• Published 26th Jan 2013
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Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...


Mordane and Boulder reported to the warehouse the next day after both apologized and picked up their armor.

From there, they were directed to a place just outside of town.

As he came up on the mercenary camp, Mordane felt an itch rising in the back of his brain while he looked at it.

So disorganized. Wonder they can get anything done.

The tents of the camp were placed at random. Mordane could see at least three places where food carts were. Armor, tents, and ponies of every shape and size could be seen as well. No overall plan seemed to exist and even as he was looking the stallion could see at least three fights going on.

Walking along the path he came across a board pony sitting at a table who called him over.


"Mordane." he responded "This is Boulder."

"Find the tent labeled forty five. The third guy is in there. Do you have a tent of your own?"


"Leave it here."

They complied, both giving each other looks knowing that this was a means of manipulation.

Wondering around aimlessly Mordane resisted the urge to growl as the disorganization was repeatedly thrown in his face. The smell of dust, mud, piss and crap permeated the air but Mordane had grown use to that in the city. The ground beneath him had been churned to mud by hundreds of ponies over time.

After an hour of searching both of them were tired and ready to rest.

"There it is."

Mordane walked in first and looked around the small tent before his eyes locked on the only pony inside. His groan was the equal of any prisoner who had just heard the death sentence.

"Hey, beautiful. Fancy meeting you here," Child Stalker said while laying on his side and facing the entrance.

"How in Tartarus did you get the same tent as me?" Wait I know that already "You know what just give me whatever feather you took."
Boulder looked confused but shrugged and rolled out his cot.

"Now, now, you must know I have backups."

"Of course you do. Do you at least know if we are getting another pony in our tent?"

"Naaa. When I bribed the tent assigner so he would put you and anyone you brought with you here."

"No surprise there. Can you even fight?"

"Of course."

Mordane laid down on his side of the tent as Boulder talked to Stalker.

"So how do you know this waste of flesh?"

"I could ask the same. We met in Ponyville shortly after his arrival."

"You going to tell him how you stalked me for upwards of six years Child Stalker?" Mordane butted in.

"Nah, he probably won’t care about that."

"Your name is Child Stalker?" asked Boulder with confusion on his face.

As the two started to exchange stories, Mordane left the tent to report to his superior unicorn mage. It took several questions and near threats to find his tent.

It was bigger than most and a shiny green. Two guards in gray plate armor stopped him before he entered and asked for his name before checking with the unicorn inside.

After being allowed inside Mordane looked around to see a surprisingly plain tent with a regular cot, a table, and what appeared to be an alchemy set.

"Mordane?" asked a voice from his right.

Looking over, he saw the necromancer from earlier and saluted.

With a warm smile, he motioned to a mat beside him as a cup floated over filling with alcohol.

"Come sit with me, Mordane. We have to discuss some things."

"It would be my pleasure, sir," said Mordane returning the smile and sitting down.

"Now, young one. What do you know about combat?"

"Well... I was involved in the planning and fighting of a battle to the north. A bunch of farmers were facing diamond dogs."

"Sounds like a terrible situation. Tell me, how did you fight. Personally I mean." he said while pouring himself a glass as well.

"Thank you," Mordane commented as he picked up his own glass. "I used my War magic mostly.Used the other ponies to hold the front line. Ended up spending most of my time counteracting their shamans."

"Really? How many of them were there?"

"I do not know. If I may ask, what is your name?"

"Oh thats right," he said tapping the side of his head. "We three forgot to tell you our names. I am Steady Gaze. The first pegasus with the great sword was High Rise and the other was Cloud Charmer."

"I am pleased to know you, Steady Gaze."

"Please just call me Gaze"

"Mr Gaze. I however must admit that I have no experience working with others in battle with magic."

"Ah." Concern flashed up onto Gaze's face. "Well its rather simple. We split into two groups. One attacks, the other links minds and defends."

Mordane tensed up. "Link minds!?"

"Do you have a problem with it?" Anger flashed through the Unicorns eyes.

"Well... no. Its just I've been told that linking with my mind is uncomfortable," Mordane said hoping the unicorn would just accept it.

"Really? Well link with mine right fast."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. With as long as I've been at it there should be no problem."

"Isn't it dangerous, I mean my last teacher never got around to it."

Actually I got her to avoid it. I swear, that girl’s lists.

"Not at all. The only danger while linking mind is if one of your minds is so much more powerful that it can swallow the other and does so."

"...And if that happens?"

"Oh ummm....Well normally three or four unicorns must work together to break through anothers mind. At that point the unicorn could pretty much take what they wish."

"What about controlling them?"

Gaze shook his head.

"Oh no, that would be too difficult. It would require a constant connection and would drain energy constantly. The mind is self correcting, any attempt at permanent control would be shrugged off."

"What of memories?"

"Lock them behind a wall and I won’t see them."

Mordane thought back the the first necromancer he had defeated and nodded his head. Even after breaking through the best he had been able to do was hold him.

"Very well... Let’s proceed."

With a mental twist Mordane pulled back on his memories, locking them away. Mordane felt as the stallion reached out and made contact. At first he almost panicked but soon he could feel Gaze’s mind reaching out like an open hand.

Mordane reached out in return and contact was made.

Gaze gasped and pulled back his mind before shaking his head. Stumbling from his chair Gaze darted to the other side of his tent and sat gasping.

