• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,800 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

IV Captain Silvermane

After a few days of being confined to the barracks, the mares and stallions of the Night Guard were forgetting their sense of discipline. Plates were left on tables, half-eaten meals congealing on them. Three soldiers were busy playing dice on the long central table, whilst another group of stallions shared bawdy stories. Two ponies slept, while others lay in their beds re-reading the few magazines available to them. Weapons and armor were left unattended, a few items in urgent need of a good polish. The exception was a very large, gray earth pony polishing his helm in silence.

Captain Silvermane groaned in annoyance. This was not behavior she would tolerate amongst royal guards. Since the day of Luna’s violent escape, Silvermane had ordered them restrained here to their barracks.

A small group had followed Luna into exile, choosing to remain loyal to the Princess of the Night rather than to their nation as a whole. Silvermane expected they might. It was for this reason that she decided to keep the rest under watch.

She entered the dirty barracks followed by her right-hoof pony, the green-maned Lieutenant Breezerunner.

"Hey Silvermane. How long you gonna keep us here?" one of the night guards asked, a short earth pony mare with a dark brown mane.

"She'll keep us here until the princess is found! She don't trust us!" a pegasus stallion answered.

"To hay with that!" another unicorn stallion exclaimed. "I'll transfer to the Day Guard and be done with this nonsense!"

"Traitor! Princess Luna is our leader!" an eager earth pony stallion spat before turning his head towards the captain. "Do your worst, Silvermane!"

The captain calmly looked around the room, making sure her expression remained flat and expressionless. She expected these kinds of reactions. Some of the lunar guards were extremely loyal to their princess, others would accept the deal she had come to offer. She allowed her lieutenant to restore order.

"Quiet down, all of you! You are royal guards and this isn't kindergarten," Breezeruner barked. "I can still have you all court-martialed for insubordination!" The lieutenant turned to the stallion who had challenged Silvermane. "And you will address the captain as 'Ma'am' or 'Captain'. Is that clear, Soldier?" The earth pony gulped and looked down as the others stood and formed a line.

Silvermane took a moment to observe the guards gathered before her. They were a mix of earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi — perhaps a grand total of twenty ponies. The Royal Guard was a relatively small force overall, and Luna never had more than a few under her banner at a time.

"Alright, here's how things will go down," the Captain announced. "Your former ruler, Princess Luna, has been deemed a traitor. She fled the capital while under suspicion of poisoning Her Highness, Princess Celestia. In her flight, she killed a guard, injured others, and thus proved her guilt. In light of these events, I'm dissolving the Night Guard. I will not allow a regiment to remain in her service. I'm here to interrogate you all and bring back order to this madness."

Sounds of protests erupted throughout the ranks. "You have no right to do this!" the same earth pony who had challenged her earlier declared with renewed hostility.

Captain Silvermane walked up to him and met his protest with a cold, deep stare. For all his bravado, the pony's legs still shook when confronted by the captain's glare.

"I have the right to do what it takes to protect our nation." She maintained her piercing stare. "Lieutenant Breezerunner, have the guards outside escort this soldier to the dungeon. Perhaps a few nights there will make him rethink his priorities."

Silvermane turned her attention toward the other night guards as Breezerunner escorted the panicked soldier out.

"Now, as for the rest of you, I'm certain you will give me no reason to doubt your loyalty to Equestria. Some of you may be allowed to resume your duties in the royal guards. We'll see after the interrogation.”

"Those who still claim loyalty to Princess Luna will be dismissed and placed under arrest. As far as your former comrades who fled, it's the dungeon once we find them. Should we discover any of you helped them or Luna escape, you'll share the same fate."

"Fine, ask your questions, then I'm out of here!" a pegasus mare spat.

Another stallion joined in the protest as order crumbled in the ranks once again. "So we really are prisoners. We'd never be treated this way if the princesses were still here!"

"They can ask me whatever they want, I have nothing to hide!"

"We're royal guards. We shouldn't have our loyalty questioned like this!"

"Quiet down! Order in the ranks!" Lieutenant Breezerunner shouted as he re-entered the room. His order did not seem to have much of an effect. Captain Silvermane studied the situation, taking mental notes of which ponies were in panic and which ones maintained some semblance of discipline.

"We've been living in this filth too long, anything to get out of here!"

"You're all idiots. As long as we get to be guards, who cares which princess we serve?"

A loud thumping sound could be heard as a very large earth pony with a short black mane started banging his hoof on the floor. The sound quickly quieted down the troops and made them stand at attention. Silvermane had already identified the massive stallion as one of the few soldiers in the room who seemed to value discipline.

"Shut up, you buffoons! Your commanding officer is speaking and I won't risk my career for you lot!" he barked before turning his head towards the captain. "Sorry for my insubordination, a'am."

Captain Silvermane allowed herself a smirk. This pony’s intervention succeeded in bringing back order within the night guard, at least for now. Even her own Lieutenant Breezerunner stayed quiet. The gray-coated stallion's cutie mark of a punching bag and his humongous size gave no hesitation as to where his talents might lie.

She walked directly in front of him. "Name and rank?"

"Sergeant Boulderhoof," he replied, standing at attention.

"Good, Sergeant Boulderhoof," she said, emphasizing his name. "Follow me for interrogation."

"Ma'am," he answered, seemingly unperturbed.

The Captain turned towards Breezerunner but spoke loud enough so the entire room could hear her. "Lieutenant, if anypony panics or steps out of line, it's the dungeon."

A few soldiers in the room gulped nervously as Silvermane's right-hoof pony nodded and turned back toward them. Boulderhoof followed the captain as she led him into a small office in the back of the room.

The office used to belong to Lieutenant Moonshadow. He had been in charge of the night guard regiment before he deserted his post, opting to follow Luna in disgrace. One of the first things that Captain Silvermane ordered after Luna's disappearance was for his office to be searched. As such, all of Moonshadow's personal items had been taken away, leaving behind a barren room containing only a desk, a few chairs, and a wilting plant in a corner.

The captain sat behind the desk after closing the door. She waited a moment to see if Boulderhoof would sit. He did not, but stood at attention. Good, Silvermane thought, this one knows discipline. The captain waited in silence, considering the muscle-bound earth pony in front of her before motioning for him to sit.

Boulderhoof nodded as he sat in the chair.

"You seemed eager to please. Any reason for that, Soldier?" Silvermane began.

"Just doing my duty, Ma'am."

Silvermane raised an eyebrow. "I'll need more than that."

The large earth pony seemed to tense up. "Permission to speak freely, Ma'am?"

The captain nodded. "Granted. Be straight with me."

Boulderhoof accepted the invitation. "Fair enough, Captain. Truth is, those scaredy ponies back there are a disgrace. We're supposed to be the protectors of Canterlot. Now, half of those dimwits are afraid of something as simple as answering a few questions. The others are still wearing blinders and can't see that we guards still have a job to do: protect and defend Equestria, princesses or no princesses." The earth pony spoke in a gruff voice with no hesitation.

