• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,803 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

V Shining Armor

The royal couple had summoned the assembly to discuss the Equestrian situation as soon as they had gotten off the train from Canterlot. Shining Armor pleaded his case, telling the elected representatives from the Empire's six districts how much Equestria truly needed them.

"From my understanding, Equestria is now ruled by a council," Councilor Honeycomb answered flatly. "I'm sure they can manage. I know both of you are aware that Equestria is in for troubled times ahead. With the loss of their leader, that is certain. You would drag the Empire into such a conflict? While we're just starting to rebuild? Perhaps we might be able to offer them aid in the future, but the Crystal Empire has no place in Equestrian politics." This prompted a series of nods from the rest of the council.

While he understood Honeycomb's reservation, Shining Armor refused to give up that easily. "There might not be a crisis at all if we offer them help right now. You don't know Blueblood like I do. He's vain, opportunistic, and could very well lead Equestria to ruin if left to his own devices. At least allow us to advise the Equestrian government."

Before anypony spoke up again, Honeycomb retorted severely. "This is precisely why we can't act, with all due respect, Your Highness," she stayed as polite and formal as she could as she addressed the prince and his wife. "Should this, by your own words, opportunistic leader try to take advantage of our vulnerability, what could we do? This assembly must think of the well-being of the Empire's citizens first. I understand you worry about your family, but there is nothing we can do."

Shining was about to say something more but Cadance placed a hoof on his shoulder. "The councilor's right," the princess said softly, her ears flattened. "Trust me, I want to help our friends as much as you do, but we did swear that we would protect the Empire no matter what."

They took a vote shortly after, all six councilors unanimously in agreement that Cadance and Shining Armor would stay away from Equestria, although none of them would deny the Princess the right to search for Twilight by magical means. That very same night, Shining's wife tried using her considerable magical talent to try and locate Shining's sister. No amount of effort yielded any shred of information. Even the Empire's various magical artifacts proved powerless in the endeavor.

Four days had passed without anything happening. Neither Shining Armor nor Cadance could think of anything to help their Equestrian friends. Meanwhile, things got back to normal in the Empire. Trade continued and lives went on.

Shining Armor found himself sitting on his uncomfortable throne, having a hard time paying attention as the citizens of the Crystal Empire petitioned the Assembly for whatever favors would make their lives easier. He got distracted by the Empire's flag hanging from the ceiling. The prince remembered when Equestria's flag had accompanied it. Like every other tie to the larger kingdom, it was removed after the signing of the Crystal Treaty.

As was usually the case when the assembly listened to petitions, the room was filled with citizens. The six assembly members could handle most issues on their own. On the few occasions that somepony came in with a request magical in nature, Cadance would step up and happily offer her aid. As an old soldier, Shining felt like he had little to contribute. One pony asked about help with his crops. Another complained about taxes being too high. One artist asked about funding for a monument she wanted to build. Boring issues that the prince couldn't bring himself to care for.

A new pony stepped forward. He was an average-sized crystal pony with a light purple coat and a blond and brown mane. The rook on his flank suggested he could be a chess player. Cadance waved for him to approach with a warm smile . "You have some matter to bring to the assembly?"

"Well, a question," he asked, his voice nervously shaking. "I heard about what happened in Equestria and, ehm, for how long will the Sun and Moon rise?"

The question elicited a series of gasps from the crowd. Councilor Honeycomb, always eager to step in, answered, "Whatever do you mean? The Equestrian ponies will keep rising the Sun and Moon, as they always have."

The purple stallion continued, "Well, Princess Celestia raised the sun, and nopony knows where Princess Luna is. I heard Princess Twilight disappeared, too. Doesn't that mean you will have to raise the Sun and Moon, Your Highness?" He gulped as he awkwardly bowed to Cadance.

That got Shining Armor's attention. With how worried he was for his little sister, he completely forgot about the astral bodies. Having been part of the failed attempt at raising the Moon, he had felt Twilight draining an absurd amount of energy from his horn. Was it even possible for somepony other than Celestia or Luna to bring forth the day and night? Could he permit Cadance to go through such an ordeal?

Cadance brought her hoof to her chin before finally answering. "The Equestrian government hasn't approached me yet, which leads me to believe that they have it all under control." She took a deep breath. "If they were to ask me for help, I would of course be honored to offer it. After all, should the Sun and Moon stop moving, it could spell disaster for both the Empire and the rest of the world."

Shining Armor forced himself to stay quiet. As worried as he was for his wife, she could make her own decisions. She didn't have to raise the Sun or Moon, not yet. If it got to that point, then both of them could face the challenge together, as they did everything else life had thrown at them.

Honeycomb spoke again for the assembly as she nonchalantly adjusted her blue and pink mane. "Rest assured, we will make sure the Sun and Moon continue to rise for the citizens of the Crystal Empire. You have nothing to fear."

Cadance nodded and smiled at the stallion who had asked the question. He gave Shining Armor a quick glance before stepping back into the crowd.

A few more petitioners came in after. Two mares were fighting over some land. A stallion complained about his daughter's teacher being ignorant of zebra history. A few merchants asked to be reassured that trade with Equestria would not suffer from the current events.

Shining Armor yawned, which earned him a stern look from his wife. One more hour and they would be done for the day. Would Cadance agree to try and look for Twilight again before they went to bed? The prince knew the chances of them finding his sister were slim, but he still wanted to try. At least he'd be doing something.

The loud sound of a flugelhorn from the back of the room interrupted his reverie. Shining noticed a pink mane first, and a lighter pink coat. There was no mistaking her; this was one of Twilight's friends. The prince had never gotten to know Pinkie Pie that well, although he had met her on plenty of occasions. He had read about her from his sister's letters and from what he had seen in person, he knew her to be extremely cheerful and energetic. But what is she doing in the Crystal Empire?

She was followed by a familiar-looking baby dragon. Spike had become a bit of a legend after delivering the Crystal Heart to Cadance when the Empire first returned from its banishment. Many ponies recognized him and bowed respectfully.

Pinkie Pie bounced up to the front of the room, ponies naturally letting her pass. Shining Armor turned toward his wife who smiled warmly. "Pinkie? Spike? What brings the two of you to the Empire?" Shining asked.

Pinkie Pie stepped forward and spoke without hesitation with a beaming smile. "Well, I know you said you couldn't help out in Equestria because of that silly treaty, but I think you're letting friends down! I'm here to convince you to come back. Rarity could use your help and I'm sure with the smarty pants unicorns at the magic academy, you could find Twilight in no time!"

One of the more loud mouthed councilors, Golden Crop, immediately spoke. "Your Highness, this is outrageous! These outsiders have no business asking of us to endanger the Empire in affairs that are not our own!"

Honeycomb raised a hoof, "Let her speak, Councilor Golden Crop. She's accompanied by the national hero Spike. We should at least hear them out."

The pink pony smiled at the assembly leader. "Thanks, I promise cupcakes if you do." She grinned at the assembly before taking on a more inquisitive expression, raising an eyebrow. "I'm wondering though. Why don't you want to help Equestria? Aren't we all friends?"

"The Crystal Empire is protected by its neutrality," Honeycomb explained. "We're a small nation and we stay out of other countries' affairs, including Equestria."

Shining's wife offered Pinkie her own explanation, "The assembly is afraid that if we involve ourselves, I might have the Equestrian throne thrust upon me and no longer be able to protect the Crystal Empire."

"It could also give the Empire unneeded attention and eventually drag us into Equestria's conflicts," Honeycomb completed.

