• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,803 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

XX Applejack

Applejack gulped as she stared at the unimpressive stone building. It was two stories tall with no markings indicating its purpose. The small fence surrounding it was ill-maintained and in desperate need of a new coat of paint. In a normally peaceful town like Ponyville, the jailhouse was not a place citizens took pride in. It was, however, the only location where prisoners with magical abilities could be contained.

A full day of negotiations awaited Applejack. She would have to convince Prince Blueblood to send aid while somehow keeping him from turning Ponyville into a military camp. All the while, she had to cope with the news that Rarity was pregnant — the father being a stallion Applejack knew her unicorn friend hated. And of course, the subject of Chrysalis would no doubt come up. This was the primary reason Applejack got up even earlier than usual — so she could interrogate her prisoner and hopefully find some concrete reason to justify keeping the changeling in her custody.

Applejack opened the door and stepped inside. She nodded at her improvised jailer. "Good morning, Zecora. I'm here to see the prisoner."

Zerora nodded back, although with a frown. "She's in the back, ready to see you. Although don't expect what she says to be true."

"I know. Still, I have to start somewhere," Applejack replied with a sigh. "I don't suppose you got anything out of her?"

The zebra shook her head. "Nothing useful that I have heard. Most of her words were quite absurd."

"I figured as much. Your runes holding up at least?"

"She does not seem to have her magic, and I doubt she's using a stalling tactic," Zecora answered as she stepped toward Applejack. She took a deep breath. "I was wondering how long you'd need me in this prison. Could somepony else to take the position? I have other obligations at my shack — many injured soldiers to nurse back."

Applejack sat down on a wooden chair. "I know, you told me before. You're not a jailer. You're the best I got though. You know full well that this prison can't hold Chrysalis without your runes. As for your wounded, I wish you'd reconsider and let me bring them into town."

Zecora shook her head. "I refuse to take part in this conflict. And I will not let a single patient become a convict. I came here to escape war's brutality. I will not let it bend my morality."

"Yeah, I know. You're neutral and you have soldiers from both sides in your care. I still wish you'd let me know who, but I respect your privacy. Either way, who else could guard this here prison?"

"I have heard that Rarity is in town," Zecora replied with a shrug. "Perhaps you should get some help from the crown?"

Applejack sighed. "That's what I was hoping to avoid. I'll be honest. I don't know if I can trust anypony from Canterlot."

Zecora offered a comforting smile. "You should trust your friend Rarity. With Canterlot, she has great familiarity."

Applejack sighed again. "I suppose I can't keep you here forever. I'll think about it. For now, I'll just see if I can get anything out of our changeling guest."

The zebra nodded and pointed toward the small door behind her, which led to the large cell where Chrysalis was kept. She had been separated from her minions, who had all cocooned themselves. When Applejack had asked Zecora about it, she was told they did so to conserve energy. Apparently this was an ability Chrysalis either did not have or chose not to use.

Twilight Sparkle's panicked violet eyes stared at Applejack from behind bars the moment the mayor entered the cell block. "Applejack, thank goodness you're here! You have to get me out of here."

"Yeah, I'm not gonna fall for that," Applejack replied as she rolled her eyes. While Zecora's runes had managed to counter the queen's horn, it did not affect her shapeshifting ability.

"Please, Applejack. You have to believe me! Chrysalis exchanged places with me during the night."

Applejack ignored the bait. "You've been ratted out. I know you're the one who captured Twilight." While she had little reason to trust that Discord told Fluttershy the truth, it was still her best lead.

Twilight's form was replaced in a green flash by Chrysalis' natural chitinous appearance. "You seem awfully certain of that, Applejack." She spoke in a condescending tone as she looked down at the earth pony.

"I have my sources."

"I'm dying of curiosity," Chrysalis replied with a chuckle as she turned toward the small window at the back of her cell.

Applejack snorted. "I'm not going to reveal how I got my information to you. Suffice it to say you're wasting your time in denying it."

