• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,763 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

A dream

Fear. Darkness. This was one of the worst nightmares yet.

A slim finger traced across his soul.

He felt...violated.

From the darkness, a sickly light slowly seeped in, as if oozing from a wound.

"Mordane...Mordane avenge me."

This time was different than the rest. This time the dream did not dissolve. Instead solidifying and sharpening.

"How? How can I avenge you?"

The light took her physical form and smiled.

"Power...avenge me" Her hoof reached out to touch his forehead.

The shadow though reared up, and for a moment Mordane felt very small.

He reached for energy but couldn’t find any. This was the realm of dreams. He reached for his internal mana and there was so little. He needed more power. He needed to save her.

He couldn’t let this happen again.

He fumbled with the spell, for some reason he couldn’t keep it straight in his head. He tried to create a binding, tried to do anything, but his horn only fizzled.

The dark shadow swallowed the horrified Star Charmer, letting out a deep dark chuckle. Mordane felt as the shadow twisted around a single focus, for a moment he thought he saw a horn, then.

“Are you just going to keep playing around Stronghoof?”

Mordane gasped awake, his heart nearly beating out of his chest. It had been a full year since Star Charmer's death, and he’d spent almost as long as Twilight's student.

Over that time the feelings of frustration had coiled around him. Sinking deep and low, becoming dulled even.

"It's not like it was the first time." He mentally noted. Audibly sighing.

Now though, the rage was back. The feelings of loss. The rolling indignity of being thrown around like a sack of flesh.

His feelings about Star Charmer were...confusing, but Mordane wasn’t ready to let this go. Suddenly, after the dream, he just needed to DO something.

The sudden change in feeling made him weary. The thoughts felt unnatural. Like a tile on a floor not in place.

”It would be crazy to think Star Charmer is contact me. Then again, I am a human who used to possess ants for fun, who then accidentally got himself killed, who then stole into an unborn child, who then was born a magical talking horse, who then went on a trip and saw...a new flame die. Receiving messages from the dead no longer seems so implausible. Still, I should pay attention. Try not make any stupid mistakes.

Mordane sat up in his bed, stretching and looking around his small cottage. His horn lighting up, he focused, slowly drawing power from around him before casting his spell.

The coal in his stove burst alight, casting its warm glow around the room.

He quickly checked that the curtains were covering his windows and then took a moment to slip off his sleeping shirt.

Stepping to the middle of the cottage he floated over a tub then reached out and stretched his stiff wings before floating over a stiff brush and bar of soap. Floating around water from a bucket he mixed in the soap together. Dumping it over himself he picked up a cloth and got to work.

Twenty minutes later he stepped out and floated over another cloth to use for a towel before cleaning himself.

Dry and warm Mordane sat breathing heavily. The dream from the night before ripping its way through his mind.

He gripped his head.

”What am I supposed to do!? She is dead. I can’t find the necromancer. She would-” Mordane shuddered before sitting up slightly ”She would want me to move on.”

“Avenge me...”

Mordane snapped his head to the side of the voice.

His eyes narrowing to pinpricks.

His breath quickened.

His heart began to beat like a drum.

He gripped his hooves together.

He gritted his teeth.

His eyes slowly moved over to his nightstand.

There was star Swirls Journal. Containing a copy of the war magic spell. Kindle would give it easily enough.

”I could use the spell, but the consequences...”

There weren’t many options open to him. Even if he told someone, would they believe him? No. He would have to go face Blackheart alone. The colt slightly shuddered at the memory of his magic. He remembered the strength of the shield. Mordane was stronger now, and could maybe match that, but he needed something to push it over the edge.

I suppose I could take the risk. I sat aside that idea for until my mark came in. The unknown is just too much. It could magically cripple me in the future.

Both Kindle and Luna had warned him against trying to use it before he gained a cutie mark, but it was exactly the kind of advantage he needed.

He reached under the table and pulled out a clean book. Opening it he saw in his own horn writing the notes of Luna.

He had made a copy shortly after coming to ponyville. The original proving too old and fragile to read on the regular.

At nights he would open it again and read some of the entries. The rage in it speaking to him as if from a kindred spirit a millennia ago.

He knew that she had been broken back then. The weight of challenging her sister was on every page and he knew them by heart. Each line preserved by his painstaking copy.

He opened to the correct page without flipping, knowing exactly which one it was.

It was exactly as he remembered: Complicated.

”I’m going to need to get some supplies.”

He inhaled and smoothed his beating heart. Breathing in and out he focused and drew him mind. Pushing away all the fear and uncertainty.

In the end he needed the power.

Decision made, he prepared what he could for the ritual in his satchel and donned his cloak and the amulet.

Prepared for the day he threw open the door and trotted out.

The feeling of being watched made his fur as bristles.

It didn't take long to make it to Ponyville proper. The town still sported mostly thatched roofed buildings thrown together as an afterthought, at least, by Mordanes assessment. Still, the population was increasing as ponies came for the decreased regulation under Twilight’s leadership. She hadn’t yet gained the ability to tax but she told Mordane she was ‘working on it’.

Crossing over the small hill Mordane eyes came to rest on the only thing it really could.

The huge, fucking, gaudy, nightmare inducing, eyesore that was Twilight’s new crystal castle.

Not two months ago Mordane had watched as the thing had grown out of the very earth.

His mind flashed back to the day...

Mordane is alone in his cabin, outside he hears a large crashing.

Already use to the peculiarities of living in Ponyville, he reaches for his hazmat suit and pokes his head out.

There he sees a giant centaur apparently sucking out souls.

He decides that perhaps staying wouldn’t be in his best interest.

Pulling his bug out bag out from its hidy whole Mordane breaks into a dead run into the forest.

Even as he is running though he can feel the creatures strange magic pulling on his own.

It doesn’t take long to figure out what is happening. He clamps down on his magic exercising strong will. Trying to think of something that could protect him. Some strong magical field.

His mind goes to the elements and the tree of harmony Twilight mentioned. But he was unsure of where it was.

“Where do you think you’re going!”

The giant creature was on him in an instant. Crashing through the forest

“No pony escapes from me!”

Mordane couldn’t resist the pull when its source was this close. Slowly, like draining down a small faucet he felt as his power was pulled away.

His wings became cold. His horn frigid and eyes foggy.

Too weak to even stand he slumped to the ground.

“What's this? An alicorn?” The creatures face twisted in disgust, his finger runs along his gum. “Weak. Barely five times stronger than a regular unicorn...pathetic.”

He throws Mordane to the ground turning to stomp away.

“Not even worth imprisoning. I have a nation's magic to absorb.”

Mordane watched helplessly as the monster ran away, his eyes felt heavy but his heart and mind would not let go.

As he had only made it a hundred yards from his door Mordane slowly dragged himself back to his cabin, trying to think of what to do.

That was until a flash of light came rushing in through his open door, returning what had been taken.

“- and then Tirik asked about the fifth alicorn.” Twilight continued looking confused.

“You know who it was!” Pinkie said eyes gleaming “It was the party king!”

Twilight shook her head as they sat around the newly minted Crystal Castle. Mordane on his pull up chair sipped his tea and maintained a black expression.

In front of him was an article discussing the fifth alicorn hypothesis. A paper called the Times, criticized Celestia for not taking the matter seriously enough.

Mordane was just sitting there, trying to not think about the implications.

Tirek after all, had not spent long looking at him and apparently didn’t care to help the princess.

Mordane took a sip of tea.

Mordane shivered and gave his head a quick shake.

The event had deeply disturbed him and perhaps the dream was right, perhaps he needed more power.

More certain of his decision Mordane entered the shop.

“Hello, little one, how can I help you.”

“I need cleaning alcohol, one hundred proof. Then forty two grams of iron. Ten grams of calcium-”

“What’s the alcohol for...” the mare frowned looking down at Mordane who, without his wings, looked rather scrawny.

“It’s for sterilization.” Mordane said blankly “I need to remove all the biological contaminants from the minerals I’m asking for.”