Pinkie Pie nodded. "I understand, but I'd still like to say something, if you would all hear me."

"As a courtesy to your previous service to the Empire, you may proceed" Honeycomb replied flatly.

From what he knew of Pinkie Pie, Shining Armor should not have been surprised by what happened next: the pink pony started singing as Spike accompanied her on a ukulele. She began her act by jumping behind Cadance's throne, climbing on it so she could sing hanging from the top.

"Oh Cadance, Cadance, Cadance, your friends really need you.
We've lost Twilight, we split apart we don't know what to do.
With your help I have no doubt that we can make it through.
If you look deep within your heart you know that it is true."

The energetic pony followed her act with a jump from Cadance's throne to Shining Armor himself, forcing him to catch her as she hooked her leg around his neck. Spike somehow used the distraction to climb on the other side of the throne, the large chair now holding two ponies and the baby dragon.

"Shining, Shining, Shining, we need your help a lot.
I'm sure you could make things better if you gave it a shot.
Helping friends is always fun and easy as a trot.
So come with me, we'll spread some cheers from here to Canterlot."

Pinkie galloped toward the crowd with Spike on her back. She allowed the baby dragon to slide off as she took on her back two little colts Shining hadn't even noticed. She carried them for a ride as she jumped through the crowd.

"Crystal ponies, crystal ponies, please listen to me.
Don't let fear keep you from being the ponies you can be.
Last time you were in trouble, we helped in a jiffy.
Now if you'd help us out you'd each be an awesome pony!"

Pinkie finished her act with her hooves around two crystal ponies' necks, both of them sporting large smiles. Shining Armor did not fail to notice these ponies getting hostile stares from others in the crowd. It would take more than a song to convince the Empire's citizens, it seemed.

Shining found himself enjoying Pinkie's musical petition. His wife could not hide a smile, although they both shared a concerned look. As much as they wanted to help out, they knew the assembly would never approve.

The six district representatives stared blankly at the pink pony, confirming the prince's suspicions. "This is all very amusing, but it doesn't change our stance: the Crystal Empire does not involve itself in Equestrian affairs," Honeycomb firmly replied. The others nodded in unison.

"What kind of help would you ask for?" Cadance asked. "While it's true my ability to act is limited, maybe I can do something for you." Shining's wife silenced the assembly with a stare before any of them could protest.

Spike stepped forward to answer. "We want Cadance and Shining Armor to return to Equestria with us. We could really use their help in finding Twilight and reuniting Princess Luna with the Canterlot ponies. We just need them for a little while, then they can return here after."

The ponies in the room gasped at the request. "They can't take away Princess Cadance!"

"But it's Spike, the hero who saved us!"

"The Crystal Heart would die out without our princess!"

Shining Armor stood up, his years of training as a guard kicking in. His horn illuminated the room with a bright flash of light. "Calm down everypony! Let the assembly debate this."

The prince's interruption seemed to work as the crystal ponies slowly quieted down, allowing their representatives to speak. As expected, Honeycomb spoke first. "While we do recognize the immense contribution both of you made to the Empire, we simply cannot allow Princess Cadance to leave. Our safety depends on the Crystal Heart, and the Heart depends on the princess. We cannot risk having her spend time away from us."

"Let's not forget the Empire's neutrality," another councilor, Rose Quartz, added. "Should things go sour in regard to the Equestrian succession, the last thing we need is to be involved." This comment earned her a frown from Shining Armor, one Rose did not seem to notice.

"Your Highnesses," Honeycomb continued, turning toward Shining and Cadance. "We do feel for the Equestrian ponies and recognize the immense service both Pinkie and Spike offered our nation. We should, however, remember that the Crystal Treaty was signed for a reason. The Crystal Heart and the citizens of the Empire are the priority here. Is it worth risking it all over a situation Equestria might very well resolve on its own?"

Cadance looked down with a sigh. "As much as I would love to help you, Pinkie, I can't leave the Empire. The best I can offer is to try and locate Twilight again through magical means later tonight. You two are free to attend, of course."

"That's it?" Spike asked. "But Twilight needs you. Everypony in Equestria does!"

Pinkie Pie placed a hoof on Spike's shoulder. "It'll be okay Spikey," she said, giving him a comforting smile before turning toward the royal couple. "Cadance, Shining, I hope you don't mind if we both stay for a few days?"

Shining Armor glanced at his wife, who nodded. "Of course, stay as long as you want. Consider yourselves guests of the castle," he said.

"Thank you," Pinkie replied with her usual smile, although the prince could tell the expression was a bit forced. "I still hope you'll change your mind. I know that deep down, you all want to help. You still all deserve a little thank you for listening to me." The pink pony gave each councilor, as well as Shining and Cadance, a cupcake. The smell of strawberry frosting made Shining's mouth water, despite his attempt at self-control.

As the earth pony mare and baby dragon returned to the crowd, Shining Armor could not help but worry about them. He wanted more than anything to give them the help they wanted, but Cadance was right; their responsibilities lay here, in the Empire. He nibbled on his cupcake, silently thanking Pinkie for the tasty distraction.

Shining Armor sighed as the next petitioner stepped up toward the thrones. Just another hour of holding court and it would finally be over.

Shining and Cadance had taken the rest of the day to show Pinkie Pie and Spike around the castle. Not much had changed since their last visit, so time was mostly spent reminiscing about happier times. Pinkie told them about a party she threw in Ponyville, and then her friends splitting up.

It was early in the evening when the group arrived in the royal quarters. Cadance and her husband kept a private living room where they could receive friends without being disturbed. It was modestly decorated, with only a few portraits placed on the walls. Most were mementos of their time in Canterlot; reminders of Cadance's life as one of Celestia's pupils, Shining's time with the royal guards, as well as old family pictures.

"Please, make yourselves at home," Cadance said as she sat on the large couch she and Shining often cuddled on in their evenings.

Pinkie jumped on a large cushion, bouncing on it a few times before grinning appreciatively and sitting down. As for Spike, he immediately headed for the tea kettle on the little table at the back of the room.

"Spike, you're a guest. We'll take care of the tea," Shining told the baby dragon. "Just make yourself comfortable."

Spike shrugged. "It's okay. I enjoy making tea. Twilight always let me handle it back home." He gave everypony in the room a somewhat weak smile.

"Be my guest, then," the prince replied. The baby dragon beamed as he got to work. It seemed Shining Armor wasn't the only one desperately looking for ways to be useful.

Shining decided it was time to ask the questions that had been eating at him. "So, Pinkie. You told me your friends all went in different directions. What was that about?"

Pinkie's ears perked up at the question. "Well, we couldn't agree on what to do. You see, Fluttershy wanted to see Discord; she thought he could help, or maybe he needed help. Apparently he's super far away in the middle of the Badlands. Rarity wanted to stay in Canterlot and make sure the snooty ponies don't turn Equestria into Boringestria or something-"

Cadance interrupted the earth pony's rapid rambling. "Wait, wait, did you say Fluttershy went into the Badlands by herself?"

"Yes, to find Discord," Spike answered as he brought a plate of miniature cakes to the central coffee table. "She was afraid whoever took Twilight was going after him too, since he's another powerful magic user."

As worried as Shining Armor was about Fluttershy, this revelation sparked in him a sense of urgency. "If this is true, could Cadance be in danger, too?" And why didn't I think of it sooner?

Pinkie stood in front of Cadance. "I'm not sure, but I was worried. It's part of why I'm here." She sounded disturbingly calm as her ears flattened.

