• Published 26th Jan 2013
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Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

Run (Act two)

Mordane flew.

Over the forest he raced, barely resting. Who knew if the sun tyrant’s scouts were looking for him.


That name filled him with rage and fear. Such turmoil like never before. It was the fear that drove him over the mountain and the hate that made him know he would return.

That bitch took them. She has them under her burning light!

The sun monarch he had been cautious of his whole life. With that article he had solid evidence of a tyrant and of her desire to control. To control those like him.

The thought never entered his head that they might still be alive. After all, why lie about the time of someone's death if you were going to imprison them? She could've just said they were responsible for the attack.

His parents dead after the first wave? He had seen them alive and well after the enemy was in full retreat.

So he flew.

He flew until his breathing deepened.

The sight of the crusaders waiting for me in front of the club house...

He flew until his wings grew stiff and the pain was nigh unbearable.

The first lesson with Twilight...

He flew on. Teardrops falling down to the world below even as his eyes were filled with nothing but rage.

Star Charmer...

His stomach churned and his wings burned. He would have to fly south, but what to do once he got there? How far must he go to escape her?

I have a pony lifetime to save them , but that might not be enough... plus she moves the sun. Should I doom the world for my revenge?

The pony felt untold turmoil. He would silence it, but... who was he kidding. There are some emotions not even his mental control could stop.

My home in the valley...

Memories flooded back.

His brother, sisters and maybe the entire town.

Who knew how far her knife would thrust?

Part of him wanted to turn for his village nestled between two mountains.Yet the rational part... the human part would not allow it.

They are likely already dead... even if not. Where would you take them?

He could not get there before Celestia's troops, and even if he did then he could not outrun them. Celestia was just too fast. Not only that but he had lost friends, a mentor. A whole life ripped away. He was just so tired, both mentally and now physically. Looking around he saw a river. He landed and sat down next to it taking a long drink.

After he drank his fill he jumped into the deep part and came out with a shake before sitting on a hot rock.

He closed his eyes and let the heat seep into his aching muscles, yet he could not find rest. At first he thought it was still his parents’ death, but no, it’s something deeper...

A beat, he could hear them deep inside they spoke to him. Something he had forgotten long ago. It was not literally speaking. his mind was just going down paths it had not dared since-

His mind continued back...back to the time before Equestria.

Back to his grandfather's grave, and his promise.

...I let that part of me go long ago. There is no use taking it back up.

Yet, a part said some things should never be placed aside.

They're dead because of me...What have I done about it? Run. She takes and I run.

I've been running all my life. Even before this world. I ran from my nature. Perhaps it’s time to start moving again. Perhaps just wanting her dead won't be enough. I need something more to push me.

In his heart something stirs... just like in the battle.

The beat murmurs to drive him on.

Rested now, he flew over to a fruit tree and picked what he could before lifting off again.

The sack on his right hip was full of food. Next to it was three canteens. On the other side was his knife and satchel.

He barely had any money, Kindle was burned by the lightning, out of commission, and his food was low.

Yes, there was not much to go on. All he had in the satchel was a tent, flint, two bowls, ink, paper, an extra cloak and a coil of rope.

Sighing he ate some food and flew on.


Mordane stared at it. How could something be so vast so... flat.

Before him lay the Badlands. A desert region just south of Equestria, and beyond this vast desert lie the lands of the south.

Not much was known about lands beyond the Badlands by Equestria. A few stories from traders in the port cities told of a region in turmoil.

It was also where most who were, banished or ran from the law went. From what he heard there was dozens of cities.

But first he would have to cross the desert. Then he would have to climb the mountains seeing as how the ports would be closed to him.

Years earlier, he had read that the trip over the desert was seven days by wing, without stop. The desert would stretch right up to the mountain.

He checked his canteens made a mental calculation and took off.


Sand. Sand and more sand.

An unbroken desert of flat sand.

Six days of flying... no end in sight.


Mordane drank the last of his water.

There was still nothing in sight. He would have to resort to desperate measures. He sat down on the flat hard, salty ground.

Setting down his canteen, he left it open and focused.

He reached out.

Water... smooth... flowing... life giving water.

No matter where one is there is always water. It may just be so little that you cannot drink it. Mordane could not feel any pockets of water in the ground, yet a tiny bit resided in the air. So, taking the sun’s heat he pulled.

and pulled.

Why do things take so long out here?

He sat for an hour before opening his eyes, having pulled trace amounts of water from far away.
Looking into the canteen he saw that it was half full.

Better than nothing.

He looked out to the direction he had been flying, the sun guiding him. In the distance he saw something.


Two days later. Definitely something on the horizon. The collecting of water produced three fourths of a canteen.

Mordane was convinced he must have chosen the widest point of the unbroken desert.


Five days of travel later and the mountains barely looked any bigger.

Just how far away are they?


Twenty one days...how the buck does seven days turn into twenty one.

Mordane sat at the base of the mountains, their peaks stretching into the sky above. He had read that the mountain was so high, that even the pegasi could not fly over it. It takes unicorn magic and time through one of the frozen paths on foot to make it.

Mordane refilled his water and checked his food.

...only a week's food left and that's with barely eating anything.

After day ten he had gone on starvation rations. Already the bulge from the easy life was shrinking. In a month his ribs might even show.

I don't have time to delay.

He set off and flew as high us as he could. Even after that, he had to make his way up a snaking path.


After days of unrelenting desert sun the cold was unbearable, and only getting worse.