The old unicorn did not know what to think of the mind behind those eyes. It was like he had been smacked. What confused him even more was that he felt no ill will from it. That extreme turmoil was just the normal state.

"By the old gods, boy. Where did you get a mental shield like that?"

"I'm sorry?" Mordane confusion and worry welling up inside of him.

"That mental wall you have around your mind. Its like a torrent of emotion." The old stallion came back close and floated over a quill and paper. "How do you function with such turmoil?"


Mordane did not understand what could this stallion be talking about his mind was a calm sea.

I mean I don't feel agitated. In fact I'm rather calm.

"Err, it’s just the way I think. I mean, I don't really feel all of that. It just goes on."

"Fascinating. Your mind is similar to predators if what you say is true. The normal pony mind would have to have a strong will in order to touch your mind. I wonder what would have caused this?"

Gaze started pacing around the tent leaving Mordane to sit.

"Umm, Sir? What does this mean for my working with the other unicorns."

"Hmm? Oh yes. It means you will not. Quiet a gift you have there. I will assign you to the aggressive team."

"Thank you, sir."

"No problem. Now report to your tent, we march tomorrow."

"Where are we going?" Mordane asked curiously.

Gave paused as a stern look came over his face.

"That is not your concern," Gaze's voice said with a tone that could cut air. "Just follow orders and we will get out alive."

Mordane bit back a retort at the sudden harsh rebuttal and saluted before leaving.

Just think about the money. It is worth it for that.

The bitter taste in Mordane’s mouth from the uncalled-for rebuke still lingered on the tongue as he neared his tent.

The sound of Boulder and Child Stalker arguing came out from the tent causing his to frown. Walking in he sat down and waited for the time to butt in and end the argument.

"The reality of war is violence. To strike without the intent to kill is to do nothing," said Stalker with a cold tone and he laid on his back looking at the top of the tent.

Boulder was standing with his eyes ablaze. He was practically spitting fire.

"The point of violence is not to kill! Its to protect those who cannot protect themselves!"

"Any who cannot protect themselves will inevitably fall to those who are strong. All who oppose a nation’s safety should be destroyed."

"At some point or another every nation becomes a threat! Your interpretation would lead to constant war! Violence is a necessity of familiar. It is with the threat of violence that a nation can have peace."

Stalker stood up, the calm expression falling from his face to reveal ager every much as hot as Boulders.

"By your own admission peace is but a delusion! The time before inevitable combat! Violence begets violence and only with destruction of all but one people will it end!"

"You sico-"

"Both of you are wrong," Mordane cut in.

"What would you know about it?" snapped Boulder

"Enough. Violence is the base of civilization. It is only through force that order is established. To put it simply; Violence is control."

"We were talking about war! Not control."

"War is violence. Nothing more than violence on a massive scale. The extension of control through force in its most base form. Everything that holds society together is only an extension of that basic form of control and could not have come into existence without it."

Boulder was frowning at the statement, trying to understand what he was saying.

"Do you mean that violence is neither evil nor good?" asked Stalker with surprise coming over him.

"Yes. It is simply put a tool. Something to be used with caution. Too much and you risk destruction. Too little and you leave the world’s fate in the hooves of others."

A smile broke on his face.

"I would not of guessed you understood philosophy, Stalker."

"Oh yes I do. It helps in my line of work."

"Stalking children?" cut in Boulder.

A knowing smile met his.

"Not necessarily. Though I must admit, that particular interpretation I've never heard before, Mordane. Where did you hear it?" The curiosity evident on his face.

"Nowhere. Now go to sleep. We have a lot of marching tomorrow."

Actually I came up with it as a human. One of my many useless hobbies back then.

With that all three laid down and went to sleep one by one.

Only to be woken by drums at six in the morning.


Marching and camping and camping and marching and eating and camping and marching and sleeping. Just how far away is this job anyway?

The army had been moving for days. In the evening they would set up camp wherever they happened to stop. Normally there would be no water or flat, clear ground. Mordane would use his sword to go cut wood. This was not good for the blade, which pleased the alicorn. His distaste of that clan was still strong.

Mordane and the other two had taken to filling a barrel with water and carrying it with them in a cart they had found.

Well, found in the supply train...with bags of salt in it. They simply threw the bags into another cart and pulled it away. No one had complained yet. Sharing it had helped to make them popular among the others.

Mordane himself had gone to High Rise about the problem. His exact words were, ‘A little thirst will make you lot march faster’

The army had stopped for the day and Mordane had decided to take a crack at repairing Kindle.

Sitting her on the water barrel in front of him, Mordane assessed the damage.

The spine was cracked and a large part of the side was burned by the lightning. It had even made its way through the book cover.

This is way over my head. At the very least I would need another vessel and several ponies help. Plus weeks of preparation. Even then, there is no guarantee that all the knowledge would survive.

"Hey, Mordane"

"Hello, Stalker. Where have you been?"

The pony came walking in and looked at Mordane’s book.

"Oh not much. Yourself?"

"I'm considering Kindle’s injuries." He lifted her up and began rotating it around.

"Kindle is her name? I was wondering, never caught it before you moved into that blasted hidden room." Mordane glared at him. "Sorry."
He sighed.

"Its alright, Stalker. I forgive you. For all of it. I'm sure you had your reasons."

"Wow, Mordane," he said raising his eyebrows. "That’s generous of you. What's it been, two months since Ponyville?"