A short moment of silence fell in the room, eventually broken by Cadance. "Well, thank you for warning me, but I'm sure I'll be safe here in the Empire. I have my guards and my husband here with me." The alicorn gave her guests a warm and confident smile.

Shining had to chime in. "I'll assign Flash Sentry as your personal bodyguard for now. I know you like to have your space, love, but I couldn't stand losing you."

"We'll talk about it later, Shining," Cadance replied with a frown before turning toward Pinkie. "I remember Rarity staying in Canterlot. What about Rainbow and Applejack?"

"Well, Applejack stayed in Ponyville and Dashie went to Cloudsdale to join the army," the pink pony explained as she settled back on her cushion.

Shining Armor interrupted her. "What? Does that mean Cloudsdale enacted the Emergency Military Act? I know it's in their constitution, but it was always considered more symbolic than practical."

"Something like that. I'm not sure about the details," Pinkie answered as she devoured one of the small cakes and accepted a cup of tea from Spike. "The letter she got was all hush hush and secrety. Nopony really knows what's going on in Cloudsdale."

"They certainly can't keep this a secret for long," Shining replied. "Sooner or later somepony in Canterlot will demand answers, if they're not behind this to begin with."

Cadance stared into the distance and her mouth was locked in a frown. "A military buildup is worrisome," she said. "I'm afraid it just gives more weight to Honeycomb's argument that we should stay out of it."

"You can't sit back and do nothing!" Pinkie exclaimed, jumping in front of Cadance again. "These are our friends! I don't want Dashie or Rarity to get stuck in... in..." Tears formed in her eyes as she grabbed on to the princess tightly.

"Let's not get carried away," Cadance responded, gently pushing Pinkie away. "For all we know it could just be a precaution. I don't think the Wonderbolts would start a civil war."

"A civil war? That would be terrible!" Spike exclaimed, dropping the tea cup he was carrying. He started nibbling on his claws, ignoring the now broken cup on the floor.

"Like I said, we shouldn't assume it'll come down to that," Cadance reassured as she picked up the broken cup with her magic. "Equestria hasn't been at war for decades. Even then, ponies were only defending their home."

Shining Armor had been listening quietly for a while. "Equestria had Celestia protecting it in the past," he said as his head tilted up. "During my time in Canterlot, I can think of a few occasions when ponies demanded more aggressive actions toward other nations. You'd be surprised how many nobles called for a crusade against the entire changeling race, Blueblood being the first of them. The princess always put a stop to this kind of talk."

Pinkie was still agitated. "But Blueblood is in charge now!" she said, this time grabbing Shining Armor. "Does it mean he'll send Equestria to war?"

Spike was now chewing on both claws. "That's terrible! What are we gonna do?"

"Calm down, please, both of you," Shining said louder than he expected, his old military reflex kicking in. "I'm worried too, but panic won't solve anything." The prince sighed and took a deep breath. "We don't actually know what Blueblood will do. Let's keep things in perspective for now."

"I think Cadance should take the throne," Pinkie said flatly. "At least until we find Twilight. Rarity's doing what she can, but she needs help. We all do. Please Cadance, do it for your friends!"

There was a moment of silence as everyone turned toward Shining's wife. The prince expected an explanation, a plan, a compromise. Instead, Cadance uttered a single word. "No."

Spike reacted first, jumping in front of the princess. "What do you mean 'no'? You can't just say 'no'! What about our friends in Equestria?"

"And what about our friends here in the Empire?" Cadance replied in a harsher tone than usual. "I do want to go to Equestria and help fix everything as much as the rest of you. It's just more complicated than that."

"It doesn't have to be complicated. Just do it if you want to!" Pinkie said, staring straight at Cadance. "Helping friends should always come first."

Cadance sighed and took a deep breath, placing her hoof over her heart. It was an exercise Shining often saw her practice when she seemed stressed. "Not at the expense of other friends, Pinkie. If I were to claim the throne in Canterlot, the crystal ponies would have to fend for themselves. Even if it were only temporary, you said yourself somepony could be looking to harm me. By going to Canterlot I would put myself at their mercy. Whoever went after Twilight would no doubt go after me."

As much as Shining Armor wanted he and his wife to follow Pinkie back to Equestria, he had to admit Cadance was right. He could not ask her to throw herself into danger like that. "You're right, my love," he admitted with a sigh.

"So we give up? Just like that?" Pinkie asked. Shining Armor hated seeing her spirit break, but he was powerless.

Cadance's face slowly transformed into a smile. Shining recognized the expression; his wife just had an idea. "Maybe not. Maybe we can do something."

"What?" asked Spike, his eyes brightening. "Can you teleport Twilight here? Bring Celestia back? Make me gigantic so I can save everypony?" The baby dragon jumped on the table and roared as loudly as his small lungs would allow, pretending to be full grown.

Everypony in the room giggled at Spike's antics. "I don't think Cadance has anything so drastic in mind," the prince suggested.

"Not quite, no," the princess said. "But with Pinkie and Spike here, perhaps I stand a better chance of detecting Twilight. Both of them have a special connection to her. You too, love. Maybe I can draw on that to force a connection and get an idea of where she is through a scrying spell."

"It sounds too simple," Shining said, a frown returning to his face. "Is that really all it takes? Our love for Twilight and some positive thinking?"

Pinkie jumped up and down. "If Cadance says she can do it, then that's all I need. Let's do it!"

Spike cheered in approval. "I'm in too. Just tell me what to do!"

"It's simple," Cadance explained. "We're going to use the Crystal Heart."

Shining looked at his wife and raised an eyebrow. "I remember your last attempt at using the heart. It didn't work then. Why would it work now?"

"Doesn't the heart protect the Empire?" Spike asked. "I don't understand how it could be used to locate somepony."

"The Heart is a repository of love," the princess explained. "While nopony fully understands it and its magic, I know it can be used in bringing loved ones back together. If I try to focus a spell on it using the love we all feel for Twilight, I believe we might have a chance."

"Let's get going then!" Pinkie said, already bolting toward the door.

They all stood and left the room. Shining Armor saw Flash Sentry in the hallway with two crystal guards and motioned for them to follow. Better have them around, just in case the crowd got too curious. If being married to an alicorn taught the prince anything, it was that magic rituals should never be interrupted.

The blue-maned pegasus guard nodded. "Going for a walk, Shin... I mean Your Highness?"

The prince smiled at his old friend. "Cadance wants to try and locate Twilight using the Crystal Heart. We just need you to make sure nopony disturbs us." He then added an afterthought. "You don't need to be so formal around Pinkie Pie and Spike. They're old friends."

"You got it, boss!" Flash said with a subtle smile, motioning for the two crystal guards to follow him.

The walk to the base of the castle was a short one. The hallways were mostly empty, most of the castle staff having already returned home. The group went down the castle's large central staircase toward the large doors leading outside the Crystal Palace. Cadance led the group to the central pillar underneath the palace, where the Crystal Heart slowly rotated.

The Princess positioned herself in front of the relic as Flash Sentry and his guards formed a perimeter around the area, in case somepony got curious. Cadance addressed the group. "I suppose I should explain what I plan on doing."

The two ponies and the dragon nodded.

Cadance smiled. "As you know, my magic is centered around love, the same way Twilight's is centered on friendship. Therefore, by focusing on the love we all share for her, I believe I might just be able to reach out to her."

"Okidoki!" Pinkie Pie replied with her usual smile, "I have plenty of happy Twilight memories I can think about."

