• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,762 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

The mistake

The six hundred odd mercenary ponies were held up in the fortress. Many were already throwing what party they could even though there was very little alcohol to go around. A few dozen mares and stallions were dancing on tables as others hooted and hollered.

Mordane sat near the center tipping a glass of beer back and forth, watching the liquid inside slouch about as he contemplated downing the entire glass and then another. Defeat was a bitter taste to swallow. The mercenary band would be disbanded and he would be none the wealthier for this experience.

All he would have to do was to track down High Rise and get revenge.

Last nights’ dream bubbled back up to his consciousness at that thought. Quickly he downed his beer to get rid of the taste of bile.

So what… two revenge schemes now?

Mordane clutched his head. For some reason his problems just seemed to be growing. How long had it been since he came here? He was not sure. Four or five months max. Dates didn't really seem that important anymore, with all that had been going on.

Should he track down High Rise? He’ll just end up here again. Like he always did.

He held in his tears, swallowing them down for what shares of pride he had left.

The table jostled as Stalker walked up and bumped into it.

"What are you thinking about?" Mordane asked.

"You know what I'm thinking about." Stalker put a hoof on his shoulder and smiled.

"Hey, Mordane. It’s ok. We'll make a comeback. Just you wait."

Mordane gave a weak smile to Stalker who dramatically wiggled his eyebrows in response which caused Mordane to almost snort from his genuine but controlled laughter.

“You’re an ass you know that?”

“Hey! I only have one grandparent that was a donkey.”

They burst out laughing as Boulder made his way over balancing three mugs of watered down alcohol with him.

The three sat there, Stalker and Mordane exchanging quips with Boulder laughing along. All around them the atmosphere was approaching party king levels. The two cases of wine where passed around was making the mercenaries tipsy. There was general roughhousing and a few small groups singing songs.

If one was to pay attention and knew what to look for, they would have noticed a three dozen odd ponies were moving through the crowd looking for something.

They wore cloaks and rusted armor like the rest. Yet, it was the little details that set them apart. Their eyes were not merry, the dirt in their manes and the unkempt aspects of their coat was off as if somepony had been trying to appear ragged instead of being so. As they moved about, occasionally they would exchange looks that lingered on for a second too long.

Mordane sat to the right of Boulder as Stalker stood in front and to the left of him, wildly gesturing with his hooves. Boulder was occasionally asking questions and getting answers.

One of the ponies spotted Mordane sitting with a huge grin on his face and pointed him out to another.

“-and I swear, I couldn’t even tell it was in there, it was so loose. Like a cave really.”

Mordane and Boulder where near tears of laughing too hard as the two remaining mercenary unicorns came galloping up. Stopping just short of bumping into the back of Mordane they stopped to gasp for air.

“Sir, the anti-teleportation barrier is down,” one gasped.

“It is? Why would-”

Suddenly two ponies came rushing toward Mordane, drawing knives. With the flash of steel Boulder reacted and broke one of the ponies’ necks with a well-placed buck. The second however had closed the distance.

Mordane’s body barely twitched as he tried to dodge from his sitting position as three thoughts flashed through his head.

Knife, heading toward my throat, my body is stiff, in a bent angle. I won’t dodge it.

I’m going to die.


Mordane was thrown to the side as Boulder tackled him.

His focus was totally on the attacker in front of him. His magic grabbed at Boulders’ sword and loped off his head.

“Arm yourselves! We are under attack!”

All around him Mordane saw mercenaries reaching for their swords, while others simply fell to the dozens of ponies throwing off rags to reveal Irona armor. A loud thud could be heard as the inner sanctum doors were being closed. Looking around he saw as a door leading deeper into the castle burst open, and Irona soldiers came bursting in. Part of him said that the lowering of the shield must have allowed them to teleport troops into the cavern. Of course they would have needed somepony to act as a focal, but sneaking one pony across was a trivial matter during the chaos of yesterday.

Mordane flicked his eyes left, then right. He tried to take in the whole situation around him. The Irona insurgents where sowing havoc among the drunk and unorganized ponies.

His eyes focused on a side door.