"Aye... two months."

"How much could be in that book anyway? You must be running out of things to learn from it."

"Well, it’s magical...and made by Star Swirl. The information could be... well, everything he learned. Though I must admit I was nearing the edge of useful info. It seems he only put in the stuff that was difficult for him. Most of it is useless to anyone else but him."

"Then why do you want to repair it?"

"...Just seems like a waste."

A smile slowly dawned on Stalker’s lips. He laughed out loud.

"You miss her, don't yah?"

"What? Nah, she is just a construct. A creation of magic and logic puzzles....She could not really be alive."

"That’s not really the question here."

Mordane hung his head as Stalker laughed.

"Look, Stalker...I just wanted something I'm use to. New land, destroyed life, I don't even know where the army is going!"
The angry stallion threw down Kindle with a smack against the barrel in anger as Stalker paused and considered what he said.
"Well we are headed into Cabistien. West of Tietus."

"Cabistien? Why is it called that?"

"No idea. All the cities down here have random names. Anyway, Cabistien is a kingdom with three cities under its control. The leader ruling from the capital with a dozen lords I think?"

"Is it a queen or king?"

"Not sure currently. Changes from time to time... How much do you know about the south?"

Mordane took a seat and made himself a cup of water. At the same time stalker moved over and picked up his saddle bags before sitting across from him.

"Nothing really. ‘Sept what you just told me."

"Hmm, give me a moment."

Stalker sat rubbing his chin with the ankle just before the hoof. Seemingly thinking on what he wanted to tell Mordane.
A growing apprehension started up in the younger stallion.

What could be making him think about it so hard?

"Look, Mordane. I am no good a drawing maps and the captain would not like it if his disappeared. So I'm just going to show you my way. Keep your fancy unicorn magic out of it. Ok?"

"Sure?" Mordane didn't know what to make of Stalker’s statement. It did not seem to make sense, but the pony/human would obey.

With a nod of his head Stalker rummaged around his sack. Taking out various bottles and books. Soon a small pile was around him leaving Mordane to conclude that the pony’s bag had to be smaller on the outside than it was inside. Soon however he pulled out a large gem. As Stalker packed his things back into the bag Mordane examined the crystal with his eyes.

It has a large reddish gem that was mostly clear. Oddly enough, it was shaped like a small bowl even though Mordane could not see any cut marks. To his eye it seemed to have simply grown that way.

Excitement came rushing back to Mordane as his mind started jumping for solutions to what could make such a thing. It had to be something magical, but It did not use unicorn magic and can be used by an earth pony?

It was said that only unicorn horns could cast spells, and this was true but there was plenty of evidence to suggest that it was not the only form of castable magic. Pinkie Pie had been enough evidence to that. There was also the crystal heart that Twilight talked of. In her mind, it had to have been unicorns who made it, but Mordane was not so sure. Especially since the Crystal Empire was an earth pony state.
Stalker reached out with one hoof and tapped on the crystal. At that moment Mordane felt a rush in his mind.

The crystal began pulse. Growing darker and lighter shades of red repeatedly. After a moment a sphere of light floated up out of the cut and took shape before his eyes.

Mordane gasped.

Before him was a map but no still image. No, it had moving seas and oceans. Clouds moved over its surface as strange shapes took form on the land mass.

"This is the land south of the great divide. What the southern nations call the mountain range between Equestria and here. About 400 miles from that mountain range to the peninsula with six kingdoms and five city states."

Stalker stopped looking at Mordane and rubbed the side of his head.

"Sorry. Maintaining this mental image is difficult."

.I can imagine so without a spell. Did you make this thing?"

Stalker smiled.

"Aye...I suppose you would want me to teach you. Should be possible with your earth pony side."

"Well I have noticed I can't sense you. Is that part of this ability as well?"

"Well that would be telling. Now look at this map. You see how it looks like two letter U's with the left one flipped over and the whole thing rotated to the right? The place where the two meet is usually were these ponies call the divide between north and south."

"Do they not know of Equestria?"

"They know of it but not much beyond that. It took many years for my people to move north of the wall." Stalker grew gloomy and thoughtful before shaking his head.

"In the north is Toe, Derrena and Frozi. Derrena being the largest."

"Why does the Frozi name have a griffin behind it?" The half bird half lion was cast in shadow behind the name. Glaring in anger.

"That land use to belong to the griffin empire before the pony revolution five hundred years ago. As to why you can see that on the map...Well the image comes from on my own mind so my… thoughts on the different places will probably leak through."


Looking at Derrena he saw a bunch of ponies walking around whispering to one another. Occasionally one would pick up a crown. Soon however he would be stabbed in the back. Toe showed ponies in rags next to ponies covered in diamonds on the coast as ships were moving around in the water.

"Cabistien rests on the north side of the divide between north and south. While Dimier is on the southern half. Irona is south of that."

Cabistien seemed to consist mostly of ruined forts and ponies building forts, on both the north and south frontier. Dimier was the same on its north while the south was covered in ponies with spy glasses and ponies standing around eyeing the nations to the south.

"Then there are the city states. Tartus we left two weeks ago in the regions center. On the opposite side of Cabistien than Ike. Which as you can sees hugs the west coast bellow Toe. Both are port cities."

