• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,803 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

XXII Shining Armor

"I don't think we can do anything to fix this cart," Gabrielle told Shining Armor as she studied the wreckage. "The soldiers were thorough."

This was the sixth family that had been attacked on the road this week. It was by chance that Shining and Gabrielle stumbled upon the scene mere moments after the attack was over. The owner of the cart, a short yellow-coated earth pony stallion, hugged his two daughters as Shining took a few steps in his direction. The unicorn frowned as he noticed some blood oozing from a deep cut on one of the stallion's front legs.

"So what happened here, exactly?" Shining asked. "Don't worry. We can help you out. You're not the first family who finds themselves in this situation."

"So I heard," the earth pony softly said while one of his daughters, an orange-coated filly with a long, braided green mane, clung tightly to his uninjured leg. "So what do you want with us?" He eyed Shining and Gabrielle suspiciously.

"I promise, we're not going to hurt you," Shining said with a sigh. With the war came bandits, and ponies on the road had become understandably wary. "My name is Shining Armor. You might have heard of me. This is Gabrielle. We help victims of the war, ponies like you and your family. If you want, we can help you find refuge in the Crystal Empire or in Manehattan."

"This could be a trick," the yellow stallion said with a frown. "You lull me into a false sense of safety and steal my valuables."

"No offense," Gabrielle said as she rolled her eyes, "but if we wanted to steal from you, we wouldn't need to resort to trickery. Besides, it's not like you have much left." Her features relaxed. "What's your name?"

"Buttercream," he said. "These are my daughters, Buttermilk and Buttercup."

"And what exactly happened here, Buttercream?" Gabrielle asked.

Buttercream sighed. "We come from Fetloch. My wife and I were farmers there. I decided to leave town with my daughters after the raids from Luna's soldiers became more frequent. I thought that maybe I could find work in Ponyville or Canterlot and get away from the raids. Just this morning, another scuffle between Cloudsdale troops and Griffingard soldiers happened right above the village. It turned out leaving was a bad idea though; we were ambushed on the road by Cloudsdale soldiers."

"Wait," Shining said. "They just randomly attacked you with no reason?"

Buttercream held one of the fillies tightly as he answered. "Not exactly. We met a stranger on the road, a unicorn mare. She asked us which side we supported. Like an idiot, I told her the truth: that I'm loyal to Prince Blueblood. That's when she whistled loudly and the soldiers attacked."

"You're lucky you made it out alive," Gabrielle said as she eyed the wreckage again.

The earth pony stallion shook his head. "It wasn't luck. They let us go. Their leader, a turquoise pegasus with a rough golden mane, she said 'that's what we deserved for supporting a traitor'." He spat on the ground. "They destroyed our cart, took our valuables, and left us on the side of the road. All of it to set some example for anypony who doesn't blindly follow their cause!"

"Lightning Dust," Shining mumbled under his breath. It wasn't the first time this particular Cloudsdale officer attacked the innocent. She seemed to specialize in vicious hit and run attacks.

"So you know her?" Buttercream asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I've run into her before," Shining said as he shared a knowing look with Gabrielle. "We can take you with us if you want, find you a place to hide. You said you had a wife. Is she still in Fetloch?"

Both fillies gazed downward as their father looked away. One cried softly as the other silently hid behind her mane. "No," he whispered. "She joined the Canterlot army when the recruiters came. I received a letter a few weeks ago. She was killed in the Fillydelphia riots."

"I'm sorry," Shining said as he attempted to hide his frown. Stories like this were becoming commonplace; ponies headed to war after hearing grand speeches about patriotism. In the end, they only brought death and sorrow to their families.

Gabrielle and Shining shared a nod. The griffon stepped forward. "There's one thing I should clarify," she began severely. "We can send you away to Manehattan or the Crystal Empire if you want, but we won't take part in the war. If you're looking for passage to Canterlot, or are looking for some way to join the war on either side, you're on your own."

"I... I understand," Buttercream said as he glanced at his two daughters. "I only want to keep my fillies safe. If you can get me away from all of this, I'll do whatever is necessary."