"I'll be the judge of that," Chrysalis teased as she turned back to face her accuser. "Ask yourself. What would I have to gain by capturing Twilight? My people operate at their best when we avoid the spotlight."

"You attacked Canterlot a while back," Applejack replied as she raised an eyebrow.

"And I learned my lesson," the queen continued. "Do you really think I'm the kind of ruler who makes the same mistake twice?"

"I don't know. Trying to trick me by impersonating Fluttershy wasn't too smart."

"You flatter yourself," Chrysalis replied with a smug scoff. "If your pegasus friend hadn't somehow managed to survive her trip in the desert, I would still be quietly replacing ponies with my drones, and you'd be safely tucked in a pod."

"There's one thing I don't get," Applejack said as she gazed into her prisoner's green eyes, looking for any sign of doubt or uncertainty. "Why replace Fluttershy yourself? Wouldn't one of your minions do the job fine?"

"Ah! For this one you should congratulate yourself." The queen slowly brushed her tail against the bars. "You managed to put an end to my first infiltration attempt. I figured Ponyville might need a more personal touch."

"And why Ponyville?"

"Why not?" the queen continued. "With Equestria in chaos, it's the perfect time for my minions to feed."

Applejack frowned. There had to be another reason, something more specific. She paced back and forth as realization suddenly flashed. "You haven't only sent minions to Ponyville," she mumbled to herself. She pointed at her prisoner. "This is simply the only town where they got caught." Chrysalis kept gazing smugly at Applejack, but the grinding of her teeth gave the mayor the confirmation she needed. "If that's the case though, why did you risk yourself by coming to Ponyville? There's something here that you want."

"What a ridiculous notion," the queen said as she turned back toward the window.

"Twilight Sparkle came from Ponyville," Applejack continued as she kept her eyes locked on Chrysalis. "It's also the town closest to Canterlot."

Chrysalis turned around as her appearance changed to the regal form of Princess Celestia. "A fine theory, my little pony."

"Don't you dare!"

"The changelings are only trying to survive, my dear Applejack. Would you really deny them the opportunity to thrive and learn about the magic of friendship?"

"You mean feed on us," Applejack replied as she spat on the ground.

"And what makes you think it has to be a bad thing?" the fake Celestia continued.

Applejack shook her head. She's trying to distract me with this act. She took a deep breath. "Enough of this. You know I was on to something with you wanting to get close to Canterlot. I'm thinking you either want to infiltrate it, or you have some other interest there. Maybe an accomplice who helped you nab Twilight?"

Chrysalis, still wearing Celestia's form, stared at Applejack blankly.

"So I'm asking you," Applejack continued with bared teeth. "Who's that accomplice, and where is Twilight?"

Celestia's form quickly made way to Princess Luna's. "All you have is an unlikely theory with no proof. You want the guilty party to be the one you have trapped. You are not even considering there are others with stronger motives."

"Way to be subtle, there, Chryssy. I got you now. You can play your games for now, but in time, you'll crack. It's my friend you attacked, and I won't rest until you've spilled every last secret you have!"

"You're not going to torture me, are you?" Applebloom's voice asked as the filly's likeness stared at Applejack.

Applejack turned around and left without saying a word. She knew she was on the right track. She just had to figure out a way to make Chrysalis spill the beans. All the while, whatever accomplice had assisted her in Canterlot would no doubt try to intervene. I can't let Blueblood take her back to Canterlot.

A soft knock on her office door broke Applejack's concentration. She frowned as she moved her eyes away from her paperwork. "What is it?"

The door slowly opened and revealed Rarity, who was wearing an extravagant purple dress, but not her crown. "I hope I'm not interrupting?"

"Come on in. I suppose I could use a break," the mayor said with a sigh. "I knew running Ponyville involved paperwork, but I would never have guessed it was this bad."

"Try ruling over a nation," Rarity replied with a weak giggle.

