• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,803 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

XI Rarity

The sweet aroma of assorted tropical fruits accompanied the decadent breakfast set before Rarity. Raisins, cantaloupes, slices of melon, and oranges accompanied a generous mountain of pancakes, honeyed oatmeal, and a hard-boiled egg. She came to realize that what she once considered extravagance was the norm for the Canterlot elite.

She smiled timidly at Prince Blueblood, who was sitting at the other end of the long table in the royal dining room. The stallion who was to become her husband currently seemed more interested in the goings-on of the weather pegasi outside the large windows overlooking the city than on their breakfast. Rarity sighed quietly before taking a deep breath and forcing a wider smile. "Is something the matter, my prince?"

He slowly turned his head in her direction, keeping his muzzle high, as he usually did whenever he addressed most ponies. "No, my dear. Nothing you need to worry yourself about."

And so it begins, Rarity thought. The war of courtesies. "Oh, but I insist," she replied with a subtle flicker of her eyelids. "If I'm to be your wife, then shouldn't we share all of our burdens?"

Blueblood rolled his eyes dismissively. "Nothing you need to worry your pretty head about."

Well, at least I remember my courtesies. "I imagine that you're wondering what we're going to do for cloud production. Or maybe you're just thinking about drafting all our weather pegasi into defending the city?" Rarity replied with a smirk as she adjusted her mane. "How am I doing?"

"Let me worry about the affairs of state," Blueblood replied dismissively. "You worry about looking pretty for our wedding.”

“Why you...” Rarity started in shock, before taking a long breath. You prepared yourself for this, Rarity. You will have to earn his respect. “Don't you worry, my prince. Our wedding ceremony will be remembered for decades to come.”

“Of course it will,” Blueblood said with a smug grin. “After all, you'll be living the dream of many a young filly. A dream that used to be yours, if I'm not mistaken.”

Rarity had to keep herself from grinding her teeth in embarrassment. “Well, I know we both changed a lot since that night.”

“Indeed. I am now the ruler of Equestria, and you're hoping marrying me will let you keep some of the power you grabbed for yourself.”

“So complete honesty, is it?” Rarity said with a smirk. “Alright, here's how it goes. The common ponies of Canterlot love me, but the nobility does not yet respect me. I can't win the nobility without you, and you need me to win the common ponies' love. Now, I'm sure neither of us expect to find true love out of this union, but we can work together. Ask yourself, Blueblood. Would you rather face rebellion in the streets, or ponies cheering for the both of us?”

Blueblood smirked and raised an eyebrow in a way she didn't like. "Oh, ponies will cheer for us, of this I am certain. We are, after all, two of the most regal ponies in Equestria. You are a beautiful mare, Rarity; stallions will be just as jealous of me as mares will be jealous of you."

"Yes, I'm sure the wedding will be a grand affair," Rarity continued. "I'm mostly thinking about what comes after."

"After, I become Equestria's ruling Prince," Blueblood said, slowly getting up. "And you'll be free to do what you do best — spend time with the ponies of Canterlot and ensure their support."

"A ruling council without the inclusion of Equestria's princess would be unheard of," Rarity said, putting all of her efforts into keeping a smile on her face. 'Princess', that will take some getting used to.

"Of course you'll be on the council. I wouldn't dream of keeping you away from it," the prince said, slowly walking toward her. He took her hoof in his own. "After all, you will be my dutiful wife, and will be there to support me."

What is he playing at? Rarity couldn't hide her frown at Blueblood's apparent courtesy. "Yes, of course," she managed to blurt.

"You seem doubtful, my dear," the prince continued, his grin growing wider as he reached for a pocket inside his jacket. "In fact, I'd like to share something I received from one of my fans with you."

"You receive fan letters?" Rarity asked bewilderedly as she raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. I still have a few fillies writing me love letters and such." He waved his hoof dismissively. "I usually have servants handle it, but this particular one was brought to my attention. You see, it comes from your hometown of Ponyville, from a young filly who, according to my staff, sends me a lot of admiration letters."

"I'm certain I'll be able to draw from your vast experience in dealing with fans," Rarity replied with a forced smile. Get to the point. Where are you going with this?

"My advice would be to have somepony else handle them, and only send what is relevant your way. Like this, for example," he said as he levitated the piece of paper he had slipped from his pocket toward the unicorn mare. "Apparently, this was written by some school fillies who wanted it published in their local school paper. It wasn't, of course — their teacher saw to that. What is interesting is that one of the fillies' classmate apparently found the article and sent it to me in some show of support. Juvenile, of course, but still interesting."

Rarity carefully unfolded the paper and immediately gasped. Oh my stars! This is Sweetie Belle's hoofwriting. She quickly read through the text. She recognized the style her little sister and her friends used when writing for the Foal Free Press. She didn't have to read the entire thing, just the beginning was enough. We are Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, three little fillies from Ponyville, and we have all been visited by Princess Luna in our dreams. She's a kind, loving pony, and there's no way she's guilty of any of the nasty things she's been accused of...

The bride-to-be took a deep breath, attempting to collect her thoughts. "This is just fillies talking. It's certainly not a threat to the crown. Neither of us can expect anypony to forget about Princess Luna overnight."

"As I said," Blueblood continued with a smile that was just too warm for him, "you will be my beautiful, dutiful wife. I wouldn't dream of doing anything to your little sister or her friends. I know a lot of ponies who would like nothing better than to get their hooves on somepony who's experienced Luna's dream magic. But don't you worry; I wouldn't allow such a horrible thing to happen to the family of my loving, loyal wife." He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead as she closed her eyes and tried to keep her tears from showing.

The loud noise of the sewing machine drowned out Rarity's thoughts. The one she had in Ponyville was a tad quieter, but it would take a few days for it to be moved to Canterlot alongside the rest of her possessions. Perhaps once everything had arrived, the castle would start to feel like her new home, where she would spend the rest of her life.

