• Published 26th Jan 2013
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Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

A Visitor

Days passed in a blur. The colt found his life falling into a routine as his strength slowly grew. He thought of his new life and the old one. Winter was coming. Even the weather manipulating powers of the pegasi could not prevent the freeze. It was just too cold. Mordane noticed quite quickly that he was lacking in anything to protect his hooves from the chill.

Luckily he remembered that Sweetie Bell’s sister was some kind of clothes maker. The filly had mentioned it about a week before.

Mordane was once again walking through the main part of town...and he was on high alert.

"Every other time I go through this junction something happens. Be it good or bad. "

The attentive colt was surprised even more then by the random assault of pink.


"...no." Mordane walked around the stunned Pinkie Pie and moved as fast as he could without running, but soon he noticed she was following him.


"Get away from me you crazy mare!"

Mordane took a sharp turn into an alleyway before bolting for it. Running through the streets and alleyways the mare continued to give chase.


"I DON'T WANT ONE!" He said dodging some falling boxes.


"NO MEANS NO!" Mordane was already sweating.



The colt slid to a halt as the mare impossibly appeared in front of him.

"I just want to be your friend. Cupcake?"

Mordane, breathing sporadically, assessed the situation. This mare seemed quite persistent, perhaps it would be better to give her what she wants. Reaching out he took the proffered cupcake and ate it in one bite.

"Ok...I'm sorry I called you crazy. I would be glad to be your friend. Party next Saturday at noon?"

If possible the smile on her face got even bigger.

"OF COURSE! I'll see you there. Oh, and I forgive you Silly Billy. Sometimes it's hard when coming to a new town, but friends make everything better. So I'm friends with everypony."

"Fine, I'll see you there." Mordane looked into the smiling mare's eyes and felt a twitch of guilt. She was being so nice and just trying to make up for her mistake...He in turn had responded by running away and insulting her.

"If I may ask Pinkie, can I call you Pinkie? Are you feeling any better about that party guy...?"

Her hair deflated slightly and she pulled out a small box. Setting it on a nearby trash can lid she opened it to reveal a tiny shrine to the Party King complete with streamers, a hoof drawn picture, two tiny bottles of wine, and a model of an alicorn.

"What in the..."

"...Is that alicorn made of bottle caps?"

"They were his."

Pinkie burst into tears and sat down in front of the shrine.

"WHAAAA! Where did you go Party King? I wanted to be your queen! Whaa!"

Mordanes immediate, instinctual reaction was to run home, seal the door and never leave again, however, a more adult part of himself asserted its view.

”It is my responsibility...dang it. I can’t let a girl hurt by my own hoof.”

Mordane had next to no experience with comforting individuals, but he had to try.

"It's ok Pinkie Pie. I'm sure he would like to know you."

She hugged him as he patted her on the shoulder. An hour later when he left she was smiling a little.

Rarity took a minute to come to the door after he knocked.

"Can I help you?”

"Yes please, I would like to purchase a warm pair of boots and a scarf please." The two of them made their way up to a series of mirrors.

As Rarity began measuring him for the clothes his mind began to wander. Mordane smiled, he was not worried. Last night he had examined the full capacity of the bracelet. He had grown more interested when he noticed how he never had any wing pops or any need to move them at all. He had worn it for nearly a month and a half when he first took it off. Immediately his wings had clenched stretched straight out, he had spent over two hours in pain before they settled down.

It seemed the amulet was not meant for long term use. Further tests proved that it also produced a low grade pulse field to prevent somepony accidentally feeling the wings. If Mordane poured will and energy into it however, the image could take on a solid form, such as when he made himself taller during the Party King incident. The problem was that this seemed to put a lot of strain on both him and the bracelet. In fact, he had started to focus more on illusions in order to continue his disguise when it inevitably broke down.

So much of this world almost seemed backwards. For instance, the train had been in existence for more than a thousand years, yet it did not use steam at all. It was just a strong binding connecting the heat made by burning coal directly to the wheels forward rotation. Not that they lacked true mechanics, it's just that magic allows for a lot of shortcuts. Relying on magic hampered growth in mechanical technology and any developments made in the area seemed to have been done by earth ponies, none of whom tended to make much effort to record their advances. Part of him wondered if introducing human techs would be moral or if he should just let them advance on their own in their own way. Even if that way severely limited them their industrial capacity.