Captain Silvermane could not help but smile. This pony seemed like one she could use. Still, she had to know more. "So how long have you served in the royal guards?"

"Five years," he answered. "My pa was a guard, same as my grandpa. Runs in the family."

Silvermane nodded. "I take it you grew up in Canterlot then?"

"Lived here all my life."

The captain continued. "The others in your regiment seem to fear you."

Boulderhoof guffawed at the question. "I've started training them. Lieutenant Moonshadow felt I could toughen them up a bit."

"You didn't seem to have much success 'toughening them up', as you put it," the captain retorted, her gaze still focused on the giant stallion.

"Oh, I barely got started with them. Beside, not everypony is suited to be a soldier. Too many ponies in the royal guard are just in it for the glory and the pay. No will to do what needs to be done."

Boulderhoof was right. A lot of guards were common ponies looking for an excuse to get closer to royalty. Others were only in it for the pay, which was pretty good for a job that mostly involved standing next to doors. A few started out with good intentions, but grew lazy after a few years of service. Equestria was simply too peaceful. A lack of true conflicts had made an already small guard force soft.

Captain Silvermane decided it was time to ask the tough question. "Tell me about your loyalty to Princess Luna. You swore an oath to serve her, did you not?"

"I did. Never questioned her before now," Boulderhoof said. "She left though, without telling why. We got a word for that, Ma'am. Sorry for being blunt, but that word is desertion."

The captain noticed a gleam of sweat on the stallion’s face. He was trying to prove his loyalty, and knew he was taking a risk by calling Luna a deserter. Honesty was something Silvermane could respect.

"So I take it you have no problem in renouncing the traitor princess and swearing an oath to the royal council?"

The large pony grinned. "You point me at Equestria's enemies, and I'll smash them to bits. Tell me to guard a spot, and I won't move an inch. I serve Equestria, and you're my commanding officer. That's all I need, Ma'am."

Captain Silvermane silently nodded, allowing him to continue.

"Let me prove myself," the earth pony continued. "Meteor Storm — she's the unicorn with the blue mane. If you're looking for a Luna loyalist, she's the one. I saw her conspiring in secret with some of the others. Couldn't make out what they said though."

"Which others?" Silvermane calmly asked.

"Donut Glaze, Arrowflight, and Fyreblitz," he answered. "The four of them often talk in a corner at night. I think I saw Meteor passing a note through a crack in the wall too."

"So they have an informant on the outside," the captain completed. It was not a question.

The large earth pony nodded. "I bet she knows a lot. If you want me to shake her up a bit, just give the order, Ma'am."

Captain Silvermane could not help but smirk again at his reaction. "Well, now's as good a time as any. Get her in here. Let's see if you're as good as you claim."

The interrogations had taken the better part of the day, Boulderhoof proving true to his word. Meteor Storm and her co-conspirators had quickly confessed. Within a few hours, Captain Silvermane had learned of a secret plot to return Luna to the throne; of a group of loyalists meeting on the outside; of every pony in the royal guard who remained loyal to the fallen Princess of the Night, and even of carrots stolen from the kitchen for midnight snacks.

Boulderhoof had started his interrogations slowly with simple questions, but his methods escalated very quickly. He did not hesitate to use force the moment he got an answer he suspected might be a lie and took advantage of his superior strength like the weapon it was. Silvermane considered stopping him when he started threatening family members, but decided against it. She would never really stoop down to hurting innocent ponies of course, but she understood the power of fear. More importantly, she had a better understanding of what kind of pony the sergeant was, and how to use him to her advantage.

After consulting with both Lieutenant Breezerunner and Sergeant Boulderhoof, she decided to integrate about half of the former night guards into the now unified Royal Canterlot Guard. The rest were discharged, except for the four conspirators who were thrown into the dungeon. Boulderhoof asked to continue the interrogations, but she denied him. Better to use a gentler hoof on them for now. Brutes like Boulderhoof had their uses, but only to an extent. Too much fear and brutality would breed false confessions.

The most crucial piece of information that came out of the interrogations was a meeting place. After she confessed, Meteor Storm showed Captain Silvermane the letters she had received from the outside. According to the correspondences, groups of loyalists met every night at a donut shop called ‘Pony Joe's’.

Silvermane decided to act on this information. She would not tolerate dissent, even amongst the common ponies. While everypony had gotten used to an alicorn princess on the throne, Luna as Equestria's sole ruler would be a disaster. The alicorn was brash and prone to fits of anger. The captain clearly remembered the recent incident when the princess lost her temper at Minotaur dignitaries, taking offense at a religious ritual they performed which involved ‘banishing the demons of the night.’

Silvermane had no doubt Luna would return. When she'd try, the captain did not want to be forced to deal with a resistance group inside the city. Fighting a battle on two fronts could mean the end for Canterlot. The only way to prevent this would be swift, proactive action.

In the early evening, Captain Silvermane trotted down to Pony Joe's, accompanied by Lieutenant Breezerunner and a dozen guards. She would catch these ponies in the act and kill the movement in its infancy.

The donut shop was a small, unimpressive place. It stood on a street corner in the commercial district, not far from the magic academy. The captain knew it was often frequented by unicorn students in need of a late night coffee while studying. The donuts were apparently very good, although Silvermane had never tried them, having never developed a taste for sweets. The store's most distinctive feature was a large donut standing on the roof. While nopony was sitting at any of the outside tables, lights could be seen inside the building indicating the shop was clearly open.

As the captain approached the shop’s large windows, she could see a small group of ponies sitting in a circle inside. A rather big unicorn stood behind the counter, presumably the proprietor or one of his employees. Though they hadn’t yet been spotted, Silvermane didn't want to give the ponies inside a chance to react to their presence; she immediately ordered her guards in to secure the building.

Lieutenant Breezerunner nodded and galloped toward the door, bucking it open. Silvermane could hear ponies gasping in surprise as her guards rushed inside to quickly take control of the shop before anypony got a chance to react. She followed closely behind the guards and found a group of eight ponies gathered in the center of the room, surrounded by guards.

The fat one she assumed to be the proprietor stood forward. "What's the meaning of this?"

Silvermane ignored the question as she walked around and inspected the room. No documents or fliers could be found on the tables, behind the counter, or anywhere else in sight. These ponies were apparently smart enough not to leave propaganda out in the open. Did she even have the right place? Perhaps Meteor and her co-conspirators gave her a false lead.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" the proprietor insisted again.

"Quiet down!" Breezerunner ordered.

"Hey now. I ain't gonna be ordered around in my own shop!"

"You'll listen if you know what's good for you," Breezerunner replied. "I could very well have you arrested as a traitor along with the rest of this lot."

Silvermane didn’t bother looking at the ponies as she addressed them. She would have to assume they were guilty for now. "We know this is a meeting for Luna loyalists."