One of her ears flicked as she thought she heard something. "It must be my imagination," she mumbled to herself with a sigh as she kept on working. The lining on her wedding dress was very delicate; no room for mistakes.

A few more stitches... Voilà! Rarity paused to admire her work. The dress was coming along great. She had picked a very soft white silk, and had arranged it in a heart-shaped strapless top with a long skirt that would end in a long, royal train. She had chosen a light purple fabric for accents. On top of complimenting her tail perfectly, it was a piece of fabric that came from Ponyville — a small reminder of where she came from. She wished she would have had more time to improve her design, but it should still impress the wedding guests. It might not be her dream wedding, but it wouldn't keep her from wearing one of her own creations.

A few knocks on the door broke her reverie. "Lady Rarity, you have a guest," Sapphire Blitz's voice announced from outside the room.

"Come in," the white-coated unicorn said as she carefully placed her wedding dress on her work table.

The door opened to reveal Rarity's assistant, her blue mane carefully coiffed in order to hide the stump where her horn used to be. A pink blur followed close behind and rushed forward in Rarity's direction. "Rarity!" Pinkie Pie yelled as she enveloped the unicorn in a strong embrace.

"P...Pinkie?" Rarity asked, too surprised to react to the heartfelt hug.

"Of course it's me, silly," the pink earth pony said, letting Rarity go and smiling widely. "Spikey is here too." She moved aside to reveal the baby dragon, who was still standing awkwardly in the door frame.

"Well, this is a surprise," Rarity said, straining not to cry. "Sapphire, you may leave us."

"I'll be close by should you need anything, milady," the assistant offered before bowing and closing the door behind her.

Finally alone with her friends, Rarity dropped her mask and broke down in tears, embracing Pinkie warmly. "Oh, Pinkie, Spike, I'm so glad to have you two here! You have no idea how hard things have been for me. I was hoping to at least see Applejack here, but an emergency kept her away. I was certain I would be facing all of this by myself!"

"What happened to you, Rarity?" Spike asked on the verge of tears. "Why did you even agree to marry Blueblood? Don't you remember how miserable he made you during that first gala?"

Rarity buried her face in Pinkie's fluffy pink mane, ignoring the question. She heard a quiet, "Give her a moment, Spike," coming from her earth pony friend.

The moment lasted a bit longer, everypony remaining silent as the unicorn found herself in a place of safety for the first time since Fancy Pants had left Canterlot. She allowed her tears to flow freely, ruining both her mascara and Pinkie's mane.

After what seemed like an eternity, the embrace was broken and the unicorn's gaze found itself traveling between both of her friends. "I suppose you must both have a lot of questions."

"To say the least," Spike replied, rolling his eyes. "Why are you marrying this guy?"

"And why can't Applejack come here?" Pinkie added, her voice filled with concern.

Rarity sighed and nodded at Pinkie. "Mayor Mare sent me a letter. Apparently changelings are taking over Appleoosa. Applejack went there to try and stop them."

"Changelings?" Spike gasped.

"Rarity, no!" Pinkie grabbed hold of the unicorn. "We can't let Applejack go there by herself."

"I know that, Pinkie," the bride-to-be replied, more harshly than she expected. She forced her voice to relax before continuing. "I tried to convince Silvermane to send in the guards, but she says they're all occupied at the moment. I fear Applejack will have to handle this one on her own, at least for now."

"Pinkie and I can go help her," Spike suggested weakly.

Rarity shook her head. "I will not risk the two of you. Applejack should have waited for a reply from Canterlot. Beside, by the time you two arrive, it'll be too late."

"So there's really no way we can help her?" the baby dragon asked.

"I can make sure that such a tragedy is immediately addressed in the future," Rarity replied. "This is why I must marry Prince Blueblood. Canterlot is becoming too disconnected from the rest of Equestria. As a princess, I can help the nobility better understand the ponies living under their rule.

"And marrying Blueblood is the only way?" Spike asked again.

Rarity took a long breath. "Trust me, if there was another way, I would be more than happy to call this off. I was essentially given a choice: agree to this, or get thrown off the council. I was already under suspicion, due to Rainbow being part of this Cloudsdale insurrection." And then there's Sweetie Belle. Would my friends ever forgive me for putting her in danger?

"And what's so important about being on the council?" Spike argued, his arms flailing in annoyance. "Is it really worth throwing your entire life away?"

"Yes it is!" Rarity yelled louder than she would have expected. "Ponies could die, Spike! Blueblood is already committed to bringing in a Griffon legion from Griffingard. Unless there's somepony around to try and keep him under control, he could drag Equestria into a civil war that might last for years!"

"I... I just wish you didn't have to do this," Spike whispered, looking down and fiddling with his claws.

"Trust me, Spikey. I'm not thrilled about it," Rarity continued. "But I'm not going to risk anypony's life for something as small as my own happiness."

"No, no, no, that just won't do!" Pinkie said as she stomped her hoof on the ground and directed a stern glare at Rarity.

"I already explained it to Spike, Pinkie," Rarity said with an exasperated sigh. "The only way I can even attempt to keep some form of sanity here at court, and make sure Twilight is allowed to take back the throne when she returns, is to do this."

"Not that," Pinkie said, shaking her hoof dismissively. "I trust you with that stuff. I'm talking about your happiness. You're my friend, and I know how long you've dreamed of the perfect wedding. Well, I'll do everything in my power to give it to you! Even if Blueblood isn't who you had in mind, I'll make sure you walk down the aisle with a smile on your face."

"Oh, Pinkie," Rarity said with a warm smile as tears gathered in the corner of her eyes again. "I really wish it were that simple. No, this is what I must do, even if it means I will know only misery. My one satisfaction is knowing that, hopefully, fewer families will be destroyed by this terrible conflict."