Mordane looked at Tartus and could only see what seemed like ponies crawling over one anouther. They would change position and looks so quickly he could not trace any pattern. While Ikes border with Cabistien seemed shabby, almost non existent. Ponies could be seen crossing all the time.

"Fae, NIe and Heridon line the southern peninsula with Herdon being on the very tip."

The three city states seemed to consist of children throwing rocks at each other. occasionally they would charge over each others border and grab whatever they could. Fae seemed to be made of pegasi while Nle had earth ponies. Heridon was the only city with both earth ponies and unicorns. Though the unicorns were covered in fine dress while the earth ponies were covered in mud.

"Now listen. Toe, Derrena, Dimier, and Irona are all ran by kings and queens who rule absolutely. Cabistien and Fazi are republics. Of the city states all are ran by a council save for Tartus and Herdon. Tartus is ran by a collection of wealthy merchants hold up in the castle. The leadership goes to whoever is the richest at the time. Heridon is a kingdom. Though considering how it lacks control of more than one city and cannot even maintain control of the local towns around it that title is a bit inaccurate."

Mordane stood there trying to take it all in. Before shaking his head and mumbling the nations names. After a time he gained a grasp on it and went on to examine the magic itself.

"Stalker...Where did you learn this earth pony magic?"

"Earth pony magic?" Stalkers eyebrows raised. "It usually takes me days to get the unicorns to admit I'm doing this."
"Well... I can feel you doing it. I have the power of an earth pony remember?"

Stalker smiled.

"Ha! That's right. Most believe earth ponies are the least magically inclined of the races. In reality it's just more subtle. Pegasi move clouds, unicorns move the stars and earth ponies, well earth ponies move the earth."

Mordane frowned at that.

"I've never seen an earth pony do anything besides move incredibly heavy loads before. I mean the crystal heart was something strange, but I was not certain."

Laughter rang through the tent as the image floating above the crystal faded.

"Oh look," Stalker said picking up and putting the crystal away. "You made me lose focus. Listen, Mordane. Unicorns generally feel very self important. They have the showiest kind of magic. The kind that none can doubt. Many of them specialize in finding gems and shaping them for magic purposes. Despite this most quality gems come from earth pony farms. Rock farms, their called. Most unicorns say the earth ponies just find the gems but in reality they grow them."

"Grow? Earth ponies can grow gems?" He was in shock. Most gems were near worthless save for the few rare kinds. "If gems can be grown then how can there be ones of any value?"

"That's simple," he smiled. "It ain't easy to grow ‘em. Very few earth pony families have the strength. Even with them, very few have the skill or patience. Now this one here," -he said tapping his bag- "is one I made and it's been tuned with a very specific purpose. "

It clicked in Mordane’s head.

"Oh. I get it. You use the crystal as a plate a sort of...directing element. Then you pour power into it with concentration...or if you're a unicorn, raw magic."

"Unicorn? No this is-"

"Cadence is the crystal princess...she might not know how it was made but her power is compatible with the crystal heart. So she can power it... Most of these kinds though wouldn't work with-"

Stalker shoved his hoof into Mordane face frowning.

"Look. The Crystal heart is one reason I was in Equestria to begin with. I know how it works and you’re right, that is exactly the case. However it was just random alignment. Making one of these that is compatible with unicorn magic is like... keeping sharks and fish alive together in the same tank. Unicorn magic is just too aggressive."

Mordane nodded in agreement and understanding. He kept silent before speaking up again.

"I would like you to teach me this magic."

Stalker smiled and after a moment considering he spoke up again.

"I'll do it for a lap dance."

Stalker began teaching Mordane two days later. That is after waking from his injuries after Mordane used his forehead to break a few rocks. He found the entire thing hilarious.

Three weeks after leaving Tietus, Mordane was called to commander High Rise’s tent. Though he had been meeting Steady Gaze every few days to learn the magical side to battle he had not spent much time with the other two leaders.

Walking in to the commander’s tent, Mordane repressed the urge to wrinkle his nose. The tent was excessively large for one pony. The full size bed seemed excessive for a commander who would put up to four ponies into a single tent. The glass cups and wine bottles did not help. He almost did not notice the bit of white powder on the table.

"Sir, Mordane Stronghoof reporting."

The pegasus turned to Mordane after pouring himself a drink. The serious look on his face cracked at Mordane’s statement and laughed. He looked a bit ragged with bloodshot eyes.

"Oh, I cannot believe it. Steady Gaze told me you used sir all the time. Such respect is not needed. After all, we’re only mercenaries."

That is when you need respect most of all.

"Of course, sir...Though it would make me more comfortable to continue to do so."

He chuckled.

"Very well. Have you seen Cloud Charmer yet?"

"Your second in command? No, I haven't."

"And why not?" High Rise’s voice took on a dangerous tone.

Mordane’s mental alarms started to go off.

"I have had no reason to, sir."

"NO REASON! What about your scouting mission!" High Rise yelled.

"Scouting mission? I am not aware of any-"

Mordane stumbled back in shock as the glass of wine impacted his face. Only his flinching and quick reactions prevented him from getting glass in his eye. Three cuts bleed as Mordane pulled off the glass bits on his face.

High Rise yelled the entire time.


Mordane walked out using his mind sight and finished pulling off the glass shortly after leaving.

Well... that happened.

The alicorn did not even know how to feel about the assault. It had just come so out of right field.