The mare scratched her nose before sighing.

“Sometimes I don’t know what you’re doing out there Mordane.”

“Just continuing my studies” He said shaking his head.


The colt turned, looked around to see Spike with his basket walking into the shop.

“Oh hey Spike.” Mordane replied still looking at the clerk. He didn’t think much of meeting the small drake but was mildly surprised when he approached.

“What brings you here?”

“Oh, just some stuff for an experiment I’m running.”

Spike stopped and groaned, grasping the bridge of his nose.

“Oh Celestia, I can’t handle two of them.” he whispered harshly.

“What was that?” Mordane asked, turning to frown at him.

“Nothing uh, gah.” He shook his head “don’t you do anything for fun Mordane?”


“Yeah, fun.”


Spike blinked.

“Well, alright then...would you like to?”

Mordane weighed his options before answering.

“Depends on what you are doing.”

“...want to play ogres and oubliettes?”

Mordane blinked.

“Its uhh...a role playing, dice driven game?”

"What could they possibly have games about?"


“Great! We’re playing on Saturday, in the castle at sundown. It’s just me and Big Mac for now. I might also invite Discord, but I don’t know if he’d be interested.”

Mordane smiled and nodded

“I’ll bring some snacks.”

“Nah bro, I got dis.” Spike grinned looking up at the clerk.

He began to rattle off a list of snacks and baking ingredients that made Mordane’s mouth water just hearing it. The sheer grin on the young dragons face made him jump a few rungs in Mordanes book.

“And here are your...items, derie.”

“Thank you,” Mordane said floating out a decently large bag of bits before turning “Leave the rest on my tab.”

“Sure sure.”

He gave Spike a hoof bump and grinned.

“See you Saturday.”

Mordane had a few more stops to make but he could use being friends with Twilight's assistant. As for now, Mordane had other things to do.

On his stove a cast iron kettle was set to boiling ink. Mordane floated over a clump of iron flakes and dumped it into the black substance. He had mixed in a variety of herbs earlier and a clump of his hair.

He frowned and floated in some more coal into the burning stove, the rune he had carved on top going from red to white as it pulled most of the heat into the pot.

Floating over the paper he checked again before nodding.

It would be a while before the liquid was ready.

Perhaps I’ll write to Mom and Dad….perhaps to Flashwing as well. I’ve not talked to him for awhile. Did Mom send him my address?

Mordane scrunched his nose, deciding to write to his brother for now and to his parents later.

Floating over a paper he prepared ink and quill.

Hello brother, how are you doing. The army treating you well? I have been great, the purple princess is a strict teacher but I’ve learned a bunch.

So much my head hurts.

He paused and chewed on his quill for a moment.

Don’t forget brother. Nothing comes without sacrifice. I’m so proud to think that my brother is a royal guard, still, I hope that you continue to keep my secret as your serve the matriarchy. I was hoping you would send me a letter. I wouldn’t want to lose you brother.

Love Mordane

P.S. Address is return address

Mordane looked towards the boiling pot and trotted over. He didn’t sniff it, knowing the results would likely mean a trip to the hospital.

Technically the spellwork of war magic was a high class spell as it included a verbal, material and spellwork. All three needed to be used to make it work.

However this was deceptive. War magic was relatively simple.

The verbal component was a simple few lines. The stanzas could be read off of the page itself without disrupting the spell. Making it no harder than sounding out a few pronunciations. The magic infused into words spoken could give them power. It was in fact the first way that unicorns had cast magic.

The materials could be found in a common goods store. They barely classified as magical. Simply throw them in a pot at roughly the right proportions and their properties would distill to the perfect proportions. Useless on their own but once infused with the casters blood and raw mana would, in the right pattern, act as an amplifier for the final component.

Spellwork was done entirely in the mind. Formulas, exact visualizations and, most importantly, the correct feelings would come together to act out a spell. This could be exceptionally complex but the spellwork for war magic was relatively simple, unrefined even. The spell threads were just left hanging, but the writing insisted it must be replicated exactly to work. This made little sense but this wasn’t the first time seemingly random structures were just included in spells. His singed eyebrows had informed him that removing them tended to have surprising consequences.

”There is a lot of useless components in this. Some genius might be able to simplify it even further. Maybe even get rid of the material component.” He shook his head “That would take a smarter pony than me.”

The highest risk component of war magic was the choice of focus. The binding that one would choose. It could very well limit your abilities.

Mordane picked up the book and read through the spellwork again. Biting his lower lip he considered once again if this is what he wanted to do.

He set his jaw, the decision had been made. It was time.

He grabbed his supplies, floating the pot out behind him. Leaving his cottage he trotted the short ways into the woods to his meditation spot.

“Okay, so it's like...this.”

Floating up a wire brush Mordane dipped it into the mixture, making sure not to breath in any fumes he trotted over to his stump and began to draw.

The symbology was as simple as it got. Two circles with arrows pointing straight out. What it meant, Mordane wasn’t sure.

The inner circle usually meant harmony and was a crux of most spell matrices. Instead of defining symbols though there was only the second circular extension.

Finished, Mordane stepped into the circle and began to meditate.

The unactivated symbols dried around him, Mordane began to think about what exactly he wanted to use to formulate the spell.

It could be literally anything, but the book said he should choose something akin to his already existing mark.

But he didn’t have a mark.

”It doesn’t matter destiny, talent. Whatever this foolishness it is irrelevant to the future. I will make my own path.”

He thought, then focused.

Breathing deep he pushed away his current feelings.

The anxiety of Celestia on the mountain.

The stress of Twilight’s study plan.

The fear of what he was about to do.

The uncertainty of doing it.

All of it flowed down the river, all of it fell away to nothing, leaving only the blank, black void.

”What is it that moves you?

Images bubbled up out of his boiling subconscious.

The clashing of steel. The rush of water. A hand falling like a gavel...

”A tool, speed. The power to change the moment...what will give me that”

A twister, a roaring fire, a giant crashing wave, an avalanche.


Burning sword in lake. Running magma. Burning tree blowing in the wind.

Sky, earth, water, fire.

The core.

Mordanes eyes look down at the ground, his mind envisioning the burning core of the planet.

”Control. Order. The flow of energy.”

The image solidified in his mind. The flow of energy in the planet. He knew what he had to choose.

The core burns and boils under unimaginable pressure. Layer upon layer stretching all the way to the surface. Metals, stone and dirt compose it. This is earth.

Ebbing, ever changing flow of gas. It stretches for miles barely clinging. Held by the earth. This is air.

Corrosive, ever settling and stirring. It resides in both earth and air. It contorts their flow. This is water.

Together they are something more. The earth, air, water these things are the world, the flow of energy, the flow of fire.

He opened his eyes and began to weave the spell. The runes flared to life almost immediately, even before he began to speak.

The spell rolled off his tongue with no effort. He didn’t stutter or mispronounce, and at that moment he felt he couldn’t do so even if he wished.

“From one to another, another by will”
“A mark of one's destiny forged again, weaved in harmony anew.”

The spell began to take shape, each syllable causing the power to focus and gain weight.

Until he referenced his nonexistent mark.

Suddenly, the magic came crashing down, pooling into his horn. The power flooding his mana network.

In that moment Mordane felt something shift, and the veil was lifted. He once again felt the roiling undercurrent of the world. He felt the burning core and distantly he felt-

The word twisted on his tongue. Suddenly the magic rushed back to meet him.

“From without destiny, destiny is willed”
“A mark forged by hand, weaved in harmony fulfilled”

Inside Mordane was panicking. The magic was out of control but he could feel the bindings spinning around him. The vision in his mind expanded.

He was in the air, deep underground, in a river.

He couldn’t understand even as the spell lines began to wrap around him and dig, dig deep into his soul.

His flank began to itch and burn as he eyes detected a bright light emanating from there.

Mordane screamed in terror.

For a brief moment he was cold, his eyes glinted from the harsh sunlight and he could see hazy figures standing on a mountains edge, above them the sun rising.

