliant!" "Wait, wait," Gilda replied, shaking her claws. "You want to create fog?" Rainbow shrugged. "Why not?" "Enough fog to cover everything, from here to High Roost?" Twilight nodded. "Alicorn magic does come in handy. It's a large area, but fog is pretty easy to work with. I should be able to have it last a few hours. Rainbow, I could use your help." Rainbow scratched her head. "What should I do?" "Use your wings to create the fog," Twilight said. "I'll use my magic to extend it. Between the two of us, we should be able to cover the entire area." "I hope so," Rainbow said with a gulp. Pinkie patted her on the back. "You can do it, Dashie." She smiled at her. "Hopefully this fog'll last long enough to get far away," Shining said with a frown. "I don't want the Griffingard imperial navy on our tail all the way back to Equestria." Twilight clapped her hooves together. "Alright, it's decided. Gilda, fly back to the Siren's Madness. Tell them the entire plan. I'll give you two hours before I raise the fog, will it be enough?" "Plenty," Gilda said with a nod. "Once we're ready, I'll raise the fog and we can get on our way," Twilight continued. She turned to Alicia and inspected her pearl necklace. "This looks valuable. I'll leave it behind as payment for the boat. Consider it part of your punishment for your actions." "Hmmmph," Alicia replied through her gag, glaring angrily at Twilight. "Where you're going, you won't have to worry about jewelry," Shining said. "Now stay quiet." Gilda nodded. "Alright, I guess I should get going." She stepped further away from the village so she could remove her armor. Rainbow sighed and walked toward Gilda, away from the group. "Gilda, wait." "Yes Dash?" "Thank you for helping my friends rescue me," Rainbow said, her voice weak and hesitant. She took another breath as she glared at Gilda. "But it doesn't change what I said. After you deliver your message, don't leave on the ship. Disappear somewhere. I don't care where. I never want to see you again." Gilda sighed. "I understand. For what it's worth, Dash, I enjoyed being your friend." "Just go," Rainbow said as she turned back toward the group. She didn't look back. They had been rowing for what felt like an hour. Once Twilight had summoned the fog, stealing the boat proved easy enough. Alicia tried to scream through her gag, but Twilight used a sound bubble spell. "Ironically, this was the same spell that kept all of you from hearing my fight with Chrysalis," she explained once they were out at sea. If escaping the coast proved easy, finding the Siren's Madness was not. In their haste to escape, none of them had considered one important detail: The fog blinded them just as much as it blinded the griffons. "I think I'm going to be sick," Pinkie said as the waves rocked the small boat. Shining raised an eyebrow. "I told you, Pinkie. You shouldn't have eaten all those mushrooms." Rainbow groaned in annoyance. "Twilight, can't you use a spell to find them or something?" Twilight shook her head. "I'm sorry Rainbow. I'm pretty drained after summoning this fog. Besides, any magical flare would let the griffons know where we are." Rainbow looked up in the air. She could barely see the sky through the thick fog. "What if I fly up there? Maybe I can find the boat." "Then you won't be able to find us again," Shining said. "I'm not risking losing you at sea." "We can wait some more," Twilight said. "The fog should still last for a while, at least. Hopefully the griffons don't clear it too fast." "You'd be surprised," Rainbow said. "Gilda was really good at it back in flight school." Thinking about her old friend made Rainbow scowl. I can't think of her that way. No matter what we did together as kids, it doesn't change what she did to me. Pinkie leaned back into the boat, her tongue rolling out. "I don't know how much more of this I can take." "It'll pass, I'm sure," Shining said as he smiled at Pinkie. "You did fine on the way here." Rainbow sighed again. She raised her head and something caught her attention in the corner of her eye. She turned around, and saw a shadow moving toward them. "Something's coming," she whispered. The others barely had time to react as a wooden ship's hull came into view. Rainbow gulped. "I hope these are the good guys." Shining smiled and pointed at the bronze sea horse at the prow of the ship. "It looks like the Siren's Madness to me." A ladder was thrown down, and a pony's silhouette showed itself. "Quick, climb up!" A cheerful female voice said. Pinkie climbed up the ladder first as Rainbow and Twilight flew up. Twilight carried the still bound and gagged Alicia. A light green pegasus mare wearing a bandana over her blond mane helped Rainbow up. "Rainbow Dash?" she asked excitingly. "What happened to you? Are you okay? I'm such a huge fan. Do you think you could do a sonic Rainboom when we get back to Equestria?" Rainbow glared at her. "Do I look like I'm in any shape to fly that fast?" She pushed the annoying pegasus away and sat against a wooden crate. Twilight dropped Alicia. "I apologize for Rainbow. She's been through a lot." The green pegasus mare bowed the moment she saw Twilight. "Your Royal Highness, my name is First Mate... Uhm, I mean Captain Coral Drifter. My ship and crew are at your command." "Thank you," Twilight said. "Please rise. I'd rather we forgo the formalities and get out of here before the griffons clear the fog." "Of course, Your Highness," Coral replied. She turned to a unicorn stallion. "Full speed ahead to Equestria." "Aye aye, Captain," the sailor said as he rushed to pass on her order. Shining climbed over the ladder. "What happened to the previous captain?" "He gave me the ship," Coral said. "I was a bit surprised to find out that he was Discord all along. He said that he still wanted to have some fun in High Roost, whatever that meant. He also gave me this." She revealed a small object from a bag. A strong rotten cheese smell overpowered Rainbow's nostrils. Pinkie vomited. "This smells worse than the time I made pickle-flavored cupcakes." "It's a compass that always points to Princess Twilight," Coral explained. "Discord said it would help me find you. It also smelled stronger as we got closer." "Let me see," Twilight said as she extended her hoof and picked up the object. It immediately exploded into a rainbow of candy. Coral smiled sheepishly. "He also said it would destroy itself once we found you." "I'll keep some candy for later," Pinkie weakly said as she gathered the leftovers from the explosion. Twilight took a deep breath. "Alright, it's time to get back to Equestria." She nodded at everyone present in turn. "Captain, please take this prisoner to your brig. Also, do you have quarters for my friends and I?" "I'll give you my own cabin," Coral said. "The others will have to sleep with the crew." She turned to a female griffon in a corner. "Gabrielle, can you take this prisoner down to the brig?" "Will do," the griffon, apparently called Gabrielle, said. "Rainbow, you're staying with me," Twilight ordered. She smiled weakly as she placed a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. "I know you're not ready to talk. When you are, I'll be here for you." "Me too," Pinkie added. Twilight smiled "Alright, the two of you can stay with me." "One last thing, Your Highness," Coral said. "You need to decide, which city do you want us to head for?" "Give me a rundown of the political situation," Twilight said. "Baltimare and Fillydelphia are both loyal to Blueblood and Canterlot," Shining said. "Like I told you earlier, Rarity married Blueblood, but I don't think her authority extends that far." Twilight frowned at the mention of Rarity. Rainbow rolled her eye. "What about Manehattan?" Twilight asked as she scratched her chin. "Loyal to Princess Luna," Shining said. "They were neutral for a long time, but decided to swear allegiance to Luna after failed peace talks. All I know is that the battle that followed claimed many lives." Rainbow limped forward. "Wait, do you know who's in charge in Manehattan? Which officer, I mean." Shining scratched his head. "A Commander Tinkerboom, I think?" A smile formed on Rainbow's lips. "I knew she was going places." She turned toward Twilight. "She served under me in Cloudsdale. She'll obey your orders." "Are you sure about this, Rainbow?" Twilight asked. Rainbow took a deep breath. "It feels like another lifetime ago, but I remember when Spitfire first recruited me. She promised me that should we find you, we'd save you. The goal has always been for you to sit the throne with Princess Luna. I made sure all of my officers knew this, too. Tinkerboom will help us." Twilight smiled. "Good enough for me. Captain Coral Drifter, set sail for Manehattan." > XXXVI Shining Armor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After two days of rough sailing, thick clouds had completely covered the sky over the Siren's Madness, and light snow fell as far as the eye could see. Despite the poor visibility, Captain Coral Drifter had assured Shining that they were making good time. Apparently, the wind was on their side, and Equestria's coast would be visible within the hour. Not that Shining could see anything on the horizon besides darkness. Shining breathed the cold night air. He often found himself enjoying the view on deck when he felt the need to reflect. Most of the sailors were friendly enough, and Coral Drifter never lacked for questions about Twilight, Cadance, or the details of his life. As for Pinkie, she spent most of her time trying to get through to Rainbow. On the few occasions when she left the captain's cabin, she complained that both of her friends were too quiet. Rainbow rarely ever spoke, but flew around the ship as often as she could, cursing whenever she struggled against the powerful winds. Twilight had yet to leave the cabin. She had her meals brought to her, and refused to talk to anyone. When Shining tried asking her what was wrong, she told him that she needed time. According to Pinkie, all she did was read books and take notes. The Captain's cabin had quite a few tomes, and Twilight was particularly interested in astronomy. I suppose she needs a distraction, Shining thought. It can't be easy, having the war and everything else that's happened thrust upon her. Coral Drifter was observing something in the distance with her spyglass. Shining walked to her. "Can you even spot anything between the snow and the darkness?" he asked. "You get used to it," she said. She handed the spyglass to Shining. "Here, take a look. You should be able to see a faint light in the distance." Shining did as instructed. He first saw nothing but white speckles of snow in a black expense, but after a moment's concentration, he managed to see hints of a large glowing object. The specifics were impossible to make out. "I think I see something." "That's Manehattan," Coral said as she took back her spyglass. "We should arrive in a few hours. I just hope your friend is right and we don't get sunk the moment we come into view." "Are things really that bad?" Coral sighed. "We were told to stay away from Manehattan after it passed on to Cloudsdale's control. I heard stories of ships being sunk for facilitating trade with Griffingard, but nothing substantial." "We should be fine," Shining said, although he didn't fully believe it himself. "You might want to fly the white flag to stay on the safe side. We should at least be able to talk to them before we dock. If anything, we should warn them that Twilight is on board." Coral nodded, then stretched her neck. Her eyes lit up as she glanced behind Shining. "Speaking of, here she comes." Shining turned his head and found Twilight groggily making her way out of the captain's cabin. "Thank you for the talk, Captain," he said before walking to his sister. "Twily. I was wondering when you'd leave the cabin." "I think I did everything I could," Twilight said, fatigue evident in her voice. "The captain says we'll reach Manehattan in a few hours. What were you doing locked up in there anyway?" "Working on insurance," Twilight said. She stared into the distance, her tone flat and somehow grim. "I'd rather not talk about it for now, and I hope I don't need to use it." "Use what?" "A new spell. As I said, if things go sour, I'd rather have a backup plan." Shining nodded. "Alright, I won't pry." "It's appreciated," Twilight said with a weak smile as she turned to face her brother. "I've had enough of Pinkie pestering me with questions." "I'm surprised you got any work done," Shining said with a chuckle. "She actually got Rainbow asking questions and pestering me, too. If bothering me while I work can help Rainbow get better, then I can tolerate it." Shining shook his head as he smiled. "I'm glad things are starting to get back to normal. Anyway, speaking of Pinkie, has she told you about her windigo theory?" "She has," Twilight said. "She seems convinced that they're back." "They're just a myth though. They can't be real. Otherwise, we'd see an impromptu winter whenever two towns feud over land." "Nightmare Moon was once considered a myth, too," Twilight said, her eyes again trained in the distance. "Legends have a way of distorting reality. It could be that windigos aren't simply spirits of disharmony." "They're spirits of war," Shining completed in a low voice. "They could very well be," Twilight said as she leaned against the ship's railing. "For all the good Princess Celestia did, she had an annoying tendency to turn history into fables. It gets hard to figure out the truth." Shining observed the sea with his sister for a moment. The water was silent, and the waves relatively small. The calm before the storm. Shining took a deep breath and returned his attention to Twilight. "Have you decided what you want to do?" "I have to take the throne," Twilight said, staring at the water. "And I'll have to do it in a way that gives ponies hope. It's not usually my style, but I might have to go for a grand entrance. Knowing Rarity, she probably prepared the nobility for my eventual return. As for the Cloudsdale army, I imagine they won't have a choice." Shining scratched his head. "What do you mean? With Luna declaring eternal night, I would imagine they're as desperate as ever. Whatever you think you knew about Luna, she's responsible for a lot of horrors." "Pinkie told me," Twilight said as she averted her eyes. "There is one thing Luna would never do though, and that's create eternal night. To her, it would mean being Nightmare Moon again." Shining gasped. "You think that she fell back to her old ways?" Twilight shook her head. "I think it's more likely she's dead, Shining. Maybe somepony in Cloudsdale didn't want to support her rule; she could be demanding as a ruler. Or maybe Captain Silvermane managed to send an assassin. From what I've seen of her, she seems the type." "I know what you're thinking," Shining said. "Naming her as my successor was a mistake. I should have known better." "I was always curious about that," Twilight said as Manehattan's lights were coming into view. "Why did you choose her? I imagine there was a good reason." "Ironically, I thought she could prevent something like this. She was always vigilant, and always serious. The grim reality that we royal guards had to face was that our precious Equestrian peace could crumble at any time." Twilight's face remained unreadable. "And you wanted a successor who could make the hard decisions." "I just never thought she'd actually be the one to start the war. Back when I was the captain of the guards, she always made plans for the unthinkable. It was actually her who suspected Canterlot might get attacked while I was too busy thinking about my wedding." Twilight took a deep breath. "I don't think Equestria will be able to afford to remain naive in the future. After I take the throne, I'd like your advice on how to keep the nation secure." Shining nodded. "Whatever happens, this Griffingard problem won't just go away. I think you're making the right choice." Twilight's expression turned into a weak smile. "So, all of this aside, how have you been doing?" "I miss Cadance," Shining said with a sigh. "I had to give up a lot of power in the Crystal Empire when I left to find you. I haven't seen my wife in months." "You can return to her after we dock," Twilight said. Shining shook his head. "No, I have to see this through. I don't know what we'll find in Manehattan, but you might still need me. I do have some military experience that can be useful to you." Twilight nodded. "I assumed you'd say as much. Speaking of, did you get anything out of the duchess?" "Not a lot, I admit. She says that more troops are on the way from Griffingard, but she won't reveal numbers. I think Gabrielle's questioning her now, but I doubt she'll get more out of her than I did. Either way, we need to resolve this situation fast. If we can unite both sides of the civil war, we might stand a chance against them should they invade." "It won't come to that," Twilight said with a knowing smile. "Either way, thanks for the talk. I'll go fly a bit with Rainbow. I promised her that I would, and I might not get the chance once we dock." Two ships sailed out to meet the Siren's Madness shortly after Manehattan came into view. Neither vessel made efforts to hide the armored soldiers they carried. If they believe us to be enemies, they won't hesitate to sink us, Shining realized as he stood on deck with Coral. He turned to a sailor. "Get Rainbow Dash up here," he ordered. "What do you have in mind?" Coral asked. "Rainbow was an officer in the Cloudsdale army. If they see her with us, they might be willing to talk. They'll also believe her over any of us." Coral nodded. "I just hope they don't blame us for her current state." "They should at least hear us out," Shining said. "Where's my sister?" "Oh, she said to tell you that she'll remain out of sight for now. Just in case these soldiers don't take kindly to her return." "It's probably the safe option," Shining said. "Although if they decide to attack us, I don't see how we could get out of it." "They won't attack us," a voice said from behind Shining. He turned around and found Rainbow Dash, now sporting a black eyepatch and an improvised wooden leg brace. Her coat seemed to have regained some of its coloration, although it would take more time for her mane and tail to grow back. "I hope you're right," Shining said as he eyed the approaching ships. Rainbow flew up and waved her hoof at one of the other ships. "Hopefully they see me and send somepony over." Hopefully they recognize her, Shining thought. The plan seemed to work; a group of six pegasi flew from another ship. Two of the flyers were carrying unicorns. "Here goes nothing," Coral said. "How are we playing this?" "Let's be completely honest," Shining said. "They'll find out either way, and I've seen enough lies and trickery for a lifetime." "Agreed," Rainbow said as she landed. Shining noticed her struggling a bit, trying not to put any weight on her injured leg as her hooves met the deck's surface. The sailors all moved aside to let the soldiers land on the ship. They were led by a dark gray pegasus stallion wearing the insignia of a sergeant. He carefully observed the crew before locking his gaze on Rainbow. "Wing Commander Rainbow Dash," he said with a nervous salute. "We were told you died." Rainbow gulped and stepped forward, not even attempting to hide her limp. She saluted the soldier. "Sergeant Thunderlane," she replied with a smile that seemed forced. "Takes more than a hailstorm to get rid of me. I was held captive in High Roost." Thunderlane eyed her up and down. He smirked lightly "You look terrible. Remind me never to get a mane cut in High Roost. I like the eyepatch though." Rainbow, surprisingly, chuckled. "The food is awful, too. Although if you spend some time there, you might lose a few pounds. I always said the extra weight slowed you down." Thunderlane laughed heartily. "It's great to see you alive and well, Commander." Rainbow smiled, this time more genuinely. "It's great to be back. We do have some business though. As you can imagine, I'm not here just to reminisce." Thunderlane's brow furrowed. "Before we do anything, you understand that I have to make sure it really is you." Rainbow rolled her remaining eye. "Fine, get it over with." The two unicorns stepped forward. One of them enveloped Rainbow in her magical hue before nodding at Thunderlane. "You think we're changelings?" Shining asked. "Never hurts to be safe," Thunderlane said as the second unicorn cast his spell on Shining. "We'll need to test your entire crew." Shining shared a nod with Coral Drifter. "Fair enough," the captain said. "We do have a VIP on board you should know about." "Oh?" Thunderlane asked. Shining walked to Thunderlane. "My sister, Princess Twilight Sparkle, is on board." Thunderlane gasped. "This could solve a lot of problems." "What do you mean?" Rainbow asked. "Princess Luna is dead," Thunderlane said. "She was murdered by one of her officers." "So the war is over?" Shining asked. Even as he asked the question, he could hear the doubt in his own voice. Thunderlane shook his head, confirming Shining's suspicion. "Far from it. General Soarin doesn't give up that easily. He vowed to throw Blueblood off the throne and kick the griffons out of Equestria." Shining ground his teeth. "Hopefully my sister's return can help bring some sanity back to Equestria. In either case, we'll want to see whoever's in charge in Manehattan." "That would be Wing Commander Tinkerboom," Thunderlane said, eliciting a smile from Rainbow. "On the civilian side of things, Mayor Stufferson is still in charge of the city, and he has some Canterlot bigwig who switched sides advising him. Fancy Pants, I think his name is?" Shining nodded. "Good. Please inform all three of our arrival, and of Princess Twilight's desire to meet with them. We'll also need adequate security for the Princess. I will personally act as her bodyguard for the duration of her stay. Anywhere she goes, I go." Thunderlane mirrored Shining's nod. "Understood. Once I'm satisfied that there's nothing dangerous on your ship, I'll make sure you get permission to dock. Should we keep the Princess's visit a secret?" Shining was scratching his head when Twilight flew toward them. "Absolutely not. I will enter the city in the open," she ordered. "I'm done hiding. Equestria needs a princess, and I'm going to play my part." It took one hour after Thunderlane's soldiers were done inspecting the Siren's Madness for the two Manehattan vessels to escort them to the city docks. Plenty of pegasi messengers had flown back and forth between the city and the two ships while they waited. Unlike what they'd seen in High Roost, it was evident as they got closer that the city's residents weren't afraid of the outside; a crowd had gathered up in the well-illuminated docks. A few ponies waved banners depicting Twilight's cutie mark. Apparently, word had quickly spread about Twilight's return. "It looks like you have your grand entrance," Shining said to his sister, who stood next to him on deck. "Yeah," Twilight said. She sighed and averted her eyes. "Not for me," Gabrielle said from behind Shining. "I'll stay below deck for now and sneak out later. I imagine griffons aren't too popular around here." "Probably a good idea," Shining said. He turned to Twilight. "I thought a grand entrance was what you wanted?" Twilight took a deep breath. "It's not as much what I want as what I need to do. Equestria needs a strong princess. They need their speeches and ceremonies. I'm just doing what's expected of me." Shining smiled. "I get what you mean. You know, I could never get used to this stuff back in the Crystal Empire." "Cadance told me," Twilight said with a smile of her own. "It must be a family thing. I hated it too at first. I've had Rarity drill me for months on how a princess should behave." "For what it's worth," Gabrielle said. "I think you'll do a good job. You obviously care about Equestria, and the best leaders are often the ones who don't want the job." She eyed a trapdoor. "Either way, we're getting too close for my taste. I'll see you all later." "Thank you, Gabrielle," Twilight said before the griffon went below deck. "Well, Your Highness," Shining said with a mock bow. "Your subjects are waiting." Twilight shook her head with a light giggle as she joined Pinkie and Rainbow, who both waited near the cabin. Shining followed close behind. "Look how many ponies are here to see you, Twilight," Pinkie said, smiling as she pointed at the crowd. "I just hope I can give them what they want," Twilight said with a gulp. Shining recognized the same nervous eye twitch his sister used to have before taking an exam. "I believe in you, Twily," Shining said as he placed a hoof on her back. The ship came to a stop at the docks, and workers moored it using thick ropes. A ramp was raised, allowing the group to step off. Rows of armored guards protected the way from the wooden dock to Manehattan's busy port. A luxurious-looking carriage was waiting for them at the end of the path. Closer to the ship, three ponies stood. The first one was easily recognizable to Shining. Fancy Pants kept a straight posture and the smile on his face seemed genuine. He carefully adjusted his monocle. Next to him stood Mayor Stufferson Crustini. Manehattan's mayor had gained some weight since Shining had last seen him. He had also grown thick grayish-violet sideburns that, when combined with his top hat, gave him a bit of a flaky look. The last pony present was unknown to Shining, but the Cloudsdale commander uniform she wore made it likely that this was Wing Commander Tinkerboom. She adjusted her short, practical mane and nodded at Rainbow. Shining raised his hoof at the welcoming party before stepping off the ship. He was closely followed by Twilight, with Pinkie and Rainbow accompanying her. Fancy Pants bowed as Twilight stepped in front of the Manehattan leaders. "Your Highness," he began. "Let me be the first to formally welcome you back to Equestria. It is my highest hope that I can help you regain your rightful position on the throne." Interesting, he's speaking only of himself, not the group, Shining noted. He also noticed that Fancy's two companions didn't bow. Twilight will have her work cut off for her in convincing this group to support her claim. "A lot still remains to be seen," Crustini said, his tone haughty and severe. He politely bowed to Twilight. "No disrespect intended, Your Highness." "No offense taken," Twilight said. "I imagine you all have a lot of questions." "Indeed," Crustini said with a nod. "And what about you?" Twilight asked as she turned her attention to the earth pony military officer. "Wing Commander Tinkerboom, Your Highness," the officer replied with a polite bow. "Like Mayor Stufferson, I will require some assurance before I can promise the loyalty of my forces." Rainbow stepped forward. "It's been a while, Tinkerboom." Tinkerboom gulped. "It has, Commander. I'm glad you managed to escape High Roost." Rainbow nodded. "Me too. I'm in no hurry to ever see it again." "Until we finally get some payback on those overgrown chickens," Tinkerboom said with a smirk. Twilight frowned. "I did not return to Equestria to start more wars." She took a deep breath. "I was told the three of you make all the important decisions in Manehattan?" Fancy nodded. "Indeed, Your Highness. Mayor Stufferson still holds legislative powers, the commander here leads the army, and I advise them both." "Good," Twilight said. "I wish to speak to the three of you in private as soon as possible. I want to know everything that happened to Equestria — to my nation — while I was away. Then I want to start planning our next move." "Of course," Fancy said. "If you will follow us." Crustini led the way toward the carriage. Shining turned his gaze toward Twilight, and found Pinkie whispering something in his sister's ear. Twilight's ears perked up shortly after. As they left the wooden dock and got closer to the crowd, ponies cheered loudly. Twilight's name was eagerly chanted by the masses. Banners were waved, and Pinkie even threw colorful streamers. Where she'd found them on the ship, Shining wouldn't even try to guess. A uniformed marching band was playing Equestria's national anthem as Twilight approached the carriage. Twilight stopped in her tracks and eyed the crowd. "Twilight, is everything okay?" Shining whispered. "Yes, I just think I should say a few words," she whispered back. "Pinkie's idea." Twilight flew up and above the crowd. She used her magic to amplify her voice. "I want to thank all of you for so warmly welcoming me back to Equestria. I wish it