"Just leave the war behind," Shining said with a weak smile. "This is a pointless conflict that never should have started. For now, all we can do is try to control the damage."

Buttercream nodded. "Let me just see if they left anything useful in the wreckage," he said as he nuzzled his two daughters. "And thank you. I'm relieved to see there're still decent ponies out there."

"Lightning Dust again?" Pinkie Pie asked, hints of disappointment in her tone as she finished her bowl of rock soup and leaned on her family's dining room table.

Shining eyed the substance suspiciously from his seat at the edge of the table. While he understood that certain rocks could give broth a unique flavor, he still found the entire prospect disturbing. He shook his head before replying. "This is the fourth time we can pin an attack on her. No doubt she's responsible for more."

"So is my farm in danger?" Limestone Pie, Pinkie's older sister, gravely asked as she glared at Shining. Pinkie had managed to convince her family to let Shining's group operate out of their rock farm, but the family regularly showed understandable concern.

Shining took a deep breath, but Pinkie replied before he got the chance. "We'd never do anything to put any of you in danger. As soon as there's a risk, we'll leave."

Gabrielle sighed from her corner of the table. "I don't think anyone is safe as long as the soldiers keep fighting. It's not just the Cloudsdale troops. Griffon patrols have increased, and both groups have met in battle. We've heard stories of griffons mutilating enemy soldiers as well, even innocent ponies."

"I told you, Pinkie!" Limestone snapped as she slammed her wooden bowl on the table. "You're going to bring them all here!"

"It's only a matter of time before they come to every farm," Shining replied as his eyes traveled between Pinkie, Limestone, and Gabrielle. His tone brook no arguments. "They'll suspect anyone not working with them of working against them. This is probably what Lightning is trying to do; she wants ponies to be afraid and paranoid."

"Well, it's working," Limestone continued as she shook her gray bangs away from her face. "I'm scared for my farm. Already, my parents have left for the Crystal Empire. I'd be tempted to join them if I didn't need to protect my sisters and my land."

"I wish we could make Lightning see how miserable she's making everypony," Pinkie said, her voice barely a whisper.

"Forget about her," Shining said in as firm a tone as he could muster. "She had her chance. All we can do for now is what we've already been doing; we keep helping ponies who want to escape. The soldiers are leaving us be for now. If we start interfering with the war directly, that's going to change."

"If you fight them, you get off my land," Limestone replied with a severe glare.

"Agreed," Shining said, evenly meeting her gaze.

Gabrielle stood and brought her empty bowl to the sink. "For now, what are we going to do with this family we just picked up?"

"Tenderheart is probably done making sure they're healthy," Shining said as he got up as well. "Checkmate should be able to arrange passage on the next train."

"It's a good thing your friend knows so many train conductors," Limestone said. "And it's a miracle so few of these trains haven't been raided by one side or the other."

"Checkmate knows which routes are most at risk," Shining explained. "Either way, I should check up on them. Thank you again for the meal, Limestone. Pinkie, want to come with me?"

"Okie dokie," Pinkie replied.

"I'll help Limestone with the dishes," Gabrielle offered as she smiled at the grayish-purple earth pony mare.

Shining led the way outside, closely followed by Pinkie. The rock farm was surprisingly calm, given that it had become the center of their operation. Maud Pie and Marble Pie, Pinkie's other two sisters, were busy turning rocks around in one of the fields. Other than that, there were no signs of activity. One of Limestone's conditions for allowing them to use the farm was that they keep their activities inside the barn to limit the attention air patrols would give the family. The request was not unreasonable to Shining.

They made their way to the barn. The inside of the wooden building had been completely reorganized. A few mats were left in a corner for families to sleep on before transport could be arranged. One entire corner had been converted into an infirmary by Tenderheart, who was bandaging one of Buttercream's forelegs. The loft of the barn had been converted into a makeshift living area for Shining and his band — a few beds, a table they could eat on, and other necessities had been organized there.