That is why all clothes ponies wore were hoof made.

Rarity was looking at him strangely as her tape moved about him with ease.

"Excuse me, you wouldn't happen to be Mordane would you? I'm so sorry that I didn't ask earlier."

"Ummm yes, it's fine."

A curious look came over the older mare.

"Oh...I see. Well hmmm. Yes aaaand done!"


"Well, I do this for a living darling. I'll just make the most handsome boots and scarf for Sweetie Belle's-"

Pinkie Pie suddenly popped out of a nearby vase-


Rarity let out a shriek which would probably have violated acoustic weapon restrictions, if they had existed in Equestria, and Mordane only barely managed to contain himself from matching her.


The party mare, who was beginning to give Mordane a fear of pink, slowly backed away and out of the door.

"That is happening too often to me recently. I mean come on, what else could go wrong today? Sigh, at least I only have to train with Twilight this evening."

Paying Rarity, he told her to just give them to Sweetie Belle before leaving for his house to get some food. Arriving quickly he ate quickly before leaving for Twilight's. The young colt trotted at a brisk pace calculating he would have just enough time to reach it if nothin-
It was at this time that he was trampled by a large bunny army.

Little white feet pummeled him into the ground for a few seconds before there was a break, allowing him to jump out of the flow.

"Oh, please stop." Mordane turns around and sees a yellow pegasus flying up to the now stopped bunnies. Why they decided to stop after stampeding Mordane instead of before he would not hazard to guess. "Now now, little bunnies, you shouldn't run around like this. I know you found it fun after the last time, but really, somepony could get hurt...oh."

She quickly flew over to a rabbit among the hundreds that was dramatically gripping one of his limbs.

"Angel Bunny! You hurt your foot!?"

The bunny nodded his head vigorously then winced. The pegasus was pouring her concern over the little creature as the colt looked on rolling his eyes.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment," he said out loud.

Mordane walked over and recalled what info he had been able to glean from books over the last month. Kindle proved nearly useless when it came to anything other than high end material or secrets. Using a spell he assessed the bunny's injuries the best he could. Without proper training he would never be able to heal as well as doctors but he hoped first aid would be possible within a year, but for now he was limited to determining if there was an injury.

"His ankle isn't broken, it is, as far as I can tell, only swollen."

The pegasus sat quietly mumbling her thanks.

"I'm Mordane, you are?"

"I'm Fluttershy." He strained to hear her and barely succeeded.

"Fluttershy? Do you know what caused these bunnies to stampede like that?"

"...Oh, um well I was too busy helping some of the animals in the forest."

"You take care of animals?" That surprised him, she seemed too...timid.

"Oh yes, they’re just so cute and furry. Do you like animals little colt?"

"Uh...yeah. So you're some kind of animal warden? Are you paid for that?"

"...well yes. Ponyville gives me a salary every week." Confusion was evident in her eyes.

Mordane was about to say that was nice when his brain presented an idea. He needed a job and a way to practice healing. She was too busy...

"You were too busy? Do you take care of all these animals alone?"

"Yes...nopony seems to want to help me."

"Really? Hmm, could I work with you? I could help carry some feed or examine if the animals are injured."

"Oh no, I couldn't." She seemed so very shy to Mordane, but obviously glad that someone might want to help her.

"Come on, I could use the job."

"Really?" The pegasus smiled, "oh thank you. Thank you! You’re hired!" She pulled him into a big hug.

"Ugh hrrmph you’re suffocating me."

The ease with which he had gained his new job and the way she seemed so excited gave the colt cause to worry. However, he was glad to at least have it.

Mordane could not believe how badly his day was going.

“At least I got a job out of it.”

Walking into the library the student saw his teacher doing what she always did.


"Hey Mordane, you're late today," Twilight said floating the book she had been reading over to a nearby shelf.

"Yeah. It's been a rough day. I'm ready to get started though."

"Great, let me just-"

"Twilight! Twilight!" The young dragon spike was running down the steps waving a scroll." I was taking a nap and when I woke up this scroll was sitting next to me! I think it's from Celestia!"

Floating the scroll over to them, Twilight unrolled it and read.

"Spike! When did you get this?" Her eyes had dilated to near pin pricks before he even had a chance to respond.
"I don't know, sometime within the last four hours."