were under better circumstances. When I heard what happened to our great nation, I was deeply troubled." She frowned as the crowd fell silent. Shining heard a few whispers coming from the masses. He turned to Pinkie, giving her a concerned look. She replied with a confident nod. "I'm not going to throw individual blame today," Twilight continued. "There will be trials later, where we'll sort out exactly what happened. For now, I can say that many ponies were too quick to seek power before finding the truth. Some of you chose hatred and paranoia over kindness." She sighed. "This is not the Equestria I want to rule. This is not the Equestria I grew up in. I know this is not the Equestria all of you deserve." "Blueblood stole that Equestria!" an angry mare shouted, accompanied by the crowd's enraged outcry. Twilight raised her hoof. It took a moment for the crowd to quiet down, but they did. "Like every other player in this travesty of a succession, he will be judged accordingly. For now, I would ask all of you to think about the future. We have towns to rebuild, food stores to replenish, and friendships to repair. These ponies fighting on the other side, they're not your enemies. They fell victim to lies and deceit, the same as many of you." Tears fell down Twilight's cheeks as she spoke. "Many ponies died because of this madness, including Princess Luna. I implore all of you, do not let it destroy who we are. Yes, I know a lot of you are scared and angry. A lot of you believe the griffons will destroy Equestria. The only way we can prevent them from doing as much is the same way my friends and I have stopped countless threats in the past: work together and trust in each other. It doesn't matter if you come from Manehattan, Cloudsdale, or Canterlot. We're all ponies, and we should start acting that way." Twilight's speech was met with cheers. Fancy Pants applauded, and Mayor Crustini couldn't hide the smile on his face. Tinkerboom acted more reserved, but seeing Rainbow cheer seemed to loosen her features. "My friend Pinkie Pie has an interesting theory," Twilight continued after the crowd calmed down. "She thinks that this unnatural winter is the result of windigos returning. Now, I know we've all been taught that this is only a story. Perhaps it is, perhaps it isn't. In the end, what matters is this: Equestria is covered in snow and ice because ponies chose to make war. Who was tending to the weather, the plants, or the animals? The world is counting on us, and we're letting it down." Twilight took a deep breath. "I can promise you two things. First, I will do everything in my power to put an end to this war once and for all. Second, I will do as I've asked of all of you and help fix Equestria. Once we have peace in Canterlot, I will devote all my energy to bringing back the sun. So, what do you all say? Shall we return Equestria to peace?" Shining couldn't stop himself but to join in the loud cheer. Immediately after Twilight's speech at the docks, the group boarded the carriage. They headed directly to the Mane Fair Hotel. The tall building was part of a sea of impressive-looking towers in the center of the city's richest district. Even as the city was plunged in darkness, this district was well-illuminated and blooming with life. The moment the carriage arrived, a legion of servants escorted the group to the very top of the tower, where the royal suite had been prepared for Twilight. Smaller, but still extravagant quarters were given to Shining, Pinkie, and Rainbow. They had been offered time to rest, but Twilight insisted they meet with the city leaders as soon as possible. Shining only found time for a quick shower before he had to accompany Twilight to the meeting. He had forgotten how dirty his coat had been as the water washed the grime off it. A bottle of strong anti-flea shampoo had been left in his shower. Subtle, he thought as he applied the product. A relief from the constant itch would certainly be welcome. Once he was thoroughly clean, Shining picked a dark blue shirt and a black jacket from a pile of clothes left for him before heading to the royal suite. He stopped as he left his quarters, finding Gabrielle leaning against the wall in the hallway outside his suite. "I see you found your way off the ship," Shining said with a tentative smile. "Yeah," Gabrielle replied. "I managed to get an escort, and only had to suffer through a few insults. Felt a bit too much like Gale for my taste." "I'm sorry." "Not your fault," Gabrielle continued. "Anyway, it's not why I'm here. I've seen the soldiers around the city, and with your princess coming back, this can only end one way. I was fine helping you smuggle refugees, but allying with an army that fights my own kind, that's a line I won't cross." Shining sighed. "I hope it won't come to that. We could still find a peaceful solution." Gabrielle shook her head. "You don't believe that any more than I do." "You're right," Shining said as he averted his eyes. "This war probably isn't over yet." "I'm heading for the Crystal Empire," Gabrielle said. "Maybe I can find some work there, or at least find some place that can use a griffon carpenter." She smiled tentatively. "I can pass on a message to your wife for you." "Tell her that I love her," Shining said, his voice soft. "And tell her that I miss her and will return as soon as I feel that Twilight is safe. I hope she understands." "I will," Gabrielle said as she extended a claw. "It's been a pleasure, Prince Shining Armor." Shining looked down at the claw and shook it with his hoof. "Likewise, Gabrielle, and good luck. I may have lost most of my power back in the Empire, but you'll always be welcome in my home." "Be safe," she said as she walked away toward a nearby staircase. Shining took a deep breath and made his way toward Twilight's quarters. Pinkie and Rainbow were already waiting in front of the ornate white door leading to the royal suite. Pinkie wore a light pink dress, while Rainbow favored her Cloudsdale military uniform. Shining raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure Twilight will approve of the uniform, Rainbow." Rainbow ignored the comment. "This place is ridiculous. There's a war going on, and they're offering us fancy spa treatments." Pinkie shrugged. "It beats sleeping in a barn or a cave." "A few luxuries can help keep morale up," Shining said. "Although after what happened to you, I understand your position." Shining immediately regretted his words as Rainbow glared angrily at him. "Don't pretend like you can understand," she snapped, pushing him against the wall. Shining bowed his head, not wanting to create any more conflict. "You're right. I can't, and I'm sorry." Rainbow sighed as she moved away from him. "As for my uniform, it's who I am now. If the griffons taught me anything, it's that Equestria needs a stronger army. After all of this is done, I'll ask Twilight to create a permanent one." She glared at Shining and Pinkie, as if challenging them to disagree. Pinkie gasped. "You don't mean it, Dashie." "I do," Rainbow said. "Tell me honestly, Shining, would any of this have happened if Equestria had a capable military structure?" Shining sighed. "It might have helped rein Silvermane in a bit. She would at least have been better advised. We would also have had true military leaders instead of improvised generals with little to no experience. A military structure certainly would have prevented the griffons from injecting themselves into our affairs the way they did." "Not you too, Shiny," Pinkie said. "You saw everything these armies did." "With proper leadership, it can be different," Shining continued. "We can put an end to forced conscriptions, field razing, civilian murders, and other mistakes made by incompetent officers." "Officers I thought were my friends," Rainbow mumbled under her breath. "You mean Lightning?" Pinkie said as she placed a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. Rainbow pushed Pinkie away. "Yeah, I mean Lightning. She was always brash, but to hear she brutalized innocents for months, only to kill Princess Luna afterwards..." Rainbow took a deep breath. "To make it even worse, she put Scootaloo in danger." Both Shining and Pinkie gasped at once. "What about Scootaloo?" Pinkie asked as she grabbed Rainbow's head. "She's supposed to be safe with my sisters." Rainbow sighed and pushed Pinkie away again. "I don't know the full story, but Tinkerboom told me that Lightning escorted her to Cloudsdale, even took her to see Princess Luna. Scootaloo was the only witness to the murder." "I knew I should have had her escorted back to Ponyville," Shining said under his breath. "At least she's safe for now," Rainbow continued. "They're keeping her in Cloudsdale. Apparently she's been asking about me." Shining and Pinkie shared a concerned look. "It might not be easy for her when she sees you," Shining said. "Just, you know, be ready for that." "She knows everything," Rainbow said. "When I was in my cell, Scoots came into my dreams. I think Princess Luna let her in. The memories are still hazy. If it weren't for her, the griffons would have completely broken me." Rainbow tried to hide the tears welling up in her remaining eye. "She saved me. I don't know what would have happened if she didn't come into my dreams that night." This time, Rainbow didn't refuse Pinkie's gentle embrace. "Tell her that when you next see her," Pinkie said. Shining waited, letting the girls have their moment. "You know, a lot of this will be hard on Twilight," he said once Pinkie broke the embrace. "Unlike the rest of us, she didn't see the situation escalate." "I tried to talk to her about it on the ship," Pinkie said. "But she just kept to her books and formulas. I asked her what she was doing, but she just said it was an insurance spell, whatever that means." "She seems to be taking it well enough so far," Rainbow said. "And we'll be here to help her make the tough decisions." "That's what I was going for, Rainbow," Shining said. "This isn't the Equestria Twilight left. She's been thrown into this situation, expected to restore peace to a nation at war. Guilty parties will have to be punished. Steps will have to be taken to make sure Equestria is protected, and something will have to be done about the griffons." Pinkie shook her head. "I think it's good that Twilight didn't see the horrors. You all think that we live in a 'new Equestria', where we have to make 'the tough decisions'. It's ridiculous. Twilight will do what she always does; she will teach everypony the true value of friendship." Rainbow rolled her eye. "Sorry Pinkie, but you're being naive. The old Equestria is gone. You have to face it. Things will never be the same for us." "Rainbow's right, Pinkie," Shining said. "Things will never be the same, at least not in our lifetime. Twilight will have difficult decisions to make, but Rainbow and I will be here to advise her. As for you, if anyone can help bring back some of the old Equestria, I can't think of anypony better suited." "Trust me Pinkie," Rainbow continued. "We'll need a strong army for the future, but things will be different." Shining cleared his throat. "To ensure that they will, I'm going to teach you." He stared at Rainbow and placed a hoof on her shoulder. "I will take you under my wing, make sure you know how to properly lead an armed force. I also suggest you read up on military history and tactics." Rainbow nodded. "If it means that what happened to me won't happen to anypony else, I'll do it." The three of them shared a moment of silence until the door to the royal quarters opened, revealing Twilight wearing a long white and purple dress. "Alright everypony, are we all ready to go?" "...And even though Princess Luna was murdered, General Soarin felt it pressing to rid Equestria of the griffons and their co-conspirators," Tinkerboom finished explaining as she leaned on the table in the round conference chamber. It was a fairly large room, lavishly decorated with paintings of Manehattan being built. Twilight nodded. "Thank you for clarifying everything. It should help me make the right decision." For the past few hours, they had all described everything that happened since Princess Celestia's death in detail. Rainbow Dash, then Commander Tinkerboom, explained what had happened in Cloudsdale, from the military buildup to the attack force that was now flying toward Canterlot. Fancy Pants openly revealed everything he knew about Blueblood's rule in Canterlot, as well as the various political ploys in the capital. Shining Armor and Pinkie Pie described everything they saw in what used to be Equestria's most fertile lands. Mayor Stufferson added his own perspective, proudly telling Twilight about Manehattan's neutrality, then his reluctant support of Princess Luna's cause. Twilight seemed to take all of it in stride, asking questions and taking copious amounts of notes. "Maybe we should take a break?" Shining suggested. "This might have been a lot to take in, Twilight." Twilight shook her head. "It's fine. We've been putting all of this off for too long. What we need now is a plan." "A plan to secure the throne?" Fancy asked. "Precisely," Twilight said with a firm nod. "I trust that Rarity will do everything she can to support me, but Prince Blueblood might be an issue. The griffons will definitely be a problem." "General Soarin should support us," Rainbow said. Twilight turned to her friend. "Are you absolutely sure, Rainbow?" Rainbow spoke softly. "I am. From what Tinkerboom said, he was pretty mad at what happened to Princess Luna. Still, he was always the voice of reason. He knows that Equestria needs a stable ruler." Tinkerboom nodded. "I can put my forces at your command. With both Rainbow and myself supporting you, the general should follow." "We still need to convince the Canterlot side," Twilight said. "Somehow, we need to get through to Prince Blueblood. If only I could talk to Rarity, maybe arrange a meeting. We can finally negotiate peace. All of you ending the last attempt in bloodshed will not make my job any easier" She glared at Fancy Pants, Tinkerboom, and Stufferson in turn. "With all due respect, Your Highness," Tinkerboom said. "This is madness. Blueblood can't be reasoned with. He was probably in league with the griffons all along. I know you dislike war, but the only way you'll reason with him is with an army at your back and his head on a spike." "That's ridiculous," Twilight snapped as she rose. "I won't bring more violence to Equestria." "I agree with Twilight," Pinkie added, standing up as well. "Enough ponies have suffered." Fancy Pants stroked his chin. "An army isn't always used for fighting. It can be a symbol of strength. It would help you negotiate from a position of power." "I have five hundred soldiers in the city," Tinkerboom said. "They're ready to march at your command. Even if you won't fight other ponies, you might need them to defend against the griffons." Stufferson nodded. "I can promise one half of the Manehattan volunteer militia as well. That's five hundred extra soldiers. They may not be as well-trained as Commander Tinkerboom's troops, but they are dedicated to peace." Twilight sighed. "I will only take soldiers who volunteer for this. Anypony not willing to fight stays behind. I refuse to support forced conscription." "A wise decision, Your Highness," Fancy said. Shining smiled at his sister. "You're making the right decision, Twilight. I know you don't like it, but we're heading into a volatile situation. We don't know how any of the factions will react." "I get it," Twilight said with another sigh as she sat back down, Pinkie mirroring the gesture. "I'm not naive. I know that the griffons want me dead or back in their custody. Blueblood might see me as an obstacle to get rid of. I just never expected to have to take the throne by force." "I don't think any of us expected this," Shining said. "And this was the griffon's plan all along. Ambassador Antoine studied us for years and found out exactly the areas in which we were unprepared. He made a lot of influential friends, including Blueblood himself." "I still think we can unite Equestria again," Twilight said with a hopeful smile. "Friendship and unity aren't just words to us. We just have to remind everypony of that." Rainbow's ears perked up and grin formed on her muzzle, displaying her broken teeth. "Maybe the griffons feel this way too," she pondered. Pinkie's brow furrowed. "What are you on about, Dashie?" "We still have Alicia as a prisoner," Rainbow continued. "Her husband is commanding the griffons in Equestria, isn't he?" Shining slowly nodded. "You want to use her as a hostage." Silence fell as every eye turned toward Twilight. "Let's do it," she said firmly. Shining couldn't hide the shock from his face. "I'm surprised you agreed this quickly, Twilight." Twilight's face hardened. "Enough ponies have died. You're right, we need to end this. If bringing one hostage can help put a stop to the war, then I'd be a fool not to do it." "I'll have the prisoner prepared for transport, then," Tinkerboom said. "Good," Twilight said with a nod. "Now, all of you get some rest. Once we're all rested and the troops are ready, we march for Canterlot." She sighed before sharing a look with Shining. "I will reclaim my throne once and for all." > XXXVII General Silvermane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silvermane almost pushed a servant out of the way as she stormed through the castle halls. She eyed the griffon guards in front of Blueblood's office, defying them to keep her out. "Move," she ordered. "I have to see the prince." The two guards shared a concerned look, but moved aside. Silvermane wasted no time in opening the golden door. She found Blueblood on the other side, deep in conversation with Ambassador Antoine and Centurion Bouvier who both stood in front of his desk. Silvermane spoke the moment she stepped inside. "One of my scouts just returned. The enemy soldiers will be here in about a day, with the main force moving from Cloudsdale. Reports indicate that more enemy troops are gathering in Manehattan." Bouvier frowned. "That doesn't give us as much time as I hoped." "It'll have to do," Silvermane said. "I already recalled as many of our troops as I could, but the bulk of our forces are still at Vanhoover." "We got distracted by this campaign," Antoine said as he fiddled with a pencil. Silvermane nodded. "They took advantage of the Vanhoover siege to attack. It'll take days for our troops to return and reinforce us. We'll have to hold the city in the meantime." Blueblood massaged his temples. "At least most of the griffon forces are still in the city. It was a good idea to recall them earlier, Centurion." He took a deep breath and faced Silvermane. "So how bad is it?" "It's bad," Silvermane said. "They outnumber us three to one. Their entire hit and run campaign was a diversion. Soarin was rebuilding his army while he had us believe that he was down to guerrilla tactics. Without spies in Cloudsdale, we had no way to know how much they recruited." "But we did the same," Blueblood said, his voice shaking. "We recruited heavily." "And then spread our forces too thin," Silvermane continued. She carefully observed both griffons for signs of a reaction, but found none. "The Vanhoover campaign was a mistake. Also, to put it bluntly, we should have insisted on forced conscription." "Indeed you should have," Bouvier said as he adjusted his glasses. "But instead, you chose to evacuate the city of most of its civilian population. A sign of weakness if I ever saw one." "My citizens have suffered enough," Blueblood said. "My wife did the right thing. Don't any of you dare criticize her again." "Of course, Your Highness," Antoine politely replied with a bow. Interesting, it seems Rarity rubbed off on him after all. Now, if only I could confirm that he wasn't part of the conspiracy to murder Celestia. Perhaps I will be able to use him after all. Silvermane nodded at Blueblood. "What's done is done. We're here to serve both you and the princess, of course. Now, we should plan for the defense." Bouvier nodded. "That's precisely what we were doing before you interrupted us, General." "Carry on then," Silvermane said. "I'm curious what you've come up with so far." "With the forces you have," Bouvier said, "we believe the defense should be concentrated around the castle itself." He motioned for a map of the city on Blueblood's desk. A series of figurines marked both Canterlot and Cloudsdale units. "As you can see, I've suggested a deployment strategy for your troops, favoring an easy retreat back toward the castle. You should be able to hold up, hopefully for as long as a few days." Silvermane frowned. "I don't see your forces on this map, Centurion." "That's correct, General," Bouvier said. "My own forces will hide in the Everfree forest. We'll use the night to our advantage and take the enemy from behind. They will be fighting a battle on two fronts." It took all of Silvermane's self-control to keep a straight face. So this is their plan. They leave the city, let the Cloudsdale army torch it, then come back and eliminate the survivors. If they want to bring Equestria to ruin, this is their chance. She turned to Blueblood. "Do you agree with this plan, Your Highness?" Blueblood sighed. "I don't like it, but Centurion Bouvier assured me that it was our best option." Silvermane allowed herself a smirk. "That's because Centurion Bouvier forgets what a well-trained team of unicorns is capable of. I haven't been idle these past few days; I have a plan to protect the entire city." Blueblood gasped. "How?" Silvermane tapped her horn. "A magical shield. You remember all the attempts at raising the sun? They might have failed, but Professor Starflare learned a great deal about combined spellcasting. With enough unicorns, we can create a shield that'll protect Canterlot." "Excellent!" Blueblood said as he rose to his hooves. "You'll be stretching your forces too thin," Bouvier warned with a severe frown. "I've done my homework on unicorn magic. Such a shield would have weaknesses. Even your predecessor, Captain Shining Armor, wouldn't have been able to pull it off, despite shields being his specialty. A few enemy soldiers will be able to sneak through." "And we'll have patrols ready to fight them off," Silvermane said. "I won't punish the citizens who chose to remain in Canterlot and defend their homes. Furthermore, I won't retreat to the castle before the battle even begins. That, Centurion, would be a gesture of weakness." She glared at Bouvier, looking for any sign of doubt or hesitation. Antoine interjected himself between the two. "I don't believe our forces should risk taking part in such a foolish plan." Bouvier eyed Antoine severely. "Keep your place, Ambassador. Leave the military matters to me." Antoine stepped back, his step appearing nervous to Silvermane. "My apologies, Centurion." "Nevertheless, you're right," Bouvier said with a sigh. "I will not risk my forces by keeping them inside the city. As planned, I will hide them in the Everfree forest. Should your plan succeed, I'll attack the Cloudsdale forces while their guard is down." Silvermane raised an eyebrow. "What if the battle isn't going to your satisfaction? You could easily fly your troops in the opposite direction and abandon us to our fate." "Enough, General," Blueblood said, glaring at Silvermane. "I trust Centurion Bouvier's judgment. We'll crush Soarin, and finally put an end to his rebellion." "I hope so, for all of our sakes," Silvermane quietly said. Bouvier nodded. "If we're done here, then I'll go see to my troops." "You may leave," Blueblood said. "Thank you all for your advice." Antoine smiled as he placed a claw on Blueblood's shoulder. "I would never let you down, old friend." Both griffons left the office, leaving Silvermane alone with Blueblood. I'm not sure if I can trust him. At least not while the griffons are still in Canterlot. She bowed. "Then I'll make sure my forces are ready as well, Your Highness." "Go," Blueblood said. He opened a cabinet and grabbed a bottle of wine. Silvermane hurried out of the office and back to the barracks. With Blueblood blindly trusting the griffons and Rarity now aware of everything she had done, she had few allies left. Rarity had even used an old secret passage to free Octavia. If Silvermane survived the coming battle, she would have to make sure that tunnel and other similar passages were permanently sealed. Hopefully the loss of such a valuable prisoner wouldn't cost them the battle, or the war. Silvermane ignored the various soldiers who saluted her as she passed them, heading straight to her office and locking the door. A yellow pegasus mare wearing light military armor saluted as Silvermane entered. "Ma'am?" the soldier asked. Silvermane nodded. "It's just as I expected. You are to fly to Ponyville and meet with Captain Boulderhoof and Princess Rarity. Explain that the griffons are leaving Canterlot and could betray us. The princess's safety is paramount." "Y... yes Ma'am," the mare replied with a hesitant salute. "I assume I should tell nopony else?" "Correct," Silvermane said. "Tell them that the griffons told me they'd be hiding in the Everfree forest, which makes it almost certain their forces will be hiding elsewhere. Now go." The soldier saluted. "Yes Ma'am." She left Silvermane's office to carry out her orders. Silvermane eyed her spear on the wall. She levitated and studied the weapon. This is what it all comes down to. Three armies fighting for Equestria's future. As long as I can crush the rebels and keep Rarity's foal safe, this will all have been worth it. Outside in the courtyard, soldiers were busy sharpening spears, polishing armor, and building improvised fortifications using anything they could get their hooves on, from castle furniture, to carts, to blocks of ice. In the event that the shield fell, the castle could quickly become their last line of defense. What used to be a flowery garden where nobles would take afternoon strolls had been turned into a line of trenches and barricades. Snow had begun to fall again. Soldiers shivered as they prepared their equipment. Silvermane walked through the makeshift installation, giving them a cursory inspection. She admonished a few of her troops who didn't stand straight, sharpened their weapon poorly, or otherwise slacked off. Ponies quieted down the moment she came into earshot, but their downtrodden expressions and averted eyes told her what she needed to know — her troops were afraid. She found Captain Wind Rider giving orders to a group of junior officers under a makeshift command tent. "Report?" she asked as she approached him. Wind Rider stood at attention. "Everything is going as planned, Ma'am. We're making good time." Silvermane ground her teeth. "Don't embellish it, Captain. The troops are scared, and we're building walls out of ice blocks and castle furniture. This is not what anypony planned for." Wind Rider nodded. "Well, the walls are ugly, but they should hold for a while. It won't keep a pegasus out, obviously, but it should keep their earth pony and unicorn soldiers at bay." "Which is why I ordered it in the first place," Silvermane said. "I'm more concerned about troop morale." Wind Rider sighed. He motioned for her to follow him to the back of the tent. "It's bad," he said once they were out of earshot. "We already caught six soldiers trying to desert. These are just the first, more will try. Between this makeshift wall and the city evacuation, none of these ponies believe they'll live to see their families again." Silvermane sighed. Perhaps Rarity was right, and fighting was pointless? Morale was at an all-time low, and the griffons were on the verge of abandoning them. No. I have a duty to protect Canterlot. "We need to do something about it, and fast. These soldiers have to believe that they can win this." "Agreed," Wind Rider said. "But between you and me, General, can we win this? You have my loyalty regardless, and you know I'm willing to give my life for this army. I do need to know though." "I don't know, Captain. Half of our troops are green rookies who haven't seen combat yet. I'm fairly certain the griffons won't be reinforcing us, and the Cloudsdale forces have air superiority over us." "Meaning that if the shield fails, we'll be facing hurricanes and hailstorms." "Precisely," Silvermane said. "Whatever ponies they sneak in will go after the unicorns powering the shield." Wind Rider moved toward a table in the middle of the tent and studied the city map placed on it. Multiple points had been marked on it. "It is really necessary to spread out our unicorns like this?" "I'm afraid