Cadance nodded at the earth pony. "Exactly. Just like Pinkie said, focus on your memories of our friend. Spike and Shining, I know both of you grew up with her. Focus on your feelings toward Twilight as I work my magic and channel it through the Heart and try to locate her."

They all nodded in unison as Cadance's horn lit up and enveloped the Crystal Heart within a blue aura. Shining closed his eyes, thinking about how much Twilight meant to him. He pictured her joining the magic academy when she was a filly. He remembered fondly the multiple visits Twilight paid him in the Crystal Empire. He recalled with pride his wedding, the return of Sombra, and countless other adventures they shared.

Shining Armor slowly opened his eyes, smiling at the happy memories. He saw a concerned expression on Cadance's face as Pinkie jumped in front of her. "Did it work? Where's Twilight?" the earth pony asked, grabbing the princess by the shoulders.

"I'm sorry Pinkie. It didn't," she dejectedly answered.

Shining gasped, accompanied by Pinkie and Spike. "What went wrong?" the prince asked.

Cadance released a deep sigh before answering. "Something blocked my magic. It could be a protective spell, anti-magic runes, perhaps a talisman. A number of things could cause this."

"So wait, anypony can just buy a thingie and block magic?" Pinkie asked.

"Not quite," Cadance explained. "Scrying magic is fairly easy to protect against, but most talismans wouldn't protect against a direct spell."

Shining Armor started pacing back and forth. "Well, if something blocked your magic, it must mean somepony doesn't want Twilight found."

"It would make sense," Cadance said as she scratched her chin. "Alicorns are very strong magic users by nature; even Celestia's body is still leaving a magical trace in the world. Looking for Twilight, I just feel like a wall is blocking me. There's intentional interference here."

Shining stopped and swiftly turned toward his wife, his voice filled with concern. "So it just means somepony bought one of those items you mentioned?"

"Well, it would have to be a powerful one," Cadance calmly explained. "Twilight's own magic, or even Luna's could probably block my scrying magic. Perhaps a handful of gifted unicorns could accomplish it as well. Whoever it was, they know what they're doing."

Pinkie's ears slowly perked back up after an uncharacteristic moment of silence. "It's good news. It means Twilight is still alive. We can still find her."

Spike's eyes slowly met the pink pony's. "You think so, Pinkie?"

"Of course, silly," Pinkie answered, "They wouldn't be hiding her otherwise!"

Shining gasped. "You're right, Pinkie," he said with renewed vigor, "It's not a very big lead, but at least it's something."

"I'll write to Applejack and Rarity and let them know," Pinkie said. "We'll find her together!"

"I certainly hope Shining and I can do more to help," Cadance suggested. "For now, perhaps we should all get some rest."

"Yeah, I am getting pretty tired," Spike admitted with a yawn.

Pinkie allowed the baby dragon to climb on her back. "Come on, Spikey. Let's go to bed."

Shining Armor nodded at the earth pony before turning to the guards. "Flash, can you show Pinkie and Spike to one of the empty guest rooms?"

The pegasus nodded and motioned for Pinkie and Spike to follow him. They all left toward the castle, leaving Shining alone with his wife.

The prince frowned after a moment. "Love, you said Twilight or Luna could block your magic. You remember how Twily used to hide by herself a lot? Do you think she might be doing just that? This moon raising ritual must have been devastating for her."

"Do you really think she could fall back to her old habits like that?" Cadance asked. "She's come so far from the shut-in filly she used to be."

"I agree. It doesn't feel like her. But a pony died because of her spell," Shining added as his ears drooped. "It would be devastating for anypony, even my sister, strong as she is."

Cadance sighed as she placed a leg around Shining's neck, kissing him on the cheek. "Twilight is strong. If she's in hiding I know she'll come back to us. If not, Pinkie and her friends will find her." She took a deep breath and forced a smile. "Come on, let's head to bed."

Five days had passed since Pinkie Pie arrived in the Crystal Empire. Shining Armor tried returning to a somewhat normal routine. For all his worries, he couldn't just leave his entire life on hold. Pinkie had written to her friends, informing them of what they had learned through the ritual. Now all that was left was to wait and hope Applejack and Rarity could make some use out of the information Pinkie had sent them.

While Pinkie and Spike spent most of their time going around the city talking to ponies, Shining kept himself busy doing the one thing he knew best: managing the guards. He personally led training drills, inspected the barracks, even intimidated the new recruits a bit.

After what happened to Twilight, Shining could not leave Cadance unprotected. He had Flash Sentry follow her as a bodyguard whenever he could not be present himself. Guards were posted in front of the royal quarters at all times as well as around other sensitive areas in the castle. He also started performing random security inspections at different locations where his wife might end up.

Shining was in the middle of one of his drills when Flash Sentry came to join him. A group of twenty crystal ponies stood at attention, each holding a lance. They were in one of the exterior jousting fields, which consisted of a series of long lines of dirt separated by wooden barriers where ponies could charge at each others. The area was surrounded by a tall crystalline fence, and currently empty sets of seats allowed anypony to watch the drills. The only building was a small supply shed that housed the wooden lances and crystalline armor used during training.

"Who's protecting Cadance?" Shining asked in a rough tone the moment he saw Flash.

Flash recoiled slightly at Shining's tone. "She's at the spa with her stylist. She kicked me out. She said she was tired of having me follow her around."

Shining looked at his friend incredulously. "And you didn't object?"

"Well, I tried," the pegasus said hesitantly. "Your wife... I mean, Her Highness, made it clear she didn't want me around anymore." Flash closed his eyes before adding. "I left some guards outside the spa."

Shining Armor took off his helmet and massaged his temple. "I thought I made it clear you weren't supposed to leave her, Flash."

"I insisted, boss. I really did," Flash replied. "She was about to start a scene. I've rarely seen her so angry. Maybe I got in her way?"

The prince sighed heavily. He left his helmet on a nearby bench. "I suppose it's natural she'd get tired of having a bodyguard." He patted Flash on the back. "I'll talk to her tonight. As for you, just stiffen your backbone and stop being afraid of my wife."

Seemingly glad to have dodged a bullet, Flash Sentry smiled awkwardly. "So, jousting drill?"

Shining nodded as he pointed at the guards. "Yes, they're mostly new recruits and I want to see what they're capable of."

Flash grinned as he walked toward them, the prince nodding, giving him permission to address the recruits. The pegasus approached the first pony. "So, how much do you know about jousting, soldier?"

The guard stood straight as he answered. "Sir, I've won four competitions, sir!" He had a light purple coat and his mane was a mix of brown and blond. Shining Armor turned his head to get a glimpse at his cutie mark. It was a chess piece, a rook to be precise. This pony was familiar to Shining.

"I remember you," the prince said. "You petitioned the assembly a few days ago."

The soldier nodded. "Yes sir. I asked about the Sun and Moon."

"Is that why you want to join the guards?" Flash Sentry asked. "Because you think we'll get involved with what's going on in Equestria?"

The soldier gulped and looked around nervously. "Well, I don't know if I should say, sir."

Shining rolled his eyes. "Just speak freely and answer the question."

The young crystal pony cleared his throat. "Well, I've traveled a lot since the Empire returned and I've seen what the world is like. I don't think we can stay out of whatever is going on. If trouble is brewing in Equestria, then it will reach the Empire and I want to do my part to help, sir."

Shining Armor could not help but smile. If more crystal ponies thought like this one, things would be simpler. "What's your name, soldier?" he asked the guard.