“To me!” Mordane yelled at the top of his lungs, splashing it with a bit of magic so everyone could hear him. “Mercenaries to me!”

The ponies that could fought their way to him. Forming a rough ball. The Irona formed a line and set to harass his men into a corner. The main door shook at what could not be mistaken as anything other than a battering ram.

“Boulder, Stalker. Push to the side door.” Mordane pointed with his horn before catching a javelin with his magic and hurling it back at the pony who threw it.

“To the door! To the door!” Boulder and Stalker began pushing and yelling. For every few feet they paid in men. Many small groups ended up isolated between some tables harassed by three or two ponies made it up to it and through into a side hallway just as the main door buckled.

By the time they made it through there was perhaps forty of them with twice their number left in the auditorium and more elsewhere.

“Let’s push through to the eastern tower.” Mordane spoke up. “If we can get there we may have the opportunity to escape through if they have moved their field forward.”

There were no complains. Several of the ponies headed off down the right corridor. After about a minute they came on a small group who lined the hallway with spears.

Mordane didn’t hesitate. Knowing that the enemy would likely know soon where they were anyway. He ordered a charge and focused on casting a sound dampening spell.

Ten ponies died cutting through the enemy line. The twenty-five remaining ran on leaving the injured behind.

How in hell is this happening? Why is it happening? The enemy commander knows this will cause massive causalities in his own men. It makes no sense.

They turned a corner and exited the mountain fortress interior to the exposed walkway. Mordane nodded to the other magic user and the both of them cast a light anti projectile spell.

Half way across Mordane heard the thrower of bow strings. His barrier held for a few moments before shattering

There was a thud as Mordane was thrown to the ground by Stalker and dozens of tings and crunches as the hail of arrows swept through his men.

“To the tower.” Roared Boulder, grabbing another pony. “There is safety in the tower!”

Mordane twisted and lifted the pony over him with his back before recasting the anti-projectile spell and began running.

A few seconds later they made it into the tower. With a mighty push he slammed the doors and lowered the door bar. He let the pony over him slide to the floor.

“How many made it.” Mordane spun around the room before freezing.

Leaning against a wall Stalker was gripping his side. His face in a twisted grimace. His hoof lay over an open wound, blood dripping to the floor. Boulder came rushing over slightly after.

“Stalker?” Mordane ran to his friend’s side as he slid to the floor. His legs trembling and coat growing pale.

Mordane pulled Stalkers bags off of him and sat it in front of the bleeding stallion.

“Tell me what to do.” He shuffled through the bag “There has to be something here to help-“

“Mordane.” Stalker looked into his friends rising eyes. “There is nothing.”

“What are you saying?”

“Back in the dining hall. The pony that tried to stab you.”

Mordane remembered being pushed away. The knife long and sharp stabbing for him.

“God no…”

Stalker grimaced, lifting his hoof to look at the wound.

“Horse apples, right into the kidney.” His head thumped back onto the stone wall. Boulder took off his helmet. Ears dropping.

All around them ponies where shoring up the windows. Preparing for an assault, but Mordane couldn’t think of that right now. Couldn’t think of anything else.

“Heh, you crazy bastard… I don’t know how you will make it after I’m gone.”

“Don’t talk like that, Stalker. You’ll make it through. You’re strong. “

Stalker just closed his eyes and shook his head.

“Mordane. I have to tell you something.” Suddenly Stalker coughed. A small bit of blood spat out onto Mordane’s cloak.” My family. They will come for you.”

“Stalker…” Mordanes eyes grew red. Moist. “I don’t want to lose you. Not like this.”

Stalker paused for a moment. As if wrestling with something.

“Boulder promise me you will protect Mordane.” He tugged on Boulders armor

“I promise.”

Turning back to Mordane he smiled.

“I’m fading fast. Come close Mrodane.” His eyes began to grow cloudy. “I have to tell you the truth. For your own sake.”

With tears dripping down to the form of his dying friend Mordane leaned in close.

“I’m dying because of you.”

Mordane froze. Every muscle in his body clamped down.