so. Professor Starflare left very specific instructions. If we leave all our unicorn mages at the palace, the shield's strength will be concentrated at the peak, leaving the city's periphery vulnerable." "I was afraid of that," Wind Rider said with a sigh. He pointed at a few more markings on the map. "I assigned groups of soldiers to all of these positions, as well as a few decoys to keep the enemy off-balance. I set up a command post here, at the opera. I'm going to take command of our reserves from there, while you lead from the castle." Silvermane nodded. "Good. I should be able to see all of the city from one of the tower balconies. I will have Prince Blueblood with me. Perhaps I should have him say a few words to the troops?" Wind Rider frowned. "Princess Rarity would probably do a better job of it, but it can't hurt. The troops need to know who they're fighting for." Who they're going to die for, you mean, Silvermane grimly thought. She took a deep breath. "I also need you to take advantage of your old Wonderbolts tricks. I don't care how many speeches and air flips you have to make. Get our soldiers on board." "I'll do what I can." Silvermane left through the back of the tent and finished inspecting the improvised camp. The state of her troops was an absolute disgrace. Random junk and broken equipment littered the passages, and a group of soldiers were carving Celestia's cutie mark onto their armor — a ridiculous superstition that began a few weeks ago. Silvermane overheard talk of certain death. She even saw a mare vomit a few meters away from her. She headed back inside the castle to find Blueblood. Hopefully the prince's presence would be enough to motivate this sorry lot. Blueblood's royal carriage returned to the castle shortly after Silvermane received a report from one of her scouts informing her that the enemy was hours away from Canterlot. She'd been scanning the sky with her eyes, but the Cloudsdale soldiers proved impossible to spot in the darkness. The snow had intensified, making it even more difficult to see anything. Two guards opened the carriage door and helped Blueblood out. The prince shivered in the cold wind as he walked to Silvermane. "I did a tour of the various defensive positions, as you suggested. You were right. Seeing me gave our troops the courage they needed." Silvermane nodded. "Good, hopefully it helps them." Appealing to Blueblood's ego had proven an easy way to convince him to talk to the soldiers. "So, what now?" Blueblood asked. "Now, we head up the tower," Silvermane said as she escorted Blueblood inside. "If we had daylight and it wasn't snowing, we'd see the enemy approaching. I want to get the shield started." Blueblood nodded. "And what about me?" "You'll remain with me for now. If ponies see you up on the balcony, it might motivate them to fight." They walked up a winding set of stairs as Silvermane explained the plan. "I chose this tower because it gives us a good vantage point of the city. From here, we can send out pegasus messengers to relay orders. Our troops can communicate using colored flares. We'll also be far enough away from the battle that you'll be safe." Blueblood's ears perked up. "So the troops can ask for reinforcements, let us know they repelled the enemy, that sort of thing?" "Precisely," Silvermane said as she kept climbing the stairs. "I also have a few flares of my own, signaling general orders." "We do not retreat to the castle unless I say so," Blueblood ordered with a severe glare. "I will not sacrifice the city." "I certainly hope we don't have to, Your Highness," Silvermane said. "But should it be necessary, I would rather send out the purple flare than lose the battle." "The griffons will reinforce us before it gets to that," Blueblood said as they arrived at the top of the stairs. A set of double doors were opened, leading to a large, open room filled with pegasus soldiers. The luxurious columns and ornate walls contrasted with the lack of furniture inside. Silvermane ground her teeth. She turned to Blueblood before entering the room. "I don't share your confidence in the griffons. I believe they would rather flee than face a losing battle. This isn't their land." Blueblood gasped and slapped Silvermane across the face, taking her by surprise. "I will not have you talk of our allies this way, General! Ambassador Antoine has been nothing but a close friend to myself and to all of Equestria." Either he's part of a conspiracy I'm not privy of, or he's a bigger fool than he looks. Silvermane rubbed the cheek Blueblood hit. "I certainly hope you're right, Your Highness. Nevertheless, in my experience, blind trust is never the safe option." She kept her voice as straight as possible. "Now, may I show you our command center?" Blueblood grunted. "Very well." Silvermane led him inside the room. Most of the furniture had been moved outside and used to build the improvised walls around the castle. Only a few chairs were left, as well as a large table where a map of the city was placed. Another map depicted the lands surrounding Canterlot. A dozen guards stood at attention, mostly pegasi, but two unicorns were also present. One pony stood apart from the rest. A tan-coated unicorn stallion small in frame, he wore his pink mane in a bowl cut and sported thick glasses over hesitant brown eyes. "Ge... General Silvermane," he blurted out as Silvermane approached him. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Silvermane asked. The stallion shook. "Oh, I'm Moonshoes. I'm one of Professor Starflare's students." He quickly breathed in and out between words. "He asked me to come here, to cast the shield spell." Blueblood joined Silvermane in staring down Moonshoes. "Starflare was supposed to handle this himself. Is he too busy to protect the city?" "I... I'm sorry Your Highness," Moonshoes continued. "The professor left the city during the evacuation. I volunteered to stay and help. Don't worry, I'm his top student when it comes to shields and bubbles of any kind." He moved sideways, revealing the three stars on his flank. Silvermane eyed him up and down. "I really hope for your sake that you're up to this, Moonshoes. This is the entire city we're talking about." Moonshoes gulped. "I won't let you down, General, Your Highness. I... I tried to argue with Professor Starflare. I told him to stay. You have my word that I won't abandon the city." Silvermane nodded. "Good, because if you fail, we all die." She turned around and headed for the balcony, Blueblood still following her. So Starflare is a coward after all. I should have expected this. I might have to advise for a change of leadership within the magical academy if we survive this. As much as Silvermane couldn't stomach Starflare's decision, she had to admit that there was some merit in protecting their finest scholar from the battle. He would have to be punished, of course, but keeping him in an advisory capacity would be beneficial. Of course, that was assuming she both survived the coming battle, and that Rarity left her with some form of influence. Silvermane observed the city below. She spotted hints of movement in the distance, even through the growing snowstorm. "Moonshoes," she called. The diminutive stallion rushed to her side. "Yes, General, Ma'am?" "The enemy's at the gate. It's time to power up the shield." "Oh, yes, of course," he replied, his horn lighting up. Silvermane turned to one of the unicorn guards. "Fire a blue flare." The soldier saluted as he loaded a small canon and pointed it at the sky. He fired a blue sparkling rocket into the sky for all the city to see. "Do it," Silvermane ordered Moonshoes, who bit his tongue as a golden beam left his horn and formed a thin bubble around the city. Other colorful beams shot from various parts of Canterlot and collided with the bubble, strengthening and thickening it. Blueblood frowned. "Will the magical beams remain visible?" "It'll be intermittent," Silvermane said. "The shield will have to be regularly re-powered by unicorn magic. That's why each unicorn has soldiers protecting them." Blueblood kept his eyes trained on the city. "Do not fail me, Silvermane. The safety of Canterlot hinges on this plan of yours." Silvermane's heart raced as the battle approached. The shield blocked most of the snow from entering the city, and she was thus allowed a better view of the Cloudsdale forces and their movements. Pegasus soldiers were placing clouds around Canterlot, no doubt using them as mobile bases. All the while, fliers gathered up around the shield, often testing its strength by throwing rocks or other objects. Silvermane used her spyglass to look for weak points in the enemy's formation. She tried to find officers, but the highest rank she could spot were a few captains. It seemed Soarin had learned from the battle of Ponyville and kept his senior staff well away from the front lines. She turned back and found Moonshoes' eyes closed as he concentrated on keeping the shield up while Blueblood glared angrily at the enemy. As for her troops, they shared nervous looks and gulps. None dared say a word in Silvermane's presence, but she could feel their fear. Something had to be done. A pegasus stallion saluted as Silvermane turned to him. "Go down to the barracks, and have them send out the first sabotage team," she ordered. "Sabotage team?" Blueblood asked as the pegasus flew off to carry out her order. Silvermane gazed down toward the city. "We have a few infiltrators wearing Cloudsdale uniforms. They're going to poison their food supplies, bust their clouds, cause mayhem within the ranks. If the shield holds, it could help us win through attrition." "That could take days!" Blueblood snapped as he moved in front of her. "This is a siege, Your Highness," Silvermane explained, barely containing an exasperated sigh. "Either the shield holds, and we keep them at bay for days, or it fails, and they kill us all. Either way, it'll take at least three more days for our Vanhoover forces to return and reinforce us." "The griffons will return before that," Blueblood said. Silvermane ground her teeth, but only nodded. She had better things to do than to get into another pointless argument. A pegasus messenger flew to the balcony and landed in front of her. "Something's happening, General. The enemy soldiers have started flapping their wings, blowing the wind against the shield." "Then it's starting," Silvermane said as she took out her spyglass again. Just as the messenger claimed, the Cloudsdale pegasi were gathering their wingpower against the shield. "What do we do?" Blueblood asked, panic in his voice. "We remain calm and hold the line," Silvermane said as she kept scanning the enemy lines for weaknesses. "We let the enemy tire themselves out, and we win through patience. Soarin is angry at the death of his ruler. It will make him reckless and impatient." She scanned the city again. A unicorn beam in the western part of town was particularly bright. Silvermane turned to another messenger. "Relay the following order to station number eight. Tell the unicorn there to pace himself, and not burn away his magic. This will be a long siege." "Yes General," the messenger said with a salute before flying away. Let's hope that it is a long siege, Silvermane thought as she observed the ripples the wind created in the magical shield. If the shield fails and the storm breaks through, there might not be much of a city left to protect. The battle had been raging for hours. Between the wind blowing against the shield and the intensifying snowstorm, it was hard to even make out the Cloudsdale army. The enemy often struck the shield with lightning, causing Moonshoes to wince as he struggled to keep the defenses up. Twice already, holes large enough for enemy soldiers to sneak through were opened. The situation had quickly been contained, and Silvermane's forces only suffered minimal losses. Still, things would get worse before they got better. "The griffons should have been here by now," Blueblood mumbled, his panicked eyes glued to the rippling shield. "They're not coming," Silvermane said. "We need to focus on what we can do, which is holding this shield up." Blueblood grunted. "It looks like it could fail any moment. I'm losing confidence in this shield of yours, Silvermane." "It'll... hold," Moonshoes managed to blurt out. Silvermane nodded. "Keep it up. You'll be remembered for your heroism." She considered sending for a relief unicorn. The spell could prove too taxing to Moonshoes in the long run. A pegasus captain landed on the balcony. "Report," Silvermane ordered. "It's bad," the officer said. "I had our engineering crew check the city support structure, just as you ordered. Even behind the shield's protection, it's struggling. Some of the bolts on the secondary support beams have been loosened. I have a crew working on it, but it'll take hours." Blueblood rushed forward. "That's impossible! Centurion Bouvier sent some of his own soldiers to check the integrity. He did so under my order." Silvermane's breathing became erratic. She paced away from Blueblood before turning back toward him in a swift gesture. "You absolute moron! No one except the griffons went down there prior to our engineering crews just now. Everything points to them betraying us, and you're still too stubborn to even admit it. You've been played, Blueblood, and you're too much of an idiot to even notice it." "You dare?" Blueblood snapped back. "You played into Antoine's plans since the beginning!" Silvermane yelled, pushing Blueblood against the nearest wall. "For all your talk of ruling, you never made a single decision. You did what the griffons told you, what Rarity told you, even what I told you to do. Of course, you ate right out of Antoine's claw. I'm just trying to figure out if you betrayed Equestria through misguided greed or plain incompetence." "Unlike you, I'm willing to put some faith in our allies," Blueblood spat. "Perhaps if you had trusted Bouvier's experience instead of obstinately taking command yourself, we wouldn't be in this mess." Silvermane massaged her temples. This had gone on long enough. "The griffons killed Celestia, you idiot! They kidnapped Twilight Sparkle, and probably planned on making you their puppet ruler." Blueblood moved to slap Silvermane again, but she easily blocked him. "You do not get to talk to royalty this way!" Silvermane took a deep breath. "I have a city to defend," she said before turning around. The soldiers in the room all blankly stared at both her and Blueblood. "Get back to your duties," she ordered. The soldiers moved to adjust their armor, turn to the city, or study the battle plans on the table. Silvermane returned her attention to the siege. Multiple lightning bolts impacted the same upper section of the shield. Silvermane swore under her breath. While she was busy admonishing Blueblood, the enemy was piercing another hole. She turned her gaze toward Moonshoes, whose eyes were filling with tears as he stared at her apologetically. "Bloody hay," Silvermane mumbled under her breath. She raised her tone. "They're about to break through! Defend this position at all cost." Lightning again pierced the shield, and a swarm of pegasus soldiers flew through the hole alongside a torrent of snow. At least three clouds carrying earth pony and unicorn troops were carried inside. Silvermane gulped at the approaching army, but took a deep breath before issuing her orders. "Fire the yellow flare. All reserve flyers to the sky. Ground troops in the streets. Moonshoes, I need that hole closed." The unicorn in charge of the flares followed the order, and a group of pegasi flew toward the approaching enemy. Three soldiers shook in their armor, holding back. Silvermane glared angrily at them. Blueblood stepped froward. "Obey your general, or I'll have you all executed for treason." He shared a nod with Silvermane as the soldiers rushed into action. Mayhem erupted in the sky. The two pegasus groups clashed against each other. Spears met, and soldiers pursued one another, attempting to impale their enemy from behind. Just as they had prepared, Silvermane's troops flew in tight formation and stayed mobile, attempting to isolate individual Cloudsdale units. Screams of battle came both from the sky and the streets below. Clouds had been landed, and groups of earth pony chargers were no doubt creating ruckus within the city. All that Silvermane could see was the occasional flash from a unicorn spell. The snowstorm was breaking through the hole in the shield and moving vast amounts of snow into the city. A group of enemy flyers led by a bat pony headed straight for the balcony upon which Silvermane stood. "Protect the prince," she ordered as she levitated her spear and spun it in the air for good measure. The eight pegasus soldiers on the balcony flew up and formed a defensive formation around their superiors. They quickly met with the enemy and shared blows. Silvermane took a quick glance at Blueblood, who was nervously backtracking. He levitated a vase and used it as an improvised shield. The bat pony, whom Silvermane now recognized as Lieutenant Moonshadow, charged at her. "You will die for betraying your princess," he yelled, pointing his spear in her direction. Silvermane deflected Moonshadow's attack with her levitated weapon. She jumped at him and attacked with her front legs, a move that took him by surprise. Moonshadow replied with a quick strike from his spear. Silvermane ducked, but too late as the weapon sliced part of her ear. She yelped in pain, fighting the urge to hold her bleeding ear. Instead, she took advantage of her spear, still being held by her magic. She impaled Moonshadow through the back of his head. Silvermane turned her gaze toward Blueblood, who was hiding under the table from a Cloudsdale pegasus heading in his direction. She threw her weapon at the soldier. The tip of the spear pierced the pegasus's wing and lodged itself deep within his chest. Canterlot reinforcements arrived on the balcony and finished off the remaining attackers. While the battle still raged in the sky and soldiers from both sides were falling dead like flies, the immediate danger was over. Silvermane sighed in relief. Blueblood crawled out from under the table and shook the dust from his white coat. "At least you're still willing to protect me," he quietly told Silvermane. Silvermane nodded. "I promised to protect you and the city. That's what I'll do. After this is over, we'll all have to face justice." "What do you mean?" Blueblood said with a gulp. He nervously looked around. "Nopony knows anything. They can't prove I did anything wrong." Silvermane shook her head. She walked to Blueblood and whispered in his ear. "Rarity found your servant, the one you used to plant evidence. She got him to talk, and she will expose you to all of Equestria." Blueblood gasped, his face reddening with rage. "That's impossible!" he yelled, pushing Silvermane away. "I gave her everything! She told me she loved me!" Silvermane turned back toward the city. "Like Antoine, she used you. Do you really think she could ever have loved you after the way you threatened her and forced her to your bed? I do hope you get out of this alive and have a chance to defend your case, Your Highness. Otherwise, you'll be remembered a pretender who stole the throne." And I'll be remembered as the traitor who started this war, she thought grimly, staring at the city so Blueblood wouldn't see the scowl on her face. The prince was screaming maddeningly, but Silvermane stopped paying him any heed. She made sure that Moonshoes was unharmed and still powering the spell before returning her attention to the city. Cloudsdale forces were about to pierce a second hole in the shield, just as the Canterlot unicorns struggled to close the existing one. Silvermane took a deep breath. She again took a glimpse at Moonshoes, who winced in pain as he kept the shield going. One of the beams from the eastern part of the city extinguished itself. It was soon followed by a red flare, signifying that the position was overwhelmed. She headed for the flare gun and loaded it with a charge. "What are you doing?" Blueblood snapped. "I'm firing the purple flare," Silvermane said. "The city is lost. I'm ordering our troops to retreat to the castle, where we'll make our final stand." Blueblood tried to wrestle the flare gun away from her. "I refuse! You will obey me, General." Silvermane shoved him against the wall with her magic. "Stay quiet and let me do my job," she said. She loaded the gun and fired the purple flare into the sky. "Th... thank you," Moonshoes mumbled, his eyes watering from the effort. Silvermane nodded. "I'll need you to reduce the shield's size once our troops have retreated. Cover only the castle grounds." "I'll try." The ground troops rushed toward the castle. Canterlot flyers stayed their ground and attempted to hold the enemy, trying to cover the retreat. If they could hold the castle, then perhaps there would be hope and their sacrifice would have been worth it. Silvermane briefly considered surrender, but dismissed the idea. She would rather die than fail in her duty and let rebels and anarchists claim the capital. An earth pony guard slammed the door open, sweating profusely. Silvermane turned her head in his direction. "What are you doing here?" she snapped. "You're supposed to guard the castle entrance." "The rebels," the guard said between pants. "They overpowered the castle guards. They're coming here!" "The rebels are all over the city," Silvermane said, grinding her teeth. "Get back to your post and defend the castle." The guard shook his head. "Not the soldiers, the Luna supporters hiding within the city. We tried to stop them, but all of our troops were busy with the battle. We only have a skeleton crew at the castle." Silvermane screamed in anger as she kicked the central table, throwing its contents onto the ground. "Defensive positions!" she yelled. "I won't let peasants with pitchforks take us out." Screams and rabble echoed up from the stairs. The guard tried to close the doors, but a fat earth pony stallion slammed them open and rammed the terrified soldier. Armed civilians stormed inside the room. What few guards remained inside met them and exchanged blows, but they were quickly overpowered. One pegasus soldier had his neck broken. Another one found himself stabbed by a sharpened kitchen knife. Two ponies Silvermane had completely forgotten about entered the room. "I should never have trusted you," Twilight Velvet spat as she walked toward Silvermane. She fired a magical bolt, Silvermane barely managing to raise a shield. She blocked part of it, limiting the damaged to singed fur. Velvet's husband Nightlight rushed toward Blueblood. One soldier attempted to block his path, but a rebel pegasus pushed him out of the way. Blueblood backtracked, stumbling and tripping to the ground. Silvermane dodged a second bolt from Velvet. When she glanced back at Blueblood, his neck was being snapped in two by Nightlight's magic. Blueblood's body fell to the ground, his tongue lolling out. "Luna's dead, Velvet," Silvermane yelled over the sounds of battle. "You have nothing to fighting for." "I'm fighting to rid Equestria of you," Velvet spat. "You conspired against Princess Luna and failed to help my daughter, despite your promise to find her. In fact, I was told that my Twilight is still alive. I want her to remain that way, and that means getting rid of monsters like you!" She fired another magical bolt, one that Silvermane dodged. Silvermane looked for her weapon, but couldn't find it anywhere. She picked up a dead soldier's spear and attempted to strike Velvet with the butt end. Velvet easily blocked it with her magic. "Did you really think my children never taught me magic?" she mocked. "I'm not the helpless, grieving mare you think I am. What I am is a mother who will do anything to protect her children." She conjured a wall of force and pushed Silvermane back. Silvermane collided against something hard. She rose and gasped in horror as she realized she had smashed into Moonshoes, who now lay on the ground, his horn extinguished. Silvermane saw the shield disintegrating from the corner of her eye. "What have you done?" she managed to say. "We're all going to die because of your foolish revenge!" Velvet levitated a spear. Silvermane realized with horror that it was her own, still red with the blood of the last pony she'd killed. She attempted to raise another defensive shield, but the ground trembled and she couldn't remember the rhymes powering the spell. She screamed in pain as the spear pierced her chest. A column collapsed and pieces of the ceiling crumbled around her. The last thing she saw was one of them falling toward her bleeding body. It's all up to you now, Rarity. > XXXVIII Fluttershy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life at the weather factory prison was boring and repetitive. Fluttershy's routine involved pumping water inside a machine for twelve hours a day. When she wasn't working or eating, she was in her cell, which she shared with four other mares. While the situation had been terrifying for the first few days, she'd quickly realized two important rules. First, she kept to herself and didn't get into trouble. That part was easy. She spent her time daydreaming about her animal friends back in Ponyville. She had to trust that Applejack, Rarity, and the others would somehow rescue Twilight, and then she could get out of this prison. The second rule had been made obvious when she was first introduced to her cell mates. Every single pegasus imprisoned in the factory was a Luna supporter. As much as it pained her to do so, Fluttershy couldn't show any hint of loyalty to Rarity. Her friend was the constant target of slurs by disgruntled Cloudsdale soldiers. Remember what happened when you tried to defend Discord in Dodge, Fluttershy kept telling herself. The only thing she could do was to get in line, obey the guards, and bide her time. Rumors had been circulating around the prison for a few days. Apparently, the bulk of Blueblood's army was returning to Canterlot. Some said that they feared an attack by Cloudsdale. Others believed that they were regrouping to prepare for a strike on Manehattan, or even the city in the clouds itself. Fluttershy only hoped this wouldn't end with the prison being attacked. As much as she hoped to regain her freedom, she shivered at the thought of being stuck in the middle of a battle. On top of it all, her wings had been clipped, just like every other prisoner's. What hope could she have in a battle without flight? Fluttershy shook her head and returned her attention to her work. She had to keep pumping water by pulling a lever over and over. She'd quickly learned that slacking would at best get her yelled at. At worst, it would get her entire sleeping block punished. The last time it happened, a mare who fell from exhaustion was beaten in the night by her cellmates after everypony from her team had been forced to clean the guards' quarters at the end of a twelve-hour shift. She redoubled her pace as a uniformed guard walked behind her. Remember, Fluttershy. Do what you're told, and you won't get in trouble. The most difficult part of her routine was the monotony. She could easily get lost in her thoughts, slow down her pace, and risk punishment. "Heads up, an officer's coming," Sassaflash whispered. The teal-coated pegasus mare had been a Ponyville resident, and was now one of Fluttershy's cellmates. They also worked next to one another, and often relied on each other to survive prison life. Fluttershy quietly nodded as she kept pumping water into the boiler so that it could be refined into clouds. A loud alarm echoed through the factory, causing Fluttershy to slip and almost get her mane caught in the apparatus. Sassaflash helped her up and made sure she was okay as the officer, a serious-looking pegasus stallion, flew up and above the machinery. "Listen up, prisoners. You are all to return to your cells in orderly fashion," he loudly ordered. "You are not to speak or do anything without a guard's permission." Fluttershy thought she saw him gulp. What could possibly be going on that would halt production this way? Fluttershy, Sassaflash, and the other workers lined up in front of their workstations. Soldiers walked through the alleys between large gray containers, glaring at the prisoners. Fluttershy made sure not to move a muscle. Even after a month and a half in this place, she still shook and sometimes struggled not to cry when soldiers called for inspections. Sometimes, they would pick a prisoner at random and beat them as an example. Luckily, she hadn't been chosen yet. Still, seeing