"I'm not going to pretend this will be easy," Pinkie continued, her expression uncharacteristically sober. "But at least, let me try. Who's planning the wedding right now?"

"Councilor Kibitz," Rarity answered as she walked toward a particularly comfortable couch in the back of her room.

"That won't do at all. Tell him I'll be taking over," Pinkie replied, shaking her head.

Rarity sighed. "Well, I can insist on having you help in the planning," she said as she sat down.

"I can work with that," Pinkie said, her usual smile returning to her face as she bounced toward Rarity's couch.

Rarity allowed a smile of her own to form on her face. "Thank you, both of you," she said. "I'm curious though, what brings the two of you to Canterlot? I thought you were in the Crystal Empire."

"We were, but we came back here with Shining Armor," Spike explained, moving to the couch and sitting next to Rarity. "He's meeting with Captain Silvermane right now, actually. He's trying to figure out what's going on."

"Hopefully Shining can help you with all the political stuff," Pinkie added.

"If he can help me figure out what Silvermane's plans are, it would definitely be useful," Rarity pondered as she brought her hoof to her chin. "As for you, Pinkie, I could use your help with something. After the wedding of course."

"Anything! You just gotta ask," Pinkie replied, bouncing on a cushion near the couch.

"I need you to go to Cloudsdale," Rarity explained, meeting the pink pony's chipper blue eyes. "I don't know what foolish idea went through Rainbow's head, but you need to talk her out of it. Maybe see if she can convince Luna to stand down. This rebellion will only cause thousands of ponies to die, and the council won't back out of it, not with a griffon legion behind them. If Luna ever wants to be welcomed back in Canterlot, she should focus on finding Twilight. She's the only one who can be accepted by everypony as ruling princess."

"I'm sure Dashie wouldn't hurt anypony," Pinkie said as her ears flattened.

"I think Rainbow got tangled up in some brash idea of military glory without thinking it through," Rarity replied with a frown. "It wouldn't be the first time she rushed blindly into a bad decision."

"I'll just have to ask her why. I'm sure she has a good reason," Pinkie said with a weak smile, her evasive eyes betraying her obvious concern.

"And what about you, Spikey-poo?" the unicorn asked, her head turning toward the baby dragon.

"Me?" Spike asked with a shrug, "what about me?"

"I can see why Pinkie wanted you along in the Crystal Empire, but it is far too dangerous to have you go with her to Cloudsdale."

"Does that mean I can stay here with you?" he asked, his eyes beaming with excitement.

"Oh," Rarity said as she scratched the back of her head. "I was actually thinking about sending you down to Ponyville, with my parents."

"Come on, Rarity, please?" the baby dragon pleaded as he grabbed her hoof. "You know I can be useful. I can be your assistant. I can fetch your meals, clean up your quarters."

The unicorn slowly shook her head. "I can't have you here. I won't be able to protect you. Canterlot isn't a safe place anymore."

"What's the worst that can happen?" Pinkie asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm sure Spike knows not to get in your prince's way. He can keep a secret, too. You know it. I agree that he should stay. With all your plans to protect Equestria, you forgot that you might need a friend along."

"I don't want to put any of my friends in danger," the unicorn replied. "I'm sorry, but I simply must refuse."

"Don't you think it's my choice?" Spike said with a hard glare. "I'll listen to everything you say, but if you decided to take a risk like marrying Blueblood, shouldn't I be allowed to make the same choice? I get that you want to protect me, everypony does, but I'm tired of being protected. I want to help you!"

"I... I don't know what to say..." Rarity mumbled.

"Just say yes," the earth pony replied. "Admit that this entire thing will be easier if you have a friend you can trust, that Blueblood can't decide who you keep around you, and that Spike is a good friend who can support you."

The unicorn looked down for a moment. "I... I admit that having you two here is the best thing that happened to me in weeks." She took a deep breath before turning back toward the baby dragon. "Spike, can you promise me that you won't get in Prince Blueblood's way? You might see him being rude to me, you might see things that you don't like. Just please, you musn't try to defend me."

"I get it. You don't want me fighting your battles," Spike said, his eyes peering at the ground.

"You're right though. I do need a friend," Rarity admitted as she smiled at the baby dragon and raised his head with her hoof. "As much as I hope I can get Blueblood to change, I know he will not be the kind husband I've dreamed about. Having you here will certainly be welcome in the coming months."

"That's the spirit!" Pinkie said. "You shouldn't have to go through difficult times alone."

As the three of them shared in a hug, Rarity felt a tad more hopeful for the future. Things still looked bleak. She still had to find a way to protect Sweetie Belle, and she would have many challenges yet to come, but for the first time since Fancy Pants had left Canterlot, she wasn't alone.

Councilor Kibitz was holding two bouquets of roses using his magic. "You still haven't decided, Lady Rarity. Red or white roses?"

Rarity took a few steps backward and surveyed the throne room, where the wedding ceremony was to take place. "Hmm, a mix of both, I think. Have two rows going up the stairs. Start with white roses at the bottom, red on top and a mix favoring one, then the other as we go up,"

"As you say, Your Highness," he replied with a bow.

Rarity frowned at the title, but did not comment on it. She turned toward the stained glass window depicting Twilight's ascension as an alicorn and sighed regretfully. "Does Shining Armor still refuse to perform the ceremony?" she asked, changing the subject.

"He does, Your Highness. He says he is no longer allowed to act as a representative of the Crystal Empire, and therefore cannot be considered royalty. The ceremony will have to be performed by a member of the council, I'm afraid."

"Too bad we can't ask Princess Luna," Rarity joked, a light chuckle escaping her lips as her attention turned to another stained glass pattern, this one representing her and her friends freeing Luna from Nightmare Moon's grasp.

"Yes, very amusing." Kibitz's voice shook with discomfort as he forced a timid laugh.