"Celestia is visiting today! She could be here any minute!"

"Umm Twilight..."

Spike pointed out the window as Mordane was faced with a sight that he hoped never to see. He would rather lay on broken glass. He would rather run for ten days and nights. He would rather try to domesticate a manticore. He would rather be locked in a room alone with Pinkie for ten minutes.

Princess Celestia and another alicorn were landing outside the window in a pegasus drawn carriage.



"My dear Twilight."

As the two hugged, it took every ounce of Mordane's decades of mental control to resist the urge to strike out in fear. Celestia's grin sent chills down his spine. The love in Twilight's eyes filled him with sickness. He could see her scan the room as the other alicorn stood outside. All around her there was an aura of domination. There was no question of obedience. All would bow to her.

"This must be your new student, Mordane, yes? I've heard so much about you." The tone of her voice tickled his ear. He could almost feel the compulsion to obey. His heart was beating incredibly hard.

"I hope only good things, Celestia."

Celestia paused at his response before laughing. Twilight joined her while putting on an awkward smile. Mordane forced himself to put on a grin of his own. He could sense the power to level towns within her mane. In his heart there had always been doubt that she could literally move the sun across the sky.

There was none now.

"It took me years to convince Twilight to start calling me by my name. She even did it as a filly."

"I'm sorry, Celestia. He is just a little informal is all." Twilight sounded so nervous to Mordane, he couldn't blame her.

"I apologize, princess."

"It's fine. I rather enjoy the informality."

Mordane sat quietly, hoping against hope that she would not care to speak more to him. He stood as still as he could before backing out of the room.

She was a monster.

(A few minutes before.)

Celestia sat with her sister on the large royal chariot. Both of them simply sat and enjoyed the wind as it blew through their hair.

"Why are we visiting again?"

Celestia sighed. Sometimes her sister could be so forgetful.

"We need to talk to Twilight about ratifications to the constitution. We need to make certain she can take power should the worst happen."

"And why couldn't we just have her come up to Canterlot?"

"Because I'm also interested in this new student Twilight has taken on, but her letters say that he is rather shy. Wouldn't want to scare him with a summons now would we?"

Luna laughed as the chariot set to the ground.

"I'll come in a moment sister. I think that a condor has become caught in my mane."

Celestia rolled her eyes at her sister's statement. Frankly, she found Luna's old style comedy slightly...tasteless.

Happiness mixed with suspense and just a slight taint of sadness rushed through her as she approached the door. No matter who the young colt was, he would eventually pass, just so many of her students had, but Celestia did not despair. Twilight in time would learn to cope with the loss. It was the way of immortals and the sun avatar had come to accept it. She would not let sadness consume her heart.

"My dear Twilight." Twilight smiled at her former mentor as unspoken memories passed between the two and were confirmed with a hug. It had been one of the best days of the sun avatar's life when her student passed the final test, just as Cadence had before her. Originally she was going to raise all to the form of alicorn, but it was the words of Luna that had stopped her. Immortality is a responsibility to the flow of time. One that should only be given to those who prove they can take it.

"This must be your new student, Mordane, yes? I've heard so much about you." The young colt stood stock still around her. It brought up memories of Twilight as a small filly. She had acted nearly the same. Who knows, he may become the first male alicorn.

"I hope only good things Celestia."

The princess was shocked. Mirth bubbled up from deep inside her. It was so rare for her to be pleasantly surprised.

"It took me years to convince Twilight to start calling me by my name. She even did it as a little filly."

"I'm sorry Celestia. He is just a little informal is all." A little more joy at her former student's awkward defense of Mordane's likely accidental faux pas reply, it was so...normal for her.

"My apologies."

"It's fine. I rather enjoy the informality."

The colt nodded his head then backed up, obviously intending to leave. Despite his blunt fear of her he seemed in complete control. She turned her senses on the colt for a moment, trying to understand him. It was not magic or mind reading, just an understanding of individuals that she had acquired over the centuries.

That is why it came as even more of a surprise when she could tell next to nothing about him. He was obviously fearful, though that was normal around her despite her best efforts. As to his motivations and desires...there was a want of knowledge, but...why? There was obviously more that she was not seeing.