"We're allowed to talk about whatever we want. It's not against the law," a female voice replied. "And about Luna, I have no idea what you're talking about."

Silvermane could smell a lie. "You are supporting a known traitor," she stated, looking at the group for the first time. "I'm going to need names. Who else is part of this conspiracy?"

Now that she’d finally taken the time to observe the alleged conspirators, she was not impressed. Most of these ponies were younger, apparently students or other easily impressible mares and stallions. Nearly all seemed scared, except for one unicorn with a green coat and a light blue mane worn in a ponytail. She glared angrily at the captain with her large, blue eyes. Could she be the group's leader?

"We don't know about any conspiracy!" the blue-maned mare firmly replied.

"You have no right to hold us here!" one of her companions, a pegasus stallion added.

"Do you think Meteor Storm got caught?" a yellow unicorn stallion whispered only to be shushed by one of his companions.

"I'll tell you everything if you just let me go!" an earth pony mare exclaimed, breaking down in tears. This earned her glares from her co-conspirators.

Silvermane smiled to herself as she turned back toward the exit. "Lieutenant, have these liars searched for evidence." This was too easy.

The captain could hear sounds of protest as her guards started looking through the ponies' belongings. Some were pleading, others aggressively resisting. She only took a few steps toward the exit when she spotted a familiar unicorn coming toward the shop at a brisk canter. Darn it, not now, Silvermane thought to herself as Rarity entered the shop.

“What's the meaning of this, Captain?" The purple-maned unicorn asked as she stared at Silvermane.

"Simply making an arrest, Councillor," the captain replied. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm stopping you from making a mistake," the councillor answered, talking a few steps toward Silvermane. "These ponies are innocent and I won't have you arresting them over suspicion and paranoia."

Captain Silvermane stared blankly at Rarity. Only a few days as councillor, and already she presumed to order the captain around? "These are Luna worshippers. We can't have that kind of dissent run free in the city. There's talk of a plot to overthrow the council and place Luna on the throne! Now return to the castle. It's not safe for you to be here."

"Oh please, these ponies are terrified," Rarity replied, slowly walking around Silvermane. "All I'm seeing are a few students talking about their favorite princess, right?" she asked the prisoners.

The guards seemed hesitant. One pegasus soldier looked like he was about to step in and prevent Rarity from approaching, but one of his companions stopped him.

Silvermane was about to protest when a stallion with a tan coat nodded slightly. "Yes miss, just a student..." The other Luna worshippers looked at Rarity with hope in their eyes.

The same earth pony mare who panicked earlier pleaded to Rarity, "You're Rarity, right? Please help us!"

As Breezerunner quieted down the conspirators with a severe stare, Rarity continued. "Now, I get that we're all afraid. Where is Luna? Will she come back? What ever will happen to Equestria?" the unicorn brought her hoof to her forehead in a mock-fainting gesture before staring seriously at Silvermane. "This is no reason to go around arresting ponies. Equestria was founded on accepting our differences. We are not going to start throwing anypony in the dungeons over political opinions."

The captain stared at the council's newest member with daggers in her eyes. "I won't risk the city being taken apart by a conspiracy over ideology, councillor."

"Conspiracy?" Rarity replied. "All that I can see here are ponies wishing their princess would come back. Do you seriously expect anypony to forget about Princess Luna overnight?"

Captain Silvermane opened her mouth to protest but Rarity continued. "Before she disappeared, Princess Twilight asked us all to keep Princess Celestia's Equestria alive. This Equestria is one where ponies can speak their minds. I happen to know there's a cult in the Crystal Empire that worships King Sombra. Do you think Princess Cadance sends out her guards to arrest them? Of course not. She may not approve of their actions but as long as they hurt nopony, they can do as they please."

While the councillor's argument did make some sense, it made Silvermane grind her teeth. She turned around and looked at her guards. A few had their heads down, most looked guilty. Lieutenant Breezerunner still stood over his charges, but Silvermane could pick up on the doubt in his eyes. As much as the captain hated Rarity at the moment, there was little she could do. By giving her speech in front of both guards and prisoners, Rarity was challenging Silvermane's loyalty to Equestrian values. Should she refuse to release the prisoners, she would seem like a tyrant. On the other hoof, releasing them would give more credence to Rarity's position, as word would quickly spread of how she successfully ordered Captain Silvermane to abandon her operation.

Well played, councillor. Well played, Silvermane would have to watch out for that one; Rarity had a sharper mind than she let on. The captain made a mental note not to underestimate the Ponyville unicorn again.

She turned to her second in command. "Alright, you heard the councillor. Pack it up." As he nodded and motioned for the guards to withdraw, Silvermane turned her attention to the conspirators. "You're free to go, but I see any of you stirring up trouble and it's off to the dungeon."

The Luna followers all stood up, relief evident on their faces. The unicorn with the blue mane grinned, savoring her perceived victory. Silvermane would have to keep that one under close watch. As for the guards, a few seemed disappointed but most actually looked relieved. Silvermane wondered if any of them were secret Luna sympathizers.

Before the ponies were clear of the area, Silvermane decided she wanted them to hear one last thing. "Just because you're free to speak your mind doesn't mean any of you can conspire against the council. I will not have the peace disturbed in this city." A few ponies nodded but most simply hurried off, not willing to test their luck.

As everypony left the shop and the proprietor got back to his counter, Silvermane turned to Rarity. "A moment, councillor, in private."

The Ponyville unicorn showed an innocent smile before winking at the donut vendor and quietly following the captain outside. So they knew each other. Interesting.

Both unicorns walked toward the castle in silence. The commercial district was ever a busy one, even in the evening. Even if most of the common ponies probably couldn't care less about castle politics, Captain Silvermane did not want to risk being overheard.

Rarity smiled and waved at passing ponies. She seemed to have a natural gift for charm, one which she regularly took advantage of while winning the admiration of most ponies she crossed. Truth be told, this gift was why Silvermane had supported her admission to the Royal Council. Princess Twilight's disappearance could be disastrous for the nation's morale. Having her most charismatic friend around could help in giving the ruling class a positive image.

Once they were in the castle, safely away from the crowds, Captain Silvermane addressed the young councillor. "I'd like to know why you felt the need to interrupt an official royal guard operation."

Rarity hesitated a moment before answering. "Why, it's simple. I was trying to stop an already bad situation from escalating."

"You escalated the situation by deciding to trump the power of the royal guards," Silvermane retorted while staring her in the eyes. "How are we to police a street full of Luna supporters if you go around releasing everypony we deem a danger?"

"Many ponies are loyal to Princess Luna and nothing you do or say will change that," Rarity explained. "If you try to silence anypony, you will simply create martyrs. No matter what you do, you will never be able to find every pony in Canterlot, dare I say all of Equestria, who believes Luna is innocent. What you will accomplish is associating the royal guards with oppression, all of it against the values of friendship Princess Celestia worked so hard to instill."