Applejack grunted. "I'm not sure how much ruling you do, compared to smiling and looking pretty."

Rarity sighed loudly as she sat in front of the desk. "Do you really think so little of me? After all we've been through together Applejack, I would think you would recognize the sacrifices I'm making."

"Like getting yourself pregnant?" the earth pony replied in a deadpan voice.

The unicorn rolled her eyes. "Yes, Applejack, Blueblood is my husband. Do I need to spell out what it is a husband and a wife do?"

"What I'm wondering is why you married that clown in the first place!" Applejack snapped as she stood and glared angrily at her friend.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Rarity replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Would you rather I had gotten thrown out of Canterlot? Good luck negotiating for Ponyville's well-being without me."

The mayor and the princess glared at each other for a moment. Applejack's ears eventually flattened as she let go of the breath she had been holding. She slowly sat back down. "I just wish you hadn't married Blueblood. You deserve better."

"Sometimes I wish the same," Rarity quietly answered. "But like you, I do what I must. Fluttershy told me you've been under a lot of stress. The task of rebuilding after this horrible battle fell on your shoulders, and I know that's not an easy burden to carry. I want to help you, Applejack, I really do. But you have to let me do it."

"Alright, what's on your mind?"

"Be willing to give something," Rarity answered in a firm voice. "I don't like it anymore than you do, but Equestria is in a state of civil war." She sighed as her features relaxed. "I don't know if I'm on the right side. To be fair, there probably isn't a right side, but I'm sticking with the one less likely to get us all killed."

"And you really think allowing griffons to come to Equestria will help bring peace?"

Rarity slowly shook her head. "I don't know, Applejack. I certainly don't like it, but all I can do is control the damage."

Applejack averted her eyes. "It seems that's the only thing any of us do these days."

"Unless you've found some lead," Rarity completed as her ears perked up. "Did you get anything out of Chrysalis?"

"Just enough to know that if this husband of yours takes her back to Canterlot, we can kiss any hope of finding Twilight goodbye."

"How so?"

"She's responsible for Twilight's kidnapping, at least in part. I'm sure of it. I'm still trying to get to the bottom of it, but Discord was right. There's more though. Think about it for a minute; do you think she could have acted alone? Snatching a princess in the middle of Canterlot would take a lot of planning. She'd need allies to help her get in and out."

"I have to admit, what you're saying makes sense," Rarity said as she stroked her chin. "It would be consistent with the runes found in the royal quarters."

Applejack nodded. "Exactly, I remember you telling me about them." She took a deep breath. "As far as I'm concerned, you're the only one out of that cesspool of rotten apples who isn't a suspect. It's why I need her here, and away from whoever Blueblood or his griffon ambassador want to send down to Ponyville."

Rarity fiddled with her mane. "What if I selected the guards myself?"

"You won't be able to pick every soldier who comes to Ponyville, Rarity."

"Alright, let's put it this way," Rarity continued as she stood and looked outside the window. "Do you really think there's anything you or I can do to prevent whatever accomplice our changeling queen might have from spying on you?"

"Probably not," Applejack replied.

"Good. So that's out of the way. Now, what about making sure your prisoner doesn't escape? I assume you have a capable jailer?"

"Zecora's guarding her," Applejack explained as she took off her hat and fiddled with it. "She managed to set up some runes that block her magic."

"Interesting," Rarity replied as she tapped her hoof to her chin. "Given that our local zebra shaman probably isn't too happy about watching over a prisoner, I imagine having a few unicorn guards would actually be beneficial."

"If they're loyal," Applejack answered.

"They'll be under orders to make sure she doesn't escape. Trust me, the last thing General Silvermane wants is for her soldiers to look bad and let Chrysalis loose, especially with the griffons breathing down her neck."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "I take it she doesn't get along with that griffon centurion?"

"Let's call it friendly competition," Rarity replied with a wink. "Regardless, there's also the matter of Appleoosa."