The bride shook her head and turned back toward the councilor. "Either way, I suppose the ceremony will have to be performed by a council member, given the absence of a royal."

Kibitz coughed lightly. "Well, as Your Highness is aware, I am more than prepared to rise to the occasion, should-"

"Yes, yes, you can do it," Rarity said, cutting him off. At least one pony is excited about this wedding, she thought as a wide, excited smile appeared on the councilor's face. She took a deep breath before continuing. "I will insist that no decoration hide these windows. They depict the history of Equestria, and this entire union is about protecting our legacy. My profile also looks quite fetching on this one," she added, pointing to the window depicting their defeat of Discord.

"Yes, the, ahem, assistant you insisted I work with also said as much." Kibitz scoffed, breaking eye contact with a smirking Rarity.

"I'm certainly glad you and Pinkie are getting along," she said, swallowing a giggle. "Now, I also wanted to talk to you about-"

Rarity never finished her sentence as a loud, familiar female voice was heard coming from the entrance. "Rarity, there you are! I can't believe how hard these ponies made it for me to see my own daughter on the day of her wedding."

Oh no... Rarity slowly turned around and gasped in horror as her mother, father, and little sister walked into the room. "I... I did not expect you here," she mumbled in panic. It's not safe for them here. Why did they not stay in Ponyville like I asked in my letter?

"Ah yes, our future princess's family," Kibitz said as he took a few steps forward. "I am councilor Kibitz, most honored to make your acquaintance." He politely took Rarity's mother, Cookie Crumble's hoof in his own, making her blush.

"Well, well, this one's a charmer," the older mare said with a giggle, prompting her husband to roll his eyes.

Hondo Flanks, Rarity's father, stepped forward, leaving behind a pouting Sweetie Belle, whom the bride noticed refused to even look in her direction. "The letter you sent worried us a bit, dear," the stallion began. "Why would you not want us here for your wedding, of all things?"

Rarity winced, both at her father's lack of subtlety, and at the horrible flower-patterned shirt he wore. "Perhaps we should talk someplace quieter," she suggested with a forced, awkward smile. "I really should show you the castle gardens. They look simply gorgeous."

"Your little sister has been to the garden once," her mother replied, nuzzling Sweetie Belle on the head. "Haven't you, Sweetie?"

"Wasn't all that special," the filly said flatly, still looking away.

"Councilor, will you be fine handling things here without me?" Rarity asked as she smiled at Kibitz.

"Of course, Your Highness," he said, bowing again.

"Pfft. It hasn't taken you long to have ponies bow to your every whim, 'Your Highness'," Sweetie Belle mumbled, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Rarity ignored the jab as she pushed her parents toward the nearest exit. "Come on, come on, you'll love it. I promise!" It took every inch of self-control she had to keep smiling.

She quickly led her family through the castle hallways, taking the shortest route to the gardens. "Woah there! Why are we in such a hurry?" Hondo Flank, asked.

"Oh, I do beg your pardon," Rarity said with a giggle that sounded forced even to her. "I'm just nervous. It is my wedding day, after all."

"Right, it's not as if you're ashamed of us or anything," Sweetie Belle mumbled bitterly from behind Rarity.

"Now, Sweetie, dear. Why would you even suggest such a thing?" Rarity replied, uncomfortably nodding her head at a passing maid.

"Oh, I dunno," the filly snapped angrily as she stepped up and finally looked her sister in the eyes. "Maybe it's you asking us to stay in Ponyville, or maybe it's you marrying Blueblood and taking Luna's throne."

Foolish little filly! Does she not realize the danger she's in? Rarity thought as she leaned toward Sweetie Belle. "Shhh. It's not safe to speak here. Wait until we're outside," she whispered.

Their father stepped toward the young filly and placed a large hoof around her neck. "Alright, Rarity, but I expect a good explanation." His eyebrows locked in a frown.

They all trotted toward the gardens, passing various statues and heading inside the maze. Rarity babbled on about the stories of the various ponies immortalized in stone, smiling at the few ponies she passed along the way. Her family's inability to play along with the charade made her sweat profusely, ruining her pristine white coat.

As they made their way deeper inside the garden maze, Rarity quickly looked around, making sure they weren't being observed. She spotted a stone bench in the middle of a beautiful flower arrangement. "Ah, perfect," she said.

"I will admit, Rarity, it is a beautiful place," her mother said as she sat on the bench, her husband joining her.

"Alright, can I talk now?" Sweetie asked.

"Yes, I suppose you all want an explanation," Rarity timidly began.

"We'll support you in whatever makes you happy, Rarity, you know that," Cookie Crumbles began as she shushed Sweetie Belle with a hoof gesture. "But it's hard for us to understand. I remember the first time you dated this Prince Blueblood, back at the gala. You came back in tears, said he was real rude to you."

"Oh, the situation is so complicated," Rarity began as she tried to keep her tears hidden. "I don't want to marry him, but I have to. It's the only way I can stay here, in Canterlot. The only way I can protect anypony from what's coming."

"And here comes the drama!" Sweetie said as she rolled her eyes. "However you're throwing it around, Rarity, you're just being selfish. You want your stupid Canterlot wedding, and won't even invite your Ponyville family. You're even going to steal Luna's throne! If Twilight were here, she'd never let you do this."

"Sweetie Belle, I will not have you talk to me this way!" Rarity ordered, slamming her hoof on the ground. "Get it through your skull; Princess Luna will not be Equestria's ruler. You yelling at me for it and trying to write silly articles in the Foal Free Press will not change any of that."

"What? How do you know about that?" the filly asked with a gasp.

"So you only write to ask us to stay out of Canterlot, but you have somepony spy on your little sister?" Hondo Flank said, raising an eyebrow. "We raised you better than that, Rarity."

The bride shook her head. "It's not like that at all. I wanted you all to stay in Ponyville for your own safety, but apparently it's not even safe there anymore." She avoided her father's gaze.