The captain had to admit, there was a certain wisdom in this. Still, friendship alone could not protect Equestria. Rarity would have to realize that, and soon. Regardless of her reasons, Silvermane could not let the newest addition to the council step over her like this. "One thing I will not tolerate is you humiliating me in front of my guards, or the common ponies."

Rarity brought her hoof to her muzzle in shock. Silvermane had no doubt it was all an act, but it was one the unicorn has visibly mastered. "Oh my stars! That was never my intention! I simply wanted to stop you from making a mistake. Isn't that what friends do for each other?"

Captain Silvermane ignored the jab about friendship as she turned around, distancing herself from the other unicorn. "You don't need to explain to me how to keep the peace, councillor."

"Duly noted, my dear captain," Rarity replied as she adjusted her mane with her hoof. "But if the council does its job correctly, the peace will keep itself."

Grand declarations aside, Rarity did have a way with ponies. Perhaps trying things her way could have its merits. There was still the matter of the conspiracy though. "You may have a point. Still, we need to quell this pro-Luna sentiment while it's still in its infancy."

Rarity gave Silvermane an inquisitive look. "Why ‘quell’? Why not just let our actions speak for themselves? Twilight offered Luna the chance to come back and explain herself. Let us repeat the same offer. If she does return, we can then resolve the situation peacefully. If not, our actions will determine how ponies react, should she insist on conflict."

"So you suggest we do nothing? Simply let potential traitors destroy Canterlot from within?"

"I suggest a gentler hoof, captain," Rarity said with a smile. "Convince everypony to love us, not fear us. If you find actual proof of treason, then by all means do what you must. Just remember that arresting ponies in the streets based on mere suspicions is not the way."

Silvermane stared at the young unicorn for a moment. Her ideas made sense, even if it wasn't the way the captain normally did things. She decided to risk giving up the argument. "Fair enough, Councillor. We will do things your way for now. I will resort to a more subtle investigation."

"I'm very glad to hear it, Captain," the councillor said warmly. "And I apologize again for anything I might have said to offend you."

Silvermane knew holding a grudge would lead her nowhere. "Apology accepted, Councillor," Rarity nodded as the captain continued. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must return to my duties. I will see you at tomorrow's council session."

"A pleasant evening to you, Captain," Rarity offered.

The two ponies shook hooves and parted ways. Silvermane trotted toward her office, needing to settle a few things. Everypony present at the pro-Luna meeting would have to be placed under surveillance, same for the former night guards who were dismissed from the force.

After a moment of consideration, Silvermane decided the same would be necessary for Rarity. While the captain still hoped she would be an ally, the newest councillor was potentially very dangerous. Captain Silvermane knew far more about all of Twilight Sparkle's friends than most ponies in Canterlot. While the nobility tended to dismiss them, the captain did the exact opposite. She knew Celestia used to keep a correspondence with her protégé, having her write about the lessons she’d learned. Those so called 'friendship reports' proved a trove of information regarding the alicorn, as well as her entourage.

One event in particular caught the captain's attention. Rarity was once captured by a band of diamond dogs. While such occurrences weren't too common, it was known to happen. Most ponies in such a situation were forced into slave labor until they could be rescued. Rarity, however, used her wits to manipulate the simple creatures not only into letting her go, but also into giving up their precious gems.

Silvermane had no doubt the Ponyville unicorn was using similar tactics earlier. Her arguments made sense; she told Silvermane exactly the right thing to get her way. Did Rarity have ulterior motives? All of her friends seemed to trust Luna, and the captain had no doubt that the newest councillor felt the same. She could very well be a supporter herself. Captain Silvermane made a mental note to find some way of ensuring Rarity's loyalty in the future.

For now, she would simply have one of her spies follow the councillor around. In fact, she had the perfect pony in mind for the job.

A warm cup of tea sat on a small wooden table surrounded by cushions, one upon which Captain Silvermane sat. The table was surrounded by a small dining room filled with a warm, quiet ambiance. Its modest size made it cozy rather than confining. Connected to it was a similarly small kitchen occupied by a stove, fridge, and a storage area. The entire place was kept clean and well ordered, from the carefully organized kitchen knives to the decorative wall hangings.

Twilight Velvet returned from her small kitchen with a plate full of bite-sized carrots. Ever since her daughter Twilight Sparkle disappeared, Captain Silvermane opted to visit the older mare and her husband as often as her duties would allow. At first, it was under the guise of gathering information; the princess's parents were in a unique position when it came to understanding their daughter. Silvermane figured they might have an idea of where she went.

Her first visit had given her a few leads, all of which turned out to be false. Velvet and her husband Nightlight had insisted their daughter would never run away and abandon her duties. They did eventually give up a few of her favorite thinking spots in Canterlot, namely a patch of grass right outside the magic academy, and coincidently, the donut shop the captain had visited earlier. No sign of the princess was found at either.

Her second visit allowed her to do a bit of a follow-up, but was mostly spent ensuring the couple everything possible was being done to find their daughter. This was her third visit, and while her investigation did not produce any new evidence, she found herself drawn to the two ponies.

Velvet sat down at the small table, levitating the plate of carrots and her cup of tea down before them. "Thank you again for your visit, captain. You really don't have to do this.”

"I wanted to make sure you and your husband were alright," the captain replied. "I know what happened to your daughter has been tough on both of you." Speaking about Princess Twilight as somepony's daughter felt strange, but this was, of course, how her parents saw her. The many pictures of the princess as a filly found framed on the walls made this quite obvious.

"Over the years, my husband and I got used to Twily getting in dangerous situations," the older mare slowly explained with hints of tears in her eyes. "A few times, we didn't hear from her for days. We always knew she would make it, though. During the Tirek crisis, when Discord first escaped, when rumors first surfaced of the Crystal Empire returning out of nowhere, we always knew Twilight was there protecting Equestria. We always kept faith that she would succeed."

Silvermane nodded. "And you don't feel this way now?"

Velvet shook her head. "She's all alone now. The other times, she had those amazing friends of hers helping her along the way."

"I can assure you. They're looking for her right now," the captain offered.

"I wish I shared your confidence," the princess's mother admitted, "but you're not the only one who’s been visiting. Rarity came in a few times too; she didn’t seem too certain of what could be done. She hid her doubts, just like you are, but a mother can tell when her daughter isn't safe."

"We will continue with our efforts," was the only answer Captain Silvermane could think of as she glanced away, taking a sip of tea.

The captain noticed a few tears beginning to well up in the older mare's eyes. "Sometimes, I wish my daughter never became a princess. Let somepony else carry the burdens of the world. She wasn't ready to rule Equestria. Princess Celestia was supposed to help her. And what about Princess Luna? Why couldn't she help? Is what they say about her true?"

Darn it, why do they always have to cry? Silvermane didn't want to get into specifics regarding Luna. "We have some pretty solid evidence against her. Princess Luna fled the scene the moment she was considered a suspect. Even if she were innocent of the murder, she's still guilty of abandoning Equestria."