Mordane was stumbling, bleary eyed and panting, through the frozen pass. Already he had cast spells to keep warm, on top of the ones to increase air pressure around him.

All around him a blizzard pounded, cutting into his flesh. His hooves sunk deep into the snow as the heat from his body melted it before the cold refreeze the water into ice. Even as an Alicorn, immortal or not, he was dying. He suspected that death would have already come if he did not have magic.

Every step grew more arduous and painful. As he was about to give up hope his eyes fell upon a cave. It stood out as a black dot along a wall of gray.

Mordane quickly stepped into the cave and shivered before casting a light spell.

Bones met his eyes. Over a dozen bodies laid around. Some in pieces, while others were huddled for warmth with their belongings strewn about. They looked as if most had simply laid down to sleep and never stood back up.

Others looked like they had been ripped apart.

He gagged and scanned the cave. It was small and empty of life. Only a darkly stained rock caught his attention.
Checking their belongings. Soon he found one who had a bag of bits.

There was not a scrap of food though.

Mordane was so cold... then he had an idea. The bones were dry... with a spell he could collect them together and set them alight. It might be considered desecration, but then again it could also be seen as giving them a final rest.

The decision came easily and soon a nose wrinkling smell of burning bones was filling the cave. Mordane shuddered and it was not from the cold, yet the warmth was welcome, at least until he heard a growl.

At the front of the cave entrance was a... thing. It stood on four legs that met at an ape-like torso. Its fur and eyes were pure white, save for the dot of a pupil staring at him. In its teeth was a mare. Her body was covered in ice, and it was clear from how thick it was that the monster had found her frozen to death.

Mordane hoped for a moment that the creature would prefer the frozen flesh over the living pony trapped before it.

"ROAR!" No such luck.

The stallion charged his horn to form an ice spear, but before he could cast the creature hurled the mare’s corpse at him.

The pony body was never meant to react quickly. He was thrown against the wall, where he felt a sickening pop as his wing slid out of its socket.

Dazed and in pain. He only had enough time to push the corpse off of his body before the creature grabbed him by the rear hoof and started to drag him across the cave.

It was then that Mordane knew what the dark stain was.

Desperately he looked around for something. ANYTHING that could be used as a weapon. His eyes settled on a rusty spear head.

He barely even considered what he was doing before the burning bones were thrust into the beast face.

It screamed as its hair caught fire. Mordane stood painting and floated the spear head over and began to pull on power. The wind and heat from the creature’s flesh itself, was his only source.

A second later the beast turned and roared.

Yet it never had a chance to charge. It was silenced as a rusty super accelerated spear head shot out.

Mordane stumbled back, pain erupting from his chest.

He could almost hear the lecture that Twilight had given him many years ago;

"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Half of a unicorn’s power must go to counter the force on the body. This applies to any spell where a lot of force is being used to move something, otherwise that force is reflected equally back."

The alicorn wheezed and checked his condition. Luckily it seemed he had only been bruised.

Cautiously, Mordane moved closer. The beast continued to twitch on the floor until Mordane pulled up another sword and cut off its head.

There he stood.

In a frozen cave among the dead. Shivering from cold and fear.

There was at least one thing he could do for the cold.

Skinning animals was illegal in Equestria, and so was any product made from their flesh. Mordane was not in Equestria. The beast’s skin came off easily enough. A heating by the fire and a spell to both pull out the water and work the skin made it into leather. While waiting, he checked the poor mare and was lucky to find some raisins.

His time during that night was the coldest of his life.


A few days later, he was traveling on the edge of starvation when in the distance he saw a gap in the mountain.

A smile came on his face. Thoughts of his parents had kept him going through the cold and monsters.The gap opened to a sloping valley. Several paths converged into a singular one.Even as he walked out to the road, a few travelers on it did a double take at his monster skin. One even called out.He was a trader and paid Mordane in food and a book about edible plants in this region. Mordane found a quiet place by a small stream to set up camp before going to sleep, glad to be over the worst of the mountain.


Mordane woke up as the sun came through the crack of the tent. He feels warm and comfortable. He snuggles up to the pony next to him.

His eyes snap open and looks down in growing horror. His hooves are wrapped around another stallion. Both of them were inside his sleeping bag. The other pony turned to look at him.

Mordane mind nearly snapped as his eyes found a familiar sight.

It was Child Stalker, staring back up at him. The bane of his last six years broke into a large grin.

"Hello, beautiful."


Mordane sleeping bag was ripped open, as he tore out of it as fast as he could. In his struggle to get away the tent even collapsed as his scream echoed through the valley.

Child Stalker chuckled to himself for a moment before continuing. "Hey now, not so rough. You promised you'd be gentle."

"Gent- whuh?" Mordane shook his head vigorously just in case this was some horrible dream. "What are you doing in my bed?!"

"Well it just looked so comfy, and I didn't think you'd mind. I mean, you've never complained before."

Mordane ceased his struggles momentarily, his eyes wide and his mouth flapping soundlessly as he tried to process this information before yelling out

"I need an adult! ...Wait! I AM AN ADULT!" Mordane shouted. "Why are you still stalking me!? How did you find me!?"

"I didn't. I was just traveling to the south through the western pass. Though I did say you were interesting... aren't you suppose to be dead?"

Mordane was having none of it.

"Bull. We’re beyond Equestria. Tell me now, or I’ll break your spine in half."

Stalker chuckled and reached into his main. He pulled something out and gave it to Mordane.