What kind of moron would throw glass at somepony’s face, even if they’re high? I swear if he keeps that up I'm going to end up killing the guy...Come to think of it, he never even told me what it was that he wanted.

Stalker and Boulder were on latrine duty. Walking into his tent, Mordane found a mirror and did repair work on his face, careful to make sure the skin healed together without scarring.

Five minutes later a runner appeared carrying a message telling him to report to Cloud Charmer... before noon.
Mordane looked up in the sky and saw there was not much time.

He quickly put together that they were about to go on some scouting mission so he quickly wrote a note and left it were the other two could find it. At the same time he collected his gear, preparing to travel light.

I'll probably be out for only a few days.

Finding Cloud Charmer was easy enough. The mild mannered stallion simply nodded at his explanation for arriving so close to the time to leave. He told Mordane to meet him and the others of the scout mission at a location he described

"Don't forget to bring enough supplies for two days of flight."


Mordane had walked out of the camp range of sight before taking off.

The scouting party was to meet in an open valley to the west of the armies position. As Mordane flew he worked to settle the irritation he felt toward High Rise. Even if he was acting like a fool, Mordane knew questioning his orders or showing doubt in his leadership would only result in the army almost certainly dying.

In battle hesitation would mean death. I just have to believe he knows what he is doing...despite the evidence otherwise.

The pegasi waiting in the grassy clearing did not even turn to look as he approached on wing. Landing he did not bother to tuck his wings away or hide his horn.

You know, this will be the first time I'm open about my nature here. I wonder how they will react.

"What the buck...?"

One of the pegasi had looked at him as he approached. Seeing Mordane wings and horn he had muttered under his breath. Quickly all the others stopped what they were doing and turned to see what he had been talking about.

"Cool it, ya'll. You should recognize me."

The army itself had only just over a thousand ponies but Mordane and his group had started gaining a bit of notoriety.

"I did not know that unicorns could make themselves wings!"

"They can't," Cloud Charmer said as he glided in over Mordane's head. Landing softly he stretched a bit before continuing. "This here is an entirely different species. Half unicorn and half pegasi."

I'll just let him keep thinking that.

"Mordane, have you ever flown in formation?"

"No, sir."

"Storm Cloud will tell you the basic flying patterns. Let's move out!"


Over the next few days the ponies flew in a V formation over a large area.

Basically they would have to zig-zag across the land while looking with their eyes.

Formation wise there was only a circle, A, box, and V. The party leader was one of the most uncharismatic ponies he had ever met. He would give orders in simple phrases without smile then go off to sleep alone.

This was the first time he noticed the... relational habits of many of his fellow soldiers. The mares and stallions would pare off almost at random. This was in direct violation of Cloud Charmer’s orders but it was obvious to Mordane that the pegasi had no respect.

It was on the third day however that the party was attacked, though Mordane would have used that word while rolling his eyes.

The ponies below fired arrows from tree cover up into the air but the pegasi were far too high to be hit. His fellow soldiers laughed. Mordane waited for his orders.

"Mordane, Storm. Keep an eye on them. We will go back to the army and report."

That's exactly what happened. Without anypony of interest around or any events causing even the slightest fear, Mordane was left his to thoughts.

Mordane found the entire experience incredibly boring. They would take shifts flying to a nearby mountaintop to both sleep and eat before trading up. One week after leaving camp the army caught up with them.


Mordane stretched his hooves as he made his way to the army encampment. Five days on the wing completely bored out of his mind.
Even those soldiers firing arrows at us in the air barely raised my heart beat.

He sighed.

I bet High Rise is preparing to seize their homes and families. That would likely force their surrender.

Walking up to the meeting place Mordane was surprised to see the army preparing to march. He quickly saw that most of the ponies had put on their full armor.

This is insane! We should be resting. The army has been marching for days.

As he contemplated this, Steady Gaze walked out from behind a preparing column to meet him giving his orders.

"The army is splitting into two groups. It seems the other scouting party found another group of these farmers. You will command the unicorns in group A since you're the only aggressor in that group. We are to put them down. You’re with B go talk to Cloud Charmer."

With no time to rest the pony found Cloud Charmer as soon as he could. Only to be ordered to find the other two mages who would be acting as defense.

After searching for them he finally found that they had left with the other group already.

God I'm glad we are only fighting farmers or this would be a disaster.

Finally Mordane had a chance to meet his comrades... Only to find that they had been sent with group A as well. Sighing Mordane went prepared himself for battle. Yet, he noticed so was everypony else.

Who is staying to hold our supplies?

Mordane just assumed no one would and brought his essentials with him. Finally an hour late, the force of three hundred left the now empty camp to march unstopping through the forest. The human forced himself to stay near the front of the column. His moral at a low though he refused to show it. Every action of this armies leadership made him angrier and angrier. With such weak commanders he feared for the lives of his men and those of his enemy.

Victory was a must, but any killed life was a waste.

With such a weak command they will likely drive us straight into combat. With that, we will both take casualties. With our superior equipment we should be able to force their surrender if they actually stand to fight.

The stallion scanned the woods hoping that Cloud Charmer would prove to be an excellent field commander even if his charisma was lacking.

About four kilometers from the last known position Mordane spoke up to his commander.

"Sir, ...we are getting close. Should we not send out scouts or get off the road? They may have moved or there may be an ambush."

The stallion laughed for the first time since Mordane had met him.