"I'm Checkmate, sir."

Flash Sentry eyed the young soldier up and down. Another nod from Shining prompted him to speak. "Well, let's see what you're made of, Checkmate. Let's hope you know how to use this lance. You'll be sparring against me."

Checkmate grinned as he stepped forward, adjusting his lance. "Let me show you what I can do, sir."

Shining Armor observed as both Checkmate and Flash Sentry positioned themselves at opposite sides of the field, each on their own side of the barrier. From the look both of them shared, the prince imagined the two had jousted together before. It made sense that Flash would choose to demonstrate with a pony he was familiar with. Both took a moment to adjust their armor, making sure it was properly fastened.

Shining moved to the middle of the field and nodded at both participants. "Alright troops, this is how it's done," he told the recruits. "Take notes. You'll all be expected to practice the same moves afterwards."

The prince turned toward the participants and raised his leg in the air. "Flash, Checkmate, are you ready?" Once both jousters nodded their head in his direction, Shining quickly lowered his leg in a straight arc. "Charge!"

The jousters stared at each other, scraping the dirt with their hooves before charging. Both ponies seemed to have good control of their lance — Flash held it a bit high, but used his wing to readjust it. As for Checkmate, he kept his weapon straight and his head low. When they were about to hit each other, the crystal pony ducked to his left side, forcing the pegasus to tilt his lance further. It did allow Flash to lower his head and dodge the weapon, ending the first charge in a draw.

They quickly repositioned themselves and went for another charge. This time, Checkmate pushed his opponent's lance with his own as they were about to connect, resulting in Flash getting destabilized and hit in the chest. The pegasus was thrown into one of the hay stacks laying on the side of the field.

Shining Armor could not help but laugh. This young recruit certainly managed to prove himself. "Well done, soldier. It's been a long time since I've seen Flash fall that fast."

Checkmate smiled as he explained. "Well, I noticed he used his wing to stabilize his lance, a common mistake made by pegasus jousters. A pony should use his entire body to control his weapon, sir." The young soldier gave the prince a smug smile.

Shining chuckled quietly before turning toward the recruits. "Alright gang, you've seen how it's done. Pick a partner and start practicing."

The prince trotted toward Flash Sentry, who was slowly getting up. The pegasus spat some hay he accidentally got in his mouth when he fell into the stack. "Darn, that soldier hits hard."

Shining Armor grinned at his friend. "It's easy to forget jousting is such a popular sport around here. Most recruits have been doing it for years."

"I know Checkmate is good at it," Flash replied. "I just didn't expect him to be that good."

Shining raised an eyebrow. "So you do know him. I suspected you'd pick a sparring partner you were familiar with."

Flash Sentry nodded. "I saw him joust at the last harvest festival. Ever since then I've been hoping he would consider signing up."

As they were talking, Shining spotted Checkmate helping a younger mare with her position. The young stallion certainly seemed resourceful. As usual, Flash had a good eye for talent.

"I should check out on my wife, but I suppose I can give the recruits a few tips before I go," Shining told his friend as he motioned toward the guards. "You'll be okay with handling the training here?"

"I got it," the pegasus said as he brushed the last of the hay out of his mane.

Shining Armor gave the trainees another quick look. He trotted between them and offered some advice in the midst of lances clashing against armors. "Don't be afraid to charge, Goldie," he told one mare. "You there, keep that lance stable if you wanna stand a chance," he suggested to a blond-maned stallion.

The trainees seemed to have a good grasp on things. Shining gave them one last look before quietly taking off, letting Flash handle things. He trotted out through the front gate, taking on as fast a pace as he could toward the spa.

Shining had been walking for a few minutes when he slammed his face with his hoof. Ponyfeathers! I forgot my helmet.

The prince sighed and turned around, making his way back to the jousting grounds. He considered just leaving the helmet there and trusting Flash would pick it up for him, but decided it was better to go back. The piece of armor was a memento from his time as Canterlot's captain of the guards. Beside, he had just polished it and didn't want to risk leaving it outside for the night.

As he softly trotted back onto the grounds, the prince heard a familiar voice whisper from a corner. "...Not here, somepony might report to Shining and everything would be ruined. We'll talk at the meeting tonight."

Shining's ear twitched. Did he hear correctly? It sounded like Flash, but in the midst of crashing lances and ponies screaming as they charged each other, he could have misheard. Shining turned his head and saw Flash moving away from Checkmate.

What were these ponies hiding? Flash Sentry never mentioned that he knew Checkmate personally, only that he saw him joust in the past. Whatever they were going on about, they wanted Shining out of it. Flash was one of his closest friends though; why would he keep such secrets? Shining Armor trotted toward the pegasus. He attempted to control his breathing. The thought of his best friend lying to him was not a pleasant pill to swallow.

Flash Sentry jumped when he saw the prince. "Boss, I thought you had left," he said as his right ear twitched nervously.

"Forgot my helmet," Shining said as he picked it up with his magic. "I trust everything's alright here?"

"Everything's fine, as you can see," Flash replied, taking a glance at something behind the prince.

Shining Armor turned around. As expected, Checkmate was there, looking at them. "Problem, soldier?" he asked.

"N... No sir. I was just about to get back to drills."

Darn it, what the hay is going on? Shining Armor thought about confronting them, but they would probably just deny it. Better to let it go for now and be more subtle about it later. 'Stick a spy on them,' Silvermane used to say in similar situations, back when she was a lieutenant under his command. Perhaps it was time to follow her advice.

"Well, get to it," Shining said gruffly as he put his helmet back on. "Flash, I'll let you return to your troops."

The prince had a sudden thought for Cadance. Did he really leave her all this time with a pony who might be part of a conspiracy? Shining left the training grounds as fast as he could without showing too much distress. The moment he was back in the streets he galloped toward the spa.

Shining rushed through the streets of the Crystal Empire, ignoring the various crystal ponies whispering around him. No doubt his behavior attracted attention, but at this very moment, the prince only cared about one thing: his beloved Cadance's safety.

The spa was surrounded by guards, just like Flash said. Shining Armor counted three, no wait, four of them. Outside of their presence, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He motioned for one of them to come to him.

"Take my helmet back to the castle and have one of the servants bring it to my quarters," he ordered as he gave the object to the guard.

"Yes Sir!" The guard said, grabbing the helmet and heading out in a canter.

The prince sighed as he eyed the spa. He adjusted his mane as he walked to the front door and entered the establishment.

Shining might have opened the door a bit too hard as everypony inside turned abruptly toward him. The spa was a large round building, actually only consisting of one large room. A few ponies were relaxing in the mud bath while others received massages on the large beds. A few staff ponies were busy gathering dirty towels in a corner. As all of them stopped what they were doing to stare at the prince, Shining noticed his wife's silhouette behind a privacy blind, in the back of the room.

"Oh, uuh, don't mind me. I was just coming to see my wife," he announced awkwardly as most ponies shrugged off his presence and returned to their activities.

When Shining Armor walked behind the blind, he found Cadance calmly getting a massage while wearing a mud mask complete with slices of cucumber over her eyes. She seemed relaxed and completely oblivious to her husband's presence while the pony massaging her wings frowned at Shining.

"Whew, I'm so glad you're alright, love," he told her, a huge weight off his shoulders.

Cadance slowly acknowledged him. "Wh... why wouldn't I be?"