The conversation with Twilight was pleasant, but the Princess's mind kept returning to the youth. Yes, she would have to watch this one's progress. He seemed like a fine student.

"Twilight...tell me about Mordane." She chuckled as the purple alicorn started babbling with excitement.

Mordane stepped out of the library, his heart felt like it could burst. Breathing deeply he willed it to slow.

"I am but a mind, a collection of neurons darting within the flesh of a brain. The body is mine to command, It will obey."

His heart slowed. Looking around his eye was drawn to the second alicorn.

"I swear that I've seen her before."

Mordane did not have to think long.

"Kindle! She looks like Kindle except her rump's smaller...Star Swirl you old perverted croon. Odd though, I thought she was sealed in the moon? Also, didn't she go mad? What is she doing here?"

The student could not get such questions answered anywhere else. In his newly calm state he weighed his options then made a decision.

"Hello, I am Mordane. Who are you?"

The shock on the guards faces was nearly as priceless as the chuckle of Luna.

"I am Luna, Princess of the night. We have heard much about you."

"Really? Not much to hear I would think."

"True. Twilight has not known you long. Why do you choose to speak to me?"

"Now how to get on the good side of the princess of the night..."

"Oh just a few questions and some compliments on your beautiful night. Thank you for that, truly."

The princess seemed almost taken aback.

"What? does she not receive compliments all the time?"

"It is not often I receive compliments for my night."

"Well I guess that answers that question."

"That is unfortunate. It is truly beautiful. If I may be so bold however, I do have some questions concerning your decent. Not that I wish to bring you discomfort!"

"Luna winced at his statement, It was obviously a painful topic."

"No, no. It is quite alright. What would you like to know?"

"Thank you lady Luna...How did you escape the moon?"

"Oh, well you see, as princess of the night I ...have a connection to the moon and stars."

"As war magic, correct? But how would that help you escape?"

Luna smiled.

"Somepony has been reading books they shouldn't, hmm? You surely have not been so foolish as to make a binding without a cutie mark?"

Mordane felt a little sweat.

"Darn it stupid brain I wasn't supposed to know that."

Yes the moon avatar was perceptive. She had already deduced he knew about the binding...wait, no. She used the question to deduce he did. His face told the story.

"Of course not, and I have taken precautions to see that the book is hidden."

"That is good then. If you decide to do so later, after your mark appears, you should consult Twilight. You wouldn't guess it but she's actually well versed in cutie mark magic. I'm not certain what she's bound with specifically but I believe that it manifests as both fire and darkness magic."

"...I will consider it, but my question?"

"Oh yes. The spell keeping me from returning was at its weakest when the moon was in that particular part of the sky aligning with some of the brighter stars. It took me that long to have it do so. Though it also made Nightmare moon be at her weakest. My luck, for if it was not so then it would have been far more likely that I would have defeated Twilight and the other element wielders."

"Very lucky indeed."

Mordane digested that information. The only 'Elements' he knew of were the ones under the glass in the library. It said they were Elements of Harmony. He had read of them but not put the two together.

"Twilight is one of the bearers? Who else hmmm, her friends? WHY THE BUCK IS SOMETHING SO IMPORTANT NOT BETTER PROTECTED THAN JUST BY SOME THIN GLASS!"

"So the Elements, purified you of the madness that gripped you during the war. What exactly did they do?"

"...during the war. How do you know about the war before my madness?" She seemed confused at first then her eyes tightened. "Tell me now."


"What a jump in logic."

Faced with little option Mordane had to relent.

"I read it in a journal you wrote."

Her wings tensed before asking

"Where is this journal?"

"...Hidden at my house."

"Take me. Guards! Stay here this is something I must do alone."

Mordane and the Princess proceeded quickly to his house. She waited on the porch as he retrieved it.

"I had forgotten about this..." The Princess took the book held before her, she flipped through its pages before a dark look crossed over her face. "Some things are best left forgotten." With that line her horn glowed and the journal burst into flames.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Princess."

"It is for the best. Keep what you read secret. "

"Yes my Princess...May I ask one more question?"


"Do you still love Discord?"

"...Yes, now and forever." She stared into the black of the night before turning to him once again. "Still thy tongue on this, unless thou wishes us to remove it from behind thy lips."

With that she left and Mordane made another decision.

Avoid contact with princesses at all costs.