"Look, colt. I have seen how you go about things over the last few days. You’re too uptight." Smiling, he continued, "Look, there is no danger of them ambushing us they are just-"

As Mordane registered the arrow that had suddenly grown out of his commander’s eyeball and fired up his shield. Only two thoughts came up in his mind.

Oh the irony. I will save them.


With a roar he fellow mercenaries charged. With a breath Mordane willed a force shield into be in front of him. The drain on his available energy was immense. He was grabbing as much as he could and yet it was not coming fast enough to keep up with the energy expending from the arrow attacks.

A true master of shield spells could make one that would only activate when another spell detected incoming missiles. That was beyond him though.

At about one second they were half the way down the road to where the ambushers were when the critical point was reached.
That was when Mordane reached for his spare power in the bracelet he had made a few weeks earlier.

Smiling he laughed as the shield that was near breaking resolidified. Protecting them all the way up to the enemies.

The earth pony archers fell quickly. Most surrendering before physical contact was made.

Mordane pinned one to the ground and turned to wait for orders. However none came. Even as the other mercenaries fell on the other archers.

The stallion looked down at his prisoner expecting to see a shoulder. However what meet his eyes was a colt with tears in his eyes and trembling hooves. Instead of armor he saw only a sack cloth.

These ponies are only farmers...oh shit. Are we putting down a rebellion?

Looking around he saw that all the other archers had been captured. The mercenaries had tied them up and were laughing as they kicked them on the ground and poked them with knives. Some were obviously preparing to execute them.

Where is our leadership? Who was second in command!?

Then it hit him. Cloud Charmer must have never appointed one. The pony had always seemed... off. Maybe he did not consider that it was a possibility.

Mordane however knew what he had to do.


There was many different reactions to his order.

As he indicated to another mercenary the pony he had been pinning. Most of the ponies who had been standing around watching moved to obey without thought. Some continued until him or others made them stop. One pony however ignored him entirely.


Mordane swiveled his head and saw a rather large earth pony with an axe. On the other side of the group. He had started to give orders as well. Mostly ones involving lining up the prisoners as he chopped their heads off one by one.

"What do you think you're doing! Stay your axe."

The stallion looked at him smiled and swung anyway.


Another head rolled as Mordane failed to yank the axe out of the would be executioner’s hooves.

"I said stay you axe, soldier."

"Who are you to order me?"

Suddenly Mordane’s eyes opened and he took in his position.

The place where the earth pony had been executing others was on a small rise of earth. Without realizing it, Mordane had run up on that and directly challenged another. All around them ponies of the army were getting quiet during their quick exchange. It was the quiet that he had noticed.

Mordane knew how minds worked. If he backed down now, this one would be in command and looking into his eyes he saw only bloodthirst.

I need to establish authority...There is only one way to do that so quickly.

"My name is Stronghoof and I am in command."

The pony laughed and leaned on his axe.

"You? A unicorn? You don't have the guts to lead. Step down, little colt."

Mordane stopped up to the towering pony emanating disgust. A simple spell of fear could have helped him but he was alone and a glowing horn could provoke an attack.

"No I will not step down. I was content to rest under the hoof of a pony who was paying me, but not a bloodthirsty fool like you."

The earth ponies smile grew into a full grin as he swung the large axe up onto his back. He walked up the stallion before him.

"You are within my kill range, unicorn, if your horn glows I'll kill you. Now tell me which of us is stronger. Tell me who leads."

Damn he is not backing down...I would have preferred to avoid this.

Mordane fell back on his War magic and pulled at the earth beneath the large earth pony’s hooves. Since War magic does not use the horn, he never had a chance to react before suddenly losing his footing and falling to the ground.

Mordane did not hesitate. He wrapped magic around his swords handle and quickly moved the blade over to the pony’s throat.
It was over in a second. The blade was on his throat before the others even gasped.

Now to gain their respect....through fear.

"Listen here you lumbering ulf. I have killed more ponies than I care to count." I think three? " In my studies I have ripped out the souls and made slaves of ponies stronger than you." Total lie... or at least it was. I'm so sorry.

Suddenly Mordane’s horn began to glow black. Even though he had never cast the spell before memories of doing so came back to his mind.

There was curses and girly screams as ponies once dead shuddered and stood up. He only could raise five for a short time but it would be enough.

Cloud Charmer and two other mercenary ponies walked toward the small hill as a crowd parted for them. The two headless ponies rose up from where they had been left after the axe pony left them. One casually walking over to pick up his now served head and hold it.
The pony beneath his sword had stopped grinning as he hit the ground. At the gasps he had frowned and when the headless pony came into view he looked.

"As you can see, I am far from just a regular unicorn. Do you acknowledge my leadership? If not I could always use your corpse."

Fear blossomed in the ponies all around him as he looked at the pony below him, now covered in his own piss and shaking.

"I... I will obey."

Mordane withdrew his sword. "Then see to it that all the prisoners are collected and kept alive. Remember: Alive. If they are harmed... well I'm sure you know already."

The pony ran off to do as he commanded. Turning, Mordane addressed the crowd.

"Does anypony else challenge my authority?!"


"Then regroup. We march in the hour. Scouts report to me for you orders."


Mordane bundled up his disgust over using both the sword and necromancy until later. For now he had an engagement to plan.