anypony mistreated in such a brutal way was too much for Fluttershy to bear. The prisoners were escorted out of the factory one line at a time. Two workers near Fluttershy whispered back and forth, but a guard came and snapped at them to shut up. One of them, a green-coated pegasus mare, was kicked in the stomach for good measure, which made Fluttershy wince and hide behind her mane. No more incidents interrupted the factory evacuation. An officer was about to order Fluttershy's line out when a pink-coated earth pony sergeant wearing armor one size too big stopped in front of her. "Are you Fluttershy?" "Y... yes Ma'am," Fluttershy answered. What could this one want with her? "Follow me," the sergeant ordered. Fluttershy gulped and nodded. She shared a concerned look with Sassaflash before following the soldier with her head down. This officer seemed strangely familiar to Fluttershy, but she couldn't place her. She wasn't one of the regular guards. Maybe they had met before the war? It was easy to forget that these ponies hadn't always been hardened brutes. She was taken to the back of the factory. The sergeant kept a rapid pace, making it hard for Fluttershy to follow. Although her stamina had improved, she still often found herself exhausted after hours of physical labor. They quickly arrived at one of the back doors. As far as Fluttershy knew, it was always locked and seldom used. A lone guard was standing in front of the exit. He glared at Fluttershy and her escort as they approached. "This area's off-limits," he barked. "Stand down, Soldier," the sergeant said. "I have orders to interrogate this prisoner." The guard raised an eyebrow. "The interrogation rooms aren't this way." "This is all off the record. My orders come directly from General Silvermane. Now, get out of the way and never let me catch you addressing a superior officer like this again." The guard awkwardly saluted. "Yes Ma'am. Sorry Ma'am." He promptly unlocked the door and moved aside. Fluttershy gulped as her entire body shook. Off the record interrogation in a deserted part of the complex? I need to get out. "Hurry up," the sergeant snapped at her. "You're only making things worse for yourself." "I... I'm sorry," Fluttershy said as she followed the officer. She was taken out the back and toward a large cloudsteel building Fluttershy had never been into. She twitched her wings. The loss of her primary feathers was particularly uncomfortable against the cold wind. Heavy snow fell from the sky, on top of the wind freezing her bones. The sergeant looked around as they neared a small, nondescript door on the side of a warehouse. She produced a key from one of her pockets and unlocked the door. "Quick, get in," she ordered in a more gentle voice. "We don't have much time." Fluttershy made her way inside, hesitantly placing one hoof in front of the other. She found herself in a large, mostly empty room. A few tables and random crates littered the warehouse. "Please don't hurt me," she whispered once she was inside. "I'll tell you what you want to know, I promise." The sergeant closed the door and removed her helmet, revealing a long blue mane. Fluttershy also noticed a small stub on her forehead. She gasped as she realized what it was: a broken horn. "I'll cut to the chase," the mare said. "I'm not here to interrogate you. I'm here to bust you out of here." Fluttershy's ears perked up. "Wait, aren't you Rarity's assistant? Did she send you?" The mare nodded. "Yes, I'm Sapphire Blitz, but I'm no longer Her Highness's assistant. I'm acting on my own here. I suspect she'll need you, as well as your other friends." Fluttershy stepped forward. "Why? What's going on?" "Canterlot is under attack. Long story short, Princess Luna is dead, murdered by one of her own officers. The Cloudsdale army is making one final attack — revenge is probably the only thing on their mind. The griffons have retreated. Princess Rarity is hiding out in Ponyville. Go to her." Fluttershy remained speechless. Luna dead? Canterlot under attack? Rarity in hiding? Oh Fluttershy, what happened while you were trapped in here? She leaned against a large wooden crate as she struggled to gather her thoughts. Sapphire took a deep breath. "Look, I know this is a lot to take in, but we don't have much time. I managed to call in a few favors to gain entry to the prison and get this uniform, but I'll be found out eventually. When that happens, you need to be long gone." "Wait, how?" Fluttershy said as she unfolded her wings. "I can't fly. Even if I could, I would never make it. Not in this storm. And what about you? I can't leave you here." Sapphire sighed. "Trust me, I deserve it. I betrayed the princess. She may never trust me again, but at least I can do right by her and get you out of here. Either way, I have a few ideas on how I can get out of here. Right now though, you're the one I'm worried about. The Cloudsdale army is on its way; their scouts have found the prison. I don't think you want them using you as leverage against your friends." Fluttershy took a deep breath. You can do this, Fluttershy. Your friends need you. "Alright, so what's the plan?" "Follow me," Sapphire said as she made her way to the back of the warehouse, toward what looked like a large trapdoor. "They use this to bring in supplies. This building was supposed to be a snow factory. They put the project on hold, for obvious reasons." If the situation wasn't so dire, Fluttershy might have giggled at the irony. "So this trap leads outside?" Sapphire nodded. She produced a pair of flight goggles and handed them to Fluttershy. "It does. You'll have to jump down and glide to the ground." Fluttershy gasped and stepped away from the trapdoor in panic. "I can't! They clipped my wings. I can't fly." "You can still glide," Sapphire said. "I made sure it was possible before coming here. Your wings were clipped to prevent flight, but in a way that still allows you to glide. This was done at Princess Rarity's request, specifically out of concern for everypony's safety." "But there's a snowstorm outside. I'll be swept away." "Even better," Sapphire continued with an encouraging smile. "You can let the wind carry you. Keep your wings spread, and only adjust your course to gently glide downward. You should be able to reach Ponyville." "And what about the Cloudsdale soldiers?" Sweat drenched Fluttershy's fur as she imagined herself barely surviving the storm, only to get impaled on a spear or break her neck as she collided with the ground. Sapphire stepped forward and placed a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. "They're not here yet. If you leave now, they won't see you. I know this is scary and probably crazy. Trust me, it'll be worth it. You know better than anypony how much Rarity needs you. Enough that I risked everything to infiltrate this facility and get you back at her side." Fluttershy gulped and eyed the trapdoor. "There's really no other way?" "None that I could find," Sapphire said as she shook her head. "Princess Rarity often spoke about you. She said you were stronger than you looked. You survived this place. I know you can do this." Fluttershy took a deep breath. "Alright, I'll do it." She tried to sound determined, but could hear her voice shake. Oh Fluttershy, what are you getting yourself into? She accepted the goggles and put them around her neck. Sapphire unlocked the trap door and opened it. Cold wind assaulted Fluttershy the moment the passage was opened. She took a glimpse, and saw nothing but an endless sea of moving snow. She turned her gaze toward Sapphire, who gave her an encouraging nod. "What will you do after I'm gone?" Fluttershy asked. "Don't worry about me. I'll figure out something. Just get yourself safely back to Ponyville, and don't let soldiers from either side catch you." Fluttershy nodded as firmly as she could. "I will. Thanks for everything, Sapphire. I'll tell Rarity what you did for me." Sapphire smiled. "That's all I could ever ask." A strong breeze coming from the trapdoor blew Fluttershy's long mane in her face. She moved it aside and turned her attention toward the hole. She remembered what Rainbow Dash used to tell her. Don't think about it. Just jump and let your wings take over. When you think about it, that's when you get afraid. Fluttershy took a deep, determined breath, put on her flight goggles, extended her wings, closed her eyes, and allowed her body to drop down the hole. The moment she was outside, Fluttershy almost lost her balance. The wind shoved her in a random direction, and her head collided with the bottom of the cloud. She managed to shake off the shock, thankful that clouds tended to be soft. She further extended her wings and rode the air current. Even directly under the factory, waves of snow were blown almost horizontally. Fluttershy managed to make out Canterlot Mountain, and remembered that the city was on the other side. She spied groups of armored pegasi flying toward the factory in the distance — she couldn't make out which faction they served. Hopefully the darkness combined with the storm would hide her from these soldiers. Fluttershy shivered in the cold as she struggled to ride the wind. She yelped as a strong breeze pushed her upwards. She flapped her wings in panic. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't control of her trajectory. I never should have jumped down that hole. I can barely fly in normal circumstances. What chance do I have now? She opened her eyes and tried to force her body to return to its proper gliding position. You can do this, Fluttershy. Just like Rainbow taught you. Glide, and let the wind carry you. She extended her wings, taking a deep breath as the wind carried her back up. Shortly after, she was gently being led away from the prison. Fluttershy giggled at the feeling. After spending so much time in a cage, soaring in the air felt invigorating. Is this how the sky feels to Rainbow? The wind carried Fluttershy, slowly taking her down toward the ground. She tried her best to direct her body toward Ponyville's lights, but even the best flyers couldn't navigate a storm like this. The important part was reaching the ground safely. From there, she could hopefully sneak back to Ponyville, then find Rarity and Applejack. Fluttershy's joints ached as the cold overcame her adrenaline. She flexed her legs as much as she could without destabilizing her flight, and often had to shake the snow out of her mane. She'd lost track of how long she's been gliding. It felt like an hour. She had to wipe her goggles every few minutes to keep the snow from blinding her. Everything was a blur, and Fluttershy could barely feel her extremities. She couldn't tell how long she'd been gliding down, although she'd gotten away from the bulk of the storm. While she still had the cold to contend with and the snow still fell, she could more easily direct her fall toward Ponyville's lights. The ground was getting closer. She wiped the snow off her flight goggles one more time so she could better see where she was heading; the last thing she wanted was to get caught by soldiers after going through so much trouble to escape. A lone cloud floated by itself, probably left there by the Ponyville weather team. At least I can rest my wings while I decide what to do next. Her exhausted body collapsed onto the fluffy material. She buried her head in the cloud, struggling to keep her eyes open and stay awake. She'd nursed enough animals who had gotten lost in the cold before and was very familiar with the dangers of hypothermia. Fluttershy raised her head, finding the town within sight. Everything was covered in snow, and the only signs of activity came from inside a few homes. There were lights coming from the other side of Ponyville, but it proved impossible to tell what was going on through the still raging snowstorm. Still, there was definite activity. At least no soldiers were in sight. With the cover of darkness and the snow falling, Fluttershy could afford to glide down to the ground and sneak her way to the Palace of Harmony with little risk of being seen. She took a deep breath before her extended wings gently carried her down to the ground, behind an abandoned-looking house. Luckily, she knew Ponyville well enough that she could make her way to the castle while avoiding the major arteries. She wasted no time in getting on her way. The sooner she was back inside with a warm drink, the better. The trek to the castle didn't take long. On two occasions, Fluttershy almost ran into guards. The first time, it was a patrol in the middle of a street, and she had to wait behind an outhouse. The second time, a pegasus patrol had flown above her. She didn't see them in time, but they ignored her presence. Fluttershy's heartbeat raced once the castle came into view. She'd taken the blame for Applejack, but would Applejack forgive her for it? She gulped as she made her way to the castle's large purple doors. She stopped and took a deep breath. These are your friends, Fluttershy. Like Sapphire said, they need you. She pushed the door open and walked inside. She gasped as she was met with two unicorn soldiers pointing spears at her. "Halt, who goes there?" a gray-coated mare in a Canterlot sergeant's uniform barked. Her partner, a white stallion, eyed Fluttershy suspiciously. "Wait, Sergeant. I recognize her. She's the traitor who freed the changeling queen." Fluttershy backtracked and silently cursed herself. So close! Stupid Fluttershy, you should have known there would be guards inside the palace. "Please, can I just speak to Rarity?" she mumbled. "Princess Rarity is not here," the sergeant said. "She left for Baltimare." Fluttershy breathed in and out as the stallion approached her, no doubt with the intent of binding her hooves in manacles. Could she run away? She leaned back in a defensive posture when she heard somepony speak from the throne room, beyond the lobby. "What in tarnation is all this commotion about?" "Applejack?" Fluttershy asked as her ears perked up. “It's Fluttershy!” Sure enough, Applejack was standing in a doorway, smiling widely. "Stand down, Legerity. She's a friend." The sergeant raised an eyebrow. "She's also a known traitor, Madam Mayor." "Feel free to complain to Rarity," Applejack said with a dismissive gesture as she walked to Fluttershy. "How did you even get back here, Fluttershy? Wait, don't tell me just yet. Rarity will want to know, too." The sergeant sighed heavily. "You do remember the princess's presence in this town is supposed to remain a secret, Madam Mayor." Applejack grunted. "I told you, Fluttershy's a friend." She smiled back at Fluttershy. "Come on, she's upstairs." "At least allow me to make sure she's not a changeling," the sergeant said. "Fine, go ahead," Applejack said. The sergeant enveloped Fluttershy in an amber magical glow. "She's good." Applejack nodded at the sergeant before escorting Fluttershy inside and up the stairs. "I'm so glad you managed to get back, Fluttershy," she said as she started climbing. "We were getting mighty worried about you. Rarity was thinking about ordering her guards to get you out." "I'm glad you're alright, too," Fluttershy said with a weak smile of her own. "And I'm sorry I lied to you and freed Chrysalis behind your back." Applejack stopped in her tracks and stared back at Fluttershy. "At first, I was mad at you. When Applebloom and Scootaloo ran away on some supposed mission Luna gave them, I thought I could never trust you again." "Oh no," Fluttershy gasped, interrupting Applejack. "Are they alright?" "Applebloom's back. That's not your fault though. That's all on Luna. You did what you thought was right to save Twilight, and you took the fall for me. I could never hate you for that, Fluttershy." Fluttershy stepped forward and embraced her friend as tears welled up in her eyes. "Oh Applejack! I'm so glad you can forgive me." The two spent a moment hugging in the middle of the staircase before Applejack broke the embrace. "Come on. Rarity will be just as happy to see you." They walked the rest of the way up the stairs and toward the private living room on the castle's second floor. Fluttershy couldn't hold her happiness in as she heard Granny Smith's voice from the other side of the door. Applejack opened the door and entered first. "I finally have some good news, everypony." Cheers welcomed Fluttershy as she walked inside the room. Spike and Applebloom both rushed to hug her as Rarity gasped in shock from a large cushion in the back, her eyes watering. Big Macintosh sighed in relief as Granny Smith smiled from her rocking chair. "I told you youngins that Fluttershy would find a way, didn't I?" "Yes you did, Granny," Applejack said. "I never doubted it," Spike added, smiling at Fluttershy. "I'm just happy you got out alive, Fluttershy," Rarity said, her voice overflowing with emotions. Her belly had noticeably swollen since last time Fluttershy had seen her; there was no hiding her pregnancy now. "How did you even manage to get out? I was trying to figure out a way to give the order to liberate you without Silvermane intercepting it." Fluttershy nuzzled Spike's spines as she answered. "It was your assistant, Sapphire Blitz." Rarity gasped at the revelation. "She disguised herself as a guard and managed to escort me to a trapdoor." "Sapphire did this?" Rarity said. "She must have felt worse than I thought." She looked down and massaged her belly. "She said that you'd need me," Fluttershy continued. "She's the one who talked me into gliding down all the way to Ponyville." "You poor thing, you must be exhausted," Granny said. "Applebloom, get off Fluttershy and let her sit down. Poor dear must be famished, too. Spike, get her something to eat." Spike let go of Fluttershy. "Sure thing, Granny. I still have some carrot soup left from earlier." "Can I have a cup of cocoa too? If it's not a bother that is." Fluttershy asked as she made her way to a comfortable-looking couch. "I'll get it for you, Fluttershy," Applebloom said. Fluttershy sat down and accepted a warm blanket from Big Macintosh, nuzzling herself in its warmth. Her entire body ached, both from gliding down in the storm and from the long days of forced labor. "I can't believe you flew down on clipped wings," Rarity said. "I did all I could to prevent that ridiculous wing clipping policy, but the council would have none of it." "It's fine," Fluttershy said with an uneasy, forced smile. "My feathers will grow back. The guards had to make sure the prisoners wouldn't escape, after all. Some of the Cloudsdale soldiers weren't very nice." "At least you made it back," Applejack said as she sat next to Fluttershy. Rarity's brow furrowed. "I'm worried about Sapphire, though. Why did she help you escape? I released her from my service after I found out she was spying for Silvermane." Fluttershy accepted a warm cup of cocoa from Applebloom. She took a generous sip before replying. "She said she wanted to make it up for betraying you, but that's all she told me. I'm sorry Rarity. I was too afraid to ask." "And what happened to her after?" Rarity asked. "I... I don't know," Fluttershy said, looking down. "She said she'd find her own way out after I left, but I saw Cloudsdale soldiers heading for the prison. Oh Rarity, I'm so sorry. I really hope she managed to get out. I was so scared that I didn't even think about her." Rarity sighed. "Sapphire is resourceful. I have to believe that she had a plan to escape. Either way, there was nothing you could have done." "Thank you," Fluttershy said. "If she found her way in, I'm sure she can make her way out, too." She took a deep breath. "I have a few questions for all of you." Applejack nodded. "I imagine you want to know what happened while you were away." "I would" Fluttershy said. "The guards told me you were going to Baltimare, Rarity." Rarity nodded. "That's what everypony thinks. If the griffons and Cloudsdale forces think I'm on the road, they won't attack Ponyville. In fact, the carriage is transporting Coco Pommel wearing a wig and one of my dresses. Octavia's idea, actually." Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, prompting Rarity to continue. "Octavia was serving as General Soarin's head of propaganda. Long story short, she's on our side now. She's actually interrogating the servant who placed phony evidence in Princess Luna's quarters as we speak." "So the griffons really are to blame?" Fluttershy asked as she fiddled with her cup. Applejack nodded. "That's what we're trying to get to the bottom of." "And what's going on across town?" Fluttershy asked. "I could only make out a few lights in the storm. Is it more soldiers?" "That's the Canterlot refugees," Applejack said. "Rarity organized an evacuation. She gave everypony who wanted to escape the battle a free train ride to Ponyville. Councilor Kibitz and Professor Starflare are in charge of the camp." "I hope they don't freeze, staying in tents," Fluttershy said, remembering the wind's freezing bite. Applejack shook her head. "I was worried about that, too, but apparently between their tents and unicorn magic, they'll be fine, at least in the short term." "I hope they can return to their homes soon," Fluttershy said. "Too many ponies have lost too much. I can let a family stay with me if they don't mind pets." Rarity smiled. "Thank you, Fluttershy. I'm sure your generosity will be appreciated. I'll have one of the guards inform the refugees. Some of the younger children could use a roof over their heads." "Anything else you'd like to know?" Applejack asked. Fluttershy took a deep breath. "Well, maybe one thing." "Yes?" Applejack pressed on when Fluttershy remained quiet. "Was it worth it?" Fluttershy asked. "What happened after I freed Chrysalis? Did you manage to do anything with the information I gave you?" Rarity rose and stepped toward Fluttershy. "You helped us more than you realized. I received a letter from Pinkie. Last I heard, she and Shining Armor were making their way to High Roost to free Twilight and Rainbow." Fluttershy's head perked up. "Rainbow's alive?" Her eyes watered with joy at the thought. "Princess Luna told me and Scootaloo in a dream," Applebloom said. "Rainbow was a prisoner of the griffons. That's why she had us go find Pinkie Pie and give her the message." "Which you're still grounded for," Applejack admonished. "The next time something like this happens, you come to me. Don't go running off into the woods by yourself." Applebloom rolled her eyes. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, Applejack." Fluttershy smiled. "At least you got back safely. Where's Scootaloo?" Applebloom averted her eyes and drooped her ears as Applejack sighed. "Applebloom returned here with Cranky Doodle, but Scootaloo didn't. Last we heard, she was staying at the rock farm with Pinkie's sisters, but there are rumors she ran away from that place, too." "Oh no," Fluttershy said. "She has to be alright, doesn't she? Princess Luna wouldn't let anything bad happen to an innocent filly?" "Princess Luna hurt a lot of innocent fillies with her army," Applejack spat. "Honestly, after what she did, I'm not sure I mind that she's dead." "Applejack! I cannot believe I'm hearing such horrible things coming from you," Rarity said with a gasp. "We all made mistakes. Princess Luna made some pretty bad ones, I will admit, but she didn't deserve to die." "Alright, alright, I'm sorry," Applejack said with an exasperated sigh. "At least we're back together," Fluttershy said. "We can go find Scootaloo after the battle is over." Spike returned with a large bowl of soup. Its aroma made Fluttershy salivate greedily. She dug in as Rarity turned her attention to the window, where the glowing shield protecting Canterlot illuminated the cloudy night sky. This is her city that's under attack, Fluttershy realized. "Hmm, Rarity?" she said, prompting her friend to look at her. "I'm sure Canterlot will be okay. The city thrived for a thousand years." "But in the past, it had Princess Celestia to defend it," Rarity said, her tone grim, as she returned her attention to the shield surrounding Canterlot. Fluttershy managed to sneak in an hour of sleep after finishing her meal. Her worry about the battle, however, kept her from finding any meaningful rest. From outside the window, all she could see was a bright purple orb surrounding Canterlot. The distant snowstorm blurred the entire scene. The bulk of the storm would probably reach them soon. If the pegasus soldiers were still using weather as a weapon, who knew what disasters the battle would create in the long run? Rarity wouldn't move away from the window. Spike tried to distract her a few times, but eventually gave up and started a game of cards with Applejack. As scared and worried as they all were, there was nothing that could be done, except for hiding and waiting out the danger, hoping that the battle wouldn't reach Ponyville. Big Macintosh had taken Granny Smith to bed while Fluttershy was asleep. As for Applebloom, she locked herself in her room. This couldn't be easy for the filly. Both of her best friends were gone, and her entire family was disappointed in her for running away. Fluttershy had apologized profusely to Applejack for her role in the entire situation, but her earth pony friend wouldn't hear a word of it, insisting that it wasn't Fluttershy's fault. Four quick knocks on the door interrupted Fluttershy's reverie. Applejack and Rarity shared a nod before Applejack spoke. "Come in." The door opened, revealing Bonbon rushing in. "You have to see this, quickly," she said between pants. "An army is marching toward Ponyville." "Consarn it!" Applejack snapped as she threw her hat on the floor. "Oh no," Fluttershy said. "Is it the griffons?" Bonbon shook her head. "No, you don't understand. It's a pony army. They're wearing the Cloudsdale uniform, but carrying banners with Princess Twilight's cutie mark." Rarity turned her head as her ears perked up. "Are you certain? Have any of the officers leading it been identified?" "Blossomforth claims she saw Twilight, but in the dark she could have been mistaken," Bonbon continued, still breathing erratically. "Captain Boulderhoof sent out a detachment to meet them." Applejack picked up her hat. "Alright, I'm not risking it. I'm going out to meet them. If Twilight really is at the head of this army, I want her to hear the truth from me, not the propaganda Boulderhoof is gonna throw at her. If it's not her, I wanna know who the hay is waving my friend's cutie mark around." Rarity nodded. "Good thinking Applejack. I'd come with you but—" "But you're pregnant, and I'd rather everypony thinks you're on your way to Baltimare," Applejack completed, cutting her off. Fluttershy rose and nodded at Applejack. "I'd like to come with you." "Are you sure, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked, sounding surprised. "I want to see Twilight," Fluttershy said. "And I can't hide in here forever." Applejack smiled. "Good enough for me. If the soldiers give you trouble, I'll tell them they have other things to worry about." Fluttershy offered a nervous smile of her own. "Alright, let's go." The army was coming in from the north-east. Fluttershy had brought a pair of binoculars and took a few glimpses as she and Applejack walked toward the town border. Sure enough, large banners with Twilight's cutie mark were being waved. Ponyville's Canterlot regiment was also waiting at the edge of town. Fluttershy spied Captain Boulderhoof in front of his troops, glaring at the coming army. She gulped as she saw his hardened expression. "Oh no," she mumbled as she placed the binoculars back in her bag. "Boulderhoof is here." "We expected him to be," Applejack said, not breaking stride. "Don't worry about him. I'll vouch for you, and he has bigger trees to buck at the moment." "Oh Applejack, I really hope I'm not making a mistake," Fluttershy said as she rattled her feathers. "It'll be fine," Applejack said with a comforting smile. "Best case scenario, Twilight will be here, and she'll put an end to this circus." Fluttershy nodded as they made their way to the edge of town in silence. The army was getting closer, and an ornate carriage separated itself from the bulk of the forces. Two dozen soldiers, all dressed in the Cloudsdale armor, accompanied it. Applejack and Fluttershy soon arrived next to Boulderhoof and his forces. The captain raised an eyebrow, then smirked viciously at Fluttershy. "One of my soldiers told me you were in town, traitor. I didn't think you'd be foolish enough to actually deliver yourself to me." "Oh shut up, Boulderhoof," Applejack said before Fluttershy could think of a reply. "You have other things to worry about, and I've cooperated with you enough