"I've heard ponies say the same about my Twily", Velvet said, drying her eyes in a weak attempt to keep her composure. "I know it's all lies. My daughter cares about everypony in Equestria and would never turn her back on them. That doesn't make it any less hurtful to hear."

"For what it's worth, I don't believe Princess Twilight abandoned Equestria either," the captain replied, forcing herself to meet eyes with the crying mare. "Ponies will always talk, but with Rarity on the council, faith in your daughter should return."

Silvermane hoped she was right about this. Rarity was still a wild card in this game, and while Silvermane took a risk in supporting her, the results of that wager were yet to be determined. As for Twilight Sparkle, the young princess seemed strong of character, but who knows what that spell she cast did to her? The magical feedback could have damaged her mind. Even worse, Silvermane heard stories of magical overloads incinerating a unicorn on the spot. Still, those speculations were pointless here. There was certainly no need to worry the Princess's mother with them.

Twilight Velvet took a deep breath and straightened herself up. "I have faith in my daughter. Wherever she is, my husband and I know she'll do whatever she can to come back to us."

Captain Silvermane decided now was a good moment to change the subject. "Yes, you did tell me Nightlight was out tonight. Working, you said?"

Twilight Velvet nodded, nibbling on a carrot. "Yes, he's been studying the stars at the magic academy. Lately, he's been burying himself in his work."

"I have to say, I'm surprised the two of you even have to work," Silvermane observed. "Surely, the castle sends you more than enough money to live." The modest middle class home Twilight Sparkle’s parents lived in, tucked between a vegetable store and a student housing apartment, certainly wasn't a place anypony would expect nobles to live.

"They do, and we donate most of it," the older mare answered. "My husband studies the stars. I write stories. Just because both of our children joined the upper nobility doesn't mean we have to stop being who we are. It's the same reason we still live in this house."

Silvermane forced a smile. The house was indeed a simple one, although cozy and inviting. The captain could see herself living in such a place, perhaps in another life.

Velvet continued. "Whenever the children come home, we don't want them to be reminded about palaces and royalty. We want them to find their old bedrooms as they left them; to eat the same hay pancakes at the same table they sat at when they were foals."

Captain Silvermane's forced smile slowly became genuine as she listened to the kind, motherly mare. Ponies like Velvet were the reason she was a captain in the royal guards: to protect them and their way of life. Sometimes, it meant fighting enemies. Other times it meant making sure the wrong pony did not sit on the throne.

The captain sipped on her tea as she listened to Twilight Velvet talk about her family. It almost made her regret choosing the life of a soldier and giving up on having children of her own. No point in dwelling on past choices though. She was a soldier. She made difficult decisions. The future would tell if those decisions were the right ones.

Captain Silvermane woke up with the dawn in her modest house. She ate her breakfast with haste and picked up her armor. She carefully strapped the orichalcum plates around her body and hooves, taking a moment to test the solidity of it all. While Silvermane did not expect to go into battle in the middle of Canterlot, she still made it a point to fasten her armor properly, if only to set an example for her guards. She gave herself a look in her mirror, adjusting her gray mane. The watchtower on her flank reminded her, as if often did, of her duty; constant vigilance was her mission.

It did not take her long to reach the castle. As usual, she nodded at passing ponies and returned the salutes of various guards she passed. The captain smiled in satisfaction when she saw Sergeant Boulderhoof leading the troops in training in front of the now abandoned night guards barrack. She considered stopping by and watching the soldiers train but decided against it. She had reports to read, and an important meeting to attend before today's council session.

Silvermane continued through one of the castle’s smaller doors, leading her to the royal guard’s barracks. She ascended two sets of stairs to the third floor, passing through the guards' dining and break rooms. A few guards stood at attention as they saw her, obviously fearful of an inspection. Good, she thought to herself as she walked to her office. She liked keeping her troops just nervous enough that they wouldn't start slacking.

Captain Silvermane's office was larger than what she needed. She kept it tidy, her desk usually clean and free of clutter. Drawers contained the various reports she’d received from all over Equestria. Numerous maps were pinned on the walls; every major city, including Canterlot, was displayed, along with Equestria's various regions and a few of the neighboring kingdoms. Another wall depicted structural plans of the castle itself. Silvermane liked being ready, and should she have to plan a defense, the documents would surely come in handy.

The one element prominently displayed in the room was her captain's spear, which she’d mounted on the wall behind her desk. Silvermane took pride in keeping the weapon in good condition, regularly polishing and sharpening it. She also made time to train with it as often as her schedule allowed, just in case she ever needed to use it. The weapon reminded her of her father, “No matter how well maintained your weapon is, it can only be as sharp as the pony who wields it,” he used to say. The wisdom of his words had always stuck with her throughout the years.

The captain admired the spear a moment longer before turning towards her desk. A few reports were left for her attention, no doubt written by the ponies she’d sent to the various corners of Equestria. Captain Silvermane wanted to make sure everypony was still loyal to the Canterlot throne, even after Celestia's demise. The Princess' influence had always been the greatest contributor to Equestrian peace, and Silvermane suspected opportunistic individuals might take advantage of her death to stir up trouble.

She picked up the first report on her desk — Stormchaser's impression of the situation in Cloudsdale. What she read worried her. An army was being formed, the Wonderbolts were leading military drills, and the mayor's house had been fortified. She had to know more, and the report was severely lacking in details. She stood and asked the first guard she saw outside her office. "Go wake Stormchaser up and bring him to my office."

The soldier nodded and galloped down to the barracks to carry out the order. Silvermane frowned. This wasn't the first time Stormchaser had left out important information from one of his reports. Yet another symptom of the severe lack of discipline plaguing the ranks.

It did not take long for Stormchaser to arrive. The captain cringed at his appearance. His helmet was poorly adjusted, allowing his disheveled dark blue mane to show. He saluted as he entered Captain Silvermane’s office. "You wanted to see me, Ma'am?"

Silvermane tossed the report back on her desk. "This report of yours troubles me. As usual, its details leave much to be desired, but we'll talk about it later. For now, I want to hear about everything you witnessed from your own mouth."

The soldier gulped nervously. "I showed up in Cloudsdale as a civilian, like you ordered. I saw recruitment posters on buildings and soldiers in the streets. The city's stadium was converted to a recruitment center. The Wonderbolts were at the center of it all."

The captain frowned. "Why are they building this military force?"

"Well, it was hard to get a straight answer," the guard replied, nervously massaging the back of his neck with a light blue hoof. "Most ponies claimed it was a precaution, that with the princesses gone, Equestria was vulnerable."

The guard stopped for a moment, but Silvermane maintained her impatient stare, waiting for an adequate answer. "I heard all sorts of rumors. That the Wonderbolts were looking to pacify the jackal tribes in the San Palomino desert, or that they were preparing to go after Discord. There was also talk of them going to Appleoosa to get some buffaloes under control, some story about them attacking the town, mostly just idiotic rumors."