"...This is one of my feathers. How did you use this to-"

Child Stalker placed his hoof over the stallion’s mouth.

"A better question is, how I caught up with you. The answer to that is you are a moron. What were you thinking going over the mountain? You could've at least taken a boat around the long way."

"Well then how did you get over here?" Mordane asked accusingly. "We're nowhere near the coast, so you couldn't have come that way."

"Oh, that is easy," he said, stepping back. "I bribed the diamond dogs to let me through their caves. It only cost twenty bits. I’ll pack up our gear."

As Mordane sat, contemplating how he had risked his life for no reason, he looked down at the feather. Something about it nagged him. Something...

This is one of my primaries... but it’s small. That means he got it years ago... which means he knew I was an alicorn.

He stared at the stallion, thinking back.

When I first met him he was able to resist mind sight... he is brother with Smut Peddler... come to think of it, this family has been there for a long time. Ever since...

He remembered Child Stalker all those years before.

"Who are you?"

The stallion turned... and smiled.

"A friend. Now get your things. We got to get out before winter falls."


Mordane and Stalker continued down the valley and soon found themselves going down the other side of the mountain range.

They looked over the rolling hills and hills in the distance with a sigh of relief. The road would be easy to follow now. As they walked the two talked.

"So, Mordane, does your wing still hurt?"

"Not really... you have anywhere to go in mind?"

"Well I was going to go to Vrus to meet Smut Peddler, but I think I'll go with you. So... where we heading?"

"...I actually have nowhere in mind. You aware of what happened in Ponyville?"

"Aye, I was there. Mighty impressive how you were revealed."

"True, Celestia chased me after that. I escaped after teleporting out of a thunderstorm."

"That could not have turned out well."

"Nope. Anyway I'm just going south... learn what I can."

"Are you going to kill her?"

Mordane paused and looked at his traveling companion, raising an eyebrow.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because she probably killed your parents... I saw your father flee. Then that article... did not know the sun monarch had it in her."

"...Yeah." Mordane looked at the ground and continued walking. “I'm not sure she really killed them... it still feels... shocking. I think though that she is holding them. She knows I know they were alive. It makes no sense to kill a bargaining chip."

The two traveled on in silence, before arriving at a town situated in a bowl in the land.

"I say we stop by the bar and sleep on the road."


The two found their way to a table with drinks and made small talk until Mordane lifted his hoof up.He was listening in on a conversation across the bar between two younger stallions and an old grizzled pony.

"Yah, them Carics are the best warriors in the entire region! Why, no one dares even attack them!"

"Then how do you know they are so strong?"

The gritty pony leaned close and smiled.

"If you go near their valley at noon... you can hear them fighting. You see the reason they haven't conquered the whole of this region is because they’re split."


"Aye, split. Over who is going to be the next leader."

Mordane turned to Stalker again, who looked at him with a smile.

"Planning to make a stop, hmmm?"

"Well I would have to find out where that village is."

Stalker laughed and took a drink.

"You'll need to follow the road to Valenstien. Halfway there, you should hear the banging."

Mordane stopped half way through his drinking soda and frowned.

"Have you been in this area before? Also, are you not coming with me?"

"Yes, I've been around, and no I'm not coming with you... I have to go meet some ponies."

Mordane smiled.

"Well I guess it's been nice knowing you. Maybe we will run into each other again."

"Oh don't worry Mordane, you'll never be rid of me!"

Stalker laughed at Mordane pained expression.

"Just remember to stay on the road."


"For Terria!"

"For the plains!"

The two armies charged straight at one another. The pony soldiers of both sides crashing into each other.

Finally... I thought they would be here all day.

Mordane had been watching this 'battle' since both armies made contact three hours ago having completely ignored Child Stalker’s advice. It had consisted of one hour of screaming. One hour of staring. Then one hour of the two armies circling each other in mass.

What is with these ponies. That was terrible.

Why either general had bothered to try and flank the other side he would never know. Nor would he care to. In fact it seemed to him that they had must have met on even ground on purpose.

Seriously. Why is this battle happening? Whoever initiated should of at least brought an advantage in troops or equipment... as things are, both sides will take losses and have to withdraw.

Mordane continued to watch for another hour as two armies of a thousand both lost a third there number to both desertion and death.

The two foolish earth pony armies continued fighting for some time before mutually ordering a retreat. Not wanting to provoke another attack neither army could clean their dead.

Just as I was hoping.

Mordane had lost nearly everything in his mad rush to leave Equestria behind.

He was trying not to think about it too much.

The amulet to hide himself had been beyond repair. He could not even hope to make a new one until he had a lot more money.

Therefore he would have to... refrain from taking off his cloak.

It had crossed him mind that Celestia knew about him now. So why should he hide? In the end, caution and not wanting to attract attention, made him decide against walking through towns without it on.

Flying felt great and there was no way he would walk to his destination....

...This village is supposedly located on top of a mountain in a bowl. Well villages.

He had no intention of meeting Stalker again....though something told him that it was inevitable.

This clan would be interesting to see but dangerous. There is much he could learn about warriors in pony society.

The journey would take about three days....


Mordane landed at the entrance to the valley on top of the mountain. He was impressed. The valley only had two entrances and both had towns snuggled right up against them. What had shocked him however was the sight of the red field in the bowls center.

Have they really been fighting that long? A blood soaked field... I dare not fly in. Better walk.

The gated pass entrance was held by two guards. They glared at him while holding their spears. Both wore a tunic in red with a strange mark on it.