"Not safe?" her father asked, getting up on his hooves. "So you're saying you placed your own family in danger?"

"I didn't want to, I swear!" Rarity pleaded as she felt a tear running down her cheek. She turned and faced her little sister. "I'm not the one who spied on you, Sweetie Belle. It was Blueblood. He wants to use you against me."

Cookie Crumbles gasped. "This is terrible! What are we going to do?"

"We're going back to Ponyville, is what we're gonna do," Hondo Flank snapped as he moved toward Rarity. "And we're taking both our daughters with us."

"No, you can't!" Rarity yelped. "Don't you understand? I'm part of this." She took a deep breath, facing away from her family.

Cookie Crumbles stood up and stood next to her husband. "Calm down, dear. I'm sure Rarity knows how to make this right."

The bride forced herself to face her family again. She winced at her father's stern frown and her sister's angry glare. "Look, I am deeply sorry for everything, I truly am, but it's too late for me to walk away. Why do you think Prince Blueblood even wants to marry me? He needs me because I was part of Twilight's entourage; it's how he can legitimize his claim to the throne. Now that I've accepted, he won't let me out of the deal, even if I wanted to."

Her family members slowly looked at each other, Sweetie Belle still pouting with daggers in her eyes while her parents shared a concerned nod. "So what happens now?" Cookie Crumbles asked.

"Well, you're here now, so you'll have to attend the wedding and play the part Go to my boutique in town. Sassy Saddles will set you up with something decent to wear."

"Figures. Even with our family in danger, she's worried about our wardrobes," Sweetie Belle mumbled, rolling her eyes.

Rarity frowned, but ignored the comment as she continued. "You cannot talk about Princess Luna while in Canterlot, or even back in Ponyville for that matter. As far as anypony's concerned, you are proud that I'm marrying into royalty, and came here as any supporting family would for their daughter's wedding."

"I really hope this is worth it," her father replied with a sigh.

"It will," Rarity confirmed with a nod. "During your stay in Canterlot, some ponies might try to get information out of you. They might try to get you to talk about my life, or about Princess Luna. Perhaps they'll ask you about Twilight. Be very careful what you say. The royal court is a battlefield masked in courtesies, and our weapons are words and secrets."

"Alright dear. It's only fair we do things your way while we're in Canterlot," her mother admitted with a sigh.

"Good," Rarity said, smiling genuinely for the first time since her parents arrived. "Once the wedding is over, you must follow your original plan. Stay for the reception, congratulate Prince Blueblood, and give him your blessing."

"You expect me to give him my blessing? After the way he treated you at that first gala you went to?" Hondo Flank blurted incredulously.

"Yes, father. It is exactly what I expect of you." Rarity replied flatly, eyeing her father severely. "Remember what I said: everything is masked in courtesy here. If you show any hint of opposition to this union, it will be used against me."

"You see, dad," Sweetie Belle added, poking her father's leg. "She's ashamed of us. She wants us to do things her way, help her betray Princess Luna."

Rarity's blood boiled as she slammed her hoof on the ground. "That's enough, Sweetie Belle!" she yelled. "Princess Luna raised an army in Cloudsdale. She's planning to attack Canterlot and take the city by force. She probably wants to impose her rule in all of Equestria. Regardless of who she is or our history with her, this is wrong. I refuse to support anypony who disregards peace in such a way, and so should you."

"And there goes subtlety," Hondo Flank replied, rolling his eyes as he placed his hoof on Sweetie's back.

Rarity took a few deep breaths, turning her eyes toward a small stone with Celestia's cutie mark engraved on it. She raised her head and faced her father again. "Father, you need to trust me on this. I know what I'm doing. I understand, this isn't what you want for our family. I know neither of you understands what high society ever meant to me. However, this isn't about what I want. It's about what Equestria needs. What I'm doing here isn't any different from all those times I helped Twilight, Fluttershy, and the others battle monsters. I can't force you to agree with me or my methods, but I would like to have your support."

"Rarity's right," Cookie Crumbles admitted, giving both her husband and younger daughter cold glares. "We need to keep this family safe, and I trust her when she says she knows what she's doing. So, Rarity, what else would you have us do?"

"Thank you, mother. Now, this next part won't be easy," the bride continued with a short sigh as she lowered her voice. "After the reception is over, you will return to Ponyville by train, as you previously scheduled. However, as I said, even Ponyville isn't safe. I will try my best to find somepony I can trust who can smuggle you three to the Crystal Empire."

"So you want us to abandon our home too?" Hondo Flank began, only to have Cookie Crumbles place her hoof in front of his face.

"Let her finish," Rarity's mother interjected.

"Thank you again, mother. Now, if a stranger asks you if you ever had a daffodil sandwich in Fillydelphia, that's the keyphrase. It means that pony works for me, and you can trust them." She took another deep breath. "Look, I know what I'm asking won't be easy. You'll have to leave your home and your friends. I wouldn't insist on it if I didn't truly believe it was for the best. You can hate me all you want for it, but at least you'll be safe. So please, promise me this at least."

"I'm not leaving the crusaders!" Sweetie Belle started. "And I'm not betraying Princess Luna!"

Hondo Flank sighed and spoke gently. "Yes, you will. I don't like this any more than you do, Sweetie, but we have to keep the family safe. I think your sister has made a terrible mistake, but at least she's willing to try and do something to protect us."

"Th... thank you, father," Rarity said, moving toward her family for an embrace. Both her parents gladly took her in their hooves, even if Sweetie Belle still refused to get close to her and turned her head aside. I don't need Sweetie to forgive me for now, I just need her to stay safe, the bride told herself as she hugged her parents tightly.