“I’m sorry. But you are your own worst enemy. Not High Rise. Not Celestia… Ponies die around you all the time. Because of your arrogance. Pride.”

Stalker drew in a shuddering breath.

“All that you love dies because you are not strong enough. You are not big enough.”

Mordane stood there. Frozen. Unable to think. Unable to process. Watching as one of his friend died. Died telling him what he could not hear.

“I don’t know who you are Mordane. I don’t know where you came from, but there is a fire in you unlike any I have ever seen or heard of. A fire that you never use, preferring to play it safe. What you have not realized is that fire can make, refine, as well as destroy. A fire that refuses to burn only leaves ashes. You must embrace who you are or… only… death … will follow you.”

Stalker shook

“Grow. Stron…”

And Stalker breathed his last.


Mordane ran through Stalkers bag. He pulled out a map and two knives.

He left the gems and his padding on. As a last measure, he reached up and closed his friend’s eyes.

I’ve seen to many people close to me die like this.

Mordane shivered. He twitched as Boulders hoof came to rest on his shoulder.

“Stand up Mordane.” He did and trembled. Trying to pull himself together. “This is the second time I’ve seen you lose someone close to you.”

The alicorn chocked back a sob.

“But I need you to be strong.” He grabbed him by the shoulders “I need you to focus.”

Boulder stood up strait. His chest puffed out.

“I promised Stalker I’d protect you. That I’d get you out of here. That is not why I’m doing this though. I’m doing it because of who you could be. Not who you are.”

Mordane looked Boulder in the eye.

“Mordane Stronghoof. I offer you my sword to serve your will.”

He took a few seconds. Then straightened when he understood.

“Boulder. Are you offering to follow me? I take oaths seriously. I will hold you to it.”

Boulder nodded.

“I accept then.” Mordane frowned. “Keeping that promise looks impossible.”

Mordane went to the window slit and looked out over the courtyard.

What he saw would live with him forever.

It was a furnace.

Sickness was overcome by horror as he saw mercenaries being dragged to the inferno. The ones still living screamed and begged for the knife before being thrown atop the burning pile. Their screams suddenly cut off as they passed through the magical barrier.

It was hell. An artificial hell to all, with living flesh being wiped away.

As he stared at the monstrosity he acknowledged the inevitable truth. There was no escape and very soon he would be atop that inferno as well.

Stalker’s words echoed back as everybody descended and became a mark against his soul.

He grabbed the windowsill and pushed back the thoughts. Back to the dark place where they couldn’t hurt him.

“They have the entire place surrounded.” Spoke up one of the other ponies around.

The roar of the Irona infantry crashing against the tower door was muffled by the hardwood it was made of. Dozens of pegasi flew around the tower occasionally trying to get into the locked windows. The six mercenary ponies sat around waiting for the inevitable to descend upon them. Already several had opted to take a knife to their throat rather than wait for the flame. The others sat waiting, not sure of what to do when there was nothing.

“Hey, Snarl,” spoke one earth pony to another. “What ya regret?”

“Regret?” He said, furrowing his eyebrows. “Well, I regret not kissing that girl back in that village we left ‘ere. Me an’ ‘er had a nice thing goin’. Maybe I could’ve put aside my spear and...” He grew quiet. Tears on the corners of his eyes.

“You don’t have to say it, mate… I understand. I wish I had forgiven my mother. Gave her a hug one last time before going out into the world.”

“I wish I had another drink before I died.” An unicorn with a broken horn across the room opened his satchel with a trembling hoof and tossed a canteen to the stallion. “Much obliged.”

“I wish I had a kid,” spoke up the only mare. “Sure, my mom was a cunt, but I think I could’ve done better.”

“What about you, Mordane?” asked the first stallion to the alicorn clutching his head next to the window. “What do you regret?”

Mordane did not answer at first. Turning, he faced his fellow mercenaries. Cocking his head to the side.

“I…don’t think regretting anything will help now.”

“How did some pony like you end up here anyway?” Said the mare.