"Halt! This is the proud home of the Tahcon clan. State your intent."

Mordane looked right into the guards eyes and with utter confidence responded.

"I am here to trade and learn with the master warriors of the Tahcon. Whose battle prowess is known far and wide. May I have entry into your home?"

The two guards chests puffed up at his request.

"It is brave of you traveler to so boldly approach our gate. Speak to our leader, that you may not be taken as a spy."

Mordane bowed his head and walked through the opening gate. Along its walls more flags hung with the symbol on it.

Upon exiting the pass he came into the town proper.

What a nice town.

The southern lands nearly universally shared one thing. Every group was composed almost entirely of its own kind. This was an earth pony clan. And in what was a rarity, it was an earth pony warrior clan.

The village contained well over a hundred earth ponies going about their day. To his right, a blacksmith was hammering away its melodious backing giving rhythm to the town. Houses much like Ponyville ones, hung close to the wall.

Beyond the houses and fields beyond, lay a wall with guard towers along its length. In the center of the town lay a grand hall.

As he walked ponies yelled out to him.

"Hail traveler, won't you come to my pub for a drink?"

"Ohhh, fancy a dance darling?"

"Arg, HAHA! I wonder if you unicorn types are any good at fighting!"

The villagers would call out and many seemed to go about almost in a state of party. Mordane smiled at such a happy life. Could they really be fighters?


A crash sounded as a stallion came flying out of the second story window. In moments the entire town was fighting. Crashes resounded as ponies kicked through walls. The cling of swords provided a backing to the disaster.

Before he could understand what was happening however the fighting came to a stop.

"HEY! All of you get back indoors! And NO fighting!"

The bellow and command came from a pony who had stepped out of the main hall. He was huge. Bigger than Mordane by a good two feet. His fur, mane and eyes were black save for the red cracks in his eyes.

"You!" He pointed toward Mordane. "Come with me. Oh and welcome to Tahcon."

As he followed the apparent leader into the hall he saw ponies pull boards and windows from alleyways and start repairing everything. All of them laughing at the 'small' brawl.

...They are all insane.

Mordane entered into the hall with the leader. The entire place was made from well-polished wood and reminded him of a viking hall. All around, ponies sat eating and cheering randomly. Occasionally two stallions or mares would headbutt each other... Mordane took note that the gender ratio was actually about fifty/fifty.
...maybe from a history of fighting the population ratio shifted... interesting.

The stallion motioned for him to sit. Mordane replied.

"Oh I really could not impose."

"But I insist. It is tradition!"

The leader locked eyes with the alicorn. They stared for a short time before both laughed and Mordane sat down.

"We do not receive guests in our land often traveler. I hope we do not offend you with our revelry."

"Not at all... I was interested to learn more about such proud warriors. Could you tell me of your clan’s past?"

The leader smiled.

"Yes, but first." he drew himself up. "I am chief Running Sword. What is your name?"

"I am Mordane Stronghoof."

"Stronghoof? Good name... Now about our clan’s past." The room ,which had carried on before, grew quiet as it became clear that the chief was about to tell a story.

"Long ago," he began in a quiet voice. "Our tribe ruled over all the land from Tripington river to Inersel valley.

Our clan had not yet grown to its full potential, however. Our ambition was without end... then the chief grew sick."

His eyes grew downcast.

"In order to choose the successor, a sword battle was to be held by his son and daughter. They fought for hours, yet in the end it was my ancestor who won. Pointing the sword at her fallen foe, she turned to her father for him to declare victory. Yet it was not to be so. The chief had risen at her victory, but so glorious was her fighting skill that his heart gave out. Shuddering, he fell to the ground."

He paused in respect and all bowed their heads.

"Her brother saw his chance. At her shocked face he swung his sword and nicked her shoulder. Then he claimed victory of first blood. Outraged, our ancestor attacked roaring the truth of her victory. In the end both were dragged away. Every day they met on that field were the stone throne stood. If either one could but get the other to admit defeat, then they could unite the clan and claim the chief’s sword."

"Chief’s sword?" cut in Mordane.

"Aye, The Sword of the Mountain. A blade forged with iron from a mountain’s heart. It is a glorious blade. A blade meant to conquer the world. It was placed in the old clan hall, behind the stone throne. For generations our clan has fought itself. Every week, one of us will march out in our armor. The other shall rush to arm themselves. Always we meet in the blood field... oh you should see it lad. A field stained red. Dozens of us will fall. Never to rise again. So long is our struggle. We charge each other trumpeting our battle cry."

"FOR HONOR!" he yelled at the top of his voice.

"FOR GLORY!" yelled the hall in return.


The hall shook with the warriors roar.

Mordane was in shock. He had imagined fighters but not this. It was simply... glorious.

"How long has your clan fought itself?"

"For over ten generations. My father and grandfather lie on that red field... I know they watch. Proud. Drinking to my honor."

"Is there no hope for peace?"

"Nay... not till they admit that it is I who should lead this clan."


Mordane was walking through the woods. In a part of the valley beyond the wall, a waterfall fell into a deep chasm. There he would have time to think.

They are... greater than I thought.

The human-turned-alicorn had always thought of the ponies as terrible fighters. Almost too skittish to really make organized warfare. Now however he was faced with ponies who showed the spirit of warriors, instead of just desperation.

Perhaps the lack in matters of war is social rather than genetic.

Mordane found his way to behind the fall and with a few flaps of his wings he flew up onto a stone ledge.
And meditated.