that you owe me this. Fluttershy's staying, and that's the end of it." Boulderhoof returned his attention to the coming carriage. "You're right, I don't have time to worry about this for now. I sent a messenger to the prison. They will send somepony to pick up the prisoner. I really hope for your sake you don't defy them, Madam Mayor." Applejack rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She turned to Fluttershy and smiled lightly. Whatever her plan was, Applejack seemed confident in it. The carriage stopped about a hundred meters in front of Boulderhoof's forces. Applejack shared a nod with the captain as they both walked forward. Fluttershy joined them, as well as a dozen Canterlot soldiers. The door to the carriage slammed open and a pink blur jumped out. "Fluttershy! Applejack!" Pinkie Pie excitedly shouted as she threw streamers in the air and rushed toward her friends. "Pinkie!" Applejack exclaimed. "I'm so glad to see you." "And Twilight's here too!" Fluttershy cheered, her wings flapping in excitement as Twilight stepped out of the carriage, accompanied by Shining Armor. She was wearing a long purple dress, as well as a golden crown. A fourth pony left the vehicle behind them. She had a blue coat, looked extremely thin, wore a patch over her right eye, and her mane was short and patchy. It took Fluttershy a moment to recognize Rainbow Dash. "Oh my gosh," she whispered under her breath. Twilight stepped forward. "Applejack, Fluttershy, I'm so glad you're both alright," she said. "Although I wish the circumstances weren't so dire." Applejack nodded. "With you here, maybe we can finally put a stop to all of this nonsense." "I hope so," Twilight said. She took a deep breath, then turned to Boulderhoof. "Will I have to go through you to take my throne back?" Boulderhoof's gaze turned to Twilight's army. He grunted once before replying. "I won't fight you as long as your soldiers here don't support the Cloudsdale army that's attacking the capital." Rainbow shook her head. "We're here to stop the war, not make it worse. If you'll stand down, we'll try to convince Soarin to do the same." Boulderhoof nodded. "Good enough for me." Shining gave him a severe glare, prompting him to bow to Twilight. "Your Highness." Applejack and Fluttershy shared a nod and mirrored the gesture, the soldiers doing the same. Twilight's doing it. I can't believe that she'll finally put an end to these horrors, Fluttershy couldn't keep the joy out of her expression. "You may rise," Twilight said. "Please have your troops assist mine. I want them inside the town for now while I talk to my friends in private. Whatever happens, I want to end this without any more bloodshed." "As you command," Boulderhoof said, although there was something in his tone Fluttershy disliked. His eyes avoided Twilight's. Twilight turned her attention back to Fluttershy and Applejack. "Let's head to the castle. I imagine we all have a lot to catch up on, then we'll finally end this madness." The past hour had been spent sharing grim stories. Fluttershy reassured her friends that nothing too bad happened to her in prison, although the conditions were less than ideal. Her friends all reacted with compassion, with Rarity apologizing that she couldn't do more to help. Fluttershy also talked about everything that happened between her and the changeling queen. Pinkie Pie and Shining Armor told an incredible tale about refugees they helped smuggle to the Crystal Empire, as well as their trip to High Roost and a chance meeting with Discord. Fluttershy suspected part of the events described might have been orchestrated by the spirit of chaos himself. Rarity went into details about her life at court, the various factions at play, and her distrust for General Silvermane. She also mentioned Tidy Trim, the stallion who agreed to serve as a witness, proving Blueblood and Silvermane conspired to have Princess Luna accused of murdering her sister. Everypony in the room reacted with shock, with Pinkie offering Rarity a comforting hug, Rainbow grunting to herself, and Twilight taking a deep breath while holding her hoof to her chest. As for Fluttershy, she remained quiet. She couldn't even contemplate what it meant for Rarity, to discover the pony she'd been forced to marry was the cause of so much pain. Rarity then talked in details about Ambassador Antoine and Centurion Bouvier, with Pinkie and Twilight describing their own experiences with the griffons in High Roost. Fluttershy took the cue to tell her friends about her imprisonment in the griffon camp in the badlands, glancing at Rainbow as she talked about their cruelty. When it came to Prince Blueblood, however, Rarity was uncharacteristically silent. She only mentioned that he was guilty, and would need to be dealt with. All throughout her story, she kept reassuring Twilight that she was only keeping the throne warm for her. Twilight replied every time by thanking Rarity for her sacrifice. Rainbow Dash didn't say much. She took every occasion she could to express her hatred for the griffons, but refused to reveal what had happened during her captivity. Fluttershy sat next to her and tried to put a wing around her friend's body, but Rainbow pushed her away. When questioned about her time in the Cloudsdale army, Rainbow said that she was wrong, reckless, and more than paid the price. Through it all, Fluttershy had to concentrate not to cry. Seeing one of her best friends with broken teeth, a missing eye, a crippled leg, and her ear in tatters was more than she could stomach. Applejack talked about Ponyville. She described the way ponies who were once friends started fighting over matters of succession, how the army encroached itself into their lives, and how they now faced a potential famine. She warned Twilight not to trust Boulderhoof, and voiced her agreement with Rarity in regard to Silvermane. Twilight listened to everything, asking for clarifications when needed. Fluttershy couldn't even begin to understand what went through her friend's mind, returning home and finding out what happened while she was away. Spike even expressed as much, regularly voicing his concern for all of them. He apologized profusely to Twilight about her parents, who were still in Canterlot. Twilight described her fight with Chrysalis. She explained how she was freed, her meeting in Manehattan, and more importantly, she mentioned how she had Centurion Bouvier's wife in custody. Fluttershy gasped at the news, but when Shining Armor explained how having a hostage could prevent more deaths, she managed to calm herself down. After they had all spoken their piece, Twilight rose from her seat. "Alright, it seems like we have a lot of work to do, but I know we can get it done if we work together." "That's easier said than done," Applejack said. "I've been trying, believe me I have." Rarity's brow furrowed. "No offense, Applejack, but you're not Twilight. We all tried to do our best in our own way, but none of us managed anything more than limiting the damage." Twilight shook her head. "You're selling yourself short, Rarity. You all did what you could, but the ugly truth is that none of you have the titles, or these," she unfolded her large alicorn wings and frowned as she looked at them. "I don't like it, I never have, but being a princess does give me a certain status. I think it's high time I embraced it." Fluttershy nodded. "I think you're right, Twilight. We'll be here with you all the way." "Thank you Fluttershy," Twilight said with a smile. "Now, we need a plan. We need to stop this battle, and we need to rebuild Equestria, starting with Ponyville." Shining Armor, who had been observing the battle in the distance through the window, frowned. "It's hard to make out anything in this storm, but I think the shield is still holding. I can tell it's getting weaker though. It's not as bright as it was when we first arrived." Rainbow moved next to Shining. "I need to talk to Soarin." Fluttershy gasped. "You want to fly into the battle?" Rainbow nodded. "I have to. Soarin has to be told that Twilight is back. With Princess Luna gone, he has to understand that the throne is hers." "I agree with Rainbow," Rarity said, prompting everypony to turn toward her. "However, I believe General Soarin will only agree to cease his attack if he has certain assurances coming from both sides. That's why I'm coming too, and I'm bringing Octavia along. It's why I freed her, after all." "Rarity, this is insane," Applejack blurted out. "After all the trouble we went through to have them believe you left for Baltimare, you want to run straight into the Cloudsdale camp? They'll kill you on the spot." "I won't let them," Rainbow said. "I don't know what's going through Soarin's head right now, but he was always the reasonable one back when it all started. I don't think he's a bad pony. He has to know that the griffons are the real enemy." Twilight sighed, and eventually nodded. "Alright, if you two think you can do this, I trust you. Just remember that I'd rather avoid a battle with the griffons if I can. I still hope that this can be resolved peacefully." "It might not be possible, Twilight," Rainbow quietly said. "They're monsters, and they deserve to be treated as such." Twilight placed a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. "I know that they did horrible things. Still, haven't we all seen enough battles and death? I'm hoping that if we can unite both the Canterlot and Cloudsdale factions, they'll back down." "I hope so too," Fluttershy said. "Now, we need to do something about Ponyville," Twilight continued. "We need to unite the town, let them know that they don't have to be afraid anymore." "We should have a party," Pinkie said with a beaming smile, prompting a round of exasperated sighs. "This might not be the time for a party, Pinkie," Applejack said, rolling her eyes. "On the contrary," Twilight said with a satisfied grin. "I agree with Pinkie. We need to unite the town and finally see some smiles. I want all of you to get out in the streets, knock on every door, and get everypony out in the town square. Rarity, Rainbow, I want you to get both General Soarin and Prince Blueblood to Ponyville. I want to look them both in the eyes, and I want them to see a united Ponyville. I want them to see the ponies who have had enough of this madness." "Come on out!" Pinkie Pie giddily told Berry Punch, who had just opened her front door. "Twilight is back, and we're welcoming her home. It's not the time to hide and be scared. We're having a party!" Berry raised an eyebrow. "In case you haven't noticed, there's a battle going on. I'm not coming out." Fluttershy tentatively smiled at Berry. "Pinkie's right. We can put a stop to this if we refuse to be afraid. If we show both sides that we want nothing to do with their war, they'll have to put a stop to it." Berry stretched her neck and looked behind the two mares. "Huh, looks like a lot of ponies are out." "Of course, silly," Pinkie said. "Twilight's going to put a stop to this stupid war. Nopony wants to miss it." Berry sighed. "Alright, I'll see what it's about. Will there be any drinks?" "Eh, I'll see what I can do," Pinkie said with a shrug. "So you'll be there?" "Sure, why not," Berry said with a hesitant smile. "Well, that went pretty well," Fluttershy said after the door closed. "Only two dozen doors left." "You know it," Pinkie cheerfully replied. It was as if she didn't even see the shield bubble around Canterlot, or the violent storm surrounding it. While the wind wasn't too bad, it had intensified in the last hour. Snow still fell over Ponyville. Just like Twilight asked, they'd all spent the last hour going door to door, telling ponies to come out and meet in the town square. Rarity and Rainbow Dash had left on a nondescript carriage with Octavia, making sure nopony saw them. At Rainbow's insistence, the carriage was pulled by two of the Cloudsdale pegasi that had accompanied Twilight from Manehattan. Twilight herself was in the town square, answering questions and reassuring the population. Shining Armor protested when she first voiced her intention to meet her subjects face to face, but Twilight had remained adamant. Fluttershy agreed with her friend; If Twilight was to ask everypony to leave their home and ignore their fear, she had to be willing to do the same. "So, Fluttershy," Pinkie asked. "Seeing everypony isn't so bad, is it? Everypony we talked to was happy to see you." Fluttershy sighed. She had told her friends she didn't want to face the town after what she'd done, and Pinkie offered to accompany her as they went door to door. "I guess not, but I still don't like the way everypony looks at me. For many of them, I'm that crazy mare who freed the changeling queen." "They'll understand eventually," Pinkie said. "We all had to make difficult choices." Fluttershy shook her head. "Look at me, worrying about how ponies will think of me while a battle is going on. Come on, we have more doors to knock on." Pinkie looked over Fluttershy's shoulder. "Looks like Spike and Applejack have some of them covered." She waved them over. Sure enough, they were both coming from behind Fluttershy. "Howdy," Applejack said as she neared the duo. "Things looking good on your end?" Fluttershy nodded. "Everypony we talked to said they'd at least come out and see for themselves." "Great," Applejack said. "Me and Spike just returned from the town square. Twilight was talking to some of the Canterlot refugees. You should probably go see her. I think she wanted the two of you to go knock on some doors in the west part of town. We can finish up this street." Pinkie nodded. "We can do that." "Good luck, and thanks," Spike said. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie made their way back to town square, where townsfolk were gathering. Quite a crowd was building up, although Boulderhoof's soldiers were noticeably absent. Twilight was in the middle of it all, deep in conversation with a tan-coated unicorn, small in frame with a balding, light brown mane. Pinkie waved at them. "Oh, Pinkie Pie," Twilight said as she waved them over. "Good timing. Councilor Kibitz here just informed me of his intention to support me. Apparently, a lot of the Canterlot refugees have had enough of this war." Fluttershy smiled at the councilor. "Thank you for believing in Twilight." Kibitz adjusted his monocle. "Well, Her Highness is the logical choice, as well as Princess Celestia's chosen heir. Hopefully every faction can agree that she is the acceptable compromise." "Keeping her away from the throne must have been the griffon's plan all along," Professor Starflare said as he walked toward the group. "Well, it's all out in the open now," Pinkie said. "With Twilight back, things can finally get back to normal." "Hopefully," Starflare said. "We still need to convince Princess Luna's army to back down, and Prince Blueblood might contest Princess Twilight's ascension." "I think I'll be able to work things out," Twilight said. "I still have a few more cards to play." "You know I believe in you," Fluttershy said with a smile. "Applejack said you needed us for something?" "Ah, yes. There are a few stubborn families in the west part of town. They didn't believe Applejack. I was hoping that you could get them out, Pinkie." Pinkie nodded. "Can do. Who are we talking about?" Twilight levitated a checklist. "Let's see here... Ah yes, Caramel is being stubborn, and Cherry Berry is terrified to let her family out of the house." "We can try to talk to them," Fluttershy said. "Is there anything else?" Twilight shook her head. "Once this is over, I could use your help in setting everything up around here. Oh, and Fluttershy, Applebloom went and checked in on your animals, like you asked. She says that the little raccoons are a bit shaken, but otherwise doing great." "That's good to hear. Please thank her for me." "Will do," Twilight said with a smile before returning her attention to Kibitz. "Now, we do need to talk about the new royal council. I have a few ideas that you might find interesting." Pinkie and Fluttershy left while Twilight was busy talking to the councilor. The two homes they had to visit were located in a dimly-lit part of Ponyville. It had been a week since the sun last showed its rays, and ponies were now getting used to living in darkness. Luckily, the snowfall had calmed down a notch, making it easier to see where they were going. "I suppose we should start with Caramel," Fluttershy suggested. "His house is closer." "Sure," Pinkie said as she led the way through the streets, happily hopping as she waved at everypony they passed. As they got closer to their destination, they met fewer ponies. A lot of the townsfolk who lived near Caramel had volunteered to join the army, and their children either lived with relatives or participated in the war effort themselves, something that still made Fluttershy shudder. Pinkie stopped in her tracks as they passed an ill-maintained house. "Shh," she whispered, pointing to a street corner. Fluttershy perked up her ears. Sure enough, she heard whispers coming from the alley. She turned to Pinkie and raised an eyebrow. "I don't like it," Pinkie said, keeping her voice quiet. "I want to check it out." Pinkie was already sneaking her way toward the alley before Fluttershy could protest. She sighed and followed her friend. Pinkie's features hardened as they got closer and managed to make out what was being said. "...message to the griffons. They have to know that Twilight is back and act now," an eerily familiar voice said. Fluttershy couldn't quite make out who it was just yet, but she shared a concerned look with Pinkie. "Yes, Captain," a second voice answered. "With both armies occupied in Canterlot, now is the perfect time for them to strike." "That's what I said, you idiot," the first voice angrily replied. "Now go, and don't let anypony see you." Fluttershy recognized the voice; there was no mistaking Boulderhoof's gruff tone. How long has he been working for the griffons? Why would he betray Equestria? Fluttershy turned to Pinkie. Both of them nodded and slowly backtracked. Fluttershy was about to speak, but she heard something big collide with the ground behind them. Both friends turned around to find a light brown pegasus in full Canterlot armor glaring at them with burnt orange eyes. "Well, well, look what we have here." Pinkie rushed the pegasus and pinned him to the ground before he could act. "Run, Fluttershy!" she yelled. "Warn Twilight, quick!" Fluttershy stared dumbfounded at the situation, shaking in her hooves. She barely heard the pegasus calling out. "Captain, we have spies!" "Go!" Pinkie yelled again. "Before more of them come." Fluttershy shook her head and galloped away as fast as her legs would allow. "I'll come back for you, Pinkie. I promise!" She took a glimpse behind her. More soldiers came out of the alley. At least three were running after her, while more were assisting the pegasus in fighting off Pinkie. Fluttershy wanted to turn back and help her friend, but knew that Twilight had to be warned. I sacrificed myself to help Applejack, just like Pinkie now sacrificed herself to help me. Run Fluttershy, run! Her eyes filled with tears as she brought her body to its limit. If only she could reach the crowd, the soldiers would have no choice but to back away. She redoubled her pace, not daring to take another look at her pursuers, who were cursing at her. She turned on Haybrooke Street. One more corner and she'd come onto Sugarcube Avenue. She could already hear the activity coming from it. "Somepony help!" she screamed as she kept galloping. If only her wings worked, she could gain more speed by getting airborne. She saw silhouettes come from Sugarcube Avenue. "Come here, quick!" she heard a voice call. She redoubled her pace as she could almost feel the soldiers breathing down her neck. Fluttershy almost collided with Bonbon as she reached the end of the street. "It's okay, it's okay," Bonbon said. "They're not pursuing you anymore." "I'm... I'm safe?" Fluttershy asked, her breathing still erratic. "Look for yourself," Bonbon said as she pointed to the three retreating soldiers. Fluttershy looked around and realized she was surrounded by friendly faces. She recognized the Cakes, Roseluck, Carrot Top, other faces to which she couldn't associate a name. "Th... thank you," Fluttershy said as she got back on her hooves. "I need to see Twilight, right away. Boulderhoof betrayed us. He sent a messenger to the griffons, telling them to attack Ponyville. They captured Pinkie, and I barely managed to get away." The townsfolk wasted no time in escorting Fluttershy to Twilight, who carefully listened to every word her friend had to say. Concerned-looking ponies already began panicking the moment they heard about the possibility of a griffon attack. Twilight had to fly up and gather their attention with a bright flash of magical light. Even Fluttershy was blinded by it. "Listen up everypony," Twilight began. Fluttershy recognized the spell she used to amplify her voice. All of Ponyville would be able to hear her. "I know we're scared, but we knew this might happen. Remember why we're all gathered here. We have to show the griffons that we're not afraid of them. The soldiers who came with me from Manehattan will defend us, and I have this message to give to the Ponyville garrison: Your leader has betrayed Equestria. Come join us in town square, and help us make a stand for our nation!" Fluttershy clapped and cheered for her friend. Councilor Kibitz nodded at her and mirrored the gesture. "You are perfectly right, Your Highness," he added. With the crowd calming down and ponies giving each other encouraging words, Twilight landed next to Fluttershy. "Thanks for coming back, Fluttershy. I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't warned me." Fluttershy sighed and looked down at her hooves. "I'm still worried about Pinkie. I shouldn't have left her behind." Twilight placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Pinkie knew what she was doing. We'll get her back, I promise." Twilight smiled tentatively, but Fluttershy could see the doubt in her friend's features. "So what now?" Fluttershy asked. "Now, I talk to Shining Armor and Commander Tinkerboom," Twilight said. "We'll figure out a way to protect the town. Worse comes to worst, I have a backup plan." Fluttershy nodded. Her eyes wandered to the Canterlot shield. It was getting paler, obviously weakening. "I hope Rarity and Rainbow manage to do something about this," she whispered to Twilight. Twilight nodded, just as Fluttershy kept staring, trying to imagine what horrors the poor ponies who chose to remain in Canterlot had to go through. Her heartbeat raced as she noticed the shield flicker. Then, all of a sudden, its glow disappeared. "Oh no!" Fluttershy said with a gasp. "The shield is gone, what does it mean?" a panicked mare yelled. The loudest crashing sound Fluttershy had ever heard resonated throughout the entire area. Even through the darkness and the snowstorm, Fluttershy clearly saw Canterlot's towers crumbling down. The large steel cup holding Equestria's capital up the mountain plummeted down to its doom, releasing a gargantuan cloud of snow and dust. > XXXIX Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity almost fainted when she saw Canterlot's shield collapse. She stared with her mouth agape as the city crumbled down. First the towers fell, then the entire structure shook from the unchecked storm the Cloudsdale army had unleashed upon the capital. Rarity could only watch helplessly as the large cup holding the city cracked and tumbled down the mountain. Silence fell within the carriage. Legerity's quick thinking saved their lives. Rarity's bodyguard had the reflex to order the ponies pulling the carriage to stop staring at the disaster and fly away, preventing them from being enveloped in the dust cloud created by the falling city. Once safely away, the soldiers landed the carriage on a lone cloud. Rarity stared blankly at the falling wreckage. A large amount of snow and dust spread as far as the eye could see. Pegasi flew away in panic. Just how many ponies had died in front of their eyes? What could have caused the city to fall? Was the support structure sabotaged? Did the Cloudsdale army underestimate the strength of their storm? "Soarin will pay for this," Rainbow quietly said, rage barely contained in her voice. Tears welled up in Rarity's eyes. "Enough ponies have suffered, Rainbow. No more." Rainbow grunted loudly. "So, what do we do? They just destroyed Canterlot, Rarity! I was part of that army, and it killed more ponies than I can count." Octavia's eyes remained fixated on the horrible spectacle. She mumbled something under her breath. Rarity took a deep breath. She gently massaged her belly before returning her attention to her friend. "We stick to the plan. Nothing's changed. If we don't convince Soarin to put an end to this madness, who knows how many more horrors we'll see? Let's not forget that we still have the griffons to worry about." "Yeah, alright," Rainbow said. She took off her officer's helmet and stared at it. She'd opted to wear her uniform, and now looked down at it with a scowl of disgust. "You first put that on to defend Equestria," Rarity gently said. Rainbow threw the helmet down to the carriage floor. "I don't get it, Rarity. How can you forgive me? How can you forgive them?" She pointed at the destroyed city. Rarity took another deep breath. "You want to know the truth? I can't afford to linger on hatred right now. Once this is all over, there will have to be a reckoning. Guilty parties will have to be punished, you and I will not be exceptions. For now, we have a job to do. We both sacrificed everything to try and save Equestria. Let us see it through, shall we?" Octavia slowly returned her attention to the group. "Rarity's right." She spoke in a raspy voice. "We all got swept by ideas of revenge and glory. I blame myself just as much as you do, Rainbow, but there's more work to be done." She placed a gray hoof on Rainbow's shoulder." We both believed in the Cloudsdale army in the past. Let's see if we can return it to its true purpose?" She grabbed the helmet from the floor and handed it to Rainbow. Rainbow smiled weakly. "You're right. The griffons are the true monsters. Let's teach them a lesson." She nodded at Octavia, accepting the helmet and putting it back on. Rarity turned to Legerity. "Give the order to the soldiers pulling the carriage, Sergeant. We press on. The mission hasn't changed." Legerity saluted, hints of a satisfied grin on her muzzle. "As you command, Your Highness." The mood in the makeshift Cloudsdale camp was as somber as Rarity expected. It had proven surprisingly easy for Rainbow and Octavia to convince their former comrades to let the carriage land. Even after Rarity stepped off, few soldiers reacted. Most kept to themselves, silently staring down at their hooves. They're ashamed, Rarity realized. They didn't expect the city to fall, and they only now realize what they've done. Soldiers whispered in hushed tones as Rainbow walked by. "I thought she was dead," a stallion said. "They say she fought off an entire griffon legion in High Roost," another one added. Rarity eyed Rainbow, who scoffed at the comments. Whatever she had gone through during her captivity, it was clear from her downtrodden expression that Rainbow Dash didn't feel like a hero. Octavia, meanwhile, avoided the soldiers' gaze. She kept whispering to herself, but Rarity couldn't make out the words. Legerity remained close to her charge. For once, Rarity didn't mind her bodyguard's over-protectiveness. Regardless of circumstances, these were soldiers who hours ago were calling for her head. She had no intention of losing her life, and had her unborn foal to consider as well. Legerity eyed a few soldiers severely, silently warning them that trying anything would not be a good idea. A mare walked in front of their path and spat onto the cloud surface. "Here's your royal carpet," she mockingly scoffed at Rarity. Three more soldiers guffawed. "Watch it!" Rainbow barked as she grabbed the mare and pushed her away. "You should celebrate with us, Commander" a dark blue stallion from the same group shouted as he raised a glass bottle. "We took out their city." A particularly large unicorn sergeant stormed from outside a nearby tent. "Get back in line, Swifty. None of you should be celebrating." "Lighten up, Sergeant," the mare said with a grin. "We won! Blueblood is dead." "That's it!" the large sergeant snapped. "All of you, back to your tents. I'll deal with you all later." The group moved away, grumbling in discontent