Applejack gasped. "You mean somepony will finally take care of it? I've been sending letters for a month!"

"And I've been trying my hardest to convince Silvermane to send in the cavalry. Sadly, the aftermath of the battle left everypony on edge, as you've seen."

"Well, I'm just glad it's finally being taken care of," Applejack replied with a sigh of relief. "So what's the plan?"

"One of Silvermane's lieutenants already left for Appleoosa with some experienced unicorns. We all felt it would be better to keep the mission a secret to avoid changeling spies learning of it."

"You think there're more changelings in Ponyville?"

Rarity raised an eyebrow of her own. "You're holding their queen prisoner. What do you think?"

"Alright, alright, you made your point. To be honest, I suspect that changelings are taking advantage of the war to infiltrate towns. Chrysalis all but confirmed it." Applejack replied with a sigh. "So I'll let Blueblood bring in his guards. They can set up their camp and help me guard the prisoner, but this is still my town, and Chrysalis is still my prisoner."

"And I'll make sure you get construction materials, seeds, as well as clouds," Rarity answered with a smile and a nod.

"Wait, you have clouds?" Applejack asked incredulously. "We've been scavenging them for weeks! We even had to demolish some pegasus homes."

"A new factory is being built," Rarity explained. "The captured Cloudsdale soldiers will be put to work producing clouds."

Applejack sneered. "Slave labor. Wonderful."

"Prison labor," Rarity corrected, raising a hoof. "Need I remind you that these ponies are directly responsible for the current state of Ponyville?"

The earth pony groaned. "Alright, fair enough. I hope you can get it all here fast enough. It's been getting awful chilly in the past few days, and that won't be good for the crops."

"Are the Cloudsdale ponies trying to force an early winter?" Rarity asked. Applejack knew her well enough to hear the nervousness in her tone.

The mayor shook her head. "The weather team thinks it's an after-effect of the hurricane that was created during the battle. Either way, it'll hurt farming."

Rarity nodded. "I'll mention it at the next council meeting. The last thing we need is a weather crisis."

Applejack smiled at her friend. "Thanks, Rarity."

"It's my pleasure," the unicorn replied with a smile of her own. "As Rainbow Dash would say, 'I would never leave Ponyville hanging'." Rarity's smile slowly disappeared as she lowered her eyes, no doubt remembering the grim truth.

A few seconds of silence passed, Applejack weakly meeting her friend's gaze. "I still can't believe she's gone."

Rarity's hoof found its way to her belly. "Neither can I. It just seems like yesterday, the six of us were writing about our adventures together in Twilight's diary without a care in the world." She sighed heavily. "I don't think we can expect things to ever be the same."

"Yeah," Applejack mumbled as she looked down at her desk. With the constant stress of rebuilding the town, she hadn't found the time to grieve one of her best friends.

After a moment of silence, Rarity walked toward Applejack. "Did I tell you that Blueblood wants to name our child 'Blueblood the second'?"

Applejack chuckled. "Is that a joke?"

"My husband is quite serious about it for now, but I think his disposition will change about many things once he gets to hold his son or daughter. Did you know he never left Canterlot before today?"

"It doesn't surprise me."

"He might not be the husband of my dreams, but I can try and help him become a better pony," Rarity continued with a hopeful smile.

Applejack played around with her hat before putting it back on. "You know, we still have two hours before the meeting with Blueblood. How about we grab some lunch?"

"Good idea," Rarity replied with a wide smile. "I have a sudden craving for pickles."

Both friends giggled as they made their way out of the cramped office.

"So, to go over it again," Blueblood said as he nodded at Applejack. "Canterlot agrees to send two hundred workers, as well as supply materials to rebuild Ponyville. Your town will also receive priority for the first cloud shipments as long as you agree to supply the crown with enough food to feed the army."