Places like this one... I have not felt such in years.

The waterfall, the stone, the stars above all of it fit together. Such places draw crowds on earth or are broken by people finding their homes. They are places where the mind and world are reflected in one another.

Mordane felt himself fall back. Back through time, into memories. Throughout his pony life he had felt moments of clarity. Of how he was before.

It’s almost like I walk around half asleep. Yet tonight... tonight I feel awake. My old spirit, reawoken.

The alicorn pony turned to look at himself.

...Why do I feel so old. Three lives rattling away in my skull. It is only at times like this I see the stretch marks. The times I acted like a pony child or the monster....Why is it so hard to find my center. To find peace with my place in this world.

In his clear view the answer came with ease.

I have no place here... this world has denied me.

With a cold detachment he briefly considered throwing himself over the cliff but it was quickly abandoned.
He had things to do. Obligations to fulfill.

Celestia holds my pony parents... my good parents. They deserve justice. Yet if I am to move on her... I may have to let that part of me back in. Dare I go that far?

In his mind chains rattled to the echo of drums.

"Runner..." whispered a mare's voice.

Mordane snapped out of his self reflection and looked through a gap in the walls.

Darn I can't see anything.

The alicorn closed his eyes and used mindsight.

He felt two life ponies among the life in the area. Focusing he listened and put the scene playing out beyond the waterfall together in his mind.

"Where are you Runner?" asked a mare sneaking out of the nearby brush.

"Over here." spoke up a stallion confidently. Mordane already did not like the guy’s smug attitude but he put that aside to listen in.

The two trotted over and embraced just at the edge of the pool below the falls.

Quickly the sound of kissing wafted up to his secluded place.

He was about to call out to tell them he was here when the stallion called Runner spoke up.

"Did anypony follow you?"

The mare giggled.

"Golden Apple tried to follow me, but I gave her the slip at the poison joke fields."

"Did you touch any of it?"

She laughed again.

"Yah. But I bought some bubble soup. Why don't we take a dip?" she said in a seductive tone.

They both laughed and got into the water.

Mordane listened for the next two hours. The context of their conversation had piqued his interest. It was obvious they were a young couple as they never went much beyond kissing.

From there, multiple conversations Mordane pieced together the situation.

The mare was named Honey Dew and the stallion Running Glade. She was from the village of Tahcon. While he was from the other one, across the valley.

They were both very concerned about either village figuring out about their relationship. If Running's village knew about it, they would likely stage a raid. The other clan would do the same.

Both were very set on not being caught. Half of their time together was discussing when and how they would meet again.

After an hour they left leaving a perplexed Mordane.

He had come to this village to learn, yet now he was seeing an opportunity. If the couple could reach across then it is likely that the division is traditional, not actual hate.

I could try to bring them together. Would have to go look at the other clan though.

His pulse quickened at the idea of healing the rift between the two halves of a whole. It filled him with excitement.

If I can repair an old wound like this one without... that, then maybe I won't have to change to bring her low.

Mordane knew he could not make such changes with only one side of the story. Even if there ancestor really did act so disgracefully, they might not see it that way.


Mordane landed at the entrance to the valley, on top of the mountain. He was surprised how similar the entrance looked.

The gated entrance was held by two guards. They glared at him while holding their spears. Both wore a tunic in blue with a strange but familiar mark on it.

"Halt! This is the proud home of the Nochat clan. State your purpose."

Mordane looked right into the guards eyes and with utter confidence responded.

"I am here to trade and learn with the master warriors of the Nochat. Whose battle prowess is known far and wide. May I have entry into your home?" It worked on the last two.

The two guards chests puffed up at his request.

"It is brave of you traveler to so boldly approach our gate. Speak to our leader, that you may not be taken as a spy."

Mordane bowed his head and walked through the opening gate. Along its walls more flags hung with the similar symbol on it.

Upon exiting the pass he came into the town proper.

What a nice town... though I have a very strong sense of deja-vu.

Just like the other town, it was comprised of earth ponies. To his left a metal smith was hammering away its melodious backing giving rhythm to the town. Houses much like Ponyville one's hung close to the wall.

Beyond the houses and fields beyond lay a wall with guard towers along its length. In the center of the town lay a grand hall.

As he walked ponies yelled out to him.

"Hail traveler, won't you come to my pub for a drink?"

"Ohhh, fancy a dance darling?"

"Arg, HAHA! I wonder if you unicorn types are any good at fighting!"

Serious deja-vu.

The villagers would call out and many seemed to go about almost in a state of party. Mordane walked on with growing confusion.


A crash sounded as a mare came flying out of the second story window. In moments the entire town was fighting. Crashes resounded as ponies kicked through walls. The cling of swords provided a backing to the disaster.

Before he could understand what was happening however the fighting came to a stop.

"HEY! All of you get back indoors! And NO fighting!"

The bellow and command came from a pony who had stepped out of the main hall. She was beautiful, yet strong.

"You!" She pointed toward Mordane. "Come with me. Oh and welcome to Nochat."

As he followed the apparent leader into the hall, he saw ponies pull boards and windows from alleyways and start repairing everything. All of them laughing at the 'small' brawl... just like the other town.

...I don't even.

Mordane entered into the hall with the leader. The entire place was made from well polished wood and reminded him of the other one, with only a few minor differences. All around ponies sat eating and cheering randomly. Occasionally, two stallions or mares would headbutt each other. If it was not for the banners he could've mistaken that he had fallen back in time.