Rarity smiled timidly at her father as her heartbeat raced out of control. She could hear muffled voices from beyond the thick double doors separating her from the throne room, where an eager crowd of ponies waited to see her give herself to Prince Blueblood. You can do this, Rarity. It's all for the greater good. Even as she repeated the words in her head, she had trouble believing them.

"What am I getting myself into?" she mumbled to herself, her knees shaking in anticipation.

Her father raised an eyebrow. "It's not too late to give it all up, Rarity," he gently offered, placing a hoof on her shoulder. "Just say the word, and you can leave with us."

Rarity turned away. It would be so simple, she thought, I could live in the Crystal Empire, away from the treacherous politics. She turned back toward her father, wanting nothing more than to accept his offer. "No, I must do this. I must do my duty," escaped her lips instead.

Hondo Flank nodded silently as Rarity gulped nervously, waiting for the doors to open. She took a moment to adjust the ruby necklace Blueblood had given her earlier during the week. Its red color clashed a bit with her purple mane and pristine white silk wedding dress, but she wasn't about to refuse to wear the gift. She improvised and found some red earrings that complimented it well.

She felt sweat on the back of her neck. She turned toward a nearby mirror, making sure the heart-shaped strapless top of her dress was still properly adjusted, and her thin bridal veil still fell evenly over the subtle curls she had given her mane.

"Gah, what's that?" she blurted out, jumping as the soft music began. The massive doors slowly opened, surrounded in a unicorn's magical aura. "Oh, right," she said with a giggle, turning toward her father and smiling awkwardly.

The throne room was filled with ponies, a spectacle that she only perceived as a multicolored blur. She took the first step, then another, making sure her father was still next to her. So many of them. She saw some of the lesser nobles smiling at her from both sides of the aisle.

She kept walking, in tune with the traditional wedding music. Spike avoided her gaze, standing next to Shining Armor. Poor little Spikey. What a bad way for his boyhood crush to come to an end.

More steps. The entire room was still blurry. Three mares cried as the bride passed them. She recognized a pink-coated earth pony in the group as one of her regular customers from Ponyville. She exchanged a smile with her.

Pinkie stood next to the altar with an excited grin on her face, holding a purple cushion on one of her hooves. It contained two magnificent rings — the two intertwined bands of gold and silver she had chosen for Blueblood, and a diamond the size of a pigeon's egg attached to a golden ring that would soon be placed upon her horn.

Rarity recognized the dress Pinkie wore; she had designed it herself for Twilight's coronation. Floribunda, right at the front of the crowd, wore another one of her designs: a gorgeous purple ball gown she knew still sold well at her boutique. Rarity had to keep herself from shaking her head as she saw Silvermane standing next to the older councilor, wearing a short yellow dress the fashionista had designed a few months ago.

A few tears came to her eyes as she realized many of the mares in the room wore her designs. She was used to seeing two or three of her dresses at any one event, but she had never seen her work this prominently displayed. She found Pinkie again, and the party planner's perked ears, softened eyebrows, and caring blue irises made words unnecessary. Pinkie had done exactly the right thing. She had allowed Rarity to marry not as a princess or politician, but as a fashion designer.

She turned her attention left, to the white-coated stallion's satisfied smirk. Prince Blueblood wore a black tuxedo with a classic cut. Rarity's warm, honest smile evaporated, only to quickly be replaced by the one she usually reserved for annoying customers or demanding nobles. And now, I'm a politician again.

She walked straight, fighting the urge to slow down. She met her future husband's eyes as they shared a passionless smile. Kibitz stared at both of them placidly, calmly nodding. Rarity had to force herself to keep her attention on Blueblood, rather than Pinkie's encouraging smile.

The music stopped as Hondo Flank stayed behind and allowed his daughter to climb the steps so she could stand next to her intended. The bride turned her head toward Pinkie and gulped nervously. Her friend gave her an encouraging tip of the head.

Rarity smiled and nodded at Kibitz, who coughed once, gathering everypony's attention. "Fillies and gentlecolts," he began. "We are gathered here today to celebrate true love and harmony. Regardless of the hardships our nation goes through, we will never give up on what makes us all ponies. Prince Blueblood and Lady Rarity are here to remind us of this, as they invite us to celebrate their love, even as hatred threatens to rip our nation apart."

The bride faced the groom, who did not return the gesture. She took a short, silent breath as Kibitz continued. "Equestria will remain strong, as shown by the union of Prince Blueblood, Keeper of Harmony, and true heir to the throne, and Lady Rarity, companion to Princess Twilight Sparkle, and former Bearer of the Element of Generosity."

Blueblood finally faced his bride as her name was mentioned. Rarity could almost see the prince she used to dream about as their eyes met. "Prince Blueblood, will you take Lady Rarity to be your wife, to rule by your side, and comfort you? Will you protect her and always remain faithful to her?"

"I do," the prince replied firmly, with a warmness Rarity would not have expected from him.

"And Lady Rarity," Kibitz said as he turned toward her. "Do you take Prince Blueblood to be your husband? Do you swear to always support him, rule by his side, and remain faithful to him?"

Rarity made sure not to break eye contact with Blueblood. "I do," she declared with a lump in her throat, feeling a tear run down her cheek.

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife!" Kibitz announced loudly. "May Equestria prosper under your reign." They each levitated their respective wedding rings from Pinkie's cushion and carefully placed them on each other's horns.

Rarity's lips met Blueblood's in a long, passionless kiss. She closed her eyes, attempting to picture the prince she had imagined as a younger filly, and not the one she would spend the rest of her life with. She almost didn't hear the cheers.

The reception that followed the ceremony went by as if it were part of a dream. Ponies would come, wish both Rarity and her new husband good fortune, and she would politely thank them. She often found her eyes wandering to the various dishes brought to her. Cherry and dandelion sandwiches, hay pasta dripping in a sweet tomato sauce, rice-stuffed cabbage, a thick broccoli soup, and plates high with vegetables. As the bride, she was expected to sample every dish, and did so almost automatically. She smiled when she had to smile, thanked who she had to thank, and made sure to hold Blueblood's hoof as often as she could.