"I'll decide which rumors are idiotic, soldier," the captain said, her stare fixated on the shaking guard. "What about this stadium which you say was converted into a recruitment center. Did you get to see it for yourself?"

"Well, I managed to get close," he explained, brushing sweat from his brow. "I couldn't get in, but I saw recruiters in front and pegasi training above it."

"What kind of training?" Silvermane asked, exasperated. This was an important report, and this soldier kept skimping on details. She was tempted to get up and exclaim her displeasure, but opted to calmly remain seated, letting the threat of punishment quietly hang over Stormchaser's head.

"Obstacle courses, cloud busting, racing, all the usual Wonderbolt exercises. I also heard combat noises from inside the stadium, so I can only assume they trained with weapons as well."

"What kind of weapons?" the captain asked. "I need details, Soldier. I'm tired of asking for them."

"I... I don't know," Stormchaser answered. "Lances maybe? I couldn't see inside the stadium, and there were too many guards." Silvermane found him shaking.

There wasn’t much else she’d get from this guard. He obviously had not pried deeply enough. Silvermane took a different approach as she leaned back into her seat. "Alright Soldier. Did you notice anything else in Cloudsdale? Any places of interest being kept under guard? Tavern rumors? Anything that could give us a clue?"

"Well, only one thing," the guard said hesitantly, breathing in relief as Silvermane's gaze left him. "The mayor's house was heavily protected. I asked a few subtle questions and was told they just wanted to keep him safe."

"Why?" Silvermane asked, still sitting back in her chair.

"I don't know, Ma'am, but I could tell some of those ponies were hiding something."

"Like what?"

The soldier considered his answer for a moment. "I'm not sure, Ma'am. I can tell you it was mostly the higher-ups. Some of them seemed nervous; they were less than happy to answer any questions. It made some of the commoners uneasy too."

Silvermane impatiently raised an eyebrow.

"I asked ponies near the house, also in a few local taverns. None of them had any idea. They just assumed the mayor had to be protected. One officer overheard me talking to a group of ponies and told me to mind my own business."

"And what did you do after?" Silvermane inquired, her left ear twitching.

The guard's own ears drooped down as he looked at his hooves. "N.. Nothing, I'm sorry Ma'am. I noticed soldiers following me from a distance after, and I left. I... I didn't want to be arrested."

"You were sloppy," the captain severely replied. "You allowed yourself to arouse suspicion in Cloudsdale. It seems your investigative techniques are as bad as your reports."

"It... it won't happen again, Ma'am."

"You're right, Soldier, it won't. You will write this report again and leave it on my desk. If I am not satisfied, then you will write it a third time, and a fourth, until you can produce something satisfactory."

"Y... yes Ma'am," Stormchaser answered as he started sweating and shaking again. Silvermane dismissed him with her hoof. She had more important things to think about than this fool's lack of discipline.

The guard saluted awkwardly and quickly left the office. Captain Silvermane considered his shoddy report. She did not like what she’d heard one bit. Dissent was already forming in Canterlot. Ponies loyal to Luna, to Twilight Sparkle, or even to Discord refused to recognize the council's authority. Could the mayor of Cloudsdale be one of them? Perhaps it was the opposite; maybe he was being kept hostage in his own home as the ponies around him staged a coup. Regardless, there was an army in Cloudsdale and its true purpose was unknown.

Even more worrisome was Canterlot's own situation. Outside of the guard force, the capital had no army. Equestria had been at peace for so long, anything resembling a serious military had long since been disbanded. The royal guards could handle the occasional diamond dog raid or rampaging monster from the Everfree Forest, but should Cloudsdale rise in rebellion, the guard would be hopelessly outnumbered. Convincing the council to form a Canterlot army could help, but it would prove challenging. Simply recruiting ponies for it would be a nightmare.

The captain was so lost in her own thoughts that she failed to notice the maid coming into her office. Featherdust's cutie mark was unsurprisingly a feather duster, a fairly common symbol for a castle servants. What few ponies knew was that her mark also represented her ability to be as quiet as a feather — a talent very valuable for Silvermane's most trusted spy.

The maid closed the door and started sweeping behind it, her usual sign that she had a report to give. Silvermane nodded at her, indicating it was safe to talk. Her spy's report was, after all, the main reason why she was in her office at this particular time.

Featherdust's mission was of paramount importance. She had been tasked with finding the true culprit behind Celestia's death. The initial suggestion that she had been poisoned was merely a way for Silvermane and Blueblood to gain precious time while preventing Luna from taking the throne. When Doctor Shimmerheart actually found traces of moontears in Celestia's body, an investigation proved necessary.

Captain Silvermane's first suspect had been Blueblood, but answers given by his personal bodyguard proved his innocence. He had multiple alibis, most of them involving gambling or sexual escapades with mares of less than stellar repute, though he was obviously not involved in a crime as devious as murder.

Silvermane had been faced with a difficult choice. She could admit to her involvement in framing Luna and open an official investigation, or she could call on her resources and find the truth through subtlety. Featherdust was that resource. Anything official would mean jail for Silvermane and Luna on the throne. The captain obviously favored the option that didn't put an end to her plans, and her career.

"I couldn't find anything in the Princess's room," the gray-coated mare whispered as she got closer to the captain's desk. "But I did see something at market you might find interesting."

Captain Silvermane turned her attention to the maid, speaking softly so nopony outside the room could overhear. "Would the poisoner be stupid enough to openly sell moontears at market?"

The spy nodded. "Not openly, but yes. A local healer had a few samples of the moontears flower. She claimed it could be used in healing potions."

"Suspicious, but it hardly proves anything," the captain replied, tapping her chin with her hoof.

"It's what I thought at first, too. Then I did some more digging," Featherdust explained. "The healer is a pegasus mare called Astral Blitz. She learned her trade from zebra alchemists. Even more interesting are her family connections."

"Family connections?" Silvermane asked.

"Yes, her brother is Lieutenant Moonshadow, the former head of Princess Luna's Night Guard."

Silvermane raised an eyebrow. Moonshadow had fled with his princess and was considered a traitor. What motives could he have, though? Was he even involved or was it a coincidence? The evidence was circumstantial at best, and might not mean anything. On the other hoof, the possibility that Silvermane's gut feeling about Luna might prove justified could not be ignored. Could the Princess of the Night really have engineered her sister's murder?

Such speculation was useless without facts to back it up. Silvermane needed more information. "Keep an eye out, see if you can find out who her regular customers are. Find anypony who might have purchased or taken the poison from her. Report any information you find back to me."

The maid nodded. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Now, you better get back to your duties before somepony gets suspicious."

Featherdust quickly dusted off some of the furniture in the room and left. Captain Silvermane did not like putting the entire investigation on her shoulders, but it couldn't be helped. Few of her spies could be trusted as implicitly as the maid. She and the captain had known each other for years — ever since Silvermane had saved her from the hydra she’d lost her entire family to.