The mare motioned for him to sit. Mordane replied.

"Oh, I really could not impose."

"But I insist. It is tradition!"

The leader locked eyes with the alicorn. They stared for a short time before both laughed and Mordane sat down.

"We do not receive guests in our land often traveler. I hope we do not offend you with our revelry."

"Not at all... I was interested to learn more about such proud warriors. Could you tell me of your clans past?"

The leader smiled.

"Yes, but first." she drew herself up. "I am chief Breaking Wind. What is your name?"

Breaking Wind? Well, this will test my poker face.

"I am Mordane Stronghoof."

"Stronghoof? Good name... Now about our clan’s past." The room, which had carried on before, grew quiet as it became clear that the chief was about to tell a story.

"Long ago," she began in a quiet voice. "Our tribe ruled over all the land from Tripington river to Inersel valley. Our clan had not yet grown to its full potential however. Our ambition was without end... then the chief grew sick."

Mordane was well beyond any surprise.

"In order to choose the successor, a sword battle was to be held by his son and daughter. They fought for hours yet in the end it was my ancestor who won. Pointing the sword at his fallen foe he turned to his father for him to declare victory. Yet it was not to be so. The chief had risen at his victory, but so glorious was his fighting skill, that the old one’s heart gave out. Shuddering he fell to the ground. "

She paused in respect and all bowed their heads. Mordane mentally groaned.

"His sister saw her chance. At his shocked face she swung her sword and nicked his shoulder. Then she claimed victory of first blood. Outraged, our ancestor attacked roaring the truth of his victory. In the end both were dragged away. Every day, they met on that field were the stone throne stood. If either one could but get the other to admit defeat, then they could unite the clan and claim the chief’s sword."

Mordane said nothing.

"The Sword of the Mountain... a blade forged with iron from a mountain’s heart. It is a glorious blade. A blade meant to conquer the world. It was placed in the old clan hall behind the stone throne. For generations our clan has fought itself. Every week, one of us will march out in our armor. The other shall rush to arm themselves. Always we meet in the blood field... oh you should see it, lad. A field stained red. Dozens of us will fall. Never to rise again. So long is our struggle. We charge each other trumpeting our battle cry."

"FOR HONOR!" she yelled at the top of his voice.

"FOR GLORY!" Yelled the hall in return.


The hall shook with the warriors roar.

"How long has your clan fought itself?" said Mordane hoping that she might know more.

"For over ten generations. My father and grandfather lie on that red field... I know they watch. Proud. Drinking to my honor."

"Is there no hope for peace?"

"Nay... not till they admit that it is I who should lead this clan."


I think I might of seen some kind of massively improbable event... two clans both thinking the other is to blame. Both sharing a history and only some non-important things being the opposite. It's enough to drive one mad.

Mordane was divided on his next action. Revealing the couple could end badly or result in the ceasing of violence between the two clan halves.

The only other option would be to try and talk the two into a peace which considering the said romance was likely more tradition than hatred.

Well I might as well go with the second option. The romance would probably be a better icing on the cake sort of motivation.

But how to draw the two together.....


Mordane was walking around Tahcon the general paty stance of the town had not lessened since he last had come...

If he was to heal the clan, then understanding them would be a necessity.

So he wandered around that village until coming on a peculiar scene.

"Come on! Do you want the Nochats to have victory!"

Out behind some building on an open dirt stretch a few young stallions and mares were laden down with massive piles of iron sitting on a stone pallet. It was strapped to her back as they struggled to walk in a straight line while simultaneously holding a spear.

"Put your backs into it!" yelled a mare at the students.

"But we have no liquid of strength! " one of the stallions groaned.

''Quit your complaining!"

Mordane walked up to the instructor and lightly tapped her on the shoulder.

"What is this liquid of strength he talks about?"

She laughed.

"It is what we drink to make us more powerful! Without it victory would be impossible!"

Mordane nodded and moved on to his wanderings.

Soon he came upon the blacksmith who was busy making a plow.

"Good fortune upon you blacksmith."

"Good fortune and glorious battle to you traveler. Are you going to fight with us tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" he said with alarm.

"Aye, tomorrow we march to the red field. There the two chiefs will meet in front of the old hall and demand the others surrender. If they refuse to bow to us then we shall fight once again."

I will have to try then. It's the only place I'll have a chance.

"Ah, so that's what those things are for."

Mordane pointed to the edge of the blacksmiths land were some ponies were building what looked like siege engine parts.

"Aye... need those for the battle."

"If you are fighting tomorrow, why aren't you making any weapons or armor?"

"There already made. Takes far too long to make the armor to wait until the last minute."

The blacksmith then went on about how ingenious the armor designs were. Mordane could not understand it all really, but it sounded like it would have a built in cooling system of some kind and would make the wearer nigh invulnerable.

Mordane politely nodded his head and moved away as soon as possible.

There was not much more to do but eat and sleep in the hall before tomorrow....When he would have to pull out all the stops.That night a voice from long ago whispered in his ear. A pulse beat through his flesh...Gritting his teeth, the alicorn forces the memories and growing waves of hate away, before going to sleep.


The following day, Mordane was waiting at the hall. It was easy enough to find as it was the only structure near the battlefield.

Looking down from the hill he could just not believe how red it was... almost as red as wine.

His attention snapped back as the two clan leaders walked up the small hill.

Coming to a standstill at the top of the hill both gave him questioning looks before turning to stare at the other.