Pinkie headed for the play area she had built for children. Her bouncy demeanor immediately kicked in the second she saw Buttermilk and Buttercup. Sometimes I wonder how much of Pinkie's smile is legitimate, and how much is an act for the children, Shining thought to himself. He shook his head and walked toward the infirmary.

"I hope everything is going well here?" Shining asked as he approached Buttercream and Tenderheart.

"Well enough. Your doctor has been very kind to us," Buttercream replied with a weak smile.

"Please, I'm only a nurse," Tenderheart said. "Your leg should be good. Just try not to step in anything that might infect the wound."

"So what's the prognosis?" Shining asked as he inspected the bandaged leg.

"He cut his leg running away from soldiers," the nurse said. "Nothing major, but I prefer to give him the full checkup here. From what Checkmate tells me, it's getting harder to find a proper doctor in the Crystal Empire."

"A byproduct of so many refugees moving there," Shining said with a sigh. "Hopefully we can find a few medical experts willing to help out in the Empire."

"I would imagine most doctors have been forcefully drafted by one side or the other by now," Buttercream said as he tried to bend his leg a few times. "Can I return to my daughters, nurse?"

"You may," Tenderheart replied. "Make sure you pack everything you need, and travel light. Checkmate should be back soon to pick you up."

The yellow stallion nodded and limped as he returned to his family.

"You know, he was lucky the cut was only minor," Tenderheart whispered the moment the stallion was out of earshot. "With all of these Cloudsdale raids, we've started to see some pretty nasty wounds. I still have nightmares about the last raid on Gale."

Shining nodded as his ears drooped. While he and Gabrielle had gone on patrol, Tenderheart and her husband had gone to check on their former hometown. "I still can't believe the pegasi went as low as to attack the ponies who fed Cloudsdale for all these years."

"Apparently they insisted that all loyal ponies join them," Tenderheart explained. "Then the griffons came in and demanded everypony who remained pledge their loyalty to Canterlot. At least that's what I got from talking to the villagers. Judging by the damages, neither side took 'no' for an answer. The villagers weren't very forthcoming."

Shining frowned and massaged one of his shoulders. "Sometimes, I wonder how we can possibly keep up with all these horrors. Sure, we can save a few ponies, but things keep getting worse."

"A few ponies is better than none," Tenderheart replied with a weak smile as she placed a comforting hoof on Shining's shoulder.

"I don't suppose you learned anything about where Cloudsdale might be hidden while you were in Gale?"

"No, and I don't believe many ponies know," Tenderheart replied as she shook her head. "Apparently, the common soldiers don't even know. They stay in Equestria, while only Lightning Dust and a few other officers return to the city in the clouds."

"And they probably move it regularly to be safe," Shining added.

Pinkie Pie quietly approached them. She waved to the fillies before turning her attention to Shining and Tenderheart. "I think this family's going to be okay. Hopefully they can find a happier life in the Crystal Empire."

"Or at least shelter for now," Tenderheart grimly completed.

"So what's our next move?" Pinkie asked.

"What do you mean?" Shining said. "We keep finding ponies in trouble and we send them to the Empire."

"I mean about Lightning," Pinkie replied. "How do we find her?"

Shining groaned as he massaged his temple. "We talked about this, Pinkie. We have to stay away from her and the other soldiers."

"Maybe we can't talk Luna out of this war," Pinkie said. "But we might be able to get through to Lightning. She was Dashie's friend, and I know she's not really a bad pony. I can tell."

Shining shook his head. "I know you want to see some good in her, Pinkie. I know you want to see hope. If Cloudsdale placed her in charge of these raids, there's a reason for it. A few words and some balloons won't change her actions."

"But maybe helping her realize how many ponies she's hurting will," Pinkie argued. "What do we have to lose by trying?"

"Our lives!" Shining snapped, prompting Buttercream and his daughters to turn toward him in shock. The unicorn stallion lowered his voice before continuing. "She won't take kindly to us interfering. We avoided direct contact ever since we fled Gale for the first time. I won't risk antagonizing her."

"Shining is right," Tenderheart tentatively added. "I don't think words can fix anything at this point. Until Blueblood or Luna decide to surrender, all we can do is treat the symptoms."