as the sergeant stood at attention in front of Rainbow. "Sergeant Sunsparks at your orders, Wing Commander, Lady Octavia. It's an honor to have you both back." "Thank you, Sergeant," Octavia said with a polite bow. Rainbow nodded. "Thanks for dealing with your troops, Sergeant. I wouldn't have been as gentle." "Of course," the sergeant replied. "If I may ask, everypony thought you were dead, and now you return with Canterlot's princess. Are you at liberty to tell me anything?" "We're here to see Soarin," Rainbow said. "As to why Rarity's here, that's between us and the general for now. Could you arrange for safe passage through the camp?" "As you command," Sunsparks said. He motioned for a group of soldiers to come forward. "You heard the commander. Escort these ponies to the general's tent." The air chilled Rarity's bones as she and the rest of her group were lead through the camp. More layers of clouds floated higher in the sky, and snowflakes fell over the installations. The soldiers stayed in groups, most inside their tents, but quite a few were drinking or shivering under blankets outside. Rarity winced as they passed the infirmary. A mare screamed in pain as what passed for a doctor amputated her torn up wing. Rarity, Legerity, Octavia, and Rainbow were escorted all the way toward a large blue pavilion. A pale gray pegasus stallion with a messy long white mane rushed out toward them. "I... I can't believe it," he blurted out as he stopped in front of Rainbow. "You really did survive." Rainbow nodded. "I have, Rapidfire." She looked him up and down. "I see they made you a Wing Commander." Her voice remained flat and expressionless. "Soarin promoted me shortly after the battle of Ponyville," Rapidfire said. "I imagine that if you're here with Canterlot's princess, you want to see him and discuss terms of surrender?" Rarity scoffed and almost gave this pony a piece of her mind. Luckily, Rainbow spoke first. "After what you lot did to Canterlot, I think we're beyond surrender. Princess Twilight is back, and it's only a matter of time before the griffons attack Ponyville to try and take her out. It's time we put an end to this civil war and unite against them." "Call it what you want," Rapidfire said. "Still, the griffons are a threat, and we need to deal with them sooner rather than later." "Which is why we're here," Octavia said as she stepped forward. "Hopefully we can still salvage the situation." "Indeed," Rarity added. "Now, Commander, if you wouldn't mind escorting us to your superior?" Rapidfire grunted. "Right, follow me." He nodded at the two soldiers guarding the command tent as he stepped inside. Rainbow followed close behind, with Octavia, Rarity, and Legerity behind her. The command tent didn't have much in terms of decoration. A makeshift cloud desk was covered in plans and various notes. Apart from a few wooden chairs and a small cupboard in a corner, the only other item was a framed picture of Princess Luna on the desk. General Soarin's emerald green eyes rose to meet Rarity's. He was holding a glass of liquor in his hoof, and didn't bother to get up. "I suppose you're here to discuss terms?" There was no passion in his voice. Rainbow stepped forward "Cut the act, Soarin. What the hay did you do?" "What we planned all along," Soarin said, his voice flat and raspy. "I attacked Canterlot." "You destroyed Canterlot," Rainbow snapped as she leaned on the desk. "I didn't see much of a victory parade when I walked through your camp." Soarin sighed. "We couldn't predict what would happen. I had to strike, and I did. Yes, I do regret the outcome, but if I had to make the same choice again, I would." Octavia motioned to step forward, but Rarity gently blocked her path. "We better let Rainbow handle this her way for now," she whispered. "You're a disgrace!" Rainbow spat. "How can you possibly justify this?" Soarin rose and threw his glass in a corner. "Look here, Commander. I'm glad you're still alive, but you didn't see what happened. You went down in the first battle, and didn't see the griffons encroaching themselves in Equestria. You didn't see Princess Luna getting murdered." Rainbow met Soarin's gaze. "I saw plenty, trust me. You know where I was the whole time? Getting tortured in High Roost. Don't think for a moment I don't know who the enemy is, Soarin." Even through her injuries and pitiful frame, Rainbow stood with the same pride and strength she'd once been known for. Rarity took a deep breath and stepped forward. She forced herself to remain calm. "General Soarin, what happened to Canterlot was a tragedy. I honestly don't know if I could ever forgive you for what you did, but for now, it doesn't change anything. We need your help." Soarin walked around his desk. "You need our help?" "Princess Twilight does, actually," Rarity continued. "She's back, and in Ponyville. No doubt the griffons will come for her. Your own Commander Tinkerboom has already sworn her forces to her cause. We need you to do the same." "And what about your own forces?" Soarin asked. Rarity stared straight into Soarin's eyes. "Every single pony has to unite and end this ridiculous war. Do you really think I want the throne? As far as I'm concerned, it was always Twilight's, and I was keeping it warm for her. My husband is dead, so is Princess Luna. Tell me, General Soarin, what are you fighting for?" Soarin turned around. He produced a new glass from a small cupboard in the back and filled it with brown liquor. "I don't know anymore. I just want to make Princess Luna's killers pay." Rainbow and Rarity shared a nod. Rainbow limped toward Soarin. "Honestly Soarin, we're the ones who killed Princess Luna. If we hadn't jumped into this frenzy of battles and military glory, it wouldn't have come to this. It got me maimed and tortured, and it turned you into a vengeful warmonger. Hay, it even made Rarity here marry Blueblood, a stallion I know she hated." Soarin took a sip of his drink and turned to face the two friends again. "So, you two want me to order my troops back to Ponyville? Unite with what remains of the Canterlot army against the griffons?" "Precisely," Rarity said with a satisfied nod. "Hopefully we can make a show of force and end this without bloodshed." "Isn't that what we wanted from the start?" Octavia said as she placed a hoof on Soarin's shoulder. She smiled tentatively. "We may finally have a chance to help rebuild Equestria." "And then Princess Twilight takes the throne," Soarin completed in a raspy voice. "Yes," Rainbow said. "And we all face the music." Soarin looked down at his glass, and downed it in one gulp. "I suppose there's no escaping it." Rarity shook her head. "After what you did, I'm afraid not. It'll be better for all of Equestria if you own up to what you did. You won't be executed, I can promise you as much." "It's what Princess Luna would have wanted," Octavia continued. "You knew her better than anypony." Soarin sighed and nodded. "Very well, one last fight. I will defend Princess Twilight, and hopefully be remembered as something more than the pony who destroyed Canterlot." Preparations in the camp went swiftly. While Octavia spoke to individual officers, Soarin and Rainbow addressed the troops together, vowing that defending Ponyville would be the first step in making up for the horrors they all caused in Canterlot. Rarity joined them, promising that the civil war was indeed over. While her presence had been met with mixed reactions, the soldiers at least seemed to appreciate her honesty. The moment the speeches were over, Rarity moved aside with Legerity. It had been the bodyguard's idea to find the Canterlot prisoners who surrendered to the invading army. Many had been outside of Canterlot, either in the prison-factory, airborne over the city, or manning some of the scouting posts Silvermane had ordered built around the mountain. Rarity was escorted by Legerity alongside a full unit of eight Cloudsdale pegasus soldiers assigned by Soarin as her personal protection. At their head was a short pegasus mare by the name of Stormsweeper. They took her to the area where the prisoners were kept. Most were pegasi, but the occasional earth pony or unicorn sat within the group. Rarity thought about approaching them, but knew better than to argue with her escort. There wasn't even a proper fence surrounding the prisoners. They all sat on the cloud, surrounded by armed guards. They looked too defeated to even attempt escape. A lot of these ponies had probably just seen everything they knew and loved destroyed. Just getting them to consider fighting alongside the Cloudsdale troops would prove a challenge. She scanned the crowd with her eyes. Every face looked the same: a mix of fear and disgust radiating helplessness. One particular pony caught Rarity's attention. "Sapphire?" she blurted in surprise as she saw the pink-coated mare sitting at the edge of the group. Sapphire Blitz's head rose. She gasped as she saw Rarity. "Your... Your Highness?" Rarity nodded. "I would like to speak to this prisoner," she told Stormsweeper, who motioned for Sapphire to rise and walk forward. "You freed Fluttershy," Rarity said once her former assistant was away from the crowd. "I did, Milady," Sapphire said, keeping her head low. "I know it doesn't make up for betraying you, but you deserved at least that much." Rarity smiled. "I do appreciate it, and thank you." "It means a lot to hear it from you, Milady." Rarity tapped her hoof to her chin. "Hmm, perhaps there is something more you could do for me." Sapphire's head rose as she met Rarity's gaze. "Anything." "I need these soldiers to help us defend Princess Twilight in Ponyville. Soarin and I already made peace. The griffons, however, are still coming. If we are to have any hope of defending ourselves, we all must stand together." Sapphire gulped. "I'm not sure anything can be done, Your Highness. We all saw Canterlot fall. Nopony here wants to fight alongside the aggressors who destroyed our homes." Rarity nodded. "I understand. It's a lot to ask of anypony. To be perfectly honest, I had a hard time standing next to Soarin myself. We have to do it though. If we don't, then it'll escalate until nothing is left of Equestria but a smoldering ruin." "I'll stand with you," Sapphire said with a hesitant nod. "I can try to convince the more stubborn soldiers to give peace a chance after you're gone." "It's all I ask," Rarity replied with a smile. She turned to Sergeant Stormsweeper. "I don't think anypony here will listen to me if I appear to be your prisoner. You have to let me approach them." "I don't recommend it," the sergeant warned. "I agree," Legerity added. "Some of these ponies could see you as a traitor." "Then stay close to me." Rarity told Legerity as she took a few steps toward the assembled prisoners. A few heads rose toward Rarity, and prisoners whispered to each other in hushed tones. Rarity cleared her throat, getting everypony's attention. "I know how you all feel right now," she began. "But we still have something to fight for. Some of you might have heard by now, but the griffons were never our friends. Even now, they conspire to attack Princess Twilight, who returned to us and is now in Ponyville." "Convenient that she comes out of hiding just now that Prince Blueblood is dead," a stallion spat. Rarity nodded. "If only she had arrived sooner, perhaps this tragedy could have been averted. Like all of you, I grieve for our friends and family in Canterlot. I grieve for my husband. Still, we can make sure that nothing like that happens again." "You want us to fight the griffons," an earth pony mare completed. "Hopefully it won't come to that," Rarity said as she walked between the prisoners. "The truth is, we've all been victims of a terrible ploy. The griffons conspired to turn us against one another from the start. They were the ones who murdered Princess Celestia. They orchestrated for Princess Luna to be accused of the murder. If we fight each other, they gain the upper hoof." "It's a bit late to make peace," the same stallion who had spoken earlier replied. "My home is destroyed, my family dead. Why should I care about Princess Twilight?" Sapphire stepped next to Rarity. "So other families don't suffer the same loss. My family died, too. I lost everything, including my horn." She moved her mane aside as an added gesture. "Princess Rarity is right. We still have a part to play. I'm willing to put the hatred aside for now, and trust that the guilty parties will face justice afterwards. Besides, if we don't stop the griffons now, Canterlot's destruction will have been meaningless." Rarity smiled at her friend and placed a hoof on her shoulder. "General Soarin already promised me that he would willingly pay the price for his crimes. So, what do you all say? Will you accompany me to Ponyville and show these invaders that we ponies stand united?" A few prisoners rose to show their support. The Cloudsdale guards motioned to stop them, but Stormsweeper raised a hoof, holding them back. More Canterlot captives whispered to each other as Rarity took a deep breath. She had expected her request wouldn't be met with widespread enthusiasm. A pegasus wearing light Cloudsdale armor flew toward Rarity with haste. He landed and saluted her. "Message from General Soarin," he said. "Let's hear it," Rarity replied. The messenger took a deep breath. "The griffons are in Ponyville. They came out of a hidden network of Diamond Dog caves. Commander Tinkerboom barely had time to react. She created a defensive perimeter around the Palace of Harmony. We have to move in now!" Rarity gulped as she nodded. She turned toward the prisoners. "This is it. Are you going to sit back and do nothing, or stand with us?" More prisoners rose, hardened determination returning to their faces. Sapphire Blitz nodded at Rarity. "We await your orders, Your Highness." The snowstorm had fully reached Ponyville, covering everything in white. Rarity watched over the battle from her vantage point on one of the command clouds. Tinkerboom's forces had retreated to the castle. Many Ponyville residents had taken up arms as well, helping to defend their town. As for the griffons, some were assaulting the defenders in melee combat, but the bulk of the army was circling around Ponyville. "This is bad," Rainbow told Rarity. "They're creating a hurricane. The griffon soldiers in the middle are just cannon fodder. The real danger is the hurricane. It's going to raze the town." She gulped and spoke in a quieter voice. "Like it did at the first battle of Ponyville." Rarity placed a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder, the two of them sharing a concerned look. "I'll be fine," Rainbow said. "As you said, we'll all have to face the music later." She turned to Soarin, who was giving orders to some of his officers further back. "General, they're creating a hurricane. We have to counter it." Soarin frowned. "You of all ponies should know what happened the last time we tried that against the griffons." "I almost died," Rainbow said. "Trust me, I know. We have to do it though. If we don't, we lose the town." Rarity stepped forward. "What about the hostage? Can't Twilight use Alicia Bouvier as leverage?" "You'd need to ask her," Soarin said. "For now, I'm ordering my troops to fly in tandem with the griffons and strike them from behind." Rainbow gasped. "You'll make the hurricane even worse! Ponyville will be destroyed." Soarin pointed to the battle. "Look at what they're doing, Commander. They're flying in the same direction as the snowstorm, using its strength as a base. If we try to counter them, we'd be fighting both the griffons and the storm. You have to stop thinking like a hero and more like a general. We outnumber them, so we can beat them. Let's not waste this advantage." "What we have to do is get to Twilight," Rarity said. "Not before we contain the griffons," Soarin said, a harsh severity in his tone. He turned to a captain behind him. "Send in the first six waves, then the next two once they're in position." Rainbow's remaining ear perked up. "I think I have an idea," she said. Soarin grunted. "Let's hear it." "Keep sending in your forces," Rainbow explained. "The griffons need to stay focused on them. At the same time, Rarity and I can sneak to the ground with a small force, just enough to keep us safe. The storm will give us cover, and we can make our way to the castle." "It's worth a try," Rarity said. "There's only one problem," Soarin said. "This hurricane will only grow in intensity. How do you suggest sneaking through it? You'll be tossed into the sky." Legerity, ever at Rarity's side, stepped forward. "If I may, Your Highness? I think I can help." "Oh?" Rarity asked. "With all this talk of weaponized weather, I've been learning a protection spell. It's a shield that should protect us against the wind. It won't block it completely, but it should get us to the castle relatively safely." Soarin nodded. "That could work. Have you tested this spell before?" Legerity sighed and shook her head. "Not in the field. This will be the first time." She turned her attention to Rarity and stood upright. "I understand that this is risky, Your Highness, but I also know you well enough. You'll want to be with your friends no matter what, and I'm more than willing to help you get there." Rarity smiled. "Good enough for me. Let's do it." "Very well, I won't keep you," Soarin said with a sigh. "Just understand that I still have a job to do. I can't hold back the storm just to guarantee your safety." "Fair enough," Rainbow said. "I just need one unit, preferably ponies with infiltration training, and a dropcloud to carry Rarity and her bodyguard down to the ground." "You'll have it," Soarin said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a battle to fight." He turned to another group of pegasus soldiers. "Send in the first wave of thunderclouds." The plan worked flawlessly. Between the griffons being locked in combat and the growing storm, Legerity, Rarity, and Rainbow easily reached the ground undetected using a small dropcloud. They all wore thick white winter cloaks, making them difficult to spot in the snow. After a long debate, they had decided to land south of the town. While the castle was all the way north, the northern field was too open; the griffons would see them immediately. Going through the town had its risks, but they all agreed that Legerity's shield would give them a chance against falling debris, but not against an entire griffon legion. Rarity often felt the glares of the soldiers escorting them. Being pregnant, she couldn't match their speed. Rainbow kept encouraging her, remaining airborne herself so she didn't have to rely on her crooked hind leg. Seeing the hurricane up close made Rarity shudder in terror. She felt her unborn foal struggling in her belly as she held it close. "It'll be alright, little one. Legerity and Rainbow will protect us." Legerity took that as a cue to light up her horn, forming an orange bubble around the group. It flickered and then became invisible. The effects of the shield, however, could be felt immediately. While the wind was still making a mess out of Rarity's mane, its cold bite was mostly gone. "Let's hope this shield holds," Rainbow said with a gulp as they neared the snow cloud at the edge of the twister. The group stuck together around Legerity as they penetrated the hurricane. Rarity's bodyguard ground her teeth as the strong winds pushed against her shield. Pieces of wood, hay, and other debris flew over their heads. Rarity forced her eyes to remain trained on the ground. Both the scale of the destruction and the size of the hurricane itself were too much for her to bear. Is this what it was like at the first battle of Ponyville? she wondered. She wanted to ask Rainbow, but her friend was surely struggling with enough bad memories. One of the soldiers broke Rarity's reverie. "Watch out!" he yelled, prompting the entire group to duck. A large cart wheel flew in their direction, colliding with one of the pegasus soldiers. "We need to hurry up!" Rainbow yelled. She pointed at one of the soldiers. "You, help Rarity along. The sooner we get to the eye of the storm, the fewer soldiers we'll lose." Rarity tried her hardest to redouble her pace as the pegasus mare helped her move forward. "Thank you," she weakly whispered. "Come on, Rare! You can do it." Rainbow said. They kept moving forward, tears falling off Rarity's cheeks as she fought the wind. Even through Legerity's shield, its force was considerable. Rarity opened her eyes. She cried in joy as she saw the edge of the storm. A purple glowing wall came into view. Of course, she thought. Twilight or her brother would create a protective shield. The soldiers obviously all saw it as well, as they all hurried their pace. "How will we get through the shield?" a mare asked. "I bet it's only meant to keep the storm out," Rainbow said. "We can probably walk through it." "Let's hope so," Rarity added. Rarity gritted her teeth as the entire group gave it one last push, reaching the glowing surface. Rainbow flew in first, rushing through the purple bubble. Rarity and the soldiers followed close behind. What they found on the other side made Rarity gasp in shock. Both griffon soldiers and pony traitors had also gotten through the shield, and were locked in combat with Tinkerboom's troops, both in the sky and on the streets. Three griffon soldiers turned their gaze toward Rarity's group. Rainbow screamed a maddening war cry as she rammed one of them. Four soldiers separated themselves from the group to handle the other two. Rarity averted her eyes, not wanting to see any more blood than necessary. Rarity turned to Legerity, who was loudly panting as she was finally allowed to stop maintaining her shield. "We need to get to Twilight. Any ideas?" Legerity looked around. "We'll have to fight our way through, Your Highness. Hopefully Princess Twilight's forces can help clear a path for us. Remain close to me at all times." Rainbow, who had just returned to them, pointed toward the castle. "She's probably in there. We have to hurry up; you're a target out here, Rarity." "So are you," Rarity said with a grim nod. "Guards, form a perimeter!" Legerity ordered. "We do not let anything get to the VIPs. Our mission has not changed; we have to reach the Palace of Harmony." "Yes ma'am," one of the pegasi replied. The soldiers circled Rarity, with four pegasi flying over her. Rainbow joined them. She picked up a spear from a fallen soldier and held it in a defensive posture, ready to fight off any griffons coming their way. The group charged forward. Rarity tried her best to keep up, but the soldiers still had to slow their pace so she wouldn't be left behind. A few encouraging glances from Rainbow prompted her to keep going. On a few occasions, they had to fight off incoming enemy soldiers. Rarity kept her head low. Ponyville's defenders soon recognized them and helped clear a path. A griffon impaled one of the pegasus soldiers defending Rarity, but by luck, part of a straw roof was blown off from outside the shield and collided with him. An earth pony wearing the Cloudsdale uniform proceeded to finish him off as he fell to the ground. They kept going on what was left of Coltington street. Tinkerboom seemed to have sent reinforcements, as her forces managed to slowly retake control of the street, forcing the griffons to retreat. Once they turned onto Harmony Avenue, things turned grim. While they could see the castle in the distance, a large force of Canterlot soldiers were pushing the Ponyville defenders back toward their defenses. Rarity saw none other than Captain Boulderhoof at their head. "I knew he was rotten from the start," she spat. "We need to get through," Rainbow said. "Maybe we can sneak around their attack force?" "Too late," Legerity said as she pointed at Boulderhoof. "He's seen us. Defensive positions." Rarity hid behind her bodyguard as two dozen soldiers formed rank in front of her. Her heartbeat raced as she looked up and found eight pegasi flying from within the hurricane. She recognized the one at the head as Sergeant Sunsparks, the same pony who'd escorted them to Soarin's tent when they first arrived at the Cloudsdale camp. He winked at Rarity and gave her a cocky salute as his unit dropped small objects onto Boulderhoof's forces. Rarity soon realized what they were as they exploded, killing enemy soldiers. She winced at the violent display. "Charge!" a familiar voice ordered from the castle's direction. Rarity looked up and beamed as she saw Applejack wearing spiked charger armor. She led a large group of ponies into the now disorganized enemy ranks. They wore both Cloudsdale and Canterlot armor, although they each had a purple strip of fabric tied around one of their legs. "Now's our chance," Rainbow ordered. "Go, go go!" They all rushed toward the enemy. Rarity stayed behind, silently cursing herself for never learning any battle magic. She remained close to Legerity, holding her belly as a reflex. Her bodyguard nodded at her. "I'll keep you safe, Your Highness." Boulderhoof yelled as he pointed toward Rarity. "A griffon nobility title to whoever brings me Rarity's head!" A group of unicorn and earth pony soldiers grinned and charged at Rarity's defenders. "Hold the line!" Rainbow ordered. Both groups clashed into each other. Spears met spears, and unsuspecting soldiers were being impaled left and right. Rarity vomited as blood spattered onto her face. Three enemy unicorns managed to break through after part of the defensive line faltered. "Watch out!" Rainbow yelled as she parried a blow from a griffon attacker. Legerity pushed Rarity back and fired a magical bolt from her horn, knocking out the first attacker. A second one charged her while his companion fired bolts from her own horn. Legerity attempted to raise a shield, blocking most of the bolts. She reacted too late, however, as two of them managed to singe her face, making her scream in pain. "Run, Your Highness!" she yelled just before the other unicorn levitated a spear and pierced her jugular. Rarity shrieked as her bodyguard's body fell lifelessly onto the ground. She had all but given up when Sunsparks' large frame landed in front of her. The rest of his unit soon joined him, fighting off the attackers. Rarity crawled toward Legerity, but her eyes were already devoid of life as she lay within a pool of her own blood. "Come on, Rare," Rainbow said as she landed next to her. She forced Rarity back to her hooves. "Applejack is breaking through. We can make it! We'll grieve later." Rarity dried her tears and nodded at Rainbow. Applejack motioned for them to follow as her troops fended off a wave of earth pony chargers. Rainbow and Rarity rushed to their friend's side. "Terrible fashion sense, as usual," Rarity weakly joked at Applejack's spiked armor. "For once, I agree with you," Applejack said as she bucked an enemy unicorn trying to sneak up behind her. "We need to get to Twilight," Rainbow said. "She's in the castle," Applejack replied. "She's leading the defense as best she can. Shining Armor's helping her out while maintaining the shield." "Just lead the way," Rarity said. Applejack rushed ahead. "Chestnut, guard our flank," she told a unicorn soldier. She rammed into an enemy earth pony with her heavy spiked shoulder pads, throwing him out of the way. "Get out of my town!" The path to the castle was almost clear. Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity rushed forward, but Boulderhoof left the melee and blocked their path. "I've waited a long time to teach you a lesson, Madam Mayor." Applejack nodded at her companions before moving forward. "The feeling's mutual." She charged Boulderhoof, who rose to his hind legs in an attempt to crush her with his weight while Rarity hid behind one of her legs as a reflex. Applejack proved the most agile fighter, as she jumped to Boulderhoof's side, dodging his attack. She head-butted him, disorienting him long enough to turn around and solidly buck him. The overgrown brute fell to the ground as Applejack's hind legs collided with his head. "That was satisfying," she said before spitting on Boulderhoof's unconscious body. "Come on." The Ponyville defenders managed to form a barrier behind Rarity's group as they made their way toward the Palace of Harmony. Once they passed the barricade, Applejack turned to a white and brown spotted colt no older than Sweetie Belle. "Go tell Tinkerboom that Rarity and Rainbow are back. I'm taking them to see Twilight." The young earth pony nodded and galloped away. The area around the castle was in chaos. Soldiers rushed out to reinforce the defense as unicorns erected shields around the wounded. Rarity even saw a mare fight with a pitchfork. Twilight was in the middle of it all, giving orders to officers and encouraging her troops. She wore golden plate armor, complete with a crown. Rarity had to nod in appreciation. The wardrobe choice made her friend look radiant and completely in place in the middle of all the action. Shining Armor stood next to her, visibly struggling as his horn flashed brightly. Fluttershy offered him a drink of water. He's the one powering the shield, Rarity realized, remembering his unique talent. Applejack led Rarity and Rainbow to their friend. Twilight turned her attention toward them. "Applejack! You made it." She rushed toward the group and warmly embraced Rarity, then Rainbow. "I'm so glad you're both alright. As you can see, things aren't looking good." "Soarin already sent in his forces," Rainbow said. "But it's not good. He won't be able to counter this hurricane. In fact, he's having his flyers power it even further, trying to trap the griffons inside." "Isn't that the same strategy the griffons used against your forces?" Applejack asked. Rainbow winced. "That's irony for you." Rarity frowned. "Alright, Twilight. We need a plan." "I tried to send in a message to Bouvier," Twilight explained. "We have his wife, I was hoping that would be enough to at least start a parley. They have Pinkie Pie though, which isn't helping." "What?" Rarity and Rainbow blurted out at once. Fluttershy stepped forward. "It's all my fault. We overheard Boulderhoof say he'd betray Ponyville, and she stayed behind, holding one of his soldiers back so I could warn Twilight." She hid behind her mane. Twilight shook her head. "I told you, Fluttershy. Don't blame yourself." Shining, who ground his teeth as he concentrated to keep the shield up, took a deep breath. "Soarin's forces can allow us to negotiate from a position of strength," he managed to say. Rainbow flew up, her remaining ear perking up as she grinned. "Shining's right. By now, Bouvier has to realize that this won't be an easy victory. Fire up that spell of yours where everypony hears your voice." "And what about Pinkie?" Fluttershy asked. "We offer an exchange," Rarity suggested. "He gives us Pinkie, we give him Alicia. Then we negotiate a cease-fire." Twilight sighed. "I hope they're willing to talk." She took a deep breath and lit up her horn as she flew upward. Her voice resonated as she spoke. "Bouvier! It's time to stop this. We have your wife, Alicia. With the Cloudsdale forces on our side, we outnumber you. Pull back your forces. I wish to parley." As her horn returned to normal, Twilight landed next to Rarity. While the battle still raged in the distance, the soldiers near the castle fell silent. "What now?" Applejack asked. "Now, we wait for Bouvier to give the order," Twilight said, her voice slightly shaking. "If he doesn't, then I don't know what to do." They all stared at the storm in silence. Rarity's eyes traveled toward Twilight, who was breathing erratically. A few minutes passed before the storm lessened in intensity. Shining Armor panted as he took a step forward. "It's working," he said. "The storm is weakening." Rarity gulped. "Now let's hope we can resolve this peacefully once and for all." Twilight led the way as an impressive force walked outside of Ponyville and onto the snow-covered fields west of town. She walked next to Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy. Rainbow flew over them, wearing her officer's uniform. Soarin, Tinkerboom, Octavia, and Kibitz followed behind. Rarity barely had time to fix her mane and put on one of her dresses. Applejack had questioned her and rolled her eyes, forcing Rarity to explain that negotiations such as these were a show of strength. Coming in with a good appearance showed they were in control. This was the same reason why she'd insisted Twilight still wear her crown and golden armor, and Rainbow her uniform. Soarin had joined them in Ponyville. He had spent a moment in private with Octavia and Commander Tinkerboom before gruffly promising his loyalty to Twilight. As for Shining Armor, he remained close to Twilight at all times. His loyalty reminded Rarity of Legerity. She almost cried as she thought of the pony who gave up her life to save her. There would be time to mourn after peace was achieved. The griffons were waiting for them in the middle of the field. Centurion Ignacio Bouvier stood perfectly straight, only once adjusting his glasses. His polished golden chest plate had obviously not seen any combat. He gazed calmly at the Ponyville army. If he was in any way worried, his demeanor didn't betray it. Ambassador Antoine, on the other hoof, seemed to barely contain his rage as he pushed Pinkie forward. Her mane was in shambles, and her hooves manacled. Bruises all over her body and a black eye hinted at her mistreatment. Twilight ordered the army to stop once they were about a hundred meters in front of the griffons. Two soldiers escorted Alicia Bouvier to the front. The griffon duchess kept her head high, even with her wings bound. "At least you didn't mistreat my wife," Bouvier began. "I wish I could say the same about the way you treated my friend," Twilight replied. Bouvier remained stoic. "The unpleasantness of war, I'm afraid." Twilight and Rarity shared a nod before the alicorn stepped forward, closely followed by her brother. "I think it's time to put this unpleasantness to a stop. I suggest a fair exchange. I release your wife, you release my friend. Then you leave Equestria and promise never to interfere with our affairs again." "Never!" Antoine yelled. "Duchess Bouvier, like any of us, is willing to sacrifice her life for the Griffingard cause." Ignacio turned toward the ambassador and glared at him, a gesture Antoine didn't seem to notice. Rarity stepped forward. She waited for Twilight to give her the nod before speaking. "Face it, Ambassador. Your ploy failed. My husband is dead, so is General Silvermane. All your secrets are out for the entire world to see. Princess Twilight is offering you a more generous offer than you deserve." "Rarity's right, it's a good deal," Pinkie added, smiling through her injuries. Antoine turned and slapped her hard across the cheek. "What have I told you about talking back?" Twilight flew up. "You better not strike my friend again, Ambassador." She lowered her head a moment and took a deep breath before turning her attention toward Bouvier. "Centurion Bouvier, is watching both our armies destroying each other more important than your wife? Your machine in High Roost has been destroyed. I also burned Valerak's notes. Face it, it's over." Bouvier took off his glasses and cleaned them with his handkerchief. He sighed before facing Twilight with tired hazel eyes. "You would forgive us, just like that?" "Centurion, you can't possibly consider this," Antoine snapped. "We swore an oath." "We will expect reparations," Rarity said. "Every single pony in your prisons will have to be released, and you will contribute to the reconstruction of Equestria." Bouvier turned to Antoine. "The entire world knows, Ambassador. Furthermore, even if we were to kill the princess here and now, who would raise the sun and moon?" Antoine took a deep breath. "I've spent a lot of time in Equestria. Ponies are great at promising peace and harmony for all, but we would be fools to believe them." He took a small dagger from his belt and studied it. "You ponies are just as savage as the rest of us. You used your mastery of magic to bully the rest of the world for generations, keeping Griffingard as nothing more than your obedient lapdog." His head rose and he stared at Twilight and Rarity. "Let me show you just how devoted to peace you really are, Twilight Sparkle." Without warning, he rose his dagger and turned toward Pinkie. Rarity barely had time to scream as Antoine buried the blade into Pinkie Pie's neck. Her blue eyes filled with tears as blood poured out of her muzzle. More blood oozed from her opened throat as she fell in the snow. "You monster!" Rainbow yelled, just as Twilight's horn glowed brightly. Fluttershy screamed as she held on to Applejack tightly. Twilight screamed in rage as a bright beam left her horn and collided with Antoine. Rarity was blinded. When she opened her eyes, she saw nothing but a pile of ashes where Antoine used to stand, surrounded by snow reddened by Pinkie's blood. "You want to see what we ponies do when we're angry?" Twilight spat. "You think I'm not capable of incinerating every single last one of you?" Centurion Bouvier recoiled in shock. "Form ranks!" he ordered. "Wait!" Fluttershy yelled as she let go of Applejack and rushed to Twilight's side. "Don't do it, Twilight!" "They killed Pinkie, Fluttershy!" Rainbow yelled. "And I don't want anypony else to die!" Fluttershy yelled even louder. Soldiers on both sides pointed their weapons at the enemy. Soarin and Tinkerboom were already ordering their flyers up in the sky, just as Bouvier's troops formed a circle around him, protecting him from more attacks. This isn't happening! I'm not losing peace again! Rarity did the only thing she could think of. She fired a strong flash of light from her horn. "Stand down!" she ordered. Her actions made both sides hesitate just long enough for Fluttershy to run in the middle of the field. "Please, nopony else needs to die!" she pleaded. Every weapon remained trained toward the other side, but Bouvier rose one of his claws. Twilight mirrored the gesture, landing in front of Fluttershy. Applejack moved next to Fluttershy. "You know Pinkie would want us to at least give peace a chance," Applejack told Twilight. "Don't listen to them!" Alicia yelled from behind the lines. "The plan must succeed." Bouvier stepped forward and sighed. "It cannot, my love," he said. Twilight took a deep breath. "I cannot excuse the death of my friend," she said, rage barely contained in her voice. "Maybe you're willing to chance peace, Centurion, but clearly others in Griffingard feel differently." "What do you propose?" the centurion asked. "I had a lot of time to think after my friends freed me from your prison," Twilight said, again flying upwards. "You wanted to know about alicorn magic? I believe I should give you a demonstration." Her horn lit up, and a bright purple beam fired into the sky, separating the thick clouds and revealing the night sky. Everyone stared at the spectacle, a few scratching their heads. Rarity remembered her friends mentioning Twilight had worked on a secret spell on the ship returning her to Equestria. Was this it? "As some of you may be aware," Twilight said. "The Horseus Comet is due to travel close to the planet about a year from now." Bouvier gasped. "You can't mean..." Twilight nodded firmly. "I adjusted its course. It took a lot of precise calculations, but it will collide directly with High Roost, unless I choose to reverse the spell. You may have your astronomers verify my claim if you wish." "This is your definition of peace?" Alicia spat. "This is insurance," Twilight said, her tone harsh and severe. "As said earlier, you will free every Equestrian prisoner you have. You will offer what resources are needed to rebuild Equestria. You will disband the Lodge and demolish King's End tower. Finally, you will free the arimaspi you have trapped under the tower. Once this is all done, I will spare your capital. Perhaps, one day, we may even learn to forgive one another." Centurion Bouvier adjusted his glasses once more. He gazed downward before facing his wife. "Even if we fight today, nothing we do here will bring Griffingard any glory." He turned toward Twilight. "May my wife return with me to Griffingard?" Twilight turned to Rarity, who nodded and stepped forward. "She will, once a proper peace treaty has been signed. We need insurance from King Aurélien himself that no more hostilities between our two nations will take place." "You were always a hard negotiator, Princess Rarity," Bouvier said with a respectful bow. "I'm not a princess anymore," Rarity said as she turned toward Twilight. "I merely advise one." Rarity stood in silence with Shining, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Twilight in the Palace of Harmony's central throne room. A simple wooden coffin had been placed on the table, with Pinkie's body laying inside. A single cupcake from sugarcube corner was placed on her chest. Even in death, Pinkie's muzzle seemed to hint at a smile. "If only she didn't sacrifice herself for me," Fluttershy mumbled between sobs. Rainbow sighed. "I should have listened to her when she told me not to fight in this war. She knew what would happen from the start." "She was always such a beacon of joy and wisdom for us all," Rarity said with a weak smile, trying to remember the good times. "When I married Blueblood, do you know what she did? She didn't feel sorry for me; she tried to make it fun. She wanted me to enjoy my wedding, nothing more." "I learned a lot from her," Shining said. "I understand why you were all so close to her. She never stopped believing that we'd have peace. I don't think I could have kept on going without her." "I still remember her last party," Applejack added with a weak titter. "She tried to cheer the town up after you were gone, Twilight. All she ever wanted was for everypony to be happy." Twilight levitated a box from a corner table. "I got some of her favorite strawberry cupcakes from Sugarcube Corner. I figured we should all have one in her memory." She passed the box around, letting each of them pick a cupcake. "Pinkie Pie gave her life so that Equestria could survive. For her, we have to keep on going. We shouldn't blame ourselves for what happened. She always lived without regrets, and we'll have to follow her example in the coming years." "To Pinkie," Rarity saluted as she raised her cupcake. "To Pinkie," the others added, mirroring the gesture. They ate in silence, then all bowed their heads respectfully. After a minute of silence, Twilight spoke up. "Alright, let's put an end to this conflict once and for all. Rarity, are you ready?" "I've been ready since I heard of your return," Rarity said. Twilight put on her crown and they all walked outside the room. They left the castle and found a large crowd of ponies waiting for them. Councilor Kibitz stood next to the entrance alongside General Soarin. Rarity and the rest of her friends joined them, except Twilight who stood on the front porch by herself. The clouds had started clearing, and they could see the stars shining. Once they were all in position, Rarity stepped forward and bowed in front of Twilight. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, I hereby officially abdicate the throne to you," she loudly declared. "I relinquish any claim to the Equestrian crown." Rarity couldn't see him, but she heard Soarin speak. "I hereby swear the allegiance of the Cloudsdale army to Princess Twilight Sparkle and all of Equestria. I also surrender myself to whatever justice she deems suitable." "You may both rise," Twilight said, prompting both Rarity and Soarin to do as much. Twilight smiled at Rarity before taking a step forward. "I accept the burden of the Equestrian throne. With the council's blessing, I swear to uphold the principles of freedom, harmony, and friendship that always made our nation great. Councilor Kibitz?" Kibitz stepped forward and bowed deeply. "The council approves of Princess Twilight's ascension to the throne, as well as whatever heir she chooses." Twilight smiled at Kibitz before she addressed the crowd. "I know the past few months haven't been easy. Some of you have grown to distrust, even hate one another. I now ask all of you to put it all behind you. You were lied to, and the guilty parties will have to face justice. In the meantime, we have to rebuild. We lost our friends, our homes. Equestria might never be the same within our lifespan. Still, we have to be better. I may not be Princess Celestia, but I will rule the way she taught me to." A wave of cheers resonated alongside the area. Rarity found Sapphire Blitz within the crowd and smiled at her, relieved that her former assistant had survived the battle. She then looked around. Many of the Ponyville houses were completely destroyed. The fallen city of Canterlot loomed on the horizon, now nothing more than a ruin. Still, Rarity felt relief. For once, they would know peace. "So what do we do now, Your Highness?" Kibitz asked. "I gave my friends specific instructions," Twilight said. "We'll need to rebuild Ponyville together, as well as fix the weather and start growing food again. I also promise you a formal peace treaty with Griffingard. As for me, I have a lot of studying to do. I will not rest until I figure out a way to bring back the sun. Finally, let us grieve and bury the dead. Their sacrifice will be remembered." Rarity lowered her head, thinking about Legerity. As Twilight had said, it was now time to mourn. For two days, Twilight locked herself in the castle library. She took her meals with her friends, but spent most of her time locked up, trying to figure out a way to move the sun. Rarity tried on multiple occasions to join her, but Twilight wouldn't budge. Only Spike was allowed inside. She consulted with Professor Starflare on a few occasions, but nothing seemed to come of it. Rarity tried to remember the initial attempt at moving the sun. It felt like ages ago, back before everything fell to pieces. While she could remember the feeling of having her magic drained, her understanding of magic was too limited to make anything of it. She was sitting in the hallway near Twilight's study, eating a raw cucumber. She'd been craving them lately. She saw Spike walk out of the study, and motioned for him to come over. "How is she doing in there, Spikey?" "Right now? She's beating her head against the desk," Spike said with an exasperated sigh. "She sent me out to get more coffee." "I think she needs a break." Rarity said. Spike chuckled. "Oh, I agree. Believe me." "I think she'll forgive you if you let me in the room," Rarity continued, winking at the baby dragon. "She made me promise," Spike hesitantly said. "But this has gone on long enough." Rarity stood and nuzzled the baby dragon. "Thank you, Spike." Spike unlocked the door, and Rarity walked in. She heard Twilight groan from the library's central table. "Finally. I need that coffee, Spike." "Sorry darling, no coffee," Rarity replied sheepishly. "Only some company, and a break." "Sorry Twilight, but it's for the best," Spike said from outside the door. "I'll get your coffee now." Twilight turned around. "I can't take breaks, Rarity. The longer I wait, the longer Equestria remains in darkness. We can't grow food without the sun." "You're not helping anypony if you're exhausted, Twilight. I've seen you obsess over problems enough times to know that at some point, you need to step away. Do something else, and the answer will come to you." Twilight hovered to a couch underneath one of the tall windows. "It's just too much, Rarity. I've gone through Starflare's notes more times than I can count. His formula should work. Somehow, there's a missing variable in there. Something is keeping the spell from working." "Maybe you're approaching it from the wrong angle?" Rarity suggested as she sat next to her friend. "I don't know if magic is anything like dressmaking, but in my experience, it's often worthwhile to forget about the rules. Look at it from a different perspective?" "If only somepony else could understand the math involved," Twilight said with a groan. "That's the problem with complex magical problems. It's hard to find anypony who I can even discuss it with." "It'll come to you," Rarity said. "It's just like when you first became an alicorn. The solution to Starswirl's riddle only came to you after you spent some quality time with us. Maybe I can talk Applejack into trying to make dresses again? It could spark some ideas." Rarity giggled at the memory. "Starswirl's spell was so simple, too," Twilight said, shaking her head. "All I had to do was..." She fell silent, gazing vacantly at a display at the end of the room. Rarity stretched her neck, noticing it contained a familiar diary alongside the six keys they used to conjure the very castle they now occupied. Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Twilight, darling, are you alright?" A quick, subdued laugh escaped Twilight's muzzle. "Oh Rarity, I can't believe I'm such an idiot." Rarity scratched her head. "Whatever do you mean?" Twilight shook her head. "My ascension, Discord, Tirek, it's always the same answer, Rarity. Every single time, it's the same lesson I have to learn over and over. I'm such an idiot for not realizing it sooner." "Oh, you don't mean..." Twilight stood and sighed softly. "Come on, let's get our friends and raise the sun." > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun reflected off the cutie mark engraving on Pinkie Pie's tombstone. Twilight took a deep breath as she closed her eyes, picturing her friend's smiling face. "I can't believe it's already been eight months," Twilight whispered. "I wish you were here with us to see how things have improved. It's Heart's Warming Eve today. We're going to have the traditional play in front of the Canterlot ruins, in remembrance of everything that happened. Cadance and my brother came all the way from the Crystal Empire for it. Even King Aurélien of Griffingard is on his way. I'm hoping that we can finally move past politics and treaties, and settle our differences peacefully." She sighed softly. "I could use your help on this one, but I think we'll be okay. According to Ambassador Kibitz, the population in High Roost wants a return to peaceful relations." Twilight smiled gently before turning back toward her friends. Spike and Applejack were waiting a few paces behind, sitting in the green grass. It felt a bit strange to celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve in the warm summer sun, but the weather pegasi insisted it was necessary after the unnatural winter they all faced. Applejack was respectfully holding her hat in one of her hooves. "You still visit her regularly?" she asked. "Usually once a week," Twilight said with a nod. "Coming here helps me think." "I'm just happy you finally calmed down," Spike said, hints of desperation in his voice. "You've been flipping out about today for weeks." "I'm sure I wasn't this bad," Twilight said with a sheepish smile as they walked toward the cemetery exit. Applejack put her hat back on. "You kinda were. Not that I blame you. I've been buried in work, too. Ain't easy, trying to get the town back in shape." "You did a good job, 'Madam Mayor'," Twilight offered with a wink. "You as well, 'Your Highness'," Applejack said, prompting the two mares to share a giggle. They walked the rest of the way in silence as they left the cemetery. The site where the first battle of Ponyville had taken place had been converted into a massive graveyard, where ponies could pay their respect to the thousands who gave their lives during the conflict. Many of the graves were empty, as bodies couldn't always be found or safely recovered. Such was the case with the tombstones Twilight and her brother had erected in memory of their parents, who'd died in Canterlot. Twilight only hoped that their deaths had been painless. "Well, are you ready?" Spike asked as they made their way toward the Palace of Harmony. Twilight sighed. "As I'll ever be, I guess. King Aurélien did write about his desire for continued peace, and I think his visit might help put the past behind us." "I just hope everypony feels the same," Applejack said with a frown. "Caramel has been complaining about this visit every day this week, and Rainbow Dash told me about a rumored assassination attempt." Twilight nodded. "They got to the bottom of it. It was a small group of malcontents, led by a stallion named Pumpkin. I think he was a soldier for Princess Luna. He's been locked up in jail with the rest of his group." "It'll be fine," Spike said. "Apart from a few crybabies, everypony is tired of fighting. Besides, it's Heart's Warming Eve. It's the one time of the year when everypony forgives each other." "You're right, Spike," Twilight said as she smiled at her assistant and allowed him to jump on her back. Twilight gulped as the formation of golden-armored griffon soldiers approached the castle. The last time she'd seen armed griffons, her homeland was being invaded. This time, however, they merely formed an honor guard. They surrounded a golden carriage, with four flyers waving Griffingard's flag. "It'll be alright, darling," Rarity said as she placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. Rarity was standing next to Twilight, holding a small, sleeping foal in her leg. "When I went to Griffingard to negotiate the peace treaty, His Majesty was adamant of his desire to put all unpleasantness behind us." Twilight nervously nodded. Rarity had volunteered to lead the diplomatic party to Griffingard, shortly after the cease-fire at Ponyville. It was she who negotiated the finer points of the arrangement, as well as assigned Kibitz as permanent ambassador in High Roost. Fancy Pants had been considered, but his role in the Manehattan conference fiasco prevented him from ever holding any position of power in Equestria. Like many ponies who committed war crimes, he was now serving a sentence. His role in helping Twilight take back the throne, however, granted him a comfortable house arrest rather than being locked in a cell like Boulderhoof and other such traitors. "I'm glad you could come out today," Twilight said. "Please, darling," Rarity said with a dismissive gesture. "I gave birth three weeks ago. I'm perfectly capable of walking on my own. Besides, little Tourmaline loves the fresh air." Twilight smiled at the white-coated, blue-maned sleeping filly before taking a deep breath and facing the griffon procession as it stopped in front of the castle. Most of the population had gathered around the plaza, and scores of royal guards wearing the new royal purple armor diligently stood guard, ensuring the security of the visitors. Twilight couldn't keep herself from feeling pride at the state of Ponyville. The townsfolk not only managed to fix the town; they made it flourish. Larger construction projects had popped up all over Ponyville, backed by both Canterlot survivors and enterprising ponies wishing to bring their businesses closer to the new capital. Twilight turned to make sure everypony was ready. Cadance smiled at her. She wore an elegant white dress, and crystals had been woven into her mane. Rarity was just as elegant, opting for a long blue dress with a matching one for her daughter. Even Applejack dressed for the occasion, wearing a short and practical yellow dress, although she still had her regular old hat on. Twilight adjusted her crown, earning herself a frown from Rarity. The door to the carriage opened, and a dolled-up griffon servant helped a tall griffon sporting oiled white feathers and light gray fur off the vehicle. He wore a long, red coat that matched his auburn eyes, as well as a golden crown encrusted with a large variety of gems. The king walked toward Twilight. "His grace, King Aurélien of Griffingard, protector of Brayzil, keeper of the idol of High Roost," the same servant who opened the door proudly announced. Twilight forced a smile and took a few steps forward. "Welcome to Equestria, Your Majesty," she said with a polite bow. "I am Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria. I wish to personally thank you for accepting my invitation. Hearth's Warming Eve is one of our most significant celebrations, where we remember the importance of friendship and harmony." Aurélien bowed deeply. "It is my deepest honor to be part of such a meaningful occasion, Princess Twilight. I wish for both of our nations to finally return to peace." "According to my friend Rarity, you've certainly shown such willingness," Twilight said. "The food you sent helped us in the months following the war, and the building materials you provided were instrumental in rebuilding Equestria. I also wanted to personally thank you for destroying King's End Tower, freeing the remaining pony prisoners, and honoring our promise of freeing the arimaspi trapped under the tower." "I'm glad to see we could help make up for our mistakes," Aurélien said. "And I see that my old friend Princess Cadance is also here." He bowed his head toward her. Cadance stepped forward and bowed as well. "It is a pleasure to see you again, Your Majesty. The Crystal Empire is just as dedicated to peace as Equestria and Griffingard." Aurélien rose to his full height. He smiled hesitantly, and Twilight