Silvermane's thoughts returned to the poisoner. She had to consider that somepony in the nobility could be behind it. Blueblood had the most to gain, but his innocence was already proven by his bodyguard. Beside, he simply did not have the resources or the intelligence to pull off such an elaborate assassination. Both Fancy Pants and Kibitz struck her as too honest to even consider such a thing. As for Floribunda, she was ambitious, but certainly not enough to consider murder. All of the ambassadors had benefited from their relationship with Princess Celestia. The minor nobles would have had little to gain. Maybe one of them felt slighted by the princess in some way?

The captain grunted as she stood up. She would have to remain vigilant, but no answers would come today. For now, she had the Cloudsdale situation to consider and a council meeting to attend.

"...So with schools reopening, life is returning to normal. A few parents still want to keep their foals at home but they should come around soon."

Captain Silvermane nodded as Floribunda finished explaining the current school situation to the council. Both Kibitz and Fancy Pants smiled appreciatively at her report while Blueblood stared at the ceiling in boredom. Rarity smiled warmly.

"Thank you, Floribunda. I'm certainly delighted to hear the foals are returning to school," the purple-maned unicorn said.

"Good," the captain said before turning toward Floribunda. "I was wondering if you had heard any talk around the schools regarding the princesses? Foals often betray their parents' opinions."

"I believe most parents are happy to see a semblance of normalcy return," the older mare replied. "There is, of course, talk of Princess Twilight and Princess Luna in the schoolyards, but nothing to worry about, I'm sure."

The council had been debating various points for a few hours now. Captain Silvermane straightened herself on her ornate seat. For all their necessity, council meetings could become tedious. Silvermane noticed she wasn't the only one getting uncomfortable. Rarity was obviously not used to sitting down for hours at a time as she kept shifting on her seat. The young unicorn did seem to manage paying attention though, keeping her eyes trained on whatever pony was talking.

The captain decided it was time to bring up the main issue. "If that is all, Floribunda, then I have another issue to bring to the council's attention, regarding Cloudsdale."

Floribunda nodded at the captain. "What about Cloudsdale?"

Silvermane cleared her throat before answering. "There's no easy way to put it. They've been raising an army. More specifically, the Wonderbolts have been aggressively recruiting pegasi and training them for combat."

As the captain expected, the information prompted everypony in the room except Silvermane and Fancy Pants to stand up in shock.

Blueblood's ears twitched in annoyance as he raised his voice. "They dare raise an army without my permission?"

"This is treason!" exclaimed Kibitz.

"If they feel threatened, they should ask Canterlot for help," Floribunda declared. "Not act this way behind our backs."

"Did Cloudsdale send any messages regarding this?" Rarity asked. "Do we know why they're doing such a thing?"

Captain Silvermane shook her head. "They've kept quiet. I only learned of it through one of my informants."

Silvermane noticed Fancy Pants looking thoughtful, his hoof to his chin. His silence did not escape the captain's attention, nor did the fact he was the only one who had remained seated.

"Well, technically they are within their right," the mustachioed unicorn said as every head turned toward him. "The Wonderbolts are still a military force, so to speak. They are allowed to bolster their numbers and prepare for battle."

"But without warning us?" Floribunda asked as she sat back down. "Why would they even do this if they didn't plan on rebelling, or something else just as awful?"

"I will order them to stop, that much is certain!" Blueblood announced, raising his leg in the air.

"Let us not jump to conclusions," Fancy Pants added. "For all we know, Cloudsdale only wants to protect itself. Let us not forget the pegasi have a strong military heritage." Silvermane did not fail to notice the shared glance between the stallion and Rarity.

"And while they honor their so-called 'military heritage'," the captain explained, "Cloudsdale is building the largest army in Equestria."

"We do have the royal guards," Kibitz offered as he slowly sat back on his chair, Rarity joining him.

"Too few in numbers, insufficient training," Silvermane answered. "To be blunt, I need the authorization to recruit more aggressively and train my guards harder. We might need an army of our own."

"You'll have it," Blueblood answered, slamming his hoof on the table. He was the only one still standing up. "If Cloudsdale wants to play at war, we'll show them Canterlot is not to be trifled with!"

Rarity stared the Prince down. "I can't believe what I'm hearing! One report and we already assume treason? No, we should have hard facts before we even consider a military buildup of our own. Let us hear what the Cloudsdale ponies have to say."

"I agree with Rarity," Fancy Pants said, tipping his head at the Ponyville mare. "Surely we can send an ambassador."

"An ambassador would be prudent," Floribunda agreed.

"We can do both," Silvermane carefully suggested. "We can build our own army as well as send an official envoy." She would not allow Rarity's naive view of the world keep her from doing her duty, not again.

"Silver Tongue returned from her mission with the minotaur tribes," Kibitz said as he adjusted his monocle. "She's one of the best pegasi diplomats there are. As for the army, it would seem prudent to give our captain what she wants."

"Oh, we're getting an army of our own," Blueblood flatly announced. "I will not leave Equestria vulnerable. As for Silver Tongue, I suppose we can send her. At the very least she can gather useful information."

Rarity frowned. "Let us be careful with this military business," she suggested as she absentmindedly adjusted her mane. "Ponies are already uneasy with the idea of Equestria being ruled without a princess. Should we start filling the streets with soldiers, we might drive everypony against us."

"I'm tempted to agree," Floribunda voiced. "This isn't the griffon kingdom. We don't want an omnipresent military."

Silvermane had to think quickly. The council's fears of all things military could put Equestria in danger. Even if Cloudsdale did not harbor hostile intentions, some other nation would no doubt take advantage of Equestria's vulnerability.

"I'm not saying we declare martial law," the captain suggested. "I would, however, advise that we recruit more guards and give them a stricter training regimen."

Blueblood nodded at Silvermane before putting an end to the argument. "I have already given Captain Silvermane the authorization to recruit more guards. As for training, I'm leaving it entirely up to her. The discussion is over."

While Captain Silvermane hoped she would never have to fight other ponies, the idea of a greater military presence was comforting to her. Few ponies seemed willing to accept how vulnerable Equestria was. With Princess Celestia gone, ponies would have to rely more and more on each other for security. That meant a dedicated force that knew how to fight.

The captain could see the frustration on both Fancy Pants and Rarity's faces as they shared another look. Floribunda frowned slightly, but Silvermane expected she'd come to appreciate the extra security. Kibitz nodded at Blueblood.

"Duly noted, Your Highness. With your permission, I will make the arrangements for Silver Tongue's diplomatic mission as well," the balding unicorn said, bowing slightly.

"I'll send Lieutenant Breezerunner with an escort of pegasus guards to accompany her," the captain announced. A little show of strength might go a long way in convincing the Cloudsdale ponies to take Canterlot seriously.

"It's settled then," Blueblood announced. "Do we have anything else to discuss?"