Pinkie offered a weak smile. "Well you'll forgive me if I don't believe you. There's always hope, and there's good in everypony."

Shining sighed. It was clear that Pinkie's enthusiasm was the only thing keeping her going. The more time he spent around her, the more the unicorn realized she had to believe these things to keep going. "I just hope you're right," he said. "For now though, we just can't take the risk." He turned to Tenderheart before Pinkie could reply. "By the way, where's Chipper Skies? I thought you didn't want him out there."

"He's helping out the Pie sisters," the nurse said. "I figured if he's not busy with chores in here, he can help us earn our keep."

"Good thinking," Shining replied.

Just as they mentioned him, Chipper Skies galloped inside the barn. "Checkmate is back, and he has bad news," he blurted out between pants as he rushed to Shining's side.

"What happened? Is he alright?" Pinkie asked with a gasp.

"I'm fine," Checkmate said as he came in behind the teenage pegasus. "Saddlefree isn't though. According to everypony I talked to, it got covered in a snowstorm. Many homes didn't survive."

Everypony in the room gasped in shock. "Lightning Dust again?" Shining asked.

"I don't know," the crystal pony replied as he shook his head. "All I know is that the village is now completely covered in snow and ice. It certainly sounds like a pegasus attack."

"They've never done anything on this scale before," Pinkie mumbled under her breath, just loud enough for Shining to hear.

After a moment of silence, Tenderheart spoke up. "There're going to be injured ponies. I need to go out there."

"I'm coming with you," Pinkie said with a nod. "There's something fishy about this, and I don't like it."

Shining sighed. "Then I'm coming too. If Lightning truly is behind this, then she went too far."

Checkmate frowned. "You should stay here, Your Highness. You're our leader. I can't let you risk your life like this."

"My decision is made, Checkmate," Shining replied. "And don't call me 'Your Highness.' I told you, I'm not a prince anymore. Anyway, I need you to get everypony and be ready to leave and find a new hideout, should we not return within four days. Better not take chances with the group's safety."

"You got it, boss," Checkmate replied with a nod. "Return safe. Equestria still needs you."

They were a full day's trot away from Saddlefree when the chilling wind first began its assault. The scenery that greeted them went from desolate to downright depressing. Farms lay abandoned and homes were left in ruins. Once green and fertile land was now gray, only a few obstinate weeds struggling to grow in defiance against the unnatural weather. Farm equipment left behind in the middle of a field told the grim tale of innocents fleeing an impending raid.

Every step was becoming more of an effort to Shining Armor, Pinkie Pie, and Tenderheart. Shining knew things would only get worse, unless whatever storm the pegasi unleashed was to subside.

"I don't get it," Tenderheart said as she kept pace with Shining. "Why would the pegasi attack Saddlefree? What advantage could they gain by doing this? I get the hit and run attacks, but this is more brazen."

"Maybe they want to make an example of the ponies there? Maybe they just want to sow fear?" Shining suggested. "Maybe this is an elaborate trap for the griffons. Who knows what insanity is going through their heads?"

"Or maybe it's not the Cloudsdale soldiers at all," Pinkie quietly suggested.

"Then who else? The griffons?" Tenderheart asked. "Last I heard, most ponies in Saddlefree openly supported Blueblood's claim."

"I don't know," Pinkie continued as her eyes narrowed. "I just have a hunch. Something feels wrong here."

Shining sighed. "I'm sorry, Pinkie. I know you don't want to believe it, but this has Lightning Dust written all over it. We all knew it was only a matter of time before she crossed another line."

"We'll just have to see," Pinkie replied as she sniffed the cold air.

The group continued in silence. While they had each brought a warm jacket and a scarf, Shining feared it would soon prove insufficient as none of them had yet grown the thick winter coat ponies would naturally gain shortly before the colder months.

After a few hours, Shining's ears perked up at a distant sound coming from the east. Pinkie had probably heard the same, as she grabbed hold of the stallion and pointed in the general direction the sound was coming from. About a dozen large shapes were coming in their direction from the air. It soon became easy to make out what they were.