“You see these wings?” He pointed to the ruffled appendages on his back. “In my home nation my race would be called alicorn. There's only four others and they are royalty. I ran to get out from under the oldest one. A tyrant that killed my parents.Bitch said they died in s battle when I saw them alive afterward”

The mercenaries’ eyes widened.

“Seriously? Royalty? Why leave then?”

“Because we are practically immortal and inherently more magically powerful than unicorns.”

They fell into silence and passed around the canteen some more until it was empty. The entire time curses and crunching could be heard as the Irona forces continued to try and break in.

“I don’t get it,” spoke up the mare suddenly “If she wanted you then why attack your parents? It makes more sense for her to hold them ransom.”

“Hey yeah, that makes sense. Maybe that article you told us about was a way of telling you.”

Mordane stayed silent and continued to look at the floor. Soon tears began to flow from his eyes.

“Sweet Moon goddess,” whispered the mare, “You knew that didn’t you?”

“Knew? No. Suspected, yes. At least on some level I did. I think that’s why I jumped to the murder conclusion. I didn’t want to consider that she was using them to get to me. I’ve thought of a lot of reasons… Heck I don’t even know if that mare wants me dead.”

“Then why run?” grunted a black maned stallion.

“...All alicorn that I know of reside around this mare. She is powerful in both magic and political power. One does not maintain such power without skill in manipulating others. If I stayed I would have been putty in her hooves like all the rest. Tyrant or not.”

“So you ran, because you were scared of being chained to her?” grunted the same stallion. “Been there. A mare would just cramp my style.”

“What style? You look like a half-eaten carcass and smell like a sewer,” laughed the mare.

“You just can’t handle my sexiness.”

They all burst out laughing as Mordane shook the canteen to confirm it was empty.

“You know, what I don’t get is why you would run from her to join an army.”

“I guess because at least it was my own choice.” Mordane sighed before standing back up and walking to the window. His hooves still shaking from exhaustion. The corpses of the fallen were still being thrown and rolling down the mound that he had caused.

A loud crack resounded through the room accompanied with a thud as the rabble of voices reaching from outside grew gleeful. “We are coming for you, assholes!”

Once again Mordane pushed back his negative feelings.

“They will break in soon.” mumbled the mare.

“We all fucking know that. No point saying it.”

“There has got to be a way out.”

Mordane suddenly had an idea. It was absurd. Inconsiderable. Insane.

“There might be.” Mordane whispered walking to the center of the room. He reached out with his magic and felt the magical node of the spell matrix surrounding the entire fortress.

“I could use this matrix and restructure it to act as a channel. It would collapse but that energy would fall into the spell I was casting itself. Well…That and some light, sound and force. I should be able to create the matrix beforehoof to pour it into.”

“You’re going to break a spell like that?” Spoke up the only other unicorn in the room. “The backlash will kill you.”

“Perhaps… but it is our only choice.” Mordane turned to Boulder.” I don’t know what condition I’m going to be in on the other side. I should be fine but… I’ll need you to take charge. Get these ponies to the forest. Tell them to run.”

Boulder nodded drawing his sword.

Mordane stood over the symbol and addressed the mercenaries in the room.

“This is it. I don’t know how long it will take me to cast but be ready. This is going to be rough.”

The ponies stared on in confusion at first but soon the fire lit in Mordane’s eyes began to reflect in theirs as well.

“Might as well teach them who they are dealing with.”

“Those bitches won’t know what hit them.”

“Onward to a date with death then. I wonder if she is pretty.”

“Fuck it.”

Standing up they all drew weapons as Mordane turned and faced the pile of furniture and the shaking door. He made his peace with God. Then closed his eyes.

Darkness. Chaos. Shadow.

The whispers where all around him, although now they were screams. Now though he was awake and so he could see them for what they were.

Constructs. Another of the keeps defenses meant to drive anypony out. Anything out, with horrific nightmares. It had weakened over the centuries though as the spell matrix was damaged with one of the towers missing.

Now it was hemorrhaging energy. The central tower had been broken and with it all of the primary energy conduits. Now it was limping on secondaries somehow.

Mordane sensed and stretched. Something was wrong. Somepony else was in the matrix. Somepony far, far away. Yet still able to push.