thought she heard a sigh of relief. "I'm certainly thankful that ponies can be so forgiving." "Peace has to start with forgiveness," Cadance said. "Indeed," Twilight said. "Which is why, as soon as the play is over, I will readjust the path of the Horseus Comet so it doesn't impact with High Roost. You've held your end of the bargain, Your Majesty, and I will do the same." Aurélien bowed. "My people appreciate it, Your Highness." Twilight smiled. "In the meantime, would you enjoy a tour of the Palace of Harmony? Unless you would prefer to see your quarters? You must be tired after such a long journey." Aurélien nodded. "Indeed I am. However, I welcome your invitation and would love to see your castle. I have heard many tales of its beauty." King Aurélien's visit took the better part of an hour, ending with the throne room. The king had opted to rest in his quarters before the play while Rarity and one of the griffon diplomats accompanying the king met to discuss a trade agreement. Once the griffon delegation were all comfortably set in their quarters, Twilight finally found the time to enjoy a late afternoon flight in the skies above Ponyville. While Rarity and Rainbow Dash both insisted that she shouldn't fly around without a royal escort, Twilight often chose to sneak out on her own. The truth was that she had gotten used to her wings, and flying now ranked amongst her favorite activities. She dodged a few clouds as she made her way to the edge of the town, where an outdoor stage had been built. As she ordered, it was in sight of the Canterlot ruins. After a lot of long discussions with her friends, Twilight decided that for the play to deliver its true meaning, everypony had to understand how badly they all forgot its message during the war. Her gaze found its way down to the stands, where she spotted familiar faces. She lowered in altitude and smiled as she found Shining Armor sitting in the back seats with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. They were watching Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo rehearse their part for the play. Rainbow now sported a shorter, more practical mane. She still sported an eyepatch, and had to wear a special steel brace on her crooked hind leg. Twilight landed next to them. "So that's where you three have been hiding," Twilight said. "We missed you when King Aurélien arrived." Rainbow rolled her eye. "I'm not going to pretend to like him, Twilight. We talked about this." "I was hoping you'd at least try," Twilight said with a quiet sigh. "He really does seem sorry for everything that's happened." "Not everything can be forgiven," Rainbow softly said as she averted her eye. Fluttershy placed a hoof on her shoulder. "I don't think Rainbow's quite ready for that, Twilight," Fluttershy said. "To be honest, it's hard even for me to forgive the griffons, especially knowing the Bouviers weren't even punished for what they did." "Don't get me started," Rainbow said with a groan. "It was to be expected," Shining said. "They're too high profile, and they're still highly popular in Griffingard. Besides, it's not like they have any power left. From what Rarity told me, they've been 'encouraged' to retire to the countryside, most of their real influence stripped." "It's just politics," Twilight said, shaking her head. "I don't like it much either, but then we wouldn't be any better than they are should we seek revenge." She sat down next to Fluttershy. "So, how's the play shaping up?" "The fillies are certainly excited," Fluttershy said with a warm smile. "Although Scootaloo's still pretty quiet." "She's been through a lot," Shining said. Twilight smiled at the fillies, and Sweetie Belle waved at her. "Anyway, I hope you three are enjoying the day, at least?" "Rainbow and I have been hammering out the defensive pact," Shining said. "The Crystal Assembly finally agreed to it. It took a bit of effort to convince them that it wouldn't make us vassals of Equestria." He groaned at the mention of the assembly. Twilight remembered her brother venting his frustration at their resistance in his letters. "I know, we all talked about it," Twilight said with a light frown. "But I still have my doubts about this continued military buildup. It isn't what Equestria is about." "I agree with you, Twilight," Fluttershy said. "It's what we have to be now," Rainbow said after glaring at Fluttershy. "I really hope that you and Rarity manage to convince the griffons to play nice, but if the war taught us anything, it's that we can't just call everyone a friend and hope for the best. If diplomacy fails, we need to be ready." Shining nodded. "I had a similar conversation with Cadance. We never hope for war, but we have to be ready for it. I'm sure King Aurélien promised you that the Lodge was dissolved, but I'm willing to bet they sacrificed their more public members so that the organization as a whole could hide for a few decades. I can guarantee we'll see them again in the future." "Speaking of," Rainbow said. "Have you given any thought to my proposal?" "I have," Twilight said, "and the answer is no. I'm sorry, but I can't release Soarin. He's responsible for the destruction of Canterlot, and I'd have a riot on my hooves if I set him free. The best I can do is continue to treat him well and let you visit him and ask him for advice." "Alright," Rainbow said with a resigned sigh. "I figured I'd ask." Twilight took a deep breath and smiled. "For now though, we finally have peace. I'm hoping you can find a way to enjoy it." Rainbow smiled back. "I will, trust me. I can't wait to see Scootaloo play Commander Hurricane." "I know she'll be great at it," Fluttershy said. "You should go spend some time with her, Rainbow. She looks up to you, and I know the two of you can still help one another." "Maybe I'll do that," Rainbow said. She turned her attention to Shining. "Go, have fun," Shining said. "We can worry about the defensive pact later." Twilight smiled at her brother as Rainbow flew down to join the fillies. "Thanks. I may not agree with Rainbow's obsession with militarization, but at least it's keeping her busy. Fluttershy, thank you as well. I know Rainbow won't admit it in public, but I don't think she'd have recovered so well without your help." Fluttershy smiled. "What are friends for?" Traces of Moss had begun to appear over the stones that used to make up the city of Canterlot. Within a few years, vegetation would begin to take over. The plate that held the city had broken in three parts when it hit the ground. The biggest piece had flipped to its side, and most buildings it had once supported were now nothing more than a pile of rubble. The castle had collided with the side of the mountain, causing a rock slide. It was half-buried in dirt and boulders. Most of the towers were broken, but two had survived. Unfortunately, looters had already gone through them. Twilight landed on a flat stone on top of the rubble. While she knew the ruins to be unstable, she still felt the urge to visit them once in a while. She sat and took out a quill and parchment from her bag. I've been thinking about this for too long. I won't be able to move on until I do it. She was considering what she wanted to write when she noticed something sticking out of the rubble. She took a few steps toward the object and raised an eyebrow as she recognized a familiar stone lion's paw. "Very funny, Discord." The stone claw turned to flesh in a flash of light. It slithered out of the rubble as if it were a snake, and the rest of Discord's body appeared, now attached to it. "Very observant of you, Twilight. You get an A plus." Twilight took a deep breath and returned her attention to her blank parchment. "I imagine it's useless to ask where you've been." "Oh, you know me," Discord said as he floated in front of Twilight. "I'm just enjoying all this wonderful chaos while it lasts, before you manage to bring harmony back to Equestria." "At least you haven't caused any mischief," Twilight said. She forced a smile and raised her head to face Discord. "By the way, I never thanked you for helping my friends rescue Rainbow and I." "Oh, I just gave them a little nudge in the right direction. What kind of a friend would I be if I didn't help every now and then?" "There's one thing I don't understand," Twilight continued as she nibbled on the tip of her quill. "You could have done so much more. I still don't fully understand how your powers work, but I'm sure you could have warned my friends about where I was being held. You could have prevented many deaths." Discord shook his eagle claw. "Now now, you're a good enough student to know that cheating is wrong, Twilight. When's the last time Celestia solved all your problems for you?" Twilight sighed and averted her eyes. "When she kept both the nobility and the griffons in check, and single-hoofedly kept the peace in Equestria." "You see," Discord said as he summoned a glass of lemonade and sipped on it. "I'm just doing like I always do, being a good friend and helping you learn how to be a good princess. I think you've been doing well so far." "If you wanted me to learn, you could have done it without so many ponies dying," Twilight said, using the severe tone she usually reserved for demanding nobles. She stared down Discord. "I could have," Discord continued as he slowly floated away. "But then where would you be? Fighting off Blueblood for influence? Trying to figure out what Antoine wants? Harmony's more of your thing either way." Twilight took a deep breath. "At least you haven't tried to keep the chaos going. That couldn't have been easy for you." "Now now, you wound me," Discord said as he held on to his chest in a dramatic fashion. He disappeared in a flash and Twilight returned to her parchment. She was about to start writing when his voice resonated in her ear. "Who's to say I haven't?" Twilight sighed and shook her head. "I don't think you have, Discord. For once, I think things will turn out fine." She dipped her quill and began writing. Dear Princess Celestia, The last few months have been the most demanding of my life. My friends and I have been busy rebuilding Equestria, all while mending friendships, conducting war tribunals, reorganizing the weather, and fixing our relationships with other nations. As hard as it all have been, I can't even begin to contemplate the enormous task still ahead of me. Ponies from all over Equestria are vying for favors. The Canterlot nobility is demanding that the crown help fund the construction of extravagant mansions to replace the ones they lost, while Cloudsdale and Manehattan both insist on special privileges for their respective roles in the war. While we're growing crops once more, it will take time to replenish our stocks. Applejack has been working day in, day out, trying to properly ration Ponyville's food and get ponies to work the fields again. While forced conscription is now a thing of the past, I couldn't demilitarize Equestria. I don't know if you would have approved, but I worry that Rainbow Dash may be right. We have to be careful going into the future. Maybe we've been arrogant in thinking that the entire world would so readily accept friendship and harmony. Maybe we've all taken your influence for granted. I honestly don't know. What I do know is that she's the right pony to make sure Equestria can defend itself. I hesitated in a crucial moment, and it may have caused Pinkie's death. I don't think Rainbow would have hesitated. One thing I know for sure: I can't fill your role all by myself. I keep wondering if this is something you knew all along. You once pressured me to make some friends, and now these same friends are helping me rule all of Equestria. Fluttershy reminds us to remain kind and generous, and Rarity's political and diplomatic skills have proven invaluable. Applejack is still Ponyville's mayor, on top of handling Equestria's agricultural policies. Even Rainbow Dash's newfound military leadership is giving us strength and determination. We all miss Pinkie Pie greatly. If the griffon Lodge thought that killing her would break our friendship, they were wrong. Her loss brought us closer, and I would like to believe that wherever she is now, she would approve of what we're doing. I hope you would approve as well. I have learned a lot from you, Princess Celestia. I don't know what the future holds, but I think you prepared me for the challenges that lie ahead. This will be my final letter to you. You may rest now, knowing that even after everything that's happened, the magic of friendship is still alive. Your faithful successor, Twilight Sparkle > Bonus: Alternate Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prince Blueblood calling for a bottle of Sabot Noir wasn't, in Tidy Trim's experience, unusual. Him doing so in the middle of the night, however, could be cause for concern. Yet again, years spent in service to the Prince had taught Tidy not to question his master's moods. Tidy used his magic to straighten his bowtie before knocking on Blueblood's study door. "Enter," the prince called from the other side. Tidy did as much and closed the door behind him. "The bottle you ordered, Your Highness," he said as he stepped forward. Blueblood's desk was a mess, with a collection of tomes laying open. Tidy caught one of the titles: Lineages of Unicornia. As for the prince himself, he sat facing the large window at the back of his study and stared at the thunderstorm covering the city of Canterlot. "Pour me a glass and leave the bottle on my desk," he ordered, still looking out the window. "Of course," Tidy said as he poured a glass halfway with the rich red vintage, just the way Blueblood liked it. His eye caught a map of Equestria next to the books on the desk. Tidy shook his head and brought the glass to the prince. Whatever Blueblood was up to, it wasn't a servant's place ask questions or start rumors. But still, something was going on. Ponies all over the castle talked about Celestia isolating herself, refusing to see visitors. The time she spent holding court was shorter and shorter. On a few occasions, she'd even been replaced by Princess Luna, which offended many a noblepony. "Thank you, Tidy," Blueblood said with a nod as he accepted the glass. He took a sip and closed his eyes, which seemed red and swollen. Had the prince been crying? Blueblood wasn't known for such fits in public, of course, but Tidy had known him long enough to see the pony behind the title — a stallion just as vulnerable as any other. He would never bring it up with the prince, of course. Tidy stood at attention at a respectful distance. "Will you be requiring anything else, Your Highness?" "No, you may go," Blueblood said as he waved Tidy away. "Hold on," he added seconds later. "Come here a moment." Tidy stepped forward. "Your Highness?" "How long have you been in my service, Tidy Trim?" "Nearly twenty years," Tidy said. "Twenty years," Blueblood repeated. "In this time, have you ever known my aunt to stop holding court?" "Only during emergencies." Blueblood sighed. "I suppose you must have heard the rumors by now. Speak your mind honestly." He stared at Tidy. Tidy gulped. "Of course, Your Highness. I heard ponies say that Celestia is ill. Servants and nobles alike whisper that she might not be long for this world. Some say that the task of raising both the sun and moon for a thousand years took its toll, and that she might now pay the price with her life." Blueblood nodded. "And what do you believe?" "That it's not my place to judge, Your Highness. My job is to serve as your personal butler, not to engage in court gossip." "Princess Celestia's health is hardly gossip," Blueblood said with a frown. "However, in this case, the rumors are true. My aunt has been ill for months, and Doctor Shimmerheart doesn't know what to do. I'm sure you can imagine why we chose not to inform the court." Tidy eyed the desk once more. "I see," he said, hesitant to question the prince on the matter. Blueblood took another sip of wine. "Tell me, what do you know of Princess Luna?" "Not much. I haven't interacted with her directly, only through servants. Her Highness is very private, as is her prerogative. In fact, I doubt many ponies in Canterlot can say they know Princess Luna. Some say that she visits dreams and takes away nightmares, but I never put much stock in such rumors." "I see," Blueblood said. He stared outside for a moment as the rain doubled in intensity. "Princess Luna may well be our ruler soon." "If the laws of succession dictate it," Tidy said, noting the hesitation in his own voice. "Of course, if the laws of succession dictate it, do you take me for a fool?" Blueblood spat. He shook his head and returned his attention to the window. "You will find a letter with a blank seal in the right drawer on my desk. Deliver it with haste to Captain Silvermane. Once this is done, leave me alone for the rest of the night." "As you wish," Tidy said with a bow. He moved to the desk and found a nondescript white envelope in the drawer, as indicated. He carefully placed it in his jacket before leaving the office as fast as he could. He closed the door and made his way toward the Night Tower, where Princess Luna resided. Captain Silvermane had taken it upon herself to guarantee the princess's safety. While it wasn't common for the captain of the guards to assume such duties, it had happened in the past. Shining Armor had acted as Princess Celestia's personal bodyguard when he was captain, mostly during times of crisis. For Silvermane to stay close to Princess Luna in such a matter, however, was cause for a lot of questions. Tidy had to admit to a certain level of curiosity. He went up the stairs toward Luna's study, finding its heavy mahogany doors closed shut. Tidy heard voices from the other side. He thought about knocking, but opted to wait outside. Curiosity got the better of him and he moved forward, perking his ear up. There was no harm in learning a thing or two, as long as he kept what he'd learn to himself. "I implore you, Your Highness," Silvermane's deep, taciturn voice said. "You must call for Twilight Sparkle. You took too much upon yourself, and could use the assistance. And to be blunt, we both know that she's Princess Celestia's chosen heir." "You should not speak of things you know nothing about," Luna replied. The intensity of her voice made Tidy recoil. "I am more than capable of handling things here, Captain. I will call for Twilight when it is time and not before." "As you command," Silvermane said. "But would you at least consider assigning somepony else to the griffon negotiations? Prince Blueblood knows Ambassador Antoine quite well, and Councilor Kibitz is also more than capable." "Enough," Luna said. "My decision is made, and will not be debated. Now, take me to see my sister." Tidy straightened himself up and took a few steps away from the door. It creaked as it opened, revealing Silvermane wearing her golden orichalchum armor, but with her helmet off, leaving her gray mane visible. She glared at Tidy with burnt orange eyes. "Eavesdropping?" she said. Luna was just behind, also staring down Tidy. "Not at all," Tidy said with a gulp. "I only just arrived and was told to give you a letter." He levitated the envelope and directed it toward Silvermane. Silvermane grunted as she grabbed the message with her own magic. Tidy couldn't fail to notice Luna frowning at the exchange. "You may go," Silvermane said. Tidy bowed. "Your Highness, Captain." He moved away as fast as etiquette would allow, disappearing through one of the many doors reserved for servants. This one in particular would take him to the Celestial Tower, at the base of which the servant's quarters could be found. The hour was late, and hopefully a few hours of sleep would help him forget about the potential ramifications of what his master had told him. Equestria without Celestia was hard to imagine. For as long as anypony remembered, the princess had sat the throne. Yet, Princess Cadance had ascended to alicornhood a decade prior and been groomed by Celestia. A few years later, Princess Luna returned from her banishment, and then Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's former student, also earned her wings. Could it be that Celestia knew that her time was running short? Tidy shook his head as he went down a set of stairs. His job was to serve Prince Blueblood, not invent theories about the princess's motives. Many times, he'd warned young, eager servants not to get caught up in rumors and intrigue. It would be foolish for him to now fall in that very same trap. He arrived in front of the door leading to the Celestial Tower and opened it, almost bumping into a pink-coated earth pony in the process. "My apologies," he said as he stepped backwards. "Doctor Shimmerheart," he completed as he noticed the mare's curly purple mane and stethoscope cutie mark. "Move," a voice barked from behind the doctor. A unicorn guard stared down Tidy. "Servants aren't allowed in the Celestial Tower tonight. Whatever it is, take care of it tomorrow." "Of course," Tidy said as he walked back through the same door he'd entered. He sighed once he'd closed the door. Again, it wasn't his place to ask questions. He would just have to take the long way around. Tidy managed to catch a few hours sleep in the servant's quarters before his stomach woke him up. With his busy schedule, he'd one again forgotten to eat a proper supper. The habit was becoming too common, and he made a mental note to adjust his schedule accordingly. As expected, the kitchen was empty when Tidy arrived. He fixed himself a quick daffodil sandwich and took it to the servant's dining room, which consisted of two long tables illuminated with torches on every wall. He grabbed an extra candle from a cupboard, lit it, and sat down to eat. He heard footsteps coming down the stairs as he took a bite out of his sandwich. "Oh, sorry," a female voice said. "I didn't think anypony would be in here. It's still early, the princess just finished raising the sun." Tidy allowed himself a smile. "It's fine, Featherdust. I was just fixing myself a snack, and could use the company." "So could I, actually," Featherdust said. She took a seat in front of Tidy and smiled at him. She moved her long, dark red mane away from her gray face and adjusted her wings. "Rough night?" "You could say that," Tidy said. "The castle seemed to be in uproar when I went to bed." "No kidding. They completely closed off the Celestial Tower. I mean, what's the point? Everypony knows that the princess is sick." Tidy frowned. "Not officially, and you shouldn't spread rumors." "Come on, none of the nobles are around. I'm sure you must have heard interesting gossip, being around Prince Blueblood all the time." "If I did," Tidy said with a wink, "I wouldn't tell you." "You're no fun," Featherdust said. "But it doesn't matter. I've been to the princess's quarters and I know that she's sick." She looked down. "Actually, I'm worried. I'm not sure what Equestria would do without Celestia." "It's not my place to say." "I suppose Princess Luna would take the throne," Featherdust continued as she tapped her chin. "She scares me though. Did you know that I caught her raising the sun once?" Tidy's ears perked up of their own accord. "Oh?" he said, his curiosity getting the better of him. Featherdust grinned. "I knew that would get your attention. She doesn't want anypony to know, but Celestia's just been pretending to raise the sun ever since she got sick. Anyway, I went to clean Luna's quarters, but I guess there was a mix up with the schedule. I've never seen her so angry. I thought she'd throw me off her balcony!" "You're a pegasus," Tidy said. "You could have just flown away had she done that." "It's just how scary she sounded," Featherdust continued. "It made my skin crawl. She's not kind or caring like Celestia." "In her defense," Tidy said. "You caught her doing something nopony should see." "I guess. I'm just afraid of what she'll do once she takes the throne." Tidy sighed as he took another bite from his sandwich. It wasn't the first time that Featherdust exaggerated rumors and got too involved in gossip. The better course was to wait, and keep doing his job. The nobility would tend to their own problems, as they always did. Featherdust opened her mouth, no doubt to talk about another rumor, when an earth pony maid almost fell down the stairs. "Quick!" she said. "You must come. Princess Celestia is dead!" Her white face was ruined by tears as she panted heavily. Tidy and Featherdust stood up at once. "Where?" Tidy asked. "Her quarters," the maid said. "Everypony is there. Doctor Shimmerheart just confirmed it." Part of Tidy wanted to repeat his familiar speech and warn his fellow servants to stay away, but this was big. Even if Blueblood had warned him, his heart raced. "Let's go," he said as he went up the stairs in a full gallop, rushing toward the royal quarters. He passed countless nobles, servants, and dignitaries on the way. Guards didn't even attempt to stop him as he went up the stairs to the Celestial Tower, forgetting all sense of decorum. A large crowd had gathered in the princess's chamber. "Please, everypony," Councilor Kibitz's voice called. "Remain calm and let the royal council handle these delicate matters." Tidy managed to squeeze himself inside the room and caught a glimpse of Princess Celestia's body laying on her bed, her mane now motionless. Doctor Shimmerheart stood next to her, alongside Kibitz, Blueblood, and Silvermane. Guards surrounded the group, glaring at anypony in the crowd moving too close. "Return to your quarters," Blueblood ordered. "I will make an announcement within the next hour." Tidy was about to turn back and obey his master's command when a booming voice made his entire body freeze stiff. "What is the meaning of this?" Luna demanded, her voice loud and dripping with anger. "Why was I not informed at once?" The princess of the night flew over the group and landed in the middle, next to Princess Celestia's body. Tidy gulped. Blueblood stepped forward and took a deep breath as he met Luna's gaze. "We had to discuss first, about matters of succession." Wheels turned in Tidy's head. The books about unicornian succession, Blueblood's mysterious letter, even the conversation he had with Tidy, it all started to make sense. Luna gasped. "There is nothing to discuss. I understand my duty. None of you may keep me from grieving for my sister or assuming my duties. I will take up the throne, with Twilight Sparkle by my side." Blueblood took a firm step toward Luna. "Princess Twilight may rule, Your Highness, but you will not. You see, we kept an eye on you. You've been keeping to yourself, refusing to acquaint yourself with this century. The ponies of Equestria do not love you; they fear you. We've also heard troubling rumors about you entering ponies' dreams, to control them perhaps? Then there is all the time you spent in here, alone with Princess Celestia." Luna breathed in and out. Tidy's knees shook as he took a step backwards, like most ponies in the crowd. "What are you implying, Blueblood? You would dare accuse me of a crime as heinous as controlling ponies' dreams? I help ponies overcome their nightmares, you ignorant mule." She turned toward the crowd. "As for all of you, how dare you follow him? This is obviously a plot." Silence fell in the room. No doubt none of the nobles wanted to test the princess's wrath. Tidy nervously looked around, but he was now surrounded by terrified ponies with no way out. Captain Silvermane stepped forward. "Evidence has been brought forward, Your Highness. The royal guards stand with Prince Blueblood." "Evidence?" Luna spat. "What kind of evidence?" Blueblood took a deep breath. "It will be brought to your attention before your trial. You will have a chance to review it and defend yourself, but you will not take the throne. We have not forgotten how you tried to take over Equestria twice already as Nightmare Moon. My dear aunt showed you nothing but compassion, and now you murder her?" Tears fell down Blueblood's cheeks. "This is how you repay her?" "Murder?" Luna said, her voice filled with shock. "You would dare make such an accusation?" "Princess Luna," Blueblood continued, staring at Luna. "In the name of Equestria, I hereby place you under arrest for the murder of Princess Celestia. Captain Silvermane, take her to the dungeon." Tidy stared at the scene with his mouth agape. Before he could begin to comprehend what was unfolding, Luna lowered her body in a fighting stance and her horn started glowing, blinding him and no doubt everypony else. Tidy shielded his eyes as he felt a wave of heat coming from the center of the room.