"Griffons," Shining uttered as he ground his teeth.

"I hope they won't cause trouble," Tenderheart added.

"We'll just tell them we're travelers. They're not gonna worry about us," Pinkie replied with a hopeful smile.

"I hope you're right," Shining said as the soldiers headed directly for them.

The lead griffon, wearing the colors of a decurion, landed quickly and precisely in front of the group as his troops surrounded the ponies. "Halt," he ordered as his eyes traveled between the three companions.

"What can we do for you?" Shining asked with a gulp.

"Isn't it a bit cold to be traveling?" the decurion suggested with a snarl.

"It is," Shining continued. "I don't suppose any of you have warmer clothes to spare?"

The griffons guffawed. "Alright, who are you and where are you going?" the decurion asked severely.

"I'm Pinkie Pie," Pinkie replied. "We're going to Saddlefree to make sure our friends are okay."

"I'm Tenderheart," the earth pony nurse said as the griffon tipped his beak in her direction.

"Emerald Shield," Shining finished.

The decurion did not take his eyes away from the group. "And who are those friends you're going to visit?" Pinkie was about to reply, but the griffon raised a claw. "I want the three of you to tell me all at once."

Curse him,Shining thought as his friends remained silent.

"Cat got your tongue?" the griffon asked with a smirk. "Here's what I think. I think you're Cloudsdale agents. Everyone knows to avoid Saddlefree with this storm the rebels unleashed, therefore I think you have something to do with this attack. How am I doing so far?"

Shining was about to say something, but Tenderheart stepped forward and cut him
off. "Look, we're not looking for anypony in particular. I'm a nurse, and I was going there to help survivors." She showed the soldiers her saddlebags filled with medical supplies. "These two are my escorts."

"A nurse, eh?" One of the soldiers surrounding them said. "We could probably use one of those back in camp."

"Quiet in the ranks," the decurion barked before returning his attention to Tenderheart. "Which side are you on, nurse?"

"Neither," Tenderheart said, her eyes remaining trained on the lead griffon. "I'm just looking to help ponies in need."

"Do we really look like fighters to you?" Pinkie added as she opened her bags. "Look, I brought candy for the children."

"I haven't had candy in a while," another griffon soldier whispered.

"Claws off! These are for the kids!" Pinkie snapped as she growled at the undisciplined soldier.

The decurion stroked his chin with his claw. "Let's say I believe you. What would you do should you stumble upon an injured Cloudsdale soldier?"

"Heal him," Tenderheart replied as she glared into the griffon officer's eyes. "The same thing I would do if I saw one of your soldiers bleeding on the side of the road."

"You see, I can't have that. Assuming you're telling the truth, then your skills will be better used in the service of Prince Blueblood's army. If not, well, we griffons know how to get the truth out of ponies." He grabbed hold of Tenderheart's chin and smirked viciously. "Let's just say a little bird told me everything I need to know about your group."

"So this is what it comes down to?" Shining said with an angry glare. "We get captured and tortured for helping the innocent?"

"Grab them," the decurion calmly ordered as he ignored the unicorn stallion.

"You can't do that!" Pinkie gasped as she stepped forward. Shining attempted to stop her, but was too late. She grabbed hold of the decurion. Shining never had time to react; one of the soldiers moved forward and gave her a solid hit on the head with the butt-end of his spear. Pinkie fell on the frozen earth as blood oozed from her forehead.

"Anyone else want to try something?" the decurion snapped.

Shining sighed and lowered his head in submission. He wouldn't have the time for a spell with the griffons this close. There was no way to get out of this — for now. He glanced at Pinkie. Luckily, she was getting up, albeit very slowly.

"Can I at least take care of her?" Tenderheart asked as she pointed at Pinkie holding her head in pain. "She has no value to you dead, and this wound will get infected if I don't disinfect and bandage it now."

The decurion looked around a moment. "Fine, but no funny business," he warned before motioning for two of his soldiers in the back. "Get the stallion in chains, and place a ring on his horn."