Then blackness.

Hours later Mordane woke. Tired, he only took time to wipe away the rune marks before gathering his supplies and heading back to bed.

Mordane woke, his head aching slightly.

The rest had soothed him slightly but yesterday's spellwork still set heavy on him. Sitting up he rubbed his eyes before opening to look around his cabin.

He thought through yesterday's events and shook his head. Today he felt different. Focusing on the feeling Mordane reached for the change but couldn’t identify.

Sighing he thought about starting the stove and prepared to cast a spell.

The energy rushed in from everywhere, the ground, the light, he felt as a dozen sources connected to him automatically. They flowed right through him, down through his new magical matrix and then back out to the coals.

It did not flow through his horn but instead as if through his very soul.

The shock of this made him lose focus for a moment, the energy started to spirl off wildly. Some becoming light and others a popping sound. In a slight panic he mentally grabbed at it and shoved it into the coals.

The pile inside of the stove burst into light with a dull thud, the small cabin filling up with burning heat as Mordane was forced to look away.

Looking back a moment later, with his mouth hanging open, Mordane could see that the coals were not merely on fire but instead they were white hot.

He slowly stood looking up at his horn that had barely charged.


Looking at his curtains he focused on his horn and carefully formed the simple spell matrix to close one of the two curtains. His horn charged as normal and it closed just as easily so he turned to the other one.

Thinking about a gust of wind didn’t do anything but then he focused and reached-

The small gust caused the curtain to flail wildly as a bunch of his things were thrown around the room. Mordane was forced to cut off the spell lest they be torn from the window.

He sat on his bed frowning as he floated his things back into place and closed the last curtain.Floating out the bucket he sat it firmly in front of him. Standing he focused for a moment. The water in the bucket began to stir and bubble from the soap.

He drew out the soaping water and suspended it in the air for a moment before floating it to wash all around himself.

He willed the water to be warmer and the war magic complied. It was easy to manipulate and control any aspect of the spell he wanted but he could also just let the magic happen automatically.

Dropping the water back into the bucket Mordane started getting ideas for an under house bunker before remembering he had to get to practice, however he was wet.

At first he went for the towel but then grinned as in stead he reached for the wind.

After the impromptu blowdry blew open his windows Mordane still stood grinning in his fuzzy mane and tail.

“Well that seems to work. I don’t know what happened to the spell but this” He paused to make sure he lacked a mark before continuing “This worked out well. Still, I need to use my spellwork for most things. If it isn’t water, earth, wind, or fire I can’t manipulate it.”

He placed everything back where it belonged and closed up the cabin again after dumping the dirty water.

Floating over a brush he got to work.

Mordane trots back through Ponyville, his charm covering his wings and cloak pulled up. The townsfolk don’t pay the small, strange colt much mind as he weaves in between them. Some might have noticed he was a little large if they had been paying attention but none were.

It was almost a surprise when Spike called out to him.

“Mordane! I was just coming to get you.”

“Oh?” He said “Am I running late?”

“Nah, early. I was just coming to get you. Twilight is having an episode. The table is doing something weird and she needs you to do thuma readings with her.”

Mordane tensed up.

“Oh...well then, we better hurry.”

Mordane and Spike moved quickly back to the new castle. They could hear Twilight talking as they walked up the steps.

“How can this be?”

Mordane rounded the corner, hesitating for a moment once he saw Celestia. He took a moment to assess the room before walking forward. Celestia sat in front of Twilight’s throne. Twilight was pacing the table while Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rainbow stood to the side, looking either concerned or embarrassed.

Charging his horn he floated over one of Twilights notebooks and began to go down the checklist. Checking the table’s complex spell matrix.

“Ah, Mordane.” Celestia said with a smile. “Twilight seems to be...having some difficulties.”

“I see.” Mordane replied curtly, keeping his eyes on the notebook.

“The mare the table is calling for used to be a student of mine.” Celestia continued, her voice slowly driving up Mordanes anxiety “ She disappeared about two years ago.”

“Hmm, perhaps she will be at the locati-”

Mordane stopped.

His eyes had looked up and saw Twilight’s mark and floating around it was another mark he recognized.

One that he had dreamed of the night before.

“Star Charmer.”

Instantly Twilight was in front of him staring him in the eye. Her mane a little messy from the magical energy spilling out of her thuma storage.

“You know her!?” Twilight grabbed Mordane’s shoulders and started shaking him. “Tellmetellmetellmetellme-”

“Twilight!” Celestia stated firmly “Stop, you’re scaring him.”

Mordane was definitely scared, he was even shaking slightly, not due to Twilights exuberance, but instead due to what he had just said.

Already he was drawing lines of possible conversation in his head.

For a moment he considered lying but noted the presence of both Applejack and the princess precluded that.

So instead he opted for the truth.

“I-I’m sorry Mordane.” Twilight said combing down her hair. “It's just..”

“I understand.” Mordane replied with a weak smile. “I really do. It's just, I never thought I’d see Star Charmer’s mark again.”

Celestia tilted her head a small frown showing on the edge of her eyes.

“Why is that?” she asked.

“She...a short time before I came to Ponyville...I saw her die.”

Mordane lowered his head.

Everypony gasped.

Celestia small frown though slipped right down into a scowl. Her brow furrowed.

“I’m sorry.” Mordane cut in “ I just...I just can’t talk about it.”

Twilight’s wide eyes looked at Mordane then Celestia, unsure of what do.

Celestia put her wing over Mordane who tensed.

Inwardly she sighed while outwardly she gave a smile

“It’s okay my little pony. You’re safe, with friends.”

”You are no friend of Mine.” he mentally shuddered. Still, he forced himself to not push her off for a bit. Just letting her feel his shaking.

“Its okay Mordane.” Twilight followed reaching up to scratch behind his ear. He pushed her off and stepped out from under her wing drawing back up his defenses.

“It’s okay. Thank you princesses.” he said swallowing.

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked her concern still obviously present.

“I’m sure. I buried her myself.” He forced a sniffle and shook his head looking down.

“Then...then what are we going to do?” Twilight croaked plopping down onto the floor. “How can I help with the friendship problem if she is gone...”

“I-” Mordane began. However he was cutoff as the tabled began to flash with Twilights mark as well as-.

“Mordane! You’re glowing!” Fluttershy said.

“The table! It must want you to come with me!”

Twilight began to chatter excitedly as the others tried to calm her.

Celestia though looked at Mordane with a soft concern.

Mordane though, resolved himself.

“There is no way this is going to end well.”

A day later Mordane sat on the train platform. A bag of bits on his side along with already packed satchels set for spending a long time out in the wilderness.

He did not bring more than he could comfortably carry while maximising his staying power.

It meant a lot of dried vegetables and oat powder. Plus a few dried fruit bars. All wrapped in wax covered cloth.

He went over his package as if he wanted to make sure that everything was there.

This though was for show. He knew exactly what was in the bag, after all he had packed it himself carefully. It was simply habit. A practice to be prepared in case one had to leave suddenly. Especially important considering his current situation as Twilight's Student.

Even back in his old world he had always maintained a bug out bag.

This was what he considered minimal necessity.

“Hey Mordane.”

Mordane looked up from his bag to see Sweetie Belle standing by, holding a little satchel.

“Hey Sweetie Belle. Whats up?”

“Nothing.” She said with a blush “I made you something for the road.”

“Oh?” he said with a smile. Reaching out and accepting the package. “Thank you.”

“Be safe.” she said before turning and running off.

Looking down he opened the package to find several burned cookies. Chuckling, he stored them in his saddle bag before flinging them onto his back as Twilight came trotting up.

He frowned, the mare wasn’t wearing anything. No bag or satchel. Reasoning with himself he assumed she intended to use magic for their protection.

“You ready to go Mordane?” Twilight asked with a big smile.

“I guess.” He said, “Do you have the tickets?”

“Yes. “she produced the tickets from her mane.