"Agreed," Applejack flatly said as she leaned on the table. It was a bit strange to share the Palace of Harmony's central table with the likes of Prince Blueblood, but she wasn't about to refuse to use it out of principle. In the end, it was just a table, and the map of Equestria on it had actually proven useful during the negotiations. "We'll agree to let your soldiers form a camp here as long as no griffons are stationed. Ponies only."

"I do wish you would reconsider," Antoine said as he fixated his brown eyes on Applejack. "My people are not your enemy."

"I've said it before, Ambassador," Applejack replied with severity as she met his gaze. "Your soldiers took part in the battle that destroyed Ponyville. Regardless of their intent, the townsfolk don't want to see them around these parts."

"I believe Mayor Applejack's request is more than reasonable," Rarity added as she gently smiled at the ambassador. "Perhaps, in time, things might change. For now, let the ponies of Ponyville accept that the Canterlot military can be their friend."

Leave it to Rarity to negotiate a smooth deal, Applejack thought as Antoine nodded at the princess. The mayor looked around the table. Bonbon was busy taking notes, Blueblood grinned appreciatively, and Rarity moved her mane aside as she offered Applejack a knowing smile. There seemed to be a hint of a frown forming around the griffon ambassador's beak.

"I'm glad we could come to an arrangement," Blueblood continued. Whatever Rarity had told him must have worked. He had been mostly reasonable during the negotiations, although he seemed to have come close to losing his temper on a few occasions. "Now, this only leaves the matter of your prisoner."

"Chrysalis is staying here," Applejack flatly stated. "I can let your soldiers interrogate her, but I'm not letting her out of my town."

"Yes, my wife did say you believe she can be of use in your investigation to find Princess Twilight," Blueblood said as he adjusted his mane.

"That's right. I haven't given up on my friend yet," Applejack confirmed with a nod.

"I wonder though," the prince asked as he directed his gaze back toward Applejack. "Is it really wise to continue to work on such an investigation while you are the mayor of Ponyville? If I remember clearly, you did not hold that position when I gave you this task."

Rarity gently held her husband's hoof. "Applejack will not act alone, My Prince. She has friends who are more than capable of helping her. Even if she has to divide her time, who better than Twilight's closest friends to lead the investigation?"

"Forgive my bluntness, but one could say you lack objectivity," Antoine interrupted. "The Griffingard military is very much experienced with interrogations. If the changeling queen knows anything, then we will learn it."

Applejack swiftly shook her head. "No way! I don't care what she's done, I won't let you torture my prisoner."

"Torture is against Equestria's charter," Rarity added with a frown. "It will not be condoned under my rule."

Blueblood, surprisingly, nodded at his wife. It seemed there was a limit to how far even he would be willing to go.

"Look, I'm letting your soldiers establish themselves in Ponyville, and I'm even willing to let them interrogate the changelings," Applejack said again. "That's on my terms though. To be blunt, I can't be certain that there isn't a traitor in Canterlot. Twilight disappeared under your guard's watch. I'm not risking the best lead we have."

"You dare insinuate that there is a traitor among us!" Blueblood snapped as he violently stood. "I could say the same about your backwater town! Who knows how many changelings are walking among your ponies?"

Rarity winced and glared angrily at Applejack. Politics and subtlety might be your cup of tea, Rarity. I prefer the plain old truth.

"Perhaps assigning some of our own guards to Ponyville's prison would serve as a suitable compromise?" the princess suggested. "I would like for an academy unicorn to come help with security as well. I will select this unicorn myself."

"I can work with that," Applejack said. I might as well play it Rarity's way. It's what we agreed on earlier.

Blueblood took a deep breath and sat back down. "Very well. I will give you custody over the prisoner, Mayor Applejack. Should she escape however, I will hold you personally responsible. I also expect my guards to have access to the prisoner should they need to interrogate her. Furthermore, her minions will be taken back to Canterlot. I will not allow the queen to be held in the same location as her brood."

"That all seems reasonable to me." Rarity said as she raised an eyebrow at Applejack.