"Yes, I believe we do," Rarity added. "What about the rest of Equestria?"

"The rest of Equestria?" Floribunda asked, raising an eyebrow.

The Ponyville unicorn explained in a pleasant voice. "Cloudsdale was founded on military tradition. They reacted to the recent events as their history thought them to. Who knows how other cities will react? We've already seen every possible reaction right here in Canterlot. What kinds of rumors do you think will circulate in Baltimare, Las Pegasus, or Manehattan?"

"The lady Rarity might have a point," Kibitz said. "It wouldn't hurt to send representatives to other cities. Quell the rumors as it were."

"Good, we can get an idea of everypony's loyalty while we're at it too," Blueblood announced, finally sitting down. "Now, the city I think we should consider most heavily is Manehattan."

Silvermane had to admit the Prince had a point. Manehattan was the largest city in Equestria. Should they react the same way Cloudsdale did to the recent events, the council would have a very big problem on their hooves.

"What would you suggest, Prince Blueblood?" Floribunda asked, turning her head toward the Prince.

The prince smiled in a way Silvermane didn't like. "That a member of this council handle Manehattan in person." He looked slowly around the room. "Rarity, you certainly do not seem to lack in charms. How would you feel about such an assignment?"

The idiot! Rarity was the one pony he should keep close! Silvermane had to gather all of her self-control not to lash out at the prince. The young councillor had already tried halting her efforts to recruit more guards. Away in another city, she could very well undermine everything both Silvermane and Blueblood were building. Close by, they could make sure she became a true ally. Blueblood was simply trying to get rid of somepony he saw as an inconvenience, rather than try to control her like he should.

Captain Silvermane opted to make a proposition. "Perhaps Rarity would better serve the kingdom here in Canterlot."

The Ponyville unicorn nodded in appreciation at the captain. Whatever her plans were, she wanted to remain in the city.

"Who would you suggest we send, then?" Blueblood asked, visibly annoyed.

Silvermane looked around the room. Blueblood himself would never leave the city, Kibitz was too much of a toady, and Floribunda lacked in charisma. That only left one option.

"Fancy Pants," she turned towards the stallion. "You have investments in Manehattan, perhaps now would be a good time to check up on them." Silvermane quietly congratulated herself. Ridding Rarity of her closest ally would force her to find other ponies to trust. The captain could use the occasion to gain her as an ally.

The stallion played with his mustache as he considered his response. Captain Silvermane noticed him and Rarity sharing yet another look, the Ponyville unicorn eventually nodding slightly.

"Very well. I'll do it," he answered.

"Excellent. Then unless somepony else has something to say, I’ll call this session to an end," Blueblood suggested. When nopony voiced any objections, he nodded. "Meeting adjourned."

The council ponies stood and left the room one by one. Silvermane noticed Rarity and Fancy Pants leaving together. No doubt about to change whatever plans they had prior to the development of Fancy’s trip to Manehattan. Kibitz and Floribunda left in different directions, probably to their own duties. That left the Prince.

"Captain, would you accompany me?" he asked. Silvermane grunted her approval, knowing it wasn't really a question.

The two of them walked in silence toward the large office Blueblood kept. It was right next to the council chambers, a product of the prince's laziness and disdain for exercise. A large golden door blocked the way to the room. Blueblood opened it with his magic.

The best word to describe the room on the other side was decadent. Couches made from rich fabric adorned a corner of the room next to a set of large windows. Blueblood's desk was a monstrosity made of solid gold with encrusted gems. A similar pattern could be found on the tall chair he kept behind it. Two large bookcases stood in the back, although Silvermane suspected they were there for show more than anything else. As for the room's most ridiculous feature, Blueblood kept an enormous portrait of himself behind his desk, between the two aforementioned bookcases. The artist the prince commissioned had taken great pains to make him look more muscular. Silvermane sighed as she thought of the small fortune in equestrian tax money that went into furnishing the room.

Prince Blueblood went behind his desk and took out two glasses and a bottle. "A glass of wine?" he offered.

"No, thank you. I'm on duty," Silvermane replied, motioning her refusal with her hoof.

The prince frowned slightly as he poured himself a cup. "A shame. Let's get down to business then." He took a deep breath. "May I ask what that was about with Rarity back there? First you support her admission to the council, then you keep me from sending her away."

The captain sighed. She often wondered how Blueblood had survived so long in politics with such little understanding of how the game was played. She supposed it was a testament to how smoothly everything had run under Celestia; nopony even had to play the game.

"You need Rarity," she answered. "She has the charms, the charisma, her reputation as part of Twilight Sparkle's entourage, and she has a good head on her shoulders."

Blueblood harrumphed as Silvermane continued. "Quite frankly, you could work on your own image. You're not exactly the most well-loved pony. It probably explains why so many Luna loyalists are appearing."

"You dare!" the prince exclaimed, standing up and spilling his cup of wine.

Silvermane did not flinch. "I'll dare all I want. The two of us are in this together. We both agreed Luna could not take the throne for the good of Equestria. We never planned on Twilight Sparkle disappearing though," and she might still be here if that moon rising ritual hadn't been attempted. "Right now, Rarity is the best we have. If we play our cards right, she'll continue to support the council. We can just as easily push her toward Luna's followers if we anger her. Trust me Blueblood, if Rarity decides to turn ponies against us, it'll mean trouble."

In moments like this, Silvermane often regretted her choice in allies. Blueblood was vain, lacked vision, and made brash decisions without thinking. Truth be told, the only reason she favored him over Luna was that he could be controlled. For how long though? The plan had only been to keep him in power until Twilight Sparkle could take the throne.

"Fine, you can keep her as a pet for all I care," the prince answered. "Just remember that you answer to me! I'm the prince of Equestria and I fully expect the council will have no choice but to crown me sooner rather than later."

Captain Silvermane knew it wasn't worth arguing anymore; she had wounded Blueblood's ego. She nodded before leaving the room and left him a final remark, "A good leader needs support, Blueblood. Kibitz won't blindly follow you forever, and the rest of us will have to be won over."

Blueblood was screaming vulgarities as Silvermane walked away from the office. She was hopeful that her message would eventually get through, even if she still harbored doubt. While the captain hoped Twilight Sparkle could be found, she doubted more and more that it would happen. Blueblood being crowned was a distinct possibility — one she should prepare for.

She had three wild cards on the council. The first was Fancy Pants, who had just been taken care of. The second was Rarity, whose blind compassion could prove to be a real danger for Equestria. Finally, there was Blueblood, a spoiled brat who played at leading a nation while in reality, he would never amount to being more than a puppet.

Silvermane stopped mid-stride as an idea struck her. Perhaps I can kill two birds with one stone. The captain smiled at her realization. She could make the best out of Rarity's talents while taming Blueblood at the same time; she just needed to convince the right ponies. First, I have to convince the prince, she thought to herself as she trotted back to her office. She would have a lot of work to do.