Filing onto the train Mordane moved to his seat and sat quietly, looking down at his hooves and out the window.

Twilight sat down across from him. Her ears drooping slightly at Mordane’s evasive attitude.

As the tracks rolled on, the tension only grew. It came to be a tangible thing in that small compartment. The silence compounding and building on itself.

The train picked up passengers and dropped off others. Still Mordane sat quietly as Twilight sat uncomfortably looking at him.

Until she found something to say.

“Mordane...can you tell me more about how you met Star Charmer.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

She frowned looking down at the floor for a moment before continuing a bit quieter.

“It’s okay Mordane. I won’t be mad, you can tell me-”

“I don’t want to talk about it. What's done is done. She's dead and buried.” He turned and grumbled unders his breath. “I just hope she stays that way.”

Twilight looked a bit hurt, but it was understandable. She couldn’t imagine what it was like to see somepony die while so young.

She fretted the whole time, trying to think about what to say.

A few hours later they came near the forest. At Twilight's command the train slid to a stop to let them off.

They watched as the train continued on its way until it was out of sight.

“Okay, let’s go over some rules.” Twilight said, turning to Mordane.

“Rules?” He replied raising an eyebrow.

“Yes, Bawdys Rules for Roughhousing Rowdy through Rambunctious Rough Rubeland...” She beamed, floating the book up to him. “Tis a comprehensive guide on how to be comfortable even on the most undeveloped terrain!”

Mordane snorted, quickly covering his nose at the ridiculous title. Twilight ignored him and flipping open the book and began to read the rules.

“Chapter one. Preparing a survival bag...oh.” her ears drooped and head sagged.

Mordane floated over his satchel giving her a smile.

She perked up and took the bag smiling herself. She floated a checklist out of her mane and plucked a feather before beginning to go through his bag.

“Ink, check, Water filter, check-”

Mordane tuned out the mare, staring off into the distance, going over again if there had been some way to get out of the purple ones bothersome table’’s plan.


Mordane turned and looked toward the sounds source, deeper in this forest. His mind kicking into high gear trying to understand what had just hit it.

”Mordane, help me”

Mordane knew that voice. He had heard it in his dreams.

“Star Charmer.”

“What?” Twilight said “Where you able to make that out?”

Mordane looked at her confused. His body still oriented toward the woods.

“I couldn’t understand the words.” Twilight said.

“It sounded like Star Charmer.” Mordane whispered harshly. “I heard it come from the woods.”

“...We are going to need to be careful.” Twilights voice started to harden. “I don’t like this.”

Mordane floated back over one of his packs, leaving his backup with Twilight. Once she got it on and adjusted the straps they headed into the forest.

It was an old growth, having not seen pony hooves in a dozen generations. Life there tended to be chaotic with only one season. As such the forest had grown without end, eventually choking itself on its dead remnants. This caused water to collect and stagnate in pools.

So as they stepped deeper in the canopy became thicker and the forest floor gave way to bog.

Twilight walked along head first in the book most of the time. She read on quicksand, magical quicksand, Ents, foraging, camping, illnesses.

Mordane slowly grew stiff and began to frown. Sighing harshly he looked up at the sky, noticing the sky darkening.

“We are going to need to find a place to rest...maybe make it soon.”

“What? The book says to find a place an hour before sunset.” She lit up her horn casting a complex spell he couldn’t even begin to follow. “That's forty minutes away.”

“...Twilight. I think that would be true in a normal forest.” pointing up at the leaves he shook his head “with that leaf cover it’s going to be dark a lot earlier than that.”

“Do you think so?” Twilight said, looking up.

“Yeah,” Mordane nodded, starting to walk again. “There was a forest like this one near my hometown.”

“Oh?” Twilight asked, more concerned with learning more about her student.

“My brother use to camp out there with me, and later, after he joined the royal guard, I would go alone.”

“Your brother is part of the Royal guard too?” Twilight asked trotting up to beside him as the narrow strip of land they were on began to widen. “My BBBFF was as well.”

“BBBFF” Mordane asked as his eyes focused on a particular spot of wide flat ground. “What's that?”

“Big Brother Best Friend Forever?” Twilight explained, looking at him.

“Ah, well I could definitely apply that label to my brother...Yours is part of the royal guard?”

“Formerly. He was captain of the guard but then he married Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.”

“Huh,” Coming to the area Mordane walked around in a circle, kicking away a stone and stomping down an area for the tent. “Let's set up here.”

“Good idea.” Twilight said. Floating off Mordanes bag.

The two of them set about preparing the camp site.

Mordane had only brought one tent, so he would be sleeping with his amulet and cloak on tonight. Twilight seemed curious but didn’t ask any questions, so he gave no explanation.

Instead, he laid down to sleep, drawing on years of practice a decade past.

His breathing slowed and his kidneys hurt. The pain consistent, he pushed away letting it flow down the rivers of his mind.

He willed himself to sleep without sleeping. To dream without dreaming. A deep zen that allowed him to be partially aware and accelerate the sleep cycle.

The drawback was the crash that would follow when he returned to a normal sleep. He would likely compromise his immune system if the practice was maintained over a week.

Worse, it did not serve to rest his mind.

Still, eventually Twilight settled down and fell asleep.

His breathing and focus increased for ten minutes before his eyes slid open. Four hours of rest done in one.

Quietly, carefully, Mordane slid up and out of the tent. He grabbed his still tightly wrapped bag before grabbing a stick.

Placing it into the fire, he called on his war magic and willed the stick to catch light. Drawing in the heat from the rest of the flame.

Seeing it take light he stepped away from the fire and moved quietly into the woods.

The woods were even creepier in the dark. Mordane couldn't see, so he prepared a spell that Twilight had taught him.

He drew from the heat in the air and weaved a spell turning it into a beam of light to cut beyond the small circle around his torch.

”I got a bunch of things in my utility belt” he thought to himself trying to not think to much about what was out there ”NaNaNaNaNaNa Batman, Batman!”

He blinked before chuckling.

“Well, alien Batman.”

Focusing again he cast the spell.

The spells beam though cut out just beyond him. Running into an unnatural black shroud.

Mordane’s heart quickened. He focused and increased the spells power. His hooves’ pace quickening as he now ran through the woods.


He stopped, eyes wide.

There, standing on the edge of his light, stood Star Charmer.

Smiling softly.

“You found me.”

”This isn’t possible. It's just not possible.”

He shivered, blinking rapidly, trying to process what he was seeing. Trying to rationally consider the situation.

But he couldn’t.


He hesitatingly stepped forward, the light coming to wash over her body.

“Mordane, look out!” Twilight’s panicked voice rang out.

A beam of light, splitting across Mordane vision, struck Star Charmer who stumbled back.

Mordane blinked a few times as the darkness rushed away from him.

The pony that appeared as Star Charmer had changed. Now, he stood as a stallion, but not a living one.

It all hit him at once, the rotting putrid smell, the bits hanging off of the ponies face.

It was a zombie.

“F-Buck!” Mordane shouted jumping back.

The growls and moans echoed around. Their vibrations reaching into his soul, calling memories of horror and loss.
He grit his teeth and snorted ,preparing, as Twilight moved to his side.

“I don’t know, but I think this is black magic! Necromancy!” They looked around as the zomponies surrounded them. Twilight's eyes focused. “We can’t escape.”

“Then we fight.” Mordane whispered harshly, charging his horn.

“Yes!” Twilight's horn charged, and a gout of flame appeared around them both forming a flaming barrier.

Mordane charged his own and floated up several large stones before flinging one at the nearest pony.

“I have this side.” He grunted

Twilight's hair began to wave as she cut with beams of plasma, impacting and throwing the zomponies away.

Mordane continued to focus on one at a time, blasting the six or so near him with rocks.

“Mordane do you think you can keep them off us for thirty seconds. I know a spell that would-“ she dodged a swipe from a zompony stepping through the fire ring, blasting it. “-take care of these things!”