"FAT UG-!"

Both parties started hurling insults at each other while Mordane simply stood there blinking rapidly.

Well....at least they haven't yet drawn swords.

Mordane sat there and waited until a lull in there yelling before cutting in.

"Would y’all two be quiet?"

Both of the chiefs pause and blink at Mordane.

"Listen, I know you two have not known each other long, but I think I can help yah."

"Help how?" said both at the same time. Immediately glaring at the other.

Psychologists would have a field day here.

"Look, are you not one clan? Do you really want to continue to fight those who should be your brothers and sisters?"

"Well of course not, but how are we suppose to work with them, unless she admits her ancestor was a liar!"

"My ancestor?!"

"Stop!" cut in Mordane." Is this really productive? What is really important?"

"Honor." they both said without blinking.

"Yes... honor. Is it honorable for brother to fight his sister for so long? Can we at least try to work something out.."

The two shuffled around uncomfortably.

Hope flared in Mordane’s chest. This was going better than he could of foreseen.

"Will you let me try to find a way?"

The two chiefs looked at each other and nodded with only a tiny flinch.

"Very well... let’s begin."


Mordane sitting in the grand hall of the united clan. Empty, save for the two chiefs and two messengers. Outside, he could hear both sides preparing for battle. Behind him, held above all the decorations was a throne. Laid across it was a blade that had made his heart skip a beat. For it was the sword that had been held by the last chief to rule from this hall.

Now however Four hours at the table and all they had agreed on was one that there was a battle between these two ancestors over a dozen generations before and two that the other was a complete tool that should bow down and lick the scum off the others feet.

Progress was slow.

"Look we are making no headway. Just tell me this. What is the most important thing about who becomes the clan leader?"

"They must be the descendant of the victor of the sword match."

Darn and without our knowing who really...

Mordane face hoofed.

Well it could work. If they don't have spouses... or their firstborns don’t.

"...Do either of you have children?"

"Yes, a son" said the mare clan leader.

"And I a daughter." finished the other.

No comment.

"Well... its obvious both sides have honor... why not merge the two lines?"

"WHAT!?" They both yelled nearly bursting Mordane’s eardrums..

"We are descended from the same line! It would be shameful!" Shouted the stallion.

"That was well over fifteen generations back... you basically aren’t related at all now."

"This is pointless!" shouted the mare. "Daylight continues. We go to war!"

With that she turned and ran out. Followed quickly by the stallion.

Mordane shook his head.

What a waste...I have failed.

The alicorn sat staring at the wood. Unsure of how he could've done better. Soon The roar of the two armies on the field below came to him.

So standing, he made his way to the front door.

Pausing only a moment to look on the battle below.




The fuck?

Mordane just could not comprehend at first what he was seeing. Part of him just refused to believe it.
The knights were lined up on both sides of the fields in radically large armor. Though even that description was not enough to describe it.

Each knight looked like an upside down ice cream cone with the bottom cut off. There helmeted heads sticking up and out. Two large funnels were mounted to their helmets. It took a bit to process, but the tubes leading down into the helmet and the smell of alcohol made it apparent.

The open to funnels were quickly filled with barrels of whiskey as both sides continued to yell at one another.

Oh god... this is...

Both sides 'charged'. The better word would probably be waddle, as the suits apparently only had one joint. So they had to sway from side to side in order to move toward each other. An hour later the first two made it to each other. As they closed a couple of ponies ran out and straped wooden poles to there sides.

Once close enough they would rotate their bodies and hit the other with the stick making a loud ringing noise.
Mordane continued to stare dumbstruck at this spectacle.

As the two groups fully conversed soon multiple ponies were hitting on one. Occasionally they would fall over only to wait as more squires dragged over the machines that Mordane had thought were catapults but seemed instead to be pulleys to lift the fallen soldiers.

Mordane simply had to sit and take this in.

...The field is red from wine.

...There fallen have literally fallen over.

...There liquid of strength is alcohol.

This is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen.

Hours later, Mordane sat on the hill as the two leaders walked up. His blood boiling in shame and anger. As they came to stand in front of him both ponies’ pride seemed to almost fill them.

There looks filled Mordane with disgust.

Of course, they began to insult each other, but Mordane would have none of it.

“Be quiet” they both ignored him and kept on yelling.

“I said, shut up.” Still no response even as mordane began to tremble.

“SILENCE!” A crack rang through the air as a blast of wind and earth flashed out from Mordane.

Both chiefs looked at him with their mouths hanging open.

“I came here to learn what gave you so called ‘warriors’ strength. Having heard of your military past I even hoped to understand what held you back! Never could I of imagined that I would find a pack of fools.”

“Hey you can't say tha-” The stallion guard was knocked to the ground as Mordane kicked him in the face.

“I see now that you have lost your way! Yet I can save you.”

“We don't need any saving!”

“Ask that to your ancestors! That pathetic display out there was a shame on every one of them. If you fought anyone else, then you would die!”

He took a step forward and used the spell shockwave.

The ponies collected stumbled back as the wall of air hit them. Followed quickly by a hail of stone.

“What is your word’s worth if you cannot even fight against me? A single unarmed Unicorn. Now you WILL come into this hall. We will find a solution for reintegration.”

With that Mordane grabbed both chiefs with his telekinesis, and dragged them into the hall.

Both groups retainers followed. Shouting and threatening. Yet none of them would lay a hoof on him.

After sitting them down they began to talk. Reluctantly at first. Mordane attacked every aspect of the way they did battle.