Rarity allowed her eyes to wander to the table on her left, where her family sat alongside Spike. She had asked the baby dragon to keep an eye on Sweetie Belle and make sure the young filly didn't do anything that would get the family further into trouble. Her little sister noticed her, and reminded her with an angry glare that she was not forgiven.

She returned her attention to her husband, as Fleur de Lys stepped toward the large, central table where the royal couple sat. "My congratulations to you both," Fancy Pants' wife offered as she bowed.

"Thank you, Lady Fleur de Lys," Blueblood said with a satisfied, smug air.

"My husband, Fancy Pants, wanted me to convey his deepest apology for his absence," the lithe unicorn mare continued. "As both of you know, he remains quite busy in Manehattan."

"Of course," Rarity answered. "The work he's doing is very important to my husband and I, and should take priority. Perhaps, if the situation permits, we can visit the both of you there sometime in the coming months?"

"A splendid idea, my dear," Blueblood acquiesced with a nod.

"Then I will look forward to it, Your Highnesses," Fleur said with another bow, before she turned away and allowed General Silvermane to offer her congratulations.

Silvermane took a few hesitant steps forward, awkwardly adjusting her dress. Rarity failed to suppress a giggle. "Not used to wearing dresses, are you General? A shame, this one suits you well."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Silvermane said flatly with a bow. "It was a gift from your friend Pinkie Pie; she was quite insistent that I wear it for the wedding. Either way, congratulations to you both. I have no doubt that Equestria will prosper from this union."

"It is our hope as well," Rarity said with a forced smile as she adjusted her mane.

Blueblood turned and smiled at Rarity. "This union can only solidify the throne, General, and we have you to thank for facilitating it."

"I only aim to serve," Silvermane replied, her taciturn frown never leaving her face.

A pegasus couple stepped forward as Silvermane returned to the crowd, but they did not get a chance to say their piece as Pinkie loudly cheered, "Cake time!" from the back of the room, where she sat with a crystal pony unknown to Rarity.

Two servants brought in a tall, multi-layered vanilla cake. Each layer was covered in a mixture of tropical fruits — kiwis, bananas, oranges, pieces of pineapple and mango all mixed together with meringue in a rainbow of colors. The towering desert was placed in front of the royal table, prompting the prince to rise and invite his bride to accompany him.

Everypony in the room applauded loudly as they cut the first piece together. Rarity found she didn't have much of an appetite, but took a small piece anyway for appearance's sake. As the servants started passing out cake to the rest of the guest, the newly married couple returned to their table.

Their eyes met by accident as they both sat down. "To the future," Rarity offered with a smile, as she raised her cup of Zebrican red.

"To a bright future," Blueblood replied, mirroring the gesture. His smile almost seemed genuine. Underneath it all, who are you really, my dear new husband?

Rarity broke eye contact and ate in silence, wishing she had taken a smaller portion. Some musicians began playing soothing, ambient music. Rarity sighed in relief as she noticed Spike and her little sister moving toward the orchestra as they ate their cake; anything to keep Sweetie Belle occupied and out of trouble. Councilor Kibitz seemed to have passed on the cake, as he was deep in conversation with Ambassador Antoine, who listened to him while nibbling on a piece of fruit.

After sufficient time had been given for everypony to eat their dessert, Prince Blueblood stood, eliciting the room to fall silent and turn their attention to him. "Everypony," he began with a grin, proudly raising his hoof high the air. "I'm more than excited to have all of you, the elite of Equestria, present for this grand occasion. It means everything for my wife and I to have all of your support. Together, we will rule this nation with both strength and wisdom."

The ponies in the room politely applauded as Rarity rose and stood next to the prince. She smiled at him warmly before turning toward the crowd. "I share my husband's joy and excitement," she added, her eyes traveling from one pony to the next. "By marrying my beloved, I accept to share the burden of the crown with him. I spent years at Princess Twilight Sparkle's side, and will rule the way she always intended: with honesty, fairness, and a deep desire for peace. I know that my dear Prince Blueblood admires Princess Twilight as much as I do, and will do everything he can to ensure that our nation remains prosperous and untroubled. Truly, today is a glorious day."

Crying on purpose always came easily to Rarity. She turned toward her husband, a wide grin on her face and water in her eyes as she gave him a kiss. The stiffness in his lips gave her all the information she needed.

The moment the kiss was over, Blueblood tilted his head and whispered, "Remember Sweetie Belle," in Rarity's ear.

Trust me, I haven't forgotten, she thought. Instead, she spoke loud enough for ponies in the front row to hear. "We shouldn't bore our guests with speeches, my love. I believe it is time for the dance."

"A splendid idea," Blueblood said, offering to take Rarity's hoof.

The bride took one last sip of wine before accepting her husband's hoof and joining him in the center of the room. Ponies formed a circle around them as they began their waltz, the musicians giving them a more flavorful piece. Both ponies performed their parts, smiling at each other when their eyes met, moving in a circle so that everypony could see them, and closing their eyes, appearing to be lost in the moment.

As soon as the music stopped, both Rarity and Blueblood moved apart from each other and bowed to the crowd. They were again met with polite applause. Now that the bride and groom had satisfied the tradition and performed the first dance, other ponies were free to join in for the next piece. The couple kept on dancing for a few more minutes, but moved aside as soon as etiquette would allow. Pinkie Pie loudly shouting, "Come on, Checkmate, let's hit this dance floor!" created the distraction they needed to step away.

After another hour of seemingly endless congratulations, wishes, favor requests, and meaningless small talk, Rarity found an excuse to sneak out by herself onto the empty balcony overlooking the city. An open arch separated her from the reception, but the cool breeze kept most ponies inside. It was already quite dark, but the city lights still shone brightly. She could hear some faint music coming from the market square; apparently, her wedding was a cause for everypony to celebrate.