As the soldiers placed a collar around Shining's neck and a magic inhibitor around his horn, Tenderheart moved to Pinkie's side. The nurse took some bandages and a small bottle from her bags. "This might hurt, but it's necessary," she explained. "The wound isn't deep, but it could get infected."

She poured some of the liquid on a clean towel and applied it to Pinkie's wound, making the injured mare wince in pain. "What was that?" Pinkie asked through heavy breathing.

"Alcohol, to disinfect the wound," Tenderheart said as she wrapped Pinkie's head in bandages.

As soon as the nurse was finished, both earth pony mares found themselves collared, the same as Shining. The three were linked by a long chain that was held by griffon soldiers before and behind them. As for their bags, they were confiscated and searched. Pinkie growled as the griffons each took their share of her candy.

"Where are you taking us?" Shining asked as calmly as he could under the circumstances.

"To Saddlefree," the decurion replied as he turned his head south. "Let's meet the rest of our forces and take a look at what you did to that village."

The long walk had taken most of the day. Any time Shining or one of his companions slowed down, the griffon holding the chain would give it a stern pull, forcing them to keep pace. The air only got colder and colder has they got closer to Saddlefree. Most of the buildings they encountered were in various states of disrepair, from a few broken windows to burned down piles of debris. Snow and ice covered the entire landscape, and the ponies often had to be careful not to slip. Even the griffon soldiers used their wings to balance themselves on the slippery ground.

Saddlefree Forest loomed in the distance. Above it, thick gray clouds covered the sky and snow fell onto the nearby village of the same name. Shining would have commented, but every word out of his mouth or one of his companion's had been met with a rebuke from their captors.

The stallion frowned as they passed a barn with its doors torn down. The wind was blowing large amounts of snow inside the ruined building. Only the foundation remained of a nearby farm house. It was clear that nopony lived in the immediate area anymore. If Cloudsdale troops were hiding, they were most likely in town, or perhaps high in the clouds; the thick cover would serve as the perfect hiding place to prepare an ambush. The decurion seemed to have come to the same conclusion; he ordered two of his soldiers to fly up.

"This isn't right. We should have met one of Decurion Sasha's patrols by now," he mumbled under his breath before turning toward Shining. "What happened to our troops? Should I expect an ambush?"

"How would I know?" Shining said with an exasperated sigh.

"Still playing innocent, are you?" the griffon continued as he raised an eyebrow. "I told you, we know everything. No matter, you'll break eventually."

"Leave him alone. He's telling you the truth," Pinkie snapped as she growled at the decurion.

"Quiet you!" the soldier holding the chain yelled as he slapped Pinkie hard across the face, right under her bandage.

"This isn't necessary!" Tenderheart pleaded as she attempted to step forward. One griffon pulled on her chain and forced her down in the snow. "All you're doing is hurting innocent ponies."

What are you doing? Stop provoking them, Shining thought as he saw something in Pinkie's eye. There was a little spark that wasn't there before, just enough to hint that she had a plan.

"You probably broke her bandage," Shining said with a glare, hoping it would be enough to help with whatever distraction his companions were trying to cause.

"If you want to take another look at her forehead, you'll have to earn it," the decurion said as he pushed Tenderheart. "Where are Lightning's forces hiding?"

"I told you before," Tenderheart said. "I don't know. If I did, I would tell you, but I don't."

"Right here!" a voice from the sky yelled as waves of pegasi flew down. They each wore light white and blue armor, no doubt designed as camouflage.

The griffons gasped and readied their weapons as the enemy charged them. "You were just distracting us!" the decurion yelled as he punched Tenderheart on the muzzle.

"I think you have more to worry about than us right now," Shining said with a smirk, just as Pinkie pushed him and Tenderheart away from the soldiers, who took to the sky.

"Don't let them escape!" the decurion yelled as Shining and Tenderheart were pushed into a ditch the stallion had failed to notice.

Something exploded loudly behind them, prompting Shining to cover his head. He attempted to raise a protective shield as a reflex, but was soon reminded of the inhibitor ring around his horn.