The prince looked to his left, then to his right, making sure nopony was listening in. "Well, first I heard Flash Sentry left you alone, then I overheard.... perhaps we should talk in private." He stared at the masseuse, a pink-coated crystal pony mare with a folded towel for a cutie mark.

"Shining, I get that you're worried, but this is getting ridiculous," Cadance said with a sigh. "Can't I relax for one day without you imagining some threat or another?"

"But love, this is serious," he replied before leaning down and whispering to his wife. "I overheard talk of a conspiracy."

For a moment, Cadance said nothing. She then waved the masseuse away and sat up with a grunt. Shining Armor stayed silent as his wife cleaned the mask off her face. He knew her well and was aware of what the silent treatment meant. He'd gone too far and she was mad. The princess sighed again and took a deep breath. When she finally spoke, her tone left no room for arguments. "Alright Shining, tell me what you've seen, but you better not be chasing shadows."

Shining Armor looked down at his hooves with guilt. He might have overdone it with the security precautions. "Look, love, I'm sorry. I just wouldn't be able to stand it if anything were to-"

"You have my attention now," she retorted, not letting him finish his sentence. Her expression mellowed at she stared her husband in the eyes. "Look, I know you're worried, but this can't keep up. I can't have guards following me everywhere, tasting my meals, and looking through my stuff."

"I... I understand, love, but I have to keep you safe. You remember what Pinkie and Spike said-"

"I do," Cadance answered. "But we have to find some middle ground. I'm all for extra security, but this is too much. Just today, do you know how many spa patrons complained about the guards?"

"Alright, I'll try to ease up things a bit," Shining acquiesced as he raised a hoof. "But I want you to promise you'll keep a bodyguard close when leaving the castle."

Cadance finally smiled. "Alright, love, I'll let Flash follow me as long as he doesn't keep anypony from actually talking to me."

Shining Armor's expression darkened as he lowered his voice. "It won't be Flash. I'm not sure I can trust him anymore."

"You can't trust Flash Sentry?" Cadance asked, concern in her voice. "He's your best friend. What could possibly make you distrust him?"

Shining Armor averted his eyes again and sighed heavily. "I heard him say something. It was about a meeting and keeping me away from it, hoping I wouldn't stand in his way."

"I have a hard time imagining Flash Sentry as a conspirator," Cadance replied. "Are you sure you haven't misheard him?"

"Maybe I did," Shining admitted. "It all happened during jousting drills. I still can't risk it. Between Twily being gone, the assembly refusing to help Pinkie, all those troubling news from Equestria, and the Sombra cultists, we can't be too careful."

Cadance gave her husband a reassuring smile as she placed a hoof on his shoulder. "The Sombra cultists have always been inoffensive. You know they're just a small leftover group from those darker days. As for Equestria, we talked about it. Any involvement from the Empire would only drag us into their internal affairs. We have the crystal ponies to protect. How can we hope to perform our duty if we get dragged in the Equestrian succession?"

Shining frowned. "You may be right, but I still want to make sure everything is okay. I'll investigate the matter and order the guards to leave the spa. I'll only leave one to act as your bodyguard."

Cadance nodded in agreement. "Alright love, if it makes you feel safer. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going back to relaxing." She gave him a quick kiss before laying on her mattress again. "You know, you should accompany me at the spa sometime. I think you could do with a bit of relaxation."

"I'll see you tonight," Shining replied, ignoring the invitation. "I love you Cadance."

"I love you Shining"

The prince left for a quick walk. Training would likely last for a few more hours. Afterwards he would follow Flash to this supposed meeting.

Royal guard training had never covered trailing another pony; Shining Armor learned this skill through the mischief he used to get into with Twilight back when they were foals. He did find it useful a few times over the years, specifically the one time a thief snuck into Canterlot Castle. Shining had managed to trail the criminal to his hideout and save the royal guards weeks of investigation.

Now, the prince was about to use those skills against his best friend. He waited in a dark alley between two buildings, right in front of the training grounds where Flash Sentry was still leading drills. The sounds of training were dying down. He could tell the recruits would soon be heading home.

From his vantage point, Shining could not see the training grounds themselves. He did, however, have an unrestricted view of the arena's one exit. Unless somepony decided to jump the fence, he would be able to keep track of who came and left.

Shining recalled every recruit's face and cutie mark. He had always made it a point to remember the ponies under his command; if they were going to follow his orders then the least he could do was to know who they were. He made mental notes of who left, and in whose company. So far, nothing seemed strange. The one thing that bothered the prince was that neither Flash nor Checkmate had left the area yet.

Shining Armor waited for what seemed like an eternity. Was Flash onto him? The prince did his best to routinely scan the sky in case the pegasus decided to fly away. Perhaps he had missed him? That still did not explain why Checkmate hadn't left. Shining was about to abandon caution and check for himself when he heard hoofsteps coming from the training ground. Sure enough, Flash and Checkmate were leaving the arena together. Both of them had left their armor behind, although the pegasus carried a set of saddlebags.

Now came the hard part. As both ponies made their way toward the east part of the city, Shining began following. While he considered himself decent at moving stealthily, the Crystal Empire was not the best place for the exercise; the streets tended to be large and well lit. The Sun was about to go down, so Shining would have darkness on his side soon. For now though, he would have to follow from a distance and hope he wasn't noticed.

The two conspirators seemed deep in conversation. While Shining did not want to risk getting close enough to hear what they said, he could tell they had plenty to talk about. This seemed to lend credence to the prince's theory that the two ponies knew each other already.

After a few blocks, Flash and Checkmate trotted down a dark alley. Shining Armor cursed under his breath, "hayfeathers." He would have to position himself to see them without being spotted. He didn't want to lose them, but could not risk being discovered either. At least he could see their shadows. They seemed to have stopped moving.

Shining had to get closer. He saw a pile of crates near the alley where the two conspirators went. Hiding behind them would not allow him to see the two ponies, but it would bring him close enough that he might overhear their conversation. Hopefully getting this close would not get him caught. Shining slowly made his way to the hiding spot on the tip of his hooves, certain not to alert Flash and Checkmate.

The sounds the prince heard made it seem like somepony was rummaging through some bags, presumably Flash. Fabric being unfolded perhaps? Shining wasn't sure. He did, however, hear the ponies speak. "Do we really have to wear these, Flash?" The voice was unmistakably Checkmate's.

"We don't want to be recognized, not yet," Flash's voice responded. "Once we have enough support and we can go public, then subterfuge won't be necessary. For now, there are ponies who would do anything to stop what we're trying to do."

"Alright, let's just hurry up and get there. I don't want to be late," Checkmate answered.

A few moments later, Shining heard hoofsteps coming out of the alley before continuing down the street in their initial direction. The prince risked a peak from behind the crates and saw two ponies wrapped in brown cloaks, obviously the two conspirators.

Shining Armor kept trailing the two ponies all the way to the industrial district, where various warehouses and factories could be found. It made sense. This district was always quiet and abandoned at night.

They finally stopped at a nondescript warehouse made of the familiar crystalline material used in Crystal Empire architecture, this one of a light blue color. Shining saw both ponies head toward a small door on the side. He quickly hid on the side of a large building as Flash turned toward Shining's general direction, waiting for the last minute to see if he had been followed. If the situation were different, Shining Armor would have been disappointed in his friend's sloppiness. The pegasus shook his head and followed Checkmate inside the warehouse, closing the door behind him.

The prince got as close to the door as he could without risking other conspirators noticing him. Flash mentioned other ponies. Who knew how many could be coming? Shining had a sudden moment of doubt and turned his head around. Nopony seemed to be there. Hopefully his vigilance hadn't failed him.