She looked up toward the sky. The stars were beautiful, and the full moon illuminated the white stone floor she stood on. "Strange, I didn't think the moon was scheduled to be full tonight," she mumbled to herself.

"It wasn't. This is obviously a message," a stallion's voice said from behind her. Rarity turned around to face Shining Armor casually strolling in her direction. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I imagine this must be the first moment of solitude you've had all day."

"It's quite alright," Rarity replied, what she silently started to think of as her 'royal smile' returning to her face. "We haven't had the chance to talk since you arrived in Canterlot, and I do enjoy your company."

"Well, I did hope we'd get a chance to catch up," Shining said. "I imagine the following days will be even busier for you."

"Yes, no doubt," Rarity quietly acquiesced, looking down as her politician's mask dissipated.

They shared a moment of silence as Shining Armor leaned on the edge of the balcony, right next to her. "What you're doing is very brave," the stallion finally said.

Rarity gulped as she turned to face him. "I only hope it's worth it."

"I heard about some of the things you did in the city," Shining continued, looking down in the market's direction. "You're giving up a lot because of my mistake, and I won't forget it."

"Mistake?" Rarity asked as her ear twitched.

"Silvermane," the former guard captain said. "I thought she would be the perfect successor — that recommending a pony who's so detached would help keep Canterlot safe. I fear I may have been wrong."

Rarity couldn't help but chuckle. "You know this entire wedding was her idea? She said she did it so I'll have the opportunity to do more good."

"I have no doubt she made similar promises to Blueblood," Shining continued. "She has Equestria's well-being at heart, but she's too reckless. I was worried that my sentimentality was a weakness after my own wedding, but it turns out it isn't; it's what kept me from needlessly sacrificing lives for the greater good. Silvermane won't make that distinction. She really believes a stronger Equestria will come out of this war."

"I know," Rarity replied, looking in the distance. "I've been in Canterlot long enough. This is why I agreed to this wedding to begin with. With my new influence, I can stop her from making harsh decisions. I can make sure that only volunteers are sent out to fight. I can limit the damage, but I can't stop this war."

"But you're hoping Pinkie Pie can convince Luna to stop it herself," Shining completed.

The bride turned toward the stallion. "If it's not called off, it won't end well for the Cloudsdale ponies. There's a griffon legion coming here. We're talking about a military culture who spent decades in border skirmishes with Zebrica and the minotaur tribes. They have countless generations of experienced officers; Cloudsdale has Rainbow Dash."

Shining gasped and his ears drooped. "Rarity, this is your friend you're talking about."

"Not anymore," she answered, turning back toward the city. "She actually went along with this war. She volunteered for this madness."

"And I wonder what she thinks of you now," Shining replied, his gaze fixated on her.

Rarity sighed. "Look, I get what you're trying to do. Don't bother. There's too much to accomplish to worry about my personal feelings toward that idiotic, brash pegasus."

"Well, I'll find out for myself," the stallion said. "I'll accompany Pinkie to Cloudsdale. I've known Princess Luna ever since she came back. Hopefully I can help reason with her. Perhaps if I offer her asylum in the Crystal Empire, she'll agree to call off this insanity."

Rarity took a deep breath. "Speaking of the Empire, I have a favor to ask of you."


"My family," Rarity whispered, leaning closer to him. "Blueblood has made threats against them. I don't think they're in danger for now, but I can't operate if they're constantly at risk. I need you to arrange for them to be sent to the Empire. Hopefully they can be protected there."

"I suppose I can have Checkmate handle it," he replied, mimicking Rarity's low voice. "How do you want to do this?"

"I will have my family take the train back to Ponyville. Have your friend follow them on board, and contact them when it's safe. He should ask them if they ever had a daffodil sandwich in Fillydelphia. This is how they'll recognize him. From there, I assume the pony you have in mind can handle the rest?"

Shining nodded. "I'll make sure everything is arranged. For now, we should head back inside. Your absence is probably starting to get noticed."

"You're right," Rarity admitted with a sigh. "And thank you. If we all do our part, we'll get through this."

They both headed back inside and rejoined the festivities. It did not take long for the guests to start leaving. A few ponies seemed insistent on staying so they could beg one favor or another, but the reception had, for all intent and purposes, ended. For Rarity, it meant she couldn't ignore her new husband any longer, and had to face the reality of her first night as a married mare.

"Ah, my lovely wife," Blueblood welcomed her, right after he waved goodnight to Floribunda and her husband. "I trust you enjoyed the reception as much as I have?"

"How could I not?" she replied.

"Indeed," he said with a grin. "Shall I take you to the royal quarters?"

The bride gulped. Be strong, Rarity. You can do this. "Lead the way, my prince," she managed, unable to keep her voice from shaking. His smug, satisfied expression only made it worse.

They left the ballroom and headed to the hallway leading to the royal bedroom. Rarity passed Pinkie Pie. The two friends exchanged looks. Rarity fought not to cry as Pinkie mixed a weak smile with chagrined eyes. The newly-married mare tried to draw strength from the pink pony's supportive presence, but no amount of encouraging smiles would make the situation any easier.

The hallway seemed even longer than usual. Rarity kept her eyes down as she walked next to Blueblood into what now looked like a gigantic maw, ready to swallow her whole. She was heading to the quarters she would now share with Blueblood. The room where Celestia died, the room where Twilight was last seen, and now the room that would claim her innocence.

She tucked her tail between her legs as Blueblood eyed her body in ways no true gentlecolt would ever be caught doing. She suppressed a shudder as tears threatened to spill out. Buck up, Rarity. You can't let him conquer you. You must do your duty, but do not let him have the satisfaction of making you appear weak.

She took a deep breath and followed her husband. For Equestria, she would do her duty.