I don't like it, Applejack thought as her eyes traveled between Blueblood and Rarity. If he's part of the conspiracy, and I wouldn't put it past him, he might try to let Chrysalis escape. That'll get him the excuse he needs to get rid of me and put one of his puppets in charge of Ponyville. "You can take her minions," Applejack finally answered. "Your guards can interrogate her, too. I won't take the blame if your guards drop the ball though. What I can do is promise that I won't let her go or loosen security unless the Canterlot council agrees."

"I agree," Rarity immediately replied before Blueblood had a chance to do so.

Blueblood harrumphed. "Fine, have it your way, as long as you remember where your loyalties lie. I will not tolerate you or your staff supporting Luna's claim."

Applejack mustered all of her self-control not to roll her eyes. "I already agreed that Ponyville is loyal to Canterlot."

"I believe we have a deal, then," Rarity said as she stood and smiled.

Applejack nodded at her old friend. "Good. I'm glad we can all agree."

"Indeed, I would say the day has been quite productive," Blueblood added as he rose as well. He turned his head toward Rarity. "Just in time too, my dear. We can accept Filthy Rich's dinner invitation. I'm looking forward to seeing what constitutes as luxury in Ponyville."

"And I promised the weather team I would meet them and hear their grievances," Antoine said. "Your Highnesses, Madam Mayor." he politely bowed before leaving the room.

Blueblood and Rarity followed close behind, leaving Applejack alone with her assistant, who was scribbling a few words in her notebook. "Well, that went better than I expected," the mayor told Bonbon after everyone had left.

"It seems like it," Bonbon said as she raised her muzzle out of her notes. "We both know we need their help badly. I'm just glad we got it."

Applejack sighed. "Yeah, it's good to finally have some sort of good news. Now, if I only I could get something out of the changeling queen."

"I'm sure you'll manage," Bonbon offered with an encouraging smile. "There's a reason nopony wanted to run against you for mayor. You're the one pony who seems to always get things done while still standing for Ponyville's values."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Applejack said with a light smile. "I'll let you get back to work. I know you're eager to get your notes sorted out."

Bonbon nodded and smiled as Applejack left the room. The mayor sighed as she found herself walking toward her office. All in all, it had been a good day. She had made some progress with Chrysalis and had gotten most of what she wanted out of Blueblood. She still couldn't shake a feeling of dread though. Just like that, she had opened the door to a military presence in Ponyville. No doubt recruiters would come with the soldiers and attempt to drag ponies into the war. Applejack was so desperate to save Ponyville. Would her actions doom her beloved town instead?

She shook her head and turned toward the stairs. She hadn't had much time to spend with her family lately, and it would do her some good to see how Granny Smith was doing. Living in the castle couldn't be easy for the older mare, who was used to the great outdoors. She headed upstairs, to the bedroom floor.

The loud noise of a vase being broken made Applejack's ears perk up. She turned her head in the direction the sound came from and gasped. Those are the quarters I assigned to the griffon ambassador!

She rushed to the door and knocked on it a few times. "Is everything alright in there?"

She heard panicked whispers and rustling noises behind the door. Darn it. Somepony's going through the ambassador's stuff! With no time to hesitate, Applejack kicked the door open. "You ain't stealing from my guests!" she yelled as she came face to face with Applebloom and Scootaloo.

Scootaloo was looking through a drawer while Applebloom had a pile of papers in front of her. The remains of the broken vase were on the floor, between the two fillies. "It's not what it looks like!" Applebloom immediately said as she pleaded with her eyes.

"You mean you're not looking through the ambassador's stuff?" Applejack asked as she glared at both fillies.

"We were just playing! I promise!" Scootaloo added as she shared a nervous look with Applebloom.

Applejack slammed her hoof on the floor. "Don't lie to me! I have enough problems without you two making up stories. Now I'll ask again; what are you doing in the ambassador's quarters?"