The ponies around him parted wherever he walked and obeyed without question. Soon the fifty captured farmers were in a wooden cell constructing between the trees.

Mordane left ten soldiers to guard them and mentioned something near them about how he had been ordered to keep them alive unless they tried to run. Then he could eat their souls.

The scouts reported back good news. The remaining farmers were held up on a single hill only a mile away.

Mordane smiled as they described the ponies position

"I have a plan."


Ground Berry was a Cabistien earth pony who grew grapes.

He and his father were serfs under the local pegasi lord who hated earth ponies.

Needless to say, life was not good for the ponies under his rule. Food was scarce as fully four fifths of what they grew was taken by the lord. He would sell the food to other lords and merchants. Then instead of using the money on his subjects he would pocket or spend it on his castle.

Bandits were common as the lord only hired enough guards to protect his castle and the main road of trade. Towns were left to fend for themselves.

That is why the townsfolk had finally had enough. They rose up and refused to pay their taxes. When the few guards showed up they were quickly driven away by the larger force as the colt had proven to be a competent leader.

After that Berry had set his sight higher than before. Generations ago this region had been independent. Why not take the keep and make himself lord?

He could make sure the other ponies were treated right and live in comfort as a loved lord.

Now however, the lord had hired some mercenaries. Young Ground frowned as one of his scouts reported the forward group captured.

Their numbers were larger than I imagined... How did he take them so easily? Do they have magic?

"Sir!" shouted and older mare running up to his table with a rough map on it. "Thompson just spotted the mercenaries, they’re here!" She was shaking him her boots as the colt stood up and stepped onto the table, a bow emblazoned on his flank.

"Calm down, Cherry, we are okay. This high ground will give us an advantage. We have all the food and if they attack, then we will win. Even with three hundred, that is still only half our number."

The mare blushed at the bravery and calm in the colt before her. He was only fifteen years of age and already a leader.

The colt did not notice this however. Instead he started telling his older brother orders who would then yell them out for all to hear. At first others had teased him for taking orders from one so young but not anymore. Soon they had weapons and a goal.

"Prepare the defenses! Archers at the ready!"

The earth ponies were well dug in. Their hill had a chest high mound of dirt in two levels around it. The first line being melee and second archers.

Looking between two spikes the colt squinted at the forest edge enemy. There he could see a few dozen ponies moving around just out of bow range.

What are they planning...?

Soon however he saw five ponies break away. He saw they each carried a great sword and moved with a shuffle. Each one was wearing a full body cloak with their hoods pulled up.

The buck? Do they want these ones to die?

Looking around he tried to think of a way this could help them. There was nothing he could think of however. He was not going to move his troops to meet this side until they had already attacked...so were they surrendering?

"Ponies!" he yelled. "Mercenaries! Throw down your weapons and surrender! Do not waste your lives in such a way!"

The five ponies ignored the command. A feeling of unease came to the boy’s stomach. Looking around he saw it reflected in his troop’s eyes.

They’re trying to unnerve me...

"Archers! Fire!"

Over the next few seconds the archers let loose. The arrows sailed through the air and impacted the ponies. To their horror they did not fall even with six or more arrows in them


The archers let loose a second time. This time however the arrows made enough damage to the garments that they simply started to fall off. Even as they let loose a third salvo the farmers were met with a horrifying sight.

Carmel, Biscuit. Oh sweet maker what have they done to you?

The two ponies he recognized had swords sticking in their eyes that were pushed all the way through and down out the neck and into the body bellow. The arrows plunged into the flesh where stuck in deep. Even as he turned back from throwing up he saw the head of one dislodged and fall off. Its mouth still opening and closing as his eyes shifted around.

Screams rang out as they saw fifty ponies stepped out of the forest with the same dead eyed look of their face.


The farmers all moved around and stared as the five ponies finally stopped at the lines edge, so full of arrows that their bodies could not move.

They stared as the fifty odd ponies started to move forward.

Suddenly Ground Berry heard shouting behind him. Turning he was met with the sight of a large pony, with blue eyes, dark brown coat and off white mane, staring into eyes with a spear pointing at his throat. As he watched the horn on his head started to glow black as his eyes turned green and shadows played out in tendrils.

"I saw you giving orders...give one now and tell your ponies to surrender."

The farmers fell with barely a fight. Mordane was able to take them from behind as they were distracted from the front. The farmers had left two ponies to watch however Mordane had encased their heads in a sound proof shield. The fifty ponies from the front had been faking their state of undead.

Casualties were non existent on both sides as Mordane had ordered his troops to refrain from lethal force and the mercenaries hit far too quickly for the farmers to react. There were plenty of injuries on both sides, however.

As he gave out the orders, he reflected on the differences of real command to books.

Really it just comes down to people. Who they are, how they think. Sun Tzu lead me true today.

Walking over to the children section. Mordane grinned. After talking to the older brother he had a promise to keep.

God I hope he gets this. I'd hate to have some twerp try and kill me a few years from now.

"Ground Berry. Where is Ground Berry?"

The colt stood tall in the middle of the mass of children. Comforting those older and younger than himself. Mordane was impressed. He felt sorry for these people but letting them go would do no good. It would only prolong the inevitable.

The colt walked forward like a martyr to be killed. Mordane motioned for the boy to follow eventually finding a tent to go in that was empty.

"So, young one. I don't want you to say anything. Nothing you could say would matter. I will tell you only this. Your brother has arranged with the other villagers to take the claim for being the leader of the rebellion instead of you."