“Do it!” Mordane shouted as he continued to throw stones.

Twilight focused while Mordane felt a stirring that reminded him of the feeling of war magic.

Making a split decision, Mordane called on his own.

Mordane grit his teeth and willed the water to freeze.

Long thin spikes stabbed out from around them, all random shapes and sizes.

Twilight’s power collection reached a peak as Mordane forced the water to flashmelt. Her horn glowed bright as the noon day sun, forcing Mordane to stare away from her.

The light lept out and struck the zomponies.

The light burned bits off of them. Pieces burned through and flaked away to dust. As he watched the body of what had seemed to be Star Charmer burned away to dust before the light faded away.

Twilight stood panting along with Mordane. Her eyes scanning into the distance as the dark slowly crept in as the unnatural light pulled out.

“Mordane.” Twilight said, her voice hard “Why did you leave?”

Mordane, tired and irritated, tried to think but couldn’t. The stress on his mind with the meditation and seeing Star Charmer was to much.

“It's my responsibility.”he mumbled half heartedly.

“Responsibility, what responsibility? Mordane, you’re just a little colt. You can’t just go off into a dark forest alone. Especially a swamp. You’ll hurt yourself. We need to pull together and work through this. The map sent us.” She leaned in “The stakes are very high now. This is necromancy. Dark forbidden magic. What does Star Charmer have to do with all this? Who was she to you?”

Mordane grimaced. His head scrunching back into his neck as he took a half step back.

Then he stomped his hoof back down, stepping forward, eyes glaring.

“I’ve been in forests worse than this princess, slept in them too. I know how to find food, water, keep direction and even make fire. What do you know that you can’t read out of a little book.” He snarled “What does it matter what a stupid table grown out of some old tree in the Everfree says?”

Twilights mouth hung open for a moment before tightening into a line.

“Don’t talk about the elements that way mister. Without them Equestria would be- well I don’t know what it would be, but it would be a terrible place! A place without friendship!”

Mordane snorted and shook his head, causing Twilight to take her own half step back.

“I’ll say whatever I want.” Mordane stated firmly with one firm nod.

“Not as my student.” Twilight whispered.

Mordanes ears stood up. His eyes widened for a moment before going back down to being furrowed.

”Maybe I shouldn’t be then” he thought.

He looked down, clenching his jaw.

“Come on, let's go back to camp. It's still several hours till sunlight.” Twilight started to move off, looking back to make sure Mordane follows.

As they arrived at the camp, Twilight deliberately walked around casting a spell again. This time he noticed the part that let her sense when he had left.

He ground his teeth a little harder at the indignity of it all.

“Go to sleep Mordane. We have a big day tomorrow.”

Mordane didn’t respond, instead choosing to roll over and face away from her. Sighing, Twilight got into the bedroll she had left there before going to sleep, with Mordane following shortly later.

Mordane awoke slowly, his mind stabbing him with shots of pain to occasionally remind him how stupid accelerating sleep cycles was.

Gripping his head, he groggily stood up and walked out of the tent.

Blinking a few times Mordane looked around at their damp camp site to find he was alone. The light peeking through the trees.

The tent and some supplies were still sitting were they were. However, now there was a shimmering barrier surrounding the camp.

Mordane blinked again before frowning. His eyes catching a piece of paper sitting on top of the supplies.

Trotting over he gave it a read.

To: Mordane Stronghoof
From: Twilight Sparkle

After considering what to do last night I have made the decision to go on without you. This forest is too dangerous. While the table sent us both I can’t in good conscious take you deeper into this forest without first clearing the way. That is why I have cast the high level barrier. When I do find out what you’re needed for I’ll come back and get you. Sit tight and don’t worry.

P.S. I’m sorry for what I said last night, you are a good student.
P.P.S We’ll talk about what happened with Star Charmer when I get back.

Mordane clenched his jaw.

”Star Charmer”

He spat on the ground and shook his head.

His eyes focused on the barrer, across it tendrils of black slicked up its surface. As the shimmering barrier rose it faded to the point that he wasn’t sure if it reached all the way up.

”Whatever happened to this barrier must be coming from the necromancer.” His brow tightened ”Those dreams...He must have done something to capture her soul. DAMN HIM!”

Mordane resolved to free her soul, that is, if he could find a way to preserve her...perhaps in the necromancer’s notes.

Walking to the barrier’s edge he breathed in deeply through his nose, focusing on the weave of will and force tied together in its makeup.

”I could fly over, but that's not necessary.”

He struck out with his mind catching a half dozen different threads caught in the ethereal wind and then unweaved them.

The spell disintegrated and Mordane felt a chill rush in.

With a quick breath and exhale of satisfaction he moved out.

Listening for the voice from his dreams.

Twilight walked along, her coat already ruffled.

She looked down at her book, useless now as it was waterlogged after she had walked into a hidden deep puddle.

Sighing, she let the book fall to the ground. The words had become unreadable, and the book wasn’t even uncommon. Even so, it irked her.

A few steps later though she stopped suddenly and turned back, her eyes widening slightly.

”Mordane? He broke out. How is that possible? Unless…”

She frowned.

While trying to decide what to do she heard a loud roar, far too close to be comfortable.

Taking to the air, Twilight moved to avoid the Hydra, knowing it would mean losing her relative location and therefore Mordane.

The day went on without the ability to find rest or direction. The forest suddenly became vicious. As if a switch had been thrown.

She flew and ran and cast spells into the night. Until finally finding a small space in some trees to hunker down.

“Celestia preserve him.” She whispered “Whatever is in this forest must be after him.”

Mordane was doing pretty well as he moved through the forest. Memories of spending time with his brother in the forest around his foalhood home helped him.

Though as he walked, he was being cautious.

It weirded him out that the forest seemed so dreary but at the same time so...uneventful.

In the distance he heard something moving. Quickly he found a large limb he could scramble up and into the tree, using a bit of magic to help.

Settling into the tree he hunkered down and waited.

The chill on his skin began to grow as he felt terror rising.

He was just about to run, but then he saw it.

A hydra, giant and imposing, lumbered past him, crushing trees aside and lowly growling. It came to a stop below him and reached down, scratching its neck.

Mordane cursed inwardly before shrinking into the foliage.

He settled down and rested, tense as the sun crept across the sky.

Soon though, the creature moved on, tired, Mordane went to rest.

Twilight cast a barrier around herself before settling on a stone as a bed.

She has been fighting all day and the weight of it had taken its toll.

The call of dreams reached out to her and so she laid down to sleep.

Running through the forest, dark constructs rearing up in the clawed, woody shadows.

She swept them away, sweating and panting as she had most of the day.


She turned and froze, heart tearing itself out.

Mordane laid on his side, the cloak in taters around him.

Rushing up to Mordane’s broken and bleeding side, Twilight tried to think of a healing spell but just couldn’t remember one.

“You...left me to die.” he whispered in a gurgle. The blood dripping onto his wing.


Twilight blinked, shaking her head.

She knew Mordane didn’t have wings, she had felt his bare back, seen it with her own eyes.

“This makes no sense.” She whispered before looking around.

“Murder…” whispered Mordane in her hooves.

The confusion on Twilight's face gave way to anger then amusement.

“Really, such a high class spell and you get something so simple wrong? Get out of my head reprobate. Your dark magic holds no sway here.” She demanded as her eyes began to glow.

Mordane had been asleep for a few hours. He dreamed as he usually did, of a dark, inky black, instead of being mixed with stories in different times and different lives. All of war and the tasks of nations.

It tired him, so he chose the blackness. Better than the headaches.

This night though, the blackness shifted.

“You killed me.”

Mordane swallowed, he knew that voice.


He turned and looked at the shadow, eyes tearing up.

“You killed her...just. like. me.”

Mordane shivered and shook his head. Turning, he willed himself back into the blackness. However, the thing was somehow still in front of him.

“You killed me and then you killed her, soon you’ll kill Twilight too.”

It stepped closer. Mordane began to backpedal but it seemed to have no effect, she slowly approached.