Shining raised his head slightly above the ditch. The area where the griffons had been standing was charred black, and three soldiers lay unmoving, one of them mere inches from Shining's face. The griffon's face was burned beyond recognition. Explosives, Shining thought grimly. The rest of their captors circled the pegasi, who met them spear to spear. Shining counted ten, maybe twelve pegasi.

"Get back here," Pinkie quietly ordered as she pulled Shining down. Surprisingly, she was free of her collar and had already removed Tenderheart's. She winked as she held a key.

"This is why you provoked him," Shining said with a gasp. "You wanted to steal his key."

"I saw one of the pegasi and I knew we'd get our chance," Pinkie replied with a grin as she unlocked Shining's collar.

Meanwhile, Tenderheart studied the inhibitor ring and prodded it a few times with her hoof. "I think I can get this off, but it might take an hour or two for your magic to return."

"Just great," Shining said as he rolled his eyes. "Let's get out of here for now. You can figure out how to get it off once we're away from the battlefield."

Pinkie led the way as they crawled out of the ditch. Shining spied Lightning Dust wearing the uniform of a captain and leading a charge. She had five other ponies with her. Her group headed into the melee hard and fast. Those griffons don't stand a chance. They're outnumbered and were taken by surprise.

Shining's group got away from the road and galloped toward the snow-covered village. The wind grew in intensity as they moved closer. More snow fell. "How did they manage to create a snowstorm with Cloudsdale hidden who knows where?" Shining asked his companions over the noise of the battle.

"I don't think Cloudsdale is responsible." Pinkie replied.

Shining didn't get the chance to ask his companion to explain herself as he spied a wooden tool shed. "Let's hide in there!"

All three ponies found themselves panting heavily as they managed to hide inside the small building. After about a minute of regaining their breath, Tenderheart inspected Shining's horn. After some more poking and prodding, she managed to unlock the small metal ring. The unicorn felt his connection to Equestria's magic slowly return. He tried to levitate a hammer hanging from the wall, and received sharp pain in his horn as a result. It seemed his magic would indeed take time to fully return.

"Thank you Tenderheart," he said as he gently massaged his horn. "And thanks for getting us out of there in one piece, Pinkie."

"No problem," the pink pony replied.

"Now, we should still head to town," Tenderheart said. "There might be injured ponies in need of our help. I may have lost my supplies, but I still have my skills."

"Agreed," Shining said. "The battle should be over soon. These raids are usually quick and bloody." He winced as memories of other events resurfaced. While this was the closest he and his companions had been to the action so far, he'd had plenty of chances to see the aftermath of similar conflicts in the previous weeks. "Let's just make sure the griffons are gone before we head out in the open."

As expected, the battle was already over when they poked their heads out of the shed. Shining spied three griffons fleeing the village. "Something's been bothering me," he told his companions. "These griffons seemed awfully certain that we were Cloudsdale spies."

"Military paranoia?" Tenderheart asked with a shrug.

"I don't think so," Shining continued as he stroked his chin. "Well-trained soldiers wouldn't go around taking random travelers captive. The decurion said that someone tipped them off, told them we were spies."

"Who would do that?" Pinkie asked as one of her ears twitched. She adjusted her bandage, which earned her a frown from Tenderheart.

"Lightning maybe? Perhaps another party who wants to get rid of us?" Shining suggested.

Pinkie's brow furrowed. "Why would Lightning do that?"

"Well, we won't find out by standing here," Tenderheart said. "Let's get to the village. Maybe one of the villagers will have heard something."

They walked in silence, soon reaching the first few houses on the edge of Saddlefree. Unlike the surrounding devastated farmlands, the town seemed to have fared much better. Straw roofs were completely covered in snow, but they at least held strong. Strong winds bent the branches of the few trees still holding on to a few defiant leaves. The only signs of life came from a tall building in the distance; the villagers no doubt hid there and waited for the weather to calm itself.

The group made its way between a modest tailor's shop and the local bakery. They stopped in their tracks as they spied a dozen Cloudsdale soldiers in the middle of a large clearing scattered with tombstones — the town cemetery. Shining quickly led his companions behind an outhouse, hoping they weren't spotted.