"We just wanted to learn about griffons," Applebloom replied as she turned her head down.

"If you're so curious, just politely ask the ambassador," Applejack said without taking her eyes off her little sister and her friend.

"We're sorry," Scootaloo added as she stood next to Applebloom with her muzzle downward.

Applejack raised an eyebrow as she turned her attention to the papers Applebloom had been studying. "These look like reports from his visit to Ponyville. It describes the damage to the town, opinions regarding griffons-" She gasped as realization flashed on her face. "You didn't just want to learn; you were spying."

"Sp... spying?" Scootaloo asked in a shaking voice that betrayed her guilt.

"She still comes in your dreams, doesn't she?" Applejack asked in a low voice as her heartbeat raced. "She's using innocent fillies to do her dirty work."

"Who are you talking about?" Applebloom asked as she nervously looked around.

"Don't play innocent," Applejack continued with an angry glare. "You were spying for Princess Luna! Did she come into your dreams and ask you to do this, or are you just hoping to somehow send her whatever you found?"

Scootaloo took a deep breath and stared Applejack in the eyes. "I don't care what you or Rarity say. Princess Luna took away our nightmares, so now we're helping her back!"

Applejack threw her hat on the floor. "Do you even realize what danger you're getting yourselves into? I might not be able to protect you if you get caught doing something like this. Not to mention you're getting involved in a war! Haven't you seen the damage Luna's army did to Ponyville?"

"That was the griffons," Scootaloo continued.

"Enough!" Applejack snapped. "You're both grounded until the ambassador leaves town. Once he's away, we'll have a long talk about Princess Luna and the importance of staying out of trouble."

"But Applejack-" Applebloom began.

"Not another word!" Applejack interrupted. "Now show me where you got these papers. We need to put everything the way it was, and we'll blame the vase on the cleaning staff."

It took all of Applejack's self-control to stop yelling at the fillies. If Princess Luna would stoop as low as dragging children into her war, then she truly had no right to rule Equestria. If Blueblood wanted Applejack's loyalty, then he would have it.

Applejack bucked one of the few remaining apple trees at Sweet Apple Acres as hard as she could. "How could she do this?" she screamed. "How could she use my own little sister in her stupid war?" While the apple orchard was little more than a ruin, Applejack often returned here to think.

Fluttershy took a few hesitant steps in her direction. "I'm sure there's an explanation. Maybe the fillies offered to help Luna when she visited their dreams?"

"She has no business getting inside their heads to begin with!" Applejack continued as she turned back toward her pegasus friend.

"You can't expect Princess Luna to stop chasing away nightmares," Fluttershy timidly replied as she looked away.

Applejack took a few short breaths. "She's not chasing away nightmares. She's bringing them to us!" She pointed at the surrounding devastation as an added gesture.

"I agree that the fillies shouldn't get involved," Fluttershy said with a sigh. "They really do love Princess Luna though, and you can't take that away from them."

Applejack's legs gave out and her body fell at the foot of the tree. "Then what should I do, Fluttershy? I don't want to risk my sister getting involved. Imagine what would have happened if it had been the griffon ambassador and not me who caught them."

"Probably something bad," Fluttershy agreed in a soft voice.

"You're darn right, something bad! Things aren't gonna get easier either. I had to fully commit to supporting Canterlot so we could get the help we need. As much as I hate to say it, we can't allow anypony to openly support Luna anymore."

"That might be a bit harsh," Fluttershy replied with a frown. "You can't expect ponies to act against their beliefs."

"I can if it means survival," Applejack severely insisted. She avoided her friend's gaze and stared at the sky. "You've seen how things are out there. The truth is we won't be able to stay away from the war, not with Canterlot so close. If we're lucky, it'll end quickly and won't come back here."

Fluttershy took a deep breath and sat next to Applejack. "I know these decisions aren't easy. If you want, maybe I can try to talk to the fillies? They've always trusted me in the past."

"Be my guest," Applejack replied as she sighed once again.