Around him roars rang out. The sound of gunfire and the clash of swords.

“So many like you. So much death, do you think your’ll make peace in this life? You should have known better.”

She threw her shadowy arms wide.

“How many times have you done this? How many lives have you spent in war and violence. You’re just going to do it again and again. This time is no different.”

He shook and shivered.

Then stopped. Remembering.

“Wait. I did die and I felt that-”

Mordane snapped awake.

He blinked, feeling his heart beating incredibly fast as he looked around the small tree hollow he was in. The sun tinted the sky with red, announcing the beginning of morning.

For a moment his eyes locked onto a black shadow as it disintegrated on a branch, writhing in pain.

Mordane stared at it, slowly realizing what had been done.

” A spell to cause nightmares. It must seek out those sleeping.”

Snarling, he stood up and, after checking, slid down the tree. With a snort he stomped on the ground, reaching for his war magic and caused stone spikes to splinter the tree.

Nodding in satisfaction Mordane turned heading off again at a trot.

The occasional whisper of Star Charmer guiding his way.

That night, Mordane slept again in safety, this time when the nightmare came he shrugged it off almost instantly. Even as he woke for confirmation, the magical construct disintegrated from the backlash.

He wasn’t sure why the necromancer was sending these shadows, but it wouldn’t stop him.

Mordane inhaled deeply and let himself calm down.

The monsters where getting stronger and more frequent as well. Several were too big for him to comfortably handle.

For a moment he wished he was still with Twilight.

Suddenly, he started to hear a crashing noise rapidly approaching, crackling as it stomped the underbrush.

Mordane scrambled for a nearby hiding place, shrinking down into a bush.

A manticore ran out snarling, coming to a stop on the spot he had been standing and circling it, sniffing strongly. Then it turned toward the bush he was in.

A beam of light appeared and struck the beast, causing it to roar and then turn and run in the opposite direction, out of Mordane’s small window of sight.

He waited quietly as Twilight trotted out into the clearing.

“Oh, I thought I sensed him around here. I hope he's okay, that book hasn’t helped at all.” She paused and sat, bags under her eyes. “I should have never left him.”

Mordane felt a need to go out and comfort the mare, but he resisted it. He wanted to face the necromancer alone.

Then suddenly he felt a much stronger pull and a sense that he was meant to go to her. Meant to go and fight the villain together.

He even took a half step forward but stopped, blinking rapidly as he tried to understand why he was feeling this way.

The pull surged again, but this time he stepped back, letting himself sit still.

In a moment he had a flash of insight.

“The table”

He was struck by a vision.

He would go to Twilight and apologize. She would be glad to see him. They would go together, her fighting off the monsters, him guiding the way and helping. Mordane would explain what he knew.

Soon they would find the necromancer, in the fight his alicorn nature would be revealed as he fought Blackheart. Doing so to save Twilight’s life at a critical moment.

He would return with her to Equestria, be hailed as a hero. Given high honors and Twilight would call him a good student.

His parents would be proud of his sacrifice and learn to love their new status among the Canterlot elite.

And Celestia would guide him to further meet his destiny.

But Mordane didn’t move from that spot.

He didn’t stand up and walk over to her.

Instead, he firmly pushed away the impulse with hot iron rods of pure will. Beating down the thought and path with rage.

The insight faded as his mind focused on one image.

Him bowing before Celestia in supplication.


Twilight, after a time, sighed and trotted off; Mordane waited until he couldn’t hear her anymore. His mind unsure of why she couldn’t sense him.

He knew that he was close.

He would go to the Necromancer's lair and find Star Charmer’s soul. Then he would kill the necromancer and rip what he wanted out of him.

Mordane followed the whispers through the forest, he was close now.

Focused on the task at hoof, he ignored briars and wet hooves. Pushing onward he eventually broke through a particularly dense layer of forest and into a clearing.

An old fort, it was mostly intact, though a look down at his hooves made him realize the wall had long ago been eaten by the forest. Squinting at the sky he could see a small shimmer, which he assumed was some kind of illusion hiding this place from the sky.

The fort itself was a simple box. What drew his attention, however, was the large, smooth tower attached.

A dark miasma seemed to leak from it and roll out into the forest.

Swallowing, Mordane took a step into the clearing.

Nothing happened.

Scurrying across the field Mordane went up to the door.

It was quite obvious that the door was not the original.

It was made of a block of stone without any features save a pony skull attached to the face.

Mordane nearly jumped out of his skin when it spoke in a rasping voice.

“What is the final answer?”

Coming closer Mordane frowned and thought for a few moments before raising an eyebrow.


“...You may enter.”

The door slid open to the side revealing the dark black beyond. Stepping inside Mordane summoned his courage and a spell for light.

The pony who had been hidden in shadow froze, her knife gleaming brightly. She wore a layered black cloak that would have made seeing her in the absolute dark impossible. She was coiled like a spring ready to strike.

Mordane blinked, recognizing the mare.

“Sugar Song?”

The mare said nothing. Just looking him over before sighing and sheathing her blade.

“Debt paid.” she said, walking past him and off into the forest.

Mordane watched her walk away, thinking if there was something to say. However, the needs of the moment and what was to come came first. Shaking, he turned to the end of the room and the stairwell there.

Mordane walked up the stairwell senses fully attuned. He was ready for any shenanigans that may occur.

Before he knew it though, the fight had already begun.

Real magic fights are not like the duels unicorn sometimes partook in. No, this was a struggle for energy.

Both sides were already trying to bind the energy of the wind and sun to themselves and depriving the other of it.

On his way he passed cages, bottles, and bodies lining the wall up the steps.

They all spoke of horror and precision. The flesh neatly cut. He was certain that if Twilight had seen this the mare would have fainted from shock.

Still, he pressed forward.

”An impressive collection” he thought ironically. Brow furrowing.”At least he thinks so.”

One item did draw his eye though, causing him to stop just before the top.

Mordane approached the rattling sheet covered cage.

"Hey, is anyone in there?" he asked as he slowly pulled back the cover.

"SKRAWW!" A shape lunged at him and he jerked back, dropping the cover.

"Oh, I wouldn't go playing around with that if I were you. Cockatrices aren't something you want to let roam about in the open."

"Blackheart." Mordane didn't so much say the name as expel it, as if doing so left a bad aftertaste in his mouth.

Firmly he turned toward the top and flipped off his hood. Eyes burning as he stepped out of the stairwell.

"Welcome, Mordane. It has been some time."

The top of the tower was...rather simple. A cot sat against the wall. A few tables as well, filled with more examples of the Necromancer's dark art.

"...I cannot believe that you actually came."

That gave Mordane pause.

"What do you mean?"

Blackheart laughed and turned around smiling.

"Have you enjoyed your dreams, alicorn?"

Mordane stood there under the unicorn's cruel laugh, the shock quickly replaced with rage. He knew why he was here. It did not matter who had called him. The goal was the same.

He unclasped the amulet and let his wing open. It would be best to have no restraints.

"Why have you tricked me here, Blackheart?"

The Necromancer held most of the energy around them. His skill was significant. Definitely a level three unicorn.

"For your body, of course. Immortality. A difficult thing to acquire, and I've been at it for about a year. Working with those...non unicorns. I needed bodies and they cared only for money. Now, though, I don't have to do that anymore. Think of all the lives you will save. " His grin sent shivers up Mordane's spine.

"How could you take my immortality?"

Mordane ignored the sensation and calculated. Wondering if he knew about the table. Once again he decided it did not matter and pushed the thoughts away.

The unicorn rolled his eyes. Both at the alicorn's statement and his pathetic attempt to acquire the local static electricity.

"I can't, you stupid colt...First I rip out your soul. Then I fill the space with mine."

"That's impossible."

The necromancer sneered gesturing with his hoof.

"You know very well that it's not impossible. Your soul is already halfway out as it is. Don't believe me? Just ask Star Charmer. She is sitting over on that table."