Mordane ran through the dark. Rage building he raised his sword in hand/hoof and struck. The foe struck as well. The pony/human sword met in a flash of sparks. The human screams in rage and the pony falters. He falls, Mordane's blood flowing onto the floor.

The human who would be and was Mordane stared down at his broken pony form. It was not lust for blood that filled him. No, it was a sense of need. It was necessary. So it was done.

The pony Mordane stared up at his human self with confusion. Why? Why?

"Because you are not strong enough."

"Strong enough for what?"

"Do you really not see? She will come and we must be ready."

The human struck snuffing out the life of the one beneath him.

An echo-

"Avenge me Mordane. Avenge me."

"STAR CHARMER!" The dead pony cried.

"Not her."

Mordane woke up rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He was use to dealing with the nightmares now. The morning sun peeked through the window to strike his face. After dressing he went to school early to take a test to gauge his progress over the last three months. Walking, he feel the warm sun on his face the-

"I'm watching you."

"AH! The freak is wrong with you!"

"I'm bored."

Child Stalker laughed at the startled child as he backed into the dark bush from whence he came.


"Screw that guy...Wait I take that back."

So it was understandable that Mordane would be unhappy when he arrived and overheard Diamond Tiara and her tag along Silver Spoon.

"Why are we here Tiara!"

"Because unlike the rest of those blank flank losers, we don't have anything we can use against Mordane. We've already waited, like, forever, to catch him doing something bad but he's such a goody four hooves that we'd probably still be waiting when we're all old and gross and stuff."

"Yeah, he never does any pranks or well ...anything."

"Exactly Silver, that is why we have to do this. It will get him back for sure."

"Yeah what an idiot."

"Diamond Tiara you stupid little-"

Mordane moved cautiously. Around the building then focused. Reaching out he felt the two lives in the room. The pages in the books.

The needles sticking out of the teachers chair.

"Come on Silver Spoon, let’s go outside and wait. Don't forget to put those two others in his desk."

The two walked out of the school not knowing that he had listened in and was even now moving around into the school house behind them.

He walked calmly over to his chair and used his mind sight to confirm that the two needles were there. Considering for a moment he made a decision and floated the needles over, placing them in Diamond's desk before searching through it. He quickly found a sample of her hoof writing and set to work.

He used his mind's eye again to trace over each letter he needed. Soon a note apparently from Diamond was in front of him.

It was a simple note, but one the filly would not want to bear her name.

Mordane folded the note and put it away. Within a few minutes the teacher arrived.

"Good morning, Miss Cheerilee."

"Good morning, Mordane. Good to see you got here early."

He stood walking to arrive at her desk first.

If I simply point them out she may think it strange.

"Thanks! I do have a question..."

Gritting his teeth he sat down on the needles then yelped in pain.

Cheerilee comforted him and pulled the stuck needles out of his rump.

"I wonder who could have done this?" she wondered aloud before whispering. " hmmm Diamond."

"What?" he said in shock.

" Oh, her family stamp is on it."


"Well, that could’ve gone easier."

Dismissing Mordane she looked inside Diamonds desk before taking out some paper to write a note to the fillies father...

The colt walked out losing the pained look. Over by a nearby tree the two fillies were laughing.

Mordane walked up to them with a blank look on his face.

"What's the matter blank flank, got in trouble?"

"No, actually." He watched the confusion come on their faces before continuing.

"I know that you put the needles there, Diamond."

The confused look turned vicious.

"Oh no Mordane, I had NOTHING to do with it."

"Really? Well unfortunately Miss Cheerilee found two needles in your desk and even now is writing a letter to your father."

The sneer was replaced with fear quickly followed by rage.


Mordane's horn glowed and both mouths were slammed shut.

"No you listen. Take a look at this."

The forged note from before floated up and both girls eyes widened.

"This is my last warning Diamond. You can't beat me. Not with all the money in the world. I can always make another like this and get it to your father. Do you understand?"

The filly looked...broken. He could tell she had given up. The paper burst into flame and Mordane walked away, leaving a filly to shed a tear.

"...Was that too much?"

After class, Mordane glanced back at Diamond as she received her letter to take home. She hung her head only looking at him with accusing eyes as she passed.

The colt was not used to feeling guilt. Perhaps he was too harsh.

"She is a pony after all.

Where did that come from?"