Step by step, he forced them to admit the truth of how ineffective it was.

Soon food was brought and all listened intently.

A part of him that had laid silent stirred. As it edged awake his words became stronger, more sure.

“With time, all ponies may lose their way but that is not what matters! It is what one does when this is called out that determines the value of a culture. Now I ask you. Please... for your children.”

The two chiefs faces were shame filled. Both looked at each other and nodded.

There hooves raised shake and bring about a lasting peace.

Then a bread roll hit the Nochat clan leader’s head.

Instantly, the whole place was in an uproar. Both sides began throwing food at each other while screaming like children.

Buck! What do I do? I guess I'll have to fall onto those two love birds.

“At least do it for the love between your two children.” He shouted at the chiefs.

Utter silence.

The chief Breaking wind spoke first.

“What do you mean?”

“I saw your son and his daughter kissing beneath the waterfall.”

The mare chief turned to her son with a stern faced.

“Is this true?”

“...Yes mother, it is.”

“You bastard!” Yelled several random mares from both sides of the room.

“You bitch!” Echoed many more stallions yelling at the other chief’s daughter.

The entire place descended into an all out food fight again.

Mordane just stared. In utter defeat. There was nothing else to do. He stepped up from the table and turned around covering his eyes.

I can’t even... Do they have nothing that would bring them together? Are they so petty? What could they care about!?

Moving his hoof the alicorns eyes fell on their ancestor’s sword.

The Sword of the Mountain.

If I survive this... No time

With that Mordane grabbed the sword with his magic and yelled.

“I’m stealing the Sword of the Mountain!”

Nothing. They kept right on throwing food.

“I’m heading for the door!”

Surely they will not let me leave.

About half way to the door he began floating silver plates and utensils over to a bag he made by ripping apart a pillow.

“You know this painting of your ancestor would make good kindling. Do you mind if I take it?”

The audible rip as the picture of their ancestor was torn from the frame caused no alarm.

“I’m nearing the door... with your special sword... and the picture of your ancestor.”

Mordane stood at the front door staring at the two clans still fighting.

You know what. Buck them.

and with that Mordane flew away.


The alicorn sat on a peak, miles from the valley in the mountain. Utter disgust filling him. His hate and pouring into his mouth and out as a roar.

It echoed across the his.

The disgust was not aimed at them but at himself.

The only time I could even do anything was when... when...

Out from the past, the dark voice called to him. His grandfather’s words no longer seemed so strong.

...If I am to defeat her. Then I will need power. But revenge is not enough. I need something more. Dare I let that deeper nature free? Dare I risk becoming a monster?

The human in me gave up his ambition... I was willing to live a life on the side lines, away from the world’s stage.

I gave up my ambition.

Dare I take it up again?

On the mountain whose name Mordane never learned, he made his choice.

A broken mind came to that mountaintop.

One that was unsure.

Its heart hurt and twisted in confusion.

The alicorn who left, made his choice and steped on his path.

His path of suffering.


Child Stalker came over the hill and looked down on the mud-ridden port city of Valenstien.

Not a bad place to live. Well if you have the right mindset.

The road leading up to the city was lined with stalls trading all manner of goods. They would shout at passing ponies, hoping some would even look at their wares.

What a mess...I could always take the backway.

The stallion stepped off the beaten path, while keeping an eye on the guards. Wouldn’t want to garner attention.

He then made his way to the wall without being seen. Just over this section was the slums and the pony knew that no guards would be there... unless there had been someone important murdered... but that was unlikely.
Better safe than sorry.

Focusing his mind reached out beyond the wall. With a nod of his head he willed himself to be less noticeable and grabbed the rope from his bag.

With one try he tossed the quickly made lasso over a rampart and made his way to the top before jumping down to the other side.

His landing caused very little dust to be disturbed and even less noise.

He made his way through the dark alleys.

Soon he began to pass a few ponies. Most would walk past. However one bumped into him.


“No problem.”

A few steps latter Child Stalker checked his coin purse and was unsurprised to find it cut.

I think I made a profit.

The thieves purse being slipped into his saddlebag. It was about double the size.

Soon he saw a small colt sitting on a corner flipping a small coin.

Now what was the code for the region?

“You colt. Where can I wet my whistle?”

“How dirty is it?”

“A bit rusty...”

“Oh, then you want the Rusty Mug.”

Child Stalker passed him a coin after getting his directions.

I think I told him the right one... lets see if I say its wet, I want a brothel. Muddy, a thieves den... yay I think thats right.

The trip through the street took him through a few of the towns districts.

The old slums quickly gave way to the stark lines of the craftsmen's houses. Followed quickly by the docks.

Out on the sea, he could see ships pulling into harbor even as those up close prepared to leave with the tide.

Taking a left he made his way quickly through the market and finally came upon his destination.

The place was a regular bar to any who did not already know the truth.

“What would you like.”

“To wet my rusty whistle.”

“What's your name.”

Hmm now what name would he set.


The bar pony nodded and pointed to the back.

“He said he would know it was you.”

Child Stalker nodded and walked down the hall to the opening door. Once inside, he sat down and looked across the table.

“Its good to see you, brother.”

“Likewise. How is he?”

“Alive. You were right.”

“Good. Tell me, what is your plans?” Smut Peddler leaned back.

His eyes shining in the darkly lit room.

Author's Note:

No more splitting the acts. That is a bad idea.

Hope I didn't miss anything!