Mordane looked over, and there set a beating heart. Powerful necromantic magic pulsed in time and Mordane could feel the most familiar soul attached to it.

Revulsion and despair filled Mordane as he realized what the monster must have done, but he had to stall. Blackheart still held the majority. He had to scrape even just a few Joules more energy.

All around them the air had grown still, the noise had deadened. The room grew freezing cold.

"...How did you send me the dreams?"

"Oh, that? It was easy. I used Star Charmer's soul. You made a magical connection with her that night you kissed under the moon. Quite charming really. Her memories are what told me about your alicorn nature...tell you what? Would you like to have me put your soul with hers? I'll even leave you alone in there if you come willingly."

Mordane would have been shocked if he had not been struggling so hard. No distractions could be allowed anymore.

"...Now let's stop this game of tug a war and let the real fight begin. Just for fun."

There was a shift and suddenly Mordane and Blackheart both held half the local energy.

”He wants to toy with me. That will be his last mistake”

Thus it began. No time for questions. He struck.

A shockwave resounded as both magic users solidified their shields and attacked.

Mordane struck with stone from the walls as he batted his wings and hovered into the air.

Blackheart sneered and countered the stone's motion before creating a lightning bolt from his horn.

At the same time bone dust flew in a billowing ball from a nearby bag and began to form skeletons. It fell apart as the alicorn severed the spell.

Both sides stood and floated five meters apart. Their powers fully on show. Mordane struggled, but could not help but be amazed. The unicorn had no war magic, yet even though he was casting fewer spells they would easily break his attacks.

However there was no mockery this time. As a beam of plasma was barely blocked by Blackheart's shield he had to acknowledge the colt's strength.

But it was not enough.

Slowly and surely Mordane's attacks grew weaker. More of the energy was under his enemy's control.

He struck out with a blast of wind containing bits of sharpened stone that simply dissolved mid air as they hit the Necromancers barrier.

Slowly, Mordane was starting to realize attempts to affect the Necromancer directly were futile.

Blackheart took a step forward and formed a cone of hardened air which glanced against Mordane's head.

Mordane fell to his knees.

Soon the spells stopped as a vacant eyed pony sat staring at the Necromancer.

He had been defeated.

"That was very good Mordane. I think I’ll remember your name. Even use it perhaps...With your strength I'll...Well, I'll never have to do any of this again. Take that at least."

Despair filled him as Blackhearts hoof touched his forehead.

Blackheart approached his defeated opponent. At first he had thought him a child, but this growth...he was good. So good that he didn’t feel like celebrating.

With his strength I can do so much...I'll have all eternity. I can't believe he found the spell to pull out his own soul...He would have made a good necromancer.

He stepped forward. The alicorn had no training, so of course he would not know how to protect his spirit.

He touched his forehead.

The mind was simple to enter with his will drained from the fight. Blackheart reached deep.

A vastness. A void of dark and shadows. This was not the mind of a pony. Blackheart had touched the creature's soul and found something he could not understand.

It hungered unendingly.

Its will knew no end.

All simply existed to be used.

And yet...

It was kind.

It cared for the weak.



Blackheart struggled helplessly against the predator’s mind beneath the pony flesh. He saw Mordane's past and would have not believed had he been told. The mind of a herbivore was different from this.

The necromancer was broken within a moment.

But a moment is all the old necromancer would need.

Mordane staggered back. A deep resounding shake coming up from his bowels.

He looked at Blackheart.

In that moment he knew what had happened.

Blackheart stood before him with his eyes rolled back into his head. Mordane had trapped him in a nightmare. One that would last forever.

It had been as much a surprise to Mordane when his mental attack crushed through the necromancer's defenses.

Reaching back into Blackheart's mind Mordane had taken his memory. The killings and knowledge thus gained were part of his memory now. He had seen the thirst for knowledge that led to Blackh- Silver Comet's fall. How he had been kicked out of the university for performing forbidden magic. How he had used the bandits and had travelled to that ruin not for vengeance or wealth, but for bodies and souls.

In that last moment, Blackheart had struck out at him with a curse to dislodge his soul.

Mordane spat at him. Black bile coming out of his mouth.

He gripped his stomach. Trying to make a decision. To see some way out.

His mouth thinned to a line.

“There is nothing to do.” he said wiping his mouth clean.

Knowing he didn’t have long left Mordane let out a choked sob.

His eyes went over to Star Charmers ball.

Slowly, he floated over the cage. Eyes twitching from the pain.

"I know you can hear me, Blackheart. Listen well. You asked me to show mercy. To kill you. That I will not do."

The cockatrice cage from before was wrapped in light and floated in front of Blackheart. Mordane forced the Necromancer to look through the small food slot opening.

As necromancer turned to stone, some form of spell backlash went off causing the bird to turn as well.

Mordane blinked then shook his head, letting the cage fall to the floor.

Turning, he trod weakly over to the stand where Star Charmers soul was being kept. His hoof bumping into the bundled up parts of his cloak and amulet.

Shaking, he reached down and pulled both on. Turning on and smoothing out his cloak to hide the stain now on his stomach.

The heart on the counter that contained Star Charmer's soul...he would have to face her again.

The spell was simple, reaching out he brought over a small flame and let her heart catch.

It burst into flames like a tinderbox; quickly consumed allowing her spirit to escape. Mordane looked out at her spirit. Wrapped in chains. A flick of his will applied, with the correct twists breaking and releasing the bindings.

The spirit began to swirl and convulse, Mordane thought for certain that it would dissipate. Instead, it took shape; forming into something familiar.

"Mordane?" Star Charmer asked weakly.

"Hey Star…” He whispered voice horse as his thought felt like a vise.

"Is that really you?" She said, covering her mouth.

"Blackheart, well...he won't bother anypony again.” He smiled down at her small figure, feeling relief and satisfaction. Wanting to talk to her more. Share a dinner. “I’m...Sorry Star, I”

He choaked

“Your soul, its so small. I should have known he had taken you. How could he lock you up and let you fade like this. No. No longer.” His eyes flashed green.

He reached for the knowledge he had gained, ready to sever what connections she still held to the mortal plane

"Wait, Mordane,” Mordane paused mid spell, eyes looking into hers with sorrow,“ about what I said before I died-"

"No, Star...I know. I-” he stopped and thought for a moment. “I could have loved you, that is the truth. I could have, I wish I could have.”

He felt a warm glow prick his cold skin, the dark spell sapping his strength.

"Yes, I cared for you as well." She shook her head “It was a terrible loss.”

“It was.” he said.

She began to fade as he untied her soul.

"Goodbye, Cutie.” She said with a soft giggle. Before suddenly remembering something. “Mordane?"

"Yes?" he said sitting up suddenly.

"Don't forget to love again." Her eyes began to glass over “I hope I’m reborn in those gleaming cites of your birth...I’d...like...to...see.....earth.”

And she was gone.

He sat there looking at the broken glass and thinking.

His face slowly contorting.

Tears streamed from his eyes as his face twisted into a snarl.

Looking around he spat more blood.

”This place shouldn’t exist in this world.”

He felt the power in him roar. The war magic rising to his rage, pain, regret and anger.

And so he lashed out.

Twilight felt the wave of magic as the necromantic barrier cracked.

Simultaneously she felt as Mordanes magic signature rush out, chasing its tail.

Twilight immediately took to the air. Her eyes already tearing up as she flew toward the spell.

Even so some part of her analysed the signal and noted the kind of spell it was.

Twilight bit her bottom lip. She knew about war magic and the dangers of it. Mordane shouldn’t have had access. Even she hadn’t until...She had gotten her wings.

”It’s far to early. Oh, what is this going to do to him?"

Coming to a hover above the rubble she cast a spell and began lifting rocks and tossing them aside. She let her magical sense guide her until she found Mordane.

The stones around him had been twisted and supported by his war magic. His body a channel for the massive energy it was not ready to wield.

Twilight flitted down to his side, picking him up.

“Mordane. Speak to me!”