Mordane trotted toward the library. Yesterday he had to leave rather quickly and so had accidently left his satchel.

Walking in he was surprised to see that no one was there. Looking around he could not see his satchel and decided Twilight must have put it upstairs. He walked up quickly and stepped through the door without hesitating or knocking.

Oh how he regretted that decision.

"Oh Fluttershy, your wings are so soft."

"Wh-why Rarity Oh oh oh-"

"Oh umm it's ok, it's just...Spike."

"Hehe. Yes, well he is a BIG dragon after all."

"Oh WOW, you're right."

Mordane broke his silence.


The young dragon in the middle of the room froze, then slowly turned and stared at the colt. Within his left hand was grasped a small crude doll vaguely in the shape of Fluttershy. Just behind him Mordane could see many dolls of various ponies within the town.

The silence stretched on.

"How did you do the voices?" Mordane asked quietly.

"Bon Bon taught me."

The colt spotted his bag against the wall and floated it over. He stared at Spike for a few more seconds before saying.

"You need to get laid."

The dragon hung his head as the alicorn turned and walked out already trying to forget what he saw.

Mordane returned home from his flying with a satisfying pain in his wings. He had flown for some time in a disguise while asking himself questions.

What was different about him? Why was he having these nightmares? What was his place in Ponyville?

Mordane sat in front of Kindle, his eyes glazed over. His mind drifted back, thinking on some of the dreams.

"What's wrong Mordane, no questions tonight? Just want to look at my beautiful face?" The small Luna lookalike looked up at him a seductive look in her eyes.

"...Kindle, can you tell me...Do you have any information on ugh ...What would happen if an adult soul was placed in a unborn child?"



"...Well I do have some information on that. All untested and theoretical or course, after all, this is a form of necromancy. Since it's impossible for two souls to inhabit the same body, the foreign soul would have to be implanted before the fetus had one of its own."

"...yes, go on."

"There is a note by Star Swirl commenting on the possibility. Says it would nearly impossible for a living soul. It would almost have to be pre set up so that there is an unborn child near when a pony dies...Says to refer to morphing spells...in the case of a individual taking on the form of another animal they would start to experience the instincts of the new species. If a long time is spent in that form the two sides may come into conflict...Does that help?"


"These nightmares are getting...troublesome. More so lately."

Mordane closed Kindle, put it away, and laid down on his bed.

"I need to fix this conflict, if it exists, and to do that...well either I can talk to somepony, and get thrown into an asylum, or I can do...that.
There is a method of understanding one's self better. It is dangerous. Risky. One could lose themselves and a different person wake up.
I must go into myself...Well then I guess there is no use to waiting...Breath in."

Mordane opened his eyes as the world wavered.

"Focus. Focus. I need to focus. Accept the feedback perception."

The world began to clear and settle as the pony walked through a broken world. Skyscrapers touched the sky, but also seemed to be part of mountains. Around him broken cars and ruined roads. This was not a human world only though. No, here and there were indications of ponydom. A cottage, quills shop. It was there, almost melding with the human world around it.

"Terrible looking, isn't it."

Mordane jerked around. Before him was the human from his dreams...No, not just a human. Him. His face before the change.

"Oh, so you remember. That's a good sign. I was thinking you may have buried me too deeply."

"You're just me."

"Not anymore."


If the consciousness had become separate...that was bad.

"It's your fault, you know."


"Yes, you pushed me out. Started with talking like a pony, then it was acting like one...Now you want to think like them."

"Well when in Ro-"

"It's not like that!"

The pony shied away from the human before growing angry.

"And how is it then?"

"You're forgetting...You are making the pony the main part of your mind. You're losing your humanity."

Mordane shrugged.

"So? I'm not really human anymore."

The human laughed.

"Do you really think it is just the organs that make a human? Is it not the will? The drive to go ever onward?"

"Ponies have that to."

"Not in the same way...I guess we will have to take this up at the core."

"The core?"

"Forgotten that?"

The human raised an eyebrow then stepped...away. He was gone.

"Where do I go?"

No answer came, but the pony would not let him make a mockery.

He willed to follow him.

"The pony found himself in a...council room. All around him sat both pony and human duplicates of himself, save for one.

"Order in the court," said the floating white ball...

"This court is now in section. Will the plaintive step forward?"