Shock played across the boys face followed quickly by rage. He opened his mouth to speak.

"Quiet! Now listen. You want self rule, yes? I'll tell you how to get it. When your older, after years of preparing, after this village appears to be nothing but loyal to the lord and he lowers his guard, attack his keep. Do not wait out by a village for a few months, be prepared and move in one fluid strike. Take out his throne and kill him before he can leave. Then take all that gold your brother says is in that keep and send half to the ruler of this land."

"That is our bits!"

"Then use it to buy your ponies happiness! Send a letter telling about how terrible he was at using the land. Tell him how he stole money from the king or whatever is head of this nation. Then tell him you have reclaimed what is his and that the people have asked you to be there lord and that you said only if the ruler or whatever says yes. Then you will have your freedom."

The child stared at the pony who had so resoundingly beat him then told him how to win next time. How according to those loyal to him had prevented the massacre of his fellow villagers and forced their surrender without blood.

He did not know what to think.

"What is your name?"

"I am Mordane Stronghoof."

"You won an amazing victory today."

"I broke the heart of farmers and preserved its most important piece. This was nothing."

With that he pulled the colt back the children and moved to prepare for his commander. This would be just the beginning. He would fight her one day.

I'll fight her, for others.

High Rise was not having a good day.

These farmers had lead him on a goose chase. Somehow fooling the scouts into believing that the main part of the army was farther south. Now it was likely that he would go to find his three hundred ponies killed. Oh he would make those farmers pay.

At least that's what he told his men. In truth he did not mind the loss. It would mean less ponies to pay at the end of the exposition. They even took a bit to pack up the camp before coming.

However as his troops approached the enemies position, his scouts reported his mercenary flag flying over some fortifications on a hill. As well as neatly rowed tents and a huge number of ponies sitting in large groups under guard.

High Rise did not know what they think until a pony scout from group B landed and reported on the events up to the battle.

High Rise then felt a pit of sadness open in his chest.

Cloud Charmer had been his friend. This emotion however was quickly replaced with horror and rage when he heard how Mordane had taken command and desecrated his body.

That bastard!

The commander barely registered how the pony said there was no casualties. He did not care that the farmers had been put down without a major fight.

Storming into camp, he did not even pause. He marched up the path and hill strait to the main tent. Once inside he saw Mordane turn and start to salute but the commander did not give him a chance.

With a flap of his wings the commander picked up speed and punched the upstart in the jaw. The stallion stumbled back onto his rear as High Rise began to yell.

When he tried to stand the commander kicked him in the stomach and yelled even louder.

The ponies who had served under Mordane at first had feared him. Then respect him with the victory. The time after had only heightened their opinion of the new leader.

To have this pony then treated like this left them stunned.

High Rise pulled out his sword when the hilt glowed and was slammed back into its scabbard. Spinning around he was confronted by Steady Gaze.

"Calm yourself, High Rise! Look where you stand!"

It was an old phrase between them and the commander took it seriously.

Looking around he saw the confused look on the ponies faces. Some even angry. It was then that it clicked that Mordane had won without casualties...Without them getting hurt. They may feel some loyalty for that.

"Stand up!"

Mordane did not even attempt to conceal the contempt on his face. The pegasi had expected him to be shaking, yet he stood with only a bleeding nose and piercing eyes.

Does this punk have an earth pony’s strength as well?

"Look, Mordane. I don't like you. I don't care for what you did to my friend of ten years... but I know you were able to hold this together... So I'm not going to kill you."

The sigh from one of the guards made him even angrier.

"Instead I'm going to punish you.Lightning! Bring the straps, both of them!"

A metal brace and collar was brought out by Lightning and another pony. Mordane saw them and could tell that they were meant to bind his magic and wings. His options were limited having naturally released all the energy in the area to Steady Gaze when he came in as a curtsy.

The commander glared at the stallion before him and gave a curt order.

"If there is anyone who want to share in his punishment step forward."

"I do," said Child Stalker having come in with the brace. " I assume it will be some sort of physical challenge?"

Furrowing his brow, the commander replied. "Yes. For disrespecting an officer, I fine you four hundred bits and bind your abilities for a week."

"Sir," said Mordane, glaring knives at him. "That is my only crime?"

"Yes, yes," he said without thinking

Mordane smiled.

"Then you have acknowledged that my orders were just that. Orders...from a superior officer."

High Rise was about to shout him down before catching himself.

I've punished him for what happened to Cloud Charmer. That was done under his orders...If they weren't his orders then the ones who did it would be responsible. The guild would hold me in contempt. I can't acknowledge a command rank for him though! Unless...

"...Fine, yes. Though in addition to the fine and straps I have another punishment. Mordane Stronghoof. We have another mission in the nation of Drena after this. You are to go there and scout from the top of Merrygold mountain."

High Rise knew that such a mission would be death for the stallion. He lacked the skills. His friend seemed to not have them as well.

"On your return with your straps to our army I will of course acknowledge you as my second...all according to the guild laws."

With that he turned and laughed sure the pony would give up before being killed and forfeit his money. Either was he won.

"I accept."

The laughter behind the commanders eyes was evident. Yet Mordane was not thinking about that. He had only the future. In his mind. One day he would save Equestria. He was a good pony. A strong pony.

It's the truth.