“Twilight?” Mordane whispered, cracking open his eyes before a soft chuckle escaped his lips. “So you found me.”

“I-I followed your magical signature. It kept coming and going, I didn’t know-” she hiccuped. “I couldn’t find you.”

He didn’t say anything for a moment. Just shaking his head. Eyes welling up with tears.

“I’m dying...the dark wizard, that killed Star Charmer.” Mordane swallowed, “He was here and I- I”

“Shh, save your strength. You can tell me later.” Twilight said smiling. “My perfect little student.”

“I’m sorry, I’m dying.” He coughed again. Blood seeping out of his mouth “He got a bad one on me at the end...Twilight.”

Mordane sniffed.

“I bucked up. I should have told you. I should have-”

“Wait a moment.” Twilight sniffed. Her horn glowing. “I can feel the spell. Its strong but...I- I can fix it.”

She laid a surprised Mordane down and stood up, eyes scanning over his body.

“But...dark magic.”

Twilight gave a small smile.

“As Celestia told me, ‘I’ve not shown you everything, little one’ ” Her brow furrowed and her wings stood up before a black mist began to roil out of her eyes.

Mordane felt as the dark spell loosened its grip on him and was pulled out. Warmth surging back to his cold hooves as his heart began to beat freely.

“Now for the opposite.” Twilight said. Opening her glowing eyes she began floating.

Mordane felt a pure and clean powerful magical force building then rushing down and washing over him. The light purged the taint of dark magic from his body. The pressure was so great his soul was reanchord to his body.

“There.” She said coming returning to normal. “That should have worked...Mordane?”

The colt sat there stunned. The raw power that had gone through her in that moment had been huge. Yet she seemed completely calm.

For the first time he felt truly humbled by his teacher.

Sliding up Mordane came to sit and looked down at the ground.

“I’m sorry Twilight.” he said. Mind racing. “I should have told you what he did.” He hung his head lower “I should have gone with you.”

Twilight bit her lip.

“I should have listened more...and not left you. I’m sorry, I failed as your teacher. If you don’t want to learn under me anymore-”

“No!” Mordane said sudden ears popping to attention. “No. What you just did there...that was amazing.”

Twilight blushed.

“It was nothing.”

Mordane shook his head.

“It wasn’t nothing! That was powerful magic. I didn’t know you were going to teach me stuff like that.”

Twilight shook her head smiling, but then remembered something.

“You used war magic!”

Mordane blinked and swallowed.

“Yes...Are you mad?”

“Yes!” she harrumphed“No. I’m just worried. That magic is dangerous Mordane. It messes with a pony’s destiny, with their cutie mark! That magic nearly ruined my friends lives.”

She frowned, leaning in.

“You can’t use that anymore. I don’t want you to be obsessed with fighting Mordane. You can be a much grander wizard than that!”

Mordane sat there silently. Thinking. He understood what she was saying but he had needed the speed and power.

“Promise me you won’t use it Mordane. Not without my permission.”

Mordane bit his lower lip before tightening his jaw with a decision.

He bowed his head slightly.

“Yes, master.”

Twilight straightened, her anger fading quickly into a teary smile.

She grabbed Mordane and pulled him into a big hug.

“So what did you bind yourself to anyway?” She asked with a small chuckle.

“Just,” he thought quickly grabbing at the first idea that came, “A thunderstorm. A great force just sweeping evil away.”

Twilight nodded.

“That is a wide thing to bind yourself to Mordane.”

“Is that a good thing?” he asked shakingly

“The wider the binding the more drastic the changes to the casters ponyality. A pony could just be bound with the idea ‘I will burn with a thousand suns’ they will be able to light themselves on fire and survive the heat. Or they could think ‘I will control the fire of that thousand suns’ and be able to do just that: manipulate fire at will. The first is very similar to how earth pony magic works on their bodies while the second is closer in kin to the pegusi in how they manipulate the wind around themselves.”

Mordane nodded, cataloguing the information.

“But, I haven’t changed.” Mordane said “My personality feels about the same.”

“That's because you don’t yet have a mark.” She said. “The spell is meant to change your destiny. To give you talents you do not naturally have. If your binding had been very specific...it's likely you would have immediately gained a mark in it, but since it is something wide...well, when, if, you get a mark. Then it will have something to do with a storm...what that is depends on you and your destiny.”

“Then, is that why you don’t want me to use it?” He asked meekly, quickly continuing under her sudden glare “Not that I will!”

She sighed.

“Yes, because, you are still finding your destiny and I don’t want that to be tied to war.” She hugged him. “Come on. Let's leave this place.” Twilight said pulling Mordane onto her back.

Mordane blushed slightly, just a little large to be sitting there.

“I’m not a little foal Twilight.”

“No, but this the fastest way to get to the train station.”

She flew up high before looking back down.

“Mordane...what kind of magic did you say went on in there?”

Mordane winced as a half dozen memories of what exactly had happened in there asserted themselves.

“..terrible things,” he whispered, “the dark arts...necromancy.”

Twilights face grew stern.

Slowly Mordane felt her weave a spell. It took nearly an hour with her flying around the rubble casting magical imprints before going high and making the final incantation.

A roiling, blinding light took over the ground, forcing both of them to look away. Once gone, they looked back to see only gravel.

“Now we can go.” Twilight said turning to fly away with the stunned colt on her back.

“...and after digging your way out of the old fortress...where you found my sisters book, you came to Ponyville.”

“Yes princess.” Mordane replied quietly. “I passed through Las Pegasus and met Applejack’s brother, Big Macintosh, outside the town, before getting a ride to Ponyville.”

“And then nearly a year later, AFTER I had destroyed the journal in front of you, you decided to use the highly forbidden magic within for revenge.” She snorted. “That was petty.”

“I see that now.” Mordane replied.

“You do understand what you have done, colt?” Luna said, looking down at him scathingly.

“I have...made the gaining of my cutie mark difficult.”

“Perhaps impossible.” She remarked.

“Luna. There is no need for that.” Celestia said. “I’m sure Twilight has explained enough. Destiny and cutie marks are not to be trifled with. Not without consequences.”

She smiled.

“Still, in time I’m sure you will still find your place.”

“Yes, Princess Celestia.” He said, bowing.

“Okay.” She said clapping her hooves together “That is that then. Please head back to Ponyville and give Twilight my regards.”

“Yes, princess.” Mordane bowed slightly before leaving.

“Oh and Mordane?” She said, causing him to pause and turn partially around.” No more secrets, okay?”

“Yes, princess.” Mordane said, smiling just to his lips.

Celestia watched as Mordane trotted out of her throne room, merry eyes turning to disappointment as soon as he left.

“That old version of the spell. Why ever did you have something like that in a journal sister?” Celestia shook her head. “A spell the change fate. To mold one's own basic nature and change their place in the greater tapestry. Before Twilight it couldn’t be done without fundamentally changing ones destiny. Even Star Swirl couldn’t fix it. Only making it even more dangerous. Bringing out one's destiny by changing the past.”

“I was not in my right mind Celestia, but another innocent has been harmed by my betrayal.” She sighed lowering her ears.

“It's not your fault. Without it, I do indeed agree, he wouldn’t have been able to win against that necromancer...Another lost cause. Terrible. Why did he have to choose to be bound to something so mundane as a thunderstorm” She sighed, still looking at the doors. “He might have made the first male alicorn.”

Luna snorted

“I doubt it, sister. His imagination seems to be lacking. Twilight made friendship her focus, even if by accident.”

Celestia shook her head.

“Well, either way, we will have to find a place for him. Such a strong unicorn’s talents shouldn’t be put to waste.”

On the throne of Equestria, Celestia turned her mind to the matters of state.

Perhaps, if she had been a more hooves-on mare, she would have reached out and sensed exactly how Mordane’s fate had been changed by that spell. Perhaps she would have noticed there was far too much power there for a mere unicorn.

But, that was not Celestia's way, and so fate’s wheel turned.