‘Not for long’

Mordane gathered his magic and in one swoop shattered the remaining supports to the matrix and the energy regulation submatrix. He then coaxed far more energy out of the core then he should have.

The other pony seemed to panic, trying to hold the matrix together but it was far too late. As the backlash began and the matrix started to collapse and pour the energy back down to the magma chamber Mordane diverted enough into his spell.
It was like bathing in a waterfall of ice. The magic buffeted him. Burned him.

He could just barely hold it.

Then the other pony found him. Struck at him.

It was too late though, Mordane had already activated his spell.


Unimaginable pain like a spike in the head, a hot poker to the balls and beating with fists of needles.
Mordane became aware he was screaming. His throat was already sore as his hooves gripped his head.

Jagged edges could be felt under his hooves. A sharp static shoot down his spine. It took him a few seconds to realize what had happened.

I blew my horn.

The jagged edges where proof enough and even though the pain had already began to descend into a dull ache it still held him for a few more seconds.

Slowly he opened his eyes as the world came back to him.

All around mercenary pony where fighting Irona guards, all of which had blood slashed over them and a dull look on their faces.

Looking around Mordane saw a twelve foot circle of blast mark and gore. The effect of excess energy from the spell in the form of an explosion. Many ponies had obviously been very close to his materialization point.

The enemy soldier where harassing them from one side and the mercenaries had formed a rough line. All around him other mercenaries where running toward the forest edge coming from the wall behind them from ropes.

“To the right!”

A group of Irona soldiers broke around the edge of the mercenary line. Their eyes locked onto him and immediately they charged.

Mordane reached for his magic only to get a jab of pain so instead he pulled out his sword.

He found himself fighting back three sword wielding ponies. Though fighting proved to not be the correct word. Every few second he found himself with a new nick or cut until one bashed his broken horn.

With a cry, Mordane fell to the ground and gripped his head. Only to open his eyes and see the three soldiers over him grinning. One raising his sword for the killing blow.


Then suddenly there was Boulder.

He came out of nowhere and struck off one of the ponies’ heads before taking a position standing over Mordane.

Blow after blow rained down on him but Boulder blocked every one. As Mordane watched he struck back.

Then began to move faster.

Then faster.

Soon he was a blur. Striking left and right and behind. He jumped and used it to engage the now half a dozen ponies at once.

Mordane could only stand still and watch in awe as Boulder struck. His form was perfect. His endurance seemed boundless.

He even thought he could see sparks on the end of Boulders sword.

Then he became sure he could.

Boulder burst into flame.

Mordanes eyes widened at the war magic he saw. He felt the burning heat roar out and strike down more.

The alicorn didn’t know how long he laid there and watched.

But eventually Boulder stood alone.

He was heaving. Sweat pouring off him. Burning corpses laid riddled all about. Suddenly his breath became haggard.

He teetered and fell to the side.

At first Mordane didn’t understand. He didn’t see. But then the red streaks over Boulders frame became apparent.

His face was staring right at him and Mordane watched as his eyes clouded over and his breathing spaced.

Mordane sat up. He looked down at himself. He was covered in blood and cuts. His blood and boulders’. The stallion had died from blood loss from a hundred different wounds.

The colt looked on the ground. The bodies and blood.

He looked all around him. Only bodies, blood and fire.

He looked for anyone. Anything to blame the killing to.

But there was nothing.

I did this. I did all of this…

Images came rushing back.

“Mordane Stronghoof. I offer you my sword to serve your will.” Boulder

“I’m dying because of you.” Stalker

“How could you do this” The villagers

“Mordane, why?” Twilight

"Mordane, I lo-" Star charmer

“"Promise me... promise me, you won't hate. I saw the world burn once. I don't want it to, ever again." Grandpa

The voices rang in his head. Turning all to chaos.

He saw nothing. Felt nothing. Everything he had ever cared about. His friends, his family was destroyed thanks to him. In this life and the last.

Nothing had changed.

Then there was blackness.

Author's Note:

There is another chapter! Its already out. Announcement is at the bottom of it!