Fluttershy nodded, and both ponies sat in silence for a moment. The sun was about to set. Even within the devastated orchard, it made for a spectacular sight.

"So Rarity's gonna be a mom," Applejack said after a few minutes.

Fluttershy smiled lightly. "I talked to her about it earlier. She seems nervous, but I think she'll do fine."

Applejack sighed. "I wish the father would have been somepony else. She deserves better than him."

"I agree," Fluttershy said as she looked down. "I think she's very brave to do it though. I certainly wouldn't have been able to marry a stallion I didn't like, even if it meant saving my friends."

"Let's just hope it pays off," Applejack added as she looked into the sunset.

Silence fell over the orchard once more. With everything that was going on, there was little to discuss. Should they even be happy for Rarity? There was no doubt in Applejack's mind that this pregnancy was not something her unicorn friend wanted. The newly-crowned princess would act happy, smile when she was expected to, even praise her husband, but Applejack knew her better than that. Perhaps she could find happiness as a mother, but Rarity would never know happiness as a wife.

There was still the Luna situation. No matter how Applejack turned the situation around in her head, nothing changed; no decent pony would employ children in such a careless and callous way. Bad enough that the princess was willing to fight a war just to hold on to the throne, she was dragging innocent ponies into it, including Applejack's family. For the first time since the battle, Applejack was actually warming up to the idea of supporting Blueblood's claim. One contender for the throne had taken the time to visit her town, while the other used her little sister as a spy. Granted, Rarity was probably behind every kindness that Blueblood even considered. At least he considered them.

A subtle poke from Fluttershy broke Applejack's reverie. The earth pony turned her attention in the direction her friend was pointing and frowned. None other than Prince Blueblood was trotting through the ruined orchard, accompanied by two guards.

"What does he want now?" Applejack said with a groan as she stood and shook her hat to get the dirt off.

Fluttershy hid behind her mane, prompting Applejack to roll her eyes. She waved at the prince, who turned his head in her direction. The mayor sighed as she realized he wouldn't come to her, and she would have to walk to him instead. She nodded at Fluttershy, who followed close behind.

"Mayor Applejack," Blueblood began with a slight tip of his head once they came into earshot.

"Your Highness," she replied politely. "What can I do for you?"

"Nothing, I was only assessing the damage," the prince replied as he looked away. "If I may ask, what was this place?"

Applejack sighed softly. "This was Sweet Apple Acres. It was my farm, before it got destroyed in the battle."

"I see," the prince replied as he nodded at Applejack, his eyes still avoiding her.

"There really isn't much to be done here," the earth pony continued. "I figured the priority should go to farmers who are closer to getting things back on track. Apples trees take a long time to grow, after all."

"I'm certain you'll make efficient use of the resources we send you," the prince replied with a frown. Something was obviously bothering him, but Applejack could not quite figure out what it was.

"I already have a good idea how I want to allocate everything," she continued. "If I may ask, Your Highness, is something bothering you?"

"Of course not!" he snapped as he turned his gaze toward her. "Except maybe for all this dirt. How can you ponies live in such filthy conditions?"

Applejack sighed again and almost rolled her eyes. "We live the way we have to. Not everypony has the luxury of a castle, nor do we want to live there."

"It was a lot dirtier right after the battle," Fluttershy added. "We really do have you to thank. Hopefully with the help you're sending, we can fix Ponyville."

Blueblood turned his attention toward the pegasus and studied her a moment, prompting Fluttershy to hide behind her mane again. "None of my subjects should live in such filth," he finally replied. "Your loyalty will be rewarded." He then nodded at one of his guards and turned around, leaving the orchard.

"What was that all about?" Applejack asked once the prince was out of earshot.

"Rarity told me he never left Canterlot before today," Fluttershy said. "Maybe he's starting to realize what the consequences of this war will be."

"One can only hope," Applejack replied as she gazed at Canterlot mountain in the distance.