"Lightning Dust," Tenderheart whispered under her breath after taking a peek at the soldiers.

"I see her," Pinkie said in a quiet voice. "What should we do?"

"Shh," Shining warned.

"I know you're hiding back there. Just come out," Lightning's voice yelled over the whistling of the wind, causing Shining to curse under his breath. He shared a quick look with his two companions before they all nodded.

"Are you going to accuse us of working with the enemy too?" Shining asked as he took a few steps toward the soldiers.

"What, not even a 'thank you' for saving you?" Lightning teased with a contemptuous grin.

"Considering you could have killed us with that bomb you dropped, and that you might have been responsible for telling them we're spying for you, I don't think I owe you any thanks," Shining replied with a stern glare.

"You're smarter than I give you credit for." Lightning scoffed. "It's nothing personal. I needed to get them off my trail, and since you always show up where you're the most annoying, I figured you were the perfect decoy."

Shining looked upward. "And you needed somepony to take the fall for this storm. I gotta say, this is low, even for you. Freezing an entire village just like that?"

"It would have been a good example to set," Lightning replied. "But we can't take credit for this one. I figured the griffons were to blame."

Shining frowned. Why would either side do this, then refuse to take credit? Something doesn't add up.

"Both of you did this!" Pinkie declared loudly as she stepped forward.

"This is gonna be good," Lightning said as she rolled her eyes. "Did we hurt the magic of friendship or something?" She shared a quick laugh with her soldiers.

"Really? None of you can see it?" Pinkie continued in an exasperated voice. "Didn't any of you ever pay attention at the Heart's Warming Eve play?"

Shining gasped. "Pinkie, windigos are just a story. There's no such thing as spirits that turn the world to snow and ice when ponies don't get along."

Lightning guffawed loudly. "You must have hit your head pretty hard. Now you're making up foal stories."

Pinkie ignored the jab and stepped forward in front of the Cloudsdale captain. She looked at the tombstone in front of Lightning. "Indigo Zap," the pink pony read. "Was that somepony you knew?"

"How did you..." Lightning began before she coughed and slightly adjusted her helmet. "That's none of your business."

"Beloved sister, who died serving Equestria's true princess," Pinkie continued. She took a deep breath before facing Lightning again. "She's your sister, isn't she? It wouldn't be the first time a family has been broken by this war. She died because of your stupid army, and you decided to pay your respects before you left her hometown in ruins."

"That's my family's business!" Lightning snapped angrily. "It has nothing to do with you." A few of the pegasus soldiers stepped forward, but Lightning held them back by raising her hoof.

Shining was about to step forward and join Pinkie, but Tenderheart placed a hoof on his shoulder. "I think we should let Pinkie do her thing. She seems to have a plan," the nurse whispered.

Pinkie smiled weakly. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. Regardless of what you did, nopony deserves to die. I know you think you're doing the right thing, but look around you. Whether you think windigos are responsible or you blame the griffons, this is the result of war. You should think about it. Tell it to your superiors." She raised her voice and addressed every soldier present. "This war has to stop. I will continue helping the ponies you all leave behind, but it's your choice to keep fighting. Just ask yourself: is what you're doing really worth this?" She pointed at the tombstone. "Was it worth Indigo Zap's death?"

"We're fighting for Princess Luna," Lightning said as she ground her teeth. "My troops know it, so do I. You won't shake our loyalty this easy."

"I've said what I had to say," Pinkie replied as she turned away. Shining could see a smile forming on the sides of her muzzle.

"What about the civilians?" Shining asked loudly.

"If you want to stick around and give ponies blankets, be my guest," Lightning said as her expression returned to its usual contemptuous snarl. "I'm keeping your supplies though. They'll be put to good use helping Princess Luna's army."

Shining gave Lightning one last glare, but decided not to test his luck and turned around, leading his companions around the cemetery and toward the center of the town.

"What was that about, Pinkie?" Tenderheart asked.

"I think I got through to her," the pink pony said with a hopeful smile. "Now we wait, and hope she comes to her senses."