The door appeared simple and ordinary except for one feature: a rough drawing of a balloon. Could this be a marker indicating the meeting's location? Perhaps the conspirators changed venues regularly and needed to rely on such signs, or maybe they expected new members and used such a symbol to guide them to the proper place?

The symbol itself also worried Shining. Pinkie Pie had balloons for a cutie mark. Could this be a conspiracy against her? Perhaps it was the opposite and she started the movement? The prince never pictured the optimistic earth pony for the type to plot in secret, but then there was a lot about this particular friend of Twilight he didn't know.

Shining circled around the building, looking for a window or other opening from which he could watch or listen in. The few that he could reach were too dirty to see through. As far as he could see, they were all closed. He couldn't see or hear a thing. He considered opening one of the windows, but didn't believe he could do so without making noise and attracting attention. Perhaps he could simply go in? Maybe call in some guards as backup? He was about to do as much, but decided against it; he did not want to leave the scene in case the conspirators started to move.

The prince sat down to think behind the warehouse. He had to move and fast, else he would miss whatever was going on inside. He also risked detection the longer he lingered here. His eyes moved around the scene, spotting some garbage cans, other buildings, a ladder...

Realization struck him. Of course, the ladder! Most warehouses had a roof trap, allowing pegasus delivery ponies to quickly leave their cargo without disturbing anypony else. Surely this building would be no different. Shining Armor rushed toward the steps only to slow down upon reaching them; it would be stupid to get overly excited and start making noise while he was so close to an answer.

The prince slowly climbed to the top of the warehouse. One advantage of crystal ladders was that they did not creak the way the wooden ones did. This allowed the prince to get to the top faster than he expected. As he had hoped, he found a large passage on top of the structure. A sliding door kept it partially closed, but luck was on Shining's side as there was an opening just large enough for him to see through.

Shining Armor finally managed to take a look inside. He could see a gathering of ponies, twenty, maybe thirty of them. He managed to make out Flash Sentry as well as a few other familiar faces, some of them ponies who worked at the castle, as well as a few guards. He spotted Checkmate talking to... Spike? It was definitely the baby dragon; he was unmistakable. If he was part of this conspiracy, then without a doubt Pinkie Pie would show up soon as well.

Shining quickly became aware of another problem. The ponies were talking, but he couldn't hear them. The warehouse was two stories high and the sound of the wind drowned out the conversations happening below. The prince spotted a small office in a corner that would be the perfect hiding place. It connected to the larger room through a small wooden door. A larger window allowed anypony working there to see the warehouse. Since the small office had no ceiling, Shining could see it clearly from his vantage point. Moving there without being noticed would, however, prove nearly impossible.

Perhaps there was a possibility. Shining was nowhere near his sister or his wife as far as magical ability went, but he could still manage a few spells better than the average unicorn, one of which was teleportation. He never completely mastered the spell, but Twilight did take some time to teach him whenever the two of them had some free time.

Shining stared at his destination for a minute. He would have to perform the spell perfectly if he wanted to teleport in a way that wouldn't get him spotted. A botched spell might also create magical discharges that would attract attention, the very thing he wanted to avoid.

No more hesitation! The prince gathered magical energy in his horn and mentally recited the words of power that activated the teleportation spell. 'From there to here, here to there, let me travel through thin air'

As he released the energy from his horn, Shining Armor closed his eyes and pictured the small office. He created a mental image of the dirty desk filled with papers, the crooked chair behind it. He thought about the large file cabinet next to which he wanted to appear. He finally felt his entire body shift as he lay down on the ground, refusing to open his eyes.

Voices could be heard. Did they spot him? Shining did not dare move a muscle. After a few long seconds that seemed like an eternity, he noticed the ponies were still talking to one another. He slowly opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings. He was exactly where he wanted to be, in the small office, next to the file cabinet. He had a hard time seeing anypony, but he could make out bits of conversations.

"Wow, I didn't think so many ponies would come!"

"Is it true we're getting free cupcakes?"

"Really, I'm all for helping out, but what chance do we have?"

"I heard Shining Armor might join us eventually."

The prince still couldn't make out what the meeting was about, but did raise an eyebrow as his name was mentioned. He heard voices slowly quieting down as hoofsteps could be heard; somepony else just walked in the room.

"I'm so glad you all came. As promised, I brought cupcakes for everypony!" There was no mistaking Pinkie Pie's voice. Shining had to admit he never imagined anypony would join a conspiracy over a promise of free cupcakes.

Shining's ears twitched as Pinkie began. "I'm sure you all know why we're here. Equestria is in trouble and we need the Crystal Empire, but your assembly are being meanie-pants and don't want to help! Well, not if you all have something to say about it!"

Shining heard the ponies cheer. So this is what Pinkie was up to. It all started making sense. Flash Sentry was a pegasus, native to Equestria. Checkmate had already shown interest in helping the southern nation. Both of them were only nervous about Shining putting an end to their meeting. As for Pinkie Pie, this was indeed the next logical step for her. If she couldn't convince the assembly, she would convince the ponies the assembly listened to: the population who had elected them.

Pinkie continued, interrupting Shining's thoughts. "I know Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor would help if you all want them to. What you all need to do is simple. Convince your friends, your family, your mailpony, everypony you know. Once there's enough of you, then we go to the assembly and ask them to change their mind!"

"You really think we can reverse the assembly's decision?" a mare asked.

"Sure," Spike's voice replied. "If enough ponies want to help Equestria, they're sure to agree and help us out."

A younger sounding stallion spoke up next. "What can we do though? The Crystal Empire doesn't have the same kind of resources as Equestria."

"It's not a question of how much," Pinkie's voice answered, "It's a question of whom. Cadance or Shining Armor could help calm things down."

"They'll never agree," Flash Sentry retorted. "Well, I think Shining Armor might see things our way, but Cadance will play it safe. Our best option is to convince Shining to accompany us to Equestria. Hopefully his influence will be enough."

"No offense, Flash," an older sounding mare said, "but what Equestria needs is a true alicorn princess. The only help the Empire could offer would be Princess Cadance assuming the throne."

"Remember that Prince Shining Armor is Princess Twilight's brother," a familiar sounding voice said. Was it Checkmate? Shining wasn't certain as the office wall partly drowned out his voice. "He was also the captain of the Canterlot guards. Ponies in Equestria will listen to him."

All of this was a lot to take in for Shining Armor. Perhaps he could make a difference? Would the assembly allow it though? Would Cadance? He considered revealing himself for a moment, but did not dare. He had to know more.

"Will the prince even agree to this?" another female voice asked. Shining thought it might be the same one who first asked about changing the assembly's mind.

"Only way to find out is asking him," Spike replied.

The voice Shining thought might be Checkmate's spoke again. "Once we tell him though, everypony will know about our plans. We have to be sure about it."

The prince then heard Pinkie's familiar giggle. "Oh, I think Shining already knows."

"Why do you think that?" Flash asked.

"Cause he's hiding in the corner listening to us, silly!" The pink pony replied in her usual cheerful voice.

What? Shining Armor could not believe his ears. He has been spotted? How long had Pinkie known? From the collective gasp the prince heard, nopony else had seen him. Shining Armor stared at the wall in front of him. He dared not move a muscle.

"Pinkie, you can't be serious!" Flash exclaimed. Is that a hint of panic in his voice?