One of the humans stood up and walked forward.

"I stand for the-"


"Someone sedate Party King!" There was a shot going off piercing the giant green alicorn, putting him to sleep.

"Now where was I? Ah yes, I stand here representing the human origin mental forces. Here we accuse this one of pushing out our influence in the decisions of the whole, to the detriment of us all."

There was a murmur through the crowd at the proclamation. The pony could not let it stand.

"That is outrageous, all I have worked for is for the betterment of the whole."

"There is no doubt of your motives, just your methods. You have allowed your nature to affect our judgment."

"My nature! What is wrong with being a pony?"

The humans' laughter filled the stadium.

"Nothing, nothing at all. In fact, as a human we rather enjoy the pony culture. However, this is different. You are not a pony. None of us are. You are human and if you forget that...well, then there will always be conflict."

"I'm just the pony instincts."

"Wrong. You are Fear. Our fear."

"Then why do I look like a pony?"

"Because, fear is stronger in ponies."

"...So the stronger emotions became dominant?"

The human let out an exasperated sigh.

"No, you simply took that aspect. You are still human fear."

"What's the difference?"

"Humans can strike out in fear, ponies do not."

"...So you’re saying I'm a human in a pony body, not a pony with human memories? How can you know that?"

"Because of our nature. Have you forgotten?"

"Forgotten what?"

"The beat of drums and the will of fire. The strength and will to do what is needed to survive."

"...We can't sacrifice our morality"

"We don't have to. We just need the strength."

The pony looked around uncomfortably.

"Shouldn't we start the trial?"

"There is not trial, Fear. The core is ...well, whatever you want it to be."

Fear sat remembering those things humans never even have to consider. Soon only human faces looked out at the two aspects.

"Shall we get on with it then?"

"Of course."

"What I can't understand is what drove us to this."

The one who had been a human before the pony changed looked at himself and after a moment's thought said.

"...the nightmares"

and then he was alone..."

Mordane woke up the next day feeling better. He had spent the night correcting mental blocks. Consolidating events and reminding himself what was important...However, when he had entered full rem sleep he had another nightmare. He had tried to understand it even as he experienced it, but this one made no sense. It was just confusing images.

He smiled. Today was going to be interesting at least. In the morning hanging with the cmc, then a party in the evening.
I'm sure that the cmc will come at least. Doubt there will many others there though.

The weather schedule said that today was a snow day so Mordane was unsurprised by it being on the ground...
He was, however, mentally slapping himself.

"Pony feathers! Sweetie Belle forgot to bring me my scarf and boots."

There was nothing to do but start walking toward the boutique.

A freezing half an hour later Mordane arrived at the store. Seeing that it was opened he did not hesitate to walk in.


The colt was assaulted by the scene of a purple dragon dipping a white unicorn and giving her a deep, loving kiss.

"..."" I really need to stop walking in without knocking."

The two seemed really about to get into it when Spike noticed him. Stopping the kiss he took on a pink tint that was quickly mirrored by his companion.

"...are those my boots and scarf on the shelf right there?"

The only response the mare emitted was a squeak that would have been more fitting coming from Fluttershy.

"Yeah, I'm just going to go ahead and assume they're mine."

The colt floated the boots and scarf over and slipped them on before walking back out into the snow.

Guess he took my advice to heart. Got to give the little guy props for working so fast. Mordane paused briefly to chuckle.

"Well played, Spike...well played."

He had a fun time playing in the snow with the three other children. They laughed and threw their snow. Sweetie Belle had nearly cried when she saw that he had to go get his clothes, and all of them nearly broke a rib at the news of Spike and Rarity being together.

The three had already been invited to the party, much to Mordane's surprise. Though it did not nearly catch him as much off guard as the number of guests that had showed. Nor the idea of Pinkie to make it a birthday party for all the ones that they had not been to.

It was a...good day, and a good end to the week.

One that was to become normal to Mordane.

Time passed.

He focused and learned in magic.

He grew closer to those around him.

He learned to crate basic illusions.

He finished his underground hidden room and began to secretly learn the more hidden destruction magic.

Weeks, then months flowed by blending one to another. With time he began to feel...at home.

The nightmares passed from his worry. After all, how could dreams hurt you?

It may have gone on like that, if not on this particular day after his arriving at Ponyville...