Shining Armor knew there was only one thing to do. He slowly stood up from his hiding place and stared at the group of ponies through the large window connecting the office to the warehouse floor. They were mostly local crystal ponies, although a few Equestrian breeds could also be found. A few of them stepped back as he revealed himself, their expressions ranging from shock, to pleading, to a few hopeful smiles. Pinkie Pie knowingly stared at him with her ever present enthusiastic smile and playful blue eyes.

"You really don't give up easy, do you Pinkie?" Shining asked, stepping out of the office.

The pink pony shook her head. "Not when it's about helping friends."

Shining Armor stepped toward the group. Dust and grime had gathered in his mane and coat while he was sneaking around and he probably didn't make for a very impressive sight. He brushed his mane once, hoping to get some of it off. "Well, I'm here now," he said. "You all might as well make your case." It was probably the best thing to do at this point; avoid a confrontation and hear them out.

Pinkie was about to say something but Flash Sentry stepped forward and blocked her way as his eyes met the prince's. "Look, Shining. I should have come to you sooner. I realize it now. All of us here, we just want to help Equestria. For some of us, it's our home. Others are crystal ponies who made friends with Equestrian ponies. Just look at Jade Charm here," the pegasus pointed at a green-coated crystal mare, "she married an earth pony trader from Manehattan."

Jade Charm nodded as she leaned against her husband, a bright red earth pony with a light blue short mane.

"It is too much to ask for a chance to help out?" Checkmate asked.

Shining Armor turned toward Spike and Pinkie Pie. Both stayed quiet, so the prince attempted an answer. "I get what you all want. I really do! To be honest, I agree with you all, but it's not that simple. It'll take more than this group to convince the assembly."

"Forget the assembly!" Spike said, throwing his arms in the air. "Come back with us to Equestria. I'm sure nopony can keep you from doing what you want."

"And do what?" Shining asked incredulously as he slammed his hoof on the ground. "I'm no longer the Canterlot guard captain and I was never any good at politics. I'm just as in the dark as the rest of you, about everything."

"You can keep the peace," Checkmate said, staring severely at the prince.

"How?" Shining asked.

Checkmate took a long breath before responding. "You are Princess Twilight Sparkle's brother and you are respected as the Crystal Prince. Ponies also remember your time as Canterlot's guard captain. I've traveled to the capital a few times, I know a lot of ponies do not appreciate Silvermane the same way they loved you. If you ask the Canterlot nobles for help, they will give it to you."

"And what would I ask them?" Shining Armor asked as he let out an exasperated breath.

Pinkie Pie chose this moment to step in, jumping next to the prince and putting her hoof around his neck. "Easy peasy, ask them to let Luna come back. Then we can settle all this and go find Twilight together!"

The prince shook his head and gently pushed the enthusiastic pony away. "It's really not that simple. Checkmate said Silvermane isn't too popular, well Luna isn't either. It was always hard for her to be accepted by ponies, nobles or commoners."

"Which is precisely why she needs your help," Checkmate retorted as he pointed at Shining.

Pinkie Pie gave Shining Armor a compassionate look. "You know, Shining. Forget about all of that. You should come to Equestria with us for one reason; because beneath all that frowny doubty stuff, I know how worried you are for Twilight. Nopony should keep you from that, and Cadance will understand!"

Shining grunted in annoyance as he turned to face Pinkie Pie. "I have responsibilities, Pinkie. I can't just gallop off whenever I feel like it!"

Flash Sentry walked toward the prince and patted him on the back. "Look, Shining. You know what you can and cannot do, but for the record, I agree with Pinkie. Cadance is fully capable of managing things here, and I can see how miserable this situation is making you."

Shining brushed his friend's hoof away from his shoulder. "And leave Cadance alone? She's my wife, Flash!"

Flash Sentry did not flinch. "It's your decision. The one thing I can tell is that constant drills with the guards and random security sweeps aren't doing anypony any favors, especially not you. You want to do something concrete? Here's your chance."

The prince slammed his hoof on the ground again. "You all do what you want! If you want to run away to Equestria, do that, I won't keep you. Just remember there's no room in the crystal guard for deserters." He turned around and trotted toward the exit. Before leaving, he turned back one last time. "And stop hiding in secret. It makes you look like conspirators. Just leave me out of it!"

"Shining, please wait..." the prince heard Pinkie plead as he stormed out of the warehouse.

Shining Armor galloped by himself for the better part of an hour. He had to think and forget about his frustration before he returned to the castle, less he risked taking it out on Cadance. Physical exercise often helped him in those moments. He knew his wife was just as troubled as he was, and he did not want to upset her.

Luna's night was well under way when the prince returned to the quarters he shared with Cadance. He fully expected to find her asleep, but she was sitting on their favorite couch, reading a book. The frown she gave him reminded the stallion he was still filthy from hiding in the dirt and grime.

"Shining, what happened to you?" she asked, standing up and levitating a towel toward him.

"Long story," he answered, accepting the towel. "I followed Flash. Turns out he really was hiding something, although he doesn't mean any harm."

Cadance raised an eyebrow, prompting Shining to continue. "Him, Pinkie, and a group of maybe thirty ponies are meeting in secret to plan ways of convincing the assembly to let us to return to Equestria with them."

The princess sighed. "It was to be expected. We both knew Pinkie Pie wouldn't give up, nor should we keep her from doing what she feels is right."

"Yeah..." Shining replied, averting his eyes.

The couple shared a long moment of silence. They exchanged looks, both obviously considering the situation. Shining Armor was a married stallion, not some colt going on adventures. Capable ponies were looking for Twilight. They did not need his help. His place was here, with his wife. They had the Empire to protect.

"You want to go, don't you?" Cadance asked, interrupting his train of thought.

"Wha... I... No! What gave you that idea?" Shining asked, his eyes bulged.

The princess smiled warmly as she affectionately touched his face. "I know you, love. You're a stallion of action. Holding court and smiling at dignitaries isn't for you, not while Equestria needs help."

"So if I were to ask, you would let me go?" he asked incredulously.

Cadance nodded. "I won't keep you from doing what you have to."

"What about your safety?" he asked as his heartbeat raced.

"I'm surrounded by capable guards that you trained yourself. They will keep me safe. I can keep Flash as my bodyguard if it makes you feel safer too."

"And what about the assembly?"

"I can handle them," Cadance replied with a knowing smile. "I just want to ask you one thing. What would you do if you were to go to Equestria?"

Shining Armor took a deep breath, still not believing this was happening. He took a few steps away from his wife, considering his answer before turning back toward her. "I want to go to Canterlot and try to convince the nobility to give Luna a chance to explain herself. I want to do everything I can to unite everypony so we can find Twilight together. My name still carries weight in Canterlot. Ponies like Captain Silvermane will listen to me."

Cadance took a deep breath of her own as Shining waited nervously. Would she go as far as to let him embark on this quest? She grabbed hold to his face. "Just promise me that you won't take unnecessary risks. Promise me you'll be safe and come back to me. Promise me you'll get Twilight back, and you won't let any harm come to Pinkie, Spike or any of the others."

Shining sighed in relief. "Cadance, my love, I promise. I'll be careful and I'll do everything I can to find Twily." He pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her passionately.

After a moment, Cadance broke the kiss. "I can't let you go without something to remember me by," she said breathlessly, pulling from his legs. She walked toward the bedroom, playfully brushing his face with her tail.

Shining watched Cadance as she walked, hypnotized by the sway in her hips. She stopped in the bedroom doorway, looking back over her shoulder. "Are you coming?" she cooed.